

I pretended to be taking a nap like the rest of the class but I wasn't I was just laying there. It was nap time but I wanted to learn my ABC's. A soft knocking echoed around the room. I closed my eyes as Mrs Mary hurried past to see to the door. A piercing scream sounded following a gun shot. A few men walked from kid to kid one crouched in front of me, slowly I opened my eyes to look at the man before me. Sifting slightly he lifted me whispering in my ear one word.... "Sleep."



13 years later

Worrior training, the most dreadful time of the day. The only good days are when I get to fight my best friend, Jay. He is a shape shifter, everyone here is. The only difference between me and everyone else is that I can change into anything that I want, they can only shift into one thing. Animal, human, plant, you name it I'll be it.
"Alissa, Jay! Your up."
"Lets go baby girl!" Jay yelled. I rolled my eyes at him and followed him out onto the mat. They handed us the six foot long bamboo poles and we walked to opposite sides of the mat. When the bell rang Jay launched himself at me swinging his bamboo at my legs to knock me over I jumped up and over him swinging at him he turned catching the end of my stick jerking it out of my grip. Then he kicked out his feet trying to kick my feet out from under me. He slipped in sweat and fell and dropped the bamboo stick. I fell to the ground laughing the next thing I hear is the growl of a tiger. I looked up and see him then I quickly picked up the bamboo. This gave me an idea.
I shifted into a panda bear. Jay shifted back and walked over to me. He started to pet my head then I quickly changed into a cheetah and attacted him. Quickly shifting back he fought back.
"Jay! Alissa! Shift back now!" Our teacher screamed at us. We ignored Mr. Monk and kept fighting.
As we fought I quickly got the upper hand pinning him down. I pretended to bite down on his neck when I felt something grab the back of my neck and throw me off of him and across the mat. I shifted back in mid-air and gasped when I hit the ground. Something grabbed both of my arms and picked me up and held my arms behind my back. I started laughing hysterically.
"What's wrong with you?" Everyone looked at me in shock then Jay started laughing too.
"Did you really think I was going to kill him?"
"We all saw you bite down on his neck!"
"You all saw me bite down an inch away from his neck."
"Well that doesn't matter now. Alissa, Jay. go to the office now."
"Wow! Really?" Jay and I asked at the the same time.
"Go now!" We rolled our eyes and walked out of the gym. After we walked out of there he grabbed my elbow and flipper me around to face him.
"This is your fault." He jokes but I slapped him on the shoulder anyway.
"Hey I was just joking!"
"I know!" I said then turned around and ran. Immediately something hit me and tackled me to the ground. The next thing I know Jay was in a push-up position over me. Smiling at me kinda shyly, he brushed the hair out of my face. I looked at him growling "what?" He asked confused.
I sighed and sat up on my elbows where we were only centimeters away and pressed my lips to his. He jerked back as if he didn't know what he was supposed to do then he pressed me harder to the ground and his lips possessing mine. Freezing on top of me Jay jerked up and off me. Backing away he turned and ran towards the office and away from me. What the hell just happened? Do I like Jay? I shook the feeling and stood then walked to the office. Once I got in to the office I took the seat next to Jay. After a couple of seconds I felt him scoot farther away from me. I sighed and looked at the principle. After about five minutes into the lecture something crashed throught the window causing the whole room to collapse. My chair tipped over causing me to hit my face on the floor. Dust and debree flew every where and there were a million shots going of. Jay climbed over to me and covered my with his body. I look over and the principle was right in my face. He pointed to the wall across the room and yelled, "Get out of here! Run as far as you can!".
Jay climbed off of me and slid to the side, "Come on!". I got up and he pushed me in front of him. We got to the wall and we looked for the latch but couldn't find it. We looked back at the principle just as she hit the latch. The door opened and we ran through. I look back just she got shot. She smiled lightly as she hit the latch and the door closed. I stayed there in shock until Jay grabbed my hand and lead me down the tunnel. He pushed me infront of him as we slid down the mud slide. Once we hit the bottom I rolled a few times then stopped and Jay landed beside me. He quickly got up then helped me up and we started running again.
"Did she say how to get out of here?"
"No we have to find our own way." We made a sharp right and saw the end of the tunnel. We jumped over the floor spot that caved in and we were out of there. We dodged bullets, knifes, and arrows across the clearing until we got to the woods.
"Oh shit!" I turn and see Jay on the ground with an arrow in his arm. I run over and helped him off of the ground and into the woods. We got deeper and deeper into the woods until I found a little cave. I help Jay in and he sat by the entrance.
I heard Jay take in a sharp breath, I look at him just in time to see him rip the arrow out of his right arm. I covered the gash with my hand trying to stop the bleeding. I hear the sound of tearing cloth and then Jay put a peice of light blue cloth over the gash. I looked down and part of the bottom half of my shirt was torn off.
"My shirt? Really Jay?" He chuckled a bit but then winced in pain. I moved my hands off of his arm and stood. "Tomorrow, I will go back to the school and see if there is any supplies we could use." Jay nodded in agreement.
"Build a fire or somthing. Its cooling down quickly." Jay said through gritted teeth.
"I'll be back soon. You going to be okay?" He nodded and i walked out the entrance of the cave.



When Alissa was far enough away from me that she couldn't hear me I let out a groan falling back against the cave wall that was behind me. I must have blacked out because when I opened my eyes again Alissa was on her knees beside me her shirt in her hands gently wrapping it around my arm.
"Your going to get cold Alissa," I hissed at her
"It was already half way torn so it wouldn't matter anyways and its not like I'm shirtless I always wear an under shirt," she sighed finishing up with my arm, "there you go all done now go back to sleep while I get us some food."
"Stay here I don't want you going back out there."
"Ill be fine Jay. we need food and water."
"Alissa please, stay here. Tomorrow when the sun comes back up we'll go together," I begged her I was scared that I would lose her, but I was also scared of being alone. I know it sounds pathetic but I don't really want to die.
"Jay. I need to go." She said standing up and walking away from me.
"Please don't." I begged and she turned back an looked at me. She shook her head and turned back towards the exit and started to walk. Just as she was leaving a huge crash of thunder and flash of lightning hit. Jumping back away from the exit she ran over to me and sat down.
"Yeah, let's go tomorrow." She said as she sat down beside me. "I couldn't find any dry wood so we wont have a fire tonight." I sighed with releif. As another crack of thunder shook the ground Alissa cowered into my side. i put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. Throughout the night we stayed like that until we both finally fell asleep. Another giant thunder clap woke me from sleep. i felt Alissa clutch onto me tighter. I hugged her to me and quickly fell back asleep. In the morning the storm had past and there was a dim light shining in the cave. I felt Alissa stirring beside me and she sat up.
"Hey how are you doing?" She asks sleepily. I just now noticed the pain that was emitting from arm. Moving my arm i winced and gritted my teeth.
"Fine." I said through clenched teeth.
She looked at me with a worried expression and stood and walked to the other side of me and crouched down looking at my arm. She slowly untied the shirt and unwrapped it.
"Shit." She mumbled.
"Whats wrong?" I look down and my breath caught in my throat. My blood had turned black. Not just dried blood black. The blood that was coming out of my arm was pitch black. That can only mean one thing, Onyx. A poison made to only kill us worriors. It kills us in about a weeks time unless you get the antidote. But the bad thing is, is that by the third day you are completly paralyzed. If i'm going to survive this we need to get the antidote that they always kept at the school.
"Jay. We need to get to the school. It looks like you have had a huge dosige which will become extremly painful in a few hours. If we're going to go, we need to go now." She got up and then helped me up then we walked out of the cave. I had to lean heavily on her because the poison was effecting my legs making it hard and extremly painful to walk. We walked to the edge of the woods and started to look around to see if anyone is coming. She started to walk out into the clearing dragging me along with her. AFter a few steps she gasped and tackeled me into the woods. My hole body erupted into pain. I grited my teeth trying not to make a sound.
"I'm so sorry Jay." She wispered. I nodded my head. After a few minutes we heard the sound of foot steps. Alissa shifted into a tiger. She growled lowly to where it even freaked me out. After a few more steps Alissa was growling loudly with her teeth bared. I look around her and there was a guy standing there wearing the same uniform as the attackers.
"I'm here to help guys. I saw you get hit yesterday and I wanted to help. I'm not one of them."
Alissa shifted back and walked up to him. "If your not one of them then why are you wearing the same uniform?"
"I needed the money. But when I found out that they were trying to kill innocent teenagers, I wanted out. But they wouldnt let me."
I saw Alissa hesitate and look back at me, then she nodded, "come on, he can barely walk."
"Do you need me to carry him or do you want help, what?" he asked
"I carried him this far so i think im fine we just need in the school."
Walking back over to me Alissa lifted my body, "shit," i mumbled that really hurt. I put my arm around her shoulder and we started to walk but I collapsed to the ground. The guy came on the other side of me and lifted me back to my feet. We walked back out to the clearing and started to walk across. The school was close to destroyed.
"Okay we need to hurry. They can come back at any time. Just a warning though, its really bad inside." The guy said. We got the rest of the way across and then went inside. The first thing that hit me was the overwhelming smell of ash. It started getting really hard to breath and i started coughing. I collapsed to the ground and kept coughing. After what seemed like forever of painfull coughing i looked at my hand. My stomach dropped. Black blood was covering my hand. This isnt supposed to happen for a couple more days. I definatly had a huge dosige.
"Jay whats wrong?" She pulled my hand away from me and gasped. "We need to hurry. The onyx is going to kill him in a matter of hours the way its working through his body."
"Where do we need to go?" the guy asked.
"The imformary." Alissa answered. "Here you come take this side. I can't take a chance with the blood thats on his hand."
They switched sides and then helped me back to my feet and started to drag me along with them. It seemed like forever until we got to the imformary but we finally made it. They set me up on the medical table. The cold metal made me shiver. I saw Alissa walk over to a cabinet and get out a few sirringes but then i slowly began to pass out.


Alissa's point of Veiw.

I grabbed the shots of antidote out of the cabinet and walked back over to Jay. Shit! He passed out. I set the stuff down on the medical table and start to try and wake him up.
"Don't just stand there! Help me!" I yelled at the guy. If Jay stays asleep to long the onyx will take over his body in full. "Jay! Jay! Seriously Jay, wake up!"
"Splash water on his face." I ran over to the sink and got a cup of water and then went and dumped it on his face. His eyes snapped open he took a deep breath.
"Okay Jay. I'm going to give you the shots now. There going to have to go right into the wound so it will hurt worse." He slowly nodded as sweat began to bead up on his forhead. "Your going to be fine Jay." Again he only nodded. Flashes of pain cross over his face and then his eyes rolled back in his head. His body started shaking uncontrolably.
"Strap down his arms and legs he's goign to hurt himself!" The guy did as I said and secured his arms and legs. I grabbed one of the shots and jabbed it into the wound. Injecting the antidote into his arm and he began to stop shaking. I gave him another shot and he woke up.
I smiled at him and wiped the sweat from his forhead. I unstrapped him from the bed and he sat up.
"How do you feel?" I asked him.
"Better. A lot better. I dont feel like my body is rotting from the inside out." He laughed and i joined in.
"Okay well I'm going to clean up your wound. Hopefully your blood is clean now and back to normal."
He nodded. I walked over to a counter and grabbed some gause and hydrogen peroxide. I walked back over and wet the gause with the peroxide and started to clean the cut. It started to bubble as it cleaned out any other infections. After i got done cleaning it i walked back over and threw the bloody gause away and put the peroxide back up. I grabbed more gause and some antibiotic oitment and an ace bandage. I rubbed the oitment on the cut and them put the gause over it then wrapped it with the bandage.
Once i was done we walked out of the informary and started to walked through the rest of the building. Practically evrerything was destroyed. Jay was walking beside me protectivly and the other guy was on the other side of me.
"What is your name anyway?" I asked.
"Luke." I nodded and we kept walking. I heard somthing crack then all of a sudden Jay grabbed me and blocked me.
"We need to get out of here. And Fast!"
Jay grabbed my hand and we started to run and weave through the debree. Once we made it back outside we ran across the clearing and back into the forest.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.06.2012

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