

"WHAT?!? WHY?!?" , I shouted, "Why are you leaving me and kicking me out of the gang? I need..." "Gina, you must understand that things happen and anyways your making lose money so bye." Michael said. "I hate you now, SO STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU BITCH!!!!" *SOBBING*

"You must go." Michael said, "But, at least give me some money to go to school." I sobbed in reply, "SCHOOL?!? Heh, no wonder you barely sold any drug to others because school work.

"Shut Up." I repelied, "I'm going to school now," So I went to my home to change to my school uniform, and just before the bell rang, and the school day began...

So A Normal Uh...Day

 I went to school in my school uniform which is a dark gray top with a gray and white mini skirt, well the same as Japan and I have to say it looks pretty good on me even if I'm not a skirt person.

When I arrived, the hallways were almost as empty as a Ghost Town, but at least I didn'get tardy which is a good thing because I could miss something important like a project and plus my Homeroom teacher is the strictest in the whole school! That women gets pissed extremley fast like inhumanly. No Kidding. I walked in and the teacher looked a me with a killer look like it was saying, Imma Kill you. For Real

"Gina," She said with a growl.

"Yes?!?" I responded annoyingly 


Texte: Don't Copy any of MY BOOKS!!! KK?
Bildmaterialien: Yo_Yo Lara
Lektorat: BookRix
Übersetzung: Yo_Yo Lara
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.04.2015

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