
The Click

"So, what you wanna' do now?" Alexis asked, shiverring violently in the cold winter air.
"I don't know, how bout' you?" Shrugging in response, Alexis starts to stagger behind with Jennifer. "Wanna' go walk on Frankford Ave?" I asked. "Ard sure. We out!" I giggle at Alexis' response and start up the block towards the ave. Alexis and Jennifer seem to get used to the cold wheather and start to walk beside me like normal.
We pass a couple of old friends, but continue on our walk. As the three of us talked and joked about random things, we notice our friend Tamiya and a guy who I thought was maybe her brother or cousin. They looked just alike in my eyes.
"Hey!, what's up KiKi! Oh my God i miss you so much.Where ya'll goin'?" "What's up Miya! Missed you too girl! We just chillin' gonna' go walk around the block and stuff.Where yall goin'?" Looking up and down at the mysterious guy that stood next to Tamiya, he was looking at me too. I look away shyly,not sure in knowing what to say. "Hi" I said in my nice and sweet voice, "'Sup" he said with a small grin. I couldn't see his full face, becasue of the hood he had on his head. He looked the same skin tone as mine when we weren't in any type of bright light i guessed. "Well, wanna come with us?" I asked in an offering. "Ard cool!" Tamiya squealed with excitement. We walked for awhile around the neighborhood. It was pretty fun,though. He was mostly quiet the whole time walking the streets. So, being the nice person i am i started a little conversation with him.Just to find out about this mysterious person i happened to actually invite on a boring walk which seemed to go nowhere! I asked him, sweetly. "What's your name?" We happened to pass a street light and when he looked at me to answer i noticed that his skin tone was actually more like a honey complexion. He had a couple of scars on his face that i didn't mind really. His lips were small, he had a little faded mostache about his upperlip, which made me think that this guy is deffinitely not my age. "Michael, but call me Mike. What's yours?" "Kiara" With a little cute smile to make me seem innocent, it always worked for me some how. Still wondering about this guy's...well, Mike's age i just got the courage to ask him. I didnt understand why i felt so shy around him, i mean he's an average boy that I've probably already seen before,he can't be any different than the rest.Well, he hasn't treid to flirt with me yet anyways, which is a risk that a lot of boys have taken and some have succeeded.
"So, how old are you" "15, how about you?" "13" Surprised,and a bit shocked " Damn, really?!" I had expected that response though. People tell me i look older than my own age, all i know is that i deffenitely don't see it, and plus it's a good thing. I'm like the girl that boys want to have and show off, and I'm the main girl that all the girls don't like, even though I'm sweet as can be.
Giggling at his response i say, "Yupperz, but it's like every boy that i know is atleast 15 or 16.Everybody is basically older than me." Making my bottom lip poke out as if i was going to cry, i made him chuckle and smile.
We all make it up to Torresdale Ave, which Mike had mentioned to me that he lives around here. I nodded and told him that i live up the block where the Liberty gas station was. He seemed relieved to know that we lived so close, i did too of course but he was full of excitement. I laugh loudly. He laughed with me, he said that he had noticed that i laugh a lot. I acknowledged him that i do laugh a lot, but then again it's sometimes embarrassing becasue i laugh at random things. I'm bubbly like that, some how. He suprised me one moment when he mentioned that he thought my laugh was kind of cute... I looked away shly and said thank you politely while he gleefully said "Your welcome" with a sweet smile that i returned immediately.
I began to become more cold as i noticed how much the temperature had dropped, and that i only was wearing a hoody and skinny jeans that were actually rather thin. Mike noticed that i was shivering i guess and offered me his gloves. "It's alright, i'm okay like this. Keep your gloves though, i don't want you to get cold either." I said hesitating to take the gloves. " But, it hurts me to see you being cold like that." He had a sincere face on, that i some how couldn't stand but i still refused to take the gloves.I can be very stubborn at times. He responded as, "Alright, i'm just gonna' have to warm your hands up like this then." Unaware of wat was happening, he gently gripped my cold hand in his warm soft hand that was wearing a glove. I didn't want to hold his hand, not wanting to make the wrong impression, but i let it slide and I gripped his hand back looking embarrassed and shy. He then released my hand and removed the hood that hid his face. He was cute, even if he had a couple of scars on his face but they looked like they were made from getting hurt while playing sports but none the less it made him look a little hot though. I smiled as i stared him down wondering what he was doing. He had on a gray winter hat on, he took it off and reached it to me. Lost in my thoughts, i didn't even notice at first becasue i was surprised at his good-grade of hair. It was light brown and very curly.I just had the urge to want to run my fingers through his hair, i know that sounds kind of creepy but its the truth. I take the hat but then i remember that i had braids in my hair and i had it in a pony tail. It wouldn't look right if i wore it over my pony tail. He insisted that i wear his hat over my hair but then just put my hood over it so that it wouldn't feel that much uncomfortable of being seen with the hat on my head in that way. So, i took his idea and it turned out fine.
It was around maybe 6 o' clock and i had to be at home by nine. "What time you gotta' be home?" "I go home when i want to" With a serious look. "Stop lyin'" I laughed, and he joined in on the laughter and admitted that he really had to be home by 9 also. "We got a lot of time til' then" i said smiling. "AWWW..... look at you two." Tamiya joked. I laughed at her comment feeling embarrassed i start walking with Tamiya. She said that Alexis and Jennifer had to go. Now, it was just Mike, me, and Tamiya. Tamiya questioned me secretly out of the hearing of Mike, she asked did i kind of like him. I smiled at the question, " I don't know yet, really. He's cool and everything but i don't know yet if i actually like him." "Alrighty..." she responded. I shaked my head at her, for always trying to hook me up with one of her friends.
We bump into Tamiya's, im guessing ex-boyfriend or her boyfriend, Kevin.He claims that they never really went out but she claims that they do so i don't know whose telling the truth. Tamiya and Kevin start walking their own way, leaving Mike and I together, YIKES! I was too afraid to even stay in the same presence as him. Why was I so shy around him though, ? He grabbed my hand again and started walking down the block together. He hugged me from behind and i was kind of shocked, because i was being hugged by him, though. I never really had the thought of him liking me though.
As he put his hands around my stomach, i held onto his arms as we walked in silence. I guess that was his way of making the first move. I wanted to make the next one. So, i turned around quickly which made him jump in surprise and i faced him, with my eyes looking into his. I reached around and took both his arms and put them around my waist.He came closer towards me,letting our chests touch. "If you want to hold me, you have to hold me like this." I said with a smile. He grinned at me back, and tightend his grip around me. I unwrapped his arms from around me and put his hand into mine again. I kept thinking to myself saying "Kiara, you are irresistable, he deffinitely wants you".
It was almost time for us to get home so decided to walk me home. He said he knew a short cut by going through the drive way, and we did just that. Once we got in the dark drive way he came behind me hugging me, which made me get startled. I was deffinitely not expecting that of course, so i screamed. He kissed my cheek softly then let me go. I turned around quickly still confused of what had just happened. I broke out into a laugh when i noticed it was only Mike who was smiling but was biting his lip. I gave him a little sexy look. He made a bigger smile. Walked up to me and slapped my ass extra hard, and knowing it was cold it really hurt and stung my butt. "YOU BUM!" I yelled but still laughing.
After that, we made it to the corner of the Rite Aid. "Will i ever see you agian?" Mike asked with a concerned look in his face. "I'm sure you will." "You got a phone right?" pulling out his phone. "Yea, here's my number...267-593-8201" "I'll call you, okay." He looked with a disappointed face on, i wondered if it was because the day had to end. "Okay, want to chill some time tomorrow?" I asked,wanting to put his hopes up that i was willing to be with him again. "Ard, cool." He now was smiling. "Well, bye" I said waving my fingers at him, but before i left I gave him a warm hug and his gloves, and hat back. " Keep the gloves, i want you to remember me by them". I smiled at his strong words. I made him keep the hat becasue i knew that if my mom seen me wearing it she would flip out on me. He laughed, and we exchanged a hug then i hurried off home. Today was a, Great day!

Genesis: Our Love

I got home just in time, in relief that i was finally home and what had just happened a huge grin grew across my face and my whole body was just filled with joy. I took off my coat and shoes carelessly throwing them on bed. I went up stairs from the basement which was my bedroom.It's not really one of those scary basements that have spider-webs or cold and dark, and whatever. It was actually cozy and bright and clean, when i felt like cleaning it but most of the time it was a mess.Looked like a hurricane had swept through my room and made all my clothes and shoes go in each direction of the room. Even though i am a girl, i never have a clean room.
I went into my mom's room where she was laying in bed watching t.v.I greeted her and she smiled at me returning the hello. "You alright mommy?" "Yes,im feeling alright, just a little tired." Giving a sincere smile. "Alright, well if you need to call me. I'll be in my room okay?" "Okay baby, thank you" I left her room, closing the door. Went back down to my room and turned on the radio, and blasted music. I checked my messages in my phone and i had four. All from Alexis. Rolling my eyes, getting ready to read what the text said which probably said something over protective. #1. " Kiara, where are you?" #2. "KIARA!! ANSWER MY TEXTS" #3. "OMG, IF YOUR STILL WITH THAT GUY IM GONNA SPAZZ " #4. Call me wen u get the chance ard. Yupp, that was Alexis alright. She didnt really want me to have a boyfriend, well not a bad one atleast. Alexis was my best friend but then again i saw her as another nagging mom. Which irked the mess out of me.
I texted her back saying "Hey Lexi, sorry i haen't been able to answer ur texts.i was in da shower." I lied, with a grin. Not even two minutes later, my phone buzzed off. A text from Lexi. " OH, ok.Jus chekin on ya lil crazy ass. lol. O yea, i got a question for u tho, do u like that guy we was wit? i think his name was Mickey??..." I scowl at her text but immediately text her back. "lol, u dumb forreal, and idk if i do or not." "Well, i think u do. i see da way u be actin all shy around em nd me KiKi, i see everything lmao" "u really think so tho? but if u see everything how come u didn't see all the times that James was huggin up on dat lil whore Brianna?! cdfu jk." "Dat was cold KiKi,real cold. but its all good cuz i still love you tho <3 " "I love you 2 <3".
I layed my head on my pillow and just started thinking about Mike. He was cute and sweet.Not much of a sweet talker though, which was good. I hate a sweet talker. For example, when a boy tries to get with a girl that walks past them they say "Ayye, wassup sexy!what's ya name?" Or when a couple has a fight the guy says how pretty he thinks the girl is and kiss up shit like that. I just hate it. But, anyways. I thought of texting him but then i remembered that he forgot to give me his number in exchange but atleast i know that he said he was gonna call me.
It was 11:03 p.m and i was kind of getting tired so i took a hot shower, got dressed in my favorite tee and ball shorts, got in my cozy bed, and started to doze off. Like, two minutes later my phone buzzed off. I jumped up, excited and eager to see who it was, hoping it was Mike. I observed the caller ID and it wasn't a number that i could recognize at all, and thinkin again knowing that Mike only had my number and i didn't have his, i thought it just had to be him...right? I calmed down, tried to make my voice sound sweet as normally so that he wouldn't think it were someone else who answered the phone. " Hello?" "Uh,..umm... this...Kiara?" I smiled to myself knowing exactly who the caller was. "Yes, this is she. Whose this?" "Hey, Kiara, this is Mike remember me?" He said with a little chuckle " Oh, hey wassup. And of course i remember you, your the guy that i had such a fun time with tonight" I giggled to myself. "Oh, really, now?" He said making the really sound long and laughed. "How bout' we hang together sometime tomorrow" He asked. I was smiling from ear to ear at this point. "Umm...sure, that'll be great! around what time though?" "whatever time is best for you" He said sweetly. "Alright, how bout' around...12:00?" "Alright sure, 12 it is" "At midnight..." I said jokingly. "Sike naw, im just playin" We both laughed. " Your so goofy!" He teased. "I know right, i make a joke out of everything. And i laugh at everything." "Well, i like it though...and i kinda' like you too" He sounded shy, but sweet. I didn't really know how to respond. I couldn't believe what i just heard.Could he really like me? "To tell you the truth, i do kind of like u too..." The words slipped out on their own, i didnt mean for them to come out...or did i really want to say those words? "Well, that's a good thing to know. I mean for me it is actually." "What do you mean? "Since we're being truthful, i'd like to say that i liked you the very first time i looked at you..i know that sounds kind of tacky but when it comes from me i truly mean it." H was so sincere sounding.Was he telling the truth? " Wow, umm.. that's kind of weird because i grew to really like you in such little time too. I guess, we permanently clicked to one another, i guess." "I guess we did, huh? There's one question that i would like to ask you then..." Not aware of what he was going to say, i sat... "sure what is it" "Kiara, would you go out with me?" "Oh, umm... I'll have to think about it, theres a lot of stuff that i have to take care of first.But i promise you that i'll let you know as soon as possible, alright?" "Um..ok, sure. Well, i gotta' go. I'll talk to you tomorrow then?" "Alright sure. Bye, Mike" Feeling kind of bad for making him wait for an answer that it seemed like his life depended on. "Bye, Kiara,See you tomorrow." "Okay, bye".
I hung up the phone, with relief and then guilt. Relief, because i knew that the guy i had feelings for has feelings for me too and wants to go out with me. Guilt,because i gotta' put him on hold for a second to take care of somethings,which was true.
I've been messin' around with these two guys. The one i've already done it to, his name is Jean (John). We're like booty calls to eachother, whenever one of us wants know what we just call eachother, make up a date when we can meet up with eachother, then finally we just end up fuckin' again. Jean took my verginity first. The other guy, Brian. Was cool but it was like all he wanted from me was to fuck me. We couldn't have a simple conversation without him asking "when you gonna let me suck that pussy of yours?" At the time i wasn't into sex like that. But once i met Jean i was a sex freak and was very curious. So, i thought if i had Jean as my own booty call, i didn't need anyone else so i never let Brian hit.
Now, that i found someone who i truly like and someone who claims that they really like me i have no need for a booty call. So, i gotta find a way to tell Jean that we gotta stop this part time lover thing. And that it's time for us to find a true lover of our own, like for example, Michael could be my true lover in just acouple of months. You never know.

Boyfriend or Friend

The next morning, it was 10:26 and i had about two hours just to get ready to meet Mike at 12:00. That was a good enough amount of time to get all cute and fly for him i guess. I sat on my bed and thought of an outfit that would probably have all the guy's eyes on me. I thought of my tight fitted skinny legged jeans, tight fitted pink V-neck shirt, my pink high tops, and my pink fur winter jacket. It's not that i like the color pink a lot, i just like to match things up and still look nice. I'm not much into crazy colors like the models that walk the runway. It looks tacky to me, and over dressed.
I took a quick shower, got dressed, put some of my Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume on, and put my sneakers on. Since, my hair were in braids i layed some braids in the back down my back, then put the rest of the braids into a pony tail. I didn't have a full view mirror that showed the whole body, i just had a half-view or whatever you call them things. I took my room chair and stood on it to get a better view of my body. People said that i look like i'm atleast 15 or 16 years old and that i look like i would be in high school. Plus, people say that it's not that i just look like a high school girl, but im mature enough to even make me seem more realistic, that yeah, i am in high school and am 16 years old. I don't mean to seem older than my regular age on purpose, it's just the way that i am.
Ran upstairs to tell my mom that i was about to leave out. Went into her room and it was my sisters Rachel and Michelle, and my mom. They were talking their regular talk as usual. "Hey mom, im bout' to leave out now." "okay, but where you goin'?" Think of a lie...what lie should i say? "um... Alexis house, yeah im goin' there" " okay, be back by 7:00" "Mom!!, why i gotta be back so early?!" I whined, usually i wouldn't whine to her about early curfue because i would be going to one of my regular friend's house. So, it was nothing that special. But since i was going to be with Mike for the day,i may as well ask for a leter later. "alright, alright, be back here at 8:00. Take it or leave it." "Thank you, mama-dee" I always called her that just to kiss up to her, the name Mama-Dee came from a old back in the day show. I was cheesey after that. I said goodbye to everyone and headed out the door. I began walking around the corner of my block and i bump into a kid that used to live on my block named Chris. I used to have a little crush on him when i first met him on the block. The only thing that i didn't like was that he was very much shorter than i was. "wassup, Chris." " Wassup, KiKi" He looked at me up and down seductively. I tooked at him and giggled, and started to walk away.
I pulled out my phone and went straight to my contacts list. "Ashely...Destiny...Mike!" i said under my breath relieved to know that i had found his number in my phone. I clicked the talk button and the phone rang twice. "Hello?" The other person on the phone answered "hi, is this Michael?" "Yeah, hey wassup" "Oh, hey. u still want to meet up today?" "Yeah, of course...umm where you want to meet?" "How bout' at the Rite Aid? u know where that is right?" "ard, meet you there" he said, sounding like he was in a rush. "well, where are you now? cuz' im already outside walking towards the Rite Aid' "Damn, you walk fast.." He laughed " I'm bout' to leave out right now, okay?" "okay, and hurry. it's getting cold out here!" i giggled. "alright, im on my way." "K, bye. for now" "Bye". I hung up, smiling to myself about our conversation that Mike and i had the night before. I guess i really did like this guy after all. I never had such an urge to be with someone like i wanted to be with Mike.
Hey, im at the Rite aid. where u at? I texted Mike quicky, so that i could put my hands back into my warm coat pockets. Acouple of seconds later, i got a text from Mike. I was so quick to pull my pfone out and see what it said i accidentally dropped the phone. "UH..!! I groaned aloud. Finally i looked at the text and it said Ard, come in behind the store. I had to think hard to myself. "Behind" the store? I shrugged my shoulders and walked fast and alert to the drive way that was behind the store. I looked around cautiously looking for someone to jump out and scare me. I walked around the whole store and there was no Mike to be found. I texted him again I can't see you, where u at? It took awhile for him to text back and i was growing impatient, and very cold. So, i decided to wait inside of the store and look around for him. But, as soon as i walked through those automatic opening doors, i saw him looking down at his phone what looked like texting. A sigh of relief came from my body. Finally, i found him!
He caught my eye and we both smiled at eachother. Then, he motioned his hand for me to come to him. I acted as if ididn't want to, and shook my head violently like a child and made puppy-dog eyes at him. He laughed at my act " What's da matter, babe?" Surprised at his response but i tried not to show it and went on with my innocent act. "You took forever and you had me waiting in the cold like an abandoned puppy." I watched as his faced looked like he was saying "Awww..." but in his mind, not through the mouth, and hugged me. With his hands around my waist like that made me warm up a bit. "Aww, im sorry" Mike said with a grin. I noticed that his eyes were red and low. Concerned, i asked "what's up with your eyes?" He turned to me and laughed. I felt dumbfounded, not knowing what was funny so i just smiled in response. He came close to my ear, i could smell a familiar smell but i couldn't remember the name of it. "I'm high, that's why" He smiled and smoothed out my braids. He looked into my eyes and then i felt his gaze go to my lips. I noticed that he bit his slightly, as if he wanted to turndo something but knew it was a wrong thing to do. Breaking him out of his thoughts "Want to go for a walk?" I asked. He looked toward the door way of the store and then at me again. "But, i want u to get a little more warm before we go back out" "Alright, i guess we could stay a little bit longer" i shrugged. Feeling glad that he cared about me being warm.
I looked at some of the silly cards that were organized in alphabetical order.One talked about how great it was to turn 40 and dumb stuff like that. I wasn't paying any attention to Mike until he grabbed a whole chunk of my ass into his hand. I made a huge gasp and turned around quickly to see him giggling evilish. I narrowed my eyes to him, "Watch when i get you" i laughed to myself at my seriousness. "Bring it on baby girl" He teased. I started to sneek my way towards him but hecaught onto what i was trying to do as i looked at him with evil eyes. He started speed walking around the store i soon followed with loud giggling. We dodged eachother, trying to catch the other person before the other one did. We were like kids on a playground. Suddenly,a old lady came out of the pharmacy area of the store and said "Ya'll kids needa get outta here, they got cameras watching ya'lls every move!" Mike and i jetted out of the store just laughing. To have the cold winter air blow onto my face it felt really good, but i still put my hood on. I looked down at my hands and noticed that i still wore the gloves that Mike had given me the night before. "Still got your gloves, if you wanted them back" Waving my hands in the air. "Keep them" He said looking at the ground.
I checked the time on my phone. It was 5 going on 6:00, which was a good thing. I had two more hours to be with Mike.
We started to walk down acouple of blocks. Most of them were very quiet, which wasn't really surprising because where we lived we lived in the northeast of Philadelphia and mostly that part of Philly is quiet. We stopped at a store that was closed. Since, the store's doorway was kinda of big he playfully ran under it. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Come here, just real quick!" "I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes, and smiled. I walked over to him and leaned against the glass window. It was very dark and nobody could really see us except when a car would go by and the headlights would shine on us a little.
Once i got over there he quickly grabbed me by the waist and caressed my hips and waist. At first i didn't want to give into his behavior but then i knew that i really did like what he was doing so... i practically gave in of course. As he caressed my body and layed his head on my shoulder then put his face to my neck, and started to breath softly on my ear and face, it made my body quiver with lust. He just really knew how to turn me on. Sometimes, i don't even think he knows that he's turning me on becasue just by his looks and face expressions that usually does the trick and turns me on. It just made me crazy for him. I took my hands, and i gripped his hoody gently. Knowing in my heart i knew that i really wanted him at that moment but then i knew in my own mind that i couldn't. I just took all of this touching and caressing stuff in and touching. He whispered in my ear saying with a little sexy groan that i really liked a lot. "Oh,baby. You don't know what you do to me..." He kissed my neck, layed his head on my shoulder but still holding onto my waist with a nice grip to it like he would never let go.
Suddenly, we hear kids talking. Mike and I look at eachother. Mike looks out ioto the pavement and yells "Yo!, Kevin" he yells it again. "Kevin!!" I look out to see who he was trying to get the attention of and it was a kid who looked my age but never seen him before. The kid still didn't notice that Mike was calling him. So, I knew that i had a loud voice and i used it when i really needed to so i yelled out "KEVIN!!" Mike jumps in surprise at my loud voice. Finally, the kid turns around to see who called him. Mike was waving his hand motioning for him to come to him. The kids' name was Kevin, of course. I never really looked into the kids' face to really see what he looked like. After Mike and Kevin's little conversation Kevin said "Wassup." I said "Sup...". "Who dis, Mike?" Kev asked Mike while he looked at me up and down, checking me out. "This my friend, Kiara, Kiara this is my crazy friend Kevin." "Ya'll go out or something?" Looking suspicious at us both while he said it. Mike laughed and put his head on my shoulder again, kind of ignoring the question that was asked. So, Kevin turned to me and said "Well?..." I shook my head softly in response. Kevin made the expression of that "Ohh.." look. "Well, umm.... ard, peace Mike i see you later ard." Then he just ran off.
I looked down at Michael who was still laying on my shoulder. His head was facing the opposite direction from mine. I sneaked and put my hands into his hoody pockets just to get his attention. The good thing is that it worked, and he looked up slowly at me. He started at me for awhile. We were just in a deep gaze, in eachother's eyes. Until I noticed what i was doing and i stopeed looking at him embarrassed. "You know, you have the most prettiest eyes..." He said still gazing at me. I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you." " I'm serious, their like pretty diamonds and on top of that you got them sexy Chinese eyes." He chuckled. I let out a giggle. "Thank you, again." "Your welcome..." He layed his head back onto my shoulder. Annoyed, because i wanted to have that touchy thing that we had like a couple of minutes ago again. I checked my clock on my phone. It was 6:48. Damn, time sure does go by fast when you having a good time. "Umm.. it's almost time for me to go home so..." He groaned in fustration, that i was leaving. "Well, let me walk you home then, I don't want you walking around here at night by yourself." He laughed at his seriousness. We both walked almost two blocks away from my house and stopped to sit at a church bench which gave us a lot of privacy. We both sat next to eachother but i sat a little distance away from him. I don't know why so don't ask. "Come closer" I slid closer. "More please..." I laughed and got as close as i could. "I ain't say that close...but i like this way better" He smiled. We just talked about stuff for a little bit. "You know that i really like you a lot right?" He asked. "Yes, i guess, but you should also know that i kind of like you the same way." He was smiling big. I guess glad that he had found out that the girl he had really liked, liked him the same way. That's what happened to me when i first met him i thought in my head.
"Put your legs on my lap, real quick." He said persuasively. I hesitated at first so i just put one leg up. "And the other one..." We laughed. I put both of my legs on his lag. So, kind of now i was almost laying across the bench half way. "You got some sexy ass legs for real!" I laughed at his compliment. "And them nice skinny jeans you got on really fit em' perfectly." He looked at me with seductive eyes. I've seen seductive eyes many times before but his were a lot different. His were seductive but there was something else showing through them, it was an actual good thing that i saw. I put on my innocent look again kind of feeling embarrased at the many compliments he gave. "On top of that, your eyes are so sexy, like oh my god!" I started to giggle a lot. After that we started talking about other stuff. "It's getting close to my curfue. We should start walking. Since, i still had time to stay out we stopped and stood at a closed store. He was leaning against the big medal sheild thingy that kept the door of the store closed. Wanting to make the first move, I wrapped my arms around his upper waist, holding onto his hoody. I pressed my body against his softly and then slowly and carefully pushing myself onto his prick. He caught me fast when he first felt me touch his prick. But then he allowed me to go on with my act. I felt him groan to himself. It sounded so sexy when he did it! He really turned me on at that point. He started to blow onto lips and my face, then my ears. When he blew into my ears it sent quivers down my spine. He clutched my body into his making us become even more close. My mind was racing so fast. I was thinking like, should i kiss him? or should i just wait? But then my body's reaction answered that for me. The next time Mike blew onto my lips i jumped up and kissed him hungrily. It felt so good to kiss him because i haven't really kissed anyone in a long time. His lips were soft but then again cold but i suddenly felt them warm up again while we shared that kiss. I had noticed what i was doing and i quickly pulled my face from that kiss. He then started to kiss my neck softly. Then he stopped. We both looked at eachother in amazement as if we were friends who just had drunk sex. It started to get really akward and i just giggled thinking back of what we had just did. He laughed along with me.
"Umm... I should be going now." Motioning to walk away. "Alright, ummm... i'll talk to you maybe later?" "Yea, sure." I gave him a quick goodbye hug and he returned it. It kind of felt like he didn't want to let go, that's how strong he had hugged me. We let eachother free from the strong embrace and walked our seperate ways.

Secret Freak

That same night, from when i was with Mike i was in my room and i started to clean up some of the crazy mess. About an hour later my phone buzzed off. I lazily walked over to my bed where my phone was laying on my pillows. The caller ID read "Mike is calling." I wore a huge grin when i saw the name. Even when he calls i get that funny feeling for him, to want that feeling when he touches my body like he does. It just sets my soul on fire. I finally break out of my thoughts and answers the phone. "Hello?" I said in my sweet voice. "Hey, wassup" He answered. "Nothin' just cleaning my room up a little bit, wassup wit you?" "I can call back since you cleaning your room..." I gasped to myself, knowing not to say yes. "! It's okay we can still talk" "Ard". "So, what you doin'?" I asked with such wonder. "Sitting in my room and thinking about the great night i had tonight with a beautiful and sexy girl." He chuckled. I laughed out of embarrassment because of the way he always called me sexy. "Oh, really...? What is the name of this wonderful girl you speak so highly about." I giggled. "Oh, you know her very well..." "And who may that be?" Sounding confused, even though i really wasn't. " That wonderful girl, is you." He said finally.I giggled and smiled at his response.
So, we talked on about other things like school and stuff. Then, some how it went to questions about sex. "Your not a virgin right?" He asked, sounding like he was unsure. "No, and your not either right?" I said playing the question back to him. "Nope." He said. "Okay." "It's just hard to believe that your not a virgin, because you seem so sweet and innocent at times..." I laughed at his opinion, because it was the same as everyone else's opinion about me, sweet, pretty, but innocent. Those are the people who don't know the real me that's why. "As you can see, im not that innocent... and maybe some time down the line you will know that i'm not as sweet as you think i am." "Well, i don't know about the sweet part because your voice and pretty face says it all.... like, you look like those little puppies on the commercials!" We both burst into laughter. " Whatever...." I said still laughing.
"Since, your not a virgin, then how come most people like me can't tell?" I thought about my answer long and hard and then it hit me. "Well, i think that is because i don't dress like the rest of the whores around here,second, i don't go to parties where i drink and have sex with guys and all that other crazy stuff.... like... i just don't put myself out there on the spot, that let's people know that im not virgin." "That's true... i understand where you comin' from though." "I have one reputation and one reputation only, and that is just like you said, sweet and innocent even though i'm none of those. I can be really mean when i want to but i hate to make people think that i'm mean and they shouldn't be cool with me just because of that." "Ohhh, so your a little naughty girl on the low, huh?" We laughed. "Hmm... i guess you could say that, yes." "I'm just asking okay, but would you ever do it.... you know, with me?" He said with a nervous chuckle. I giggled my sweet giggle. I'm getting the chance to let him know how i really feel. "To be honest with you, i feel silly for telling you this but, yes...i would." I laughed in embarrassment. "But,... would you do it to me. That's the real question here" I said with a sly smile. "Hell yeah i would do it to you! Why wouldn't I " He laughed. "So, does this mean that i can put my sausage in your bread...." I started bursting in laughter at his funny question. But, i wanted to hear him say it again so i said. "Wait, what you say...?" Still trying to hold in a luagh. Mike started laughing. "Would you let me put this sausage, in your bread?" This time i only laughed a little because i knew that he was waiting for a straight answer. I said, "Yes, i bet i would." He laughed saying. "Alright."
We were still on the subject about an hour later. "How many guys have you ever done it with?" He asked. "Just one." He laughed at my answer. Confused i said, "What's funny?" "I thought you atleast did it with two guys, but one is good though. Your not spreading yourself too thin." He joked. "Well, to tell you the truth i lost my virginity the week after my 13th birthday. So, it was kind of recent." "Oh, okay. You had birthday sex." I laughed. "Not exactly if it were a week after of course." "So, tell me, do you have a favorite position?" He gave me choices like missionary, doggy, and all this other type stuff. Since, the guy that i had sex with the first time fucked me through the side i said... "I actually like it through the side" "Through the side, huh. Ard." "And what about you? what's your favorite?" It went silent for a moment. I guess he was still thinking. He finally asnswered "I like the regular way best." "Yeah, i gotta agree with you on that one." "But you just said you liked it through the side..." "Thoughts about something can be easily changed." I giggled. After that it got kind of akward on the phone because we just told eachother our true feelings. Then, he broke the silence by saying. "You want to know something?..." "Yeah, what?" "You have the most softest lips, i've ever kissed, and im not kiddin' those lips were freakin nice as shit for real." We both laughed at his comment about my lips. I was also, always told that my lips were cute, small, and soft but the way he explained it was wayy better. "Thank you." I said with a small giggle and a smile. I wanted to keep the mood going but then he said that he had toA go. "Hey, Kiara um... i gotta go do something for my mom real quick so i'll probably call you back or maybe sometime tomorrow but you know you can always text me if you want ok?" He sounded like he was in a hurry so i said "Umm... Okay then, i'll tect you." "Ard, bye. Love you.." I jumped at the last words he spit out. Did he really say it or was i just imagining he said it? so i said with a nervous laugh knowing that i did kind of love him at that point "I love you, too" And then i jus hung up the phone in great amazment. Did he really love me though? Our whole conversation was really mainly about me. As if he were really interested in my life and style.
I pushed all of that to the back of my head not trying to worry about it.

Envy Amoung The Men

It was the next morning, a sunday and i got up out of bed, stretched and looked at my phone. It read 9:51 A.M. I was surprised at the time because i'm usually a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake up until the afternoon time. I also saw that i had three messages. I opened one of them, this one was from Mike. "Hey, you still up?" The next one was from Alexis "Hey, wanna hang out later on?" The third one was from Mike again, this time it was a recent message. "If your up yet, do you want to go somewhere today? I smiled at myself because i knew exactly what my answer was to that... YES. I text him back saying "Good Morning, you still want to hang out today? I want to go." Acouple of seconds later i got a new text from Mike "Yeah, when you want to meet" I thought about it. "How about around 11:00 'o clock?" I got another text back. "Yea, meet me at Sheidler St." I knew Sheidler st. it was two blocks away from mine. "Ard, kool. Imma start gettin' ready ok." "ok". I hung up the phone and threw it on my bed.
I went upstairs to see if my mom and sisters were up. My sister Michelle was sitting on the couch watching her usual MTV reality shows, stuff i really wasn't into. I walked into my mom's room and she was in her bathroom curling her hair. I've always admired my mom because i mean hey, she was beautiful and i'm not just saying it because she's my mom, she really is though. I guess that's part of where i get my style of fashion from. "Mornin' mommy" I said in my sweet voice as usual to let her know that i was alright. If i don't say cheery in the morning then she's gonna' worry and ask me if i'm alright and all this other stuff. She really cared about her 4 daughters. My oldest sister lives on her own with my two nieces and one nephew. " Hey, babe! How did you sleep?" I could tell she was in a good mood. I always could tell from the sound of her voice, it would sound all sweet and nice. When she's in her bad moods her voice is really toned deep and her voice always had a mean sound to it that i can't even describe.
"I slept pretty well, how bout' yourself?" "It was good. I woke up acouple of times but i was able to get some goodnight rest, you know." I nodded with understanding. "That's good though". "Ummm... hey mom, wheres Rachel at?" I asked concerned about her. "I think she's still in the shower." She turned and started to part her hair and curl the piece she had parted out from the rest. I went into the hallway, and i noticed that the bathroom door was closed and locked. I groaned in fustration because i really wanted to hurry up and get into the shower to get ready and be with Mike for the day. I walked back into my mom's room sluggish like, "Do you know how long she's been in there?" "Long enough, tell her i said to get out. Other people need their own daily washes too." "Thanks,ma" She gave me a welcomed smile and went back to curling her hair.
"Rachel!! Mommy said to get out of da shower now! and i need to take a shower!..." I yelled facing the locked bathroom door.
"Ard! Ummm.. i'm comin' rite out!" I walked back into my mom's room and asked if i could go out since i had nothing to do in the house. " Yea, sure.." "Ard,Thank u" I heard the bathroom door fly open loud. I ran to the hall closet that held all the wash cloths and towels. I took my favorite towel and cloth, their my favorite becasue their soft and that's wat makes my skin so smooth which is something that everyone complimetns me on. "Mornin'" I said to Rachel, "Sup Ki~Ki, where mommy at?" "She in her room doin' her hair" I said pointing at Mommy's room door. Rachel nodded in understanding and went into mom's room.
I went into the bathroom trying not to slip from the water that was left behind after Rachel's shower, sat my towel on the floor and my cloth on the shower hook. I started to take my clothes off starting with my ball shorts that slid right off because they were atleast five times my size (their not mine of course). Then I took off my tee shirt. I looked in the mirror at my figure with my bra still on, my breasts were not very small but they were average sized but i still wished they were atleast two cups bigger that's why i always buy my bras from victoria secret and buy the push up bras that give me a good boob lift. I took off my panties and then my bra, i sat all my clothes into a pile in the corner of the bathroom. I started the shower water, i loved my water hot it soothed my skin in a way that i cannot explain it feels so good! I set the water to the right temperature and got my cloth off the hook wet it and squeezed my favorit bath scrub into it and started to scrun my neck, turning it left and right in pleasure, then i worked my way down to my chest then down to my breasts, taking my time washing each one. I scrubbed my shoulder and arms then under them, down to my sides and waist. I scrubbed all over, until i was covered in suds. I got my whole body under the steamy water and rinsed my face and body. As i was doing this i thought of Mike and I in the shower together touching and soothing one another and he held me by the hips like he does, and was kissing eachother becoming more aroused, then i thought of our bodies soaked in suds and i was ontop of him though he was still standing, and we were just kissing so sexy that it got me all horny in the shower. I thought of us kissing and his face came up and my body quivered and i let out a small moan, I ran my hands through my braids and let the water hit my body.
I finally caught myself knowing that i was supposed to be meeting Mike less than an hour. I went to my room and put my dirty clothes into the hamper, then picked out my clothes from my dressers. I picked out my gray skinny jeans then put on my Victoria Secret pink v-neck shirt. I put my socks on and then my favorite Nikes. I put lotion on then sprayed perfume all over me. I put my hair into a pony tail with a pink bow at the top. I put on a neckalce and pink earings. I stood up on my room chair and looked into my mirror. I approved of my outfit, got my pink fur jacket and i checked my phone to see if i had any messages but i had only 1 which was from Mike. It said " You ready yet?" I laughed at his question and texted him back. "Yea, im bout to leave out right now, u should start walking up there right now." I stuffed my phone into my pocket then ran upstairs to my mom's room where she was getting dressed, "Ayye, ma im bout' to leave out now" "Ard, bye babe be here by 9" "Ok"
I walked through the back door since it was much faster to go to Sheidler st where we were supposed to meet. Once, i hit Sheilder i became cuatious becasue i didn't want to look dumb standing by myself like I did when we were at the Rite Aid. "Where u at?" I texted him. About two minutes later the next text read "Look up..." I squint my eyes at the text to make sure i was reading it right but i thought about it and so i followed the order to look up and across the street from where i was standing he nodded his head which motioned for me to walk toward him. I was smiling all big and i think he noticed becasue he started at me laughing i guess he knew he felt my happiness to see him. "So, where should we go?" I asked with a cute smile. "I have a place in mind..." He gave a sly look like he had planned something that he only knew about. "Oh, really? Where?" "You'll see, it aint nun special though.." "Ard, then let's go" I said all excited to see where we were going." He smailed and said "Really?...." With a very surprised face on. I said "Yea" Smiling back at him. "Alright, but im tellin' you, its nothing special, its just a place for us to get away, you know." "Ard, it's cool if its not special though." He nodded his head and started to keep his head down looking at the ground. I looked at him confused, becasue it looked like something was wrong with him. "What's wrong?" I said with a understanding and concerned face. "Nothing, i'm cool" He said in his defense, now looking ahead of him. I always knew when something was wrong with someone. "I know that theres something wrong with you, and you keep thinking about can tell me if you want." Still wanting him to share with me his feeling he said, "Ard, you really want to know?" "Yeah, sure." He hesitated for a moment then said " You still didn't answer my question" "What question did you ask me?" Me feeling so confused and clueless he reminded me of the conversation that we had the night before about him and I being together. In my mind i was saying "Ohhhh, that question! Man, the anser is deffinitiely yes! But, my mouth said "Ohh, well im still kind of thinking about it if your lucky i could probably tell you later on in the day what my answer is...that cool with you?" He said "Yea, sure."
"What street you live on?" He asked. "Oh, i live right on Melon st." "Damn, that's how you got here so fast." We both laughed. We had walked two to three blocks that i never really walked on just becasue i never had any reason to walk that way, also my friends were always cautious of to never walk down that way but i never asked why since i really never cared. "Where we goin, can you tell me now?" But as soon as i asked my question we had walked all those blocks and now we were standing on the corner of a Avenue that i never really experienced before, because like i said i had no business being around this part of the neighborhood.
"I never been around this part before..." i said, still examining the houses and people. This ain't something that happened in the days of blacks against whites ok, just in case you were wondering but the part of the neighborhood that my friends and i lived there were a lot of white people around that part but i could tell that where Mike was taking me was where most black people lived, and the funny thing is that i always wondered where all my black friends lived because i barely saw them on my side of the nieghborhood. "You never been to Pano Park before?" I thought about the name for a second, i heard the name before but never went to the place. "No... what's that?" Mike had pointed across the street from where we were standing, we were waiting for the light to changed but he had pointed to a huge park/playground. I always thought that Pano would be like a cool chill spot but for it to be a park i wasn't that pleased.
I let out a long "Ohhhh...." and i jus kept looking around at other things. As we were crossing the street i noticed that there were guys around Mike's age standing across the street from us and were waving their hands towards me, trying to get my attention and when they did they motioned for me to come to them but i just gave a nice smile and shook my head. I did that because they wasn't that cute anyways and plus, why would i leave Mike stranded like that when i already know that he really likes me? But anyways. Mike and I walked the little path of the park and there wasn't like a lot of people there though but of course the little amount of that was there I knew. At the time since i was with Mike i ain't feel like talking to nobody but him. I wanted to get to know him better. So, i said "Hey, Mike could we just chill here for awhile? I don't want to go down there just yet" I pointed at the people that were running around and having fun. He said "Ard. It's cool, it's nice to be alone together huh?" He gave one of those sly smiles. Those things made me melt in my seat... no nasty stuff okay?!
We we


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.12.2011

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