
Chapter 1
An inhumanely beautiful voice. A killer

. I could sense the tension in the room. I could feel every move he made. With every breathe he took, with every step, my body tensed. Waiting.

Soon everything I had known would disappear, soon I would disappear.

“Summer, my Summer…” His voice echoed softly in my head.

My heart pounded slowly as I took a step back. His eyes were illuminated in the darkness. The moon shone brightly in the night and the capture of his image nearly made my heart stop. The waves crashed up against the shoreline.

“Summer my love, where are you?” I shuddered.

I heard him chuckle quietly to himself. A cold chill ran down my back as he continued towards me. I could faintly hear the crunch of sand beneath his feet. The smell of fresh raspberries lingered in the air. Wafts of smoke floated far off in the distance. I could feel my throat closing in on a scream as he came closer.

He reached out for me and I coiled backwards into the darkness. The underbrush scratched at my legs, trying to hold me in place as he advanced forward. Tears flowed copiously down my face as he stood inches away. I wish he would just let me be. I wish that I had never met him. Ever since we met, my life had bombarded into ruins.

“You really shouldn’t have tried to escape me the first time, you know.” He laughed and grabbed my chin so I was looking back up at him. “Tell me my dear, did you really think you could escape me?” His blue eyes flashed; turning more of a darker sapphire color in the darkness. I looked away, not letting him see how really afraid of him I was.

He placed both hands on either side of me then, barring me from any chance of escape. I had no idea why he even bothered when we both knew that I didn’t even stand a chance up against him. He was from a world where pretty much anything was possible. I was human whereas he wasn’t. He was an immortal; he was a faerie. The only connection we had was a commonality in the supernatural. I was a psychic.

I hadn’t always been a psychotic kind of freak; I had just naturally grown into it as time went on. I guess you’d just call it luck. Or a curse in other terms. I laughed bitterly at the thought of it. Just by a single touch I could see a whole person’s lifeline and thoughts. I could even feel they’re emotions.

“Summer…” His face grew serious then and memories came flooding back to me as he stroked my face. My heartbeat increased and my eyes fluttered shut as my whole body grew warm. I grabbed his hand in order to pull it away, but it just increased the feelings of heavenly sensations rolling through me. I hated it how he used my gift against me.

“Stop it. Now…” I breathed. He ignored my command as he came closer to me. His breathe mingled with mine as we both stared into each other’s eyes. He smelled like sweet honeysuckles; better than anything I had ever imagined.

“Now tell me, Summer, why did you run away?” I struggled as I tried unsuccessfully to clear my mind. “Why would you leave me like that? Hmmm?” He laughed quietly to himself as I stared at him blankly. He traced the back of my spine as I tried once more to push him away. I could feel his anger starting to rise, but it quickly vanished. His mood swings were the least of my worries at the moment, though.

I had been foolish back then to ever even consider having a personal relationship with an otherworldly creature and here I was again; being stalked by the one creature I shouldn’t even know.

He laughed hysterically then; changing into a completely different person.

“You act as if I’m coming to murder you, Summer. Must you always make me out to be the bad guy?” Did I mention that all faeries can read minds-just great considering we have a perfect relationship now as it is. He let go of me then and stared at me; clearly entertained by the thought.

“You’re more dangerous than you look...” My face was burning by now and he seemed to be enjoying my humiliation. I turned away so that I didn’t have to deal with his face. Talking to him was work enough.

“You’re so absurd. Come on, I’ll take you back to my place and we can sort all of this out tomorrow.” I stayed right where I was, knowing this was his polite way of saying you’re coming with me, like it or not.

He was utterly impossible at times. I always welcomed a challenge though, and as I watched him he started to glare.

“Don’t make me drag you there.” I could hear the menace and laughter in his voice as he threatened me. There was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction of giving in. I started to smile as I felt his thoughts swirling angrily about. We both knew how stubborn each one of us could be, but that didn’t stop us from doing anything we could to piss each other off.

“I swear you’re such a child!” He threw his hands up in exasperation, clearly starting to get annoyed.

“And I suppose you aren’t, throwing fits every time you don’t get your way.” I rolled my eyes as his anger flared. His image began to blaze a deep hue of black then, and gusts of wind began to push against me from his direction.

He was one of the deadliest creatures that existed and I knew that if I had been anyone else he would have ripped out my throat by now and thrown me off a cliff. Shivers crawled up my spine as I thought about it. He was staring at me with a permanent frown upon his face.

“You. Don’t. Know. Me. You think that just because I love you that you can get away with everything. You think that just because I’ve saved you from them that you can just slap things in my face without expecting to get slapped back. Nothing changes the fact that I can destroy you in an instant. Nothing changes the fact that everyone you love can be wiped off the face of the Earth by a single word.”

The fact was that he’d die himself before seriously hurting me. We both knew that he would never hurt me in any way possible. He cared too much. I had seen him like this before and the worst he ever seemed to do was scream, yell, and get more pissed off when he didn’t get his way. It was pretty entertaining once you thought about it.

“So are you coming, or are you going to make me drag you all the way?” I turned around then; glaring. He sighed as he read my expression. I could see he was in no mood for anymore of these mind games. I took a hesitant step forward and his eyes immediately flickered out of curiosity.

“Fine, but you better leave me the hell alone when we get there.” He smiled at my response.

“Ok, ok. Suit yourself.” He grabbed my arm then, swinging me onto his back. I held on tightly to his neck as we rose into the air, the ground gradually getting smaller the farther up we got. The sensation of flying. Nothing was like it and I was glad for the time I had to think as we made our way to his place.

The rush of wind on my face was exhilarating and I smiled as I shut my eyes. I had spent much of my life running away from him, only to be kidnapped once again. I rested my chin on his shoulder, absorbed in all my thoughts. What was the world coming to these days…

I could feel Summer’s mind swirling and flashing with different memories and thoughts. Her emotions consumed me and yet I couldn’t feel them at all. It was a peculiarly odd feeling, being blocked by all her thoughts. Kind of frustrating in a sense. I don’t even see why she would even try to hide stuff from me, considering she was as predictable as all get-out. I mean come on, she runs away from me time after time, only to come right back into my arms. Well not willingly, but same thing right? She hardly ever put the barrier down between us anymore.

She could be such a pain and I don’t see how I could have ever fallen in love with her at times. The first time I had seen Summer was when she was eleven years of age. Her hair had been a long glossy black and contrasted breathtakingly against her pale skin. Her eyes were like icy blue daggers that took my breath away each time I looked at her. She had been really skinny and had hardly any figure, but what stood out amongst everything else was her character. She hadn’t been afraid of anything.

I had met Summer in the streets of the city. She had been crying and all alone, looking for her mother. I hadn’t materialized, so the humans couldn’t see me and still, the girl stared at me as I walked right past her. I stopped and stared at her questioningly and she eventually came up to me. We had become friends ever since then, although in Summer’s terms we were far from being anything related to friends at the time.

Waves of sorrow and regret started to take hold of me as I came to a stop, surveying the room that now surrounded me. So many memories were made here. So many memories that would scar our lives forever. If only it was possible to take them all away; to make her forget the all-consuming pain that waited by her bedside each night. This room served as a reminder for us both and in a way I was glad for it, despite all that it had taken away from us.

The room was exactly how it had been left before the last incident. The room smelled luxurious and sweet. Music played softly in the background. The windows let in a ray of moonlight beneath the dark cherry colored curtains and a light breeze moved throughout the room.

“Well that was pretty fast if I do say so myself.” Summer jumped off my back then, bringing me back to reality. Her eyes were wide with curiosity as I watched her move around the room. It had been awhile since she had last been here. I smiled as I watched her. Her long, sleek hair fell out of a ponytail as she took out her hair tie and she seemed to look even paler as the moon shone on her bare skin. Such beauty, it took my breath away. Summer ignored my stare as she glanced over at me.

“Hey I’m going for a walk, okay?” She waited for my answer as she stood near the door.

“I’d prefer it if you stay inside. At least for tonight. It’s dangerous out there and you know it.” She glared fiercely at me.

“I can take care of myself, Evan.” She said defiantly. She placed her hands on her hips. How predictable.

“You’re staying inside and that’s that.” I shook my head as she stared coldly at me. It looked like it was going to be another one of those days. I swear, she couldn’t go a day without arguing. She was like a child, pouting and fussing anytime she didn’t get her way.

She turned around and walked towards the window, trying to contain herself. I followed her, taking note of every move. She was always trying to weasel herself into getting what she wanted.

What is your problem, you stalker! Quit following me!

Summer stared at the ceiling, wishing I would just disappear.

It wouldn’t be that much of a problem if you listened to me every once in a while, now would it?!

It always seemed as if Summer never understood me, but I knew better than to think that. She had been through a lot and knew exactly how I felt most of the time.

I don’t want to take another chance Evan. It’s because of you that all of this has happened. It’s because of you that she’s gone!

Her voice echoed repeatedly throughout my head, invading my conscious.

And it’s because of me that you’re alive.

She stood there silent and unmoving. A couple minutes passed by and the awkwardness began to grow. Memories flashed in my head of her sister, lying cold and unmoving on this very floor. So long ago had this happened-three years- and yet it feels as if it had happened yesterday. Nothing could take away those horrible memories. Nothing could take away the fact that I had been responsible for her sister’s death.

I sighed and sat down on the bed. This definitely was going to be a long night. It seemed as if I couldn’t do anything right. She could feel my gaze upon her and started to really lose it. I knew it was time to give her some space before we caused each other anymore real damage.

“Be back soon.”

Summer looked at me uncertainly, pondering the illogic in my sudden decision. She took a couple steps toward the door, studying me closely. I chuckled quietly to myself. It was so interesting how quickly her mood changed.

“Okay, well I guess I’ll see you later.” She grabbed the handle of the door eagerly and turned it slowly, looking back at me.

“Mmmk. Just make sure to stay safe.” I glanced in her direction as she tried to conceal a smile. I smiled in return and she blushed; now looking at the ground.

I know, I know. You worry too much. I’ll be fine.

She started walking out the door and the walls of her mind almost completely evaporated. It almost made me pass out with the intensity of it all. There was passion, love, hatred, and sorrow. It was almost unbearable and I was glad for once that she was leaving me. It always seemed to hurt us both more when we were with each other, but then again, we couldn’t live without one another.

The light breeze felt good on my face and the cold, crisp air helped me to think as I walked outside the door. I felt pretty bad for the way I treated him most of the time, but it couldn’t be helped and he knew it. Things were so complicated between us.

I looked up at the moon. It was shining brightly beneath a couple of stray clouds. The sky was starless and as black as I ever had seen it. Chills ran down my back as I remember what Evan had said to me the last time we had been looking up at another starless night similar to this one.

Nights like these are when they come out. When everything seems tranquil and serene. They walk in the shadows, keeping a quiet pace behind unsuspecting creatures like you frail human beings. Just when you begin to sense something is wrong it’s too late. They take over, they kill, and they steal. Nothing is safe in the dark. You should know that from experiences in the past . Those chills, those shivers you get on your back are a simple warning of what’s to come. Most of you humans are too dense to notice much of the supernatural world. The world of faeries, ghosts, and monsters.

“You truly believe all of that stuff?” I jumped as I heard the voice behind me. I turned and quickly saw that it was just Nathan Crest, an old childhood friend of mine. He was slender and tall with chestnut colored eyes. His hair was a mix of gold and brown.

“You trying to give me a heart attack?! What are you doing here, I thought you were out in Maine with your family?” He gave me a funny look as I stared at him. Shivers rose up then as I thought about how he had answered my thoughts, but I quickly brushed it off. He was always good at reading me and what I was thinking.

“Yeah well, it turns out we had to book our flight some other time. My mom just got a schedule change and my dad is having a bit of trouble with his work again. We’re planning on going next month if possible. Ya know, it’d actually be pretty cool if you came along with us.” I could see the eagerness in his face as he thought about it.

“Yeah, that would be pretty cool.” I said as I watched him closely. There was something odd about him tonight, something that gave me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“So would you come with me if I invited you?” He took a step towards me and I subconsciously cringed. I could feel tension start to rise as I left the question unanswered. He grabbed my wrist. I expected to be filled with perilous emotions I didn’t want to deal with, but I wasn’t. Instead, I was filled with hollowness. It was like he wasn’t even alive.

“So would you come?” He smiled questioningly towards me as I glanced down at the strong grip he had on me. I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of what to say at this point. His eyes sparked a deep hue of green then. I took a step back and blinked.

“Uhh I have to go. I’ll see you around sometime, okay?” Something was definitely different about him, and I wasn’t going to stick around to find out.

“Okay. See ya tomorrow, Summer.” He waved as I headed further down the road. I could see him smiling, and somehow that just made my unease grow. I rounded a corner and made my way to a nearby coffee shop. I sat down, staring out the windows at the many people that constantly walked the city streets. They walked oddly, I noticed with a hunch, kind of like a feline. I pressed my face up against the glass to get a better look.

A cold hand on my shoulder made me jump and I nearly screamed to death. I turned to see a tall man with beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. He looked concerned as he studied my face.

“Is there anything I can get you? You’ve been here for a while and it’s almost closing time.” He glanced outside the window as I did.

“Um no, I’m fine I think. Did you say it’s almost closing time?”

“Yeah, we close soon. If I may ask, what was so interesting out there that you were staring at?” He again returned his gaze outside the window, as if it held all the answers to his problems. I shook my head.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. ” He held me down as I tried to get up.

“But you look as if you’ve seen a ghost. Seriously, what were you looking at. ” I glared at him as he held me in place. Something about him made me want to fight. Something about him made me want to argue. Something about him wasn’t right.

“Let go of me now.” I said sternly, but cautiously. He smiled, amused at my anger, but let go.

Suit yourself.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked away, leaving me alone in the shop. I glanced out the windows once more before leaving. They hadn’t moved from their spot, but they were the least of my worries at the moment.

As I walked through the city streets my heart began to beat faster. I could feel different forces moving all throughout the air around me. Something about this town was moving; something about it was changing.

“Summer. You were supposed to be here around thirty minutes ago. You’re lucky I didn’t come and drag you back here myself.” I could hear Evan’s distraught voice echo from the other room as I opened the door to the house. I let out a sigh of relief. Everything seemed normal here, at least at the moment. I had had enough strange encounters with otherworldly creatures.

He entered the room as I lay down on the bed. His posture was both stiff and cautious. He went over and started playing on the piano.

You can feel it too can’t you?

Evan looked over in my direction, but didn’t say anything. His eyes mimicked the emotions of comfort and ease, surprisingly. I watched his hands glide over the keys in amazement.

His black hair was perfectly in place and his posture was too confident as always. His skin seemed to glow in a way. I would have been staring at how perfect he looked right now if it weren’t for the fact that I knew this was just some lame disguise to hide what he really was; a faerie.

I yawned and turned my head, thinking about how we had met. I had been so little and clueless about things such as him at the time.

“Bedtime for the tired little human, eh?” Evan got up and made his way over to me as I rolled back over to look up at him. He had to be at least six foot two, if not taller. I rolled my eyes.

“Shut up, Evan.” I hated how he looked down on me all the time like he was so much better than I was. The truth was, we had more in common than he knew. He smiled as he bent over and kissed my forehead. Blood rushed to my face and he smiled, showing a perfect set of white teeth.

“Goodnight, love. See you in the morning.” He winked as he left the room, leaving me speechless. He sure was difficult to deal with. He was charming one day and malicious the next. You never knew what to expect from him.

Chapter 2

There was nothing but enveloping darkness everywhere and the smell of burning flesh. Horrible. Where was I? I heard rustling all around me and faint whispers far off in the background. Voices chanted repeatedly inside of my head.

Nothing is safe in the dark. They kill, steal, and destroy. Faeries, ghosts, and monsters.

Again and again it echoed, giving no rest.

“Stop!” I shouted as I covered my ears. “Make it stop, please!”

Glowing green eyes appeared in front of me then and I screamed in terror. I stared without breathing, descending deeper into the abyss now taking hold of me. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t be! It made no sense. It couldn’t be him.

Leave me alone, just leave me alone. I didn’t want any of this. Please just let me be. It’s impossible!

“You truly believe all that stuff?” The eyes mocked me as I shivered uncontrollably. Those eyes. That voice…

Don’t act so surprised. You knew this day would come. You knew I was different than everybody else. You acted as if you didn’t know.

I could hear him starting to circle me as the eyes disappeared.

But I didn’t know! I didn’t know!

Tears streamed down my face as I realized what I had done. What he had become. I didn’t think it possible. Not at a time like this. Things like this just didn’t happen.

You knew all along. You knew I could see, hear, and feel like you. You knew I was different. You knew what I was becoming.

I cringed as he stepped toward me and the near impossibility entered my mind: Faerie.

I woke up gasping and shaking then, full of nothing but pure fear. The images from my dream flashed in and out of my head and chills ran up and down my spine. Something was definitely wrong. I stared at the ceiling, trying to shake off everything but I couldn’t. Things just kept getting worse and worse.

“Out of bed.” Evan walked into the room then, not looking at me. He looked exhausted. His black, glossy hair was all muddled and he had bags under his eyes.

“Evan, where did you go last night?” He shrugged his shoulders in response and jealousy filled me. How could he just walk around and act like there was nothing remotely wrong? He was such a jerk at times.

“It’s time you experienced faerie.” I looked up at him in alarm.

He just shook his head then and grabbed my arm, propelling me out the doors. It was humid and bright outside, but something was missing from the atmosphere and it was way too quiet for a nice summer day like this. The town was desolate and no one was to be seen anywhere. Where were all the people on a day like this?

They weren’t people, Summer. None of them were. All of this was a lie.It’s time you knew the truth. It’s time you see it all for yourself. It's time you see the true form of this town.

I shivered in response.

No one is human in this town, u mean every person in this town was and is a Faerie?

My mind wandered back to Nathan Crest and shivered.

Yes, Summer. Everyone. This is the main entrance to the realm, no mortal has ever came to this town except for you.

Evan turned to face me then, touching my forehead. My body started to tense up, then immediately relaxed. My mind was empty of all thoughts and I felt nothing but peace. He stared at me; concentrating before he let go. I stared at him questioningly as he watched me closely.

“Okay Summer. Now look around.” I turned my attention to what lay ahead and gasped. There were beautiful and horrifying creatures everywhere. There was loud music blaring; both vivacious and alluring. There were illuminating, bright lights everywhere to be seen. Breathtaking colors I hadn’t even seen before were displayed all around. It was like magic. It was like a type of heaven.

I turned my attention back to Evan then and literally had to stop myself from staring like an idiot. He was even more beautiful without his glamour fully on. His skin was glowing with intricate white markings and symbols. Gigantic wings jutted out from his back and his black hair had a bluish tint to it that matched his eyes. He looked even taller than before. He was absolutely breathtaking.

“You’re beautiful.” I said as I touched his wings. They were the softest things I had ever felt. He chuckled quietly to himself as he kissed my cheek; embarrassed probably. I wiped my face, annoyed. He threw his head back and laughed, his eyes holding all the seriousness he felt.

“Accueillir au royaume de faerie mon amour.” He whispered as someone propelled him onto the dance floor.

Welcome to the realm of Faerie, my love.

It had been a while since I had last visited the Faerie realm; a couple of years to be exact. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now. This was after all, the closest thing I had to home besides Summer. The realm of Faerie was absolutely intoxicating and dangerous at times, which is exactly why I left it in the first place. Why endanger someone you love, right? I mean who would want to risk it all for some crazy town full of psychos. Right. I laughed at the thought.

Summer was still taking it all in as I moved to the rhythm of the music. I couldn’t blame her. This was a world of dreams and fantasies created by everyday people. Nothing could compare to a world like this. Although, sometimes the humans were far better off in their own little world.

I watched her closely as she made her way slowly around everyone. I figured that I should be standing guard, but on a night like this nothing could happen. Everyone could feel the pressure in the air, but we all knew it was just a mere warning. Nothing ever happened on nights like these. I had to admit though, I was beginning to get a little worried about Summer and how involved she was getting with everything. They were already trying to get to her, but they knew better and nothing was going to harm her. Of that I was sure. She smiled in my direction as she watched me sway with the music. How odd. She hardly ever smiled these days anymore.

I never thought a place like this could exist.

I could feel the adrenaline beginning to flow through her as she watched everyone. I could feel her urge to let everything go and just join the flow.

Why don’t you come over here and dance with me.

I grinned at the thought as she stared at me.

Are you bipolar or just an idiot?

I shrugged my shoulders as I held her gaze; challenging her. It was always entertaining to disrupt her flow.

I made my way over to her then as she attempted to ignore me. Summer feigned interest in the scenery around her as I stood by her and I laughed. She looked at me abruptly, surprised I was still standing beside her.

“May I have this dance, love?” I held out my hand and she slapped it away. I had to hold another laugh back as she glared at the ground.

“What is with you, you idiot. Quit toying with me. One day you’re all vile and cruel and the next you’re all compassionate and charming. Just leave me alone.” She shifted her weight as I studied her. Something else was bothering her, but I figured it best not to bring it up. Best just to leave it be.

“Can’t help it. Faerie, remember?” She rolled her eyes and sighed displeasingly.

Do all faeries have emotional problems like you, Evan? Are all Faeries morons like you?

I chuckled at the insult. She was getting better at this game with each passing second.

“As for the moron part I’d have to say no, but for the latter I guess that’d be a yes.” Summer looked at everyone around her, studying them as if to make some point. She must’ve found my reply to be true as I offered my hand the second time, because she took it.

We glided gracefully onto the dance floor then, making our way through the crowd. The music began to fade into a more melancholy song and I smiled. Perfect. She looked at me uncertainly as I grabbed her waist, pulling her to me. Summer gulped nervously, but placed her hands around my neck. She stared off into space.

“What are you just going to ignore me?” I looked into her eyes and could feel her unease starting to grow.

“Well I don’t know what to say.” I turned her face towards me and I could see fear in her eyes as she contemplated the many possible outcomes of this dance.

“You can tell me you love me.” We stared into each other’s eyes for a while, and then she looked away. I could feel her heart beating faster as the time flew by. It wasn’t often that Summer was nervous like this. I pulled her closer to me and her hands started to tremble. She lowered her head onto my shoulder then, hiding her face. I pulled her hands tighter around my neck.

Don’t push it. You’re lucky I’m even dancing with you. I stared down at her with confusion as her anger began to intensify. She had seemed okay a minute or two ago.

Now what did I do? Summer pushed me away, at a loss for words, as I questioned her. She hid her face well as she turned away but I knew she was crying. I longed to reach out to her, but knew that would only push her farther away from me. Summer was always shying away from me more and more these days.

She wandered off farther into the realm of faerie, strolling quietly through the streets. Attention was brought to her by the way she held herself but no one followed; they were just merely curious. She looked back at me uncertainly then continued on, quickening her pace.

I followed quietly behind her, keeping a good enough distance to where she couldn’t see me. She still knew I was following her though. She sensed me. She could feel me. Her agitation continued to grow but there was no way I was going to let her wander aimlessly around Faerie by herself.

Summer continued walking until she came to a shimmering riverbank. She slowly made her way to a pink and gold willow tree then swiftly sat down. I stared at her and she turned away. I watched the calm river flow back and forth as I stood there- seeming to have a mind of its own. It was beautiful. It was soothing. I sighed. She was staring at me now with a strange gleam in her eyes that made my heart race.

Love is a strange thing, wouldn’t you agree?

Summer’s gaze didn’t falter as she said this and I wondered what exactly was going through her mind that instant. She laughed inwardly towards herself as she saw my eyebrows furrow in concentration and curiosity.

I walked over to her then and she shivered involuntarily. Love, need, want, hatred.

It all surged through me now as if they were my own thoughts and feelings. She struggled unsuccessfully to shut me out of her mind. I sat down beside her; absorbed in all that I was feeling right now. It was both shocking and pleasant in a way.

She started to play with her hands-nervous for some reason. I smiled, watching her intently now. Her voice began to echo in my head again; louder this time.

Need. Want.

Confusion crossed my face as her eyes started to mimic those thoughts. She usually never betrayed her own emotions and showed me her true feelings. I reached out and grabbed her hand. Summer didn’t refuse as she closed her eyes. I started to pull her closer to me. She hesitated at first-uncertain-but eventually let me hold her close. She sighed in contentment and a flash of heat overtook my body. I tried to control my thoughts as she wrapped her arms around me. Man, was she ever confusing.

Look who’s talking, Evan.

She looked up into my eyes, truly smiling this time. She was right, but there was no way I was going to admit that to her. Especially not to my face. She laughed as she guessed what I was thinking about and I laughed too.

Her face grew serious then and blood rushed to her cheeks as I stroked her hands, trailing all the way up her arms and back down again. Goosebumps rose on her skin and her body grew warm. Her heart fluttered and she looked away, both unease and longing filling her.

You’re so bad for me, you just don’t even know.

Summer shook her head, dusted herself off, and got up. Her eyes were guarded now and she was back to her normal self. My heart sank as I watched her dissipate-leaving me and the realm of faerie behind. How I missed the days when it was nothing but us all the time, nothing but our love. How I missed those days. Those precious days…

Being around Evan these days seemed to be getting more and more complicated. I knew this would happen the more we hung out with one another, but I didn’t really care at the time. What a big mistake. I still catch myself almost letting the thought of us being together enter my mind. I’ve been slipping up a lot more. I definitely need to start being more careful.

The thoughts swirling in my head started to pound as I started walking back to Evan’s place, leaving him just far enough behind so that I couldn’t make sight of him. He could feel my confusion and reacted just as I thought he would-leaving me to mope around until I got over myself and then he would be back again; screwing up yet another part of my life. Lucky me.

I just wish that we could be together without any of these so called complications that constantly haunted us both on a daily basis. I had made up my mind a long time ago to just leave everything behind-including him- and now look where I was. Right in the beginning, falling more in love with him all over again. I sighed loudly to myself as the thoughts I had dreaded started to consume me. Three years ago it had happened. I was so horrified at the time…

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud. I jumped up, terrified. Evan popped his head through the window then and saw the expression on my face. His face shown sympathy but his eyes shown something different. My heart pounded hard in my chest. Evan placed both his legs in the room and I started to tremble slightly. He acted as If he didn’t know, but he saw it right before he turned away.

I looked down at his hands to see blood trickling down slowly from them and dripping on to the floor. Panic overtook me and I grabbed his hands. He winced and tried to take them away.

“What happened?” I asked, my voice rising with concern. He shook his head; not talking. Evan looked pale and sickly. I reached for his face and he coiled backwards. His distance was beginning to scare me. I took a couple steps toward him and he backed up against the wall.

Evan? He could see the worry on my face but still made no response. He looked exhausted and worn out. I tried to see what he was thinking but gave up right away when I was slammed back out. Something was very wrong and he knew that I could tell.

“Stay inside and don’t go out unless I say so.” And with that he left the room, leaving a strange feeling floating through the air. I sighed and crawled into bed. Why did Evan have to be so secretive and hard to read all the time. It was really frustrating, but I had a feeling that this was only the beginning to these escalading nightmares.

Chapter 3

There was no way I could tell Summer what just went on between me and her little friend, “Nathan”. No way. That would just make her worry and endanger her more. She’s such a handful already and I don’t want to deal with more off her stupid crap as it is. A little dispute amongst one of her ‘friends’ isn’t that bad, right? Wrong. It is really bad considering he’s

1) A crazed faerie
2) In love with her
3) From the Summer Court and
4) May be working for them as well

Not really someone you would want to be involved with as severely as I am. Funny thing is, Summer is so oblivious to the fact that we’ve known each other for years and that he’s always been a faerie. I’m surprised she didn’t figure it out sooner. I shook my head at the thought of it as I heard her rustling around in the room downstairs.

Go to bed, Summer. I stared at my hands waiting for her to respond back.

Not until you tell me what the hell happened back there! I could feel her fuming as her anger enveloped me. She was probably trembling by now and I laughed at the thought. What a hot-headed human. I promptly jumped out of my bed, not making a sound but a gentle tap on the floor. Still, she heard it and came running upstairs.

“Where the heck do you think you’re going?” She was practically up in my face now and I was getting really annoyed.

Out of my way. I swiftly pushed her aside and she grabbed my arm. My whole body tingled with surprise at her reaction and I stared down at her curiously. Her eyebrows were furrowed in what seemed to be hatred, but was really just confusion and fear. We stood there for a couple minutes just staring at each other, before she finally decided to let my arm go. She shrugged her shoulders then made her way out onto the balcony.

Cold air blew in across my face and I shivered involuntarily as she opened the door. I could see goose bumps rising up along her arms but she didn’t seem to care. She was off in her own little world for the moment, probably trying to distract herself I presumed. I figured it best to just stay here. No need to cause any more problems.

I walked out to the edge of the doorway, watching her as the remaining sunlight reflected off her face. The sun was setting, which made this night even more perfect if it were not for the circumstances we were both under. She turned to look at me and her long glossy hair fell off of her shoulder. Her blue eyes looked pale and lifeless and her smile was just a small smirk at the moment. She patted the area beside her, beckoning me over to her.

I just stood there for a moment. Clearly in a daze as I thought about how she had just asked me to come and sit with her. Man, was I ever rubbing off on her; her moods changed almost just as quickly as mine. She smiled as I stood there like an idiot and waited for me quietly. Eventually I came over to her and started to regret this whole thing. She was staring at me and it definitely wasn’t helping the situation.

Do I have something on my face? Summer laughed as I asked this and shook her head in response. She touched my cheek and it sent waves of pleasure through my body. I tried to keep it to myself but as usual it was no use. She could feel it too. Still, she didn’t pull her hand away and I began to wonder what was wrong with her.

“Are you stupid, or what? There’s nothing wrong with me.” I jumped at the sound of her voice; startled.

Then why haven’t you removed your hand? She just shrugged in response and let her hand fall. I caught it before it hit the edge of the seat. Her alarm wavered through me, but her face shown no emotion. I smiled and she turned red.

Summer pulled away and stared off to where the sun had just now disappeared. Her eyes twinkled with the mixture of amusement and concern. I tried to grab her hand once more and she scooted away from me. Frustration filled me and I struggled to keep control. I didn’t get her at all. She seemed to be changing more and more these days. One second she was flirty and the next she was all cold. Turns out that I still had a lot to figure out about her.

The silence between us continued to drag out. She continued staring off into space. In all reality I think she was just making an excuse to ignore me, but that really didn’t matter. I was used to be ignored most of the time, even if I never handled it well and finally I had to give in. I broke the silence first and I knew that she wished I hadn’t. Annoyance was plain on her face right when words started coming out of my mouth.

“Do you like me, or do you not like me?” I was still trying to keep my cool and as a result it came out a whisper. It sounded more like a threat than a question. A couple more seconds passed as I waited for the response that would either make me or break me. It seemed she would never answer until her quiet voice sounded in my head.

I shouldn’t. My emotions began to get very unstable and she seemed to notice but acted indifferently all the while.

“You didn’t answer my question.” She glared at me and shrank back against the seat. Summer folded her arms across her chest and crossed her legs, staring at me. Time ticked by and I knew I wasn’t going to get anything more out of her. I sighed and got up as her face filled with hate and hissed involuntarily. Goosebumps rose all along her skin and she got up, pushed passed me, all the while her emotions completely filling me.

Hate, hate, hate.

I shook my head then and jumped off the balcony. Right away, all thoughts left my mind and I was glad they did.

Pain was consuming me right now and I had no desire for it to stop. It was soothing in a sense. It was a distraction for me. I couldn’t let my true feelings for Evan get in the way of everything. Love with him is just so pointless to a certain degree.

“Hey Sum-Sum open the door, will ya?” My ears prickled at the sound of that voice and I squealed. I ran down stairs just in time to see him opening the door and taking everything around him in.

“Nice place.” I ignored his comment as I went up to him and squeezed him in a hug. I released him and was smiling up at him now. There was surprise in his expression and he hugged me back.

“Well I wish that I had been greeted like this before.” He shook his head while staring at me and I blushed in embarrassment. He had seemed so strange the first time, but now that I knew the truth about him, everything was fine.

So whereabouts from Faerie are you?

His face flickered but he acted as if he hadn’t even heard me. I stared at him waiting for a response, but he gave none. Silence began to fill the room and he looked at me questioningly.

“What?” He looked confused but we both knew he was just acting.

“I kind of just asked you a question.” He laughed at my response as if I was joking. I just stared at him; waiting. He shifted his weight from foot to foot and I knew he was contemplating if he should tell me or not.

Summer Court. But enough talking, let’s hang out

. Nathan smiled at me and I looked down, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden. He was making me nervous. I had no idea why since we had known each other for forever and it’s not like much of anything had changed.

He grabbed my hand then and took my outside. My vision blurred and immediately the scenery changed. Floating soft glowing balls of light circled above our heads. Water traveled in tiny colorful strands around us. We walked around for a little bit until we came to a bridge. We kind of stood there for a while, just watching the dancers and faeries move along the streets. There was so much to take in-it was mesmerizing.

“So what do you want to do now?” I found the words easily coming off of my tongue. I was at ease here. It felt like home-the closest thing to it anyway.

Nathan turned to me and my heart skipped a beat. His eyes grew serious and my face flushed a deep hue of pink. He smiled and stroked my cheek.

“What do I want to do? Hmmmm…” His finger trailed up and down my cheek and down to my chin. My heart was beating frantically as I tried to make sense of what was happening. Nathan was my childhood friend. I never knew him once to try to flirt or even remotely seriously seem to be attracted to me.

“Let’s see…” I gulped as he drew out his answer and watched me. I glanced at the ground, not knowing what to do or say at this point. Only when I looked up at him, I had nothing to say. His image had completely changed. Never once had a seen a faerie this gorgeous in my life. It wasn’t so much of his looks that made him appallingly irresistible. It was his power that drew me in.

His transparent wings were a bright golden color and his eyes mimicked that of the sea; deep and alluring. His skin had a small sunlit glow to it and light reflected off of him ever so slightly. His body shimmered with what looked like gold dust and vines wrapped around his arms.

“Nathan…” I was shocked as he pulled me towards him and he smiled-nearly making my heart break. I felt dizzy from it all and the worst part was, I didn’t want it to stop. He could feel what I wanted as he grabbed my waist.

“You know what I wanna do?” He asked with a dangerous hint to his voice. I shook my head as if to say no. In response, he pulled me tighter to him. His fingers grazed my skin along my hips and I shuddered at how pleasant it felt. My eyes fluttered shut and he slid his fingers along my stomach, now lowering his lips to my neck. He kissed me ever so gently, shocking and sending chills up and down my body.

“Nathan,” I began, “You should really-” He pressed his finger up against my lips then and my heart beat faster. I opened my eyes and his face was just inches from mine. I could feel Evan’s presence and immediately tensed up. He was getting closer with each minute.

“Nathan I really think that we should…” All thoughts went out the window then as he caressed my face ever so softly. His lips touched mine briefly and a flash of heat washed over me. His lips started to press harder up against mine and I gasped, pulling him to me.

“Yo, Nathan I’ve been searching all over for- what the hell!?” I turned to see Evan standing a few feet away, mouth gaping wide open. His face completely warped then and I started to tremble. Nathan just smiled and changed his stance; ready for a fight. I turned back to Evan who was now crouching, baring his teeth. Strangled sounds came from below his throat that sent vibrations through the ground. My whole body shook as I stepped forward, in between them both.

My body shook with anger as I watched Summer get between me and my prey. I didn’t care if he was close with the Summer Court’s king. Nathan was going to die for touching her. For having his lips all over her. Nathan just snarled, enjoying the competition. Summer looked bewildered and was still in a daze as she stood there. Her face was all red and she was still shaking to death. My face softened, but then returned to its permanent glare.

You have no chance, bro. She’s mine now.

He looked amused while saying this and I inched closer. She moved herself directly in front of him now so that there was no way to get to him but through her. Or so she thought.

She’s never loved you and you know it. Inching closer still I watched him closely, making note of any slight move. I was not going to lose this time. The last time I had ended up with bloody fists and he had been going easy on me. Right now, he had not much to fuel him up. I did. I was going to get him back and nothing was going to stop me.

“Stop. The both of you. You’re acting so childish and if you’re going to be this way then I don’t want any of you.” We both glanced at her, and then each other, our faces still glued the way they were before. Summer snapped her fingers, trying to get our attention. Both of us still had our eyes locked on each other; waiting. She huffed and came over to me then. I still didn’t take my eyes off of him.

“Let’s go home.” Her hands pulled my face down to her so I was looking at her. “Now, Please?” Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears and immediately I grabbed her onto my back. We were home within a couple of seconds, leaving Nathan behind. I could hear him laughing as we flew off and I had to keep myself from flying back there. If it weren’t for summer I don’t know how I’d have any control over anything anymore.

When finally home Summer jumped lightly off of my back. I turned to face her and she was crying now. Tears spilled over and dripped onto the floor repeatedly. It was the only sound in the whole house except for her sobbing.

“Why? Why does it have to be like this?” She covered her face with her hands and I just stood there awkwardly. I wasn’t experienced with this kind of thing and she knew it. We waited there for minutes before she made her way upstairs. My heart ached as I watched her leave me.

Why is everything so messed up between us? My thoughts drifted off into the background.

I walked solemnly over to the piano and let my fingers glide gracefully over the keys. Moonlight Sonata filled the whole house, easing my nerves slightly. Over and over it played, my mind now lost in the tune. The room was pitch black now and an eerie feeling cascaded into the whole house. I froze and my heart quickened in pace. I listened intently for any sounds. There were none, just the sound of Summer’s heavy breathing. She was sleeping now.

I resumed playing and immediately the feeling hit me again-stronger this time. Laughter filled the room, scraping against the walls and my heart. I knew that laugh. I knew that voice…

I’ve been searching for you for a while now. Aren’t you glad to see me?

I turned my head warily to where the voice had come from and frowned. My body was tense and my eyes were slit, glaring.

“You shouldn’t have come.” My voice was emotionless as I answered and shards of ice came flying at me. I dodged them easily. They shattered against the wall. I listened for any stir upstairs, but Summer was fast asleep.

“Let’s take this outside.” I got up and made my way to the door. Footsteps echoed swiftly from behind.

I’d be glad to.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.11.2010

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