
CHAPTER 1 Chaos Cola.

There was no light, there was no water, there was nothing. Jack felt sleepy, hungry, and alone. Since nine years, there hasn't been a single visitor in Greenfield. Short after America was invaded by the communists, the curtain fell down. Radiated TV's flickered green light trough the neighbouring houses. Pretty much all of Green field's inhabitants where extinguished, for al Jack knew. Jack knew there where survivors, but they operated on ham-radio's, which are very expensive to purchase. Though money did not exist any more, it was still hard to find what you want-in the middle of nowhere. He sits down on his bed and lights a cigarette. He inhales deeply, and moans: “I have to get out!”

Today, Jack came to sense that survival is not a game. He had to see for himself if there was something out there. He stood up, grabbed his jacket and walked out of his room. He entered the hall, it looked so Gray and dusty now, so sad. The last time he enjoyed this scene, life was still flourishing in Greenfield. Jack lights another cigarette and bends over to peek trough the mailbox. The wind blows, making him feel comfortable that there is really nothing for him to worry about. Why should I go out? He thinks. ''No food there, no good there.''

His cigarette finished with a crackling burn. His heart pounds trough his throat. He opens the door and runs trough the street. He keeps on running until he stumbles on some rubbish. He falls. Jack hits the ground on his teeth, the pain shoots trough his head as he can her his teeth splitting. Tick..tick...Jack's watch hypnotizes his perception. He opens his eyes, and sees that it is autumn. Moss is growing every where; poles, cars, houses, even the roads. The rewarding look makes him anxious.

He stands up with a soar mouth, covered in blood. It just tastes like iron, he thinks. All that chewing on keys and coins gave him a taste for iron. Only if sparky was here, then he could scout the area for me. He looks baffled now, he simply doesn't now to handle reality. Stumbling on, he spots the grocery market. Cola. How could he forget the supermarket. ''Come on, lazy dog ! Come on !'' He tells himself. Jack stands in front of the supermarkets door and reaches for his lock-picks. Trying to force the gigantic steel lock, he considers to take his time and kneels down.! He just broke into the supermarket. If only deputy Beckins would have seen me now ! He quickly rushes trough the entrance dropping his key chain behind.

Milk, bread, cookies, peanut-butter, its all there. Drool and some blood starts oozing out of his mouth as he sees the chocolate peppermint crisp tart. He can't take any more and lights another cigarette. Smoke gatherers in fumes around his face, his senses sharpen and he looks straight into the cooler. The moment was just to crazy; The calligraphic letters COKE A COLA flashed trough his eyes, he inhales his cigarette and hastes himself towards the cooler. He opens the door -grabs the bottle, and starts drinking. Twist..pshhhhhhhh! Total ecstasy runs trough his blood now, and never ever did cool-drink taste this good. He finished his cigarette and while plundering trough the racks, he pondered for a second and mumbled to himself;
''What is money good for anyway? You can't it eat.''

Chapter 2 A Strange dog.

There was silence there, for a while everything seemed as it was 9 years ago. No bombs, no Chinese invaders, no fuss. Jack enjoyed himself, and took as much food as he could. His pockets where full of cigarettes, chewing gum and cookies. He left the money. It was of no use now, or ever. He looked up to the sealing and closed his eyes for a second or two. Flash ! His memory started spinning, flashbacks shooting like needles trough his mind, and then...''That's it.'' He thought. I am going to leave this forsaken town. I am going to hit the road and find... find anyone. Giving up was not an option.

Jack played his favourite mp3 song, Metallica, Invisible kid. He felt one with the song, as it described his lifestyle. While banging his head on the beat, something made a sound behind the counter. He heard a loud barf sound echoing trough the supermarket. ''Shoot ! That's a dog !'' He thought. He started walking slowly to the counter. He looks behind the desk and sees a fat Rottweiler trying to digest some maple syrup tobacco. The smell of the tobacco must have attracted him from miles. But how did he came in ? Jack wondered. ''Here boy..try this.'' Whispered Jack. Jack was good with dogs, for he worked many stinking hours at an dog-asylum. Ever since then he saw dogs as servants, loyal soldier of the animal kingdom. The Rottweiler was careful now and gave Jack a little gnarl. He gladly snatched the cookie out of Jack's hand. Before you could close your eyes, the cookie went into his stomach. ''I can use a partner'' Jack said. ''Let's give you a name shall we ? What about...'' ''Oh please spare me the silly names'' Said the dog. Jack shocked and his face turned white. ''What the'' Except for the silent moment, the only thing sounding there was the rottweilers breath, heheheheheh... ''No, I don't have time for nonsense like this.'' He said. He slapped himself hard in the face to see if all of this was real. And..yes, it was reality. The dog moved slightly towards jack, and started talking. ''Let's come to the point. I will assist you with my life but if you don't feed me, I will bite you, badly.'' Jack replied in confusion. ''But your a predator! How come you don't hunt yourself?'' The dog looked embarrassed now, and replied on a calm tone: '' am a vegetarian. My old boss gave me nothing but beans and cauliflower. So, since then my taste for meat has faded.'' Jack looked with wide eyes open and a moment of silence came back again. 'Spontaneously Jack started laughing and the dog gnarled furious. The dog rose his proud voice know and warned him; ''Still it doesn't mean I can't change my diet...human.'' Jack wiped the tears of his eyes, he did not laugh for such a long time. “'For real he?..'' Jack asked quietly. ''We've got a deal here. I will supply your ''necessary'' food and you will follow my trail. Still I have to ask you, what's your name ? I hope it isn't fluffy or something!'' Jack started laughing again. The dog sighed again, and replied fierce: ''Reilly, just call me Reilly.''

Jack looked in sympathy at the Rottweiler, and his heart became soft for a moment. ''Come on Reilly, Lets go!'' Reilly gave a fake ''woof'' in confirmation, and ran together with Jack out of the supermarket into distance. ''Jack, ..Happy birthday.''Said Reilly softly.
''How did you know my birthday Reilly ?'' Asked Jack staggered.
''I knew your old friend.'' Reilly answered.

CHAPTER 3 You are not alone.

''There, another piece of debris.'' said Jack disappointed. While he Left Greenfield together with Reilly, He figured out that he had to rise to the occasion. It was now, or never. The ham radio's would not be located anywhere in these farmlands. If he wanted to contact anyone out there, then he needed a radio. Searching trough the wasted cars, he struggles to find a decent intact radio. The Motherboard-chip is completely fried. Jack throws the radio against a Yellow Beatle, still intact. The radio hits the car's hood with a loud ''dunk'' and makes the alarm go of. ''Well what the heck..'' Jack said. He looks trough the cabin, and spots a brand new truck intercom, not a ham but good enough.. Maybe the last owner was a undercover cop or something. If the alarm was still working, then the battery should still be fine. Reilly jumps around the car and starts sniffing around, at least he was showing some animal instincts. ''.Check this out. There's a gun stuck between the back-seat.'' Reilly said. Jack reached his hand to the car's door lever to open it, but it was locked. ''Shoot!''
''I left my key chain at the sup-market.'' Reilly moaned a little bit, and offered to get the key chain. '' I will be back in minute, stay here and don't do anything stupid.'' After 5 minutes, Jack couldn't wait to smash the window open, so he did. After he chipped all the sharp glass pieces of (bloody mess), he wormed himself trough the window. ''Aaah'' better. He lit a cigarette and sat back for a while. The car's seats where pretty comfortable and gave a relaxed feeling for someone who slept the last nine years on a spring-spiral bed. It was getting dark, and Jack started got worried now. Where is Reilly, what is he doing ? Crunching on his last few cookies, he looked in side mirror, and reckoned he should shave.
When jack turned his face up, Reilly jumped on the car with sonic speed and started barking and shouting; '' RUN, NOW ! '' Jack almost wet himself from shock and Yelled back in a paranoid way.'' What?, but..'' Reilly got pissed of now and grinned his teeth and looked severely irritated '' There is a hoard of wild animals coming upward the road, we HAVE to get out off here, NOW! '' Jack replied quickly'' Give me the key's ! do you got the key''s ? you better ha...'' Reilly Started looking pale now and suddenly barfed Jack's key chain out. It was covered in drool and maple-rum syrup. He took the keys and started picking the car lock. The first key broke of. The second got stuck. One key was left, And Jack started sweating now. key broke off, but the front lights turned on. Jack realised now that the cars power is on, so he stuck the chipped key piece in the lock and turned it. The car started, it worked! While jack Pushed the poke into the reverse, Reilly jumped in and little did they know that the horde was close; up to 2 minutes distance. The car started shaking now, and windows vibrated of stampeding. Jack managed to turn, Shifted into the second gear (to early) and slowly build up speed towards the dark forward laying road. Jack looked back in the mirror, and saw that Reilly was not looking healthy, he give him his last cookie. Looking side the mirrors he saw the first horses running in front of a big dusty mass, followed by something what looked as elephants. Speeding up and entering the 3 shift now, he suddenly felt the stampeding coming closer and closer now. The first horses strafed by and miraculously the horse kept up with the car and turned his head, Jack guessed what was going to happen next.

Chapter 4.

Reilly was barking like crazy, and Jack felt the pressure rising. All this intense concentration, cranked up his stamina, but in a heavy way. His mp3player kept hanging in rewind, and Metallica sounded as a broken TV now. The horses ran by, in front of the car kicking the bumper heavily. The car slipped for a while, but the Beatle maintained.

Life flashbacks streamed by and opened jack's eyes for a moment, he felt emotional and, tears dropped and rolled over his cheeks. Entering the 5 shift now Jack hit top speed. Reilly, who fainted now seemed in doggy-dreamland. Jack made a decision there, He gave a massive pull to the right and rammed the car trough the Animals. The car tilted when all force lent on one side. Not one but 2 times the car flipped over landing it in the middle of the side forest. The stamping Animals, consisting most of the old zoo, all running by now. It took more then 10 minutes before the whole rage subsided. In the meanwhile, Reilly waked up, his his face was covered in blood and a few teeth where missing. Jack was unhurt, but hanging upside down, making it feel impossible to get out of the car. Jack screamed at Reilly that he had to get out of there, for the car was going to explode. '' You now that's suicide,do you ? Come on, pathetic human. Don't leave your self here, you will regret it, wherever you may depart.'' jack came to sense and saw t hat the first flames occurred underneath the hood. '' GET ME OUT THEN, STUPID DOG, PULL ME OUT !'' Jack's leg was so tight jammed that the gas pedal prevented him from going out. Reilly didn't hesitate for a moment and bulked up. He pierced his sour k-nines into Jacks leg and started pulling like a donkey. Jack screamed like a little pig.

The flames where coming inside now, and jack's pant caught fire. Reilly pulled so hard that Jack landed on top of him. 'Come on Jack, we've to get out of here, like yesterday. Running in some flames, Jack and Reilly hid deep into the forest. While in haste trough the bushes, a loud explosion sounded trough the whole area, it scared pretty much all the bird life away. Shrapnel blasted everywhere around, and jack and Reilly jumped flat on their belly's. '' Jack looked on his mp3player and saw hat the last song was playing-Dirty window-Then, he figured out that this ride was not over jet.

Chapter 5. First, a cigarette.

A bright flame burst out of jack's lighter-he always put the flame on max. Thick smoke fused into the shady background of the forest. Green ambient light beams originated trough the forests roof -bedding. It gave a calm influence, and all what mattered now was the radio. Jack got anticipated, thinking he had to go back on the road. Finding nothing but some radio scrap, would probably happen again. Jack and Reilly moved slowly trough the forest, they where in some sort of aftershock of what happened. Hordes of rabid animals, explosions, a talking dog, it seemed a little bit to much for them. '' Why are we going back to the road, Jack?'' asked Reilly. Jack thought about all the drama so far and answered quietly '' because..'' without paying any attention to Reilly's concern. Suddenly, a furious feeling went trough his blood, and he really got pissed of now. He ran as fast as he could half tripping over the car shrapnel scattered around everywhere, and made it to the edge of the road. A frequency was noticeable, it sounded very low, with voices on the background. Jack thought it could not be true , for the last broadcast ever was live, not a casting which replayed it's totally top 40 music songs. Jack followed the frequency and came close to elephant dung heap. ''Well, its your turn now, Jack.'' Said Reilly. Jack closed his eyes and stuck his hand into the heap of fresh warm elephant dung, and pulled out a brand new Radio. It was a pocket edition, made just before the war. A Light screen indicated time month year, even the users name.

Chapter 6 Strange meat.

The Pocket radio was fine and it had all the frequency's, but still could not replace a ham-radio. Jack and Reilly scouted the area to find the original ham-radio, or what was left of it. ''Let's move on Jack'' Said Reilly. Jack felt not as if he should give up, he knew there was more out there. For hours and hours they struggled straight on the road. It was dark, the wind blew softly now and then creating a gentle atmosphere, it calmed them down. Reilly decided to find a place to sleep for that night, and as he run up forward, Jack felt alone again. Chucking his lighter into his pocket his cigarette gave little light around his hands, they reflected pain and blood. Jack walked on, as he always did and heard the tripping sound of Reilly's legs. '' I hope you got some good news now, Reilly ! I really don't feel like running and slamming, I am tired my friend.'' Said Jack. '' No worry's . there is fallout shelter nearby. It looks like if the commies succeeded in raving the place, its a mess but good enough for tonight.'' Jack remembered the very first day, sadly enough the communists new how to make mess of anything, also ones mind. ''Sure,let's go.'' said Jack. Another hour went buy and Reilly spotted the Shelter in the middle of a industrial area, it looked far away from greenfield, though it was only a few miles away. The area looked harsh, steel and shadow was a typically theme here. Entering the shelter they came across a few dead body guards, both had walkies. There must be a radio in the shelter he thought. It would make some sense, probably also food. Jack saw what Reilly mend, and it did not made one of them happy. Dead body's everywhere, some still rotten from recent survivors, some totally bold, to the bone. Kids, teenagers, dogs, old people, it was all there. Jack Lighted another cigarette and gripped his teeth. He was not planning to
Get paranoid now. He just wanted to sleep. A strong double-sleeper was placed right in front of a stock-supply, it looked interesting as they might have caught two flies in one hit. They watched each other briefly in the eye, and new they both didn't ate and slept decent for a while, the hunger was calling. Moving the bed, they opened the door slowly and saw something they would have never believed. A kid, well looking and munching some potatoes with beef looked up and gave a bright smile. Reilly fainted, and jack figured out it could not have been the beef. '' Happy holocaust, my friend !'' Said the young fellow. Pete's the name, what brings you into this dark hour, if I may ask?'' Jack wanted to join Reilly in his hibernation, but could bear the look of fresh rear beef. '' Oh sorry, how rude of me, sit my man, sit.' Have some food, I see that your dog is a little bit tired, isn't he? Jack first word was yes, as he filled himself with all the goodness on table. '' So what's your name ? He asked curious. Jack introduced himself, and talked on all night about how much food and supply's he HAD. Jack felt intrigued, and wondered how come he never saw this kid. He had a strange look in his eye, he was hiding something, here or for himself. Jack dropped his knife and suddenly got a fresh flashback. Dead people, meat, dogs, it all mend ad hock to him until a small bell started rinkeling, what was in his mouth was not cow, and certainly sheep . Pete looked scared and opened his mouth; '' What, you don't think I am cannibal do you ? I mean for goodness sake I don't even bite my nails! Said Pete. Jack replied quick and said: '' well what I am supposed to think, Pete ! Where in the middle of nowhere, I don't now you, I have never seen you and the last cow that I saw was in 2015 ! You better tell me what I am eating or else my dog ain't gonna be so happy with you.'' Pete got scared, and started crying. '' I..i..killed a horse...'' Said Pete. Jack went from Mad to happy, he liked horse, especially on sandwiches. '' Oh...well I am sorry then . Sorry, I had a rough day and this dog laying on the floor ain't a lucky dog either. 'Pete wiped his tears of his eyes and asked; '' So what's his story then, I mean where did you got him ? '' Jack waked Reilly up and gave him a bowl of Mashed potatoes, Reilly seemed delighted. '' Reilly? Well..he is a very special dog.'' Reilly looked Jack quick in the eye, and jack knew he had to shut up. '' He was adopted by my Grandfather, from the police, he is... quiet smart.'' Pete nodded as if he believed Jack, but knew he was talking nonsense. These days anything had a story, especially in the holocaust. '' Goodnight, Jack make this place your home, your welcome.'' said Pete friendly. He must have felt protected, thought Jack. Who knows how long he roamed here. Jack wished him a good rest, and also dove into the double-sleeper. A new friend, a dog, food, it all seemed right for know, he thought. For now.


Texte: Coca-Cola, Malboro.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.04.2010

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