
Chapter 1

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Sky Parker, and I am 15 years old. You heard of me? Well … what can I say when I’m a famous singer?

Anyway, I have long, wavy dark blue hair that is let loose all the way down to my waist, and matches my eye colour.

Blue hair? Yeah, I’m really weird when it comes to colouring my hair. Whatever colour I like, it always turns out to be on my hair. I know, I know. It’s very original.

Anyway! I always wear my fashionable knee high boots, a cowgirl jacket, a black tank top, and baggy jeans. Very fashionable.

I seriously don’t know why my fans like my choice of clothes, I mean, they just copy my fashion senses and then say that I look cool. Seriously people!

Well ... I think that’s enough of the introductions; let’s get along to the actual story.

So there I am. In my livingroom with my boss. Who knew that I, Sky Parker, would be in the livingroom at 10 o’clock in the morning, trying to tell my boss that I need a break?I knew I didn’t.

I mean, I have been thinking yesterday morning about asking my boss the question I wanted an answer from, wondering if I would or would not ask my boss about my singing career, but I never knew that I would actually be in the room, sitting in my chair, moaning about how unfair this all is.

Well, the reason I need a break from singing is because I either sit around in my house (or rather a mansion) laying around and watching my boss stalking round the living room, trying to find what to do with me; or I would be in my recording studio, trying to record another album.

I mean, how boring is that? I want to be able to do something that does not include the word singing. I always hear people who aren’t famous saying to their friends, ‘wouldn’t it be cool if we were a famous singer?’ And I’m like; people, you so don’t want to become one.

Oh jeez. He’s staring at me. Probably thinking what a stupid girl I am, asking these questions. I hope he says yes. Please say yes! I’m sitting here, waiting for his reply from my question, which I asked about five minutes ago. I really need this. I swear though, if he says no …

“No.” Sigh. I knew he was going to say that. Time for my plan to come into action. This means: time to be a spoilt brat.

“Why? I really need this Martin!” I moan to him, hoping that he’ll change his mind.

But knowing him, the heartless 18 year old Martin Jones, he’ll probably be cruel and say the exact opposite of what I want. Damn him!


Jeez! I think he blowed my hearing up. God, why does he always shout so loud? I mean, whenever I annoy him, he shouts like a bloody maniac. Typical of him.

“Martin, I have been a singer for two years now; since I was thirteen. I need a break!” I say back, a little louder than I should have.

Ah well, he should listen to me for once. I need to be stronger. I need to try and not shout otherwise I won’t be able to stop. Trust me, I do that a lot.

“Sky, you wanted to be a singer, so you stay a singer. No breaks!”

Well that was a bit harsh.

“I didn’t want to be a singer! My parents wanted me to and I couldn’t say no to them after what happened to my sister!”

Oops. I should not have said that. Damn. I hope he doesn’t shout about her being a hopeless 20 year old again. Last time he did, I started a fight with him, and that was while I was signing autographs a year ago. It didn’t get out of the magazines until a few months after.

“Yeah well, your sister is a-“

“Don’t you dare say anything about my sister! If you don’t remember correctly I could beat your cute little ass up!” I interrupt him before I actually do lose control of my behaviour.

“You think my ass is cute?” He didn’t say that. Oh god, please say that I didn’t say that? Damn it. I did.

“Don’t change the subject Mr Martin Jones! Can I or can I not have a break from singing?” I ask again, since I think he forgotten the reason we were arguing.

“For god’s sake Sky, no! If you ask again, I swear I will order you to write more songs and perform them at more concerts!”

And I thought I was harsh.

“FINE! But don’t come to me when you need my help because I wont help you!” I shout, losing my self control.

Before he can say another word to me about shouting at him, I storm upstairs to my bedroom.

My bedroom has a very gothic theme. It has black walls, red curtains, red carpet, and, well … red furniture. Believe me though when I say this, it … looks … awesome!

Anyway. I storm over to my dressing table and before I know what I’m doing, I nock everything down from where it’s supposed to be. Then I storm over to my bedside table and push everything on the floor, making a huge mess. After that I storm over to my walk in wardrobe. Im about to pull it open when I realise something.

“This is just hopeless.” I say to myself out loud. “I am so childish. I better clean this up before Martin comes and tells me off again.”

So I turn around and walk over to the mess I made and put the stuff where it all belongs.

Half an hour later, I’m sitting in my limousine, waiting to be ‘escorted’ to the stadium. I’m going to have to be nice to my little boss for now.

I have a concert to go to.

Chapter 2

As i enter the theatre, i look towards the stage where i will be singing in only a few minutes.

I hope that Martin won't be in the crowd. He has a habit of staring at me when he thinks that i am not looking.

And no, he doesn't like me in that way. He just likes how i am so uncomfortable around him when i am doing a concert.

Anyway, i walk over to the make up room and see that Millie is already there. In case you wondering who she is, she is my make up artist. You know, where she does my make up.

"Hurry up Sky! You need to be on stage soon." She says as i take a seat in front of the clean mirror.

"Sorry. Martin made me late. Again."

Millie sighs and she starts adding make up to my face.

A few minutes later and i am ready.

"You look beautiful Sky. Now go kick ass!" She exclaims.

That is what i like about her. She just says what comes to her mind. And she doesn't care if it's not the right thing to say. Just like me really ....

"Sky! Hurry up and get your ass on the stage! Now!" That was Martin shouting from outside the room. Apparently he doesn't want to disturb me from getting ready. What a load of bull that is!

As i give Millie a final hug, i walk out of the make up room and up to the stage. I take a step. Then all of a sudden there is a big cheer and applause. Oh. I'm already on the stage. I wondered what that big sudden push in the back was. Note the sarcasm. Stupid Martin. No not stupid, annoying.

"Alright people? This is my first song. Mr Know It All!"


Finally! The last song of the day! Here i go!

Over the sea and far away
She's waiting like an Iceberg
Waiting to change,
But she's cold inside
She wants to be like
the water,

All the muscles tighten in her face
Buries her soul in one embrace
They're one and the same
Just like water

Then the fire fades away
But most of everyday
Is full of tired excuses
But it's too hard to say
I wish it were simple
But we give up easily
You're close enough to see that
You're.... the other side of the world
to me

On comes the panic light
Holding on with fingers
and feelings alike
But the time has come
To move along

Then the fire fades away
But most of everyday
Is full of tired excuses
But it's too hard to say
I wish it were simple
But we give up easily
You're close enough to see that
You're.... the other side of the world

Can you help me?
Can you let me go
And can you still love me
When you can't see me anymore

Then the fire fades away
most of everyday
Is full of tired excuses
But it's too hard to say
I wish it were simple
But we give up easily
You're close enough to see that
You're.... the other side of the world
Ohh.... the other side of the world
You're.... the other side of the world
To me.

As i near the finish of the song, i look towards the side of the room to see that there is a side door. I hop i can run there quickly after the song. Seriously though, i have had enough of singing for a life time to come! And of my ignorant boss, Martin.

I step away from the microphone and off the stage after i say my thank you for coming speech to my fans that Martin expects me to say. I mean, why should i say thank you when he tells me to? Yeah, that's why; i would be shouted at for being ignorant and careless. Which i think is pointless when Martin always shouts anyway. Well .... i'm used to it.

As soon as i get to the door and about to pull it open, Martin steps out and slams it close. Real nice Martin, thank you.

"Sky, you have fans on the stage waiting for the autographs you promised. Hurry up over there!"

Sigh. I forgot about the autographs.

"Okay, i'll be there in a minute. Hey! I'm going!" I say as he pushes me towards the stage and the growing crowd.

I think he clicked my back ....

Martins P.O.V

As i watch Sky sign the autographs for the fans, i wonder if i made a mistake. I should of said yes to her. She should have a break from singing. I'm just too damn stuborn to admit it.

After about 15 minutes, i walk over to the now empty stage. Sky turns to me as i say;

"I was a bit selfish earlier on,about you wanting a break. So, you can have as long as you want off. You can go to school."

Sky turns from looking miserable to looking very happy. Excited even.

"Seriously? Oh my god! Thank you so much Martin."

"listen Sky, i have been thinking these plans for 15 minutes. You will go and live with your sister. In Swindon.You will also go to school there."

"Am i allowed to tell people that i'm a singer?"

I give her a look.

"Only a few people. Obviuosly your sister already knows this, so she won't tell anyone. Oh, and you won't see your parent either." I say.

"I don't really want to see them anyway. They're loosers."

"Sky!" I say, enraged that she said that about her parents.

"What? It's true!"

Chapter 3

The only sound that is made in the corridor is the sound of boot heels. Mine to be precise. The students in the corridor, who are currently staring at me, all had their jaws dropped to the floor. As i walk towards my first class, they follow my movements with their eyes. Don't they have anything better to do than watch me? As i get to my class door, the group of boys who were about to walk through the door stopped at the sight of me. Apparently they dont have anything better do.

"Excuse me boys, i would like to walk through that door to get to my class, if you don't mind moving." I say as i stop in front of them.

"Uh ... Yeah ... Sure ...You're hot ..." Was all the four boys could find to say to me. And weas that a compliment on my hotness? Yeah, i made that word up, but it's such a cool word!

They move to there left, leaving me to walk through the door with four boys and possibly all of the class staring at me. Including the teacher.

"And who are you?" The teacher, who had grey hair in a tight bun wearing a black top and a knee length skirt, asks me.

"My name id Sky Parker, and this is my first day at Hollow High School."


"Sky get up! You have a concert, then you need to pack!" Great. Already the annoying voice, cough Martin cough, ruined my dream and my morning. It was an awsuem dream as well! One where it's my first day of school. I can't remember what the school was called. I think it was Hollow, or something.

"Sky!" There goes the annoying voice again.

"Alright! I'm up, god!" I shout back to it, i mean him. Awkward.

I roll towards the side of my bed and i end up on the floor. Ow! That bloody hurt! I get off the floor and walk towards my walk in closet. Shutting the door behind me, i walk over to my shirts and find one that has a skull on a black background. When i have that shirt on, i walk over to my trousers and put on black jeans. On my way out of the closet, i pick up my knee high boots and close the door behind me. As i walk over to my chair at my dressing table, i put on the boots; without falling over of course.

I quickly put my straightners on and straighten my hair, making sure that my highlights are showing. Then i put on as much eyeliner as i can, and a lot of mascara on as well. Finally, i walk out the door.

I walk down the stairs as slow as i can, so i can annoy the hell out of Martin for being slow.

When i arrive at the kitchen Martin, who was grabbing some toast from the toaster, throws a piece towards me. I grab it and bite into it, swalling the whole piece of toast in only 3 bites. Yeah, i know , i'm a pig. I'm just not a girly girl. I'm more of a tomboy. I mean, yes, i do my hair and make up, but i hate doing girl things. I love skateboarding, rock music, guitars, the colour black, and .... well, a lot of other things as well. Including pranks. Like the time i got kicked out of walmart. That was so funny!

Anyway, i walk outside to the limosine, black might i add, and jump in. I wait for Martin to get in the car before annoying him. As soon as he shuts the door behind him i say;

"I thiought that i don't have to do anymore concerts?"

"You stop the concerts when you have actually left. You're leaving this afternoon, when the concert is finished." He replies.

"That's so unfair though!"

"Tough." I turn away to look outside the window, to see where we are. We're stopped at the tfraffic lights, just outside the mall. I suddenly feel like someone is staring at me. I turn around to see Martin sitting there, staring at me.


"Yeah, Sky?"

"Do you, uh, like me or something? I mean, you haven't stopped staring at me as soon as i got up this morning." I ask, before i lost my nerve. He turns red and i wait for him to say something. After a couple of minutes, he finally says;

"Sky ... I ..."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.03.2012

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