


Leader: Bramblestar- A dark brown tabby tom with a white chest and hazel eyes.

Deputy: Sandtail- A yellow and white she-cat with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Swiftpaw

Medicine cat: Oakpelt- A dark brown tom with white paws and amber eyes.

Medicine apprentice: Flowerpaw- A long-haired grey she-cat with green eyes.

Tigerpelt- A long-haired dark brown tabby tom with black stripes and amber eyes.
Brokenheart- A small black she-cat with a white muzzle, white tipped ears and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Leappaw
Rabbitleap- A light brown tabby tom with a darker brown chest and hazel eyes.
Apprentice- Chickenpaw
Otterswim- A handsome dark brown tom with yellow eyes.
Pebblestep- A silver she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Lionclaw- A golden tabby tom with long claws and amber eyes.
Apprentice- Featherpaw
Eagletalon- A gold and white long-haired tom with green eyes.
Pigeonwing- A pretty grey tabby with pale white patches and yellow eyes.
Echopath- A pretty silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Flamesnake- A fiery ginger tom with green eyes.
Spottedlark- A tortiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes.
Pinewhisker- A handsome long-haired brown tom with white tipped ears and green eyes.
Barleyfoot- A black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice- Rainpaw
Snakebite- A dark brown tabby tom with some of his fur missing on his ears and amber eyes.
Spiderleg- A tall black tom with long legs and blue eyes.
Icebound- A pretty white she-cat with green eyes.
Twistpelt- A golden tabby she-cat with white paws and yellow eyes.
Dawnsong- A light grey tabby she-cat with darker grey flecks, a white chest and blue eyes.
Floatingcloud- A small white she-cat with amber eyes.
Runningbreeze- A tall, handsome ginger tabby tom with a white chest, white paws and yellow eyes.

Leappaw- A small brown tom with two white paws and hazel eyes.
Swiftpaw- A black and white tom with yellow eyes.
Chickenpaw- A long-haired yellow and white tom with yellow eyes.
Featherpaw- A small white and brown she-cat with pale blue eyes.
Rainpaw- A pretty blue tabby she-cat with green eyes.

Willowstream- A pretty ginger tabby with blue eyes, mother to Leopardkit, Moonkit and Clawedkit. (Eagletalon's kits)
Frostear- A small white tabby with a silver muzzle and green eyes, mother to Heatherkit and Gorgekit. (Flamesnake's kits)
Poppyfoot- A redish brown she-cat with hazel eyes, mother to Morningkit, Fernkit, Blazekit and Toadkit. (Rabbitleap's kits)
Silverleaf- A pretty silver tabby with white paws, a white muzzle and blue eyes, expecting Bramblestar's kits.
Specklenose- A dapple grey she-cat with a white chest and blue eyes, expecting Tigerpelt's kits.

Longstripe- A small grey tabby tom with faint black stripes and amber eyes.
Cloudeye- A pretty white she-cat with green eyes.


Leader: Bravestar- A pretty black she-cat with white paws, white tipped ears and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Littlepaw

Deputy: Clawedear- A tall golden tabby tom with slit ears and yellow eyes.

Medicine cat: Hazelfoot- A brown tom with black paws and hazel eyes.

Treasureheart- A golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Hawkfrost- A golden tabby tom with faint white paws and amber eyes.
Lifesong- A pretty light brown tabby with darker brown flecks and green eyes.
Apprentice: Boulderpaw
Lightingstripe- A small ginger tabby she-cat with white stripes and yellow eyes.
Rockfall- A tall silvery grey tom with one black paw, one white paw and blue eyes.
Wildleap- A handsome golden tabby tom with black spots, white paws and amber eyes.
Noblespirit- A handsome golden tabby tom with a white muzzle, a white chest, a slit ear and green eyes.
Apprentice: Thunderpaw
Ivypool- A pretty brown she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Adderfang- A dark brown tabby tom with a black chest, white paws and green eyes.
Sappphiresky- A blue she-cat with white paws and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Blackpaw
Diamondfur- A small white she-cat with green eyes.
Peacerain- A black and white she-cat with half of her whiskers missing and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Hollypaw
Crowpelt- A long-haired black tom with blue eyes.

Ashheart- A light grey tabby with white paws, mother to Rosekit, Swoopkit and Thistlekit (Clawedear's kits)
Brightpatch- A pretty white she-cat with ginger patches and yellow eyes, expecting Rockfall's kits.

Scatterdust- A dusty grey tom with a twisted jaw and blue eyes.
Mudfang- A dark brown tabby tom with a white muzzle and yellow eyes.
Marigold- A small, old yellow she-cat with white tipped ears and blue eyes, former loner.


Leader: Fishstar- A handsome white and silver tom with green eyes.

Deputy: Applewhisker- A small long-haired dark brown tom with amber eyes.

Medicine cat: Grassnose- A light brown tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes.

Medicine apprentice: Sootpaw- A black tom with blue eyes.

Puffinfeather- A pretty black she-cat with a white chest and yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Barkpaw
Minnowtail- A grey tabby she-cat with silver stripes and blue eyes.
Apprentice: Branchpaw
Seaview- A handsome blue tabby tom with green eyes.
Hurricanefire- A tall grey tom with yellow eyes.
Bearclaw- A long-haired dark brown tabby tom with long claws and yellow eyes.
Lizardtail- A long-haired grey tom with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Sleetpaw
Swanfeather- A pretty long-haired white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Yellowpaw
Duckfur- A handsome yellow tom with blue eyes.
Mossheart- A pretty long-haired grey tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and green eyes.
Antpelt- A small redish-brown tom with black paws and yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Sharkpaw
Ripplingwater- A tall grey tabby tom with darker grey flecks and blue eyes.
Cinderfoot- A dapple grey tabby she-cat with green eyes.

Oceanwind- A pretty blue tabby with green eyes, mother to Bubblekit, Snowkit and Shadowkit (Seaview's kits)
Lovewater- A redish brown tabby with a white chest and blue eyes, mother to Skykit and Streamkit (Applewhisker's kits)

Bigfur- A long-haired black tom with blue eyes.



The cool, night breeze blew silently through the air. Thick fog clouded the air, making the ground impossible to see. In the midst of this, a small she-cat stood.  She had pretty light grey fur, with darker grey flecks, a white chest and sapphire blue eyes. But what was weird about this? Everything: a pretty she-cat, sitting in the mist, near the border of a rival clan. Suddenly, she heard a rustling in the bushes. Swiftly, the she-cat dived under for cover, shivering. "Dawnsong?" a cat called in a gentle voice.

The little she-cat poked her head out, and then she padded out into the clearing. She dipped her head. "Yes, it is me," she replied, rushing over to the tom. He purred, and she rubbed her head against his shoulder. "How are you, Noblespirit?" "I'm fine. The Clan are doing well, but you will find out at the gathering tomorrow," Noblespirit replied, his voice quieter than usual.

Dawnsong flicked her tail towards her Clan's territory. "ReedClan attacked us, demanding territory. We won, but Bramblestar got a pretty bad wound on his shoulder." she explained. "Did anyone die?" Noblespirit asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

Dawnsong shook her head. "The elders were actually helping for once," she stammered. "Poppyfoot's kits nearly died."

Noblespirit nodded, and then he stared across towards the forest. "I often hear members of your Clan coming out at night, discussing things. I reckon it's an attack, but we can't be sure. Does anyone know about us?"

Dawnsong shook her head reassuringly. "No one knows." "Good," The tom brushed his golden fur against the she-cat's grey pelt. "When will you have your kits?"

Dawnsong licked Noblespirit's ear and purred. "Soon, but I'm not a queen yet." She then leaned over and touched her muzzle to his face. "I love you." "I love you too, Dawnsong." Noblespirit purred. He then heard a rustling in the bushes, and he pushed his love into a thistle bush. "Wait here," He scented the air, but then he realised which Clan it was. "ForestClan. You'd better talk, I'll hide." he said to his mate, crawling into the bush.

Dawnsong padded out and over the border, bumping into a patrol. "There you are! I got lost!" she explained quickly. One of the cats, a tall dark brown tom with yellow eyes, stared at her. "Where have you been? Bramblestar sent a search party all over the forest. And your friends been worried sick." he asked suspiciously.

Dawnsong turned her head around to face the tom. "I'm not a kit, Otterswim. Simply, I scented some CourageClan warriors on the wrong side of the border, so I chased them back." she retorted.

Otterswim mumbled something, but a yellow and white she-cat rested her head on Dawnsong's shoulder. "I know that you have strong connections with CourageClan, but it would be best to put the past behind you." What the she-cat had said was true. Dawnsong was half CourageClan and half ForestClan. Her mother had been Treasureheart, one of the senior warriors, and her father was Longstripe, who was now a elder. Torn between love to her kits and loyalty to her clan, Treasureheart had been forced to send her kits away to their father's clan, ForestClan. The two kits became apprentices, but one of them felt that he didn't belong. So he returned to CourageClan and continued training there. Now he was Crowpelt, instead of Crowpaw or Crowkit. Dawnsong missed him dearly, but Bramblestar had told her to not visit him, as it would bring back bad memories of her early life. The only time Dawnsong saw Crowpelt was at gatherings. Dawnsong had met Noblespirit at a gathering as an apprentice, as he was her brother's mentor. They were in love, and as soon as Dawnsong gained her warrior name, they became mates. But no one knew this, of course. "Come along then, Dawnsong," the she-cat replied, flicking her tail towards a small dip in the ground. "We'd better leave this place now, as none of us belong here."

The patrol led Dawnsong back, but when she glanced around her shoulder, she saw Noblesprit's eyes in the bushes, green and full of emotion.


"Right. Attack me."

Echopath was spending yet another day teaching her sister's kits apprentice training. She had been asked by Bramblestar to teach Chickenpaw and Featherpaw some battle moves, as their mentors had been very busy recently. The advantage was that Echopath got out of patrols, but she had to be up at dawn and wake up the apprentices to take them into the forest.

Chickenpaw hesitated for a moment, but then flung himself at Echopath. The two cats wrestled, giving each other playful shoves until Echopath pinned down Chickenpaw. "Not bad, not bad. Could do with a couple of improvements, but I'm impressed. Rabbitleap taught you well." she complimented.

"Thanks!" the apprentice chirped in delight. "Could you let me up now?"

Echopath laughed and removed her paw to let the little tom crawl away. She then turned to the other kit. "Featherpaw, attack me."

"I-I don't want to hurt you." Featherpaw stammered. The warrior sighed, but then lashed her tail and bared her teeth. "Pretend I'm an enemy cat trying to break into the nursery." she said. Chickenpaw nearly pounced, but he knew well that he'd had his turn in the spotlight. He murmured some words of encouragement, and eventually Featherpaw leapt at Echopath. However, Echopath managed to pin down the apprentice almost as soon as she landed. She shook her head and sighed. "An enemy warrior would have teared you apart by now. You're much too slow, so you must work on that. Prehaps Chickenpaw would be able to help you, but you must learn soon or I might have to talk to Bramblestar."

"Oh, please don't!" Featherpaw begged. "I don't want to get in trouble!"

Echopath let the apprentice go and then glanced at Chickenpaw. "Right. Both of you, come with me."

They padded through the forest and avoided the brambles until they reached a large gorge. This was their camp. Desperate not to show that she was in a bad mood, Echopath slided down and stalked off towards the warriors den.

She needed rest.

Lots of it.

Just as she settled down in her warm nest, she heard paw steps outside. Echopath pricked her ears up, staying alert. Thankfully, it was only Flamesnake, Frostear's mate. He had been made a warrior with Echopath and Pigeonwing, who was a close friend of Echopath's. Sighing sleepily, Echopath greeted the warrior. "Hi. Who are you looking for?"

"You, actually," Flamesnake replied, sitting down in his nest. "I thought you were training Roseheart's kits."

Echopath shivered when the tom mentioned her sister's name. It had been a while ago since she was taken by dogs, but she still didn't want to bring it up. Everyone had grieved for many days, especially Chickenpaw and Featherpaw. Now, they had no living parents, as their father had been killed before the kits were born. But that hadn't bothered them in their dreams to become great warriors. Echopath knew they had a rough kithood, and she was surprised to see them forget about their dead parents.

Remembering Flamesnake was beside her; she turned around and snapped out of her daydream. "Well, I'm here. What do you want?"

"Um... you haven't seen... um... Heatherkit, have... you?" Flamesnake asked, hesitating.

Echopath shook her head. "Why? Has she gone missing?"

"Yes." Flamesnake replied. "I was just wondering if you could help me find her."

Echopath sighed. "Well, I was going to sleep, but obviously that's not going to happen now. Why don't you go and ask one of the apprentices? Or even another warrior that isn't me?" She then curled up and pretended to fall asleep, waiting for Flamesnake to leave the den. But Echopath could hear him growling, and then he scratched her back. Echopath jolted up with a start. "Ow!"

"Come on!" Flamesnake hissed grumpily. Echopath knew that she couldn't be forced into wasting her sleep, so she refused to move. The ginger warrior's fur bristled angrily, and he stalked out of the den. "See if I care."

See if I care, you mouse-brain. Echopath thought to herself before falling asleep in her nest.


Swiftpaw crept silently towards the mouse, his eyes glued to it's every move. He was attempting to catch it first time, as his mentor had just taught him how. Quickly, he jumped from his spot and landed on the mouse, giving it a swift death blow. It now laid limp in his paws, blood pouring out. Proudly, Swiftpaw picked it up in his jaws and trotted back into the bushes.
"Well done!" His mentor chirped when he returned. Swiftpaw dropped the mouse and nodded. "Thanks, Sandtail. Can we go now? I want to check on my sister."
Swiftpaw had been born when his sister, Poppyfoot, was a apprentice. She was now a queen with four healthy kits. However, Swiftpaw had never taken a liking to her mate, Rabbitleap. Swiftpaw hadn't got on with the brown warrior, which bothered him. Thankfully, Bramblestar had wisely seperated them when they were selected for patrols.
"I guess I've worked you hard enough. Come on." Sandtail replied. Her blue eyes then sparkled with amusement. "I'll race you back."
"Bring it on!" Swiftpaw challenged, running on. Behind him, Sandtail was on his tail, growling playfully.
It took a couple of minutes to reach the gorge. Swiftpaw had only just won the race by a whisker. Luckily, the apprentice had found a short-cut which Sandtail was unable to get through. The only problem was that the short-cut was a bramble bush, so Swiftpaw had twigs and brambles stuck to his pelt.
"You look like a walking bush." Sandtail joked when they reached camp. "You'd better go to Oakpelt and check that you haven't got any wounds."
"Alright." Swiftpaw replied, padding off towards the medicine den. As he entered, he thought the den was empty. But a small grey she-cat was sat in the corner, sorting herbs. She turned around, gave a little gasp, and rushed over. "What in the name of StarClan have you been doing?"
"Racing." Swiftpaw replied. "I found a short-cut through the brambles, and Sandtail thinks I've cut myself." The medicine apprentice purred in amusement and looked him over. She then cocked her head up. "You have a couple of cuts and wounds, but first we'd better remove those brambles and twigs out of your pelt." She concluded.
Carefully, the two apprentices pulled out the brambles and twigs. Swiftpaw then saw all of his wounds, and a few were still bleeding. "What are you going to give me for these, Flowerpaw?" He asked curiously. The little she-cat shook her head. "I'll apply some cobwebs to the worst wounds, but the rest don't need treatment. You'll need to lick them though." She then padded off towards the pile of cobwebs, and she sorted through them.
Why do I always seem like I'm floating when Flowerpaw is sorting out my wounds? I need to keep my mind on training, not her.

Swiftpaw thought to himself. She's a medicine apprentice!

Swiftpaw's thoughts were disturbed when Flowerpaw let out a little screech of fear. Instantly, the black and white apprentice rushed to her side. "What's wrong?" The medicine apprentice's eyes flashed in terror as she said "Foxes!"
"Right, hang on." Swiftpaw tried to think of a solution without gathering up the rest of the clan. But nearly all of his ideas needed help from other cats, apart from Flowerpaw and himself.
"Please, Swiftpaw. Find the others." Flowerpaw begged, as if she was reading his mind. "I don't want to see you get hurt or killed." However, Swiftpaw was desperate not to show that he was weak. So he let out a loud yowl. Unfortuantly, that made the rest of the clan gather outside the medicine den. Leading them was Bramblestar. His hazel eyes were clouded with curiosity. "Swiftpaw," He started. "why were you yowling?"
"There's foxes outside camp!" Flowerpaw blurted out. Bramblestar was now alert. "Right. Sandtail, lead a battle patrol. Take atleast five cats." He then flicked his tail towards Rabbitleap. "Rabbitleap, lead a boarder patrol around the ReedClan boarder. Try and speak to Fishstar to see if he has seen any foxes. Take three cats." The leader then glanced at a small black she-cat. "Brokenheart, take another patrol around the CourageClan boarder and talk to Bravestar. Take three cats also."
Rabbitleap rounded up Amberfur, Floatingcloud and Leappaw. Brokenheart took Dawnsong, Runningbreeze and Lionclaw. Swiftpaw was desperate to go on patrol, but since Leappaw was the oldest apprentice, he didn't stand a chance. So instead, he stayed behind with the other apprentices to guard camp. Featherpaw, Chickenpaw and Rainpaw were the other apprentices, they were close friends.
"What are you doing?" A voice growled from the bushes.
The apprentices jumped, but Swiftpaw hissed back. "Who's there?"
"Longstripe. Now if you could excuse me, I'm going back to the elder den." The elder padded out of the bushes and away, his eyes angry. Swiftpaw sighed. Longstripe was naturally short-tempered, which irritated everyone. Many cats told of the elder being a loyal and quick warrior. But then it all changed one day when he returned with two kits. He had said that he'd found them in the forest, alone with no mother. So Cloudeye, who had been a queen at the time, took them in. She was a elder now, but maybe she knew what happened.
That's it! I'm going to talk to Cloudeye and see if she knows why Longstripe is such a mouse-brain at times!

Swiftpaw thought happily to himself. He then turned to his friends. "I'll be back in a moment."
"Ok. Just be careful." Chickenpaw warned him. Swiftpaw nodded and darted through camp and straight into the elder den. Longstripe was asleep, and Cloudeye was taking small, slow bites out of a sparrow. She faced the apprentice and smiled. "What can we do for you, Swiftpaw?"
"I was looking for you." Swiftpaw replied, shuffling his paws in embrassment. "Can I speak to you?" The elder smiled again. "Of course." She then looked at the expression on his face, and she frowned. "It's about Longstripe, isn't it?" Swiftpaw nodded, and sat down beside her. "What made Longstripe so irritating?"
"Oh. Well, it's mainly because of those kits he brought back, a long time ago." Cloudeye then stopped talking and stared at him. "Have you heard about when Longstripe brought two kits to ForestClan?"
"Yes." Swiftpaw replied quietly. "Nearly everyone knows about that." Cloudeye nodded, and continued. "I nursed them, but Longstripe always kept a close eye on them. Like I was a cold-hearted cat, out to slaughter them. His kindness faded away like fog on a warm day. He became short-tempered and angry, always wanting to stay away from everyone. But one day, one of the CourageClan patrols reported signs of Longstripe close to their territory. So Bramblestar retired him, before he did any more." The elder then turned her head away. "And that's all I know."
"Thanks." Swiftpaw mewed before leaving the den. Obviously, Longstripe had something to do with CourageClan. And Swiftpaw had to find out what it was.
Why would Longstripe do this?


Dawnsong opened her eyes gently. She hadn't been asleep very long, but her belly was growling for prey. Slowly, the grey tabby rose to her paws and padded out into the sunlight.
The ForestClan camp was alive, with cats young and old teaching eachother the ways of a clancat. Dawnsong loved life in the forest, it was so exciting. Unlike kittypet lives. That was just full of kittypet slop and lazy cats.
Remembering that she was hungry, Dawnsong padded over to the fresh-kill pile. Tigerpelt was standing beside it, his amber eyes staring around camp, especially on Sandtail.
Why is Tigerpelt so intrested in our deputy? Specklenose won't be delighted to hear that her mate is keeping a eye on another she-cat.

Dawnsong thought before taking a rabbit from the pile. Tigerpelt stopped looking at Sandtail and turned his attention to Dawnsong. "Have you been hunting?" He said gruffly.
"No, why?" The younger warrior asked curiously. Tigerpelt growled. "Hunt before you eat. Put the clan's survival before your own."
"Hey, that's not fair!" Rainpaw wailed. "Bramblestar is our leader, and he lets us eat, no matter if we've hunted or not!"
"Yeah!" Chickenpaw agreed. "You don't tell us what to do!" Tigerpelt yowled angrily. "I may not be Bramblestar, but I am a senior warrior and you should respect me!"
Thankfully, Sandtail had heard the argument, and she rushed over. "Rainpaw and Chickenpaw, Tigerpelt is right. Senior warriors are respected by all cats and shouldn't be disrespected." She then glared hard at the big tom. "Tigerpelt, Dawnsong has a right to eat prey. She has no need to go hunting, give her a break. Did you not see her yesterday? She was hunting nearly non-stop until sunset."
"Yes." Tigerpelt replied, but he shot a furious look at Dawnsong. He then flicked his tail towards the leader den. "Is Bramblestar awake?" He asked the deputy. Sandtail nodded. "He seems slightly troubled. Oakpelt is with him, along with Pinewhisker and Pebblestep. Since the foxes were sighted near to camp, he's been a little worried. I just hope he'll be alright at the gathering tonight."
"Can I speak to him?" Tigerpelt questioned. The deputy sighed. "I don't know."
Dawnsong decided this was her que to leave the converstaion with the limp rabbit. Silently, she strolled off towards a small patch of dead leaves and ate her prey.

"Sandtail, Tigerpelt, Pinewhisker, Echopath, Dawnsong, Otterswim, Spiderleg, Twistpelt, Leappaw, Swiftpaw and Rainpaw will attend the gathering." Bramblestar annonced in a clear voice. He beckoned the cats over with his tail, and they padded over. Dawnsong felt frightened and excited at the same time. Crowpelt and Noblesprit would be at the gathering, but she was worried if any of her clanmates caught her gossiping with CourageClan warriors. After all, she was half CourageClan.
As the cats left for the gathering, Dawnsong felt a pang of guilt. She had been caught by the CourageClan boarder yesterday, and some cats seriously doubted her loyalty to ForestClan. Especially certain cats, such as Tigerpelt.
"Do you think ReedClan will say anything about the attack?" Spiderleg asked. Bramblestar shrugged. "Only StarClan know that."
The cats then arrived at the sacred gathering place. CourageClan were already here, but ReedClan hadn't arrived yet. Dawnsong gave a smug little smile. Maybe they're trying to get over their defeat.

She thought. But her thoughts were distrubted when Noblesprit approached her slowly. His eyes flashed fear, which was unusual.
"Hi." Dawnsong greeted him. The tom just nodded, and then Dawnsong was concerned. "What's happened?"
"It's Ivypool." Noblesprit replied in a low, serious voice. "I promised Clawstar I would look after her when he was killed in battle. But she was attacked by a badger on patrol today, and it's all my fault. She almost died

." Dawnsong felt a bit worried. Was this accident going to affect their relationship? "How is Crowpelt?" She said, desperate to change the subject.
"He's been doing really well. Bravestar said he could make a excellent deputy when he's older." Noblesprit said. "Your brother is a credit to the clan." Dawnsong then peered round him. "Where is Crowpelt? I don't see him."
"Crowpelt? He's over there." The older warrior flicked his tail towards a small group of CourageClan warriors. Dawnsong reconised Lifesong, Wildleap, Peacerain, Adderfang, Sapphiresky and... Crowpelt! Joyfully, the little grey warrior rushed over, but then she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw what was actually going on.
"Another story?" Peacerain meowed, her shoulder carefully resting on Crowpelt's shoulder. On the other side, Lifesong and Sapphiresky were hanging on his every word. Dawnsong's eyes were clouded with shock and confussion.Why are these she-cats obessed with my brother? To be honest, he isn't that handsome to have she-cats following him everywhere.

She thought angrily.
"ForestClan!" Sapphiresky then hissed angrily, lashing her tail. "Back off! This spot belongs to us!"
"I've come to tell you to stop mauling my brother!" Dawnsong retorted, taking a step forward. "He isn't a kit, for StarClan's sake! Just leave him alone! He's the same age as me, and you lot are older than him!" Adderfang then rose to his paws. "Crowpelt doesn't have a sister. We are his family, like your clan is your family. He was born alone." He meowed, willing to stick up for Sapphiresky.
"Stop bickering, all of you!" Crowpelt hissed. "I will talk to Dawnsong. Alone." He then flicked his tail towards a small patch of long grass, and the ForestClan she-cat followed him. Crowpelt then sat down, his blue eyes blazing. "Why did you do that? You almost gave the game away."
"Me? I thought you had actually bothered to tell your new clan that you had ForestClan blood in your veins!" Dawnsong responded, her eyes hurt. Crowpelt just sighed. "What's the point? Everyone will doubt my loyalty, and they might kick me out. Then where will I go?"
"You still have a home in ForestClan," Dawnsong meowed, trying to presuade him to return. "After all, Treasureheart is CourageClan. She won't let you be exiled." Crowpelt sighed again. "She hasn't spoken to me since I became a warrior. Does Longstripe talk to you?" His sister nodded confidently, and then Crowpelt shook his head. "My only friends are my denmates, the medicine cat and the apprentices. I don't want them to know that I have ForestClan blood inside me. For now, pretend I'm rogue." He then padded away back to his little gang, and Dawnsong decided to listen in on a conversation going on with members of her clan and CourageClan.
"Newleaf's been terrible so far." Rockfall rasped, his voice very low. "Water supplies are low, and all the prey are moving. And Hazelfoot has run out of honey, so I have a sore throat."
"Our apprentices and younger warriors are taking prey." Tigerpelt growled. "I caught Dawnsong today taking prey when she hadn't been hunting. And she argued with me." Sandtail glared at him. "I told you, that arguement finished. We will speak no more of it." She then turned to Rockfall. "Have you had trouble with the bees again? We have plenty of honey."
Before the CourageClan warrior could reply, ReedClan scampered through the bracken noisly. Fishstar jumped up to Three Rocks and sat down on his rock. "Let the gathering begin!" He yowled. "ReedClan are doing well, we have welcomed a new warrior, Cinderfoot."
"Cinderfoot! Cinderfoot!" The clans chanted. Dawnsong joined in, despite she wasn't friends with her. Fishstar continued on. "However, despite this difficult time, the fish belong to ReedClan. We don't hunt much else, but I have been told that ForestClan have been taking fish from the river!"
Yowls of shock and anger rang out from the ForestClan cats. Bramblestar hushed them and looked up at Fishstar. "My warriors have only been on patrol around the boarder of your territory. We haven't laid a paw on your fish, neither a claw. Please tell us who told you."
"That doesn't matter!" Fishstar screeched. "You have stolen our fish, and from now on, I have told my boarder patrols to attack anyone who intrudes or attempts to prey-steal."
"You can't do that!" Twistpelt protested. "That's mouse-brained! Where is your proof that we've taken your precious fish?" Otterswim gently hushed her. "This isn't your place to speak."
Fishstar's got bees in his brain. If he dares tresspass on our territory, we'll rip him and his little clan to shreads.

Dawnsong thought. Bramblestar lashed his tail angrily. "ForestClan are not prey-stealers. Why would we want your manky old fish anyway? Come and say to my face that my clan are thieves!"
He wouldn't dare admit that, would he?

Dawnsong thought to herself curiously. She and the others watched as Fishstar slowly approached the ForestClan leader The ReedClan leader then yowled "Your clan are thieves!"


Eagletalon watched from camp as the moon shone brightly in the sky, shooting a white light wherever possible. His clanmates were at the gathering, and he was left with the rest of the clan. His friends and family.
"Every single one of you are like my family." Bramblestar had said once. "I will try to protect you all, and I hope you will try to protect me."
Eagletalon remembered these words off by heart, and whenever he felt low, he would always remember what Bramblestar had told them.
He didn't try to protect Lostsong.

Eagletalon then thought.
Lostsong had been his sister, the pretty little she-cat who was a valued member of the clan. She had been appointed deputy when Bramblestar became leader, and she did a very good job. Until rogues came to the forest, and they killed her. Eagletalon and his brother Lionclaw grieved for a long time, and they still did, despite it was a long time ago.
His thoughts were then disturbed when Brokenheart came over. She was a senior warrior, with a black pelt, a white muzzle and white tipped ears. She looked at him. "Are you going on patrol or not? Because Pebblestep and Icebound are waiting for you." She asked.
"I'm going now." Eagletalon annonced, rising up to his paws slowly. Brokenheart looked at him again, and then sighed. "You were thinking about Lostsong, weren't you?" The white and gold warrior nodded. Brokenheart shook her head sadly. "Such a brave warrior, but she died so young. Have you decided to avenge her death or ignore it?"
"Avenging Lostsong's death won't make her come back. It will only cause more trouble and more death." Eagletalon mewed sadly. "I will never forget her cheerfulness, neither her spirit. She hunts with StarClan now."
"Wise words." Brokenheart licked Eagletalon's ear. "You better hurry up now."
"Eagletalon!" A voice shouted from the nursery. "Can you come and help me out?" Eagletalon sighed in annoyence, and padded into the nursery. In here sat the queens and Oakpelt, the medicine cat. "Specklenose is giving birth. Can you go into my den and fetch a stick? It will really help to stop her screaming."
"Ok." Eagletalon mewed, padding back out into camp and into the medicine den. He then found a small stick resting beside a pile of dock. Quickly, he grabbed the stick in his jaws and went back.
"Thanks." Oakpelt took the stick from Eagletalon's jaws and gave it to the screaming queen. "Chew on this, it will stop the pain." Specklenose obeyed him, and chewed on the stick until there was three newborn kits beside her. The medicine cat checked them over. "Two she-cats and a tom." He concluded. "Well done."
"What will you call them?" Eagletalon asked. The queen watched as they suckled for the first time. "I think the light grey tabby can be Cloudkit, the white and brown she-cat Secretkit, and the dark brown tabby tom... he looks like Tigerpelt."
"Well, what would you expect?" Eagletalon teased. "That senior warrior is their father." Specklenose looked up at him. "I think I will call him Mysterykit." She said at last. "I now have three beautiful kits: Cloudkit, Mysterykit and Secretkit."
"Congratulations!" Flowerpaw shouted from the medicine den. "Tigerpelt will be very pleased!"
And what if he's not?

Eagletalon thought. His eyes were fixed on the new-born kits as they suckled their mother's milk. Specklenose was proud, and she hoped that they would become good warriors. But how would that be possible if their father couldn't be trusted?


Echopath and the other ForestClan cats gasped in horror as Fishstar falsely accused their clan prey-stealing. No one had suspected that he would actually say to Bramblestar's face that ForestClan were a bunch of prey-stealers.
As for Bramblestar, he was shocked and angry. "How dare you accuse my

clan of being thieves! We haven't laid a claw on your fish!" Many ForestClan cats yowled their agreement from below, but the ReedClan cats hissed. CourageClan remained silent.
Echopath exchanged a look with Twistpelt, who had spoken out earlier when Fishstar mentioned the missing fish. They were both angry, like the rest of their clanmates who had heard Fishstar.
"We scented ForestClan on our boarders yesterday, and the strong scent of fish." Fishstar growled simply. "So you're not only thieves, you're liars too!"
Echopath could see Swiftpaw's eyes. They were blazing angrily, and the apprentice looked like he was about to spring at Fishstar. But Sandtail was his mentor, and also was Bramblestar's loyal deputy. So she wouldn't let him.
"I think that I deserve some time to report about my

clan." Bravestar meowed, standing in front of the two fighting leaders. "CourageClan survived Leafbare well, and coming into Newleaf means new life. We sadly lost Dusteyes in a fox attack earlier today, whom we all miss dearly. He hunts with StarClan now."
Show-off. We don't need to know that you're the best clan in the forest because you survived Leafbare. We all survived it.

Echopath thought angrily. She was thinking of saying that, but she couldn't cause any more arguements, especially as the other two leaders had already broken the truce.
"Anyway, back to the fish problem." Fishstar growled.
Before anyone else could object, Bravestar yowled "The Gathering is over, before StarClan punish us for breaking the truce!" She called her clan over, and CourageClan left swiftly. Bramblestar then jumped down from Three Rocks. "If one goes, we all go." He meowed coldly. He beckoned his clan over with his tail and they followed him.
Echopath walked along with Sandtail and Otterswim, who were also confused by this. So being her usual cheerful self, Echopath tried to create converstaion. "Do you think ReedClan will attack us again?"
"By what has happened at tonight's gathering, yes." Sandtail sighed. "ReedClan won't forgive us for this apprant fish stealing matter, and Bravestar won't forgive any of the leaders for breaking the truce."
"We should forgive Bravestar for butting in and stopping Fishstar and Bramblestar arguing." Dawnsong added. "Otherwise.."
"If you love CourageClan cats so much, join them!" Tigerpelt snapped angrily, shoving the little grey warrior out of the way. Dawnsong gave a little hiss and walked beside Otterswim, sulking. Echopath noticed this. "No one blames you and Crowpelt for having parents from diffrent clans. Treasureheart and Longstripe tried ever so hard for you, but they knew they were in trouble." She mewed gently. "You both weren't very old."
"But that's not what is troubling me." Dawnsong sighed. "I think my brother has told huge lies to the CourageClan cats. They all think he has no sister, but they are aware he is a half-blood. However, they don't know that it is ForestClan. They think it is rogue."
"Why?" Echopath asked without thinking it might upset Dawnsong more. But luckily, it didn't. The grey warrior just sighed. "He doesn't want to be exiled. And I think he'll be a father soon, he's got way too many she-cat supporters." There was a small hint of amusement in her mew, but not much. She was being serious.
"Don't forget that we caught you yesterday beside the CourageClan boarder." Otterswim meowed sternly. "Bramblestar has strictly told you not to meet with Crowpelt. He has found his place in CourageClan, and your's is with ForestClan." Echopath then saw Eagletalon standing outside camp, with Oakpelt and Flowerpaw. Has camp been attacked while we were gone?

She thought anxiously.
"Specklenose has had your kits, Tigerpelt." Eagletalon annonced. "She's had three, two she-cats and a tom. They're called Cloudkit, Secretkit and Mysterykit." The senior warrior pushed past a couple of warriors, and rushed to the nursery. Echopath just sighed. She had feelings for Eagletalon when they were apprentices, but he was made a warrior before her, along with another cat. She was called Willowstream, and she was very pretty. As Echopath became a warrior, Eagletalon took Willowstream for a mate and broke Echopath's heart. It hurt to think about it, but the silver she-cat had to get over it. Willowstream had kitted to three kits a couple of moons ago.
"Are you sleeping in your den, or outside?" Eagletalon joked. Echopath just sighed and padded in. On the way in, she looked up at Eagletalon. "I trusted you." She muttered. The tom stared. "What do you mean?"
"I had feelings for you." Echopath growled, her eyes filled with tears. "But you went off with Willowstream." Eagletalon was silent for a moment, but then he spoke. "You did not show it. We were friends, nothing more. I was destined to be with Willowstream, and.."
"I am destined to be with no one!" Echopath ran back into the forest, desperate to get away from him.


Eagletalon sat just by the entrance of camp alone, watching Echopath run off into the forest. It hurt him to see one of his closest friends argue with him. It hurt even more to know that this she-cat loved him, and he failed to notice.
I'm a mouse-brain. Why did I not notice that one of my bestest friends had a crush on me?

He thought, guilt washing over him like riverwater. But then Eagletalon clawed at the ground. Echopath's the mouse-brain! I love Willowstream, not her!

Thinking about his mate, Eagletalon padded into the nursery. In here, Silverleaf and Frostear were talking, Poppyfoot was asleep, Specklenose was saying her farewells to Tigerpelt and Willowstream sat in her nest, her tail wrapped round three little puffs of fur. These were Eagletalon's kits, almost 6 moons old. The oldest one, Leopardkit, had golden fur with darker spots and amber eyes. His sister Moonkit had white fur and yellow eyes, and their youngest brother Clawedkit had a dark ginger tabby pelt with lighter ginger stripes and yellow eyes.
Eagletalon looked at the kits, and then at his mate. He smiled and sat down beside her. "How are you?"
"I'm fine. Leopardkit and Clawedkit look like they'll make strong warriors." Willowstream meowed. "But Moonkit I think would be more suited to being a medicine cat." This was unlikely to happen at the moment, because Oakpelt had already taken on a apprentice. Eagletalon looked at his paws. "What happened at the gathering? Did Tigerpelt discuss anything with Specklenose?"
"Apprantly Fishstar picked up ForestClan scents near the boarder, and he thinks that we are a bunch of prey stealers." Willowstream sighed. Eagletalon's fur bristled with fury. "How dare he!"
Before Eagletalon said anything else, Willowstream licked his shoulder. "You don't need to worry. We'll beat those fish eating rat-faces." She mewed gently. Eagletalon felt a bit angry that she was treating him like a kit. He pressed his muzzle against her's and purred. She purred back, and Eagletalon let the vibrations bounce across his pelt. This is perfect. I have a caring mate, three strong kits, a loyal brother and... I used to have a best friend.

He thought. Eagletalon gulped at the thought of Echopath, all by herself in the forest on this cold night. She would surely freeze or die. "I have to go." He muttered to the queen. "Echopath's gone missing in the forest, and I have to find her."
"So you care more about her than you care about me?" Willowstream was speechless. Eagletalon shook his head. "No way! Willowstream, don't you ever think that, because to me, you are the most beautiful cat in the whole forest. You are so precious to me, and I wouldn't swap you for the world. Echopath's just my friend. I'd stay with you, but Echopath will die without my help." He insisted. Willowstream nodded, and Eagletalon padded out into the cold.
I won't let you freeze, Echopath. Even if we're not mates, you're still my best friend.


Swiftpaw curled up in his nest, thinking about what Cloudeye had told him. Longstripe had been caught around the CourageClan boarder before he retired, and he brought back two little kits. It made no sense, and it hurt Swiftpaw's head trying to figure it out.
Cloudeye never mentioned what the kits were called. Could they be Longstripe's kits? Or a rogue?

He thought.
Just as he was about to go to sleep, Chickenpaw and Featherpaw padded in. They were shivering and their pelts were all messed up. Swiftpaw sat up. "What happened?"
"Tigerpelt told us to go hunting." Featherpaw said coldly. "We tried to object, but he forced us out and we had to hunt atleast a squirrel or a mouse." Swiftpaw gasped in horror. "That's not fair. Why is he so grouchy?"
"Because he's a senior warrior." Chickenpaw mewed, twitching his whiskers. "We can sleep now." He went over to his nest, but Featherpaw stayed. She looked a bit frightened of falling asleep. Swiftpaw stared at her. "Aren't you going to sleep?"
"I'm frightened that Tigerpelt will tell me off again." Featherpaw admitted. "Can I talk to you for a bit?" Swiftpaw nodded. "Sure." The she-cat sat down beside him and gazed up at the stars. "Do you think my parents are in StarClan?"
Swiftpaw sighed. Roseheart was their mother and also Echopath's sister. She had been taken by wild dogs a few moons after she gave birth, and Chickenpaw and Featherpaw grieved for her. Their father had been killed before they were born. Swiftpaw sighed again and looked up. "I suspect so. They were good cats who didn't deserve to die."
"How are Poppyfoot's kits?" She asked, changing the subject. Swiftpaw nodded. "They're growing fast. Especially that Morningkit. I think they'll be apprentices in a moon or so."
"I'm quite fond of Toadkit. He's very playful." Featherpaw meowed, drawing a paw over her ear. "I'd love to mentor one, but I'm only halfway through my training." Swiftpaw nodded. "I've almost finshed mine, Sandtail said I need to do my hunting assesment with Leappaw first." He boasted. Featherpaw yawned. "I'm going to sleep now." She muttered, falling sleep beside Swiftpaw
"Night." Swiftpaw mummered, curling up beside her.
As the apprentices tried to sleep, a paw nudged Swiftpaw's side. Swiftpaw mumbled something rude and opened his eyes. It was Sandtail. She looked tired but very concerned. "Eagletalon and Echopath have gone missing. You're on patrol with me, Dawnsong, Lionclaw and Runningbreeze." She meowed. "Come on."
"Okay, I'm coming." Swiftpaw yawned, rising up to his paws. He followed Sandtail out into camp and towards the other three warriors. Sandtail flicked her tail towards the misty forest. "Let's go."

They were close to the training hollow when the patrol picked up a strange scent. Swiftpaw stuck out his tongue. "It smells like fox dung!" He muttered grumpily. He was walking beside Lionclaw and Sandtail. Dawnsong and Runningbreeze had rushed on ahead, desperate to find their missing clanmates.
The mist was very thick now, and Swiftpaw could only just see the warriors walking beside him. Their ears were pricked, ready to pick up any sounds close by.
Suddenly, Swiftpaw heard a loud rustling in the bushes. He growled quietly, but the rustling went futher up, towards where Runningbreeze and Dawnsong had gone. Sandtail shivered. "That rustling came from the ReedClan boarder." She gulped.
As Sandtail finshed, there was a ear-splitting cry. The three ForestClan cats stopped and listened. A tall ginger tabby rushed back to them, with a wound on his shoulder.
"Runningbreeze!" Lionclaw yowled. "What happened?"
"It's ReedClan!" The young warrior meowed worriedly. "They're attacking us!" Sandtail's fur bristled with fury. "Right. Have they threatened to attack camp?" She asked. "And where's Dawnsong?"
"Here." The she-cat came running down towards her friends. "I think they retreated." Swiftpaw looked at the warrior. "How many were there?"
"The whole clan, apart from a few warriors." Runningbreeze replied. "And the queens, elders and kits obviously." Sandtail pointed her muzzle back. "I think we should return, just in case they are targetting camp."
Lionclaw led the patrol back to camp anxiously. Swiftpaw was frightened, in case ReedClan were trying to drive ForestClan out of the forest. He listened silently. Nothing stirred.
I hope everyone's alright.

He thought.
As the patrol reached the entrance, the camp was silent. Swiftpaw almost passed out in relief, but then he stopped being happy when he saw a pair of green eyes in the bushes. More eyes then appeared, and then cats started to appear from the bushes. Their fur was soaked with water, but their eyes showed determaination.
"That's Fishstar!" Swiftpaw realised in horror. "ReedClan are attacking our camp!"


Dawnsong gasped in horror as she saw the ReedClan cats climbing out of their hiding spot. This was completely unexpected, especially at night. She wasn't frightened by ReedClan, but she often worried if CourageClan would go against them too. Then Noblesprit would fight us too.

She thought sadly.
"We have to stop them!" Swiftpaw muttered. Dawnsong knew he was a determained apprentice, which was good in battles. Sandtail flicked her tail up. "Wait. No one move. I want to listen to this."
"Fishstar," Dawnsong reconised Ripplingwater's voice. "shall we take some prey first?" The leader nodded. "Yes. Take half of the pile." He growled.
"Please can we attack now? We can't let them take our prey!" Swiftpaw hissed. Sandtail nodded. "Alert the rest of the clan with yowling." The patrol ran down the ditch, yowling. Fishstar whipped his round and hissed. "You again!"
Dawnsong flung herself at Applewhisker, the ReedClan deputy. He yelped in suprise and tried to kick her off, but Dawnsong had her teeth fastened onto the tom's back leg. She then raked her claws down the side of his face, making it bleed.
"ForestClan, attack!" Bramblestar cried. The other warriors and apprentices raced into battle again, hissing and snarling. Dawnsong saw Leappaw and Otterswim rushing towards her, and they pounced onto Applewhisker too. The four cats wrestled for a while, but then the deputy raked his claws down Leappaw's flank. The little apprentice yowled and let out a loud gurgling cry. He was dying.
Quickly, Dawnsong grabbed the weak apprentice by the scuff and rushed into the medicine den. Oakpelt and Flowerpaw were prepared for this luckily, since Fishstar mentioned the missing fish. They took Leappaw from Dawnsong and sent her away.
StarClan help us! We're losing!

Dawnsong thought. She then saw Puffinfeather, one of the senior warriors, pinning Bramblestar to the ground. Dawnsong charged at the black she-cat and knocked her off. The leader got up carefully. "Can you do me a favour and find some CourageClan warriors to help us?"
"Alright." The grey warrior rushed into the forest, following the strong scent of CourageClan. They didn't live very far away from ForestClan, luckily.
Dawnsong slowly approached the boarder, but she was then stopped by Clawedear and his boarder patrol. "What do you want?"
"ReedClan have attacked our camp. Will you help us?" Dawnsong meowed. Noblesprit muttered something to the deputy, but Clawedear didn't listen. "We don't take sides in this arguement. ForestClan can fight alone." He hissed, padding away. The other cats followed, apart from Noblesprit. He quickly crossed the boarder. "I will help you."
"Bramblestar will get suspicious." Dawnsong sighed. "And I'll be crowfood if I return with no helpers." Noblesprit's eyes then lit up. "Why don't you stay here and pretend a dog took you? Then I'll keep you safe here until the heat dies down." He suggested.
"Oh Noblesprit, that's a fantastic idea!" Dawnsong purred. "But won't your clan be suspicious?" The warrior shook his head. "No, they think I returned with the patrol. I'll stay here with you, and we'll go to the forest in my territory. But we'll go around and avoid camp."
Dawnsong smiled as Noblesprit led her around the boarder and into the forest. A few animals stirred, but not much noise was caused. Noblesprit padded over to a tall tree with lots of branches. "This is where the apprentices learn to climb trees, like your clan. But we don't jump from tree to tree. We use this to catch prey like squirrels and birds in a nest. Your clan use trees in combat." He meowed, climbing up the branches. "We can rest up here."
"Okay." Dawnsong mewed, jumping from branch to branch. She was now ahead of Noblesprit, and she found a thick branch midway up the tree where they could both rest. She called to her mate, and he joined her up on the branch. They laid there, tails dangling down.
Noblesprit then rasped his tongue over Dawnsong's ear, and the young she-cat purred. She let him rest his head on her neck and then she listened. Noblesprit's regular breathing told her that he was asleep.
I hope no one finds out about this. Bramblestar will never forgive me for skipping the battle to be with Noblesprit.

She thought anxiously before falling asleep herself.


Eagletalon's paws ached all over as he ran through the forest. The only thing that kept him going was Echopath out in this cold weather. I will never forgive myself if she dies.

He thought.
His ears pricked up when he heard the sound of sobbing close by. Eagletalon reconised the sound of it, and he rushed in the direction of it. The cries got louder and louder as he approached a small rabbit hole in the ground. Eagletalon was a bit big to fit through the gap, so he started to dig out more dirt.
After a few minutes, the white and gold warrior could fit inside. Slowly, he crawled in and sniffed. Echopath was defintely here, but she was giving off a fear scent.
"Echopath?" Eagletalon mewed.
Suddenly, he felt claws rake down his face. The tom yowled in pain and flexed his claws out. Blood trickled down his cheek, but it didn't matter. He quickly retreated out into the misty forest, and the thing that attacked him wasn't far behind.
Warriors don't retreat!

Eagletalon realised angrily. They fight, no matter what. After all, warriors all promise that they will fight to their death.

He crouched down and hissed, lashing his tail. The thing then crawled out with no problem at all. Eagletalon then realised that Echopath had attacked him, not a badger or a fox. In confussion, he stood up, but kept his claws sheathed. "Why did you attack me?"
"Because you're a horrid mouse-brain!" Echopath hissed. "If Willowstream had never been born then we would have been happy!" She lunged at him again, but Eagletalon was a skillful warrior. So he dodged her and crouched down again. "But we were just friends! You never showed me that you liked me!" He protested.
"I did!" Echopath argued, charging at him again. She leapt and dragged her claws down his neck. Eagletalon yelped and bit her hind leg. The she-cat hissed and kicked out her leg, throwing the warrior off and into the thistles.
Eagletalon now laid in the bushes, thorns digging into his pelt and more blood pouring out. He felt weak and numb. But what he couldn't believe was that one of his closest friends had turned against him, and was now trying to kill him.
As he struggled to get up, Echopath's face appeared above him. Her eyes were still blazing with anger, and her claws were still sheathed and covered in blood. "Serves you right."
"Where is the sweet and loyal Echopath I knew?" Eagletalon croaked. "Look at yourself. You've become a savage monster who has a obsession to kill." Echopath's eyes were still angry, but her claws were nowhere to be seen. Eagletalon decided that this was working, so he continued. "To be honest, I never knew you had a dangerous side. Everyone knows you as a kind and cheerful young she-cat. But after tonight, you seem more ambitious rather than a loyal warrior to ForestClan."
"I am loyal to my clan." Echopath sniffed. Her eyes were now filled with tears. Eagletalon could now see she was guilty, luckily for him. He lifted his head up and tried to move his paws, but they were still stinging from when Echopath had thrown him off his paws. Echopath could see this, and she sighed. "I'm so sorry." She gently picked up the tom by the scuff and lifted him out of the thistles and onto the grass.
Blood continued to pour out, and it now dyed the grass a intresting colour. Eagletalon groaned and tried to stand up. But he didn't realise how badly injured he was.
"I'll help you back to camp." Echopath offered. Eagletalon nodded. "Thanks."
As Echopath helped him up, Eagletalon gave a little sigh of relief. Atleast she still wants to stay friends with me. I can't imagine not being friends with Echopath.


Swiftpaw's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, with blood spilt on the grass and dirt. A body of a cat was sprawled on the ground, probably ReedClan. Swiftpaw then noticed Sandtail wrestling with Antpelt, one of the younger warriors. The apprentice pounced onto the ReedClan tom and scraped his claws down Antpelt's flank.
"You mouse-brain!" Antpelt hissed, biting into Swiftpaw's back. Swiftpaw cried out in pain, but Sandtail came to his rescue and scratched the warrior's cheek. She looked at her apprentice. "Go and help someone!" She meowed. Swiftpaw nodded and rushed into the middle of the battle.
Something blue moving into the apprentice den caught his eye. Swiftpaw quickly ran in and found Chickenpaw and Rainpaw hissing at Seaview, who had Featherpaw dangling in his jaws. Swiftpaw's eyes blazed like fire, and he lunged at the big blue tom. He let Featherpaw go, and the black and white tom sprung over to her side. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." Featherpaw meowed, her blue eyes shining. "Thanks for saving me." Swiftpaw nodded. "You're welcome." He then flicked his tail towards the nursery. "We'd better check if any ReedClan cats broke into the nursery." Together, the two apprentices ran into the nursery. Only the five apprentices had got in, but the kits were wailing madly and the queens were protecting their kits while hissing some warnings. Barkpaw, the oldest of the apprentices, whipped his head round and gazed at Featherpaw.
There had been rumors going around that Featherpaw and Barkpaw were in love, but both cats denined it. Swiftpaw wasn't sure if he believed Barkpaw, by the way he was staring at Featherpaw. He muttered something to his little apprentice friends, and they cornered Swiftpaw. Barkpaw just padded towards Featherpaw, his eyes not leaving her sight. He then gently waved his tail around her face, purring. The ForestClan apprentice growled, her fur bristling with anger. "Leave me alone!"
"If you touch her, you die." Swiftpaw warned, flexing out his claws. Branchpaw, Sleetpaw, Yellowpaw and Sharkpaw lashed their tails and hissed.
"Leave my brother alone!" Poppyfoot yowled, pouncing onto Sharkpaw, who was the youngest apprentice. He was squealing as the queen pinned him down, her claws ready to kill. "If you lay a claw on those apprentices, he gets it. Just back away slowly and no blood will be spilled." She threatened.
"Retreat!" Barkpaw yelped to his friends, rushing out. Poppyfoot let Sharkpaw crawl away with his clanmates, and Swiftpaw shot a greatful look at his sister. Featherpaw then nudged him. "Come on, we'd better go and rejoin the battle."
Swiftpaw ran beside his friend, the night air now freezing his pelt. The ReedClan cats were still strong, despite they hated the cold weather more than any other clans.
The apprentices then stopped when they saw Cloudeye being pinned down by Lizardtail. Knowing that the elder couldn't die, Swiftpaw and Featherpaw rushed over and pounced onto the warrior, raking their small yet sharp claws down his back. The ReedClan cat yelped angrily in pain and limped away.
"Thank you." Cloudeye croaked to the apprentices, limping back to the elder den to help her denmate Longstripe.
Swiftpaw then noticed that Dawnsong hadn't returned with the CourageClan cats. Had she been captured? Or maybe even killed? He gently prodded Featherpaw with his paw. "Where do you reckon Dawnsong's gone?"
"No idea." Featherpaw sighed. "I barely know her well enough to know where she would magicly disappear in the midst of battle." Swiftpaw just shook his head and then noticed something very odd. Sandtail was being pinned down by a ReedClan warrior he had never seen before.
"Look at that warrior." Swiftpaw mummered to Featherpaw. "Who's he?" Featherpaw looked at the tom, who had a long dark brown tabby pelt with black stripes. He did have a familar scent about him though.
"Wait a moment, hold the line!" Featherpaw's eyes widened in terror and horror. "The mystery cat is a cat of ForestClan!"


Echopath padded slowly through the misty forest, with Eagletalon leaning on her for support. She did feel guilty, because it had been her fault that her friend was in this state.
Blood was still gushing out of his wounds, where Echopath had kicked him off her and into the thorns. She had badly injured him. But he seemed to have forgiven her, despite he was being silent.
"I wonder where Silverpelt is." Echopath mummered. "The mist has covered the whole sky, and the ground. I hope it's a lot clearer at camp."
Eagletalon said nothing again, but the she-cat could see that his eyes were full of hope. Despite his silence, the warrior's pressence comforted Echopath. She had run away from him not too long ago, and now she felt safer with a clanmate.
"What's that smell?" Eagletalon whispered. "It smells like death." Echopath sniffed the air, and then realised he was right. She could smell ReedClan and blood. And to make matters worse, she still couldn't see anything.
Echopath stopped and listened. There was faint yowls in the distance, but the only thing she could hear clearly was her heartbeat. This frightened her slightly, but she continued onwards with the injured tom.
Suddenly, there was a loud high-pitched scream. Echopath looked at Eagletalon, and then in the direction where the scream came from. She had to investigate the screaming, but she couldn't leave her friend behind to fend for himself.
"We better return to camp. Now." Eagletalon said to her. "I can just about run."
"Are you sure?" Echopath asked. "Because I don't want you to start running and then realise you still have to limp around." The tom just stared at her with his determained eyes, and Echopath started running.
The two cats skidded to a halt when they reached the gorge. ReedClan were attacking their camp, but luckily there were no dead bodies in sight.
"I must check on my kits." Eagletalon said, limping down into camp. Echopath followed closely behind him, hissing at any enemy cats that came close. They got to the nursery to find the queens sitting up, keeping guard. The kits were in their nests watching their mothers. Eagletalon instantly reconised Willowstream sitting at the end, and he limped over to her. "Willowstream..."
"Eagletalon!" The queen rested her head on her mate's neck and purred. "I thought you had died!"
"Nothing will kill me at this age." Eagletalon purred, rubbing his nose against her cheek.
That could have been me. I would be so much happier with my best friend as my mate.

Echopath thought sadly. Leaving the two mates, the young warrior left the nursery and rushed into the battle scene.
Fishstar was beside a small bush, crouching over a young injured warrior from his own clan. Echopath reconised the cat as Cinderfoot, the new ReedClan warrior from the gathering. She watched as the she-cat slowly rose to her paws, and then Fishstar cried "Retreat, ReedClan! Retreat!"
His clan stopped fight and rushed away, desperate to get away. They had trouble climbing up the gorge, but they did eventually get out. Bramblestar let out a loud yowl of victory and the other cats joined in. But Echopath noticed that Tigerpelt, Sandtail, Swiftpaw and Featherpaw weren't there. They were growling at eachother at the other side of camp. They then stopped, and Tigerpelt ran into the nursery. Sandtail and the apprentices now started yowling their victory.
That was strange. Is there something going on that no one knows about? Surely this secret can't be kept from the whole clan?

Echopath wondered.
"Clan dismissed!" Bramblestar meowed, and his clan padded away. However, Echopath stayed behind. There was still one certain cat missing. She went up to the leader. "Dawnsong has still not returned." She annonced to him.
"I am completely aware of this." Bramblestar told her. "Some believe that she has joined StarClan, and some believe that she has been captured by CourageClan. But we cannot make a final decision without proof."
"But why would they take a warrior as young as her?" Echopath asked, sitting down beside the tom. "I know her brother is in that clan, but surely CourageClan aren't trying to get a bad reputation?"
"Only StarClan knows." Bramblestar let the cool breeze ruffle his dark brown pelt before continuing. "We may not know where she has disappeared to, but all we know is that she will be safe, wherever she is. The fellowship of the clan is always within every cat of this clan, wherever they are."
"Maybe ReedClan took her on the way back to their camp." Echopath suggested. Bramblestar shook his head. "We are between the two. CourageClan is not welcome into this arguement, they are just around as silent witnesses. Bravestar will reject to help us, because she is sick of these constant battles. Too many cats have died, many too young to join StarClan. This must stop, no matter what it takes."
"Will we try and find Dawnsong tomorrow?"
"Prehaps. But for now, we must concentrate on training our young to become warriors of ForestClan. The survival and future of all cats lies in the paws of apprentices and kits. They are the youngest cats who replace us older, more experinced cats when our time is up. They must learn our ways and the wisdom required to be a full member, or a leader. This is then passed on through to the cats of the future."
"So it is up to the leader, deputy, medicine cat, warriors and elders to teach the younger cats how to be a wild cat?"
"Yes. It has always been that way. Otherwise the clans would have fallen by now, and most of us wouldn't be here. StarClan watch over every cat in every clan, no matter how old or how young, or how sick or how healthy you are." Bramblestar then flicked his tail towards the warrior den. "It is getting late. Go and get some rest."
"Alright." Echopath started to pad away. "Thanks for talking to me about this, Bramblestar." The leader dipped his head. "You're welcome. May StarClan watch over you as you sleep."


Dawnsong awoke the next day. It was now dawn, but she could hear the CourageClan cats talking and sending out patrols. She had almost forgotten where she was, until she noticed Noblespirit was still sleeping beside her. The she-cat gently prodded him. "Wake up, it's dawn."
"Huh?" The gold and white tom opened his eyes slowly and yawned. His eyes then were filled with alarm. "There are cats of my clan close by. We have to hide now, because the will be apprentices training around here."
"But how will you get away fast enough?" Dawnsong asked anxiously. "I can jump from tree to tree, but you can't!" Noblespirit shook his head. "But I could hide in the bushes and run through there. Hopefully my clanmates won't suspect me."
"Ok." Dawnsong started to jump branch to branch, whilst her mate ran through the bushes. They were both very swift and skillful, luckily.
A while later, the two cats were hiding at the edge of the forest, panting. Dawnsong imparticular, but she could just speak. "What are we going to do for prey?"
"Easy." Noblespirit disappeared behind a tree, and then returned with a mouse. "Mice live underneath the roots of trees around here. All you have to do it stick your paw in with your claws sheathed, and you'll certainly catch something."
"Thanks." Dawnsong said to him, streching down to eat the prey.
Suddenly, there was a loud wailing sound. Dawnsong's ears pricked up as she listened, not making a single sound. She started to pad slowly towards the edge of CourageClan territory until she came across a pile of logs, neatly stacked and covered in claw marks and tufts of fur.
"Dawnsong!" Noblespirit hissed. "Come back! You don't know what lies beyond there!" The she-cat ignored him and stepped closer. She noticed a small gap between the logs, so she slowly crawled over and stopped beside the gap. There were cats in there, but not clan cats. Their scent was very strange.
"Hello? Is there anyone in there?" Dawnsong called. She then heard another wail, and a crashing sound. Dawnsong backed away, suspicious.
"Mother!" The voice cried. Dawnsong pricked up her ears and stood up. "I can help you."
After she said that, two thin cats crawled out. Their pelts were stained with blood, and their claws were covered in blood. One was a white she-cat with black paws and black eyes, whilst the other cat was a fiery ginger tom with amber eyes. The she-cat approached Dawnsong with caution. "I'm Ghost, and that's my brother Fox. Who are you?"
"Erm, I'm Dawnsong, a ForestClan warrior." Dawnsong told them.
"And I am Noblespirit, a CourageClan warrior." Noblespirit added. "This is my

clan's territory, what are you doing here?" Ghost's paws shuffled as she spoke. "We lived here with our mother, but we were invaded and she just died!"
Dawnsong then noticed that Ghost's claws were sheathed, like she was about to attack them. Her eyes were filled with rage, and her fur was bristling with fury. Dawnsong still kept her claws sheathed, but she spoke in a kind manner. "We won't hurt you."
"We want to live in a clan." Fox annonced. "May we both join your clan?" Dawnsong shook her head. "We are from diffrent clans. You either join me in ForestClan, or Noblespirit in CourageClan." She explained. "It is your decision."
The two siblings mummered away quietly to eachother for a few minutes, and then looked up. "We will join ForestClan. But just a quick question. If you are from diffrent clans, then why is Dawnsong in the wrong territory?"
"Secretly, we are mates." Noblespirit told the rogues in a low voice. "It is against the warrior code to take a mate from a diffrent clan, but too many cats have ignored this. You mustn't tell anyone about this, or we will be crowfood. Speaking of which, you better get rid of that CourageClan scent Dawnsong, or Bramblestar will get suspicious. Jump in the river or something."
"ReedClan own the river. You heard Fishstar last night. I'll be crowfood if I go there." Dawnsong pointed out. "I'll try some fox dung, even if I hate the smell of it."

After a while, Noblespirit was sitting at the border, saying his goodbyes to his mate and new friends. They were anxious about going to the camp, especially Dawnsong, as she had skipped an important battle.
If someone has died, I will never forgive myself.

The she-cat thought. She dipped her head to Noblespirit, and led the two new members of ForestClan towards their camp.
A couple of minutes later, they were just outside camp, on top of the gorge. Dawnsong looked at Ghost and Fox. "You mustn't say a word about me and Noblespirit. I will do the talking for now." She mummered. "Follow me." She started to pad down the slope carefully, watching out for thistles or anything similar.
As she padded down with the rogues, a familar voice echoed in her ears. "Dawnsong!"
More cats started to poke their heads up, and they yowled their welcome. The little grey she-cat felt special, for the first time in her whole life.
Bramblestar padded through the crowd, with Sandtail beside him. "What happened to you last night? I sent you to find CourageClan helpers, but you never returned."
"On the way there, I was attacked by a ReedClan patrol. I don't know who they were, but they were ReedClan. They nearly killed me, but these rogues," Dawnsong flicked her tail towards Ghost and Fox. "saved me. They fought off the patrol, and they wish to join the clan."
"More outsiders?" Tigerpelt spat. "Never!"
"Quiet." Bramblestar growled. He turned back to the cats. "How old are you, and can you do everything that warriors in a clan can do?"
"We are 18 moons old, and we can do everything you would do in a clan." Ghost told the leader. "Oh, I'm Ghost by the way. The tom is my brother, Fox." Bramblestar nodded and rushed down towards the highrock. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join under the highrock for a clan meeting!"
"What's happening?" Ghost asked. Dawnsong smiled. "Bramblestar is making you both warriors."
"Today, ForestClan are going to take in two outsiders as warriors. Can Ghost and Fox come here?" Bramblestar called. The two rogues rushed up eagerly, and Bramblestar looked up. "I, Bramblestar, leader of ForestClan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on these cats. They have trained hard, and I ask that you make them warriors in turn." He turned to the rogues. "Ghost and Fox, will you uphold the warrior code and use it to defend your new clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, we accept." Ghost meowed cooly.
"Then by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Ghost, from this day foward, you shall be known as Ghostfire. StarClan welcomes you as a full warrior of ForestClan." The young leader then padded over to Ghostfire's brother. "Fox, from this day forward, you will be known as Foxtooth. StarClan also welcomes you as a full warrior of ForestClan."
"Ghostfire! Foxtooth!" The clan chanted several times. Dawnsong's voice was the loudest of all, but she couldn't help feeling like she had betrayed the clan.


Swiftpaw chanted along with the rest of his clanmates as they welcomed the two new warriors. Beside him, Featherpaw was chanting quietly, as if she didn't approve.
"What's wrong?" Swiftpaw asked her. The she-cat looked up at him. "I just have this feeling that they can't be trusted. Ghostfire had her claws sheathed throughout the whole meeting."
"We also welcome Dawnsong back to the clan, after yesterday's disappearence. But for now, I will sort new apprentices. Can Willowstream's kits come up here please?"
Finally. We need some new cats in the den.

Swiftpaw thought happily as the three kits rushed up eagerly. Bramblestar looked at them all. "Until these cats have earned the warrior names, they will be known as Leopardpaw, Moonpaw and Clawedpaw. Leopardpaw's mentor will be Otterswim, Moonpaw's will be Pinewhisker and Clawedpaw's mentor will be Tigerpelt."
"That's not very fair." Sandtail muttered. "Why must three toms mentor three kits?" Swiftpaw blinked at his mentor. "Well, it's not your problem. You have an apprentice."
"Also, I have been informed by Brokenheart that Leappaw deserves his warrior name after his bravery yesterday. So, can Leappaw come up here please?" Bramblestar called. The apprentice, still showing his wounds from yesterday, hurried up to the highrock and held his head up proudly.
"I, Bramblestar, leader of ForestClan, call apon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard in your noble code, and I ask that you make him a warrior in turn." He turned to the little injured tom. "Leappaw, will you uphold the warrior code and use it to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" Leappaw said confidently.
"Then by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Leappaw, from this day foward, you shall be known as Leapthroat. StarClan honors you for your courage and quick thinking, and welcomes you as a full warrior of ForestClan." Bramblestar rested his head on the new warrior's forehed, and Leapthroat licked his shoulder in respect.
"Leapthroat! Leapthroat!" The clan chanted yet again. Bramblestar flicked his tail for silence, and he spoke on. "I will sort patrols now. Lionclaw, lead a patrol around the CourageClan border. Take Willowstream, Rainpaw and Snakebite. Sandtail, lead a patrol around the ReedClan border. Take Swiftpaw, Featherpaw, Brokenheart and Runningbreeze. Do not attempt to attack them, unless they fight you. Rabbitleap, lead a hunting patrol. Take Chickenpaw, Pigeonwing and Spiderleg. Otterswim, Pinewhisker and Tigerpelt, you need to take your new apprentices on a tour around our territory."
Well, this patrol should be intresting. Why has Bramblestar selected one of the youngest warriors, two apprentices, a senior warrior and the deputy to go to the border? I thought he would only send one of the oldest apprentices and some of our strongest warriors in case they attack.

Swiftpaw though, following the patrol out of camp.

As the patrol reached the border, Sandtail looked back at them. "Remember, Bramblestar wants no fighting. We are only patrolling, as normal, and sorting out scent markers." She told them.
"Yes Sandtail." The cats meowed, following the deputy.
As suspected, there was a ReedClan patrol. Leading it was Applewhisker, their deputy. He was with Swanfeather, Yellowpaw and Cinderfoot.
"What did Fishstar tell you at the gathering last night? Or are you all mouse-brained?" Swanfeather hissed. "The fish belong to ReedClan!"
"We are not taking fish. We are patrolling our border, as usual." Sandtail told them. "ForestClan don't need your precious fish, we have enough prey."
Wise move.

Swiftpaw thought. However, he did notice that the ReedClan cats had their sharp claws sheathed, ready to attack. Applewhisker glared at them. "How do we know that you are telling the truth?"
"Do you deny the words of a fellow deputy?" Sandtail retorted. "And anyway, we're not looking to pick a fight. Don't think we're blind, we can see that you have your claws out."
"We never said you were blind." Cinderfoot hissed. "Unless you have one of your deaf elders on patrol."

elders are not deaf!" Runningbreeze yowled. "All our cats are loyal and true, unlike your clan of crowfood!" Now the ReedClan cats were furious, and Sandtail cuffed him over the head. "What did I tell you? No fights!" She hissed. The deputy then turned back to the ReedClan patrol. "I apologise for the stupidty of my warrior. Now, we're leaving you in peace while we set scent markers."
"You will

pay for that little remark of yours." Applewhisker hissed angrily. "Now go and set your precious little scent markers. We don't care."
These ReedClan cats are so moody! They think they're all great and powerful, but the only great and powerful ones are StarClan. No cat or clan can match their wisdom.

Swiftpaw thought angrily.
"Also, we are welcome to drink from the stream." Brokenheart told them. "One of the apprentices looks like she needs water, otherwise she will die." She mouthed something to Featherpaw, and then the little apprentice crawled around on the ground, making her voice all raspy.
"We brought her so she could drink." Sandtail meowed. "Surely you will not let this inoccent cat go thirsty?" Yellowpaw muttered something to Swanfeather, and the she-cat laughed. Swiftpaw's eyes glowed in anger, and now it was his turn to talk. "You better not have made fun of her! She's had a hard life, and you're making it no better! Just let her drink, and show that you have some kindess somewhere in your hearts." He spat.
Swiftpaw waited for the ReedClan warriors to attack him, but instead they started discussing amongst themselves. Applewhisker then turned back to Swiftpaw. "You speak wise words for a young cat. Please, we allow you and your apprentice to take a quick drink." He mewed.
"But remember, no fish." Cinderfoot growled, her claws still sheathed. The ForestClan cats dipped their muzzles down to drink the cool, refreshing water. Featherpaw still kept up the act as she crawled over, with Brokenheart nudging her along.
That was pretty fast thinking. I doubt that we would have got a drink if Brokenheart didn't come up with that idea.

Swiftpaw thought. I wish my thinking was that good.


Eagletalon paced around camp, his paws guiding him to random places. Since he had no patrol to go on, he had nothing to do. His friends, kits and mate were all out on patrol with other members of the clan, so he didn't really have anyone to talk to.
As he padded around, he noticed Spottedlark looked a bit down. Being his usual self, Eagletalon went up to the pretty young she-cat. "Are you alright?"
"I'm rather fond of Barleyfoot, but he doesn't notice me." Spottedlark sniffed. "We're close friends, and I respect him."
"Have you told him that you have feelings for him?" Eagletalon questioned. "Look, I can't help forever, apprantly Oakpelt wishes to speak with me." Spottedlark looked up at him. "Go then. I'll speak to another cat."
"Thank you." Eagletalon dipped his head, and ran swiftly into the medicine den.
In here, Flowerpaw was sniffing at Gorgekit, Frostear's son. Everyone knew that one of his claws were longer than his other claws, causing him pain when he walked. Eagletalon greeted the apprentice, and then went over to her mentor. "Oakpelt, you wanted to see me."
"Yes." Oakpelt poked his head up and greeted the warrior. "StarClan spoke to me last night." Eagletalon sat down. "What did they say?" He asked curiously.
"They spoke of four cats. One who repeated when other's spoke, one which ran fast, one which was a bird's best defence and the last cat sang at sunrise. These cats would stop the arguements that the clans have, and bring peace to the forest." Oakpelt explained. "StarClan also said these cats would be wise and respected by others of all clans."
"Erm, what does this have to do with me?" Eagletalon asked awkardly. "I don't see how I fit into this."
"Think about it. I just have a feeling you may be involed. You are wise and loyal. Use your common sense and figure it out."
"Um, yeah, whatever."
"Don't play games with me, Eagletalon. This is serious

business which affects the future and survival of our clans, and the other two clans of the forest. Please treat this as an important message, not a joke."
"I am aware that this is urgent." Eagletalon lashed his tail angrily. "What do you think I am, a kit who knows nothing?"
"Eagletalon, please control your temper. I know you are angry, but you must keep your voice down. It is not time yet to tell anyone else about the prophecy. Seriously, if you tell anyone, I'll claw your ears and whiskers off. Understood?" Oakpelt said grumpily.
"Alright." The tom rose to his paws and started to leave the den, questions buzzing through his brain. But one question came up often:
Who are the cats that StarClan speak of?


Echopath watched her clanmates as they lived their lives in the clan. Despite last night's attack, ForestClan were still strong.
The survival and future of all cats lies in the paws of apprentices and kits. They are the youngest cats who replace us older, more experinced cats when our time is up. They must learn our ways and the wisdom required to be a full member, or a leader. This is then passed on through to the cats of the future.

She thought, remembering what Bramblestar had told her last night. StarClan watch over every cat in every clan, no matter how old or how young, or how sick or how healthy you are.

Her thoughts were disturbed when Pinewhisker padded over. "Hi Echopath. Want to hunt with me?" He asked cooly.
"Sure." The silver she-cat rose to her paws quickly and followed the brown tom out into the forest.
Beams from the sun were shining through the branches of the trees, making dew visable everywhere it had reached. Small footsteps scratched the ground, and birds called out to eachother in song. Echopath plodded along beside Pinewhisker, her ears pricked and listening out for prey nearby.
"Where did you disappear off to last night, before the attack?" Pinewhisker asked, trying to create conversation.
"Eagletalon wasn't being very nice." Echopath told him in a low voice.
"What did he say?" Pinewhisker questioned.
Before Echopath spoke, there was a loud yowl. Echopath spun her head round and saw Rabbitleap's hunting patrol limping over in pain. "Help! Fox attack! Cats are hurt!" He was then followed by Chickenpaw, Pigeonwing and Spiderleg, who all had wounds.
"Come with us. We'll continue hunting." Pinewhisker meowed, nudging Pigeonwing along. Echopath gently nudged Chickenpaw forward, Spiderleg limped along and Rabbitleap helped Pigeonwing.
"The fox was huge!" Chickenpaw meowed to Echopath. "It was bigger than Rabbitleap! And it's teeth were like thorns!"
"How delightful." Echopath mumbled, not really listening as she helped the young apprentice along. "I'm sure Oakpelt and Bramblestar will love to hear about it when you get back."
Chickenpaw said nothing else, as he could see that his temporary mentor didn't have enough time to listen to his story. So, he piped down. Echopath glanced at him. Mouse-dung! I've really upset him!

She realised angrily. I'd better apologise later to him when he's better.

At sunset, camp was silent. More patrols had gone out, but Echopath hadn't been selected again, she was ment to be training her sister's kits. But this wasn't happening at this very moment. Echopath just wanted some time to herself for a bit.
"Oh Roseheart, what will I do without you?" She muttered to herself silently, tears streaming slowly down her cheeks.
There was then a small rustling close by. Echopath jumped back, but then realised the rustling had come from Lionclaw, who was padding over with a young hare dangling in his jaws. "Hi. Featherpaw told me you didn't look very happy when you heard about the fox encounter." He meowed, dropping the prey.
"I made a promise to my sister to look after her kits." Echopath sighed. "But apprantly Featherpaw had to be rescued by Swiftpaw yesterday and Chickenpaw almost died." She then shuffled her paws and mumbled "It was your brother's fault."
"Eagletalon? When did he come into this?" Lionclaw questioned curiously, sitting down beside her. Echopath looked up at the older warrior. "If he hadn't taken Willowstream for a mate, I may have been happier. But nooo, desert your friends for new crushes. That's how your fox-brained brother does his duty." She hissed.
"To be honest, you do prove a point. We were like best friends and brothers into one, but when he met that Willowstream cat everything changed." Lionclaw grumbled.
"So I wasn't the only one." Echopath mumbled, gently resting her chin on his shoulder. Lionclaw nodded. "Yes." He licked her ear and padded away. "Come along, I think Bramblestar needed some help with Roseheart's kits. Apprantly one of them complained about having strange dreams."


Dawnsong looked upon the sun as it started to fade away behind the trees. Today had been strange for her, yet it didn't bother her.
I should have been at the battle last night.

She thought guiltly. Leapthroat and other cats almost died because I didn't actually bother to convince the CourageClan warriors.

Her gaze then hardened, and her claws scraped at the soft earth beneath her paws. But no one cared that I was gone! No one likes me here! And it's all because of Tigerpelt!

"You seem troubled." A small voice chuckled from close by. Dawnsong flexed her claws out and slowly turned around to face Otterswim. "You seem to be a spy." She retorted.
"Relax, I'm passing by." The brown warrior told her, flicking his ear. "Like I would spy on a cat of my birth-clan and my home. Unless they are acting suspicious, there's no point in spying on cats that you've grown up with."
"I take your point." Dawnsong grumbled, stalking away. Otterswim just ignored her and padded back.
Stupid furball. Can't stand him.

Dawnsong thought angrily.
A memory then attacked her mind, like a enemy warrior. It was when CourageClan attacked ForestClan when Dawnsong was still Dawnpaw. A very close friend of her's, Flashpaw, had been slaughtered by a warrior of CourageClan. Dawnsong never found out who had killed the young white and ginger she-cat, but she didn't like to think about the battle that had taken away her best friend.
"Dawnsong!" A voice cried. "Could you do me a favour?"
Oh for StarClan's sake...

Dawnsong padded into the clearing and found Brokenheart. She seemed a little distressed and anxious as she looked up. "One patrol has scented your brother on our territory. Could you check it out please?"
"Crowpelt? But how?" Dawnsong questioned. "I told him to stay off ForestClan camp unless it was urgent!" Brokenheart sighed. "Pigeonwing said she heard two kits wailing too. Maybe we are getting more warriors."
"I'm going to find him." The young grey warrior hurled out of camp, desperate to find her brother.

Dawnsong was deep into the forest when she could smell a strong scent of her brother. Crowpelt!

She started to prick her ears up and follow the scent, her heart pounding with excitement and pure fear. What would Crowpelt say when she found him?
"I can scent you." A low voice meowed, a hint of amusement in the mew. "I may look mouse-brained, but I'm not." Dawnsong reconised the voice to be a cat she knew very well, so she ran to the sound and found and young black tom with two kits. They looked up, and the black cat smiled. "We meet again."
"Crowpelt! What are you doing here?" Dawnsong asked in a loud whisper. Her brother nudged the kits. "Hazelfoot and I believe these two were sent as a sign from StarClan. They were found outside our camp, and they just have that look of wisedom. Bravestar doesn't believe us, and she wants these kits taken away so another clan can deal with them instead of us."
"Do they have names?" Dawnsong questioned.
"Hazelfoot called the dark brown tom with the lighter brown paws and chest Galekit, and the white she-cat with ginger patches Flashkit. I know how much your clan despearetly needs more apprentices, so would you give these kits a chance?" Crowpelt begged. "They'll die if no one helps them."
"Fine." Dawnsong meowed grumpily, wrapping her tail around the young kits. "I can probably get Specklenose to look after them." Crowpelt dipped his head. "Thank you. I will tell Hazelfoot about this. Hopefully I'll see you at the next gathering?"
"Yeah, whatever." As her brother padded away into the distance, Dawnsong cried after him "Send my greetings to Noblespirit!"


"Do I have to?"
"Yes, Chickenpaw. The clan needs prey, especially at this time. Newleaf is late, and prey is becoming scarcer. Do you want to starve before you recieve your warrior name?"
"N-no Sandtail."
"Good. If you catch some good prey, I'll let you off for most of the day tomorrow."
Swiftpaw chuckled in amusement as he eavesdropped on Sandtail's conversation with Chickenpaw. He was laid out in the grass lazily, watching the sun set. The sky was red from the sun's light, but it wouldn't be for long.
The black and white apprentice then felt a paw gently nudge his side. "Hi. I saved you a pigeon." A familar voice murmered in his ear. Swiftpaw looked up and realised it was Featherpaw. He greeted the she-cat, and motioned for her to sit down. He then sat up and took a small bite out of the pigeon. "Thanks, Featherpaw. Do you want some?"
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt." She meowed, crouching down to eat. Her eyes then turned to the sun. "Wow. What a view."
"It's nice." Swiftpaw said quietly. "Peaceful."
"You sound like one of the elders." Featherpaw purred in amusement. Swiftpaw then laid on the floor and made his voice all raspy. "StarClan help me, I've got a tick! It's going to eat all my fur off!"
"Respect your senior members of the clan." Tigerpelt growled from close by. "They have served well and shouldn't be taunted."
Mouse brain.

Swiftpaw thought bitterly. He then turned back to Featherpaw, who was streched out on the soft green grass. Swiftpaw laid down beside her, resting his muzzle in her warm pelt. "Sleep." He murmered to her gently. The young she-cat licked his ear, but then noticed a wound on her friend's shoulder. "What happened?"
"A thorn got stuck in my shoulder." Swiftpaw told her quickly. "I was going to see Oakpelt, but I forgot."
"Then you're going." Featherpaw said firmly. "Go and see the medicine cat now!"
Swiftpaw slowly rose to his paws and padded away towards Oakpelt's den.
The den was silent when the apprentice got in, only Flowerpaw was in there, mending to injuries on other cats. She motioned for Swiftpaw to wait, as she was checking on Gorgekit's claw. "If that gives you any more pain, tell me or Oakpelt and we'll help you."
"Thank you." Gorgekit squeaked, running out and back to the nursery. Flowerpaw then padded up to Swiftpaw. "What have you done now?"
"Thorns again. One scratched my shoulder." The black and white tom said. The medicine apprentice nodded and went off to find some herbs.
Does Flowerpaw love me?

Swiftpaw wandered. She'd better not, or I'll rip her whiskers off.

Flowerpaw then returned with some cobwebs, and applied them to Swiftpaw's wound, which was now bleeding. Her gaze focused on his scratch, but then she stared at the young tom. "Can I talk to you please, in private?"
"Why?" The apprentice questioned suspiciously. Flowerpaw just sighed. "You are facing a great battle. And you know who is fighting who. It is crystal clear."
"What in the name of StarCl- oh hang on!" Swiftpaw then realised what the young she-cat meant. "You wouldn't dare!"
"It's the truth, and you know it. Only you alone can stop it." Flowerpaw growled. Swiftpaw hissed. "If you lay a claw on her, I'll.. I'll rip you to pieces."
"Why would I harm her? If she's related to a old friend of mine, why? And who told you that you can attack medicine cats?" Flowerpaw retorted.
"Keep away, or I will tell Oakpelt why you are fighting!" Swiftpaw growled angrily, stalking away.


Eagletalon continued to repeat the prophecy quietly to himself, ignoring everything around him. He had

to find out what it meant!
Just as he finshed speaking, Pebblestep padded in with Foxtooth and Leapthroat. They had been out on hunting patrol, and they looked exhausted. Eagletalon rose to his paws and greeted the warriors. "What did you bring back?"
"Leapthroat caught a squirrel, Rainpaw killed a shrew and Foxtooth got two hares. I caught a small blackbird." Pebblestep told him with a yawn. "My hunting's been a tad rusty."
"Speaking of hunting, have you seen Willowstream anywhere?" Eagletalon asked, tilting his head to the side. "She went hunting and hasn't come back yet."
"Give her time. She was with Tigerpelt, Ghostfire and Spiderleg." Pebblestep meowed gently. "She won't have gone far."
I hope so.

Eagletalon thought. Please StarClan, guide her and the other warriors safely back home. We can't afford to loose any cats at this time. ReedClan were defeated yesterday and could seek revenge at any time. CourageClan are still a threat to us also. Send Willowstream and the others back to camp unharmed. Please.

A little while after sunset, the patrol still hadn't returned. Eagletalon was out in the forest, trying to look for them. He cared about his clanmates deeply, especially Willowstream.
The air was cool and mild, and the forest was shockingly silent. The tom couldn't hear the trees brushing against eachother as they swayed in the wind, the birds calling out to eachother, or the pitter patter of little tiny paws as prey escaped. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
A high pitched scream then rung out. Eagletalon jumped back, but then followed the noise in curiosity. His ears were pricked, listening out for any noises. Never before had he felt so alone, so afraid.
A sick feeling was building up inside the ForestClan warrior as he continued to venture forward, futher away from the safety of camp. Eagletalon was shivering all over, like a kit out in the snow. He had to find out where the cry came from, and most importantly, who did it.
Eagletalon then stopped when he saw a little patch of blood in the grass. He sniffed it, and realised it carried the scent of a warrior of his own clan. There were some more splotches of blood, some of them splatted on the trees. It was enough to make any cat feel ill. Despite this, Eagletalon continued to followed the trail of blood into a clearing.
In the clearing, there was a large patch of blood. But it was surrounding a strange object that Eagletalon had never come across before here. Tufts of fur laid scattered over the ground, some ginger and some covered in blood so that Eagletalon couldn't make out the colour.
There must have been a fight here. This looks all too familar.

As Eagletalon looked around, he caught a glimpse of ginger fur against the object covered in blood. Anxiously, the tom padded over and sniffed it. The fur smelt of blood and death, but it also had a familar, sweet scent about it.
"No!" Eagletalon cried out. "No, StarClan, please!"
The object lying there, covered in blood, was a fellow ForestClan warrior. But it was more than a warrior.
The motionless cat was Willowstream.

Sneak peek at the next book! (Spoiler alert!!)

Here's just the rough blurb I've got for the sequel, which I hope will be out in May or June 2012. (yes this book is finshed and will go through editing for spelling mistakes, otherwise what's the whole point of spoilers?)

The prophecy cats of ForestClan have still not forfilled the prophecy, and neither their own hopes. Swiftpaw is desperate to stop Flowerpaw from giving any harm to a certain close friend of his, otherwise her life will be in danger. He is also investiagting who attacked Sandtail in battle, and why. Eagletalon, now finding out that Willowstream has been murdered, wants to find out who killed her, and why. Dawnsong is responisble for the safety of two kits who are apprantly sent by StarClan, but she is still trying to keep her's and Noblespirit's relationship a secret, and she has to convince her brother to tell his clan that he has lied about his bloodlines. Finally, Echopath has to protect her sister's kits from the dangers that lie ahead, and also try to keep her friendship with Eagletalon non-violent.

Keep watch for the sequel! :)


Texte: Warrior Cats belongs to Erin Hunter, most of the names belong to me (apart from a few), clan names belong to me. Do not copy unless you have been given permission by the author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2012

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