
Nothing can match the excitement of a good serial. I’ve been cliff hanging all my life, a fan of The Saint, James Bond and Sherlock Homes. But now I decided to write my own.
Would a line like: “Incredibly insane, me ? Never, Dr Leo Harper. Guilty? Ha! I was clever enough to kill my best friend and get away with it,” make you want to know what happened next. So what was the secret to writing a good serial?
I’ve asked friends and come up with a few ideas. Here are some useful points.

1. Implant ideas for the plot very early on and link them up.
2.Start with a character taking charge to show their strength/weakness.
3.Pick a good base. (I started with a sinister murder).
4.End each episode with a cliff- hanger.
5.Edit all names and each episode very carefully.

6.Check for consistency and internal logic.
7.Make use of the ‘comment’ box in ‘Insert’ in Microsoft. Use this handy tool for notes, for linking with later events.
8.Make a mind map of each episode as it gets completed.
9.Write, edit, complete one episode at a time.
10. Don’t rush the work.

11. Read books. Watch television and look out for ideas.
12. Write each episode as a short story, keeping in mind the overall impression of a novel. Watch the comedy ‘Friends’ to see how the story fits together.
13. Decide very early on about a possible market for the serial.
14.Find an expert for computer help.
15. Look for a writer to review your work.

16. Check to see how others write serials.
17. If you are new, get involved by co-writing with another writer.
Have fun and in a serial make things happen.
18. Think about turning your serial into a paperback or an e-book.
19.Plan your next book as soon as you finish one.
20.Celebrate. Dance on the ceiling and drink champagne.
21. For ideas read my coming book :
"House of the Skull Drum,"
or horror story: "Haunted Wood."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2010

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