

The moon shone brightly over the dark forest. In a clearing, 3 cats stood. One was a old black tom. The other two were younger she-cats.
"We have to find the right cat soon. Time is running out." The old tom croaked.
"We will Blackeye, you'll see." One of the she-cats meowed.
"How do you know Pebblefish? Are you from the future!?" Blackeye snapped.
"Keep calm, don't scream your fur off." The last cat mewed, who was called Hawkheart. She then gasped. "I think I found the right cat!"
"What, that white she-cat with green eyes?" Blackeye yawned, looking at her.
"She's perfect!" Pebblefish cheered. The white she-cat looked at the starry pelts of Blackeye, Pebblefish and Hawkheart. She took a step towards them. "My name is Snow. Who are you?"
"My name is Hawkheart. This is Blackeye and that cat is Pebblefish. We need you."
"Why? I'm not special."
"You are now. For moons, we have been searching for cats who can lead a full clan of cats."
"So, what you are saying is you want me to lead a clan?"
"Yes. We will now grant your 9 lives."

After a while, Snow was now Snowstar, leader of Snowclan. Hawkheart had told her to go to the forest because other cats would be there. She had learnt so much in such a short space of time. Suddenly she picked up a scent. She followed it until it led to a clearing. Snowstar suddenly found herself face to face with other cats!

The new clan

Snowstar gazed at all the cats. They were big, small, fat, thin, young, old, strong and weak.
"I am Snowstar. Have you come to be in my clan?" Snowstar asked curiously. The cats nodded.
"Right, everyone can tell me their names. First, the elders." 3 cats stood up. A old black tom, like Blackeye came towards Snowstar. A thin white she-cat stepped foraward, followed by another black tom but this tom had hazel eyes.
"My name is Blackfire. I was mate of Rosepelt, but she rests with StarClan now."
"My name is Whitebone. I was a loner, rescued from the Twolegs."
"My name is Nighteye. I was a strong warrior until I injured my leg. It's fine now, but I am too old to be a warrior." The cats stepped back. The others told their names.

10 minutes later, Snowstar had finshed listening. The cat she remembered most was Badgerstripe, a handsome black tom with a white stripe going down his back. Suddenly she saw the perfect place for a camp. It was well protected, with a huge bush going around the side and a huge willow tree to one side. There was a river too, and everything they needed to make dens.
"We need to make dens, but we need prey. Lizardeye, lead a patrol. Take Moonpaw, Fishtail and Clawedear." Snowstar meowed. The 4 cats nodded and went away to hunt. The other cats started on dens apart from Snowstar, who went to the willow tree. It was perfect for her den. She streched her legs and yawned. It was a tiring journey to camp. Suddenly, Leafpaw came in laughing.
"Snowstar, Barkpaw was trying to be brave and stand on top of a bramble bush, but he fell in." Snowstar sighed and went to help the young apprentice. She pulled his scuff and dragged him out. Barkpaw walked off in shame to help carry sticks. Snowstar then felt someone brush up against her. It was Badgerstripe.
"The elder den is finshed." He mewed. Snowstar nodded and went to her den. She fell on her paws and went to sleep. She had to choose a deprty soon.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join under.. this rock for a clan meeting!" Snowstar yowled. Her clan rushed to her at once.
"First of all, today has been hard, but we are all fine. We will get this sorted out soon. Second of all, I have deciced that the new deprty wil be Lizardeye!" The cats cheered for Lizardeye as he walked towards Snowstar, his head held up high. Snowstar dismissed the clan and went into the forest. She saw a sparrow. Snowstar crouched down, pounced and caught it.

New mentors

The next morning, Snowstar woke up strangly. She shook her head and walked into camp. She could see Lizardeye orginsing patrols and the elders swapping stories. Suddenly she heard a high-pitched squeal. It was Squirrelkit. She had been jumped on by her older brother Darkpaw. He was a sleek pitch black tom with evil amber eyes.
"Get off your sister Darkpaw! She's only 3 moons old and you are 7! Have some respect!" Duckfoot hissed. She was very angry with her son. She pulled Darkpaw off the terrorfied kit and groomed Squirrelkit. Snowstar sighed. She had to give Darkpaw a kind-hearted mentor to change his ways for good.

The next clan meeting was 1 hour after Snowstar had seen the unkind apprentice.
"The apprentices need mentors, so I will assign them now. Moonpaw. come here." Snowstar meowed. Moonpaw padded up to the rock.
"Moonpaw, your mentor will be Flightheart." Flightheart was a shy, quiet she-cat who didn't have many friends. She was delighted to have a apprentice.
"Leafpaw, come up with Barkpaw and Emeraldpaw." The 3 apprentices went up. Emeraldpaw was Barkpaw's sister.
"Leafpaw, your mentor will be Bramblefoot. Barkpaw's will be Bearpelt and Emeraldpaw's will be Littletail." Snowstar continued.
"Finally, Darkpaw and Cloudpaw, come up here." The tom and she-cat padded to the rock.
"Darkpaw, your mentor will be Riverstripe and Cloudpaw's will be Badgerstripe." Snowstar knew she would have to give Badgerstripe a mentor. Tiredly, Snowstar left the rock.

A new medicine cat

"Snowstar!" A voice whispered. Snowstar woke up. Cloudpaw was beside her.
"What is it?" Snowstar yawned.
"Quick! Something's happened to Littletail!" Snowstar ran out quickly to find Littletail covered in claw marks and scars. Her brother Shadowstep nudged her towards Snowstar.
"What happened?" Snowstar gasped.
"Littletail was out hunting with Emeraldpaw, Badgerstripe and me until this huge dog came out of nowhere! It attacked us, but Littletail was hurt the most." Cloudpaw wailed. Snowstar looked at the small she-cat. She felt sorry for her.
"Move out of the way! Let me through please!" A voice yelled. It was Ivyfur, a small brown she-cat with light blue eyes. "I know medicine cat training because my mother was a medicine cat! She broke the warrior code giving birth to me!" The clan gasped. Snowstar smiled. She had a idea.
"Ivyfur, if you know medicine cat training, would you like to be the medicine cat?"
"Sure! I'd love to!"

That night, Ivyfur went to the moonstone to share tongues with StarClan. Tonight was also the night something great happened. Shadowstep's mate, Robineye had her kits!
"Their names are Starkit and Bubblekit." Shadowstep meowed happily to Snowstar.
"Great!" Snowstar meowed. Suddenly, Moonpaw and Barkpaw fell from a tree, laughing.
"What's so funny?" Flightheart asked.
"Apprentice stuff." Moonpaw laughed. She and Barkpaw ran off to the apprentice den. Flightheart sighed and walked away.
"Snowstar!" A voice called. It was Clawedear. He came towards Snowstar with a kit beside his leg.
"What is it?" Snowstar asked.
"Ghostkit is ready to become a apprentice. She wants to be the medicine apprentice."
"I'll sort it out tonight, ok?"
"Fine with me. Bye!" Snowstar smiled as the tom walked away. She then smelt someone behind her. It was Badgerstripe!

The secret of Badgerstripe

"Hello." Snowstar mewed happily.
"Hello Snowstar. Have you seen Spottedflower? She wanted to speak with me." Badgerstripe meowed.
"She's on patrol. Why?"
"She said that she would speak to me about something."
"Wait, she's over there with Shadowstep and Robineye."
"Thanks!" Badgerstripe ran off to see Spottedflower, a light grey she-cat with white spots that looked like fallen petals. She was sister of Lizardeye. Snowstar noticed that Spottedflower whispered something to Badgerstripe, but what? It must have been good, because Badgerstripe purred loudly. Sighing, Snowstar padded away into the forest.

1 hour later, Snowstar heard a funny noise that sounded like giggling and purring. Silently she followed until it came to a small cave. Inside was Badgerstripe and another she-cat that wasn't SnowClan.
"Oh Badgerstripe, what have you done?" Snowstar mummered to herself. The she-cat was laughing at Badgerstripe and purring.
"Badgerstripe, are you sure no one knows about this?" The she-cat asked.
"No one knows." Badgerstripe replied. Snowstar knew what was going on. It was love! Furiously, she pounced onto the she-cat.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Snowstar hissed.
"My name is Secondleaf and I am going to mate that tom! You can't stop me!" Secondleaf hissed back. She clawed Snowstar's muzzle.
Snowstar bit Secondleaf's ear hard and threw her so she hit a rock. She took a deep breath and charged at her. Secondleaf yowled in pain and limped away, but Snowstar wasn't finshed. She pounced onto her until they came to a ledge. If they fell, Secondleaf would die and Snowstar would loose a important life of her 9 lives.
"I'm going to kill you." Secondleaf hissed into Snowstar's ear.
"Impossible. I am Snowstar, leader of Snowclan and you can't kill me!" Snowstar growled. She clawed Secondleaf's bad leg, but Secondleaf attempted to push Snowstar off the ledge. Snowstar had to grip onto the edge with her claws.
"Goodbye forever, Snowstar!" Secondleaf growled. She pushed Snowstar off the leadge.
"Snowstar!" Badgerstripe yowled. He should not have started seeing Secondleaf in the first place or this would have never happened.

The truth was in fact that Snowstar didn't lose a life. A tree saved her. Snowstar laid on the branch, thanking StarClan. Suddenly Snowstar heard a loud cry. It was Secondleaf! She was falling until she hit the ground. Her body didn't move. She was dead. Snowstar leapt down from the tree to look at Secondleaf's motionless body laying on the ground. Snowstar turned her head round to see Badgerstripe running off into the trees, not heading to camp. She followed the tom until she reached a place she feared most: The Thunderpath! She gasped in horror as she saw Badgerstripe waiting for a monster to hit him. Snowstar saw a monster heading for the tom. She couldn't let him die.
"Badgerstripe! No!" Snowstar yowled. She flung herself to him and pushed him into the bushes. They started rolling until they hit a tree. Snowstar was hurting all over, but she saw Badgerstripe laying on the ground. He didn't move. Was he dead?

First attack

"Badgerstripe!" Snowstar yowled back at camp for the 20th time in her dreams. She couldn't sleep without thinking of what happened. Suddenly, someone dragged her out of her nightmare!
"Snowstar! Get up! Invasion!" A voice shouted. It was Shadowstep.
"Wait, this is the nightmare." Snowstar mummered to herself. She ran out of her den and stopped. 5 dogs were in her camp! Angrily she flung herself at one of the dogs and clawed it's leg. The dog growled and kicked Snowstar off. Snowstar got up and gasped in horror. She saw Blackfire's body, covered in blood and completely motionless.
Snowstar padded towards the old tom. He was dead.
"Help me!" A voice squealed. It was Squirrelkit! A dog was chasing her in circles, trying to bite the kit's neck. Snowstar jumped onto the dog and bit it's ear. The dog yelped in pain. Snowstar was now gripping onto the dog's ear with her teeth, not letting go. The dog charged into a tree, sending Snowstar flying into the branches. Suddenly, a cat leapt into the tree and was trying to help her. It was Whitebone!
"Whitebone! You'll die if you try to rescue me!" Snowstar meowed.
"Oh well. I'll die for the sake of my clan!" She rasped. She jumped onto the branches and brought them done, making a safe path to cross. Snowstar mewed her thanks and went away to find a dog with a kit in it's jaws. Snowstar pounced onto the dog and rescued the kit. The kit was Rainbowkit, Eagleheart's daughter. Snowstar then heard Badgerstripe yowling. She rushed to the clearing and saw Badgerstripe crouching down beside Scruffyear, his sister. She was dead. Snowstar walked towards Badgerstripe and rested her muzzle on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Badgerstripe. She was a good cat." She meowed. Badgerstripe didn't even look at her face. Badgerstripe then whispered into Snowstar's ear. "I love you Snowstar."
"So do I Badgerstripe." Suddnely a dog pounced onto Snowstar and knocked Badgerstripe over.
The dog snarled at Snowstar and clawed her ear. Snowstar yowled and bit the dog's neck. The dog yelped and whacked Snowstar round the head with it's strong paws. The battle continued for a few hours.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join under this rock for a clan meeting!" Snowstar yowled. The cats ran or limped over to their leader.
"Now, I want you to tell me if you know of any cats that died today. I know Blackfire and Scruffyear joined StarClan, but I need to know." Snowstar meowed.
"Starkit." Shadowstep meowed sadly.
"Greentail." Heartfly mewed. Greentail was Heartfly's mate, so she missed him dearly, and her kits wouldn't know their father.
"Sparklingmoon." Clawedear meowed.
"Fishtail." Spottedflower mewed.
"Ravenlight" Hawkeyes meowed. Hawkeyes was a queen like Heartfly and lost her mate.
"Tonight then, we will sigh vigil for Blackfire, Scruffyear, Starkit, Greentail, Sparklingmoon, Fishtail and Ravenlight. The 7 cats that died today will be honured if they were a warrior or not." Snowstar meowed sadly when she heard the names. She knew Fishtail had only been a warrior for 5 moons and was Lizardeye's daughter and Ravenlight was Whitebone's daughter. Snowstar sighed sadly and dismissed the clan. Badgerstripe stayed behind to talk to Snowstar. She had news of her own to tell Badgerstripe.
"Do you think Scruffyear will be safe in StarClan?"
"She will. StarClan look after all their cats. Anyway, can I tell you something? Lizardeye knows."
"I'm expecting your kits!"
"Wow! I'm going to be a father!"
"Yes you are! Lizardeye will be taking charge when I am due. Then I will look after my kits for 6 moons until they become apprentices. I will conduct the naming cermony."
"Great!" Badgerstripe licked Snowstar's ear and left to go to the warrior den. Snowstar smiled. She then walked to her den. She climbed onto one of the towering branches and went to sleep, dreaming.

Snowstar woke up. She wasn't in her den. She was somewhere that she didn't know of. Starry pelts cam towards her. She smiled. Snowstar reconised them all. It was Pebblefish, Scruffyear, Starkit and Flowerfoot, her mother.
"Why am I here?" Snowstar asked.
"You are here for a good reason indeed. Also important." Pebblefish meowed. "We have been told of a new prophecy."

The 3 kits

"Are you sure?" Snowstar asked worriedly. She had only been leader for a couple of moons and now she had to deal with this?
"Yes. Here it is." Pebblefish mewed.
'When the worst comes, 3 cats will rise and save you all.'
"What?!" Snowstar almost fainted. Before she could speak, the starry pelts of the StarClan warriors and kit disappeared from her eyes.
"Wait! Come back! I don't get it!" Snowstar shouted.
"Snowstar! Are you ok?" Snowstar woke up. It was Lizardeye, standing beside her with a mouse in his jaws.
"I have come to take role as leader for 9 moons." He whispered quietly. He dropped the mouse in front of Snowstar. She smiled and padded to the nursery. Here, she could see Robineye grooming Bubblekit, Duckfoot sleeping beside Squirrelkit, Heartfly also sleeping and Hawkeyes grooming her golden fur. She turned and smiled at Snowstar. Snowstar smiled back and laid down quietly not waking the 3 sleeping cats. She ate the mouse and went to sleep.

(3 moons later. Ghostkit is now med apprentice.)
Snowstar woke up feeling werid. She streched her legs and yawned, but she knew what was going to happen.
"The kits are coming!" She yowled. Ivyfur and Ghostpaw dashed in with herbs in their jaws. Badgerstripe padded in, but Ghostpaw stopped him.
"We'll call you in shortly." She mewed softly. Badgerstripe sat down and groomed his mattered fur. Ivyfur got to work.
"First one coming." Ivyfur got the kit out. It was a black tom. Ghostpaw licked the kit.
"Second one coming." This kit took some time to get out, but Ivyfur got it out. It was a ginger she-cat with white stripes on her tail. Hawkeyes licked it.
"Done. 1 tom and 1 she-cat." Snowstar didn't hear. She had lost so much blood giving birth to 2 kits. She then stopped breathing.
"You have lost a life Snowstar. Be careful." Voices whispered. Snowstar opened her eyes. Badgerstripe was beside her, proudly looking at the kits.
"Their beautiful." He meowed.
"For names, the black tom should be Blazekit and the she-cat should be Fernkit." Snowstar groaned weakly. Hawkeyes's kit Morningkit was only born yesterday, so this ment there was 5 kits in the nursery now. Snowstar smiled. They looked so normal, but she did not know what they were cabable of...

A new apprentice

A few days later, Blazekit, Fernkit and Morningkit opened their eyes. Morningkit had amber eyes, Fernkit had leaf-green and Blazekit had unsual, evil red eyes. Bubblekit and Squirrelkit decied to play a game.
"Lets play tag!" Bubblekit squealed excitedly.
"You're tagging us first Blazekit!" Morningkit mewed. Blazekit's fur shot up in fury. Why did he have to be it first? Furiously, he pounced onto Squirrelkit, despite being the oldest she was the smallest kit.
"Tag." Blazekit growled. Squirrelkit squealed in pain.
"Blazekit! That's quite enough! You can sit with me to think of your actions to others." Snowstar hissed at her son. Blazekit walked slowly over, growling quietly at his sister. Duckfoot helped Squirrelkit up and checked her for injuries. Fernkit sighed. Why was her brother so.. evil?
"Are you ok Fernkit?" A voice called. It was Barkpaw, who was visting the nursery. Fernkit nodded. Barkpaw left, leaving a rabbit behind for Heartfly. Heartfly was expecting her kits soon, so she needed to eat. The 4 she-cat kits played tag for ages until they got so tired to fell asleep.

That night, Heartfly's kits were born. She had 3, 2 she-cats and 1 tom.
"Now Blazekit has a friend to play with or torture." Heartfly joked. The grey she-cat was called Rainkit, the chocolate-brown tom was Dustkit and the pale pink she-cat was called Cherrykit. Blazekit took a liking into Cherrykit, because she was quite pretty and she looked strong. Duckfoot was relived, because Squirrelkit was almost 6 moons old so she could become a apprentice. Bubblekit was going to miss her: They were very close friends.

A few days later, Heartfly's kit had opened their eyes. This was also the day when Squirrelkit would become Squirrelpaw. Bubblekit had to make the most of her. Everyone played tag, apart from Blazekit and Cherrykit. They sat in the corner, talking.
"Dustkit! You're tagging us first!" Fernkit chriped in her sweet, soft voice. Dustkit nodded and chased the kits around the nursery floor. The 5 queens smiled as their kits played so nicely. Heartfly wished Greentail was here to see his kits. Hawkeyes was thinking the same about Ravenlight. Dustkit was currently chasing Fernkit, until he jumped on her and they rolled into the other kits, who squealed loudly. Then they all laughed. Blazekit rolled his eyes. Stupid kits, he thought.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join the under this rock for a clan meeting!" Lizardeye yowled. All the cats (old enough to catch their own prey) ran to him. Duckfoot came along with Squirrelkit, who was moaning because Duckfoot kept grooming her fur. Heartfly's and Snowstar's kits tumbled out of the nursery followed by their mothers. Morningkit came too, but Hawkeyes made her walk with her, not with her friends.
"First of all, we'd like to welcome Blazekit, Fernkit, Morningkit, Rainkit, Dustkit and Cherrykit to SnowClan." Lizardeye meowed. The warriors and apprentices turned to the kits. Blazekit and Cherrykit were standing next to eachother while the others stopped playing and sat up, their fur mattered and messy. They all turned back to Lizardeye.
"Now, could Squirrelkit come up here please?" Squirrelkit shot up when her name was called. Duckfoot sighed.
"Until this cat has earned her warrior name, she will be known as Squirrelpaw." Lizardeye sceamed the crowd to find a mentor. Finally, he found one.
"Squirrelpaw, your mentor will be Shadowstep." The black tom looked pleased.
"Shadowstep," Lizardeye continued. "You are a skillful warrior and can fight very well. Pass these qualites to Squirrelpaw."
"I will." Shadowstep promised. He touched noses with his new apprentice. Lizardeye dismissed the clan. The kits returned to the nursery, still tumbling and rolling all over the place.

A secret is revealed

As the days went by, the kits became bigger and their mothers allowed them to go out as long as they stayed together. The games they played were normally tag and hide and seek, but they would also sneak out to the forest on quiet days. Today was raining, so the kits stayed in the nursery. They were bored silly, but Fernkit had a idea.
"Hey, guys! Let's go play when the dogs invaded in camp!" She surgested. Everyone agreed and ran out, apart from Blazekit and Cherrykit.
"Dustkit and Rainkit, you are the dogs!" Bubblekit squealed. They nodded and chased their friends around. Fernkit decided to hide in a bush. She ran there, but didn't realise that she had knocked a huge branch that stopped other branches from falling down. The branches fell and Fernkit realised she was trapped.
"Help me!" She yelled. No one heard her. She squealed loudly until she heard a crash! Someone had moved the branches and rescued her! She then smiled as she saw Dustkit's head poke in the top of the bush. They smiled and forgot they were playing a game. Suddenly, Blazekit thundered in and passed Fernkit so hard that she fell over. Dustkit fell from his spot and hit his paws on the ground hard.
"You piece of mosudung!" Dustkit yelled. Blazekit just laughed. The rain started to fall heavily, so the kits returned to the warmth of their mother's. Dustkit slept next to Fernkit instead of his siblings. Blazekit slept by himself in a small corner.

After the rain had stopped, it was night time. Also, Bubblekit was now 4 moons old, so she had 2 more moons left. The stars were out tonight and they were shining brighter than usual.
"It's amazing!" Fernkit breathed.
"Yep, it sure is. I've never seen them like this before, it must be a special night." Hawkeyes meowed cheerfully.
"Look, there's a shooting star! Make a wish!" Rainkit squealed. Everyone in the nursery wished.
Fernkit said "I wish I was unique."
Blazekit said "I wish I was leader so I could banish anyone who annoyed me."
Morningkit said "I wish I was popular."
Bubblekit said "I wish Starkit was still alive."
Rainkit said "I wished my fur wouldn't go funny in the rain."
Dustkit said "I wish that I can be mates with Fernkit when we are older."
Cherrykit said "I wish my eyes were red to match my fur!"
Snowstar said "I wish that I never lost a life giving birth."
Robineye said "I wish that I never lost one of my kits during the attack."
Heartfly said "I wish we wern't attacked by dogs in the first place."
Hawkeyes said "I wish that Ravenlight never died." After the wishes were done, the queen streched their legs tiredly.
"Time for bed. You've had a busy day." Snowstar yawned. The kits went into their nests and fell fast asleep.

(Fernkit's dream.)
Fernkit woke up. She was on top of a grassy hill, with her mother not in sight. Suddenly, a old tom and 2 she-cats came towards her. Fernkit guessed they were StarClan because they had starry pelts.
"Who are you? I'm Fernkit. Why am I here?" Fernkit asked.
The tom smiled warmily. "Ah, I'm guessing your mother never spoke of us. I am Blackeye. The grey she-cat is Pebblefish and the other she-cat is called Hawkheart. Aren't you daughter of Snowstar and Badgerstripe?"
"Yes. I think Mum spoke of you."
"Well, we came to her before you were born with a prophecy. You and your brother are part of it."
"What!? Mum never mentioned a prophecy!" Fernkit mewed in alarm, her ears pricked up.
"Easy Fernkit, take it easy." Hawkheart mewed softly, wrapping her tail around the frightened kit's back.
"Here's the prohecery." Pebblefish retold it as she did to Snowstar.
'When the worst come, 3 cats will rise and save you all.'
"What do you mean 'the worst'?" Fernkit snapped. The StarClan warrior just shut her eyes and breathed a deep sigh.
"We cannot tell you what the worst is, but if you believe in yourself you will find your special power soon enough."
"Ok. I understand. I am sorry Pebblefish." Fernkit sighed.
"Good. Now we must leave, we have more important duties to attend to, but don't tell anyone what we have said to you." Pebblefish meowed.
"May StarClan allow you to sleep peacefully." Hawkheart purred, walking towards Pebblefish. The 3 cats faded away, leaving Fernkit alone. She sat down and went back to sleep.

(Blazekit's dream)
Blazekit woke up. He was on a tall rock, directly in front of the sun.
"Why does the stupid sun get it my way!" He growled angrily. Suddenly, he saw 3 cats with starry pelts coming towards him.
"Who are you? What am I doing here?" He snapped impatiently.
"My name is Pebblefish. I'm a StarClan warrior. The old tom is Blackeye and the she-cat is Hawkheart. We've come to speak to you. And before you say, is your name Blazekit? Snowstar's and Badgerstripe's son? Brother of Fernkit?" She meowed quietly.
"Yes. Yes. And yes. Now, what do you want with me?"
"Do you know of this prophecy?"
"Which one? Because I have never heard the term 'prophecy'."
"Yeah right. This one."
'When the worst comes, 3 cats will rise and save you all.'
"What do you mean 'the worst'? And which 3 are gonna rise?"
"That's why we've come to you. Because you and your sister are 2 of the 3."
"Really? 2 inncocent kits like us?"
"Incocent, yes. Ordinary, no. You will have a special power that you will find in your own time."
"Wow! What power?"
"Believe in yourself, you will find it quicker. Now we must go. Goodbye and good luck, Blazekit." The 3 StarClan cats disappeared from sight. Blazekit's mind was buzzing with questions. What would be his power? Who was the missing cat of the 3?

(A kit's dream, not revealing the name until the end of the dream.)
The small she-cat woke up. She was in a clearing, in the forest. She couldn't see her friends or her mum anywhere. 3 cats came towards her.
"Wait, I know you! My mother told me about you! You're Blackeye, Pebblefish and Hawkheart, right?" The kit asked excitedly.
"Right you are, little one. You are part of a special top-secret prophecy, along with 2 of your fellow nursery friends."
"Wow! I'm honoured!"
"Indeed you should." Pebblefish laughed. "You will have a special power that you will find if you believe in yourself. Keep up your sprit and courage, you will be a noble warrior."
"Thank you Pebblefish. I understand what to do."
"Then goodbye. I hope we will meet again, Morningkit." The cats then vanished. Morningkit beamed with pride. Who were the 2 unidentifyed cats that Pebblefish metioned?

The first Gathering

Chapter 9: The first Gathering
Snowstar badly wanted to go to the gathering tonight, so she had a plan.
"Blazekit and Fernkit, I am going to go hunting. Stay here with your friends, I haven't been out in moons." She mewed. They nodded and went to play another game of tag. Snowstar ran out to greet Lizardeye, who was getting ready to go.
"Are we all ready?" Snowstar yowled. Everyone nodded, So they set off for their first gathering.

Within a few minutes, they arrived. There was 3 other diffrent clans: RainClan, BloodClan and LeafClan. They had been waiting for SnowClan to arrive and Snowstar went to join the leaders on a huge tree. Each clan leader had a branch to sit on at the gatherings. The leader that Snowstar was closest to was Leafstar, a brown she-cat with green eyes.
"We will now start the gathering!" Rainstar meowed. She took a deep breath and started. "RainClan are doing well at the moment and the prey is running well. Tinycloud gave birth to 2 new kits, Soulkit and Heartkit. We also welcome a new warrior, Creamear!" RainClan started cheering her name and SnowClan did too. Creamear looked pleased with herself.
"I have finshed. Leafstar?" Leafstar stood up and started.
"LeafClan are good, although we suffered from a outbreak of whitecough. No one died, but we had to sit vigil for Smokepaw. He died saving Waterpaw from the gorge. We also sat vigil for Secondleaf. We found her body in a clearing outside the cave. She proberly fell off the edge." Many LeafClan cats mewed sadly in agreement. Snowstar felt slightly guitly of Secondleaf's death. Badgerstripe told her that he killed Secondleaf after what happened to her.
"Snowstar?" Leafstar asked.
"Thank you Leafstar. SnowClan is new, but we are doing well. We have built dens and we have lots of new kits. However, we had to sit vigil for 7 cats a few nights ago because we were attacked by dogs. We survived it because we are Snowclan, the 4th clan in the forest!" She yowled. Her clan yowled in agreement. Bloodstar rolled his eyes. Snowstar then let Bloodstar speak.
"BloodClan are doing well. The prey is running and we welcomed a new warrior, Growlfang!" BloodClan chanted his name. Growlfang smiled. Bloodstar turned to Snowstar.
"You may have survied the attack, but it looks like you like allowing your clan to die." He growled. Leafstar and Rainstar gasped. The SnowClan cats bristled with fury. Snowstar just shook her head and spoke.
"My cats die for the sake of their clan." Snowstar sighed. Leafstar then piped up.
"Bloodstar, you cannot control your clan because we have smellt BloodClan on our terrortory. Keep off or we will attack." Snowstar smiled at Leafstar. Leafstar smiled back.
"The gathering is over, for StarClan's sake." Bloodstar hissed. He led his cats away quickly. Snowstar jumped off the branch and summoned her clan over.


The next morning, when Snowstar woke up, her kits were gone! She called their names. Hawkeyes woke up to find Morningkit missing. Robineye was looking for Bubblekit. Heartfly wailed because her kits were gone. In fact, all the kits were gone! Shadowstep padded in and Robineye buried her muzzle in his fur.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"The kits are gone!" Robineye wailed. Everyone heard this and went to the nursery to find the missing kits. Badgerstripe sadly dipped his head. Patrols were sent out but they found nothing.
"I'm going to lead a patrol and take Shadowstep, Clawedear and Squirrelpaw." Snowstar meowed. The patrol set off into the forest until they heard a high-pitch squeal.
"That's Bubblekit! Come on!" Shadowstep meowed despretly. They followed the squeal until they came to the boarder with BloodClan. Bloodstar came towards the cats, grining.
"I'm guessing you've stumbled into our little trap. We have your kits and won't return them! Get them, BloodClan!" He yowled.
"Retreat! There are too many!" Snowstar yowled. The patrol fleed back to their own terrortory. Badgerstripe and Lizardeye greeted the frightened patrol.
"What happened?" Badgerstripe asked.
"BloodClan.. are.. evil.. they.. stole.. our.. kits!" Snowstar rasped. Lizardeye's fur birstled with anger. Suddenly, a LeafClan patrol and a RainClan patrol came towards the boarder. They dipped their heads in respect.
"Greetings Snowstar. I am Stonetail, LeafClan deperty. We've come for your help."
"RainClan have too. I am Oceansplash, RainClan deprety. BloodClan have stolen our kits!"
"They have stolen our kits too. LeafClan and RainClan will fight against them, will you join us? We fear that 2 clans are too weak. 3 are stronger."
"Certainly Stonetail and Oceansplash. They have stolen our kits too."
"Bring some cats to LeafClan camp then Snowstar. We are going to discuss ideas."
"We'll meet you there."

A few minutes later, Snowstar and nearly all her warriors and apprentices found themself in the LeafClan terrortory. The 3 leaders stood on a tall rock.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join under the Tall Stone for a LeafClan, RainClan and SnowClan meeting!" Leafstar yowled. The warriors and apprentices came to the leaders at once.
"As you are aware, kits from all the clans were stolen by BloodClan. We are gathered here to plan our attack. Our revange!" The clan cats yowled in agreement. Ideas came out.
"Steal their kits!"
"Make the Twolegs invade them!"
"Kill them all!"
"Exile them!"
"Destroy their healing herbs!" It then got out of control.
"Quiet, everyone! We are attacking them, not exiling and stealing!" Leafstar shouted. It fell so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
"I have a idea." Snowstar mewed. "Maybe we can send 3 patrols, 1 from each clan with 4 cats on it. " The plan continued.

Lizardeye stood on a hill with his patrol. Snowstar had explained the plan and everyone agreed. 3 more SnowClan patrols were waiting for the signal. Lizardeye was with Duckfoot, Darkpaw and Emeraldpaw.
"Are we ready?" A voice said. It was Sparrowsong, a RainClan senior warrior. "Thunderfoot is ready."
"SnowClan are good to go." Lizardeye replied. The cats followed Thunderfoot to the BloodClan camp. They stopped on another hill that was smaller.
"CHARGE!" Thunderfoot yowled. The 12 cats sprinted down the hill and confused the BloodClan cats. Duckfoot clawed Shadowstrike. Darkpaw and Squirrelpaw fought Pigeonfeather. Lizardeye, Sparrowsong and Thunderfoot attacked Featherkink and Fangpaw.
"You will pay for this with your life!" Featherkink whispered angrily to Lizardeye. Lizardeye clawed her eye. She jumped back in pain. Suddenly Sparrowsong was yowling.
"Sharpeye!" Her mate was laying on the ground, his body covered in blood and completely motionless. She buried her muzzle into his fur. The first good cat was dead, and he didn't deserve to die.
"Why StarClan? Why!?" Sparrowsong yowled.
Lizardeye sighed. He had feelings for Sparrowsong, but being a good deprty he helped Thunderfoot send Fangpaw running. Duckfoot then went for a new cat, Deadthroat. Lizardeye knew he would have to call the next patrols shortly, because they were now being outnumbered.

At the top of the second hill, Clawedear's patrol were rearing to go. He had Shadowstep, Barkpaw and Leafpaw. He noticed that Leafpaw seemed to be friendly with Silverpaw, a RainClan she-cat. Shadowstep was speaking to the LeafClan warriors. Being a senior warrior was a important duty for Clawedear. He had to set a good example for younger warriors in all 4 clans. Suddnely, a loud yowl startled the cats.
"Lizardeye's battle cry!" Shadowstep meowed. The next patrols ran down the hill, hissing and spiting. The LeafClan patrol leader Butterfly (a loner who joined LeafClan) seemed to run faster than the others and the RainClan patrol leader Tidalwave admired her swift, sharp skills.
"Attack them!" A voice yowled. It was BloodClan, it sounded nothing like the others. Clawedear then noticed Squirrelpaw being pinned down by Longtooth. He charged into Longtooth and Darkpaw clawed his neck. Clawedear thanked the apprentice and pounced onto Foxrunner. She then yelped in pain.
"Please! Stop! I don't want to be in BloodClan!" She yowled. Clawedear gasped. What was this cat doing?
"BloodClan are evil and spiteful. I am teased because I have never attacked another diffrent clan cat in my life. Please may I join your clan!?"
"Well, you may fight with us, but when we are finshed you must come with me to our leader for permisson." He leapt off Foxrunner and instead pounced onto One-ear. Clawedear clawed his muzzle and sank his teeth into his scuff. He was dead. Pigeonfeather yowled with sorrow and jumped onto Clawedear. He couldn't breath.
"Help!" He gasped. A cat noticed the cry and bounded over to Pigeonfeather. The cat pulled Pigeonfeather off Clawedear and threw her across the clearing. The cat that had rescued Clawedear was Butterfly.
"Thank you." Clawedear meowed. He dipped his head in respect and joined Thunderfoot fighting Venombite. Lizardeye then heard a scream. It was Sparrowsong! She was being pinned down by Growlfang. Lizardeye charged into Growlfang and sent him flying across the clearing. Sparrowsong purred and went to help Silverpaw. Lizardeye sat down and sighed. Such beauty, he thought.

The last patrols were resting on the hill, waiting for the signal. Badgerstripe was leading this patrol and had Bearpelt, Squirrelpaw and Cloudpaw. He was embrassed because his patrol was going with Stonetail and Oceansplash. The leaders would bring the remining cats on the 3rd cry. Sparrowsong's daughter Melodystep was on the RainClan patrol and she seemed to be the chattiest. Suddenly another yowl was heard.
"The battle cry!" Bearpelt meowed. The last patrols ran out to a battlefield filled with blood, fur and dead or alive cats. Owlpaw, a LeafClan apprentice hurled himself with the help of Squirrelpaw at Pigeonfeather. Suddenly Badgerstripe saw a body of a cat. It was Lizardeye!
"Lizardeye!" Badgerstripe yowled. He rushed over to the SnowClan tom. He sighed sadly. Then Badgerstripe said "Phew!". Lizardeye wasn't dead, he was just resting. Badgerstripe woke him up and they went off to fight Deadthroat. Badgerstripe charged at Featherkink.
"BloodClan will win, you'll see!" She hissed. Suddenly they heard a loud yowl. It was a BloodClan cat! Badgerstripe froze in terror. What if the leader's mistook it for a battle cry? Thankfully, none of them turned up. The cat who yowled was Shrededtail, the deprty. He jumped down and charged towards Sparrowsong, who ran away from him. Badgerstripe thought she had gone mad until she started to lead him into the gorge! Badgerstripe decided to help her and chased Fangpaw towards the gorge. He the stopped as he saw Shrededear go over the edge and Sparrowsong clinging onto a clump of grass. Badgerstripe got her by the scuff and pulled her up. She thanked him and rushed over to Lizardeye to help him fight Venombite. Badgerstripe knew that Lizardeye said that he could give the battle cry out next, so he got ready to call the last cats in.

Snowstar, Leafstar and Rainstar laid down on the hill. Snowstar had Riverstripe, Moonpaw and Deerleap, the last cats remaining. The others were guarding camp. Leafstar had Bugpaw and Wingbeat. Rainstar had Toadthroat and Frogpaw. Snowstar had told the 2 leaders that her mate would signal the battle cry instead of Lizardeye. Leafstar and Rainstar liked talking about their life. Snowstar found out that Leafstar's mate was Thunderfoot and she had 2 kits, Berrypaw and Grasspaw. Rainstar had no mate and her sister ran away from the clan after being threated to be killed. She was now Flowerstar, leader of FlowerClan that lived in the mountains. Suddenly the all-important battle cry was heard. The remaining 10 cats ran down the hill into the battle. After they did, Bloodstar showed himself and gasped in horror.
"Pigeonfeather! Featherkink! Birdpaw! Guard the nursery!" He yowled. The 3 she-cat obeyed him and ran. Snowstar had a idea.
"Deerleap! Duckfoot! Lizardeye! Darkpaw! Attack the nursery defence!" She yowled. The cats ran towards the nursery and attempted to break in. They failed. Leafstar had to help too.
"Thunderfoot! Owlpaw! Butterfly! Wingbeat! Help our SnowClan neighbours fight that defence!" She yowled. The cats ran to help the struggling SnowClan cats. Again, failure struck. Rainstar was their only hope now.
"Sparrowsong! Tidalwave! Meldodystep! Silverpaw! Go and help our friends!" She yowled. The RainClan cats followed to the 8 cats and fought against the defence. The 12 cats succesfully broke the defence and ran into the nursery. In there, 5 queens were defending the nursery. The missing kits were being kept in here!
"Fight them with all your strength!" Lizardeye called out. The cats listened to his words and fought the queens. One queen, Coldblood was killed by Darkpaw, Owlpaw and Silverpaw. The apprentices looked happy with themselfs. Bloodstar knew that if he didn't send anymore reinenforcements, BloodClan would loose the kits they'd stolen. He then noticed he couldn't send any apprentices because the LeafClan, RainClan and SnowClan apprentices not in the nursery had made a protective circle around them, so if they tried to get out the cats would attack. He called out 3 warriors and he and them ran out into the nursery. The queens were defeated.
"You won't get pass us! Give up and get lost!" Bloodstar hissed angrily.
"No!" The cats mewed. They sprang onto the BloodClan cats, who were extremly good fighters. Lizardeye, Sparrowsong and Wingbeat took on Bloodstar.
"You must be joking." Bloodstar jeered. Sparrowsong hissed and pouned onto Bloodstar. He turned around and lashed her face with his tail. She yowled and hit the wall. She was badly injured. Wingbeat clawed Bloodstar's muzzle. Bloodstar showed no pain and charged into her. Wingbeat flew into Sparrowsong and was unable to continue. Lizardeye noticed he was the only cat standing. The 4 BloodClan cats growled at him. Everyone was depending on Lizardeye to defeat the cats and rescue the kits.
"Go on, show us some skills." Bloodstar snarled. Lizardeye was terrorfied, personally. He got ready to pounce, but it was too late. Bloodstar clawed his neck and Lizardeye fell to the floor. The 11 cats gasped in horror.
"Puny cats. Can't defeat BloodClan. We are the strongest clan in the forest! We have successfully commited the best crime in history! We have stolen kits from all the clans!" Bloodstar yowled. His 3 warrior friends yowled in agreement.

What they didn't know was, the remaining fighting cats had heard him. Snowstar's fur bristled with fury. How dare he! She called over the leaders.
"Retreat!" She yowled. "Follow me!" The cats followed her to the nursery where Bloodstar was laughing his head off with his friends.
"Surrender Bloodstar! You cannot defeat us all!" Leafstar yowled. The kits mewed happily when the 3 leaders appeared in the enterence.
"Shut up!" Bloodstar hissed to the kits. He turned to the cats. "Never." He growled. "BloodClan! To me!" He yowled. The clan surrounded the 3 leaders, hissing and snarling. Snowstar prayed that Badgerstripe the rest of the clan would appear to save them.
"Now get off my terrortory!" Bloodstar growled, getting his claws out. The 3 leaders looked at eachother in fear. Bloodstar pounced onto Snowstar and clawed her throat sevreal times. She yowled and fell to the ground.
"See what magic can do?" Bloodstar snarled. Darkpaw, Duckfoot and Dearleap gasped in fear and shock. Bloodstar had attacked their deprty and leader! Now they needed the clan to come. They yowled loudly for help. The other cats that weren't down yowled. BloodClan couldn't stand it much longer. The clans still didn't come. Leafstar shared a look with Rainstar. Had BloodClan taken over the forest and defeated the clans?

LeafClan, SnowClan and RainClan had heard the yowling and decided to do a surprise attack on BloodClan for payback.
"LeafClan will charge through the wall, SnowClan will jump through the ceiling and RainClan will attack the rest of BloodClan surrounding the leaders from the back." Stonetail meowed. Oceansplash and Badgerstripe agreed.
"Go." Stonetail whispered. He led LeafClan, Oceansplash took RainClan towards the BloodClan cats and Badgerstripe ran to the nursery and climbed onto the roof with SnowClan. Badgerstripe had to pray the plan worked, or no more warriors would be born. The fate of SnowClan, RainClan and LeafClan now laid in the paws of Badgerstripe, Stonetail and Oceansplash.

Inside, Bloodstar had no idea that the rest of LeafClan were behind him. He just continued to pull fun out of the 3 clans. Suddenly, they heard a battle cry. LeafClan were inside and right behind him! The BloodClan cats attacked them. SnowClan then jumped in through the ceiling and RainClan were battling the cats outside. Badgerstripe gasped in horror when he saw Snowstar laying on the ground. He licked her ear and turned to Bloodstar. Thankfully, behind him was Butterfly and Sparrowsong, 2 strong she-cats. Then Owlpaw and Silverpaw joined them.
"We are going to finsh you off once and for all!" Badgerstripe hissed. "For our kits and the cats you've killed"
"Really?" Bloodstar rolled his eyes. The 5 cats couldn't take it much longer. They pounced onto him. Silverpaw and Owlpaw bit his tail. Butterfly and Sparrowsong clawed his flank. Badgerstripe clawed his face sevreal times. Bloodstar couldn't fight them all, so he just picked on Badgerstripe. He clawed his muzzle. Then a shadow came above the 6 fighting cats. It was Leafstar! She pounced onto Bloodstar and clawed his back. Rainstar followed and clawed his ear. Bloodstar was now so weak he couldn't move. The clans had defeated the rest of the BloodClan cats. They had won and could take their kits home safely!
"Dad, you were amzaing!" Fernkit squealed when Badgerstripe came over to her. She then looked at Snowstar. "Is Mum dead?"
"I'm not sure." Badgerstripe whispered. Blazekit padded over and Badgerstripe licked both his kits. Morningkit, Cherrykit, Dustkit and Rainkit franticly looked for their mothers. Shadowstep found Bubblekit and touched noses with her. Bubblekit purred happily. She was happy to be reunited with her father. Lizardeye limped over to Darkpaw. "Today you fought like a warrior. When we get back, we will have your cerermony." He meowed happily. Foxrunner padded over to Clawedear, with 2 kits with her.
"These kits are mine. Their names are Wildkit and Swiftkit." She mewed. Clawedear nodded. Lizardeye limped over to Snowstar. Badgerstripe crouched down beside her, licking her ear. Snowstar opened her eyes slightly and smiled.
"Mum!" Fernkit mewed. Dustkit padded over to Fernkit and licked her cheek. Fernkit purred and turned back to Snowstar.
"Please don't die." Badgerstripe begged his mate. A little butterfly fell onto Snowstar's nose. Snowstar's eyes were now wide open. She got up and touched noses with Badgerstripe. Fernkit raced over to her. Snowstar smiled at her daughter and wrapped her tail round her tiny body. Leafstar padded over with Thunderfoot.
"It's time to go. All the kits have been reunited with their parents." She meowed softly.

When they came up to the RainClan boarder, Rainstar dipped her head in respect.
"You are true friends. RainClan thank you." She smiled. Rainstar then left. Sparrowsong stayed behind to speak to Lizardeye.
"I love you Lizardeye. Please come with me." She whispered.
"I'd love to, but I can't. I love you too, but I am SnowClan deprty and have to look after my clan. Maybe we could meet every night at the cave?"
"Sure." She touched noses with him and left. Lizardeye caught up with Snowstar and Leafstar. Within a few minutes, they reached the SnowClan camp.
"Thank you for finding us. We will never forgot what you did for SnowClan." Snowstar meowed respectfully, dipping her head. Leafstar smiled and left.
"Let's get some rest." Snowstar yawned. "We all are tired."
"I'm not!" Darkpaw meowed.
"Neither am I!" Squirrelpaw mewed. Duckfoot smiled at her kits. They both fought like warriors fighting BloodClan today. Tiredly, everyone else went to sleep, knowing that they had defeated BloodClan with success and no dead cats!

New apprentices and warriors

The next day, 4 kits turned 6 moons old: Bubblekit, Morningkit, Blazekit and Fernkit. Some of the apprentices had finshed training too, so this was a happy day. No one would forgot what BloodClan did though. Snowstar was able to regain her place back as leader, so she could call the meetings and do her normal stuff.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join under this rock for a clan meeting!" Snowstar yowled. The cats came over to her. Bubblekit and Morningkit were not enjoying it because their mothers wouldn't stop grooming them. Blazekit and Fernkit were lucky, their mother was the leader.
"Yesterday's episode was a amazing vistory as you all know, and I am proud of all of you. No cat died from here, which is great news. Lizardeye has told me that some apprentices have finshed training and are ready to be warriors. Can Leafpaw, Barkpaw and Darkpaw come up here please?" Snowstar meowed. The 3 apprentices shot to the front at the moment when Snowstar called their names.
"Leafpaw, Barkpaw and Darkpaw, do you accept the SnowClan way of life, will follow the warrior code and use it to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" Leafpaw said confitdently.
"I do." Barkpaw meowed.
"I do!" Darkpaw mewed proudly.
"I, Snowstar, leader of SnowClan call apon my warrior ansestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard in your noble code, and I command you make them a warrior in turn." She walked over to Leafpaw. "Leafpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Leafdew. StarClan honurs you for your skill and bravery and welcomes you as a full warrior of SnowClan." She rested her muzzle on Leafdew's head and padded to Barkpaw. "Barkpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Barkclaw. StarClan honours you for your fast hunting skills." She did the same she did with Leafdew and went to Darkpaw."Darkpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Darkmystery. StarClan honours you for your sharp eyesight and good fighting skills." She rested her muzzle on his head and stood back.
"Leafdew! Barkclaw! Darkmystery!" The clan chanted. The 3 new warriors looked proud and stepped down.
"Now, can Bubblekit, Morningkit , Blazekit and Fernkit come here please?" The 4 kits raced up to the front.
"Until these cats have earned their warrior names, they will be known as Bubblepaw, Morningpaw, Blazepaw and Fernpaw. Your mentors will be Deerleap, Duckfoot, Breezefang and Nightflame."

The new apprentices started training straight away. Breezefang wanted to teach Blazepaw without anyone watching him.
"Now, copy this." Breezefang meowed. He jumped over Blazepaw and clawed his hind leg. Blazepaw yelped in surprise and Breezefang waited. Blazepaw jumped over him and clawed his hind leg.
"Well done." Breezefang meowed, smiling a evil smile. Unlike her brother, Fernpaw was learning the right away.
"You are doing very Fernpaw. No apprentice has got these moves right first time." Nightflame purred. Fernpaw smiled. Morningpaw was doing well too, Duckfoot was amazed. Fernpaw smiled at Morningpaw. Morningpaw smiled back.

When the apprentices returned, they went to the apprentice den to chat.
"Nightflame is really impressed with me! He said I could be a warrior within 2 moons!" Fernpaw boasted.
"Duckfoot said the same about me!" Morningpaw added happily. Blazepaw kept to himself and the shadows. He then had a idea. He ran over to Emeraldpaw.
"Want to spy on the warriors?"
"Yeah!" The 2 apprentices ran out.
Blazepaw and Emeraldpaw stopped running when they came outside the warrior den. There was lots of talking.
"Let's check out what the senior warriors are talking about!" Blazepaw whispered. Emeraldpaw nodded and they moved around the outside of the den until they came to a small group of warriors.
"So, hows your apprentice Badgerstripe?" Duckfoot mewed.
"She's improving, but I hear that Moonpaw is close too. Cloudpaw still needs quite a lot of training." Badgerstripe replied.
"My apprentice is doing great, I like her a lot." Nightflame added. Blazepaw's whiskers twiched. Didn't Fernpaw want to mate Dustkit, not Nightflame?
"Well, I have no apprentice for now as Darkmystery is a warrior." Riverstripe meowed. "He was tough!"
"We know!" Duckfoot chuckled.
"Yes, yes. Fernpaw is such a great cat, she does all the moves correctly! I might consider that her warrior ceremony is early." Nightflame purred.
"Just so you can mate her! Poor kid!" Riverstripe joked. The senior warriors laughed and Nightflame looked hurt and angry. Lizardeye came in, yawning. The warriors laughed at him, because his ear had flopped over after climbing a tree. Lizardeye laughed along. He was a good-hearted cat who could take a joke, unlike Nightflame. Suddenly the apprentices fell into the den through some loose ferns! They hit Lizardeye's leg and he looked down. Badgerstripe looked angry with his son.
"And what are you doing here?" Lizardeye asked sharply. Blazepaw and Emeraldpaw shrugged and Lizardeye just sent them out and they couldn't have more than one piece of prey at dinner. The apprentices left in shame and embrassment.

When moonfall came, it was so warm that everyone slept outside, apart from the kits.
"It's a beautiful night!" Fernpaw whispered to her brother. Her fur was thicker and her tail was fluffy. Blazepaw just looked back at the nursery. He wished that Cherrykit was Cherrypaw and with him. But, Blazepaw knew that wouldn't happen for 2 moons. He sighed sadly until they heard a loud bang!
"What happened?" The warriors asked Snowstar in panic. Snowstar sniffed the air. Fernpaw then felt her legs go funny. She yelped in surprise and noticed that they were stronger. She smiled. She had discovered her special power!
"The water!" A voice shouted. It was Deerleap, running back with Bubblepaw. "The river has flooded! It's heading for us!" The cats mewed in alarm.
"I'll take half the clan to see if we can stop the water from coming here." Lizardeye offered.

Fernpaw ran through the forest with Morningpaw and Blazepaw by her side. Lizardeye ran up a tree and could see the rushing water. It was rising fast.
"Quick! We must make a barrier to stop the water!" Lizardeye urged the cats. Everyone scurried around. Fernpaw jumped from branch to branch until she saw a cat in the water!

Is this the worst?

Chapter 12: Is this the worst?
"Cat in the water!" Fernpaw shouted. She jumped into the rushing water, trying to keep her head above the water. She swam towards the cat.
"Quick! Swim beside me, I will help you!" She called. The cat swam back to land.
"Hurry up! The water's rising!" Morningpaw squealed. Fernpaw grabed the cat by the scuff and swam for her life. She then was too weak to swim. She fell under.
"Fernpaw!" Blazepaw yowled. Suddenly a cat ran past Blazepaw and jumped in. The cats waited anxiously for Fernpaw and the 2 mystery cats to appear. Then, the heads of the cats came up to surface. They swam back to the barrier (Some huge logs) and with help from the SnowClan warriors got back safely. Everyone then gasped. The cat that Fernpaw went to rescue was Rainstar!
"May StarClan keep you all well, thank you so much for saving me. I had to go back for Silverpaw. The current was too strong, and I was swept away. Silverpaw got back safely." Rainstar groaned weakly. Fernpaw laid on a rock, heavily breathing. Blazepaw and the cat that had saved her were beside her. The mysterious cat licked the she-cat's head gently. Fernpaw's eyes fluttered opened.
"D.. D.. Dustkit? Did you.."
"Yes." Dustkit interuppeted. Fernpaw smiled and licked Dustkit's ear. She then got up and dipped her head in respect to Rainstar, looking sorry that she nearly killed her. Surprisingly, Rainstar dipped her head in respect to Fernpaw!
"You have saved me, and RainClan will thank you greatly. You are quite a hero in my words." She remarked. Fernpaw looked really happy. All the cats then dipped their heads. Suddenly, the water crashed into the barrier and knocked it so a little hole appeared and let the water in!
"Quick! We must shut up that hole before it gets bigger!" Lizardeye yowled. The cats got to work. Nothing would be big enough to fill the hole.
"We're doomed!" Morningpaw yowled, resting her muzzle on Fernpaw's shoulder.
"Believe in yourself Morningpaw! Remember, you might find your power!" Fernpaw whispered sharply. Morningpaw climbed up a tree and knocked a thick branch down. Lizardeye picked it up and covered the hole and the water stopped coming through the hole! Morningpaw jumped back down in pride and sat down. She then felt funny too. Her claws were aching and so were her legs. She yelped in pain and smiled. She found her power! Having the longer claws and legs, she could easily grip onto things and jump futher! Morningpaw gave a signal to Fernpaw to say she found her power. 2 cats down, 1 to go.
"The water.. it's going through the barrier!" Dustkit squealed. Badgerstripe told him to run back to camp fast and warn the others. The cats now realized they had to give up. The water was now out of control. Stopping it was out of the question. The cats had to run back fast or they would have to swim. Rainstar followed the cats. Fernpaw then had a idea.
"Quick! If we climb up trees and jump to each tree, we will get back quicker!" She meowed. The cats obeyed her and started to jump across the trees. Fernpaw then noticed another bigger, stronger barrier was blocking the water to camp! The cats yowled in triumph. Snowstar told them to get down before they fell in. They all came down. Snowstar greeted Rainstar. Suddenly, a loud squeal was heard. Fernpaw looked over the barrier. It was Sparrowsong and a RainClan patrol! Fernpaw leaned over and rescued Owlpaw. Morningpaw had longer legs and could lean over futher. She rescued Tidalwave and another apprentice called Pebblepaw. No one could reach Sparrowsong or Oceansplash. Lizardeye then jumped in. He manged to rescue Oceansplash, but not Sparrowsong. She looked like she was going to drown. Rainstar started praying until a LeafClan cat appeared. It was Butterfly! She grabbed her by the scuff and climbed up, panting. SnowClan now had 7 cats outsdie their clan in their terrortory fleeing the flood. Snowstar looked up. She was thankful no one was hurt.
"Wait!" A voice shouted. It was Deerleap. "Nightflame's dead!"
The cats stared at Deerleap in surprise. Was he really dead? Fernpaw jumped onto the barrier and looked down. Nightflame's body laid in the water. He then got up and climbed back up to camp. He wasn't dead, he had just hit his head on the logs that guarded camp. Everyone was here, safe and sound. Suddenly, more cats climbed up the barrier. It was the rest of RainClan and LeafClan, fleeing the flood water! Everyone was soaked and very tired.
"We are going to have to share dens tonight. Queens and kits go to the nursery, elders go to the elder's den, warriors and apprentices to their normal dens and leaders come with me. It might be crowded." Snowstar meowed to the clans. Everyone went to their assigned dens. Leafstar and Rainstar followed Snowstar to her den.
"You may sleep there." Snowstar mewed, pointing to a corner with her tail. It had lush ferns and comfy leaves. Snowstar lept onto one of the branches low down in the tree and went to sleep. Leafstar and Rainstar went to sleep quickly.

The next morning, Snowstar was woken up by a loud yowl. She woke up and walked out to camp. Here, she saw Bloodstar and a BloodClan patrol. Their pelts were dripping wet with water and they looked weak.
"What are you doing here?" Lizardeye asked, snarling.
"You seem to be on higher ground than the other terrortories. Our's has been destroyed by the flood. As you are giving shelter to the other clans, it would only be fair if you gave shelter to us." Bloodstar growled. The SnowClan cats hissed in fury. Featherkink, Venombite and Birdpaw, the cats with Bloodstar growled.
"After what you did to us, now you want shelter? No way! Get off our terrortory before we shove you from a tree!" Snowstar hissed angrily. The 4 BloodClan cats left, hissing and snarling.
"That went well." Lizardeye meowed. The cats agreed. Thankfully, everyone was still able to hunt because the forest was on higher ground and the flood had brought plenty of fish. Everyone had to share though, after all, it was SnowClan camp. Every night, all the cats would tell stories of their clans. Butterfly told the story of when she was found and taken into LeafClan. Sparrowsong told of her troubles before giving birth to Melodystep. Badgerstripe told about the dog attack, and how they lost 7 cats. Fernpaw listened with pride. She then whispered to her brother. "I bet this is the worst that StarClan warned us about!" She was indeed right.

"So, two down, one to go." Pebblefish sighed. Hawkheart nodded.
"We'll have to do something. If we don't, the clan will be in danger once more." Blackeye meowed. Hawkheart's ears pricked up. Why would they? They had saved two clans from the flood! It wasn't anyone's fault that Blazepaw still hadn't found his power.
"I'll talk to him." Hawkheart mewed softly. She then sighed. Would this ever be done?

Loner territory

1 moon later, the flood water was gone. The clans returned to their terrortory. SnowClan continued as normal.
"Let's send some patrols." Snowstar meowed. "Lizardeye, Morningpaw and Duckfoot on one. Patrol the BloodClan boarder. Badgerstripe, Darkmystery and Blazepaw on another. Patrol the river. Deerleap, Bubblepaw and Robineye, patrol the LeafClan boarder. Nightflame, Riverstripe and Barkclaw, patrol the RainClan boarder. Finally, Leafdew, Fernpaw and Bearpelt. Patrol around the Twoleg place please. Another patrol picked up a strange scent." The cats called went to go on their patrols. Fernpaw went over to Leafdew and Bearpelt.
"Ready?" Bearpelt asked the apprentice.
"Ready as i'll ever be." Fernpaw replied. Bearpelt smiled and walked towards a tree. She then stopped.
"Race you there!" She shouted. Leafdew and Fernpaw ran through the trees, trying to beat her.

"I won!" Fernpaw gasped, falling on her paws. She was excausted after the race. Leafdew helped her up.
"I can smell something. Stay close." Bearpelt warned them. The 3 cats walked towards the Twoleg nests, keeping a distance. They heard monsters growling and dogs barking. Fernpaw squealed when she saw a Twoleg walking his dog. Bearpelt hushed her. They followed the scent until the came to a abandoned farm. It had several barns and lots of space to move around. Leafdew then noticed something.
"Look! Someone's settled here already, there's a claw mark on that fence!" She whispered, directing with her tail. Bearpelt nodded and crawled under the fence. Leafdew and Fernpaw followed her. Suddenly, Fernpaw saw a patrol!
"Run!" She mewed. The 3 cats ran up a oak tree and watched the cats.
"Flower, are you sure you marked the boarders?" A tom asked. He was a smokey black tom with green eyes.
"I did, honest. I made sure that no one crossed it either." A she-cat replied. Fernpaw guessed it was Flower. She had grey fur with white paws.
"Wait, stop. I smell something." Another tom meowed. He had white fur with black patches
"Ok, whatever you say Patch." Flower giggled. Patch looked at the other tom. "Do you speak at all Soot?" Soot looked angry and nodded. Fernpaw flinched. Would they be found? Suddenly, Patch climbed up the tree and wobbled it. The 3 she-cats fell to the ground in a heap.
"They trespassed!" Soot hissed. He glared at Flower.
"Come with us so you can explain yourself!" Patch growled. The SnowClan cat followed the cats back to a large barn.

In the barn, Fernpaw and Leafdew were pinned down by two toms. Bearpelt, being the senior warrior was taken to the leader to explain what happened.
"I am Berry, leader of the loners. Who are you?" A redish-brown she-cat asked Bearpelt.
"Greetings Berry. I am Bearpelt, a SnowClan senior warrior. I have come on patrol with Leafdew and Fernpaw. We were exploring and we didn't know that you and your clan had settled here. We are very sorry." Bearpelt apolgised.
"Clan? We are a tribe! Tribe of the Flying Grass!" Berry snorted. "My real name is Berry of the bush." All the cats started to call their names.
"I'm Soot of the everlasting fire!"
"I'm Flower of the sky!"
"I'm Patch of the wild prey!"
"I'm Shadow of the night sky!"
"I'm Rabbit of the running prey!"
"I'm Wing of the swooping birds!"
"I'm Light of the dancing flames!"
"I'm Feather of the brave eagle!"
"I'm Secret of the surprises!"
"I'm Star of the swirling shadows!"
"I'm Rock of the highest mountain!" This continued for a while. Berry decided to free Leafdew and Fernpaw from Shadow and Rock.
Fernpaw looked up at the tribe. They were still strong and bold, that was good. She knew that her and Bearpelt and Leafdew would have to go soon, they couldn't stay here forever.
"Do you know of RainClan, LeafClan and BloodClan?" Fernpaw asked Rock.
"Yes. We've heard of them. Ok bunch I suppose, little crazy but hey, they're ok." Rock meowed.
"Fernpaw." Bearpelt whispered. "Do be careful with what you say, they look all nice but they could use what you tell them for their own plans and it won't finsh well." She had a sharp tone to her voice and Fernpaw's ears drooped. She couldn't trust the tribe yet, and she had to follow what Bearpelt said or she would loose her whiskers.
"Sorry." Fernpaw mewed, feeling small and guilty. Bearpelt nodded and left to speak to Leafdew. It must have been about her, because Leafdew gave her a puzzled stare. Fernpaw just sighed and listened to Flower and Patch speak about the "good ol' days".

Some time later, the 3 she-cats returned to camp. The other patrols had returned and the fresh-kill pile was massive. Fernpaw felt guilty that they brought back nothing to eat. Snowstar padded towards them. "Well?"
"There's a tribe living at the barn near the Twoleg nests. They pose no threat, yet." Leafdew mewed. Snowstar nodded and turned away. Morningpaw bounded over to greet Fernpaw.
"There you are! You'll never guessed what happened!" She chriped.
"Spill the beans."
"We met a fox on patrol!" Fernpaw's ears pricked up. A fox?
"Really? What did it do?"
"It tried to attack us, but Lizardeye and Duckfoot fought it. They were so brave."
"We were ambushed by loners."
"Not greatly amazing. We nearly died but Bearpelt mentioned the clan and we were freed." Fernpaw sounded tired and bored. Morningpaw nodded and padded over to Cloudpaw. Fernpaw gave a short sigh and walked towards the fresh-kill.
"Oh no you don't!" A voice meowed. It was Ivyfur. She looked very tired. "I haven't eaten yet. Anyway, I need to speak to you. Come to my den." Fernpaw nodded and followed Ivyfur. They sat down while Ghostpaw was out looking for herbs.
"Nightflame came to see me about your brother today."
"Really?" Fernpaw looked confused. "What did he say?"
"He said some ridiculous story about Dustkit trying to feed Blazepaw deathberries."
"What!?" Fernpaw looked furious. Her tail kept thumping the den floor angrily. How dare he!
"Yeah, heard me right. Is this true?"
"No! It's not! Dustkit would never do that! The whole thing is impossible."
"That's what I said, little Fernpaw. He shouted in my face and... did this." She turned around so Fernpaw could see her tail. She had lost half her tail!
"That piece of mouse dung!" Fernpaw snapped angrily. Her eyes were blazing with fire.
"Yes, indeed. He is spiteful and a disgrace to this clan."
"I agree. I bet he's trying to do this to keep Dustkit away from me. Blazepaw spied on him and said that Nightflame said he liked me. I'm so scared Ivyfur, what can I do?" She started to blink rapidly. Ivyfur licked her ear and sighed. Fernpaw left quietly to find Blazepaw. He was sitting by a log, watching a beetle climb up it.
"Blazepaw!" She called to her brother.
"Yes?" Blazepaw asked, eyes watching the beetle's every move.
"I have to show Nightflame who's boss. Where is he?"
"Thank you!" Fernpaw licked his shoulder and ran to the river. Here, Nightflame was waiting to catch a fish.
"Nightflame!" Fernpaw growled.
"Ah, hello Fernpaw." Nightflame purred, cranking his head towards her. He padded over and licked her ear.
"Keep off me! Why did you lie about Dustkit?" Fernpaw hissed.
"What? I never!" Nightflame meowed confused. Fernpaw snarled. Nightflame just sighed and looked at Fernpaw with inoccent eyes.
"Fernpaw, I swear I didn't." He meowed.
"Really? Then how comes Ivyfur happened to loose half her tail?" Fernpaw challanged him.
"I didn't! It must have been Blazepaw or.."
"Don't you even dare blame my brother! If I could i'd kill you!"
"Ha ha, very funny. That is very unlikely, because I shall tell Snowstar."
"She is my mother." Fernpaw breathed. Nightflame's eyes blaze with anger. He pounced onto Fernpaw, pinning her neck down so she couldn't breath.
"What were you saying?" He snarled. Fernpaw could only manage a little squeal and Nightflame laughed.
"StarClan help me!" Fernpaw gasped. Suddenly she heard a very loud yowl. It was Bearpelt! She had rounded up all the apprentices, Leafdew and Barkclaw to save her. Dustkit was there too.
"Let her go Nightflame." Leafdew hissed. Nightflame moved his paws away from Fernpaw's throat and went for her back. Blazepaw and Dustkit jumped onto him and pulled him off the helpless apprentice. Fernpaw jumped onto Nightflame and her brother and best friend jumped off him. Nightflame pulled her off and started to lick her cheek. Dustkit couldn't take it and gave a signal to everyone else. They chargeed down and clawed him. Dustkit dragged Fernpaw away from him. She gave the kit a faint smile.
"Thank you." She purred. Nightflame then shoved her towards the edge of the fast-flowing river. She had to grip onto a branch to stop her from falling. She then felt teeth grabbing her scuff. It was Blazepaw! He pulled his sister up and laid her down on some long grass. Fernpaw thanked him and ran over to Nightflame, who was hanging on the edge with his head resting on the ledge.
"Help.. me.. please." He whispered.
"After what you've done?"
"Please, I won't do it again. I'll leave you and Dustkit alone."
"And my brother."
"Yes, him too. Now please help me!" He whined. Fernpaw grabbed his scuff and got him up. Bearpelt padded over.
"If you dare touch Fernpaw or any friends or family of hers, i'll rip your ears and whiskers out. Clear?"

A new warrior

Chapter 14: A new warrior
Nightflame gave a small nod and ran back to camp as fast as the wind could carry him. Everyone laughed and cheered. Fernpaw, Blazepaw, Dustkit and anyone realtive to them were safe! Fernpaw thanked Bearpelt continueus times for saving her, and Bearpelt just sighed.
"You daft apprentice. Stop being so dramatic." Fernpaw giggled and padded over to Morningpaw.
"Gather all the apprentices to the den when we get back. I want to speak to them." She asked her friend. Morningpaw nodded and went to Leafdew.
"Fernpaw!" A voice called. Fernpaw looked round at the cats around her. Who called her name?
"Fernpaw!" The voice said again. Fernpaw recgonised the voice. It was Badgerstripe, her father!
"There you are! We've being looking for you lot everywhere!" He purred. Fernpaw and Blazepaw greeted him and Badgerstripe put his tail around them protectively.
"Lets go home." Dustkit meowed. Everyone agreed and went back home.

In the apprentice den, Fernpaw thanked everyone for rescuing her and promised to repay them. It was a quiet night, so everyone was bored.
"Hey, everyone! What do you want your warrior name to be?" Cloudpaw asked, trying to make a game they could all play that didn't include running like mad. "I would like mine to be Cloudrain."
"Moonsky!" Moonpaw meowed.
"Bubblesplash!" Suddenly, someone was coming through the hole! The apprentices squealed in fear but it was only Lizardeye.
"There's a ceromony, come on." He sighed. The apprentices rushed to camp, where Snowstar was standing on the rock. Heartfly and her kits were there, so Fernpaw guessed it was their ceromony.
"Can Moonpaw come up here please?" Snowstar meowed. Moonpaw rushed up to the front with glee.
"Moonpaw, do you accept the SnowClan way of life, will follow the warrior code and use it to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" Moonpaw squealed excitedly.
"I, Snowstar, leader of SnowClan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard in your noble code, and I command that you make her a warrior in turn." She rested her muzzle on Moonpaw's head. "Moonpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Moonsky. (lucky guess) StarClan honours you for your bravery and loyalty and welcomes you as a full warrior of SnowClan." Moonsky licked Snowstar's shoulder respectfully. The clan yowled her name 3 times.
"Can Heartfly's kits come here now?" Rainkit, Dustkit and Cherrykit ran up.
"Until these cats have earned their warrior names, they shall be known as Rainpaw, Dustpaw and Cherrypaw. Your mentors shall be Hawkeyes, Bearpelt and Riverstripe." Some of the warriors looked angry that Riverstripe had been picked twice. Fernpaw knew that Bearpelt would teach Dustpaw well.

After the ceromony, the new apprentices went to their new den. Dustpaw was overjoyed to be in the same den as Fernpaw. Cherrypaw greeted Blazepaw by licking his ear. Rainpaw looked pleased because Bubblepaw was a good friend of hers.
"Tomorrow is the gathering. Don't forget." Lizardeye meowed down the hole. The apprnetices nodded and went to sleep.

The second Gathering

The next day was the gathering, so everyone was quite excited. Fernpaw badly wanted to go as she had never been before. Her mother had told her it was a meeting of the 4 clans in peace.
"Can I please go to the gathering Lizardeye?" Fernpaw asked.
"I'll think about it, depends on your behavour and what you hunt." Lizardeye meowed for a joke to get Fernpaw out of camp. She rushed off to find Clawedear, who was leading the hunting patrol.
"May I please come on the patrol?" Fernpaw asked excitedly.
"Sure. I'm taking Leafdew and Shadowstep." Clawedear mewed. Fernpaw followed the 3 warriors into the forest.
"The clan needs prey, so find plenty of food. We could do with a decent rabbit." Clawedear told them. The cats ran off to find prey. Fernpaw then picked up a strong scent of squirrel. She creeped up on it, pounced and caught it. She left it to a side and went to find some more.

When sunhigh came, the patrol had collected 17 birds, 9 rabbits, 4 squirrels, 2 voles and a shrew.
"Good work." Snowstar meowed when they returned. Fernpaw was very tired and went to rest for a bit. It wasn't long before someone woke her up.
"Fernpaw! Quick! Something's happened to Ivyfur!" A voice whispered sharply. It was Blazepaw. Typicial. Fernpaw rushed out to the medicine den. Here, Ghostpaw was crouching down beside Ivyfur.
"What in the name of StarClan happened?" Fernpaw demanded.
"When I returned from getting some more herbs, I heard Ivyfur yowling. She was being attacked by something. Flash of black and it disappeared." Ghostpaw explained quietly. Fernpaw looked at the poor medicine cat, covered in claw marks and bites.
"Fernpaw! Where are you?" Lizardeye called. Fernpaw said bye to Ghostpaw and went to find Lizardeye. He was standing beside Snowstar and quite a few other cats.
"You're coming to the gathering with us. Come on." Snowstar mewed to her daughter. Fernpaw nodded and went to stand next to Bearpelt. The clan started to walk to the meeting place.

Some time later, the 4 clans were gathered. Rainstar was not here, so Oceansplash took her place.
"I will start first." Leafstar meowed. "LeafClan are well, we have welcomed a new loner to the clan. He will be under the name as Twigfur. We sadly had to sit vigil for Cornkit and Bigtail. They both died in the recent flood that destroyed nearly the whole forest. We would like to thank Snowstar for allowing LeafClan to stay in their terrortory." Many cats meowed in agreement.
"Oceansplash?" Leafstar asked. Oceansplash sat up.
"Rainstar is not here tonight because she is ill with stomach ache.We also had to sit vigil for Sharpeye. He died during the you-know-what. Apart from that, RainClan are well. We have welcomed a new warrior, Pebblestep!" The cats yowled. Pebblestep smiled and then flashed a thankful look at Morningpaw. During the flood, she was in a RainClan patrol that got swept away in the flood to the SnowClan camp. Morningpaw had saved her.
"We also have welcomed Splashkit, daughter of Melodystep!" Lizardeye gave Sparrowsong a *well done* look.
"Bloodstar?" Oceansplash said frightenedly.
"Thank you. BloodClan are well, but we also lost a lot of cats in the you-know-what. We will get our revange. We also lost our loyal deprty so the new one is Featherkink." The BloodClan cats gave a growl.
"Keep your paws off our kits or die." Snowstar hissed.
"Well, I hope that Foxrunner isn't dead yet. She joined your clan apprantly at the end of that fight." Bloodstar replied coldly. Leafstar glared at Snowstar.
"I'm finshed. Snowstar?" Bloodstar hissed.
"Thank you Bloodstar. SnowClan are also well, we have welcomed Foxrunner, Wildkit and Swiftkit and they are settling in nicely. We also welcome 4 new warriors, Leafdew, Barkclaw, Darkmystery and Moonsky!" The clan yowled their names.
"We have also discovered a tribe living near the Twoleg place. They captured a patrol, but no harm was done. We have a warning for BloodClan. Kidnap any more cats from our clan and we'll make sure you have a nice vacation." Snowstar continued.
"And ours." Leafstar mewed.
"Don't forget us either." Oceansplash growled. Bloodstar looked at the leaders and deprty. They looked so fierce and angry. He didn't want to fight again, he had lost so many cats. Fernpaw pictured the battle. She had seen Badgerstripe and Sparrowsong kill Shrededtail, the deprty and Fangpaw by chasing them towards the gorge, where they fell off and died. The vision disapeared from her mind when the gathering had ended. Snowstar gathered her clan and padded back to their camp. Fernpaw looked at Bloodstar for the last time. He was glaring, looking like he was going to kill her once and for all.

Another betrayal

The next morning, Fernpaw was woken up a scream. It was coming from the nursery, so Fernpaw guessed it was Foxrunner. She rushed out to the nursery, where Foxrunner was there, but sleeping. She dashed out and then found 3 little kits sitting by a tree. Their mother was no where in sight.
"Hush, little ones. Who are you and where do you come from?" Fernpaw asked softly.
"My name is Falconkit. My brothers are Shrewkit and Molekit." A she-cat piped up. She was a golden tabby with yellow eyes.
"Come with me, i'll see if someone can look after you? How old are you?" Fernpaw meowed.
"All 3 of us are 3 moons old." Falconkit replied. Fernpaw led the kits back to camp, where she was greeted by Snowstar.
"And who is this?"
"Falconkit, Molekit and Shrewkit. They've been left alone, so I was wandering if Foxrunner could take them?"
"I'll check, she does have.."
"Snowstar! I can take them!" A voice shouted. It was Spottedflower. "I am expecting Riverstripe's kits." Snowstar nodded and nudged the kits over to her. Spottedflower took them to the nursery. Fernpaw smiled and went to get fresh-kill for Ivyfur. To her surpise, Ivyfur was there alone.
"Good day. How are you?" Fernpaw asked, dropping the sparrow she got.
"Ah, good thanks. Ghostpaw's out collecting herbs. She badly wanted to do it today, very strange but good of her." Ivyfur purred. Fernpaw looked puzzled. Ghostpaw wasn't that excited about collecting herbs, so why was she today? Curiously, she padded out of camp to find Ghostpaw.

Some time later, Fernpaw gave up and decied to rest in a tree. She streched her legs and jumped onto the branches. She was about to sleep until she heard Ghostpaw's voice. Fernpaw climbed down to a lower branch to see Ghostpaw with a BloodClan warrior.
"Thank you for these deathberries, i'd like to test them on kits and elders." Ghostpaw meowed.
"Your welcome, they grow around our camp all the time." The warrior replied.
"I love you Growlfang. Can we be mates? I'd have to give my kits for your clan to raise." Ghostpaw asked, her black eyes shining with pride.
"Of course I will. I love you too Ghostpaw." Growlfang purred. They rubbed against eachother and Fernpaw's fur shot up in fury. Ghostpaw had broken the warrior code, twice! She had also been given deathberries to give to kits and elders. She had to run back to camp and warn everyone not to eat berries given by Ghostpaw. Fernpaw then lost her grip on the branch and fell to the floor! Growlfang hissed and pounced onto her. Ghostpaw allowed him to attack her.
"Help me!" Fernpaw squealed. She kicked his face and clawed his ear. Growlfang yowled in pain and then screamed when something small and brown jumped on him. It was Dustpaw! As usual, he was always there to save Fernpaw. She was very greatful for this.
"Now get running before I claw your eyes out!" Dustpaw growled. The big tom ran away and Ghostpaw tried to run back to camp.
"Oh no you don't!" Fernpaw hissed. She grabed the deathberries and threw them over the mountain. Ghostpaw yowled angerily and flung herself at the 2 apprentices. She knocked them out cold. She dragged them away.

When Fernpaw woke up, she was beside Dustpaw and 2 cats that smelt familar. It was Rock and Flower, 2 cats from the loner tribe!
"Um, hi again. That tom there is my friend Dustpaw." Fernpaw meowed.
"Greetings once again Fernpaw." Flower said, smiling. "Unfortantly, we have seemed to be captured in some sort of container.."
"It's a cage. I was a former kittypet and my Twolegs put me in one of these after I ws born." Rock interrupted. Fernpaw nodded and turned to Dustpaw. Still out cold, she thought. Without thinking, she curled up beside him and licked his cheek. Dustpaw woke up and looked up at his friend and the tribe cats.
"Keep off him or I'll claw your whiskers off!" A voice growled. It was Ghostpaw. She was standing beside 2 bigger cats that Fernpaw guessed were loners.
"I'm going to keep you here for a while. See how you cope." Ghostpaw mewed coldly. She then left. One of the toms handed the 4 cats a rabbit to share. It was tiny, impossible to fill even 1 cat's belly.
"We're going to die." Flower whispered. Fernpaw looked at Flower and burried her muzzle in her fur sadly. She cried quietly. Dustpaw looked at her and came closer to her.
"If any of us die today Fernpaw, I just want you to know that I.. love you." He whispered.
"Me too Dustpaw." Fernpaw replied. Dustpaw touched noses wih her and Fernpaw licked his ear.
"Young love, they are only apprentices." Rock whispered to Flower.
"I know, but I am happy for them." Flower whispered back, nudging him playfully. A cloud appeared above them. It then started to rain. The 4 cats laid down and went to sleep. Fernpaw slept beside Dustpaw and thought about things. Why was Ghostpaw doing this? Would her parents find her soon? She wasn't too worried, as long as Dustpaw was with her. She then fell asleep.

The great rescue

The next day, Fernpaw woke up, straving to death. She had only eaten half of the rabbit and Dustpaw had the other. Fernpaw was so scared that she was going to die of hunger. Dustpaw woke up and rested his muzzle on Fernpaw's shoulder.
"Will someone find us?" He asked in a small voice.
"Soon, hopefully." Fernpaw said. Suddenly, Ghostpaw came over with 2 thin sparrows.
"Enjoy." She mumbled. Flower and Rock shared one, Fernpaw and Dustpaw had the other. They weren't that tasty at all, but it was all they got for a few hours.
"Dustpaw, i'm scared." Fernpaw whsipered.
"Me too. I hope someone will discover this." Dustpaw meowed back. They both prayed to StarClan until they heard a rustle in the bushes. It was a familar sound that only 1 cat made.
"Badgerstripe! Over here!" They shouted. Badgerstripe was on patrol with Blazepaw, Heartfly and Bearpelt. Blazepaw pricked his ears up and shouted something at Badgerstripe and the patrol gasped in horror when they saw the state of the apprentices. They had no water and little food.
"Great StarClan!" Badgerstripe gasped. He turned to Bearpelt. "Send another patrol. Pronto." Bearpelt nodded and ran back to camp. Blazepaw and Heartfly opened the cage and freed the cats.
"Dad!" Fernpaw squealed, running towrads Badgerstripe.
"Mum!" Dustpaw meowed, rushing to Heartfly. Both warriors wrapped their tails around their children protecivly. Blazepaw licked his sister's ear.
"And what is going on here?!" A voice demanded. It was Ghostpaw!
"You traitor. What have you done?" Badgerstripe growled.
"Nothing much, just thought that these two needed to relax." Ghostpaw meowed.
"Relax? You tried to stave us to death!" Fernpaw hissed back furiously. Suddenly, another patrol with Lizardeye, Riverstripe, Duckfoot and Deerleap appeared with Bearpelt.
"Snowstar says well done." Lizardeye meowed. "You've earned yourself a nice, long vaccation." Ghostpaw snarled and tried to pounce, but Bearpelt pinned her down.
"Lets see how you'll cope with a new friend." She mewed, dragging Ghostpaw towards the Twoleg place.
"We must be getting home now, you must be starving. We got plenty of prey." Badgerstripe meowed to the apprentices.
"May we join you?" Flower asked.
"Sure, more the merrier." Lizardeye meowed. The 11 cats returned back to camp for something to eat.
"I can just picture a plump squirrel now, waiting for me." Dustpaw whispered to Fernpaw.
"Me too."

It was now sunset. The apprentice den was very quiet, unusual unless something was going on. Another cat had been found at the edge of the SnowClan camp. Snowstar had decied to allow the cat to stay, but needed information. She asked the young cat to come to her den.
"First, what is your name?" Snowstar asked when the cat arivied.
"My name is Puffinpaw. I am a former FlowerClan member, but I got abandoned in the forest after someome attempted to feed me deathberries."
"I see. What were you before you were left?"
"Medicine aprentice. I know loads about herbs."
"Ah, good. Our medicine apprentice broke the warrior code and was exiled. Can you take her role?"
"Certainly." Puffinpaw left the den quietly and went to help Ivyfur sort the herbs.
"Thats that sorted. Now for step 2: See to those apprentices." She muttered. Snowstar left the den and headed straight for the medicine den. Here, Ivyfur and Puffinpaw were looking after Fernpaw and Dustpaw.
"Are you ok?" Snowstar asked her daughter.
"Yes, thanks." Fernpaw replied stronger than she had ever.
"I heard about the inccident with Nightflame. I have given you a new mentor, Clawedear."
"Thank you." Fernpaw turned to Dustpaw. Heartfly was beside him, licking his mattered fur. It had been messed up in the cage. Dustpaw then woke up and smiled at Fernpaw. She got up and purred.
"Lets go." She meowed. Dustpaw nodded and followed her out. Bearpelt had just returned.
"Where is Ghostpaw now?" Fernpaw mewed, flicking her tail.
"Ghostpaw, lets say will have plenty of things to do. I left her outside a Twoleg nest. This Twoleg kit came over and picked Ghostpaw up. She's now under the name of Fuzzyfluff." Bearpelt snorted with laughter. Fernpaw and Dustpaw laughed their heads off. They manged to wake up Ivyfur and the apprentices.
"Whats so funny?" They grumbled. Fernpaw explained what had happened and they all laughed along with her. Suddenly they heard a yelp. It was Falconkit!


"Falconkit! I'm coming!" Fernpaw shouted. She ran out the medicine den and was soon joined by Blazepaw and Morningpaw.
"Help!" Falconkit squealed. The 3 apprentices ran faster until they came to a fallen down tree. Here, a hawk was screeching at a little hole. Fernpaw guessed Falconkit was inside.
"Quick! Get rid of that hawk!" Fernpaw meowed. Blazepaw and Morningpaw took down the hawk while Fernpaw tried to rescue Falconkit from the tiny hole.
"Falconkit, I am here to help you." Fernpaw whispered.
"Look out! Behind you!" Falconkit screamed, crouching down with fear. Fernpaw turned around to be attacked by the hawk's sharp talons. Morningpaw was bleeding badly and Blazepaw was no where in sight.
"Help... me!" Fernpaw gasped. Suddenly the hawk screamed and flew away with blood pouring out of it's back. Morningpaw was standing beside her with Falconkit in her jaws.
"What happened?" Fernpaw groaned.
"I clawed it's back. That was the weak spot by the looks of things." Morningpaw meowed. "Oh, your brother is trapped in the log. The hawk put him there." After Morningpaw finshed, the log started to roll. The two she-cats jumped off in fear and noticed who was rolling.
"I've found my power!" Blazepaw shouted from inside the log. He crawled out and padded towards them, happier than ever. Falconkit looked confused.
"Don't tell anyone about what Blazepaw did." Fernpaw whispered. Falconkit nodded. Fernpaw, Blazepaw, Falconkit and Morningpaw then made their way back to camp.

The next day, at sunset it was very hot. Elders were complaining, kits were wailing and warriors couldn't find much prey.
"Has the river dried up?" Snowstar asked.
"No. Maybe a patrol could transport water from there to here." Lizardeye suggested.
"Great idea. Take only warriors and the oldest apprentices." Snowstar replied. Lizardeye chose Badgerstripe, Bearpelt and Emeraldpaw. Fernpaw wanted to go, but Lizardeye said she was too young. Instead, she stayed in the shade with the other apprentices. Cloudpaw was over-heated, so she was not in good shape at all.
"I think it might die." Cloudpaw whimpered.
"You won't, I won't let you die." Fernpaw whispered sharply. The apprentices talked for a while and then went to sleep, dreaming about fresh water. The patrol had only just returned when they stopped talking, so they could have a peaceful sleep with nothing distruptive.

Fernpaw then sniffed the air after 1 hour's sleep. It smelt like somthing was burning. She opened her eyes and got up. The sky was red, but that shouldn't be happing because it was moonhigh. A tree fell down and hit another tree. Fernpaw then knew what was going on.
"Fire! Wake up! Fire!" She shouted. The clan got up and started to shout.
"We have to leave now!" Fernpaw yelled. Riverstripe helped Spottedflower out while Clawedear went back for Foxrunner. Suddenly, someone yowled. It was Cloudpaw!
"Cloudpaw! I'm coming!" Fernpaw meowed. She ran towards a tree where Cloudpaw was clinging onto a branch with soot covering her face. Fernpaw, using her power jumped from tree to tree and looked at Cloudpaw.
"Stay still, i'm going to save you." She mewed.
"No, I refuse. Get out before you die." Cloudpaw croaked. She put her head on the branch. "Goodbye." The branch snapped and Cloudpaw fell to the ground.
"No! Cloudpaw!" Fernpaw yowled. She looked down and saw Cloudpaw. She was dead.
"Fernpaw!" Dustpaw shouted. Fernpaw knew she had to leave or join StarClan. She jumped down and heard another yelp. This time she could see Morningpaw trapped inside the nursery with Molekit beside her leg.
"Help!" She meowed. Fernpaw dashed back to save her friend and the kit. Fernpaw, Morningpaw and Molepaw ran out of the nursery and jumped over a flaming log that blocked their path. Molekit then collasped and Morningpaw got him in her jaws.
"Hurry up!" Dustpaw shouted to the she-cats. Fernpaw then coughed. She felt funny and couldn't continue.
"I..can'" Fernpaw gasped. Morningpaw shouted for help and Dustpaw ran towards her. He picked up Fernpaw's body and nudged Morningpaw along. Darkmystery ran back to the apprentices.
"Come on!" He meowed. "I'll take Fernpaw, we'll get out quicker." He placed Fernpaw's scuff in his jaws and ran out with the apprentices. Some time later, they were safely out of camp. Darkmystery laid Fernpaw down beside a oak tree and Dustpaw ran over to her.
"Don't leave me." He begged. Blazepaw padded over with Snowstar, Badgerstripe and Ivyfur. Snowstar cried when she saw her daughter and buried her muzzle in Badgerstripe's fur. Dustpaw's ears drooped when she didn't awake. He touched her cheek with his nose and walked away.
"D..Dustpaw?" Fernpaw muttered. Dustpaw gasped and turned around. Her family were beside her.
"Speak to her Dustpaw. Make her live once more." Badgerstripe whispered. Dustpaw nodded and padded over to her side. Snowstar and Badgerstripe left to speak to Duckfoot and Darkmystery.
"Yeah, it's me." Dustpaw mewed. "Are you ok?"
"Yes, now you're here." Fernpaw purred. She got up and walked towards him. Dustpaw smiled.
"We will return to camp soon, but for now we will need to see if one clan will allow us to stay with them." Snowstar meowed. "First, i'd like to hold a naming ceromony for some cats with outstanding bravery and have finshed training." The cats gathered together.
"Can Emeraldpaw, Squirrelpaw and Morningpaw come here please?" The 3 she-cats rushed to the front.
"Emeraldpaw, Squirrelpaw and Morningpaw, do you accecpt the SnowClan way of life, will follow and the warrior code and use it to protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" The she-cats meowed in chorus.
"I, Snowstar, leader of SnowClan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard in your noble code, and I command you make them warriors in turn." She came towards Emeraldpaw.
"From this day forward, you will be known as Emeraldtail. StarClan honours you for your thirst for knowledge and courage." She rested her muzzle on her head. She did the same with Squirrelpaw and Morningpaw.
"From this day forward, you will be known as Squirrelfall. StarClan honours you for your swiftness and battle skills."
"From this day forward, you will be known as Morninghawk. StarClan honurs you for your thoughtfulness and good swimming skills."
"Emeraldtail! Squirrelfall! Morninghawk!" The clan shouted. The 3 new warriors looked very pleased. Fernpaw and Dustpaw were happy for Morninghawk.
"We must go now." Snowstar decided. She signaled her clan to follow her and they began their journey.

The next day, they came across a RainClan patrol, consiting of Sparrowsong, Tidalwave, Oceansplash and Pebblestep.
"Greetings, Snowstar. What brings you and your clan here?" Tidalwave asked, dipping his head respectfully.
"Greetings. Our camp was set on fire yesterday and we need a place to stay." Snowstar replied.
"Rainstar gave a promise that you were welcome to stay with us, so come on!" Sparrowsong chirped. The patrol led the tired clan to the safety of their camp. When they got there, SnowClan were welcome to stay. Sparrowsong had news to tell Lizardeye, so it was just good luck.
"I need to speak to you Lizardeye." Sparrowsong whispered.
"What is it thats troubling you?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Then why do you need to speak to me?"
"I'm expecting your kits!"

A long lost family member

"That's great Sparrowsong! I can't wait to see them!" Lizardeye purred, rubbing against her. Sparrowsong purred back and licked his cheek. She then went to speak to Tidalwave, who was eating a mouse. Lizardeye's heart skipped a beat. What was he doing? He hadn't mated Sparrowsong at all, so why was she expecting his kits? He already had someone in mind to mate, but he was unsure about her. Sighing, he left. Fernpaw was sitting there. She hadn't seen Lizardeye at all, she was more worried about Cloudpaw. She pictured that moment on the burning tree when Cloudpaw refused to be rescued to save her life. She cried quietly until someone came over to comfort her. It was Blazepaw.
"Are you ok sis?" He asked, his eyes looking at her face for once.
"I'm still guilty about Cloudpaw's death." Fernpaw muttered. Blazepaw had watched Fernpaw try to save her.
"It wasn't your fault. She wished to die to save you. One cat I know would be heartbroken if you died."
"Shut up."
"Ok, i'm sorry. I know your sad, but you won't be guitly about most things. For example, Badgerstripe and Sparrowsong are responsible for Shrededtail's and Fangpaw's death. The dogs killed 7 cats from this clan alone."
"I know Blazepaw, but Cloudpaw and Dustpaw were really good friends. I'm worried that.." She started to cry again softly. Blazepaw didn't like to see his sister upset, so he went to find Morninghawk and Bearpelt. They were 2 very close friends of her.
"Hey, it's not your fault that Cloudpaw died. It's ours. No one went back for her expect for you. You warned us about the fire. If you didn't, we'd be dead." Morninghawk mewed softly. Fernpaw stopped crying and gave a faint smile. Morninghawk smiled back.
"Lets go and get some rest." Fernpaw meowed. The 4 cats walked over to a oak tree, which blocked the sun. They yawned and went to sleep. Dustpaw bounded over and slept next to Fernpaw. Fernpaw felt a bit more happier.

(This is a dream. The prophecy cats only)
Fernpaw woke up. She was laying down on a tall rock. Blazepaw and Morninghawk were beside her on smaller rocks. 2 cats entered and Fernpaw smiled.
"There you are! We've been waiting for you to find us!" Morninghawk chirped, waking Blazepaw up.
"I see. We have something to show you. Come with us." Pebblefish meowed. She jumped down and the cats followed. Pebblefish led them into a bush. Here, a group of cats were running around.
"Who are these cats?" Fernpaw asked.
"It's your clan, mouse-brain." Pebblefish snorted.
"Is this some sort a vision?" Blazepaw asked.
"This is what will happen if you don't change your ways." Hawkheart meowed coldy. "Watch." In the middle, Heartfly was yowling in sorrow beside Bearpelt. Dustpaw layed in front of them, breathing heavily.
"How could they?" Heartfly cried. "Fernpaw should have never asked him to go onto the patrol with her!" Fernpaw's ears drooped. She would be reponsible for Dustpaw's death? How? Why? A vision of Fernpaw came over to them, crying. Heartfly hissed and clawed her muzzle. A vision of Cherrypaw, Rainpaw and Blazepaw came over, growling. They pounced onto Fernpaw and kept clawing her flank.
"Hawkheart! Don't let me see this! It's too horrible!" Fernpaw begged, sobbing.
"Ok, ok, easy. Let's leave." Hawkheart sighed. They returned back to the hill.
"Keep alert." Hawkheart meowed. "A cat will come and change your futures. If Snowstar allows her in, this won't happen. She will change your lives forever."
"Even mine?" Morninghawk asked.
"No, not yours i'm afraid." Pebblefish chuckled. Morninghawk's tail drooped sadly.
"Now go." Hawkheart whispered. The starry pelts disappered from sight.
When Fernpaw woke up, her friends had gone. It was very cold, and she was lost and alone. Fernpaw sighed and got up. The wind ruffled up her fur, but she didn't care. Suddenly she heard a crackle in the bushes. A flash of black and grey swept past. Fernpaw crouched down, ready to spring at the creature. Suddenly, she was being pinned down by very sharp claws. It was Bloodstar!
"This time, i'm going to kill you." He hissed. Fernpaw yowled and crawled away from him. She then pounced onto his head, trying to get a grip. Bloodstar charged into a tree, but Fernpaw jumped off and left Bloodstar with a huge cut on his head. He snarled angrily.
"You won't stop this coming." Bloodstar pounced onto her back and bit her ear. Fernpaw yowled in pain and whiped him off by spinning around. Her ear was pouring with blood and it hurt a lot. Bloodstar went for her again but something huge and silver shoved him out of the way. She clawed his flank 30 times and slit his ear within 5 minutes. Bloodstar retreated back home in anger and pain.
"Thanks, but who are you?" Fernpaw asked.
"My name is Silverclaw. Who are you?" The mysterious cat meowed.
"I am Fernpaw, a SnowClan apprentice. I am daughter of the leader."
"Ah, I think I might know the leader. Take me to her." Fernpaw nodded and led Sliverclaw to Rainstar's den. Here, the 2 leaders were talking and eating a fish each. They growled at Silverclaw, but Fernpaw told the whole story.
"May I speak with you Snowstar?" Silverclaw asked.
"Oh fine." Snowstar muttered. The she-cats walked off, leaving Fernpaw and Rainstar.
"Dustpaw and Morninghawk came in here looking for you. I suggest you head over to the Tallest Tree, they went there." Rainstar meowed. Fernpaw nodded and went to find Pebblestep.
"Can you take me to the Tallest Tree?" She asked.
"Sure! Come on!" Pebblestep chirped. They padded deep into the heart of the RainClan terrortory.

Some time later, Fernpaw was sitting by herself in a clearing, waiting for someone to come. The leaves blew and made a strange shape. Fernpaw looked at them closely. They made a arrow! Fernpaw followed the leaves curiously until they led to a huge tree.
"Welcome to the Tallest Tree!" A voice meowed kindly. It was Morninghawk. She was beside Dustpaw.
"There you are!" Fernpaw purred. The cats took one look at the huge tree.
"Bet you can't beat me to the top!" Fernpaw teased.
"It's impossible to climb to the very top, but you're on!" Morninghawk meowed. The 3 cats raced to the top. Suddenly, Fernpaw felt something claw her back. It was a squirrel! In attempt to fight it, she flipped over and clawed his head. The squirrel ran off. Fernpaw then realized she couldn't get a grip on the tree!
"Help me!" She shouted to her friends. Dustpaw climbed up faster and grabed Fernpaw by the scuff. He then was starting fall and soon they both fell out of the tree! They landed on the ground with a bang!
"Ow..." Dustpaw groaned.
"Are you ok?" Fernpaw asked, getting off him. Dustpaw had cusioned her fall, so he was quite badly hurt. Fernpaw looked at his leg. He had a bad scrach on it and his face was badly scarred. The cats returned back to the camp, limping.

After Ivyfur checked them over, they returned to their dens. RainClan allowed the frightened cats to sleep in their dens. Fernpaw had made friends with Mudpaw, a shy she-cat. She had dark brown fur with hazel eyes.
"So you've been fleeing from this fire?" Mudpaw meowed.
"Yes, we have. It was awful. I even let my friend die." Fernpaw mewed sadly. "Snowstar's been praying to StarClan that we'll find a new camp or our camp is save enough to return. Fernpaw told all of the RainClan apprenetices about what happened, and how she blamed herself for Cloudpaw's death.
"It wasn't your fault." Dustpaw meowed softly. Silverclaw entered the den after Dustpaw had finshed.
"I'm allowed to stay. Snowstar does know me, she is my sister."
Fernpaw gasped. So, Silverclaw was her long lost aunt?
"Where were you and Snowstar born?" Blazepaw asked, sitting next to Cherrypaw.
"Us? We were born as loners. Our mother was called Berry. We had 1 brother, Tooth. He unfortantly died when we were attacked by rouges. When we were 10 moons, Berry died and we had to live with the other loners." Silverclaw meowed.
"But how did you earn a warrior name and Snowstar was just given the title as SnowClan leader when she was called Snow?" Fernpaw asked.
"Snow thought she had no value in the group, so she ran away. I was given the warrior name of Silverclaw because I stayed."
"But why did you stay?"
"I was in love with a tom called Wind. He wanted me to stay, so I did."
"Then why did you leave?"
"He didn't really love me. He was just flirting with me. He mated Jewel, a young she-cat who was no friend of mine. I ran away." Silverclaw then left the den silently.
"Poor her." Mudpaw meowed.

About 1 moon later, the camp had improved enough to go home. The SnowClan cats said goodbye to the RainClan cats.
"Goodbye Mudpaw. See you at the next gathering!" Fernpaw mewed. Lizardeye said bye to Sparrowsong, but she had other plans.
"Please stay with me." She whispered.
"I can't, you know why. I am a loyal SnowClan deprty and I am happy where I am. I do love you Sparrowsong." Lizardeye meowed.
"Then if you do, stay with me in RainClan!"
"I'm over the moon to be deprty here, so I can't. I must go now, Whitebone's got a bad leg. Goodbye, Sparrowsong. I love you." He left quietly. Sparrowsong cried with sorrow. Fernpaw knew that today was the day that Swiftkit and Wildkit would become apprentices. They proved to be loyal and didn't even know they were BloodClan. She sighed and stopped.
"What's wrong?" Shadowstep asked.
"Nothing." Fernpaw said quickly, padding over to Rainpaw. Dustpaw was trying to speak to Fernpaw, but Nightflame kept getting in the way. Blazepaw growled at him, because he had broken his promise to Fernpaw. Nightflame then flinched and stopped.
"Hi Fernpaw." Dustpaw meowed.
"Hello Dustpaw. I really hope Wildkit and Swiftkit get good mentors. Their really quite nice, ya know." Fernpaw mewed.
"I know. I'd love to mentor one of them." Leafdew mewed, overhearing their disscuion.
"Why don't you ask Snowstar? You've been a warrior for moons!" Dustpaw suggested.
"I'd like to mentor one too." Duckfoot meowed. Fernpaw started laughing. Dustpaw looked confused. Fernpaw just laughed at him and licked his ear. They were making their way back to camp. Snowstar suddenly stopped them.
"Foxes are near by, stay close everyone." She mewed nerveously. Fernpaw looked scared until she heard a bark. It was a fox! It showed up with about 20 other foxes.
"We're outnumbered." Breezefang muttered to Blazepaw. The fox then charged at the clan and started to fight them. A small fox sneaked up behind Robineye and secretly attacked her from behind!
"Help me!" She gasped. Shadowstep pounced onto the fox, but it bucked him off. Fernpaw was busy fighting the smallest fox with help from Clawedear and Morninghawk. Suddenly, someone yowled in pain. It was Littletail! The fox was biteing her neck and blood poured out. She then became motionless. She was dead.
"Littletail!" Shadowstep cried in sorrow. He crouched down beside his sister. He then looked up at the murderer. Shadowstep's eyes blazed with anger and he pounced onto the fox, snarling and clawing it. Lizardeye then yelped in pain as a fox bit his leg. Fernpaw jumped onto the fox and dragged him off. Lizardeye thanked her and jumped onto one attacking Badgerstripe. Fernpaw quietly left the fox she'd killed and limped towards Dustpaw. He was fighting a huge fox with Snowstar and Riverstripe. Dustpaw looked at Fernpaw sadly. Fernpaw then felt brave. Braver then she had before. With a almighty yowl, she pounced onto to biggest fox and killed it with 2 bites. She gasped for her breath and stared at Nightflame. He was watching Whitebone fight with Moonsky and Cherrypaw. He silently crept towards Whitebone and pushed her in front of the fox. He then jumped back and watch the fox continuesly claw her. It then ran off. Fernpaw rushed towards Whitebone.
"Please don't die." She begged. Whitebone was a good friend of her's.
"I'm afraid I will join StarClan. But remember, stand tall. Also, you know who killed me. Make sure he doesn't kill anyone else. I don't want a young cat being tricked by him. Goodbye, Fernpaw." Whitebone mewed with the last of her breath. She soon fell limp in Fernpaw's paws. She cried sadly and looked at Nightflame. He was helping Riverstripe and... Dustpaw! Nightflame was getting closer to him and had his paws out ready to push him. Fernpaw yowled again and charged into Nightflame, sending him flying into a tree. Heartfly then yowled in sorrow. Had Dustpaw died? Fernpaw looked around. She couldn't see him anywhere.
"Dustpaw!" She shouted. Smoke started to surround everyone and soon no one could see anyone else. Fernpaw stood back and then cried. She was hanging on a ledge, which would kill her if she fell. Someone then grabbed her scuff and pulled her up. Fernpaw couldn't see who it was, so she tried to reconise the scent. She smiled when she knew who it was. It was Clawedear.
"Don't go falling off any more ledges, ok?" He joked. Fernpaw smiled and licked his ear. They stayed close to eachother and soon Fernpaw realised he was brushing up against her. She kept quiet in case she said something that would upset him. Clawedear was sniffing the air for any other cats in trouble until they bumped into Duckfoot. She smiled at Fernpaw and soon the 3 cats were on the move again. Soon, Fernpaw heard a noise. It was Dustpaw!
Dustpaw bounded towards Fernpaw, coughing and panting.
"I..let..a..friend die." He whispered.
"Who?" Fernpaw asked, flicking her tail.
"I let him die." Dustpaw mummered, pointing his tail at Breezefang. The big tabby was on the ground, breaving heavily. Fernpaw gave a little gasp but then purred.
"He's evil, you've saved the clan and Blazepaw from his terror." She meowed, her eyes shining. Dustpaw looked confused, but played along. The smoke soon cleared and Snowstar was padding towards Spottedflower, who was having difficulty keeping up.
"Riverstripe!" Spottedflower yelped. Her mate sprang over and he allowed her to lean on him. Fernpaw smiled warmly at him, Riverstripe was very kind and paitent. Snowstar gathered the clan and told them that they were free to run, because their terrortory was only a few rabbit hops away. Fernoaw ran like the wind with her 3 closest friends beside her.
"I think Snowstar wants to conduct another naming ceromony. She won't tell me who though." Lizardeye mewed.
"I'm taking a guess, and I bet i'm right." Morninghawk teased. Lizardeye smiled at her sprit and humor. His mind was still wandering about Sparrowsong. She said that she was having his kits, but how? He then just shook his head and continued to run. They were running wild.

When they returned, Snowstar had gathered them under the rock.
"Today, 2 cats have finshed training and have proven themselfs to be loyal SnowClan apprentices. May Blazepaw and Fernpaw come up here please?" Snowstar meowed. The young apprentices ran up. Badgerstripe smiled at his children.
"Fernpaw and Blazepaw, do you accept the SnowClan way of life, will follow the warrior code and will use it to protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Snowstar mewed proudly.
"I do!" The apprentices shouted together.
"I, Snowstar, leader of SnowClan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard in your noble code, and I command you make them warriors in turn." Snowstar walked over to her son.
"Blazepaw, from this day forward you will be known and Blazestrike. StarClan honuors you for your loyalty and your... intrest in others." She rested her muzzle on his head and walked over to Fernpaw.
"Fernpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Fernwhisker. StarClan hounors you for your incredible climbing skills and your kindness to other cats." She rested her muzzle on her head.
"Blazestrike! Fernwhisker!" The clan chanted. Snowstar dismissed everyone and the new warriors went towards their apprentice friends.
"I'm going to miss you in the warrior den Dustpaw." Fernwhisker mummered.
"Don't worry, when i'm older i'll be with you until we die or one of us become leader." Dustpaw replied, rubbing against her. Fernwhisker smiled at his sprit and padded to the warrior den. Clawedear greeted her.
"Here at last, how do you feel?" He asked her.
"Great!" Fernwhisker replied happily. She made herself a nest, curled up and shut her eyes. The others went to sleep. Lizardeye padded in and sat down beside Morninghawk. Fernwhisker looked at them. Morninghawk smiled with pleasure and went back to sleep. Blazestrike just sighed. He knew it was love.

The next day, at sunset, Morninghawk rushed over to Fernwhisker.
"I got lucky!" She explained.
"What happened?" Fernwhisker meowed, bursting to know.
"I got myself a mate at last!"
"Great StarClan! You are so lucky!"
"I know! Who would you want as a mate?"
"Dustpaw when he's older."
"Wow. You've been crazy about eachother since you were kits."
"I know."
"Oh, I think Ivyfur wants to speak with me. Bye!" Morninghawk went to find the young she-cat. Fernwhisker stayed quiet. 3 toms looked like they wanted to mate her, so she was worried. 1 had dropped out, so she would have to wait for the one she wanted to ask.
"Fernwhisker!" A voice yelled. It was Shadowstep. "You're on patrol with me, Clawedear and Dustpaw." Fernwhisker smiled and waited for the others to come. When they did, the patrol went towards the RainClan boarder.
"We're on boarder patrol." Clawedear mewed. Fernwhisker sighed. She wasn't too keen on boarder patrols. She then heard a rustle going into the terrortory.
"I think I heard a mouse. I'll go after it alone." Fernwhisker lied. Shadowstep nodded and Fernwhisker ran towards the RainClan camp. Here, she could see Lizardeye and Sparrowsong. She had 6 kits beside her.
"Take 2. Look after and name them." She mummered. "Take a pick."

Shocking news

Fernwhisker gasped. The clan had already had 1 cat betray them, but why Lizardeye?
"I'll take the white tom with the silver stripes and the grey tabby she-cat." Lizardeye mewed softly. Sparrowsong nodded and passed them over. Lizardeye smiled and started to walk away. Fernwhisker had to hide fast before Lizardeye spotted her. She ran back to the patrol.
"Got the mouse?" Shadowstep asked.
"It got away." Fernwhisker meowed.
"We've set down the scent marks and done everything we need to do, so lets go back to camp." Clawedear said, flicking his tail. The cats agreed and returned back to camp, to be greeted by Foxrunner.
"You missed it!" She said sadly, drooping her ears.
"What?" Fernwhisker asked.
"The naming ceromony, mouse-brain! Wildkit and Swiftkit are apprentices!"
"Who are their mentors?"
"Leafdew and Duckfoot."
"They'll do a good job. They are well-respected warriors."
"Indeed they are."
"Anyways, I need to go."
"Ok. See you." Foxrunner left quietly. Fernwhisker went to find Puffinpaw, who was eating a shrew.
"Have you seen..."
"I know who you're after." Puffinpaw interuppted, sitting up. "At the river with the other apprentices. They've all gone for a strange swimming thing." Fernwhisker chuckled and padded towards the river. The wind blowed the leaves fallen from the trees and onto Fernwhisker's pelt. She shook them off and continued onward.
"Hey! Fernwhisker! Come play!" Rainpaw shouted. Fernwhisker sighed and jumped into the river. Dustpaw poked his head up and swam over.
"Wildpaw and Swiftpaw are here!" He said excitedly.
"I know!" Fernwhisker replied. She dived under. The fish had gone because the noise was so loud. Suddenly, someone grabed her scuff and pulled her out harshly. It was Blazestrike.
"Why are you playing when there's wolves about? They've come from the mountains." He snapped.
"What?" Fernwhisker looked confused. Her brother pulled her out from the water and took her back to camp. The clan were huddled together in a group under the rock.
"Come." Lizardeye meowed. "I need to tell everyone something." Snowstar nodded sadly.
"I have broken the warrior code, so I am stepping down from my role as deputy. You may exile me, but look after the kits I brought back. They are not mine, don't kill them." Lizardeye annocned. The clan gasped. Fernwhisker just sighed. She was the only one that knew Lizardeye had betrayed them all.
"I have decided that you will not be exiled Lizardeye." Snowstar mewed. "I see you have a mate and you have been loyal, you'll just clean out the elder's den for 2 moons." Morninghawk sighed in relief. She didn't want him exiled.
"For now, i'm guessing you want to know who the new deprty is. Well, I can tell you that Shadowstep is our new deputy of SnowClan!"
The clan cheered in delight as Shadowstep padded up to the rock with his head held high. Robineye was so proud.
"Shadowstep has been a loyal warrior and a good friend to everyone, so he desreves it, no matter what!" Lizardeye added. Morninghawk smiled at her mate and licked his ear. Fernwhisker then felt strange. Her head and eye-sight had gone blurry, and it hurt. She then was spinning around. Fernwhisker yelped for help and the fell to the floor. She shut her eyes and stayed still. Falconkit, who was out there, rushed over to her friend.
"Fernwhisker's dead!" She squealed. No one heard her over the noise. She got Wildpaw, Swiftpaw and her brothers to help. They shouted and squealed above the noise. The clan still couldn't hear them.
"We need the rest of the apprentices." Wildpaw mewed. "Then everyone's bound to hear!" So, the 5 cats became a huge group of 9 loud, shouty cats. The clan stopped cheering and gasped in horror. Blazestrike ran over with Ivyfur and Puffinpaw. Ivyfur inspected her body, still breathing.
"She's perfectly fine. That's strange." Ivyfur mewed. "I better check again." She continued and had come to a decidsion.
"I'm going to take her to my den. It's just to check her over and see if she wakes up." Dustpaw was in horror now, so Morninghawk comforted him. Blazestrike and Darkmystery helped Ivyfur take Fernwhisker to her den.
"Idea!" Darkmystery then meowed. "You're going to the Moonstone tomorrow with the other medicine cats, aren't you?"
"If Fernwhisker doesn't awake, Puffinpaw will have to take my place and go by herself."
"But.. you have to go!"
"If a clan member urgently needs my help, I can't just leave them. It's part of what medicine cats do, look after their clan, no matter what their illness is."
"Yes, but you still have to go! It's not optional!"
"Stop yelling please, Darkmystery."
"Puffinpaw can look after her! She knows all the herbs and their uses!"
"Really?" Ivyfur turned her attention to the black she-cat.
"Yes. Mistheart, my mentor taught me everything. I nearly got my medicine cat name until my brother attempted to kill me. I don't even know the way to the Moonstone!"
"Very well. 2 are against me, so i'll go." Darkmystery and Puffinpaw sighed in reilef. Puffinpaw then went to her nest, curled up and went to sleep.
"I'll keep my eye on Fernwhisker." Ivyfur mewed. She sat down and waited for a miracle to happen.

(Dream, again)
Fernwhisker looked up at the sky. It had clouded over, and no one was in sight. A small kit ran towards her. It was a grey tabby, just like the one Lizardeye brought back!
"Help me.. please." It squeaked. To Fernwhisker's relief, Pebblefish's starry pelt came over.
"This kit is ill." She meowed. Fernwhisker gasped and curled her tail around it's body.
"What's wrong with it?" She asked worriedly.
"The kit, is not ill with a illness. It is ill with the truth. It hurts, as most cats say."
"What do you mean 'ill with the trusth'?"
"The betrayer will come. Beware."
"What!?!" Cloudpaw came over with a starry pelt. She wasn't smiling.
"The betrayer will come. Beware." She repeated. Fernwhisker looked confused. What were they going on about?
"Help me! Please! It hurts so much.. the truth!" The kit squealed.
"Hush little one." Pebblefish meowed softly. She turned to Fernwhisker. "Look after your clanmates, keep them safe, and hide the truth you know." Fernwhisker looked terrorfied. What did they mean? And what truth?
"Why did I collaspe during the naming of the new deprty? It was moonhigh!" She snapped, annoyed.
"It was the only way for you to know and understand the truth. The truth of what will happen to this kit and her brother. Also, you were not asleep. We send dreams and visions when you lot are asleep, napping or just moonhigh." Pebblefish meowed.
"Will I be awake when I return?"
"Yes, and back to normal. Just in a diffrent place. Good luck, Fernwhisker. Keep your power and the truth hidden."

When Fernwhisker woke up, it was sunrise. Everyone was awake and Ivyfur was beside her, eating a hare.
"About time you're awake!" She moaned. "I stayed up nearly all night watching you!"
"Sorry!" Fernwhisker apolgised. She got up and padded to the nusrery. Spottedflower was here with Robineye and Morninghawk.
"What are you two doing here?" Fernwhisker asked.
"Um, duh!" Robineye laughed.
"No, seriously, why are you here?"
"Expecting kits!" Morninghawk mewed in pride. Beside her were the RainClan kits. Fernwhisker congratulated her friend and looked at the tiny kits. They were bearly a quarter-moon old.
"Meet Owlkit and Cloudkit. Owlkit's the tom, Cloudkit's the she-cat. Myself and Lizardeye decided their names yesterday after the ceromony." Morninghawk mewed, licking their heads. Fernwhisker noticed that Cloudkit was the kit in the dream. Suddenly, Dustpaw rushed in and bounced onto Fernwhisker.
"Easy does it, you're not a excited Twoleg dog!" She laughed, escaping his reach.
"Sorry! I'm just happy because I have finshed training along with Rainpaw!" He purred.
"Great!" Cherrypaw and Blazestrike came in.
"Why are you guys sad?" Dustpaw asked.
"Cherrypaw can never become a warrior." Blazestrike mewed sadly.
"Yeah, I know." Dustpaw meowed, his whiskers twiching. "She's gone blind in one eye. She's not able to see very well, so Ivyfur is looking for a job for her." Clawedear padded into the nursery.
"Fernwhisker, you're on patrol with me and Hawkeyes." He meowed. Fernwhisker padded with him towards the forest, where Hawkeyes was waiting.
"Lets go." She meowed. The patrol ran through the forest and then stopped when they saw a huge monster!
"It's off the Thunderpath. That's partictuly strange." Clawedear whispered. It was chopping down the trees near the RainClan terrortory. Twoleg kits were running around with no older ones there to look after them.
"Typical." Hawkeyes mumbled. Fernwhisker had a small idea.
"Maybe if we report this back, then we can warn the other clans about the Twolegs. After all, StarClan would like it if we are helping the other clans." She meowed.
"Good idea." Clawedear agreed. They went back to camp.

The next day, Fernwhisker was sleeping beside Dustpaw, who was now Duststorm. Rainpaw was now Rainflower. Fernwhisker and Duststorm were now offcially mates.
"Hey, lets go get some prey, I am starving!" She whispered, nudging him. The young warriors went out to the fresh-kill pile, where Snowstar and Shadowstep were discussing something.
"Good day Shadowstep." Duststorm meowed to the black tom.
"Good day to you Duststorm. How are you on this fine day?" Shadowstep smiled.
"Feeling great. Who's on patrol?"
"They've already gone, but maybe you can hunt for a bit. Take anyone you like, but make sure a senior warrior is with you."
"Thanks! I'll take Fernwhisker and Bearpelt."
"Off you go!" Fernwhisker, Duststorm and Bearpelt left for the forest.
"I'm going towards the river. See you later!" Bearpelt meowed. "You guys go near to the cave where Secondleaf died all those moons ago, I believe prey's been running well there." The 2 cats, alone ran towards the cave, now called the Snow Mountains.
"I'll give you a challange. Whoever catches the least prey has to carry it all back." Fernwhisker meowed to her mate.
"Bring it on!" Duststorm teased. They both ran off to find prey. Within 10 minutes, Duststorm had won. They both went back to camp, despite they didn't know that they were being watched closly...

3 moons later, Fernwhisker was expecting kits. She decided to go out for a little stroll in the forest. Everyone had forgotten about the Twolegs.
"What a nice day!" Fernwhisker said to herself. She walk on until she heard a loud noise. It sounded like a cry for help. Fernwhisker ran as fast as she could and stopped. A Twoleg kit was terrorrising Wildpaw!
"I'm coming!" She shouted. Fernwhisker jumped over and hissed. She got her claws out and clawed the child's arm. It started to cry and ran off. Wildpaw got up.
"Thank you for saving me. Nightflame lured me out here. How stupid I was to trust him." She meowed, her tail thumping the ground angrily with herself. Suddenly, a bigger Twoleg came out of nowhere with a cage. It grabbed Fernwhisker's scuff and tried to shove her into the cage.
"Help me!" She begged. "I can't move!"
"I'll get a patrol to help you!" Wildpaw replied. She ran back to camp. Fernwhisker was now in the cage, feeling hurt. The Twoleg swung the cage around and put it into a monster. It got into the belly and started to go.
"Help me!" Fernwhisker cried. No one could hear her. She was trapped with the Twolegs.

Rose and Bronze

When Wildpaw had fetched a patrol with Badgerstripe, Riverstripe, Duststorm and Emeraldtail, they were too late. Fernwhisker had gone without a trace.
"My mate!" Duststorm yowled.
"Hush, no one will give up finding her. No one Duststorm, I promise you that." Riverstripe meowed kindly.
"Yeah! He's right!" Emeraldtail added. "Espically if she's expecting kits."
"I suppose, but what if no one ever finds her?" Duststorm mumbled.
"Stop being so.. difficult." Badgerstripe meowed, sounding annoyed and tired. "I grief too. She is my daughter after all." The whole clan, apart from Snowstar, kits, queens and elders showed up.
"What will we do Shadowstep?" Wildpaw asked.
"I say that a patrol goes out to the Twoleg place everyday to look for her. We should find her quicker that way." Shadowstep meowed. "First patrol: Lizardeye, Darkmystery, Leafdew and Swiftpaw. I'll decide the second one tomorrow." The 4 cats set off in search of the missing she-cat.

When Fernwhisker woke up, she was alone in a Twoleg nest. No one was around, and she was hungry. She got up and looked around. It was so strange.
"Hey, you! Come here!" A voice whispered. It was definently a she-cat. Fernwhisker followed the noise until she came to a hole in the wall. She crawled in and saw a white she-cat with black stripes and blue eyes.
"Hi! I'm Rose. Who are you?" The she-cat chirped sweetly.
"Um, hi. I'm Fernwhisker, a queen in SnowClan." Fernwhisker replied quietly.
"What's a queen?"
"A warrior expecting or nusring kits."
"Oh. What's a warrior?"
"A cat that fights for their clan and trains apprentices."
"What's a apprentice?"
"Apprentices are warriors-in-training. They start training at 6 moons old after 6 moons of kit-hood."
"What's a kit?"
"A newborn cat from a queen. Why do you keep asking questions? It's getting me tired and fed-up."
"Just want to know, I have no clue about this clan stuff. Hey, I am expecting, would that make me a queen in your clan?"
"What's going on down there!?" A voice shouted. It sounded gruff and tired. Fernwhisker flinched. A cat came towards the hole. It had soot all over its fur.
"Lets get out, only enough space for 2 here." Rose meowed. The 3 cats crawled out.
"Who's that?" Fernwhisker asked, looking at the cat covered in soot.
"Oh, him? That's Bronze, my mate. The dog around him chases him into the fireplace, hence why he's covered in soot." Rose sighed. Bronze shook his fur. The soot turned into smoke and made a mess on the floor. Most of it was still on him.
"Oopsy." He said.
"You daft cat. Come on, lets go clean that off." Rose purred. She led Bronze and Fernwhisker up the stairs into a bright room.
"Bathroom." Rose said.
"What?" Fernwhisker didn't understand.
"This is where Twolegs clean themselfs and do their business. They use water." She flipped a lid up and looked down. There was clear water at the bottom of it.
"Get in there." She said to Bronze.
"The.. toilet? You must be kidding! I think I will use the rain." Bronze moaned at his mate. Rose laughed. Bronze padded down the stairs towards the kitchen. Here, there was a cat flap they could go through. They squezed through and padded out into the garden. It was raining heavily.
"Great!" Bronze meowed, climbing onto a plastic bucket and purring loudly. Rose laughed again. A cat peered over the fence.
"Hi Rose!" It called.
"Oh! You scared me!" Rose squealed. She turned to Fernwhisker. "That's Shadow. Good friend of mine, he lives nextdoor." Shadow jumped down from the fence.
"Narrowly escaped from the dog. Curse that thing, the amount of times it's tried killing me." Shadow moaned.
"Same with ours. It chased poor old Bronze up the fireplace again." Rose replied. Bronze padded over. Fernwhisker could now tell he was a golden tabby with brown spots and amber eyes. She felt a bit odd around kittypets, she had never before. She was scared for her kits if they thought one of the toms was their father... what would she do? Shadow noticed she looked worried.
"What's wrong?" He asked her.
"Nothing. Just homesick." She replied, not even looking at his face.
"Huh? I thought you had lived her for ages!"
"Nope. Only been here since sunrise."
"Oh. Your name?"
"Fernwhisker. I'm a SnowClan cat."
"I've heard of them, I know a cat called Berry. She told me of 3 cats tresapassing on her tribe's terrortory. They explained they were SnowClan, so she freed them. One matched you."
"Um, duh. I was Fernpaw, little ginger cat with leaf-green eyes and white stripes."
"Then why did you have a name change?"
"Me warrior now, not apprentice."
"Oh, right." Rose then said they should look around the garden for something to do. The 4 cats walked off. Fernwhisker then gave a little gasp when Shadow ran beside her. He seemed to be getting quite close, and then he was brushing against her. Fernwhisker couldn't guess that he had a crush on her. A Twoleg started to shout and Rose's fur shot up in shock.
"Gotta go. Bye Shadow!" She said, running off. Bronze ran after her. Fernwhisker followed until Shadow stopped her.
"Bye." He said, resting his muzzle on her head. He then licked her cheek and ran off. Fernwhisker gave a silent growl and went to catch up.

"Stop, I smell something." Lizardeye meowed. The patrol sniffed the scent.
"Smells like a dog came and chased a kittypet away." Darkmystery moaned. Leafdew sighed and Swiftpaw continued to smell the scent.
"Leafdew!" A voice called. Lizardeye crouched down.
"Patch! Good to see you! Have you seen Fernwhisker? She was kidnapped by Twolegs." Leafdew asked the tribe cat.
"No, sorry." Patch said, looking at the sky.
"Are you sure?"
"Wait! Are you talking about the ginger she-cat with white stripes that came with you and Bearpelt?"
"Yes, her!"
"Well, I saw her with some kittypets. Some tom was brushing up against her."
"Ok, we have to act fast. She is mated and expecting kits."
"Not good."
"I know." Lizardeye then got up. He looked back towards the forest.
"I have a feeling we're being watched." He meowed coldly. The patrol just sighed and walked on. What they didn't realise was that Lizardeye was right. It was coming closer and closer, ready to strike...

Return of an old enemy

"Watch out!" Leafdew screamed, pushing the cats out of the way. A big shadow lept over them and headed towards the Twoleg place.
"What was that?" Swiftpaw groaned, getting up.
"A dog. Must belong to the Twolegs." Lizardeye replied weakly.
"Around here?"
"Yes, they are cabable of escaping, ya know."
"Oh, sorry."
"Nothing wrong at all!"
"Or really?"
"Shut up please Lizardeye, you'll scare him." Leafdew purred, helping the little apprentice up. Lizardeye nodded quietly. Patch dipped his head and ran back to the barn.
"Lets go back and report to Snowstar." Darkmystery meowed. "She'll be intrested to know about this."
"We can't return, we've only searched for a small amount of time. Lets go." Leafdew meowed. The patrol soon set off again, determained not to fail.

Inside, Fernwhisker was sitting beside Bronze in a strange room.
"This is the spare room, where myself and Rose sleep." Bronze meowed. Rose was kitting, so she had to be alone with a Twoleg who would help her. Fernwhisker prefered the SnowClan way, not this way. It sounded painful. It was raining heavier now, and thunder was getting louder. The dog was barking loudly, which scared Fernwhisker. Suddenly, a cat appeared outside the window. It was white and covered in scars. It was small too. Bronze smiled at it, but the cat didn't smile. She had dark black eyes like the night, and Fernwhisker knew who it was. The cat opened the window and crawled in.
"Well, well, we meet again Fernwhisker." The cat hissed.
"Ghostpaw! You murderous little beast!" Fernwhisker gasped, crouching down to attack the former medicine apprentice.
"Yes, yes. Did you miss me?"
"Not at all! You tried to kill me! And how do you know my warrior name?"
"I kidnapped that foolish medicine apprentice. I threated her with death, so she told me everything. About you, Duststorm, Morninghawk and Lizardeye."
"Yes, it is true. I see you're expecting, so i'll just kill you now for revenge. My revenge for you making me live like this." Ghostpaw pounced onto the she-cat and bit her neck. Bronze jumped onto Ghostpaw and hit her ear.
"Is that ment to hurt?" She snarled. She kicked her hind legs in the air, which sent him flying into the wall. Suddenly, the dog came in. It was a big gold one. (Golden Retriever) He barked loudly and charged into Ghostpaw. She squealed in terror and jumped out of the window. The dog was only here to chase Bronze, so they were off. Fernwhisker licked her wounds until a Twoleg kit came in.
"You're so cute!" She squealed, picking up Fernwhisker. The little girl ran down the stairs and put Fernwhisker down on a comfy cusion. Here, Rose was suckling 3 kits.
"Their beautiful." Fernwisher meowed. "What are their names?"
"The little golden tabby is Cheetah, the black one is Raven and the white one is Snowy. That's what the housefolk decided." Rose purred, licking their little heads. Bronze padded in, surprising clean and shining. He licked Rose's head and then curled up beside her. Fernwhisker curled up by herself and went to sleep, dreaming of her own kits.

A daring rescue

The next day, Shadowstep chose Duststorm, Rainflower, Falconpaw and Bubblepaw to go on the daily patrol for Fernwhisker. It had been 4 moons since she disappeared, and some cats were not their normal selfs. Wildpaw, Falconpaw, Shrewpaw and Molepaw looked small and sad. Morninghawk wasn't as chatty and Duststorm, Blazestrike, Ivyfur, Lizardeye and Rainflower didn't really feel up to patrols apart from the searches for the missing she-cat.
"Let's go." Rainflower meowed quietly. The 4 cats left until a cat ran over to them.
"You can come too, Riverstripe." Duststorm meowed kindly to the tom. Riverstripe smiled and walked on with them. They continued walking and stopped.
"I can smell cats and a fox." Bubblepaw mewed worriedly. The patrol stopped dead. They could hear squealing, yowling and shouting coming from a Twoleg nest.
"I think I know where she is." Rainflower meowed. "Follow me." The 5 cats ran towards a large Twoleg nest.
"Keep quiet, that monster is sleeping." Riverstripe whispered. Everyone crept past the monster and up onto a tree. Here, 3 kits and 4 cats were relaxing in the sun. One of them was Fernwhisker.
"Thank StarClan you're here!" Bubblepaw said to Rainflower. It was true that if she wasn't on the patrol, they wouldn't have found Fernwhisker so quickly. Duststorm then gave a deep, quiet growl. Shadow was coming over to Fernwhisker.
"Hi." He meowed.
"Hello Shadow." Fernwhisker sighed.
"Can I sit with you?"
"If you really feel the urge to." Shadow sat down beside the she-cat and licked her ear.
"Knock it off!" Fernwhisker growled, rolling over to another spot.
"Sorry, I can't help looking at your... um.."
"My what?"
"Come on, cough it up."
"Your... fur. It's beautiful and it looks like pure golden leaves on the trees in Leaf-Fall."
"Well.. thanks?"
"You're welcome. Anytime."
"I.. like you Fernwhisker." Duststorm now was getting worried and distressed. Fernwhisker was expecting his kits, not the other cat's!
"Um.. I'm mated.. sorry." Fernwhisker said, standing up.
"Well, you're mate's not here, so you could.."
"No! I won't leave my mate for you! I'm expecting his kits!"
"Well, you could stil mate me and expect that other cat's kits."
"No! I have never betrayed anyone since I was born!"
"Too bad." Shadow sneered. He chased after Fernwhisker, shouting her name.
"Charge!!!" Riverstripe then yelled. The SnowClan cats jumped down and tried to attack the evil kittypet. Shadow yelped in pain and hissed. Fernwhisker just froze in shock.
"Run to that bush and hide there until we fetch you!" Falconpaw meowed to the she-cat. Fernwhisker nodded and ran into the bush. Shadow then ran to the bush, escaping the grasp from the other cats.
"Quick! We can't let him get away with this!" Duststorm said. The cats jumped into the bush to find Shadow trying to mate with Fernwhisker still. Riverstripe, Duststorm and Bubblepaw attacked Shadow while Fernwhisker, Falconpaw and Rainflower tried to find a hiding spot. The cats then stopped when they heard a yowl in sorrow and anger. Riverstripe came out with blood around his muzzle and his back.
"He's gone too far with this. He has taken Bubblepaw for his own uses and retreated." He mewed sadly. Duststorm came out of the bush and nodded. He only had a few claw marks on his head and flank. He raced over to Fernwhisker and nuzzled her ear.
"You're safe now." He whispered calmly. Fernwhisker purred in delight and licked his cheek.
"We'd better get going now before he returns." Falconpaw said. Everyone agreed and started to go.
"Bye Rose! Thanks for everything! I wish you, Bronze and your kits well!" Fernwhisker called to her friend.
"Bye! Good luck with your kits!" Rose replied. That was the last of the SnowClan cats they saw.

That night, everyone was delighted to know that Fernwhisker was safely back. Shadowstep and Robineye greifed for the loss of their daughter until Puffinpaw returned with a little she-cat beside her.
"I believe you two are looking for your daughter?" She asked. Bubblepaw ran to her parents and they licked her mattered fur.
"I found her walking through the forest by herself." Puffinpaw then left to find Ivyfur. Bubblepaw went to see Fernwhisker.
"Thank goodness you're safe!" She explained.
"Yeah, yeah, big deal." Bubblepaw replied sadly.
"What's wrong? You're normally chirpy and full of energy!2"
"Something bad happened to me."
"I mated Shadow."
"But.. he is so evil! And you're too young! How?"
"Well, after he kidnapped me, he took me over the fence and into a bigger bush. His attatude then changed and he became all kind and friendly to me. He then looked at me with his black eyes and I just stared at them. I somehow was enchanted by them and Shadow seemed to get closer and closer to me. When I finally stopped staring, it was too late. The mating process was done and I could do nothing but run."
"You should tell Snowstar about it!"
"I fear him, so I won't." Fernwhisker nodded sadly and Bubblepaw left quietly, leaving a mouse behind. Fernwhisker then felt pain.
"The kits are coming!" She yowled. Ivyfur and Puffinpaw rushed in with herbs in their jaws. They got to work as soon as they arrived. Duststorm waited outside and talked to Lizardeye and Riverstripe.
"Have you seen Spottedflower's kits?" Riverstripe said with a smile.
"I didn't even know she kitted!" Duststorm laughed.
"There were 2, both silverish-grey toms. The only diffrence is one has white stripes and one has no markings. The striped kit is called Streamkit and his brother is Blankkit."
"Great! Morninghawk's are great too!" Lizardeye added.
"How many?" Riverstripe asked.
"4. 3 toms and a she-cat."
"The toms are called Bramblekit, Eaglekit and Treekit. The she-cat is Stonekit." Ivyfur poked her head around the nursery entrence.
"You've defently got your paws full." She joked, padding out with Puffinpaw. Duststorm took a deep breath and walked in. Here, Fernwhisker was suckling 6 kits!
"6? That's amazing!" He explained, licking her cheek.
"Yep, equal too. 3 toms and 3 she-cats." Fernwhisker added. "I've thought of a name for the black tom. Should we go with Sootkit?"
"Great name. And the white tom could be Icekit and the brown tom with the black spots could be Frogkit."
"Toms sorted. Now she-cats. I thought Flowerkit would be good for the grey tabby and Puddlekit for the blueish-grey one."
"The last one is white with black spots."
"Um... Leopardkit?"
"Good name."
"So, it's Sootkit, Icekit, Frogkit, Flowerkit, Puddlekit and Leopardkit?"
"Yes." Morninghawk looked at Fernwhisker's kits in great intrest.
"Well done!" She said to her friend.
"Thank you." Fernwhisker replied. Soon, other cats began to come in to look at the 6 little kits. Indeed, Fernwhisker and Duststorm would have their paws full! Snowstar padded into the nursery with Badgerstripe.
"I'm only 35 moons old and I'm a grandparent!" She chuckled to Badgerstripe.
"I'm 40 moons old." He said back to his mate, rubbing against her. Blazestrike eventully sneaked in and gasped. He was incredibly jealous of his sister. He pictured Cherrypaw there, but she was in the medicine den, not being able to walk or even leave the den. Blazestrike was heart-broken, but he had his eye on Moonsky, who's family was unknown. She was sitting by herself in the clearing, grooming her fur.
"Hi Moonsky!" Blazestrike meowed.
"Hello Blazestrike." Moonsky sighed, sitting up to face him.
"What's wrong?" He asked her, sitting down beside her.
"Oh, nothing. Just looked up at the sky. It's beautiful at moonhigh."
"I see. You just looked like you were worried about something." Blazestrike got up and started to leave.
"Wait, there is something, but you must swear by StarClan that you won't tell anyone. Clear?" Moonsky called after him.
"I swear." Blazestrike promised, despite his was normally cold-hearted.
"Well, I.. am not SnowClan born in any way. I am one of the last surviours of the ancient clan."

Moonsky's past

"But.. how?" Blazestrike gasped. He thought that most cats in the clan, with the acception of Snowstar and Silverclaw, did have some connection with SnowClan!
"Yes, I was found in the forest as a young, 10 moon old cat. I was tired and scared." Moonsky meowed sadly, looking down at her paws. "I was a member of FoxClan, led by Wolfstar. She was a noble leader indeed."
"But you hardly knew her!" Blazestrike protested.
"Ooh, really?" Moonsky's eyes narrowed. "My good friend was Fawnpaw, a medicine apprentice. She received a dream from StarClan that one cat would be born twice, not once. Everyone thought it would be Wolfstar, because of her 9 lives. But they were wrong, very wrong. Allow me to explain."
"I'm listening."

Peaceheart woke up and opened her light blue eyes. Her kits were now warriors, and she could now relax without worrying about them. She was fine. Flowertail, Sheepeyes and Moonwing were fine warriors indeed. Flowertail and Moonwing were she-cats, while Sheepeyes was a handsome tom. Her mate, Crookedfur had died saving Moonwing from a dog.
"Hey, you." A voice meowed. It was Viperstrike, a tom that had taken a intrest in Peaceheart since Crookedfur had died. She just sighed and turned away.
"Peaceheart, can I speak to you?" Viperstrike asked.
"Why?" Peaceheart mumbled. Thankfully, Moonwing entered and told Viperstrike to back off from her mother and quit flirting or she would tell Cloudsoul, his mate. Viperstrike then backed off.
"Thanks Moonwing. How's your apprentice?" Peaceheart meowed in her soft voice.
"Sunpaw? He's doing great, almost ready to become a warrior." Moonwing purred.
"That's nice to know. Made any friends?"
"Well, I am good friends with Frogleap, Smallfoot, Petalflight, Hawkpelt, Badgerstep and of course, Fawnpaw. My bestest friends thought are Petalflight, Fawnpaw, Crowfur and Owlclaw."
"Good, good. Like anyone?"
"Mum!" Peaceheart chuckled and licked her daughter's ear.
"Come on, not too painful."
"I don't really like anyone. Sheepeyes has got his eye on Flygrowl and Flowertail seems to like Rockfang." Moonwing sighed.
"I thought you had a tiny crush on Owlclaw?" Moonwing was silent. It was true that she liked Owlclaw, but wished not to tell him until the time was right. Now was not right.
"I'm going out. Bye." Moonwing said quickly, changing the subject. She left the den and bumped into Ripplehiss, the deprty!
"I'm so sorry!" She apolgised, looking embrassed.
"It's fine, just be careful next time." Ripplehiss mumbled to himself. He walked off.
"Next time, don't be blind!" A voice giggled. It was Petalflight. She was with Flygrowl and Dogchase.
"You scared me!" Moonwing gasped, standing up.
"Good! Have you seen the state Leapingtail's in? She's stressing, and Fawnpaw can't calm her down." Flygrowl meowed. Moonwing rushed to the medicine den, where Leapingtail, the medicine cat of FoxClan, was sighing quietly and not looking up.
"Please tell me, who is it? Who is the cat StarClan spoke of?" Fawnpaw urged her mentor.
"Hello Fawnpaw!" Moonwing chirped brightly.
"Oh, hello Moonwing." Fawnpaw mewed quickly. "Sorry, Leapingtail said she knows who the cat in the dream was."
"What dream?"
"Don't worry, it's medicine cat stuff."
"Please Fawnpaw, you're my best friend!"
"Ok, but don't tell anyone."
"I swear by StarClan."
"Right, a few nights ago, StarClan sent me a dream. The former medicine cat of FoxClan, Bearlegs, told me that a cat would reborn after death. I had a feeling it was Wolfstar, because of her 9 lives, but Leapingtail said it wasn't."
"But.. that's impossible!"
"That's what I said, but she said it was true. She told me Wolfstar only lives once, not twice."
"No she doesn't!"
"Well, she stays the same 'ol Wolfstar everytime she looses a life."
"Oh." Leapingtail then looked up with her amber eyes. They were full of confussion and hope.
"The cat.. is.. a cat with fur like snow." She mumbled before staying silent.
"But who is it!?" Fawnpaw begged, sounding annoyed. Leapingtail did not speak at all.
"So, it's a cat with fur like snow, how confusing." Moonwing muttered. Owlclaw then padded in with Cloudsoul.
"We were on the hunting patrol and while Chickenpaw was getting a squirrel, it jumped onto me and scrached my shoulder." He meowed. Fawnpaw nodded and went to find some herbs to treat the scrach.
"Moonwing, I need to speak to you. Meet me on the cliff." Owlclaw told Moonwing. She nodded and left. Before the other 4 clans, FoxClan lived facing a beach. It was very rocky, but they had to be careful of SandClan. They lived directly below them on the beach, and they were very strict about the rocks falling on their terrortory. They gave permission for FoxClan to have the cliffs, but nowhere else below. If any cat fell down the cliff, they were likely to die or break some bones. Moonwing laid down by the cliff and sighed. She could see Seastar orgainising patrols.. and Crabface. He seemed to be very close to the medicine cats in FoxClan. Fawnpaw didn't like him one bit, but Leapingtail liked talking to the warrior at gatherings. Owlclaw them arrived and Moonwing took her mind off Crabface.
"2 reasons why I need to speak to you." He meowed, looking serious.
"Why, what's happened?" Moonwing asked, her eyes clouded with worry.
"Do you know why Leapingtail has been acting strangly?"
"No, why?"
"Did you know that she's been sneaking out late?"
"No! Has she?"
"Yes, she has. I followed her and she went down over our boarder with SandClan."
"But.. why?"
"I saw her with Crabface." Moonwing gasped in horror.
"Yes, heard me right, that cat who led GhostClan to attack his own clan."
"What did they do?"
"Well, Leapingtail said something about breaking the warrior code and Crabface just purred and touched her shoulder with the tip of his tail."
"Then what?"
"Leapingtail relaxed a little, and then Crabface asked her to be his mate. She said yes and they did the mating process."
"But Leapingtail broke the warrior code twice!"
"She thought no one would know. Fawnpaw then was beside me and gasped in horror. Crabface then said something about that dream.. that dream that Fawnpaw had from StarClan. He said when it was time, let him know."
"What time?"
"I was just as puzzled as you are right now, young Moonwing. Leapingtail nodded and padded away, but Fawnpaw and I ambushed her on the way up. She then stayed quiet ever since we did that. Fawnpaw's keeping a eye on her." Moonwing noticed that everytime Owlclaw started to speak, he moved closer to her.
"What was the second thing you wanted to speak to me about?" Moonwing asked him, gazing into his yellow eyes.
"Oh, yeah, that. Random question, do you have a mate?"
"Um, no."
"Well... although I don't know what you'll say.. since you saved me from falling off the ledge... I have kind of have a crush on you."
"Same here Owlclaw. Actully, I think I love you."
"Me too Moonwing. Will you be my mate?"
"Yes, I will." Owlclaw gently did the mating process and within a few minutes they were mates. Moonwing purred in delight and padded back to camp with her new mate beside her.

(Real life)
"So, you had problems in that clan too? Some tom was flirting with your mother, your friend was trying to calm down her inscane mentor, the medicine cat broke the warrior code twice and you still didn't know who the cat in the dream was?" Blazestrike gasped. Moonsky nodded sadly as she remembered it alll like it was yesterday.
"But how comes you're a apprentice now and you were a warrior there?" Blazestrike asked her.
"Well, it was a long time when Owlclaw mated me, I had kits and become deputy." Moonsky replied softly. "Do you have anymore time?"
"Plenty." Blazestrike mewed kindly to his friend.
"Ok, here goes. It's a while forward. Only changes are Fawnpaw is know Fawnfoot and Flowertail, my sister, is dead anlong with Ripplehiss."
"I am listening. Tell me."

"Just run Petalflight! Leave your kits, you can do nothing about it!" Moonwing said urgently to her friend. Foxes were invading, and a fire was passing through the terrortory fast. Petalflight had given birth to 3 kits yesterday and they were too weak to travel. That had no option but to die in the fire or get eaten by foxes. Petalflight refused.
"Their my kits! I'll die with them, go Moonwing. Return to the clan... keep Owlclaw and your own kits safe.. be a good deputy... I trust you." Petalflight sighed softly.
"Then why aren't you moving, despite you trust me!" Moonwing snapped.
"I don't want to leave them. We'll be fine in StarClan, promise." Petalflight begged.
"You'll be safer with the clan." Moonwing mumbled. She grabbed the she-cat by the scuff and pulled her out.
"No! My kits!" She screamed. Petalflight dashed in from Moonwing's grip. Moonwing gasped in horror and went back, but she couldn't. A burning branch was blocking the entrence. Moonwing then heard a shout. It was Sunspark, her former apprentice, cornered by a fox. She ran over and pounced onto the fox. It yelped in pain and ran off.
"Come on!" Moonwing hissed to him silently, leading him to a hole in the ground where they could rest until Sunspark was strong enough to carry on. Moonwing wanted to sleep, but she couldn't. It wasn't a option, unless she wanted to die. Sunspark sat down beside her and purred. Moonwing tried to move away from him, but the hole was small and she could only move a few rabbit-hops. Sunspark then groomed himself and moved closer to Moonwing.
"Can we be mates? I love you." He whispered.
"Um, no. I'm mated, sorry little guy. Why don't you try for Nightheart? You were friends as apprentices!" Moonwing meowed quickly.
"Yeah, but I don't love her."
"I'm mated to Owlclaw and had kits, so there."
"But Owlclaw's dead." Moonwing's ears pricked up in horror. Her own mate, dead?
"I don't believe you." Moonwing said bravely, trying to hold back yowling in sorrow.
"He is dead too. He died saving Fawnfoot from a fox, so you can mate me."
"I.. don't love you though Sunspark. You're a very good liar, by the way." Suddenly, Owlclaw poked his head down the hole, alive!
"I'm not dead, thanks Sunspark. Stop trying to flirt with my mate or I will kill you right here, right now." He growled, helping Moonwing out of the hole. "Run. Run like the wind." He whispered to her. "I'll be out soon." Moonwing didn't move at all. Owlclaw sighed and licked her cheek.
"Fine, you can help me." He meowed. The 2 cats ran off to help their clanmates. Sunspark crawled out of the hole angrily. He thought he has got away with it! Suddenly, Moonwing yowled. Her neck had been cut open, and blood was rapdily pouring out.
"Moonwing!" Owlclaw shouted. He rushed over to her side.
"Just.. leave.. I.. am.. dying." Moonwing gasped. "I love you Owlclaw, always have. Goodbye now, my love. Keep the children safe." She then closed her eyes. She was dead. Owlclaw yowled in sorrow and anger.

(Real life)
"But why are you here now when you died?" Blazestrike meowed curiously.
"Ah, have you not figured it out?" Moonsky asked, smiling.
"Wait.. you have fur like snow.. you're here now when you died ages ago.. you're the cat! You are the cat StarClan spoke of! You are the cat that came back to life after you died!" Blazestrike meowed in triumph.
"Correct. When Petalflight gave birth again 20 moons after the fire happened, I was in the litter. She called me Moonkit in honour of Moonwing."
"But she was trapped in the nursery!"
"Not trapped. She escaped through a small hole at the back and saw me die."
"Oh, right."
"That's enought story time for today. It's late now, so we better get some sleep." The 2 cats walked back to the warrior den, brushing up against eachother.

The third Gathering

"Who's going to the gathering tonight Snowstar?" Bearpelt asked. "I can round them up."
"I have told everyone, they'll be her shortly." Snowstar replied. A small group of cats led by Shadowstep padded over.
"Right, lets go." Snowstar mewed. The clan set off to the meeting place. RainClan hadn't turned up yet.
"Good day Snowstar, how are you?" Leafstar chirped brightly.
"Great thanks. We've welcomed lots of new warriors, apprentices and kits!" Snowstar meowed.
"We have only welcomed apprentices, no warriors or kits sadly." Leafstar admitted. Blazestrike was talking to Twigfur and Butterfly.
"So, how's life right now?" Blazestrike mewed.
"Oh, fine. Apart from the attack." Butterfly said quickly.
"What attack?"
"You'll find out soon enough." Finally, RainClan arrived with scatched fur and dark eyes.
"I'll start first." Bloodstar meowed a bit friendler than usual. "BloodClan are well, to your relief we haven't attacked anyone. Prey has been running well and we haven't sat vigil for anyone. However, Twolegs have been noticed in our terrortory, and they stole Growlfang. According to a loner, Growlfang has completly disappeared." BloodClan mewed sadly in agreement.
"Leafstar?" Bloodstar turned to the brown she-cat.
"I'll speak last. Snowstar?"
"Thank you Leafstar. SnowClan have been busy since the last gathering. Our terrortory was set on fire, we lost a apprentice during the fire and we thank RainClan for sheltering us." Snowstar began. Rainstar smiled and the other cats kept quiet.
"On the way back, we were ambushed by foxes. We only lost Whitebone and she will be greatly missed. We then got news that Lizardeye had broken the warrior code and he stepped down from his role as deputy. Our new one is Shadowstep!" Many cats cheered, as Shadowstep was respected and looked up to by all the clans.
"While saving a apprentice, Fernwhisker was also stolen by Twolegs when she was expecting kits. Everyone looked for her."
"Where is she now?" Mudpaw shouted out. She then blushed. "I mean, is she still with the Twolegs?"
"A patrol rescued her several moons ago. She's back at camp with her kits. Lots of cats are back at camp, either elder or queen. I forgot to mention that Ghostpaw, our old medicine apprentice has been exiled after meeting a cat from another clan, mating him and almost killing 2 apprentices." The clans went into quiet chatter and Bloodstar hushed them.
"It was brought to my attention too, as Growlfang was the cat. We are very sorry for this cause Snowstar." He mewed calmly.
"It's fine. Rainstar?" Snowstar turned to the she-cat.
"Thank you Snowstar. I am sorry to tell you that LeafClan have been crossing our boarders to hunt." Rainstar growled.
"You attacked us!" Leafstar rasped. "We lost kits and a elder because of you!" The leaders continued to argue until they started attacked eachother.
"Quick, even if we are rivals, we have to stop them!" Bloodstar urged. Snowstar grabbed Leafstar.
"Stop it, please!" She said.
"Fine. If RainClan wants us to go, we will leave. LeafClan will be no more. We'll leave the forest and find a new home." Leafstar annonced. The clans gasped in horror and Rainstar hissed.
"The gathering is over, before StarClan punishes us." Snowstar mewed coldly. The RainClan cats hissed as Leafstar led her clan away. Only BloodClan and SnowClan remained together, not fighting.
"Can Featherkink and Shadowstep come up here please? We could use both your intellgence to help us out." Snowstar mewed. The deputies came up together and the 4 cats talked in a huddle.
"We have to do something before RainClan drive out LeafClan!" Snowstar meowed in worry.
"But BloodClan and SnowClan have been huge rivals since SnowClan were formed." Featherkink pointed out. "We've fighted and fighted, many inccoecent cats have been killed because of this violence."
"Yes, but rivals or not, we have to join up." Bloodstar meowed. "I have a plan we could disscus now with the clans."
"Go on then." Snowstar said.

The next day, Ivyfur padded towards Snowstar looking worried and anxious about something. Today was the day that Bloodstar's plan would come into action, and everyone was prepared as usual.
"I recived a dream from StarClan last night. It was some sort of vision." She said.
"Tell me, what was it about?" Snowstar asked.
"It was just a clearing, covered in blood. The trees had blood, the stones had blood, even prey had blood. StarClan spoke of another prohecrey."
"Not again.. what was it?"
"When moonhigh comes, blood will run through the forest alone."
"Yes, it's confusing."
"You could speak to the elders, they are good with this type of thing. Anyways, can you make sure all the apprentices apart from Wildpaw and Bubblepaw are ready? Barkclaw too, him and the apprentices are guarding camp." Ivyfur nodded and left. Badgerstripe padded over with fear in his eyes.
"Oh geez, I just sorted out a problem, i'm not a ageny aunt." She teased.
"I know. I am just scared. I don't trust Bloodstar in any way what so ever and I think he's leading us into a trap." He sighed.
"Well, we haven't got a option. Either trust BloodClan or let RainClan drive out LeafClan."
"I prefer to stay here and not get involed."
"Same Badgerstripe, I wish it was that easy." Badgerstripe pressed up aganist her and Snowstar licked his ear. Foxrunner padded over.
"Everyones ready to go." She said.
"Good. We'll leave now." Snowstar decided. She called the warriors and the 2 apprentices to get ready. Duststorm was saying goodbye to his sister, the elders and most importantly, his mate and kits.
"Try not to die." Fernwhisker said.
"I can assure you I won't die. I love you Fernwhisker, you know I do." He purred.
"I always have too."
"Look after our kits, keep them safe." Duststorm then left, looking back. Fernwhisker smiled and prayed to StarClan that no one would die.
"Right, lets party." Shadowstep meowed. Snowstar motioned for the clan to follow. Blazestrike looked back at everyone. He felt brave and protecive, he was ready to do anything.

Bloodstar met with Snowstar in the forest with a large patrol. He was ready to go as well.
"Let's move. We both attack RainClan and leave LeafClan alone for now. They'll soon join in and fight us. Hopefully Rainstar will surrender and leave us alone then." Bloodstar meowed. Snowstar nodded and the rival clans made their way towards the RainClan boarder. There were no patrols out.
"Charge!" Bloodstar yowled. The cats rushed into the camp and stopped. No one was here until a cat ran towards Snowstar. Blazestrike reconised who it was. It was Ashpaw, a new apprentice that Wildpaw had met at the gathering.
"Please help us.. Rainstar's gone too far with this... she's attacking us again.. and is determained to get rid of us for good." He panted in terror.
"Right, show us where to go Ashpaw. Myself and Bloodstar have brought our clans to help you." Snowstar told the apprentice. Ashpaw nodded and led the clans to LeafClan camp. Blood covered the grass and claw marks were all over the place. Snowstar yowled loudly and both clans rushed into battle. Lizardeye decided to avoid RainClan, seeing as Sparrowsong was a friend. Soulpaw, a grey she-cat with yellow eyes launched herself onto Lizardeye and stunk her teeth into his scuff.
"Wait! Stop!" A voice shouted despratly. It was Sparrowsong.

Help from a friend

Soulpaw's eyes flashed with anger. Why did Sparrowsong want her to let this SnowClan invader go?
"Tell me why." She growled. Suddenly, out of the blue, a LeafClan elder pounced onto Soulpaw. His name was Lightingsnake.
"Go! I'll hold her off!" He urged Lizardeye. He nodded and ran, Sparrowsong after him.
"Why did you do that?" Lizardeye asked the she-cat.
"I would have hated to see you get hurt." Sparrowsong murmmered. Lizardeye nodded and left to help the others. Blazestrike was having difficulty fighting a small she-cat called Waterflash. Thankfully, Moonsky rushed over to help him.
"Wildpaw wants you... go." She said weakly as she was pinning down Waterflash.
"I'm not leaving you." Blazestrike meowed, not moving.
"Just go! Please! Wildpaw's in huge trouble! Rainstar's beating the life out of her!"
"Twigfur's gone to help her."
"I'm going to help you!"
"I don't need help.. i'm fine."
"Moonsky! Watch out!" Waterflash got up and shoved Moonsky into a tree. Blazestrike gasped in horror as Moonsky hit the tree. Twigs fell and hit her head. Moonsky didn't move at all. Blazestrike tried to go over to her, but Leafstar stopped him.
"We need you to fight Blazestrike. I understand you have feelings for her, but..."
"I don't have any feelings for her! We're just friends!" Blazestrike said angrily, stomping off. Rainstar then fell to the floor instantly after Stonetail, LeafClan deputy, clawed her neck.
"You mouse-brain! She just lost her eighth life thanks to you! She's only got one life left!" Sparrowsong shouted.
"It's not his fault!" Darkmystery hissed. For Sparrowsong, that was the final straw. She pounced onto him and started clawing his face. Darkmystery was Riversripe's old apprentice and a good friend of Lizardeye, so Lizardeye dragged Sparrowsong off the frightened warrior.
"Keep. Off. Him. Now. Before. I. Kill. You. Right. Here. Right. Now." He growled angrily.
"Lizardeye," Sparrowsong whispered in fear. "RainClan.. their after you because.. they found out about our kits."
"How!?" Lizardeye said furiously.
"Some nosy kit asked my friend, who I trusted the secret with, and the kit shouted it all over camp so loud I bet the FlowerClan cats could here them, maybe even StarClan." Sparrowsong's words turned into sobbing. "Please forgive me, my love. I thought it would be safe with my friend."
"StarClan hears everyone and everything." Lizardeye got up his so-called mate and stood up. "Just go. Leave me alone. I'll deal with your clan myself, alone." He walked off, not looking back. Blazestrike had heard what Sparrowsong said and growled. How dare she! Suddenly, someone stirred beside him. It was Bubblepaw.
"Help.. me." She groaned. Blazestrike grabbed her by the scuff and heaved her to a bush. He then left. Moonsky was still beside the tree, not moving. Blazestrike did really now need to tell her something, while she was dying. He would somehow anyway, Leafdew and Badgerstripe were guarding her. Then someone yowled in pain. It was Rainstar! She had a very bad neck wound with blood oozing out. Some cats were circling her, gazing at her wound. The RainClan medicine cat, Tigerfoot, padded over with fear in her eyes. She inspected the leader. Rainstar gently shut her eyes and said no more.
"She's dead." Tigerfoot sighed. "I'm sorry everyone, her wounds are too servere." The RainClan cats yowled in sorrow and Blazestrike gasped. That small swipe that Stonetail gave Rainstar killed her? But how? Why?
"Rainstar's dead, retreat RainClan!" Oceansplash shouted. She would now be the next leader, as she was deputy. The clan picked up their dead leader's body and ran back to their camp. All was silent on the battlefield.
"Wait!" Leafstar shouted to the cats remaining. "Where's BloodClan and Snowstar?"
The cats scurried around anxiously looking for the 2 missing leaders. Leafstar sent patrols out, but they came back with no news. Blazestrike was worried, Snowstar was his mother and Bloodstar had.. changed. Suddenly, Ivyfur dashed towards everyone with a small kit in her jaws.
"This one isn't mine. It's a BloodClan one." She gasped, dropping it. "I recived a prohecy from StarClan. When moonhigh comes, blood will run through the forest alone. It's moonhigh and I've seen torn fur and blood on my way here."
"Wait! That's it!" Wildpaw explained. "BloodClan are somewhere in the forest, alone! They've proberly been fighting if you found blood."
"But where?" Applewhisker asked. He was a new warrior in LeafClan.
"Somewhere in the forest." Leafdew joked.
"Right," Leafstar meowed. "We'll all go together into the forest. The wounded stay here with the medicine cats." The 2 clans set off into the forest and stopped when Bubblepaw smelt something.
"I think I just smelt BloodClan and something dead." She mewed anxiously. The cats rushed into a clearing. Here, a cat was lying on the ground, covered in blood.
"Who are you? We know you're BloodClan!" Badgerstripe hissed.
"My name is Shatteredlark." The cat croaked. "Help me please, I'm dying."
"How did you end up like this?"
"We were attacked by a pack of dogs."
"Where are the rest of your clan?"
"They went towards the SnowClan camp." Badgerstripe led the cats to his clan's camp and stopped when they saw Barkclaw and Shrewpaw at the edge of the boarder.
"BloodClan just passed and looked at the camp. I think they were seeing how we're getting on since the fire." Barkclaw mewed.
"Where are they?" Leafstar asked.
"They headed towards the tribe camp, in the Twolegplace." Shrewpaw replied.
"Thank you young one." Leafstar said, smiling. She turned to Bearpelt. "Snowstar tells me you explored the Tribe of the Flying Grass camp, can you lead us to it?"
"Certainly." Bearpelt said. The cats ran towards the Twolegplace and luckily, Rock and Berry were on the fence.
"Have you seen some strange cats around here?" Leafdew asked the tribe cats.
"Yes, they were asking directions to a kittypet's house. I think they said the name was Ocean." Berry meowed. "Oh, ment to ask you a favour of my sister. Is Fernwhisker in this little group or Duststorm?"
"I'm here, but Fernwhisker has had her kits so she's at camp." Duststorm mewed to the tribe leader.
"Ah. Rose said at some point could she help you in anyway?"
"Nows a good time. Send her to us, we'll be somewhere in the Twolegplace."
"Ok. Goodbye and good luck!" LeafClan and SnowClan set off deeper into the Twolegplace in search of BloodClan. They asked many cats if they had seen Ocean, but no one had. Suddenly, cats were heard.
"Shut up everyone." Leafstar told the clans. A cat appeared. She didn't look happy.
"I am Skystar, leader of SkyClan. Are you SnowClan?" The cat asked.
"Some of us are. I'm Shadowstep, SnowClan deputy." Shadowstep mewed.
"Come with me." Skystar said.

The cats were sitting in a abandoned Twoleg nest, listening to Skystar. She was explaining how she saw BloodClan with Snowstar.
"So right now, they should be near where Rose and Bronze live. Thanks for that and we are sorry for trespassing." Leafstar meowed, dipping her head respectfully. Skystar left the Twoleg nest and suddenly, a small kit appeared.
"Leopard!" Duststorm whispered to the kit. "Is that you?"
"Yes." The tom kit squeaked back. "Follow me." The clans followed the kittypet until they come into another Twoleg nest.
"Duststorm, take a patrol of 6 cats including you. 2 from your clan, 3 from LeafClan." Leafstar meowed. "The rest of us will stay here and when you give a battle cry,we'll rush straight in."
"Ok, I choose Wildpaw and Darkmystery from SnowClan. From LeafClan, I choose Twigfur, Butterfly and Wingbeat." Duststorm replied. He led the patrol into the Twoleg nest. Here, Bronze and Rose were sitting on a couch, watching Raven and Snowy, their other kits, play with a ball of yarn.
"Greetings kittypets. Have you seen Snowstar and BloodClan?" Wingbeat asked, flicking her tail.
"We certainly have. They are in the garden." Bronze replied.
"I'll take you there." Rose volenteered. Duststorm nodded. The clan cats were led out into the garden. Here, Snowstar was sleeping beside Bloodstar and the other cats were protecting the leaders. Darkmystery was friends with Featherkink and padded over to the she-cat.
"What's going on?" He whispered.
"You don't know?" Featherkink asked.
"Ok then. Will you swear that you won't tell anyone?"
"I swear by StarClan."
"Right, I trust you. A few moons ago, Snowstar payed a visit to BloodClan. She wanted to speak to me and Bloodstar. I was told to wait outside the den and after a while I was called in. Snowstar was purring and Bloodstar was grooming her. I asked what had happened and Bloodstar said they were mates."
"But.. Badgerstripe is Snowstar's mate and they've had kits!"
"I know. Since then, Snowstar's been coming every night to Bloodstar's den and they've mated and mated to make sure they have perfect kits."
"We'll bring her back and I wil follow her tonight." Featherkink nodded and signaled the clan to move. Darkmystery picked up the sleeping leader and came back to Leafstar.
"How is she?" The leader asked.
"Fine." Darkmystery said quickly. The clan cats finally returned back to camp.

The truth

Darkmystery woke up. It was moonhigh, and about the time Snowstar would be off to visit Bloodstar. He poked his head out of the warrior den and saw Snowstar already making her way. Silent as a mouse, he followed. He hadn't seen BloodClan camp for ages, not since he was apprentice when the kits were stolen. Soon later, Snowstar has reached the BloodClan camp and was heading towards Bloodstar's den. This was the moment Darkmystery was waiting for. He had been paitent and now his work was going to pay off. Bloodstar greeted her.
"Hello." He purred, walking to her.
"H.. h.. hi." Snowstar gulped. Darkmystery was confused. Why did Snowstar look scared when she was with her new mate? Was it if someone found out? Suddenly, Bloodstar grabbed her by the scuff and made her get into the mating position.
"Right, lets get on with another session of force-breeding you." He growled. He mounted her and Snowstar yelped.
"Please! It hurts!" She begged. Darkmystery gasped. So this what was going on! Bloodstar, since the first visit, had been force-breeding Snowstar! Bloodstar was still breeding her and then he stopped, but was still on her.
"A favor I ask of you. If you don't want to loose a life listen very clear." He hissed. "Now, you will stay with me you are expecting my kits. Then I will let you go. My clan knows what we are doing and they won't tell. You will love me and I will still breed you everyday." Snowstar had to agree and Bloodstar smiled. Darkmystery was horrorfied.
"Good. Now, where were we?" Bloodstar purred.
"I think you were going to breed me again." Snowstar gulped.
"I will go easy on you if you tell me that you love me and convince me of that." Bloodstar meowed sternly.
"Oh fine!" Snowstar sighed. "I love you Bloodstar. I love you more than my old mate, my kits and grand-kits. I love you more than anything else and if I was the tom and you were the she-cat I would cherish you and breed you gently. I cherish you so much and I would give all my remaining 8 lives for you." Snowstar knew a lot about love, so she knew the right words, tone of voice and facial expressions. Of course, none of it was true.
"You have convinced me greatly. Now, my love, I am going to breed you." Bloodstar purred. He mounted her again and bred her gently. Darkmystery was too shocked to even breathe. This she-cat was not Snowstar at all. How would SnowClan pull through without Snowstar? She had always been there for everyone, she had convinced Puffinpaw to join the clan as a medcine apprentice, she had listened to dreams that Ivyfur told her about, she had welcomed the abandoned and mistreated cats and she'd done something great, brought SnowClan back together. Darkmystery couldn't watch anymore of his leader suffering, so he ran off back to camp.

Fernwhisker woke up the next morning cheerfully. Her kits had finally opened their eyes and they could walk. She noticed that all of them were strange in their own little ways. Sootkit, according to Ivyfur, was like a new take on Blazestrike. The little tom kit had been causing mischief all around camp! He'd messed up the medicine supplies, hid a dead mouse in Nighteye's nest, terrified all the kits about a made up story, demolished half the fresh-kill pile, sneaked out of camp to try hunting and annoyed everyone. Icekit and Frogkit were more jokers of the group, laughing at almost everything and making jokes. Flowerkit was very spoilt and always groomed her fur every 5 minutes, even while sleeping. Puddlekit would hang around with Streamkit and had some mad opsession with rain. Leopardkit took after her mother in tree climbing. Suddenly, Duststorm and Riverstripe padded in with a squirrel each.
"Hello." Fernwhisker purred. Duststorm smiled and put the squirrel down beside his mate. Riverstripe did the same to Spottedflower. Frogkit ran in and crouched down beside Fernwhisker's tail.
"Sootkit said that if I spoke to Snowstar she'd eat me!" He squealed.
"Now, now, Frogkit. Snowstar is your grandmother and wouldn't do such a thing." Fernwhisker meowed calmly, licking her son.
"Speaking of the leader, has anyone seen her?" A voice said. It was Shadowstep. "I have looked all around camp and I can't find her anywhere!" Everyone in the nursery gasped in horror. Sootkit then came in, laughing.
"Boy, that was my best prank ever!" He laughed. He then stopped being jolly and gulped when he saw Shadowstep and his parents looking sternly at him.
"What did you do?" Duststorm said angrily.
"I made Cherrypaw think that she was in StarClan! She was screaming and when Ivyfur came in Cherrypaw said that she was dead! It was funny!" Sootkit sniggered.
"That's not how you treat others. Cherrypaw is blind and can't see very well, that doesn't give you the option to pull fun out of her."
"But it was really funny, seriously!"
"I don't care. I'm going to keep a close eye on you. One more mistreat of Cherrypaw or a cat diffrent to you and I will ask Ivyfur if you can help clean out the elder's bedding. I mean it this time Sootkit, so you'd better start behaving. Got it?"
"Yes Dad." Sootkit then walked out, sulking. Duststorm turned to Fernwhisker with a guilty look on his face. "Sorry about that, he's just..."
"I know what you mean. Yes, he's badly behaved, but that's how he is." Fernwhisker interrupted.
"No, not that. I just thought, seeing as I shout at him all the time that you wouldn't want me as a mate."
"You mouse-brain." Fernwhisker then laid her head on Duststorm's shoulder. "No cat, neither kit Duststorm, will ever separate us."
"Fernwhisker's right. Your love for eachother is so strong, it's unbelievable." Shadowstep meowed.
"You are very lucky to have a mate like Fernwhisker. She forgives others easily without question." Puffinpaw said, padding in. "Everyone sees that you love her very much Duststorm, she loves you very much too. She wouldn't let anyone mess with you and I suspect you wouldn't swap her to become leader for the rest of your life." Some cats chuckled then, but it was true what Puffinpaw had said. Fernwhisker's other 5 kits, including Sootkit, rushed in. Of course, like everyone else, they agreed too. Suddenly, the sun camp out and shone brightly. It shone through the nursery walls and onto Duststorm's pelt.
"Well, what were you going to say?" Fernwhisker said with a smile.
"Um.. I will just say how happy I am to be your mate." Duststorm replied warmly.
"No need to. You show it everyday." Fernwhisker purred. She licked his ear and Duststorm purred. Everyone cheered and soon everyone was happy. Well, except Snowstar, who wasn't here to see it.

At moonhigh, Blazestrike was sitting in the forest quietly. He was alone, seeing as the rest of the clan was back at camp. The wind rustled the trees above him and the bushes around him. Blazestrike then heard a cat nearby. He crouched down ready to attack, but got up when he saw it was Moonsky.
"What are you doing out here?" She asked curiously.
"Getting some peace." Blazestrike mumbled.
"Why? It's perfectly silent back at camp."
"Ok, you got me. I was looking for Snowstar."
"Darkmystery knows where she is, but won't tell anyone because it will start a fight."
"Well, he should tell."
"I know, but I asked and he refuses. You can't even tempt him to tell you."
"Unless it was for something good."
"Like what?"
"Um.. a mate?" Moonsky laughed and Blazestrike looked embrassed. He then crouched down when he heard a rabbit. He stalked it, leapt, but it led into a mad chase. Moonsky followed him to see if she could help in any way. Suddenly, Blazestrike stopped dead outside the BloodClan boarder. He could smell a SnowClan scent from yesterday.
"Someone has been here from our clan, let's go find out." He mumbled to Moonsky. The 2 cats padded in, silent as mice. They came towards Bloodstar's den and walked in. Bloodstar and Snowstar were asleep beside eachother and Snowstar was in good shape with no scars. Blazestrike was confused.
"Why would Bloodstar leave her alone?" He asked.
"I'm not sure. Maybe it's so he can make up for his mistakes and when he dies, he can go to StarClan." Moonsky replied, flicking her tail.
"But why would Bloodstar kidnap Snowstar if he wanted to go to StarClan?"
"As I said, nobody knows apart from those 2 rival leaders."
"We better get back to camp, someone's going to wake up soon and find us."
"You have a point, but we can't leave Snowstar here with that... monster."
"We'll come back for her, but right now we have to go!" Blazestrike then dragged Moonsky out of the den and back into SnowClan territory. The she-cat looked hurt and upset. Blazestrike didn't mean to go so hard on her. "Look, I am sorry, but we.."
"I don't care. That really hurt and you just left your own mother in a rival clan's territory. I'm sick for the way you treat others, Blazestrike. You don't think about your actions and how you really hurt others feelings." Moonsky hissed. She walked off angrily, not looking back at the tom. "I shouldn't have taken pity on you. Besides, you are like one of the evil cats in the clan." Blazestrike was now annoyed and angry with himself. If he didn't loose his temper with Moonsky, she wouldn't have walked off like that. They were starting to become good friends, but Blazestrike had blown it. Sadly, he padded back to camp.

The next day, Blazestrike woke up. He noticed that Moonsky, Darkmystery and Riverstrpe were still asleep. Blazestrike sneaked out and headed towards the nursery. Here, all the queens and kits were awake. Fernwhisker saw her brother and greeted him. "Hello Blazestrike. What brings you here?" She asked.
"Hi Fernwhisker. Do you know how I can become friends with Moonsky again? I fell out with her last night while we were on a walk together and she won't speak to me." Blazestrike meowed sadly, sitting down. Leopardkit padded over to her uncle and jumped onto his tail. "Got you!" She laughed. Blazestrike lifted his tail up higher to make it harder for the kit.
"Did you say friend?" Robineye said, yawning. "Do you not mean future mate?" Some of the queens chuckled.
"Robineye's right, you and Moonsky are sooo made for eachother!" Spottedflower laughed. Blazestrike turned red with embrassment, but thankfully Morninghawk was there to tell the queens to stop it.
"So, you needed friendship help.. well you could not speak to her until the next gathering and then see what happens. Just keep a close eye on her." Spottedflower suggested.
"I'll try that. Thanks Spottedflower." Blazestrike meowed. He padded out and glanced around. Shrewpaw was talking to Lizardeye, most of the kits were playing tag, Badgerstripe was eating a squirrel, Leafdew was sitting beside Rainflower, Wildpaw seemed to be annoying Swiftpaw, Shadowstep was speaking to Falconpaw and Moonsky was talking to Darkmystery. Blazestrike decided to hide behind a nearby bush and listen to the 2 cats chatting.
"So, when do you think we'll find Snowstar?" Darkmystery asked Moonsky.
"Soon I hope." Moonsky replied.
"I know where she is."
"Do you?"
"Yeah. I'll take you to find her with me tonight."
"Just us?"
"Yeah, just us. No one else."
"Well, ok then."
"Great! See you then, I am leading a patrol."
"Can I come?"
"Sorry, Snowstar said only take my apprentice and Leafdew."
"Oh ok. See you." Darkmystery left and Moonsky was finally alone. Blazestrike then left his hiding spot to go eat. Moonsky stopped him.
"Hi Moonsky!" Blazestrike chirped, trying not to sound suspicious.
"Hello." Moonsky growled.
"What do you want?"
"Nothing." Blazestrike sighed then and walked off. Just then, Deerleap padded over. "Not talking, eh?"
"Nope." Blazestrike said sadly.
"Don't kill me for saying this, but I think she likes Darkmystery over you." Deerleap meowed. Blazestrike nodded and padded off. Suddenly, he heard somebody scream. Everybody looked around curiously. Duckfoot then ran into camp, panting. "It's Bubblepaw... she's just been... killed by" Robineye heard from the nursery and started wailing. Bubblepaw was her last daughter. Shadowstep dipped his head sadly and went to comfort his mate. It then began to rain. Everybody rushed off to their dens.

That night, Darkmystery and Moonsky were due to meet outside camp. Blazestrike was following them obviously. Moonsky finally saw Darkmystery.
"Alas! Now, lets go." He purred. The 2 cats walked together, side by side. Blazestrike was so desprate to jump out and scare them both, but kept to the shadows. He then noticed that Darkmystery was getting quite close to Moonsky. Thankfully, they aririved at the boarder with BloodClan. Voices echoed through the cold breeze and the trees were swaying. Blazestrike couldn't help but feel scared.
"She's here. Bloodstar kidnapped her." Darkmystery explained softly.
"I wonder why..." Moonsky asked herself. Darkmystery then stopped her and he led the way. Blazestrike creeped through the bushes, trying not to make a single sound. He then stopped when he realised he couldn't move much futher. Blazestrike watched the two cats as they entered Bloodstar's den. His heart skipped a beat as he waited paitently. What would happen? Within 5 minutes, the two cats padded out. Moonsky walked over the boarder and started to head back until Darkmystery stopped her. His eyes looked friendly and they were full of emotion.
"Moonsky... I love you." He mummered. Blazestrike had feared for this day to happen. Sadly, he started to walk off with his head down.
"I'm really sorry Darkmystery, but I have taken a intrest in someone else." Moonsky meowed. Blazestrike stopped. Who did Moonsky like?
"Oh, ok." Darkmystery sighed. "I'll go then." He walked off, sulking. Moonsky then glanced around. "Blazestrike, I know you're here." She called. Blazestrike padded out. He was nervous. "Look, I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. You are right, I don't think of others and no one should take pity on me. I'm a disgrace to the clan." He said sadly.
"I forgive you." Moonsky mewed. "I lost my temper and then it when over the top. Anyways Blazestrike, you do know right that someone in the clan is very fond of you?"
"Em, hard to believe."
"Well, someone does."
"No again. You are nowhere near."
"Yeah, but I'm only guessing. Flightheart?"
"Ok, I give up. I've named all the she-cats without mates."
"No you haven't."
"Wait! Is it you by any chance?" Moonsky remained silent and Blazestrike smiled. "You mouse-brain. It is you, isn't it?"
"Um.. yes?" Blazestrike smiled again and rested his head on her shoulder. Moonsky purred and licked his cheek. Suddenly, voices were heard from nearby! Blazestrike looked around. He could see no cats around him.
"Blazestrike," Moonsky shuddered. "I can smell BloodClan in the bushes." Blazestrike turned around and saw a pair of yellow eyes glaring at him. The cat then walked out. It was a white she-cat with yellow eyes and a swollen belly. She was easily reconised by Blazestrike.
"Snowstar!" He cried joyfully, rushing to her. The leader smiled at her son and licked his head. "Hello Blazestrike."
"We know what happened." Moonsky meowed. "And we don't blame you. We won't tell anyone else, just get rid of that BloodClan smell and you'll be fine." Snowstar nodded and noticed the river was nearby. She jumped in. Blazestrike and Moonsky smiled and then helped the she-cat out.
"Lets go home." Blazestrike meowed. The three cats started to return to camp, where Darkmystery and Cherrypaw were. Blazestrike gulped. Cherrypaw was his first love and Darkmystery loved Moonsky. What were they going to do now? Snowstar went to find Badgerstripe, but Darkmystery stopped Blazestrike and Moonsky. Cherrypaw purred at Blazestrike and smiled at him. Moonsky looked worried and then pressed up against Blazestrike, which was the wrong thing to do! Darkmystery and Cherrypaw gasped in horror and growled.
"So, Moonsky, who have you chosen to be your mate?" Darkmystery asked the she-cat, walking towards her.
"Blazestrike." Moonsky mumbled.
"What?! You chose that piece of fox-dung to be your mate?"
"Yes. He may have been a evil apprentice, but he's changed now. He is the only tom I would want as my mate, no one else."
"But he was going to mate Cherrypaw!"
"She can't be a warrior though, remember." Cherrypaw looked very upset and ran off. Darkmystery was furious.
"Leave her alone. She likes me, end of story." Blazestrike growled. He then looked at Moonsky. "I'll meet you in the warrior den." He whispered. Blazestrike padded off. Darkmystery smiled at Moonsky and twined tails with her. Moonsky hissed and clawed his muzzle.
"Quite the fighter, aren't you?" Darkmystery chuckled. Moonsky then clawed his flank. Now Darkmystery was not happy. He grabbed her scuff and dragged her towards a tree. He put her down and laid down. Moonsky tried to move, but Darkmystery had good grip of her.
"Blazestrike! Help!" She squealed. Blazestrike came running out and shoved Darkmystery into the tree. The two cats fled to the warrior den and smiled.
"Night." Blazestrike meowed.
"Night Blazestrike." Moonsky purred. The two cats fell asleep.

Battle of survival

The next day, Snowstar had gathered the clan under the highrock for a meeting. The clan were happy that she had returned, but curious of where she had been the last few days. "Today we are going to welcome 2 new apprentices and 2 new warriors. First, we'll do apprentices. Can Owlkit and Cloudkit come up here please?" Snowstar meowed. Lizardeye's two kits rushed up excitedly. Fernwhisker knew they were half-bloods, but thankfully SnowClan were the only ones that knew about it.
"Until this cat has earned his warrior name, he will be known as Owlpaw. Your mentor will be Deerleap, seeing as Bubblepaw is dead. I'll give her another chance." Snowstar mewed kindly. Deerleap was over the moon and rushed up to her new apprentice. "Oh thank you Snowstar! I promise that Owlpaw will be one of the best warriors you've seen!" She explained happily. Snowstar smiled warmly and continued on. "Until this cat has earned her warrior name, she will be known as Cloudpaw. Your mentor will be Blazestrike." Blazestrike grinned and padded up to his apprentice. Snowstar smiled again. "Now, Duckfoot and Leafdew tell me their apprentices have finshed training, so can Wildpaw and Swiftpaw come here please?" The siblings rushed up, like 2 excited squirrels. "Swiftpaw and Wildpaw, do you accept the SnowClan way of life, will follow the warrior code and use it to protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" The 2 apprentices meowed excitedly.
"Wildpaw, from this day forward, you will be known as Wildheart. StarClan honurs you for your strength and loyalty and welcomes you as a full warrior of SnowClan."
"Swiftpaw, from this day forward you will be known as Swiftlegs. StarClan honurs you for your speed and fighting skills and welcomes you as a full warrior of SnowClan." Snowstar rested her muzzle on both of their heads in turn.
"Wildheart! Swiftlegs!" The clan chanted several times.
"We also welcome Shatteredlark to the clan. She was left behind when BloodClan escaped and joined the clan." Snowstar said. "Clan dismissed." Fernwhisker glanced around. Cloudpaw was heading off into the forest. She couldn't follow, otherwise her kits would go too. She rushed up to Moonsky. "Blazestrike's apprentice has wandered off. Could you go get her?" She asked her friend. Moonsky nodded and ran after the apprentice. She then noticed she was heading towards the RainClan boarder, where her mother lived. A young tom was at the boarder and greeted the grey tabby she-cat.
"Hello Stripedpaw." Cloudpaw purred. "I'm a apprentice now."
"Thats great." The apprentice purred. He was a dark brown tabby with black stripes and cunning green eyes. Moonsky guessed they had been meeting for a few moons now, but Cloudpaw couldn't find out she was RainClan or there would be lots of trouble. Big trouble.
"So, who is your mentor?" Cloudpaw asked.
"I've got Sparrowsong! She's a great teacher, you'd like to meet her. Who do you have?" Stripedpaw meowed happily. Moonsky's heart skipped a beat. Sparrowsong was Cloudpaw's mother, unknown to the other 3 clans.
"I have Blazestrike, Fernwhisker's brother. He seems nice, but Badgerstripe told me when he was a kit he was a nightmare." Cloudpaw giggled.
"He hated his sister and the other kits in the nuserey and caused lots of trouble."
"Oh dear."
"Well, I have to go now, I think Snowstar wants me on patrol with Blazestrike."
"Ok. Bye!" Cloudpaw started heading back to camp and Moonsky stopped her. "Hello. What are you doing at the RainClan boarder?" She asked.
"Hi Moonsky!" The apprentice chirped brightly. "I went to see Stripedpaw, my friend."
"You do realise it is against the warrior code to meet cats from other clans, right?" Moonsky mewed.
"Is it? Oh, sorry Moonsky." Cloudpaw apolgisied, looking down at her paws.
"It's ok, you don't understand the warrior code yet, but Blazestrike will teach you."
"Cool! Thanks Moonsky!" The two cats returned to camp, where Blazestrike was waiting.
"Cloudpaw, give me a few minutes, I just need to speak with Moonsky." He meowed quietly to his apprentice. Moonsky followed the tom towards a oak tree in camp. Moonsky smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder. "You'll keep Cloudpaw safe, right? She's a good kid, full of sprit."
"Certainly." Blazestrike meowed.
"Look, I really, really like you." Moonsky whispered.
"Same." Blazestrike whispered back."
"What I'm trying to say is, I.." Moonsky was interupted by a yowl. The cats rushed out towards everyone else. "What is going on?" Moonsky asked Shadowstep.
"It's BloodClan. They've gone too far." Shadowstep meowed.
"Why?" Blazestrike asked.
"They have joined up with RainClan to declare war on SnowClan and LeafClan." Shadowstep mewed sadly. "Oceanstar and Bloodstar think they are very strong, and they also think LeafClan is weak, but seeing as SnowClan helped LeafClan to defend the RainClan attack, they have both decided to fight us all. They are only doing it for revenge and land." LeafClan cats started arriving at the SnowClan camp, with Leafstar leading them towards the group of SnowClan. "Where is Snowstar?" She asked.
"In her den, wishing not to be disturbed." Badgerstripe mummered. Suddenly, the other two clans tore through the trees, heading towards the camp.
"Attack them!" Shadowstep commanded. The four clans went into battle, hissing and yowling. Shadowstep was shouting out commands and helping apprentices fight the bigger cats. He then caught Duststorm's eye. "Can you, Riverstripe, Lizardeye and Deerleap guard the nusrery?" He asked. Duststorm nodded and dashed off with the other three cats helping him. The queens were inside, keeping their kits hidden beside them.
"Mum, I'm scared." Flowerkit whimpered.
"Me too." Icekit wailed.
"Me too!" The other kits cried. Fernwhisker sighed and licked them all. Suddenly, Robineye started yowling. Her kits were ready to be born! Deerleap gasped at her friend and then saw Ivyfur rushing to help her. Soulpaw, a RainClan apprentice, sneaked in and then pounced onto Robineye. "Now to die, you piece of mouse-dung!" He hissed angrily, clawing at her throat. Ivyfur didn't know much about fighting, but she dragged the apprentice off and and threw him out of the den. Blazestrike then grabbed Soulpaw's scuff and threw him at 3 RainClan warriors. Moonsky smiled at him. "Nice shot!" She then heard someone coming behind her. Moonsky looked and saw Twigfur. "They are too strong! We haven't got enough cats to fight the raid off! A LeafClan kit has been killed already and Leafstar's lost her fourth life!" He cried. Moonsky then had a brillant idea and turned to Blazestrike. "Me and you could go find the tribe and SkyClan!" She said. Blazestrike nodded and the two cats ran off. Bearpelt then followed them. "You don't know where the Tribe of the Flying Grass are, so i'll take you." She meowed sternly. Moonsky giggled and then walked beside Blazestrike. Thankfully, Berry was sitting by the wooden fence with the rest of the tribe.
"Can you help us Berry? 2 clans have invaded our camp for revenge on us and LeafClan. We haven't got enough cats and LeafClan are one of the smallest clans." Moonsky asked.
"Certainly." Berry agreed. She led her cats towards SnowClan camp, while the others went to find SkyClan. A large tom greeted them outside a Twoleg nest. "Greetings young ones. I am Dangermoon, SkyClan deputy. How may I help you?" He asked curiously, dipping his head in respect.
"Greetings Dangermoon. I am Bearpelt, a SnowClan senior warrior. My clan need your help to fight off BloodClan and RainClan. Can you help us?" Bearpelt meowed. Dangermoon nodded and went to find the clan. Suddenly, Rose appeared and rushed towards Blazestrike. "Hello! You must be Blazestrike, Fernwhisker's sister?" She mewed. "I'd be honured to help you along with my family." Bearpelt shook her head. "Rose, your kits are so young, you'll be safer here, protecting them. BloodClan could have sent out cats to follow us, they'll rip your kits to shreds. Maybe another time, when your kits are old enough." She mewed kindly. Rose nodded and ran back home. Skystar then appeared with her clan. She smiled at Bearpelt. "I have brought everyone today, apart from kits and a few queens with young kits." She chirped.
"Thats great. We now have 3 clans and a tribe against 2 clans." Moonsky purred in delight. Everyone then returned to camp, where the tribe were waiting.
"3..2..1.. GO!" Bearpelt yowled. The cats rushed down and charged into the other cats. Bloodstar was in complete shock when he saw the other cats. Of course, no one apart from SnowClan knew who they were. LeafClan, thankfully knew some of SkyClan. Blazestrike charged into Pigeonfeather, who was frightened of the tribe. Blazestrike clawed her flank and pushed her into Bloodstar and Oceanstar. He then saw some cats sneak into the nursery. He, along with Moonsky, Skystar, Secret, Duckfeather and Darkmystery rushed into the nursery. The first defence were holding them off well, but a BloodClan apprentice called Ripplepaw was clawing at Spottedflower's kits. She screamed and Duckfoot dragged him off the young kits. Suddenly, Sparrowsong ran in and saw Lizardeye fighting a RainClan she-cat called Waterwing. She had been Sparrowsong's apprentice, but Sparrowsong didn't care right now. She saw Morninghawk and decided to attack her.
"Help me!" Morninghawk screamed, protecting her kits from the slashing of Sparrowsong's claws. Lizardeye rushed over and stood in front of his mate."Back off from my kits." He hissed furiously, biting her ear. Moonsky then pounced onto Sparrowsong and bit her neck. She refused to let go, even when Sparrowsong clawed her face. Blazestrike then charged into the RainClan cat and Moonsky jumped off gracefully. Sparrowsong yowled and ran out. Lizardeye licked Morninghawk's ear and continued fighting. Moonsky then ran towards the leader den with Blazestrike, where the 6 leaders of either clan or tribe stood still and silent. Bloodstar and Oceanstar gave the other 4 leaders fierce glares. Snowstar then saw her son and his friend. "Please leave Blazestrike. This is important and doesn't concern you." She mummered softly.
"No! I won't! What are you doing?" Blazestrike hissed coldly.
"We are discussing how to resolve this matter." Snowstar meowed, sounding annoyed. "Now please leave."
"I'm not! Are you sure you are talking about the fight, or how to get Bloodstar a proper mate?" Blazestrike snapped angrily.
"What in the name of StarClan are you talking about?" Bloodstar hissed.
"Leave my friend alone you piece of fox-dung! You have no heart and I bet you were a kittypet!" Moonsky yelled. Blazestrike stared at her. Moonsky had just put herself in huge danger, of dying. Bloodstar yowled angrily and pinned her down. "Now, Blazestrike, you have two choices. Either take back what you said and let me kill you, or your friend gets it."
"Let him kill me Blazestrike! I've done nothing good to help the clan at all!" Moonsky meowed weakly.
"Shut up cat, I never asked you, did I?" Bloodstar growled. "Well, what will it be? You or the she-cat?"
"Can you please give me some time to speak to Moonsky, please? Just a few minutes, then you can kill me. Don't kill her, kill me." Blazestrike meowed finally.
"Fine, but only a few minutes." Bloodstar growled. He walked towards Oceanstar, allowing Moonsky to just breathe gently. She looked at Blazestrike with frightened eyes. "Why did you do that? Just let him kill me, you'd be better off living, your sister has kits!"
"Hush, hush." Blazestrike meowed gently, sitting down. "I've been a nucience and a disgrace to the clan ever since I was a kit. You changed me completely."
"B-but remember i'm not SnowClan born. You are." Moonsky trembled.
"Still though, if you hadn't been so nice to me I would have stayed my evil self. You did something good for the clan. You made me realise how important it is to treat others fairly and equaly." Blazestrike mewed, stroking her back with his tail.
"I don't want you to die!" Moonsky cried.
"I'm prepared to save your life, there's no way I'm going to let you die." Blazestrike meowed, sounding upset.
"The only reason I told you my story and was kind to you because I liked you, but I was afraid to tell you becasue you were likely to find someone better." Moonsky mumbled.
"Wrong. I am lucky to have a friend like you Moonsky. No one else is genrally nice to me, apart from a few."
"Yes, I'm speaking the truth Moonsky. I love you." Bloodstar then snarled and padded over. "Time up. Who's dying?"
"Me." Blazestrike meowed. Bloodstar smiled and dragged him away towards the middle, where everyone could see him.
"No!" Moonsky yowled, running over. Oceanstar grabbed her and brought her back to the other leaders. She grabbed Moonsky's scuff and didn't let go.
"Now, to die!" Bloodstar yowled, laughing. Suddenly, a flash of ginger ran in and pushed Bloodstar into Oceanstar, freeing Moonsky. She rushed over to Blazestrike and helped him up. The ginger thing stopped and glanced at the two cats. She smiled and then everyone reconised her, even Bloodstar did. He coughed and got up. "Fernwhisker, we meet again." He growled.
"Yes, I know." Fernwhisker meowed angrily. "Now, you leave my brother alone or i'll kill you."
"I doubt that." Bloodstar snorted. "You and what army?"
"This one." Fernwhisker replied bravely. A large group of cats came in. Blazestrike easily reconised Puffinpaw, Patch, Bearpelt, Flower, Applewhisker, Dangermoon, Falconpaw, Shrewpaw, Cloudpaw and Molepaw. There were 3 SkyClan cats he didn't know.
"Ok then, go and take your stupid brother with you." Bloodstar growled. The cats left happily while the leaders stayed in the den.
"Now to get back to fighting!" Shrewpaw meowed. Everyone agreed and went to find someone to attack, apart form Fernwhisker, who returned to her kits. Thankfully they were unharmed. Robineye's kits were born now, but the queen was finding it hard to breathe. Soulpaw sneaked in again and bit her neck. She tried to scream, but she fell to the floor instead and stopped breathing. She was dead. Riverstripe grabbed Soulpaw and threw him into a nearby tree. The kits were wailing loudly and Shadowstep dashed in. He yowled in sorrow when he saw his dead mate. He then looked at Spottedflower. "Do you have enough milk to look after my kits?" He asked.
"Yep. How many are there?" Spottedflower replied kindly.
"3, 2 toms and a she-cat." Shadowstep meowed. Spottedflower nodded and Shadowstep nudged the kits towards her. "I would like to name them. The white she-cat will be Gentlekit, the brown tom Luckykit and the black tom with white paws and a faint brown muzzle will be Cloverkit. They were all very lucky to survive." He then left the den, glaring at Soulpaw. Fernwhisker looked at her own kits, fast asleep. She smiled and then looked at Morninghawk, who smiled at her. Suddenly, Sparrowsong entered the den again with Stripedpaw. She pounced onto Morninghawk furiously. Cloudpaw then padded in and gasped in horror. "Leave my mum alone, you rat!" She growled. Fernwhisker gulped. Cloudpaw had just insulted her real mother!
Sparrowsong looked at the apprentice and then looked at Stripedpaw. "Kill her." She mumbled. Stripedpaw knew he couldn't kill Cloudpaw, so he ran out. Sparrowsong ran after him. Cloudpaw looked at Morninghawk and then padded out to help her brother. Blazestrike saw his apprentice and smiled. He then saw Moonsky having trouble with the new RainClan deputy, Ripplingwater. He pounced onto the invader and bit his ear, pulling at it. Moonsky then slashed his muzzle with her claws and then clawed at his throat. Somehow, she managed to cut it open. Blood oozed out of Rippingwater's neck rapidly and nothing could be done about it. He then died in front of the two cats. Moonsky gasped in horror and shock. She hadn't ment to kill the deputy! "I'm a mouse-brain." She mumbled. "I killed a well-respected and loved cat." Blazestrike looked down at his paws in complete confusion. Moonsky wasn't strong enough to cut open a cat's neck, so how did she? He then looked around and saw a dead cat, lying in front of Featherkink. She was looking very pleased with herself. Blazestrike rushed over to see the cat was a young SkyClan apprentice. It opened it's eyes and looked at Blazestrike with eyes of fear. "You, Blazestrike?" It asked.
"Yes. Who are you?" Blazestrike meowed.
"Starpaw. I bring message of warning. You in danger, must run." She croaked weakly.
"What?" Blazestrike was in confusion.
"You, are in great danger. You must run, watch out!" A cat came up behind him and pounced onto Blazestrike. It was Pebblestep! "Wait, if you are related to Fernwhisker, I can't kill you." She mummered, jumping off.
"I'm her brother." Blazestrike meowed proudly.
"Oh yes, I remember you." Pebblestep sniggered, her whiskers twiching. "You still your usual evil self?"
"Nope." Blazestrike meowed happily. "I've found love. Happened that Moonsky liked me."
"Nice for you. Ripplingwater was my mate, but someone killed him. Whoever did i'll kill myself." Pebblestep growled. She then left. Blazestrike gulped. Him and Moonsky had killed Pebblestep's mate, so she could have killed him. He then saw Oceanstar, yowled in grief beside a big, grey tom. "Thundertail!" She yowled. "Too many cats are being killed! Retreat RainClan!" The weak and tired clan went towards their leader and left. Only BloodClan remained now, fighting the 3 clans and tribe. Blazestrike charged into Featherkink, but then everyone stopped attacking when a big cloud covered the moon.
"StarClan are angry!" Molepaw squealed. Bloodstar looked around and then at the sky. "Retrat BloodClan!" He shouted anxiously. BloodClan then left quickly, with LeafClan, SnowClan, SkyClan and the tribe celebrating. They had successfully mangaged to hold off the attack! Leafstar padded over to the highrock and looked down at the cats. "I have a annocement. I'm sorry to anyone who is grieving over the loss of friends, mates, kits, siblings or friends. This was LeafClan's war, not anyone elses and we did no favours for mentioning it at the gathering. If I didn't, so many cats wouldn't have lost their lives." She said sadly, looking gulity. "I will return now with my clan. Thank you for all of your help." Leafstar signalled her clan to follow and they headed back.
"We must go too." Berry mewed. "Goodbye." Berry led her tribe back to the barn they came from.
"SkyClan and I must go." Skystar meowed, dipping her head respectfully. "If you ever need help, you know where we are. Good luck Snowstar." SkyClan then left also. Snowstar jumped up onto the highrock and adressed her clan. "I did loose a life during the battle and I know that Robineye died, but has anyone died that I do not know of?" She asked. Everyone shook their heads and Snowstar smiled. "Good. Only lost 1 cat. Now, everyone should go and rest." Moonsky looked around for Blazestrike. He wasn't in sight. She padded up to Cloudpaw. "Have you seen your mentor?"
"Nope. Ask someone else." Cloudpaw yawned. "I'm going to sleep." Moonsky padded off and found Duststorm. "Have you seen Blazestrike?"
"Yeah, he's in Ivyfur's den." The tom meowed tiredly. Moonsky gasped in horror and rushed into the medcine den. Puffinpaw greeted her. "Hi. Blazestrike has a bad bite on his shoulder and his paw is bleeding pretty badly." Moonsky glanced at her friend, who was sitting on the den floor while Ivyfur was putting herbs on his wounds. Moonsky walked over to Blazestrike, who smiled at her warmly. "Hello Moonsky. I'll be out soon, wait for me in the warrior den." He meowed. Moonsky nodded and padded off. When she arrived in the den, she noticed that most of the cats were wide-awake, talking about the battle. All of them were wounded, but they didn't care. Moonsky sat down in her nest and groomed her white fur. Blazestrike then padded in and sat down beside Moonsky. "Pretty big battle today, huh?" He yawned, streching.
"Yes, it was. Thankfully only Robineye died, but Shadowstep's heartbroken." Moonsky agreed.
"At least his kits surrvied this time." Duckfoot mewed, padding over after overhearing their coversation. "I remember when we were attacked by dogs. He lost Starkit."
"Who is Starkit?" Blazestrike asked.
"Starkit was Bubblepaw's sister." Duckfoot replied. "I'm going to sleep now, night." The senior warrior walked off to her nest. Blazestrike turned to Moonsky. "During the battle, I met a SkyClan she-cat called Starpaw." He mewed.
"Please don't tell me you prefer her over me!" Moonsky begged, her eyes wide open in fear.
"Don't be such a mouse-brain." Blazestrike purred in amusement. "She's dead, but what if she was Shadowstep's dead daughter?"
"Can't be possible." Moonsky said, sticking her head in the air.
"Well, you were brought back to life by StarClan, wasn't you?" Blazestrike said loudly, twiching his whiskers. The den went silent. Blazestrike had just told Moonsky's biggest secret! The she-cat flatterned her ears angrily and glared at Blazestrike. "I'm going to sleep." She growled. Moonsky curled up by herself and fell asleep. Some of the cats started to crowd around Blazestrike, asking lots of questions.
"How was Moonsky brought back to life?"
"Were you there?"
"How did she die?"
"Not speaking!" Blazestrike hissed angrily, lashing his tail. He laid down and fell asleep. Everyone else walked off, but Rainflower remained. "Hey," She whispered to Blazestrike, waking him up. "Can I tell you something?"
"What?" Blazestrike grumbled.
"I know about Moonsky's old clan, including the prophecy, so I know how you feel right now." Rainflower said calmly.
"How?" Blazestrike asked.
"I was Moonsky's closest friend." Rainflower admitted. "She told me a few moons ago that she really liked you, but I did too and we had a fallout."
"Geez, genrally no one likes me." Blazestrike joked, twiching his whiskers.
"Do you like her?"
"I see. I'm afraid I can't help you, but here's a quick tip that helped Darkmystery: Turn over a new leaf, you will see that just doing something small makes a big diffrence."
"Well, ok. Thanks Rainflower."
"No problem. You get some rest now."

The next morning, the rain was falling down and the sky looked misrible. Blazestrike woke up and glanced over at Moonsky, who was still asleep. Blazestrike had remembered Rainflower's advise and decided to try help everyone all he could. He padded out of the den and noticed Fernwhisker and Morninghawk looked around camp anxiously. He walked up to them. "What's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Our kits have gone!" Morninghawk wailed.
"Don't worry, I'll try to find them." Blazestrike meowed kindly. He ran off, trying to pick up any scents. He then heard a noise coming from the river. He rushed over to see Leopardkit and Bramblekit standing on a rock. He swam over to the kits and picked them up by their scuffs. He swam back and put then down.
"Thank you!" Leopardkit squealed. "But our brothers and sisters are still on the other side of the river!" Blazestrike turned around to see 8 wailing kits. He then started to pick up a fear scent close by. He couldn't reconise it, but it was a SnowClan she-cat. Blazestrike ignored it and swam towards the kits. They all cheered in delight as Blazestrike swam, despite the current. The warrior picked up Frogkit and started to swim back. Within 5 minutes, Blazestrike had rescued 5 of the kits. Only Sootkit, Flowerkit and Icekit remained, stranded on the other side. He swam back and grabbed Sootkit by the scuff. The kit started squealing, trying to kick Blazestrike. He kicked Blazestrike directly in the face and he fell under.
"Blazestrike!" A voice yelled in sorrow. Blazestrike and Sootkit were falling under fast, being swept away by the current. They shut their eyes and waited for StarClan to collect them. Suddenly, someone grabbed Blazestrike and started to pull him up to the surface. Blazestrike opened his eyes slightly, but his vision was blurry. He could see 2 she-cats standing beside 9 little kits. They were defintely SnowClan cats.
"Blazestrike! Can you hear me?" One of them shouted. Sootkit was still in his jaws, coughing up water. Blazestrike blinked and he could see Bearpelt and Leafdew beside the kits. He let go of Sootkit and he ran off to his siblings, shivering. Blazestrike lifted up his head, coughing up water.
"Oh Blazestrike!" A familar voice said behind him. It was Moonsky! She sat down in front of him and rested her muzzle on his head. "I was so worried!"
"Moonsky.. why are you here?" Blazestrike asked weakly.
"I over-reacted last night, yes I know, but I had a dream. It was just a normal dream, but it was the future. I had kits, but everyone was saying they were half-bloods. I then dreamed on and found out I had mated Twigfur, you know, that LeafClan warrior. Someone.. I think it was Snowstar, said that I shouldn't have fallen out with you otherwise you wouldn't have died. Then I was woken up by Bearpelt, saying that you were drowning. I couldn't let my dream come true, so I pulled you out of the river while Leafdew and Bearpelt rescued the kits." Moonsky explained.
"Anyways, I'm so so sorry about what I did. I'm a useless mouse-brain with no heart." Blazestrike mumbled.
"That's not true." Moonsky purred gently. "You have friends, don't you? And I wouldn't like you if you had no heart, yes?"
"I suppose you have a point." Blazestrike meowed.
"No, she does have a point." Leafdew corrected, giggling. Blazestrike laughed and licked Moonsky's ear. Moonsky purred and got up. "Come on, lets go back to camp with the good news." She meowed, nudging her friend up. "You can lean on me if you've hurt yourself, which you have." Blazestrike had cut his leg badly on something when he fell under, so Moonsky was right. Blazestrike got up and leaned on Moonsky. Bearpelt rounded up the kits and kept a close eye on Sootkit, who had nearly caused himself and a inoccent cat to drown. Fernwhisker greeted the 4 warriors and gasped in horror when she saw her brother. "Great StarClan, what ever happened to you?" She gasped.
"He almost drowned saving the kits." Bearpelt explained. She then stood back so Fernwhisker could see the kits. "He saved most of them, so your brother is the one who found the kits and saved them." Fernwhisker gasped again, and then rushed over to her kits. "Oh, my kits! They're all safe!" She purred in delight. "Morninghawk! Come quick!" Her friend padded out of the nursery and her jaw dropped. She ran to her kits and nudged them towards her. "I was so worried!" She explained, licking their heads. Shadowstep padded over and smiled. "I heard all about it. Well done." He meowed. He then turned to Sootkit and his mood changed. "I also heard about you. I'm not happy, and neither will Snowstar or your parents." Shadowstep growled. Sootkit stood back, keeping quiet. Blazestrike drew a paw over his ear and sighed. He couldn't figure out why Sootkit had tried to make him drown. Soon enough, the story of the kit rescuing was spreaded over camp and the whole clan padded over. Snowstar was impressed to hear that her son had rescued his sister's kits, but not happy when she found out that Sootkit had been responable for almost killing a innocent cat. "You see Sootkit, the clan does not like troublemakers like you, mainly because something bad will happen to the clan, for example someone could die and it would be all your fault." She said sternly.
"B..But it wasn't my fault! It was a accident!" Sootkit protested.
"Yes, I know this has put a lot of pressure on you, but you shouldn't kick others." Snowstar meowed.
"I didn't kick Blazestrike!" Sootkit wailed, running off towards the nursery. Fernwhisker padded after him and picked the little kit up in her jaws. "I think we better get some sleep." She yawned, dropping the kit onto her paws. Everyone agreed and padded off to their dens.

The fourth Gathering

At moonhigh, Snowstar gathered the clan under the highrock. "It's the gathering tonight. Blazestrike, Foxrunner, Duststorm, Rainflower, Moonsky, Deerleap, Falconpaw, Badgerstripe, Swiftlegs, Wildheart, Darkmystery, Shadowstep and Barkclaw will go." She meowed. "Tomorrow, we will have a ceromony, but you won't be told who is becoming what until tomorrow." Snowstar lept down from the highrock and signalled the cats going to the gathering over. "Let's go. Remember Falconpaw, this is your first gathering, so please behave." Snowstar led the cats towards the gathering place. LeafClan and RainClan were already there.
"Greetings Snowstar." Leafstar meowed, dipping her head in respect. Snowstar smiled at the young leader and sat down on her branch. Blazestrike looked around for Moonsky. He then found her, talking to some LeafClan cats. Blazestrike padded over and greeted the 3 LeafClan cats.
"Hello, young Blazestrike." Stonetail meowed, smiling.
"Hi!" A apprentice chirped. "I'm Thistlepaw, it's my first gathering!"
"How are you Blazestrike?" Butterfly asked. She turned to Thistlepaw. "Hush, remember what Leafstar said." She then turned back to the SnowClan cats. "Excuse Thistlepaw here, he only became a apprentice a half-moon ago."
"Who's his mentor?" Moonsky asked.
"Oh, Wingbeat is. She's excited for her first apprentice." Butterfly meowed happily. She then glanced around. "I wonder where BloodClan are tonight. They genrally aren't this late."
"Maybe trying to get over their defeat." Blazestrike joked. Stonetail chuckled a bit and then sighed. "Oceanstar warned our clan shortly after we left the battle. They still want revange." He sighed sadly, tilting his head.
"Don't worry, SnowClan will always be there to help you." Deerleap meowed, padding over. She then smiled at Butterfly. "Hello! Haven't seen you for a while!" She chirped.
"Hi Deerleap." Butterfly mewed. "I'm looking after Wingbeat's new apprentice, it's his first gathering."
"Strange, I'm looking after Darkmystery's apprentice. It's her first gathering too!" Deerleap said brightly. She looked at Thistlepaw and smiled. "Hello. You must be Thistlepaw. I think I remember you at the battle yesterday, you were very brave."
"Well, thanks." Thistlepaw meowed shyly, looking embrassed. Moonsky laughed and Thistlepaw smiled a bit. A LeafClan elder padded over with a sour look on his face. "Apprantly there's another clan coming to the gathering tonight." He mumbled.
"What clan?" Blazestrike meowed in intrest.
"Don't ask me." The elder grumbled. He then padded off. Falconpaw then ran over, trembling with excitement. "When will the gathering start, Deerleap?" She asked.
"Soon." Deerleap replied, looking up at the sky.
"Who's that?" Thistlepaw asked, looking at the golden tabby she-cat.
"Oh! I haven't introduced her to you!" Deerleap explained. "This is Falconpaw, Darkmystery's apprentice. Falconpaw, this is Thistlepaw, Wingbeat's new apprentice. It's his first gathering too." Falconpaw exchanged a look with Thistlepaw and the both apprentices padded off. Stonetail chuckled again, but then stopped when the mystery clan arrived that the elder was talking about. Blazestrike looked up at the clan and reconised some of them. They were SkyClan!
"Excuse us, we'll explain everything once the meeting begins." Skystar meowed. She jumped up to one of the branches and waited paitently. Blazestrike gulped, but continted speaking to LeafClan cats. Bloodstar then arrived and everyone glared at him for being so late.
"Let the gathering begin!" Oceanstar cried. "RainClan are well, we have welcomed Stripedpaw, our newest apprentice. Sadly, we have lost a few cats during the 2 battles that have gone on since the last gathering. StarClan welcomed Thundertail, Ripplingwater and of course, Rainstar. Our new deputy is Tidalwave!" The RainClan cats yowled his name as the tom smiled and looked up at Oceanstar. The leader looked down at him and continued. "We know who killed Rainstar, but whoever killed Ripplingwater will pay with their life. LeafClan, we will hunt down your precious deputy and kill him as he killed our leader." She turned to Bloodstar. "I have finshed. Bloodstar?"
"Thank you Oceanstar. BloodClan are well, but Shatteredlark went missing during a dog attack. We are sad, but we have welcomed Deathmuzzle, our newest warrior!" Bloodstar meowed. BloodClan cheered loudly and chanted her name. Deathmuzzle looked happy with herself. Bloodstar silenced them and continued. "As my clan know, I took on a mate which costed me greatly. I didn't tell anyone else, but now it is time. The she-cat I took as a mate several moons ago was Snowstar." Many cats gasped in horror and everyone looked at Snowstar. SnowClan hissed loudly at Bloodstar, but he took no notice. He remained calm. "She said she loved me, and now she is expecting my kits. I know they will be half-bloods, but I don't care. I have now finshed, Snowstar?" He purred.
"SnowClan are well, sadly during the last fight Robineye was killed after giving birth. Shadowstep, our deputy, as you may have noticed isn't here tonight because he is greiving for the loss of his mate. We have welcomed Wildheart and Swiftlegs as warriors and Cloudpaw, Owlpaw, Falconpaw, Molepaw and Shrewpaw as apprentices!" Snowstar yowled. Nearly all of the cats yowled their names and the seven cats smiled. Snowstar hushed them and continued on. "We have also welcomed Gentlekit, Luckykit and Cloverkit, Shadowstep's kits that were lucky to surrvive the battle. I thank Spottedflower for taking them in for us. I'm finshed now, Leafstar?"
"Thanks Snowstar. LeafClan are weak and tired after the two battles, but we are becoming stronger. We have welcomed Thistlepaw as our newest apprentice! Sadly, our medcine apprentice, Fallenpaw, was killed by a BloodClan apprentice during the first battle. Softpaw is the new medcine apprentice of LeafClan!" LeafClan chanted her name happily. Leafstar hushed them. "We have sadly been hit with greencough, already 3 kits, 2 apprentices and 1 elder have died. I have finshed, new leader?"
"Em, thank you Leafstar. I am Skystar, leader of SkyClan. My clan and I are intrested in your ways of life. You patrol boarders, attend big meetings like this and many other things so completely diffrent to us. So, we would like to join you in this strong circle of clans and have our own territory." Skystar meowed. Many cats gasped and went into chatter. The 4 leaders hudled together for a talk.
"What are we going to do? We can't trust this clan!" Ocenastar spat.
"And there won't be enough prey to go around! This clan will stop us all from surriving!" Bloodstar growled.
"SkyClan are huge too! What if we don't give them enough territory? They could threaten to drive us all out!" Leafstar rasped.
"Settle down, all of you are acting like kits." Snowstar growled sternly. "I know this clan. They helped me and my own clan many times before."
"But what about us? They like you, but proberly not us!" Oceanstar protested.
"We have no option but to trust them. They don't seem cold-hearted killers, so we shouldn't have any worries." Snowstar sighed.
"You're a mouse-brain! Why bring in another clan unknown to nearly everyone? We have enough troubles!" Bloodstar hissed.
"And mouths to feed. Prey is becoming scarer, mainly during Leaffall, when Twolegs start cutting down trees and scareing the prey away from all 4 territories." Leafstar pointed out.
"Leafstar, you do have a point, but we can't just say no. They could try to drive us out for revenge anyway." Oceanstar mewed.
"Oceanstar's right. So, have we yet come to an agreement?" Snowstar asked.
"I think they can stay, but if they cause trouble we can drive them out together." Leafstar suggested.
"They could live in that patch of unused territory outside the BloodClan camp!" Ocenastar meowed.
"B-bu.." Bloodstar blurted out.
"Any objections Bloodstar?" Snowstar growled.
"No, of course not." Bloodstar mumbled.
"Good." The SnowClan leader turned to the panicing clans below. "Myself and the leaders have decided to allow this clan to stay, but any troubles and they are out." She turned to Skystar. "Bloodstar will show you where your camp will be." She mewed kindly.
"The Gathering is over!" Leafstar annonced. The 5 leaders jumped down to their clans and led them away. Blazestrike walked along with Swiftlegs and Moonsky. "Intresting Gathering tonight, huh?" He meowed.
"Yup, very." Swiftlegs agreed.
"I didn't think the leaders would deny their place in the circle of clans anyway." Moonsky mewed, rested her head on Blazestrike's shoulder. "Snowstar wouldn't obviously, SkyClan have helped us many times in the past."
"Yeah." Blazestrike agreed. Snowstar then walked off to the leaders den while everyone else padded off to their dens. Blazestrile yawned loudly and curled up in his nest. Moonsky followed him in and rested beside him. "Have a good sleep." She mummered, shutting her eyes.
"You too." Blazestrike purred. They both then fell asleep.

A new prophecy

"Come on, sleepy head! You've slept in! Come on, it's the ceromony!" A friendly voice mewed. Blazestrike groaned and got up. It was Moonsky. She laughed and nudged him again with her paw. Blazestrike got up and looked guilty. "Sorry, the kits were wailing like mad last night." He sighed.
"Which ones?" Moonsky asked, her whiskers twiching. "I didn't hear any."
"I don't know who was wailing, but I couldn't sleep at all." Blazestrike yawned. "We'd better get to that ceromony." The two friends ran towards the highrock and sat down. Snowstar looked down at her clan from the highrock. Now everyone was here, it was time to start.
"Ok, can Spottedflower's kits come up here please?" Snowstar asked. Streamkit and Blankkit rushed up, trembling with excitement. Snowstar smiled. "Until these cats have earned their warrior name, they will be known as Streampaw and Blankpaw. Squirrelfall will mentor Streampaw while Rainflower will mentor Blankpaw." The warriors padded up to their apprentices and touched noses with them. Snowstar continued on. "I kitted last night to 5. 2 toms and 3 she-cats. Myself and Badgerstripe have decided that the toms will be called Smokekit and Ashkit while the she-cats will be Rosekit, Dovekit and Pigeonkit. Blazestrike looked worried. Badgerstripe knew the kits weren't his, so why did he name them? He twiched his whiskers until Moonsky nudged him. "I need to speak to you after the meeting." She mummered. Blazestrike nodded and listened on.
"Final thing is about the kit rescuing. Fernwhisker and Morninghawk are greatful that Blazestrike for some reason saved the kits, but we all also thank Leafdew, Bearpelt and Moonsky for rescuing Blazestrike when he needed help." Snowstar mewed. Everyone looked at the 4 cats and yowled their names. Snowstar waited for the clan to settle down and spoke. "I have spoken with the 10 kits, apprantly they were playing a game of tag and got lost. I have spoken to the 2 queens also, they had no idea the kits woke up so early to play. All kits should know that they are not ment to leave the nursery without permission from the mother." The leader meowed. "Clan dismissed!" Blazestrike padded off towards a corner of camp, where Moonsky was waiting for him. She smiled and greeted him by licking his shoulder. "Hello Blazestrike." She purred, sitting down.
"You wanted to speak to me?" Blazestrike meowed, twinning tails with her.
"Yes, I did. I'm expecting your kits." Moonsky meowed.
"That's great!" Blazestrike purred in delight. Moonsky smiled and padded to the nursery. Blazestrike remained lost in thought for a while. How many kits would he and Moonsky have? What would they look like? He thought about his kits until Ivyfur came up to him.
"Hello Ivyfur! What are you doing here?" Blazestrike asked.
"StarClan have spoken to me. They told me something, it's about you." Ivyfur mumbled.
"Me?" Blazestrike mewed, tilting his head.
"Yep. You must travel to the Moonstone and speak with StarClan." Ivyfur meowed quietly.
"Alone?" Blazestrike gulped.
"No, you mouse-brain!" Ivyfur purred in amusement. "One cat will go with you, who will you choose?"
"Um, you if you're not busy? And perhaps Moonsky?" Blazestrike suggested.
"I can go, but Moonsky's expecting kits so it would be better if she stayed here." Ivyfur sighed, licking her paw.
"Oh yeah. So, can I eat first?"
"Yes, you may. Meet me in the medcine den when you're ready." Blazestrike nodded and padded off towards the fresh-kill pile. He picked up a plump sparrow and rested under a tree. Duckfoot joined him. "So, I hear you're off to the Moonstone today!" She said cheerfully. Blazestrike nodded and finshed his sparrow. Ivyfur was already at the edge of camp, waiting for him. "We must move quickly. Come on." She mewed.

At moonhigh, the cats had made it to the Moonstone. Ivyfur stopped outside it and looked at Blazestrike. "Follow my scent." She meowed, leading him into the cave where the Moonstone was. Blazestrike was trembling with excitment and fear. He had never been to the Moonstone, but the cave was very dark. A light then dazzled into Blazestrike's eyes. He yelped in shock and then saw it. The light was coming from the Moonstone.
"No need to be afraid." Ivyfur meowed kindly. "Come on, do your thing. I'll wait here." Blazestrike laid down by the stone and shut his eyes, waiting for StarClan..

Blazestrike opened his eyes. He was in a foggy clearing with no one in sight. He called for StarClan until a starry pelt appeared. It was Pebblefish. She dipped her head respectfully and gave some kind of signal. More cats with starry pelts padded over. Blazestrike reconised them all: Cloudpaw, Robineye, Bubblepaw, Blackeye, Whitebone and Littletail. A small kit then padded over. She wasn't reconisable to Blazestrike. Robineye nudged the kit over and licked her behind the ears.
"Where is Hawkheart?" Blazestrike asked.
"She is busy." Pebblefish mewed softly. "You have come here for a important reason."
"What reason?" Blazestrike asked.
"A prophecy has come. You have something to do with it." Littletail meowed.
"What is it?"
"When the Fire and Echo runs through the forest, Blood will spill. The Song, Dove and the Jay will destroy the cunning Sparrow and the Wind will die in the Ocean." Whitebone explained.
"What's that got to do with me?" Blazestrike asked in confusion.
"You will see soon. However, protect your kits. Trouble could be caused if the prophecy is not correct." Blackeye mewed.
"Prophecys are always right though!" Blazestrike protested.
"Not always." Pebblefish sighed. "We must be going now, you better return to your clan. Good luck, young Blazestrike." The starry pelted cats started to go. The young kit squealed for Robineye. Blazestrike then realised he was ment to ask Robineye about her lost daughter! "Wait! Robineye, what's that kit's name?" He shouted.
"Starkit." She meowed, disappearing from sight. Blazestrike was confused and shocked. He had met Starkit, but he didn't get the prophecy. "When the Fire and Echo runs through the forest, Blood will spill. The Song, Dove and the Jay will destroy the cunning Sparrow and the Wind will die in the Ocean." He muttered to himself several times.
"Blazestrike? Can you hear me?" A voice shouted. Blazestrike groaned and opened his eyes. Ivyfur was beside him, nudging his leg. Blazestrike got up and streched. "Wow, that was freaky." He mumbled.
"What happened?" Ivyfur asked.
"There was a prophecy. Apprantly it has something to do with me." Blazestrike mewed.
"Tell me it." Ivyfur said, drawing a paw over her ear.
"When the Fire and Echo runs through the forest, Blood will spill. The Song, Dove and the Jay will destroy the cunning Sparrow and the Wind will die in the Ocean." Blazestrike repeated. Ivyfur remained quiet for a while. What did it mean? She then sat up. "Well, sounds like 2 cats will die during a battle, 3 cats will kill another cat and 1 cat will drown." She suggested. "But I'm afraid that I am not from StarClan. I don't know everything."
"I know. Seems like there's a lot of death." Blazestrike joked. He then glanced up at the moon, shining through a hole at the top of a cave."We'd better go." Ivyfur nodded and started to leave. Blazestrike followed her scent.

The next day, Blazestrike was still thinking about the prophecy. He had no idea what it ment and he didn't know where he came in. He started to mumble it again. "When the Fire and Echo runs through the forest, Blood will spill. The Song, Dove and the Jay will destroy the cunning Sparrow and the Wind will die in the Ocean." Leopardkit then ran over to him. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously.
"Trying to figure out something StarClan told me." Blazestrike sighed.
"What?" Leopardkit asked.
"A prophecy. When the Fire and Echo runs through the forest, Blood will spill. The Song, Dove and the Jay will destroy the cunning Sparrow and the Wind will die in the Ocean." Blazestrike meowed quietly. "You can't tell anyone though."
"I swear by StarClan." Leopardkit promised. Blazestrike smiled at the kit. She smiled back. "I better return to Fernwhisker now. Good luck with the prophecy, I hope you figure it out soon." She whispered. Leopardkit then padded back to the nursery. Blazestrike licked his paws in thought. What did the prophecy mean? Who would die?


Texte: Text belongs to me, Warrior Cats belongs to Erin Hunter
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.04.2012

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