

I closed my eyes…

It was hot and cramped in the trunk of the Honda. The
car rolled smoothly along the highway and I could faintly hear music. They had the radio on. Finally after what seemed like forever, I felt the crunch of gravel under the tires and the car rolled to a stop.

After a moment the lock on the trunk snapped and I
waited a beat before raising the hood a hair. I could barely see out. There they were. Angie and Artie walking out toward the cliff over the ocean. They were arm in arm, swaying against each other and almost falling. They were laughing. She didn’t have to enjoy it so damned much. As they reached the edge she turned and raised her face to his and he leaned forward and kissed her. As she turned slightly putting his back to me, I slipped out of the trunk with my Louisville Slugger and ran lightly across the gravel.

Artie was so lost in Angie that I could’ve brought a
mariachi band with me and he wouldn’t have heard it.
Out of the corner of her eye Angie saw me and suddenly
pushed Artie back away from her and I let him have it
right in the back of the head. He went down as if he’d been shot in the heart with a forty-five. No blood at all. Piece of cake.

“Good,” Angie said. “That’s done. Yuk, I hated it when
he put his tongue in my mouth.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I could see that. Here, help me lift him up."

I grabbed his shoulders and Angie grabbed his feet and
together we lifted him up over the railing and down he
went. Below the cliff the ocean crashed against the rocks, waiting for Artie, and as his body hit the water with a splash, I saw fins circling in the water just beyond. A job well done…

I opened my eyes and found myself sitting in the motel
room. My hands were shaking. I took another slug of
whiskey. I’d had a few, but I didn’t feel a thing. I shuddered and looked at Angie.

“We can do it,” I said.

303 pages, coming March 1 from


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.02.2011

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