

‘You killed it’ Sian’s voice was spiteful, but almost amused.
‘It’s not dead.’ I know he or she isn’t. I can feel the heart beating. Then I looked at Sian. She was smiling. I wonder deeply how someone that looks so pure can be so evil. She has jet black hair with a middle parting that makes her look even slimmer. She has deep hazel eyes that can make anyone freeze. Her face is pale with a natural blush. She looked at me flickering her eyes.
‘Why are you staring at me’
‘Because, you can be a bitch sometimes.’ I don’t try to be nice.
‘Hey! I agreed to teaching you how to drive, that’s got to count for something.’ He hands went to her hips.
‘Only because the new guy is coming and you want to make a good impression.’ I leaned over to the black cat. It was on its side. The paws were small and seemed fragile.
‘ That’s no crime.’ I looked up at her.
‘ No but if its dead we will both be in trouble. Me because I hit it. You because you let me drive.’
She didn’t seem to care at all.
‘I’m going to park the car in the garage.’ She walked steadily away; like a wolf.
I didn’t have time to think what to do, as I heard a figure running towards me.
‘ Hey! Is that Tiger?’ The boy got closer and looked at the cat. ‘ Oh no, he’s dead’ You couldn’t hear any emotions in his voice as it was taken over by all the deep breaths.
‘Actually no.’ I said looking at him. He has dark brown hair and if I can see right, blue eyes.
‘Oh, ok. Do you know what happened?’ He asked calming down. I stood up.
‘Yeah, I didn’t mean to. But.’ I looked from him to the cat constantly. ‘I hit it.’ He didn’t seem upset.
‘Well the cat isn’t mine, It’s my grans. If its fine I'll just say I found it sleeping.’ He gave me a smile, so I smiled back. ‘So you just turned 18?’ He asked taking a deep breath.
‘Nope. Well unless you’re a cop.’ I smiled teasingly. He smiled back. Now I can clearly see his eyes were deep blue. He seemed normal enough.
‘Huh. Thought so, I’ve never seen you drive a car before.’ I looked at him, and dropped the smile.
‘What do you mean?’ He looked deep at me.
‘I live two doors down.’ That made me feel bad. He seems friendly.
‘Oh. I’ve never seen you before though.’ I tried to smile. He laughed. Not a angry laugh, more of a sympathetic laugh.
‘Yeah, I see you all the time. You always seem distant. You’re always looking somewhere else. This seems sad but, I remember going up to you and saying hi.’ He leaned to the side a bit with a grin.
‘I’m sorry if I didn’t say hi back. You see if I’m thinking, then you can’t crack me.’ I smiled and put my hands in my hoody’s pockets.
‘Well you didn’t exactly ignore me.’ He laughed agin. Oh no. ‘If I remember correctly, you called me a creep and told me where to shove it.’ He smiled warmly.
‘Ok, now I feel bad.’ I looked at him biting my lip. ‘And now, you’re going to think I’m just even meaner, but I really have to go.’ I looked at his reaction and started to step away. I was about to say bye.
‘First can I have your number?’ Wow, I did not expect that.
‘Oh. Well can I ask why?’ I stepped closer.
‘So that I could get to know you better.’

I gave him my number. I never give my number to anyone. Not that anyone asks. I found out his name is Artemis. That is really an unusual name. But he's nice. And annoying. I don’t know how long it took him. Five, ten minutes. He already texted me.
Text 1 : Hey Its Artemis ;)
Text 2 : Is this Audrina.
Text 3 : If it isn’t I’m sorry.
Text from me : Yeah, Its Audrina :)
I knew it was a mistake. He called me. I didn’t pick up.

New roomate

My room is at the end of the corridor, I have to pass 6 rooms to get to the stairway. Not including the room opposite me; since no one has ever been living there. No one was in their rooms. I suspected everyone to be out, but I got a shock with everyone sitting on the couch and the floor. I have no clue why everyone seemed so exited, but for once in this whole house no-one was arguing.
It almost seemed odd. I could see their animals coming out by just looking deeply at them.
Sian was sitting on the couch crossed legged; the wolf. Rosette was standing behind Sian with a cup of coffee in her hand; the snake. Nathanial is closest to me, he was leaning on the stair wall looking deeply happy; the lion. Julian was sitting on the floor looking at Darren; Julian’s the Panther. Darren was also sitting on the couch, all eyes on the fox. If you’re wondering, there animal is nothing like their personality. Well, mostly.
‘Oh hey Drina!’ Darren turned flashing me a large smile.
‘Ok, this is getting creepy. Why is everyone happy? TOGETHER’ I made a circular motion with my hands looking for an answer from anyone.
‘Edwin’s coming!!’ Sian shrieked.
‘Who?’ I looked at Darren, as Sian seemed in no mood to actually make sense. As usual.
‘The new roommate, he’s a bear.’ They all smiled at each other wildly.
I felt a vibration from my jean shorts. I took the phone out and found a message from Artemis.
Y didn’t u pick up last night?

I looked back up at the happy circle.
‘But why are you all so happy, all you could know he’s a spoiled brat?’ Darren clearly disagreed by showing it with a snort.
‘I met him last night; he is way to cool to be a brat.’ Ok. This is weird!
I texted Artemis.
Still want to know me better?

I walked to the door slowly. It didn’t take long for a reply.
Well yeah, but when?

I texted straight away.

I heard someone call my name from the room, but I walked out the house steps to go to my date.
You can’t call it a date, but anything to get away from them. As if the fact that we can shift into animals wasn’t weird enough, now there all playing nice.
I didn’t expect Artemis to come so quickly but here he was. He seemed flushed from running, or from me.
‘Well you surprised me!’ he came close to me; I could smell his cologne mixing in with the air around us.
‘Well if you didn’t want to, you didn’t have to come.’ I smiled to my remark.
‘I didn’t say that I didn’t want to.’ He smiled back warmly.

The stream

I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I wasn’t prepared, but neither was he.
‘So where are you taking me’ He looked at me putting his hands in his jean pockets.
‘For a swim’ I looked straight ahead to the river. He turned to me astonished.
‘Is this some kind of joke?’ He looked around the bend. No one ever comes here. The nearest house is miles away; the road is only a pathway that’s been driven by a few cars once a season.
‘No, I like coming here’ I smiled looking at the streaming blue water.
‘But you’re planning to swim. In there’ He was smiling but looked astonished. I pulled his hand to go with me.
‘You are going in too.’ I stepped close to the end, where all the pebbles laid.
‘But then it will take ages for our clothes to dry’ He laughed looking at me.
‘Who said were getting our clothes wet?’ I took my jacket off. He didn’t say anything just looked at me strangely and then started to undress too.


The muscles on my body screamed as I jumped into the water with only my underwear on. I looked at Artemis who was in his boxers still looking at me at the shore.
‘You're crazy!’ He jumped as soon as he said it. The wave that he made forced me go under. I felt my leg being pulled down. I screamed letting my air out that I was holding in. I kicked hard as I was trying to push away the hand that was on my leg. I wanted to go down and scratch the hand, but I needed air.
Then I felt someone’s hands go at my waste, they pulled me up. As I reached to the top, I gasped for air. Artemis looked at me with deep Blue eyes; filled with concern. His hands were cold from the water, making me shiver.
‘Your shaking, I think we should get out before you get a cold.’ He twisted behind me, pushing me closer to the shore with his hands still on my sides. I didn’t say anything. He pushed me up from the water making me sit on the edge.
I turned towards our clothes. Getting up seemed hard. I looked at my leg that was filled with scratches. The blood was running on the grass softly as it was mixed with the water.
Artemis set next to me looking at the leg.
‘What did you get caught on?’ No expression on his face.
‘Don’t know.’ It was nothing. I think.
‘Why did you do that?’ He looked me in the eyes, with disappointment on his face.
‘Do what!?’
‘Jump in, when you can’t even swim!’ He searched for answers in my face. I kept my face with no expression. He didn’t know what happened.
‘I know how to swim, it’s just when you jumped you made me go under. Then I got caught on something.’ I looked back to my leg with pure blood running down.
He didn’t say anything. He put his hand on my leg, pressing it strongly. I felt shivers on my body when the wind blew. The drops of water from my hair; dripping on my back felt like ice.
I don’t know what pulled me down. I don’t want to know. I put the life of a shape shifter behind me. Not everyone approves of me. I don’t shift. It’s almost like making a sin to all the other shifters. That’s what makes them want to kill me. They think I’m on their side. I can be with humans, but I can’t be a human, easy as that. No exceptions.
‘I think you should put your clothes on.’ He smiled pulling his hand away. ‘Your lips are blue.’
I tried smiling back. I don’t know why or how but I couldn’t swallow the sob that came. I felt his hands wrap around me, pulling me closer to his muscly chest.
I don’t want to be what I am. A monster. An animal. There’s no way I could get used to the shifting. I can’t stand my flesh ripping apart to be changed to something with blue blood. The cold blood that can’t be parted from me. Dying would be an easy way out, but the shame that I would put my ‘’family’’ is unreasonable. That’s how I lost my best friend, not shifting; it seems that the animal in me is ruining me without even having to come out.
‘It’s ok. You must be in shock.’ He let me go to get my clothes. He put my top on, and then he put his large jacket on me. The shorts I put on myself. They seemed hard to put on with blue fingers. Artemis was standing by my side with his, jeans and t-shirt within a few minutes already on. My jacket was in his hand.
The walk home seemed endless. It was dark by the time we got to his house. I took his jacket off, but in reply I got one big glair.
‘What, you expect me to leave you to walk home on your own.’ I smiled amused.
‘I live around the corner. Basically next door.’ He shook his head. ‘Besides I want to think about some things.’
‘Fine but promise you’ll call or text when you get in.’ He took his jacket without looking at me and strolled off. He must think I’m a freak, by the fact that the entire walk home we didn’t talk, I should’ve had time to think. I did want to think but when I’m on my own I can concentrate.
It didn’t take long though, as when I saw the police car parked outside my house, I ran.


What if either Julian or Darren got hurt? What if both. They can’t go to the hospital, everyone will find out!
I jogged to the front steps where an elderly man with a police uniform opened the door with a note book in his hand. Rosette popped her head over his shoulder and ran to me.
‘Oh God, where have you been!’ She screamed in my ear, shaking me with her brown hair tickling my face.
‘No where! What happened? Why is there police here?’ I demanded for answers, taking her hands of my shoulders that were scratched from the shaking.
‘Well looking for you! Edwin came, and you didn’t come, nine o’clock came and still no Drina! What do you think going out like that in the morning and now coming back at twelve in the night!’ she took a deep breath and carried on her lecture. I didn’t listen, I was amused. To think she is younger than me by a year. Yet still she acts like the oldest in the group. I still remember how we were best friends. No one could get in our way, well apart from me.
‘ Julian and Darren are out with the car looking for you, Nathanial’s gone ballistic, so he’s out to the neighbourhood and even Sian left Edwin to take care of calling everyone.’
She finished with a big hug. This is really weird. They never look after me that much. Not that I ever go out. To think about it, that’s most probably why.
‘I’m sorry; I was out with a friend.’ I mumbled in her ear silently letting the police man get by.
‘So ladies I guess the case is closed.’ He searched me with his eyes. ‘No harm done?’ He asked me with a strict voice. ‘No broses from boyfriends, no knife cuts?’
‘No officer, thank you.’ I smiled making him believe me. He didn’t need many arguments. Rosette led me through the door to the living room. There was a guy sitting on a sofa looking at my school photo with a phone in his hands. He has dark brown hair and deep blue eyes; his fringe is covering his forehead making his eyes the centre of attention, as they were very deep making his nose look larger than most people could pull off. He looked at us and put the phone down. Standing up he slid the picture back on the table.
‘Oh, hi’ He smiled willingly.
‘Hi’ I mumbled back. Rosette popped me on the sofa with a thump.
‘Il just go and get everyone. Geez, I bet you haven’t even eaten, you never eat. I don’t get how you can survive.’ She wiggled the phone and stepped back outside with her voice fading as she got further away, but I don’t think she stopped talking, that made the tips of my lips ranch up. The guy who I’m guessing is named Edwin as Rosette informed sat down too.
‘What happened to your leg?’ I looked at his horrified face, then to my leg. On the right foot; just above the side bone was a large brose, almost as if someone burned all the way around my foot. I smirked. It was full of cuts before.
‘I don’t even remember’ I looked at him with a smile. He went down on the floor and slid my foot to the sofa. His hands were warm.
‘That is brand new. Did you burn it somehow?’ He sat next to it and slightly touched the side. The pain made me squeal. A tear in each eye warmed up. He looked at me with a smirk.
‘No, a vampire did that didn’t it? What did you do? Try to stake it?’ He seemed amused, but sad at the same time.
‘Close enough.’ I replied looking down.

Falling in love

I knew I was destined to be for someone else. The mark on my foot is like a collar. If a vampire burns it in you, then you’re kind of like his dog. Not a lot of shapeshifters are cursed like that. Usually humans. The creature that I wanted to be treated like. Well In a way I got my wish.
The rest of the night was a blur. I remember falling asleep and someone bringing me upstairs.

Waking up was painful. Really painful. My leg muscles were pulling themselves. The cramp was unbelievable. I felt a hand rub my leg softly. My eyes shot up in surprise, as I saw Artemis sitting on the side of my bed. The pain went.
‘What the hell?’ I jumped out of bed staggering to the flour. The burn on my leg ached.
‘You didn’t call last night. I got worried.’ He looked down to my purple sheets.
‘So what you just decided to come in?’ He shot up in defense.
‘No, a girl let me in and said you were upstairs.’ He looked me in the eye, so deeply that there’s no way he could lie.
‘Oh, ok so yeah, sorry about yesterday.’ I mumbled clinging to my bed for support as I was standing up.
‘It’s ok; I hope we could go out again?’ He seemed pleading.
‘What. Serious?’ For a response he gave a simple nod. I looked in the large mirror opposite me. I could see him at the other side of the bed also looking in the mirror at me.
‘I don’t get it. What do you see in me that makes you overlook the freak that I am?’ All I can see is a pale blond girl wearing pajama shorts and a sleeveless top with pale blue patterns. My eyes seemed even a deeper gray, than usual; they almost seemed silver.
He smiled lightly looking at me.
‘My future.’ The words echoed in my head. I didn’t seem to know the meaning. I didn’t want to know. Maybe it’s a new catch phrase. He can’t be serious. My body felt the sweet wash of the sentence, the closeness of the words. The only thing I could concentrate on where his eyes in the mirror reflection. I turned to him with no expression.
‘That’s not funny.’
‘Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.’ He jumped from the bed to my side. Now I know what he meant as I looked back in the mirror. My face went ghost white. He sat me down closing me in.
‘I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to look into a shapeshifters future. I know it’s illegal, but you understand right?’ I hesitated for a moment.
The damn liar is a witch! Well a warlock but it’s the same thing.
‘You’re a WITCH!’ I screeched at him
‘Shhh.. I’m sorry.’ He put his hand on my lips. ‘Look I see you in my future, but much later. I don’t know what’s going to happen but you’re going to need my help.’ He looked deep into me. Closing in with a kiss. It wasn’t as personal as I imagined it. Heck, I nearly pinched myself the amount of times I imagined it, but this want it. It’s too short. He’s lips only touched mine for a second. I didn’t react as he despaired. As if I dint have enough to worry about, now I think I’m in love with a warlock.


I’m stupid! What the hell is wrong with me? There must be a way out of this! Just a few days ago I was supposed to be learning how to drive; illegally, but that was my only worry! Setting aside the fact that I’m shapeshifter of course.... Now I’m like a huge sign saying ‘A huge mess, I don’t mind if you kill me!’
I passed up and down in my room enough times that I nearly fell asleep. Hitting myself really didn’t help.
‘Your goanna leave a hole in that carpet in a minute’ I looked around my room, but no sign of anyone there. ‘Up here’ I looked straight up with my heart jumping out of my chest. A man jumped down from my ceiling and grinned at me. He made no noise as he’s feet gracefully touched the floor ‘I would say something about the hitting yourself part, but I guest that is natural for shapeshifters, I mean you animals love pain right.’ That wasn’t a question. He laughed out loud; showing his perfect sparkly white teeth. His brown hair was let loose, but not too long, just enough to touch his pointy jaw bones. His eyes were blue enough for the sky to be jealous.
‘Who are you?’ I stepped back slowly.
‘Orlando, nice too meet you.’ He pulled out his hand for me to shake, but I stared at his long fingers.
‘Why are you here?’
‘Well, to get my slave of cores.’ He laughed again as I looked at his face.
‘What. Me?’
‘Well you do have a mark on your foot right?’ He looked puzzled.


The door never seems good enough for a vampire. My suitcase ended up being filled up with mostly books at the bottom. Orlando threw my suitcase outside with a laugh. He seemed about the age of his mid twenties, but you can only see it when you came up close. He put his hand on my waist and breathed heavily.
'Ready?' That wasn't a question either, because I didn't even get a chance to blink, I was in mid air. Then In a bush. Classy.
I know it’s the worse time to be thinking 'why me?' but come on! I'm sixteen, I haven't learned anything, I can hardly say I’m a person with a personality yet, haven’t even gone to Disneyland and already I'm destined to die! Well hopefully rhetorically.
It felt a bit awkward sitting on him, but as I tried to get up, his hand was still firmly on my waist. I looked back and glared.
'What? We don't want you running away now do we' he winked at me and then got up. He dragged the suitcase to a black shiny Audi. Yes a normal car. I don't know why but it’s a bit... too normal. He opened the front seat door and motioned for me to get in. I quickly did so. He shut the door and went to the boot. I put my seat belt on and relaxed my head on the seat. I didn't bother closing my eyes. I was too tired.
We drove east, the highway was almost empty. There were a few lorries here and there but I guess on a work day everyone’s busy.
I got car sick from the smell of the car; it turned out to be new.
Orlando was trying to distract me from being sick by asking questions.
'Ok, now you ask me something.' He seemed amused. I wasn’t. I felt sweaty, and my belly was clutching itself to come out and be sick all over his cheesy grin.
'How old are you?'
'Not a day over twenty four.' He smiled wildly at me. I was right, well thats how old he looks, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a vampire telling anyone what’s there actual age.
‘And why do you need me.’ He clenched to the wheel.
‘Well...let’s just say I need you for public appearances.’ What? I didn’t have time to ask as I was busy undoing my seat belt and opening the door. He managed to pull over in time while I was sick. Orlando later gave me chewing gum to get rid of the taste in my mouth. It seemed so normal of him; I told myself every second that it’s probably just part of his plan.
I felt much better.
It didn’t take long until we got to the house. I had to open my mouth because the house was ...Huge! The style was Victorian with one big balcony at the front. The porch was with a table and a few chairs. We were surrounded by flowers, trees and more trees. By that time I realized we were in the woods. I had to smirk when I saw the swing at the side. Wonder how much that’s used, or more to the point who uses it.
‘Ok, so you’re not the only person that works for me, so I will introduces you to them now.’ As soon as he finished saying the sentence a girl and a boy stepped out the house. I opened the car door to get a better view; the road was filled with brown pebbles to complement the old fashioned wooden house. I noticed the girl; well woman as she seemed older than Orlando , she had black hair, darker then a crows, with dark brown eyes, as the boy, that seemed just about twenty had light brown hair with cat-green eyes.
Orlando stepped out the car and motioned to the back. The boy quickly ran to get my suitcase.
I looked at the woman’s round face and smiled. She just blinked at me.
‘This is Kaika,’ he motioned at her. ‘Kaika meet Audrina’ Then he smiled at me.
Kaika looked at Orlando and glared. ‘She’s too young; people are going to think she’s your daughter.’ Her eyes scanned me.
‘Oh, you’re over exaggerating; you weren’t any older when I first got you.’ I held my breath as I looked at Kaika. She was rather pretty; she was wearing a suit, which fitted her slim figure. The boy came behind me and then I realized he was wearing a top with a band that you can’t read the name of anymore but seemed an old rock band and blue jeans. He has a very masculine build, and is taller than me; the same height as Orlando. Kaika is wearing heals, but she seems about the same height as me. Being sixteen and five foot six, is bad but, it must be horrible being small with all the adults around you.
The boy smiled at me warmly. Orlando spoke in a low voice.
‘This is Livos.’ I wonder why they both have such odd names. Looking at Livos, for some reasons I saw similarities with Orlando, like his cheekbones were the same angle. Not that I notice peoples cheekbones that much. I wanted to say hi to him but Orlando held me by my upper arm strongly.
‘Now this will be your home. So let’s go.’ We walked to the house fast, as rain started dripping down. It hid my tears.

No turning back

My new room is ok I guess... The bed is double, there’s a big window, there’s furniture and even clothes. It’s not home though. My old room is filled with books, by that, I really do mean filled. Most people have clothes lying around on the floor, well I have books. I couldn’t fit all my memories in my suitcase so I just took my favourite books. I sat on the new bed felling how soft the mattress is. The pink shade of the walls made me smile, as it seems the sort of thing gran done when I first came to the house. I panted it dark purple and black after, leaving the patch behind the wardrobe. It reminds me now that someone cares; well cared enough to worry about what I would like, as she changed the colour of my room every time I changed my mind of what my favourite colour was but ended up being pink at about every two months, as she loved the colour. The sheets smelt new. I haven’t figured out who cleans the house yet. Hopefully me, as then I would be out of here very soon.
It didn’t take long to un-pack, as all the jeans were folded, I just had to put them on the wardrobe shelf and the rest of my clothes took up a few of the hangers. The clothes that were already there were mostly dresses. Like very posh looking dresses, something that you would wear to weddings. I took a deep breath.
‘It’s not that bad; I think they will look really good on you.’ I turned to see Orlando, but Artemis was standing there instead. I had to blink a few times.
‘What the hell?’ I swung myself towards him. He embraced me strong enough that I had to pull away. Not because I wanted too, because I had to breath.
‘You didn’t expect me just to let you go?’ He smiled wildly.
‘You can get killed! Are you crazy or something?’ I shut the door behind him looking out just in case someone comes.
‘Oh, you mean the big fang boy?’ I nodded ‘He was the one who let me in, he said you deserve a goodbye’ He took my hand. ‘But I will get you out so there’s no point of saying bye’ He kissed me softly. For the first time I could taste him. I could feel his tongue slowly make his way to mine. I relaxed on him letting his hand slide down my back and up again. Then I pulled him away.
‘You lied to me!’ He seemed dazed.
‘You didn’t tell me you’re a witch!’
‘Well sorry, but the last time I checked you’re not very show-and-tell person ether.’ I looked deep into him. I thought about how the kiss revealed how different he feels to what he said. I knew that he didn’t want to tell me. If he would have told me I would have most probably stayed away from him. Well that’s a fact actually. A witch can damage a shapeshifters aura even more, as they have magic in them that a bunch of million years ago killed us. I’m not good at history.
‘That’s different!’ There was a knock on the door. ‘What?’ As the door opened Orlando popped his head over the door. I felt a blush on my face, as I realised I was being rude.
‘Sorry to interrupt you, but Audrina has to go out in a minute so can you two finish up.’ He winked at me and then closed the door.
I looked back at Artemis. ‘You have to go. And stay away.’ I opened the door for him.
‘You need to get out of here! The guy will only do you bad things!’ He grabbed my arm.
‘No! You’re the one damaging my aura!’ I pulled away quickly.
‘That can be fixed. In time.’
‘Well I haven’t got time, because I’m not ever changing again!’ I pushed him slightly, but he didn’t move at all.
‘That will kill you.’ He looked petrified.
‘I know!’ I shouted while I was pushing him out my door. He’s stronger then he looks. I finally made him shove a bit; this gave me time to close the door.
Breathless, I sat down on the floor. I could hear his footsteps down the corridor. This is stupid, why should I explain myself to a witch? So what If I die sooner, at this rate I’ll probably die early without the help of the animal that is killing me inside anyway. I don’t really understand why I’m letting myself get close to him, Its that stupid magical attraction. Any magical creature feels close to another one, it’s just sometimes it manages not to happen when you get scared enough for you to be shitting bricks...In my case I have no attraction towards Orlando.


I sat there for a long time thinking things through. Yeah I can fix him damaging me, but that would mean me turning into a tiger. That’s the only way that I can heal my aura. Hugh... It seems the only solution around here is to turn. Not goanna happen.
I lay here on my new bed which seemed like it could fit another ten of me. I sat up, looking at the mirror which was fixed on the wardrobe. I flinched. Pale blond hair, pale gray eyes, and fat. It seems I get fatter by the minute. I stood up to see the full view. My jeans are down to the end of my belly. The lacy top was hiding the fat. I pulled it up to see my hip bone covered with a thick layer of skin that looks very puffy. I calculated how long I will need to not eat, before I lose all this.
I looked deep into the mirror, and then behind me, I heard silent breathing, which belonged to Livos.
I turned to him slowly.
‘Hey, Orlando wants you to go out with him tonight. And well he said pick a dress and get ready, he wants you down in half an hour.’ He winked and left. I can feel he isn’t human. More like a shifter. Changed recently though because he smells very...Clean and woody. But then agin I doubt he is a shifter, as then I would see an animal in him. He’s something else. I’m just not sure what.
I ended up picking the dark purple dress which was with a corset and a puffy bottom; it seemed to be something from the early 1850’s.
I let my hair be as it was, left straight with my side fringe down. I put on some makeup, concentrating on my red lips I left the room with my shoes in hand. I hope no one will see the converses. At least their purple.
I went across the corridor to the stairs; it seemed hard to walk down without getting caught on the large marble steps. I hovered at the end not knowing what to do. Then Kaika stepped out of one of the rooms. ‘Don’t worry you will get used to the rooms soon enough.’ I smiled after wondering what to say. Then she put her hand on my back and led me to the left of the house. All the rooms look like they’re on show, so there’s no point pinning down what room is used for what.

A deal with the devil

Orlando was dressed to impress. A black suit with his ties at his hand. At a moment’s hesitation, as he looked at me, he picked the dark purple tie which was matching my dress.
‘You look beautiful.’ Orlando finally said, smiling while he was fitting on his tie.
‘Thanks, you look great too.’ I mumbled it slowly. I looked around for other people , but no one was there. Just the three of us.
‘So ready to dance?’ I looked at Orlando with my eyebrows digging into my eyes.
‘What now?’ He took my hand and let me away.
‘No, at the ball of cores.’ Yeah because I know that. In return I just sighed.
We reached the main door and stepped outside. It was getting dark now, and the woods seemed to be watching us. I moved closer to Orlando. As I felt him smile I looked down to the pebbles.
Instead of taking the Audi, we took a limo that has Livos in the front as the driver.
‘Ah, my brother, back to business. Just like the good old days.’ They both laughed and let me sit inside. It was plane inside, with the leather chairs squeaking, that was the only noise that was made during the ride.
I wanted to ask a million questions, but just as I was about to I got scared with the look Orlando was wearing whilst looking out the window.
The suddenly Livos made me jump.
‘Were here!’ I turned to look out the window, to find an old looking building with a huge front door with a few people walking in. Dressed way more extravagant than either of us was.
‘Well, here we go. ‘ He turned to look at me. ‘Ok , so all through the night you’re going to have to pretend that you are my girlfriend. You have to pretend you want me. But flirt with other men. That’s a must . The more you flirt, the better. Flirt with vampires especially.’ Ok that’s just stupid. Then he turned to get out. But then twisted his head to me. ‘And if you don’t. Well then I’ll need to find a new escort.’ I understood perfectly. I swallowed deeply as I climbed out.
We went inside holding hands. It seemed wrong, not just because I was holding hands with his, but because it seemed too modern.
When we got inside , there was a great big hall. It was filled with tables at the sides, and a great dance floor in the middle. Everything was old-fashioned. From the statues to the flowers. Each table was filled with food, but no one was eating, just drinking.
I didn’t get to look around for long as a man stood in front of us. He has light blonde hair, that was short, but seemed perfect on him. He was wearing tux that were very old fashioned.
‘Orlando, how good to see you my friend, haven’t seen you in decades.’ He smiled greatly at both of us. ‘ I see you bought a beautiful young lady with you. I’m glad.’ He quickly went over to me to shake my hand. ‘Edward, It is a pleasure to meet you.’ He bent over to took my hand and then kissed it. I felt weird, but when I remembered what Orlando said.
‘The pleasure is all mine. I’m Audrina.’ I smiled with teeth. And looked him in the eye. He seemed gladly amused with his blue eyes dancing.
‘Well I’m glad you could make it to my humble party. I hope I get to see you around.’ He smiled and kissed my hand again. He didn’t take his eyes of off me until he was out of sight. I looked up at Orlando. He had his eyes widened looking at me.
‘Well I didn’t expect that. You’ve got the most important person tonight under your foot.’ He didn’t even blink. ‘I don’t even know if we need to stay.’ Right no more silence.
‘So what is the point of us being here?’ He didn’t change his expression.
‘Politics. We need as many creatures as possible to vote for me. I want to be in control of magical creatures. So I get people on my side. You help me look nice and keep everyone wanting you. This way it attracts the attention to me.’ It made a lot of sense actually.
I looked around the room again. A lot of people were dancing.
‘So say if I did as much as I can would you let me go?’
‘Depends, I was planning to not let you go. After you’ve gone through your young age I was going to make you my made.’ I looked at people laughing happily.
‘But If I keep doing what I just did now. Getting all the people you actually need. Would you let me go. Say around, eighteen.’ I knew I was pushing it, but heck, It’s all I have left to do.’
I looked at his surprised expression.
‘Yes. You have a deal.’ I couldn’t believe it. I just made a deal with the devil.


We danced. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I just stepped on his feet and acted like I was enjoying myself.
When the old song finished, I noticed they had no words. He pulled me to everyone standing around tables.
‘Ok, I’m going to go ant talk, and I want you to stay here.’ He pulled on his tie a little, and then gave me a glass of what looked like champagne, and then he left me.
I stood looking at people dancing; well creatures. My bare back felt shivers when someone stood behind me. I turned to see a middle ages mad standing there and smiling at me. I knew what my job was, so I smiled back.
‘Hello.’ I didn’t wait for him to talk, I made the first move, guys like that. The pleased facial expression said it all.
‘Well hello there young miss.’ I extended my hand out to shake.
‘Please, call me Audrina.’ He took my hand and then bent down to kiss it.
‘Well, then you can call me Charles.’ Hi’s smile was very warming. He had long brown hair and was wearing a suit that made him look like a lawyer. I smiled shyly at him. ‘So Audrina, who did you come here tonight with?’ I giggled loudly.
‘Well I hope you know him, he is my boyfriend, Orlando.’ I was stuck because I didn’t know his surname.
‘Oh of course, such a beautiful lady with a gorgeous smile and hypnotising eyes, had to come with a handsome man’ I giggled again, and took in other men smiling at me.
I swirled my glass of champagne around. ‘You know, complements like that could get you in trouble.’ He closed in on me. I could smell alcohol all over him, it’s almost like he bathed in it.
‘Well, I like trouble.’ He pulled the strand of hair that has on the front, back over my shoulder, and as he started smelling my neck, Edward took his hand and pulled it away.
‘ I don’t think that the girl wants trouble, so of you go, you are no longer welcome.’ Charles simply smiled, bowed and walked off, with his eyes still on me. I quickly then looked at Edward. I smiled shyly as I looked into his eyes. ‘Why on earth would Orlando leave you alone? That is as stupid as leaving a thousand gold coins next to a bunch of hungry beggars and expecting to find the coins after.’ I smiled wildly at him .
‘Well, it seems he can leave me, since I have you to protect me from all the beggars.’ He’s smile made me melt. It was pure joy. I almost felt guilt that I was doing this. I felt guilty for wanting my freedom so badly that I was willing to lie to him.
‘Looks like I can’t leave you alone then.’ We both laughed silently.

Telling lies

We chatted, danced, and chatted with other creatures. But not once did Edward let go of my waist. I told all of the people that asked who I really came here with, but they didn’t question why I wasn't with him. I knew why he was important now. He was the previous ruler, so people trust his judgement. That’s how I knew, if I get him on our side, that I will get to be free eventually.
I started giggling at a woman who had lipstick smeared all over her face and her husbands lips, her dress was on wrong and the husbands trouser zipper was down.
‘What?’ Edward looked into my eyes dismissing the conversation he was having with some other creatures.
‘I hope you have this place cleaned out, because I think someone used one of your rooms’ I quickly glanced at the woman to show him and soon got a reply of Edward laughing and by accident snorting. He tried to hold it back but he just laughed more.
‘Well, I don’t think I’ll have to, since that, is my mother and her butler.’ He laughed deeply and warmly. I opened my mouth in shock.
‘Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.’ He bent down to my level.
‘Oh don’t be sorry. I haven’t laughed like this since I was a little kid.’ He brushed my hair slowly. ‘I’m glad that you are not afraid to talk to me, everyone else would most probably be talking about politics to me right now, so I’m glad that I have you to keep me company.’ We were at eye level. I smiled with my natural smile. I didn’t do that all night, as I wasn’t myself. He looked serious then, almost lost in thought, but looking at me. ‘Have I told you how beautiful you are?’ He placed his hand on my face, and I placed mine on his and smiled. I was about to say something , but Orlando interrupted me.
‘Well I hope you’re not trying to steal my date.’ He laughed from inside. Edward dropped his hand slowly from my face, but didn’t step away.
‘Oh, no, I was just keeping her company, as you were off doin what you do best.’ They both smiled at each other. Orlando then took my hand and pulled me to him.
He then looked down at me, and I looked up at him.
‘I’m sorry I kept you waiting.’ And then, to my horror, he kissed me. It was a passionate kiss, with his mouth taking mine, and his cold hands cupping my face. I kissed back, as I knew this was part of his sick show. And my one way out.
In three years , but at least I get to get out. Then he stopped and looked me in the eyes. I tried smiling, but at the corner of my eye I saw Edward staring at us in jealousy. I don’t understand how making him jealous will make him want to vote for him at first, but then I got it. Me. If I carry on flirting with him, he’ll think he has a chance with me, and If Orlando becomes the ruler, well, he won’t have time for me.
I have a weird mind for figuring that out, because there is no way that should make sense, but Orlando seems to think that it’s going to work.
‘Well my love, I think we should get home, before I lose you again.’ I just nodded.
I looked at Edwards broken eyes and smiled.
‘I hope I can see you again.’ As Orlando said goodbye. I heard Edward whisper.
‘Oh I’ll make sure I see you again.’


On the ride home I didn’t even look at him. Not till the end.
‘You know, I got a call from Kaika saying that a bunch of shapeshifters turned up at our door step, and demanded you.’ I heard amusement in his voice.
‘What? You mean my family came for me?’ I turned to him, almost screaming. He also turned to me with a surprised look.
‘You sound surprised. They love with you, It’s obvious that they’re not going to leave you. Even if there not really your family.’
‘They are!’ I shouted at him and settled down digging into the seat.
‘Actually, I looked at your history. Your parents dumped you out, so that old fairy picked you up to live with all the rest of her finding’s.’ He sounded angry now. ‘ I don’t get those stupid fairy’s , they think they can just take other children, just because they can’t have their own.’ He cursed under his breath. ‘And besides, if she was late for a few minutes I would have got you.’ I shot him a look. What the hell is he on about now? ‘ You see, while your mother was busy putting you outside, I made a deal with your father. But it turned out terribly wrong.’
‘So what? You just followed me for sixteen years?’ I turned to him with one of my hands pressing against the seat.
‘Oh goodness no! I just found you a few months ago.’ He laughed to himself. ‘ Anyways. Back to the point. I don’t want your friends showing up. Otherwise. Well, I told them I’ll kill you. But I need you, so I’ll get you to kill them for me.’ I turned at him and laughed.
‘Are you stupid? Of course I won’t kill them!’
‘oh but I’m afraid you will.’ He turned towards me; I could feel his breath moving the strand of hair on the side of my face. It might seem odd that vampires breathe, but some choose to, as their brain functions better if they do. ‘You see, I have medicine that turns you into the animal that you are, and, well when you turn you have to listen to your master. And guess who that is?’ He smiled wildly and opened the door as soon as the limo stopped.
I completely forgot that. Now that he has control over me, he can tell my animal what to do. I punched the seat and my leg then got out. Orlando was already inside; he left the front door open.
‘Had fun?’ Livos was leaning against the limo.
‘Oh yeah,I had a blast.’ I clenched to my dress and lifted it slightly, as now I was too tired to walk, I most probably would slip.
‘Well, good night, tomorrow will be another one!’ He got in the car as soon as I turned. Good thing too, as I knew that I didn’t have control over me right now and well, he didn’t seem that scary, so I most probably would have punched him. Not because I hated him, but because he was just there.
I quickly got inside and climbed up the stairs. I knew where my room was, and I seemed to have found my bed. It didnt seem that bad when I was tired.

summer dress

‘Wake up child! How can you sleep for so long?’ I tried opening my eyes, but all I saw was a fuzzy world, so I closed them again. I heard someone opening the curtains wide. That made me squeak, as the sun punched me in the face. The light actually hurt.
I hid under the covers.
‘Oh come on, you have to at least have late lunch, you will need your energy for tonight!’ The woman pulled my covers up and revealed the light again.
‘What’s the time?’ I rubbed my hands on my eyes. Then I heard a laud laughter coming from the door. I adjusted slowly to see Orlando leaning in the doorway.
‘It’s three, and you need to eat, so up you get!’ Kaika pushed me out of bed from the side that I wasn’t watching. I climbed out and went to shut the door.
‘Oh, I wish Edward could see this. He would let you sleep till he was satisfied.’ He laughed wildly as I shut the door in his face.
I quickly went to the mirror to see if I really looked that terrible. Well. Terrible would be a nice way of putting it. My hair was basically an afro, the shorts that I was wearing were rolled up to high, and the top I was wearing was revealing my bra. I haven’t mentioned how my face looked, since I completely forgot to have a shower. Well let’s just say I would have no problem getting a job as a clown.
‘I must say, I was very impressed with you. I mean, you got Edward under your wing; I tried for years and still failed.’ Kaika went to the wardrobe and pulled out a cute, pink and yellow summer dress. Then opened a draw full of shoes and picked out gold sandals to match the dress. ‘But then again,I tried the im too cool card. I hope you don’t mind If I get you ready, I used to love dressing my daughter up.’ I just smiled and then gave a nod. I wanted to ask about her daughter, but I for one, should know that people like their privacy.
I ended up looking... Posh. I personally didn’t like it, but I found the idea of it to be cute. I had the dress on, with a simple gold necklace that had a pink flower on, like the dress. My hair was curled in loose curls and my make-up was done. She added a chunky pink and gold bracelet at the end. I was fit to go to a garden party.
That turned out to be more true than I wanted it to be.
‘Yes a garden party.’ Orlando smiled to himself as he was eating breakfast. He was having a full English breakfast, as I stuck to the toast. I didn’t really get the point of having breakfast now, but Orlando insisted on having breakfast with me for the first time. ‘I personally absolutely love garden parties.’ He dragged out the word love too long for me to think it was sarcasm. I could tell from his eyes that he was really looking forward to this. I couldn’t say I was. Not because I had a problem with it, Its just that I was wearing beautiful high heeled sandals, and I knew if I got them muddy I would make Kaika upset. I felt something worm from her now, nothing like I first met her, now I felt like she understands.
‘OK, well I’m ready; we can go if you really want to go that bad.’ I pushed away the other half of the toast away.
‘Already? You only just are half a toast!’ Kaika surprised me from behind. I smiled at her.
‘It’s ok, I’m not very hungry . I just get up.’ She just kept her concerned face on.
‘Very well. Kaika would you tell Livos we will be out in five minutes.’ Orlando stood up with a large smile. Kaika quickly nodded and was out the room. I sighed and stood up too.
We both walked towards the door.
‘Well you couldn’t sound more exited.’ Orlando took my hand. I just kept staring at the floor.
‘Well I’m just tired.’ Orlando laughed.
‘Next time I’ll make sure we get home quicker.’ We stepped outside. ‘Now smile. You look absolutely beautiful, and there is no need to waist it.’ I did what he told me to do.

football field

I really don’t get these people. Even their gardens are oversized. It’s like the size of my high school football field.
‘Want a drink?’ Orlando handed me a glass of fizzy cider.
‘So what’s my goal today?’ I took a sip.
‘Well, hopefully Edward will be here, so you can keep charming him, but if not. Well then stick to him.’ I looked at where Orlando was looking.
There was a young man. He was about my age, dressed in jeans, sneakers and a loose top. I wish I could be him right now; my shoes are killing me. I looked down at the tile I was standing on, since they were scattered in a pattern around the field with lots of people, and a tent, well my options were limited.
‘He looks really young. Why would he be into politics?’ But then I realised. He could be a vampire.
‘I know what you’re thinking; not literally, but no. He is the son of the president right now.’ I knew I didn’t have a chance with the president, and not because I’m not that good looking, but because she’s a woman, and I would rather be a slave for Orlando than try pulling of that I want her.
‘Ok, well since Edwards isn’t here.’ I downed the cider. ‘Aren’t you supposed to disappear, so the guy wouldn’t feel bad for me flirting with him?’ I looked at Orlando as I was about to go.
‘No, I’m just goanna go around making small talk. Good luck.’ He kissed me on the lips. Shorter than last time, but more passionately. ‘Oh and I think it would be better if you told people we’re engaged.’ He winked at me and walked off. He was dressed in suit pants and a simple shirt. It made him look so human.
I quickly stepped on each tile to get to him. He was now sitting down on a bench. Looking more bored than I thought was possible. As I reached him, he didn’t even look at me.
‘Well don’t you look like you’re having fun?’ I sat down next to him, with the best warm smile I could pull off. He quickly scanned me, and then smiled.
‘Yeah, politics, they should have a theme park dedicated for it.’ He snorted and laughed. I laughed along to be polite, even though that was not funny. ‘So who are you anyway?’ I smiled.
‘Audrina, nice to meet you’ I extended my hand to shake it, and in a long time, he actually shook it, instead of kissing it.
‘Romeo, so who’s daughter are you?’ I released his hand and settled them on the bench.
‘Well actually I came here with my fiancé.’ I looked to see his reaction, and well I wouldn’t want to see what he’s reaction would be if I shot his dog.
‘What? You’re like fifteen!’ He searched for answers, and I wasn’t planning to tell some stranger about my life story.
‘Sixteen actually. He’s name is Orlando.’ I smiled wildly looking at the floor.
‘He’s a vamp he’ll get you to believe anything, so don’t be surprised if he dumps you when he becomes the next ruler. I mean being a president is hard, but being in control of everyone. He won’t have time for you.’ He seemed deeply touched.
‘Well I’m gonna have the best time whilst he still knows I exist.’ I turned away from him.
‘I hope he wins then.’ I did not expect that. I turned to him with my eyes wide. He smiled at me.I looked right at him and realized hi's spots were really red an hes hair was really greasy.
‘Why?’ I didn’t change my face expression.
‘Because then, I’ll be there to catch you when you fall.’ He smiled and stroked my cheek. I smiled too, but then he got up and went inside the house, that was at the end of the field. It was a huge house; some might think it was a castle.
I sat there relaxing my muscles. My job was done for today. I lightly closed my eyes and tilted my neck from one side to another. Until I felt a breath exhale on the right side of my neck. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to see who it was.
‘You seem scared.’ Edward quickly laughed. I couldn’t help myself and hit his dead, vampire hand.
‘What the hell? I was about to jump out of my seat and run into the forest.’
‘Well that wouldn’t be too clever; I mean you would be way more vulnerable in the forest.’ He didn’t lose the grin. He’s face was close up to mine. I just lightly sighed. ‘So I heard you were engaged now.’ He lost his smile and looked at the tent.
‘Yeah. I am.’ I just looked down at my dress.
‘Why?’ I looked at his face.
‘What do you mean by why?’ He turned to me.
‘What do you see in him? He always leaves you alone. I haven’t seen him even take a glance at you this whole time. Does he even care about you?’
‘You might not see it, but he does love me.’ I looked back down to my dress.
‘He’s just going to dump you when he becomes the ruler.’ I snorted.
‘You sound like a friend of mine I have back home.’
‘Well, he or she was right.’ I just tried to look pissed off.
‘I’m happy with the time I have with him then.’ He slid one hand on my waist and the other went on my chin to turn me, so that I would be facing him.
‘But when he wins, you now you can come to me.’ I stared into his eyes. They were full of hope, and trust. I almost felt like crying. How can I lie to him?
‘He might not even win.’ My voice came out very small.
‘He’s the perfect man for the job, and he has the perfect wife to help him.’ He stroked my cheek. I quickly stood up, as I realized someone was watching. They’re going to start to accuse me of cheating in a minute.
‘I’m hardly perfect.’ Then I just walked away. I walked to Orlando. I didn’t turn back, as I would most probably have gone back and told him the truth. I held Orlando’s hand for the rest of the evening. He introduced me to a bunch of people and I smiled.


When it started to get dark I shivered.
‘Cold?’ Orlando put his glass down and pulled me aside.
‘No, I’m fine.’ But he hugged me anyway. He smelt fresh; It was most probably some expensive perfume, but it suited him. I rested my head on his strong chest.
‘How comes you left Edward so... Broken-hearted?’ I could hear a tint of laughter in his voice. The woods started to look black, and the sky was a dark blue. The lights around the tent and some scattered around the field made it look very cosy. The soft music in the background almost made me sleepy.
‘He started talking about how I could come to him when you left me, but I didn’t want to look like a complete slut, so I just left it to be like a cliff hanger.’ I couldn’t help myself, so I yawned facing his chest, my forehead was still leaning on him.
‘Tired already?’ He laughed softly in my hair.’
‘Yeah, I guess flirting makes me tired, and hungry!’ I looked up with a pleading face.
‘Ok, come on.’
He left me to stand alone for a few seconds, but then came back with a tray of food.
‘Where are we going to find a table?’ I laughed.
‘Don’t need one.’ He led me to the woods. I hovered for a little while, but then figured, if he would want to kill me, well he would’ve already done it.
We ended up sitting around a tree branch hovering on the floor. He placed the tray of mini snacks; I didn’t want to know what they were, as I was hungry and they looked like they had a lot of calories.
‘It’s a good thing it’s summer, otherwise I would be sneezing right now.’ I stuffed a random thing down my mouth that looked like a chicken nugget.
‘Why? Do you get colds easily?’ He stuffed down some sushi down hi’s.
‘Yeah, I got a cold eating ice cream once, in summer.’ He laughed loudly.
‘Ok, so I’m not giving you ice cream.’
‘But if it’s not the ice cream, than it’s something else. And I need the ice cream when I’m feeling sad.’
‘Ah, we don’t want you sad, now do we, we need you to be happy and flirty. Or whatever reason you want to make up so you can eat ice-cream.’ We both laughed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.08.2011

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