
Chapter 1


chapter 1


Slivers of shadows traversed his face, his breathing turned ragged – a soundless, tearless sob as he watched her go, his eyes tracing her figure as she gloried in the freedom with striding hips. His shadow a small circle beneath him as he tried to regain control. A shudder rocked his chest, and a stream of gravely, hoarse coughing ripped its way up his throat. Her chunky heels echoed against the reflective, black marble floor, gradually disappearing into the misty darkness of the hallway – thick and tedious. Marla was not his mate, but he did love her greatly and adored her with affection, but unfortunately for him, mate-less love always ends.

Markus had been trying to find his mate for centuries, but he had, had no blessing in finding his soul mate.

Since I was his mate.

But he could never find out.

Since I’m merely his bodyguard, keeping him protected is the closest I could get to him – physically. I gazed up at Markus, such perfect features, impeccable plum lips, a well-shaped, straight nose, attractive green eyes and thick, black curls that assembled on his forehead. My heart was thumping faster than a marathon, beating faster than a sprinter, wanting to embrace him, longing to hold him as he cried warm, salty tears. I wanted to reach out to him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. It pained me when he’s miserable, when he was depressed and especially when I saw him in a desperate state.

“Markus-“I tried to comfort him but he took a step back, his eyes hardening around the edges.

“I’m going to my bedroom, do not interrupt me tonight” Markus muttered as he turned to leave.

I’m was left alone in the grounds of the mansion having nothing but the silence stretch on, though I could barely hear over the sound of my pulse racing behind my ears. It damaged me every time I had seen Markus with Marla, and I had to admit that I felt slight relief, images would pop through my mind of me and Markus, under a peach tree, holding hands and reading book after book to each other, enjoying the simplicity of the sun. But when I opened my eyes to face reality once more, it wasn’t me living those dreams with Markus, but it was Marla.

This is my story of how the bodyguard and the alpha became two in one soul.

So welcome to the moonlight pack.

chapter 2

“He’s been in there all night and he won’t come out,” I overhear Adrian murmur to Chelsea as they sit at the end of my bed, frowning. My eyes flickered open and landed on Chelsea.
“What’s going on?” Adrian asked, alarmed.
I stretch as I lift my fatigue body out of its warm shell of a bed and try to increase a slight memory of what had occurred last night. Then, promptly everything came flooding back. I sat up, staring at them with absolute astonishment and stillness.
Both of them looked startled as they observed the expression on my face. “What’s wrong?” Chelsea asked, beginning to panic as she viewed the room. “No, I have to go find him this instance!”
I hurled the bed covers right off the mattress and sprinted down the halls, trying to remember the way to his room, there were too many steps and turns in this mansion, personally I would have favoured to be assigned to a smaller, comfier house instead of a hushed eerie manor.
When I had eventually traced the way to his room, I stopped outside the door, the smell of blood wafted through the air. I was about to clutch for the handle when I rapidly heard his voice from the other side. “You are going to pay for this!” Markus growled out deafeningly.
I heard a feeble whimper further away, it almost sounds like Marla’s. Was she in there with Markus? I halted, everything in my body hardened, I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but my wolf wouldn’t let me dislodge from the position I was in.
I heard a loud thump, making me jump in bewilderment, my racing heart was not the only thing making the noises around here. A snarl ripped from his room as the door was nearly broken from the first hinge.
I stepped back, traumatized in my own skin to manage to do anything. I noticed the blood seeping from his room, progressively sliding towards me.
I smashed his wooden door open, breathless at the scene. There was Marla, on the floor, her bloody body lifeless as her cold eyes stared up at the ceiling, her limbs were out in the incorrect direction, her fingers had been pulled off one by one and a portion of her hair was ripped out like a poor dolly that had been ill-treated.
I just stood there not thinking, not breathing, just taking in my surroundings. Of course Markus wouldn’t be disciplined for this; any wolf could get away with murder in our law, though if anyone touched the Alpha of our pack, they’d be pitilessly murdered. “M-Markus?” I asked as his eyes were as obscure as night, his fangs were seeping out of his gums and his claws as long as the Amazon.
He looked up at me, finally tearing his eyes away from Marla. This was doubtless the most horrific side of Markus I had ever seen. Markus came for me, but I bolted from his grasp, I couldn’t let him touch me, wouldn’t let him know that I was his. It was only for the sparks to submerge for him to comprehend something was off and honestly, I didn’t want to end up like Marla. “You only speak of me as Master,” He roared angrily, slowly becoming himself again as he glared at me.
I nodded, incapable to speak. I had this tiny piece of guilt lodged inside me. If it wasn’t for me then Marla wouldn’t have been in this state. “Get someone to clean this up” Markus barked as he ruined another one of Marla’s ribs.
I had to hold in the vomit that was pushing at the entrance of my mouth, this was utterly revolting and a side I didn’t want to see of Markus. I heard the light footsteps of some of the servants as they entered his room and began to sweep Marla up, their faces seemed impassive, was this world really that tasteless? I wondered as I tried to edge out of his room, unobserved. “Where do you think you’re going?” Thundered Markus as he punched his fist into the wall, creating another job for his slaves to clean.
“I-I” I couldn’t finish the rest of my sentence as I observed his chest was so near to mine, any second now and I would be exposed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you still needed my company, I was going to give you some space,” I reply, quivering as I had to hold my wolf back as she was clawing to trace him.
His firm features seemed to unstiffen a touch, he breathed in a thick sigh as he pushed his hands into his hair, letting go of the wall and rotating his back on me. My heart ached for him, desired for him to hold me and love me. But those simple words wouldn’t flee from my lips. “Leave,” He spoke with such power that the servants didn’t even question.
I tried to move to the door but Markus banged it shut and stared down at me, his expression seemed pained and sad. “I didn’t want to do that to her” He said as he beheld my eyes.
I twisted away, trying to concentrate on his voice rather than on my feelings. “I understand it was your wolf, you don’t need to be worried,” I say, trying to sooth him, though there was no comforting the alpha when he was violent.
He sat at the end of his bed, gazing into space; I sat next to him, keeping a fair distance between us. “Will there be a meeting tonight?” I asked.
“No, I’m calling it off I can’t be seen for today,” Markus breathed.
I bowed. “I shall leave now,” Markus made a grab for my hand. I stared at us linked in dismay. I could feel the tingling sensation rising through my arm. I whipped my hand back. I could see Markus staring at me with a confused expression plastered on his face.
“I’m sorry, I just bruised myself on that arm, so if you would be so kind not to touch it” I lied, I felt wholly debauched about this but nothing was going to make me clarify the actual reason why I had moved away. Was this…rejection?
I left his room, trying to gather myself up as I took each step leisurely. I’ll never be loved. I told myself. I’ll never have a mate and I won’t ever have that contentment that couples have when they’ve found there one soul mate for life, and neither will Markus. I’m being self-centred. I want him so desperately but never will I tell him.
And for that one whole night I wept into my pillow until dusk. Letting my sentiments flow through my body taking everything that had constructed inside of me, out. Would I have to devote the rest of my life like this?

Chapter 3

“Elisa!” I heard my name reverberating around the dark manor. Two shadows appeared on the furthest wall. I took a step back and into the arms of Adrian. I let out a exhalation of relief.
“What’s going on? We heard Master had been doing some lethal things in his room last night when you left; we were concerned you had gotten injured!” Chelsea exclaimed.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” Was all I said, trying to disregard the subject we were on, if they knew about Marla, no one would stop speaking about this.
Adrian stared at me closely, trying to examine my soul, trying to figure it out; luckily they both didn’t put two and two together. “Elisa!” I heard my name boomed down the hallways, I began to quiver. I stood there, unmoving on the spot.
Adrian pushed me encouraging me to take the first step down. I took a deep breath closing my eyes for a ephemeral second before finishing on the last step and looking up at Markus. He seemed tremendously angry, just for one split second I had the sensation that he knew I was his mate. But how? The only people who knew about me were Adrian and Chelsea and they definitely would not say anything.
“Y-yes?” I asked a little startled as his glaring didn’t seem to transfer from my face.
“I called you back to my room yesterday, trying to find you and thinking you were absent, where were you?” Markus asked, furiously.
Shockingly I had not heard a single footstep down the corridor that night so I didn’t comprehend why I hadn’t overheard him. “I was in the garden, master,” I say, trying not to fiddle under his unbreakable stare.
“I see, “Markus said as he rubbed his clean shaven chin and gazed at me for a moment. “How’s that bruised arm of yours, may I see it?”
My eyes must have enlarged for a second before I took a step backwards. “No, it’s still enormously sore, don’t touch it!” I staggered backwards, Markus looked at me puzzled. Was he really this dense? I speculated.
“If it’s that bad, then I can seek medical help for it,” He said as his eyes slipped down to the non-existent bruise.
I shook my head. “I’ve already been to the nurse, she says that my arm will be okay in a few days,” I lied, if Markus understood why I was lying this much, I would be in severe trouble and even worse that these apparent bruises.
“How did it happen?” Markus asked as he sat down on the chair and looked up at me expectedly.
“It was…” For a moment nothing was coming to my head, almost like something was hindering me from my thoughts. “It was when I had bashed into the door frame,” I say rubbing my arm melodramatically. But I might just have to paint a few bruises on my arm just for it to seem truthful.
Markus nodded and muttered something as he rose from the table, taking out a spoon and dug it into his cornflakes.
I exited the kitchen room to be halted by one of the maids. “My lady, there is a lad outside who is demanding a match against the alpha!” The lady looked frightened as she began to panic, her eyes widened and her bottom lip trembled furiously.
“Calm down, I’ll take care of this,” I say as I push her off into the other direction and raced to Markus who was sat reading his newspaper like any other standard day.
“Master, it seems that there is an opponent outside who is challenging a match,” I sputter. Markus’s eyes switch from his paper and straight to mine, he snarls irately as he tosses everything he’s holding to the side of the room and pushes past me.
My legs begin to follow him on their own will. Markus rolled his neck and stretched his shoulders; he liked a worthy fight in the morning. He pulled open the doors, immediate sunlight flooded through the dark halls and the grimy corners.
I breathed in the fresh air; it had been awhile since I’d last been out, I was always devoted to this uncanny place. My eyes then promptly moved to the person who had dared Markus, generally I felt sorry for the guy, he unconditionally didn’t know what was ahead of him.
But I was awestruck as I saw my previous client standing with his head held high, a smirk spread across his face as he noticed me standing in front of Markus defensively, this person was more than dangerous, he was wild. That was the reason why I had decided to leave him and his out of control pack. He and his gang weren’t tamed; they’d kill anyone in their way. “Well, hello there Elisa,” Robert spoke out into the quietness.
I took a profound breath, pushing myself to tranquil the beast inside me that was trying to rip my walls down, trying to escape and tear his throat out, aggressive to pull limb after limb off his muscular body. I glared at him through my lashes, trying to control myself; it was just the simple word of hearing Markus’s command that would permit me to attack him. “Do you know this person, Elisa?” Markus asked with an eyebrow raced.
Not only was Robert my previous client, I’d also had a relationship with this man, we almost mated until I found out he had three other women under his arms. It was to be predictable from a rebel. “Yes,” I growled, trying to push the topic away for the moment.
“And how do you know this man?” Markus asked, staring down at me with those absorbing green eyes.
I looked away, staring down at the floor, unable to think of any excuses at this period, so Robert had to cut in at this point. “She was previously my bodyguard, we had a bond and then she left me,” He clarified.
A roar ripped from my chest, ringing against wall after wall of the mansion. “That is entirely wrong, I left you because you were cheating on me with three other women,” I hissed.
Robert snickered evilly as he glared down at me like I was nothing but a part of gum wedged up his boot. “I think you’ve forgotten this, but an alpha can have more than just one mate.”
I smiled. “I recall.”
“If you can get past her, then I’ll fight you,” Markus said, breaking the atmosphere between us.
Robert glared at me, his eyes seemed emotionless and precisely black, his talons began to develop, gradually. It didn’t matter if he was the alpha or not, they weren’t impossible to overthrow, though I had tried on Markus and had lost brutally with a lot of cuts and bruises.
My fangs slowly glided out, tearing at the fragile skin, my bones began to pop out of their sockets; this was the transformation of how the wolf inside you becomes you. Hairy and vastly ugly to anyone. Robert was just a bit larger than me, an instantaneous feeling of trepidation washed through my body. “And what would you want in return if you fight the alpha and succeed?” I asked inquisitively before we began.
Robert smiled, though it never seemed to touch those uncomfortable eyes. “That’s easy, I want to take over this place, control everything in it and personally make you mine again.”
I slashed my claws across his face, sending him back into the wall of the manor. He grunted roughly and stood back up onto his untamed claws, they gripped down onto the mud as his rage rose. “I will never be yours, “I hissed angrily, this was my wolf that seemed to be communicating at the moment, taking over my body.
Robert smirked, as if something was a joke in this matter. “We’ll see.” Was all he said before running at me, I clutched onto the roof of the house, a lengthy way down but a stable place to fight. Robert shadowed me, his heavy paws thumping along the bricks, his talons were the sharpest I’d ever seen and his teeth seemed to be flowing. I growled angrily as he came for me, pushing me down onto my back.
He looked down at me and sneered. His fangs were only an inch away from my neck, and I already knew what he was doing. “No way in hell,” I speak as I thrust him off. He slips, his claws grab onto the side of the roof.
I see him look up at me with pleading eyes, I will certainly not save him, particularly after what he was about to do. I stamp my paws onto his sharp nails, they crack beneath my grip. Robert howls out in pain, scrabbling and trying to move out of my reach. I let go and he goes flying to the ground. Whimpering as he breathes noisily. I jump down and turn back into my human form, smirking at his pained face, how pathetic.
“You lose,” I say before kicking him hard in the ribs.

Chapter 4

It was yesterday that Robert was pronounced dead, advantageously not many people had known who Robert was, except for his pack, of course. They were furious with us and had sent us many revulsion messages. I smiled to myself; he had deserved it though, particularly after what he had put me through.
I hadn’t seen Markus all day, rumours had it he was on a professional trip right now and wouldn’t be back for another two days. “I wonder why Robert wanted to fight the master,” Chelsea voiced as she curled up onto the chair, her chin resting moderately on her knees.
I shrugged. “Probably wanted control,” I explained as I took a sip of the fresh orange juice that sat in front of me.
A man came through the kitchen, peering enthusiastically at both of us girls who returned his stare. “Yes?” The man asked crudely as he entered the room.
“Who are you?” I asked, shooting up protectively.
“I’m the masters office manager, here to arrange and rearrange things,” He spoke as he picked up an apple a took a colossal chunk out of it.
Chelsea was staring down at the floor, as stiff as a board, she seemed motionless. I nudged her shoulder, but only continued to act unobserved. She was gently trembling, her lips quivered and her nose seemed to keep sniffing the air like there was some powerful scent that loomed through the kitchen. “I’m Sam, by the way,” He said as he gave me a minor smile.
“Elisa,” I replied. “And this is Chelsea,” I pointed to the statue like woman.
Sam’s eyes slid to her, looking her up and down for a few seconds, like he was trying to figure something out. “Is she alright?” He asked, concerned.
I nodded. “Sure she is,”
“Maybe I should take her to the nurse, Sam said as he walked over to her. Chelsea scrabbled out of her chair, trying to escape him. “No, I’m fine!” Chelsea managed.
I stared at Chelsea in shock, what a scene she was creating. “Please, forgive her she’s a little nervous at times,” I spoke.
Sam nodded before he exited the room. I looked over at Chelsea, my eyebrows shot up. “Explain.”
“H-He is my,” Chelsea couldn’t seem to let the last words out for a few seconds. “Mate.”
I just stood there, looking over at the pale whiteness of her skin and her brown eyes as they pierced into the floor, her soft brown hair gently fell over her small back, she was rigid and looked terrified.
“Your what!” I shouted. Chelsea covered a hand over my mouth, looking over at the door, alarmed.
“Shut up! If he hears you I’m done for!” Chelsea began to panic.
“Wait, why are you so frightened to tell him,” I wondered as Chelsea paced the large kitchen.
“Same reason as you, I’m a slave and he’s in a higher position than me,” She spoke as she leaned on “the table.
“He’s seems like a nice guy, you should tell him,” I spoke as I came over to her.
“Only when you tell yours,” Chelsea answered.
My body became stiff, it was hard enough to ignore the fact that he was my mate, yet actually telling him was a completely different story. I let go of Chelsea. “No.”
“Then no to your answer as well.”
I huffed. The door slammed open as Adrian seemed angry, he glared at Lucy. “What the hell? That guy’s your mate?” Adrian uttered.
“I hate him already,” Adrian grumbled as he stumbled over to us and glared down at Chelsea.
“What’s so bad about him, exactly?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.
Adrian glared over at me, his wolf howling loudly through the open air. I took a step back, was it possible that he may be jealous? I wondered as I exited the kitchen. Halls were silent and eerie around the gargantuan house, too soundless that I could hear my own heart pumping blood through my veins.
I hurried back to my sullen room. Nothing but the ancient clock ticking and the moon slowly rising. Tonight was only half a moon, just the sight of the circle shaped object got my heart racing.
I twisted around slowly and spotted something glowing in the low light, sitting on my desk. It was a massive key that sat on top of a crinkled note. I edged towards it as the words read.
I’ll be back in a couple of days, I want you to groom the horses and put them away at night,
Yours, Master.
My heart began to pace, Markus trusting me enough to let me take pleasure of combing the important horses for him and his men. I smiled to myself, if he got any kinder than this I might actually blow up.
I picked up the bulky key and took it down to the barns, it was bizarre to have a padlock for horses, but then again these animals were significant to the master and everyone else. I sighed as I slipped the key into the lock. It was quite a turn until the clicking sound pushed the doors open and the beautiful eyes of the horses beamed back at me. I’d always felt sorry for them to be locked up in a metal stable, but to make sure burglars wouldn’t steal them it was protected and well built.
My favourite horse was Peach, she was a stunning brown colour, her eyes were a summer hazel and she was only well groomed because of me, I used to sneak down in the night before they’d close the doors and bring a brush to comb her silky main. No one owned her at this point, so I liked to believe that she was mine.
I stroked her head, her eyes lightened with pleasure. I giggled to myself as I pulled the brushed out of the bag and began to comb every single horse throughout the night until early dusk. It was so early I had watched the sun rise with the horses, gently glided through the open hills and reflecting on the river.
I sighed as I gathered my belongings and stumbled back to my silent room. I flopped into the bed and instantly fell asleep; luckily I didn’t need to wake up early for Markus today which meant I could sleep in late.

A few hours past until I had felt a gentle nudge on my shoulder, someone whispered my name into my ear. I stiffened on the bed, thinking it may be Markus I flung the person off and shot up. Chelsea was against the wall, in silent shock, staring over at me. “I’m sorry, I thought you were Markus,” I explained as I lifted my fatigue of the mattress and went over to give Chelsea a helping hand.
“Geez, you could have been a bit gentler,” Chelsea replied as she brushed her shoulder. “Anyway, today I was in the kitchen and Sam and I nearly bumped into each other!”
I looked over at Chelsea who was sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes down and her face hid behind her hair. “Luckily I excused myself and ran over to your room,” She babbled on.
“Wait, you just left him like that?” I asked, my heartbeat racing uncontrollably. Chelsea just nodded, playing with her slim fingers.
“But that means….” We heard a rapid knock on the door, both of our heads turned in shock. The door handle twisted open and Sam looked through the open crack. My face must have paled at the sight of him by Chelsea reaction.
Sam had heard! He had followed Chelsea back to my room and snooped in on our conversation. “What were you girls muttering about just now?” Sam asked cautiously as he entered inside the room and leaned on the wall, looking over at Chelsea’s stunned face.
“Okay, it’s not what it looks like, we were just having a private conversation about the master!” I lied as I rose from the bed and faced him.
Sam raised a questioning eyebrow. “So I’ve become the master now? Or is it that I’m Chelsea’s mate?”
I gulped, unable to think of any more excuses, I turned away and looked down at Chelsea’s scornful face. “I’m sorry,” I mouthed as I sat back down.
Chelsea took an unsteady breath before she went over to Sam and stared at him right in the eye. “Yes, I’m your mate but who care’s anyway, I’m just a servant,” She said angrily. “You wouldn’t want to be with a stupid slave like me! So I’ll leave right now!” Chelsea ran out, tears escaping her eyes and ran down her pale cheeks. Sam looked utterly shocked as he just stood there.
Then he looked over at me. “I don’t care if she’s a servant or the queen, she’s my mate!” I got up and pushed Sam out the door. “Then go and fix it, hurry,” I smashed the door close and heard the indistinct footsteps of Sam as he raced along the corridors and down the stairs in exploration for Chelsea.
My eyes slithered to the window, it was already dark and the moon was out, I smiled to myself. It was amazing how long I could sleep for. I clutched the combs and raced through the mansion and into the awaiting barns, there were horses that needed to be groomed, a smile spread across my face as I remembered the vivacity in Peaches eyes whenever she had a guest over.
Pulling the doors open once again were the wide awake eyes of the outsized horses.

P.s I'll be updating on 10/09/2012

Chapter 5

I slumped to the ground, trying hard not to get stepped on by Peach, I had finally completed grooming the horses and taking good care of them for tonight, but I just couldn’t stop brushing Peach, she absolutely adored the attention she was getting, by leaving her might heart would be pained.
I rose from my position and brought the brush back down on her and gently slid it across the soft luscious hairs, Peach neighed happily as her head lifted and her beautiful eyes stared into mine. I smiled happily as I cuddled close to her.
I decided it was probably best to just sing her to sleep and leave. I pulled her down into a sitting position, she was well trained and obeyed orders. I stroked her main gently before singing a song my mother used to sing to me, a gentle melody that soothed her ears. The quietness whispered over us and gently brought Peach into a sleep, her head slowly dropping and her eyes drooping.
I smiled to myself until I saw a faint shadow at the entrance of the door, I gasped in shock, awakening Peach whose head shot up in alarm. The figure stepped closer until I could make out his face slightly. I let out a mental sigh of relief as Markus stared down at me covered in hay. “What are you doing up so late?” He asked as he patted his own horse, Bounce.
“I wanted to stay with Peach, but why are you in here?” I wondered as I stood up and cleared the mess on my trousers and wiped my sweaty forehead.
“I’ve returned home and noticed these doors were open, so I came to have a look,” Markus explained.
I nodded. “Okay, I’ll pack up now then.”
“You don’t have to,” Markus grabbed for my arm but I pulled away instantly, taking a defensive step back, not looking straight at him, though my wolf was howling in pain, I tried to block her cries out.
“What’s the matter?” Markus asked as he came towards me.
“Don’t!” I screamed as I hid behind Peach, protecting myself.
“What’s wrong with you?” Markus asked angrily as he came at me, I ran to the door, snatching the bag and sprinting as fast as I could back to my room. I needed to get away from him. I had to otherwise I didn’t no if I could take another minute with my wolf’s hysterical screaming.
I slammed the door shut and hid under the covers, soaking myself with the memories that flickered inside my head. Tonight was dangerous and far too risky. It was lucky I had just got away. There was a knock at the door before I could hear the light footsteps of Markus. My breathing was strained as I hid myself deeper into the cave of materials. “What’s wrong, Elisa?” Markus asked gently, he sat at the end of my bed, his warmth seeping through the covers.
I held my breath. “It’s nothing,” I reply.
Markus was silent for a moment, before he shifted on the bed and tugged at the covers embracing my body. *Markus, stop it,” I growled out angrily as I tried to push his body off me.
Markus wasn’t having it; he pulled harder, trying to un-wrap me. I pushed forward and instantly landed on his chest with a thump; I seemed fazed for a few seconds before I realized how we were positioned. I yelped as I pushed away and slammed my back against the wooden floor. Markus just lay there, his legs dangling off the bed and his eyes distant as they stared coldly at the ceiling.
I scrambled up, now realizing that his chest was naked, my mouth watered at the sight of his toned muscles as they pushed up and down as he breathed heavily. I gulped silently before turning away. I wrapped my arms around my body tightly. “It’s not what you think,” I whispered.
A fist smashed into the wall beside me, the pieces tumbling to the floor, I covered my mouth wordlessly, praying I wasn’t the next thing he punched. “Look at me,” He demanded.
I tried to relieve my mind by taking deep breaths but Markus twisted my chin towards him, feeling the impulse rush through me, I tried to take a step away, but his fingers were clamped like metal against my face. Markus leaned into my ear and whispered. “Next time you fight against me, I will rip you to shreds,” Before he let me go and stormed out the door.
I stood there, in utter shock; Markus hadn’t seemed to realize that I was his mate, had he felt the electric sparks? I mentally slapped myself, of course he couldn’t feel the sparks unless we were mated, the female can only feel the sparks until they mark each other. To him, I was just his bodyguard. I sighed with relief and slipped back into my sticky duvet. I was his bodyguard and nothing else. I wrapped myself back into my cocoon and tried to fall asleep, but after moving around on the bed too many times I had given up, it seemed it was going to be a long night.

Chapter 6

Chelsea had been overjoyed in the kitchens today, her bubbly personality had returned, her eyes sparkled brilliantly and the way her lips were set in a perfect smile was simply amazing. I hadn’t seen Sam from the incident a while back, but I knew from the way Chelsea’s face was that everything had been sorted out.
I pulled at Chelsea’s arm, tugging her to the side and out of the scurrying servants whose faces were completely panicked as they knew their masters had a thick whip awaiting them in their rooms. “What happened?” I whispered.
Chelsea face seemed to have become confused by my question until she realized what subject I was on. “Oh right, well,” Chelsea began, leaning on one foot while she began to explain. “I ran out the room, trying to find a dark place and as I was leading myself down the stairs a hand tugged onto my shoulder, I turned around and saw Sam and without word he kissed me,” Chelsea squealed as she added miniature jumps to her excitement.
I sighed with relief; it seemed everything was perfectly normal once again, though I hadn’t seen Adrian in quite a while. Chelsea stalked off, a bowl of lasagne on one of her mitten hands while she began to pour juice into a glass. Chelsea’s master was strict and very arrogant, no one particularly liked him, and Chelsea had begged to change but sadly she was stuck with the monster. His name was Daniel and was definitely not as important as the rest of the pack, but we were lower stages in the pack and so some were given the roles of slaves and others as bodyguards, like me.
Markus entered the kitchen, his hair was a mess and he was still in his pajamas, a cosy t-shirt that wrapped around his frame nicely and baggy sweatpants. I turned away, trying to occupy myself while I could feel the pulling sensation once again. Chelsea’s head turned my way, a sympathetic expression planted on her face. “Elisa,” I heard my name called heavily with a stern voice.
I flinched as I turned around and met the cold green eyes that stared back at me through his black hair. I struggled to grasp my words so I just stood there uncomfortably, avoiding his glare as he walked towards me, “Tonight is the full moon, we shall hunt and you’ll come with us.”
I stared in shock at Markus’s face, I had never been asked to join a hunt before, and it was rare for even someone like me to even be asked of this. I usually always had my food caught by someone else, my wolf became excited as she tried to claw her way through my flesh. “Thank you,” Was all I could say as I began to breathe heavily.
With that, Markus turned on his heel, grabbed his breakfast and stalked out the room, the door banging and the kitchen became silent as everyone stared at me, there eyes full of fury, I could understand why everyone was jealous it was rare to ever be asked for your wolf to be taken for a run in this pack.
I smiled to myself as Chelsea’s eyes widened, Daniel would never think twice of asking Chelsea to do anything as freely as that, Markus was quiet a chilled alpha, though I was a bodyguard I had to still respect and obey Markus’s orders, but at the thought of unleashing my wolf after a few years fascinated me and exhilarated my soul.
I hurried out of the kitchen, deciding to head to the lake for a nice relaxing time until blood and bones began to pour out of animal bodies tonight, that was until my eyes spotted Sam who was reading on a grassy area, his hair gently blowing in the wind and his mind seemed full concentrated on the pages, it seemed like he was having a break.
I ran over to him, the thumping of my boots was whisked away by the howling of the vast wind. “Sam,” I spoke.
Sam’s eyes switched from the page toward mine, he seemed a lot happier from the last time I had spoken to him, by the way his lips were set in a small smile. “Elisa! I was wondering where you were,” Sam replied as he patted the dry land next to him for me to be seated.
“How’s everything with Chelsea?” I asked, trying to fill in the spaces between the two of their relationship.
“Excellent! Didn’t Chelsea tell you?” Sam wondered. As he tried to position himself into a comfortable position.
“Tell me what?” I asked curiously.
Sam seemed timid at first before the words he spoke came out with a complete shock. “I made Chelsea quit her job and become my assistant in the office.”
I couldn’t speak for a second, my mind was trying to obtain everything his mouth had spoken, how was it that Chelsea had not even told me about this? I asked myself, slightly annoyed by her secrecy; I was her best friend, why did she feel like she had had to hide it from me?
“Really,” I replied, tapping my finger on my knee, causing Sam to stare down at me questioningly. “It’s just that she never told me this.”
“Maybe she was, but Chelsea may have wanted to tell you when she was ready,” Sam encouraged. Chelsea had now retired from her job and was joining Sam in a higher position which indeed meant she herself could ask for a slave! I thought angrily, but, on the other hand I was frankly happy Chelsea was flowing with love and had finally asked for what she had wanted these many years, her mate.
“I should go,” As I turned to leave, Sam grabbed onto my wrist tightly, obstructing the way.
“Go easy on her,” He pleaded. I thought about his words for a second, she was my friend; of course I wouldn’t beat her until she was close to death, but I would have to discuss this matter with her, soon.
I nodded and moved out of his grasp heading back to the building and in search for Chelsea who I finally found sitting happily on the kitchen counter, eating away at a tuna sandwich.
Chelsea could instantly tell by my face that something was wrong, as I reached her, she carefully placed her sandwich down and stared at me silently. “When were you going to tell me?” I asked, crossing my arms and waiting for her to respond.
Chelsea seemed stuck on her words, her mouth quivering as she tried to think up a decent explanation. “Sam?” She asked.
I nodded.
“I was going to tell you, I just didn’t know how you’d take it with everything and all,” Chelsea explained, avoiding my eyes as she waved her hands frantically.
I huffed. “I just wish you would have told me earlier, I’m happy for you,” I smiled encouragingly.
Chelsea instantly sighed with relief as she batted her sweaty face, a grin spreading across her pale skin and her eyes shimmered with light. “Then everything is completely fine.” I responded to her smile. The way everything began to fit into place was a replica of a jigsaw puzzle.
Things were becoming a bit easier, but this feeling of happiness sure wasn’t going to last long.

Chapter 7

Tonight was the night.
I pushed a loose strand that had fallen out of place from my hair and carefully positioned myself as Markus and the rest of his pack strode down the stairs. I swallowed, him and his men were only in there trousers as of course changing into a wolf meant ripping clothes to shreds.
I kept my eyes glued to the floor, unable to breathe as his footsteps became louder. “Elisa, grab my arm,” Markus demanded as he brought his arm out for me to wrap around.
My heart became a racing beat as I suddenly began to panic and unable to think of any excuses. So I pulled my sleeves right over my arms, covering my hand and loosely grabbed onto him, his muscles rippling underneath my touch as we made our way out into the dark trees over to the forbidden woods.
When we were out of sight I automatically left his grasp and freed myself into the open air. I breathed in the fresh oxygen of leaves and nature that embraced my body, my wolf was begging to become free and only seconds before that wish became true.
Markus grabbed a pack of clothes for all of us, setting them neatly underneath the trees, it was more likely we’d be hunting for all the night and definitely sleep through the morning. Markus turned to me, a small smile upon his lips and his stiffness had seemed to disappear, did he like to come out here? I wondered as I followed his footsteps to where the rest of the men had been pacing. “If anything happens, you will use your wolf call to contact us, if you are injured you shall send a direct call to me, got it?” Everyone nodded in agreement before half the men had instantly changed into their form and raced off into the night.
Markus turned to me, his eyes alive as he awaited my turn to turn, but I suddenly felt a wave of panic glide through my body, I hadn’t seen myself in years, what was I going to look like? I wondered as I arched myself, feeling my pulse racing frantically and the calls of the wolves who shouted for me.
Suddenly nails began to grow, teeth bared and fur sprouted, before anything else could proceed my full body had changed into the beast of a white wolf. Markus stared at me for a second, speechless at the golden specks that ended at the tips.
I turned away in case anything could happen by the amount of aching my heart was dealing with right now, I started my thumping my paws, trying to understand how the wolf’s body worked once again before pouncing into the trees, leaving him behind.
It was all through the night that I had enjoyed myself, pouncing on prey and ripping the meat as the blood oozed out from the animal. It had been a long time since I’d last experienced this, the refreshing memories that returned had instantly made me feel at home once again.
That was until the heavy thumping of paws had caught my attention, I turned my head towards the black wolf with green eyes that stared back at me, his front canines seemed endless as he growled, Markus he was massive, the gargantuan wolf everyone pleaded to be.
My eyes skimmed his body, there were even muscles that seemed to work up and down his body, was this even normal? I asked myself as I scooted closer, smelling his intoxicating smell, this was divine indeed, too fine to just stay quiet.
I snapped my eyes away, trying to ignore my remarks as I moved away from him and back to the rabbit that lay dead among the ground. I picked it up before heading back to the sack; we were to put any of the prey we had caught into this bag to stack up food for a month.
I could feel him following me, the scraping of his nails that dug into the mud were sensitive to my ears. I kept walking, not able to look back as I threw the dead animal into the sack.
I turned away, in the opposite direction of him, using the speed I was given to escape his piercing eyes.
That was when I felt a sharp pain course through my leg, I fell to the ground, whimpering in pain, my eyes turned towards a brown wolf, his black eyes seemed to glare through me and into my soul. I couldn’t breathe; the blood that stained my fur was unbelievably fast as it dripped down my paws.
That was when I recalled what Markus had spoken a few hours ago. I let out the loudest call I could possibly scream to him, only for him, him only, the one I love. I remind myself as I pass out underneath the fiend’s teeth.

When I had awoken I turned towards the green eyes of a wolf, someone I knew, someone who was familiar, I realized that Markus was standing above me, his face looming over.
I stared down at my naked body, I was no longer a wolf but once again the bodyguard of a women.
I was about to speak before I heard the low rumble of Markus as he transformed back into his human form, his face stern yet concerned, I tried to stay calm but the long gash that ripped through my tender skin was too noticeable to hide.
I whimpered in pain, the blood was slowly drying, but the pain never seemed to subside. Markus came for me, but my heart raced as I realized he was standing naked in front of me and was about to pick me up with his bare skin!
I tried to react but it was too late as he grabbed my body and lifted me up, supporting my back with one hand and my legs dangling from his other arm. My eyes instantly locked with his as the sparks began to increase, his body stiffened and his jaw became set.
Markus seemed fazed before his features turned emotionless, all he wanted to do was take me back and fix up the split gash. I looked away, a guilty conscious rushing over my body, was this it? Had I been found out?
When we had arrived, I was wrapped tightly into a cloth and taken to the medical room, leaving the silent Markus behind, his eyes glued to the floor, was he disappointed?
I heard the shrill cries of the maids and servants as their faces became shocked and their eyes wondered over the blood that seeped through my skin; Chelsea’s face entered my vision before my consciousness was suddenly turned off, like a light.

When I had awoken from the darkness that had covered over me while I was being carried, I found myself lying on a bed, a bed in the nurse’s room.
I yearned to move but was unable to as the cut seemed to race up my leg, I recalled the memories of the brown wolf that had viciously bitten me, but I had one question, who was this wolf?
I turned over, closing my eyes for a brief second, the images of tonight’s incident returned to my head, my body stiffened, reminding myself of Markus and his warm touch, this was not good at all, what If he had found out?
I breathed heavily, supporting my body with my elbow as I pushed my legs over the bed, dangling off the mattress before standing and then automatically falling to the ground.
I gasped in pain, my leg may have been bandaged but the pain seemed to return instantly. I grabbed the pole and rose again, trying to take another step towards the half open door. That’s when I heard whispering of the voices of a man and a few others.
My eyes caught the black curls of Markus before his face came into view, his voice echoed through the castle walls like a boomerang, imprinting those simple words into my heart. “She’s my mate.”
I couldn’t breathe, this was unbelievable after all these years that I had kept quiet, the man had found me out. I had to think of a plan, try to explain to Markus that this was a misunderstanding, but nothing seemed to worm into my mind.
I had no other choice. I had to leave. I had to escape this place and never return.
As I made up my decision, the electric green eyes of Markus turned towards me, ready for a fight.

Thank you!
I appreciate everyone who has read this book and love you all!
Book 1 is completed and book 2 will hopefully be coming soon!
What do you think will happen to Elisa?
And maybe what your thinking may happen in the next book just might not be what you expect ;)
Thank you so much again.!

Cherrytop x


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.08.2012

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The moon is my teacher and I am her student. -Shakira

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