
Vampyrene Hunter

C. Haven

Enter darkness
Pounce the earth
Hide it; cloak it; wrestle
Let the moon pin it in place
Twelve hours of nocturne
All mine

Thirsty eyes exposed
Curling marble phalanges
Push back black coffin lid
Delicacy steps out
A bow; black topped demon; graceful
A flash of white
Of the hunter
We’re going hunting

Warm, thick sweet smell
Beauty weakens the prey; the hunted
A sliver of saliva
Then the fatal bite
Rich and crimson flow
Fill a dead body with pleasure
The corpse may grin
Dead feed off the living
In the dead of night

The sun is pulling out
The night screams; the livid love finish
But the angry day rips off the blanket of night
And takes over the earth
With vengeance; harsh bright rays

The hunters screams pierce the air
White fingers rake; claw
“the time has come to end it all;
The time is up: retreat or fall”
With hisses; spitting
The shadows crawl away

The nocturnes retreat; defeated yet again
With shaking fists
And bloodstained mouths
They will be back
And they will rule
None serviam
Day may be a king
But night is a god


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.04.2010

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