
Honk Honk.... I wake up everyday to this sound. Some say it's hard to sleep in this 'jungle' called the city. I am a city kid so I'm used to the noise.

" Knock knock, can I come in?" asked, in an annoyed tone.

" Sure ," I said. Then i heard the doorknob being fiddled with. I started to smile. I just remembered, the door was locked. I wondered how long it will take him to figure it out. I laughed quietly.

" Let go of the knob!" I couldn't hold in my laughter. I laughed so hard I was snorting. " Oh, unlock the door Abbie"

" Alright," I got up and unlock the door. Then Josh opened the door.

" You need to get ready for school, mom said so" Josh said with a smirk. I knew he was just doing that to annoy me. There was no school today. So I slammed the door in his face. I locked the door back just in case he decides to come back.

I walked to my bed since the radio is right next to it. I press play and the best song of all time came on, Ignorance by Paramore. So I sang along and moved to the beat.

" Ignorance is your new best friend!" I sang my heart out until I heard a few 'shut ups' from my neighbors. As I dance around the room I notice, my room is dirty. Well I don't want my mom to nag me. I can just hear her now, 'do this do that nag nag nag.' I am pretty sure that's not how she sounds to others. My room isn't that dirty, just a few clothes on the floor here and there. So I picked my clothes up and shot them into my laundry basket.

" She turns left, NO right. She dribbles down court aim,shoots, SCORES! Nothing but net, the crowed goes wild," then I do my little victory dance. Then I heard," How did we get here? I used to know you so well." I hummed along until I realized it was my cell phone. So i searched for my phone. Where could it be? I just followed the music. Found it! I picked up to answer.

" Hello?"

" Hey girlie, it's mac from the artsy school," she said. I remembered her. Her name isn't really mac, she uses the MacBook all the time.

" Hey Mac, I haven't heard from you in a while. What have you been up to?" I said. See Mac's real name is Justin, I know, it' s a name for a boy. At first I thought it was weird, but now I think its totally unique. I hear Mac sigh on the other end. " Okay, what went wrong this time?" People were always taking her spotlight or giving her negative criticism. Mac would just say, " why you wanna trip on me." I'm sure you heard that somewhere before. Michael Jackson, Dangerous. Mac is always using music to say how she feels. I'm glad we are leaders and not followers.

"HELLO?!" Mac said worried.

" I'm still here, sorry I kinda drifted off in thought. " it was silent for a minute. "You were saying?"

" I am a performer and only you understand that,"she said, happy that I was listening.

" Could you say that again, from the beginning?"

" I did not perform at the Gracie Theater. Ms. Burn wouldn't allow me to do my piece! She said it was inappropriate-

" Well was it?" Her usual stuff was really deep, only people like me could understand her pieces.

" Yes, are you going to keep interrupting me?" I shake my head no." well are you?" Then I answered her, when talking to her it was like she was right in my room.

"Then she gave my piece to her niece. I couldn't get another thing to perform because I practiced that one all year. Then came rehearsal night and I practiced a new piece. Then I was told I just couldn't perform. If it was up to Ms.Burn I wouldn't even be in the school. I overheard her speaking to her niece say she is going to knock out all competition. Do you think thats right? I told my mom this and she thinks I'm being paranoid. This all comes down to only you understand me,Abbie."

" You will get to perform next time, someone posted on facebook Ms.Burn is not going to be at artsy school in two weeks. She is being kicked to the curb!" I said smiling. I never really like Ms.Burn but she was the one in charge, so there was not much I could do. Ms.Burn is finally getting what she deserved.

"Yes! It's about time the school has come to their senses." I hear a sound in the background, then I hear banging. " I gotta jet, but we'll chat later bye." Mac and Abbie say muazz together " bye"

It was fun to hear from her. Mac and I have not talked since she moved to California. Yes Mac made it big. She still likes to come to NYC. Then I hear a bark. Speaking of California, my dog cali wanted to come in my room. I could hear the scratching at the door so I let her in.

" Who's my pretty baby?" I coo to her. I love my dog she is so small and cute. Since she is a puppy she gets into alot of trouble. Like last week she teared up the living room curtains, so I had to buy a brand new pair of curtains. But I didn't care I like having a dog, if I wanted to keep it I had to take responsibility. Smells like I have to pick up responsibility right now. I picked up the doggy nono' and sprayed frebreeze in my room. The lemony sent filled the air covering up the horrid smell.

I don't have school today, but I still need to get dressed. "Why get dressed if your not going anywhere?" I used to say alot. This is a habit I picked up when visiting family members in the south. So I head to my bathroom.I'm taking a cold shower. Baths are disgusting, you just sit in your own dirt. My showers aren't that long, because I just hate when people take hour showers. Also because I'm going green. I'm done with my shower, so i dry off and get dressed.

When I walk into my closet I start smiling. My closet is huge. It has all of my posters on the wall in size order, biggest to smallest. The walls are painted green with white dots all over. I have my makeup desk all the way in the back with a huge stand up mirror. Alot of people say I'm spoiled, I just say I'm really lucky. Though me being spoiled might be true,I'm the only girl, I think I deserve it. Its not like I always get what I want I wanted a pony and no, wait I got that. Well there was a time when.. okay that turned out great. Okay I'm really lucky. I'm a cancer, and cancers are known to have the most luck. Well I still get punished from time to time. Lets face it I'm a golden one. Anyways, I'm going to the all white section of clothes in my closet. My favorite colors are white,grey,black,green, and blue. I threw on my white skinny jeans and my baby blue t-shirt. I put on my fuzzy grey slippers. Like I said I'm not going anywhere.

I go to the mirror to do my makeup and hair. I swept my long black hair into a ponytail. I checked my skin for any pimples,and I don't have any. Mac wasn't lying when she said " If you have any skin problems water would clear it up." She also would say no sweets is the best thing, but of course we always would slip up. Mac and I always try to stay fit after all we're performers. I brush some blush on my skin, not too much I didn't want to over do it. My mom always says I already look like I have makeup on naturally, so I shouldn't use too much. I don't put on any eyeshadow because I don't have any. My mom is always using my stuff. I put some eyeliner on because thats pretty much all I have to put on my eyes. I put on my cherry flavored lipgloss an I'm ready to go.

I walk back into my room and my little cali is sleeping. Aww she looks so cute, with the way the sunlight hits her. Cali is all stretched out like a human. If your really quiet you can hear her light snoring. I have to get a picture of this. So I tip toe across my room to get my camera off my desk. Snap,snap,snap I took three pictures. On the last click of the camera Cali jumps up all energetic. I thought she was sleeping. The dog is just like me a good actor. I laugh to myself quietly. Then I hear three quick raps on my door.

So I go to answer it. I open the door, its just my step dad.

"Hello Skip, what do you need?" I asked, not really wanting to know his answer. Its not that Skip is mean or anything, he's actually really nice. I don't know why I just don't like him. Mom says to try to like him,so i do try just for her.

" I just wanted to know if you were coming down for some lunch?"

"um, it's not lunch time yet so-

" Yes, it is 12:30," he said with concern. Was it really 12:30? I took a step back from the door to look at my alarm clock. It is 12:30, I guess I lost track of time.

"You know what, i'll just bring you up a sandwich and some chips," he said while walking down the stairs.

"Thanks Skip," I shout, so he can hear. Instead of closing my door back I leave it wide open. letting some cool air into my room. I walk to my iMac. I gotta tell you,I love all of apples inventions. When I turn on my computer my homepage is facebook. I am really addicted to the website. Whenever I'm on it I take like a million quizzes. I login my name on it is IstartRiots23. I upload the three pictures of my dog and then I log off. I know, real addicted right. My mom was online. Do I need to say more, I think not. I need to rehears my music anyways. I am kinda a triple threat. I sing, act and play the piano. I can even fool around on the guitar but I'm no Jimi Hendrix. I would play better if the strings on the guitar weren't so hard. It's like the strings cut your fingers but they don't bleed. I tried playing the guitar with tape on my fingers and it didn't go so well.

I hear someone walking up the stairs and I went to my door. It was just Skip with my food. I told him to just set it on the nightstand by my door. Then he left the room. I wonder where Josh was. At this time he usually would spy on me or sing annoying songs to me. I walked out my room and heard someone playing the guitar. My guitar was in my room so I wondered who was playing. It sounded like the beat to tonight by Daughtry with some edge to it. I followed the sound to Josh's room. I gasped in shock. I never knew josh could play the guitar. I kept quiet by his door. The music he was playing was so beautiful, I felt something wet on my cheek. His music is making me cry? The only music I ever cried for was 'Let it rock' by lil wayne and someone I don't know. I actually cried to that song because it was being played in an pizza shop, and I don't know why but I was next to a bowl full of onions.

Then the music stopped. Why did he stop playing?

"I know you're there," Josh said , and at first i thought he was making up lyrics to go with the beat and then he said

" do you want to come in?"

So I walked into his room. Not sure of what I would find. when I pictured his room, I pictured a mess. Kind of like Jackson off of Hannah Montana. As I walked in I see his room is painted grey. He has a shelf full of books. He reads! The books on the shelf I recognized. I have most of them in my room. The floor is carpeted and his room is tidy. Then I see a closet in the back. I know I came in to listen to his music but his room just takes me by surprise. So I walk by Josh straight to his closet. when I open the door I see alot of space. Of course he has clothes in here, but where are they. When I look to the right i see two tall dressers. I don't want to look inside his drawers. Beside his dressers are a long row of converse sneakers. I think I might be starting to like this kid.

I just start to notice his closet looks alot like a studio. Just then I see a back door. Oh come on how much more things does the kid have? When i open the door I see microphones headsets and other different things. So his closet Is not only a closet its a recording studio. I don't think Josh knows, but his closet is my new hangout. I walk out of his closet back into his room. Josh starts laughing at me. I don't know what expression is on my face. All I know is I'm in shock.

He pats his bed signaling me to come and sit. So I sit down in his computer chair. You see I always have to the opposite whenever I'm dealing with Josh.

" It's nothing like what you thought it would be, huh?" Josh said with hummer in his voice.

"Josh, your room is amazing," no wonder he didn't come out of his room much. If there was a fridge in here,I'm sure he wouldn't come out at all." So is your music"

" No my music sucks, plus all of my music doesn't have words."

" Well I am a good lyricists, so i could help you out there," I could hear the smile in my voice. He looked surprised, I was surprised to. The closest I come to smiling at Josh is when I'm smirking.

" So step sister, does this mean were friends now?"

" Yea I have to tell you though, after seeing your converse I knew we were going to be friends." Josh and I stared at each other for the longest. then we both started laughing. This reminds me of a saying ' everyone seems crazy until you get to know them.' All that day Josh and I hung out. Listened to good music and really get to know each other. It's amazing how we lived with each other for 2 years and never really knew each oher. I guess it's just like mom says ' you cant judge a book by its cover.'

" So we are pretty much like twins? Our interests are completely the same," Josh said. We have been talking for hours. I found alot. He has a band and its called 'Spring Of Aqua'. Sounds really cool. Josh said he would take me to met his friends. I thought it would be awesome.

" Yea I guess we are 'twins'," then Josh added me on facebook. Everything between us is cool now. My mom will be so proud. I can't wait till my mom returns from her vacation.

When my mom says she needs 'me time' she gets it. My mom goes on mini vacations as do the rest of us. My vacation is next month and I'm going to... well I don't actually know my mom says its a good surprise.

" Josh, I'm gonna go to my room now," I say staring at the clock. Josh chuckles and then says, " Is it time for 'One on One' already. I swear you are addicted to that show"

"I am not!"oh I knew what was coming next and it started with I.

" I dare you to stop watching the show for a week starting with today," he said smiling.

"Well, I don't except the dare goodnight!" I ran to my room and turned on the tv. The channel was already set to teen-nick. I jumped on my bed and kicked off my shoes. The theme song started playing so I sang along off beat. I sang off beat just because it's fun. I looked to the right without thinking about it. My sandwich, how did I forget food? I took the plate and put it on my lap. Lunch is now my dinner. I watch tv and eat, I finish eating before the episode was finished. During commercial, I found out this was an marathon. I jumped up and danced around like a buffoon. When I hear laughter I search for where it came from. It was my neighbor Drake, well that was embarrassing. I look back at my tv and the commercial is still playing.

So I walk to my window and open it, to talk to Drake.

"Nice moves Abbie," he said with a hint of laughter. I start to blush, my cheeks are burning.

" I was just doing my happy dance, I just found out there's a marathon of 'One On One' a-

" Really! I love that show" he starts doing his own happy dance. I start laughing. He stops dancing. " you have a cute laugh"

" Thank you, do you even watch 'One On One'?" I think he just did that to make my dance less embarrassing.

" Well no, but the show must be good if it has you doing a happy dance."

" Yea, the show is really good. I'm addicted thats how good it is."

" Can I come over and watch a few episodes with you?"

" Sure, let me go and ask Skip," Instead of going down stairs I yell" Skip can Drake come over?!" While I was asking Skip I heard Drake laughing. My cellphone started to buzz in my pocket. So I took a look at my phone. I'm surprise Skip knew how to text? I guess there are alot of things I don't know about the lubed's- its the last name of Josh and his father- it's kind of shocking. After being shocked alot to day the feeling subsides. I text back to phil thnx :D.

"Drake, you can come over," he didn't say anything he just left his room. I paused the tv so Drake wouldn't miss anything. It took like 16 seconds for him to make it to my room. Its not like I was counting or anything. Since my door was still opened no knocking was involved. He sat on a chair next to me.

" What's wrong with your tv?" Drake asked. I laughed.

"Nothing is wrong with my tv. I have optimum tv, I can pause the tv."

"OH, I knew that," I un-paused the tv and laughed. This episode wasn't new but I still watched it. This one was about Brianna at collage and buying essays instead of writing it herself.

" Wanna love you girl. wanna love you girl, wanna love you" Drake and I sang when Brianna was dancing at the party. Then out of nowhere, I heard Josh.

" Now I see why you like this show," he said in-between chuckles

"Abbie, it was nice hanging with you. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Bye," I said still watching the tv screen.

After three episodes my chest was hurting from laughing so hard. I turned my tv off. I tried to slow my breathing.

breathing. I ended up going to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my mothers voice. She came back earlier than she was supposed to. I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs.

" Hey mommy, I missed you," I gave her a bear hug. She hugged me back.

"I missed you too, sweet pea. How was it here without me?" I just gave her a look she knows too well.

" What did Josh do this time?" I laughed I sound just like my mother when I asked Mac that Question.

" Josh didn't do anything but surprise me. Josh and I are like twins!" I said just happy that Josh doesn't seem annoying anymore.

" I told you that you guys have alot in common, but what do I know I'm just a mom," She said smiling. We all laughed. I hung out with my mom all day It felt really good to have her back. She keeps telling me she has a surprise. I wonder what It could be. When she tells me she looks worried.I hope this surprise I's the good kind. It's 10:30, time for me to go to bed I have school tomorrow.

My alarm clock goes off beep, beep! I toss and turn trying to find my off button. As i pressed the off button I fell off my bed.

"Ouch!" Well that definitely got me up. I and met Josh and Drake at the purple stop sign at the end of our street. This is a routine that I got used to after I decided to go green. So we rode Our bikes to school. After we secured our bikes to a pole we ran to our classes.

Fist period always sucked. The subject was history. Don't get me wrong I love to learn about history, but we only learn american history. I'm pretty sure America is not the only place that has a past. We go over the same thing like a million times. So instead of listening I doodle all over my notebook until the bell rings. Next I have an hour to myself

to do whatever so I go to the library and do my homework. The bell rings and I'm off to lunch. I walk to the one with my brother and neighbor seated there.

"Hey guys, how was math?" They were so lucky math was the best subject here. Mr. Matt was an awesome teacher.

" The M-man played the guitar for us because Josh got a Collage answer correct."

" Wow Josh, you are smart!" I said joking around. We all just laughed. Today we were served nuggets. At least it wasn't mystery meat. We ate in silence, soon school was over. We rode our bikes home.

"Guys, wait for me. Slow down," I shouted out of breath why did we always have to race home?

"Never,"Josh and Drake said at the same time. So I just petaled faster and faster until I could ride the bike without pedaling. I zoomed right past them. Now they were saying wait for me so I just laughed. I kept moving forward and I reached the driveway so I was the winner.

I waited at my front door to call them LOSERS. They said that I just got lucked up. We all went inside and ate some apples. My mom walked out of the living room with grey powder on her face.

"Hey guys, how was school?" Instead of answering her question I asked her one.

" why do you have dust on your face, mom?" She was whispering her answer.

"I can't hear you," I said sounding like I was her mother.

" I tried to fix the sink because the plumber bailed on me," I was even more confused.

"Ma, the sink wasn't -

"Broken, I know thats what the plumber said, but it wouldn't turn on." Josh just laughed and Drake was smirking. I guessed Drake didn't want to laugh at my mom.

" Skip bought a new sink when you were away," I walked to the sink and switched the right knob. My mom just laughed at herself and went upstairs.

"That was the highlight of my day," Drake said and then he started laughing.

"Josh, Drake are you going to help me with my math?" It's not my best subject I'll admit. I heard a no and a sure. It was obvious that Josh was the one who said no.So Josh watched tv while Drake helped me in math. Wow Drake is a nerd! I mean he is so super smart. I was done with my math in no time now on to science. We all did the rest of the work together. Josh and I just kept asking Drake" What did you get for number four?" and so on.

"What did you get for numb-

"You guys aren't going to learn by getting all the answers from me-

"I thought we were buds," Josh said with a confused look on his face.

"We are buds, that is why your not getting any answers from me-

"Thats not fair," Josh said with the puppy pout. Just then our mom walked in.

"Life isn't fair, sweetie,"my mom said in an cheerful tone. At that point we all looked confused. I turned to my mom. Her face is clean and she put on my makeup. I guess thats no surprise.The make up she can borrow, but my clothes never. It's a good thing that she can't fit extra small. I start laughing to myself. Everyone looks at me like I'm weird.

I look at the clock and then run upstairs.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.07.2010

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