
-6 months later-


My hair stuck to the back of my neck making the sun's heat more annoying. I leaned on Frank. Me, Frank, Mikey and Ray were sat under a tree, in the shade unlike the rest of the school, they were either, sunbathing, playing soccer or messing about on the benches near the field. Our lunches and hoodie's were abanded in front of us.
'Doing anything this weekend?' Frank asked biting into an apple.
'No, not really.' Ray shrugged leaning on the tree next to Mikey.
'The usual.' Mikey smiled.
'Aren't we breaking up for the summer on Friday?' I asked.
'Oh yeah!' Frank smiled.
'Fuck yeah!' Mikey and Ray chimed.
'I forgot about that!' Frank laughed, he then looked right and left, as usual no one was near us. He leaned in towards Mikey and Ray, so i followed, 'I'm gonna be home alone for the holidays! You guys wanna come over? sleep? whatever?' he smiled widely at mine and Mikey wide grins.
'Oh my god! Yes!' me and Mikey laughed.
'Ray?' Frank asked.
'Mom and dad are taking me on holiday.' he signed, 'but only for two weeks' he smiled.
'Awesome, so when you come back you can stay at mine, mom and dad are having, like, a second honey moon or whatever.' he smiled.
Then the bell rang and me and Frank walked slowly with our hoodie's and bags in hand, to history.
The lesson flew by with me and Frank sitting at the back, planning the holidays.

The cool summer breeze blew at my face giving me a sense of security I haven't felt for a long time, me, Mikey, Frank and Ray strolled home, for once no music was playing and i felt happy, that there was hope.


I got in the house, i kicked off my shoes and tossed my jumper onto the couch, the laminate flooring and open window helped me cool down quickly. i turned on the TV then heard the back door open then slam shut. what the fuck?
I slowly stood up, muting the TV and tip toeing into the kitchen, my fists clenched, not that it would help, i was a shrimp.
'All right son.' i jumped and turned to the kitchen table.
'oh hey dad' i said not knowing what to do with myself.
He put his feet up on the table.
'How was school?' he asked rubbing his dirty hands as the oven stopped, he stood up and went to get the food.
'Pretty good actually, been hanging around with Mikey Way and his brother. Brown hair, glasses.' i added with my dads confused look.
I slid to the chair and watched him get out a tray of steaming food out of the oven.
'Ah, so you HAVE friends?' he shook his head'They MUST be fucked up!' he added laughing.
I stood up and went to the sink next to the open grill.
'No, dad, they're no fucked up, nor am i.'
I said tring my English accent and failing.
'Ah, i get it, one or all of them are gay like you!'
'Dad shut the fuck up!' I said angrily. He's NEVER like this. i love my dad and he's FINE with me being gay, he's the first person i told!
'Dad, you ok?' I asked standing near the sink.
'Yeah son, i'm FINE, i mean WHY WOULDN'T I BE?' he shouted in my face.
'Dad, have you been drinking?'
'Maybe i have? what the fuck has it got to with you?!?' he staggered to the grill and picked up the baking tray.
'Why the fuck would you care go have gay sex with Mijney Fay!'
'Mikey Way, dad, what the fuck, sit down, i'll get you your dinner.' i said turning my back on him as he moaned that the tray was hot.
'Put it down then.' i said putting the food on a big plate and putting on the kettle.
'FRANK!' he screamed, pain, hot water scorched my skin, i yelled and screamed, tears ran down my face as i screamed at dad for help, the sudden screams put some sense into him and he ran for a cloth and cold water.


I went straight to my room as usual when i got home, i didn't want dad to ruin the amazing days i've been having recently.
So i changed into my skeleton pajamas and grabbed my sketch pad and pens and lay on my bed. Then i heard a slight knock at the door, 'Yeah?' i asked.
Mikey slowly opened the door. 'Hey.' he said, he had his tie still around his neck, untied with his sleeves rolled up and hair whipped back.
'Hey.' i said making room for him on my bed. i sat on and crossed my legs, 'so, what do i ow the pleasure? homework?' i asked him, as he sat on the edge of my bed.
'No, just saying hey, wondering what your up to.' he smiled weekly.
'Erm.. hey and nout.' i chuckled.
'No, Gee its not okay.'
I frowned at him. 'what?'
'You always pretend every things okay Gee, when your not, i want you to TALK to me, Frank-'
'THATS what you and Frank we're arguing about, the first day he came here!' i pointed at him angrily.
'It was more than that....' he muttered.
'Please tell me.... and i'll... i'll never tell a lie again, about if i'm okay or not, i swear down on my... on my art skills! thats all i have!'
'Gerd! don't talk about yourself like that!'
'Well its true!' i argued back, holding back tears.
'No its not!'
'Well no one like me, no-'
'Defiantly not true!' Mikey cut in.
'What the hell Mikey, get the fuck out!'
'Why?!?!' he yelled standing up furiously
'Stop- i don't- i-' and tears just streamed down my face, not a single sound escaped my lips. Then i heard a sweet familiar voice in the back of my head whisper 'I like you'.
I shocked myself, usually it was dad or Jake shouting in my head, screaming about how i'm useless.
But this
voice, repeated 'I like you' the hole time i was thinking, blacking out the world, the room, the bed and Mikey's voice arguing with my distant comments, the voice, i zoned in on it, it was fresh, happy, beautiful.
'Gerard!' Mikey's voice pulled me back to reality.
'What?!?!' I shot angrily
'Doesn't matter!' he turned around and walked towards the door in a huff, he turned hi head to me, hand on the door handle, 'He loves you.' he whispered and walked out of the door.

I lay on the bed, blinking, confused, what the fuck did he mean? the voice? Jake? dad?
I pushed my hands threw my hair and lay face down on my bed surrounded by the only things i understand.


An hour later mom came home, she fussed over my bandaged hand and my patched up back. She asked loads of questions, i did say it was a chemistry accident, but dad came from up stairs and told her everything.
They argued. Again.
I really hate it when they argue, its like there reminding me that love doesn't exist at all and that really bums me out.

I went up stairs at about 9:30, my back still stung but mom had put ice on it for 3 hours, so it wasn't so bad.
As soon as i got up stairs i took my top and school pants off laying in the thick black duvet, thinking about nothing.
But then i thought of school and Ray and Mikey and... Gerard.
I was confused but happy, i was also scared of being happy, i harldy knew them and it fustrated me that they could just walk away in an instante and neither of them would care, not like they knew me well anyway.
Then i felt a vibrate and 'Helena, Misfits' burst out of my phone i grabbed my hoodie with my phone init from the end of my bed and frowned, who would be calling ME, at 9o'clock1!?!? it was an unknown number, but i answered curiously.
'Hello?' i asked sitting up slightly.
'Frank?' a voice whispered in my ear. His voice gave me butterflies, i smiled without really realizing it.
'oh hey!' i smiled cheerily. 'how did you get my number?'
'Mikey.' Gerd answered.
'Ahhh.' i chuckled, 'everything okay?' i asked.
'I just wanted to say.... i wanted to say thank you.' he whispered weekly. 'So, Frank, thank you.'
'What for?' i asked frowning.
'You give me happiness, hope, you're the reason i smile now, your the reason i laugh at the littlest thing. so thank you.'
'Ermm...' i really didn't know what to say, i kinda felt the same.
'Gerard, seriously, thank you to, you gave me the hope i never thought was possible in this upside world.' why did i just say that?!
I heard him move the phone.
'You okay?' i asked.
'I'm just a prat.' he whispered, i could here the pain in his voice and it confused me and my heart kind of hurt for him.
'Your not a prat! why would you say that!?! everything okay?' i asked confused.
'I am a prat! I trusted you way to fast, you give me hope and happiness and i know, i just KNOW i'm gonna fuck it up some how!'
'SAME THOUGHTS HERE GERARD!' i yelled. Tears rolled down my face silently. a lump formed in my throat.
'Me and Mikey, we were arguing... i told him i... i told him i-'
'It doesn't matter. i don't care what you said, good or bad Frank. i think i- i- it doesn't matter.' he rushed i heard him moving the phone again, maybe he dropped it?
i heard a yell and a scream, some banging, and groaning then a slam of a door. confused i gripped the phone tightly sitting up, cringing as my back stung.
'Gerard?' i whispered.
'GERARD?!?!?' i yelled a little to loud mom and dad came running in, 'everything ok?' they asked.
'No! Gerard, the kid from school, he called me up and we talked and something happened. i don't know- i don't think- GERARD?!?!' i yelled down the phone.
Dad sat on the edge of my bed and took the phone from me and held it to his ear, 'Gerard? are you there?' he asked calmly.
'Gerard?' he asked a little louder.
'Dad, give me the phone please.' i held out my hand and he passed me my phone without a word, but didn't move, just watched me.
'Gerd? please answer.'
'Frank. I love you.' he whispered, his words were slurred. relief and worry surrounded me, i nodded t mom and dad and they left.
'Gerd are you okay, what happened?'
'Nothing.' he said cheerfully.'I love youuuu' he sang.
'Gerd, shut the fuck up. no you don't.' i said angrily, i didn't know why this pissed me off so much.
'FRANK IERO I LOVE YOU!' he giggled from the over end of the phone, i frowned deeply, happy he wasn't in front of me so i could punch him.
'Sober up Gerd!' i exclaimed.
Gerd muttered some slurred words than, probably, passed out. I signed and whispered 'Need me, call me.' and i hung up and lay on my side, closing my eyes tightly, Gerard's 'i love you's' swimming in my mind again.


I heard Gerd moan and groan all night, talking to himself and shouting i love you a lot. hopefully he hasn't been drinking.
Ever since Jake he had turned to drink, and only helped other, if i could kill without the prison bit, i would kill Jake. He hurt Gerd, more ways than others, and fucked his life up so bad.
I felt bad about being so harsh on Frank for liking Gerd, maybe i should talk to him....


I woke up to aching ribs and a hangover, fucking great.
I sat up slowly, hair fell over my face in a tangled mess, headphones tangled, fallen onto the floor.The cold pierced my skin like a thousand cold pins. Also my phone was on my leg... my phone?.... OH SHIT! i tumbled up and grabbed a pair of pants that i took off in the night and got a jumper, shoved it on and picked up my phone, remembering the call with Frank.
I had cried then dad came in and yelled, he hit me and then i got the booze, then i remembered how i remembered how i dropped my phone and Frank was still there i told him... i said i loved him! SHIT!!!! i hoped about, putting on some black skinny jeans then grabbing my phone and heading to the kitchen. The house was silent, i looked at the clock, 6 am, at least dad had gone to work.
I slowly dialed the number, hesitating, then talking myself back into it.
I held the phone inbetween my shoulder and my ear as i put the kettle on and sat on the kitchen chairs.
'Hello.' a lazy worn out voice asked.
'Frank, its Gerd- Gerard.' i corrected myself
'Oh hey Gee!' he said cheerly.
'Hi, i wanted to sy sorry for last night and-.'
'Its okay Gee, just, can you tell me what happened? in between the 'thank you' and the drunken 'i love you's' please.' He chewed on something at the end on the plee.
'Come over and we can talk properly, okay?'
'Yeah sure, mom and dad are worried though. About you, and me.' he said slowly.
'Yeah? how so?' i asked curiously. pouring milk into my steaming coffee.
'Well, they cam in the middle of our .... conversation last night, when you went, or whatever they heard me shouting. then they came in my room this morning coz i was crying,don't ask.' he added.
'Ahhh, sorry, just tell them i was ill or something...' i suggested adding, way to much, sugar to my milky coffee.
'Nar, they'll never let go of it dude, there extremely protective argh!' he gasped. i dropped my spoon 'Whats up?!?' i aksed ugently.
'I'll tell you later.'
'Okay, see you soon.'
'Bye Gee.'
a whisper in my head sweetly said i love you,i shook my head. no! no! not this again. i argued.
'No, not again.' i whispered.

About five minutes later and i herd a knock on the door i opened the door with a smile, his face dragged my breathe out of my mouth giving me butterflies. His face was just so fucking perfect, the black fridge hid one eye, the other shone brightly with happiness. Then i saw a thick bandage on his had, all the way up his arm, yet again he had short sleeves on.
'What the fuck happened?' i asked as he passed me and i closed the door gently.
'Dad was drunk and he was cooking... TOTAL accident.' he added at the look of my face. 'You know my dad, wouldn't hurt a fly, especially me.' he winced as he sat down on the couch.
'Yeah... speak for yourself.' I muttered taking a coffee from him.
He looked confused, obviously he had heard me then. shit.
'Anyway. Last night, i'm really really-'
'Gerard shut up, your my best friend, its fine!' he smiled taking a sip. 'Just please. tell me what happened.' he insisted.
'No one has cared for me like you Frank. I think- i think i meant it last night... when i said .... i love you..' i felt my face burn red as the words slipped my lips.
I groaned at his face, 'Sorry okay! I love you, there i said it, i'm conscious, sober and i love you Frank Iero!'


Gerard just said he loves me... he's sober and conscious but i didn't know what to say, i wanted to hug him and kiss him but the urge was stopped by the reality that something had happened to him last night and something was hurting him.
He sat starring into my eyes, smiling widely for a little while.
What the fuck, i mean i know he's gay and everything, am i dreaming or something. This is exactly what i want to hear from Gee.... what was i doing??. shut up!!!
I smiled, 'Gee, your drunk, go back to bed.' i ordered standing up.
'No, look i'm sober!' he cried happily standing up and walking in a straight line.
'Fine then, your fucked in the head!'
'You! You should know that by now Frankie.'
'Frankie?' i asked frowning.
'Yupp, like Frank but longer like your little Frankie.' he said standing close to me sliding his hand down my chest to the line of my boxers.
I grabbed his hand and held it up tightly, 'Gerard you are drunk and horney, now get your ass to bed! I will make coffee.'
'Frankie and bed is what i need.' he nodding walking to his room, tripping slightly.
'Come on then! i need to show you something!' he called, disappearing from view, leaving the door open slightly.
Unwillingly and confused. I followed him.
When i entered his bedroom, i wanted to run out again, Gee was sat on the bed, his head in his hands, there was a strong smell of alcohol and weed to which worried me, Gee drank, but never weed.
'Holy shit, Gee' i whispered, he nodded slowly, not moving his position.
I sat next to him, not a word escaped my lips, i didn't think that was possible, seeing him like this, it tore holes into my heart.
'Ger- erard' i stuttered holding back tears.
'I'm sorry.' a muffled muttered whispered.
'No, I'M sorry, i should have... i should-'
'Not your fault, reality just caught up with me, thats all. Jake...' he whispered lifting his head up slightly, resting it on his folded arms.
'I now its hard to let go of someone you love-'
'NO!' he shouted.
'I USED to love him. but then he- he-' tears slipped down his face as he took of his black zipped hoodie.
'Gee-?' i shuddered as he held out his pale thin arms that he had covered perminatly.
I held out a hand and he lay his arm in my warm hand and he looked away and sobbed.
Bruises and cuts and ink stains covered his arms.
'Gee?- what- i- holy shit!' i gasped as he lifted up his shirt, showing, what seemed like endless browny blue covering his skinny white body.
My heart melted, my head went fuzzy, Gee's hazel eyes turned back at me, with Tear stained cheeks and water flooded eyes, starred back at me. Like he was searching for words like he had always known, words of hate, fists of fury. I slipped my arms around his body.
One warm tear slid down my cheek as i tried my best to stop myself for bursting into tears and losing control.
'Gerard.' I whispered. 'He will NEVER hurt you again, i'll never let anyone hurt you, i promise.'
More tears slid down my face as he turned his head towards me, turning his body so i was sat on his lap, arms still rapped around him.
'Frank. I've never showed- .. i didn't want to be a burden, but i know you'll understand now, you can't stay here, i'm dangerous, bad things happen to the people i love, all the time and-'
'No! Gerard, i'm staying! Look at you, this Jake bastard HURT you, and i'm here to prot-'
'Not just Jake though is it?!?' he screamed, standing up, covering his bruised body up with his hoodie again.
'What do you mean?!?' i yelled back, tears rolled fericly down my face.
'Dad...' he croaked, sitting back down.
'No!' i yelled suddenly, no no no no no no his dad.... his DAD for fuck sake!!!!!!
Gee stood up and grabbed my arm as i headed for the door.
'You need someone to HELP you Gerard!!!' I yelled sitting down on the edge of the bed, head in my hands. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!
He looked so fragile, tangled, black hair sticking to his face with tears, running eyeliner and bruised arms exposed.
He bent down, looking up at my face hands on my knees.
'Hey. I'm sorry for this..' he gestured to his arms and to my tears and smiled.
'Sorry, just. had to tell someone, you know.'
i whiped my eyes a little
'Come on,' he said throwing a pair of trousers at my head, 'school' he said.
'School?!? No! hell no, your coming home with me and we're going to talk and get you sorted out.' i stood up, wipping my eyes and standing up. I helped him up.
'But, school...'
'Nope.' i said turning to his desk.
'Make up time... Mikey.' i whispered gesturing to the closed door.

About half an hour later, after me falling of the bed five times and Gee attacking me with red eyeliner, we were ready. our usual dark eyes and white faces pasted on and a smile stretched from ear to ear and we were out the door.
Lots of people starred, they always did, 'freaks got a friend' they probably said.... more than a friend to me....


Frank took me to his place, the house was just around the corner from our's it was a little bigger than our's even though it was just him, his mom and dad. two guitars leaded against a stand, one smaller than the other, the smaller one was a glossy white with shimmering letters that spelt out 'PANSY' either, it was a bad joke or the name for this magnificate instrement.
Frank chucked his hoodie onto the leather couch up against the wall opposite a big TV. He flicked it on and put it on mute.
'Sit' he ordered sitting on the left of the couch with his legs crossed.
I sat opposite him, legs crossed and arms crossed.
'I'm fine Frank, trust me.'
'Trust me, your not. Gerard, you may be strong and you may help yourself every night when your alone and afriad, but this time, you have help. You can keep on picking yourself back up, but one day the loniness with eat you up.'
Frank said confidently looking right into my eyes.
My eyes burnt and so did my chest.
Frank's eyes filled with tears too and pulled me into a hug. He held me tightly, his body heat warming me up from the cool vides of his house; tears spilled down my face and i sobbed into his shoulder, clinging onto his t-shirt.
i closed my eyes and tried to stop myself but it just made it worse, i wanted to be strong like i always am, but with Frank... its different, its like i feel safe and loved instead of having to pretend i'm ok all the time. and i wanted him to tell him this but i sobbed harder and harder with every breathe i took.


Gerard was holding onto my shirt, sobbing hard into my shoulder muttering and mubbling to his himself making his sobs louder and longer.
I wanted to take all the pain away, the nasty thoughts, the horrible past and give him a future he'll remember for all the right reason, tears slid silently down my face as i realized.... i couldn't do any of that. I held him close and let him let it all out, 'I've been there before, had no one and nothing, been strong when no one give a shit, and this is all i needed, and a little loving.' i smiled weakly and his breaths got slower and his sobs became quieter.
i could have sworn he whispered 'i love you' as he wrapped his arms around me and cuddled into me looking up at me slightly with his tear stained face and running eyeliner and smiled.
'Coffee?' i whispered.
'No, Frankie i-' he was cut off by mom walking in the door.
Gerard tried to sit up but i pushed him down onto my lap again and put my hands on his face, wiping his tears.
'Hey, hun, are you two okay? Your guitar's been polished and all that jazz Frankie' mom asked coming through the door
'Thanks mom, but no, mom, can you leave us for a bit?' i asked not looking at her.
'Yeah, sure Frankie sweet.' she said and went to the kitchen and closed the door behind her.
'Gerard i...' i trailed off, not knowing what to say at all.
He pulled me in a little closer and sat on my lap, 'Frankie, you are the bestest friend anyone could possibly wish for.' then he leaned his head on my shoulder, 'Frankie.. i-'
'sorry sweets, carry on' Mom said as she rushed crossed the room and out of the front door.
Gerard stood up and held his hand out, 'show me your room?' he smiled wiping his tears making his eyeliner spread across his blotchy face.
I took his hand and lead him upstairs, grabbing my guitar on the way.

When we got to my room i sat on the bed, placing Pansy, my guitar, onto her stand next to my bed.
When Gerard walked in he immediately smiled, my room wasn't much different to his, just had more room, brighter and pictures of family on the mirror near the door.
He looked up at the posters, then when he reached my desk he looked down and picked up my drawings.
'Tattoo designs.' i smiled as he held up one.
'Amazing.' Gerard whispered putting them back.
He picked up Pansy, really carefully, like it was a baby and passed it to me, 'play me something?' he asked with a weak smile.
I chuckled and grabbed a piece of paper with notes and words on and placed it in front of me, 'whats that?' he asked sitting on my bed next to me, legs crossed.
'Oh, a song i wrote.' i blushed.
Gerard chuckled, he brushed his hair of of his face and sat close to me so he could see the piece of paper.
I started real slow, i played the beginning then i tapped my feet in time to where the drum beats should be, Gee clapped and then he opened his mouth and it was like an angel.
'...and if they get me take this spike annddd'
he sang perfectly to the beat of my guitar, i looked up and his smiling face, still stained with, now, dry eyeliner.
I slowly started to play the last bit, to see if he noticed, he did.
'and now the night coomes, a stage for this has come in pared she said, we'll shot back holy water like cheap whiskey its always there...'
and he carried on singing, changing a few words and makeing me speed up a little as we went but in the end it was beautiful, i made the changes he did to the paper and at the end he stood up and held his hand out.
I smiled at took it without hesitating, warm shocks of joy flew through my body at his touch, it was weird but i wanted to curl up with him, tell him everything is going to be okay, because at this moment nothing was right....
I put Pansy down on her stand, then Gerard helped me up to my feet, 'Gee, you have an amazing voice, its like an angel, seriously.' i added as he blushed and looked down at his feet embarrassed.
'You're an amzing guitar player, you know that Frank.' Gerard said, still looking at his feet, smiling.
I chuckled, 'I've heard.. my dad taught me, thats why theres two other guitar's downstairs' i smiled.
'Can i have a hug?' he almost whispered.
I brought him into my arms, he leaded his head on my shoulder, i'm sure he whispered 'i love you' wouldn't have been the first time i'd heard it.....
'i love you too Gee' i mumbled back.
He squeezed harder at the comment but didn't say anything back.


Did i just hear what i think i heard?!? did Frank Iero just said he loved me!?! he didn't... did he??....
Fuck, that means he heard me... or did he and it was just a random comment?...
My stomach turned and my head spun and i didn't really know why.
We went down stairs and had breakfast after Frank fixed my make up again, i hated having to be a burden on him like this, i wanted to make sure HE was okay and happy... not sit here and let him make sure i'm okay every five minutes...
'So what do you want to do?' Frank asked sitting on the kitchen side eating buttered toast.
'Ermm..' i trailed off, i was going to go home and drink but i dont think he'll let me.
'we can't go out or people from school and teacher'll see us....' Frank added. i nicked a piece of toast and sat on his leg, 'we could stay here if ou want..' Frank asked putting his head on my shoulder.
'Yeah okay, if that's okay with your mom and stuff..'
'It'll be fine, mom helps out with granddad at his house and doesn't really get back until i do, and dad's at work... we could watch movies and listen to music if you want?..' Frank asked cuddling into me.
What was he doing?
I turned to face him, his smile made me feel safe, warm, loved and wanted, his eyes shone bright into mine and it felt like we were the only ones in the world, no pain, no tears, no people or places, just me and Frank Iero. And i loved it.
He leaned close me slightly then turned away from me, biting his lip. 'Need the loo' Frank muttered and ran upstairs without looking me.


I was with Gerard, alone in the house and i felt warm and safe when i looked into his eyes but i loved him.. as a friend! I added to myself as i ran up the stairs.
Tears burnt in my eyes and i locked the bathroom door and sat on the floor in silence.
I could hear Gerard quietly singing to himself in the living room, i couldn't quiet make out the words he was singing though.
I stood up, wiped my tear and fixed my running eyeliner and slowly made my way down stairs.
Gerard's voice became louder, and the words became how clearer, we was sitting in the living room alone with his arms wrapped around his knees, he stopped singing the moment i opened the door and he put his head down, 'Sorry.' i muttered and sat opposite, i needed to be with him, just not to close, i wouldn't be able to control myself....
'Sorry? what for? Are you okay Frankie? I was worried about you!' Gerard said standing up then kneeing at the side of my chair. I frowned, confused.
'Please tell me Frankie, you' he stopped a second, bit his lip and shook his head then carried on... 'if you don't want to tell me, fine, just..'
I smiled weakly, 'You're such a little awkward nerd!' i chuckled.
Gerard frowned, 'That's Mikey!' then he smiled and hugged me tightly. His warm sent of tears and make up made my head go a little fuzzy again.
I took a deep breathe in and squeezed back tightly, what the fuck am i gonna do all day? Me and Gee alone in the house together, i'm not gonna be able to....


There's was defiantly something wrong with Frankie, he ran up stairs crying after he leaned near me, what the fuck!!! I had to get an answer outta him, if i couldn't. Maybe Mikey could later...

We were in the kitchen i was humming a song i wrote. It was kinda crap but it came from the heart and meant a lot to me. Frankie was cooking us some dinner as we hadn't eaten since the toast this morning.
I sat on the dining chair 'Hurry up!' i mocked. Frankie smiled and shook his head, 'Patients young one!' he laughed.

After we ate our lasanya we went up stairs to get me a new top for me after Frankie sprayed me with water.
My shirt was shiny and clung to my chest and stomach and i hated it.
I folded my arms tightly around my stomach as we went upstairs to his room.
'Ermm, you're much taller than me sooo....' he said routing through his drawers.
'Here. Try this.' he threw a plane black t-shirt at me and a misfits jumper, 'they've always been to big so they might fit you better than me' he chuckled. So i went into the bathroom on the right side of Frankie's bedroom, it was tidy, with white tiled walls and blue-green rug next to the bathroom there was eyeliner over the all over the sink, Frank must have washed his face of something when he came up earlier...
I put the t-shirt and hoodie on, they fit perfectly and slowly made my way to Frank's bedroom, he was on his guitar again, writing something because he was slowly playing notes then writing them down on the piece of paper in front of him. I stood at the door for a while and just watched, two years ago i didn't know he existed and now i can't imagine life without him. The world was so fucked up, but with him it was so beautiful...


I carried on writing my song, I could feel Gerard's eyes staring from behind me. I smiled and my face warmed up and my hands where sweating but i carried the fuck on humming the tune as i re-played it, adding notes to my sheet. 'You know, a wise man once said you learn with observation but Gerard, i think you're burning a hole into my head....' I smirked when i heard he chuckled my stomach did back flips, his presents makes me happy in every way possible so when walk towards me I slowly put my guitar down as he sat down and grabbed his legs and pinned him to floor playfully and sat on him, legs at the side of his hips. He giggled loudly, like a maniac 'Frankie!' He yelled when i licked his check. His check was sweet and slightly rough, i stared into his eyes, his face relaxed as he stared back, both of us losing ourselves in the others eyes, like i was starring into a black hole of wonder, i could see myself in his glowing brown eyes his breathing slowly from the excitment of my push and lick and our breathing was insync, 'Frank...' he barly whispered, i ignored him and continute to take in every detail of him, i was so tempted to kiss him but i don't like him like that... do i?... No i don't i shot back to myself. It looked like Gerard was thinking too, i took the chance to lean in close to see what his reaction was, he didn't make an attempt to move or push me off him, so i took a deep breathe and moved forward when i breathed in and then our lips where firmly pressed together, Gerard's arms snaked up my back to my hair and pulled me closer.


Frank Iero was on top of me, kissing me. holy shit, I couldn't feel anything but his hair entwined in my hands, his lips on mine, he started to open his mouth and we twisted into a snog and he made the pace faster and more harder, my hands gripped on his hair tightly, as did his legs into my sides. Frank put his hands onto my chest and lifted my neck up slightly. We kissed for what seemed like two hours, but in reality it was less than a minute, Frank started to pull away and, even though i wanted to carry on, i forced myself to pull my lips from his and loosen my grip on his hair, he kept his hands firmly on my chest as he pulled back o stare at me... his mouth was agape and he starred at me, probably in shock or regret 'I...ermm.. you..yeah' Frank stuttered, i smiled at him, never have I seen Frank... speechless. I managed a chuckle... 'Sorry' i muttered, Frank got off me and sat down next to me as I moved to a sitting position. We sat there for a while thinking about what had happened, Frank Iero had justmade out with me on his bedroom floor, i luaghed to myslef at the location but my heart didn't stop the demading thumping, screaming for more. I looked at Frank, he was looking at the floor, messing with his string of his hoodie. 'Sorry' he muttered a little louder 'I heard you the first time, don't say sorry, saying sorry means admitting you regret it, admitting you regret it means -' 'You're to clever for your own good Gerard... shut up.' Frank shock his head laughing 'Sorry, but i'm right aren't I?... You regret that...' I leaned my head closer to his face and saw him smiling faintly 'No.' he replied bluntly. 'No i don't actually, i feel stupid and feel guilty for taking advantage of you but.... no Gerard i don't regret anything.' He was looking into my eyes now. 'Dude... I... Gerard i love you.' Frank starred at me in anticipation, my head span... again. My heart picked up the pace as i opened my mouth to try and answer i heard a voice from downstairs 'Gerard?!' The painful voice of Mikey made me run to the door and down the stairs where i found Mikey and Frank's dad sitting on the couch 'There he is! See no reason to worry!' His dad said cheerfully. I smiled weakly as Mikey stood up and Frank's dad left the room 'What is it?' I mumbled
'You disappeared, no note, no..nothing, i was scared.... ' he confessed shyly 'What where you doing here?' he asked, then he looked just behind me making me turn to see a red Frank pulling a hoodie over his head. 'oh...' Mikey blushed, then he smiled, 'I take it you two are staying off today... Mom and dad are out so you could stay their...' Mikey was biting into his lip 'What do you want?'
'Its band practice today...pleaseee come Gerard you're amazing!'
'Ha! No Mikey... You know what I'm like.. No' I said sharply as Mikey created his puppy dog eyes.
Me and Frank went back to mine with Mikey anyway but only to watch, we sat on the window sill across the kitchen.
'PUFF' Mikey shouted as they started playing without vocals, to annoy me to get me singing. But there was no way I could possibly do it with Frank watching. I'd freeze or the whole song would revolve around him or I'd stare at him the whole time... My thoughts scattered away like oil in water and painted a beautiful picture of Frank in my mind. I shook my head and went to the fridge 'Chips?' I asked Frank over my shoulder without looking at him 'Sure' I heard his feeble answer.
I threw a packet at him and stood back up, Ready Salted in my hand. I opened them without making eye contact with anyone and sat on a chair 'Holy Shit!' Frank gasped. Every looked up, even the music stopped 'What?!' I asked, my heart sank, he was starring at me with a shocked looked. Mikey looked up at Frank with a raised eyebrow. Frank took in his look, changed his expression and worried, he jokingly replied to our confused looks by saying 'Gerard's sitting on a chair.' The band rolled there eyes and continued but my eyes where glued onto Frank's perfect face.... Face. Frank's face. But perfection was all over so I couldn't help but to think about him. He was trying not to look at me but kept looking at what Mikey was doing. His frustration got the better of him and he stood up and dragged me out of the room....

Gerard meets Frank


'MIKEY!RAY'S HERE!!!' My eyes shot open, even though my name was not mentioned, i rolled my duvet back and lay there for a second, looking up at the minty, badly painted ceiling of my basement room.
The door creaked open, 'Hey Mikey.' i whispered, Mikey was the only person who came in my room, or talked to me for that matter, it wasn't that my family hated me or anything, i'm just good at lieing i'm ok, to a point were everyone leaves me alone. except my little brother.
Gee, comon, school.' he urged, 'ok, five minutes, let me get ready.' Mikey flicked his brown hair out of his eyes and looked at me for a second through his new black framed glasses. Probably determine if i was in a fit state to go to school. I look ok because he then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, without another word.
I've always been close Mikey, but he had been watching me closly these past couple of days, you see my boyfriend was beaten up out side his house, so his parents moved away, with him, to LA. fuck my life is a good description for what i felt yes, fuck my life.


I heard Gerard move about 3 minutes after i left his room.
'Hey, Mikey Gerard up yet?' Ray smiled cheerfully at the door.
'Yeah, he's just getting ready.' I said as i picked up mine and Gerd's school bags.
'Ok.' Ray smiled.
'Hope Matt doesn't give Gerd stick today, he had enough in his old school.' I said letting Ray in the house as i knew Gerd would take a while longer.
'Yeah, he's a git for that, Matt.'
Yupp! i agreed as we sat on the couch opposite mom.
'Mikey, you got everything?' she said sweetly smiling at Ray's awkward face.
'Yeah mom, just waiting for Gerd.'
'Ok.' she stood up and headed for the kitchen.
'She doesn't like talking about Gerd, does she?'
'No not really. Its not his sexuality, its just he alsways pretends he's ok when he's clearly not, they just learnt to leave him be in his room blasting out music and drawing. Mom says thats what a 'good'', i made apostrophes in the air, 'parents would do.'
'Fuckin' bullshit!' Ray exclaimed. 'No offence Mikey but thats bullshit, he needs someone to be there for him, even if they just sit with him at dinner.' Ray looked even more angrier than the time Matt had hid me in the locker for the whole of school because my brother was a 'fag'.
Ray stood up in outrage, 'Fucking bull- oh, hey Gerard.' Ray blushed and sat back down.
'Hi. Mikey, mom washed my Misfits jacket so i borrowed your Iron Maiden hoodie, that ok?' Gerd pulled on the sleeves of my hoodie as he talked, his long black hair covered his eyes.
'Yeah! no problem bud!' i smiled tossing him his black school bag.
He caught it and swung it over his shoulder, 'thats bud.' He moved his hair from his eyes uncovering his familiar dark eyes with his usual black eye make up on.
He smiled, me and Ray stood up and we headed out the door to school.

It was a frosty day, so at least people would point out the fact i'm wearing a hoodie ion the hot weather. i walked up the familiar road, but instead of turning right to the bus stop we went left to the back street.
'Weird isn't Gerd, not saying bye at the bus stop.' Mikey smiled rubbing his misty glasses clear with his jacket sleeve.
i chuckled to myself, 'yeah it is.'
I watched the familiar people as the walked in all different directions, all different stories and i kinda wanted to be them, with a simple story like:'i was born i learnt to talk walk run write and draw, i go out with my family, have lots of memories, lots of friends, lots of plans for the future.'
but instead i had to be Gerard Way, even my name in my head disgusted me. i had to be me, with a complected story. fuck my life. 'So instead of dwelling on what is, what has to be and what never will be, fucking live your life!' i screamed in my head. So i ignore the world and concentrated on Mikey and Ray's convocation.
'Yeah, but there about $20 aren't they?' Mikey signed
'yeah, maybe more but if we save-'
'Your on your own bro.' Mikey's hand flinched to me.
'Yeah, i understand.' Ray looked down.
'What you talking about?' i smiled.
'Erm, nout.' Mikey smiled, but i saw the pain.
'Tell me, Ray?' I turned to Mikey's friend looking in his eyes, his glasses repelled the image of me with my black long hair and watery eyes so i shut up and melted behind them.

Mikey~ We walked in silence until we got to school. There we're kids playing scoccar already and talking about there weekend, not many listening to music, as always.
I looked at Gerd pitifully as he put his hood up and followed me and Ray to the side of the steps into the school.I sat on the cool stones of the steps, Ray sat next to me but Gerd stayed standing up.
'What do i do now?' he whispered.
'Gerd? you ok?'
'No, no one has a clue, not even you.' he stood still as a statue, head down, tugging on his sleeves.
'Gerd, i'm sorry. I really am. But please, just get through today, thats all then-'
'NO!' he shouted, 'no, thats not what i what!' he turned and ran into the empty school.
We walked in silence until we got to school. There we're kids playing scoccar already and talking about there weekend, not many listening to music, as always.
I looked at Gerd pitifully as he put his hood up and followed me and Ray to the side of the steps into the school.I sat on the cool stones of the steps, Ray sat next to me but Gerd stayed standing up.
'What do i do now?' he whispered.
'Gerd? you ok?'
'No, no one has a clue, not even you.' he stood still as a statue, head down, tugging on his sleeves.
'Gerd, i'm sorry. I really am. But please, just get through today, thats all then-'
'NO!' he shouted, 'no, thats not what i what!' he turned and ran into the empty school.


I breathed heavily, tears ran down my face, my bag hit my back with every step, hard. i heard a squeak of a trainer and before i could open my eyes i had collide with a small body.
'Shit sorry!' i stood up and turned to see a body of a young boy sat on the floor, his white shirt sleeve rolled up over his elbows, red leather fingerless gloves on and lots of eyeliner. I smiled, 'sorry about that.' i said embarrassed, helping him up to his feet.
'Its ok', he chuckled, i've had worse.' he brushed off then picked up his bag that had fallen next to the radiator.
His blazer was near his bag, so i picked it up and passed it him.
On sleeve was rolled up, one wasn't. This kid had style, i smiled. He had fucking awesome hair to, the sides were shaved, blech blonde and the middle was jet black, hung over his eyes.
'Sure you're ok.' i asked worryingly.
'yeah, i'm fine, i clearly see your not.' he walked up to me and brushed my hair out of my face observing my blotchy, eyeliner smudged eyes.
'Yeah, thats nout.' i wiped my eyes, probably fucking up my make up even more.
'What happened?'
'Just dwelling on my bullshit, i should go say sorry to my brother..'
'Oh, are you Mikey's brother?'
'Yeah i am. You know him?'
'Not much, keeps to himself and i get bullied. a LOT. so i stay away from him, he's a good kid.'
'Yeah he is.' we started to walk back up the deserted corridor.
'Look, new boy.' he winked, 'You a good guy, dont get caught hanging around with me, you'll get in shit.'
'I'll get shit either way, i'm gay.' I said as we went through a double door. 'Really? couldn't have guessed, i'm bi.' he blushed.
'Ahh, i was wondering why you get shit, you seem so awesome.'
'Yeah but the homophobes hear you have a different sexuality and they dont give a single fuck if your awesome or not.' He said dully.
'Yeah, i know the feeling.'
'So, is that why you moved schools? i talk to Mikey's friend, Ray? he said something about Meeting Mike's brother in the morning because he's coming here.'
'Yes and no, i was in another school before, with Mikey but we moved house, just down the road from here, but mom and dad didn't move me because i had a boyfriend there, but then he got beaten up outside his house by 10 homophobes and his parents took him to LA so i moved here.'
'Dude, am sorry, i didn't...'
'Its ok.' I only just met him and he knows half of my life story.
'Gerard Way by the way.' i smiled.
'Frank Iero'
He stopped by the bathroom doors, i didn't even realized he had lead me back down a different corridor.
'You look like shit.'
I chuckled.
'Come and le midget Frankie help with that!' he half sang. he lead me into the bathroom and set his bag on the side of the sink. he pulled out two make up wipes and handed them to me, i looked into the mirror and started to rub the runny make up off my face.
when i had finished he turned me away from the mirror and drew out two eyeliners. 'Black or red?'

In about 2 minutes Frank turned me to the mirror i looked fresh, happy even. 'There you go.'
He tidied up and headed out the door just as the bell rang, i admired his handy work in the mirror noticing he had forgot his abanded red eyeliner, grabbed my bag and ran after him.
But by that time there was a flood of high school kids in the way and he was no were to be seen.


Gerard didn't come back after he had ran off, i searched the top floor, thinking the obvious place to hide would be upstairs, but no, he was no where, so when the bell rang me and Ray had to run back down stairs to chemistry.

The lesson drowned on as usual, the only thing that really happen was Ray sharpening his pencil about 15 times because he kept biting the end, weird, i know.

My first lesson was Math, fuckin great, the teacher made me stand up in front of the class and say who i was and what i liked, no one cared, except for a very giggly small boy at the back of the class. at the end of my 'introduction' the class rang with his voice 'over hear!' I smiled and sat with him.
'Hey, i whispered as the teacher, Mr Hable, started the ;lesson.
'Hey, sorry i rushed off earlier.'
'Its fine, here.' i thrust him his eyeliner back he opened his hand but closed it again, 'have it, i have four others at home.' he smiled.
I smiled back, 'Sure?' he nodded smiling. 'thanks!'
The lesson was then filled with small talk and giggles between Mr Hable talking about square roots.

Frank~ Me and the new kid walked of o math together, 'i have a free period now, do you?'
He pulled out his timetable from the back pocket of his trousers and unfolded it, 'erm, yeah!' he smiled, what, or where do we go?'
'Library, if you've go studying, we don't though, so home or something.'
'Is there a park or a field i could relax in.'
'Yeah, just down the street, theres only our math class on free period now so there won't be a lot of people there.' I smiled as we walked along the corridor.
'Do you know what class Mikey will be in?' He asked, he looked desperate, there was a lot of pain in his eyes as he said Mikey's name.
'Yeah, he's in Matt's class, i memorized his timetable, big dude he is, homophobic. the worst. he'll be in, English!'
I showed him the English corridor in time for him to catch Mikey walking in.


'MIKEY!' i hear Gerd's voice shout me from behind me.
'Gerd!' i ran through the flood of bodies to the other side of the corridor where my brother stood with a familiar boy.
'Hey!' i smiled.
'I'm sorry for this morning Mikey! I didn't mean to shout, i' m sor-'
'Gerd, its ok, seriously!' i insisted putting on a smile so he won't beat himself up about it while i'm not there.
'Found a friend?' i looked at the boy stood next to Gerd.
'long story.' He laughed.
'Tell me later 'k?' i nodded at them both.
'Ok, cya!' Gerd smiled.
'Bye!' I shouted over my shoulder as i entered English.


'Do you like coffee?' I asked Gerard.
His eyes brightened up a little, 'yes!'
'What bands do you like?' I asked as we walked out of the school gates, showing our principal our time tables.
'Ohh, lots.' he chuckled.
I looked down at his Iron Maiden hoodie.
'Fucking love them!' I dont know how i didn't see it before.
'Yeah? it's Mikey's but i fucking love them to, thats why i claimed it when mom bought it for him.' he winked.
5 minutes of me asking questions and vise versa we got to the empty park and lay on the hill under a tree.
'Yeah Frank'
'Have you ever, planned something, like, last mintute shit and it turns out you don't want it to end and you're scared it will end, end bad when its only just began?'
i stubled, i hoped he wouldn't get what 'thing' i was on about.
'erm, yes actually.' he blushed.
'How did it turn out?' i asked egerly.
'i don't know yet...' he put his head down hiding his red face.
I smiled to my self and crossed my legs, intrigued in convocation for what felt like forever..


Me and Frank talked for, what felt like ages.
But then we had to run back to school for history.
The people in that class were rather, egure, to 'welcome' me.
'OI. FAG!' one dude shouted from the back of the class when we walked in.
'introducing, MATT!' Frank whispered with a sarcastic happiness, i laughed and we took a seat at the front next to a to skrawy lucky lads with perfect uniform.
'Welcome to History Mr Way.' the teacher said as he handed me a book with a sticker for my name and subject, he then started to pass out books.
'You ok?' Frank singed as the dicks at the back started to sing 'Franktrad and G.Gay sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G next thing they will be B-U-R-N-I-N-G' and chucking paper with 'dick suckers' scrawled on it.
'Yeah, you?' i looked up at him, his eyes were filled with tears.
'I'm fine.'
'You fucking liar, i've only known you, what, 2 hours. Don't lie to me Mr Iero.'
he chuckled holding back tears and faking a big cheesy grin.
'You're coming over to mine tonight, ok?' it wasn't a question it was an order, i needed the happy go lucky Frank in my life, and needed to make sure he was happy too.
He paused for a second then said 'Ok' and started his work.

At the end of school i had been shoved into at least tweleve lockers.... just by Matt.
I met Ray and Mikey just outside of the gates after school with Frank.
'Hey!' Mikey said cheerfully.
'Hey!' me and Frank smiled.
'Hows your day been?'
'Not bad. you?' i smiled.
'Great, me and Ray actually did work!' Mikey said sarcasically.
'Yeah, then he got his phone taken off him.' Ray laughed.
Me and Frank laughed, 'why?'
'mom text me!' Mikey said pulling out his phone. 'she said her and dad are staying at our uncles' for the night, or maybe two night's, you know how they get.'
i laughed, 'yes, yes i do!' we walked Ray home, he just lived around the corner from us, then we went back home.
'Erm, Mikey-'
'Yes, i have a key' Mikey smiled shaking his head. 'I invited Frank over, that's okay right' I asked shyly. 'Its fine' he smiled back at me. Everything always was with Mikey.
When we were safely inside me and Frank started to tell Mikey the story of how we meet.
Mikey laughed, 'Awesome.' he sat down and we talked for a little while, Frank only lived a couple of doors down from us with his mom and dad.
'What do you wanna do?' Mikey asked turning off the TV in a huff.
'Not sure, let me just get changed.' i said going to my room.
'Can i see you room?' Frank asked smiled widely.
'Erm, sure.' i smiled.

'AWESOME!' he gasped when he entered.
'I love Iron Maiden. and those! Dude, you have great taste in music!' Frank smiled.
I laughed, 'yeah, so do you.'
'You like drawing?' he asked going over to my desk, observing the messy heap of paper and colours.
'Yeah, i do.'
'Awesome comics dude!'
he found my comic collection then.
I laughed, 'yeah, kind of a comic nerd.' i blushed. 'Me too, not as much as you though.' he winked lifting up my original comic characters.
'Awesome room.' Frank smiled widely. Then his face dropped as he picked up a piece of paper, i couldn't see what was on it but it couldn't have been important because he put it back down and looked up at my postered walls.
'Not so much.' I muttered grabbing a fresh hoodie and pair of jeans from my drawers.
'What do you mean?' Frank asked sitting on my bed.
'Bad memories, you know.' I shrugged. I fumbled with hoodie and sat on the edge of the bed, Frank sat next to me.
'Ahh, wanna tell me?' Frank looking at the side of my head, i could feel his eyes burning on me.
'Maybe later, we have to humor Mikey first.' i chuckled.
'Yeah.' Frank whispered as he walked out of my room looking rather sad.



It wasn't long until Frank came out of Gerard's room with a glum expression.
'You ok?' I asked as he sat down on the couch next to me.
'Not really.' He said ruffeling his hair, i looked up at him, 'whats up?' i frowned slightly.
'I think people should ask that to Gee more often, i've only known him a day and already know he's torn up inside, he's broken and he needs help, if i have to do that, then...'
'I do ask him, everyday. he just never talks about it, you know. He really loved Jake, he really liked were we where before, he really used to like his life, but then when he came out gay, everything turned to shit, it wasn't just his sexuality, he's always been an outcast, even at home, thats why he hates it here. He sits in his room at night, listens to music to block out the world, he cry's himself to sleep. I here him at night and it breaks my heart. I care to you know.'I relaxed after the burst of words, I held back tears and watched Frank's expression turn to pity on a heart beat.
'I- sorry Mikey.' he whispered.
'Its ok Frank. If you can get through to him, please, do. I try my best but he shuts down.' Frank turned quiet as we heard Gerard's door squeeke open.
'Mikey, you seen- everything ok?' he asked when he saw our expressions.
'Fine' Frank lied.
'Sure, Frankie, don't lie to a liar. tell me.'
'Fine Gee.' he shot sharply.
'I- sorry.' he sat down.
'No, i am; i shouldn't have said- I've got to go.' Frank said standing up.
I grabbed his arm and sat him back down next to me. 'You're not going anywhere.' I whispered.
'Mikey, chill. If he has to go, he can. But i'd rather, he.... didn't' Gerard whispered the ending and I saw a little redness in his cheeks as he said it, not making eye contact with Frank.
'Drinks? Food?' I muttered.
'Soda please Miokay.' Gerard grinned.
'Ok, Frank?'
'No, i'm fine,thanks.' he said looking up me for a second.
'Get him something' Gerard mouthed, I nodded and went to the kitchen.


I sat next to Frank when Mikey went to the kitchen.
'Frank, you ok?'
'No, actually.' He muttered after a short silence.
'Why?' I asked putting an arm around him squeezing him in.
'Your not ok.' he said bluntly not making an effort to return the favor of his arm.
I took a deep breathe, 'and since when has my well being consernded you?'
'Since I had a heart and eyes and a brain. I see your pain Gee, i FEEL your pain and it already kills me!' he stood up holding back tears.
'What.' he shot back.
'I-..... stay.' i stood up, held his arms and looked right at him, for that second, the whole world melted, there was no living room, there was no house, there was no world, just me and him standing. Facing each other. My eyes locked into his amazing waterey hazel eyes, rounded heavily by black eyeliner.
When he turned away, my head went all fuzzy, like it was tuning back into the real world but i really didn't want to. My eyesite went fuzzy and my head spun.
Then it went black.


Gee's eyes turned in and he fell on me, my arms curved over his limp body, his eyes wide open.
'MIKEY!' i shouted.
Mikey ran in, WHA- Holy shit! GERARD!!' he yelled running to me.
'Frankieee.....' a mutter pasted Gee's lips.
'My head hurts.'
'Have you eaten today?'
His head shook slightly.
'I'll get him something to eat, get him onto the couch.' I whispered to Mikey, he then disappeared into the kitchen, I lifted Gerard up onto the couch with little struggle, surprising really he was at least 6 inches bigger than me.
Gerard continued to mutter and groan but didn't make proper words. 'Gerard...' i frowned as he grabbed my face and started to laugh 'Frank Ierooooo' He sang. Mikey and me took care of him and he stopped the moaning and talking and slept for about two hours.

-two hours later-

I came down stairs with a hoodie of Gerard's on.
Him and Mikey were in the kitchen, Gerard on the side of the sink, laughing at Mikey as he ran around the kitchen. He burnt the toast, the fries and the bacon.
I walked in smiled widely. I helped Mikey take the fries out the oven, a cloud of black smoke billowed from the oven door.
'Jeeze Mikey. What did you do to them?' I asked as Gee opened two windows and observed the pile of blacken food.
Gee laughed, '...and you insisted on making them yourself.' he hopped back on the kitchen side.
'I'll just go loo.' Mikey mumbled leaving me and Gee in the kitchen alone before we could say anything.
I walked over to him, big grin pasted on my face. It wasn't as fake and as hard as i thought it would be, seeing Gee ok made me happy.
He gently moved my hair away from my eyes and smiled. 'Your beautiful Frank Iero.' his words were slightly slurred. I frowned 'what?' I asked. His arms wrapped around my waist and he grinned.
'You still dizzy and light headed Gee?'
I asked tring to pull away.
'You are the reason i felt dizzy in the first place.' he whispered, he leaned his forehead on mine and smiled.
He singed deeply then let go. I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant but he took my hand and led me into his bedroom he sat on his bed and smiled, 'were you wanna sleep tonight?' He asked.
'You seriously what me to sleep?'
'Yupp, i won't see you in the holidays, so i'm going to bore you tonight instead.'
'What do you mean 'won't see me in the holidays'? I asked sitting next to him. He lay on his side, Well, your home alone for the summer, you'll have friends over and shit won't ya?'
'Yes, i will...You and Mikey.' I grinned
'I said at dinner. didn't i?' I chuckled laying on my side in front of him.
'Oh, yeah.' he laughed.
'Ermmm Gerard, you know what you said about me being the reason you felt dizzy...' I asked quietly, not looking at him.
'Yeah i was conscious for that bit' He chuckled to himself lying next to me.
'Well i... What did you mean?' I asked biting on my lip.
'Exactly what it says on the tin Iero... wow smooth Gerard' he muttered the last it, i don't think i was meant to here so I ignored it and tried to get up, Gerard foiled my plan by grabbing my arse and making me jump slightly and burn a bright red and I hurried out of his room.


Holy.Shit why the fuck did i do that?!? Smooth Gerard Exactly what it says on the tin Iero I'm such a dick. Why am I so.... arghhhh!!!!
I moved my hair out of my face and readied myself to face Frank again. Hopefully he hadn't ran away or anything....
'Gee! Go up to my room and get some PJ's for Frank!' Mikey shouted from the still smoky kitchen.
I ran upstairs to Mikey's room and got some of his pjammas for Frank, when i got back downstairs Frank and Mikey were whispering violently to each other on the couch, fresh fries and pizza on the coffee table along with two bottles of soda, coffee, candy and lots on video's.
'Whats up?' i asked them throwing the pjammas at Frank.
'Nothing.' Frank shot standing up, going into my room and closing the door, getting changed.
I already had my black pjamma bottoms and old Iron Maiden T-shirt on.
'Whats really up?' I asked Mikey sitting next to him, grabbing a coffee and sipping.
'Really, nothing Gerard.' Mikey said.
'Liar, Mikey Way, your my best friend. Tell me.' i gave him the puppy dog eyes and ruffled his hair.
'Gerard, leave it, its nout!' he stood up.
'Ok, i'm sorry, if you and Frank have 'problems' then i'll-'
'You know its not that Gerard!' Mikey argued, blushing.
'Then what it is?' I asked disparately, if they're having some argument i should know.
Mikey looked away and stared into the unknown.
'If your going to be like that Mikey, fuck off.' I shot. I crossed my legs and starred at the back of his head.
Mikey slowly turned his head around.
'No, Gerard, no.' he grabbed a coffee and we drank at the same time before i stood up and went into the kitchen.
The cool breeze from the cracked open widow sent a chill down my spin, then i felt warm arms wrap around my waist. I felt a warm coffee tainted breathe on my neck as they breathed slowly.
I turned my head to the side to see the face of Frank looking down at the sink, expressionless.
'Hey' i whispered, not taking my eyes of his deep, empty hazel eyes. his smudged red eyeliner perfectly enhanced the beauty of them.
'Hey.' Frank's face stayed the same. Not moving expressionless.
'You ok?' I whispered.
His arms unfolded around my waist, giving me a empty and cold feeling.
He hopped onto the kitchen unit. I stood in front of him, 'gonna answer me today Frank?, are you ok?' i asked again.
He signed, 'Gerard Way, i hardly know you, or Mikey, and yet, i'm here, why?' he looked straight into my eyes as his words slipped fluently out, like he had been thinking of them for ages.
'Well, you're special, i guess, everything about you, your vibe, your person, your everything, Frank Iero, you are fucking awesome!' i gabbed him in the stomach smiling. he grabbed my hand.
'My mission, is to get to know you. everything, inside and out, good and bad, cause you know what Gerard Way? Your fucking awesome to!'

He's such a tease


My brain was fuzzy and my eyes blurred a little, i could just make out Gerard's pale white face, curtained by long scraggly black hair.
He signed deeply and rapped his arms around my waist smiling. My eyes weren't blurry anymore, so i focused on his detailed face, to were his hair lay lazily on his shoulder's to the gray inpigements in his amazing black eyes.
i smiled faintly, 'have you ever had to pretend everything was ok, when your heads so messed up you hardly know who you are anymore?'
'Yes, i have actually, when me and Jake first started dating, it came to a point where i started to believe all the shit people shouted at me in the streets, where i actually believed them that the world would be a better place if i weren't here..' he trailed off starring past my eyes, into the unknown.
'I hate it..' he whispered.
'The world isn't better off with you.' i whispered back, smiling a little more widely.
'Back at ya.' he whispered and nudged me in the ribs.
'So are you and Mikey ok?.... or....' Gerard asked, not making eye contact.
'Yeah, fine Gerard, trust me.' i smiled and put my hands on his shoulders and slid off the unit, i was really small compared to Gerard so i stood on my tip toes and give him a big hug, 'I'm sorry you felt like that Gee, really, i am.'
'Back at ya.' he he breathed.

'ARGHH' I shouted, Mikey had thrown cheese off a cold pizza at us, just as the first movie had finished.
I learnt a lot about Gee and Mikey that night, we just sat and talked and pissed about all night, eating and watching movies.
We where all in Mikey's room; his and Gerard's duvet lying on the floor, Mikey was on the far side near the door and me and Gerard where leaning against Mikey's bed.
'Dude,' Mikey turned to me.
'Yeah?' i smiled nicking one of Gerard's crisp.
'any request's.... movie to watch? games we could play?' He laughed nodding at the blank TV.
'Spin the bottle' I winked and laughed.
'Oh yeah, great game that would turn out that would, you and Gerard kissing all the time' he crinkled his nose and laughed, kneeling down next to the DVD player
'Not all the time... What about me kissing you?' I said casually eating my left over crust of pizza.
'You sound all egure' Gerard winked at me.
'Oh shut it Gerard, you know what I mean, my lips aren't aren't JUST for you' He winked teasingly.
'Oh really, something your not telling me?' I laughed the insecurity off and crawled on over to him.
'well... It's not like you're the first... never mind.' He shook his head and kiss me gently on the lips 'Love you' He smiled. 'Love you to' was my feeble as whisper of a response.
In the end we ended up playing spin the bottle but with truth's instead because Mikey and a good point, even if they did kiss my heart was sure to shatter.
'Ahhh Gerard!' Frank laughed in joy as his first spin landing on a unwilling me. I frowned and dropped my pizza into the box and starred at him 'Go on then'
'I only think it's fair if you kiss me first.' he said smugly
I leaned over my food carefully and pecked him on the lips, it felt like a spark jumped from him to me, kinda like a synapse.
'That was feeble.' He moaned
'I've just had a pizza, shit loads of chocolate and cinder, not gonna be nice to taste' I winked lazily. He knew I was avoiding the task he set, he singed and learnt back 'Fine. Have you ever.... done more than kiss a girl?' H smiled at my half confused expression 'No.' I said bluntly but truly, I sipped my soda as Frank started to try his best (but crapped up) to hold a big wide smirk.
'Frigid bitch' He winked
'Oh yeah you weren't saying that the other night' I winked back, a little bit of my hyper loved up self was back. I smiled to myself and starred at Frank's gleeful face.
'Have you?' I asked shyly, Frank smirked back 'Have I fuck' He said bluntly, a part of me jumped but then Mikey piped 'What about doing it with a dude... except each other' He sipped of his milkshake like it was no big deal that he just asked his brother and his boyfriend if they'e ever fucked anyone other than each other.
Frank started to laugh with a huge smile 'Well... it's a good story really but.. I'll shut up' he said noticing my shocked face starring back.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.11.2011

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