

Morgan McPhee was on her morning jog when she saw a white milk crate turned upside down at the curb. Most people in this area had a habit of tossing out things and leaving them on the curb. Morgan had a bad habit of snooping through the piles trying to find things of use. She used to do it a lot with her Mom and her two younger sisters when She lived at home. Her Mom was a bad hoarder and had passed it onto Morgan and Her youngest sister Olivia. Millie, her middle sister would just tag along for the ride. Morgan was thinking she could use the crate for a book rack, when it moved!

Morgan slowed her jog, then started to a walk and then stopped completely, and pulled out her ear buds. And that’s when she heard it. A little yelp and a whine.  Another thing Morgan was a sucker was for animals in distress. She ran to the crate and fell to her knees scraping them on the semi-Dead grass.  She lifted up the crate and A little blue and White puppy shook and then wagged its tail wildly. Morgan blinked at the dog, as it climbed onto her lap.

She set the crate aside, and stood with the little puppy. She jumped a bit when the Cayenne Porsche turbo that had just pulled up to the curb honked. The door had been pushed open hard and the most beautiful man she had ever seen jumped out of the car. His brown hair was windblown to perfection. He was wearing a dark suit with a white shirt underneath, and his tie was flapping in the wind. He didn’t even care to shut his door before running over to Morgan.

“That’s my dog.” He pointed at the puppy, who was excited to see him.

The puppy tried to wiggle out of Morgan’s arms but she held it protectively to her chest and glared at the man. Hot or not, he left a little puppy to defend for herself.

“Why was she under the milk crate?” She shot off. “Alone, scared, cold, maybe hungry.”

Carson Maxwell had a sudden urge of respect for this Woman. Her Brown eyes sparkled with emption and a few brown curls had escaped from her  Pony tail.

“It was my Ex- fiancée.” Carson said, as Morgan pulled the puppy closer to her chest. “She told me to come get the dog, and she was leaving. No explanation. This is Just like Caroline to leave the dog outside. I bought the dog for her you know.”

“I don’t know.” Morgan narrowed her eyes even more if that was possible. “If the puppy was left outside she should be with someone who will love her. Apparently this dumb Caroline girl doesn’t love her.”

Carson gave her the once over. She had medium sized boobs, and tons  of curves. Carson liked Girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, but that’s what had gotten him into trouble in the first place. But he couldn’t help thinking that she was pretty. Beautiful even. She was not his type of course.

“That’s why I’m here to get the dog.” Carson reached for the puppy, and the Woman took a step back.

“I don’t trust you.”

“Most people do.”

“I’m not most people.”

“So I’ve noticed.”

She glared at him.

“You keep glaring like that and you won’t be Beautiful for long. Can I at least strap this into place?”

Damn, Morgan thought as the Man held out a Collar. She let him snap the collar into place, the puppy licking his hand quickly.

“I’m Carson Maxwell.”

She knew that name of course she did. Maxwell.

“Morgan McPhee.”

Carson grinned at her, and she sighed.

“Here.” She handed over the puppy, which wasn’t sad to see her go.

“Take care of her.”

Before Cason could say anything else Morgan stuck in her ear buds and jogged away. She clomped up the stairs of the house where she grew up. The front door was unlocked as normal, and she locked it once inside.

“Finally!” Millie said when she spotted her big sister. “Someone who knows how to do a decent bump.”

Morgan stuck the bobby pins Millie handed to her into her mouth as Millie turned her back to her. She grabbed a small pony tail twisted it expertly pushed it up into a bump and Pinned it in place.

“You going somewhere?”

“I have a date.” She jogged up the stairs.

“Is he a hunk?” Morgan called after her.

“So Hunky!” Millie swooned.

Liv was laying on the couch watching T.v, with a big bucket of cheese balls at her side.

“Hey Liv.”

“Hi.” Liv dropped some balls into her mouth and turned up the volume.

“Where’s Mom?”

“I Dun know.” She dropped in more balls.

Morgan had helped raise both of the girls, although they all had different personalities. The girls had only one thing in common, which was their anger. Their protectiveness came in a close second. They also shared that with their brother Mason which Morgan also helped raise. Their Dad had Died when she was eleven and her Mom had gone into a deep depression.

“Hey mom.” Morgan kissed her cheek.

“You missed dinner.”

“No one eats dinner at Five anymore. Are my clothes finished?”

“Yeah, they’re all folded, there on the table. Why do you insist on living on your own? It’s bad enough Mason took off.”

“Mason’s eighteen.” She grabbed my basket of clothes. “I’ll come over for dinner tomorrow.”

“Love you.”

“I love you too Mom.” Morgan opened the door.

“Bye liv.”

“Bye Mor.”

Morgan shut the door with her foot and went to her beat up car which she had parked in the drive way. Don’t get her wrong, She loved her family, but dinner was a bit much, so she took off for her jog. Which Reminded her of Carson Maxwell. She stuck her basket of clothes into the backseat as a sports car rolled up and Millie ran out of the front door. There was a laundry station in the apartment where Morgan lived but she thought it was a bit shady. Plus she couldn’t beat the smell of her clothes when her Mom did them. It smelled like home.

“Millie, Come here.” She called, shutting her back door.

Millie hurried over, “Yeah?”

Morgan pressed a foil package into her Seventeen year old sisters hand.

“Let’s not do the whole Twenty one thing okay? Your smarter than that.”

“I love you.” She smiled, Hugging her big sister.

“I love you to.” Morgan grabbed a gunk of mascara from Millie’s eye. “Have fun.”

“I will.” Millie giggled, hugged her sister one more time and hurried to the car.

The Boy waved to Morgan, who made an I’m-watching-you, eye to eye motion with her hand, making the boy look down quickly. Yeah fucker, Morgan thought pulling open the driver’s door. Morgan was a little half way to her apartment when her stomach growled. She pulled into a fast food joint, and pulled through the drive though. Millie and Liv were both Vegetarians, and Morgan had tried honestly, but as soon as she moved out she needed meat sometimes. Morgan wasn’t a very picky eater like Millie was, but she didn’t eat everything like Liv did. She drove home and poked her head into the building.

The night watchman was a big Perv and Morgan tried to sneak past him whenever she could. His name was Norman, if you would believe and right now Norman was asleep with head phones on. A small t.v sat on in front of him. Some watch man he was. Morgan quickly got into the elevator and pushed the number two button. She took a sip of her soda, as the elevator went up. Soon the elevator jerked, paused and then opened she hurried down the hall and reached into her pocket for her keys, and that’s when she remembered her clothes.

They would have to wait until tomorrow. She was sure she had a pair of undies in the back of her drawer for too nights shower. Morgan lived in-between a very ghetto family and an old man who got his paper and mail in the morning naked. At least she was used to the Ghetto family.  She was raised that way. Her Mom had moved out of the big city to avoid raising Morgan in the Ghetto, but it ended up following them.

“Hey Boo, What you up to?”

“Nothing much.” Morgan sighed, and looked over at Marcy, a twenty one year old married to a twenty-five year old, as she raised four small kids. “What about you?”

“Waiting for Darren to get his broke down ass home. Like usual.” She smacked her lips. “Anyways I’m sure There’s a diaper that needs to be changed.”

“Bye, Girl.” Morgan laughed.

“See you boo.” Marcy went back into her apartment, and Morgan headed into hers.

Morgan locked all three locks and dropped her keys on the small round table, that yes she had found on the side of the road. She set her bag and drink on the table and yanked off her shoes. When she got paid she definitely had to get a better pair. She grabbed her food and plopped on the couch, turning on the old crappy T.v. Most everything in Morgan’s house was crappy. Her bed even had springs poking out, but she didn’t have the money to buy a new one. Morgan’s fridge was usually empty thanks to her job. She had a job at the local newspaper in the advice column, which didn’t pay much.

But it payed enough to scrape by which didn’t bother Morgan because she was used to scraping by. She’s done it all her life. She was used to starving at the end of the month, used to looking under the couch with Mason for change to get 99 Cent burgers for their sisters, back when they had eaten meat.  But no matter what they always had a roof over their heads. Her Mom made sure of it. Sure there was months were they were threatened to get kicked out and the water and electricity went out but Morgan’s Mother always found a way to get things running again for her kids. Morgan ate her diner in front of a fuzzy TV.

 She popped her pill and downed it with a gulp of soda. Morgan’s upbringing wasn’t the best, and Her Daddy wasn’t that nice of a man, so it took its toll on Morgan. Morgan had grown up to feel scared and alone and ended up Self-harming herself with rusty blades. For a bit she began to drink just like her Dad, but then she got on her pills, and she seemed to be fine. After eating she took a shower and set her alarm clock radio on low. She hated being alone. She didn’t like the quiet. She fell asleep with a spring poking her left butt cheek.


The next morning her office door was knocked on and then the door opened.

Martie stuck his head inside and grinned at her, “There’s a murdered man’s funeral today. I’m heading over now. Want to come?”

Martin Vanderwal was an only child and his parents were both dead. Martie lived and breathed death. He wrote about funerals of the murdered. Believe it or not people ate that shit up. Even though Martie was a tad bit morbid Morgan admired him.

“Sure.” She pushed save on her computer, grabbed her bag and followed Martie out of her office.

Morgan had known Martie for about Two and a half years. He was the one who had helped her land her job. When Morgan moved in she made it a point in her column that she helped every problem. The funeral was packed like every time someone was killed. Martie grabbed her hand and they made their way through the crowd. He pulled her into a side room where they held the coffin.

“You think He’s really in there?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m going to look.”

Her head snapped up to him, “You open that coffin and I’ll never talk to you again.”

He looked down at her, “What if you closed your eyes?”

Morgan sighed, turned around and clamped her hands over her eyes, “I swear you have the wrong job. I think you’d be better off embalming the bodies.”

Martie chuckled, and Morgan heard the coffin creak.

Martie Whistled, “He in there alright.”

“Does he stink?” Morgan whispered.

“Not yet.” Martie muttered. “Want to sneak a peek before I shut the lid?”

Morgan quickly shook her head.

“Suit yourself.”

And she heard the soft thud of the lid close.

“Come on.” Martie grabbed her arm, “Let’s get out of here.”

“I’m going to have to disinfect myself when I get home. You and your weird obsessions are really starting to be a pain.”

He grinned and slung an arm around my shoulders, “But you love me.”

“That I do.” She put an arm around his back.

Martie bought Morgan a milk shake and the dropped her off at the office after asking her if she wanted to go to another funeral. No thanks, one was enough for one day. Morgan wished him good luck and then drove home. She set her basket on her hip and headed inside. When she did her eyes almost popped out of her head at who she saw. There was a group of men in business suits, among them was none other than Carson Maxwell, and leading them on their tour, was none other than Norman. One of the guys looked over at Morgan and then snorted.

Well up yours’ old man, She thought.

“Hey cutie.” Norman smacked her butt as she walked to the elevator.

Morgan glared at him.

“Excuse me.” Carson said a little annoyed.

Why are you annoyed? Morgan thought, I’m the one who got their ass smacked by an old man.

“Can you show us the lower level?” Carson asked.

Morgan hurried to the elevator and jammed the number 2 so hard that it popped off. Her mouth fell open, Carson grinned at her, and the elevator doors closed. Once in the safety of her home, she set her basket on the counter and then grabbed a Clorox wipe from the bottle she kept on the counter and wiped down her bag. She grabbed a plastic bag and stripped off her clothes to her undies and shoved her shirt jeans socks and shoes into the plastic bag. There was no way in hell that she could wash this at her Mom’s house. Her Mom was fed up the dead people cooties. Which meant she’d have to through them away or brave the basement.

Looks like she’d be sticking to flip flops for a while. She washed her hands up to her elbows and grabbed her basket before heading to the room. She quickly took a shower, got dressed and then headed to the kitchen. She poked her head into the fridge, and moved aside a jar of pickles, finding nothing. She was debating on pulling the pickles out or not when the door was banged on.

“Yeah!” She called.

Marcy was heavy handed so Morgan was used to her big knocks. But when Morgan opened the door Carson charged into her apartment.

“What are you doing here?” He demanded.

“What are you doing here?” Morgan demanded, holding her hand out to the door.

 Her hair was wet form a shower he noticed, starting to curl in certain places.

“What are you doing here?” He demanded again.

“What are you doing here?” She demanded.

“You live here?”

“Yes, and you don’t so,” She said sweeping to the door.

“Why do you live here? In the middle of the ghetto?”

“Hey!” She said, her face turning red, “Watch it buddy before I shove that T.v up your ass, I grew up in the middle of the ghetto.”

She was right, He reminded himself. Morgan had grown up in the Ghetto. She wasn’t rich like he was. It had greatly disturbed him when she walked into the apartment building with her long curly hair, and her clothes basket on her hip. It had outright angered him when Norman, who was supposed to be leading the tour of the building had actually smacked her ass! Carson wanted to buy the building refurnish it, and turn it into a home for troubled teens.

“I’m sorry.”

“Out.” She demanded.

Morgan almost shit her panties as He Turned and headed to her room.

“What are you doing?” She demanded as he poked his head into her bathroom.

“This bathroom is sad. Depressing really.”

And then he headed to her room.

“Carson!” She yelled running after him.

She quickly closed the distance and jumped on his back in an attempt to stop him, but he just hiked her higher onto his back and opened the door to her bedroom. He looked at the window that led out to a rusty fire escape which Morgan had loved. She now slowly slipped off his back.

“It’s not much.” She looked at her hands, “But it’s home.”

He looked at her. He was ashamed that she was ashamed of her home. He walked over to the bed.

“Carson don’t!” She yelled, but it was too late.

Carson leapt into the air and landed onto the bed.

“Ow!” He yelped quickly jumping on to the floor smacking his head on the side table Morgan found two blocks from her Mom’s house.

She found it With Liv, back when Liv’s depression didn’t keep her home all day.

Morgan now hurried to his side, as He moaned and held his head.

“Come on.”

She grabbed his arm and wished she hadn’t. She felt his large arms under his suit and she tried hard to not swoon. She helped him up and they went to the living room.

“Will the couch bite me?”

“Sit down.” Morgan demanded, and grabbed his arm again this time yanking him down.

 She stuck her head into the freezer, trying to get ahold of herself. She grabbed a bag of pees, which she hated, so they had been there since she had moved in, and walked over to Carson.

“This couch is so uncomfortable.”

Morgan smiled, held the bag of pees by her face and then dropped them right on his crotch. She sat down next to him.

“Mm.” He said, and his hand tightened into a fist.

“That’s what you get for barging into a strangers home.”

He glared at her and smacked the pees into place and winced.

“You shouldn’t glare.” She actually reached out and smoothed the space between his eyebrows. “You won’t be beautiful for long.”

When she pulled her arm back he grabbed it and kissed the inside of her wrist. A chill went through her right down south.

“Thank you.”

She yanked her arm free and stood up.

“Thirsty?” She asked.

He grinned. So he could fluster Miss Morgan.


“I have water and semi-flat soda.”

“I’ll take the semi-flat soda please.”

“Really?” She looked at the back of his head from the small kitchen.

“Yes please.”

She grabbed the cup of soda from last night and walked over to him. He thanked her and she plopped down next to him. He took four big gulps and handed over the cup.

“Thanks.” She muttered and took a small sip.

She set the cup on the table.

“Are you okay?” She asked face scrunched up.

Her face was adorable, he wanted to grab it and kiss it, but his head was pounding.

“I think so.”

“Okay.” She sighed, “Can I just please see it. I have to see for myself.”

“Are you a Doctor, Ms. McPhee?” A smile played on his lips.

“No, but I am a big sister to three people who have all had stiches at least once.”


“Thank you.” She seemed relieved. She took the pees, and looked at his head. “Oh my god!”


“You’ll be fine.” She grinned sitting back.

She tossed him the pee pack and it landed right on his crotch. Bulls eye.

“Mm.” He said for the second time that day and jumped.


She lunged forward and grabbed the pack of pees, grazing his zipper with her thumb.

He grinned, “Ms. McPhee.”

“Whoops.” She dropped the bag again.

“Okay.” He grabbed the bag of pees, and tossed them onto the table.

A chunk of pees broke when it landed on the table, the cup shaking.

“Do you have any headache meds?”

“I might have Tylenol.”

She hurried to the kitchen and grabbed her bag. She bounced back on the couch and pawed through her bag. Carson watched as her Boobs bounced. He couldn’t help it. She was beautiful. He moved around to adjust himself.

“It’s in here, I know it.” She dumped out her bag.

A tampon to Morgan’s horror rolled to Carson’s leg. He picked it up between two fingers and raised his eye brows.

“It’s not mine.” She snatched it. “It’s my sisters. I don’t know how to use them.”

“Every girl knows how to use them.” Carson told her, as she dug through the pile on the couch. “There as easy as being on top of a man.”

Her cheeks turned pink as she held up a bottle.


He didn’t mean to, but his mouth popped open, “You’ve never been on top before have you?”

She shook the bottle and he took it.

“Morgan?” He questioned.

She handed him the cup and he took it.

“No.” She said when he wouldn’t stop staring at her. “So what.”

“So what!” He exclaimed.

“Just take your stupid pill so you can leave.”

“Morgan wait.”

She stood up and walked past him.

“Morgan come on.” He dropped the bottle of pills and set the cup down. “Come here for a second please.” Maybe it was the begging tone that he had that let her let him pull her onto his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder. Which was hard like the rest of him. All of him, but she didn’t complain.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed about. Not being on top.”

“It is where I’m from.” She told him. “If you don’t have two kids by twenty one you’re screwed.”

“How old are you?”

She was quiet and seemed too folded into him. And he liked it strange as it was. He liked the way she felt.

“Morgan?” He smiled.

“Twenty-two.” She slowly said,.

He gasped, “You better get on the ball you old maid!”

“Stop.” She laughed and smacked his chest.

She had a cute laugh. The funny laughs where you wanted to laugh with her. He tried to adjust himself carefully, but it was too late. Morgan’s head shot up, and she grinned at him.

“Problem Mr. Maxwell?”

“Food.” He managed to say.

“You’re on your own.” She stood up and grabbed the bottle of pills. “I don’t have any food here.”

“How do you not have food?”

“Here. Take your pill.” She said, holding out the pill, with the authority of a mother.

Or worse, He thought, a big sister who had grown up way to fast.

He took the pill, and she picked up the soda cup.

“Here.” She handed it over.

He took the cup and she sat down next to him. He watched her pull her hair into a sloppy bun and use the hair tie on her right wrist to hold it in place. She began to back up her purse. His eyes were drawn to a collar on her left wrist.

“Is that a collar?”

“Yes.” She said with measured carefulness.

“Why are you wearing a collar?”

Carson had heard about the whole Sex slave thing. His oldest brother was a dominant and His slave wore a collar. He hopped it wasn’t the same  with Morgan. She was too pretty to let someone degrade her like that.

“It was my puppies collar.” She quietly answered. “She died of Parvo.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“It was horrible. It had this bleach smell, and she would through up black blood.”

“Stop, Morgan.” He whispered.

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. And he hated it. He didn’t want to see her cry and he was pissed that he had brought it up. He set the cup down, moved the purse and held an arm out to her. She all too willingly hurried to curl up next to him. He pulled her in tight. She liked the way he made her feel he made her feel safe. Which didn’t happen a lot. She was careful around guys. Because of her Dad. She didn’t like violence couldn’t stand it really. He kissed her forehead.

“Are you hungry?”

“Sort of.” She mumbled.

“I’ll buy you a shake. A strawberry one.”

She lifted her head and looked at him. “How do you know that’s my favorite shake flavor?”

“I didn’t. It’s mine.”

“Oh.” She shoved her feet into flip flops.

“Are you really going to ear those? It’s cold outside.”

“Okay, let me just dig through my mile long walk in closet and find some shoes. These are all I have.”

She grabbed a thin jacket off the back of the table chair.

“Is that your best jacket?”

“Can you stop picking on my clothes?” She asked. “This is all I have.”

By the time they had gotten to Carson’s car she was freezing, but she was trying to be strong. She wasn’t really a complainer, Carson noticed. He turned on the heater and she put her hands to the vent. He grabbed his favorite hoodie from the backseat. He always had it stashed there. He handed it to her and she smiled.

“What?” He asked.

“It’s so simple.” She smiled at him. “I like the simple things.”

He watched as she slid her arms through. The jacket made her look little.

“Where to?”

“There’s a burger place around the corner.” She put her hands to the vent again, “Or there’s a pizza place across the street right there.” She nodded.

“Pizzas good.” He looked at her. “What do you think?”

“Yeah.” She nodded.

They ordered a basket of cheesy sticks, two cokes and a large pizza. When Morgan looked at him Questioningly, he just grinned.

“So.” He said dipping a stick into mozzarella sauce. “You have siblings.”

“Yes.” She followed suit with her own bread stick. “Mason, Olivia, and Millie.”

“And your Mom?”

“Her names Victoria.”

“And your Dad?”

“I don’t have a Dad.”

“Everyone has a Dad.”

“Mines dead.”

“Oh.” He said, shocked that she said it so easily.

“What about your family?”

“I have five older brothers.”

“Five!” She laughed.

He liked the way her eyes sparkled.

“Yep.” He laughed. “Five, and they all pick on me. Nick, Alex, Daniel, Austin and Peter. And then I have a little sister who was a surprise. She’s five.”

“She’s so young.”

“That’s the thing about surprises.” He grinned at her. “They come out of nowhere.”

“Do you like surprises?”

“Big ones. Do you?”

“Little ones.”

He smiled, “Her names Emily. My little sister.”

“That’s Olivia’s middle name.”

“Really?” He laughed.


“Hot pie!” The waitress set down the pizza. “Is there anything else Carson?”

“Nothing for now Alice.”

“Who’s Alice?” Morgan asked with a hint of jealousy.

He grinned, “Are you jealous Ms. McPhee?”

“Not at all Mr. Maxwell.”

He handed her a slice of pizza.

“What are your parents’ names?

“Alexander and Vivian.”

“I like Vivian.”

“Me to.” He smiled. “I want to name my daughter Vivian. But a middle name though.”

She watched him eat half the pizza in one bite. He reached for a napkin in the napkin holder, and knocked out the whole stack. Big sister mode kicked in and She quickly stacked them and put them back.

“Thank you.”

“Sure.” She took a bite of her pizza.

He played for the bill threatening to sit on top of Morgan if she tried to get her wallet. And it did happen that way. He sat on top of Morgan as Alice took the check. She bit his back, which was hard since it was all muscle.

“Don’t do that.” He reached down and squeezed her leg.

He got up and looked at her.

“I have to run to the store if it’s okay.”

“It’s eleven at night.”

“There’s just a couple of things I have to pick up. They can’t wait.”


“I have to stop off at home first to change.”

“Do I get to see Puppy?”

“You get to see puppy.”

“I’m in.” She grabbed her purse and they left the building.

Carson pulled down Morgan’s sleeve and kissed her palm, sending chills down her spine. She had no idea what it was about this guy but he sent shivers down her spine every time he touched her. And he was pretty friendly for breaking up with someone. He guided her to the car with his hand on her back.

“Are you okay?” He asked, at the car.

“I can’t think when you touch me.” She moved away from him.

He smiled, and opened the door for her. His smile was killer, and she loved his laugh. It was deep but it wasn’t creepy deep. It was strangely attractive. She also felt intimidated by Carson, because no man had ever made her feel nervous about the way she looked. Carson lived in a big Victorian looking house.

“How many rooms is this?”


“Seven?” Her big eyes widened.

“You are too pretty for your own good.”

She blushed and looked down. He opened the door and the puppy jumped at Morgan.

“Hi!” She scooped up the dog, and kissed its ear.

The puppy licked her cheek.

“And I’m just chopped liver I guess.” Carson kissed the dog, and then he had the nerve to kiss Morgan’s cheek, “I’ll be down in a second.”

“You know your Father has some nerve.”

The puppy wiggled and Morgan put her down. She headed down the hall and barked. Morgan followed the echo to French doors. She opened the door and the puppy ran outside turning on porch lights. The back yard was rolling hills. There wasn’t any neighbors and Morgan thought it was a little scary if Carson wanted to kill her. She normally didn’t just go with people she didn’t know but Carson made her feel safe.

The puppy bounded back over and jumped on Morgan’s leg like she was demanding a good job. Morgan did give her a good job and went into the living room. There was a big fire place and there was one picture frame on the fire place. Morgan walked over. The picture was of Carson and A girl with Brown hair and eyes. They were both smiling and they were bent down next to a big black shaggy dog.


She jumped and hurried out of the living room.  Carson was jogging down the stairs. He wore faded blue jeans and a grey T-shirt and keds, of all shoes. He looked good enough to eat, and Morgan mentally shook herself. He held a pair of socks in one hand and a pair of black boots in the other.

“Here. These might be too big.” He handed over the socks. “I never had the chance to give these to Caroline.”

Morgan took the boots and sat down on the stairs. Carson bent down on his knees and pet the puppy. She flipped on her back and he rubbed her stomach. He then picked her up and kissed her nose.

“Lucky dog.” Morgan muttered.

“I could kiss your nose.”

She looked down turning red. He smiled.

“I wish I could take you, but we’re going to the store.” He kissed the puppy again, “Do they fit?”

“Caroline had abnormally big feet.”

“I know. I never knew a woman with big feet. I’ll be back I have to get a jacket.” He came back down quickly.



Morgan and Carson were halfway to the store when he heard a suspicious sigh from Morgan’s purse.

“Morgan?” He questioned slowly.

“Yeah?” She asked, as if they were discussing the weather.

“Is Puppy in your purse?”

Her eyes slowly slid to him, “Maybe.”

He reached over with one hand and unzipped the purse. The puppy stuck it’s head out and licked his hand.

“Damn it Morgan.”

“She didn’t want to be left alone!” Morgan objected.

“And how do you know?”

“She told me.”

“She told you?” He asked flatly.

“Yes.” She nodded, and pet the puppy’s head, “And I couldn’t leave her alone.”

“We’re going to the store.”

“So?” She demanded, irritated. “I’ll stay in the car with her.”

She was cute when she was irritated, he noted.

“I hope she throws up in your purse.” She gasped and smacked his arm.

“You’re very abusive to me.”

“I’m sorry.” She muttered, and looked down, letting the puppy lick her finger.

“Hey.” He lifted her head. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She looked down.

He pulled into the store and got out. “Honk the horn if someone comes.”


He locked the door and went into the store. Thirty minutes later he came out and opened the back door.

“What the hell were you buying?” She shot off. “I saw two  drug deals, an old dirty man punch himself in the face and a guy trying to break into the car next to us.”

“Why didn’t you honk?”

“He wasn’t trying to break into our car. And I wasn’t going to let him know I was in here.”

He liked the way she said our car. He shut the door and got in. She had the puppy out of her purse now and she was sleeping on her lap. Carson pulled out of the parking lot. Ten minutes later Morgan was sound asleep. He made a U-turn and headed back to his place. No way was she going to last for him to put up all the window locks he bought plus the new locks he got for her front door.

He didn’t even want her living there, but he knew damn well she wasn’t going to be going anywhere any time soon. He stuck the puppy into the purse and slung it over his arm. He scooped up Morgan and walked to the front door. He stuck his thumb to the door, and a sound beeped and the locks turned. He had his house programed to unlock at his thumb print. He carried Morgan up stairs to his bed room. He just had moved in and only had one bed.

He yanked the covers down with one hand and set Morgan down. He pulled off her shoes and socks, and she tugged at her jeans.

“Take them off.” She muttered.

Carson moved her hand and grabbed the blanket.

“Carson.” She pulled at her belt loop. “Take them off, I trust you.”

Carson unbuttoned her pants and undid the zipper. He pulled them off. Of course she had to be wearing frilly underwear. He dropped the jeans on the floor. She rolled over to her stomach and he pulled up the blanket. He grabbed the Puppy and set her on the bed. Morgan reached out and pulled her close.

The Puppy yawned and plopped her head down. Carson kissed both of their heads and then left the room. He had to get Morgan out of there. He cared about her. He had never cared about anyone before. She was the first person he cared about and it started up when that pervert touched her ass. He felt the need to protect her, although Morgan McPhee didn’t need protecting.

She could protect herself he knew this but he wanted it to be his job. He wanted her, and Carson Maxwell always gets what he wants.

Morgan woke up with a start Puppy giving a small yelp of annoyance.

“Sorry.” Morgan muttered.

She pulled on her jeans, and slipped into her flip flops. She had fallen asleep in Carson’s Hoodie and his bed. She grabbed the puppy and her purse and went down stairs. She took the puppy outside and then went into the living room. She wanted a second look at the picture, but instead found Carson asleep on the couch with a thin blanket. She bent down at his head. His hair was flat against his forehead.

She reached up and brushed it out of the way. Carson opened his eyes and she almost had a heart attack.

“Hey Beautiful.” He caught her arm and kissed the inside of her wrist.

And the chills. The chills that happened every time he kissed her, touched her. He wasn’t supposed to be allowed to kiss her. But she wanted him to kiss her. Wanted him to kiss her in other places.

“I have to go home. I have to take my pills.”

“What pills.” He looked confused and sleepy at her.

His voice was sexy, and she just wanted to curl up next to him.

“Vitamins.” She lied.

He couldn’t know all her secrets just yet.

“Can’t they wait?”

“No. I have to take them. And I have to go to work.”

“Where do you work a stripper club?”

“How did you know?”

“Are you serious?” He demanded.


He sighed and closed his eyes.

“Come on,” She said without thinking she bent down and kissed his cheek bone.

Big mistake. It was like she was possessed or something.

He was wide awake now, “Did you just kiss me?”

“It was an accident. Honest. Come on.” She hit his leg.

They both gasped.

“Did I hit it?” She questioned, quickly.

“No, thank god, but you got pretty close.”

“I’m sorry.”

He grinned at her, “If you want to cop a feel go for it. You don’t have to murder the jewels.”

Morgan’s eyes traveled downward without her permission.

“I need a ride please.”

She did everything but literally kick Carson in the butt to get him out of her apartment. She quickly took a shower, took her pill and hurried to the office. She had five advice quests to answer, and she answered them with ease. Martie knocked on her door and poked in his head.

“If you’re taking me to another funeral it’s a no.”

He began to close the door and She suddenly felt bad.

“Wait!” She called.

He opened the door and He slowly began to grin.

“I’ll go but I’m leaving my purse in the car this time.”

“Deal.” He nodded.

“And before you drop me off you’re going to buy me a little bottle of Lysol.”

“Done. Come on. They say his wife did him in.”

She quickly grabbed her purse and hurried after him. “Poison?”

“Knife they say. Maybe a little bit of poison.”

After the funeral Martie bought her lunch and the little can of Lysol. He also needed help with shopping for a new bathroom set. Morgan hated shopping for house things with Martie. He was worse than her. After two hours he finally dropped her off at the office. Her feet hurt from the flip flops and she was still tired. She always felt tired.

It was so hard for her to sleep. Grateful she opened her door and stepped inside. She dropped her bag on the floor. This wasn’t her house. The old T.v was gone replaced by a slim flat screen. The ugly plaid couch that Mason put in the back of his truck and surprised her with was now a Victorian style cream. The Old card table she used for her table was replaced with a dark wood table and matching chairs.

The Coffee table that Millie found for her nineteenth birthday at a swap meet was now a slim glass coffee table. Everything was gone. Everything was different. The bedroom door cracked open and Puppy bolted through and ran at her. Morgan bent down and picked her up.

“Hey.” Carson grinned, and then kissed her cheek. “You hungry?”

He opened a fridge full of food.

“No. I’m not hungry. I’m tired, and my feet hurt.” She actually began to cry. “Please tell me you didn’t though away my couch and coffee table. Please tell me you still have that stupid old t.v in a locker somewhere, Carson please tell me.”

“Whoa.” He hurried over, pulling her into a hug. “It’s okay. I saved everything.”

She began to really sob and Carson honestly had no idea why. He thought he did a good job. That She would be happy.

“What’s wrong?”

“My feet hurt.”

“Sit down."

“No. I want to sit down,” She gasped, “On the couch my Baby brother got me.”


“I want to put my feet up on the coffee table Millie found for me when I turned Nineteen. I want to watch that stupid ugly T.v that used to be my Dads. I don’t like Shinny stuff Carson.” She sniffed and wiped at her face with her free hand. “I know you haven’t known me long, but I like the little stuff. My Family sucked when I was growing up but it was mine. We starved at the end of the month, but that was the way things were. That was what was normal. This isn’t normal.”

“Sh.” He pulled her back into a hug. “I’ll put it all back if you just stop crying. Please stop crying.”

She pulled away and sat in a table chair hugging Puppy to her face. Carson bent down and rubbed her face.

“Don’t cry Beautiful. I’ll take it all back.”

“Thank you.”

“Everything will be fine.”

“No, thank you for buying it for me.”

“What?” He asked utterly confused.

“You were just trying to help me. You were just trying to make it better.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “I know what’s going on.”

He scooped her up.

“Were we going?” She asked, playing with one of Puppy’s ears.

Puppy looked honestly worried about her. About her Mother.

“You’re going to sleep. And when you wake up I’m going to rub your tired feet, and then I’m going to take you out to a nice dinner.”

“Can you set me on the other side of the bed?” She hiccupped. “This side hurts too much.”

“I got you a new bed.”

“Oh.” She sniffed.

He tucked her in.

“Carson.” She whispered so soft he thought he’d imagined it.

But when he turned around She was looking at him.

“Come here please.”

He bent down at her bedside on one knee. And she sat up.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He whispered.

She leaned forward, and actually planted a soft sweet kiss on his mouth. He breathed in deep through his mouth and grabbed the back of her upper arm.

“Careful,” Her voice was deep but low. “I had shingles when I was eleven and it gave my arm nerve damage.”

His arm loosened, his eyes were dark, “Try to sleep.”

“Okay.” She smiled.

She kissed him again, and layed back. It took everything in him to leave and not rip her clothes off.


When Morgan woke up her mouth was dry. She grabbed the glass off the night table and took a drink. She didn’t notice it there before and guessed Carson put it there. Is this what she needed? Someone to take care of her some times? To…love her. She left the bedroom.

Carson was sitting on one end of the couch his arm on the arm rest a beer in hand. He was watching a football game. Puppy was curled up on the other side of the couch in the corner. Morgan walked around the back of the couch.

“Hey.” Carson smiled up at her.

“Hi.” She said, tucking her hair behind her ear, and laying her head on his lap.

He froze, until she grabbed his free hand and put it on her head. He stroked her hair.

“What do you want for dinner?”

“I don’t want to go out.”

“I can make a mean grilled cheese.”


“Can I rub your feet?”

“They don’t hurt anymore.”

“Can I still rub them?”

Morgan slipped to the other side of the couch, and put her feet on his lap. Puppy crawled onto hers. Carson leaned forward but Morgan held out her hand. He handed over his beer confused. No one had ever reached for his beer. She looked at the T.v and took a drink of his beer. He liked this. Her relaxed, drinking his beer watching football with him.

“Who’s winging?” She suddenly asked.


“Good.” She took another drink.

Carson grinned and grabbed a foot.

She pulled her foot away and he looked confused. She stopped drinking the beer.

“Your hands are cold.”

He rubbed his hands together and blew in them not taking his eyes off her. He rubbed her foot.


She nodded, and looked back at the T.v. They watched the rest of the game like this, and then took Puppy outside to go Potty. Carson then made a grilled cheese sandwich for her. She ate it at the coffee table with a beer. He watched her the whole time, even though a good rerun of ghost hunters was on.  She took a drink of her beer, and then burped.

“Whoops.” She covered her mouth the back of her hand. She burped again. “Excuse me.” She picked up the dog.

Carson slid behind her and rubbed her shoulders, sending chills up her spine.

“Are you alright?” He laughed.


He continued to rub her back. She liked how he tried to make her happy. She let her head fall back to look at him, and he pressed his lips to hers. Hard. It was her who was breathed in through her nose this time. He kissed her again and she reached up grabbing a fist full of hair. She gave a light tug testing the waters, and he made a deep sound in the back of his throat which made her want him more.

Puppy barked and jumped on Morgan’s chest.

Morgan broke the kiss, “Ow.” She set the puppy aside.

And then turned to face Carson. He liked the way she looked at him.

“Are you okay?” His voice was deep.

“I’m fine.” She fit herself between his legs and grabbed his face. “I’m fine.”

And then she kissed him. And she kissed him Hard. Hand going into his hair, and he grabbed the backs of her arms lighter on the right side trying not to hurt her. He bit her lip and she gasped. That was it he had to have her closer. He pulled on her arms, and she slowly got up trying to not break the kiss. She straddled him, and his hands went to her tights.

“Your hands are warm.”

“I thought they were cold.” He said, voice deep.

She bit her lip and shook her head. He took in a breath as if to say something, but she bent and kissed his neck, and then she softly bit him. His fingertips dug into her legs, but it didn’t hurt. She liked the feel of his hands on her. Strong and safe. His hands grabbed her hips and, The door was banged on. They both jumped like teenagers being caught and Puppy barked trying to be Scary. It would have worked if she hadn’t barked so loud and fell over.

“Who’s that?” Carson asked, as Morgan pressed her forehead to his.

“I have to get it.”

She got up and opened the door.

“Hey Girl.” Marcy said, with two of her kids. “I need my spare key.”

“Sure.” Morgan grabbed it off the key rack.

“Are you?” Marcy whispered, pointing at Carson who was looking at the T.v .

Morgan nodded.

“Oh, okay.” Marcy grinned, “Damn, Get ‘em Girl. Come on.” She pushed her kids, “Auntie Morgan’s tryin’ to get some.”

“Get some what?” Jackson asked.

“Cookies.” Marcy said.

“I want some cookies.” Lucy said.

“You better not want no damn cookies, get your tail in the house.”

Morgan smiled and shut the door. Carson looked at her.

“Sorry.” Morgan said. “She needed her key.”

Carson walked over and stood in front of her.

“What?” She asked lowly.

He used his three fingers on her ribs to slowly thump her onto the door. She gasped and he pressed himself against her. She could feel everything. Everything. He kissed her, and when she tried to wrap her arms around his neck He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. He trailed kisses down her neck and she felt like her knees were going to give out. He bit her neck, and then set her free.

“I have to go.”

“What?” She asked. “Why.”

He grinned, he liked her reaction.

“There’s an emergency at work.” He opened the door and walked out. “You can keep Puppy.”

He kissed her three times and bit her bottom lip. He pulled back and looked at her mouth, biting his lower lip. He suddenly swatted her butt. She jumped and squeaked, and he laughed down the hall.

“Not funny.” She called.

“I’ll be home late. Lock the dead bolt, I have a key.”

“Of course you do.” She closed the door.

She locked the door and snapped her fingers, “Bed time.”

Puppy trotted happily to the bed room. Morgan was half asleep when Carson crawled in next to her.

“Is everything okay?” She muttered.

“Yeah.” He covered himself. “I’m just tired.”

He pulled her close and kissed her head.



“Are you naked?”

“I have boxers on.”

She sighed and closed her eyes.

“You know how hard you’re making this for me?”

He kissed her head, “Sh. Puppy’s sleeping.”

When Morgan woke up Both Carson and Puppy were gone. There was a note on the bed on Carson’s pillow. Morgan quickly grabbed it.

“I had to get to work early. Deal with some stuff. I took Puppy to a day spa. Have a good day at work. Ps. We’re going out to dinner tonight. I have an outfit bag for you in the closet. Have a good day at work. –Carson.”

Hmm, no love? Morgan took a quick shower, and then left the house. She quickly answered the seven requests and the door was knocked on.

“Hey.” Martie stuck his head into the room. “I need your help.”

“Who died now?”

“No one. Not yet. My Doctor said my blood pressure and cholesterol are too high.”

“Are you okay?” Morgan was really worried.

Martie and Marcy were the only two people she really talked to. She cared about both of them.

“I have to change my diet. Will you go to the store with me?”


She turned off her computer and they went shopping. He then dropped her off at the car. Today was pay day. Which meant bills. She drove home and unlocked her little mail box. And their they were. She went back up stairs.

She put money in the rent envelop right away. And some in the gas envelop. She could not live without her heater or the stove.

“Hey.” Carson walked in setting Puppy free.

Puppy ran over to Morgan demanding to be held. Morgan scooped her up.

“How was your Day?” Carson walked to the fridge.

“Honest question.” Morgan sighed. “What do you think I could go without? Water or electricity?”

Carson turned to her with a bottled water.

“Water.” She shoved in the money. She shoved a hand through her hair. “Why do bills have to be so damn expensive?” She kissed Puppy and set her free.

“How was your day?” She smiled at Carson.

Her smile was strong when she should have been pulling out her hair.

“Did you shower?”

“Yeah for dinner tonight.”

“Crap I forgot. Do we have to?”

“We have to.” He nodded.

“Alright.” She got up, with a sigh.

“You go take a shower and I’ll send off your bills.”

“Thank You.” Morgan gave him a kiss and walked to the bathroom.

Carson waited until the water turned on, and then pulled out his wallet. Morgan was his to take care of. He easily shoved a few bills into the electric envelope, sealed it, and then grabbed the others heading down stairs. He shoved the envelopes into the mail box. Tonight wasn’t just any dinner he closed a deal and wanted to take Morgan to meet his family to celebrate. Upstairs Morgan felt like an ugly potato. She pulled on the light purple dress heels necklace, and bracelet and looked at herself in the mirror.

It would have to do.

“So?” She said slowly walking into the living room. Carson looked over his shoulder at her.  “How do I look?”

Carson walked over to her.


“Bad?” Morgan asked flatly.

“You look beautiful, but that might be a bad thing if I can’t control myself.”

“You’ll just have to.” She smiled.

He kissed her.

“You have lip stick.” She wiped at his mouth

. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the door.

“Did you really put Puppy in Jail?” She asked.

Puppy was glaring from behind a mesh net.

“Yep.” He nodded. “That way she wouldn’t get stuck under the couch while we’re gone.”

Carson pulled up to a large house and Morgan smacked her forehead.

“You’re taking me to meet your family!” She hissed. “I could have spent more time on my hair!”

“You look fine. Come on.” He dragged Morgan to the door and inside.

A lot of male voices carried from the living room. Carson spent no time in the foyer and hurried into the living room were a game was playing. Carson dropped his hands on two men’s shoulders.

“Carson!” One of them yelled.

“What’s up buddy?” The other asked.

Morgan’s Eye’s fell on a striking man in the corner chair. A woman was sitting on his lap actually wearing a collar. The man was intimidating, and Morgan took a step back. She felt like she was intruding. The man cocked his head a bit.

“Who’s this?”

The room went silent, and all eyes were on Morgan. Six strikingly handsome men, all looking at her.

“This is Morgan, She’s my date tonight. Morgan these are my brothers. Alex.” He held a hand out to the guy who had the woman on his lap. He nodded. “Nick and Peter.” Carson said, to the men on the big couch. And then Austin and Daniel.” He said pointing at the small couch.

Morgan waved shyly and scooted closer to Carson. Carson towered over Morgan, but she liked it that way. It felt safe.

“She’s pretty.” Nick said.

“And she’s mine, Perv.” He smacked his brother. “Come on.”

He grabbed her arm and led her into the kitchen.

“Mom, Pop.”

“A girl!” His mother said, dropping a plate.

It clattered to the floor, but didn’t break. Morgan jumped, digging her nails into Carson’s hand. Worried he looked down. Her face had gone white.

“I’m Vivian!” His mother hugged her oblivious. “And this Is Alexander!”

 She grabbed her husband’s arm and pulled him forward.

“Hello.” He said holding his hand out.

“I’m Morgan.” She shook his hand.

“Firm hand shake you have there.”

“Thank you.” Morgan smiled.

“Help me with the roast Carson.” His mom said.

Carson took off his jacket and Morgan took it.

“I got it.”

“Thank you.” He kissed her softly.

“Sure.” She felt her cheeks get hot.

She set their coats on the coat rack and then turned. A little girl was at her feet.

“Jeesh.” She tried hard not to say shit.

The little girl looked at her left arm and then back up to her face.

“Are you an angel?”

“No.” Morgan said confused.

“My Sister told me angels have marked wrists.”

“I’m not an angel.”

“Of course you are.” She said, nodding. “Sister says, That only angels harm themselves because they don’t like life on earth. This world is destroying them so they try to go back up to heaven. They’re too sensitive to the pain of others and their own.”

“Your sister is very wise.”

“Thank you.” She smiled. “She was also an angel, but she has already returned home.”

The girl with the brown hair and eyes.

“Emily.” Carson said, “Why don’t you help Mommy with the cookies.”

“Okay.” Emily skipped away.

Carson walked over to Morgan and grabbed her arm. She didn’t try to pull free. She stopped trying to hide when she was nineteen. Carson flipped her wrist over and looked at her arm.

“They’re old.”

“How old?”

“Old.” She said, taking her arm away.

“Dinner!” Vivian called.

“Come on.” Morgan muttered walking to the dining room she had passed earlier.

They all sat down and dinner was served.

Alexander raised his glass, “To Carson who closed that deal.”

“You never told me you closed a deal.” Morgan looked at Carson. “You don’t talk to me.”

Alex snorted and kissed his slaves hand.

“Carson, why didn’t you tell her?” Alexander asked, “He bought the old wicker building. He’s going to renovate it and turn it into a shelter or something.”

Morgan turned on him, “Why would you do that?”

“Not now honey.” Carson took her hand but she yanked it away.

“People Live in there. Good people, Carson. Where are they supposed to go?”

Her mind went straight to Marcy and the kids, on the street begging for change.

“I suddenly feel sick. I need some fresh air. Please excuse me.”

Without anyone giving the okay she got up and went outside. She took off her heels and jogged down the street. Her house was about an hour’s jog away. A Car pulled up next to her and the window rolled down.

“Get in, I’ll take you home.” Her feet sore from the rocks she had stepped on, she hurried into the car. Morgan went straight to her bedroom, and grabbed a night shirt.

“Can we please talk about this?”

“I have to wash my feet. They’re black from the street.”

“Morgan.” Carson called after her shirt half unbuttoned.

Morgan washed off her feet changed into the night gown and walked into the living room. Puppy’s leash and collar were on the table so Carson took her out. Morgan curled up on the couch with Puppy and fell asleep. Three hours later Carson woke up to an empty bed. He walked out and saw Morgan sleeping with Puppy pressed to her face.

“Morgan.” He whispered touching her arm.

“Hmm?” She asked immediately.

“Come on. Let me take you to bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Okay.” She muttered and rolled over taking Puppy prisoner.

Carson sighed, and scooped her up. He tucked her into bed grabbed his pillow and then went out to the couch. This is exactly why he had gotten an extra soft couch. Just in case he tossed himself into the dog house. He rolled over but couldn’t sleep.

The next morning Morgan came out yawning.

“You look like shit.”

“I feel like shit.”


Morgan took Puppy down stairs to go to the bathroom. When she came back up Carson grabbed her arms and her heart dropped.

“Stop being mad at me damn it.” He begged. “I’ll do anything you want. I won’t do anything to the building; I’ll buy you anything you want.” He actually got on his knees and pressed his head to her stomach. “I’ll buy you a car.”

“You won’t change the building?”

“No. I’ll build a shelter from the ground up if you stop being mad at me.”


“Alright?” He asked standing up.

She nodded, and he hugged her. He planted a kiss on her head. She brushed her teeth and then headed off to work. It was late when Carson got home. Morgan walked over to the door.

“I’m so sorry.” Carson locked all the locks. “It was madness at the office, are you okay?”

Morgan slowly pushed Carson’s’ jacket off his shoulders. It fell to the floor, and he froze.

“What are you doing?”

She took off his tie.

“How was work?” She muttered, undoing the first button and kissing his chest.

“Um,” He stuttered.

There went the second button. Another kiss.

“It um.”

Another button another kiss.

“It was good.”

“Good.” She smiled, and then ripped free the rest of the shirt.

Buttons flew off, and she kissed his chest.

“Morgan.” He carefully said. “You’re going to get yourself in trouble if you don’t stop.”

“I like trouble.” She unzipped his pants.


She stuck her hand in his pants and he breathed through his nose.

She grinned, “Happy to see me?”

Carson glanced at the coffee table and sighed. He grabbed her wrists.

“Morgan stop. Your drunk.”

“I’m not drunk.”

“You are.” He flipped her over his shoulder and carried her to the bedroom.

He flopped her onto the bed and took off her clothes.

“Go to sleep. I’ll be in soon.”

When Morgan woke up it was barely light outside. She snuck out of bed, brushed her teeth and then got back under the covers on top of Cason. She kissed his chest three times. He breathed in and grabbed a handful of her hair. She looked up at him and he blinked at her.

“Are you still drunk.”

“Nope.” She muttered. “Pull my hair.”

And he did. Not because she asked, but because he was shocked she had asked.

“Mmm.” She muttered.

That was it. He flipped them over. She gasped, and he kissed along her bra line, and then he kissed her mouth, hands going under her bra, fingers exploring. Morgan broke the kiss with a shaky breath. He smiled at her, and then kissed her again. He slipped off of her, and ran a strong hand down her stomach. He stopped his middle finger just under the band of her underwear.

“Don’t stop.” She scooted closer.

“If I go any lower I won’t.”

“I’ve never had sex before.”

His hand froze, “What?”

“I’ve never really had sex before.”

“Morgan.” He moved his hand and flopped back.

Her heart sank. She got up and grabbed her shirt off the floor.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” She pulled on the shirt. “Nothing at all.”

She pulled on some sweats pulled her sexy ruffled hair into a bun, and left the bed room.

“Morgan come here, please.”

“No. Screw you.” Carson hopped out of the bed, and tackled her on the couch.

“Get off.”

“Did you just tell me to fuck off?”

“I said screw you.”

“Same thing.”

“Holding me down is a major turn on you know?” She demanded.

He grinned, “Maybe I should hold you down more often.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t.”

He held both of her wrists down with one hand, and stuck his other hand up her shirt.

“Don’t you dare!”

Carson bit his lip and ran his thumb over her nipple. Her eyes widened and he kissed her. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue as his hand was still at work. He bit her lip and she wiggled under him. He smiled and slowly stuck his tongue into her mouth. He slowly explored her mouth, and then someone knocked on the door. They both sighed.

“You know, if we were at my house, this wouldn’t happen.” He said. “I have no neighbors. No one to bug us.” He pulled on her ear with his teeth, “I could keep you poisoner.”

The idea was appealing to Morgan. Carson pushed up and answered the door.

“Uh,” Marcy said, “I was just returning my spare key.”

“Sure. Thank you.” He took the key, and then smiled at her.

Morgan popped her head up and Marcy looked past Carson at her, and gave a double thumbs up before heading down the hall. Cason locked the door set the key on the hook. Puppy wagged her tail as he passed.

“Sorry Pup, but I have some unfinished business to do.” He scoped Morgan up and dumped her on the bed. He stripped down into his briefs and then got on the bed kissing her.

“I have to tell you something.” He huffed.

“What now?” She huffed back.

“I love you.” He kissed right under her ear and she got chills.

She nodded, “I love you too.”

He grabbed her boobs and she arched her back. He liked that reaction. He bit her neck, and she dug her nails into his back.

“Do it.” He muttered, biting her neck.

She dragged her nails down his back sending a chill down his spine. He sat up and took off her under wear. He took off his and she couldn’t stop staring.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

She nodded.

He pulled a condom from his wallet that was on the table, and slid it on. He lowered himself onto her. It didn’t hurt right away, until he went deeper.

“Stay completely relaxed. Don’t tense up.”

He moved her legs up more. The pain was getting stronger. He reached down and brought his thumb to That spot.

“Better?” He asked.

“Yeah.” She breathed soft air.

He kissed her forehead and went a little deeper.

When she woke up she was sore. And she was starving. She sat up lifting her head off Carson’s chest.

“You talk in your sleep.” He told her.

“I know.” She sat up. “I’m starving.”

"I have a better idea than food.” He kissed her shoulder.

“Does it involve you naked?”

“It does.”

“I’m all ears.” She smiled.

“A shower.” He smiled.

They took a shower, and then got dressed. Carson switched out Puppy’s Potty pads and took her on a short walk around the parking lot as Morgan made sandwiches.

“Hey.” Carson smiled at her.

“Hi.” She smiled back.

She set the food on the coffee table.

“This was at the door.” He handed over an envelope and sat down.

“What’s in it?”

“I don’t know.” He took a large bite of the sandwich. “ I didn’t open it.”

The envelope had her name on it. She opened it and looked at the stack of money.

“What is this?”

“The new owner of the building gave everyone back their money for a holiday bonus. What a nice guy right?”

“I can’t take this.” She held out the money.

“Why?” He asked. “It’s your money.”

“I can’t take it back.”

“Then buy stuff for Puppy.” He took another bite. “I’m not taking it back.”

She sighed, slapped the envelope on the table and took her sandwich.

“Let’s take Puppy to the beach tomorrow.”

“That’s two hours away.” Morgan looked at him. But his brown-green eyes sparkled. “Alright fine.”

He smiled and took a bite of his sand which. Carson got up early and packed everything. Morgan and Him were supposed to do it together but when he tried to wake her up she told him to go away. He walked Puppy, and then made food. The smell of beacon drew Morgan out of the bed room. She was beautiful perfection. Her hair was everywhere, and she was wearing one of his shirts and nothing else.

He had to make this woman his wife one day.

“Did you already tell her we’re going?” She asked.

“Yes.” He set a pate down. “And she’s very excited.”

Morgan eyed Puppy who was curled up in a patch of sun light sleeping.

“She doesn’t look very excited.”

“Trust me, she is.”

Morgan sat down and took a bite of beacon. It was perfect. Carson stood at the stove. Morgan felt the need to marry him right now and right here. He was the whole package plus he loved her. She got up and rapped her arms around his waist. The sudden contact Startled Carson, but he smiled, as He touched her hands.

He set the spoon down and turned to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Carson set her on the counter and stood between her legs. He kissed up and down her neck and Puppy barked.

“She’s right.” Carson sighed.

“We always get interrupted.”

He liked when she was annoyed. He thought it was the cutest thing. But when she got angry it was downright scary, because she would start crying. And Carson didn’t want his Morgan to cry. His. She slid off the counter and back to her chair.

“Nobody asked for your Opinion.” She looked at the puppy.

The puppy plopped on the ground. The beach trip was perfect. Morgan loved the beach and didn’t get to go very often. But she got weekends off and it was a perfect way to spend her Saturday. With Puppy and Carson. She had of course fallen asleep on the way home. When she woke up Carson was gone, and her hair smelled like salt.

It was seven. She looked over to Carson’s pillow and there was the note.

“Had to go into work. I put the shells on the table. Puppy is in her pin. I love you- Carson.”

Now that was a better ending, she thought, getting up. She took a  shower, got dressed and took Puppy down for a small walk. She went back upstairs and smiled at the shells. She picked up a shell and dropped it with a gasp. There on her left hand was a big flipping ring! The shells were made into a question mark. She wanted to say yes!

She wanted to live forever and not be alone, but she felt sick. It was all too soon. Way too soon. She grabbed Puppy and Drove to her Mom’s house.


Her Mother was at the stove stirring a pot.

“What?” She looked over. She tossed the spoon! “What!”

Morgan held out her hand, Puppy tucked under the other arm.

“Girls!” Mom called. “You sisters engaged!”

Running feet sounded on the stairs, and Liv skidded into the kitchen, Millie hot on her heels.

Liv grabbed Her hand and Mille whistled.

“Wait, why haven’t we met him?” Millie asked.

“Because I just met him.”

“It’s too soon.” Liv said.

“Love is Love.” Her mother said.

Morgan’s Mom had tried to get Morgan married the day she turned eighteen.

“Bring him over for dinner tonight.” Mom said.

“I have to talk to him first about this.”

“Good idea.” Liv said, taking Puppy. “She can stay here while you do.”

Morgan got into her car and drove to Carson’s building. She took the elevator to the toop floor, and charged to Carson’s office.

“Miss?” The sectary asked.

Morgan burst into the office, just as Carson hung up.

“Are you okay?”

“What is this?” She held up her hand.

He liked the fact that she didn’t take it off.

He walked to her, bent on one knee, “Will you marry me?”

Morgan’s heart dropped.

“Are you okay?” He asked. “You’re white. Sit down.”

He pulled over a chair and she sat down. He grabbed the cup of cater on his desk dipped in his fingers and touched the back of Morgan’s neck. Slowly her color returned.

“Are you okay?”



“No I mean yes.”

“Yes what?” He slowly smiled.

“Yes I’ll marry you.”

He grinned full on and yanked her out of her chair into a hug.

“This is great.” He set her down. “We have to get married as soon as possible.”

“Not tonight, My Mom invited us over for dinner.”

“Your family? I’m not dress well.”

“Your fine.” She smiled. “We can head over now.”

“Where’s Puppy?”

“Liv took her hostage.”

He grinned, and took her hand.

“Come here.”

“We don’t have time for this.”

“We always have time for this.”

They both walked out of the office hot faced.

“Hold all my calls until the morning.” He told the Woman.

“Yes.” She nodded.

She opened the door, and her sisters ran from the living room, cheese balls flying, and her Mom hurried from the kitchen. They all looked shocked.

“Maxwell.” Her Mom muttered.


“Hey sis!”

“Mason!” She screamed slamming into her little brother.

We wasn’t supposed to be back from Iraq for another year, but here he was in uniform. She sobbed into her Brothers neck, as he laughed and Smoothed her hair.

“Mason.” He held out his right hand.

“Carson.” They shook hands. “Thank you for everything you do.”

“Of course.” Mason nodded, and hugged his big sister.

Morgan continued to sob.

“You Idiot!” She bopped him on the head. “Why didn’t you tell me!”

“I wanted to surprise you.”

“You idiot!” She smoothed the back of his head.

“We should eat.” Mom said annoyed.

Morgan and Mason looked at each other confused.

“Come on.” Liv grabbed her arm and pulled her to the table.

Millie followed with Puppy. Victoria grilled Carson with questions, and after dinner she had Pulled Morgan aside.

“I have to talk to you.”

“What’s wrong?” Morgan knew that voice.

They both sat down at the table and Victoria grabbed Morgan’s hands.

“There was a really bad month when you were growing up Morgan.” Her Mom began. “I had to take some money from a friend.”


“That friend was Alexander Maxwell.”

“And?” Morgan’s heart was sinking already.

“And I couldn’t pay him back with money but I really needed the money to feed you guys, so he came up with another offer.”


“And we set up an arranged marriage for you, and his son.”

“What son?”

“Well Carson.”

“How could you do that to me? You took away my right to love!”

“I needed to feed everyone.”

“Does he know?”

“Morgan!” Victoria called after her.

Morgan stood in front of Carson, “Did you know?”

“Know what?” Carson and Mason asked together.

“Did you fucking know!” She yelled, and then tossed her ring at Carson.

“Whoa, Morgan, there’s no need for that.” Mason said.

“Did you know about the marriage?” Morgan demanded.

“Yes.” Carson looked down.

Morgan turned red and she ran from the house.


“Why didn’t you tell me!” She yelled at him. “Don’t you think I deserve to know?”

“Yes but-“

“Don’t talk to me. Don’t come over to my house don’t call me, just leave me alone.” She turned.

“Now wait just a damn second.” Carson grabbed her wrist.

He wasn’t going to let her get away that easy.

“Don’t hit me.” She jerked her head back. “Please.”

He dropped his hands. She was afraid? Afraid of him? Didn’t she know that he would never hurt her? Never raise a hand to her? She slowly looked up at him. He opened his mouth and then got into his car. She watched him go.

“Come on.” Mason said softly, handing over Puppy. “I’ll take you home.”

In the next week that followed Mason went back to work, and Carson tried to call Morgan nonstop. Morgan took off work working from Home. There was a knock on the door. Morgan peeked out the hole and then hurried to open the door.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was told to check on you, and bring you this.” Liv gave her an envelope. “That Alexander guy isn’t letting this go Morgan. He owns or house and He threatened to kick us all out.”

“It’s okay.” She hugged her little sister, “There’s cheese balls in the cupboard, go watch some T.v.”

 Liv nodded, and Morgan went to the room. She opened the envelope. It was a contract of her arranged marriage to Carson. Her Mom had signed it, and so Did Alexander. She began to wonder if there was a way to get out of this. How much money did her mom borrow from Alexander? Liv was sitting on the couch feeding a couple of chees balls to Puppy.

She looked up at Morgan knowing she was caught.

“What’s in the envelop?”

Morgan sat down and handed Liv the paper.

Liv scanned it.

“Man this sucks.” She put her head on her older sisters lap. “There has to be another way out of this.”

“Tell me when you know.”

She felt betrayed by Carson. Like he didn’t really love her. Is this what happened with Caroline?

A month and half later Morgan was sitting at her Mom’s table.

“I threw up for no reason. I think I’m getting sick.”

“Do your boobs hurt?” Millie asked.


“Are you sensitive to smell?” Liv called from the living room.

“No fucking way.” Morgan looked at her Mom.

“Go see.”



Carson hung up the phone and wiped his face. He had just called Morgan but there was no answer. He had just got back from a two week business meeting in Japan. The door opened and Alex walked in with a subway bag.

“You look like shit.”

“I’m tired.” Carson took the bag from him. “Thanks.”

“Did she answer?”

“No.” He took a bite.

“Then go over there-“

“She told me not to.”

“But you’re calling her and she said not to.”

“I’m afraid of her.”

“Man up!” Alex said. “She’s going to be your wife one day damn it.”

“Excuse me.” Morgan said to the woman at the front desk. “My name is Morgan McPhee-“

“Mr. Maxwell said if anyone by that name comes by to send you right in.”

“Thanks.” Morgan went to the office.

“You love her don’t you?” A voice demanded inside the office.

“Of course I love her.”

Morgan knocked on the door.

“What?” They both said.

Morgan slowly pushed open the door.

“Make this right.” Alex pointed at his younger brother.

He touched Morgan’s shoulder and left.

Carson swallowed the lump of bread in this mouth. It went down slow.


“I’m not here for anything.”

“I didn’t think you were.”

“I don’t need your money.”

“Okay.” Carson was confused.

“I just thought you had the right to know, and that you don’t have to be around.”

“What are you talking about?” He was utterly confused.

“I’m pregnant.” The words burned her throat. “I thought you had the right to know.”

Carson had dropped his sandwhich.

“Bye.” She hurried from the office.

Morgan took the elevator to the underground garage. She locked her door and rested her head on the steering wheel. That was not the reaction she was expecting. When she told the man she loved she was pregnant she wanted him to be happy. And she did love Carson. Oh how she loved him. There was a knock on the window and she jumped, honking the horn. She looked up at Carson.

“Open the door.”

“No.” She said from inside.

“Stop being stubborn and open the damn door Morgan.”

Morgan unlocked the door, and Carson yanked it open. He pulled her out of the car and hugged her.

“I don’t care if you hate me.” He said stroking her head. “But I love you, and I’m not letting you do anything on your own.”

Morgan relaxed into him. This was what she was hoping for. She loved this man damn it, and there was no way out of the contract anyways. Was there?

“I can do it myself.”

“But you don’t have to. Not anymore.”

Morgan pushed away from him.

“What’s wrong?”

She bent at the waist and threw up.

“Shit,” Carson pulled her hair into a pony tail.

She only tossed up a mouth full.

“I’m sorry.” She popped a piece of gum into her mouth.

“It happens.”

“It’s so gross.” She said. “I feel sick a lot.”

“You need to be watched after.”

“I’ll stay with my Mom.”

"No you’ll stay with me.”

“I will?”

“Please? I need to know you’re safe. It’s been driving me crazy. And I miss Puppy.”

“Liv named her Belle.”

“Then I miss Belle.”

“I still call her Puppy.”

“Then I miss Puppy.”

She smiled. Carson missed that smile, and now he was seeing it in person.

“You look like shit.”

“So do you.”

“Oh Thanks.” She muttered.

“I have a guest bedroom set up.”

“But I like your bed.”

He smiled, “Then you can have my room. Anything you want.”

“Can I go home and get clothes?”

“Can you take my car and leave that death trap here?”

“I guess.”

He handed over the keys, “I’ll see you at home.”

“Home.” She nodded.

She got into his car and drove to her house. She picked up some clothes and snapped on Puppy’s leash. She was too heavy now for Morgan to carry her. Too many damn chees balls. Her and Belle had turned into emotional eaters over the last month. She drove the seven miles to Carson’s house. Puppy seemed excited to be home.

Morgan grabbed her bags and opened the door for Belle, who jumped out and ran to the front door. Morgan pulled out her phone.

“Hello Beautiful.” Cason answered.

“Which ones the house key?”

“Just put your thumb up to the knob.”

“Okay.” She said suspicious.

Morgan touched the knob with her thumb, and the locks turned.

“That’s creepy.”

“I’ll be home soon.”

She hung up the phone and set all her bags on Carson’s bed. She flopped down. She missed this bed. She missed his bed. She missed him. She went to his closet and grabbed a Hoodie. She slipped in her arms and inhaled his sent. Belle cocked her head.

“Don’t look at me like that. You sniff butts.”

Belle dropped her head.

“I didn’t think so.”

She zipped up the jacket and went down stairs. She was hungry. She opened the fridge. Empty. She was debating whether or not on going to the store when she heard a beep outside. She hurried to the door and saw Cason shut his door. She pulled open the door and walked barefoot onto the porch.

What a sight he though. His Pregnant Morgan on the porch barefoot. He didn’t think she’d come so that’s why he installed a track device into his car and handed it over.

“You bought a new car?”

“I had to get home somehow.”

“I’m hungry, and you have no food.”

Belle shot out of the house and right at Carson. She cried and danced.

“Hey girl.” Carson bent down. “You’re not a puppy anymore!”

He  went up the front steps and leaned in for a kiss. Morgan looked down and he stopped. She followed him inside and he went to the kitchen. He grabbed a pot from a box and rinsed it.

“Why don’t you have food?” She asked.

“I’m never here.”

He poured cereal into the pot poured in some milk and stuck in two spoons.

“Dinners served.”

“Yum.” Morgan muttered and took a bite. “I’m pregnant. I need protein.”

”I’ll go shopping tomorrow.” He pointed at her. “I see you kidnapped another Jacket.”

She looked down and pulled it closer. He loved this woman. Twenty-three was young to get married but he was about to drag her ass to Vegas.

“Can I ask why?”

“The other one doesn’t smell like you anymore. I wanted a new one.”

He crunched his cereal once, and looked at her. She was so Beautiful. He wanted to see his ring on her finger again.

“I have to shower.” She muttered sliding off a stool. “Come on.”

Belle stayed put.

“Trader.” Morgan left the kitchen.

“Good girl.” Carson said, handing over some cereal.

Morgan finished off her shower and tossed the towel over her shoulder. Carson was in the room pulling pants over boxers. He grabbed a shirt and looked at her.

“Can I help you Ms. McPhee?” He smiled.

“I’ve missed you so much.”

His smiled faded. She dropped her towel on the bed, and ran a hand over his arm. He froze.

“I miss the way your arms feel when they held me.” She ran a hand down his stomach, “I miss the way I could feel every muscle when you would pin me down.” She ran a hand through his hair. “And I miss the way your hair falls in your eyes.” She grabbed his arm, “And I miss,” Her eyes flashed to his, “The way you kissed the inside of my wrist.” She gave him a soft slow kiss not taking her eyes off of him. “And I miss the way you say I love you. I miss the way you would cook me beacon in the morning to wake me up. And how you took Belle out to potty when it was too cold in the morning. I miss that.”

“What else do you miss?”

“I miss this.” She hugged him, and looked up.

“Do you Miss this?” He slowly kissed her.

“I miss that too.”

He grabbed her face and kissed her hard. He picked her up, and knocked off some stuff from the dresser to set her down. He kissed her jaw, her neck her collar bone. He yanked off her shirt, and tossed it out of the way. He kissed along her bra, and then picked her up. They moved the bed.

“I love you.” He muttered.

“I love you.”

He kissed down her stomach and then stopped, putting a hand there. Morgan put a hand over his. He looked up and she smiled at him.

“It’s okay.”

He swallowed.

“I promise.”

She sat up and grabbed his face. She kissed him, and then slowly layed back. He gripped her hip and then Belle barked.

“She has to potty.” Morgan muttered.

“I got it.”

He let the dog out and then went back up stairs. Morgan was asleep in the middle of the bed with her hair fanned on the pillow, her eye lashes resting on her cheeks. He pulled the blankets over her and turned off the lamp.

“Stay.” She muttered.

He crawled in next to her, and she layed on his chest. This is what he missed. Her tired as all hell, and him being able to hold her while she counted on him to protect her while she slept. He stroked her cheek, and she settled in.

“I love you.” She muttered.

“I love you too Baby.”


Morgan stretched the next morning and smiled. Beacon. She headed down stairs. Carson was barefoot, no shirt in jeans at the stove. He tossed a slice of beacon to Belle who Caught it midair. Morgan hugged him from behind. He jumped a little then grabbed her hands.

“Good Morning beautiful. I went shopping.”

“So I smell.”

He pulled her under his arm. “I unpacked too.”

“What time did you wake up?”

“Honey its noon.”

“It is?” She asked. “I have to go to the office and check things out. Martie might need help.”

“Who’s Martie?” He asked, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“Mr. Maxwell, Are you jealous?”

“Damn right I’m jealous. You’re an engaged Woman.”

Morgan looked down at her finger, and the ring winked at her. She grinned and hissed his cheek.

“Where’s the plates?”

“That one.”He nodded at a cupboard

Morgan set the table, “He’s my Co-worker.”

“Oh.” He nodded.

“Hey.” He looked at her. “I’m yours.”

He grinned. He loved hearing her say that. It was the first time.

“Can you do me a favor?”


“Can you ask your Dad to stop threatening to kick my family out, please?”

He set the fork down and left the room. Soon he came back.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Are you back with me for your family?”

“No.” She hurried to him and grabbed his face, “Look at me.”

He did, His eyes dull.

“I love you.”

He touched her stomach, “I love you.”

She hugged him and he dropped the fork again to hug her back. He damn loved this woman. A plate crashed to the floor, and Morgan dug her nails into his  shoulders.

“It’s okay,” Carson pulled back. “It didn’t break.”

“It still scares me. My Dad tossed plates when He fought with my Mom.”

“Did your Mom fight back?”

“Yes.” She grinned. “She threw stake knifes.”

“Did he hit you?” He asked and she lost her smile. “Is that why you asked me to not hit you the night you found out?”

“Yes.” She slowly said. “He had hit me, and so did my last boyfriend.”

“You never told me that.”

“You never talk about Caroline, the dog abandoner.”

He served the food in silence.

“It’s in the past. Why are you mad? You don’t know him.”

“I’m mad because he hit you. You’re mine to protect.”

“It’s in the past. I’m over it.”

“Well I’m not.”

Morgan walked to him and he pulled her onto his lap. She jumped as well for good measure.

“You should be.” She bit his neck.

“I thought you had to be at work.”

“Not anymore.”

“Well I do, and you’re distracting me from my breakfast.”

She looked at him, “You own your own building, can’t you be a little late?”

“Fuck.” He muttered.

He slid off the stool and carried Morgan up stairs.


Morgan had just turned in a report, answered ten help ads, and earlier went to a funeral with Martie. There was a taped off area were a dead body was found. They were headed there now. Morgan had a camera in hand. She took pictures in High school and Martie trusted her sneaky eye. They both snuck under the tape.

“Don’t go too far.” He warned her. “I don’t want to have to call the cops because I lost my partner behind yellow scene tape.”

“I won’t get lost.”

“Please don’t.”

She had gotten lost on the first trip he had taken her on. It took them an hour and a half to find her. She took some pictures and met Martie back at the tape. They headed back to the office after getting food and headed to the basement of the office which was turned into a red room. It took them two hours to develop the pictures between them. Then another two hours to go through the pictures. They were sitting on the floor in Martie’s office.

“I don’t get it.” He said. “I was sure to find something there.”

“Maybe we should go back.”

“Wait Morgan, Where is this well?”

“It’s a little bit away from the yellow tape. Why?”

“Can you show me?”


They got up and got into his truck. Once at the tape line they each put on a work belt which held a couple of different knifes a small sharp ax and a couple of Bright flash lights. Martie handed Morgan a pile of rope as she slung it onto her shoulder. He slung one onto his arm, and they both grabbed the long ladder. Martie flipped on a flash light and Morgan pointed him in the way. Martie stuck his flash light in.

“I think I can see the bottom. Hand me a rock will you?”

Morgan found a rock and he tossed it in. It splashed at the bottom.


He handed Morgan his rope.

He set the latter inside and climbed down.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“I can’t.”

“What do you mean you can’t?” Martie asked. “You’re my partner.”

“I’m kind of pregnant.”

He glared at her and climbed down.

“What does it look like?” Morgan called down.

“There’s a lot of water. And there’s strange marks on the walls. I’m taking pictures.”

And his light went out.

“Martie?” Morgan demanded. “Martie!” She hissed.

She stuck her upper half into the well, and lost her footing.

“Martie!” She yelled, as she fell in.

She closed her eyes braced for impact, but someone caught her on the bottom.

“I thought you were pregnant. What are you doing free falling?” Martie demanded.

He let her go and she plopped in water belly button deep.

“What if there’s snakes in here?”

“Who cares about the snakes. Take some pictures of the wall will you?”

Morgan turned around to the other wall. He was right. There was random signs on the wall. They took pictures.

“I’m going to see if I can get one of these bricks lose.” Martie set his camera on the ladder, and Morgan followed suit.

“Wiggle the other side.”

Morgan did as she was told.

“Shit!” Martie yelped and he was under water.

“Martie!” Morgan flashed her light around but the water was too dark.

She gulped in a breath and dunked into the water. They both came up for air Martie laughing.

“Ass hole!” Morgan smacked him hard. “I could have drowned!”

“You could have stood up.”

“I’m done.” She grabbed her camera and climbed up the ladder, Martie following close.

They pulled the ladder out, and then headed back to the truck. Morgan wrapped up in the seat blanket. It took them an hour and a half to get back to the office.

“I smell like a gutter after a rain storm.”

“Yeah, you’re not too fresh.”

“Shut up!” She pushed him. “Do you want help with these stupid pictures or not?”

It took an hour to develop the pictures, and they were off to Martie’s floor.

“They kind of look like tally marks.” Morgan said after thirty minutes of comparing pictures. “Like someone was counting the days they were down there.”

“I’m going to call the cops. I’ll be back.”

“Good idea.”

Martie left the office and Morgan pulled his pictures closer. There was little numbers at the end of a tally line. Morgan heard foot steeps approaching.

“Martie, I think these are dates!” She exclaimed, “Hand me the magnifying glass on your desk will you?”

The end of a magnifying glass came into view.

“Thanks,” She grabbed it.

But Martie didn’t let go. Confused she looked up.

“Carson!” She yelped standing up. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for you.”

“I’m working.”

“It’s midnight.” He sniffed. “Why do you smell like gutter water?”

“I kind of fell into a well.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep calming breath, “You what?”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“What where you doing near a well Morgan?” He quietly hissed in the dark.

“Helping Martie. We might have found a lead-“

“Your soaking wet. You going to get sick. It’s time to come home and shower.”

“But the lead-“

“Will be here tomorrow.” He said, grabbing her wrist. “You have to be careful Morgan. You’re pregnant now.”

She let Carson pull her out of the car.

“I’ll follow you home. And don’t try to lose me. There’s a tracking device in your car.”

Morgan got in. She was pissed. Did He not trust her? She got into the car, and found the tracker stuck in the air vent. Rookie mistake. And this was her neighborhood. She knew the streets.

Losing Carson was easy. She tossed the tracker out the window and went back to the office. She grabbed the extra clothes she kept for work and headed inside. She brought fresh clothes ever since she went on a hunt with Martie, fell down a hill and landed in a pool of thick mud. Martie was still on the phone. She hurried to his office changed, and tossed her almost dry hair into a clip. She had about ten minutes until Carson found her again. 

She grabbed the magnifying glass, and looked over the pictures. They were estimates of dates. She grabbed them and set them on the desk Martie stood by.

“Dates.” She muttered, handing him the magnifying glass.

He looked veer the pictures.

“We have pictures.” Martie explained. “Yes I can drop them off at the station.”

He hung up. “You can head home if you want.”

“I don’t have a choice.” She muttered as Carson’s car pulled up.

She grabbed her purse and ran to his car. He didn’t say anything as she got in. Didn’t say anything on the way home. She took a shower. Carson was in bed. She climbed in.

“I know you’re not sleeping.” She pulled on his arm. “Come on.” She sighed, and smacked him in the head with the pillow.

“Seriously?” He called after her.

She came back in and scooped up Belle.

“Really?” He demanded.

“Really.” She left the room.

She flopped on the couch, and curled up. She didn’t sleep. She was starting at the wall when Carson came over with a cup of coffee.

“Hey.” He said carefully.

Morgan turned away from him and his peace offering. Carson sat down.

“Come on.” He rubbed her arm.

“Don’t touch me.” She nudged him with her elbow.

Her cell phone went off. By the time she turned to grab it Carson had it at his ear.

“Hello?” He listened. “We’ll be there soon.” He hung up her phone, “You’re needed at the police station.”

She grabbed her phone and went upstairs getting dressed. Carson drove her to the station, and after getting Grilled Morgan was free to go.

“Are you hungry?” He asked.

Her arms where crossed and She looked out her window.

“Why do we live in the middle of nowhere?” She demanded.

“Are you hungry?” He asked.

She didn’t answer him. She lowered herself in her seat and pushed up her sunglasses. Of course I’m hungry Idiot, She thought, I’m pregnant. He pulled into her favorite fast food place. He bought her some food and they drove home. Morgan sat down on the couch crossing her arms.

“Okay.” Carson set the bag of her food on the coffee table, and backed away slowly. Morgan tried to not laugh. “I’m going to hide in the upstairs closet, so you can eat in peace.”

Carson turned and ran up the stairs. Morgan peeked into the foyer. She grabbed her bag a blanket and the dog and went into the backyard. She hid behind a hedge. She spread out the blanket, and stuffed her face. She brought Belle with her so Carson couldn’t use her to sniff Morgan out.

“Belle?” Carson called from the back door. The two females looked at each other eyes wide. “Puppy?”

“Don’t you even dare.” Morgan threatened the dog.

“Treat?” Carson called.

And Belle bolted to the door. Maybe Morgan should have held a fry under Belle’s nose. It wasn’t long before Carson was looking down at her barefoot, handsome, and a smile playing on his mouth.

“What are you doing?”

“Hiding from you.” She gathered her trash.

“And why would you do that?”

“Because you’re mad at me.”

“I am not.”

“Yes you are.” She stood up, and grabbed the blanket.

She wrapped it around herself.

“Baby wait!” Carson called following her. “Don’t use that blanket. It was in the grass you’ll get itchy.” Morgan dropped the blanket and walked inside. She hated how He knew her so well now. Carson sighed, snagged the blanket as he passed it and went inside. He watched from the kitchen door way, leaning against the frame.

“What is your problem?” She demanded. “Us girls are supposed to stick together.”

Belle Whined.

“No.” Morgan told her, “You sided with the opposite sex. You’re a Trader!”

Belle flipped over stomach up.

“Nope.” Morgan crossed her arms. “Trader.”

Belle whined and army crawled closer, and then flipped on her back. Morgan sighed and bent down to pet her.

“You’re still a trader.” She muttered.

Morgan looked up. She looked at Carson, and then to the door to the dining room, which had a door leading to the foyer. From there she could safely get to her living room. But Carson wasn’t having it.

“Oh no you don’t.” Carson ran after Morgan and Pinned her down on the floor, leaning over her, her small wrists in his fists.

“Help! I’m pregnant!”

“Yell all you want woman. We live in the middle of nowhere remember? And Puppy won’t help you, you called her a trader.”

Morgan looked at Belle who yawned and left the kitchen.

“Trader!” Morgan called, and then tried to wiggle free. “Get off.”

Carson lowered his mouth to her ear. “If you don’t stop being so damn stubborn, I’m going to fuck you right her and right now, on the kitchen floor.” Morgan froze.

“Oh yeah. I brought up floor fucking.” He leaned back over her again so he could look down at her. “Pick your choice.” Morgan looked to the door way and then actually stuck her tongue out at  him.

“Alright. Have it your way.”

He set her arms free but sat on her so she could go anywhere. He took off his shirt and tossed it to the side. She froze as he looked down at her eyes going dark.

“I love you.” She said quickly as a truce.

“Nope.” He grinned. He bent down and kissed her. “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you Morgan McPhee.” She swallowed, “Okay.”

Morgan Put on a shirt, her hair wet from a shower. Carson kissed her neck.

“You tricked me.”

“Watch that stubborn tone Miss. I can go all day.”

He grabbed her hand and took it behind her, and set it on his zipper. Two can play that game. She squeezed. His response was a boob grab. She reached up and pulled his hair, He touched her zipper. She reached under his shirt and ran her nails down as much back as she could manage. He gasped and pulled a fist full of her hair.

She moaned, and he bit her neck. She turned around and kissed him, biting his lower lip. And that was it. He yanked off her T-shirt She ripped off his, and he tossed her on the bed.

Carson woke up to Belle Growling at the foot of the bed. Carson petted her head, and touched Morgan’s hand to make sure she was sleeping. He left the room, telling Belle to stay. And she did. There was a police car parked out front he noticed as he jogged down stairs. There was a knock on the door and Carson pulled open the door.

“Sorry to stop by so late Sir. I’m looking for Morgan McPhee.” The officer said.

“My Wife’s asleep upstairs. What is this about?”

“It’s about that well her partner and her explored. Tell her to head to the station as soon as possible. We found something.”

“I’ll drive her myself.”

“Have a nice night.” The officer nodded and then jogged down the stairs.

Carson locked the door and went back up to bed. Morgan had an arm draped over Belle. Knowing she was caught, Belle crawled to the bottom of the bed. Carson got back in. Morgan yanked him close, with too much strength for a pregnant woman.

“Who was at the door?” She yawned.

“They Found something in the bottom of the well. They want you to come in as soon as possible.”

Her eyes popped open, “We have to go now! This could crack the case wide open and Martie and I could open our own newspaper!”

“You need to sleep. Your pregnant remember?”

She sighed, and settled into the bed.

“We’ll go in the morning.”


It was six in the morning when Morgan woke up. Carson had his head on her stomach. She grabbed his ear lobe and played with it. What did they find at the bottom of that well? A secret passage? A dead body? An animal? Treasure?

“You’re tickling me.”

“Sorry.” She muttered, letting his ear go.

He grabbed her hand and set it on his head. She grabbed a lock of hair and twisted it.

“Do you want a ride to the station?”

“Yes.” She said slowly.

“Alright, come on.”

“Yes!” She jumped up.

“Let’s take Belle too. Liv’s been bugging me to see her when she sees me in town.”

“Yeah.” Morgan got dressed.

Morgan was so nervous that she asked for Carson to stay. The cop looked at Carson, and Morgan told him that Carson was her husband and he was going to find out anyways. Carson smiled at her. He was her husband. It was the second body that went missing. They had starved to death. They headed over to Her Mom’s next. Liv started to feed Belle cheese balls. Morgan, Carson and Victoria sat at the table with a cup of coffee and a slice of Coffee cake. They were talking about the body.

“Okay!” Millie said, coming in her hair freshly curled. She slapped a magazine down. “This is the perfect wedding dress for you. It’s not white, it has a Victorian bottom and a corset top. See?”

“Oh that’s nice.” Morgan looked at it.

It was beautiful, of course. 

“How much is it?” Carson asked from across the table.

“Well I have this issue for hunting down good sales. It’s five hundred bucks.”

“Good Grief!” All three of them said.

Victoria and Morgan knowing it wasn’t a good deal, Carson with a hint of admiration for Millie.

“Do you like it Morgan?” 

“Of course I like it, but it’s too much money. I don’t have any.” She took a sip of her coffee.

“You have some saved up and for ten bucks more it will come in two weeks. I think we should have the wedding in three weeks that way you won’t be fat Morgan.”

“Thank you.” Morgan said flatly. “For something to look forward too.”

“Put the dress on a list Millie I’ll buy it.”

“No you won’t.”

“On the list.”

“And I went online and shopped for flowers, and they’re cheap too.”

“Perfect. I’ll give you my card, the amount of people coming and you can plan the whole thing.”

“Perfect.” Millie kissed Morgan’s cheek and ran from the room.

“Liv, come help me pick you’re your brides maid dress.”

“It better not be pink!” Liv yelled.

“It’s not!”

“Millie!” Liv yelled pounding up the stairs.

“You have no idea what you’ve done.” Victoria said.

“It’s his money.” Morgan mumbled.

“It is.” He grinned at her, “Now get happy.”

She took the last bite of her coffee cake.

“You want some to take home?” Victoria asked.

“I’m good.” Morgan looked at Carson.

“I’ll take a few pieces to go. They’re delicious thank you.”

“Of course.”

Morgan and Carson stared at each other until Victoria set a wrapped plate on the table.

“Thank you.” He smiled at her.

They were supposed to be going home but Morgan was staring at His parents’ house.

“What are we doing here?”

“I haven’t told my parents you’re pregnant yet.”

“Good luck.” She smiled at him giving two tumbs up.

“Are you really going to through me under the buss like that?”

“Yep.” She nodded once. “Besides, Belle needs someone to stay with her. She gets nervous in cars alone.”

“And she told you this?”

“She told me this.”

Carson kissed the Mother of his Baby, and got out of the car. He shut the door behind him. His Mom was in the kitchen which wasn’t abnormal. She always baked.

“Emmy.” Carson snagged her. Better go the safe route. “Want to tell mommy a secret for me?”

“Mommy, Mommy!” Emily ran into the kitchen.

“What is it?” Vivian asked her only daughter.

“Auntie Morgan has a bun!”

“What?” She blinked at her.

“It’s in her oven!”

Vivian looked up to see Carson standing in the door way.

“Surprise?” He offered holding up his hands.

He was just as nervous as Morgan was, only he couldn’t stay in the car.

“Shut up!” His mom yelled at him.

Well that went better then he thought.



“Oh my god!” She screamed jumping up and down.

“What’s going on?” Alexander came into the kitchen followed by his son.

“Morgan’s pregnant!” Vivian announced.

“What?” Alexander asked.

“No Shit!” Peter hugged his younger brother and patted his back, “Congrats bro!”

“Aren’t you a little young?” Alexander asked.

“Oh Hush!” Vivian smacked him, “I was his age when I had Nick!”

“It seems a little sudden is all.” Alexander said.

“The wedding is in three weeks.” Carson added.

“Really!” Vivian asked.

“Yeah, Millie’s planning the whole thing. She’s Morgan’s Seventeen year old sister.”

“It’s such a big job for someone so young.”

“She’s like Aubrey guys, I swear it.”

Everyone went quite.

“So you can all talk about her but I can’t?” He demanded.

“Carson wait!” Vivian called.

“No, I’m going home with my wife, and my four legged daughter.”

Morgan looked in the back seat at Belle who was panting.

“He sure is tanking forever isn’t he?”

Belle licked her.

“So now you agree with me.” She muttered.

Carson jogged back to the car.

“The moment of truth.”

Carson pulled on his seat belt and pulled away from the curb.

“Well?” Morgan asked, the suspense killing her.

“It went a lot better than I expected.” He answered.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I love you.” He kissed her wrist and held her hand.

A hard rain began to fall and Morgan fell asleep like she always did, When it rained. As soon as they got into the house the phone rang.

“Can you get that?”

“Hello?” Morgan answered the phone.

Morgan!” The woman said excited, “It’s Momma Vivian.”

“Oh, how are you?” Morgan asked.

“Fine, Just fine. How are you?”

“The nausea passed. So that’s a plus. And I feel little guppies.”

“That’s all normal honey. Listen I was hoping you and Carson would come over tonight. I want to make a congratulations dinner for you two. Please say you’ll come?”

“Sure.” Morgan sighed.

“Perfect. Come over at Six.”

“Will do Bye.”

“She suckered you into a dinner didn’t she?”

“Yeah,” Morgan pulled him close to her by his belt loops. “Want to take a shower with me? It saves water.”


Morgan was in the living room of the Maxwell’s looking at pictures in frames on the wall sipping water. Alex’s slave was doing the same. Morgan Poked her in the arm.

“Are you aloud to talk?”

The slave just blinked at her.

“I’ll take that for a no.”

“Jace, More wine.” Alex said.

The slave left.

“A woman of very few words I guess.” Morgan said.

“That’s how I like my women.”

“Without a voice?”

“Not being able to say no.”

“Oh.” Morgan looked back at the pictures.

“Who’s that?” Morgan pointed.

It was the girl with brown hair and eyes again. This time she was at a lake, but she was still with the dog and Carson.

“That’s Aubrey.” Alex said carefully watching Morgan’s reaction.

“Was she an Ex-girlfriend?”

“No.” Alex looked at the picture. “She was our younger sister.”


“She killed herself last year.”

Yikes. This must be the angel big sister Emily was talking about.

“Carson didn’t tell you about her?”


“So I’m guessing he didn’t tell you there’s a way out of this arranged marriage then?”


“You marry another man before the wedding  date comes. That’s how Caroline got out of it. Do you really think You’re the only one in line to marry My brother?”

“I’m silly I guess.”

Jace handed him a glass.

“Thank you.” He gave her a kiss.

“Morgan-“ Carson paused.

“Hello, Brother.” Alex nodded and then left with Jace.

“What did he say?” Carson took her arms. “What did he say to you.”

“Not much.”

“Then Why won’t you look at me?”

She finally did, “Why did you never tell me that there was a way out of the arranged wedding?”

He winced, “Because your mine.”

“Anything else you want to tell me before I decide to marry you?”

“I had another sister.”

“Alex told me. Anything else?” Morgan demanded. “Another wife in another country? Have any other kids, what about Dogs?”

Carson grabbed her hand and led her to a bathroom.

“Well?” Morgan demanded.

“I have an ex-wife. I married her out of high school and we divorced when we turned nineteen.”

Damn. When She was nineteen she was struggling with not cutting herself, and he had a life.

“I have no other kids, and no other dogs, and no other surprises. I promise.”

Morgan looked down, and he lifted her face.

“I love you. That’s what matters here.”

“You have to talk to me.”

“I’m sorry.”

There was a knock on the door. Carson pulled it open to A blonde hair blue eyed woman.

“Carson.” She said shocked.

“Caroline.” He said just as shocked.

“That’s it.” Morgan pushed past her. “I’m going Home. And I mean My Mom’s house.”

“Morgan, wait.” Carson hurried after her. “I had no idea she’d be here. She married my Cousin. My Mom must have invited a lot of people for dinner. It’s probably a dinner party.”

“I want to go home.”

“I’ll take you home. Come on.”

“Everyone gather around!” Vivian called. The two of them froze. “We have gathered everyone here today for a surprise!”

They both turned around and the living room was packed with people.

“Morgan and Carson are expecting a baby!”

“That’s great!” Nick clapped and everyone joined him. “I cooked a nice dinner, so if everyone will head to the dining room I can serve it out.”

Carson looked at Morgan. She glared at him and followed the heard of people to the dining hall. After dinner the Brothers took turns telling stories about Carson when he was little. It made her feel a little better. It turns out he was always a nudist. As soon as he got into the car when he was two, he would strip off all his clothes before they got home. Carson and Morgan hurried to leave.

They jumped in the car and took off towards home. She wasn’t annoyed with him anymore. But she did wonder what kind of person Aubrey was. Did she have a sense of humor like Daniel? Was she soft spoken like Austin?

“What are you thinking about?” He whispered.

“Nothing.” She looked down.

“I want to know.”

“I’m thinking about Aubrey.”

He was quiet for a couple of seconds, “Aubrey.”

“What was she like?”

“Well. She was pretty. She had Alex’s snide sense of humor, and she was soft spoken like Austin most of the time until she was mad. She was easy to get mad just like Nick. She could give speeches on the fly just like Peter can, and She was protective like Daniel is.”

“What about you?” She asked. “What did you two have in common?”

“Apples.” He smiled.

“Apples?” She laughed.

“We climbed trees together a lot. My mom said that Aubrey was sneaky like I was. And we never lied when growing up and we were Loyal.”

Morgan looked down. What could she say to that?

“Hey.” He grabbed her hand. “I love you.”

“I have a Doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”


“It would mean a lot to me if you came.”

He looked at her, “Why wouldn’t I go?”

“You work and stuff.” She looked down.

“I’ll always be there for you Morgan.”

“It’s after I get off, so I’ll meet you there.”

“We have to talk about your Job.”

“What about it?” She asked weary.

He knew he was crossing the line with this. “I think you should quit. It’s not safe. You fell into a well for Good grief!”

“I like my job.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“I’m not going to quit, So.”

“So what?”

“So deal with it.” She said flatly. “I enjoy what I do. It means something to me.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“You quit your job first.”

He grabbed his phone.

“What are you doing?”

“How fast can you find another general manager? I need to quit.” Morgan grabbed his phone, “Just kidding. April fools early.” She hung up the phone and tossed his phone into her purse. “What is your problem?”

“Did you really have to put my phone in your purse?” He asked hand held out. “It’s going to get lost in there.”

“You know what?” She demanded as they pulled into the lot.


She pulled the phone out and slapped it into his hand.

“What are you doing?” He asked

He watched her get into the other car and drive away. She had to be shitting him. Morgan stopped at her apartment and angrily shoved clothes into her basket.

“Stupid, insensitive,” She hurried to her car. “Ass hole. Mother fucker.” She slammed the back door and climbed in. “Retard.”

She pulled up to her Mom’s house and slammed the front door.

“Doesn’t Carson have a washing machine?”

“I don’t care. I’m moving in.”

“What?” Millie, Liv, and Her mom asked.

“I’m taking over my old room.” Morgan huffed up the stairs, “And I’m never leaving! I hate Carson. He can fall down a well!”

Millie, Liv, and Victoria all looked at each other as the last of Morgan’s sentence was muffled behind a slammed door. Morgan set her basket on the bed. Her phone went off. It was Carson. She was thinking about turning off her phone, but Martie might need her for something. She flopped on her bed, and pulled a black skull pillow over her head. Ten minutes later her Mom knocked on her door, and carefully poked her head inside.


“I’m not hungry.”

“Duly noted.” Victoria quickly shut the door.


In the morning Morgan drank a nasty blend of coffee because she had made it and then she went to work. She left work and headed to her appointment. The door opened, Morgan smiled ready to greet the Doctor but her smiled faded and she crossed her arms.

“Go away.”

“It’s my kid too.” Carson sat down.

Morgan flicked him in the head.

“What was that for?” Carson touched his head like it actually hurt.

“I don’t like you right now.”

“Good morning. Who’s ready to heart a heartbeat?”

“I am.” Carson smiled.

The Doctor cleaned Morgan off and she left the building.

“We have dinner plans tonight.” Carson caught up to her.

She looked at him, “Are you serious?”

“We’re going out to dinner.”

“Are you stupid?” She demanded. “You have to the dumbest person alive!” He grabbed her wrists. “Notice how I say person and not Man? That makes you all the dumber.”

He kissed her quick. “Be home at seven.”

Be home at seven her butt hole. She went back to her Mom’s.

“So how was the appointment?” Victoria asked doing dishes.

“Fine.” Morgan jogged up the stairs. “Everything’s fine.”

It was seven thirty when the door opened. Morgan looked up from her Phone.

“I think you’re trying to ignore me. And it’s not very nice. It hurts my feelings.” Carson said at the door with a bag and a pizza box. “You didn’t come home so I brought dinner to you.” He sat down. “I got you a lemonade. You’re not supposed to drink soda. Or Coffee.” Morgan stared at him dumbfounded. “I bought a bunch of baby books the other day and read them all last night because I couldn’t sleep. Do you know how cold that bed is alone?”

“Yes I do.” She snapped. “You hog the covers.”

“Hungry?” He asked, taking a bite of his pizza.

“Where’s my dog?”

“Down stairs with Liv. She feels very abandoned by the way.”

“She’s a trader.”

“She’s your Daughter.” He took a sip of his Orange crush. “And she misses you.”

Morgan nudged the bottle of Lemonade with her foot and went back to her phone.

“You are so stubborn when you’re mad you know that?” He grabbed a pizza. “Eat.”


“It’s not for you.”

Morgan took the pizza and took a bite. He was right. Being stubborn didn’t mean she could give her baby an eating disorder before they were even born.

“Look. I’m sorry okay?” Carson said. “I was just worried about you. You’re my wife. It’s my job to protect you. What if I told you I fell down a well at work?”

“I’d beat you with a plastic bat.”

“Exactly. Because you worry about me. I know you love your job, but you’re pregnant now. You have me, you have Belle. You have a family.”

It was all happening to fast. She was engaged and pregnant, all under five months. She picked at her pizza. “Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet.” Carson took a drink. “Millie’s already done with shopping for our wedding.”

“I’m not going to quit my job.” She said. “I’ll lay off the dangerous stuff, but I’m not going to quit my job. It just isn’t going to happen.”


“My Grandma’s coming over early for the wedding.”


“What’s up Fuckers!” They heard.


“You’re getting older Liv.” Grandma said.

She was dressed in hot pink pants and a leopard print shirt, that showed too much wrinkled boob.

“You should wear some makeup.” She hugged Millie, “You get your looks from me missy.”

Victoria sighed. Grandma’s bags were pilling in the hall.

“Morry!” Morgan hugged her Grandma.

“Hi Grandma.”

“Holly shit,” Grandma said, shoving her sunglasses onto her head. “Is this Carson?”

“Yep.” Morgan nodded.

“Damn, I might steal him from you. I’m Holly.” She held out her hand.

“Bring in in Grandma.” Carson opened his arms.

“Don’t mind if I do.” She muttered to Morgan before going in for a hug.

They all sat down for dinner.

“Look at this!”

The McPhee girls looked at Grandma and then back to their food.

“Good Grief!” Carson said. “Is that real?”

“Of course it is sonny!” Grandma waved the gun.

“Grandma.” Morgan held up a hand. “Calm down.”

Grandma rubbed it, “It’s a beauty isn’t it? I found it on the curb around the corner Believe it or not.”

“Really.” Liv said.

“Oh yeah!” Grandma said, Shoving the gun into her bag. “I found some nice red pumps for you Morry.”

“She’s pregnant Mom.” Victoria said, “She can’t wear heels.”

“Oh don’t be such a prude, Vikky.” Grandma said.

“Yeah,” Morgan agreed.

“I wore heels all through my pregnancy with you. That’s why Morgan is strong like me.”

“To wear heels when she’s Pregnant?” Millie asked.

“Yep. And you too Millie.”

Millie sat up and smiled.

“Morgan you have to move back in with Carson, because grandma is staying in your room.”

“I need the closet space.” Grandma muttered to Carson. “I’m a stripper for old people.”

Carson choked and looked at Morgan.

“The scary part.” Morgan swallowed, “Is that she’s not kidding.”

“I never kid!” Grandma hit the table. “I’ll give you the heels before you leave.”

“Okay.” Morgan shrugged.

“Her feet are swollen. She cannot wear heels.” Victoria said.

“Are my feet really swollen?” Morgan asked.

“No!” Everyone at the table said quickly.

“Mm.” Morgan muttered, and looked down.

“She’ll look sexy in them.” Grandma said. “She’s not wearing them for you. She’s wearing them for Carson. You want a sexy wife right?”

“Yes.” Carson said, and Victoria glared at him. “No.”

“All my granddaughters are sexy, so too bad for you.” Grandma said. “Anyways it doesn’t damn matter. Do you want the heels Morgan or what?”

“I want them.” Morgan nodded.

“Then it’s settled.” Grandma waved a hand. “Shut up.”

Victoria shut her mouth, and picked up her glass.

“You’re a real Doll Grandma.” Carson smiled at her.

“Thanks.” Grandma fluffed her short hair. “Got any hot uncles?”


"No.” Morgan gave Carson a look.

“He died three seconds ago.” Carson looked down.

“Damn.” Grandma snapped her fingers.

Morgan’s mouth popped open and Carson tossed up his hands.

“Morgan and Carson are having a baby Grandma.” Liv said.

Morgan kicked her.

“No shit!” Grandma grinned, and bopped Carson on the head with her rolled cloth napkin. “Good for you. I was young when I had Vikky, and look how she turned out.”

“A stick in the mud?” Millie muttered.

“On second thought keep it in there for a couple of years.” Grandma told Morgan. “Really try, honey.”

“Mom!” Victoria took a drink of wine. “Honestly.”

“Honestly is right.” Grandma pointed at Morgan with her fork. “Honestly.” She looked at Carson.

The rest of dinner went okay. Grandma only offered once to teach Carson to shoot a gun, No one stabbed Grandma with a soup spoon, Victoria didn’t get to drunk, and Carson, Morgan and Belle got out alive.

“Grandma is a hoot.” Carson hit the wheel.

“Do you really like her?”


“I have to warn you.” Morgan said. “She might show up in a wedding dress, push me out of the way and say I do for me.”

“I’ll look out for her.”

“She’s sneaky.” Morgan warned. “Very sneaky.”

Carson leaned against the wall of their bedroom and bit his lip. Morgan was dressed in one of his shirts, and the red high heels. She looked down at her legs. She looked up.

“Do you like them?” She asked.

Carson walked over and yanked off the shirt. She stood in dark blue lace underwear and a matching bra.

“Yep.” He nodded. “I like them.”

“They hurt.”

Morgan kicked off the shoes losing three inches in height.

“Am I still pretty?”

“You’re beautiful.”

“Am I still Sexy, though?”

“You have no idea.” He picked her up with one arm and they headed to the bed.


Morgan stretched the next morning. She loved this bed.

“Ow,” Carson rubbed his cheek.

“Sorry.” She said, rolling on top of him, “I’m usually alone in bed in the morning and have room to stretch.”

“A kiss would help.”

She pressed her lips to his and left them there. Carson tightened his grip on her and she felt all his muscles.  She looked down at him.

“What time do you have to be at work today?”


“Make it twelve.” She kissed him.

Carson dropped Morgan off at her Mother’s house before heading to work. She wanted to spend time with her Grandmother. Morgan jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door.

“ Come in.” Grandma called.

Morgan pushed open the door and dove on the bed. Her Grandma was sitting at the vanity table brushing her hair. Morgan had always watched her Grandma get ready for the day when she was younger.

“You’ve been doing this since you were a little baby.” Grandma said.

“And soon My Baby will be doing it.”

“I can’t believe out of all my Grandchildren, you would have gotten pregnant and married first.”

When Morgan was younger, The house was filled with tons of laughter and loud sounds. But as she grew up the laughter had died, the voices became quiet, and sounds faded away. She never realized that the noisy family sounds was the life for her until one day they just stopped, like the family was frozen in time. That’s what she wanted with Carson. She wanted loud noisy house sounds. Kids yelling at each other, Belle barking through the house running after the kids, Her yelling a Carson because he didn’t take out the damn trash. She wanted a family. And she wanted it now.

“ I mean I always knew that you would get married and have a family, because you kept this one from going under, but I thought you’d just do it a lot older. I mean I am happy. Oh, would you like to see my outfit for the wedding?”

“Sure.” Morgan sat up and watched her Grandma walk to the closet.

Please don’t be a wedding dress, please don’t be a wedding dress, She chanted to herself.

“Here it is!” Grandma announced, pulling the dress out of the closet, holding it up for Morgan to see. Morgan was surprised. She didn’t think That Her Grandma would wear a dress like that, let alone to a wedding. It was pink and lace.

“It’s My wedding dress!”

Morgan tried not to reach up and stop her twitching eye.

“I was such a doll. Your eyes doing that weird twitchy thing again.”

Morgan clamped her hand over her eye.

“You should get that checked out.” She said, putting the dress back. “Hey! Maybe I could do your hair for the wedding!”

“Really?” Morgan sat up taller. “You’d do that?”

“Of course!” Grandma clapped her hands together. “And your Mother can do your makeup. You’ll be so pretty. And I’m Sure Millie got a nice dress.”

As If Millie was standing outside the door listening to their conversation, She burst through the door.

“It’s here! It’s here!” And then she ran from the room. “The Wedding dress is here!”

“Outta the way!” Grandma said knocking Morgan to the side.

Morgan bounced off the bed, and hurried down stairs. She was a little excited to see the dress. Morgan and Grandma Joined Liv, Millie, and Victoria in the kitchen. There was a long thin box on the table.

“What if there’s a body in it?” Liv asked.

Morgan didn’t say anything but she was thinking the same thing. Millie would shit bricks, and her first born child if the dress wasn’t in that box. Millie pulled off the top of the box. There was the foam peanuts. The McPhee girls couldn’t stand it any longer. They all grabbed handfuls of the peanuts and tossed them over their shoulders. The girls backed up, and Millie Unzipped the dress bag.

Grandma, Victoria, and Liv all gasped.

“That’s not my dress.” Morgan peaked in the box.

It was pretty though.

“I know.” Millie began to take it out of the box. “I picked out another one because Carson saw the other one. Take off your clothes. Let’s try it on.”

Morgan listened and stripped off her clothes as the other McPhee girls helped Millie pull out the dress. They all Helped stuff Morgan into the dress and Stepped back. Victoria began to cry. Grandma dug in the box.

“Hey, we forgot to put on the veil!”

“Veil?” Millie walked over confused.

“Yeah, Right here.” Grandma wiped it out.

“I didn’t order a veil. Maybe it’s a bonus gift.” Millie dug through the box.

“What are you looking for?” Liv asked.

“Maybe they gave her shoes.”

“You didn’t buy her shoes!” Liv demanded.

Everyone looked at Millie.


“It doesn’t matter.” Grandma placed the Veil in place. “The dress it long. Hey! She can wear the red heels!”

“Yes!” Liv and Millie said together.

“No!” Her mother said.

“Can I go barefoot?” Morgan asked.

“No!” Grandma, Millie, and Liv said.

“Yes!” Victoria said. There was a knock on the door and Liv slipped away.

“Why can’t I be barefoot?” Morgan asked.


“Carson!” Liv cut Millie off, and slammed the door. She ran to the kitchen. “It’s Carson!”

They all hurried to get the dress and veil off. Morgan went out on the porch and shut the door.

“Hey!” She hugged him around the neck.

“Why did Liv slam the door in my face?” He asked, hurt. “I thought we had an understanding.”

“The dress arrived and they had stuffed me into it. They didn’t want you to see me.”

“Oh.” He smiled, “My Moms throwing a pre-wedding Party with My half of the family.”

“And I have to go,I’m guessing.” Morgan sighed.

“You’re the guest of Honor.” Carson Grinned at her. “You have to Come.”

“That means we have to stay for the whole thing.” Morgan damned herself. “How long is it?”

“Two hours.”

“Two hours!” Morgan yelled.

“Baby,” Carson hugged her to his side, and waved to an old Woman across the street.

She waved her cane in the air and went up the walk.

“Who was that?” Carson asked. “I’m getting a strong feeling you know her.”

“Why me?” Morgan asked.

“Because no random old lady would shake her cane at me of all people.”

“I used to fee her cats when I was younger. We ate breakfast every Sunday.”

“So what happened?”

“Her Daughter died and she shut everyone out.” Morgan looked across the street. “She still looks after the girls and I.”

The door opened.

“Here Carson.” Millie gave him two boxes. “These are the bridesmaid dresses for your brothers wives, and then Emily’s flower girl dress.”


“Please tell them not to ruin it. They’re silk and it would suck to get stains on them.”

“Will do.”

“And I’m keeping your dress here Morgan, because you’re clumsy.”

“Thanks.” Morgan said in a flat voice

. Carson smiled and kissed her head.

“We’ll be late.”

“Tell Mom I got to go. A dinner party.”

“Alright.” Millie shut the door.

“You are a little clumsy.” Carson said, as they headed down to the curb.

“Well you talk in your sleep.”

“Really?” He raised his eye brows. “What do I say?”

“Nothing.” Morgan said, annoyed. “You sleep like a log. You’re very boring to watch.”

“You watch me sleep?” He grinned. “I feel loved.”

Morgan sighed and got into the car.  

Carson left Morgan in the living room to get a glass of wine, and as soon as he disappeared in the crowd, a little old lady descended on her. Morgan thought she was cute.

“Are you pregnant?” The old lady asked with a hint of snob.

Morgan thought she wasn’t all that cute anymore.

“Yes.” She wasn’t going to lie to the old hag.

The old Lady snorted, “My Grandsons would never knock up a girl out of marriage.”

“How do you know I’m not married?” Morgan demanded raising her nose.

The old lady followed suit, “You don’t look the type.”

“Grandma.” Carson walked over.

Of course it had to be his Grandma, Morgan thought.

“Carson!” The old Lady Hugged him.

“This is Morgan.” He put an arm around Morgan.

The old lady looked at Morgan, and Morgan grinned. Take that old Hag, She thought. Grandma Maxwell Bopped Carson on the head with her Fan and hurried away.

“Do I have a target on my head?” Carson asked Morgan. “Grandmas keep bopping me on the head.”

“Hey, “ She held up her hands. “You’re the one who wanted to come.”

“Are you thirsty?” He asked. “I could get you some tea, or water.”

“I’m fine.”

Other than Grandma Maxwell glaring at Morgan, dinner went a lot better than it had ever went in the McPhee house. The two of them quickly said goodbye, and all but ran out the front door to the car. They jumped in the car like they were leaving a crime scene.

“Go, Go, Go!” Morgan hit the Dash board. Carson pulled away from the curb, and Morgan turned in her seat, the Maxwell house disappearing quickly.

“I think it went okay.” Carson said, turning on the heat.

“Grandma hates me.” Morgan muttered.

“Hey,” Carson objected, “I didn’t see you getting smacked in the head.”

She laughed.

“Oh you think that’s funny?” He reached over and tickled her.

She laughed harder.

He loved her laugh. It was different. He never heard anyone have the same laugh. She was beautiful, and She was all his. Forever.

“Stop!” She laughed gasping for air.

He grabbed her hand. She fell asleep on the way home.


Morgan shut the door, with Belle riding front seat. Liv wanted her to drop her off while she was at work. She adjusted the mirror and saw the boxes in the back seat.

“Shit.” She muttered.

She pulled out of the drive and headed to the Maxwell house. All the way there she prayed she would Get Vivian and not Grandma Maxwell. She opened the back door for the boxes and Belle jumped into the back seat tail wagging.

“No, you have to stay here.”

Belle fell onto the seat.

“You could be an actor you know?”

Belle thumped her tail once.

“I’ll be back.” She grabbed the boxes, and then hurried up the walk.

With one last prayer she pressed the doorbell. A little song went through the house. The door opened and she sighed when she saw who it was.

“Here.” Daniel hurried to take the boxes. “You shouldn’t be carrying those.”

“They’re bridesmaid dresses.” Morgan explained handing them over. “Can you hand then out?”

“Sure. I’ll take care of it.”

“It’s really important-“

“I got it. Promise.” He smiled.

“Thanks. I’m late.” She jogged back to the car.

She dropped off Belle and hurried to the office.

“Another crime scene.” Martie poked his head in.

“I’m only taking pictures this time.” Morgan grabbed her bag and camera. “I mean it.”

“Fine with me.”

Martie looked around and lifted up the tape, and waved Morgan forward. Morgan ducked under the crime scene tape and held it up for Martie.

He ducked under, “Okay, Watch your step.”

It was just getting dark.

“I’m not climbing down a well this time. I’m serious.”

“You fell down that well remember?”

“Same difference.”

“There’s  a difference.” Martie looked at her. “Especially since I was the one who caught you.”

“I’m not that fat.” Morgan gasped and grabbed his arm as a stick snapped. “What the hell was that?”

“It probably was an animal. Come on, hurry up.”

The two of them walked the area taking pictures. Once back at the office, Morgan called Carson.

“Hey Beautiful.”

“Hey. I’m going to be home late.”


“I have some stuff to do.”

“What stuff?”

“A bunch of boring type of stuff.”

“Alright, I love you. Please be safe.”

“I will.” Morgan smiled. “I love you too.”

They hung up, and she Jogged down the stairs to meet Martie.

“Did He buy your lie?”

“I didn’t technically lie.” Martie grinned at her from his bucket of photos.

“What?” She demanded. “Do you want to develop these pictures by yourself?”

He looked back down. Three hours later the pictures where done and gone through. Morgan stumbled through the house tired as hell. She went into the Kitchen. Carson and a Blonde haired girl were sitting at the island Facing away from her. Seeing another girl at the island that close to Her Carson pissed her off. They both turned around and Morgan got pissed.

It was Caroline.

“Morgan, wait.” Carson said.

“I’m going up stairs.” Morgan said carefully. “And when I come down that bitch better be out of my house.”

“Bitch?” Caroline looked at Carson.

“You abandoned a dog. You’re a bitch.”

“You don’t even know me.”

“I know you enough to know you have a vagina and you’re in My House with my husband.”

“He’s not you Husband.”

“Want to bet Bitch?”

“Look, I don’t even know you, Stop calling me that.”

“Or what?” Morgan demanded. “You going to tell Daddy?”

“Morgan.” Carson said shocked.

“Don’t Morgan me!” She yelled at him. “You have another Woman alone in the house with you! One that you have a past with. What is your problem?”

“Don’t talk to him like that.” Caroline had the nerve to say.

“He’s my Husband. I’ll talk to him how ever I want to.”

“He’s not Your Husband.”

“You know.” Morgan looked at her hand. “A good thing about growing up in the Ghetto is you grew up knowing how to throw a decent punch.”

Caroline gasped and looked at Carson.

“I know how to through a decent punch.” Morgan nodded, “Do you know how to throw a decent punch, Caroline?”

“Morgan calm down. The Baby-“

“Like I said. I’m going up stairs. I think I’ll take a shower.” Morgan nodded. “This bitch better be up out of my house by the time I come back down, or shits going to get real.” Morgan jogged up the stairs and then paused at the top of the stairs.

Where was Belle? The bedroom door pushed open and Belle ran to her. She jumped on her leg, and then looked down the stairs as if telling on Carson.

“I Know.” Morgan pet her head, “Come on.”

Belle trotted into the room after Morgan. Morgan Took her time with gathering clothes taking her shower, and drying her hair. She sighed and walked down the stairs. Carson was in the living room alone. The fire was going, and a glass bottle filled with amber liquid was on the coffee table. The lid was beside it. Carson held a small glass with about two shots in it. He glared at the Fire.

“What are you doing?” Morgan asked.

“Drinking.” He took a sip.


“Because I’m tired.”

“You don’t drink when you’re tired.” Morgan picked up the bottle, the smell making her want to throw up. “You sleep.”

She stuck the little glass top onto the Bottle.

“Get it over with.” Carson looked at her.

“Get what over with?”


“What was she doing in our house?” Morgan sat down. “This is our home. Our daughter lives here. I’m pregnant. Are you with her?”

“No.” He said flatly.

“So what was she doing here?”

“My Cousin went to work today.” Carson took a drink. “He never came home.”

“No.” Morgan’s heart dropped. “We have to look for him.”

“Caroline found him.”

Morgan sighed, “And?”

“And He was with another Woman.”

“Poor Caroline.” Morgan muttered.

“They have an open relationship.”

“So what’s the issue?”

“The Woman she caught him with was her Mother.”

“No!” Morgan said.


“Wait, so why are you drinking?”

“Because I thought you were mad at me.” He took the last drink. “I hate it when you’re mad at me.”

“Why did you let her in?”

“She told me He was missing first. So I let her in. Then she told me the whole story.” He looked at her.

“Morgan she kissed me.”

Morgan looked at the bottle in her hands, “Did you like it?”

“Of course not!” Carson took the bottle and set it on the coffee table along with the cup. “I’m with you.”

“Did you kiss her back?”

“No.” He said. “And if you don’t believe me, I have cameras set up around the house in case someone breaks in.”

Morgan’s face got hot, “Do you have a camera in the kitchen?”

“I already deleted that.”

She nodded.

“Are you mad at me?” He took her hands.

“I don’t know.” Morgan looked at him. “She kissed you.”

“Exactly. She kissed me. Not the other way around. Baby, I would never hurt you like that. I promise.” He grabbed a tablet. “Look.”

“No.” Morgan looked away.

“Look.” He gently took her face.

Morgan looked at the screen, and Carson pushed play.

“My own Mother, for crying out loud!” Caroline paced the kitchen. “She’s old!”

Carson stood at the corner, his face a little confused.

“If I just married you I wouldn’t be going through this. At least I would have had a loyal relationship.” Caroline paused and looked at Carson. “I’m sorry about your Mother. And My cousin, but There’s nothing I can do for you.”

Caroline marched across the kitchen and kissed him. Carson jerked back, a look of disgust on his face, as he walked to the other side of the island.

“What the hell are you doing?” He demanded.

Carson went to pause it but Morgan stopped him.

“I know you want me Carson. It’s okay.”

“I have a kid!” Carson yelled at her. “I have-“

Carson’s phone rang on the island. He picked it up and sat down.

“Hello?” Caroline sat down next to him. He gave her a dirty look and scooted away from her.

“What do you mean?” Carson asked. “That’s your own damn fault. Now get over here and pick her up. If My Wife comes home she’s dead.”

Carson slammed the phone down.

“Why are you sitting so close to me?” He demanded of Caroline. “I Hope my wife comes home early and beats the shit out of you. Pregnant and all.”

Morgan appeared in the kitchen door way.

“You can pause it.” She looked down.

“Are you mad?”

“Yes I’m mad Carson,” She said, “But at her. Not you. You pushed her away. You shouldn’t of let her in the house in the first place, but she said your cousin was missing which I do understand.”

Carson looked at her, a slow smile coming into place, “You’re going to beat the shit out of her when you see her next aren’t you?”

“Damn Skippy.” Morgan got up and headed up to bed.


Morgan was nervous. Vivian was Throwing yet again another party, Inviting Morgan’s family. Mixing Ghetto with Proper never went well. At the Moment Morgan was outside on the back patio with Alex and Jace. Jace now had permission to talk to her.

“You’re so pretty.” Jace said. “Do you know what you’re having?”

“Not yet.” Morgan shook her head. “But My sister-“

“Millie.” Alex told Jace.

“Right. Millie.  She wants the Doctor To write the baby’s gender on a paper and we bring it to the bakery and they make a cake with blue or pink inside and then we cut it at the gender reveal party.”

“Oh that sounds like so much fun!” Jace clapped her hands together.

“You have to come.” Morgan touched her arm.

And then the two girls looked at Alex for approval.

“Of course we’ll be there.” Alex grinned, “I wouldn’t miss my youngest brothers first baby gender reveal for anything.”

“No way.” Morgan smiled.

“What?” Jace asked looking confused.

“Could you do me a big favor and hold my glass?” Morgan handed Jace her glass of water. “I’ll be right back.”

Morgan rounded the pool.

“Where’s she going?” Jace asked.

“I have no idea.” Alex muttered.

Morgan had Caroline in her sights. Like Morgan said, Ghetto, Don’t mix with Proper. Caroline saw Morgan at the last second, nowhere to run. Morgan made sure Caroline knew it was her, and then punched her. Knocked her onto the floor. But that wasn’t enough. Morgan was going to yank her up and Smack her silly. Two strong arms pinned her arms like a strait jacket.

“Calm down.” Alex muttered in her ear. “She’s knocked out.”

“Let me just kick her once.” Morgan said.

She tried to get away But Alex was strong and she wasn’t even moving.

“Carson!” Alex yelled. “Situation on the back pouch. Get over here.”

Most of the guests were inside. Morgan, Alex, and Jace where the only ones out there. Caroline had been talking to three men in a suit but they had quickly headed inside when Caroline went down. Carson hurried outside and took in the scene. Jace, mouth hanging open, holding a glass of wine and a glass of water, Caroline on the floor, and Alex Holding Morgan to his chest.

“Can you come take care of your lady?” Alex demanded. “Don’t just stand there.”

Carson walked over and Alex let her go.

“Let me just kick her once.” She begged Carson, as he held her by the wrists. “She kissed you.”

“She kissed you?” Alex asked disgusted.

Jace pushed her skinny way through the three of them and she kicked Caroline in the butt. Everyone just stood there shocked.

“Unfaithful tramp.” Jace said, going for another kick.

“Why doesn’t she get stopped?” Morgan asked.

Alex snapped out of his trance and grabbed Jace. Carson was so shocked he loosened his grip on Morgan’s wrists. She pulled away and Quickly kicked Caroline.

“Whoo!” She said holding up her hand to Jace.

Jace looked at Alex who nodded once.

“Whoo!” Jace smacked Morgan’s hand.

Alex and Carson had put Morgan and Jace in time out in the living room on the small couch, as they deiced what to do with Caroline. She wouldn’t wake up.

“You have small legs but you got one powerful kick.” Morgan told Jace.

“Me?” Jace laughed. “One punch and she was down.”

“I didn’t even hit her that hard! I didn’t know she was going to go down like a sack of potatoes.”

The girls laughed, and hugged each other. They both watched as Caroline came in through the back door followed by Alex and Carson. Alex said something, and she nodded.

Carson came over, grabbed Morgan’s hand, and then walked through the crowd to a quiet corner.

“You can’t be mad at me.” She said, quickly. “I told you I was going to hit her the next time I saw her. When I say something I mean it.”

“I’m not mad.”

“You have no right!” Morgan said, “Wait what?”

“I’m not mad. We told her she had too much to drink and she passed out.”

“What?” Morgan demanded. “Now I’ll have to hit her again. She won’t learn her lesson.”

“What lesson?”

“To stay away from a married man.”

“I think She learned her lesson. She said she had a dream you punched her, and she said her face hurt, so she thought it really happened.”

“That’s because it did happen.” Morgan stood on her tip toes and looked around. “Where is she?”

“Baby come on,” Carson took her hand.

“You old Coot!”


"Oh no.” Carson and Morgan said hurrying to the crowd of people.

The Crowd of family members was in a circle, and Round one was about to begin with the Grandma’s.

“Grandma.” Carson said, stepping over to her.

“What happened?” Morgan slipped an arm through her Grandma’s.

“This old coot called you a slut.”

“What?” Morgan and Carson said.

“It takes two to tango, Missy!” Grandma said. “Morgan didn’t get herself pregnant! Carson had a part in it too!”

“Morgan took advantage of my Poor Carson.” Grandma Maxwell said.

“Wait what?” Morgan asked.

“It’s true you witch!” Grandma Maxwell said.

“Watch it! I’m not afraid to slap and old Woman,” Victoria said.

“Everyone just calm down.” Vivian said, coming into the circle. “Morgan and Carson are not your typical couple we all know this. They fell in love got pregnant and then they’re getting married. So what if they’re doing it a little backwards, at least it’s still happening.”

Millie and Liv stood by Morgan’s side.

“Love is love.” Millie said.

“And it doesn’t matter how it happens as long as it does.” Liv said.

“Yeah.” Austin spoke up. “No one acted this way when I got Karen pregnant first, and then married her.”

“Because Karen’s not White Trash.” Grandma said.

Everyone gasped.

“You know what?” Morgan smiled. “You’re right. I am White trash, And I’m proud.”

Morgan grabbed the bottom of her dress and pushed her way through the crowd. Millie and Live where on her heels.

“Old Coot.” Grandma said, and followed after him.

“Thank you for inviting us Vivian. We had a nice time.” Victoria said.

“You’re welcome. You have to come back soon.” Vivian said.

The McPhee girls stood on the curb trying to fit everyone into the car.

“Morgan!” Carson jogged over.

“Great.” Morgan muttered.

“Morgan, My Grandma-“

“It’s okay Carson. Not everyone is going to like me. Not everyone understands the way I was brought up. And that’s okay. I’d rather be white trash than a soulless body without any class. “

“Let me drive you home.”

“Morgan’s spending the night with me." Liv grabbed her sisters hand. “I miss her.”

“Then let me drive you over there.” Carson said. “Everyone needs a eat belt.”

“I think you should go inside and convince at least half of your family I’m not white trash.” She kissed his cheek and then climbed into the car.

Millie, Liv, and Morgan watched reruns and ate an entire bucket of cheese balls between the three of them. Morgan slept with Liv, and somewhere in the night, Millie had snuck in snuggling up next to her only big sister.


Morgan got a ride home from Victoria. She shut the door, and Belle bounded to meet her.

“Hey Sweet girl.” She bent down and pet her.

Carson came out of the kitchen.

“Hey.” Morgan smiled.

He gave her a kiss and a hug.

“Did you have fun?”

“Yeah.” Morgan kissed belle. “It was some much needed girl time.”

“I have to get going soon.”


“Millie set up appointment for the guys and I to get out tuxes. We have to get fitted.”

“That’s fine. I’ll stay here with Belle.”

“I actually thought you’d want some company.”

“Carson, I swear-“

“Surprise!” Jace tossed up her hands coming out of the kitchen

. “Hey!” Morgan smiled, and pulled her into a hug. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m your baby sister for the day.” Jace said. “But I just agreed to keep an eye on you so we could hang out.”

“You two have fun.” Carson kissed Morgan, petted Belle, touched Jace’s shoulder and then left.

Morgan popped some popcorn and Then watched movies with Jace. She never had this when she was in high school. A girl friend to tell secrets too. Have sleep overs with, and giggle about cute boys. It was too late for that now. She was getting married. She had to get married to find a friend.

“This is my favorite part.” Jace whispered.

The girls said the lines, and then laughed.


Morgan paced the room back and forth.

“Calm down.” Liv said, trying to not freak out.

“Where is she?” Morgan demanded.

“I’ll call her.” Vitoria said, pulling out her phone.

“Sorry!” Millie burst through the dressing room door. “Wedding cake crisis. I have the dress. Hurry.”

They stuffed Morgan into the dress. Grandma had done her hair, and Her Mother had done her makeup. Now there was only one thing left to do.

“So when you walk me down the aisle Mom-“

“I thought that was my job?”

“You idiot!” Morgan cried pulling Mason in for a hug. “Stupid!”

“I love you too sis.” He laughed. “You look beautiful by the way.”

“Thanks.” She sniffed.

There was a knock on the door.

“Line up, call.”

They all headed out of the dressing room and gathered in the hall. One by on the couples went down the aisle.

“Okay.” Morgan whispered to Mason. “I’m actually wearing heels, so don’t let me fall.”

“I got your back sis.”

“Like always.”

He smiled, and grabbed her pinky with his. They both kissed their hands and then he walked her down the Aisle. The vows went over smooth. Grandma didn’t knock Morgan out of the way to say I do for her, Liv didn’t have a speck of cheese ball powder on her dress, and Morgan didn’t fall down the aisle. The party went smoothly too. No one got stabbed, no one started a riot ring, or a Mosh pit, and only a couple of people got drunk off the wine that was served. The cake tasted perfect, and the  flowers and lights were so pretty.

Morgan had been one of those girls that didn’t want a big wedding. She wanted her wedding dress to be down to her knees, with a black ribbon around the ribs, and a black veil that went down to her knees. She wanted to get married at a barbeque. Something cheap kick and easy. But she would trade this for anything. She had everyone she loved here. Sure they had to pay extra to let belle attend the wedding but it was worth it. Morgan had everything she wanted.

A husband, a house a dog, a baby on the way. And she had Mason. That was the most important one of all. The party ended late, and everyone went home happy. Carson picked up Morgan when they were on the front porch.

“Are you serious?”

“Yep.” He smiled, “I have to carry my bride over the thresh hold.”

Morgan scanned her thumb and the door unlocked one by one. Carson carried her up stairs.

“Can you get the zipper down?” She turned her back to him.

“Sure.” He unzipped the dress.

She kicked out of it.

“You’re wearing the red heels?”

“Yeah.” She blushed looking down. “Grandma insisted.”

“Grandma knows best.”

She smiled, “Can you and me that shirt?”

“No.” He grabbed her face and hissed her.


They both woke up early because Morgan had a Doctor’s appointment. They were both nervous. Today the Doctor would but the baby’s gender in an envelope and then they’d drop the envelope off at the bakery. And then tomorrow the baby gender revel party would be here.

“Hi I’m Dor. Lacey,” A red head smiled. “Dr. Pam is out sick today so I’ll be showing you the baby. So I heard you want the gender in an envelope?”

“Yes.” Carson said, nervously.

Morgan kissed his hand.

“Here we go.” Dr. Lacey smiled.

The doctor looked at the screen, “Oh.”

“Oh what?” Morgan asked.

“What’s wrong?” Carson asked.

“Nothing’s wrong.” Dr. Lacey said. “Your charts say you’re having a baby.”

“Yeah.” Morgan said.

“I see two in here.” Dr. Lacey said.

“What!” Morgan grinned.

Her family was starting to grow in one try.

“Are you sure?” Carson’s voice was shaky. “Can you check again?”

“Here’s baby A.” Dr. Lacey pointed. “And Baby B. It’s twins. You look a little shocked Daddy.”

“He’s fine.” Morgan said. “He’ll get over it.”

“He’ll have to.” Dr. Lacey stood up. “Let me go get that envelope for you two.”

“Twins.” Morgan looked at Carson.

“Twins.” Carson nodded once.

“We can do this.”

“Can we?”

“Yeah.” But Morgan didn’t feel confident.

“Here you go.” Dr. Lacey handed over the envelope. “Hope you get what you wanted.”

“As long as they’re healthy.” Morgan smiled, and they left the office.

“There better be a boy in here.” Morgan looked up at Carson.

“Whatever.” Carson shrugged. “As long as one of them is a girl I don’t care.”

Millie had set up a beautiful party in the back yard of The McPhee house hold. Everyone was ready for Carson and Morgan to cut the cake. They had already voted on what the baby was going to be.

“Okay,” Morgan said. “The cake is two layers.”

“The top layer will be for Baby A, and the bottom layer is for baby B.” Carson added.

Everyone was quiet.

“Shut the hell up!” Grandma called, “Twins?"

“Twins.” Morgan announced.

Everyone clapped and urged them to hurry up and cut the cake. Morgan cut a side, and Carson cut the other side. Morgan held out a plate and Carson put a slice onto the plate. Everyone screamed when they saw the cake, seeing the colors. The top layer was pink, but Morgan was looking at the bottom layer. She was getting her little boy. For the rest fo the party no one got hit or anything. There was some arguing Between the Grandma’s of what the baby’s names where going to be, But Morgan already knew what the babies names were. Or had an idea of what they could be.

“Alright,” Carson said, trying to settle everyone down. “We have picked out names already."

“Well?” Victoria, Vivian, Grandma and Grandma Maxwell asked.

“For a boy, “ Carson said. “Christopher Ricky.”

People whispered.

“And for a girl,” Morgan said. “Kendell Vivian.”

Kendell was Victoria's middel name.

Carson Grabbed a slice of cake.

“Hey.” Morgan walked over grabbing a plate.

Carson wiped frosting on her nose.

She gasped and smiled at him, “It’s so on.”

“I love you.” He quickly said as a truce.

“Nope.” She grinned, And shoved her piece of cake into his face.










Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.08.2014

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