
The Tales of Malik Seshta & Samar Azulai
The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1


Tears fell down Maliks face as he sat in the room of his fellow dancers. Clothed in an effeminate silver linin dancers outfit, he sobbed quietly.

"Shh... Hush now Malik, try not to think about it... And try not to cry, we don't want you drawing attention to yourself..." Samar whispered softly into the young 16 year olds ear. She softly brushed his light brown fringe out of his eyes.
He was lucky, his family had managed to pass him off as a female, he was now one of the many dancers highered to entertain the pharaoh. Because of his skinny body and his long, light brunette hair they had mistaken him... His family had no choice but to offer him up to the Pharaoh. His little sister had fallen ill and now him dancing with the girls was the only way he could earn a living for his family.

"It's not fair Samar..." He whispered horsely to his friend.

"Shh... Please stop crying Malik, your make up is running..." She whispered to him in the loud talking of the room. All the other girls where dressed up in fine silver and gold outfits, similar to that of a belly dancer. Samar had helped Malik by stuffing linin into his shirt, so the Pharaoh would not get suspicious, but Malik couldn't take the Pharaohs abuse anymore.

"Come now... Just don't think about it..." Samar whispered as she applied some more kohl to Maliks eyes. He had to wear quite a lot to hide his masqulinity.

Malik suddenly felt a heavy press of guilt on his chest. Samar was just as scared as he was, but she chose to ignore her own fear to ensure the security of her friend.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, wiping his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, don't worry... I know I say it at every social function, but don't draw attention to yourself and the Pharaoh wont notice you... Just please don't get caught." She whispered, pushing her long black hair behind her ear. She blinked her large brown eyes at him, inwhich where outlined with black and green.

"Please don't get caught." She repeated to him again, fear in her eyes. She pulled the sobbing teenager into her arms.

"Thank you so much Samar." Malik whispere, Imbracing the temparary safty in Samars arms. Samar and Malik had been best friends ever since they were four. Their parents where fishing buddies and they'd grown up side by side.

"Alright girls." Said a voice from outside the dusty sandstone room. The small changing room grew silent as the high priest, Sekmeton walked in wearing a long blue robe lined with gold. Sekmeton, like many others in the palace, dared not to be seen without being caked in sapphires, eleralds, rubies and many other precious stones embedded in gold and silver.

"When you hear the lute, just walk in. Line up in formation in the middle of the hall in front of the Pharaoh and begin your dance." He said, his sort black hair cascading down his ears, and his think, golden neck chain around his throat. Malik just wanted to choke him with it... The guy made him sick. Just the sight of him made him want to throw up. But if that's how he felt looking at the Pharaohs high priest, he dreaded the ommonus feeling of soaking in the Pharaohs haunting aura. Even the sight of the Pharaoh made him shudder. How was he supposed to dance in formation with the group flawless with grace, while the head of the entire of North Egypt watched with a shameless erection?

The noise from the girls in the room suddenly erupted once again, growing louder, much louder. Malik stood from the wooden bench and shuddered, feebly attempting to ignore his current situation. He looked down at his golden anklets and his lether sandels. Also at the long, thin, practically see through legs in the bazaar outfit the Pharaoh had designed for the dancers. Malik couldn't bare being even in the same room of that horrible Pharaoh. He deeply sickened him, and for good reason.
The monster had taken his older brother and forced him to work as a servant. A week after he was abducted, Maliks family got told that he was killed in a terrible cooking accident.

Samar saw Malik in a state of deep and painful thought. She too, stood. She put a hand on Maliks bare shoulder in a vein attempt to comfort the now shivering teen. She felt horribly sorry for him, although deep down, she wondered if perhaps he was overreacting?

"It's okay Malik, it's okay..." She whispered to him. Malik nodded blankly, gaze stuck on the sandstone floor of the palace. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to momentarily disappear spiritually. He drifted away, feeling tears well up at the back of his eyes once again. He imagined he was at home with his sister and his mother.

"Come here..." Samar said softly to him. Malik opened his eyes, turned around and hugged his friend yet again. Samar held him closely, feeling him quake. She had to hault Maliks sorrow, she feared she too would burst into tears should she have to with stand seeing her friend like this much longer.

With his eyes closed, Malik really embraced the surroundings, which was ironically the opposite of what he had indended on doing.

He smelt the sandstone of the walls and floors and the sand just outside the window. He could taste the damp summers night and the clear rushing water of the Nile in which was stationed just a few metres away from the Pharaohs palace. He could sensed the footsteps of the disgustingly rich guests arriving. Rich people from all over North Egypt were gathering to honor the Pharaohs 5 year anniversary of ruling north Egypt.

Samar softly realised her tight hold on Malik and he slowly opened his eyes, forcing himself to hold back is tears. He had to be strong.
Samar put a hand under Maliks chin, gently alinging his glance with hers.

"Hey... You alright, now?" She asked with a kind smile toward the mentally scarred teenager.

"...Hows my face?" He asked, suddenly looking generally concerned for his apperence.

"You look beautiful." She said with a smile.

"I don't look manly?"

"When did you ever look manly?" Samar asked. The two friends laughed, tempararely shaking off the chill of the night until suddenly the ominous sound of the plucking lute filled Maliks ears.

"That's our quewe. Don't forget your steps and remember, if the Pharaoh talks to you, either sound effeminate or don't reply at all!" Samar whispered harshly to Malik, he brush at his long brunette hair with his fingers.

The girls started to pour out of the room in pairs. Malik and Samar where the last two out they waited to be last, that would put them at the back of the group, drawing less attention to Malik.
They all ran out effeminately in a line and stood in a square formation, three tiny steps appart from eachother.

"And remember, if the Pharaoh askes, your name is Akira." Samar whispered loudly as the lute faded softly. Malik nodded to himself.

"Yep..." He whispered. He turned his head towards the band, that was on his left of the massive palace room. There where three girls with lyres, a man with a lute, two men with drums, three symbols set up around two men and five girls standing next to eachother in the backround, wearing the same outfit as the dancers and holding tamberines.

Malik turned around and saw the many large tables set up in the palace, and all the jewel incrested people sitting at them. They all stared blankly at the dancers, waiting patiently for the music to start and for the slaves to entertain them with their routine. Malik then faced the front of the massive sandstone palace. The Pharaoh was sitting at his huge golden thrown, His legs crossed as he lent his head on the palm of his hand, staring pervertedly at the girls in their revealing costumes. He was cloaked in diamonds, rubies Saphires and every single gem stone you can imagine. The royal Egyptian king was also cloaked in an impressive amount of gold and silver, and a tall, red and white headdress sitting atop his head. The Queen also sat next to him, she too was cloaked in jewels, similar to his. Maliks heart begun to race. He looked at the ground, seeing the royal red carpet.
He couldn't help but feel an enormaous wave of rage fill his body as he looked back up to the Pharaoh, though these emotions where short lived they where quickly overshrouded in a shower of fear and panic.

Suddenly the music begun, the tune that they had rehersed to. Malik raised his arms above his head and copied all the other girls movement, dancing gracefully with the rest of the group. He stepped, twirled and moved in the same formation as the rest of the 30 odd girls clothed in silver and gold. Malik tried so very hard to keep up with the girls, he constantly looked over to Samar to ensure he was following the group correctly. She too looked over at him constatly to check on him, their glances met often.

The five girls with the tamberines sang about the river Nile and the god of the sun, Ra. Their soothing voice softened Maliks nerves slightly, but he couldn't lose his consintration, he had to keep up.

Left, left, forward, backwards, twirl...
Malik told himself the routin in his head to ensure that he kept with the group contently. Until suddenly, the last step came up. The group had to come in closer and do the same steps, only bunched up, dangorus close.

Malik stepped back like he was assigned, one and a half steps, the group too, moved in and then they continued their steps.

The Pharaoh watched them intensively, following their every move with his eyes. He studied their grace and footing profusively. That made Malik slightly nervous, so he looked away and focused on one of the large sandstone pillars that was used to keept the roof up.

Malik really believe he was doing alright, he smiled to himself and continued, until to his dismay, Samar was a fraction of a step out of place, he accidently tripped her with his large, clumbsy feet, she fell into him with a frightful scream, Malik then tripped into the girl next to him. she was greatly shocked, she had no plans to be stopped so abruptly, she too fumbled and fell into the girl next to her. This continued like a domino set of belly dancing girls. Before Malik could speak, half the group of dancers had fallen onto the floor, including him.

The entire room of rich guests gasped begun talking amungst themselves. The girls all stood up quickly, acting as if nothing had happened. They all stood in their finishing possestion and smiled as if the devistating fall hadnt occured at all. Malik, who wasn't fast like the rest of them, was still on the floor, he looked up and then quickly stood. The Pharaoh looked shocked, staring at Malik.

The dancers all gasped with breath from exhaustion from the routine. Malik saw the Pharaoh looking at him intensely, his heart raced and his pulse wouldn't stop pumping extremely hard. He was in big shit...

Ohh no... He's seen my dick, hasn't he?! Malik thought to himself frantically. It was then the Pharaoh stood up and walked over to young Malik.
The tall, 23 year old Pharaoh stood directly in front of the young peasent. Malik tried to keep a straight face as he had an anxiety attack inside.

"...What's your name?" The Pharaoh said to Malik, his strong, powerful voice filling the silence of the awkward room. Malik nearly fainted.

OH SHIT! He thought to himself. He turned his head and looked at Samar desprately, she looked at him, panic sweeping across her face. She mouthed the words "SPEAK" to Malik over and over again frantically.

Malik looked back and cleared his thought.

"A-Akira..." He said in a high, effeminate voice.

"Akira... How would you like to dine with us tonight? With the Queen, myself and my wives."

Maliks heart begun to thumb harder and harder each second that passed, just being in the Pharaohs presents was intimitating enough... But he had absolutely no idea what so ever on what to say to him in reply. Had he really just said that? Did King Azleyria Mazin just ask him to eat at the royal table? Or had Malik taken a violent fall in his trip and bashed his head against the sandstone, knocking him unconsious?

"Y-... T..." Malik stuttered, his dark brown fringe falling over his eyes as he looked frantically around the Pharaohs face briefly, trying to find the correct words to respond with.

"Yes please, Your-Magisty." He finally stutted in a girly voice. He bowed gracefully, lowering his head as a sign of respect to the Egyptian King.

"Please join us..." The Pharaoh stated sternly, stepping over to the large table, at the front of the hall. The King sat at the head of the long table and motioned for Malik to sit at the seat on the side, closest to him.

"Let the food be served..." The Pharaoh annonced.

"Dancers... You are excused." He said, pointing at the group of girls that had just preformed so well, aside from the little spill Malik had caused. Malik thought maybe he could get out of it the dinner engagment he'd just fond himself entangled in. He figured perhaps that ment him too... Well, he hoped. He stood up slyly and tried to sneak off, while the room grow loud with talking. Unfortunetly for him...

"Akira..." Spoke the Pharaoh in his large, manly voice. Malik froze.

"Y-yes, sir? Did you not say we where excused?" He asked in his soft girly voice, finding it hard to speak like that.

"Yes, all the dancers, except you." He spoke softly with a smile. Malik closed his eyes and cursed himself, he suddenly begun to feel greatly ashamed of his penis.
He hated the Pharaoh...
He hated the sight of him... He just couldn't stand being in that castle another second... But he had no choice... He'd much rather be in the castle then in the castle dungeon. Should Malik disobey the King in the slightest way he would no doubtedly be sent to the palace jail underneither the large dinning room.

Malik silently turned around and returned to the seat he had been assigned. The dancer girls all glared angrilly at him and stormed back into the room they had changed in. Samar looked concerned, but followed the group as she was told.

Malik looked toward the large roung tables in front of the head table, in which he was seated at by order of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was resting his head on the palm of his hand and starting blankly at him. He felt really awkward in that possestion. The feeling of being watched was one, always hard to shake off.
Disturbingly enough... Why didn't the Pharaoh just switch his sick perverted glance to one of his beautiful wives... Were where they anyway...?

"I see your a little clumbsy on your feet... Akira." The Pharaoh said softly. Malik looked back to the Pharaoh and suddered in disgust at the sight of the highly respected King. He suddenly begun to panic... The Pharaoh wanted to converse with Akira... How could Malik possibly pretend to be a girl for the entire night? He had to slip away soon... The second the Pharaoh looked away, he had to leave.

"Oh, uhm... Yes, my legue... My sincerest appologies for tripping the group over like that, I uh... Don't deserve to be in your presence." He said effeminately, putting his hands to his head and making sure his hair stayed girly looking. He then begun to stand when the Pharaoh leaned over and grabbed one of his hands, Malik rested back onto his chair, staring down at his hand inwhich was now intwined with the Pharaohs.

"Now, now, don't be silly... You're increasingly beautiful. You're more then welcome to dine with us. Make yourself confortable..." He told Malik, his deep manly voice made Malik quake.

Hah! Yeah! Real comfortable! Malik joked in his head, he just stared at the way the Pharaoh had his hand in his own. He HAD TO GET OUT OF THERE!! NOW!!!

"And's quite alright... I think your dance was lovely..." The Pharaoh told Malik. He then look his hand from Maliks hand. The Egyptian peasent relaxed for a second, but that was short lived. Malik suddenly felt a hand on his knee. He jumped in his seat, barely able to hold back screaming. There was nothing in the world more painful then what Malik was going through right now, he just wanted to disappear and never return.Malik looked up into the Pharaoh's eyes, he was smiling at him with that perverted, disturbing smile he always has. Malik nearly vomited all over the royal dinning table.
OH GOD[s]!!

The Pharaoh was attracted to Akira!

Malik couldn't let himself get felt up by the Pharaoh... He would find out that... Akira had some body parts the Pharaoh didn't know about.

Malik shifted in his seat most uncomfortably. It was then the Queen and a group of four well dressed women came up to the table and sat down. Malik really felt like a fish out of water. A fish that was getting felt up by a dolphin! At the sight of the Queen, the Pharaoh took his hand off of Malik. He sighed in relief, thank the gods... He couldn't have taken even another revolting second. Any closer and the Pharaoh would have gotten a handful of something not so effeminate.
But it would have been funny to see the disgusted look on his face.

Suddenly a group of servants dressed in boring white linin rages walked out of the palace kitchen carrying large plates of food. They placed a plate in front of each of the four girls sitting at the table, the Queen, the Pharaoh... Then walked off!

The Pharaoh turned and stopped the group of servants.

"What about, Akira?!" He demaned.

"Oh, we're sorry my lord, we had no idea we had to feed the peasent girl. " One of them said.

"She wont be a peasent girl for much longer!." The Pharaoh said to the lot of them sternly.

He then grabbed the glass of wine he'd been placed and rose it in the air.

"SILENCE!" He yelled across the room, the large hall fell quiet.

"I've an announcement to make!" He yelled, standing. He then turned to Malik and looked him in the eyes sincerly. He took one of his hands once again, and Malik cringed.

"Akira, will you marry me?"

Malik's eyes widened, he felt his heart slam into his throat and choke him.
Did he just hear that CORRECTLY?!

He just fell silent. Unable to speak, just staring at the Pharaoh... He stared back, surspence in his eyes, awaiting an answer from the beautiful 'Akira'.

Malik had no choice, if he refused, he would be sent to the dungeon and get raped by the prisoners! He thought about it briefly... Wasn't that impossible? Two guys getting married? WEll, if a Pharaoh can marry like ten woman, surely he can marry a man if he wants to... But, EW! Malik just thought about how throughly disturbing that was until suddenly the thought of his sister flashed into his mind. The reason he was forced to dance for the Pharaoh. His family needed the money to help take care of her... He had no choice.
Marrying the King of North Egypt was his only choice.

"I-... I will." He said, yet again in his girl voice. The Pharaoh smiled down at him in acomplishment.

Suddenly the whole room filled with chearing and clapping. What was what, five now? Malik thought to himself. The Pharaoh didn't have enough to play with so he needed yet ANOTHER wife? Impossible... Ridiculos!

"Servants! Bring my new fionce' her meal immediately!" The Pharaoh demanded. He then sat and looked around the table. His other wives and the Queen didn't seem phased at all... How strange. I guess they didn't really see it as comitition... But hey, what does my oppinion matter? I'm just the auther! Mwahah! I HAVE THE POWER! ... Sorry, I'll go back to the story now.

The servants darted back into the kitchen frantically. They ran out with a plate of food and a glass of wine. They placed it in front of Malik gracefully, then left abruptly, as if avoiding further scolding from the demanding Pharaoh.

Malik looked up, the Pharaoh smiled at him. He forced himself to smile back, he then looked at his food.
He wasn't hungry...


After everyone had finished their meals the Pharaoh rose up out of his seat and tapped his fork against his wine glass, in which was now empty.

"Now, everyone be quiet! The Pharaoh yelled.

"Let me be the first to say... I'm glad you all came. Now stay as long as you want... The band will continue, and the dancers will come out once more.
Now lets all get drunk!" The Pharaoh yelled. The whole hall cheered in an uproar of laugheter. The kitchen servants ran around with large wine barrels, filling peoples glasses over and over again. The music started up again... This was the cue for the dancers to come back out.

"Go and join the group Akira..." The Pharaoh said to Malik, motioning for him to join the girls who where now stepping past the sandstone pillars that marked the room they got changed in.

Malik stared at the Pharaoh blankly for a moment then nodded. He stood and walked over to the group and took his spot. The music started up once again and the girls all repeated their dance as the Pharaoh returned to his throne and watched them. He kept most of his attention on Malik... What made him so damn different to the rest of them? Well... Besides the obvious.

After the group had finished, Malik put his arms down and the Pharaoh stood up from his throne and walked over to them. Malik turned his head and looked at Samar, whos spot was right next to his. She looked at him concerned, she'd heard the hole proposal thing... But she did agree, what else could he have done? But when the Pharaoh DOES find out that he's a HIM he will throw Malik in the dungeon... Either way he's going in the dungeon...

Malik turned back and the Pharaoh was standing directly in front of him. He jumped... Then realised the looks he was recieving. The Pharaoh then leant in and kissed Malik. Malik nearly died... His first kiss... Oh god...

The Pharaoh tasted distinctly of sin with a side order of red wine. Malik had no choice but to endure it... He just wished he was at home. The Pharaoh roughly plunged his tongue into Maliks mouth and filled his whole body with disgust. Malik felt he would throw up, but had to keep it down.

After a couple of seconds, the Pharaoh pulled his tongue out of the brunettes mouth and smiled at him. He returned the smile forcfully.

"You're so beautiful..." The Pharaoh whispered to Malik. Malik suddenly erupted with loud coughing.

"...Are you alright?" The Pharaoh asked as Malik hacked and wheezed before him.

"I'm... Fine..." Malik sput out. He finally stopped and took a deep breath in. His heart was thumping really hard. He felt like he was going to just faint right there.

"Are you sure that you're alright...?" The Pharaoh asked, looking generally concerned for Maliks wellfare.

"Yes..." Malik said, reasuringly in his girly voice. The Pharaoh stared at him for a second longer... Then smiled and walked back towards the dinning table inwhich the two of them had ate with the Queen and the Pharaohs other wives. The dancers all stood with Malik, glaring at him jealously. Malik turned his head and looked at Samar. She just looked mortifide. She slowly shook her head, her mouth wide open.

"THAT'S GROSS!" She whispered harshly at Malik. Malik just looked at her helplessly and shook his head.

"What am I supposed to do?! I'm engaged now!" He whispered to his friend. She shruged.

"Attention, everyone!" The Pharaoh said loudly, picking up his wine glass. The whole room, once again fell dead silent, everyone concerntrated on the Pharaoh intensely.

"May I just suggest a toast... To me, and my five sucessful years ruling... And... To Akira..." The Pharaoh said, turning and smiling at Malik. Malik smiled back forcfully. He felt physically sick in his stomach. He actually felt asthough he would for real throw up.

"And to our up coming wedding... May the gods watch over us and keep us safe... And may they watch over all of you as well."

The crowed all cheered and clapped. They then all picked up there glasses and yelled. "CHEERS!"
Everyone drunk from their glasses, even those with empty glasses pretended to drink. The Pharaoh downed his wine and looked back over to the dancers, they where all still standing and waiting for instructions obediently.

The Pharaoh then walked back over to Malik and took one of his hands.

"I'm so glad the gods have brought us together... I really believe we're ment to be..." The Pharaoh said with a smile to Malik. Malik could tell he was just a little tipsy...

"This is not fair! Why have you chosen THAT PERSON out of all of us!!" Yelled a voice from the back of the group of girls. The Pharaoh, Malik, Samar and all the girls all turned around and stared at where the voice had come from.

The tallest girl there, Tamera her name was. She had always been a bitch to Malik, ever since she learnt that he was a guy she had treated him worse then crap. It was only her and Samar that new out of that group that Akira was a guy.

"Why have you chosen Akira?!" She yelled at the Pharaoh.

"Why, you should be hung for your insullence you foolish girl! Akira is but the most beautiful out of all of you. Including you!" The Pharaoh sput.

Tamera had walked in on Samar and Malik getting changed together and saw Malik competely naked. She screamed and ran out yelling.

Malik felt highly complimented, but never lived it down... But Tamera never did tell anyone, shes smarter then that... Should she tell anyone, the Pharaoh would eventually find out and send Malik to the dungeon... Then someone would have to replace Malik, and that would probably have to be Tameras sister. The last thing she wanted was to put her sister in this possestion. Especially considering her sister, little Akilah was so young. She was but 13 years old and hung out with Malik, Samar and their other friend Salain. Malik, Samar, Salain and Akilah loved nothing more then spending a hot summers day down at the Nile. Though her sister knew OF Malik, she had no idea what he looked like, but after seeing Akira had a dick, she put the pieces together... It MIGHT have possibly given it away when Samar accidently called him Malik in front of all the other girls. She said that her boyfriends name was Malik, and it had slipped out because she was thinking of him... But Tamera knew that wasn't why.
That was Malik Sesheta. Son of Azizi and Jundi Sesheta.

She was smart... But also very mean at heart.

"Akira's not who you think she is!" Tamera yelled. She didn't think about her sister... She didn't think about anything... Just her jealously, and how much she wished it was her getting married to the Pharaoh.

"AKIRA HAS A DICK!!" She yelled pointing at the lighter haired brunette, Malik. Malik nearly had a heart attack. Samar stared at Tamera horrifide, she knew she was a bitch, but no ones THAT evil...

"What?! How dare you insult my fionce' like that!!!" The Pharaoh spat angrilly. He looked so highly insulted, steaming.

"It's true! Why don't you check for yourself!" Tamera yelled.

"Enough of your lies! Guards! Take her to the dungeon!!" The Pharaoh yelled, pointing at the black haired, tall teen, Tamera. She turned as white as a ghost.

"W-what? N-no!" She stuttered. She was suddenly surrounded by three buff looking men with large mucsles on there arms. She looked like she was about to burst into tears, that will teach her to think before she speaks.

The three guards grabbed her and pulled her towards a doorway and down a hallway.

"N-no! Release me immediately!" She demaned. Her yelling and complainly slowly disappeared as she was forced down the hallway.

"How dare she insult you like that..." The Pharaoh muttered under his breath.

"...Indeed." Malik spoke n his normal voice. His eyes then widend. He'd realised he'd just spoken like a man.

"W-what?" The Pharaoh asked, looking down at him.

Then Malik cough and hacked frantically clearing his throat.

"Ohh, ehehe... Ohh my, my appologies my legue, I've got something in my thoat, it makes my voice sound awfully funny sometimes... Ha... Hehehe!" Malik said effeminately. Smiling forcfully, yet again. Samar looked confused, and really worried all at the same time. She feared for her little friend.

"Alright, then... Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want something to drink, perhaps?" The Pharaoh asked kindly, Malik was flattered by how kind he was, but still deeply sickened by him.

"No-no, I'm quite alright..." Malik insisted. The Pharaoh nodded at him, not looking convinced. Suddenly, the high priest Sekmeton came upto the Pharaoh from his table at the back of the hall. Carrying a writing papyus he confronted the Pharaoh.

"What is it now Sekmeton?" He asked.

"Master Azleyhria, I've been told South Egypt wish to tell us, they've recieved word of an illness coming this way from England.

The Pharaoh studied Sekmeton for a second, then spoke.

"They're probably just trying to scare us again, don't tell the people of the village. It best they not know of their monotonest lies." The Pharaoh said royaly. Malik stared at Sekmeton and studied his grey bread and his royal blue robes. He really hated him...

"Girls, you're excused." The Pharaoh said to the dancers who where still patiently waiting. The group all moved out towards the exit, behind all the tables. Samar looked at Malik for a second, waiting for him to give her a sign. Malik motioned towards the door as it to tell her 'Go home and tell my parents!'.

Samar nodded and walked out of the palace. The Pharaoh and Sekmeton spoke for a little longer as Malik watched the girls disappear behind the tables of people talking and drinking. He suddenly felt ever more like a fish out of water. Even more alone then ever before.

The Pharaoh then finished his discussion with Sekmeton and motioned him to leave the two of them alone. The high priest looked at him, then to Malik, then walked off heisitently.

"Well... Akira, I'm really glad you've decided to become a part of this family." The Pharaoh said to Malik. Malik cringed in his mind, thinking to himself: 'Please don't kiss me again...'

"Well... I should probably end the party... What do you think? People drunk enough?" The Pharaoh said with a smile.

"Sure, master." Malik said respectfully.

"Oh, don't call me master... You can call me Azleyhria, if you wish..." The Pharaoh told the light haired brunette. He smiled at him as he turned and walked back towards the table. Malik looked around the well decorated palace hallway and sighed to himself.
What will my mother think...? But even more important... What will my FATHER think?

"SILENCE EVERYONE!" Azleyhria called across the oversized hallway. Everyone slowly came to a silence.

"Now, I'd like to thank you all for coming, and just let you know that your free to leave now." The Pharaoh announced. He then grabbed his glass of wine and downed the remainer of it and turned towards his thrown. His Queen and his wives, in whom had stayed so quiet throughout the whole night all followed him into a doorway next to his thrown.

Malik watched them disappear through the doorway and thought to himself.

"Hmm..." He mumbled.

Suddenly a cleaning servant walked past him and stopped when he saw he was just standing there.

"Oh, uhm... Your supposed to accompany the Pharaoh to bed, Akira." She said matter-of-factly. She didn't give Malik time to respond, she walked off busily. She had quite a bit of tidying to do. Maliks heart felt as though it had just jumped into his throat.
... Oh shit.

Malik turned and saw the guests where starting to leave. He studied the large doorway to the palace, and all the buff shirtless guards holding spears around the place. No, he couldn't escape at all... If he tried to leave the guards would grab him and take him to Azleyhria. Marik sighed to himself. He was in shit. Why? Why god[s]?! Why me? He thought to himself. He then did the only thing he could... He turned and walked through the door inwhich the girls and the Pharaoh had walked. He found a hallway and two rooms. One looked like it lead to a large bedroom, and the other lead to the Pharaohs bedroom, Malik could tell... He could hear voices coming from there. He feared for his life... But he had no choice... No doubt they where waiting for him.

He slowly, walked up to the entrance of the door and looked around the corner. There, the Pharaoh was agressively kissing one of the girls from the table, while the other three undressed him ravonusly. Malik nearly fainted for about the fourth time that night... Surely the Pharaoh couldn't have sex with all of those woman...? And why in heavens did he need so many! That question just wouldn't leave Malik alone... He couldn't help but thin-...

"Hey! Akira!" Azleyhria said excitedly after he'd seperated from the girl he was kissing. The other three had now completely taken off all of his jewelry and his headdress. Now, all that he was wearing was his navy blue kilt.

"Girls... You can leave now..." The Pharaoh said to his wives.

"Thank you for your help..." He said with a smile. The four girls all giggled and stood up. They walked out of the room and down the hallway. Azleyhria smirked up at Malik sexually.

"Hey... Come and sit with me..." He said, motioning for Malik to join him on his golden covers under his canopied king sized bed, inwhich was encrested in jewels.

"Uhm... Yanno, I've sorta a... Uhm... Headache... Sorta..." Malik whispered, maintaining his girlly voice.

"Well, then I insist you take the weight off of your feet..." The Pharaoh said with a smile as he ran his hands over the bed covers and laid on his back, still smirking up at him.

Malik sighed. There was nothing else he could say, there was no other excuse he could come up with.

"Uhm... Okay." He finally said after a coupld of seconds of desperetly trying to think of something.
He was blank, pure and simple.
He was also exhausted, it'd been a long day.

Malik heisitantly walked over to the massive bed and sat on the soft golden covers.

"Comfortable?" Azleyhria asked sexually.

"Uhm, yeah." Malik said to him softly.

"So..." the Pharaoh said to Malik, sitting up and gracefully trailing a finger around the golden sheets.

"I think you owe me..." He said sexually. Malik rose his eyes from his daydream on the royal red carpet.

"W-what?" He asked.

Azleyhria smiled at him.

"You owe me... Now, you can just put your head... Right... Here..." The Pharaoh demanded, smirking to himself as he pointed to his crotch. Maliks eyes fell to where the Pharaoh was pointing and he suddenly begun to choke on absolutely nothing.

As he hacked and spluttered and coughed, Azleyhria looked awfully confused.

"Uh... Are you sure that you're alright, Akira? Perhaps you should take a day off for that cough..."

It was then Malik came up with the most brilliant idea he'd ever thought of...

"Uh... Well, you know Azleyhria..." He begun.

"Yes, my Queen-to-be?"

"This cough is pretty bad... And I'd hate for your genital to get infected..." He said slyly. Azleyhria stared at the sheets blankly for a second.

"Ohh, your right... I'd hate for that to happen... Yikes." He said, somewhat to himself.

"Yeah, so I was thinking... Maybe sit this one out... Yah know? Let's just... Go to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning. If I feel better then I'd be more then happy to..."
Malik said this with good reason. He knew, the Pharaoh would be too hung over to do anything sexual tomorrow, so he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Hm, that's a good idea... And I am sorta... Tired..." The Pharaoh trailed off, he just yawned and closed his eyes, lowering his head to the bed and laying there. Malik stared at him for a second... Watching to make sure he wouldn't suddenly jump awake or anything silly like that.

"... Pharaoh?" Malik asked.

No responce.



Nothing. He was asleep.

"Ohh, thank Ra..." Malik said to himself in a releaved tone as he heaved a sigh. He, too was exhausted. The day had been a long one, rehersing and dancing... He was stuffed.

He would have jumped up, stolen a bunch of the Pharaohs expensive looking stuff, but instead he decided to just give up for the night, and worry about it tommorow.

He stood up, walked over to the start of the bed and got under the golden, silken covers. The bed was incredibly soft and Malik was pretty convinced he'd never sleep in something like this again... He leant his head against the beautifully soft pillow and closed his eyes.
All worry flushing out of his mind for the night.


Malik slowly fluttered his eyes open, embracing the warm morning on his face. He sat up and looked around, the Pharaoh was still asleep, and he was still laying on the top of the blanket. Malik looked out the window at the never ending desert. He sighed and pushed the blanket off of himself. He looked around the Pharaohs large bedroom, at the various expensive looking decorations around. He stood up and walked over to the Pharaohs large mirror stand. He looked at his reflection and begun to panic. His makeup was horribly smudged and messed up to the point where he looked more like a man. His eyes widened in shock... He couldn't be spotted. He turned around to see the Pharaoh roll over and groan... He was waking up. Malik had no choice... He had to sneak out. And fast.

The brunette teen ran into the hallway and looked around, it was empty, not a person in sight. Everyone was most probably still asleep.

Malik sneaked upto the groove next to the door way, he poked his head around it and looked into the huge thrown room. Everyone was gone, there was absolutely no one there.

In the back of his head, Malik was a little suspicious. But he had no time to be careful. He jumped out from beside the door and ran towards the exit. He ran past the thrown and through the large doorway at the start of the palace. His feet hit the sand, and he didn't stop, he just kept running towards his village, which was a few metres ahead of him. He didn't look back once, and barely watched where he was going. His mind thumbed with what his family would think, he was so very worried, but he couldn't just stop to think...

The village slowly came into view, the wind picked up and the sand was blown around gently as Malik ran past stalls and small houses, past people and animals being pulled around on ropes.

"MALIK!!" Yelled a voice from in the distance.

Malik spun around, Samar was running towards him from behind a house.

"Oh, Malik! Thank god you've escaped from the Pharaoh!" She yelled, running up to him and hugging him. She was not dressed in her usual white linin dress with one arms strap made of papyus leaf. She wore one golden bracelet and a silver necklace with a saphire attacted to it. Malik hugged his friend back, and suddenly realised, he was still wearing his silver and golden dancer outfit.

"Malik, how did you manage to get away?" Samar asked frantically as she released him.

"It's not important right now, I have to get away... I have to hide. The Pharaoh WILL send people after me. I have to change my apearence and-..." Samar silence Malik by placing a finger on his lips.

"What are you talking about? Calm down..." She said to him calmly.

"The Pharaoh is in love with me! And he's still convinced that I'm a girl! ... Just, come with me!" Malik yelled, grabbing Samars hand and pulling her down the street with him.

"Hey, wait!" She yelled, as she was forcfully pulled down the sand, towards Maliks house on the outskirts of Elzander.

The two teenagers ran the rest of the way there, passing peasents and merchants.

"Mum! Dad!" Malik yelled, bursting through the curtain of his small home, beside the river Nile.

"Malik?!" Yelled a voice form inside, Malik pulled Samar into his house, the two of them walked into the loungeroom. Maliks little sister Carmella was sitting on the floor, pushing around a little wooden horse on wheels, Malik rose his eyes to the couch, sure enough there was his mother and his father.

"Oh! You're home!" His mother yelled, jumping up and running over to him. She threw her arms around her son, her long black hair trailing behind her. Maliks father just smiled. As Malik and Samar walked over to him.

"Nice outfit..." He said, poking fun of him. Malik would have created an uproar over that... But decided to just smile and hug his father. Maliks mother, Azizi just laughed, overjoyed. She was convinced something had happened to him. Samar watched as Maliks mother fussed over him like she always has.

"Are you SURE your not hurt?" Azizi asked her son. Malik just smiled at his mother and walk up to his sister, little six year old Carmella was dressed in a little linin rag, she looked up at her brother and smiled.

"Malik!" She cried, throwing her arms up as if to say 'Pick me up!' Malik smiled at the sight of her, he was so glad that she was alright. He bent down and picked up his little sister.

"I still don't understand how she's sick... She looks fine..." Samar said to her friend. Malik looked down at his little sister and her short light brunette hair... He just sighed.

"Dont worry..." He whispered, looking at his sister with a hauntingly sad look crossing his face. He kissed her on the forhead, then put her back onto the floor. He then turned to walk towards his bedroom, but the thin linin on his leg was grabbed. He turned around again.

"Malik!" She said happily, not wanting to leave her brother.

"She's so cute! I wish my siblings where this nice..." Samar said to Malik. Malik bent down and pulled his sisters hands off of his clothes and walked into the hallway silently. Samar followed him.

"So..." She said as the two stepped into his bedroom. Malik closed the door behind Samar.

"What... Happened?" She asked heisitantly, Malik walked over to his clothes wardrobe.

"What do you mean 'What happened'? Nothing happened... The Pharaoh fell asleep and I snuck out..." Malik said to his friend as he faced the mirror and slowly begun to undo his thin linin outfit.

"So... He didn't find out about... Uh..." Samar stuttered, pointing to his crotch innocently.

"No, Samar, he didn't see my dick..." Malik said blankly, taking off the golden jewelery he had been assignment to wear. He then slowly removed his thin shirt, and then the matiral in his shirt. Samar just stared as he brushed his chest, to remove any sand he'd picked up by accident when running away from the Pharaohs palace. Samar didn't think much of it... Malik then turned around and faced her.

"So, what happened while I was gone?" He asked as he begun to undo the tie at the top of the closed in skirt he was forced to wear.

"OH... Uh... Uhh..." Samar stuttered, mesmerised as Malik removed his clothes and stood before her fully naked. His perfectly tanned body, shimmered gracefully with the morning sunlight flickering through the window.

"Uh..." Malik stuttered, covering his crotch with his hands.

"Samar, hello? Earth to Samar! What's gotten into you?" He asked, turning back towards the mirror, and leaning into it, checking his face. Samar couldn't help but look at his arse.

"Oh, uhm..." She stuttered, lost for words.

"Jeez, we used to see eachother naked nearly every single day, what's wrong?" Malik asked, turning his head.

"Oh... Nothing." Samar said innocently, raising her glace back to Maliks head. She looked into his eyes and felt a strange sting in her heart.

"Uh... Right..." Malik said, looking worried at his friend.

"Well, stop staring... Your making me feel a little self consious..." He said insecurely.

"Oh, sorry..." Samar said, looking away.

Malik opened a draw and pulled out his white kilt and put it on.

"Are you SURE that your alright, Samar?" Malik asked Samar, who was looking away.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine!" She stuttered, suspiciously fast.

"You can look now..." He said with a smile. Samar turned back to see Malik was now partially clothed. She then saw him smiling at her and she somewhat melted inside. She smiled back and turned the slightest shade of red.

"Well... It's going to be hot today... Do you want to go down to the river?" He asked, picking up the jewelery on his dressing table and putting it on.

"Sure I guess..." She said blankly, she just stared at him... Not seeing the same Malik she had seen in the past...

Malik walked up to his door and pulled it open, he was about to step out, when he heard voices in the lounge room.

"The Pharaoh demands to see Akira! Either you tell us where your daughter is, or we'll storm your house." spoke the voice of a guard from the living room. Malik froze, he looked at Samar, she stared back at him.

"Alright, alright..." Spoke Maliks mother.

"Shes down at the Nile, playing with her friend Samar Veelh..." She said to the guard.

"Thank you for your cooporation Mr an Mrs Sesheta." The guards voice spoke, foot steps followed, Malik listened until they completely disapeared.

"Ohh god!" Samar squealed raising both hands to her mouth.

"They're already after me... I can't stay here... I have to leave... I have to get away." Malik said storming back into his room and over to the window, he watched as the Pharaohs guards all stormed towards the Nile.

"No, you cant just leave your friends. Your not going anywhere without me!" Samar demaned, but Malik refused to endangour his best friend.

"No Samar, I can't do that to you... I may have already endangored you..." Malik said, stepping away from the glassless window and walking to the door, he went to walk past, but Samar moved in his way.

"I don't think so! I'm coming with you!" Samar shouted.

"No! I'm not endangoring you like this! I care about you too much!" Malik protested.

"You care about me...?" Samar asked.

"But of course, your one of the most important people in my life. Without you I..." Maliks speach was interrupted abruptly.

"Malik! The Pharaohs guards are after you! They said something about you being called Akira... I told them you where hanging out at the Nile to send them away, but they'll be back!" Yelled Maliks mother, as he came bonding in.

"I heard them, mother. What do I do?" Malik asked. Azizi looked frantic.

"First off, don't panic... But you need to get away from here... Or drastically changed your apperences fast!"

"Wait! I have an idea!" Samar interupted. The two Seshetas looked at her and Maliks father appeared behind Azizi.

"How about we run to my house. My father is a master with galena and henna. He can help change the colour of your hair and change your hair style. And my house is on the other side of Elzander, we'd be getting away from the guards." Samar suggested.

"Would your father mind if Malik stayed with you for a little while Samar?" Jundi asked from behind Azizi.

"No of course not. This is really important, he'll understand." Samar said with a smile, but her smile was short lived, suddenly the room filled with the ominious sound of the door being bashed at ravonusly.


"Aah!" Samar said loudly, but not loud enough that they could hear her.

"Malik!" Carmella screamed from on the ground as the guards burst down the door.

"Run! Run! Out the back door!" Azizi whispered harshly, motioning fratically towards the door at the back of their tiny house. Malik and Samar quickly ran out the back doorway as the five guards all stormed into Maliks home. Malik heard the heart breaking sound of his little sister scream his name in the distance as he ran from his home.

Samar grabbed Maliks hand and pulled him back into Elzander. The two teens ran for their lives through the sand, the scent of the red hot sand under their bare feet stinged Maliks nostrils as they ran, his feet also burned, just another reason to run faster.

"We can't let them get you!" Samar yelled as they ran into the village, past people and wooden stalls and the odd palm tree. Past houses and animals and the Pharaohs guards, that kept order around Elzander and reported any questionable behaviour to the Pharaoh.

"They'll never suspect that your hidden here with us..." Samar said to her friend as they ran through a back alley way and past a large lini cloth door.

"Dad?" Samar asked innocently as he pulled Malik down the hallway of the sandstone house.

"Samar!" Yelled the sound of her fathers voice from the end of the hallway. Samar pulled Malik down the corridore and they stepped into a large room with a window and a couch. There, Samar's large, dark skinned father was sat holding a large machite.
He put it down upon seeing Samar and Malik.

"Oh, and Malik too! Hows your father?" He asked kindly.

"Oh, he's quite well thank you..." Malik said shyly.

"Dad, the Pharaohs after Malik! He's convinced that he's a girl and now he's got the hots for him! Can you help me change his apperance and hide him here until the Pharaoh forgets about it?" Samar asked in a sweet angel like voice.

"Well, uh, sure I guess." He stuttered, looking slightly confused as he stared at Malik.

"My gosh, I can't believe its really you Malik. You've gotten so much taller! How long has it been? Two, three months?" Samar's father asked.

"Five years..." Malik answered looking slightly offended.

"M-... Oh my..." Samars father said to himself, he then fell blank for a second.

"Uh, Daddy?" Samar asked her father. His face was blank with thought.

"...Hm?" He asked, looking up and returning to the real world.

"We need to change Maliks apperance so that the Pharaoh isn't atracted to him anymore..." Samar said to her father.

"Oh, I see... Alright then. Let's make you manly!" Samar's father announced, standing up and walking into a room.

"Come in here Malik..." He said from in the room. Malik and Samar followed him and walked into the room. There was a mirror, a dressing table, a bed and a seat in front of the mirror.

"Now sit... Let us transform you!" He announced happily, facing the mirror and fiddiling around with a box on the table. Malik gave him a confused look, but Samar pushed him towards the seat. Malik heisitantly sat patiently and waited.

"Okay! Now, don't be frightened... The black stuff might smell a little, but its good for your hair... And you'll have black hair before you know it." Samar's father said in a distracted voice as he turned, his hands covered in black. Malik swallowed nervously.
He'd grown so attatched to his hair...


"Okay, I'll just apply a little here... And see how it would turn out... It'll take a little while to change properly... But I was thinking, maybe-..." Samars father rambled on.

"THERE NO TIME FOR THAT NOW! JUST CHANGE MY APPEARENCE FAST, YOU OLD FART!" Malik yelled at the old, dark skinned, black haired man. He glared at Malik.

Suddenly, Samars father rose a fist and punched Malik brutally in the face. Malik screamed in pain, raising a hand to his nose.

"Oh my gosh! Daddy! What the hell?!" Samar yelled at her father, he grizzled down at Malik.


Malik flinched.

"I'm sorry, I'm j-just stressed! The Pharaohs going to put my head in a vice! You of all people can understand that!" Malik moaned from behind his hands. He attemped to keep the blood off of himself.

"GET OUT!" He yelled, pointing at the door. Samar saw the look in her fathers eyes. A look that said, 'Run'.

Samar grabbed Malik by the arm and pulled him towards the exit. They left the building and stood on the sand blankly.

"Well uhm... Good luck Malik!" Samar said, running inside, ditching her bleeding friend.

"H-Hey! ... Samar!!" Malik yelled at the curtain to her house, blood soaking his hand. He felt the wind gently blow sand into his face.

"AND YOU GET OUT TOO!!" Yelled the sound of Samars fathers voice. Malik listening intensley, the yelling was follow by footsteps. Samar appeared at the door way.

"Nice work, idiot. You got my kicked out of my own house..." Samar said flatly, stepping off of the sandstone floor and onto the sand, realising the curtain.

Malik smiled at his friend as if to say 'Sorry'. The two friends then looked around the small desert village.

"Hey, uh... Are you alright?" Samar asked, watching Malik struggle with his nose bleed.

"I'm fine..." Malik said egotisticly, turning away.

"You don't look okay..." Samar said, concerned tone in her voice, she looked over Maliks shoulder.

"We'll have more then a little nose bleed to worry about if those guards catch us, Samar. We have to move." Malik said strongly, taking his hands off of his nose and looking around at the people walking around the streets, kicking up sand and carrying on as if nothing really mattered.

"Those guards are miles off..." Samar said softly, lowing her hands to the bottom of her old white dress and ripping part of the bottom off.

"Come here..." She said with a smile, stepping up to Malik. She put a hand onto his shoulder and turned him around.

"Being covered in blood might be a great look for murders, but it doesn't suit you Malik." Samar said with a smile to her brunette friend as she gently wiped the blood from her friends face. Malik blinked innocently, standing patiently still for Samar. She smiled tenderly at Malik, he smiled back, face turning the slightest shade of red.

"There." Samar spoke softly as she slowly stopped dabbing his delicate face with the cloth. She dropped it to the sand and sighed, looking out towards the desert. Malik stared at her blankly, feeling a warm fuzzy feeling in the middle of his chest. It envoloped his heart and ribs, making him shudder in comfort.
She suddenly looked so different... Yet the same.
Malik felt confusing fog his skull.

Is this love? This strange, overwhelming feeling? He asked himself silently.

"But you're right... We really need to get going... I have no idea what to expect from the Pharaohs guards, other then that they will stop at nothing to find us. I'm surprised they havent put out the emergency call by ringing the bell tower..." Samar said quietly, pointing up in the direction of the Pharaohs palace. Malik looked up towards the staggering sandstone building, looming over the small village, haunting it. Sending ommonious fear into the souls of the towns people. Many avoided looking at it...
Malik then looked past the palace, to the site of the large step pyramid. The final resting area of Yinario the 3rd, Azleyria's father. Beside it was the furture spot of a new pyramid. Malik had seen guards forcefully recruiting members of the village for its construction.

Suddenly, before the two friends, the Pharaohs four guards in whom where in pursuit of the two stepped out from an alley right in front of them. They looked around and walked up to a suvilian. They appeared to be asked him questions.

"Shit! Samar!" Malik yelled, pointing towards the guards.
Big mistake.

The four guards all turned there heads and jumped at the sight of Samar and Malik.

"THERE THEY ARE!!" The guards yelled, chasing after the two.

"Run!" Samar screamed, grabbing Malik harshly by the arm and pulling him towards the desert. The desert, Samar? That was murder. But where else were they to go?

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Malik yelled at Samar as she putted the light haired Egyptian teen towards the stretching yellow, orange sand.

"We have to get out of the town!" Samar yelled, running into the desert. Malik grabbed her by her faded white dress.

"No! This way!" He barked in reply, unintentionally ripping a hole in Samars dress and pulling her back towards the village. The guards where mear metres away.

"Eek!" Samar squealed, chasing her long time friend, weaving behind houses on the out skirts of the village. They ran between alley ways, horribly frightened. Running for their lifes while listening to the insesent cries of the guards behind them. Their screams slowly faded to nothing as the two darkly tanned teens found solice in a small hole, beside two incredibly immense buildings.
They had finally lost the guards.

"Wow... They misses us by the skin on our necks!" Samar giggled, slowly climbing out of the dent in the sand. Malik did the same, he sensed fear as he stared around the dark alley way. It was practically black. The buildings where so collassl they stole the sunlight from the lane.

"Where are we...?" Malik asked his long haired friend as she dusted the sand from her long dress. Her poorly made bracelets clanged together with metalic sounds as she did so.

"Away from those thugs. Thats all that matters." Samar said with a smile.

"Wait Samar." Malik said, turning around from his worried glances around the creepy alley way.

"Samar they're not even chasing you. You have to leave now, if they see you with me one more time their going to recognise that you were there at the party as well and then you'll be in this too! I cant do that to you!" Malik yelled harshly, walking over to Samar and taking both her hands into his own softly.

"The last thing I want is for you to get hurt." He said softly. Staring into her dark brown eyes with a look of genuan concern. He cared for his friend, more so then she believed was true.

Samar blinked innocently, dumbstuck, unnable to move. She felt a warm tinging senstation in her chest, the same feeling she had felt when the two of them were in Maliks room, only slightly different. The confused teenager, bewildered by misconception and false hope, looked down at her hands in which were adorably intwined with Malik's. He blinked at her patiently, waiting for his foolish friend to reply. She just coughed awkwardly as she looked back to his face.

This feeling felt as if it grew stronger ever second she stared into his large crystal clear brown eyes.

"Samar! Are you listening to me?!" Malik finally snapped, impatently.

"Hm?" She begun, still disorinentated.

"Go Samar!" Malik forced, pulling his hands from hers and grabbed one of her shoulders. He forcefully turned her towards one end of the alley and pushed her roughly.

This harsh push was all Samar needed to wake up from her day dream.

"What? No!" She insisted, turning back around and staring into Maliks eyes, annoyed.

"Yes! Go! You're not a part of this! Leave me to get into trouble by myself! ... And if I don't return after three days. Take care of Carmella for me..." Malik said, his voice lowered as he came to the end of his sentance.

"No! You're my friend and I was there! Anything that concerns you, concerns me! Because we're always together remember? We're incepreble!" Samar told Malik with a serious look across her face.

"Samar. Go." Malik spoke forcefully, an evil look crossing his face. As soon as Samar saw that look, she immediately remembered a time when they where little.

The two of them where playing happily in a large puddle in the sand, just outside of Maliks house. It had just rained and the sand of soft and moist. The clouds were grey and loomy and being under them made the two of them feel complete. A real sense of meaning that goes far behond anything else. Rain was, and still is, so incredible scares and just being in its presence was like behind sprinked with pure happyness. A sense that... Maybe. Just maybe.
Everything would be alright.
World peace.

Suddenly, as they where enjoying the feeling of the wet sand through their tiny fingers, young Shadna, who is now one of the Pharaohs gods, came up to them. He was a horrible, horrible bully. And always will be, for reason too painful for even explaining.

"Eat sand babies!" He screamed at the two of them, small hands full of dry sand from in town. He hurled it at them angrilly. His eye was black, Samar remembered that moment like it was just yesterday. Even though her and Malik were just 5, she remembered Shadna's father assulting him constantly for the smallist things. As the sand hit the two of them, Malik stared to screamed highly, as did Samar.

"Stop it!" The young friends yelled at the slightly taller, black haired bully.

After a couple of seconds of having sand thrown at him, Malik had had enough. A frightening glint in his eyes, a tense line down his forehead. He stood from the sand puddle and walked over to Shadna. He grabbed the bully by his long shirt and screamed in his face.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!" Such large words for a 5 year old. Samar stared at his face intensely. The two looks were similar. Only when Malik was truly worried about something did he give anyone that look.
And she was recieving it now.

"Leave NOW Samar. I'm not asking!" Malik demaned, pointing behind her, she just stared into Maliks eyes for what felt like no time at all until suddenly a haunting voice came from the shadows.

"Well isn't it just my lucky day. Two young childen come wandering into my alley way... How about that." The dark, evil, male voice spoke hoarsly.

Samar screamed. She quivered uncontrolibly, unable to move from fear.

"I don't think so!" Malik yelled in reply, running as fast as possibly, towards teh way he had told Samar to go. Grabbing her by the arm on the way, she nearly fell on her face, being pulled by her best friend wasnt something she had expected. But then again, a deep evil voice from the shadows wasn't something to be expected either.

"You can't run from me." It whispered. Although the two had already ran a good twenty metres away, it seemed to come from every direction. Filling their souls fill shattering fear. An overwhelming sense of guilt, doubt, hate and all feeling bad filled their minds. Malik begun to shake.

"L-Leave us alone!" He yelled at the talking darkness, sprinting towards the golden light at the end of the alleyway.

"Oh, don't leave... I get ever so lonely in here..." SAid the evil voice that emitted from no where, but everywhere all at the same time. Suddenly, a large ominious black shadow appeared before Samar and Malik, stopping the two of them in their tracks. They haulted forcefully, fearing running into the large black shadow. It just looked like someone wearing a large black bedsheet, double the size of Malik.

The two of them begun to really panic now.

"Get away from us!" Samar screamed, her high pitched tone just shaking with fear. He intire body quaked, how very odd. She never used to shake when she was scared, but then again, she had never been this scared before.

Malik just stared up at the large figure, suddenly two large red eyes emerged in the head shape at the top of the figure, they gazed down on the two like firie rubies, ablaze with malice.

"N-no!" Malik screamed, realising Samars hand and running flat out towards the black figure, closing his eyes and letting the black figure envolope him. He pumped his legs as much as possible, in hope that maybe it was hollow, but no. Sadly, no.

As Malik found himself fully envoloped in the pure malice, his movement slowed and he felt his entire body sting and ache of a pain, more excruciating then anything he had ever felt before. He opened his eyes, comepletely unable to move now. All he saw was black, all he felt was black.

He was dying. Something in the back of his barely functioning mind told him that.

He cried out with the little strenght he had left.

"Samar! Protect Carmella! Protect Carmella... Carmella..." He spoke, his voice slowly dying with his energy. What ever had swallowed him was draining his power, as if he had dived into a giant leach.

"Malik!!" Malik heard Samar scream with his last second of consiousness.

"Don't do this to me!" He heard her scream, his entire life force was but one tiny cell, he slowly drew his eyes closed, feeling the weight of his body, now too much for him to hold. He felt himself fall. Falling, falling, falling, but where was the ground? The Egyptian teen continued to fall continuously.

"Carmella... I've failed you." He whispered depressingly, feeling completel darkness sweep over him. An overwhelming sense of nothingness.
Is black the correct way to discribe it? But of course not, there is no black, because there is nothing.
Completel emptyness.

End Chapter.
New Chapter. -56789

"Don't do this to me!" Malik her Samar scream at him from the black, where was the voice coming from?

Suddenly the deadly black turned to a blinding silver, Malik felt his life force slowly return. He felt his body return to his soul, his limps twitched slightly, he burst open his eyes with a loud gasp.

"Malik!" Samar screamed, hugging her friend. Malik gasped for air, allowing the feeling in his body to slowly return. He looked around, fluttering his eyes to try and wake himself up.

He was sitting on sand. Orange sand. as the blurry figures slowly came into sightly, he could see where he was.
Right beside the Nile.

The feeling had now completely returned to his body, he felt his hair wet against his scalp and his clothes damnp also.

"W-what just happened?" Malik whispered hoaresly, managing to find his voice.

"You sleep walk!" Samar yelled at her friend on the sand, gently wiping the sand from his face.

"Sleep... Walk? It was all some horrible dream?"

"Yeah." Samar said with a smile. "What happened in your dream?" She asked.

"... Never mind." Malik said with a sigh of slight confort. The worry of the Pharaoh must have been extremely stressing him out, he would only sleep walk when he was really truly worried about something.

"Remember when we where running away from the guards, then we hid in that hole? Well, we fell asleep there, I woke up at six in the morning to find you weren't there! I searched everywhere, thank god I ran out to the Nile at the time that I did... You could have drowned Malik!" Samar told him with a concerned look on her face.

Malik coughed up water.

"Wow... Wow..." Malik muttered to himself, and with that he turned around slightly, towards the horizan. The sun was just barely poking out from the line across the world. He watched the rays rise up from the sun.

"You almost gave me a heart attack..." Samar said, worried.

"I'm okay now Samar... It's alright. Don't worry about me."

"Dont worry?! Malik I saw you splashing out there like a drowning horse! I thought you were trying to kill yourself! I heard you mutter something about Carmella. What did you dream about?" Samar asked he friend. Malik coughed up more water and sat up.

"It doesnt matter. All that matters is that I'm okay... C'mon. Lets go to my house and assure my parents that I'm alright..." Malik said to Samar, attempting to stand. Samar stood up next to him.

"Uhm, are you sure? What if the guards are out patroling the streets?" Samar asked, helping Malik stand upruptly.

"Well... In the event that a guard is standing in the streets patroling... We're screwed." Malik said, staring at his dark skinned friend. Samar put a hand into her long, thin, straight hair in thought.

"Let's go!" Malik finished, grabbing Samars arm and pulling her towards the village merrily. Samar stumbled slightly, but hesitantly followed her questionably happy companion.

The two of them waltzed into the village, that early in the morning there wouldn't usually be anyone around. But for some strange reason, Malik happened to see his friend Salain walking past. Before the light haired Egyptian teenager could call out to his friend, Samar raised her arm and shouted aloud, breaking the silence of the tempararily peaceful village.

"Salain!" She screamed, pulling away from Malik's ferm grasp and running towards her friend, a large smile crossed her glowing face. Salain spun around, his short, whispy black hair shimmered in the morning light of the rising sun. The slightly darker teen, dressed in a long darkly stained linin gown waved in return and run upto Samar, hugging her tightly. Malik ran upto the two of them.

"Guys! Oh, you're alright?! The Pharaoh didn't rape either of you?" He asked caringly in his raspy, corse voice as he looked the two of them up and down suspiciously.

"No Sal', we're fine... At the moment." Samar spoke, turning and looking to Malik as if to tell him to fill there friend in.

"What do you mean at the moment? What's going on? Salain asked, giving Samar a sceptically worried look, he then looked to Malik for answers.

"Okay. Long story-short. The Pharaoh wants to marry me." Malik said to his dark haired friend, Salain. He flinched slightly at the rarity of Maliks words.

"And now we don't know what to do!" Samar told Salain. The slightly taller teenage boy looked at the two of them.

"Okay... Uhm. I'm not too sure theres anything I can do for you there. But I'll keep an eye out for you. I did see a suspcious amount of guards around. I mean theres always a few, but never that many. Are you what they've been looking for?" He asked, pointing at Malik. Malik nodded in return.

"Yes! And know the Pharaoh wants my ass! Literally!" Malik yelled, panic entering his blood stream once again. Up to now he had been trying to avoid thinking about it, but jeez. He couldn't live in fear forever, could he?

Samar couldn't help but giggle at Malik's choice of words. Malik turned his head and shot her a malicious glare, at seeing this the long haired teenage girl dropped her smile and looking at the ground forgivingly. Feeling rather stupid for having laughed at something, not funny in the slightest.

End Chapter.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2010

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