
Chapter 1: First Day
I hopped out of bed, my alarm clock buzzing loudly. I hit the snooze button. Today is the day Shane and I become high school students.I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my teeth rapidly, but thoroughly.
My mom called me down for breakfast and 'the talk'. My mom wants to make sure I'm educated on boys. I always told my mom I won't date until college because that relaxes her. She is my mom so of course she's gonna worry, especially when it comes to boys. "Nattie!", my mom called again and I rushed down the stairs.
"I'm coming," I said while I ran to the kitchen.
"I made your favorite," My mom said with a smile. There was cereal on the counter top and a cup of milk. "Yea, my favorite," I muttered. I sat down on my stool.
"So high school boys only want one thing. Well unless they're like Shane Gray," She said tilting her head in thought.
I smiled big. Shane is my best friend and also my neighbor. I've known Shay since we were in diapers. He's like a brother to me. I can go to him with anything, Shane is like my Mr.fix-it.
I ate my cereal in case she wanted to ask me about crushes. She walked into her bedroom.
"Speaking of Shane, he wanted me to give you this" She entered the kitchen with a silver necklace dangling in the air. It was a Locket.
"Whoa, why would he give this to me?" I said while taking the necklace out of her hand. My mom smiled raising her eyebrows and I knew what she was thinking.
"We are just friends mom,"My mom nodded and told me to get dressed.I headed to my room to pick out an outfit.I'm not really fashion Savy. I ended up wearing a teal dress with my black converse. I checked myself in the mirror, to make sure I'm decent.
My outfit seemed to be alright, but my hair is a mess. I've been told I'm a wild sleeper. Guess this is just proof, I laughed. I brushed my hair until it was straight. I put Shane's hat on my head, We always borrow things from each other. Despite the fact we're different genders.I grabbed my backpack and flew down the stairs.
Shane was standing at the foot of my staircase. He shook his hair and took my bag.
"We missed the bus, so we're gonna walk."
"I don't mind, walking is better for planet earth anyways"
Shane and I made our way to school.
"So did your mom give you the necklace?" He said while Shaking his hair.
"Acually, she did." I pulled the Locket out of my backpocket. "Thanks for getting me this, it's really pretty."
I looked at him and he smiled "Just like you."
My cheeks grew hot and I laughed.Shane looked confused and I just shook my head. Guess he didn't notice my little blush and I'm glad he didn't.
After that awkward silence we were on school grounds."Wow, we are so not in middle school anymore." There was an huge crowed of teens. Most of them looked like adult or just plain scary.
Move!This braulicy guy said to Shane and I.We stepped aside emediatly.Shay grabbed my hand and rubbed it soothingly.
"Welcome to high school, Nattie." He handed me my backpack. I slung it aroung my shoulder. We walked through the crowed of 'Animals' and headed straight towards the Main Office."Do you want me to put your necklace on for you?"
I nodded, he bent down and swept my hair behind my back.I felt his breath on my neck. Shane clicked the necklace into place and the locket hung over my heart.
"Thanks Shay,"I stood on my toes to kiss him on the cheek."We should get our schedule."
We asked the lady at the front desk for our classes. She handed us our class routines and sighed. Shane and I walked out of the office swiftly.
"Cross your fingers, hopefully we'll be in the same class." Shane said. Then on the count of three we cheeked each others sheets. Shay and I got Lucky we have all the classes together.
Our homeroom is Colonary arts, room 106. We found our way there no problem.Shay and I took our seats.
"Hello boys and girls. My name is Mr.fitz and I'll be your home room teacher. Today is the first day so we'll be getting to know each other." Great this teacher will be nothing but fluff. I can tell by his posture and his name. Mr.Fitz will be such a push-over.

Chapter 2:

It seemed like everyone here is gonna be nice. So far I've made two friends. Kaylin and Ariel was their names. Shane made friends too, their names were Ryan and Chaz. I think. High school is pretty much like middle school. We changed from class to class. Until finally it was lunchtime. The only time us teens get to be loud and annoying.
I walked into the Cafe linked with Kaylin and Ariel. The tables here were set up in cliques. It was the Cheerleaders and Jocks. Nerds in the whole west wing and the Loners and Emo's right by them. If people are loners then why do they like to be together?
So far I'm not in a Clique I guess I'm just Normal. I sat down between Shane and Kaylin took a bite of my home made sandwich. Kaylin cleared her throat.
"I've seen you in the halls today." She was Clearly talking to me. I swallowed and said really? She responded "Yup! Let me tell you by the way, you guys are the cutest couple."
I turned to Shay and laughed. People always assume we're together."We aren't a couple," I said still in hysterics.
“Then why did Shane give you that necklace?” She pressed. I had made an observation, Kaylin is really nosey. Her question was good though. Why would shane give me a Locket.
"I gave it to her because she wanted it," Shane said. I turned to him in confusion. Maybe I had asked and just forgot. "We were at the mall passing the jewelry section and she couldn't take her eyes off of it."
Now I remember we were at the mall shopping for a sundress. My mom goes to all of these fancy dinners and I had to get 'dolled up'. I can't believe he remembered and I didn't.
Kaylin nudged me, " Well you could've just told me that instead of beating around the bush." I Flashed a fake smile towards her and Shane chuckled.
Ariel Passed me a note that read:

Ik Kaylin's annoying write. Am I the only one who's noticed shane is hot?Oh and I heard that after this the school day is over.

Ooh someone has a crush on Shay. What does she mean the school day is over. It's only two O'clock. I guess thats just high school for ya,hu. The final bell rang and we exited the building.
Shane took my bag again and we headed home." So how was your first day of high school, nattie."

"It was alright, just like middle school. How was your day?"He stopped walking. Automatically I stopped too."How was your day?" I repeated the question until I got an answer. Shane dug his hand in his pockets and did a small hair-flip.

"It had it's high and low point." He looked at me,but I could tell his mind was else where."I'll text you later," Shay handed me my bag and walked into his house. I walked to mine.

"Mom I'm home!" I said when I stepped foot in the living room. My mom came out with my shirt on. It looked like she was going to tear it." Why are you wearing that?" I said trying not to laugh.

"I'm tryna be hip mama!"My mom shook her hips. "Ya know down wit the youngsters."

"Mom No one talks like that, and please take my top off." I walked upstairs.

Well that was just embarrassing. Thank god she didn't do that in public. I hopped on my bed and moaned. I didn't do much today but I'm tired and bored. If I had no homework, what am I gonna do?
I looked at the ceiling and twirled the Locket in my hands. I Know! Shane is next door I can always play hoops with him. I changed into my basket ball shirts and a white top.I walked down the stairs.

"Mom I'm going to Shanes," I walked out the door and Open Shanes door.

"Is that you justin?" Pattie said sounding worried. I followed her voice and I found her crying on the staircase.

"I'm sorry, Where's Shane?" I sat down next to her. I had just left Shay here a few minutes ago. What could he possibly be doing?

"I don't know. He said he was going to get some air. I assumed that he was hanging out with you."

I stood up. I know exactly where Shane went, Barry Park. I told Pattie I'd bring him back and i set off to the park. When I entered the park I seen Shay sitting under our tree. When I got closer I could see that Shay was crying.

"Shay what's wrong?" His head snapped up and he starred at me. Shay told me that he missed his dad. "That's it? He should be at your house in like ten minutes. You don't need to cry"

"You don't understand. My mom and dad are divorced. I haven't seen my dad since 7th grade." Shane wiped his tears.
"I'm sorry i didn't tell you. I thought you might treat me differently."

I sat down next to him and gave him a bear hug. " Shay your my best friend, I always treat you differently," his body shook with laughter. " There ya go. I'll always be here for you, weather you want me to be or not."

"Has anyone ever told you how great you are?" Shane said.

"Well once or twice, maybe a hundred." We laughed together.
"Your mom is worried, I'll walk you home."

After I dropped Shay off at his house. I ran into my house. I skipped dinner and feel asleep on the couch. I guess being an high school girl can make you tired.


Chapter 3

Today I overslept and was late to class. Shane did wait for me but my mom told him to go ahead. She didn't want him to get caught in the rain. I walked to homeroom soaking wet. My boots kept squeaking as I walked to a seat behind Shane.

"Nice of you to join us," Mr.Fitz said.

I would've sat next to shay but there was a girl in my seat. Why did she sit there I have no clue. Instead of working on the question why can't we burn Water? I tried to understand why this blondie was giggling so much. I know Shay and he's not that funny, well at least not to other people. She started rubbing his arm, I could see from an angel that he was smiling.

I tried to say hi to Shay but I couldn't get his attention. Kaylin and Ariel stared at me in confusion. Though I'm the one who's confused. What is it about her that is so captivating?

"Natalie can you please answer Q: thirty four and explain.."

As much as i wished to continue to give her the cold Glare. I had to Focus. My mom said if my grades start slipping she'll remove my bed room door. My mom is so uptight and dramatic. Focused in on the work and answered quickly. looked up at the teacher and he had a slight frown on his face.

I answered the question right and he wanted to embarrass me in front of the class. I dislike those kind of teacher, the kind that always has to be right and sarcastic.
The bell rang and it was time for Gym. I walked to my locker and slammed my notebook on a shelf.

"Oh, hey Nattie," Shane said to me but I just Ignored him. The way he Ignored me. I walked through the double sided Gym doors. I changed into my ' work out' clothes and hit the matt.

It's a B day so that means I'll have to climb the rope.
My hand touched my toe while I'm stretching the teacher Miss Mike said there was an new classmate.

"Her name is Evet," Mike continued. " The last place she lived was in La."

Everyone looked intrigued except me. Hey look at me I'm Evet and I lived in La. I could Imagine her saying that, just to get friends. Evet walked over to me and smiled.

" Your Nattie right?," She asked putting her hand out. As if I'd shake it.

"My name is Natalie, didn't you hear in home ec?" I glared at her until she moved her hand back. I continued on with my stretching while Miss La tried to get my attention.
I stood up and she kept saying words. I'd say what she did If I knew or cared. I chalked up my hands and wormed my way to the top. When I heard Evet's annoying laughter in the crowed of course again she was sitting by Shane.
I climbed down the rope one knot a a time. At the bottom waiting for me was Kaylin and Ariel, they pulled me to the side.

"What's with you?" Ariel said her Golden brown curls bouncing when she spoke.

"What do you mean?" I responded. Was my small but building hatred for Evet showing.

"I know you dislike her," Kaylin said crossing her arms and shifting her weight. " I don't like her either."

"If you guys get to know her she isn't that bad." Ariel rested her arm on Kay. "Guys she has no Friends." Ariel said pulling out the guilt card.

"I wonder why?" I sighed. It was clear I was being Sarcastic. Kaylin laughed and I smirked.

"I don't care about Evet. She isn't trying to get to Know us. Just the guys and Mainly 'our Guys'. Look at her she's draped all over Ryan and Shane."


"What do you mean so? Do you wanna look now. She's flirting with Chaz like they're dating," I pointed to her whispering in his ear and him licking his lips.

Ariels jaw tightened and her hands formed fist. " She is going down."

"It's nice to have you back Ariel," Kay smirked and I did too. We walked home together. I didn't bother asking Shane because he seemed a little distracted.

The girls are sleeping over at my house so we can strategize. We grabbed our pens and notebooks. Operation 'taking out the Trash'.


As we jotted some ideas down there was an knock at the door.
I'll get it I said when I stood up. I swung the door open hoping it was the pizza man. It was just Shane.

"Hey nattie," he said leaning on the front door. " I brought the movies and you have the popcorn right? I also brought a friend."

He stepped to the side before I could say anything. Then I saw her. It, Evet. Evet stood there with a huge Grin on her face. Shane came in and She followed.

"Everybody this is Evel, i mean Evet." I smiled in an foe oops. Kaylin and Ariel hid the books under a pillow.

"What are you doing here,shane." Ariel asked blushing from the pressure. Her voice all high pitched, it was obvious that she's nervous. Kaylin pinched her and she looked at me.

"He's here for movie night, I forgot."

Shane put in chain saw massacre -the remake. Then pressed play. Evet sat next to shane with her hand on his lap. So I pretended to be scared and Jumped on his lap. I felt her hand on my butt and it was uncomfortable. Evet looked disgusted and moved her hand away. While Shay Crooned to me it's just a movie, Nattie.

Shane paused the movie to go and 'Potty'. He left the room and my cold glare was on. Evet rolled her eyes and pushed up her Bra.

Ariel coughed and the word Slut came out. I smirked while Evet gasped in shock.

"What's your problem?" evet said shaking her head full of blonde hair. Tossing her tresses over the shoulder.

"You," Kay, Ariel and I said at the same time.

"What exactly did I do?" she smirked. I arched an eyebrow.
She started an heated discussion with Ariel and Kay. It got pretty ugly. They started pulling out the ' yo mama' insults.

Kay stood over me pointing a finger at Evet.

"Really?! your mama is so stupid she brought a Ruler to bed to see how long she slept."

"Girls!" Evet screamed. "I don't want your boyfriends, I just want shane. We share something special."

"What, like the fact you've both been in your pants?" Ariel said scoffing.
I smirked,
Shane wouldn't sleep with her. He can be dumb at times, but not that dumb.

"No, we've kissed but I'm a saint." Evet said putting her hand on her heart. " Shane is off limits. Do we understand girls?"

"Yes, I understand completely. Shay is off limits to you. Now get out of my house!"

"Fine i will tell my baby to call me okay?"

"I will," I said and she left the door." not."

We all turned heads when we'd seen the bathroom knob rattling. Shane came out. there was so many expressions that were on his face. Confusion, thrilled and Mad at the same time.

Chapter 4: The Truth

"Ladies would you mind going upstairs?" Shay asked. Ariel Sighed and walked up the stairs, While Kay stayed behind to say I'm watching you.

"What is this about?"

I sat down next to shay. I tapped my finger tips on the couch in a relaxing Rhythm. Shane sighed big and said feelings. I froze, I'm certain that i didn't want to know what was on his mind.
"Do you like me?" Shay said looking me straight in the eyes. It's strange, his eyes are an warm brown. I shook the thought.

"We wouldn't be friends if I didn't." I smiled making a joke. I never really thought Shane would like me.

"Natalie you know what I mean, Like Love." He grabbed my hand and I didn't have time to think. Do I love shane Yea of course, he is like my brother. " I want you to tell me because if you're worried about my answer is yes. I've always loved you."

He leaned in and so did I. When I closed my eyes I seen Evet puckering her lips. I pulled back and tears of anger welled in my eyes.

"Shane how could you kiss Evet you supposedly ' love' me." I could no longer see Shane. I sobbed softly it hurt to think another girl and him together. He patted my arm In sympathy.

"Don't cry, we didn't kiss. I'm saving my first kiss for someone special. If that special girl still wants to kiss me," he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

I grabbed his face gently pulling him closer to me. He pressed his lips onto mine. Our lips were twisting in unfamiliar ways. Shay caressed my hair with one hand and kept his other on my hip. I pulled away unwillingly I could barely breathe. Even when my heart and breath slowed I couldn't breathe. I always said this sentence sound hokey, but it's true. His beauty took my breath away.
Shane pulled me into a kiss again. This time it was short and sweet.

"I Love you,shay."

Kay and Ariel came out singing congrats to shay and I. While they Celebrated us. I thought when did I fall for him? I've come to the conclusion that I've loved him all along.My life so far has turned out to be one of those teen crap movies that I hate. Now I know what it feels like, love.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2010

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