
Chapter 1

It was what I had been doing for two months. Running.

And I was drained from it, not thoughtful of why I couldn’t face my doubts was exasperating and I needed to overcome the obstacles and take my own nuisance that I had caused.

It was time to discontinue running.

And return back to him.

Whether he sanctioned me, was not a decision.

I wouldn’t and couldn’t run in wolf form, I was finished with sovereignty; I just wanted to arrive back to him, knowing he was safe and content whirled through my body like a snake.
My feet padded against the dehydrated snow that was slowly peeling away from land, my life in these woods should never have existed, and my expedition through the woods was undeniably over. Perpetually I shall never revisit unless told, because without Markus, these trees were deceased.
I had departed with my friends, I had no proposal if they were to return too, or pick the alternative of completing the run. But that was diminutive stress in my mind compared to returning back to the manor. Would he be enraged by my appearance? Would he execute me?
The air seemed to become humid and quite thick, as I ran I began to take off my coat and hair band to feel the wind glide through my roots and the fresh oxygen press against my sweaty skin, I wouldn’t stop, even if it killed me.
But knowing that revisiting my home would take days to travel back from where I started pushed my legs to pumps faster, knowing it was no use even trying, slowed me down in a average pace again. But that was until I heard a faint muttering of voices from beyond the bushes and naked footsteps of human wolves as they spoke to themselves. The Forest Fire Pack.

Rose’s old group she had grown her life in. But were they doing out so late at night, though it’s not to be expected my these wild animal. So I decided to shrink behind a rather large tree and collect some information. “Then will have to ask Phillip about it,” One of them spoke gently, the winding trying to melt there words.
There conversation seemed nonetheless tiring before my ears perked up at the name of Rose as they sat down a few trees away to chat among themselves. It was two men and they looked completely large with there bulging muscles and flexing chest. “He’s after her isn’t he?” One of them spoke in a louder voice than he meant to. “She’ll be dead as soon as he finds here, slaughter her to death.”
My heart plummeting to my throat, it was unbelievable of what such a cold hearted monster could occur just because he had power.

Rose was going to die.

And it was my entire fault.

I had to facilitate them, but my heart was pushing me the other way, demanding to return to where I belonged. It was too remote, I had previously run a extended distance and there was a chance they could have disappeared from that spot. I gasped in revulsion as I felt a nudge on my shoulder, my heart was hammering tremendously fast and so deafening that I wasn’t able to think visibly. “Elisa?” My eyes turned to the recognizable voice of a person I already knew, someone who was always there for me no matter what. Adrian. Adrian, Chelsea, Sam and Rose were sat behind a blackberry bush, enclosed in thorns and whispering furiously for us to abscond.
“How did you find me?” I wondered as I tranquil a fraction.
“Scent,” Adrian smiled. “We couldn’t leave you; we’re all going to return jointly.”
“We better hasten, these men over there are apparently in investigate for Rose,” I spoke as I tried to noiselessly creep to a secure place appropriate for running once again.
“We heard them speaking,” Adrian replied unhappily as if the emotions had abruptly entered his eyes and were now capturing Rose’s.
I crawled out into the open, taking a lunging step before trying to run as speedy as I possibly could once again, only to be halted by Adrian. “What are you doing?” Adrian asked wearily.
“Running,” I replied though knowing by the way his face was set, this running was intolerable in a circumstance like this.
“We need to hurry home rapidly, if we sprint in wolf’s form, will be able to arrive in fewer than an hour and you know it,” Adrian replied hoarsely as he let go of my arm and watched my face with a severe expression. It seemed all feelings towards me had been washed out of Adrian and in return to Rose.
I smiled, this was something beautiful, the power of love can factually bring us all mutually in cheerfulness, but why did I seem to never ensue anywhere?

The whole group began to change, there whiskers grew wordlessly while hair began to sprout like grass to the end of claws that seemed unbearably long.

And we were ready.

To return.

Chapter 2

We had been running continually for two hours and needless to say that my paws had become bloody and painful by the amount of sharp rocks I had treaded on. But it had ultimately paid of since the manor’s roof sat extensively in the distant, a smile slid upon my lips, the commemoration of my past came flooding I abruptly felt content knowing that this was where my soul was waiting, waiting for me to revisit and for it to enfold me in its embrace with open arms.
My life had finally returned. So that was what I thought.
We slowed into a standard pace, though my whole body seemed to be wrathfully burning from running incessantly, every one of us noiselessly gazed at it for a minute, remembering the way we had lived before this havoc was formed. “So this is where you lived?” Rose asked as she insolvent the silence and our heads turned to a naked human who sat as the top of the hill and watched down at the walls of the manor.
“Yes,” Adrian replied also returning to his customary self and his eyes seemed to stain on hers. “We loved it here, we were all a family.”
Sam and Chelsea huddled together, keeping themselves warm from the chilly breeze that slid across their skin. I walked over to where the path winded to the door, but I was anxious to take my primary step, I glimpsed back at the rest as they encouraged me to budge forward.
I took a inhalation before my foot landed on the cold bricks, this was it, we were moving back ready to walk to deaths door and behind were chains and knives waiting for us.
But we had to face it, we couldn’t exist another life in such a precarious place, running was no longer a alternative and were certainly going to prove that we were ready for any sort of chastisement, including death.
Everyone seemed to track my steps, following behind as we seemed to come nearer and closer to the eerie place, would our life ever become the same again? I wondered before the door was just a few centimetres away from us, the doorbell sat elevated and dared us to press it.
My fingers didn’t respond but I knew I would have to move soon otherwise we would probably look bizarre by standing outside a closed door for hours.
I knocked gently, but loud enough for someone, anyone to here, It took a while for the handle to revolve before I realised there was someone waiting for my response. His eyes seemed to widen as his jaw became loose and he stared at all of us in dismay.
The butler. He would use to sneak sweets up to my room in the night; we were friends and would have never-ending conversations through the hours of darkness when I was diminutive. “Elisa?” He stuttered as he took a step back and stared at us. “What are you doing here?”
“We’ve returned,” I spoke gradually, moving into the warm atmosphere and gazed at the identifiable pieces of art that was hung around the halls.
“But why?” He asked, letting us go through.
“Because we’re done running,” I replied, my fingers danced along the shiny wood of the desk with many picture frames and flowers that sat on top.
“We need to speak with Markus,” I turned to him, seeing his face drain with colour.
“Markus hasn’t been seen in over a week, we’re waiting for him,” George spoke cautiously as he slammed the door shut and walked towards us.
“What do you mean?” I asked securely.
“He needed space and excused himself, no one has seen him,” Just as George had completed his last sentence the luminosity from the outside seeped through the grimy halls and many men entered with a hobble body in their hands, bloody faced and bruised Markus was unmoving and almost dead as they pushed past us and up the stairs.
George rapidly excused himself before chasing after them with fright written across his face. My heart plummeted to the ground of the memory of the kaput man that was unconscious in the men’s arms, what was this? Why was he damaged so inadequately?
My head seemed to gyrate before I determined to take my chances and follow George and examine what had occurred? Tears slipped down my cheek, elegantly ending at my chin before dropping to the ground, it wound me so much to see him like this, what was to ensue to him?
I pushed my way past sullen people remembering the way towards his room, trying to sprint faster to make sure he was still alive. There they all stood around his bed, there eyes seemed emotionless and there hands rested by their sides in unison, what was the matter?
I shoved George out the way before my eyes took in a pasty man, he seemed much slimmer than he usually was, he had the darkest rings around his eyes and his lips no longer held the redness, this was the sign of something valuable to him lost, he was broken.
More tears trickled downwards; his hand arranged on the bed as I took his fragile fingers and gently wrapped them around mine, why was he doing this to himself? I screamed to myself, trying to reason at how this could have happened. Was this my fault? “Will he be okay?” I all but whispered.
“He doesn’t seem to be eating much and he screams at night, but his condition seems to be getting much worse than customary, he seems to be under a lot of stress at the moment,” The doctor replied as he dusted the sheet and stared at me with compassion.
“Will he be okay?” I asked severely.
The doctor didn’t seem to react at the instant before he glanced at everyone else. “Hopefully if he eats more and starts to realise what he’s doing to himself, then maybe,” I wrapped both my hands around his, squeezing them softly and trying to gain warmth into his cold blood.
“Wake up, wake up, wake up,” I murmured softly, demanding everything to make sure those beautiful green orbs would once again unfasten, and become the usual energetic self he once was. It was heartbreaking to see him in such a state and I wouldn’t permit myself to watch him suffer.

Chapter 3

“Coma?” The word had me instantaneously halting and realising the condemnation that had just been spoken by the doctor. After a departure and an exploration back to my previous restful room that night many questions had been flickering through my mind, only to be intermittent by the doctor and only to be told that Markus had been beaten so deficiently that he was in a coma.
“Undeniably, but he should stimulate in less than a week,” The doctor replied as he formed a silhouette against the doorway while he timorously explained, not knowing how I would respond to the news.
“I see,” I spoke weakly as I turned away from him and tears tenderly stroked my cheek, this was all too overwhelming and could I handle anymore appalling news?
He must have got the intimation that I was in need of peace, the doctor inaudibly shut the door and left the dim room unaided as I heard his soft footsteps across the hall as he made an immediate exit. I grabbed my pillow and gently curled around it, remembering the reminiscences of contentment, grief and exhilaration that were once filled in this room, now it was nothing but gloominess and trepidation.
A lone wolf waiting for her alpha.
I heaved a sigh and scooted from my position, pacing around my room as I tried to envision the smile of Markus when he woke from his deep slumber. The pain raced through my heart knowing that if I had never left, he would of course been fine and vigorous. “Elisa?” My name was called by Chelsea as she stalked through the door and sent me a compassionate smile.”How are you feeling?”
“I’ve been better,” I mumbled as I took a seat once again on the bed.
“I heard that Markus has been stirring a minute quantity,” At those words, my eyes must of lightened as I sprinted out of the room and leaving a bewildered Chelsea as I equipped for the striking face of his, though it was not conscious, moving was a good sign indeed.
I knocked lightly on the door, knowing already that no one would be inside, but just in case Markus might already be wakeful I turn the knob and enter the clear, soundless room. There Markus lay, his hand just a diminutive amount in a altered arrangement as it rested against his head and the mesmerizing of his chest as it moved up and down very much got me eager.
I sat on the side, my eyes seemed attached to his face, and knowing that soon he’d awake and we could return to our customary lives brought a signal of gladness.
My palm slipped into his and my fingers wrapped smoothly with his, the warmth seemed to revisit and his face didn’t seem as pallid as it had been before. Injecting him with food was the doctor’s scheme and perceptibly was doing well for him.
Suddenly, Markus’s eyes opened and the blackest midnight of his eyeballs seemed to revolve towards me, of course Markus was not aware, but his wolf was on full alert. I snatched my hand from his, holding it as the body of Markus rose from his lying position. “Do you know what you’re doing?” The wolf wondered, his brows frowned as he glared at me heatedly.
“Hurting him,” I murmured, as the wolf only returned my answer with a cold stare.
“This was your fault he was in a state like this, when he figured out that you were in definite fact his mate, he was heart broken that you had dared to dart away,” The wolf growled with irritation. “You for no reason realized that he was in genuine fact already falling in love with you!”
The next moment a brutal ripping resonance was heard as claw slashed skin, I slammed back into the wall and held my cheek in anguish, the blood seeped through and my mind became dizzy as the blood trickled down my cheek.
I stared at the beast in front of me, though I was frightened the wolf was right, my actions had prohibited Markus from a regular life with his mate, and knowing that he had essentially desired to spend his life with me sent tears sliding down the edges of my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I whispered as I curled up into a ball, shaking hysterically as I heard shuffles before I realized that the fiend had once again returned back to sleep.
“I’m sorry I’m not a good mate,” I spoke tenderly ignoring the prickling sensation. Knowing that I was in need of therapeutic help my feet wouldn’t allow me to shift though. So I just sat there, crying and praying that the sins I had committed could ever be forgiven.

Chapter 4

“He has awoken! My lady he has awoken!” One of the maids knocked on my bedroom door and tried to stimulate me of the superior news. But seeing him would only remind me of yesterday’s occurrence and what was still gradually working through my head. It was unpardonable and I couldn’t just revisit so abruptly. But I can’t depart again I reminded myself as I wrapped the covers over my nippy body and dug deeper into my nest where I didn’t want to be bothered.
“Elisa!” I could here my name becoming louder however I didn’t move from my arrangement, did Markus truthfully want to deal with the drama once he was awake? Just then the door handle turned and Chelsea stormed in, her face seemed flustered. “What are you doing?” Chelsea bellowed heatedly as she grabbed my arm and pulled me vehemently off the bed, the cold air embracing itself around my body.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled. “I don’t know what to do anymore,” Chelsea halted as she dragged me out the door.
“What are you talking about?” She asked while many of the housekeepers seemed to be pacing past us with towels and shampoo bottles.
“Does he really want to put up with me again, wasn’t it simpler when he was unaccompanied and I was out the way,” I quivered as I leaned on the wall and closed my eyes for a concise second.
“Of course not! You know he misses you he said it himself,” Chelsea let got of me and stared at the tears that slowly traced down my cheek bones, was It the right thing? To return to him did he want to see me? Or was he only after me for death?
Chelsea took my face in both her hands, gazing at me with fire that seemed to blaze in her eyes like a match. “If your heart tells you to go to him, you go to him pursue yourself not what your mind’s telling you,” Chelsea spoke with such fortitude it brought a thrill of exhilaration through me. “Do what that one special organ is demanding you to do, go.”
I hesitated for a second, trying to reason with myself on whether or not to leave or to reside and conceal, but my feet seemed to drag me along without authorization, this was it, seeing him would alter my life once more, was I ready for it?
No more lies or secrets and no more running, this was what was about to ensue. The future everything I had been frightened of dealing with was about to happen.
I took a deep breath as my feet slid across the floor, quicker and closer towards his room and I could previously smell his aroma as it lingered through the air like a drug. I knew I was ready but was I okay with facing everything that I had once feared?


And with that one word that motivated me to move more rapidly, I pushed the profound door open and came face to face with those electrical emerald eyes.

Chapter 5

“Hi,” I could only let out one particular word as I was powerless to concentrate as his fingers seemed to clench around the covers. Was he annoyed? Should I leave?
He didn’t seem to answer, so I stared at his tousled hair and caught the light stubble on his chin. His eyes injected into me, he didn’t seem to break away as I leaned unnervingly against the door frame in anticipation he’d say anything. “It is time for your bath!” George came into the room and halted as he observed the comprehensive quietness.
Markus nodded and lifted from his position in assistance with George by his side as he facilitated him to the bathroom, Markus didn’t even glance towards me as he staggered into the room and sealed the door. I wrapped my arms around my body, the coldness of his eyes was discomforting and I abruptly felt unsolicited.

The bath ran and the boiling steam slipped through the open crack of the door along with his scent which seemed to drug me. I pushed away from the door and wordlessly vanished from the place I had settled parting Markus to his pacifying bath.
I decided to stride round the manor’s halls, to reason about what precisely I had permitted myself into and why exactly he was so tranquil with me. I observed Sam settled unaccompanied as he read a book and an apple placed in his other hand. I gradually moved towards him and located myself reverse to him.
His eyes glanced through his glasses at me before understanding why I was here. “How was it?”

“Dreadful, he won’t talk to me,” I wailed as I placed my head against the wall and closed my eyes for a transitory instant.
“Maybe he’s in shock,” Sam responded as he placed his book beside him and took an immense chunk out of his apple.
I shrugged as I curled up beside him and shut my eyes, visualizing Markus in reappearance of Sam who seemed to be comforting me now. “What do I do?” I speculated.
“Give him time,” Sam returned as he caressed my hair and patted my head hearteningly.
“What if time’s not sufficient?” I maintained as I bit my lip in frustration.
“Then you’ll have to just wait.”
I rotated away, irritated by Sam’s mature explanations and blocked out authenticity for a few minutes until I was interrupted by one of the maids. She nudged me on the shoulder, trying to regain memory of where I was until I comprehended where I was still wrapped up in Sam’s arms who had proceeded on to reading once more. “My lady, Markus has asked for you.”
My heart skipped a beat as the reminiscence of him twirled through my head. Was he finally talking to me once again? I conjectured in faith as I rose and began my voyage towards his room. Taking each step sluggishly as I became more anxious. Until I stood face to face alongside his door, knowing he was waiting on the other side brought shudders along my spine. “Elisa?” I heard the indistinct calling of my name as I spun around to meet Chelsea who seemed to be staring at me abnormally. “What are you doing?” She asked.

“I’m about to enter inside of his room,” I mumbled as I broke away from the entrance and somehow relieved that I was saved by her.
“Are you two okay now?” Chelsea doubted.
“He called for me so maybe things will sort out,” I responded trying to keep our voices trivial in case he might be eavesdropping in on our discussion.
“Good luck,” Chelsea whispered before separating and stalking off to find Sam. I turned back around, facing what I feared once again and leisurely turned to knob of the door and pushed it open.
Markus was on his bed, watching the window as birds soared past the hills and over the trees of where I knew he desired to be right now. He perceptibly hadn’t heard me enter and was probably waiting for my attendance as I took a step closer towards the bed. “Why did you come back?” Markus asked into the stillness of his own room.
I stumbled in shock as I apprehended he was talking to me and had noticeably heard. He turned his head towards me, his eyes gathered the light but the fire burned through his orbs. “I came back to see you,” I mumbled, feeling the compression.
“After all this while?” He spoke, his voice unexpectedly becoming livider with every word he spoke. “Do you now how much I’ve been through just to have you back?” His words hit me like a ton of bricks, my heart pulverized and I swiftly became exceedingly dizzy, what had I done?

“Markus I’m sorry,” I retorted, precipitously feeling desolation and unconditionally unpleasant for my iniquities. “Please absolve me.”
Markus didn’t seem to respond as he scrutinized me, watching intently as I tried to stay assertive. But every minute my mind would doubt itself, and words spun through my head. What if he never forgave me? I came closer to him, sitting at the edge of his bed, pleading that maybe he would comprehend how apologetic I candidly was.
Then my eyes converted to the red liquid that was leaching through his clothing, I gasped in dismay as he didn’t seem to move though it looked undeniably painful. “Markus you’re bleeding!” I shot up from the bed and tried to find something appropriate to wrap him in.
“So, it’s serious you need medical help,” My eyes associated with an emergency box and I quickly unsealed it and found wipes and bandages stashed inside. I exhaled with relief as I clutched the objects and hassled towards him.
“Take off your shirt,” I quickly took out a few wipes and waited for Markus to submit.
“Take off your shirt, you’re bleeding,” He didn’t have time to respond as I tour the material from his body and slapped the wipe against his bare skin. He growled in discomfort as the ingredient burned his cut, though he allowed me to ensue.
I unraveled the bandages and carefully pushed him forward, making sure not to open any of his scars again and slowly wrapped the material around his body, my eyes couldn’t seem to move from the toned muscles my hands were compelled against, rapidly making me wish that we were somehow not in such an uncooperative situation.
When the aiding was finally complete I took my hands away and settled him back down into his cocoon. “Thanks he muttered.

“Part of my occupation,” I smiled as I grabbed the last content and stuffed it back into the box before settling on the end of his bed again.
He nodded taking in the well wrapped bandage around his waist and looked up at me. “I’ll forgive you,” He suddenly spoke, shocking me by his words.
“What, really?”
“Only if,” I knew that there was evidently a catch to his condition and honestly I was quite troubled of what it may be.
“Only if you mate with me.”

Chapter 6

“W-what?” I stammered as the serious look on Markus’s face seemed to alarm me the most than what I had just heard.
“You heard me loud and clear Elisa,” Markus countered, somehow authority moulded into his voice as it seemed to bounce around the walls and echo through my head.
I didn’t reply to his comeback and so Markus decided to rise from his bed gradually, the bandage around him still completely attached but my heart battled by the strength of him as he pushed me against the wall, once again feeling those tantalizing sparks that lead my emotions to a thrill of exhilaration.
Markus leaned closer towards me, his chest now against mine, barricading me yet I didn’t seem to want to object to this. His breathing marginally tickling against my ear but his words dazed me more. “Are you telling me that you can live without this?” He asked as his hand tenderly caressed the side of my waist, reheating my emotionless blood and instantaneously bringing my body back to existence. “The way I can make you feel content, the way I can love you like no other wolf has, you’re saying that a lonely wolf can live without her mate?” I was on the verge to object until he dragged away and stared down at me, his eyes occupied with desire and somehow enthralling.
“Fine then, goodnight,” Was his last words before he directed me out of the room, my own state still seemed to be in astonishment but the trepidation that eroded me seemed to bring my wolf howling for more of his effective touches, more of paradise that he had to present. What was going on? I had never experienced something quite like that before.

A few days after the occurrence, I never got to communicate to Markus since he had now entirely convalesced by the swiftness of his healing and was on a professional trip with two of his colleagues. Though after he had jostled me out of his room it had promptly shattered my heart, I no longer felt the need to hold back, yet for some bizarre intention I was fearful that I may seem too despairing.
So I decided to have a conversation with him when he was to arrive back from his voyage, a comprehensive and employed discussion on what the matter was that seemed to be holding both of us back.
I smiled to myself beneath the duvet of my bed, hiding so no one would be able to discover me, I needed to get away, course into my own mind and figure these unbearable questions out. But how was I suppose to?
I sighed in apprehension before spiraling over and hurling the covers off from my perspiring body in need of the fresh air that rapidly mimicked a ghost of the duvet I had previously been enfolded in.
That was until I could hear hushed declarations coming from downstairs and suddenly registering that Markus had lastly returned home once more. But somehow I was anxious to confront him, not knowing of what he might say.
But I had finally had had enough of all this and raged out the room, my footsteps restating against the halls as I charged my way down the steps and at long last came to assess Markus’s back, holding his coat in one hand while he grasped a wine glass in the other. I tapped him on the shoulder wrathfully as I waited for him to rotate around.
Only then did I panic of what I might say as his emerald orbs immediately encountered mine, prepared for a battle.


Hey guys, just wanted to apologize as I haven't written anything in quiet a while. :l But I have now updated the next chapter and I'm sorry that it's short, I've just had a lot of revision so there was not time for writing these couple of weeks! But I hope you enjoy it :)
Thanks a lot for the hearts, I truly appreciate it, and the comments! ;)
Thanks again,

Cherrytop xx

Chapter 7

The quietness seemed to progress around the eerie room, the remnants of my adrenaline gradually washing away as I stood there inelegantly below the deadening observation of the authoritative alpha. My inhalation seemed too rigid as my reflection shone in his eyes.
Before long he seemed to respond, his eyes resumed to his customary self until he sauntered past me, his shoulder brushing me marginally and instantaneously welcoming the spurs as they tattered through me but somehow depressing as I knew that they expected nothing at this point.
Everyone was still hushed, only the footsteps of Markus’s shoes were reverberated around the house as he headed towards his room, making me feel like a invalid, saying categorically nothing.
Tears glided from my eyes as they leisurely slithered across my cheek and dripping from my chin, the indistinct plopping of liquid splashing against the floor was louder than I had ever anticipated, a faint yet lethal sound that seemed to disrupt my heart, hearing the feeble cracking of my organ as it commanded me to run after him.
Chelsea unexpectedly pushed past the throng and clutched my arm, dragging me and her into the kitchen where cooks seemed to be working their unsurpassed at this point, perceptibly observing that Markus was not in a decent mood this afternoon. “How discourteous,” Chelsea spoke as she skidded onto a chair and stared up at me, expecting the specifics I was to give her.
“He’s infuriated at me, but who wouldn’t after what we had committed,” I replied, a smidgen of culpability unhurriedly skimming through me as I knew that this was a complete lie.
“I know you’re being untruthful, I can tell by your appearance, tell me what really ensued,” Chelsea required as she seemed to improve her tone and edge nearer towards me.
I sighed in defeat, the words I was about display I knew would not surface as anxiety began to slip through me. “He-He said that he would forgive me if I-“
“If what?” Chelsea necessitated heatedly, rising from her chair to face me with a keen expression planted on her pastel face.
“Mate with him.”
Chelsea was in comprehensive astonishment at my words as she soundlessly put a hand to her mouth. “What?”
“But I rejected,” I retorted rapidly.
“Why would you decline?” Chelsea hissed with infuriation, placing a hand upon her forehead melodramatically.
“Because you’re a weakling,” She replied. “You’re petrified to push yourself, you can’t trust you for who you are, and the way you feel about a person, you can’t express it. So enough of your wavering and enough of acting pathetic, you’re the bodyguard so go and face your uncertainties and contract with it!” Chelsea words soared against me like a ton of bricks, beating my face until my cheek began to prickle, her words were that prevailing.
I smiled moderately, insignificant quantities of tears once again dripping across my face as awareness seemed to kick in. I didn’t care about publicity because I know that we would both work together on finding a way to bring everything to peace, and the purpose Markus was searching for me was only due to love, Markus loved me and I knew complete well that I loved him back.
Loving the alpha was the supreme thing that could conceivably transpire in my complete life and I knew from that instant that the complications that we would have to pass were going to be problematic, but together we could face them effortlessly.
So I took each stage with fiery pleasure, heading closer to the room I no longer felt prohibited to, walking into my upcoming was perhaps one of the preeminent things that had ever befallen in my life and I knew that I was prepared, equipped for what was awaiting me from behind those colossal doors.
I gripped onto the knob and without disinclination I pushed it open, observing Markus as he lay there on his bed curled over a book. That was until he broke connection and gazed at me while disorganized. “You.” I spoke assertively. “You think that I will just let this immense condition pass without a glimpse backwards, well I can tell you, you are absolutely wrong, enough of these senseless juvenile games,” My words seemed to flabbergast me more than him but when I started, I could seem to discontinue.
“I’ve kept my factual identity a clandestine for years now and the only intention I ran was due to thinking that I was not sufficient for you, and wouldn’t provide anything for you. But you see, love overtook and the motive I returned was thinking that I no longer needed to be wealthy and have the most fine-looking jewels in the world or become some attractive model, so take me as I am or you get nothing, because I love you Markus. I love you,” The moment I had completed the entire lecture, Markus seemed to rise from his bed and grasp me by the shoulders severely, and gripping down on them so forcefully that I was sure it was to leave a mark.
“What are you saying,” He murmured yet not a hint of antagonism could be acknowledged in his lime eyes.
“I’m saying that I can only be with you, nobody else makes me feel the way that you do or ever will, and I’m apologetic that I was running from you, I thought that maybe being your mate would cause a commotion and you would execute me,” I started to cry into his shoulder as I leaned closer, his aroma seemed to vaccinate into me like a venomous substance.
“Don’t you ever think you’re not worth anything to me, that is my choice not yours, you are better than the complete world to me, so please, don’t ever disbelief yourself because I don’t want anybody else, I only want you Elisa so comprehend my words prudently, I love you,” I sniveled, his words seemed to bandage my heart and pulled on the stitches. I couldn’t bare another second without him, so I lightly brushed into him, lips parting deliberately as my hands floated across his shoulders and I judiciously pulled myself up to his mouth before pressing mine against his.
His response was wild as he gradually encased his hands around my body, by no means permitting to let me go as our kiss seemed sweltering with hunger, a kiss like that locked us with each other as teeth abruptly grazed against one another and his tongue slipping across my lower lip, pulling me deeper into a never ending dream, the sparks seemed to be a gazillion times shoddier, but precipitously they were occupied with affection and sweet desire.
Markus pulled away, leisurely breaking the kiss and staring into my eyes, a grin with satisfaction seemed to pull at his lips as his hands grasped my face, embracing my cheek. “This is the sensation I have always craved to touch all of these years, and now I finally get to,” I beamed back; my heart seemed to flutter as our bodies seemed devoted to each other. Our souls seemed to entangle together, associated by such a commanding strength that I never seemed to obtain enough.
But everything seemed to disappear away like a photo as swiftly there were lurid cries and unbearable difficulties about a substantial turmoil. The door burst open before two men piercingly yelled, almost deafening us with tremor and terror.
“The Forest Fire pack is here and they want a battle.”

Chapter 8

This chapter contain Discourteous content!
So i advise you that if you do NOT want to read this move on to the next chapter! :D
Thanks :)
Cherrytop x
P.S But this is the MAIN bit! You'll regret it if you don't read it! :P

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“What are you talking about?” Markus roared furiously as he let me go and hurried towards the door, everybody seemed to be sprinting around, out of control and dread on their faces. My breathing became rigid as I remembered that of course, Rose was not part of this pack.

I shadowed Markus out to the front where hundreds of men in wolf form seemed to border the walls of the mansion. “What is this?” Markus commanded heatedly.
I nudged at his sleeve, before noticing his eyes that pivoted towards me judgmentally. “When we were gone, we happened to pick up…Adrian’s mate on the way,” I mumbled, somehow tearing my gaze away from him and glowering into the floor.
Markus almost seemed to be shaking by the quantity of anger he seemed to be holding in. I fearfully took a step backwards in circumstance his temper flew, in case he might murder me. “Who is she?” He asked his tone poisonous as he noiselessly scowled at me.
“Rose, she’s part of their pack.”

Markus turned, so I was unable to see his face as he moved towards the towering wolves as they let out lethal snarls and bared their fangs, watching every movement as Markus came towards a man in a cloak. His bulging muscles could evidently be seen and every ounce of supremacy seemed to bounce off him, making me quiver as I knew just how frightened Rose was undoubtedly right now. “What do you want?” Markus necessitated his words seemed to overfill the whole region, bringing immense shivers along my spine.
“Give us Rose, and no one will get harmed,” The man spoke, his black eyes seemed to twist towards me, a minor grin spread across his arrogant face before returning to Markus. “She will be executed.”

My whole body seemed to become traumatized as I tried to obtain my strength that seemed to be hastily decreasing. “We will battle,” Markus yelled impatiently, indeed appalling me as he had no idea who Rose was, why did he want to support?
The man sniggered irritably as Markus’s men seemed to troop around him, fury transcribed across their faces and clenched fists seemed to upsurge the treacherous atmosphere. “As you request.”

I tried to plea for Markus but was drowned out by the prosperous of The Forest Fire pack as they charged indignantly, breaking our men down with just their feet, blood sprayed everywhere and wolves began to fight against each other. A clash, we were in a fight and where was Markus?
Anxiety seemed to get the better of me as I treaded across the thick grass and slither between wolf after wolf, there seemed to be no signal of him and the upsetting sounds of screaming almost made me giddy.

That was before a hand glided across my waist and pulled me along. Thinking it was Markus I trailed the person who had me securely across his chest so I was unable to see his face.

When we had slowly crawled behind the castle walls, a hand pushed me against the ground, a bone seemed to crack and a prompt screech bolted from my lips. This was unconditionally not Markus, even if he was fuming; I knew that he would certainly not do something so vehement to his mate. “Thought it was him?” A voice sneered as I elevated my drowsy eyes towards the face I dreaded, the man before, he glared at me, though a trivial smirk creased along his face. “What do you want,” I writhed to rise as my back seemed to sprout with discomfort and tears seemed to convincingly drip from my eyes as I instantaneously knew that I was going to die in the hands of the opponent.
He leaned down towards me, his eyes glowing and his hands seemed to stroke the side of my cheek moderately, though I knew everything here was a falsehood. “What are you going to do to me?” I asked in distress as his grin broadened and a malevolent laugh appeared to spurt and wrap around me like a snake.

“Something you’ll never forget,” I tried to get up but as soon as I resisted I was stopped, he restrained me down and though he wasn’t forceful my efforts were pathetic as the blood from my back seemed to stain my clothes.

I tried shouting but it was useless as any movement aloud the pain to intensify. In defeat I turned my head to the side, staring taciturnly at the wall, as I unexpectedly felt his hand rise underneath my shirt.
I thrashed once more, overlooking the pain and trying to free myself, this entirely felt incorrect as his hand progressed higher and higher until he lightly traced along my bra and breathed deeply against my neck.

I could feel the bile in my throat, pushing to get out, my body, it was filled with his murky marks, this body was now unserviceable, and how could I permit myself to follow someone I didn’t know? I would never excuse myself for being such an impractical bodyguard, I was favorably shielding others when I should have firstly protected myself.
Here I was about to be raped, about to be murdered and snickered at because of my feebleness. I solitary tear leisurely traced along my cheek bone and plunged onto the grass as it eagerly dissolved into the mud.

The man slowly unclipped my bra and his hand prudently cupped the smooth skin of my breast before opening the buttons of my shirt and leaning his head down to lick at the rosy flesh of my nipple. I couldn’t tolerate this to ensue; I couldn’t become a frail woman who permitted other men to touch me.

I wouldn’t stand for this as I clutched his hair and tugged at it hard, he barked and fell to the side, giving me the opportunity to rise and rapidly button up my shirt once more, I was about to lunge at him before another man grabbed at him and started to punch at his face wrathfully, that was when I noticed the figure of Markus.
Markus grabbed at a dagger from his pocket and tried to slash at the man’s throat, but missed as the man used his own weapon and dug it into Markus’s stomach. He screamed out in pain as he let go of his own knife and fell to the floor.
The man chuckled down at him, before dusting himself off and turning his wicked eyes back to me, but before he knew it, I was already in front of him as I pushed my hand into his chest and cold-heartedly pulled out his heart, its last beat pumped into my hand and gradually died as the organ lay floppily, the blood dripping from its arteries and the man slowly falling to the floor as he couldn’t complete a word, I looked down at him, tossing his structure at him before concentrating on Markus.
He was curled up, his inhalation uneven as he clenched and unclenched his fist, mumbling my name but his eyes squeezed shut compactly.

I knew what I had to do, I didn’t need a nurse, or a doctor to support me with this, I just needed myself, and doing this, I knew it was tremendously precarious, snatching the switchblade that lay beside me I gripped it firmly, breathing profoundly as I forced the metal against my wrist, breathing in and out. Wolves are extremely allergic to silver if it touches their blood, it can cause death.
But I knew what I had to do, I would do this for love, the affection of my mate and I could not go through the agony of watching him die, it was my only optimal as I inhaled and judiciously opened Markus’s mouth.

I looked down at him, smiling at his beautiful face, memorizing the times we had been through, how problematic it was to be with the alpha, to be his factual mate, it was never going to happen and there were too many rivals, enemies and haters against us, of course they would have never permitted the alpha and his bodyguard to ever be together, so what was the point in trying anymore?

I softly kissed the side of Markus’s mouth, and in an instant slashing my wrist, the anguish that shot up my arms was excruciating, but nothing would disturb me as I leaned over Markus, tears gliding from my eyes and inspecting the blood as it soundlessly dropped into his mouth, Markus swallowed the liquid, his eyes fluttering gradually, but not yet conscious as more of it trickled from my wrist. “I love you, Markus,” I whispered.

And with that, I leisurely dropped to the ground, no longer in control of my cramping body, but the final image my eyes had held was possibly the greatest memory I would ever remember.

Markus’s eyes.

And even when I’m dead I’m sure I will never forget Markus,

I did it for love.

Chapter 9 - Ending

 So I believe it was unfair to end a story there.


So this will officially be the last chapter of this book/series, I truly hope you enjoy it. :)


Thank you guys <3


Markus' POV


I turned slighty, my body was in a great amount of pain. Iron. That's exactly what my mouth tasted, a thick iron taste - blood? My first initial reaction to the situation was if the enemy had been completely wiped out. It was silent but I wasn't sure if I had temporarily lost my hearing as a sudden and almost surprising understanding was, that I was surrounded by nurses and doctors, a blanket of white uniform covering around me so much that it was hard to know where I was properly looking. 

"Get him to the surgery room straight away - and the girl too." 

Those words seemed to be the only thing that my ears could pick up. Besides a loud ringing sound in both ears, his voice was now the main focus of my attention. "The girl too?" Who was this girl? My eyelids became unbelievably heavy, it was a difficulty to keep them open, and rather, I decided not to - allowing my weak vision to become a clear blank canvas of nothing.



"Markus." A voice interrupted my serene silence. "Markus." And yet there it was again. 

A spark of annoyance surged through me as I realised that the serene silence was a thin wall of reality and sleep. I twitched and a small gasp erupted from someone fairly close to me - they were watching my every move, and suddenly I became nervous to who my audience was in fact. I groaned at the familiar pain that sat upon my stomach, a sharp and shocking pain that almost caused me to pass back into the darkness once more. 

"Don't move too much Markus." 

My eyes fluttered open, annoyed at the voice who kept attempting to speak to me. My mouth momentarily opened to reply to the persons comment until I became aware of my surroundings. Around me I saw a few of the other masters who lived within the home, as well as Adrian, Chelsea, and the girl that I faintly remembered as... Rose.

"How're you feeling, Markus?" A voice asked beside me that I hadn't actually realised was there before. His white jacket signified an important position... perhaps a doctor? 

"I'm Dr. Wilson, we haven't properly met, but after your pack called us for emergency we were quickly sent over to assist your pack." The doctor spoke slowly, which I assumed he was being considerate considering the drowsy state that I was in. "We were able to help those that were in need of our service, luckily just in time, however a few of your pack members were unfortunately dead before we even arrived."

I barely nodded, the pain that I was in was unexplainable, and by the look on his face, I'm sure he gathered that himself.

I turned my focus to the people who stood in front of the bed, all eyes focused intently on me. Like a trigger, I realised someone was missing, someone who was usually with me almost 24/7, protecting me, I just couldn't seem to remember who, it was like a blockage had been put in the way to prevent me from remembering.

"Ah. You most likely are trying to remember Elisa - correct?" The doctor asked.

And, just by the simply word, all memories came flooding back, crashing through my mind like an intense, brutal wave of regrets. Yes. I had been trying to remember Elisa. 

"H-how is she?" I could barely scrape out the words, though the determination of knowing how my...mate, in fact, was, was itching at every possible area within me. I couldn't remember what had happened after seeing the Alpha of the Forest Fire Pack attempt to sexually abuse her, everything seemed to have just simply gone completely blank. 

"Well." The doctor spoke slow again, as if it pained him to tell. "She's in critical condition, she was at one point confirmed dead, however, we were able to come just in time to resuscitate her, unfortunately, we have no confirmation to know whether she'll surivive."

"She's in a coma..." Chelsea said slowly.

My eyes widened in shock.

"She gave you her blood so that you'd survive." The doctor stated.

I couldn't understand at first why my vision had become blurry, but then the first droplet of a tear decided to guide its way down my face - I was crying.

"When will you know?" I asked, my feeble voice cracking at the thought of my mate dying. After everything we had been through, to know that we both wouldn't come out at the end survivors ultimately broke my heart.

"That's also impossible to know - it's all about when her body decides its time to stop fighting-"

"Enough." I state, just about strong enough to hold up a hand. "I don't wish to hear anymore, please leave me be."

And just like that, the audience that had been so focused on me all scuttled out, leaving me alone in the vast empty room, to think about my dying mate, who's intention was to in fact die - for me.



Two Months Later.


"You need to eat."

Rose came in with a place full of mountains of food. I looked towards her, who returned my gaze, her eyes moving everywhere to examine my disshelved state. I couldn't tell her not too, for I too knew that I was severly broken inside. Since Elisa was not around, Rose had offered to work below me instead until - or if, Elisa did in fact make it out of her coma.

"Have you seen her today?" Rose asked as she settled the dish down beside me, not even its tempting smell could arise me from my statued position that I had stayed in for so long.

I shook my head, usually first thing in the morning, I would join Elisa, hold her hand, tell her I loved her and I wished she'd come back to me, tell her I'm sorry for not treating her better, but today, realisation hit me that there was in fact a high chance that she may not survive. Was I hoping for something that would never come?

Rose sighed, bringing me out of my thoughts. "You need to see her, even if she's not awake her wolf will be - and she'll appreciate it."

"I don't wish to see her." I couldn't bare the thought of seeing her yet again in the same position she had been in for the past 2 months, both hands complacently seated on her abdomen, the white sheet placed just above them, I could already form a mental image of her impassive state.

"What if-"

"I wish for you to leave now!" I shouted as loud as my voice could go.

Rose nodded only before she slipped out the door, leaving me to the very thoughts that I had been stuck with for two long months.


4 Months Later 


If she was a human she would have passed by now. Luckily, her strong fighter wolf side had thankfully kept her somewhat alive.

I sat beside her bed. Held her hand. Stroked her hair. Just like the usual things I always did with her.  

Tears would stroke my face, my whispers would press into her ear in hope that she could maybe hear me. It was of course unlikely, and this may be the closest to alive that I could ever have her again. I missed her, even when I wasn't able to touch her when she had been concious, I still wanted her, even now when she was lifeless. 

"How's she doing." 

I turned to face Chelsea, the same worried expression that she always wore. 

"Same as always." 

Chelsea nodded and came closer, took the other hand and gripped it close to her. 

"It's been so long now." Chelsea murmured, taking a hand to put her hair behind her ear, revealing her prescious face, her softly gently-closed eyelids that had been shut for so long it almost seemed impossible to wake her up. 

"We shouldn't expect much." I stated, my voice hard, knowing that by each month as it passed, coming to a painful understanding that if she hadn't already woken up, there was minimal chance of her ever regaining conciousness. 

"We have to have hope." Chelsea stated as she watched me take a move towards the door. "We must."

I let out an irrated sigh. "I"ve had hope for so long and it's got me nowhere!" I roared angrily, pacing back and forth. "I've had so much hope that she should be awake by now -but is she? - no!"

Chelsea looked down, knowing full well that I was in fact being brutally honest. "If she hasn't woken up by now there is no chance!"

I saw the familiar tears that slipped down Chelsea's cheek, so often whenever the reality of the survival of Elisa hit her, she seemed to not be able to bare the idea of her close friend gone. 

"I just...miss her-"

"We all do Chelsea!" I said bitterly. "But there is nothing more we can do." 

The harshness of my own voice suprised me, however because of my Alpha dominance, it had come in my defence to stay as strong as I possibly could, even though I truly was breaking inside. 

"I'll always keep faith of her waking up." Chelsea stated, no longer looking at me. 

I sighed, I always knew Chelsea had been an optimistic character, when I used to hear her talking to Elisa in the mornings while they were having their breakfast, her bubbly character echoed around the house and everyone knew her for it. 

"Well keep it for the both of us because I cannot bare this any longer." 

I turned, my hand on the door handle. My head down in submission to the idea that Elisa would never wake up.


"What's going on?" 


I stopped just before my hand turned the handle, thinking Chelsea had started yet another conversation when my eyes landed on the bed, a body that wasn't positioned like it had been for four months, instead, it was up, sat in a normal position, eyes looking towards me, a pale sunken face, Elisa. 



Elisa's POV



That's all that I could hear. Subtle sounds of people's voices, hard to hear what they were saying. My eyes, something in which I felt had been out of use for so long that remembering how to open them again seemed a foreign move to me. How do I open my eyes? I wonder, I could feel them, ready to recieve the use that should be given to them - vision - I just couldn't remember how exactly I should be using them.

It was a quick flicker, they opened for so long before they shut from the bright light that stung at my pupils. I gave it another try, scared that I would cause damage to my vision, I couldn't admit defeat as I pushed at it again, this time sucessfully able to meet Chelsea, who's head was turned the other way, her jaw was moving, was she speaking? I coudn't hear. 

My eyes decided to swivel to where she was focusing on, and through sheer shock, I realised that towards the door, stood Markus, his face seemed grim, slightly angry, annoyed and sad I suppose. His hand was holding the door, he too was looking towards Chelsea, his lips moving, though I was unable to understand what he was saying. I felt as though I was underwater, though I could breathe in air through my tired body. Everything felt deeply painful, an internal feeling that I was unable to look after, I couldn't really remember what had happened. Or could I? I searched my brain, thinking for ideas as to why I was here, why Chelsea was beside me, and why Markus looked angry. 

The sacrifice. 

Of course.

How could I forget? I had given Markus my blood when he had been cut with a dagger from... I couldn't rememeber exactly but I knew it was someone bad. 

The sound of their voices became a lot more loud as I believe my hearing was starting to return, I lifted myself up to a sitting position, the feeling I had been laying in this same position for so long was evident as shots of pain coursed through my body, seemed stiffened from a continious position for so long. 

"What's going on?" I suddenly asked, my soft voice breaking the sudden silence. 

Markus stopped moving when he heard me, his eyes focused on me and took him a while I believe to comprehend where my face was as his eyes were set on my body. Slowly, they moved to my face, sensing Markus's shock, Chelsea turned and looked to me, her too, with wide eyes. 


They both said through whispered breathes. 

"Elisa?" Markus's faze seemed to wear off as he rushed beside me. "Call for a doctor immediately." He informed Chelsea as she rushed off. 

"H-how are you?" Markus asked breathlessly, his hands everywhere feeling me as if to make sure I was still here. 

"I'm okay, I feel quite fine in fact." I say. " I still alive after I gave you my..."

"The packs doctors are trained well, they know every trick in the book, they were able to save you - us - just in time, though you've been in a coma for four months-"

"What?" I state, shocked as ever.

Four months?

I couldn't utter a word. 

A doctor rushed in, coming straight towards me. 

"Elisa. How are you feeling?"


3 weeks later.


"Be careful." Markus helped me to his bed, placing me under the covers. "Do you need anything?" Markus asked, a frown of worry across his face.

I smiled weakly. "I'm quite fine, thank you."

Markus took his hand in mine, closing his tightly around mine in a promising grip. "For so long I'd been searching for my mate, waiting and waiting only to realise that it was in fact by bodyguard - you hid it so well for years that I had no clue." Markus smiled softly, as if remembering the times I had done my best to avoid being physically touched. "Then of course you running away." He shook his head as I laughed, all what seemed serious before was now a humourous memory. "You died for me, and by luck you were able to come back for me, and now that I have you, I'm going to protect you as best as I possibly can with my life." 

I smiled, sinking into his soft feathery pillows as he promised his complete protection over me - and I believed it. For once I realised that this was in fact right, that we were put together for a reason, and there was no one more perfect for me than Markus. And I thanked myself more than anything for being caught and found out, otherwise I would have still been just his bodyguard, stuck in the shadows, watching him alone, waiting forever for a mate he never knew. 

Now, I was able to see a smile that I had never truly seen on Markus' face, a cold Alpha that I never thought could ever show a soft, caring and loving side.

All he needed was me to bring it out.

I was the solution to the happiness that he so longed for.

Markus came close to me, gently planting a soft kiss against my lips, I kissed him back, and for the first time, I realised that we had both discovered true happiness. 







Thank you guys for reading the book, I hope you enjoyed it! 



Texte: Cherrytop
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.10.2012

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Never run from love because it will always find you.

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