
Chapter 1 - Wings Of A Phoenix

The sword sunk into the stuffed model, the black hilt lowering as the blade continued to enter the ‘body’.

“You’ll have to be faster than that, Luna,” a young man shook his head at a younger girl. “Demons are nasty creatures – they will tear you to shreds in seconds.”

With a sigh, the girl yanked the sword out and dropped it on the floor with a clatter. “Killing is a horrible sin, Thorn. I, for one, don’t enjoy it as much as certain people.” she pointed out.

“You can either get killed or kill,” Thorn remarked icily. “Now, do me a favour and find Rune. She’s 10 minutes late and I’m not willing to stick around waiting for much longer.”

“Rune’s with Rosco and Horace in the library; you could probably get her yourself.” Luna replied, gesturing one hand over to a building not far away from the training area.

Thorn rolled his rare hazel eyes at her. “Fine. Have a good day.”

Waving, Luna headed over to a moderately well-sized log cabin with a sky blue sign above the door frame. On it in large black lettering said ‘Girls Cabin 2’. This cabin was one of the largest girls cabins, with 9 girls including Luna staying in it. Luna knocked twice on the door with her knuckles.

A black skinned girl with brown eyes appeared at the open window within seconds. “Hi there, Luna!”

“Hi, Naomi,” Luna responded politely, smiling. “What is everyone up to in there?”

“We’re playing Monopoly. Clarissa’s winning, naturally.” Naomi said, pulling a face.

“That’s Clarissa for you,” the teenager sighed. “Anyway, can I come in? I need to return a library book and I’m going to redo my hair - those 4 year olds Lucy looks after were yanking at it for about half an hour while I was sleeping.”

Naomi smiled at her, tossing her own lovely black hair back. “Of course.” she said, rattling the lock before opening the door.

Luna slipped her trainers off and lay down on her bunk, taking in the constant pine smell that engulfed the cabin. She loved everything about being out in the woods – the beautiful smells; the tame animals; the breathtaking views… everything was just supreme.

Turning over, she instantly noticed her quilt had obviously been cleaned today. It carried a soapy and soft scent while also being as soft as a cloud. This cloud hid away a black leather coated book with fancy gold lettering, which Luna had hidden earlier this morning to stop the other girls and their prying eyes from discovering it. Rosco – the librarian – had found the book while cleaning a few weeks ago and had allowed Luna to take it out. The book was entitled ‘Allies Of The Pureblood’ and Luna had found it a very interesting book. It contained short stories of battles long forgotten, some maybe as old as time itself.

“Do you want me to do your hair?” Naomi asked, skipping over to Luna’s bunk. “You look exhausted.”

“I’ll be fine,” Luna insisted, undoing the very messing ponytail that the toddlers had done for her and brushing it out, scowling at the curls. “I hate having wavy hair.”

“Straight hair is boring,” Naomi insists. “Wavy is more exciting and lot prettier.”

Another girl with short brown hair and an icy blue glare approached the two friends. “Ash was here looking for you earlier. Can’t imagine why.” she snorted.

“Thank you, Clarissa,” Luna dismissed her shortly. “Go back to Monopoly.”

As she slumped off, Naomi followed her, leaving Luna to sort herself out.


Luna sat down on one of the library chairs, a cup of sweet-smelling tea clasped in her hands.  Opposite her, a raven perched on a bookshelf, his beady eyes watching her cautiously.

“Only me, Horace,” Luna assured the bird, whistling the raven over. “Rosco knows I’m here, no need to worry.”

Horace cawed, pecking at the cup in Luna’s hands. He obviously likes the smell of my tea.

“Horace, stop pestering our guests,”

Luna looked up from her cup to see an elderly man leaning on the closest bookshelf, a wooden walking stick in one ancient hand. She rose from her seat and nodded to the man. “Rosco,” she acknowledged him.

“Hello, Luna,” Rosco replied, nodding. “How did you find that book?”

“It was very interesting,” Luna remarked. “Especially that battle against the Normals which decreed that Purebloods should be kept away from the real world and in Nighthollow.”

“Ah, that one is a personal favourite of mine,” Rosco agreed. “Now, I was wondering if you knew something about three very special objects – collectively known as the Phoenix’s Treasure?”

The blank expression on Luna’s face made the old man chuckle. “Never heard of them, I’m presuming? Well, you’re in luck today, as I happen to have found a book about them. As I have no use for it, you’re very welcome to keep it.”

“Are you sure?” Luna was both amazed and anxious. “I mean, your books are virtually parts of your body. To loose them-“

“This isn’t much of a book,” Rosco interrupted. “It’s like a notebook. There’s no real story as such:  just an explanation about each Treasure and how the Phoenix granted them to the Purebloods. I’ll get Horace to make himself useful and find it for you.”

Whistling, the raven suddenly took flight, heading towards Rosco’s desk and grasping a small wad of paper in his talons. Luna watched as Horace returned swiftly and dropped the package, releasing a cloud of dust. The elderly librarian wiped the excess dust off to reveal that this hadn’t been recorded down on paper – it looked more like the crispy, yellowing parchment that were rarely used today, unless the user was particularly old.

Luna gazed at the lettering on the front. Written in very neat handwriting was ‘The Phoenix’s Treasure: What We Know’. There was also something at the bottom of the page, but it had been scribbled out.

“This could be about 500 years old.” Rosco remarked proudly.

“Wouldn’t this not be in such decent condition after 500 years?” Luna asked, confused. “I thought it would have turned to dust or something by now.”

“I found out that a spell had been put on this parchment to keep it in reasonably good condition,” Rosco explained, flicking through the pages with his wrinkled hands. “Ah, here we go. ‘Before the Phoenix fled from the Demons, he left three objects:  a golden staff, a silver locket and a bronze hilted sword. The first Purebloods called these the Phoenix’s Treasure to commemorate their old ally and fiercely guarded these precious objects with their lives. For centuries, the Purebloods fought off Demons and other undesirables who were looking to steal the objects from them. All three Treasures still remain in the safety of Nighthollow in a small cabin near the infirmity.’

 He handed Luna the precious parchment. “You keep this safe, Luna. Don’t let it fall into the wrong hands.”

“Thank you Rosco!” Luna called before leaving the library.

Chapter 2 - Follow My Leader

“…and I hit the target, with a stroke of luck!”

Luna fiddled with the grass in her fingers, staring at the blazing fire in front of her thoughtfully while listening to a black haired girl sharing the story of her day.

“Targets are basic training exercises designed to get you better at knife-throwing, not gradually worse,” a tall boy pointed out, leaning back against a tree casually. “You’ve been training for goodness knows how long and you’ve only just managed to hit a target that was inaccurate and also was an extremely lucky throw. Thorn even said pretty much most of that himself.”

“Rune’s a pacifist, so actually having the guts to throw a weapon is pretty good going.” another boy with glasses retorted.

The taller boy rolled his eyes. “I was being logically correct, Atlas. Even you can hit a target and you spend half your life reading.”

“Give it a rest, Ash. You’re starting to sound quite horrible now,” Rune murmured in her soft voice. “You might be able to hit the target blindfolded with three knives, but you don’t need to mock the rest of us.”

“Actually, I haven’t said anything mocking about Luna’s knife-throwing abilities,” Ash replied, staring over at her. “She’s not bad at it herself, actually.”

Luna met Ash’s peculiar dark green gaze steadily as she spoke, choosing her words carefully. “There’s still no need to insult Rune. She’s been trying really hard; you can’t ask for much more than that. If she’s chosen to be pacifist, that’s her choice and no one is going to force her to change it.”

“Fine!” Ash snapped. His words were like deadly poison. “Be that way, then!”

“Ash, come…” Rune broke off as the blonde-haired boy disappeared off into the shadow of the night, not looking back at his so-called friends. Atlas hitched his glasses up and blinked in genuine surprise. “Ash isn’t usually like that. He’ll pull fun out of people, but he isn’t one to stomp off like that.”

“That was my fault,” Luna sighed, playing with the grass again. “I suppose I’d better go looking for him. Knowing Ash, he might venture off to kill a rogue Demon or something.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Atlas agreed, nodding his head. “Underneath all that sarcasm and whatever else lurks, he’s a good and selfless person.”

Jumping up to her feet, Luna threw the parchments Rosco had given her over to Atlas. “Your father gave this to me earlier this afternoon. Would you be able to study it over and tell me about them? I can’t understand some of the terminology used and I’d like to know what all the objects do.”

“They don’t call me the geek for nothing,” Atlas chuckled to himself, shooting a grin at Luna. “Off you go, before it gets too dark. And don’t  use your powers in case a Demon is lurking!”

“Yes Sir.” Luna teased, giving him a mocking salute before soldiering on into the shadowed forest.

Within only seconds of venturing into the depths of the woods, Luna heard what she believed to be a shrill cry for help. It sounded pained and desperate, but then she heard an ear-splitting howl of war. Demons!

Luna instantly broke from walking to running, following the crying and howling. It seemed to be leading her to the river which was the border between Nighthollow and the real world, which made her shudder. Was this an invasion attempt?

Once she eventually reached the river, a hoard of Demons leapt across, their eyes filled with malice. Luna froze in terror, her feet rooted to the ground. She didn’t know if these Demons had harmed Ash, or if they were going to kill her.

“Food, Alpha,” a Demon with one eye hissed, flicking it’s poisonous tail at Luna and licking it’s lips greedily. “Easy.”

“Stay back!” Luna yelled, trying to sound threatening.

“Girl foolish.” the Demon growled. Glaring at it, Luna realised this Demon was in the form of a black panther with a poison tipped tail like a sword and huge teeth. This Demon would be hard to sustain damage to.

A large black dog with red eyes and fearsome features snarled at Luna, his overhanging jaws dripping with saliva. Luna knew that this particular Demon was Alpha – the leader of the Demons. He had killed many Purebloods in his time and was probably the most dangerous of them all.

“Cobra, kill her.” Alpha hissed.

Finally realising the situation, Luna fumbled around for her dagger, but couldn’t find it. Panic overwhelmed her and replaced the ice preventing her body from moving. I must have left it in my cabin!

Cobra flung himself at her, but a rock whacked him in the eye, throwing him off target and into a thorn bush. Luna blinked in amazement and gazed up in direction of the rock, where she saw Ash crouched up in a tree. He possessed the ability to reverse gravity on certain objects, so only he could have thrown the rock at the vicious Demon.

I guess it won’t matter if I use my own powers now. The Demons already know I’m here.

Holding her hands up above her head, Luna created a small ball of fire, which made some of the Demons flinch away at it’s brightness. Alpha and a few others continued to stand their ground, much to Luna’s annoyance.

The flames suddenly frazzled out and Luna felt a sharp stinging pain in her left hand, which made her cry out in pain. She clutched her hand, which had a wound in the palm and leaking black blood rather than red. Black was usually a sign of poison.

She had completely forgotten that Cobra was behind her.

A three-headed snake with a lion’s body and a fox’s tail growled something at Alpha, which he responded with a nod. “Finish her, Venom.”

Luna would have moved, but the poison was numbing her entire body and she couldn’t feel anything. Her vision was starting to blur up a little too and she couldn’t think straight.

Venom picked her up in his paw and tossed her through the air, a sick smile playing on his lips. Luna tried to scream, but it came out as a weak little squeak which hurt her throat. A sickening crunch of bones followed that as she hit a tree and fell to the ground. Everything hurt now, especially her leg, which she guessed she had broken.

A blood-curdling cry broke loose and suddenly, Purebloods poured in swords and torches, aiming them at the foul beasts. Luna guessed they had seen Venom throw her against the tree and believe that he had killed her. Closing her blue eyes gently, she tried her best to curl up into a protective ball in case someone or something came looking for her.

After a short while, she suddenly felt a cold hand on her cheek, forcing her to open her eyes. Though her vision still blurred, she could just make out Ash crouching next to her. There was blood running down the left side of his face, which made her wince uncomfortably.

“We’ll have to get you back to the cabins,” Ash murmurs, an odd gentleness in his voice. “I’ll grab Rune to have a look at your hand and see if she can remove the poison. Otherwise we’ll have to see if a doctor can help you.”

Luna tried to nod in agreement, but a stinging sensation hit her neck and she winced in pain. Ash let out a deep sigh, moving his hand away from her and cupping his mouth using both hands. “Rune! Atlas! Get over here!”

Two blurry figures rushed over, a few wounds here and there. One of them, who she could just make out as Rune, started yelling at Ash. Luna didn’t hear the entire conversation, but Rune clearly sounded furious.

The last thing Luna saw before letting the poison engulf her was Rune holding her hand, muttering to herself.

Chapter 3 - Thieves

“State your names.”

“I’m Atlas Ravener. Rosco’s son.”

“I said your names, stupid. Can’t you understand Plain English?”

“I’m an interpreter, so I get lost in different languages from time to time.”

“Don’t give me that idiotic sarcastic tone, Ravener. Tell me the names of your company.”

“Well, there’s my little foster sister Rune Braveheart. Then you’ve got Ashley-“

Ash. Not Ashley. Just Ash.”

“Whatever. That’s Ash Chase, as you know. And she is Luna Wilde, who is critically wounded. A Demon got her and Rune was able to heal the wound, but the poison is still in her system and we need to get it out before it becomes too strong. This stuff will kill her if we don’t find help quickly. ”

Luna could hear several voices in the background. She could make out that Atlas and Ash were speaking to a Pureblood man, but why was there a guard?

Most confusingly of all: how did she end up at Nighthollow despite being unconscious?

She then begun to feel two strong arms supporting her small body, which clearly meant she was carried away from the battle. The person was carrying her smelt of blood, sweat and pine, much like the cabin smell.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to carry her, Ash?” Atlas asked. “You were injured too – I am unharmed.”

“I’m the strongest out of us,” Ash insisted. “Besides, you’d probably drop her. She’s virtually on the brink of death here. Death is probably hanging around here, waiting to take her away.”

Luna wanted her eyes to open to assure her friends that she was okay, but she still felt numb with exhaustion and didn’t have the strength to do so. She felt like she was just a spirit trapped inside a lifeless body, trying desperately to break free. But the chains of poison were holding her back from freedom and slowly eating away her life.

Finally calculating the situation, the teenager realised how much was at stake. I don’t want to die. Please, I just want to live!

Summing up whatever strength remained, Luna pressed her head against Ash’s chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and allowing it to calm her. Ash didn’t make a sound, which gave Luna the impression he hadn’t noticed.

She heard a squeaky door open and was gently placed down on a soft mattress.  They’ve brought me to the infirmary.

“Rune, see if you can find that so-called cure for Demon poison. It’s that purple liquid in the tall glass in the cupboard,” Atlas ordered his foster sister. “We’ll test it and see if it works.”

“She’s a human being, not a guinea pig,” Ash snapped furiously. “Give her something that is actually proven to work!”

“Nothing is proven to have fully cured Demon poison. One of the scientists developed a serum which supposedly cures poisoning, but it has never been tested. If it doesn’t work, then we’ll use one of the weaker ones to remove some of the poison from her system. We’ll just have to wait for a miracle if that happens.” Atlas sighed softly.

“I found it!” Rune called after a short while. “Should I put it into a glass?”

“Yes.” her brother replied simply.

Luna listened as Rune poured the liquid into a glass before rushing back over, nudging her friend’s shoulder. “Sit her up so can I give it to her.”

Atlas and Ash both moved her into a sitting position, her back and head against the wall. Whoever moved her head accidentally hit it against the wall, which made Luna shudder. Rune pressed the glass to Luna’s mouth, tilting it so the liquid would enter.

An odd sensation went through Luna after Rune removed the glass from her lips. She felt as if a block of ice had been thrown down her throat, slowly melting and entering her blood stream. She started to feel slightly stronger as she began to regain her strength, but then it all vanished and she felt much weaker.

“Come on, fight this,” Ash murmured. “I know you can do it, Luna.”

It took Luna a few quiet minutes to regain her strength fully, enough for her to open her eyes and blink at her anxious friends. “Hi,” she squeaked in a weak voice. “Did I miss much?”

“Welcome back to reality, Luna.” Rune teased, helping her friend up before embracing her tightly.

“Don’t do that again, please,” Atlas sighed, wiping beads of sweat from his forehead. “You didn’t half give us a fright!”

Luna grinned cheekily. “Perhaps I’ve learnt to look and listen next time.”

As she pulled away from Rune, Ash slapped her back rather hard, making Luna yelp out in pain and stumble away from him. “What the heck was that for? Can’t you slap people nicely like everyone else rather than beating them up?”

“That,” Ash remarked, grinning. “was for scaring me out of my skin.”

“Thanks a lot.” Luna replied sarcastically.

Her friend looked as pale as a ghost as he ran his hands through his hair, which she had never seen before. He was pale skinned, but never deathly pale. “I thought you were going to die.”

“Nah, I was going to creep you out first, then wake up and be like ‘what’s your problem? I was sleeping till you shoved a load of random liquid down my throat’. That kinda thing.” Luna teased, amusement dancing in her blue eyes.

“Your sarcasm isn’t as good as mine.”

“Yeah, but you’ve perfected the art of it your entire life. I only use it when required.”

“Leave it all to me, Miss Wilde. You’ll ruin it, otherwise.”

Atlas coughed loudly for attention. “I hate to interrupt your flirting, but we’re still in the middle of a battle. That guard we confronted earlier must have been there because of Demons. They could have broken in.”

“Flirting?” Ash scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Not funny, Atlas.”

“Come on!” Rune groaned, opening the door to let everyone out.

As they stepped outside, a scream came from a nearby cabin, making Luna shudder. What on earth happened?

A young woman ran out of the tiny cabin, her face a mask of horror. Luna recognised her as Carla Braveheart – Rune’s biological mother who refused to care for her after discovering she was a pacifist.

“What’s wrong, Carla?” a woman called.

“The Phoenix’s Treasure has been stolen!”

Chapter 4 - We're Stories Ourselves

Silence followed her words.

Everyone was stunned into complete and utter silence.

Luna stared at the bewildered crowd in dismay, feeling terrible. I brought this upon Nighthollow. Thanks to me, we’ve just lost the most valuable items the Purebloods possess.

Atlas shot her a sympathetic look, shaking his head as almost if he could read her mind.

A deafening uproar shattered the silence, blaming and shaming each other. Tears pricked in Luna’s eyes at the sight of what she had caused by her foolish mistake. Ash noticed this and gently propelled her away from the angry crowd, his hand firmly gripping her shoulder as he led her towards her cabin.

“Thanks.” Luna sniffed, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt.

“I mainly did that because I don’t like people crying, it irks me,” Ash replied stiffly. “But you’re welcome for whatever reason you think I did it for.”

“You saved my life today,” Luna remarked warmly. “You’re a hero.”

“You are mistaken. Rune and Atlas saved your life – I only carried you back because Rune was throwing a hissy fit and Atlas is a twig.” Ash corrected sharply, scratching the back of his head.

“No, when you distracted Cobra with the rock and then summoned Atlas and Rune over,” Luna pointed out. “I’m really grateful for what you did.”

Her friend blinked in astonishment and shrugged. “Anyone would have done it.”

“Not everyone has a lion’s courage, Ash.”

“Not all lions are brave. When I was little, my parents read me a story which featured a very cowardly lion that had to be given his courage by a wizard.”

“That’s a story, Ash. It’s not real.”

“But if you think about it, we’re stories ourselves. We are the authors of our destinies, deciding who our friends and lovers are. Our protagonists make foolish choices sometimes, but those choices don’t always come with negative impacts. No matter how old or young we are, we’re all stories in the end. We are real.”

Ash then checked his watch. “I’d better get going. Time’s getting on and both you and I need our sleep, or we’ll be like two bickering old ladies tomorrow.”

Just as he turned to leave, Luna flung her arms around his neck. His dark green eyes widened in surprise and he was rather taken back by the sudden embrace, so he just patted her back awkwardly. “Give me some warning before you try to strangle me next time?”

Laughing, Luna pulled away from Ash and opened the door, which was surprisingly ajar. Naomi usually locks the door… has something been in here during the battle?

“Have fun dying today, Wilde?”

Luna turned her head to see a sour-faced Clarissa sitting cross-legged on the floor, arms folded. There was a crossword puzzle in front of her.

“Did the all-mighty Clarissa Bird hide from the battle?” Luna retorted.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Clarissa snapped. “We all knew you got stung by that Demon deliberately. He was right behind you – how didn’t you see him?”

“You don’t even know why I was out in the woods!” Luna screeched.

“So why were you, then?” the young girl demanded, tossing her short brown hair back.

“Ash wandered off and I went looking for him. That’s where I found the Demons.” Luna replied calmly.

Clarissa rolled her pale blue eyes. “Typical. Mooning after a boy who can never be yours – smart move Luna.”

“He’s my best friend, Clarissa.” Luna insisted, lying down on her bed.

“I’ve seen that look in your eyes every time you talk to him. You seem to light up when he’s about,” Clarissa went on icily. “He will crush you like a bug once he discovers what you feel, Wilde. Then you can be lonely.”

“I don’t like him in that way and you know it. You’re just jealous that a considerably better fighter than you is my best friend,” Luna added smugly. “Now, shove off and leave me be.”

With a grunt, Clarissa left the cabin and slammed the door, leaving Luna to her own thoughts. Ash’s words were repeating in her head all the time. ‘But if you think about it, we’re stories ourselves. We are the authors of our destinies, deciding who our friends and lovers are. Our protagonists make foolish choices sometimes, but those choices don’t always come with negative impacts. No matter how old or young we are, we’re all stories in the end. We are real.’

The words continued to repeat in her mind as she began to let sleep claim her.


“Welcome, Luna Wilde.”

Luna opened her eyes to be in the presence of a bunch of strangers. Some of them looked vaguely familiar, but most of them were unknown to her.

“Stand up. You’re safe now.”

Scrambling to her feet, she saw a tall man with a grey beard coming towards her, smiling warmly. “Do not be afraid, Luna Wilde. You are in safe hands.”

“Who are you?” Luna stammered. “Where am I?”

“Why, you’re in the land of the death, of course.” the man replied kindly.

Panic gripped at her stomach. “B-But I can’t be dead! I was alive just now!”

“We were all alive once, stupid. Now we’re dead and free.”

Luna spun round in horror to see Ash leaning against a pearly white pillar. He was dressed in a white suit – very unlike him. “Ash…”

“Like I said: we’re all stories in the end,” Ash answered simply. “We’re all just parts of one big story. Our chapter has reached it’s conclusion.”

He then walked over to her and whispered two simple words in her ear: “Wake up.”


“Ow! That hurt!”

Luna woke up with a start, breathing frantically. Sweat stuck to the back of her neck and her heart was racing wildly in fear.

“Calm down, Luna. It was just a nightmare.”

She was amazed to see Ash perched on the end of her bed, cupping his nose between his hands. “You’re alive!” she exclaimed.

“Hilarious, as always. Now get up and get moving. You’re the only one still in bed.” Ash sighed.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said last night,” Luna admitted, changing the subject. “About us being stories. I’ve got a plan.”

“Oh gosh, this is going to end horrendously,” Ash groaned. “Let’s get this over and done with, then.”

“You said that foolish decisions don’t just carry burdens. I made a bad choice by facing those Demons, but I could put everything right by going to find the Phoenix’s Treasure.” Luna explained.

Ash nearly fell over. “Are you out of your mind?! You nearly got killed yesterday and now you want to go out to get yourself killed again?” He shook his head fiercely, not meeting Luna’s gaze. “I’m not going to let you go out there alone, and I imagine no one else will either. It’s called common sense – something you appear to lack.”

“I wasn’t intending on going alone,” Luna insisted. “I was hoping you’d come with me. I’d like Atlas and Rune to come too,” She raised an eyebrow at him in amusement. “Did you seriously think I was going to do this alone?”

“We’re kids, Luna. No one will let us go: especially Rosco. He won’t let Atlas or Rune a meter outside Nighthollow.” Ash pointed out with a sigh.

“Awww, lighten up a bit!” Luna cried, leaping up to her feet. “It will be fun! A real adventure! We’ll get to explore the world of the Normals – you can’t possibly turn that chance down!”

She held out her hand. “So, Mr Chase, do you accept this mission?”

Ash tilted his head to the side, considering it for a moment. Luna knew neither of them had been out of Nighthollow – this would be a perfect time to explore what the Normals were really like! She didn’t see the problem with it!

He then grinned wildly at her. “Mission accepted.” he said, shaking her hand.

Chapter 5 - The Quest Takes Shape

“No, no and no again. I’m not going to let you take my son and foster daughter on a suicide mission!”

“Please, Mr Ravener,” Ash pleaded. “We’ll need Atlas’s expertises and Rune’s healing abilities if we’re going to find the Treasure and come back alive.”

“I already lost my Mary, I’m not going to loose my kids too. End of story,” Rosco snapped, hammering his fist down on his desk. “I’m appalled that everyone else is happy sending out two inexperienced fourteen year olds on such a dangerous quest!”

“Inexperienced? I think not!” Ash argued. “I’m one of the best fighters here! And Luna-“

“Nearly died yesterday,” Rosco interrupted. “She’s in no fit state to travel. You shouldn’t have forced her onto this ridiculous quest.”

“It was my idea, actually,” Luna admitted. “I want to do this. Just please let Atlas and Rune come with us, or we might fail.”

Rosco scowled. “Fine. But if you wish to bring them, I ask one thing of you.”

“Anything.” Ash promised.

“I would prefer if you also brought Clarissa with you. She’s one of our best and I believe she would safeguard all of you well.” Rosco explained.

Luna’s jaw dropped to the floor, blue eyes widened in shock. “Clarissa? She hates me!”

“And for the record, I can look after myself.” Ash replied sharply.

“You either agree to my terms or disagree. If you choose the latter, you will be travelling alone,” Rosco said, stroking Horace’s glossy ink-black feathers. “Do you accept this?”

“Yes.” Ash answered, shooting the old man a cold glare.

Rosco nodded and rose to his feet. “I will fetch all three of them and tell them to pack a few things. You two should pack a small bag to take with you.”


“Now, before you go, I have a few things that will help you out on your journey. The Normal’s world is very different from ours – you will not survive if you don’t know how things are done round there.”

Rosco stood before Clarissa first, handing her a small black rectangular object. “This is a Demon Tracker. Demons are very hard to find among Normals: but this little gadget will help you find them. When it tracks a Demon, it will vibrate and shoot a laser in it’s direction, thus revealing it to you. Be warned however that this doesn’t always pick up certain Demons,” he explained. “Keep this safe at all times – you’ll be a bit stuck if you loose it.”

“Thank you, Rosco.” Clarissa replied politely, placing the tracker in the pocket of her jeans.

The old man then went up to his son, whom he embraced instantly. Atlas stood there rather stiffly and scowled. “Get off, Dad. I’ll be fine.”

“I know, I know,” Rosco muttered, but Luna caught the trace of uncertainty in his voice. “Anyway, I have something for you too.”

He placed a small golden ball in his son’s hand. “This quirky little thing can hack into bank machines so you can get money.”

“Isn’t that stealing?” Atlas asked uncertainly.

“You have a credit card?” Rosco retorted. “This is the only way you’re going to get money for food, clothes and whatever else. Just don’t spend too much time enjoying the addictive delights of the Normal world.”

Addictive delights? Luna was suspicious immediately. Has Rosco walked among the Normals before?

Approaching Ash, Rosco handed him a tatty roll of parchment. “This is a map of Nighthollow to Demon Territory. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Demons have scattered the Phoenix’s Treasure in the Normal world, so this will identify where they are. Be warned that this map could pick up fakes, so be extra careful.”

“Wow. Super useful.” Ash remarked sarcastically, tucking the map into his backpack.

“Now, this is where I bid you goodbye and a safe journey,” Rosco announced, ignoring Ash’s comment. “I have faith that you will return safely with all three Treasures in no time.”

“We’ll probably end up spending my birthday over there,” Ash sighed. “It’s on Saturday – six days from now.”

“Not if you work quickly,” Rosco insisted. “Now, you must get going. This journey will be long and tedious, but you may have fun of course. Just ensure that you return here as quickly as possible with all three real Treasures.”

“Of course, Father.” Rune acknowledged her foster father with a nod.

As the group bid goodbye to their friends and began the descent into the Normal world, Luna was buzzing with excitement. I can’t believe we’re really going to walk among the Normals!

Chapter 6 - Walking With Normals

“We should head to a bank machine or whatever Rosco called it first,” Ash suggested. “Atlas can hack in to get money, so we’ll be fine. Then we should grab something to eat and study the map.”

“Who elected you team leader?” Clarissa retorted icily. “No one called a vote. I think I should be leading you dummies because I’m the best fighter here and I’ve got the most useful power. Plus, I’ve got the Demon Tracker.”

“I actually think Atlas should be leader,” Rune chirped in. “He’s the oldest and the smartest, plus he knows more about Normals than we do thanks to all those books he reads.”

“I agree,” Luna added. “Ash?”

Ash bowed his head, indicating he agreed.

“That’s settled then. Atlas is team leader.” Rune said with a smile.

“Well, as team leader, I suggest you all meet me in that restaurant over there,” Atlas suggested, pointing to a lively and brightly coloured building. “You can buy food there. Just grab a table and wait before buying anything. And don’t cause an argument!”

Going their separate ways, Luna walked alongside Ash down the pavement, gazing at all the Normals. Some of them were staring at them uncertainly, especially mothers with young children. Luna tried to figure out why, and then she noticed that Ash had his dagger hilt visible. “Put your dagger away, Ash. People are getting suspicious.”

“I’m going to keep it there,” Ash replied sharply. “The Normals could be as savage and bloodthirsty as Demons – we don’t know if they’ll mug us or something.”

A giggling group of girls started heading towards them. They were probably not much older than any of them; with slender figures, too much makeup and lots of shopping bags. Luna thought that they were laughing at her at first, but then she realised that their attention was on Ash. She quickly nudged him, which made him scowl at her. “What now?”

“Those girls fancy you,” Luna pointed out in amusement. “Shame they’re all Normals – they’re just your kind of girl.”

Ash rolled his dark green eyes. “Hilarious. But as always, I have a master plan which will avert their attention.”

As the group of Normals walked past the Purebloods, one of them deliberately walked into Ash. The tall brown haired boy glared at her, frowning. “Get some glasses. They might help you watch where you’re going.”

“These bags weigh, like, a ton!” she complained, tossing her shiny black hair over her shoulder. “You could help me carry them, if you’re, like, so worried about me!”

“I can think of much better things to do than help a load of desperate teenagers with their ridiculously huge amount of shopping,” Ash retorted. “Now shove off, or I’ll break your precious little necks.”

The girl’s jaw dropped, but she just sniffed and turned away to catch up with her friends.

“Now that was impressive,” Rune remarked in admiration. “You’ll have to teach us how to do that!”

Ash’s dark green eyes glittered in amusement, grinning. “Quite remarkable, wasn’t it? But of course, only my wonderful self can do that.”

Clarissa made a noise which sounded like a snort, which everyone ignored.

After a short while, the group eventually reached the restaurant. Delicious yet strange smells flowed out through the doors and window, making Luna’s stomach roar furiously with hunger.

Ash flung open the door, allowing the girls to go in. Luna thanked him with a nod of acknowledgement, which her friend responded to with a rare warm smile.

Luna was fascinated by the entire joint. Families and friends sat in comfy-looking long red chairs, eating burgers and pancakes. Music played quietly in the background as staff in black and white uniform went round serving food to different tables.

Rune found a table by the window and sat in so she was next to the window. Ash sat opposite and beckoned Luna over, so she obediently sat next to him and Clarissa sat opposite her.

“What is a wrap?” Clarissa inquired, studying the menu intently.

“One of those things,” Rune said, pointing to a man holding a white thing with brown speckles and rolled up like a newspaper. There was lettuce and chicken inside. “You can put in different toppings to match your taste. They’re really nice.”

“You might want to order something sugary. We’re used to sweeter tastes, so sugar will give you energy and match your taste pallet,” Luna suggested. “I’m going to order pancakes with a large chocolate milkshake and a muffin.”

“Healthy breakfast much?” Ash chuckled.

Brunch now, actually. It’s 12:05pm.”

Luna turned her head to see Atlas standing by their table, placing a wad of cash down. “There’s about one thousand pounds here – more than enough to survive us the time we’ll be here.”

“Should be easy enough surviving here, then.” Ash remarked, staring out of the window at an alleyway, where two people walk down. They looked happy and joking, teasing each other in what looked like to be sibling affection. Luna sighed at them longingly, wanting a brother or sister of her own. She, Atlas and Ash were only children, as Rune had two older siblings and Clarissa had a baby brother. Luna’s parents had died when she was seven years old, killed brutally in a Demon attack. She could remember when her father went to kill Alpha, but instead got his chest slashed with the Demon’s poison tipped claws and died straight away. Her mother had hidden her in the library with Atlas, Rune and Rosco. Before she left, she had given Luna a silver chain necklace with an oval shape attached to it. It opened up to reveal a picture of the family, taken only days before the battle. Her mother had told her to keep it safe, which she had.

Luna took the necklace out of her bag and opened the oval shape, gazing at the photo. Her mother had long chestnut coloured hair with a tall petite figure and sharp, luminous green eyes. She looked stunningly beautiful in her lacy white dress, a black shawl around her shoulders, cream sandals and a long gold necklace with a dove attached on the end. Her father was smaller but broad shouldered and long-limbed, with short blonde hair and hazel eyes. He wore a black suit with a black tie, white shirt and black shoes, but had a huge smile on his face with his arm around his wife. Seven year old Luna was standing in front of them, smiling broadly like her father. Her hair was loose and she wore a dress and shawl like her mother, but her dress was pale blue and her shawl was white. Luna still had the shawl and had brought it with her, but thinking about it made tears form in her eyes.

She hadn’t noticed Ash averting his attention away from the brother and sister and to her family photo. “I forgot how little you used to be.” he commented in amusement.

Luna rolled her blue eyes at him. “Shut up, Ash.”

“I’m just teasing,” Ash reassured her, nudging her playfully. “You resemble both your parents well.”

“I wish I had my mother’s hair,” Luna sighed, stroking the picture with her finger. “I don’t look much like her. People say I always took after my father.”

“You inherited your father’s height and hair colour, but you have a similar figure to your mother,” her friend commented. “She didn’t like being really tall, even you knew that. She wanted to be short like you. Besides, I prefer short people because they just make me feel like a giraffe.”

Luna laughed cheerfully, which earned her another warm smile from Ash. “You have your mother’s laugh too – all sunny and happy.”

Atlas then returned with a large tray of food, passing it round to everyone. Checking to see that no one was around, he nodded at Ash. “Get the map out, Ash.”

Ash fished out the parchment from his bag and rolled it across the table. A red dot appeared on the map, not far away from the border between Nighthollow and the Normal world.

“We must be there,” Luna guessed, pointing at the dot. Scanning the map, she saw another dot, this time in yellow. “And this must be where the first Treasure is.”

“That’s ages away!” Clarissa complained with a groan.

“Not if we hitchhike,” Atlas suggested. “Some Normals catch lifts from strangers to get to certain destinations.”

“That’s not a very safe idea,” Ash pointed out. “Normals are wary of Purebloods because of who we are and what we do. Besides, we might get in the car of some creepy robber who will use us for some purpose.”

“Well, we’re all too young to drive a car. So we’re stuffed.” Atlas sighed, munching on a bagel.

Luna examined the map closely, her eyes widening with confusion. “That’s odd. It says the first Treasure is located in a river.”

“It’s likely, knowing the Demons,” Ash commented. “Shame, I didn’t pack my swimming trunks.”

Ash’s comment brought the conversation to a close. The Purebloods ate in complete silence, savouring the taste of the new food.

Once finishing, Luna heard a loud scream coming from the alleyway she and Ash had seen the two Normal siblings walking. Staring out of the large window, she saw the brother being attacked by three men, while the sister watched on in horror. Her eyes widened in terror. “We have to help those people!”

“They’re strangers, Luna. Normal strangers, at that. We shouldn’t get ourselves in their business.” Clarissa replied menacingly.

“Normal or not, we should help them. They don’t look much older than us,” Rune pointed out. “I understand your concern, Clarissa, but those people aren’t much different from us.”

 An excited grin appeared on Ash’s face. “Let’s go and kick some Normals where it hurts!”


Chapter 7 - Community Service

The Pureblood teenagers emerged from the restaurant and headed towards the alley, running as fast as they possibly could. Luna noticed that some people were giving them strange looks, but she didn’t care. She was only focused on helping the unfortunate passer-bys.

Once reaching the alley, Ash pulled one of the men away, punching him in the face and kicking him hard in the stomach. Rune went straight over to comfort the frightened girl, while Atlas and Clarissa dealt with one of the other men. Luna dragged the final man away from the stunned boy and pushed him against a brick wall. He tried to pull a knife from his pocket, but the blonde haired teen yanked it out of his hand and put her hands to his throat, cutting off his airways. The man tried to gasp for air, his face turning pale as he struggled to breathe.

A screech made Luna remove her grip on the man, who kicked her over and fled with his two companions. She landed hard on the concrete pavement, sending pain up her arm. She was still able to move it, so she just guessed she bruised it.

Rising to her feet, Luna’s blue eyes widened in horror as she saw Ash leaning against the opposite wall, one hand placed on his thigh. She could see a patch of blood around that area on his jeans, which gave her the impression that he had been stabbed.

Rune rushed straight over, followed by Luna, concern swimming in her eyes. “Are you okay, Ash?”

“Couldn’t be better,” Ash responded, screwing up his face in pain as Rune inspected the wound. “Are those two kids okay?”

“They’re fine!” Atlas called. “Shaken, but they’re fine!”

“Should I call the hospital?” the girl asked, slightly concerned.

“They won’t help me,” Ash groaned. “Besides, my friend here can heal wounds.”

Her narrow green eyes looked suspicious. “Are you Purebloods?”

Luna exchanged a worried glance with Rune, who nodded at her as to say I think we can trust them.

“Yes,” Luna confirmed. “We’re on a quest, hence why we’re in your world. How did you know we were Purebloods, anyway?”

“They killed our father,” the boy replied, joining his sister. “What are your names, Purebloods?”

“I’m Luna. The guy who got stabbed is Ash, the girl healing him is Rune, the boy with the glasses is Atlas and the scary looking girl is Clarissa,” Luna explained. “How about you?”

“Jason Warner, but everyone called me Jay,” the boy answered cheerfully. “This is Isabelle, my sister. Everyone calls her Izzy usually. I’m the oldest ‘cause I’m 16 and Izzy’s 15.”

“Same age as Atlas,” Luna commented. “He’s 15. The rest of us are 14, but Ash is 15 on Saturday.”

“Happy birthday, mate!” Jason called over to Ash before turning back to Luna. She noticed how similar they looked. They both had pale skin and slender limbs, as well as charcoal black hair and angular cheekbones. Isabelle had narrow, luminous green eyes, while Jason had wide brown eyes.

“So, where are you guys crashing?” Jason inquired.

Luna, Ash, Rune and Clarissa gave him a blank look, but Atlas was quick to answer. “We currently don’t have accommodation, but we’re heading to a river several miles away.”

“River Salt?” Jason corrected him. “We used to camp round there. Haven’t been there for a couple years now, but we were thinking of heading over there this weekend.”

“It’s of the utmost importance that we get there as swiftly as possible.” Ash added, walking over to stand beside Luna. There was no blood on his jeans, so she guessed Rune had healed him successfully.

“We would give you a lift, but we’re going to a party tonight,” Isabelle commented with a smile. “Perhaps you would all like to go with us?”

Atlas smiled back at her, his green eyes shining. “That would be great.”

“Seeing as you guys don’t have anywhere to go either, you can come back to our place.” Jason offered.

“You honestly don’t need to,” Ash insisted. “We can find somewhere without causing you two any trouble.”

Nonsense! It’s the best we can do for saving us!” Isabelle answered. “Besides, there are many dishonest people here who will attack you like they did to Jay.”

“Come with us back to our house, or we’ll drag you by the hair.” Jason teased.


Luna sat down on the black leather sofa in the living room, where a TV screen blared in front of her. Isabelle sat on the armchair, a glass of milk in her ghostly pale hand.

“It’s so messy here.” Clarissa sighed, shaking her head.

“There’s always the back garden,” Isabelle offered. “It’s much tidier, but not as warm.”

“Do you two live here on your own, then?” Ash asked, sitting next to Atlas as he settled down on the floor.

Isabelle nodded. “When Jay turned 16, he left home to find his own place. My mother was seeing this jerk she called her boyfriend and he didn’t like me one bit, so they both threw me out. Luckily Jay caught wind of the story and took me in.”

“Didn’t fancy being homeless then?” Ash continued. “You could be sitting around in the cold and begging if you did. Or holding up a piece of cardboard with your heartbreaking story written in pencil to make people take pity on you.”

Isabelle narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re a piece of work and a half, aren’t you?”

“I’ve known him for about seven years. He’s an absolute nightmare to put up with if you aren’t used to him.” Luna advised her gravely.

“Anyway, we’re going to a party in a few hours, so we should all get ready,” Isabelle pointed out, changing the subject. “I hope you guys brought formal clothes.”

“I don’t really own anything formal as such.” Luna admitted, embarrassed.

“You can borrow one of my dresses – you look about my size,” Isabelle offered. “I’ll fix up your makeup and hair too. If we get started now, I can get myself sorted and everyone else can sort themselves out too.”

“Have fun.” Ash called blandly.

Shooting him an angry glare, Isabelle led Luna upstairs and into her room. Her walls and ceiling were painted black, but there were golden swirls on the ceiling which Luna admired very much. She had a few pictures and ornaments scattered about on numerous shelves and a desk. Luna was amazed to see that the pretty teenage girl had a bookshelf with a couple of classics and romance novels – mainly about vampires. Isabelle also had a king-size bed with dark red bed covers, matched with an assortment of black and dark red pillows. She even had dark red curtains to match. She also had a huge walk-in wardrobe, which was also painted with gold swirls that looked like a tree.

While Isabelle looked through her clothes, Luna stared at one of the shelves. She eyed one particular photograph – a family photo. Isabelle and Jason clearly got their black hair from their mother; who had raven black hair. Luna also spied a small white Yorkshire Terrier on Isabelle’s lap.

“That photo was taken when I was eight,” Isabelle commented, her voice thick with grief. “It was about a year before my father died.”

“I’m sorry,” Luna murmured. “My parents were killed when I was seven.”

“See that dog? That’s Snowdrop, the best dog I could ask for,” Isabelle went on, changing the subject. “When my mum started seeing that awful Kai, she was the only company Jay and I had. She died of old age when I was eleven and I was heartbroken, but Kai told me I was being childish. So I stopped grieving and moved on.”

She then handed Luna a very short black dress. “Try that on.”

“It’s so short.” Luna commented uncertainly.

“It’ll be fine. Go into the bathroom and try it on!”

With great reluctance, Luna wandered into the bathroom, which was a very pale blue. She quickly got out of her jeans and purple checked shirt and put the dress on. Warily gazing at her reflection the mirror, she saw the dress just came down to her knees, making her feel very exposed. How can Normals wear such short dresses?

Sighing, Luna gathered up her clothes and returned to Isabelle’s room. She had got changed into a long red dress with a black leather jacket. The thin girl turned as she heard Luna come in and lit up. “You look great!”

“Can’t I put a jacket on?” Luna asked with a sigh. “I’ve never felt so exposed in my entire life.”

“I’m not finished with you yet,” Isabelle assured her. “I’ll find you some fishnet tights. Have you got any flat shoes?”

Luna shook her head blankly, so the tall girl tossed her a pair of flat black shoes. She took in a sigh of relief to see they were plain.

Soon enough, Luna was wearing the short black dress, fishnet tights, the flat shoes, a long silver bead necklace and a black hair flower. She had to admit that she did like the outfit, but she still wasn’t sure about the length of the dress.

“It will be fine,” Isabelle insisted with a sigh. “Come on; let me do your makeup. I think your hair will be fine loose – I’ll put some glitter in it to make you look sparkly.”

Isabelle sat Luna down on a chair in front of a mirror and nearly covered her entire face in glitter. Luna didn’t exactly see most of what was going on because Isabelle had covered the mirror with a towel, but she had applied black eye shadow, mascara and eye liner. She certainly likes the colour black.

“Done!” Isabelle announced brightly, removing the towel. “What do you think?”

Luna gasped in surprise, not recognising herself at all. Isabelle had done a fantastic  job. Luna’s usual boring blue eyes looked sharper and brighter, plus her face looked more defined. Her wavy blonde hair was covered in specks of glitter, shining wherever the light caught it. “I look amazing!” she breathed at last.

Isabelle grinned. “Let’s go and smash this party.”

Chapter 8 - On Top Of The World

The two girls went down the stairs, only to be welcomed by everyone else. Rune was wearing a pretty cream coloured dress with a white jacket and shoes. Her long black hair – usually hanging loose to about halfway down her back – was tied up in a bun. She didn’t have makeup on, but she didn’t need to. Luna believed she was already pretty the way she was.

Clarissa just wore a long black dress and a black jacket. She did put lipstick on, but it was such a pale pink that it looked quite terrifying. She couldn’t really do much with her hair because it was so short.

The boys hadn’t tried as hard as Isabelle, Luna and Rune. Jason wore a black jacket, trousers and shoes; along with a white shirt. His short black hair looked a bit wet, like he’d had a shower.

Atlas wasn’t really as much as a party person, so he just wore a plain black t-shirt and black jeans. The t-shirt showed a long scar on his left arm that Luna had never noticed before, which made her wonder how he got it.

Ash looked a little like Jason. He wore a white shirt and a black jacket, but like Atlas he’d worn black jeans and white trainers. Only Ash would clash formal with casual.

Most people rested their gaze on Isabelle, who looking stunning. She wore a very long red dress; black leather jacket; fishnet gloves; a long silver necklace with the infinity symbol attached and flat black shoes. Her makeup was done similarly to Luna’s, but she had bright red lipstick and only her charcoal hair was covered in glitter.

Atlas was the first to spy Luna, hitching his glasses higher up. “You look great,” he commented. “but don’t you think that dress is a bit short?”

“It was Isabelle’s choice, not mine,” Luna pointed out. “Seriously though, who packs formal clothes to go and kill a load of Demons and retrieve three insanely important objects?”

Atlas grinned. “Maybe they wanted to take them down in style.”

“Purebloods: Slaying Demons while still staying fashionable,” Ash chipped in, strolling over. “Sounds like a really threatening motto. Maybe the Demons keep attacking us because they’re jealous that our looks are ahead of our time.”

“I bet Alpha would be killing for a pretty dress,” Luna added. “He’s probably searching for matching dresses for the rest of the Demons.”

Clarissa rolled her eyes at them. “Honestly, you three need to learn maturity. Everyone back at Nighthollow would be disgusted to hear you were saying those things.”

“If you want us to be late, by all means keep bickering,” Isabelle sighed. “Come along.”

“How are we getting there?” Rune asked timidly.

Jason grinned at her. “You’ll see.”


The Purebloods were fascinated to learn that Jason owned a pickup truck. There weren’t enough seats for everyone, so Clarissa and Rune joined the two Normals in the car while Luna and the boys sat out at the back. Jason turned up the radio on full volume and wound down the windows so they could hear it.

“I never thought I’d be sitting in the back of a truck on the way to a Normal party.” Ash remarked, leaning back and staring up at the night sky.

“Try standing up, guys!” Isabelle yelled. “It’s awesome!”

“Is she mad?” Ash hissed, muttering a curse under his breath.

“Aw, come on Ash,” Atlas insisted, smiling cheekily. “I’m supposed to be the awkward geek and I’m willing to try it. What about you, Luna?”

“You didn’t need to ask!” Luna laughed, carefully rising to her feet and steadying herself with the roof of the truck. Admittedly, she was a little wary of standing fully up, so she just crouched.

Atlas kicked her lightly with his black trainer. “Stand up. It’s not that bad – trust me.”

Gulping, Luna let go of the roof and stood up, dodging a pigeon as it swooped low from the sky. She held her arms out, enjoying the cool air as it raced past her. Laughter bubbled up inside her and she just had to release it. Atlas was laughing and cheering. I’ve never seen him so excited. Luna reflected.

Turning her head, she noticed Ash staring out at the other cars as they drove past. He looked a little miserable, so she carefully moved over to him and held out her hand. “You won’t fall, I promise.”

“It’s not that,” Ash sighed. “I just don’t feel safe here. I mean, look what happened to Jason.”

“We’re stronger than the average Normal – we’ll be fine,” Luna assured him. “We haven’t got long here, so we might as well enjoy it while it lasts.”

With an inaudible mutter, Ash took her hand and she led him towards the front, where Atlas was still laughing and whooping like a little child. Luna smiled at his enthusiasm and held out her free hand to him, which he took and squeezed tightly. With her two friends at her side, she lifted her hands to the sky and cheered. Atlas followed not long after, his pale face beaming with delight.

“You’re bizarre, Luna Wilde,” Ash murmured into her ear. “Bizarre, but a miracle worker.”

He then started cheering too, laughing. Luna felt like she was on top of the world – she’d never  had this much fun in her whole 14 years of life.

“You guys should take a look to where we’re heading!” Jason shouted. “Take a listen to the radio too!”

Straining her ears to here, Luna faintly recognised the start of a song she’d heard before. When she was 13, she found a radio and had put it on for her entertainment. The exact same song was on now. Since that time a year ago, Luna had kept the song close to her heart, hoping to hear it again.

“Really helpful to say ‘listen to the radio’ when we don’t know any Normal songs!” Ash called back sourly.

“I know it,” Luna pointed out, nudging Ash hard in the side. “It’s called On Top Of The World and it’s by a group called Imagine Dragons.”

Ash narrowed his dark green eyes at her suspiciously. “How do you know?”

“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me,” Luna commented with a smile. “Just listen and learn the song as we drive through the bright lights of the cities.”

The lights were almost blinding as Jason drove his truck through the traffic. Some people were looking exceptionally miserable as they waited to get past, but they looked surprised to see the three Purebloods laughing and joking. Luna had started singing along to the radio, trying to get Ash and Atlas to join in. She eventually did, and the three friends were happily singing as they drove through.

Some of the passing Normals had stopped to listen. Most of them were smiling; some were taking pictures and films of the bright teenagers. Some were jeering, but Luna didn’t care. As the song described, she was on top of the world: she didn’t care what they thought.

The song came to an end as Jason parked his truck next to a tall brick building. Balloons were strung around the iron fence and Luna could hear loud music from inside.

“How long will this party be?” Atlas asked, jumping down. Luna just about traced the nervousness in his voice – she knew Atlas wasn’t a party animal.

Isabelle grinned at him. “As long as we need it to be.”

As the large group entered the building, a tall boy about Jason’s age with short blonde hair and narrow brown eyes appeared. He wore jeans and a white t-shirt, normal casual clothes. He gave the group a crooked grin. “Welcome to my place. Invite?”

Isabelle handed him an invite. “Some ginger-haired girl gave this to me.”

“Ah, that’ll be my Nora,” the boy’s voice was almost like a purr. “Please, do come in.”

He smiled at Isabelle and Jason, but seemed to frown at Ash, who was staring at the ground. He then noticed this and tilted his head up, not afraid. “Can I help you, whoever you are?”

“Steven,” the boy corrected him. “I haven’t seen you around here. Who are you?”

“You’ll see that when he goes viral on the internet, mate,” Jason remarked. “He, the nerdy kid and the little girl caused quite an excitement earlier.”

“So I see,” Steven replied icily. “Well, what are you waiting for? In you go.”

Luna was amazed by the scene. People gathered in a large room with a wooden floor, joking and dancing about. Three small children were running around, making Luna smile warmly at them.

She then noticed Atlas heading towards a row of chairs against one of the walls, but Isabelle grabbed his wrist. “You don’t escape that easily!” she laughed. “Parties are for having fun, not sitting around! Besides, I think you could use a little fun to spice up your life.”

“Maybe I do.” Atlas agreed, smiling shyly at her.

Beside Luna, Rune nearly choked on her glass of lemonade. “Is my brother flirting with a Normal?”

“She is right, though. He only sits and hunches over his books,” Luna pointed out. “Here, he can actually escape from his shell and let himself go. You should have seen him when we were going through the city.”

“You should have heard Clarissa!” Rune groaned. “She can’t shut her mouth for a second! Honestly, I think she could talk for the solar system. Did you know she brought the Demon Tracker with her?”

“That’s probably a safe idea. We don’t know if the Demons are disguising themselves as Normals.” Luna contradicted her friend, tossing her glittery hair back behind her shoulders.

The three children Luna had seen earlier suddenly ran over to her and Rune. The smallest of the three – a curly blonde haired girl wearing a red dress with a red flower in her hair – gazed at the two teenagers in awe. “You’re so pretty.” she breathed.

“Not as pretty as you,” Rune insisted kindly. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“Gracie,” she replied. “What about you? How old are you?”

“I’m Rune, and that’s my best friend Luna. We’re both 14,” Rune went on. “How old are you, Gracie?”

“I’m 7.” Gracie admitted proudly.

Rune’s muddy brown eyes widened in amazement. “No way! I thought you looked at least 13!”

Gracie laughed. She had a beautiful sunny laugh that Luna envied beyond belief.

“So, who are your friends?” Rune asked, gesturing to the other two children. One was a brown haired girl wearing a dark purple dress and the other was a ginger haired boy wearing a checked shirt and green jeans.

“Sophia and Alex,” Gracie pointed to each in turn. “They’re 8 years old and taller than me, but one day I’ll grow to be as tall as a giraffe!”

“I’m sure you will,” Rune assured her kindly. “Are you any good at dancing?”

“You bet!” Sophia boasted. “We’re only the best!”

“Prove it.” Rune challenged playfully, leading the three youngsters to the dance floor. Luna laughed at them, but inside she felt quite sad. She was meant to be having fun, but she felt very low and lonely.

Atlas and Isabelle rushed over to her, laughing. Isabelle held out her hand to Luna. “I got Atlas away from the shadows, you don’t get away either.”

Flashing a grateful smile, Luna took her hand and allowed them to drag her onto the dance floor, where Atlas took her other hand and the three friends span around in a circle, singing at the top of their voices along to the cheerful number that was being played. They soon let go of each other’s hands and spun around to their own delight, laughing and beaming.

The happy song soon faded and a slow song replaced it. Boys danced round with girls, who were smiling and humming along to the song. Atlas offered his hand out to Isabelle, who happily took it with a smile, and the two 15 year olds began waltzing round.

Luna spotted Ash leaning against the wall with his arms folded, his dark green eyes observing the people dancing. He seemed a little amazed to see Atlas dancing with Isabelle, but he didn’t seem bothered.

Pushing her way through the crowd, she stood in front of her friend and stared up at him. “Everything okay?”

“I’m fine,” Ash replied, resting his gaze on her. “Where’s Rune?”

“She’s with these three little kids. They like her a lot.” Luna remarked.

Ash shrugged. “She likes little kids. They like her. No big deal. She’ll probably be hired as their nanny by the end of the evening.”

“I haven’t actually seen any parents for them,” Luna commented, her voice wavering with concern. “Who do you think is supposed to be looking after them?”

Before Ash could reply, Steven stalked over, his narrow brown eyes like chips of ice. “Enjoying the party?” he asked blandly.

“It’s truly spiffing, old bean.” Ash answered, imitating a posh person Luna remembered from the TV.

“You’re beginning to outstay your welcome, Pureblood.” Steven hissed.

Ash widened his eyes in amazement. “How on earth did you…”

His voice trailed off as Steven disappeared off, setting questions in Luna’s mind. How does a Normal know what we are?

Chapter 9 - Demon's Party

The slow song came to an end after Steven disappeared, and a jazz number started playing. Ash’s gaze followed after Steven, suspicious. “I’ve got a bad feeling about him. Something doesn’t seem right.”

“Clarissa would have told someone if something wasn’t right. She brought the Demon Tracker.” Luna pointed out.

“She did what?” Ash looked like he’d been slapped. “Right, we need to find her. Did you see her anywhere?”

Luna shook her head with regret, so Ash pushed his way through the crowd, avoiding the cheerful dancers. Luna tried to follow him and got smacked on her hand, which sent a shock of pain through her. “Ash!” she yelled, worried about where he’d disappeared to.

Someone yanked her out of the crowd harshly by her wrist, so she slapped the person round the face.

“Jeez, Luna! That hurt! What the heck was that for?”

Looking up in astonishment that the person knew her name, she felt a bit guilty to learn she’d slapped Ash. One side of his face was scarlet red where she’d hit him. “Sorry.”

Ash shrugged. “It’ll wear off in a moment. Is your hand okay? I saw that person hit you.”

“Stings like anything.” Luna sighed.

“Let me have a look at it.” Ash ordered.

Obediently, she held out her left hand, which was slightly red. Ash ran his hand over gently, before abruptly stopping at her palm. “You’ve got a scar.”

“I got that ages ago and I’d rather we’d come off the topic, please,” Luna replied sharply.

“We’ll discuss it later. Rather than worrying about a few red marks, we should be finding Clarissa,” Ash commented. “We don’t know for sure if there are Demons here, but things are starting to get strange.”

“What about me?”

Ash took a deep sigh of relief when Clarissa appeared. “You brought the Demon Tracker with you, didn’t you?”

“Yeah,” Clarissa replied sluggishly. “So?”

“Luna and I think that our wonderful host is a Demon,” Ash explained. “Has the Tracker picked up something?”

Clarissa shrugged. “Dunno how to turn it on.”

Anger flared in Ash’s dark green eyes. “You are the most useless person I’ve ever met!”

Before Clarissa could open her mouth to reply, Ash shoved her out of the way and stalked off, heading in Steven’s direction. Luna smiled menacingly at her rival. “Aren’t you glad that was only our best fighter you annoyed rather than our geeky leader?”

Clarissa scowled at her. “I can break you with a few simple words. Push me to the edge and I’ll shove you right over.”

Ignoring her comment, Luna strolled out the room and caught up with Ash on the stairs. He acknowledged her with a brief nod and led the way up the stairs, trying not to stand on creaky steps. Luna copied him, dread settling in her stomach.

They halted at the turn of the stairs, watching Steven go into his room and close the door. Ash held out his arm to stop Luna from advancing further up. “We’ll need to do this quietly and carefully. With our powers combined, we should be able to defeat the Demon easily.”

“How do we know there aren’t any more?” Luna pointed out quietly. “Clarissa didn’t have the Tracker on – Steven might not be the only Demon here.”

Ash had a grave expression on his face. “We’ll just have to hope for the best.”

He slowly climbed the rest of the staircase and stood in the corridor, taking a deep breath. Luna stood beside him. “Should I burn the door down?” she asked timidly.

“Nah, I’ll yank it off the hinges.” Ash decided, concentrating on the door. He heard it pull away, so he made it fling back and hit the wall with a loud bang. Nodding at his friend, the two stormed in, sniggering as Steven crawled out from under the door. He had blood trickling down from his head. “Fools! You could have killed me!”

“That was the idea,” Ash replied darkly. “Now, go and stand against the wall with your hands up.”

“Who are you, the police?” Steven hissed, folding his arms. “You won’t make me do anything, Pureblood.”

“See my friend here?” the tall brown haired boy gestured to Luna. “She’ll fry you if you don’t follow my orders. I won’t spoil the surprise on what we intend to do with your body afterwards, but I don’t think it will be such a pleasant experience for you.”

Muttering a curse, Steven backed up against the wall with his hands slightly above his head. Ash checked him over, but the blonde haired boy lowered his hand quick as a flash and pushed Ash over, making him hit his head on the bed.

With a chuckle, Steven suddenly shapeshifted and split into two small Demons that were about the size of an average house cat. They were fat, black fluffy things; with purple eyes, long sharp teeth, four monkey-like feet and long tails that could easily hang onto things. One charged straight for Luna, teeth snapping and saliva dipping down from it’s mouth. The blonde girl was easily able to kick it away with one foot, but then it threw itself at her arm, biting down hard on her wrist. With a screech, Luna tried to shake it off, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Luna!” Ash yelled, wrestling with the other twin Demon. “These types of Demons have sensitive stomachs – punch it there!”

Taking the advice on board, Luna punched the Demon as hard as she could in the stomach, which made it loosen it’s grip on her wrist. She kept on punching it, each strike hitting harder than the last.

Once the Demon had let go, Luna created a fireball above her head and aimed it at the Demon. It hit home and the Demon exploding, releasing splatters of black blood over the room. Luna smiled triumphantly. One down, one to go.

Luna could see the other Demon strangling Ash, it’s purple eyes filled with malice. She wanted to burn it, but she would risk injuring her friend and she didn’t want to hurt him or potentially kill him.

Thinking quickly, Luna rushed over and squeezed the Demon’s stomach tightly, but it scratched her hand and leapt onto her face, it’s tiny razor-sharp claws raking down her cheek before grasping it’s hands round her throat, cutting off her air supply. She tried to gasp for air, but nothing came.

She suddenly saw a knife flying towards the Demon, going through it and flinging it against the wall. Black blood spilled from it’s chest, making it weakly writher about before letting it’s life ebb away, it’s sightless purple eyes fixing hatred on Luna. She took a few deep breaths, glad to be able to breathe normally again.

Getting to her feet, she saw Ash standing beside the wall. He had a weak grin plastered on his face. “That’s the second time I’ve saved your skin in a single day – you have my excellent knife-throwing skills to thank for that incident.”

“Are you injured?” Luna questioned.

“That little monster destroyed my good looks, but otherwise it’s all good.” Ash sighed, pointing to a long cut from his forehead down to his cheek. It went slightly through his eyelid, which made Luna wince uncomfortably. “Did that not hurt?”

Ash shook his head, his concerned green gaze fixed on her. “You’ve got blood on your wrist.”

“One of them bit me. Luckily those ones weren’t poisonous, or that attack would have been quite messy.” Luna remarked.


They’d left after the Demon attack. It was very cold as they left, so Atlas sat in the truck on the floor while Luna and Ash sat outside. Rune had healed their wounds, but Ash had a scar where the Demon has scratched his face.

“That was certainly an eventful night,” Ash commented, gazing up as storm clouds began to gather in the velvet blanket of night. “It’s not every day the party host turns out to be two mini Demons.”

“You didn’t do any dancing, so I don’t quite see how just that was eventful,” Luna pointed out. “Demon attacks are common: you just don’t know when or where they’ll strike. You don’t know what injuries they cause either – you’ll have to wait to discover that yourself.”

“Speaking of injuries, you still haven’t told me how you got that scar on your hand,” Ash said, raising an eyebrow. “Care to enlighten me?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Luna mumbled.

“We’re friends. We aren’t supposed to keep secrets,” Ash pointed out. “If it’s understandable, I won’t tell a soul.”

“Can we discuss this tomorrow? I’m not in the mood right now.” Luna groaned.

“We’re going to discuss it now,” Ash replied sharply. “You can’t hide the truth forever. Tell me how you got the scar.”

“Why are you so interested in my injuries?” the blonde haired girl retorted back.

Why won’t you tell me?”

“Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Answering a question with a question. It’s not sophisticated, it just sounds ridiculous.”

“I’m not trying to be sophisticated.”

“Then what are you trying to be?”

“That’s none of your business. Tell me the truth.”

“I might not want to tell you!”

“Be that way then. I don’t care.”

Ash turned away from her, not looking at her. Luna hunched up in the corner in silence, gazing up at the sky. Mum, Dad, if you’re up there, please help me. Ash now hates me, we’re all terrified and there’s more responsibility resting on our shoulders than we first thought. Please, just guide us and help us complete our quest in peace.

As usual, there was no reply. Luna wondered why she even bothered.

Chapter 10 - Memory Of Water

“So, we’ll head to the River Salt today. With any luck, we should be able to find one of the Treasures, which will enhance our mission and enable us to find the other two.”

“Sounds like a plan, Atlas. I’ve sorted out the truck – it’s going to rain today. Who will be sitting outside today?”

“I would like to.”

“I’ll go with you then, Rune. What about you, Clarissa?”


“So Ash and Luna are inside today. Okay with you two?”

Luna nodded her head. Ash just grunted, not meeting Atlas’ gaze. Since the argument yesterday, he hadn’t spoken directly to anyone properly apart from Jason.

Atlas rolled the map up and gave it back to Ash. “Then we’re sorted. We’d better get going before we loose valuable time.”

“Actually, would you guys mind if I sat outside and someone swapped with me?” Isabelle asked.

“I’ll swap,” Rune offered politely. “But I call shotgun on outside on the way back!”

Luna exchanged an amused look with Jason, who seemed to notice his sister’s actions towards Atlas. “That’s all good then. Let’s go.”

As they climbed into the truck, Ash headed for the front seat where Isabelle usually sat, while Luna and Rune sat in the back. Rune looked rather freaked out. “I have a feeling Atlas will be hard to bring back when our mission finishes.”

“What makes you say that?” Jason inquired, fiddling with the radio.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Rune sighed, raising her eyebrow.

“Not to me, no,” the black haired boy replied. “Did he not like your world?”

“You Normals are so oblivious,” the Pureblood sighed. “I might tell you later, unless you miraculously figure it out.”

“Oblivious is the word, my friend,” Jason commented. “Anyway, Izzy and I have been very curious about all your pasts. We’ve told you about our parents, so we were wondering about you guys? If you’re comfortable with sharing your stories, of course – we don’t want to pry into places we’re not wanted.”

“My parents disowned me when they found out I was a pacifist, so Atlas’ dad took me in. They aren’t my biological family, but I consider them my true family.” Rune explained.

Jason’s eyes widened in surprise. “No way! I thought Atlas was actually your brother!”

“I consider him as my brother rather than my adoptive brother.” Rune answered, gazing out of the window.

“What about you, Luna?” Jason’s attention averted to the blonde haired Pureblood. “Were your parents nice, or did they boot you out too?”

“My parents were wonderfully kind people. They gave me everything I could possible want in life.” Luna answered briskly.

“They ‘were’?” Jason’s curiosity was piqued instantly.

“My dad died when I was seven. My mum disappeared on the same day, but we all know she was killed too,” Luna murmured. “Before she left, she gave me a locket which contained a family photo. It’s the only picture I’ve got of them and I take it with me everywhere.”

“Oh. I’m sorry,” Jason replied sympathetically. “Care to enlighten us, Ash?”

“I would rather not, please,” Ash grumbled. “I don’t like talking about it.”

The rest of the journey went past in complete and utter silence until Jason announced, “We’re here!”

Luna had dozed off by this time, so she was quite startled at this. Staring out of the window, she gasped. The place they were was bursting with beauty and character – with bright green grass that looked soft as a cloud and a large cluster of fir and pine trees. Two elderly willow trees stood on the bank, their long overhanging branches just hanging over the water’s surface. Small creatures scuttled away from the sound of the truck and fled to their homes. The river itself was rather large and meandered around the bank through the forest.

“I’m surprised Demons would hide a Treasure here,” Rune remarked. “This looks such a beautiful and untouched place.”

Jumping out of the truck, Luna stood at the water’s surface, watching as the rain droplets fell and rippled. This is the moment of truth.

“The map said the Treasure was at the bottom of the river,” Atlas announced. “Who’s our strongest swimmer?”

“I’m one of the best swimmers for our age,” Ash answered. “I could find and retrieve it easily.”

“Very well, then,” Atlas acknowledged him with a nod. “Good luck and be very careful. We don’t know if there are any Demons lurking in the waters.”

“To hear is to obey, O Mighty Leader.” Ash replied mockingly, kicking his shoes off and diving into the depths of the river.

The group watched nervously as Ash swam deeper down until he grabbed something shiny and small from underneath the rocks. Atlas exhaled a large amount of air in relief. “He’s found the locket and it’s genuine.”

As Ash began to swim up to the surface, a long black tentacle grabbed his neck and dragged him back down. Luna could see the rising panic as he tried to break free, but the Demon’s grip was too tight and he was beginning to loose air quickly.

“We can’t let him die down there!” Rune screamed. “We have to help him!”

Without thinking it through, Luna kicked her shoes off and glanced back at her friends. “Fight off any Demons that come to surface. I’ll try to rescue Ash.”

Taking a deep breath, Luna jumped into the large river, making her way over to the Demon. She knew that her fire wouldn’t work underwater and her friend couldn’t use his power while being strangled, so she panicked. Think Wilde, think…

She then remembered she had a dagger in her trouser pocket, so she fumbled around for the hilt and swam towards the Demon. Praying silently in her head, she raised the dagger above her head and sank it into the Demon’s long black tentacle.

The Demon screamed, it’s tentacle dissolving into black fog and therefore freeing Ash. Luna grabbed his arm and began to make her way to the surface as quickly as she could, hoping that the Demon wasn’t following them. She eventually broke the surface a few seconds later, pulling Ash up with her. He gasped for air, still in a state of shock. His dark green eyes were afraid and lost as he stared at Luna. “Y-You saved me?”

Luna nodded. “You would have died if no one did.”

“B-But after wh-what happened yesterday…” Ash’s voice trailed off.

“Look, you’re still my best friend no matter what happens between us,” Luna promised. “I’m sorry I upset you. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t want to tell you about my scar.”

Ash blinked at her in surprise. “You didn’t upset me.”

“Anyway, did you get the locket?” Luna asked, changing the subject briskly.

Ash carefully removed something relatively long and silver from his neck, a grin plastered on his face. “I said I would, didn’t I?”

With a gasp of joy, Luna embraced her best friend; glad he was alive and had retrieved the first Treasure. Surprisingly, Ash hugged her back.

“I know Luna just saved your life and all, but Demons could still be lurking down there,” Atlas yelled. “Also, you’re in possession of one of the most precious objects known to the Purebloods!”

Pulling away reluctantly, Luna swam over to the bank, where Isabelle held out her hand. “I’ll drag you out.” she offered.

Luna smiled at her. “Thanks, Izzy.”


Luna watched the storm develop further from the window of the spare room, sitting on the windowsill clutching her legs. Since the incident earlier this morning, she’d had a hot bath, got changed into dry clothes and eaten a warm lunch.

Just as lighting flashed and a loud roar of thunder passed by, Luna spotted a young girl not much younger than her standing out in the middle of the road. It was raining heavily, but she wasn’t wet. She just stood there, not moving. Luna was suspicious instantly. Who is she? How is she not getting wet?

Opening the window, she yelled down, “Hey kid, what are you doing standing there?”

The girl didn’t reply. She just stood there, a blank expression on her pale face.

Shutting the window again, Luna ran out of the room and down the stairs, dodging Atlas as he walked past with a large book. He blinked at her. “What’s wrong, Luna?”

“There’s a strange kid out on the road,” Luna explained. “She’s not getting wet at all despite the weather and she’s just standing in the middle of the road.”

Atlas narrowed his dark green eyes suspiciously. “Does she look familiar at all to you? How old is she?”

“No, and I think she’s about my age, perhaps younger,” Luna replied. “I’m going to find out who she is.”

“I’ll come with you.” her friend offered.

The two ran out into the pouring rain, sharing an umbrella between them as they headed towards the road, yelling “Hey!”

The girl blinked at them and stepped onto the path in front of them. She was tall and skinny; with a black symbol on both her palms; blonde hair just above her bony elbows; very pale blue eyes and a silver bracelet on her wrist which showed two snakes curling round each other. She wore a white dress that came just above her ankles and was surprisingly barefoot. Luna also noticed that her right pupil was clouded, indicating she was blind in that eye.

“What’s your name?” Luna asked. “It’s okay – we won’t hurt you.”

The girl stared at her, confused.

“We won’t,” Atlas assured her. “You’re not a Normal and I don’t believe you’re a Demon either, so we won’t hurt you at all. We give you our word.”

“Adele Swiftwing,” the girl murmured softly. “I’m like you. I’m Pureblood.”

Chapter 11 - Secrets Of The Artist

What?” Atlas nearly fainted. “How can you be here? How did you know we were Pureblood? Purebloods don’t roam around randomly in the Normal world!”

“I’m lost,” Adele explained quietly. “I can’t go home. I want to, but I can’t.”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked, narrowing her eyebrows.

“Nobody’s home. There’s no place to go…” Adele trailed off when Isabelle and Jason appeared at the door. Her pale blue eyes widened in fear. “Traitors! You’re helping Normals!”

“They’re helping us, Adele,” Luna explained. “We’re on a quest to recover the Phoenix’s Treasure. Isabelle and Jason wanted to help us – thanks to them we’ve got the locket.”

“I know the Treasure was stolen. I saw you rescue that boy from the river and he had the locket around his neck,” the tall girl replied. “You’re Luna, right? And you’re Atlas?”

Atlas exchanged a worried look with Luna. “Perhaps you should come inside. You’ve clearly got a story to tell if you followed us back here.”

Leading her out of the rain, Luna and Atlas showed her into the living room, where the other three Purebloods were lounging around watching TV. Clarissa was the first to notice Adele’s presence. “What’s she doing here? Who is she?” she demanded.

Luna cleared her throat nervously. “Everyone, this is Adele Swiftwing. Atlas and I found her out in the rain. She’s a Pureblood like us and she knows about the Phoenix’s Treasure.”

Ash sat up and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “I’ve never seen you before. How old are you?”

Adele pondered for a moment. “Probably about 1400 years old. I’m in the form of a 16 year old girl though.”

“Why?” Ash inquired. “How are you that old? Are you immortal?”

“The name ‘Swiftwing’ rings a bell, actually,” Atlas mumbled, flicking through the pages of a large book from his bag. “Ah. Are you a descendant of Mars and Rochelle Swiftwing?”

Adele nodded. “They’re my great-great-grandparents. I met them when I was 6 years old, but they died not long afterwards.”

“Then I can explain where you came from,” Atlas looked relieved. “You’re from The Order, aren’t you?”

“The what?” Luna and Ash asked simultaneously.

“Clearly shows you two need some educating,” Atlas sighed, placing down the book. “The Order was a small group of Purebloods who could walk in the dreams and memories of others. When they turn 100 years old, they received special marks so they could use their powers. The Order was formed by Mars and Rochelle Swiftwing back before the dinosaurs, but was destroyed in the 1800s. Only 5 people survived of the original 82 members, but it has been believed that those survivors were executed 20 years later,” He closed the book, staring up at Adele. “How did you survive?”

“The survivors were not executed. A person spread those rumours and obviously people caught wind of the story and believed it,” Adele sighed. “I survived, along with my little brother Rory and three other people. I don’t know the whereabouts of any of them, but I think two of those people live somewhere in the Normal world.”

Ash nodded curtly. “Very well then. I take it you want to bring her with us, Atlas?”

The skinny teenager nodded. “She might be useful.”


Luna lay down on the sofa in the spare room, her pale grey blanket wrapped around her. She was having difficulty sleeping because she kept having nightmares about her parents.

On a bed nearby, Rune slept peacefully, undisturbed by Atlas snoring. Clarissa and Adele were also silent as they slept. Ash was in a very deep sleep, but Luna noticed he had a black sketchpad on the floor that she had never seen before.

Hoping not to wake up her friends, Luna arose from the sofa and crouched down beside him, shaking his shoulder. “Ash,” she whispered. “Wake up.”

Ash continued sleeping, so Luna took the pad and sat down on the sofa, shining a torch onto it as she turned the first page. She was amazed to see a sketch of Alpha, his teeth bared and eyes fierce. The drawing was fantastic and incredibly accurate. Ash has never shown any interest in art. Why did he hide it? Luna wondered.

On the next page, there was a picture of Horace – Rosco’s pet raven who lived in the library. He was in flight with a small book gripped in his talons, his beak open wide in a caw.

Flipping a few more pages, Luna saw a picture of Atlas. He was sat cross-legged on the floor with a book in his lap, his face concentrated on reading it. There was also a picture of Rune sitting up a tree, a robin perched on her shoulder. She was smiling happily as usual.

Luna then stopped at the page afterwards when she realised that Ash had drawn her too. She was sitting on top of a hill, her hair tossed over her left shoulder. She had a shy smile on her face too, which was odd because Luna knew she never smiled like that. The picture may have been in black and white apart from a sky blue used for her eyes, but Ash had made her look stunning.

The book suddenly closed sharply and lifted up, flying through the air and back towards Ash, who stood shaking his head. “I would prefer if you didn’t go prying through my private stuff, thank you.” he sighed, hugging the pad to his chest.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone you had such an amazing talent?” Luna asked. “You take ordinary people or things and make them beautiful. That’s a rare and wonderful gift, Ash.”

“I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted to prove to my parents that I could be great. They didn’t believe I was good enough to be Pureblood,” Ash sighed. “They hated me, Luna.”

“How could they possibly hate you?” Luna was amazed. “You’re a bit harsh and sarcastic sometimes, but there’s not real problem with you as such.”

“My parents didn’t want me. They beat me until I bled, no matter how much I cried for them to stop. They trod on me like dirt, so I had to toughen up and face them,” Ash looked genuinely upset as he spoke. “That’s why I am the way I am. It’s also why I prefer everyone to call me Ash – it’s a small act of defiance against the people who were supposed to look after me,”

Luna opened her mouth to interrupt, but Ash continued. “You’re lucky, to have had a family who loved and cared for you. I had nothing and no one until I started training. I met people I would learn from and maybe even die for. When I was 12, I moved straight into the cabins and left my first dagger on the kitchen worktop. It had dried blood on it – just another small act of defiance.”

“Did your parents know you could draw?” Luna inquired.

“Oh yes. I spent about a week drawing a picture of them when I was 7. I was so proud of it, but when I showed them they ripped it up and told me Purebloods were trained to kill, not to draw,” Ash said. “They told me to stop drawing, but I continued and kept my drawings as a sort of diary, if you like. I threw away my old sketchpad and I have this one for company now.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why did you draw those five things or people on the first pages?”

“I drew Alpha because I overcame my childish fear of him. Horace looks particularly graceful in flight when I visit the library, plus he’s usually carrying books about. Atlas is my nerdy best guy friend, so I had to put him in there. Rune’s another good friend and sort-of related to Atlas in some ways.”

“And why am I in there?”

“You’re my favourite best friend: why else?”

“When you have a group of best friends, you’re not supposed to have favourites.”

Ash stepped forward and placed his hand to her cheek. “Sometimes you can’t help having favourites when all you’ve known is fear.”

He then walked away back to his sleeping area, put his sketchbook back into his bag and laid down, closing his eyes as he let sleep claim him. Luna watched him for a few minutes, noticing how young and vulnerable he looked. In reality, he was a tough but reserved teenager with a sarcastic attitude and a knack for fighting; but in the land of sleep, he wasn’t any of those things. Luna found it hard to imagine what her friend was really like underneath his true personality, but she knew that he was much different.

Chapter 12 - Accept Your Fears

Luna woke up to a giggling-like sound from across the corridor. She was curious to know what was so funny – but she felt too lazy to get up. I’m too tired to face whatever trials are planned for-

Her thought stream was broken when Rune and Adele walked in, laughing hard and clutching their stomachs. Luna yawned and leapt up to her feet, staring at the two Purebloods. “What’s so funny?” she asked curiously.

“We just pulled a prank on Ash!” Rune spluttered, wiping away tears from her face. “He was really moody this morning, so Adele and I threw an ice balloon at him! His face was priceless!”

“Wouldn’t he have used his powers to avert it back?” Luna inquired.

“His back was turned so he didn’t have time – all the joy for us!” Adele sniggered.

“What did he say to you?” the blonde girl went on, unsuccessfully holding back a splutter of laughter.

“He had that ‘you’ll regret doing that’ look on his face, so we’re expecting something later,” Adele explained, amusement dancing in her eyes. “I think he’s getting cleaned up now, but it was hilarious!”

“Did I miss much apart from that?” Luna questioned.

Rune shook her head. “We’re plotting how to get to the next Treasure. I think we could use your help. Get changed and we’ll meet you in the kitchen.”


They all gathered in the kitchen, nibbling on toast and drinking hot beverages left out. Luna cupped a mug of tea in her hands, standing over the table as Ash rolled the map out. He had a bruise on the left side of his face which also touched his neck: clearly where the ice balloon had hit him earlier.

The yellow dot that was originally on the River Salt had moved across towards a forest, which Isabelle shuddered at. “Of all places, your scary Demon buddies had to hide whatever you’re looking for there.”

“Scary Demon buddies?” Ash repeated, raising one eyebrow. “Don’t make me laugh.”

“What’s so bad about that forest?” Atlas asked thoughtfully.

“That’s only Raven’s Run. People who have been brave enough to venture there don’t usually come out,” Isabelle explained, her voice wavering. “Apparently the forest exposes all your fears and tortures you using them.”

“It’s a risk we’ll have to take if we’re going to find the next Treasure,” Atlas sighed. “I hope no one’s afraid of things that are going to fatally wound or kill you. This Raven’s Run place looks pretty big, so all of us will have to go in there if we’re going to find it.”

Luna exchanged a worrying look with Ash. They both knew that Ash’s fear of his abusive parents could potentially cause him harm, which worried Luna beyond belief. What if I loose him?

“Well, that’s a two day drive from here,” Jason remarked, coming in. “We’ll have to stay somewhere overnight. What about camping?”

“I hate camping, Jay – you know well enough that I do.” Isabelle complained.

“We’re not going to get away with getting into a hotel. They’re pricey places, plus if a Demon attacks you guys will give the game away by fighting. Then you might end up in the slammer,” Jason sighed. “I’m not willing to take that risk.”

“There used to be Pureblood safe houses for those who ended up in the Normal world.” Adele suggested.

Atlas shook his head. “Those were shut down ages ago. There won’t be any active ones.”

“There must be something we can do,” Rune murmured. “We can’t return back to Nighthollow with only the locket. We promised Rosco we’d return with all of the Phoenix’s Treasure.”

Luna gulped down the rest of her tea and placed the mug down on the table suddenly. “Don’t you have any friends we could stay with, Jason?”

“Not ones that will accept Purebloods in their house.” Jason sighed.

“We could sleep in the truck,” Rune suggested after a while. “Just take the cover and lots of blankets for the people outside.”

“We can fit two people on the seats and two on the floor, so the girls can sleep inside and the boys outside.” Jason added.

“Fun. You’re throwing us out in the cold,” Ash commented in boredom. “It won’t be the forest that kills us – it’ll be the cold at this rate.”

“Stop complaining and grab your bag.” Clarissa snapped, fed up with Ash’s attitude already.

Everyone started leaving the room, apart from Luna and Atlas. The skinny young teenager was packing away the map when Luna approached him. “Atlas, I need to ask you a favour.”

“Of course. Anything.” Atlas replied, rolling the tatty parchment up.

Luna took a deep breath and lowered her voice. “It’s about Ash-”

“Has he hurt you?” Atlas interrupted, anger boiling up inside him. “If he has, I will-“

“No, no! He hasn’t done anything like that to me at all!” Luna insisted. “It’s just about when we go to Raven’s Run. I found out last night about a fear he has that could put him in a bad way or more likely kill him. I’m really worried about him, so could you possibly make Ash stay out of the forest?”

“You know better than anyone that he’ll still go in,” Atlas pointed out regretfully. “I would try, but I can’t guarantee that he’ll like that.”

Please, Atlas,” Luna pleaded. “Ash will get himself killed if he goes in that forest!”

Atlas pondered for a moment, his dark emerald green eyes narrowed in suspicion and biting his lip. “Don’t tell me you’ve begun to care him.”

Luna slowly nodded, which made the black haired boy give a long whistle. “Well, I guessed as much. I may not have the same understanding that you do, but I don’t believe that Ash will love. He cares about his friends, sure, but I think he’s emotionally scarred about something. Don’t be upset if he lets you down, Luna. Some people just don’t feel that strongly about relationships.”

Giving her a sympathetic pat on the back, Atlas walked out, calling for Rune. Luna followed him out, confronting her confused feelings in her head. Do I really feel this way about Ash?

Chapter 13 - Inner Scars

They’d driven for several hours now. Rune and Clarissa were both asleep on the seats, while Adele and Luna sat on the floor. Isabelle was helping Jason navigate, so she wasn’t really listening to the conversation.

“So, how long have you known everyone for?” Adele asked.

“I’ve known Rune and Atlas for nine years, Ash for seven years and Clarissa for about three or four years.” Luna explained.

“And none of you have fallen out for that time?” Adele seemed amazed.

“I’ve had a few petty arguments with Ash and several unmeaning debates with Atlas, but not really. We don’t really like Clarissa, but she was told to come with us, so we had to bring her,” Luna replied, leaning back against the inside of the door. “What do you think of all of us?”

“Rune’s lovely and very sweet – we’ve had a lot of fun so far. I haven’t really spoken to Clarissa, but she seems rather self-centred. Atlas is awkward but kind; he reminds me of Rory. Ash is rather crabby and sarcastic: it’s hard to be nice to him. I honestly don’t know how you put up with him.” Adele answered truthfully.

“He can be kind, Adele – he’s just had a harsh start in life. Besides, he saved my life when a Demon poisoned and nearly killed me.” the blonde haired girl assured her.

“Yeah, Rune told me all about that one.” Adele said.

The two girls were quiet until Jason announced, “We’ll stop here for the night. Go out and stretch your legs or whatever.”

Luna reached up to open the door, falling out backwards once she’d opened it. She landed on the ground with a thud and yelped out in surprise.

Clarissa sniggered at her. “Nice falling, Wilde. We should have let you open the door at the edge of a cliff to see what happens then.”

“We should kick you off a cliff to see what happens then,” Ash retorted, helping Luna up. “Oh wait – we’d all throw a party and everyone would be thrilled to pieces.”

“There’s no need for that, Ash.” Atlas scolded him sternly.

Ash shrugged. “Whatever. I’m going for a walk.”

“Wouldn’t you need a light to see?” Luna questioned. “It’s dark out.”

“No kidding,” Ash sighed. “You have the power of fire for that reason.”

“I didn’t agree to come with you.” Luna pointed out.

“Hey guys! Adele’s going to walk in someone’s memories! We can join in too!”

Luna grinned. “Looks like your walk is out of the question.”

Adele sat down on the ground, Rune at her side. Luna sat at her other side, along with Ash. Atlas sat next to Ash and Clarissa slotted in the place next to him and Rune.

“Create a fire. I will be able to concentrate easier.” Adele ordered Luna, who lifted her hands up and shot a fireball out of them into the middle of the circle.

“Now, everyone hold hands and close your eyes so we can all connect with the memories.” Adele instructed, holding out her hands. Luna noticed the black symbol on her palms looked like a cobra’s head, which made her mind wonder. Why cobras?

“I have found one rather strong memory,” Adele announced. “One that has been with one certain person for many years. You must all be quiet if we are able to see it.”


“Daddy!” a little girl shrieked as she was dragged away from the body of her father, which was motionless and completely covered in black blood.

“Hush now, sweet one,” a young woman soothed her gently. “I’ll take you somewhere safe. Somewhere where those beasts won’t lay a claw on you.”

She led the young child over towards a large building, dodging the mass of dead bodies scattered around. She clutched the child’s hand fiercely as if her life depended on it.

An old man greeted her at the door to the building. “Mia,” he acknowledged her. “What appears to be troubling you? Where is George?”

“He is dead,” Mia murmured thickly, her eyes filled with tears. “He was poisoned by a Demon.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” the old man replied, patting her shoulder. His attention averted to the little girl at her side. “Why have you brought her here?”

“I don’t want Luna to die like George did. I want her to live a long, happy life filled with love and kindness. That’s why I’m temporarily leaving her with you in case something happens and I end up joining George.” Mia explained, tossing her chestnut brown hair back over her slender shoulders.

The old man nodded. “Atlas and Rune will keep her good company.”

“Thank you, Rosco.” Mia murmured gently before crouching down so she could face her daughter in the eye. She removed the gold necklace strung around her neck and handed it to the blonde haired girl. “This isn’t just a necklace, Luna. This contains a photo of our family. I’d like you to have it – keep it safe.”

The small child slipped the necklace into her pocket obediently, while her mother kissed the top of her head. “Be strong, Luna. Do everything that Rosco tells you to do and don’t give him any hassle.”

“Where are you going, Mama?” Luna asked timidly.

Mia stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I love you.”

She then rushed out, ignoring her daughter’s desperate cries. The cries got weaker and weaker – as did the image…


“Stop,” Ash growled. “Stop this now.”

Luna was trembling all over, tears streaming down her face. Right now, she just wanted to hide away and see her mother again; to take in her sweet flowery scent, to feel her safe arms around her…

“I-I need to go.” Luna mumbled, rising up to her feet.

“Luna…” Ash trailed off, staring at her with concern swimming in his eyes. “Please stay. We’ll talk about it.”

“There is nothing to discuss. You’ve already seen it.” Luna replied bitterly, stalking off towards the forest.


Chapter 14 - Tough Love

Ash watched her leave, her head hung like she was crying. He’d seen her cry before, but it wasn’t usually over something like this. For the first time in what felt like ages, Ash didn’t feel like contradicting anyone with a sarcastic remark. He wanted to punch Adele for what he’d done to Luna. No one - and he meant no one - would get away with upsetting any of his friends!

“I swear there’s more drama here than a soap,” Clarissa remarked with a snicker. “There’s always a problem or big dilemma with that girl.”

“You shut your mouth, you useless pile of manure!” Ash snapped fiercely. “No one wanted you here in the first place!”

Adele sniggered in the background, which earned her a slap in the face from Ash, who was virtually at boiling point. “You can shut up too! Of all the memories, you had to pry in the most sensitive one to Luna!”

“You do not understand, Ash Chase. I did not pick on her deliberately – the memory stuck out like a sore thumb and I chose to look at it.” Adele explained smoothly.

“Cow!” Ash yelled. “You’re just a cow to do that to someone!”

“What interests me is that I have a feeling you wouldn’t have arguing with me if I looked into someone else’s private memories.” Adele responded.

“Well, we all know that Luna would have done that to Ash if he had something to hide,” Clarissa added, a poisonous expression on her face. “From what we know, he has nothing to hide.”

You underestimate me, Ash argued silently. I am hiding more than you could possibly imagine. You just won’t find out.

“In fact, I think Luna would stand up for Ash if even Rune was picking on him for a joke,” Clarissa continued. “I think that’s a sign.”

“Clarissa,” Atlas warned her fiercely. “don’t you dare go that far.”

“Who’s going to stop me?” Clarissa retorted menacingly.  “I can do what I like – not even you can defy my free right to voice my opinion, Atlas.”

The tall boy shook his head, looking defeated. Ash’s suspicions rose immediately. What’s going on? What is Atlas trying to hide?

“It might be worth bringing up what else Luna is hiding – her feelings,” Clarissa went on, savouring the moment. “She’s very protective of you, Ash. You’re blind if you haven’t noticed.”

“What does this have to do with anything?” Ash argued.

“She loves you.” Clarissa confirmed, her blue eyes gloating over victory.


Luna sat up a tree, leaning back against the trunk hugging her knees to her chest and crying. She felt as if Adele had stolen something precious to her, something she didn’t want anyone seeing. It felt awful.

Adele was supposed to be our friend and she just goes and pries into my worst memory. How can we trust her to not do it again?

“Luna? Are you here?”

Luna heard Ash shouting and making his way around the forest. Lifting her head, she saw a figure going around with a torch, scratching the back of their head. It could only be Ash – the figure was too tall for Atlas and too muscular for Jason.

“Luna!” Ash yelled again.

“I’m up here!” she called back, her voice still thick with sorrow.

Ash quickened his pace and shined his torch up in her face, muttering a curse at realising how high up she was. “For goodness sake Luna, get out of the tree. It’s my job to climb trees – you’re just the provider of warmth and light.”

“Is Adele with you?” Luna asked timidly.

“I’m on my own – swear on my life.”

Luna carefully made her way down the tree, but stumbled down on one of the last branches and fell. Ash dropped the torch and concentrated on her, just able to reverse gravity so she didn’t injure herself. “We’ll have to get you a bell when you next run off.” he commented sarcastically.

“That’ll be my present from you, I take it?” Luna joked, getting up.

“Hmmm,” Ash grunted, retrieving his torch. He looked slightly disturbed, which rose Luna’s suspicions. Rather than reflecting on it, she decided to ask him outright. “Is there something bothering you?”

“Oh nothing, just found out one of my friends has lied to me.” Ash replied thinly.

Luna looked genuinely surprised. “Who?”

“Don’t give me that little innocent look – you know who it is.” Ash snapped.

The blonde girl blinked in surprise. “Me?”

“Yes you, stupid. Clarissa has given me an interesting piece of information,” Ash replied angrily, arms folded. “Even more interesting, Atlas knew too.”

Horror rose in Luna’s stomach. No. She didn’t…

“I’m curious to know why you didn’t tell me,” Ash hissed. “Care to enlighten me?”

“I-I’m sorry Ash, I just didn’t know how to tell you. Clarissa sussed it out back in Nighthollow and Atlas got it out of me this morning. I just wanted to let it develop like with Atlas and Isabelle.” Luna murmured, gazing down at the ground.

“So it is true then,” Ash muttered with a trace of regret in his voice. “You do love me.”

Luna gave a tiny nod, which made Ash groan. “Look Luna, you’re my best friend and I’d do anything to make you happy. I think you would do the same for me too. It’s just that I see you more as a sister to me rather than a girlfriend. We’re both only children and had no parents as such when we first met, so we had a close sibling affection rather than love. I’m sorry Luna, but I don’t feel the same way.”

He stepped forward, looking down on Luna. “I’m sorry if I disappointed you, but there’s no easy way of putting it bluntly when it’s been kept a secret,” he muttered, looking over his shoulder. “I think you should return back. I’m going to check something out.”

“Are you sure?” Luna asked quietly. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“I’m capable of looking after myself,” Ash replied stiffly. “Just return back to the others. They’re putting in some battle practise and I’ll be helping tomorrow.”

“If you say so,” Luna said, trying to hide her disappointment. “Have fun with whatever you’re doing.”

Chapter 15 - Afraid

Atlas ducked down, dodging the blow from Luna and kicking her in the shin, making her fall over with a gasp. “I didn’t see that!”

“That was the idea,” Atlas teased, helping her up. “We’ll try again.”

The two teenagers stood back, taking a deep breath before continuing the fight. Luna kicked him several times in the leg before punching him in the face, knocking him over.

“This is supposed to be a friendly fight, not a beating,” Ash scowled, frowning. “We’re going to practise knife-throwing now. Luna, stand in front of the target.”

“Are you insane?” Atlas hissed. “Clarissa will pierce a knife through her heart if required!”

“I’ll be watching,” Ash replied dully. “Just grab a knife and wait with the others.”

With a soft sigh, Luna walked past and stood in front of the target, her eyes fixed on her friends as Ash briefly spoke before standing away, allowing Clarissa to step forward first. I’m sure Ash did that on purpose. she presumed.

Taking a deep breath, Clarissa threw the knife, which just missed her neck. It would have hit her if she had flinched, which she had sworn not to do. She was going to show she could be brave.

Clarissa threw another knife, this one practically touching her cheek. Luna began to feel nervous as the brown haired girl aimed her knife before throwing. This one was definitely heading towards her shoulder, but it somehow flew overhead and landed in a tree instead.

“That is why you don’t try to injure people,” Ash replied sharply. “We’ll finish up there for today and get in the truck. We haven’t got long before we reach Demon’s Run and begin searching for the next Treasure.”

As Luna went to catch up with Rune, Ash seized her wrist, making her yelp out in pain. “What was that for?”

“Sorry,” Ash mumbled. “Are you riding inside or outside today?”

“Outside. I’m staying away from Adele,” Luna responded. “I don’t trust her after what happened yesterday.”

“It’s understandable,” Ash assured her gently. “Just hang in there, okay? We’ll be home soon – away from Adele and in time to celebrate my birthday in three days time.”

“Adele is Pureblood. She should take refuge in Nighthollow if she’s trying to be safe.” Luna pointed out.

“Yes, but you don’t have to talk to her. Besides, not many people liked The Order, according to Atlas. Like with the incident yesterday, they tend to pry in places where they’re unwanted.”

“I’m just glad she didn’t look at your memories. That would have been much worse.”

“You watched your father die and don’t know what happened to your mother. My parents only abused me.”

“They didn’t only abuse you, Ash – they destroyed your childhood and took away your freedom. You can’t call them parents, while I still can. I was happy for those first years of my childhood: you were most certainly not okay.”

“We’ll just leave this conversation here, okay? I’d rather not talk about it. Besides, we’re falling behind time.”

“Then let’s move.”


Luna lifted her head to watch the birds overhead, gazing at them and admiring their grace. They were chasing each other playfully from what it looked like, almost following the pickup truck to the dreaded land of nightmares.

“I’m worried about this particular Treasure,” Atlas admitted, cutting into Luna’s peaceful thoughts. “Izzy told me that Raven’s Run can create illusions. What if the map picked up an illusion rather than the real thing?”

“Relax. If the map found the locket, I’m pretty sure it found the next Treasure too. Have a little faith.” Ash replied.

A chilling wind howled above their heads, making Luna shiver. She had brought her warm dark blue jumper with her, but the wind was freezing her bones and hurting her eyes.

“Are you cold?” Ash asked with a rare slight gentleness in his voice. “You can take my jacket, if you want.”

Luna shook her head quickly. “It’s okay,” she murmured quietly. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”

Her friend sighed and beckoned her over. “Come here.”

Obediently, she shuffled over and he put his arm around her, allowing her to nestle against him. “Better?”

The blonde teenager nodded. “Thanks.”

“That’s what friends are for,” he insisted. “But to add to the running total of things I’ve done for you, this is now the third time I’ve saved your life. You owe me big time.”

“You really thought I was going to freeze to death?” Luna only just managed to hold back her amusement. “That’s like telling Atlas he’ll die from over-reading.”

Atlas looked up, his dark green eyes confused. “What?”

Ash just laughed, which make Luna stifle a giggle. It’s just like old times.

Fixing her gaze on Atlas – who was cleaning his glasses – she realised how unalike he and Ash were despite getting on well. Sure, they were both tall and had a similar shade of dark emerald green eyes, but they were different in almost every other way. Atlas was lithe and slender like his sister, while Ash was well-muscled thanks to constant extra training and broad shouldered like his father. Atlas also had raven-black hair a bit similar to Isabelle and Jason. Ash had dark brown hair – the same colour as a tree branch.

Their personalities were also very much different. Atlas was awkward and a bit shy around strangers. He liked to think things out logically before doing them; a good leadership trait. Ash wasn’t the slightest bit awkward or shy. He was smart, but he usually wanted to get on rather than suss something out. He was usually sarcastic, impatient and short-fused, but he cared deeply about the safety of his friends and occasionally showed a lighter side.

“You could get some sleep, y’know,” Atlas remarked quietly. “You might need the rest if your dangers are particularly bad.”

“I’ll just fret about my fears in my dreams and I’ll be really worked up about it if I go to sleep,” Luna pointed out. “Besides, I want to spend what could be my last moments with anyone here.”

Atlas nodded. “Perhaps it would be for the best. We might as well work out a plan for when we get there.”

“We’ll just split up, beat our fears and find the Treasure. Simple.” Ash answered lazily.

“It won’t be that easy. This is Alpha we’re talking about – the craftiest Demon of the lot. He won’t make it the slightest bit easy for us.” Atlas pointed out.

The brown haired boy shrugged. “Whatever.”

The majority of the journey continued in complete and utter silence. Ash had somehow managed to fall asleep; Luna guessed he was having an off day.

“I’m worried about Rune,” Atlas admitted after a little while, concern swimming in his dark green eyes like fish in a pool. “When she was little, she was terrified of being kidnapped by ghosts after watching this really scary film. I think she’s still scared of that.”

“If it won’t kill her, it’s fine,” Luna assured him. “Do you have any major fears that could possibly kill you? Living without books, perhaps?”

The older boy grinned. “Just cobras. Maybe the occasional forest fire too. What about you?”

“I’m scared of vampires,” Luna shuddered as she spoke. “I also fear Alpha and heights.”

Heights?” Atlas couldn’t hold back a laugh. “You’re a Pureblood and you’re afraid of heights?”

“I always feel nauseous when I’m up too high,” the wavy haired teenager remarked. “But I’m not worried about my own personal fears.”

Atlas frowned. “Is this something to do with Ash?”

“His fears will strike his heart or kill him,” Luna murmured, looking over at him to make sure he wasn’t awake. “I’m scared for him.”

“Could you tell me so I can assess how bad the situation is?” Atlas inquired, lowering his voice.

“His parents used to abuse him and I think he’s afraid of water after the incident at River Salt.”

Before her friend could reply, the truck screeched to a halt at a clearing and woke Ash up with a start. A dark storm cloud hung overhead, shadowing the already dark forest. It was deadly silent, with black trees ganging up on the group like a group of bullies.

They had reached Raven’s Run.

Chapter 16 - Raven's Run

Luna leaned against the truck, watching as Atlas relayed his plan to Adele. She knew the plan off by heart – stay together and then split up when the first fears appeared. That way, the Treasure would be located quicker. They even had learnt different animal calls for communication.

After Adele walked away, Isabelle ran up to Atlas and pulled him into a fierce embrace, murmuring something Luna couldn’t quite catch. It was probably something positive, because the Pureblood lightly kissed the top of her head.

Jason pulled a face. “Ugh.”

“I know you may not trust us too much, but Atlas is caring and wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Luna insisted, realising that Jason was slightly annoyed with the sudden affectionate gesture. “If Isabelle is willing to trust him, I’m sure you can too.”

“It’s not just that,” Jason replied thinly. “I don’t believe Rune approves either.”

Looking over at her friend, Luna saw that she was looking away from her foster brother, scuffing the top of her trainer. Luna was confused instantly. “Rune gets on with Isabelle, though.”

“Then you clearly don’t know what I’m getting at,” Jason sighed. “She looks upset – does that give you a big enough clue?”

“Wait… she doesn’t like Atlas, does she?” Luna was worried. “That sounds odd. She’s practically his sister.”

The older Normal shook his head regretfully. “Not by blood they’re not.”

If that’s the case, Rune has hidden her feelings well, Luna reflected. I wouldn’t have been able to keep it secret.

“We need to leave now,” Ash announced, giving a dry cough to alert Atlas. “We’re loosing daylight.”

Giving her farewells to Jason and Isabelle, Luna joined her friends as they entered the dead forest. Her heart beat was increasing rapidly and she felt like a block of ice.

“This will be easy-peasy,” Clarissa remarked icily. “We’ve only got to fight through a few illusions and find the next Treasure. Easy as pie.”

Ash raised one eyebrow at her. “That’s a Normal expression you’re using there. Have you been secretly taking lessons in the Normal life?”

“I beg to differ.” Clarissa snorted, slapping his shoulder and making him jump.

“I sense Pureblood trespassers.”

Luna gave a little gasp of astonishment as she heard a strange rasping voice. It sounded like someone was behind her, following them the whole time.

“You are fools to come here. You’ll never find the object you seek in this place.”

Atlas cleared his throat nervously. “We’re not afraid of you or your forest.”

“Then prepare to die, unfortunate souls.”

A blazing fire suddenly came flying at the group. Clarissa snapped into action immediately and raised her hand, sending a gush of wind to avert the flames away from them.

“This is my fear.” Adele murmured softly, trembling like a leaf.

“Everybody run!” Atlas shouted desperately. “Head towards that lake ahead and just give the signal if you’ve got any problems!”

As Luna darted away from the fire, Ash seized her by the shoulder and turned him to face her. “Wait there, little missy. I don’t trust you going on your own.”

“I have to do this alone, Ash,” Luna insisted. “Just be careful yourself and don’t throw yourself at risk of death.”

“You too,” Ash responded. “You’re like the sister I never had and I can’t bear the thought of loosing you here.”

Giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, Luna turned away and fled, dodging fireballs as they flew through the trees as fast as a hungry vulture swooping in on it’s prey. She heard Clarissa make an owl call, which indicated she needed assistance for whatever reason, but Luna didn’t care. She randomly created this rivalry between us and has never helped me. She can either get injured or get lucky if someone helps her.

“You don’t get away too easily, Luna Wilde. Let’s have some fun.”

Black mist suddenly fell from the sky before turning into a huge black dog with fur a bit like the two Demons that she and Ash had killed at Steven’s party. It had a sick and twisted grin on it’s face, which made Luna’s stomach sink. Alpha.

Muttering a few hisses to himself, Alpha threw himself at Luna with his deadly claws outstretched and huge fangs glittering with saliva. Luna screamed and ducked, fumbling around on her belt to find a dagger. She did eventually find one, but Alpha was standing over her with a venomous glare in his blood red eyes. He made a few growls, raising one paw over the young girl’s head. If only I had Atlas here to understand what he was saying!

Remembering that the others were counting on her survival, the block of ice that had encaged the inside of her body melted and Luna sprung up, pointing her dagger at the Demon threateningly. “Stay away!”

“Fool.” Alpha grumbled, ambling over and standing no less than four meters away from her. He licked his lips hungrily before standing up on his hind legs and snarled at her, swatting the air with one huge paw and just missed her nose.

That’s odd. Alpha doesn’t stand up on his hind legs. He never has, Luna pondered for a moment before realising. Oh – it’s an illusion! I forgot. That means I can kill him easily!

Swiftly, she kicked the Alpha-illusion in the stomach, making him fall on his side with a yelp. She raised the dagger above his chest and landed it in his heart – the only place he could be killed.

The illusion turned back into fog and dispersed back into the trees, so Luna wiped her dagger clean and headed onwards as quickly as humanly possible, ears straining for any signals from her friends.

“You won’t get far,” the mysterious voice said again. “I know where to hit you hardest. You will die because of your foolish mistake.”

You really don’t get it, do you? I know these are illusions. I’ve beaten you.

“Ha. Wait and see what else I can do.”

A blood-curdling scream suddenly pierced the air, making Luna jump. Without hesitation or thought, she headed in the direction of the cry and then stopped dead in her tracks. Her feet were frozen to the ground and she couldn’t even open her mouth to speak when a familiar figure fell to the ground, blood coming from their neck.


When she could finally move, the wavy blonde haired Pureblood sank to her knees beside her friend’s body, stroking his short brown hair. Tears ran down her face and landed onto his motionless body. I can’t believe I lost him here. I just can’t believe it.

A wolf howl imitation suddenly startled her. “Get to the river!”

Atlas had managed to get through, unlike Ash. At least one person had survived.

Closing Ash’s sightless emerald green eyes, Luna jumped up to her feet and ran on ahead, feeling guilt stab her heart as she got further away from his fallen body. She knew she didn’t have the strength neither the time to carry him back, so he would have to remain in this horrible place unless someone else found him.

She gave a sigh of relief when she reached the river, where Atlas leaned against one of the black trees. He had blood running down his lip and what looked like several bite marks up his arms, but he seemed unharmed.

Rune limped over not long after with tears streaming down her face, assisted by Adele. There was still no sign of Clarissa, which made Luna’s mind wonder. Is she still alive?

When Atlas saw the state of Rune, he hobbled over and pulled her into a tight but gentle embrace, hushing her gently while stroking her long black hair. “It’s okay, little sis,” he murmured softly. “It’s over. I won’t make you go back in there.”

“She fears her mother the most,” Adele added, wiping blood from her nose. “That so-called mother of hers is insane to disown her!”

“It happens sometimes in Nighthollow, but not with kids as young as Rune,” Luna explained. “She was four when her mother threw her out. She’s been mentally scarred because of this.”

Clarissa eventually emerged, clutching her hand and wrist. “That stupid fire scorched my hand and I think I’ve broken my wrist,” she grumbled, looking around at the group. “We don’t appear to have everyone.”

Atlas drew away from Rune for a moment, staring Luna dead in the eye. He looked deeply concerned. “Where’s Ash?” he inquired quietly. “Have you seen him?”

It was at that point that Luna’s shield broke and she burst into tears. “He’s dead, Atlas.”

Rune and Clarissa exchanged a sombre expression, while Adele took a step forward and gave Luna a sympathetic pat on the shoulder with one pale white hand. “I’m very sorry, Luna.” she murmured, her non-blind left blue eye clouded with sorrow.

Without thinking, Luna gathered the older girl into a hug, sobbing into her shoulder. “It’s my fault he’s dead. He insisted to come with me, but I sent him away-“

Who’s dead?"

The sharp tone made Luna recoil from Adele and stare past her. She blinked and rubbed her eyes in disbelief when she spotted a tall figure leaning against one of the trees, arms folded and face tired-looking. Luna felt herself going pale. “B-But that’s impossible. You must be an illusion. You’re supposed to be dead.”

The figure gave a short sarcastic chuckle. “You astound me. I promised I would survive, and here I am.”

Luna turned her head away. “I can’t believe you, I’m sorry. Unless you can prove it, which I doubt you can.”

“Try me.”

“I’ll ask you a question only Ash knows the answer to.”

“Go ahead then. I’ll prove that I’m no illusion, though this is ridiculous.”

“Okay then: What annoys me the most?”

The figure broke into a wide grin. “Unfinished stories. You aren’t satisfied with the main facts – you have to know everything that’s happened.”

This is definitely Ash, Luna realised. The grin and the way he drew the words out gave it away. I must have seen an illusion when I saw his dead body!

“So,” Ash remarked in slight boredom. “do you recognise me now?”

“Maybe.” Luna replied cheerfully, winking.

Chapter 17 - Running With Werewolves

“I can’t believe we risked our lives just for nothing. I refuse to believe it.”

“It’s true.”

Luna sat back on the dining room chair with a groan, holding her head in her hands. “This is madness. Pure and sheer madness.”

“It happens sometimes. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that the Treasure was a fake.” Rune murmured.

Atlas set his cup of coffee down on the table, drumming his fingers on the hard wood. “We’ll rest tonight before trying to map where the second Treasure is tomorrow. Ash and Rune are still in a state of shock after the whole Raven’s Run illusion situation and I’d like them to try and relax.”

“Where is Ash, anyway?” Isabelle questioned, coming into the kitchen. “I haven’t seen him for a few hours – he didn’t come down the stairs when I announced that we’d got dinner.”

Atlas frowned. “That’s odd. Ash will never say no to food.”

Luna lifted her head up to say something, but she was interrupted when Adele came in with a letter in her hand. “I found this upstairs,” she announced uneasily. “I think it’s from Ash.”

“Why would he send a letter when he knows he can talk to any of us?” Atlas inquired, opening up the piece of paper. He hitched his glasses up before reading out loud;


Hey everyone,

When you eventually find this letter, I’ll be out on the streets. I’ve decided to journey out on my own to stop anyone from dying. There have been too many close calls and I don’t want anyone to not survive this ordeal.

I know I’m not the leader, but I want all of you to return to Nighthollow or stay with Jay and Izzy until I get back. I’ll find someone to tell you if I die trying to find the staff and the sword. Just keep the locket safe and don’t try to follow me. No matter how hard you try, you won’t find me.

I’m sorry to suddenly throw this on you after the events of today, but there’s no other way I can possibly say this. I’m sorry for not giving a formal goodbye and just leaving this scrap of paper.

So long,


PS: The other letter is for Luna. I’d rather if only she read it and no one else.


Atlas fished out another folded up piece of paper and handed it to Luna. “I’m going to guess that this one is for your eyes only.”

“Thanks.” Luna replied quietly, taking the letter and heading upstairs.

The room was eerily dark, but Luna could just make out the shape of the sofa where she occupied. Flopping down, she fished out her torch and shone in onto the letter. It was slightly longer-looking than the first one.



You would have only gotten this if you read the other letter. I can guess you’re pretty angry with me for leaving, but it’s the only way.

Anyway, I know you’ll try following me like a wolf after it’s prey, so I’m inviting you along. I’ll be waiting up the tree outside the house until morning tomorrow. You have until then to accept.

If you accept, just throw a stone or something up and I’ll come down. If not, I wish you all the best and keep everyone out of trouble.

Do you remember that line I told you on the night of the Demon attack? I’ll write it down because I live by that quote, in case you didn’t know that.

“We’re stories ourselves. We are the authors of our destinies, deciding who our friends and lovers are. Our protagonists make foolish choices sometimes, but those choices don’t always come with negative impacts. No matter how old or young we are, we’re all stories in the end. We are real.”

You see, I’m the author of my destiny. I’ve decided who my friends are while making foolish mistakes such as this one, but it won’t always come with a negative impact. There are some positives.

This could be the end of my story, but there’s no one I’d rather be with to see the final showdown.



Luna had to reread the letter to see it was real.

Ash had wanted her of all people to go with him. Why he hadn’t chosen someone like Atlas or Adele confused her, but she felt special. She had been selected to continue onwards to try and find the remaining two Treasures.

“I’ll come with you, Ash,” Luna muttered out loud. “Hang in there. I’m coming.”


Ash heard the front door of the house slam, stirring him from his daydream. He took a deep sigh of relief. Luna had seen the letter and decided to accompany him along the way.

A stone hit him on the ankle, making him mutter a few colourful curses. “Next time you throw something, try not to actually hit me!” he shouted down, flinging his bag down the tree. “Watch out, bag incoming!”

Once he heard his bag reach the ground, he scrambled down the tree and landed on the ground with a neat jump.

“We’ll have to change your name to Ape,” Luna teased, handing Ash his bag. “Anyway, what’s your plan for accommodation?”

Ash gulped. “I didn’t think of that, actually. I thought you weren’t going to come, so I was going to sleep up the tree and leave in the morning.”

“You have to be kidding. It’s freezing out here,” Luna replied, shuddering. “There must be somewhere we can go.”

“Perhaps I could be of assistance.”

Ash pulled his dagger out as a silver wolf walked out light-footedly. She gave him a puzzled look. “I don’t wish to eat you. Any allies are welcome.”

“Since when did wolves talk?” Luna inquired icily, folding her arms. “And what do you mean by ‘any allies are welcome’?”

“I’m a werewolf. A fellow ally of your kind, actually,” the wolf responded coolly. “What are your full names?”

“I’m Ash Chase, and this is Luna Wilde. We’re Purebloods from Nighthollow,” Ash replied. “We’re both 14 in case you were wondering, but I’ll be 15 in a few days.”

“Long way from home, aren’t you?” the wolf chuckled. “I’m Celeste Ravener, but my friends call me Cece. I’m a 16 year old werewolf.”

Ravener?” Ash echoed, thinking of Atlas. “That’s a Pureblood name.”

Celeste gave him a coy look. “You need shelter, don’t you? If you come back with me, I’ll take you to a safe house. My friends run it.”

“The safe houses died out ages ago,” Luna replied, puzzled. “How can there still be one left?”

“This safe house looks after werewolves like me as well as you Purebloods,” Celeste explained, flicking her ears. “It’s safe and Demon-free, so you’ll be perfectly safe with us.”

“I’d like to know some more about your family past too,” Ash went on, his suspicions rising. “It’s odd to come across a werewolf with the same surname as two Purebloods I know.”

“Find out what you wish, but I must say that your name sounds familiar also, Ash,” Celeste retorted. “Anyway, I’ll lead you to The Lodge. That’s what we call the safe house – The Lodge.”

Sharing a reluctant and concerned look with Luna, they followed the silver wolf through the dark alleyways until she stopped outside a large black building. Ash stepped forward, but Celeste gave him a warning growl. “Wait. The door will not answer to intruders. You don’t know the password.”

Wow, really beefed up security measures. Ash remarked privately, watching as the werewolf suddenly transformed into a tall pale skinned girl with wavy brown hair and pale brown eyes. She was wearing relatively clean clothes – a red check blouse and blue jeans. She had a bleeding scratch on her left cheek which had also been there when she wolfed out.

“Who’s there?” a grumpy voice snapped.

“It’s Celeste,” the werewolf girl replied airily. “I’ve got two Purebloods with me. They need shelter and food for the night.”

Ash heard three clicks and then the massive black door swung open, revealing a tall fair-haired boy in black jeans and a grey t-shirt. He yawned, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s past midnight, Celeste. You know Flint won’t approve.”

“A simple ‘hello’ would have just done it,” Celeste sighed. “Anyway, I’d like you to meet Luna Wilde and Ash Chase, two Purebloods from Nighthollow.”

The boy grunted. “Not more damn Purebloods.”

Celeste ignored the comment and turned to Ash and Luna. “Guys, this is Leon Alstep. His aunt and uncle run The Lodge – his aunt’s siblings are Purebloods but his uncle is one of the Winged.”

“The Winged?” Luna echoed. “I thought they were myths.”

“Well, they’re not,” Leon snapped. “Anyway, I guess you’ll want to come in. My aunt’s brother-in-law Will is awake, so he can find you a room.”

Celeste pushed Luna and Ash forward into the hall, which was rather spectacular. A large winding staircase with fire lamps stood a few meters away from them, where a tall man with black hair and dark blue eyes stood with his arms folded. “I told you not to bring back any of your werewolf buddies, Celeste.”

“Dream on,” Celeste sighed, rolling her eyes. “These two are Purebloods. Interestingly enough, I have a theory that one of them are a blood relation to you.”

Chapter 18 - Newfound Family Truths

Will’s dark blue eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief, shaking his head. “That is impossible.”

Luna exchanged a confused glance with Ash, who looked slightly off-colour. Does he know something?

“This is Will Chase,” Celeste told the two Purebloods slightly uneasily. “You share the same last name, Ash.”

“Are you trying to suggest that this stranger is related to me?” Ash inquired, his voice like chips of ice. “My mother didn’t have any siblings and my father’s younger brother is dead. I don’t even know the whereabouts of my grandparents, for goodness sake.”

Will gave Ash a quizzical look. “What were the names of your parents?”

“Matilda and Robert Chase,” Ash replied thinly. “Well, if you could call them ‘parents’, anyway. You should see my scars.”

The young man held a hand to his mouth, unsuccessfully holding back his surprise. “You and I have a lot to discuss. If you give me a moment, I’ll find someone and we’ll meet you in the kitchen,” he said before nodding at Celeste. “Fetch these two something to eat. Take their stuff upstairs so they can settle down after we talk.”


Will eventually returned with a young woman a little younger than him. She was stunningly beautiful in Luna’s view – with long brown curly hair, sharp blue eyes and flawless white skin. She wore a flimsy white nightgown that just brushed past her knees and was barefoot.

She reminds me of my mother. Luna realised with a pang of longing.

“Hello there,” she murmured, smiling. “Welcome to The Lodge.”

“This is Cassie, my wife,” Will explained, putting one arm around her. “She’s 3 years younger than me, but I love her to bits.”

Ash pulled a face. “Ugh. No need for the mushy love business. You’ve already kept me up past my bedtime.”

Cassie pulled up a chair and sat down, gazing at Ash. “Will tells me you and your friend are Purebloods.”

“Yes, we are,” Ash confirmed sharply. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“I’m a Pureblood too. I can bring life to plants,” Cassie explained. “My brother and sister are Purebloods also, as are Will and his older brother.”

Luna’s interest was piqued instantly. “Are you related to Leon?”

Cassie nodded. “He’s my brother’s son, so he’s my nephew. He died when Leon was 11, so my sister Emma took him in. She runs this place with her husband Nigel.”

“Did you and your family grow up in Nighthollow?” Luna went on.

“Emma, Carlos and I were sent to Nighthollow when I turned 7. I met Will there and we became firm friends throughout training,” Cassie explained, smiling as she spoke. “We started off an official relationship when I was 14; the same age as you. But then things changed rather drastically…” She suddenly trailed off, frowning and shaking her head.

“What happened?” Ash asked icily.

“Carlos was 6 years older than me, so he left with his wife when he turned 16. I had heard that she had given birth to a son, which made my longing for a child come. Will and I were sort-of married in some way, if you like, so I was calling myself Cassie Chase rather than Cassie Alstep. I was still training when I made the choice that would eventually change my life forever,” Cassie looked deeply upset as she continued. “I pinned the idea on Will and we gave it a shot. I was soon pregnant with a child at the age of 15.”

“Well, that was a stupid mistake,” Ash remarked tartly. “What happened when the child was born?”

“Will and I decided to leave to go and live with Carlos and Emma, who were staying at a safe house. I gave birth to a healthy son three months later, but because of my age I knew I couldn’t keep him. In the end, we allowed Will’s older brother and his wife to adopt the child. I was frantic at first because Will’s brother would be drunk most of the time and would often be quite violent, but everything seemed quiet. We asked them to hide our identities from the boy as we were going into hiding here.” Cassie finished her story with a sigh.

“How long ago was this?” Luna questioned.

“15 years exactly on Saturday.” the young woman replied.

Ash almost tumbled off his chair, his eyes widened with horror. “Are you trying to tell me that-“

“Yes,” Will interrupted. “Robert and Matilda are not your real parents. Cassie and I are.”

Ash’s face turned from hostile to a pale mask of pure horror, his dark emerald green eyes widened in disbelief. Cassie’s gaze softened and she took his hand in hers, her blue eyes gentle. “My son,” she murmured. “My little Ashley. I’ve missed you so much.”

“How do you know you’re not making a grave mistake?” Ash asked sharply, his words tearing out of his throat like a growl.

“I recognised your eyes when I first saw you walk in,” Will explained, coming over to stand behind his wife. “When you confirmed that your parents were Matilda and Robert Chase, I knew straight away that you were the little boy Cassie and I gave up nearly 15 years ago.”

“I have regretted my mistake and have lived in grief for all these years,” Cassie added. “But now you’re back, our family is rebuilt. You have so much now – aunts, uncles and cousins, as well as true parents who will always love and care for you.”

Leon gave a snort from the other side of the room, which made Luna remember that he was Carlos’s son and therefore a relative of Ash.

“True parents wouldn’t have given their son up in the first place, no matter how young they were,” Ash snapped furiously, releasing his hand from Cassie’s gentle grip and rising to his feet. “You may love me, but I will never love you. Especially as you left me with those monsters that were supposedly fit for parenting!”

Before anyone else could reply, he stormed out of the room and stomped upstairs. Cassie blinked in hurt and sighed softly, shaking her head. “I didn’t think he would act like that.”

“Robert and Matilda abused him,” Luna explained quietly, feeling a pang of sympathy for the young woman. “He’s always been like this. He doesn’t make friends too easily and thus gets into trouble quite a fair bit.”

“Are you his girlfriend?” Will asked, narrowing his dark blue eyes.

Luna snorted. “You wish. I’m just a friend. We’re trying to retrieve the Phoenix’s Treasure because it was stolen in a Demon raid.”

Cassie’s eyes lit up slightly. “If you’re a friend of Ashley’s, could you calm him down?”

“Just a word of warning, he prefers to be called Ash,” Luna replied, a stern tone slipping in her voice. “And yes, I probably could. I sort-of owe him for the amount of times he’s saved my life this week, anyway.”

“He has saved lives?” Will looked rather proud.

“He distracted a Demon from killing me, he got me back to Nighthollow when I was unconscious from poison, he threw a knife at a Demon that was strangling me and claims to have saved me from freezing to death,” Luna answered. “I’ve only saved him from drowning, so I guess I should really help him forgive you. He doesn’t forgive others easily, so he might be hard to crack.”

Cassie nodded. “Thanks, whoever you are.”

“Luna Wilde.” the blonde girl responded simply.

“Wilde? Mia’s daughter?” Cassie smiled warmly at that. “Mia was a lovely young girl. She was same age as Will.”

Luna nodded. “She was the best mother I could hope for.”

“My mother knew Mia too,” Celeste added. “They were good friends in training. My great-uncle liked her a lot.”

“Who was your great-uncle?” Luna inquired, remembering that Celeste was a Ravener.

The werewolf shrugged. “Some guy called Rosco, I think. He didn’t like me that much. I think he’s dead now.”

“I know Rosco. He’s still alive and had a son who is one of my best friends,” Luna explained. “If Rosco is your great-uncle, then my friend is technically your cousin.”

Celeste laughed lightly. “I’ve never had a cousin or a sibling. It just sounds weird thinking about this long lost cousin of mine. What’s he like?”

“We haven’t got time for idle chatter,” Will reminded her sternly. “Luna, Cassie and I will be forever grateful if you could talk to Ash.”

“I will.” Luna promised, jumping up to her feet and leaving the room.



“Go away!”

Luna sighed, pressing her forehead to the white wooden door. “It’s just me. I’m alone.”

“I don’t want to talk to you! You’re just here to make me feel sympathy for my pathetic excuse of parents!”

“Ash, for goodness sake, this is ridiculous. Just let me come and talk to you, or I’ll yell it at you so everyone can hear downstairs.” Luna groaned, hitting her head against the door.

She heard an irritated sigh. “Door’s open.”

Luna carefully turned the handle and opened the door, closing it behind her. There were no lights on, but she could see Ash standing next to the window with the moon reflecting onto his face. He was angry, but his eyes looked lost, which made him feel a pang of sympathy for her best friend. “It’s understandable to be acting like this,” she began gently. “I’d probably be like this if I had this thrown at me suddenly.”

“No you wouldn’t,” Ash grumbled. “I know you. You’re too soft to throw a toddler tantrum like me.”

Luna stepped forward a few steps so she was standing in front of him, leaning against the other wall next to the window. “For 7 years I have grieved for my parents. I’d do anything to have them back. You’ve just learnt you’ve got real parents who love you, but you’re refusing to forgive them because they couldn’t keep you. They were heartbroken to give you up, Ash; even you can’t deny that.”

“They have been strangers to me. I will never love them, especially as they gave me up to people who tortured me for nearly half my life.” Ash replied tartly, folding his muscular arms. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt, which exposed a few scars from his childhood up his arms.

“Cassie and Will are good and honest people. They didn’t want to give you up, but they had to because Cassie was so young,” Luna explained, still stringing her words out carefully but gently. “How would you feel if you were in Cassie’s position? What would you have done if you were her?”

“I would have checked that my brother-in-law wasn’t an abusive drunken monster before entrusting him with the care of my son,” Ash snapped. “They hurt me physically and mentally, Luna. You don’t understand because you’ve come from a family who loved you and you learnt how to love. I’m the living shadow of my uncle – uncaring and unloving.”

“You’re nothing like Robert,” Luna murmured, her pale eyes locking gaze with Ash’s dark green eyes. “You have learnt to care for your friends. I understand why you can’t love, but we all learn from our mistakes and amend them. If you could just go and talk to Will and Cassie and forgive them, you’ll do a great thing not only for them, but for me too. I just want you to be happy, which you aren’t right now.”

“You still don’t understand, Luna,” Ash replied, his tone softening and taking Luna by surprise. “I was in the dark for 7 years until I began training and met you. You showed me the brighter side of life and I crawled out from my hole and saw the world in a different prospective. I was going to kill myself, but I learnt that I still had something to live for. You saved me from the evil clutches of death, and I’ll always be grateful for that.”

Luna felt tears pricking at her eyes. “Ash, I didn’t realise…”

The brown haired boy nodded solemnly. “You were my salvation and my guardian angel. I understand I’m a hard person to be with, but you still persisted with caring for me. I’ve always seen you as brave and caring – so much like your mother. You both have touched lives with your friendship and have saved people. Mia sacrificed herself for you, while you’ve technically saved my life. If you hadn’t showed up in my life, I would be long gone and dead. I know I never say this sort of stuff, but I just feel so lost and broken that I’m too upset to bother coming up with some sarcastic comment.”

“That’s a first,” Luna sniffed, wiping away a few tears. “Yet I didn’t think I meant that much to anyone. My world fell apart after my parents died and it’s been difficult to rebuild myself. You helped me overcome the worst of my grief.”

Ash gave her a pitying look before stepping forward to stand next to the window. He held out one hand. “Come here before you break down. I don’t think you’ll be able to face anyone if you’re crying.”

“I thought you didn’t like people crying. It annoys you.”

“This is an exception.”

Sniffing, Luna took a cautious step forward and Ash drew her into a hug, resting his chin on the top of her head. “There, there,” he murmured gently. “It’s going to be okay.”

“You’re like the brother I never had.” Luna answered quietly.

Ash didn’t say anything for a little while, just held her tightly and allowed her to cry as much as she needed. Luna felt her heart beat rapidly increase as she stood in his arms, feeling safe and warm. I’ve never seen Ash like this. Have I changed him?

Her best friend pulled away from her, holding her face in his hands. “It’s late now, so I’ll go down tomorrow morning and apologise to Will and Cassie, if that’s what you really want.”

“Thank you, Ash.” Luna responded in relief.

“We ought to get some sleep now if we’re actually going to stay in a good mood in the morning,” Ash replied. “Your stuff is over by the radiator, so you can stay over there. I’ll be over by the cupboard.”

Nodding, Luna headed over to one side of the room and fished out her blanket and pillow, while Ash went to the other side and put away his sketchbook. Luna curled up in her blanket and rested her head on her soft pillow, staring over at her friend. “Good night, Ash.”

Ash looked over at her, smiling gently. “Night, Luna.”

Chapter 19 - Halfbloods

Luna lifted her head sluggishly when she heard someone cough loudly and then shuffle around near the window. Flitting her gaze around the room, Luna saw Ash sitting on the windowsill, concentrating intently on the sunrise beginning outside as it gave off beautiful reds and oranges in the sky. It looked like an oil painting.

Crawling out from underneath her blanket, she slowly got to her feet and walked over to the window, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Ash closed his sketchbook gently and nodded in acknowledgement at her. “Good morning.”

“You’re up a bit early considering the time you fell asleep,” Luna remarked with a yawn. “What’s the time?”

“Probably about 7am or so. I’ve been up for an hour,” Ash responded. “Oh, before I neglect to mention, I thought you stopped breathing in your sleep. You just went deadly still after squirming about.”

Luna felt colour going to her cheeks. “Sorry. I had a nightmare.”

“Was it about Mia again?” Ash questioned, hugging his sketchbook to his chest.

“Not this time. It was a memory, but I would rather forget about it.” Luna sighed.

“Is it about the scar on your hand?” Ash went on. “You never told me how you got it.”

Luna gave a tiny nod, staring out of the window. “A Demon did it to me when I was 5.”

“Oh. I’m sorry for harassing you about it,” the teenager answered bluntly, not meeting her gaze. “I didn’t realise.”

The two were silent for a while, watching the sunrise bringing light and warmth to the sleepy town. Luna could see a few strange animals scuttling about, retreating to their homes as the sun came up. “Normals live among such weird creatures.” she remarked rudely.

Ash chuckled mildly, but then he winced and screwed up his face in pain. Luna turned her worried pale gaze on him. “What’s wrong? Are you injured?”

“It’s just a few cuts, I’m fine.” Ash insisted.

Luna wasn’t convinced. “You’re clearly not. Is this something that happened in Raven’s Run?”

The brown haired boy remained silent, which Luna presumed meant she was correct. “Was it Robert and Matilda?”

“You haven’t seen the extent of what they’ve done to me, Luna,” Ash replied bitterly. “The only thing that healed was my face. I’m completely covered in scars like a war veteran. I just need a missing limb and then no one will believe that I haven’t been in a proper war.”

“I’ve seen a few scars on your arms which look like burns and whip marks,” Luna said, her voice wavering with concern. “What sort of things would they do to you?”

“They’d bring out belts, canes, whips, burning hot pokers… maybe even the occasional rock-throwing if I got lucky,” Ash answered uneasily. “You name it, I’ve probably felt it’s wrath.”

“What did they attack you with in Raven’s Run?” Luna went on.

“Belt and poker: classic favourites,” the Pureblood sighed, shuddering like he was cold. “They got my back and my left hand.”

“Let me see your hand – I might be able to help you out.” Luna instructed, sitting on the windowsill so she was opposite him.

Ash stuck out his hand obediently, which showed a scorch mark on the back and a long cut on his palm. His friend let out a long whistle. “That looks nasty.”

“No kidding,” Ash responded blandly, rolling his eyes. “Can you do anything to stop the pain?”

“I’ve got a few plasters and bandages, but not much else. I thought it wasn’t going to be that bad.” Luna sighed, shaking her head.

“Get a bandage. I can wrap it around my hand so it’ll be safe from infection.”


Once Ash’s hand was bandaged up, the two teenagers crept along the quiet corridor and down the stairs, which were rather unsteady for the first few steps despite the staircase being rather fancy. Luna slipped on the fifth step, but Ash caught her wrist before she fell with his good hand. He stared at her in concern. “Okay?”

Luna nodded. “I’m fine.”

“Just be careful. We can’t be delayed much longer here.” Ash instructed sternly.

“In a hurry, are we?”

Luna nearly had a heart attack when Celeste appeared at the top of the stairs just behind them. Her wavy brown hair was hanging loose over her shoulders as usual, but she was trailing around in a furry black dressing gown which exposed her slender legs. Her arms were folded as she sighed at the two newcomers, frowning in disapproval. “You’re both up very early. Sneaking off without saying goodbye, eh?”

“We haven’t got our bags with us, stupid,” Ash retorted back hotly. “We are on a mission of vital importance, but saving our kind comes after breakfast.”

“You guys only just got here. How long have you been in the Normal world – three, four days now? You need to let yourself go and have some fun here rather than just concentrating on your mission of vital importance all the time!” Celeste exclaimed brightly.

“We’ve already been to a party and nearly got ourselves killed because the host was actually a Demon. I’m not risking mine or Luna’s life again because you want to exploit the wondrous delights of the Normal world which you have clearly been tempted into.” Ash replied, an icy edge to his voice.

“That’s the best part of life here. Who knows, we might be able to cheer you up too,” the werewolf insisted, giving him a cheeky wink before skipping nimbly down the stairs. She then stared up at Luna. “Hey Lu, I’m sure you can part away from your delightful boyfriend for a few minutes to help me out with something!”

The brown haired boy scowled at the word ‘boyfriend’, but Luna nodded obediently and followed the older girl down the flight of stairs and into the kitchen, where a stone-faced man with white wings sprouting from his back sat at one of the chairs. He rose to his feet when the two teenagers entered the room, narrowing his hazel eyes at Luna. “Are you Cassie’s kid?”

“Nah, her very fit boyfriend is,” Celeste chimed in, fumbling around in the drawers beneath the sink. “That’s Luna. She’s Mia’s and George’s daughter.”

The man smiled at her. “So you’re the little one they had. I’m Nigel Rarogn – I was a friend of your father’s before I left Nighthollow. He and Mia were just made for each other, mark my words. How are they?”

“They’re both dead,” Luna replied thinly. “And Ash isn’t my boyfriend either, Celeste!”

“I win the bet.” Leon announced loudly, appearing at the doorway suddenly.

Luna stiffened. “What bet?”

“Cece went on and on about you and Ash being an item, but I bet her a fiver that you weren’t,” Leon had a sly grin on his face. “As you aren’t, she owes me five pounds.”

“Stupid Pureblood-Winged children,” Celeste muttered under her breath before revealing a blue can. “Here Lu, you can come and help me feed the moggies.”

“You keep cats?” Luna was slightly surprised.

“Yeah, we’ve got three. Fat lazy things they are,” the werewolf sighed, shaking her head. “I have to wolf out away from them otherwise they’ll have a heart attack.”

“Even werewolves have their flaws.” Leon teased.

Luna suddenly heard a loud hiss, followed by an annoyed groan of, “Damn cat!”

“That doesn’t sound promising,” Celeste gulped, exchanging a glance with Nigel. “Is Flint awake?”

The man nodded regretfully. “Yes.”

“Who’s Flint?” Luna inquired, tossing her wavy blonde hair over her shoulder.

“I am.”

Luna jumped and spun round to see a tall man leaning against the door frame unsteadily, swigging from a brown glass bottle. He had a grey beard just touching his chest, out-of-control silver hair like a mad scientist and sluggish brown eyes. He stunk strongly of drink, which was why Luna felt a bit nervous of him.

“Flint’s a permanent lodger like me,” Celeste explained. “He usually drowns his sorrows out in his room, so this is a rare sight indeed.”

“He’s half-Normal and half-Demon. Don’t ask for the details,” Leon added grimly. “I don’t even know how that happened.”

“Watch your tongue, Halfblood,” Flint warned him sternly. “I am not the only one who has mixed blood. Winged and Pureblood is an unusual mix.”

“Halfblood sounds a cruel term,” Luna commented hastily. “Can’t you change it to something else? You use the word as if it’s a weapon.”

“Oh, but it is. Halfbloods are looked down upon for their heritage in your fantasy world. Among the Normals, no one cares.” Flint responded, his voice taking an icy edge.

“There’s no need to frighten our guest with your drunken mishaps,” Nigel butted in airily. “Luna, perhaps it would be for the best if you went with Celeste to feed the cats. If you bump into your friend on the way, you can tell him that he’s welcome to get some breakfast.”

“I think he can find it by sensing. He never says no to food.” Luna assured the man, following Celeste out of the door and through the hallway. The werewolf girl was carrying two tins of what looked like to be tuna which gave off a revolting stench which made Luna want to be sick.

A fluffy dark grey tomcat strode through the hallway, his wide dark blue eyes fixed on the cans of tuna and licking his lips greedily. Celeste halted and bent down to give the cat a scratch behind the ears. “Hey there, Bungalow.”

Luna raised one eyebrow. “Bungalow? You called the cat Bungalow?”

“It’s not illegal now, is it?” Celeste replied, giving Bungalow’s fluffy fat belly a tickle. “Come along chubby; take us to Jabba and Meow.”

“You really need to work on your cat names.” Luna commented half-mockingly and half-kindly.

“I didn’t name them – that was Leon and Flint. Leon named Meow because she used to meow all the time and when he was little he would frequently try and fail to speak cat. Flint named Bungalow because he used to live in one and Jabba was named after the baddie in Star Wars.” the older girl explained.

Before Luna could reply, two more cats ambled out. One was a tiny black and white she-cat, while her companion was a tall dark brown tabby with narrow hazel eyes. Both of them had very fat stomachs.

Celeste pulled down a plastic bowl from the cupboard and opened the tuna cans, tipping the horrible food into the bowl. “There you go. Eat until you explode.”

She’s certainly a nice owner. Luna reflected privately.

“Shall we go and grab breakfast?” Celeste asked, making the Pureblood’s thoughts fade away. “Emma makes a mean bacon and egg bagel. You have to try one!”

Smiling, the teenager followed the werewolf back to the kitchen, thinking to herself, Celeste’s a bit odd, but I think I could grow to like her a lot.

Chapter 20 - Hide And Seek

Ash rolled the dice across the table with his good hand, watching intently as it landed on a four. “Oh great. Back in jail once again.”

Leon leaned back against the wall, one arm slung over his leg casually. “It happens.”

“Yes, but I’ve ended up in jail so much that I might as well live there,” Ash sighed, moving his playing piece into the jail square. “Your go, Celeste.”

“Please, just call me Cece,” the werewolf amended, giving him a cheeky smile. “Celeste is such a posh snob name.”

“I think it’s very unique.” Ash replied, handing her the dice.

“Thanks.” Celeste answered, the word coming out of her throat like a purr. Luna stiffened slightly at her tone, but didn’t object. The last thing she wanted to do was fall out with the sixteen year old werewolf – she knew what her kind was capable of.

“Seeing as you’ve rolled a nine, you’re on my property and I know that you can’t afford it,” Leon commented, holding his hand out to Celeste. “Pay up. You’re bankrupt and therefore the loser.”

While Celeste grudgingly handed her play money over, Luna counted her’s up. One thousand and seven hundred pounds wasn’t too bad, but she could see that Leon was clearly the winner.

“I’ve got nine hundred and sixty-three pounds, so I guess I’m third considering the amount of money Luna has,” Ash announced, clearing the board. “What do you want to do now?”

“We should go out shopping!” Celeste squealed.

Leon pulled a disgusted face. “Ugh. Typical girl putting her wardrobe before herself.”

“It’s raining outside, kids,” Nigel added, looking up from his newspaper. “It would be better if you found something to do in here. Besides, if Celeste decides to wolf out in one of the shops somewhere, you’ll all be in deep trouble with the police.”

“Ash was telling me that he and Luna were staying with other Purebloods,” Leon suggested. “I think it would be a good idea to give them a call to let them know you’re alive. I can imagine that they’re frantic.”

“I left them because we all nearly died in Raven’s Run. I opted for Luna to come with me because I know she’d follow me anyway,” Ash responded coldly. “If we contact them, they’ll find us and get themselves killed.”

“You left my cousin behind,” Celeste pointed out. “If he’s like me, you should have brought him. I would have loved to meet him.”

“He’s socially awkward, very clever and a real bookworm,” Luna explained. “You’re nothing alike in any way, not even in your looks.”

“He must have a really cool power.” Celeste commented, flicking her hair back.

“Don’t make me laugh. Atlas is an interpreter – he doesn’t have superhuman strength or whatever you may have thought,” Ash confirmed. “He hasn’t got bad aim with a weapon, though.”

Celeste just nodded, not really listening. Luna noticed that her attention seemed to be fixed on Ash in general rather than him talking about Atlas, which somehow disturbed her deep down. She had tried hard to be friends with Celeste, but now she was taking advantage of her best friend. And Luna was not pleased at all.

“We could play hide and seek around The Lodge, if you’re really bored,” Leon suggested. “Celeste and I always used to play it on rainy days when we were little. There are so many rooms around here and most of them are empty, so there’s a variety of hiding spots.”

“That sounds horrendously boring. I think I’d rather go and listen to some old man droning on and on about the same thing for the rest of the day.” Ash retorted sourly.

“I think it sounds nice, actually,” Luna assured the Halfblood, taking no notice of her companion. “I’ll count first. Shall we go to 100?”

“Sounds good.” Leon agreed, nodding.



Ash pelted up the stairs, listening to Luna as she started counting out loud. He didn’t like the idea of playing such a childish game when he was nearly 15, but the odds were not in his favour. Besides, he didn’t really want to argue with Luna because he knew well that it would end badly. He had wanted them out of the safe house after breakfast, but Nigel and the others had somehow stopped them from leaving.

He halted outside a door halfway along the corridor and turned the handle, stepping inside. It was empty – a lucky prediction.

This would be really awkward if someone was actually in here.

There was a plain bed next to the window and a wardrobe against one of the white-grey walls, which looked large enough to fit him in there. With a reluctant grumble, Ash turned the key and let himself inside, squeezing himself inside and closing the large oak door behind him.

It was tighter than he had previously estimated, but it would have to do. He didn’t have time to find another hiding spot without being followed or spotted.

Ash was about to cough when he heard the bedroom door open and close suddenly, stunning him into silence. He managed to get rid of the cough before it surfaced, but he was slightly confused. Luna shouldn’t have finished counting now. Who else could possibly be up here? He wondered to himself.

The wardrobe door opened with a start and a hand appeared, grabbing Ash’s shoulder firmly and yanking him out.





Luna had finally finished counting and thought for a moment. She had heard someone go up the stairs and someone go into the kitchen or somewhere near there, but she hadn’t heard where the third person had disappeared to.

She decided to check out the kitchen first, where Bungalow sat on the table grooming his ragged dark grey fur and ignoring the world. Luna just sighed at him, giving the cat a quick stroke on the fluffy head before moving on.

A chair suddenly screeched across the floor, making Bungalow yowl in surprise and leap off the table, fleeing out of the room. Luna pulled back the red and white check tablecloth to reveal Leon sprawled out on the floor beneath the table. He had a lazy grin on his face. “I guess the table wasn’t the best place in the world to hide. It used to be when I was little.”

“Well, you aren’t that little anymore,” Luna teased. “Get up – I’ve still got work to do. Do you know where Ash and Celeste are?”

Leon crawled out and stood up, brushing his jeans. “I heard movement upstairs, but I can’t say whereabouts.”

“Then let’s go and investigate.”

Exiting the kitchen, Luna swiftly made her way up the stairs, careful not to trip up any steps. She could hear something just across the corridor, which gave her the impression that she’d probably found Celeste. Ash was sneaky and quiet – he’d probably be hiding all day before someone would eventually find him.

Leon pointed at the seventeenth door along. “Someone there.” he whispered in Luna’s ear, his breath making the hairs on Luna’s neck stand up suddenly.

Once the two teenagers had reached the door, Luna heard a creak from what sounded like a bed. She placed her ear against the door, fumbling around with the handle before successfully opening it, nearly falling over as she and Leon entered. When Luna regained her balance, she felt all the blood drain from her face.

Celeste was in there. She wasn’t alone though; Ash was with her. But that’s not what had disturbed Luna.

They were kissing.

Chapter 21 - Acknowledging The Truth

Leon noticed Luna stiffen at the revolting sight. Frankly, he couldn’t blame her – the very thought of his childhood friend with his cousin made him want to vomit.


Celeste had her arms flung around Ash’s neck with her hands in his hair, twiddling with it fondly. Ash stood pretty straight as usual, but one of his large hands was resting on her shoulder.


“Have we disturbed something?” Luna asked bitterly, clenching her fists.


Ash drew away from Celeste with a sharp jerking movement and stared at her. His face was pale and his dark green eyes were widened in horror. “Luna, I-I can explain”


“I’ll put it for you; you’re a two-faced lying little cow!” Luna spat furiously. “All that stuff you said was just a bunch of lies to keep me fooled!”


“Just hear me out, okay?” Ash sighed, wiping his brow.


“No! I’m tired of listening to people who are dishonest! I want to start living in an honest world where things like you don’t exist!” his companion interrupted, her eyes blazing as she lifted one hand. Leon quickly realised what she was doing and snapped into action, pushing her aside. “Luna, perhaps it would be best if you cooled down in the kitchen. I’m sure Cassie or someone can keep you entertained while I sort this situation out. Okay?”


“Thank you, Leon. It’s nice to see that some people know where their loyalties lie.” Luna responded icily, shooting an accusing gaze at Ash, who looked blank.


Once she left, Leon closed the door before stalking over to Ash, grabbing the collar of his t-shirt and shoving him against the wall harshly. “How many hearts have you broken in your past?” he yelled at the Pureblood. “You can’t just lie to people like that!”


Ash winced as his back hit the wall, but looked Leon dead in the eye as he spoke. “Ask her. Ask Celeste for the full story.”


Leon turned his head to glare at his friend. “Well?”


“Luna said that she didn’t care about him romantically, so I took a shot. You know what I’m like, Lee.” Celeste replied dully, tossing her hair back.


“No, she stated that she and Ash weren’t an item. She never said that she didn’t love him. From what I just witnessed there, she’s heartbroken, you sick creature.” the Halfblood hissed.


Celeste shrugged. “I didn’t know – don’t pin the blame all on me. I just thought he was cute and wanted to get to know him.”


“Did you mention the amount of boyfriends you’ve had?” Leon retorted. “I think you’ve been out with more boys than I’ve been attacked by one of those mangy cats,” He then paused to take a deep breath and return his gaze back to Ash. “As for you, I’m pretty ashamed that you’d stoop so low.”


“She came at me: I swear on the Phoenix that I didn’t make any attempts to go for her,” Ash responded bluntly. “I tried to get her away, but she overpowered me because I’m wounded at the moment. Check my back and my hand if you don’t believe me.”


“I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now, cousin,” Leon decided, his voice still taking a sharp edge. “However, if I catch you out again, I’ll skin you and feed your remains to the Demons. Understood?”


Ash nodded hastily, so Leon removed his grip and the Pureblood crumbled onto the floor. “Now, you’ve got a big apology to say. You’ll have to do some work if you’re going to make it up to that girl.”




Luna lay down on one of the comfy sofas with a colourful crochet blanket draped over her, her head in Cassie’s lap. The young woman was gently stroking her wavy blonde hair, murmuring an old Pureblood lullaby to herself.


From the top of the TV, Meow was watching the situation while grooming her black and white pelt. Her large blue eyes were blinking uncertainly, but she didn’t seem to have a care in the world. After all, she was just a well-loved cat with nothing to fear apart from Celeste wolfing out or Flint’s drunken rages.


Will suddenly poked his head around the living room door. “Having a little nap, are we?”


“Leave it, Will. The kid’s had a tough day,” Cassie murmured gently. “Speaking of which, have you seen Ash anywhere? I want a little word with him.”


The tall Pureblood shook his head. “I haven’t. I’ll keep an eye out for him.”


Cassie smiled at her husband. “Thank you, Will.”


Once the black-haired man had left the room, Cassie turned her sharp blue gaze back onto Luna. “Did your mother sing you any lullabies when you had trouble sleeping?” she asked.


“She sung the one you’ve been singing. I know it off by heart,” Luna replied with a sniff. “Some carollers sung it the day after the battle where we remembered those who had died. I had to leave because I was too upset, but now when I hear it I think of her all the time.”


“Sing it to me,” Cassie said quietly. “You might fall asleep and forget what has happened today.”


Luna took a deep breath before beginning to sing,


“Hush now, little one,

Why are you so scared?

The moon is calling undesirables,

But you must not be afraid.

Be brave, be strong, be honest my dear,

And you shall never fear again.


Quiet now, little one,

Why are you so lost?

There are many paths in life,

But you must choose the right one.

Be cunning, be thoughtful, be smart my dear,

And you shall never be lost again.


Silence now, little one,

Why are you so sad?

Death is a natural part of life,

But you must not be wary.

Be happy, be cheerful, be bright my dear,

And you shall never be sad again.”


Luna began to shut her eyes once she’d finished, allowing herself to calm and let sleep come creeping up on her like a cat. She could feel Cassie tense angrily about something, but she was far too sleepy to bother listening.




Once Ash knew Luna had fallen asleep, he strode into the room with his hands in his jeans pockets casually, leaning against the door. “She has a nice voice.”


Cassie looked up instantly and turned her blue gaze onto her son. “I expected better of you, Ash.”


He was about to question her before realising that Luna had obviously told his mother about what he’d done. The Pureblood raised his hands above his head. “Look, I swear that none of it was my doing. Celeste followed me and just came at me. I sustained injuries yesterday, so I’m not exactly at my strongest.”


“That disturbs me. However, I’m also quite disappointed that you wait until the kid’s asleep before you attempt to apologise,” Cassie replied sternly, raising an eyebrow. “Where have you been? Why have you got blood on your shoulder?”


Ash gave her a coy grin. “Leon beat me up.”


His mother wasn’t too easily amused. “You deserve it.”


“You may see Robert in me, but I’m not the monster he was.” the teenager replied bitterly, folding his arms.


“You are nothing like Robert, Ash. You are too soft-hearted to be anything like him – you’re more like Will. I know you’re trying to be big and strong, but you should stop trying to be something you’re not and accept your qualities. Deep down inside you lives a tiny seed of love. You may not realise it, but you need to allow that seed to blossom so you can open your eyes to see the world in a new light. You need to discover where your heart lies.”


The brown haired boy scowled. “What heart?”


“You’re human, are you not? Living things have feelings.”


“Trees and plants feel nothing apart from pain when they loose a branch or something.”


“Your sarcasm is what is blinding you, Ash. I want you to see the evil that has been done to you and see the good. Sometimes it may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a necessary part.”


“Don’t say things that have no meaning to you.”


“I should say likewise. I’m sure you’ve said things you’ve regretted.”


“Haven’t we all?”


“Stop answering me like that and think about the situation for the moment. You’ve got a lovely friend here who you’ve just left to question her choices which she did for you, son. You may have wanted to jump off the edge, but you aren’t the only one.”


Ash was puzzled for a moment, confused by his mother’s words. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, hiding his surprise successfully as always. “Are you trying to tell me Luna was suicidal like me once?”


Cassie nodded solemnly. “Hadn’t she told you?”


“No, she didn’t.” Ash was about to say something, but whatever it was, it was lost as he turned his dark green gaze onto his sleeping friend. She looked like she’d been crying earlier, which made guilt rise inside him like a fire.


This whole thing was his fault.


If he hadn’t agreed to go ahead with this stupid quest, none of this would have happened. Ash knew better than anyone that Luna would not have gone if he hadn’t given in so meekly.


Besides, they still had two of the Treasures to find and they’d made no progress. The only thing they’d learnt was that Ash was untrustworthy and disloyal.


He couldn’t even tell his childhood friends in person that he was ditching them for the sake of his own ambition. No, he had to leave a scrappy note and drag an innocent young girl into his twisted mess while letting her believe wonderful fantasies that he was oblivious to.


Then it struck him.


He knew where he stood.


Cassie seemed to sense it too – she just smiled at him warmly. “I know of your talents. Use them to your advantage.”

Chapter 22 - Forgiveness And Order

When Luna awoke about two hours later, Cassie had left and she was completely alone. It was still raining much to her annoyance, but she wasn’t horribly bothered.


Once she’d sat up and blinked the sleep out of her eyes, she eyed a folded piece of paper on the windowsill that hadn’t been there before she’d fallen asleep. Curiosity killed the cat immediately – she had to know what it was.


Sitting back down, she opened the piece of paper and saw a relatively large amount of writing, followed by a drawing. Luna decided to read the words first.


People look at me and see a scary looking teenager who looks like he’ll fry ants and kick kittens for the sheer pleasure of it all. You look at me and see some type of hero who slays dragons and monsters to save his friends.

People talk to me with caution because they don’t like me. You talk to me casually and brightly because I’m your friend and almost your brother.

People don’t accept me easily because of what I’m like. You accepted me without hesitation and without thinking of how I act.

People don’t trust me with the smallest of secrets. You trust me with your life.

People don’t smile at me. You smile at me almost all the time no matter what I’ve done to you.

People can’t make me cry at all, apart from my foster parents. You have made me cry a few times – now is probably a good example.

People don’t try to joke around with me. You tease me and we’ve had many good times.

People don’t like me all that much. You love me and still do despite my arrogance.

I don’t tend to care for people. I have always cared about you even though I don’t always show it.

I don’t tend to apologise to people without sarcasm. I am writing this very desperate and very real apology with no tricks or scams, not even sarcasm.

I don’t tend to thank people without sarcasm. I am thanking you for opening my eyes.


Words couldn’t describe how Luna felt. She felt like crying and dancing with joy at the same time.


Remembering the rest of the letter, the Pureblood scanned her pale blue eyes down the page and saw a beautifully detailed sketch of a young girl watching a butterfly dance in the breeze just next to her face.


She knew who the girl was.


She also knew who had left her the note.


Gathering herself up, Luna gently made her way out of the living room and towards the open back door leading into the garden, where she saw a figure sitting at the base of the great oak tree with their back turned away from he door and staring out at the rain clouds. It was still raining heavily, yet the tree seemed to provide some shelter.


Luna darted out in the storm and over to the tree, ruffling the figure’s short wet dark brown hair. “Bring a coat next time, Ash? You’ll get a cold.”


Her friend stood up to face her. He looked a complete state – the sad and red eyes told Luna everything.


“I’m already sick. Sick of having the cotton wool pulled over my eyes,” he replied thickly. “I’m a horrible person to have missed so much.”


“You’ve been awake the entire time. You haven’t missed a thing.” Luna reassured him softly.


“I take it you’re here to tell me you think I’m a monster and you’re returning to the others?” Ash inquired icily, wiping his eyes. He was trying to look tough, but Luna knew he was desperately upset. She fished out the note he’d left her, waving it at him. “I don’t think I’d come all the way out here to announce my departure if you believe so many good things about me.”


“But you still think I’m a monster?” Ash added unhelpfully.


“Quite the opposite. A monster wouldn’t have gone this far to apologise.”


“But I hurt you.”


“I made you cry, for goodness sake.”


“You nearly fried me.”


“I wasn’t intending on ‘frying you’. I was actually aiming for Celeste because I knew deep down that it wasn’t your fault that she kissed you.”


“I don’t even find her the slightest bit attractive. Werewolves aren’t the prettiest of them all, frankly.”


“She is pretty. Very pretty, as a matter of fact. I see why so many people like her.”


“She’s older than us; she would have more friends. Besides, she carries the Ravener name like Atlas and he’s quite good-looking for a nerd.”


“You’re better looking than Atlas. Celeste would probably agree.”


“He’s shy and caring. Girls like that in guys.”


“Some girls prefer the brave and daring type, especially if they’ve got attitude.”


Ash stared at her in surprise. “You prefer me over Atlas? Despite the fact he used to fancy you when you were 10 or something like that and you’ve known him for most of your life?”


Luna nodded. “He’s just a friend. Besides, you know where I stand.”


“I’ve learnt where I stand, with a little help from Cassie. I’ve been so blind not to see it.” Ash added, shivering as the rain began to get heavier.


Luna raised one eyebrow. “Did I hear you correctly? I thought you hated Cassie.”


“She’s a good person. Anyway, I know whereabouts I stand in the world.”


“Where would that be, then?”


“It always has been and always will be with you, Luna. You mean more to me than anything else on this planet and I have been incredibly lucky to have you by my side for seven years.”


The wavy haired girl blinked at him, touched and overwhelmed with emotion. She felt tears forming in her pale blue eyes. “Ash…”


Her friend put one hand on her cheek, wiping away tears with his thumb. “Don’t cry. You don’t know how close I am to breaking down by just looking at you.”


Luna sniffed. “Sorry for being such a mess.”


Ash drew her into a gentle embrace, allowing her to rest her head on his broad shoulder. Luna contently stood there with her arms around him and gazed out to the storm, which was gradually beginning to worsen and was startling her with the sharp forks of lighting.


“Let’s go back inside,” Ash suggested. “You’re soaked through.”




“Order! Order!”


The group of concerned and loud people settled down as soon as a tall man in a black cloak appeared, taking his position on a large wooden throne. A watchful dark brown hawk perched on his shoulder, glaring fiercely around.


“Stand for Councillor Airing!” a man yelled out to the crowd.


The crowd rose, only to be acknowledged with a nod by the man in the cloak. “Please sit. We are here today to discuss a variety of issues-“


“We should discuss why a group of teenagers are lost in the Normal world!” a tall man with very short black hair interrupted rudely.


Councillor Airing smiled at the man. “Please sit quietly, Councillor Chase. I understand you are concerned for your son, but yelling will make it no better. I can assure you that I think Ashley is capable of looking after himself.”


My boy? Don’t make me laugh,” Robert replied icily. “That child is too soft-hearted. He will give in to something he’ll regret later.”


“He’s one of my best students,” Thorn butted in. “He can hit the centre of the target with three knives blindfolded – a very accurate aimer indeed. I was quite hoping he would be elected as a young spokesperson for the Council when the elections begin in a few days time.”


“Councillor Blackshield, please be silent,” Councillor Airing ordered sternly. “The matter at hand does need discussing. I received a message from a safe house to say that they have two of the five teenagers. The whereabouts of the others are unknown.”


“Who is missing?” a woman inquired.


“It’s between Luna Wilde, Atlas Ravener, Rune Braveheart and Clarissa Bird. Ashley Chase is confirmed to be at the safe house,” the head Councillor explained. “The messenger also knows that they have recovered one of the three Treasures.”


A murmur of surprise rippled through the great room, just as a young woman stood up with a crease between her eyebrows. “Did the messenger leave a name?”


Councillor Airing held up the parchment. “Only two initials: N.R.”


“Nigel Rarogn,” an elderly man amended, standing up. “One of The Winged. He married one of the Alstep sisters, didn’t he? The other sister is Robert’s sister-in-law because she married Will.”


“Nigel married Emma, Cassie and Will disappeared 15 years ago and Carlos died a few years ago. The Alstep family is quite a mystery indeed,” the woman explained. “Much like yours, Rosco. One of your relatives married a werewolf, didn’t they?”


“You do not need to bring my family into this, Carla. Considering you disowned of Rune and she came into my care, there is no need for you to insult my family. I am proud of both my children and always will be.” Rosco retorted fiercely.


“There is one part of the letter that confuses me, however,” Councillor Airing went on, ignoring the heated discussion between Carla and Rosco. “Mr Rarogn claims that we’ve all believed a lie for nearly 8 years.”


What lie?” Thorn inquired, flicking his brown hair back. “Is there something that happened during the Demon battle that we don’t know about?”


“Yes. The last part of the letter says ‘I do not know if you are aware, but there are rumours flying about that M.W is a prisoner of war. You believe that she is dead, but she is believed to be alive and has been for these 7 years you have believed her to be perished.’


“M.W,” Rosco repeated, his frail pale blue eyes slowly widening with shock as he pieced the puzzle together. “Mia Wilde.”


“We must find her and release her,” a young woman piped up. “Her daughter is still alive, isn’t she?”


“Luna is on the quest right now. We can’t inform her of her mother’s status until she returns.” Thorn pointed out.


“This quest has dragged on far too long, I think,” Councillor Airing remarked. “It has been nearly five days and they have made no effort to try and find the next two of the Phoenix’s Treasure. I feel we should create a diversion to lead the children to the Land Of The Lost. One of the Treasures will be hidden there for sure, plus Mia is likely to be kept prisoner there.”


“They will die if they try to take on the Demons!” Rosco argued angrily, his voice rasping with old age. “They are only 14 or 15 years old!”


“They made the choice to make the perilous journey and they will pay the price for their foolishness and their stupidity,” the young man replied coolly, looking over to the hawk on his shoulder. “Kazran is a bird of stealth and swiftness as well as cunning. He shall find a way to change the course of their path.”


“You and that flipping hawk.” Thorn grumbled to himself as the mighty bird of prey swooped above their heads and out through one of the great windows, gaining speed with every beating of his mighty brown wings.


“You will regret ever sending Kazran to change the destiny of these children,” Rosco spat in disgust. “Cynthia has spoken of an omen in the stars. She knows of a prophecy surrounding the children.”


Councillor Airing raised one eyebrow in surprise. “The Seeker did not think to consult me about this? What did she hear?”


The elderly man glared at the young man with his good pale blue eye, while his right eye as always was clouded with blindness. “How do I know that you will believe what I say?”


“If you have spoken to Cynthia, I am virtually required to believe you,” the blonde haired man insisted, a slight coldness in his tone. “Please share what you know of this prophecy.”


Rosco sighed. “Fine. Here goes;”


Turmoil and troubled times lie in the depths of the journey.

Great burdens will be discovered,

And mighty legends will be lost to the shadows.

The union will be shattered like glass.

The lionheart will bring peace,

The hunter will bring trouble,

And kindness will fall from grace.

Youth must look into the eye of wisdom,

And decree that we’re all stories in the end.”


Robert Chase scowled at the last sentence. “My son believes the fact that life is just one big story. Does this refer to him?”


“I do not know, Robert. I only know that great danger is coming and that those children must be prepared for the perilous climax that lies ahead.” Rosco murmured softly.

Chapter 23 - Reunited

Bungalow resumed his place on Luna’s feet, his shaggy dark grey fur tickling her ankles. He was rather casual looking, just sitting around without a care in the world.


On the other sofa, Leon was showing Ash some photos from an old family album Nigel had found. Celeste was out shopping for a few essential items, so it was all pretty peaceful at The Lodge.


“Bungalow’s certainly taken a shine to you, Luna,” Leon remarked. “He always hisses and scratches me when I come close.”


“Maybe you and cats just don’t go together,” Ash suggested, flicking through the album and abruptly stopping at one page, his eyes narrowed. “When was this picture taken, Leon?”


The older fair haired boy shrugged. “No idea, but one of those children bear a startling resemblance to Luna.”


“One of those children is Luna, but I’m interested because Mia and George were clearly still alive when it was taken because she looks so young. How did you come in possession of this picture?” Ash inquired suspiciously.


“I think when Emma went back to visit Nighthollow for a bit, she brought this photo back with her,” Leon answered. “She hasn’t been back for 8 years, so I’m going to guess that this was from her latest journey.”


“I was 6, then,” Luna added. “I didn’t know you then Ash, but I really wish I did.”


Ash looked oddly touched. “Thank you. It would have been nice to have known you before training too.”


“Speaking of ages, it’s your birthday on Saturday, isn’t it Ash?” Leon asked with a smile. “15 years old. Nearly the same age as me. When are you Purebloods counted as adults?”


“16 – it’s when you finish training and free to do what you like. You can marry at 15, though,” Ash explained. “I know that one of the boys in my cabin married his girlfriend when he turned 15, but he’s almost 16.”


“So when are you 15, Luna?” Leon questioned.


The wavy blonde haired girl let out a slight groan. “Christmas Eve.”


“Well, at least you get snow. My birthday’s in August.” the Halfblood sighed wishfully.


Before any more could be said, Celeste rushed in with a panicked expression on her face. Leon stood up to face her instantly. “What’s wrong, Cece?”


“Demons!” she gasped between breaths. “Here!”


Ash sprung up onto his feet, gesturing Luna to stand up also. “Come along. You know what we have to do.”


The werewolf looked pale. “You’re not seriously going to try and kill them?”


“It runs in our blood,” Ash insisted sharply. “Besides, Will and Cassie are Purebloods too.”


“Good luck, both of you,” Leon added, bowing his head as the two began to leave. “Be careful with those monsters.”


Before the two Purebloods even reached the front door, Ash spun round and stared at Luna, concern swimming in his dark green eyes. “If you want, you can stay here with Celeste and Leon.” he offered.


“We’re bound by friendship, which means neither should leave the other to fight their own battles,” Luna pointed out. “Besides, I don’t cower in the corner when there’s a battle going on.”


“I don’t want you getting hurt.” Ash mumbled softly.


The young girl raised an eyebrow. “I’m fine, Ash. You needn’t worry about my welfare – look after yourself, for goodness sake.”


Nodding briskly, Ash flung open the door and darted out, Luna following just behind. She knew her friend was much faster and stronger, but she was beginning to gain on him in speed and what she didn’t have for strength made up for nimbleness.


The first Demon, a massive eagle-like bird with sharp talons, immediately opened his beak to let out a fireball. Ash quickly snapped into action and raised one hand, sending the fireball back to it and thus setting it on fire. He then looked over to lift a large lorry, but the remaining Demons suddenly disappeared in a flash.


“I know this trick,” Ash commented in some sort of relief, but he looked deeply worried. “They’ll come at us randomly in random directions. It would be logical to stand back-to-back so we can see when and where they’ll come from.”


Luna let out a short laugh. “You sound so much like Atlas!”


“Hilarious, but in this situation I’m actually not joking about. If we just stand around, one of us will get injured, poisoned or killed when we least expect it.” the brown haired Pureblood replied icily.


Rolling her eyes, Luna turned around and stood so her back was slightly brushing against Ash. Her head just came to the top of his shoulder blades, which made him let out a short sarcastic chuckle. “I’m thrilled to pieces to be paired with the midget.”


“Considering you were begging for my forgiveness earlier, that’s not a very wise move.” Luna commented airily.


A Demon with a long snake like body and scaly wings came at Luna, fangs poised to strike. She raised her hands to fry it, but Ash suddenly grabbed her and pushed her to the ground, crouching down beside her just as a large Demon flew over and smacked into the wall of the safe house, crumbling to the ground with a sickening crack.


The snake Demon slithered towards the two friends, but Luna raised her hands and released a ball of fire, but the flame accidentally brushed past Ash’s hand and made him give a slight gasp of pain. “Burn my flesh, why don’t you?”


“Sorry,” Luna grumbled. “I’ll let it kill you next time, yeah?”


Ash ignored the comment and stood up, brushing his jeans before offering to help her up. “I really hate to mention it, but I think there are reinforcements coming from over there.”


The wavy haired teenager looked up and saw a small band of strange figures heading towards them. However, Luna observed that they didn’t look like Demons – they all looked similar and didn’t move as quickly as the Demons she and Ash had already encountered.


A strong gush of wind stung her eyes, making her drop back onto the ground so she wouldn’t get blown over. Ash fell a few seconds afterwards, covering his face with his hands.


“Stop!” a voice screeched. “Clarissa, stop it!”


Clarissa? Luna was puzzled for a few moments. She’s with the others. They can’t possibly be here, let alone have tracked us down.


A heavy mist fell over the safe house, followed by Will yelling “Get inside you two! We’ll deal with them!”


“Don’t hurt them!” Luna screamed, realising the situation with great surprise and horror. “They’re Purebloods!”


The mist suddenly vanished, making Ash uncover his face and blink uncertainly at Luna. “What did you just say?”


“Those things over there aren’t Demons,” Luna breathed, leaping up to her feet. “They’re our previous little gang.”


The smallest figure darted over just as Luna got up and dragged the girl into a fierce embrace, vibrating with gleeful laughter. “You’re alive!”


Ash instantly sussed out that the young teenager was none other than Rune and raised one eyebrow in surprise. “What are you doing here?”


“I think we should ask you the same thing,” Atlas replied curtly, folding his arms. “First you saunter off leaving just a short note, and then you drag Luna into your little mess. We’ve been going demented over you two.”


“Don’t be so harsh on them, Atlas. I’m sure they had reasons.” Isabelle scolded him softly, stepping forward.


Before Ash could open his mouth to reply, Celeste pranced over like a graceful doe with Leon trudging after her. “You were told to stay inside, Cece! Are you completely incapable of following simple instructions?”


“I want to meet these guys,” Celeste commented cheerfully, standing beside Luna and waving. “Hey! Welcome to The Lodge!”


Atlas raised an eyebrow. “Who on earth are you?”


“I’m the one and only Celeste, but call me Cece,” the werewolf chirped. “The sour puss behind me is Leon Alstep. He’s a Halfblood – mix of Pureblood and Winged. I’m just a simple werewolf.”


“Never met a werewolf before, but pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Atlas remarked, holding out his hand politely. “I’m Atlas Ravener. I’m a friend of Luna’s and Ash’s, so I thank you for looking after them.”


Celeste had a grin plastered on her face. “You’re Atlas? You’re pretty cute, considering Luna told me you’re socially awkward. We’re long-lost cousins, you and I. Your father is my great-uncle.”


The black haired teenager froze abruptly for a moment; his dark green eyes a pure mask of shock. “Are you trying to imply-“


“She’s related to you, Atlas,” Ash confirmed sharply. “Though I suggest you keep Jason away from her because she’s a bit of a flirt.”


The werewolf winked cheekily, which made Clarissa snort. “Just what we needed: a flirty werewolf who’s actually related to the most awkward person in the entire group.”


Adele slapped her over the head with one ghostly pale hand. “You should be glad we actually have Luna and Ash back in one piece. The group wasn’t the same without them – even you can admit that.” she scolded angrily.


I really hate arguments, but I’m glad we’re all back together again. Luna reflected.


“Hey, what’s this?”


Luna turned her head to see Nigel picking up a long golden rod type thing from one of the flowerbeds next to The Lodge. Curiosity got the better of her naturally, so she strode over to take a closer look at the strange object. The top of the rod had the head of a fierce looking bird, along with two palm-sized gold wings sprouting out from the bird’s neck, which was probably supposed to be it’s back. Looking at it closer made Luna realise quickly what it was.


It was the staff – or the second of the Phoenix’s Treasure.

Chapter 24 - Unfavourable Odds

“So, if we find the sword, we’ll put Alpha in checkmate and thus win his twisted little game,” Atlas explained, rolling out the map. “We just need to figure out where the little trickster has hidden this final Treasure.”


The red dot showed that the group were at The Lodge, which was completely 100 percent accurate. The yellow dot was steadily moving across the map until it stopped at a dark shadowy area.


“The Land Of The Lost,” Rune sounded worried. “They’re going to finish it in their own territory. How predictable.”


“At least we know that this won’t be a fake,” Luna pointed out. “Alpha wouldn’t lead us out to the Land Of The Lost for no reason. He wants a fight and he’ll certainly get one heck of a fight when we turn up.”


“But you can’t guarantee that you’ll all survive the final showdown,” Isabelle added, flicking her raven black hair back over her slender shoulders. “I fear that someone will die.”


“We all knew there would be a price to pay.” Ash replied bluntly.


“You don’t have to go,” Cassie murmured. “Will and I can gather up a few Purebloods in the area and we’ll go to that dreadful place. None of you can expect to win against Alpha.”


“This is our destiny, Mrs Chase. There is no alternate option. The battle starts and ends with us.” Atlas insisted.


“Then at least let me and Cece come with you,” Leon pleaded desperately. “We want to help with the effort. If you Purebloods are in this battle, we are with you. After all, we both have Pureblood relatives and no parents to fret about us.”


Ash raised a suspicious eyebrow. “You mean Celeste wants to come along for the boys.”


The young werewolf tossed her wavy brown hair over her shoulder with hurt in her pale brown eyes. “I’m serious; I want to help. I know I’m not the most honest of people, but I swear on my life that I’m along for the ride, not the people.”


Will shared a regretful look with Nigel, who bowed his head solemnly. “Very well. You may all rest here tonight and set off in the morning.”


Ash opened his mouth to reject, but Luna placed a firm hand on his shoulder. She knew he was desperate to finish the quest, but they had to regain their strength first before they were going anywhere.


“I suggest you all head on upstairs to get some sleep.” Cassie announced briskly.




Luna couldn’t sleep that night.


Nightmares of darkness and blood disturbed her every time she closed her eyes, which made her wary of whatever tomorrow would bring. She didn’t want anyone to die. If it was compulsory, then she’d made up her mind to sacrifice herself. Sure, she knew that Ash would be especially wounded, but it was a small price to pay to ensure the lives of her friends would be scarcely touched. They’d forget about her eventually.


Besides, they all had so much still to live for. Atlas had clearly fallen for Isabelle and was technically old enough to begin a full-fledged relationship; Rune was the youngest in the group and definitely wasn’t ready to be whisked away by Death; Clarissa had a bright future ahead despite her arrogance; Adele didn’t have to be dragged into this mess at all and could have chose not to journey on; Jason still had many more years in him; Celeste and Leon also chose to make the perilous quest and Ash was a talented young fighter who would one day make his foster parents regret mistreating him so badly as a child.


I can be with my parents again. I can meet up with Mary Ravener and tell her how brilliant her son is, and likewise with Carlos Alstep for Leon.


A tap at the window made the Pureblood turn her head to see a beady-eyed hawk staring back at her, it’s beak tapping the glass pane. Luna was rather surprised indeed. Hawks don’t belong in the shadow of the city. What’s this one doing here?


Stepping lightly, she stood at the window and flicked it quietly, making the hawk ruffle it’s dark brown feathers. It tilted it’s head to one side in puzzlement, clearly wanting to come in the warmth. Luna noticed this and lifted up the window, allowing the hawk to soar in and perch on the shelf above where Rune was sleeping. As she gazed at the mighty bird of prey, she suddenly noticed a tag attached to the hawk’s left foot. It was a relatively thick gold ribbon decorated with a single black diamond, which made Luna’s heart leap out of her mouth.


The hawk was Kazran, Councillor Airing’s pet bird.


This clearly meant the Council were spying on them.


Something didn’t feel right.


Kazran swooped down from the shelf and headed over to Celeste with his talons outstretched and poised to strike. Luna had to snap into action instantly, so she grabbed a book from the windowsill and threw it at the hawk, making him caw out angrily and waking everyone up with a start.


“Grab that hawk!” Luna cried at her alarmed friends. “He’s a spy from the Council!”


Atlas dived to grab the stunned Kazran, but the hefty bird had flown away and was heading towards Rune, who ducked just in time so he smacked into the wall.


Leon took the chance to make a dive for him, but then he was thrown back against the wall by some sort of invisible force and the dark brown hawk suddenly increased in size, making him nearly hit his head on the ceiling. He swung one wing back and knocked Celeste, Atlas, Jason, Rune, Clarissa and Adele over.


This only left Luna, Ash and Isabelle standing.


Ash immediately seized a dagger from his bag and flung it at the monster hawk, managing to hit Kazran’s left wing. Rather than letting out a screech, he simply yanked it out with his beak and thrust it aside, just whisking past Luna’s shoulder. If she had flinched away, the dagger would have surely stabbed her.


“Duck!” Isabelle screamed, dropping to the ground as Kazran swung another wing round over her head. Luna was about to do the same, but the large brown wing smacked her hard in the stomach, making her yell out in agony as she fell the ground, hitting her head on the wooden floor.




Ash’s desperate shouts were the last thing the young girl heard before blackness drowned her into a forceful doze.




Rune took the warm tea from Cassie’s hands into her own. “Thank you.”


The older Pureblood nodded with a small smile on her face. “You’re welcome, Rune. Emma conjured it up herself – it will help you get over the shock and hopefully help you get back to sleep. You’ve had a frightful night.”


“Has Luna woken up yet?” Isabelle asked, her voice cracking with worry as she looked over to the Pureblood who’d been asleep on the sofa for just over an hour.


Rune shook her head regretfully. “No. I know she’s unconscious rather than dead, but that blow she took to the head was quite severe looking. I’m going to try and heal it when she eventually wakes up.”


“She’s going to be killed when she learns what happened,” Atlas sighed, shaking his head. “At least we know that attack was purposely set upon us.”


“That was our suspicion anyway,” Clarissa cut in sharply. “If the attack was a complete accident, Kazran wouldn’t have turned into a monster or attempted to go on a mad killing spree. The Council are obviously cooking up some sinister plot against us.”


Atlas frowned. “My father is on the Council. He can’t have allowed this to happen…” he trailed off, holding his head in his hands. Isabelle put a comforting arm around him, sympathy in her luminous green eyes. Rune stiffened slightly, but said nothing.


“I think this was a whole big diversion to get to the Land Of The Lost faster,” Adele suggested, placing her white tea cup down on the oak table next to the armchair. “Your buddies in Nighthollow are obviously desperate to get the Phoenix’s Treasure back, so they’re quickening the pace. It’s one of those ‘hey, get moving, you’re not on holiday’ type things.”


Leon let out a short laugh of mild amusement. “Nice to see someone can crack out some humour.”


“She’s waking up!” Celeste cried, poking Luna’s head with one long finger. Rune leapt up instantly to check on her friend, who was actually stirring back to consciousness. Her pale blue eyes fluttered open like a butterfly unfolding it’s wings and looked straight at Rune. “What happened? Why do I ache all over? Why are we all still awake? What’s the time?”


The girl’s muddy brown eyes glimmered in amusement. “We should knock you out more often.”


“Seriously, my head is throbbing and I can’t feel my left side.” Luna groaned.


“Let me look at your head, then.” Rune instructed, flicking her long black hair over her shoulder.


Her friend obediently sat up, showing a minor wound on her head with blood that had slightly coated her wavy blonde hair. Rune placed her hand on the wound, eventually healing it and making the blood disappear.


“Where’s Ash?” Luna asked, her gaze flitting around the room.


Atlas lifted his head up and stared over at the confused teenager, fresh grief in his dark green gaze. “Kazran abducted him after you blacked out. We think Alpha has him prisoner in the Land Of The Lost.”


Luna let out a loud groan of frustration. “Then that’s game over. Ash had the map, so we have no hope of saving him or completing out mission. Screw the Council!”


Celeste suddenly looked up, her pale brown eyes sparkling with what looked like happiness. Adele glared at her fiercely. “How can you be happy that we’ve lost a worthy young warrior?”


“No, it’s not that,” Celeste reassured the immortal teenager. “I think I know a way we can get to the Land Of The Lost.”

Chapter 25 - Flying Lizards

“You have to be kidding me.”


“Look, just give me a chance, Clarissa. I’m determined for this to work.”


“But it won’t. It’s insane, for goodness sake.”


“I’m very persuasive, trust me. I’ve managed to get my way around some of the hardest of people, so I think I can reason with old Danny here. Besides, those who don’t believe in the Skyriders don’t see them.”


“Skyriders are crazy daredevils who just fly on giant lizard things. They’re highly mythological.”


“There’s no alternate route, unless you fancy walking nearly thirty miles.”


Clarissa closed her mouth, seeming to run out of retorts. Luna was genuinely surprised. This is the first time I’ve seen Clarissa speechless. I think I’m glad Celeste is in the group now, even if she flirts with nine to the dozen different boys.


Taking a deep breath, the werewolf stepped forward and tapped her knuckles on the red wooden door three times, sucking in her breath as she waited for someone to answer the door. It didn’t take long for a young man to appear in the doorway. He had sticking-up light brown hair accompanied with a blue streak, copper-brown eyes, a pair of black goggles resting on his forehead and casual clothes – a navy blue hoodie and black jeans.


“Danny O’Brian?” Celeste inquired hopefully.


“That’ll be me,” the young man confirmed, his voice taking a light tone. “And you are?”


“Don’t you remember me? Karen Ravener’s daughter?” Celeste seemed rather surprised.


“Oh, you’re that little minx,” Danny sighed, rubbing his eyes. “What are you doing here at this ridiculously early time? I know you’re one of the Moon’s Children, but you don’t need to bother me.”


“It’s us who wish to bother you actually, Sir,” Atlas addressed him politely. “My name is Atlas. I’m a Pureblood from Nighthollow and-“


“You Purebloods always need to rely on someone for help,” Danny interrupted with a grumble. “Whether it’s the Winged, the Moon’s Children or the Skyriders, you always have to ask them for help. Are you incapable of looking after your reckless selves?”


“This is a mission that we actually can’t complete quickly enough without safe passage to the Land Of The Lost,” Luna argued back angrily. “My best friend was taken and so was the Phoenix’s Treasure, so we urgently require assistance so we can return balance and harmony back to Nighthollow.”


“You’ll have to pay a hefty price, little missy.” the Skyrider replied grouchily, folding his arms firmly.


Atlas fumbled around in his pockets and produced a relatively large wad of cash from when he’d broken into the bank machine on the first day. He thrust it at Danny fiercely. “There’s probably about nine hundred pounds here. We shan’t be coming back afterwards, so you can have it all.” he snapped.


The Skyrider’s copper brown eyes widened in genuine surprise, a mask of shock replacing his tired-looking face. “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting that. You Purebloods are full of surprises,” he remarked, beckoning them in. “Come on in.”


Luna stepped in cautiously, wiping her shoes on the doormat and flicking her gaze around the room. It was quite plain – a bit like the cabins back at Nighthollow – but it was comfy looking too.


A short olive skinned girl peered through into the corridor from behind a door, her soft hazel eyes curious. “Who are these people, Danny?”


Very generous people, Annabelle,” Danny explained, waving the cash at her. “I’ll be giving these folks a ride to the Land Of The Lost on Felix and they’ve given me nine hundred quid for it. Pretty good business, eh?”


Annabelle blinked at him nervously before disappearing off into the shadows of the dark room. Leon raised a suspicious eyebrow at Danny. “She’s a bit young for you, isn’t she?”


“That’s my little sister,” Danny snorted. “She’s 15. I’m 18.”


“Why is she living with you, then?” Rune inquired. “Some people would see that as pretty dodgy.”


Danny shrugged. “That’ll be their problem. Anyway, I guess I’ll better allow you to meet Felix.”


“Who’s Felix? Your cat?” Clarissa questioned sharply.


The young man rolled his eyes. “Don’t make me laugh.”


I only wish she’d stop cracking bad jokes like that. She just reminds me of Ash. Luna reflected with heavy regret settling in her stomach like a stone and weighing her down.


Danny led them into a spacious garage attached to the house and whistled, waving a raw fish about. “Here, boy.”


Without hesitation, a large black lizard came crawling out of the shadows, flicking his pink tongue. He was pretty big: Luna estimated he was probably about 15 feet long and 5 feet wide excluding wingspan. He had large scaly wings which were folded in at the time and large yellow eyes that looked like they glowed in the dim light.


“Meet Felix, your transport for the journey,” Danny commented, throwing the lizard the fish. “He’s very tame, so he won’t bite your leg off or whatever you expect him to do.”


Luna didn’t feel convinced as she watched the lizard snap up the fish in his sharp jaws and finished it in one go, even the bones. Isabelle shuddered as he suppressed a loud burp. “Charming.” she said nervously.


“Well, what are you lot waiting for? Get on – we haven’t got all night.” Danny sighed, ignoring the Normal girl’s comment.


“Is your sister coming with us?” Leon questioned, earning him a hard slap from Celeste. Danny just sighed at him, folding his arms and shaking his head. “My sister is not one for romance. The only romance you’ll find in her are those blasted books she reads. She’ll waffle on for hours about some olden-day story or modern, but regardless I don’t pay much attention. She comes along as she knows what to do in a bad situation, but she won’t speak much.”


“We haven’t got much time,” Luna urged desperately. “We need to get going straight away. How fast can Felix go?”


“He’s youthful, but I can guarantee he should be able to reach the border within half an hour at the very most.” Danny assured her.


“Then let’s get moving.”




Ash banged his fist in anger against the metal bars, muttering a furious curse as he clutched his wrist on hearing a bone-grinding crunch. Broken. Great.


“You won’t get out.”


Lifting his head, Ash was surprised to see a small boy wandering freely around the place of terror without a care in the world. He looked rather young and small, with short blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Surprisingly, he bore no scars and looked well-cared for despite living among Demons. “What are you, the little pawn?” he asked bitterly in spite of the pain flooding through him.


The boy tilted his head to the side. “Pawn?”


“Obviously never heard of chess, then,” Ash sighed. “How aren’t you afraid of this place? My kind has been petrified of the Demons for centuries.


“I’ve lived here my entire life. There’s nothing to fear when you’re used to it,” the youthful child responded airily. “Who are you, anyway? Mama said I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”


“I’m Ash,” the Pureblood grumbled. “Is there any way out of here? I’ve got some Demon butt to kick.”


“You don’t need to break out. Help is coming: I can feel it.” he assured him.


Ash raised an eyebrow, flicking his dark brown hair out of his eyes. “What are you talking about?”


The boy just looked blank and disappeared off down one of the corridors, making Ash groan in frustration. “Stupid kids. Looks like I’m not getting out for a while.”

Chapter 26 - Rescue

Luna let out a short scream as Felix took off from the ground, clinging to Rune’s pale arm as Danny encouraged the lizard to go higher.


Annabelle lifted her gaze to Luna from her book. “You won’t fall.” she reassured her.


“It’s not that,” Luna sighed, allowing herself to calm down a bit. “I’m a bit wary of heights.”


“The only way to get over your fear is to conquer it. Without conquering fear, you’ll always live in the ocean of nightmares and terror.” the Skyrider pointed out firmly before returning to her book, her long curly chestnut coloured hair blowing slightly in the breeze. Luna could see why Leon might have developed a little crush on her – the young girl was pretty indeed.


“Have you got the locket?” Atlas questioned sharply.


Luna tapped her neck lightly where a silver chain was visible. “Yep. You’ve got the staff, right?”


The black haired boy nodded, letting out a small sigh of relief. “I just wanted to make sure we didn’t leave it at The Lodge. We would be in gigantic trouble if we had.”


“The Treasure doesn’t matter right now!” Luna snapped fiercely. “Ash is trapped with the Demons where they’re liable to kill him!”


“Retrieving the sword is our top priority to save our race. Ash is important, but we really need to find the sword to complete the Phoenix’s Treasure and restore the balance in Nighthollow.” Atlas replied uneasily.


“So you’re just going to let him die there without even attempting to help him?” Luna was infuriated. “He’s my best friend, Atlas! You’d go after Isabelle if she was in his position!”


“She’s a Normal. Ash is a Pureblood and has the second strongest power after you. He is probably capable of getting out himself,” the older boy sighed, cleaning his glasses. “You underestimate how intelligent he actually is, Luna. I’m very sure that he’ll find some way to escape out alive.”


Groaning in frustration, Luna shifted away from Atlas and sat nearer the front, letting the wind calm her slightly. She still felt anxious being up in the air, but she had to stay calm for her friends and herself. Panicking wouldn’t help.


She didn’t want to look down, so Luna kept her eyes focused on the sky ahead. Dawn was beginning to break on the horizon, releasing a tiny oil painting of colours to lighten the cold night. Luna was genuinely surprised to how Danny could actually see where he was going when it was this dark.


The wavy haired Pureblood spied a shadowy looking place just away from a major road, which she pointed out to Danny. “Is that the Land Of The Lost?”


“Indeed it is,” the Skyrider confirmed. “I think you guys will get in just fine if I leave you at the gate to the castle. There’s no one on guard, so you can easily sneak in with the element of surprise.”


“Alpha is expecting us to come after Ash and the sword. He won’t be as surprised as you believe.” Luna pointed out, watching as Felix swooped down towards the darkened forest.


“He probably won’t be expecting you now though, would he?” Danny commented, calmly leading his lizard companion to a place he could safely land.


Luna shrugged. “I guess.”


Felix eventually landed on the hard ground in the barren land about one hundred meters from the main gate, which stood eerily still. The Purebloods and their companions jumped off neatly and Atlas gathered everyone round. “Right, let’s get down to business. We need a logical plan to be able to get in and get the sword without too much hassle. Alpha will be expecting a fight, so we need to stay vigilant.”


“I can help you.” a voice squeaked.


Turning around in shock, Luna saw a young fair haired boy sitting comfortably on a short rocky pillar that looked like a cube. He looked ridiculously young to be out in this frightening place, but he looked quite healthy and well-cared for.


Atlas was suspicious immediately and got the Demon Tracker out, waving it at the child. No laser came out, so this was just a normal human child.


“What’s your name, kid?” Clarissa asked icily.


“Cody,” the blonde boy replied simply. “What are you doing here? Skyriders don’t tend to allow lifts to their own kind.”


Danny let out a short laugh. “These guys are Normals, Purebloods, Halfbloods or the Moon’s Children. My sister and I are the only Skyriders here.”


“I know what you seek. I can help,” Cody went on, sliding off the cube pillar thing. “I have seen him.”


Luna raised an eyebrow. “You’ve seen Ash? How?”


“I live here. He is a prisoner. I spoke to him, but I don’t think he likes me all that much.” the little child replied.


“Sounds like Ash.” Atlas remarked, looking quite surprised.


“Could you take us to him?” Rune asked hopefully.


“Too many of you will cause trouble. I can only take one. The rest of you will have to wait.” Cody explained regretfully.


“We’re breaking in anyway, so it’s good you showed up,” Luna commented. “Ash is my best friend, so I’ll accompany you.”


“Sounds like a plan,” Atlas agreed. “Once you get Ash, meet us in the main hall. I’ve got a suspicion that the sword is being kept there.”






Luna cautiously followed Cody down a long corridor, using her fire powers to provide a light to guide the way. The child had watched in awe as she’d produced the burning flame, but Luna was a little curious about him. What interest do the Demons have in a child?


He halted at a metal door and casually opened it, making his way down a small staircase before stopping abruptly at the bottom. “There are two guards.” he hissed.


Luna snorted. “Easy. Watch this.”


Raising her hands, Luna released a fireball which hit the two Demon guards, making them scream out in anguish and fade away. She heard someone suppress a gasp, which raised her hopes of finding Ash.


Cody led the older Pureblood down the stone corridor, turning his head nervously every time they passed a cell. He was scared: it wasn’t hard for Luna to guess that. He was only about eight or so anyway.


They stopped at one of the cells, where a silhouette leaned against one of the stone walls clutching their wrist. Cody tapped on the bars warily with his fist. “Are you in there?”


“What do you want?” a male voice grumbled.


“I’ve found someone who can help you get out. There’s a huge group of them. They’re taking over the castle,” Cody explained, nodding to Luna. “Use your power to burn the door down. I haven’t got a key to free him.”


Thrusting one hand in front of her, the teenager let loose a flame which acted as a torch so she could burn the bars out of the wall and thus not risk burning Ash like she’d done back at The Lodge.


Once she’d finished her handiwork, the door fell with a loud clunk, making the figure jump and spin round. His green eyes were bright with surprise as he gazed at the fallen door and then at Luna. “What are you doing here?”


“I was authorised to break down the door.” Luna replied in a sinister spooky voice.


“I think your voice is starting to break,” Ash teased. “You’ll sound like a Demon when you grow up. Your parents would be thrilled to know that their daughter takes after a group of monsters.”


“Thanks,” Luna remarked sarcastically. “Come on out; we’ve got work to do.”


“Not so fast, Luna. I’ve broken my wrist banging on those rotten bars,” Ash sighed, stepping out of the cell. “I can’t use my power unless it’s fixed, so I hope you’ve brought Rune along, otherwise I’m completely lame and useless.”


“They’re all in the main hall,” Luna explained, “We have to hurry so Rune can heal your wrist.”

Chapter 27 - Lost And Found

Once the three companions reached the main hall, they were surprised to see that their friends were already in full-fledged fighting. No one was dead yet, but fear and dread crept into Luna’s stomach. Someone’s going to die. I can just see it happening.


Cody’s dark blue eyes suddenly widened in horror. “My Mother is being attacked!”


Luna managed to single out a tall black cloaked figure attempting to fend a rather skittish-looking Adele off, so she reached into her belt to pull out a dagger, throwing it to Ash. “Can you fight left-handed?”


“I’m a bit rusty on perfecting the mysterious and sought after skill of fighting with both hands, but I’ll give it a shot.” Ash replied.


“Good,” Luna responded, taking another dagger out of her pocket. “Let’s go and sort out this woman, then. I’d like to know why she’s living among Demons with a young son.”


The two friends darted over to the woman and pushed Adele away from her while Ash wrapped his left arm around her neck, keeping the point of the dagger gently pressed between her shoulder blades. The young woman struggled and gasped for air desperately as Luna stepped forward with her dagger pointed threateningly at the stranger. “I hope you’re prepared to answer my questions, whoever you are. Ash, loosen your grip slightly so she can speak.”


The stranger gazed at Luna with her sharp green eyes which reminded her irresistibly of her late mother. “You’re willing to kill me because I live here with my son?” she retorted. “It’s not illegal now, is it?”


“It’s dangerous,” Luna snapped fiercely. “What on earth are you, anyway? Are you a Halfblood?”


The woman shook her head. “Pureblood through and through. I used to live in Nighthollow.”


Ash raised an eyebrow. “We’re from Nighthollow and I’ve never seen you or Cody before. What’s your name?”


“Mia,” she answered simply, lifting her hood down to reveal her chestnut brown hair. “Mia Wilde.”


Luna’s dagger fell to the ground, her hand over her mouth in shock as she stared at the woman who was actually her mother who had supposedly been dead for seven years. Her stomach tightened and her heart raced a marathon in a second.


She couldn’t breathe.


Ash looked flabbergasted too, stepping away from her and removing the dagger from her back, his pale face a pure mask of confusion and shock. “But you died seven years ago. You’re supposed to be dead.”


“Clever observation, Mr Chase,” Mia remarked. “And for the record, I’m very much alive. I always have been.”


“That’s impossible,” Luna gasped. “You can’t defy death.”


“I didn’t defy death, my dear. You may have believed me dead, but I survived that battle. Alpha granted me safety as I was pregnant.” Mia responded airily.


Cody’s my brother, Luna realised in genuine shock. Oh my goodness… what am I supposed to say? This woman has played dead for seven years and didn’t even let her own daughter know that she was still alive. Why?


“Why are you looking at me like that, child?” the young woman asked. “How do you know me, anyway? You look so young.”


She doesn’t remember me. Luna could feel more tension tightening in her stomach like a belt, so Ash did the talking. “Well, I’m Ash Chase. You somehow remembered that. I’m a little amazed of how you recognised me and not her.”


“I’m sorry?” Mia was confused immediately, raising an eyebrow. “What are you trying to imply?”


Before her friend could continue, Luna remembered she was wearing the family locket as well as the locket from the Treasure, so she pulled it lightly over her head and opened the silver oval shape, revealing the seven year old photo. She thrust it at Mia fiercely, loosing the majority of her respect for her mother. “Look at that. See if that sets anything off.” she spat furiously.


Mia completely froze, her luminous green gaze locked onto the photo. Her mouth fell in horror and then she lifted her gaze to Luna once she was able to break eye contact, who was standing with her arms folded. She took in a sharp intake of air before speaking. “My little child. I can’t believe I didn’t recognise you. Look how grown-up and beautiful you are, little Luna.”


“Don’t judge the book by it’s cover. She’s quite a dark horse when it comes to fighting.” Ash warned her sternly, dropping a cheeky wink to Luna.


Mia narrowed her eyes at him as she gave the precious locket back to her daughter. “Aren’t you a bit old-looking for her?”


“I’m 14. So is she. And for your information, we’re not an item – we’ve had that suggested too many times this week already.” the brown haired Pureblood responded icily.


Cody then began to dawdle over, but what he didn’t realise was that Alpha was behind him, licking his lips hungrily. Luna instantly released a fireball which hit the giant black dog Demon and threw him back against the wall, stunned for a moment. The little boy eventually realised what was happening and fled towards his mother, who took him in her arms and hugged him tightly. “I have wonderful news. You have an older sister.”


Cody drew away from her for a second? “Aww, a sister? I was enjoying my independence: I don’t want to be bossed around by someone who’s older than me!”


“Gee, thanks Cody.” Luna sighed.


The blonde haired child stared up at her in confusion. “You’re my sister?”


“Too right she is,” Mia laughed happily. “We can be a family again. We can escape from here and go to Nighthollow – you’ll absolutely love it there, Cody. You can learn how to be a Pureblood and discover what powers lurk in you.”


Ash suddenly let out a gasp. “Luna, look out!” he yelled.


Luna couldn’t turn her head before Alpha knocked her over swiftly with one giant paw, his red eyes glittering with malice. “Time to die. Say hello to daddy for me when you get there. Ask how scratch is.”


“You killed my father!” Luna screamed at him. “Monster!”


“Some call me Alpha.” the Demon grumbled.


Luna couldn’t reach across to pick up her dagger, so she just punched the giant dog in the face, which didn’t really do anything apart from make him chuckle. “Good night, Wilde.”


He suddenly let out a pain-stricken howl, which allowed Luna to roll away towards her family and her friend. Once she’d gotten up, she realised that someone had hurled a dagger into Alpha’s left eye, which he was struggling to remove in the most painless way possible. Considering the odds, it was most likely Ash who had thrown it as a distraction for her.


When Alpha had eventually retrieved the dagger from out of his eye, his temper ignited as he glared at Luna. Pawing the ground, he leapt across the room with his claws outstretched, but Ash pushed Luna aside and lifted his hand to send the giant dog back against the hall walls, making him smash his head with a loud crunch. Luna shuddered at the noise as the dog crumpled to the ground.


“He won’t be out for long,” Ash sighed regretfully. “We’ve got work to do – come on.”


Rune quickly darted over to them, nodding at Ash. “Good to see you back, Ash.”


“Could you heal my wrist?” Ash questioned. “I broke it smashing the bars of the cell and it stings like anything.”


While the black haired girl used her powers to heal his wrist, Luna managed to spot the bronze hilt of the sword suspended in mid-air by a single chain attached to a stone-faced gargoyle. She stared at it for a while, pondering of how they could retrieve it. That’s too high up for any of us to reach. How on earth are we meant to get it?


“I’ve got an idea of how we can get the sword,” Rune commented, almost as if she could read Luna’s thoughts. “Ash, could you lift a person off the ground?”


“I’ve stopped people from falling, but I’ve never tried to lift someone up,” Ash responded. “Why?”


“You could lift me up there and I’ll get the sword off the chain so we’ll complete the Phoenix’s Treasure.” Rune suggested.


Mia was the first to object. “Are you insane? You could break your neck if Ash’s power isn’t strong enough!”


Rune shrugged. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take, Mrs Chase. If it means saving everything I believe in, then I’ll do it.”


“I really pray to the Phoenix that I don’t drop you. You’re putting a lot of pressure on me. Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?” Ash questioned nervously.


The young girl nodded firmly. “I’m completely sure.”


“Then I hope this works.” Ash murmured, focusing his hands onto the ground before steadily lifting them up, bring Rune up with them. Luna watched on with concern swimming in her pale blue eyes. She’ll be fine. She’s got to be fine.


When Rune had reached the gargoyle, she took a dagger with a silver hilt that Rosco had blessed her with a few years ago. It was able to cut through most metals, so it would be a lot cleaner rather than trying to yank the chain clean off. She was working as fast as she could, but Luna could see that Ash was struggling to keep her in the air.


A relatively large lion Demon with wings noticed Rune and immediately flew up towards her, teeth bared and eyes alert. Luna tried to shout a warning, but the Demon crashed into her side, sending her on a strong curve in the right. Ash fell to the ground in exhaustion, which meant gravity now applied to Rune.


Everything that goes up has to come down.

Chapter 28 - Light

Rune let out a shrill scream as she and the black lion Demon tumbled down to the ground, the Demon virtually on top of her. She knew instantly that Ash wouldn’t be able to keep her up if she was knocked, so she knew what was coming.


She was plummeting down to the stone floor.


She was falling from grace.


She was giving in to her impending doom.


A soft voice let out a small whisper through whatever breeze there was. The words that came out were calm, peaceful almost.


Turmoil and troubled times lie in the depths of the journey.

Great burdens will be discovered,

And mighty legends will be lost to the shadows.

The union will be shattered like glass.

The lionheart will bring peace,

The hunter will bring trouble,

And kindness will fall from grace.

Youth must look into the eye of wisdom,

And decree that we’re all stories in the end.”


Rune pondered about the words for a short while until she heard the voice again.


“Step into the light, little one. You’ll be safe here.”


And she landed harshly onto the ground with a sickening crunch.




Rune!” Luna screeched as the young child hit the ground, hurrying over to check on her while Mia assisted Ash up, who looked as distraught as Luna did at the thought of Rune screaming and flailing down to her death.


Atlas had reached his foster sister’s fallen body first, screaming desperately and angrily at her to wake up. Luna crouched beside him, stunned into complete and utter silence.


The sensitive and kind little girl was gone, just like that.


“We need to drag her body out,” Clarissa murmured thickly, coming over. “Her legs are underneath that Demon. She would have done it for any of us.”


“You take one arm. I’ll take the other.” Luna added, putting aside their bitter ongoing rivalry for once. They couldn’t afford to argue in a time of pain and grieving – everyone on the journeyhad loved little Rune.


Summing up whatever strength she had left, Luna helped the short haired girl drag Rune’s broken body out from under the Demon and out beside Atlas, who had tears in his eyes as he stroked her long black hair like she was still alive.


Adele, Leon and Celeste stood over the body, sharing sympathetic and grieving looks. Celeste patted Atlas on the back gently with one hand. “It’s okay. Rune will be safe up in the sky: she’ll be away from all the pain and suffering that is dealt in the real world.”


“She died so bravely, Atlas. You should honour her rather than cry over her loss.” Adele added sorrowfully.


“She died because of him!” Atlas screeched, pointing an accusing finger at Ash who had just ambled over. “You sent her up there and sent her back down!”


Ash raised his hands above his head. “Atlas, I swear on the Phoenix that Rune pleaded her case to me. I tried so hard to keep her up, but when that Demon came it put so much strain on me that I lost control…” He trailed off, looking deeply upset. “I’m so sorry you lost her. She was a wonderful, sunny human being who didn’t deserve to fall to the clutches of death so soon.”


Atlas didn’t look convinced, but he just held Rune’s head in his lap and murmured a quote from a book Luna didn’t know.


Ash suddenly went rigid as he stared at the Demon’s dead body. “Hey, look at this.”


Lifting her head and wiping away a few tears, Luna rose up to her feet and stood beside Ash, who was pulling something long and shiny out from underneath the Demon where Rune had been. When he eventually yanked it out, Luna let out a gasp.


It was the sword.


Rune hadn’t died for nothing.


Luna quickly fumbled around with the lockets on her neck and gave the other Treasure to her best friend while keeping the family locket safely with her. She then went up to Atlas and gently slipped the golden staff out of his backpack, giving him a pat on the back as she went past.


“Thanks, Luna.” Ash said bluntly as he took the staff from her and lay it down next to the sword and the locket, which set off a small glowing yellow light.


“Food,” Alpha growled fiercely, appearing just on top of his dead comrade. “Goodbye, Purebloods.”


Before he could pounce and go in for the kill, the tiny light suddenly expanded drastically and lit up the entire hall, making the Purebloods shield their eyes. Luna heard Alpha let out a blood-curdling scream, which made her remember something Mia had told her long ago. Demons can’t stand the light of the Phoenix. It’ll either blind them, make them vanish to a random place or in some cases kill them. The light will never harm you, unless you look directly at it of course.


When the light died and simmered down, Luna opened her pale blue eyes and realised Alpha was nowhere to be seen. He’d completely vanished into nothingness, along with a few others of his henchmen. The remainders were all screeching and clutching their eyes, clearly blinded by the magnificent light.


“Open your eyes, Ash,” Luna murmured softly, nudging her friend. “It’s okay. We won. Alpha has been banished to some place far from here.”


Ash removed his arm from his face and blinked, his dark green gaze slightly lost as he stared around the hall like an innocent child. Luna rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but he flinched away from her touch and skulled over to the others, his head hung and hands in his pockets.

Chapter 29 - Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

When they returned to The Lodge later that afternoon, the little band of friends were a little surprised to learn that someone had come to see them to offer a few propositions.


Cassie had accompanied them in and was quite surprised to learn of Mia’s status, as she had been another who had believed her to be dead. Nigel just welcomed her back normally as if she was a permanent boarder, which rose Luna’s curiosity. Had he known that her mother was alive?


“There’s someone here to see you,” Will remarked, gesturing to the living room. “Though I’ve got a feeling that this is one of Celeste’s ex-boyfriends.”


The werewolf rolled her eyes. “Nice to know you have so much faith in me.”


Shrugging, the black haired man led them into the comfortable room, where a young man with short curly ginger hair and looking not much older than Celeste sat on the armchair, his blue-grey eyes glued to the TV. Once the group had entered, he arose from the seat and held out his hand politely. “Liam Chippendale. Member of the Dauntless Pack of Miami.”


“Celeste Ravener. Exile from the Glen Pack of London,” Celeste replied stiffly, shaking his hand. “Why have you come such a long way to see us?”


“My Pack caught wind of the whole situation with the Phoenix’s Treasure as we’re linked with one of the Packs in Dover, so they told us the entire story. We know a lot about your journey and also quite a fair bit about you in general,” Liam responded. “I’m here to offer you all a proposition.”


“Go on.” Leon urged.


“Celeste, as a young Packless werewolf, I’m wondering if you were interested in forming a new London Pack. Some of my friends accompanied me on the flight here and are willing to join you if you decide to make yourself Alpha. I also know of many werewolves from across the world who are seeking a Pack in a safe and friendly community such as here. I have been given permission to make another Pack here myself and if you wish, we can be allies.” Liam explained.


The wavy brown haired teenager blinked in surprise. “Of course I’ll form a Pack! I’ve always wanted a slice of life among other werewolves!”


The curly haired boy smiled. “Wonderful news. I also bring good news for the rest of you.”


“We’re listening.” Jason grumbled.


“The Fellowship of The Phoenix - or the FTP - is seeking out a small number of guardians and Normal spies for each major town or city in every country. They have been marvelled by your determination during your perilous quest and are looking to assign you as spies or guardians,” Liam went on. “What do you say to that, guys?”


“Well, I’m interested in a spy role. I’ll feel like James Bond then,” Jason chimed in cheerfully. “What about you, Izzy? Fancy spying around London?”


“If I can still see these wonderful people, then yes.” Isabelle replied uncertainly.


Liam nodded and turned his stormy eyes to the others. “What are you wishing to do?”


“There’s no place for me in Nighthollow or anywhere other than here, so I’ll happily become a guardian.” Leon said.


“I’d also like to be a guardian,” Adele added. “I don’t feel that a member of The Order will be permitted to stay in Nighthollow.”


Luna stared at her in surprise. “I thought you were going to come back with us.”


The blonde haired girl shook her head. “You have been wonderfully kind to me, but I can’t feel a sense of belonging in a place I’ve only heard of in stories. I’m sorry.”


“I hope you’ll stay in contact with us, Adele,” Atlas chipped in. “It would be a shame to loose you forever.”


“I will, don’t worry.” Adele assured him with a smile.


“So, will you five take up the place?” Liam inquired, narrowing his eyes.


“No way. I have to face my father to tell him about Rune. To be frank, I’m not sure if I want to come back here.” Atlas grumbled.


“My alliance always lies with Nighthollow.” Clarissa added.


Liam nodded. “What is your decision, final ones?”


“Hands down completely staying at Nighthollow,” Luna insisted without a moment’s thought. “I can’t leave the place I have grown up in for my entire life.”


“I’m returning to Nighthollow also,” Ash responded. “Atlas and I have a bet to see who can stay awake the longest tonight, so I’ll miss out on that if I stay here.”


“What a meaningful reason,” Luna teased, cuffing him around the head. “Glad to see that you’re returning really. Can I join in on the bet?”


Ash grinned. “Certainly. The winnings currently stand at three double chocolate muffins paid for by the losers.”


Cody looked up at Mia hopefully. “Where are we going, Mother?”


“You’re going to Nighthollow with Luna, little Cody. I, however, will be staying at the Lodge to be a guardian alongside Leon and Adele. There is no place for me at Nighthollow.” Mia replied firmly.


Ash sat up immediately, his dark green eyes dark. “You already left Luna to believe a bunch of garbage, but now you’re leaving both your children? If there wasn’t a definition already for bad parenting, you’d be the answer.”


“I cannot return to Nighthollow while everyone else has believed me dead,” Mia explained regretfully, hanging her head. “I’m surprised that you’re leaving your parents behind actually, Ash. Why are you not staying with them?”


“Because I need some people more than others. I am glad to have finally met my true parents and I hope that we’ll stay in touch, but my true home is Nighthollow and I can’t bear to loose the friends I’ve made throughout my life,” Ash responded. “Besides, my parents have given me the choice to do what I want. You’re giving neither of your children the option to come with you.”


“I’m staying put regardless of what she says,” Luna decided firmly, glaring at Mia with a fierce look in her pale blue eyes. “She has betrayed her trust to me and I can’t ever forgive her for lying to me for seven years.”


Mia looked at Cody nervously. “What about you, sweetheart? Where do you want to go?”


“Nighthollow!” the blonde boy squeaked.


“Very well,” Mia murmured softly. “I wish you both the best, and may the Phoenix be with you.”


“I don’t want your prayers,” Luna spat. “I’ll look after Cody myself without help from you. He’s the only true family I have now – you mean nothing to me after today. I hope we never have to cross paths again.”


“On that cheerful note, I bid you young ones farewell and a safe journey,” Liam cut in. “I hope we’ll meet again in much calmer times. Do not fear for those you leave behind – they will be safe here.”

Chapter 30 - Boulevard Of Dying Hopes

The group felt ridiculously quiet with everyone else.


Of the strong and tightly bound group, only four originals and a newcomer remained. Not wonderful odds, some would say, but they knew their friends were in safe hands.


Ash had surprised everyone by giving Cody a piggy back to Nighthollow, which the little boy had gladly accepted. He had giggled and observed everything along the way, but it didn’t brighten anyone’s spirit. Everyone was drowning in depression and sorrow to pay proper attention to the innocent optimist.


“What do you think awaits us when we return?” Atlas asked after a while.


“A bath, I hope,” Ash grumbled. “Or something edible would be nice too.”


Atlas glared at him fiercely. “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to the girls.”


“Well you started up a general discussion, Captain Obvious.” Ash retorted hotly.


Luna exchanged a ‘do we know these people?’ look with Clarissa, who looked pretty sick of the petty fights between the boys. They’d been at each other’s throats since they’d left The Lodge and hadn’t made the journey back to Nighthollow any more enjoyable. They’d just made it worse than it already was.


Luna suddenly collapsed onto the ground, her legs feeling like jelly. Being up since the early hours of this morning without breakfast and lunch had taken its toll on her: she was completely exhausted.


Ash spun round and took a few steps back to check on her. “Okay?” he asked quietly.


“I’m tired and in a bad way, so the word ‘okay’ doesn’t appear in my dictionary,” Luna mumbled. “I’m sick of you and Atlas sniping at each other and I’m sick of missing Rune.”


“It’s not far to go now – I promise,” Ash assured her, helping her up. “We’ll be home soon.”


“I don’t even know where home is anymore,” Luna admitted regretfully, feeling a pang of sorrow close to her heart. “It won’t be the same without Rune.”


“Home is at Nighthollow! Nighthollow is your home!” Cody chirped in, giggling as he sat precariously on Ash’s broad shoulders.


“Yes Cody, Nighthollow is her home, isn’t it?” Ash agreed, putting on a childish voice. “You tell her that. Your sister’s loosing her mind.”


The wavy haired girl snorted. “Thanks Ash.”


Her friend’s dark green eyes sparkled mischievously. “My pleasure. Come along: I think your brother’s better company than you are at the moment.”


Once they’d caught up with Atlas and Clarissa, they were surprised to see a small crowd of prison guards gathered at the Nighthollow side of the river. Clarissa raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “What’s going on? Are they escorting us back?”


“We’ll find out, I guess,” Atlas presumed. “Come on.”


When they neared the river, an officer with a police shield yelled at them to halt. Luna exchanged a confused look with Ash as Rosco stepped forward with a small group of Councillors. Councillor Airing – the head of Nighthollow who probably sent Kazran to kidnap Ash – was among them.


“What’s going on?” Atlas yelled to his father.


“Where’s Rune?” Rosco called. “Is she just catching up?”


“Rune is dead,” the black haired teenager sighed, but then he flared up as he glared at Ash. “He killed her!”


A gasp rose up from the crowd, which made Ash hang his head unhappily. Luna felt a little flame rise inside her as her best friend was accused and it eventually grew to a roaring fire, so she stepped forward with the flickering flames burning in her gaze. “Ash did not kill Rune!” she yelled angrily. “He was keeping her in the air so she could get the sword, but a Demon crashed into her and knocked her out of Ash’s range! He was exhausted – plus Rune threw the idea at him!”


Councillor Airing picked his way through the crowd and glared at Luna with narrow dark brown eyes. “Are you defying the truth, Miss Wilde?”


Luna spat at the blonde haired man. “It’s your fault Rune’s dead! If you didn’t send your stupid hawk to kidnap Ash, we wouldn’t have gone to the Land Of The Lost so quickly!”


The tall man had a poisonous look on his face. “Arrest both Mr Chase and Miss Wilde. I believe they have a lesson to be taught.”


Swiftly, a band of five officers nimbly crossed the river with rather threatening looking instruments equipped to their belts. One of them held up a pair of handcuffs and waved them in Luna’s face. “Turn round, little missy.”


Luna was about to obey him like an obedient well-trained dog as she usually would, but then one of the officers seized Cody by the arms and yanked him off Ash’s shoulders, throwing him aside and ignoring his pained screams. She felt the burning fire of hatred return to her, so she punched the officer in front of her straight in the face and rushed over to her brother, who wrapped his arms around her neck and cried into her shoulder. “Don’t leave! Stay!” he begged.


“I won’t let them hurt you, Cody. You’re my responsibility now as well as the only family I have left.” Luna murmured into his blonde hair.


Three officers surrounded the embraced siblings, armed with tazers and a variety of other weapons in their hands. Luna hugged her brother tighter as the officer she’d punched leapt for the young child, just able to grab him by the shoulders and yank him away from Luna. He screamed her name as she was pinned to the ground by a shield, the plastic digging uncomfortably into her neck. She could hear Ash yelling her name too, telling her to move.


Then the stinging kiss met her skin and all her muscles grinded to a violent halt, dragging her down into the depths of sleep.




When Luna awoke, she found herself in one of the solitary cells in the Nighthollow prison. She tried to move, but her muscles felt heavy and she was chained to the wall by both her wrists so she couldn’t use her power to free herself.


“You’re awake!” Ash exclaimed in relief, taking Luna by surprise. “I thought those officers had put you in a coma or something!”


“Nah, just tazered me,” Luna mumbled sluggishly. “Did they hurt you?”


“I’ve got a few red marks from the handcuffs, but I didn’t bother fighting back. You were really brave to rebel, Luna.” Ash remarked.


“Rebelling didn’t get me far though, did it?” Luna sighed regretfully, not meeting her friend’s gaze. “I got you arrested.”


“They were going to arrest me anyway,” Ash grumbled. “Some people just never learn from experience. They had no actual reason to throw you in here, to be honest – all you did was punching an officer.”


“That counts as assault, Ash,” the blonde girl pointed out unhelpfully. “That means we’ve both got criminal records here.”


“Partners in crime.”


“Please don’t joke in this situation. I’m really not in the mood right now.”


“When should I pull fun out of you then, eh?”


“Any days that doesn’t have the letter ‘a’ in it.”


“Wow. That’s probably the most decent sarcasm I’ve heard out of you. I should ask these guys to tazer you more often: you’re much more entertaining like this.”


“If I wasn’t handcuffed right now, I would have fried you.”


“Anyway, on a slightly more serious note, I’ve been thinking about us.”


“In what way?”


“I mean, I’ve hurt you plenty but never really appreciated you. I’ve been trying to pluck up the courage for several hours to ask you something that I believe will benefit us both. I was pondering about not asking to save myself from changing, but that last attack you did against the officers to shield Cody convinced me I’d made a good choice.”


“I’ll do anything to try and make you happy. Fire away.”


“I was wondering what you’d think of you and me being together. I mean, we could give it a shot to see where it goes. I was hesitant about it before, but after what’s happened this week I don’t feel so nervous about it.”


Luna narrowed her pale blue eyes at him. “You mean you want me to be your girlfriend?”


Ash nodded. “Yes, if you’re sure with it too.”


She smiled warmly at that. “Of course I’m happy with that. You know I would be: I’m over the moon, Ash.”


“If you’re brave enough to take on Demons and Councillors for me, then I think I’m brave enough to ask you out.” Ash responded lightly.


Before she could reply, Councillor Airing unlocked the cell door and stepped in light-footed with Kazran perched on his right shoulder, flanked by Robert Chase and an officer Luna didn’t know, but Ash clenched his fists when his uncle walked in.


“My, isn’t this just lovely!” Councillor Airing remarked with a sickening childish tone which made Luna want to vomit. “We hate to intrude, but we just strolled by when we overheard your sweet little conversation!”


“Considering you’re still single, that’s a pretty bad comeback.” Ash commented icily.


“You’re both children, for goodness sake,” Robert pointed out with a sneer. “You won’t understand love for a long time yet. You live in fantasy worlds where you see your dreams coming true before being shattered before your innocent little eyes.”


“You still live in a fantasy, Uncle,” Ash spat out the last word like venom. “You haven’t learnt the definition of love. Even if you did try, you wouldn’t fit it. You live in a pitiful world filled with booze and women.”


Robert raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes hard. “Alas, the fool has found the truth that has been right before his very eyes for his entire life. You ignorant child: did you really think I was your father?”


“The only truth that has been right in front of me was that I should learn to keep my friends closer than my enemies,” the dark brown haired boy responded. “You deliberately blocked out Will and Cassie to cause me more pain than you could possibly imagine.”


“You’re just a broken toy, Ashley.” the black haired man snapped.


Councillor Airing raised a hand to stop the fight between uncle and nephew. “Thank you, boys. I was here to announce that Miss Wilde is free to go and return to her cabin. A jury of Councillors still need to pass their verdict on Mr Chase as he is guilty of murder, but I can assure him that the punishment will not be light.”


The officer crouched down beside Luna and removed the handcuffs, dragging her away from the cell and out, closely followed by Councillor Airing and Robert Chase. As Luna turned her head, she caught a brave smile on Ash’s pale face before the door slammed like it was keeping the two apart forever.

Epilogue - Any Other World

"Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter man,

Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in,

Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely heart,

Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in,

To the world you thought you lived in."

- 'Any Other World' by Mika





To my friend, whoever you may be,


Loneliness is horrible, don’t you think? You feel completely empty – there’s nothing and no one left to show you the way. You feel vulnerable and exposed to the monstrosity that is commonly known as the real world.


I often think of the soldiers who are fighting every day to protect their family and country. I see my friends as soldiers, especially after what they’ve endured over the past few hours.


Oh, I haven’t told you about what happened to them, have I?


Well, Rune’s funeral was an hour ago. We didn’t recover her body, so we made her a little grave and decorated it with bluebells: they were her favourite flower. Atlas and I placed a candle each next to the grave to remember the wonderful light Rune had shown in her personality. I’m going to miss her so much its unreal.


Atlas and Rosco have shut themselves away in the library for the rest of the day. Rumour has it that they’re not coming back out tomorrow either, but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. You can’t believe everything you hear.


Councillor Airing has set down these ludicrous new rules to keep others from visiting the Normal world. This has given me issues with writing letters to Adele, Leon and Cece about what’s happened, but thankfully Naomi has the power of sending objects to wherever she pleases, so I got them to The Lodge within seconds. I just hope Councillor Airing doesn’t grow suspicious of me – I’ve already pushed him over the edge today.


Clarissa has actually left me in peace since I was released. I doubt it will last long because she’s grieving for Rune – sadly all things like this come to an end and the person returns back to their normal ways. I don’t foresee our bitter rivalry coming to an end, but we have bonded slightly thanks to the journey.


Cody has settled down okay now. He’s got a friend in one little boy, so it’s all good. I still solemnly vow to look out for him and make sure that’s he’s happy here. I refuse to be worse than Mia. I don’t want to stoop that low.


I’ve kept the family locket, but I rarely look at it now. I contemplated giving it to Cody, but I felt it would cause him more pain. I want him to put the past behind him and bound forward to a brighter, happier future.


The verdict against Ash was given at Rune’s funeral during a speech from none other than Councillor Airing. He’s got a month’s prison sentence and has also been suspended from the training program until he can be trusted again. Councillor Airing took so much pleasure in announcing the ‘gracious news of served justice’. He’s a completely sick alien who needs desperate help. And some glasses so he can see into how hard it is for certain people. Rosco isn’t happy with the sentence, but Atlas is too lost in grief to voice his opinion. Loosing his closest friend has obviously hit him hard, but he’s gone insane. I’m worried about him.


If we loose Atlas to this, then the price for victory was far too great. It already was ridiculously high, but I don’t want it to become worse.


It’s just turned midnight now. Ash’s 15th birthday, but he’s spending it in a lonely cell of shadows. Happy birthday. Ha.


Oh, Rosco dropped a bombshell to make things worse. Cynthia (The Seeker, or the prophetess if you like) received a prophecy about our quest. I’ll write it down for you;


“Turmoil and troubled times lie in the depths of the journey.

Great burdens will be discovered,

And mighty legends will be lost to the shadows.

The union will be shattered like glass.

The lionheart will bring peace,

The hunter will bring trouble,

And kindness will fall from grace.

Youth must look into the eye of wisdom,

And decree that we’re all stories in the end.”


I can see it clearly enough to understand it.


We suffered troubled times when we learnt that we all nearly died in Raven’s Run for nothing and we argued frequently, especially when I uncovered Celeste’s affection for Ash. I found out about my pathetic excuse of a mother and Ash found out that he was given up at birth and abused by his uncle and aunt. I’m not too sure on the mighty legends bit, but it could be the disappearance of Alpha at the end of the battle. Our group split up twice. The lionheart was obviously Rune as she restored peace to Nighthollow by recovering the sword and the hunter was aimed at Ash for goodness knows why. Rune was kindness – she literally fell from grace, if you like. Thanks to some help from certain elders, we did learn something.


We really are all stories in the end.




The creature couldn’t move.


Every weary muscle in his body ached so much. He had been sent to some far off world: it looked like a kingdom or something. A well-kept kingdom at that.


He was trapped under a tree and was probably badly wounded, but he wasn’t down forever.


He would rise slowly up again like he did many years ago.


He would return.


And he certainly would get his revenge.


Texte: The entire story and idea belongs to me. Stealing or borrowing is not permitted.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.12.2013

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