

My heart throbs in my ears. I sit in front of a beast ten or more feet away from me. I start to gag. The stench of rotting flesh pierces my nose. The skin of "it" has a slimy goo coming out of it with many pale scales. Its head smoothly connects to the body having a curved neck. The hands and feet look like bones, white and horrendously thin. With its body in the shape of an ape and it's sharply pointed teeth, it puts the finishing touch to a nightmare.
It slumps towards me with its poisonous teeth bared in a deathly grin. I listen to a hiss coming from its rotten mouth. It as if it's chanting something over and over again, but i can't make out the words. The goo starts to cover the ground around me causing me to slip and fall landing on my back. The rotten goo covers my mouth and nose choking me slowly. It no doubt wants to kill me or possibly suffocate me. I struggle to my feet only to slip and fall again. The creature suddenly moves dragging itself closer and closer to me.
Its yellow stained eyes grow large with craze and its grin widens every second. It knows it can get me so easily. And there's nothing that is going to stop it. But everything stops, even the "creature", as a harsh breeze blows against my head. The breeze hardens the goo and freezes it, making me not able to move. For some odd reason my ears start to feel so vulnerable. The pressures of the room close in on me, and i feel caved in. I suddenly feel like I could anything like a small ghostly whisper.
Or it's chant.
The Nightmare stops grinning. Everything goes silent. It leans itself towards me, those bulging eyes coming closer and closer, until we are a paper thin distance away. I fight back a tear that struggling to run down my cheek, the human thing scares me. My ears feel too much pressure with the head throbbing silence and I can’t hold back any longer any longer, I burst into tears. I know i am going to die and so does it. All i can do is close my eyes and wait for death. I could almost feel its blood stained nails digging into my skin tearing my flesh apart before it has even moved, but instead of doing that, it does something totally unexpected. It speaks.
I look up at it. Its face is totally different from its past face but it seems so familiar. It is almost unrecognizable, almost completely destroyed. I try to recognize the face but it changes all too quickly, because then it rips into me. My flesh is torn apart and I watch as it falls to the ground. I hear my blood curling scream echo across the now dark room. I sit up and fling my hands to my chest and stomach feeling my regular, smooth skin. I'm covered in sweat soaked sheets, the goo and fear is all gone, yet I am alone, and scared; but have never felt safer.
“Keeta?" A low voice sounds from a lighted door.
I squeak in surprise when a big dark figure comes towards me. the memory of the nightmare is still fresh and i almost feel the slime choking me again. The black figure comes towards me just like the dream and reaches out at me and gently touches my shoulder. I flinch away.
"Another dream?" He asks softly.
I nod. Still shaken he sits down beside me and puts his arm around me drawing me close to his wide chest. I press my face into him and melt to the rhythm of his deep voice.
"It's okay, it's all over now." But I know it is not. This routine has been happening every night for a week and becoming worse ever night.
I shake my head, ‘No, it's not."
He draws me closer to him; his warmth spreads over me making me sleepy. He rubs my back so smoothly I want to fall asleep again, but I am too afraid of meeting the monster again tonight. His heart beat covers the sound of dead silence and once again soothes my trouble. "How about I make you some breakfast and you forget all about it?" he turns his face down towards me and brushes my bangs to the side.
I look at him strangely. He never offers to do any kind of house chores which makes me think that he has no idea of any other way to help me. I search his eyes for strength and certainty but they reflect nothing. I pull away from his warm chest and fake a wimpy smile, "How are you going to make breakfast? You can barely boil water without causing a fire." I look at him teasingly, "Don't worry, I'll be fine, so you go and try to fix the roof."
"If you’re sure...." He says questioningly. I nod at him, smiling.
“Fine butt head" he growls "I'll see you later." He flexes his big arm muscles at me when he gets up from my bed. I laugh quietly to myself. He went from being like a sweet gentle "dove" to the fierce, rude Hawk that I know.

A Fierce Companion

Hi my name is (CRASH) UGH! What did he do this time?! Oh sorry! That’s my friend who's trying “fix” our roof. So like I was saying, my name is Keeta Laya. Hawk, the guy who is “fixing our roof”, lives with me in a house deep within a forest. Before I had ever met him, he used to live on a side of the road stealing endless amount of valuable things. I found him; beat up, blood swimming down his face and a large black eye.I took him in and trained him, ever since we have been like brother and sister, sorta. The only part of brother and sister we are is the fighting, most of the time.
I walk into the kitchen and grab a soda. I open the can and take a drink from it then walk out of the kitchen only to run into Hawk hanging upside down from a hole in the ceiling.
“Hey Key, can you get me a glass of water please?”
"Why can't you?"
"Please?" He looks at me with his dark blue eyes and makes them water a little, then to finish the act, he slightly pouts his thin lips. I can never resist that face so i decide to do give in to the small request.
“Ugh, okay hold up!” Once i say that he smiles and goes back into the hole in the ceiling. If you didn't notice he likes to call me Key for short. I call him Hawk, but that’s not his real name, his real name is, “Don’t say my real name!” Hawk yells.
“Don’t read my mind!” He hates his name; but he likes to read minds though. He says it’s a “gift”, don't ask me… I have NO idea. I go into the kitchen,yet again, to get a glass of water, but he is already in the kitchen waiting not so patiently (as usual).
“Hmm,” I said, “impatient much?” I go to the fridge to get water.
“Sure.” Hawk says. He watches me intently as i slowly pour ice cold water from the clear pitcher into a glass."I'm thirsty hurry up!" Hawk whines.
"I'm pouring as fast as i can,"(lie)" hold up."
Hi my name is (CRASH) UGH! What did he do this time?! Oh sorry! That’s my friend who's trying “fix” our roof. So like I was saying, my name is Keeta Laya. Hawk, the guy who is “fixing our roof”, lives with me in a house deep within a forest. Before I had ever met him, he used to live on a side of the road stealing endless amount of valuable things. I found him; beat up, blood swimming down his face and a large black eye. I took him in and trained him, ever since we have been like brother and sister, sort of. The only part of brother and sister we are is the fighting, most of the time.
I walk into the kitchen and grab a soda. I open the can and take a drink from it then walk out of the kitchen only to run into Hawk hanging upside down from a hole in the ceiling.
“Hey Key, can you get me a glass of water please?”
"Why can't you?"
"Please?" He looks at me with his dark blue eyes and makes them water a little, then to finish the act; he slightly pouts his thin lips. I can never resist that face so i decide to do give in to the small request.
“Ugh, okay hold up!” Once I say that he smiles and goes back into the hole in the ceiling. If you didn't notice he likes to call me Key for short. I call him Hawk, but that’s not his real name, his real name is, “Don’t say my real name!” Hawk yells.
“Don’t read my mind!” He hates his name; but he likes to read minds though. He says it’s a “gift”, don't ask me… I have NO idea. I go into the kitchen, yet again, to get a glass of water, but he is already in the kitchen waiting not so patiently (as usual).
“Hmm,” I said, “impatient much?” I go to the fridge to get water.
“Sure.” Hawk says. He watches me intently as i slowly pour ice cold water from the clear pitcher into a glass. “I’m thirsty hurry up!" Hawk whines.
"I'm pouring as fast as I can,"(lie)" hold up."
"A snail could move faster...." He mumbles quietly.
"Oh yeah?" I finish filling the glass with water and ice. “Well talk like that and you don't get any water!” I look over at him and smile, "This nice, cold, icy water."
The water comes up to my mouth about to be drunk but Hawk jumps quickly towards me to try and get the glass. "Err!" he grunts. But I'm quicker and I swiftly move the glass away. Hawk is left unbalanced and falls flat on his face, but he regains himself quickly.
"Ah ah ah, what's the magic word?" I switch the glass from my right hand to my left.
“Please." The mumble softly comes through his lips.
"Please what?" I'm so enjoying this!
Hawk attempts to snatch the glass from my hand. He pushes off his left foot and lands his whole body on mine. His hip digs into my stomach causing me to squeak. He smiles, hoping that his small plan causes me to let go of the glass. It doesn't. I'm obviously tougher than he thinks. I tighten my grip on the cup and raise my eyebrow, waiting for an answer refraining a wincing when he just digs his hip deeper.
Once he realizes that I won't be letting go of the glass, his smile fades and a glare sets on his face. “May I have the water PLEASE?!" He emphasizes through gritted teeth.
"Okay close enough!" I laugh. I move my hand with the water up towards his face and smile with satisfaction. He snatches the water from my hand and whips out his MP3 player, stuffing his dark blue headphones securely inside his ears.
"Supper will be ready soon, so don't eat anything!" I yell.
"Mmmhmm." He's zoned to his MP3. Hawk walks away flinging himself onto the couch in the living room.
“I’ll be gone for two days!” I say sarcastically.
“M'kay” he says and turns on the TV. I almost didn't hear him over the sound of me pouring in the elbow noodles for the macaroni and cheese.
I roll my eyes. “Stupid jack-ass!” I start to stir the noodles in the water fast.
“Oh now you hear me!” I half mumble to myself. He looks over at me like he’s expecting an answer. I put on a big cheesy smile and turn my head towards him.
“Nothing!” I say, faking the happy tone in my voice. Hawk turns back towards the TV. I glare at him, he’s so…BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP………! Huh?
“What smells burnt?” Hawk asks.
“Oh no!! The hot dogs!” I turn around to the counter behind me and see smoke billowing from the inside grill. I take them out of the grill as fast as I can.
“Dinner’s ready!” Hawks says sarcastically.
"Ha, ha, ha!”(sarcasm)”I’m about to die laughing.” I scowl. “And since you think that’s funny, you get this one” I take a fork and hold up a hot dog that’s burnt to a crisp. Hawk grins at me and walks to the table.
I finish pouring the melted cheese with the drained noodles into a bowl and set it out on the table. I take all the grilled hot dogs (one burnt the rest not burnt), roll them on a pretty green plate and also set them on the table. Hawk takes out his earphones when I sit in my chair, wrapping the cord around his neck. We grab each others hands, say a quick prayer, immediately digging into the food. Well Hawk that is, I’m more polite. He takes half the macaroni and cheese and dumps it on his plate. He also takes a hot dog, the burnt one (weirdo!)
“I’m not weird!”
“Whatever” There’s a lot of silence before both of our plates are empty, then i put my plate in the sink. Hawk copies my moves.
"Done?" he didn't let me answer "Well c'mon!"
"Ok then!" I holler. We go outside the house and i look at him. His eyes look like fire, burning with excitement.
* Hawks Point of View *
I'm ready to beat her! She has won every single battle we have fought. Excitement is taking me over I can't wait too much longer. Here she comes! I WILL beat her
"Ready?" she asks
"You bet your ass i am!" I punch her in the stomach and dodge a punch to my chest. I kick her side causing her to grunt in pain, but she's not hurt. We fight every day, except Saturdays, after supper. She does an uppercut to my chin and a kick to the side of my head. I dodge another one of her moves and jump to the lowest branch on a tree. I hide in the tree until she looks away from where I am at and I jump on her, missing her body by an inch. As i lay on my back a bit stunned by the landing she towers over me, but not for long. I trip her to the ground, stand up and kick her sweat drenched face. I feel multiply drops of sweat slipping off my own face. She gets up quickly not missing a beat. I whip my shoulder length hair to the side of my head. The sweat splatters her face. I laugh when she frowns in disgust and wipes off the sweat putting her hands on my shoulder and jumps over me performing a perfect front handspring. She kicks me in the back causing me to stumble and in that moment she puts me in a headlock. I grab her arms and flip her over me landing with a big thud. She gasps for air but manages to get up quickly. I try to punch her again and again but she keeps dodging side to side. I start to get really tired, in which she does a back flips kicking my chin in the process. She disappears and while i look in front of me. I feel a gently poke to the back. I turn to fight her only to get a glimpse of her playful ocean blue eyes before she turns very quickly to the side of me puts her hands on the ground and kicks me on the middle of my back into a huge pile of boulders. And in that time right before my face smashes into the rocks that i realize something, for the millionth time.
I have lost, again.
* Keeta's Point of View *
As I watch Hawk smash into the rocks, I can't help but feel a little sprout of joy in me. I mean face, it that was a pretty good set-up. I'm not too worried about Hawk though, the only thing that's hurting him now is his ego. He pushes himself off the rocks and storms inside the house. His hair is sticking straight up, no doubt in anger. He is furious I can tell. His anger waves are puncturing me full on. Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that I can feel tension in a room by waves puncturing my body. Hawk says it's because of the energy in the waves that tells how mad or sad the person is. The stronger the waves, the madder the person. I walk inside the house to see Hawk having another one of his tantrums. He's on the couch with everything around it on the floor, his face a lovely beaming blood red and his headphones are clogged inside his ears. What a surprise!
Millions of drops of sweat fall off my face and start to collect of the neck of my shirt. I think, while moodie pants is frowning,(Hawk glares at me then turns away) I'll take a shower. “Hawk, I'm going to take a shower! Okay?" I ask loudly.
"Whatever." he mumbles. I hope he heard me this time.
I walk into the bathroom and grab two towels one for my hair and one for my body. I get undressed and go into the shower immediately turning the water not waiting for it to warm up. I grab the shampoo and start to shampoo my hair when i hear a loud thump, then another one. It's probable Hawk throwing more things or punching the punching bag in his room. I grab my waterproof MP3 (cool right) put in my headphones and turn it up to loud. I rinse the shampoo out of my hair feeling for any leaves or small twigs. My hair is hopelessly tangled, but considering its past my shoulders I shouldn't be surprised. I feel vibration of stomping underneath my feet Dang he must be mad! I should probable apologize to him after I'm done. I turn to grab the conditioner when I feel embarrassment waves coming from behind me. I turn around a drop the conditioner. I see Hawk totally naked holding the shower curtains open. We stare at each other stupefied. This is the first time I have ever seen him with less than his boxers on. With my sense finally coming back to me i quickly pull the shower curtains around my body. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID I WAS GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER!" I yell at him.
"Well I couldn't hear you! I was listening to my MP3 player!"
"C'mon Hawk go so I can get dressed!"
"Let me just..." My glare immediately stops him in mid sentence.
“FINE! But let me just..."
"OUT!" I say and push him out of the bathroom while shutting the door. RIIIP! Dang it the curtains ripped!
"What was-” Hawk began
"Nothing!" I interrupt.
"Whatever" Hawk walks away. I grab a towel and wrap it around me as I sprint to the other side of the house where all the cool weapons are. Oh also forgot to mention...we're sort of ...spies, well kind of. We basically get paid for kicking butt. “Hurry up!" Hawk yells outside the room.
"I am! I'll be done really quickly" I yell back
"Oh yeah like the time when you were pouring water for me? THAT quick? Then we might get done in NEVER."
I roll my eyes."Yeah well 'that time' was an hour ago Einstein!" I grab a pair of cargo pants and a tight fitting black t-shirt. I take three bombs, my mini claw shot, ten time bombs, two grenades, my handgun, laser gun, and night vision goggles. I put my clothes on with a jacket able to hold all of the equipment and put the stuff in there.
"Key, you have to wear a disguise. You're not gonna like it...”
"Oh yeah? What is it?"
"Can I come in now?"
"Sure" Hawk cautiously walks in probable still a bit shocked about seeing me naked. Hawk shifts awkwardly around holding a silk pink dress. I sigh and roll my eyes “We’ll talk about what just happened after we get home. I don't want you injured before our mission." Hawk’s eyes grow serious as his cheeks flush. “So is that the disguise?" I point at the dress.
"Oh yeah." He clears his throat before continuing, "You need to wear it for the mission something about being a princess?" I frown; dressing up in dresses is not my forte. He sees the reaction on my face and answers, “Told you you wouldn't like it.." I snatch the dress quickly from his hands.
"Careful! The dress is easily torn!" Hawk watches me to makes sure that i put it on carefully over my clothes.
"What?" I ask.
"It's just, I've never seen you in a dress before."
"Yeah well don't get used to it." I smile at him. "So what are you wearing?"
"I'm your security guard!" I hear Hawk breathe in deeply turning to find his chest sticking out a bit more than usual. He has always wanted to be a security guard, it's his dream job. Unfortunately Boss has denied him that, he doesn't want Hawk to do a job that's less important, or less paying, than the job he already has, but Hawk couldn't care less. Our boss is very considerate of us, treats us like his own children, which is nice saying as i never knew mine and neither has Hawk.
"Well put on your costume and let's go!" I grab two jet packs out from behind a movable wall, hand one to Hawk and I strap mine on.
"Do you have extra bullets?" He asks slipping on his black pants and white button up shirt.
"Oh um no I forgot." I grab two boxes of my handgun bullets and two light sticks for the laser gun.
“Ready?” I nod.
“Let’s go to headquarters.” We take our jet packs and head outside. We prep them put them on then turn them on. We hover for a bit getting the direction from my phone to where the new entrance is. We fly 100 meters in the air, into some thin clouds so we are less visible, then we turn left and go forward for about 20 meters. Then we turn to our left a go forward for 40 meters then until we reach a barrel in the middle of nowhere. I kick it over to see a big tube in the ground leading into blackness. Hawk takes his jet pack off then takes mine. "After you." he says. I jump into the tube feet first. My heart beats faster. Even though I’ve done this a lot of times, I’m still scared to go through the tubes. I hear Hawk jump in the tube. “You’re so stupid.” He always jumps through the tubes head first.
“Don’t call me stupid!” Hawk yells.
“Well I don’t like to lie!” I yell back.
“You’re funny!” Hawk says sarcastically. I look down at what I think is my feet to wait for the ring of light. The base is located thousands of feet underground. There are tons of bases, and one headquarters. I’ve only been to headquarters once, to get my spy license, it might sound like a fake license, but you have no idea how many places it can get you in.
Finally I see some light coming out of a hole. I land on my feet then roll out of the way as Hawk lands of his face.
“Nice!” I laugh.
“You two are here.” Says a voice in the shadows. Hawk stands up and walks to me.
“He’s early.” Hawk whispers to me.
“Yes, Boss?”I said.
“Your mission is to take back the diamond of Princess Singapore.” He twists a very expensive ring on his finger. “If you do succeed then you get $50,000 dollars.” Hawk’s eyes widen. “If you don’t, well let’s just say you will have to find another job.
“I won’t…”I began.
“Hey what about ME?!” Hawk whispers hoarsely.
I roll my eyes “WE won’t let you down.” I said with a sigh.
Boss smiles, “I thought you would say that. Now this is a very serious task. There are many security guards there that are expertly trained.”
“We’re expertly trained too, so that won’t be much of a problem!” Hawk says coolly.
Boss smiles, “I thought you would say that, but that isn’t the problem, you can easily get past the guards but the problem is..”
“Getting the diamond.” I finish.
“Precisely! Which is why you are dressed like that, in fact Miss Laya would you follow Sesaya over there to finish your make up disguise.” He looks over to an Asian woman over by this door. I nod at Boss then walk towards Sesaya. I hear Boss say to Hawk, "I will get you some extra things for your disguise, Hawk." Then I heard footsteps fading. I walk into a room filled with hair curlers, straighteners, hairbrushes, all kinds of hair product and gels. There's a mirror and a chair in front of the mirror. The room is really stuffy and cloudy and I look to see if there's a fan anywhere but I can't see very well.
"Miss Laya, please sit here." An Asian woman points to the chair.
"Ok." I say then walk towards the chair. I start to feel really lightheaded and dizzy so I stumble to the chair and place my hand on it staring at the ground until I feel normal again. I look up to see the woman right in front of me smiling. she takes my arm and makes me let go of the chair then pushes me in it.
"I will make you look Asian in no time." She said with her smile. I sit there watching her slowly disappear into a cloud of darkness. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up when she says, "Miss Laya I finished, it is look good for you." So I open my eyes and look in the mirror.... * Hawks Point of View *
Keeta just left.
"OK Boss I know you too well, I already have my extras what do you want?" We walk along together. He smiles, "You are very bright, Keeta taught you well."
"Well what is it then?" I say sternly.
"Still sore from the job offer? I'm sorry Hawk, but you are one of our best spies, and i couldn't let you go to a job with less pay."
"That job would have been almost equal to my pay! Why do you need me anyway? You have Keeta! She's a better spy than I'll ever be!"
"But I can't have her work with us for long."
"What do you mean?
"Keeta is betraying us."
He hands me a pair of scorching black sunglasses. "She is, I can prove it."
"No, no! Keeta wouldn't! I know her better than that!" I swallow back tears. What if she is betraying me?
Boss rolls his eyes then sighs, “Look at the proof.” He holds out a blue folder that reads in capital letter CONFIDENTIAL on the front. I squeeze my hands tight.
"Go ahead, open it." He says as he sits in a black cushioned chair. I take the folder and read aloud, "Keeta Laya, also known as Lisa Hanson has been found working with another company. The L.S.C.A a group that takes down any spy company other than national companies. They are known to spy on other companies for a small wage. Her work has dealt with deaths of coworkers, other adults and ch..." I couldn't finish the sentence so I go to the next one. “It’"
"Look at the pictures, she's one of them." Boss says. I look. Not one picture doesn't prove it. Every picture is of her at a crime scene involving the death of a spy from companies we have dealt with, some of them are pictures of her casually passing a bag to another person in the middle of a sidewalk.
"No sh...She wouldn't, she... she DOESN'T!" I squeeze the glasses tighter and tighter.
"Oh she does, and you know it." The sunglasses shatter into pieces. Blood oozes out of my hand, onto the folder and drips rhythmically floor. I choke back more tears. I fiercely turn my head up to look at Boss. "I know she doesn't." I growl, "She doe...." I go silent. I hear footsteps, Keeta's footsteps. I turn my head and look in awe.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.06.2012

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