
Chapter 1

When the sun shone on my pale skin for what seemed like the first time in years. The tears couldn’t stop. I knew that from this moment I’m a killer. My sister patted me on the shoulder and nodded towards her car in a look almost pleading me not to talk about what happened. For the first time in my life I didn’t know what to do or say.


‘This house is great!’ I screeched to Misty who was still gearing about, looking for signs that said not to get this house, but stopped at the stare case and gave me the cheesiest smile I have ever seen.
‘Hugh, guess this is it sis!’Her smile almost seemed real.
‘So would you like to sign the contract now?’ The landlord lady Sarah, as it said on her name tag, asked us as if we knew the answer.
‘Yeah, this is it.’ Misty continued with her gearing.
‘Il give you a few minutes here and ill meet you outside then.’ Sarah left in an elegant fashion waving which put a grin on my face, because not many people are as happy anymore.
‘This house is really small and only has four bedrooms, with two bathrooms. What if someone needs to go to the toilet at night and both of them were taken, do they expect for you to just pee on the floor?’
‘No Mist they don’t, but we shouldn’t be in that situation because I’m shore we both can hold it in. It’s just Michel who will have that problem. It doesn’t matter what house we pick he will have a problem so let’s just leave it at that.’
I walked out our new house which on my mind seemed big, not as big as our old house but still big, we won’t be needing a big house anymore anyway because it’s just me, Michel and Misty.

I’m 16 years old, my name is Christina Denvers and I killed my parents. I love my mum and dad it’s just when you do a spell there’s no going back. I did a money spell that contained black magic, carelessly with my sister forgot the times three rule, sometimes I whish the times three came back at me. That day when all my family was in the car I expected me to die, but instead I was left alive and not a hair fell of my head.

Chapter 2

Moving in didn’t take a long as I expected, Michel didn’t help as he was busy reading some book he found in my old room. I used to love reading, but then in secondary school you learn that it’s not cool to read on weekends and after school. In my formal old house i got to move to a different room I changed everything , my hobbies, the songs I like, and even the way I acted because I loved the fact that everyone can change whenever they wanted to. But now. Not so much.
The new house smelt new and sent shivers down my back every time I was alone. The rooms were upstairs, I had the second largest room and Misty had the biggest one as she declared she needs to be an adult, which in my mind didn’t make any sense. Michel wanted the smallest room, reasons known only to him, leaving the last room as a guest room.
My room was at the end of the corridor isolated from the other rooms, Misty’s was next to the stair case and Michel’s near hers. The bathroom is in between Michel’s room and the guest room, leaving the guest room closest to mine. Downstairs there is also one toilet, a kitchen and a large living room that is already nearly full of boxes, mostly Misty’s as she hasn’t bothered to carry her things upstairs.
‘Wake up!’ Misty’s low yet screeching voice echoed across my room. ‘You will be late for school!’ as i opened my eyes i saw her standing there with her green eyes and black galaxy hair tied in a long ponytail, tapping her foot on the floor constantly with her hands on her hips.
‘Wow you look knackered sis, what happened?’ I said in a low voice looking at the clock which said six am, meaning I have two hours till I have to leave, just enough time for me to torment her, because she did look knackered, she had no makeup on making her look younger and she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt; which was more my style then her usual Gucci look.
‘Well if you would’ve labelled the boxes right I would found my makeup!’ you could almost see the fury in her eyes. I stood up from my bead, went to the wardrobe and took a towel out. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt that covered my knees, it belonged to my dad.
‘Michel was the one who packed them wrong, so don’t blame my labelling!’ i went past her sticking my tongue out slowly walking to the bathroom as I was really tired. When I went in and looked at the mirror I wanted to go back to bed and stay there because I looked terrible. My blond hair needed so serious sorting, my blue eyes had black, smudged eyeliner on and my small lips looked cold and blue. I didn’t look like Misty or Michel, because they both look like my dad, I got my mum’s looks that make my heart hurt every time i see myself. Michel and Misty both look at me sometimes and i can see in their eyes there looking at mum, but also the person who killed her.

Chapter 3

After I had a shower, straightened my hair, and put my makeup on, I went to have breakfast. Michel’s reading a book and clearly is waiting for me to get ready to go as he is not the type who lets his little sister go to a new school, on her first day on her own. Michel has blue eyes and black hair, which seems to be popular with the girls, because I remember him coming back with a lot of girls home, but not many times with the same one.
‘You take very long to shower, if was about to see if you got sucked up in the water.’ He said with only his head sticking out of the book he was reading, which seemed to be different to the one yesterday.
‘Yeah sorry, if you want we can go?’ I asked picking my bag up that had nothing in it, apart from the day sheet I got sent through the mail yesterday.
‘Yeah ok, when you have breakfast.’
I had breakfast .Food. For the first time since the accident fur days ago; turns out I was really hungry.
My new school isn’t too far from my new home, but walking with Michel made it even longer.
‘Michel will you stop reading while you’re walking. I really don’t get how girls like you. Your such a goof’ I pulled hip away from yet another tree that he was about to walk in. It must look really idiotic from far away, Michel is bigger than me and older by 2 years, yet someone would think he could use all those muscles to use. Me and Michel were never close but after the accident happened he started talking to me more, sometimes it’s annoying, like when he asks are you ok? And gives me a look like there was something wrong with me. I guess I scared him when I said I was going to kill myself. When I said that I didn’t mean it, it was straight after I got in Misty’s car and I had my tantrum.
‘Well I guess I’m doing something right, because they can’t keep their hands of me’ Michel gave me a bright smile and a wink, so I linked his hand and pulled him along so we wouldn’t be late for school , on your first day.

Chapter 4

My first lesson is English, with a teacher that apparently doesn’t like people being early.
‘Hey, amm... I’m Christina Denvers. I’m new. I’m not shore if this is the right class. Are you Mr Crutch?
‘Yes I am. And you are early.’ The teacher looked at me through his glasses, which made his eyes look really big and dark. I saw my reflection and now changed my mind about the outfit I was wearing. Jeans are way to plane on a first day.
‘Sorry I just wanted to see if I was in the right place because the secretary didn’t make it very clear where to go.’ I threw a smile at the end with a glee in my eyes to make him at least feel pity but he just looked at his papers that were on the desk.
‘Fine, the bell is going to go in a minute anyway. Stand at the side so then you can sit in the seat that is free.’
‘Yeah ok, thank you.’ I stood there for at least two minutes staring out the window when the bell went and everyone started crowding in as if it was planed.
Most of the people looked at me and smiled, some didn’t even take notice of me. The seat that was left was at the back; near the window. Seems perfect. I’m smart for my age average, since my mum used to teach me a lot and buy books nearly every day, so that I would be a book writer. I have no interest in book writing now, but then it seemed like it’s the best future for me.
The teacher didn’t introduce me and carried the lesson, that I didn’t understand, but then again it’s about poems. Not just any poems but war poems. When the bell rang I walked slowly to my next class, I don’t really like art that much anyway.
Walking in the hallway that is full of people really confuses you since you don’t know which way you’re going; crashing into a person doesn’t help.
‘Oh sorry, hun didn’t see you there’ a guy with blue eyes and blond hair smiled at me and shoved me to the side with him .I didn’t have time to react when Michel was standing next to us already.
‘Hey sis. Lost?’ Michel said with a bread stick in his mouth.
‘Well kind of, and it isn’t even break yet and you’re already eating?’ Then I realised the guy still had his hands on the side of me when he pulled me through the people to the side of the corridor with blue lockers.
‘Well I’m hungry’ Michel took out another breadstick and offered it to me, I gave him an odd look and he shrugged his shoulders putting the breadstick back to his bag. The guy let me go and leaned to the wall with his foot resting on the locker.
‘So I’m David, and you must be Christina.’ David gave me a charming smile with his perfect teeth gleaming at me.
‘Yeah and thanks for the same you guys, but I’m going to go wherever art is.’ I turned and followed a guy that I saw was in my English class. David was cute and if I haven’t of walked away I would’ve said something stupid. I always do.
Turns out the guy that I followed, was also in my art class. I was only a few minutes late. When the lesson ended, I went to my locker that was all the way at the other side of the room. My locker code was my birth year, somehow that took a few tries before it opened.
‘Hey, are you new?’ a female voice said behind me, when I turned a girl a bit smaller then me with brown hair and cat green eyes was leering at me like she has never even seen a human before.
‘Yeah, I’m Christina’ I stretched my hand out to shake her hand, but instead she hugged me.
‘Nice to meet you I’m Saphire and I have the locker next to you.’ She released me and gave me a bright, warming smile. I couldn’t help but smile back. However, before I could respond a male voice alarmed me and by Saphire’s reaction she was frightened to.
‘Saphire, you really need to stop hugging random people!’ When I turned I saw two guys standing looking at us. One was standing with his hands crossed, and the other one was just looking at us with a grin on his face.
‘She’s not some random person. She’s my friend.’ When Saphire said that, it made me warm inside, because the last time someone called me a friend was in my old school. Knowing that someone would call me that on a first day is surprising and yet it makes me happy.
‘So what’s her name?’ the other guy asked with the grin still on his face.
‘Christina. She’s new.’ Saphire got a book out of her locker and linked my arm. ‘Were going outside. Would you like to join us?’
‘Yeah.’ The guy with crossed hands smiled and nodded his head in agreement to the grinning guy.

Chapter 5

We went outside where Saphire introduced us. It turns out the guy with the grinning smile was called Shane; he has black hair and blue eyes. Just like his brother, the other guy who’s name is Jason. It turns out Jason is Saphire’s boyfriend, which doesn’t really surprise me by the way he acts protective over her. Jason is in year 13, as Shane is in our year, year 11. Jason is much happier then Shane and they look so different, but yet so the same.
‘So where did you come from?’ Saphire asked me finishing her story of what she did this morning.
‘South Dakota’ I replied as soon as she asked the question and they all looked at me shocked.
‘Wow, well that’s far away from here, what made you come?’ Shane asked with a questioning face.
‘Well Arizona is a nice place, especially here in Eloy.’ I smiled at him; he smiled back but still had a puzzled look on his face. He was about to ask a question but the bell rang and we headed to maths.
The rest of the day went quickly I had Saphire in some of my lessons and most of my lessons i had Shane but we didn’t talk much just smiled at each other, and he asked the teachers if I can sit next to him.
I met Michel outside the school with Shane as we both had History last. Michel looked him up and down didn’t say anything apart from you look like a guy in year 13, but Shane just smiled at me, said see you tomorrow and walked away.
When we got home Misty already made dinner and we ate in silence. We never talk much at the dinner table. When we were small, we used to argue about what happened in the day and mum and dad used to listen, and then laugh at us with bright smiles. They never let us be sad, after dinner we used to play games that always made our arguments fall into nothing.
Now when I’m laying here in bed, it makes me realise that i missed my old life even though I was sentenced to die for all the black magic that I did.

Chapter 6

The day I wanted to die again, two weeks before passed like minutes, nothing happened much. Lunch times me, Shane, David, Saphire, Michel and Jayson would usually sit outside in the warm sun talking about nothing. My mind is usually of somewhere else and Shane talked me back to the normal world.It took one call for my name and his breath next to my ear to wake me, when his fingers run through my hair and gently down my cheek i want to stay in those moments forever.I think I like him but I cant me shore for nothing anymore. I don’t know my feelings, because when David looks at me, it makes me melt as much as when Shane looks at me.Almost.
Shane pulled me to the field outside the entrance at break.
‘There’s a restaurant that just opened.’ Shane said looking deep into my eyes. ‘I was wondering if you would go with me to check it out?’He held my hands tightly.
‘Are you asking me out on a date?’ I said it in the exact surprise as I thought it, because I knew I like him but I didn’t suspect that he liked me too.
‘Well yeah. Yeah. Yeah I am.’ He smiled at me which made me want to melt into him. I agreed to go and I knew that now. Maybe. My life is turning in a good direction. I was really wrong.
When I walked in the building David said that he wanted to talk to me. We went into a classroom that was empty.It made that little bit more uncomfortable.
‘Well. What did you want to talk about?’ I asked in an idea that he was going to ask me something about Michel.
‘Do you want to go out with me sometime?’ He said, with his eyes closed. When he opened them he smiled.I didn't know how i should react
‘I can’t, I’m going on a date with Shane.’ I didn’t know if i could say that yet, but i didn’t want to go anywhere with David, as he is cute but he’s my brothers friend, It would be too weird.
David looked at me as if I was an object and said with no feelings at all.
‘But does he know you killed your parents? I don’t think he would want to go out with you then? Should we ask him?’ My heart stopped. I didn’t understand how he knew. I didn’t understand why he would say that. Why now?
He grabbed my hand and started dragging me outside; it was raining. Shane was in the corridor, when he saw me being dragged by David he jogged up and tried to push him. David was to strong and pushed him out the way and stepped outside with me. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t think. The only thing in my head was the fact he said you killed your parents

. I bit my lip and it started bleeding. My tears started running, but they mixed with the rain to make my pain greater. Shane ran behind us towards and punched David in the face.
‘What the hell do you think you’re doing? Leave Christina alone!’ Shane tried picking me up but i slapped him away and fell on the floor. The only thing I could think of is that I’m a killer.
‘Go on Christina tell him! Tell him what you did!’ David shouted with blood coming out of his nose.You could here the happiness in his voice.
‘What is he talking about?’ Shane crouched next to me and whipped all the rain of his face and then mine. He looked into my eyes and pleaded for an explanation. I was in love.
Now i have to end my happiness again.
‘I killed my parents!’ the sentence in my head going over and over spilled out. I started rocking front to back, remembering the touch, the sound, the smell of my mum and dad. It hurt.
Then I saw Shane's face and it hurt even more.
But nothing ever made me feel like i would want to die when Shane looked at me with disgust and tears in his eyes.
‘You freak, you need your head sorted out’ He walked away leaving me and David outside. I died. I died on the inside.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2011

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