
Chaper 1

Mink ran as fast as she could, with her eyes narrowed and her muscles bulging, she focused on the hunt. She was behind her father, Simaco, at the from of the pack. With the flick of her fathers ear, she ran ahead and chomped her jaws around the elks leg. It let out a sound of pain and stumbled, falling to the ground. The pack of thirteen wolves circled their prey, eyes narrowed fangs bared. Mink took a few steps back and joined the circle as her father rushed forward. She watched as her father drilled his fangs into the elks throat as it struggled to its full height. As soon as her father's fangs touched the elks skin, herself and the rest of the pack rushed forward and began to bite into the kill. Once it let out its final breath, the wolves gave their Alpha room to eat first. Waiting, she watched as her father ate. Once he finished He lifted his head and howled, letting out a joyous song of victory. One by one each wolf lifted their nose to the air, joining the song. By the time to moon was above them, all the wolves had eaten their fill. Smiling, Mink trotted up to her father, "This was a good kill, father. I hope we will have this much victories throughout the winter. Simaco turned his head, meeting his daughters eyes, "You are a young, wise, strong wolf Mink. You know as well as I do this winter will be hard, but the pack will make it whether we feast, or we starve." He turned to his wolves and let out a loud, thunderous bark, "We will die!" The pack barked, yipped, and howled their leaders words. Mink knew their pack was strong, but she had a sense of doubt for this winter. It seemed the elk were getting thinner, more scrawny then they were every year. Shaking her fur, as if shaking off her worries, she howled and barked, joining in the packs encouraged feeling.

Feeling a sharp prod on her flank, Mink blinked open her eyes. She was in the packs cavern, asleep in her moose hide bed. Lifting her head, she saw Tikon standing over her, his blue eyes gleaming, "Get up lazy bones! We have a busy day today." She felt his nose nudge her gently on her shoulder, his blue muzzle was warm against her coal black fur, chilled with sleep. Yawning and stretching out her front legs, Mink stood up. Shaking her fur free of moose hair from the bedding, she followed Tikon outside. She spotted Shadow and Night setting up patrols, the betas' were to do this. Tikon sat and watched beside her as the delta's carried the left over meat from the kill last night into our food storage. The omega's played in a clearing a little ways away from the working wolves, a few pups rushed to them and began to pick on them, this was usual. Looking up and barked, "Tikon, I am going to go talk to my father, I think he is still in his den." Tikon stood, "I would like to tag along." Mink shrugged, "Alright." Together they climbed up the side of the packs cave to a small stone clearing on top of it. There was a rock with a crack in the front, this was the Alpha's den. She trotted inside and looked down at her father, his white fur bright against his moose hide bed. She barked to her sleeping father, "Father, get up your sleeping the day away." Her voice had a tint of humor and she padded closer, nudging him to wake up. Sleepily, Simaco lifted his head, "Mink... darling, do not wake me for I am tired. I want you to be in charge today. Get some advice from Vita is you need help." Mink sighed as her father went back to sleep. TIkon trotted inside and bowed his head lowly, "Simaco, I would like to have a word." With this her father stood instantly, "What is it, Tikon." Mink growled with a sigh, "I'll leave you two to talk." Rolling her eyes, she walked back outside and sat down, looking over the den site's view.

It seemed like a hours when Tikon finally slipped out of Simaco's den. Mink turned and barked, "What took you so long?" Tikon smiled, "I want to talk to you... follow me." She rolled her eyes humorously and followed Tikon down the slope and away from the den site, into the forest. Sighing once he stopped she barked, "What is it Tikon?" Tikon turned and grinned, "Look, there is something I have wanted to as you for a long time... will you-" Suddenly he was cut off as a shriek sounded from the den site. Mink turned and gasped, "What was that!?" Tikon rushed forward, "I don't know hurry up!" Together they ran back and saw five wolves attacking their pack. Tilting her head she thought, this should be no problem. Suddenly one of the wolves looked at her, its eyes were blood-shot and foam was spilling from its jaws. With a scream, she scrambled backwards, "They are rabid! Tikon get back!" Tikon leaped backwards as one of them leaped at him. Snarling, Mink dodged one as it jumped at her. Being behind it, Mink sunk her jaws into its hind leg and bit down hard, harder then when she bit the elks leg. The wolf barked in pain, yelping. It kicked her off and ran. Knowing it can't get away, Mink chased it down and leaped onto its back. She sunk her fangs into its neck and twisted its neck, the wolf went limp under her. Leaping off, Mink stood in front of the sick dead wolf. A tear rolled down her cheek, she had never killed another wolf before. A scream from the den site told her it wasn't over. Charging back she saw a few of her pack mate's had been bit. She searched desperately around, and saw the blue pelt of Tikon had not been harmed.

It didn't take long for the first wolf to snap, to turn into the rabid beast that had attacked them. Mink remembered how she had been right next to Star. She had been fine then all of a sudden, Star's mouth began to drip with foam. Her eyes began to fuzzy over with red, and Mink knew at that moment she had to be the one to kill Star. Leaping, Mink sunk her fang's into Star's innocent grey throat and rip into, she held down her jaws until Star stopped moving. Mink dropped her friend, collapsing down next to her. Star had been her friend all her life, they had grown together and played together, along with Tikon. Tears now streamed down her face, since then two other wolves had snapped, both Tikon and her father had to kill them. Now, from thirteen wolves to ten, their pack was showing great weakness. The attack of the rabid wolves had nearly destroyed them.


Texte: Have some respect for me and give yourself some dignity, do not steal my story.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.11.2012

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