

‘You can’t do spells in school.’ Lily whispered and then kicked my leg under the table. She glared at me; trying not to get any attention.
‘I know. Who said I was doing a spell?’ I said back looking at her through the top of the book; not whispering just to spite her, because the kick really hurt.
Her green eyes scanned the lunch hall; seeing if anyone was listening. She flicked her brown hair back and moved closer to the table, leaning in to whisper.
‘Then what the hell are you reading?’ She nodded to the book I was holding, so I looked at the front to read the name out for her.
‘The rule of three, what ye send out, comes back to thee.’ I looked at her, not seeing why I can’t read books I like; I knew why she didn’t want me reading it, but I feel mean today.
‘Because people think you’re weird already, do you want them to calling you a witch too?’ She looked at me with anger in her eyes; I know when to give up.
‘Well that’s what I am.’ I put the book in my bag and carried on drinking my Fanta. Lily sat back in her chair still glaring at me, but didn’t say a word. ‘Don’t say you’re angry at me.’ I asked in a sweet voice to make a joke of it.
‘No, but you really surprise me sometimes.’ I didn’t know what she meant by that so I just shrugged my shoulders and played with the top tip of the Fanta can.


Lunch times are really boring, first I don’t eat, and second I always end up staring at someone’s neck. Boarding school wasn’t the brightest idea my helper had, taking in I can’t ditch a lesson I have learned over a hundred times. Soon, someone will get suspicious as to why I always drink berry juice.
I’m glad my best friend, Dillon; is so clueless, he doesn’t realise I never eat, like now in the cafeteria he’s going on about some maths exam, while I’m looking at someone’s long, juicy, blood flooded neck.
‘So what do you think, are you goanna revise?’ Dillon looked at the direction I was looking at and raised his eyebrows.
‘What?’ I asked now looking at my juice instead of her.
‘You’ve been staring at the two girls the whole time I was speaking dude, want to explain?’ I couldn’t say why I was really looking at the girl that was reading; with her blond hair tied back in a pony tail, it just made it very hard not to look.
‘No reason. It’s just weird; she’s been reading for a while.’ He looked at the girl again and laughed.
‘Yeah she does that, her name is Mia and the other girl sitting opposite her is Lilly; they’ve been best friends since they joined the school.’ I couldn’t help but interrupt on their conversation. I didn’t understand what they’re saying though.
I can’t read minds, but I can hear miles away it’s just sometimes not very clearly. Then the blond one, Mia put her book way and started drinking; I can’t help but see the liquid running down her neck. Dillon was looking at me like he’s seen me for the first time.
‘Will you stop staring; they’ll think your some creep.’ He was looking at them too. Then the brown one looked over and smiled. Not at me but at Dillon, she looked like she knew him well.
‘You know them?’ I asked now looking at him.
‘Well yeah, Lily is in most of my lessons and Mia in one, but we get along.’ He turned at me and smiled, in a way that teased me.
Mia then looked at us, her deep grey eyes didn’t have and expression and I wasn’t even sure she was looking at us at first. She then tucked her side fringe behind her ear and turned back to Lily. I know we looked at each other’s eyes but she seemed distant. When the bell went, for once I was surprised that I was thinking of something, that didn’t relate to blood.


After lunch I had history; meaning Dillon was waiting for me outside the classroom when it finished. He is a warlock, that’s the only reason I’m friends with him. He just understands magic in a way other witches don’t. Me and Lily are witches too, but only beginners, so you can say Dillon is kind of our teacher. He was born in a magical family, me and Lily on the other hand, not so much. With both parents more normal than needed, well we both needed something different.
‘Hey, saw you at lunch today, the vamp got suspicious.’ Dillon relaxed on the wall as we were going out of class.
‘About what?’ I stood next to him looking around for Lily to come; as we only had five lessons today, we could go to our dorm to cast spells.
‘That you always read, and by chance you were reading a spell book, but I think he was really just looking at ways to bite you.’ He had a smirk on his face.
‘He’s your best friend, why do you think he would think of biting anyone, so far all he’s been doing is drinking the blood supply the vamp teacher has been giving him. Oh and o me a favour don’t tell Lily there was a chance he was looking at my book.’ I looked around again, but the corridor was empty; no sign of Lily.
‘Yeah he’s my best friend, and yeah I know he wouldn’t bite anyone. But he’s bound to crack one day. And will do, I’m sure we can find something else to talk about’ Dillon looked down to his feel and kicked the floor.
‘Gross. And Speaking of that, why haven’t you told him that you know yet?’ I looked him in the eye to make sure he would tell me no lies
‘Because then he would treat me like an outsider; you know how vampires are.’ He glared at me, but I turned around and decided to go to my dorm; maybe Lily’s already there. On that thought, my phone vibrated in my back pocket of my jeans. I stopped and looked what it was.
Hey !! sorry I didn’t meet you outside history, I went straight to dorm. Come now. Spell time!!
Lily xoxox

It made me smile just thinking about how magic makes me feel.
I put my phone back in my jeans and started walking; leaving Dillon in his thoughts. As I got down half way down the corridor Shane was walking the other direction. I didn’t look at him. I don’t like vampires. My brother was one; until he got killed by tying to kill me. As I passed, I knew he was looking at me, but when he touched my hand I flinched.
‘Oh. Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.’ He smiled at me, but I didn’t smile back. ‘You must be Mia, Dillon’s friend?’ He offered a handshake but I just looked at it, and remembered the coldness, loneliness, and the sadness of a vampire’s skin.
‘Yeah.’ I looked him in the eye and saw not one colour, but all of eye colours I have ever seen. His brown hair nearly covered one eye, but it seemed to stay the way he wanted to. Like everything else. I clutched unto my side bag harder. Just encase.
‘Do you know where he went?’
‘Do you know where he could’ve gone?’
‘No’ He didn’t stop smiling, and I didn’t stop looking away from him.
‘So you have no clue?’
‘Well you could check your dorm, since he kind of lives there. With you’ I smiled this time, looking into his eyes; so then hopefully he would leave me alone.
‘Well what’s a good idea. Thank you. Hope I’ll get to see you again.’ He waved and carried on walking, I could feel that he turned around, but I carried on walking outside to get to my dorm building.
He’s such a freak.


She didn’t turn around for me to see her deep eyes again. I couldn’t help myself though. I know she knows something. I was watching her talk to Dillon and she kept turning around. I know exactly where Dillon is, I just wanted to talk to her. She makes me laugh inside, the way she thinks, I stare into her eyes and then she looks away almost as if she didn’t care. Her eyes are the deepest gray. The only colour I don’t have.
If I kill someone I can choose something of theirs. I choose their eye colour. I don’t like playing with humans; not as much as I used to. Luckily, now I might have a person that will play back.


When we done seven spells I had no power left in me. I know not to over-do it now; since last time I had to go hospital with blood coming out of my mouth. I laid down on my bed, It felt like I fell into clouds. I fell asleep in seconds.

My hands had blood on them, I tried wiping them on my jeans, but then I saw where they came from. Lily and Dillon were lying on the flood with blood swarming out of their necks. I couldn’t scream because my mouth wouldn’t respond. When I tried to get up; but found that I had chains on my legs. The pain scared me. I tried breaking the chain. My magic. But I didn’t have enough power. I’m weak. Powerless. Then I felt a sharp pain on my neck. When I reached out to look, all I felt is blood running down from me. There was a person. Standing there looking at me with eyes darker than the night. I couldn’t see anything else then my brother.


Dillon’s phone rang at four in the morning. It really annoyed me because he answered it. I threw a pillow to show awareness that I was here and I’m trying to sleep, but then I heard shock in his voice.
‘What? Where? ok I’ll be there in a minute.’ He jumped out of bed and started putting his clothes on.
‘Dude. Where are you going?’ I sat up still half sleeping.
‘There’s a little problem.’ He’s very slow at dressing. But I could hear that he was trying.
‘What problem, and can I help?’ I rocked on my elbows to look at him. He looked at me from the other side of the room and reasoned with his head.
‘Mia is in shock, and she can’t wake up.’ I jumped up from my bead and started to get dressed. She might not like me, but she’s the only person that’s keeping me interested around here.
We jogged out our dorm and I followed Dillon, because believe it or not; I don’t know where I’m going. When we got to the bigger buildings we went upstairs and knocked on number seven. Lily opened the door, shaking with a phone in her hand. She was crying and didn’t seem to care that I came in. My whole body stopped with fear when I saw her. She was wearing pyjama shorts and a top that already rose up to her chest. She was screeching and looked like she was having a fit. But then I saw the blood coming out of her neck, and her wrists. I didn’t want her blood. I wanted to see her stop crying. Because her tears were flowing more than the blood. I walked to her bed and turned around to see Dillon holding Lily in his embrace. I turned back to Mia and tried holding her still, but she screamed.
I held her even tighter, but not tight enough to break her bones.
‘Wake up Mia!’ I didn’t expect her to respond, so I whispered in her ear. ‘Wake up, Mia. I command you’ I’m a vampire she has to obey me. She screamed and opened her eyes. I released her. She looked me in the eyes and started crying. I didn’t know why, but I whipped her tears away and stoked her hair. She closed her eyes again, but his time she didn’t scream. Lily was about to push me to get to her, but I stopped her.
‘She needs to sleep.’ I took the tissue box that was sitting on the bed side table and started whipping the blood away. After I stayed in her room; sitting down on a chair. Lily went to our room because Dillon was too afraid to leave her alone in such shock, as she didn’t stop crying.


When I opened my eyes the pain was unbearable. I screamed and then got the shock of a lifetime. Shane jumped at my scream and sat next to me.
‘Hey you’re up.’ It all came back to me. The nightmare. Then he was the person at the end, he woke me up.
‘Hardly’ I tried sitting up but Shane helped me after my few attempts. He smiled at me, it seemed more of a sad smile than I saw last time. ‘So guess I freaked everyone out hugh?’ He laughed and made himself more comfy.
‘Well, you gave Lily a heart attack, and you scared Dillon into not speaking.’
‘Thank you.’ I looked deep into his eyes.
‘For what?’ H was playing dumb.
‘Waking me up, and not asking why any of this happened’
‘Well I haven’t yet’ He’s smile deepened and his eyes narrowed. I looked away as I have no intention of thanking him anymore. I slipped out of bed and turned to him.
‘Why did you come here?’ I looked at his face, but he didn’t seem surprised that I asked.
‘Because Dillon got a call from Lily saying she needs help so I came with; since he woke me up I thought I’ll be at good use.’ He put his hands on his knees and glared at me.
I could feel the cuts on my wrists and my neck’s cut had made every turn I took more painful than the other. The twists and turns of my neck made me see a scar on his hand. It soared across his palm to his wrist.


There she was standing in front of me, with blood still dripping of her neck and her hands nearly blue. Her eyes were fixed on my scar. I don’t understand her, she has things to worry about, like the curse of a vampire that’s been put on her, but instead her mind is somewhere else.
‘Car crash.’ I smiled politely and crossed my hands. Mia turned around and walked to her wardrobe and took some clothes out. She walked in to the bathroom and quietly shut the door. The smile on my face couldn’t come off. I’ve only met a few people that were so mysterious and weird, but there not people.
Her bed smelt like her, despite the blood, her scent was blooming at me. A fruity soft vanilla smell covered her half of the room. The other smell coming from Lily’s side is more of a floral smell.
At least twenty minutes passed till Mia came out of the bathroom. Her hair was wet; she had black leggings on with short jean shorts, which had a ripped effect in the front. The top she wore was a light shade of pink and it was see-through; it didn’t cover her shoulders, with a black vest top underneath.
‘Do you want everyone to know what happened tonight?’ I asked searching for her neck.
‘You can’t see my wrists, because the sleeves cover them and my hair covers my neck.’ She shrugged and went to the wardrobe.
‘What if you tie your hair back by accident or lift it up?’ She took out black ballet shoes and slipped them on.
‘There is an animal called a cat you know.’ She turned to me for a second and while walking to her bag that was next to her wardrobe.
‘Suit yourself.’ I stood up and took off her sheets. I put them in a ball and walked out the door, carrying them on my side. I went to the washing machines downstairs. I sat down looking at the circular motion that the sheets were making; not just because the blood was dripping away, but because I had to think this through.


I dried my hair and put clean sheets on my bed; I sat down and let my head rest in my hands. I know vampire boy knows that I have a curse on me, but he’s not saying anything. The curse activates if I overuse my powers. Kyle, my own brother cursed me, because he knows I overuse my powers. It’s something I always do and no-one can change that. He accepted that when he was a human, but when he turned into a vampire all he wanted to do is hurt me.
I let a shaky breath out, now thinking about where Lily was. She hasn’t seen me like that before. Only Dillon has. We never speak of it, but he worries that it will happen again. No-one knows how to get rid of it. I know that someday, I will overuse my powers and I won’t wakeup.
I didn’t notice when Shane came in and I really didn’t mean to flinch the way I did, but I was scared inside to see someone else that wasn’t human.


The fear in her eyes when I patted her shoulder, made me shiver. I have only known her since yesterday, but she struck me as an ignorant person. Now when I looked in her eyes there was a little girl that was scared.
I put the washed sheets neatly folded on her bed. She looked down to the floor and said nothing. I stood watching her. Her hair was dried, making it look really blond. Her side fringe was covering her face, so I couldn’t see any emotions that were running through her mind. I wanted to know what she was thinking, I wanted to hear her plans. I wanted to be involved in her plans, just to be involved in her mind.
I was about to say something that I knew later I would regret, but Lily barged in and hugged Mia. I took a step back, realising I was too close to Mia. I looked at the door where Dillon was leaning. He was looking at them with fear in his eyes. I have a feeling that everyone knows what’s happening to Mia. I don’t understand how though. Dillon has known me since high school, I have always known he has other friends, but I never bothered to find out whom. Michel said there was something strange about him, but I always thought it’s that he’s completely un-aware of anything.
‘Ok, now I’m asking questions’ Both Dillon and Lily looked surprised that I asked this, but Mia didn’t.
‘OK, what do you want to know?’ Mia asked with no change of tone in her voice from when she was talking to Lily. Dillon stood up straight and closed the door.
‘Do you know who and why gave you the curse?’
‘And you completely know who the person was?’
‘Yeah, it wasn’t a person, it was a vampire.’ Dillon tensed up and walked towards the bed. Lily was looking at Mia in shock. I looked away from Mia and looked at Dillon.
‘You knew.’
‘Yeah, you and Michel; the English teacher are vampires.’
‘For how long have you known?’
‘Since the day we met. ‘He didn’t have an expression on his face, so when I looked at Mia I was surprised to see her smiling.
All my life I have been a vampire, my mother and father were vampires too. My mother died when I was born, because vampires can’t change. We have to stay the same, so when it came to delivering me, I had to rip myself out of her womb when I was one month old. I stopped growing at seventeen, as that is the age I started drinking blood. My father died by being burned trying to protect witches. 1585, 3rd October was the date I stopped aging, and the date of my father’s death. I do not know what day I was born, because my father was not the brightest person. I do not hold anything against witches, but I would not like to cross one, as they remind me of my father. I have been looking after myself for all this time. I have never had a wife or kids, as I do not want my worries on them.
Vampires can’t do much. We can hear very far away, we can jump as high as we want to, we can’t age and we really enjoy blood. We can eat normal food, but it’s like for a human drinking someone’s blood; some like it and most don’t. When we tell a command, people have to obey us. The worst is that we can put curses on people that can; and most of the time does, kill them.


Shane was staring at the floor not saying anything. I was smiling. I know that it’s not the most appropriate thing to do, but I feel bad for the guy, so maybe a happy face will cheer him up. Dillon seemed sad; I know that he’s sad, because his aura is dark but light gray. I can’t tell vampire auras, so I have no idea how Shanes feeling. I stood up and put my hand on his shoulder.
‘Hey, don’t worry you’re not a freak, if that’s what you’re thinking.’ He looked at me with a small smile. ‘I mean I’m more of a freak then you are.’ He’s face brightened and I put my hand down. His smile despaired when Dillon spoke.
‘Yeah she’s a witch, and to top it she doesn’t stop reading.’ He didn’t stop looking at me, but in a blink he seemed shocked. Almost sad. And I knew I saw hate.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2011

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