
I didn’t want to join a vampire training group, but my friend’s mentor told her to and she didn’t want to do it alone. So I joined. And frankly, I’m glad I did.
But first, I went as a guest. I mean what if I didn’t like. Then I’d be stuck in a vampire training group in a stupid uniform bored out of my skull. So I went and observed and boy did I observe. I saw this super cute guy there and I tried to observe him as best as I could, but I had to join the other level ones. It seemed pretty fun so I decided to join. And so after a few weeks, we were sorted into these things called flights. And in my flight was the boy I saw earlier. During one inspection, I developed what the mortals called a crush. One day, after inspection he caught up with me. “What’s your first name?” he asked. “Juanita.” I responded.
“No, Juanita.”
“Do you have Facebook?”
“Sadly, no.”
That was that and he didn’t talk to me that much after. I came home from school one day to find a note from my parents.
Dear Juanita, we’ve gone out hunting for a bit so Jeri will drive you to training. Love you lots,
Mum and Dad
I hated it when my parents went hunting because they go for so many days. I went upstairs to get ready for training. Jeri came to get me and we drove to training. Halfway through I got bored. “Psst, Jeri!” I whispered, “Let’s ditch. I need to get out of here.” We quickly excused ourselves and left. I quickly changed out of my uniform and me and Jeri raced off. I quickly looked behind me and saw the boy watching after us. After running for a few miles, me and Jeri stopped to catch our breath. (Just joking! Vampires don’t need to breathe.) “Jeri, who’s that boy who was staring at us.” “Oh, he’s- “ she started. “Yo, I thought you left.” Daniel came. “Daniel why’d you follow us and why do you care?” I snapped. “Hey, training can be boring.” He simply replied. “How’d you find us?” Jeri asked. “Oh please,” Daniel laughed. “You guys have been coming to this exact same place since 1507 when you were changed. It’s pretty obvious.” I rolled my eyes. “Ya well at least me and Jeri don’t go to Iraq. I mean who does that?” I snapped. Daniel was ticking me off as always. Using my ESP powers, I carefully thought a message to Jeri. Wanna go cliff diving? I silently asked her. She nodded her head. We both stood on the edge and dived. I felt the wind rush past my body and the coolness of the water. I swam up to the surface. “Daniel, get your butt down here!” I yelled. He nodded and backed up. He ran up to the edge and leaped. He fell into the water, creating a huge splash. “Hey Daniel, who’s that guy in level two?” I asked him as we crawled back onto shore. “Oh I don’t know, there’s about fifty of them.” He retorted.
“I mean the tall one.”
“Well that narrows it down.”
“She means Prinzie!!!” Jeri said. Daniel gave one look at her and started laughing. “Ewwww, you like Prinzie? He’s like sixteen!” he squealed. I shoved him against a tree and turned away. “Anyways, you will never date him!” Daniel said. “Ya whatever. It’s just a crush anyways.” I responded.
“Hey, you know, if you want, I’ll talk to him for you.” Daniel said.
“Lol, no.”
“Uggh!!!! Leave me alone Daniel.” I snarled. I dried myself off and ran home. I raided my fridge and only found some stale bread from a few dinners ago. The doorbell rang and Charleen walked in. “Do you ever just wait for someone to come let you in?” I asked. She shrugged and sat on my couch. “So I heard you have a crush on that Prinzie kid. I agree with Daniel. You’re never going to date him.” She said. “Thank you for the support Charleen.” I snapped. We went up to my room and started to work on homework. We finished and decided to go to Burger King. We ordered fries and two Whoppers. “I don’t know how mortals can eat such greasy foods.” I complained. “Me neither but if we want to fit in, we have to eat it.” Charleen put on a brave face and took a bite out of her burger. We both looked at each and laughed. The was no way we would eat this garbage. We threw out our meal and walked out into the cold night air. “You should join the vampire training group. It’s fun I guess. They just have hideous uniforms.”

P.S thats all i have and ill make more but only if you want me to. This is about my ex so im not sure if i should finish it/ let me know by commenting :)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.04.2011

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