


Note to reader^-^:
I honestly have no idea who you are, But most likely when you where younger your parents Read you Fairy tales with pretty a blond Princess. Thoes fairy tales are a bunch of lies. This fairy tale i'm going to tell is legit shit.


I pushed open my best friends bedroom door and jumped into her room.

"As long as you love me!" I sang throwing my arms in the air.

She stopped closing her window and spun to face me, "You can stand under my umbrella ella-ella aye aye!"

We hugged.

"Alright, so the last day is important like always."

"What prank are we going to pull this year?" I asked."

Oh hey, why don't we go to school at midnight, so we can lock all the doors with chains and locks, maybe they'll send everyone home."

"Starting the summer early I like it." I said High fiving Her.

We got a big bowl of ice cream and watched a movie. Where I live it gets about 120 degrees, I shit you not. Every year we spend the night at her house for the last day of school, cause her Parents go on a two day trip. At Midnight we dressed in black and drove to the school. After locking the doors and super gluing the windows we drove to a drive-thru and got shakes and fries. We got ready and went to school. I wore my favorite band T-shirt and my black convers. Everyone was fanning themselves and standing outside.

"I assure you this will be taken care of."

"Screw this shit, I’m sitting in my car, where it's cool."

Everyone went to their cars. The people that had car's where cool enough to let those who didn't sit in their cars. An hour passed. This shit is lame. I stood up and pushed myself through the top of Jace's car.

"Can we go home?" I yelled.

Everyone popped through their roofs or windows yelling yeah, or we're fucking starving.

"Alright, just go home!" The Teacher waved.

Jace and I high fived and we drove to her house. We laughed about all the teachers looking lost, as we made Cookies. After the cookies where gone we listened to music and Jace dropped me off.

"Dude, what the fuck is going on?" Jace asked, turning down the raido, and slowing the car.

"I don't know." I said, taking off my seat belt.

A black Limo was parked at the curb. Jace pulled into her normal parking place. Three men in suits where talking to my mom. when they saw me they bowed.


"Princess!" Jace scoffed.

"Please step away from our Princess."


One of the men picked up Jace and removed her from my side. The other man pulled out a box, and then put the crown on my head.

"Mom?" I pushed the crown back up as it fell.

"Your father, is a Kind of a king."

"Kind of?" Jace and I yelled.

Two of the men stood by my side, arms behind them and the other stood blocking Jace.

"They're here to take you to his country, For training."

"Training for what?" I asked, pushing the crown up again.

"To be Queen."

"Queen? I can't even pass math!"

"You will be helped." One of the men said.

"I'm not going."

"You don't have a choice; you must serve your people." The man blocking Jace said.

"My people is Jace. Mom you just can't let them take me, I'm not going."

"You have to, I have no say."

The two men picked me up by my elbows and took me to the door.

"Aye, put me down! Jace do something!"

"I'm trying!" She yelled kicking her feet as the other guy held her in the air.

"You can't do this, in this country, it's called kidnapping!" I yelled, as they took me to their car. "Help Rape!" I screamed.

The other man came to us, holding a shot. Naturally I flipped.

"Get that away from me!"

One guy grabbed the top of me and the other grabbed my legs. The Guy with the shot Grabbed my wrist and stuck the needle into me. The last thing I remembered was my head falling forward and the crown Falling to the side walk.


When I came around I was in the limo between the two guys. Rain poured, and I mean like, big ass fat drops. The stone road was bumpy as fuck and tall trees where everywhere you looked. This is some twilight shit.

"Princess, I deeply am sorry about having to make you sleep."

I stared at the third guy who sat in front of me. He pulled a Coke from the mini fridge and gave it to me. As I drank it the stupid crown fell off and the guy to my right placed it back on my head. We pulled up to a dark castle.

"Great my Dad's a bad guy."

"King Monroe is no bad guy. He lives in a dark castle to prove that bad can be turned to good."

"That is the most stupidest thing I have ever fucking heard in my entire fucking life." I said, as the limo stopped.

"I agree Princess." He said.

The two guys helped me out and right away, I began to drown. Not for real or anything. People came out of nowhere and shoved Microphones into my face.

"Princess Monroe what are you planning on doing to make our Kingdom a better place?"

This time I was glad when they picked me up and took me up the stone stairs. I followed them down a dark hall. Torches dimly lit the hallway.

"Okay I get the whole bad to good thing but this is just too much."

I grabbed onto my crown as I tripped. Right away the two guys reached out and yanked me to my feet.

"Again I agree with you, Princess. Once The Princess is done changing bring her to the throne room."

I watched the guy leave. I would say I was sad to see him go, but I couldn't. They let me enter my new room by myself. If I wasn't frozen I would leap for joy at the sight of my clothes on my bed. I changed into jeans and a T-shirt. I left my hair down dripping. The two men walked me to the throne room.

There was a tall thrown and a smaller one on an upper level type deal. You had to climb marble stairs to get to it. There was a red carpet that led from the door way, up the four stairs and under the big thrown chair, thing. Whatever you get it. Three men where carefully caring a chair up the steps. It was three inches taller than the small one. They set it down on the left of the big chair.

There was a loud bang and two doors opened and in walked my father. Damn, why'd mom let him get away? His crown fit his head perfectly. Everyone hit the ground on one knee except the two guys next to me. He smiled and took my hand.

"I am so happy to have you here."

I took my hand away, "Hey, let's....Let's tell the truth from here on shall we?"

"I am, I never lie."

"Never?" I asked, feeling my jaw drop.

"Of course not, what kind of King would I be if I did? You may rise, and carry on."

People raised around us. His voice was filled with power. A woman in a long puffed out red dress came in. her crown was way smaller than mine lucky bitch, this things heavy.

"Who let her in here wearing that?" She shrieked. "You know, when Royalty enters the throne room, you are to be in a dress."

"She's new dear, she has much to learn." My dad said.

"I don't like you."

Everyone stopped and gasped.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"Queen or no Queen you’re a fucking ass hole."

She took in a breath, but a boy and girl came in. The girl had brown spring curls. She wore a pink puffed out dress and a crown that was really small. The boy wore a crown, also.

"Mommy he's pulling on my curls." The girl said.

"What have I told you? Stop pulling on your twins Curls." She said.

"Are you Daddy's other daughter? Mommy you lied, she's pretty." The girl said.

The twins looked no older than three years old.

"You lied?” I gasped “What kind of Queen are you?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Why aren't you wearing a dress?" The boy asked.

"I didn't know I had to wear one."

"You do." He said, nodding knowingly making his straight brown hair fall into his eyes.

"I'll wear one next time."

"Why don't we all go to dinner? It's been a long day, MaKenna must be hungry."

MaKenna must want to runaway screaming, fuck this shit, and jump on the first plane to America. I followed them into a Large dinning room. A woman picked up the girl, and put her in a chair as a guy picked up the boy.

"Lamb." A guy said, setting down a plate.

"Uh, yeah I'm not eating this." I said looking down the table to my dad, as I pointed at the plate.

The Queen rolled her eyes.

"Don't be jello cause my crowns bigger."

"Jello?" She asked.

"The point is I’m not eating it, so, take it away, or whatever it is you do."

"As you wish Princess." The man bowed and took my plate away.

He gave me a plate with roast, mashed, potatos, carrots, and a roll.

"Thank you."

That's what I'm talking about. He bowed and left.

"If MaKenna doesn't eat lamb, then I shouldn't have to."

"Yeah and if Rose doesn't have to eat it, then I shouldn't have to eat it."

"Rose, Bently, eat your lamb." My dad said.

They pouted and began to eat. I took a shower and climbed into bed. The next morning I put on a dress. It covered my feet, so I didn't put on shoes. I wasn't a real big fan of the high heeled death traps. i left my hair down and put on my crown. I walked down the hall and paused at Rose's door.

"Princess Rose-"


"What's going on?" I asked.

"Princess MaKenna." The woman said bowing.

"What's going on?"

"She wont put her dress on."

"Put your dress on."


"Why not?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Cause I don't want to."

"You think I wanted to move here?"

She shook her head.

"Put the dress on."

She stomped her foot and stepped into the dress. I left the room, and walked down the hall into a dimly lit library. A boy my age was sitting by a fire.

"Hey." I said.

He stood knocking his sketch book to the floor.

"Princess." He said bowing.

His voice was deep and I stopped myself from checking to see if I was drooling.

"You can sit I didn't mean to scare you."

"It is forbiden for me to talk to Princess Rose Prince Bently, and you Princess."

"So your not going to sit with me?"

"I'm sorry."


"YoLo? I don't follow."

"You only live once."

"Yes, and I would like to continue to live." He bowed and left.

When he was gone, I did check for drool. Nope, I'm good. I walked down the hall and found myself in the Throne room. I paused. The Queen and my dad where sitting in their chairs, People where linded up in front of them.

"MaKenna, enter." Dad said.

I came in.

"State your request." He said, to the woman on her knees infront of him.

"My daughter is very sick if there is some way you can help her I'll be forever grateful. I don't know if she'll make it."

Dad whispered to the man next to him and the guy took the woman away. Another woman stood infront of him with her two sons and two daughters.

"Your king." She bowed.

"State your request."

"I don't know where to turn to. My husband has just died and I have no way of feeding my children."

"I'll look for job openings for you."

"Wait that's it?"

Everyone gasped when I talked.

"That is all I can do." My dad said.

"But they're hungry." I said pointing at the kids, who were badly dressed.

"I will look for work for her."

"But they're hungry now. What will they eat?"

"MaKenna, I already said-"

"It's not good enough." I snapped.

I walked to the woman. The kids backed around their mom.

"Hey guys." I said bending.

The oldest looked about eight.

"You hungry?"

They all nodded fast. It tore at my heart. I stood.

"I'm going to give mommy some money to buy you something to eat, would you like that?"

Their little faces broke into smiles and they nodded.

"No, MaKenna-"

"You call yourself a king? These are your people who are starving." I said, turning to him.

I turned back to the woman. I pulled some money out and gave it to the woman."Please, feed them." I said, when she tried to return the money.

"Thank you Princess, I am forever grateful."

"Your thanks isn't needed, just feed the little ones. I wish you the best, and I'll make sure that work for you is found."She took my hand, bowed and then took her kids to the door.

Disgusted to be related to my Father, I turned and left. I felt sick. who could be selfish to kids. I'm never having kids, it would break my heart if I ever saw someone be mean to them. I walked back to the library and sat in a chair.

"I saw what happened."

I looked up at the already familiar deep voice.

"I wanted to thank you."

"For what?" I asked.

He sat next to me, "That was my family. I work here, but it doesn't pay much."

"They were hungry. Their little tummies hurt, and they didn't understand, and he was just going to turn them away I had to do something."

"Again I thank you, You will Make a good Queen.""

Thanks." I laughed.

"You do not think so?" He asked, eyebrows pulling together.

"I just don't know."

"You will. I'm Liam."


We shook hands.

"What do you do?" I asked.

"Whatever there needs to be done, little jobs. I make five dollars a day."

"Five bucks? You can get a pack of gum with that from where I'm from."

"It feeds my whole family for a meal."


"Yeah, I have to get back to work. I still can't be seen with you."

I liked how he was being less careful with his words.

"See you around Liam."

"Bye Kenna."

I walked to the dining room.

"I need you to get a new nanny for Rosalynn. I need one quick, tell them I’ll pay a hundred dollars a day." Dad was saying.

As the man passed I grabbed his arm.

"Yes Princess, I know." He smiled.

"I'd like to met with her before she sees my father. If she doesn't have anyone to watch her kids, I want her to know I will."

"Yes Princess." He bowed and I went to lunch.

"Where's your wife?" I asked.

"Beth, isn't feeling to well."

"Mommy's sick?" Bently asked.

"Eat your food." Dad said.

"She could be." Bently turned to me.

"Or maybe she's just tired. So how's your day so far?"

"Our day?"

"Yes your day." I said, touching Rose's nose.

She laughed. Ss they ate they told me about their day so far, interrupting each other to tell me how the story really happened. i Nodded and laughed, as I ate. My Dad stayed quiet and ate.

"MaKenna stay behind." Dad said, as the kids ran to play.

"Yes?" I asked turning to him.

"How did you become so well with kids?"

"I don't know." I said, crossing my arms.

"Perhaps you want to be Rose's Nanny?"

"I'm a Princess, Not some baby sitter."

"Very well." He smiled.

"Hey dad?" I asked, as he turned.


"I kind of have someone in line for the job."

"Is she good with kids?"


"Then she will not need to meet with me. She'll meet with you, and you shall decide if she gets the job."

"As you whish." I said, trying to not jump up and down.

He nodded and left the room. I looked around the room. What if I was poor like that, and I had sibblings, that couldn't eat. I wiped my eyes to stop the tears I felt coming.


I couldn't sleep so I went to the Library. I sat down and let the fire warm my face.

"Nice night gown."

"Hey." I laughed, as Liam sat down.


"Don't you go home?"

"No, I live here."

"So you don't get to see your family?"

"No." He said, looking away from me.

"So if you work in the castle you have to live here right?"


"What happens if you work here and you have kids?"

"I don't know." He shrugged.

Great here I am thinking I'm doing something good when I'll be ripping a family apart.

"I don't even get to give her the money I make, I have to mail it every sunday, and whatever I earned they have to make it last."

"I would say I understand, but I don't. I wish I did but I don't. I mean sure there where those times me and my mom starved at the end of the month, but never all the time. There was times I could go and eat whatever I wanted. My dad's just an ass, he wasn't going to do anything."

"I saw." Liam said, leaning back in the chair, he'd claimed.

"I can't stand selfish people." I whispered, pulling my legs onto the chair, I'd claimed.

"You know if your pour they have you live in this comunity and it's pretty bad."

"That's just stupid."

A man walked by the door and Liam ducked in his chair.

"Where is that no good- Princess." The man said, bowing.

"Who are you looking for?"

"That servent boy."

"Are you not a servent man?"

"But Princess-"

"No. You too where once a boy trying to make it where you not?"

"Yes, Princess."

"Well then, no more Servent boy. He may be in the kitchen or bathrooms scrubbing the floors for all you Know, Be gone."

"Thank you Princess." The man left, after bowing.

I looked to the chair but Liam was already gone. The next day I woke up early. I put on jeans and a T-shirt and my boots. I snuck out and went to the Poor area. I sloshed through the wet mud, and looked around. This is some hunger games Shit. Everyone stopped cleaning and looked over at me. Little kids that ran around, came to a stop.


I turned in time to catch a little girl with blond curls. I saw it was Liam’s youngest sister. I put her on my hip.

"Did you eat?"

"Yes, it was Yummy, my tummy doesn't hurt." She said, hugging my neck.

"Princess Princess!"

the other three came to me I put the Blond girl down and hugged the other kids.

"Princess what are you doIng here?" The woman asked, bowing.

"I needed to talk to you."

"You came all the way here, where it's dirty?"

I hugged her., "You are not dirty. You are a person that deserves to be treated like one." I stood on a stump. "All of you do! I know you don't trust me, Heck I'm just sixteen. Just because you can't afford the better life, it's no excuse to keep you all together from everyone else." Everyone began to crowd around me. "It's wrong. I'm not going to lie, I don't know anything about being a Princess, but I'm guessing they help people. Even if they don't I do. I'm going to help with whatever I can. Together we can pull this place together. Somehow I'm going to get you jobs or something, cause it breaks my heart to see you starve cause you can't afford it while all the rich people and my Dad sit on their butts and just watch." Everyone clapped, and started to talk. "Right now, I want all of you to get together and make a list of what you want changed, I'll keep an eye on the kids."

everyone began to move. The little kids gathered around me. They watched me with wide eyes.

"What do you guys want?" I asked.

"Food." A little girl said.

"Blankets or clothes." A boy said.

"What about shoes?" A girl asked."

Yeah, What about clean drinking water?" A boy said.

"Yeah, maybe we could take showers." A girl said.

"What about toys?" A little girl asked.

"You want toys?"

She nodded.

"Like dollies or cars?"

The kids started to nod and began to talk.

"I think it's good enough that you care about us." Liam's oldest younger brother, who was quite until now said.

"Yeah no one cares anymore, but you do princess." The oldest sister said, hugging my leg.

"Okay, I'm going to work on getting you guys all this stuff."

"Promise?" Liam's youngest little brother asked.

"I promise." I said, bending down to hug him.

All the little kids came to me then, giving me hugs.


I looked over at Liam's mom. She handed me a dirty piece of papper.

"Don't worry I'm going to fix this." I hugged her. "Okay kids, I need you to do something, can you do that for Princess?"

They all nodded.

"I need all of you, now this is a big job Okay? I need all of you to stick together, and play as a big group, where all the adults can see you. Can you do that?"

They all nodded. I took Liam's mom off to the side.


"No, Kenna, and no more thank you's. My little sister Rose needs a nanny. It pays One hundred dollars a day. My dad said I can hire one. I picked you."

"Oh thank you!" She said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Now, you'll have to start now, But, I'm going to stay here and help with everything, and I'm going to watch your kids, while you work. You have to live there, but If you can get there before Rose wakes up you can stay here."

"Will you show me where to go?"

"Uh, do you Have someone to watch the kids?"

"I'll do it Grace."

"Your sweet, Haylee." She told the 14 year old.

After Grace bathed and got right to taking care of Rose, I took off into town. I used one of the bigger hourse carriages with a smaller one on the back of it. Apperently cars weren't used, the limo was a rental from the next country over. I got each kid three outfits, two shoes and three toys to start off with. I didn't want my dad to notice I was dipping into his money. I got everything I needed and went back to the James Shelter. Yeah I know that's crappy to call it that.

"Princess!" All the kids yelled, as I stepped out of the carriage.

I opened the back doors to the smaller one. it was like a empty moving trailor.

"I Need all the little kids to step forward." I handed them each a toy."Now go play by the stump guys."

They all ran.

"Okay mom's I got clothes for all the kids and shoes, so come on up, so you can put all the stuff inside."

"Alright, Girls 12-14 I need you to keep an eye on the little kids. 15-17, your with me, wheres the guys?"

"They're hunting." A girl said.

"Where's the teen guys?" I asked.

"They're sleeping, like the lazy asses they are." A girl With dark hair, said crossing her arms.

"Okay, You six go wake their asses up. You six stay with me. Uh you, whats your name?"


"Come on Jenny."

We hadnded everything down to the girls.

"Who are you?" A guy asked.

"My names Kenna, and if you’re going to be a dick, I'm going to kick your ass."

"Wait you’re the Princess."

I ignored that one.

"Okay, these buckets are going to be used as showers. First The boys are going to put them like on the roof some how, and then we'll conect these hoses onto them, through this little whole thing in the bucket like this." I showed everyone as I went and they payed attention.

"We can build wodden boxes like shower stalls and bulid a shelf into them so it can hold the buckets and we can use your hose idea." One guy said.

"Perfect, do we have wood and tools?"

"Damn." He said.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do. The guys are going to ask the moms where They want the showers, and get water from where ever you get it." They all looked at each other.

"I'll go with them they don't know where it is." A girl said.

"Okay, guys you do the asking, you six girls go get water, you six come with me."

Everyone broke up. I took the six girls. We got heaters, for indside and heaters to warm up the water for showers. We got towels and blankets, and clothes and shoes for the bigger kids. We got wood and tools. I saw some of the window screens where broken so I got some screen to fix it. We got rope and some fast food and drove back.

After everyone ate the guys got to work on the stalls and us girls along with the mom's fixed the windows, and put everything away. The guys put the buckets up and girls 12-14 poured in water while girls 15-17 set up the heaters to warm the water and the mom's put up the heaters inside, and made a fire for the little kids to play around.

"Alright guys we're doing great, but it's getting dark so let's hurry up a little bit so you all can take showers, and stuff!"

eEveryone picked up there pace. Grace came back with food for eveyone. I learned that Liam's sibblings names where, Ally, Jake, Owen and Little Sammie. After everyone was in bed I said goodbye and left.


"Why are you so tired?" Rose asked at breakfast.

"Eat Rose."

For once I was glad dad was shutting her up. I got bored so I changed out of my dress and went to James shelter.

"Hey Kenna." Grace said, hugging me as I came inside.

"Hey, where's the kids?"

"Oh the big kids took them down to the river to go swimming while the warm air lasts."

I went to her side and helped her with dishes.

"I brought some water bottles for everyone."

"Why don't you head down to the river Kenna, you do to much."

"I don't mind."

She took the plate from me,"Go on now, I have to get to the castle anyway."

I kissed her cheek and went down to the river. I sat down next to Jenny.

"Oh hey, Kenna." She said, hugging me.

Some of the older kids came over sitting on the rock we where sitting on.

"Thoes showers really worked." Jade said.

"Sweet I got some fresh water for you guys too."

"Awesome." Lance said.

"Hey, be nice!" I called to the younger kids.

"So how's Liam?" Haylee asked.


"Yeah, he kind of helped everyone, so he's the dude version of you." Nikki said.

"He's good, he'd be proud of you guys."

They all nodded.

"Not to be rude or anything but why did you come back?" Ben asked.

"Dude that's rude." Jocey said.

"It's cool, I'd rather be here then at the castle, I'd rather be anywhere than there."

They all fell silent. Clouds rolled in everyone jumped into action getting their little sibblings out of the water.

"Jake, Ally, Owen, Sammie, come on guys, it's going to rain." I said, picking up four towels.

"Trace, Grab Sareena, Josett time to get out!" Jenny called.

They came over and I gave them the towles. I put Little Sammie on my hip, and took Little Owens hand. Ally took Owen's hand and Jake waked in front of us saying he had to protect his family. As we walked back men where yelling and laughing.

"Daddy!" losts of kids yelled.

Right away the men fell to their knees catching their kids. Jake looked up at me. I bit my lip at the tears I saw in his eyes.

"Come on guys." I said, walking to their house.

After they took showers they played in their room and I cleaned up the kitchen, making lunch. A man came in.

"You are?" I asked.

"Where's Grace?"

"At the castle. She works there now."

"I would never imagin she would let a strager watch the kids."

"Oh I'm not a strager. I'm Kenna." I shook his hand.

"Are you from town? i do not know you."

"Oh I just moved here, I'm Makenna."

Right away he fell to a knee and bowed.

"Princess, but what are thy doing here?"

"Uncle Dean!" The kids said, tackling the man.

"Come on kids, Lunch is done."

"What are we having Kenna?" Sammie asked, her blond curls bouncing.

"Mac N' cheese. Jake help Sammie into a chair will you?"

"Sure thing Kenna." He said.

"Thanks Kenna." Little Owen said, as I put down his bowl.

"Aw, your welcome love." I said, ruffeling his hair and kissing his head.

"Your the Best, Kenna."

"I try." I told Ally setting down her plate.

I gave Jake His plate.

"Thanks." He said.


"Why do you all talk to the Princess like this?"

"Sure Kenna's a princess but she's our big sister first." Jake said.

The younger kids nodded in agreement. I gave Dean a Bowl and sat down with mine.

"So How's your day?" I asked.

Everyone jumped into talking. I laughed at Sammie's face when people would interrupt her. After dinner Grace came back and I went home.

"Makenna." My Dad's voice boomed.



"Where have you been?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"I'm bored so I looked around."

"Did you go to James shelter?"


"Never mind, we're throughing a ball tomorrow, and you need to be here all day."


"Is that a problem?"

"No, I'll be here."

"Good and I'm also setting you up with a gaurd."

"Not fair."

"Life isn't fair." He said, sounding like a Dad for the first time.

"Ugh! you suck!" I said, going to my room.

I took deep breath and threw a vase of flowers across the room. There was a knock on the door and then a follwed; Princess?

"I'm fine." I snapped.


The next morning I was waken up early to get Ready for the stupid ball.

"Princess what are you doing in here?" Grace asked.

She was sitting in the staff room on the left side of the castle. Liam workedon the right..

"I gotta talk to you."

We left the room.

"You look so beutiful." She smiled.

"Thank you. I have to stay here all day, who will Watch Ally, Jake, Owen, and Sammie?"

"Dean will take care of them, you have done enough, Kenna, why do you still come?"

"Because it feels like home to me."

She smile and hugged me.

"You must be getting to the ball room Princess." She said, as one of the workers passed.

"What are you looking at?" I demanded Crossing my arms.

"Sorry Princess."

"Kenna that is no way to speak to him."

"But he was rude!"

"He was, but that is no reason to ruin your humble heart now is it?"

"I guess not."

"Good. now Get on down to the ball room and make me proud."

I turned.

"Young lady, where is my hug?" She asked.

I smiled and hugged her.  I walkeddown the hal after she went back into the staff room.

Liam was in a suit caring some golden trays. He looked me up and down and then smiled.

"Why do you remind me of a pastry?"

I laguhed, and grabbed onto the dress, " You don't like my blue dress?"

"Hmm, depends. Are you wearing matching shoes?"

"Hmm, Even better." I said lifting amy dress nd poking out my bare foot.

He laughed, "I have to get these to the kitchen, or I'll be fired."

"Are you working the ball tonight?" I asked, as we headed down the hall.

"Yeah, I'll be serving drinks on these babies." He held up one for me to see.

"Hmm." I nodded. "I guess I'll see you in there then."

"Yeah, I'll be around." He nodded, holding the kitchen door open. 

"Save me a glass of wine. I'll save you a bottle."
I laughed.

"Meet me in the library after the ball?"

"Yep." I nodded.

"See you then Princess." He bowed and then disappreared behind the kitchen door.

I was arguing with myself so I ran right into my dad. He grabbed my left elbow and my right shoulder as I reached for my crown.

"Whoops, sorry."

"MaKenna you must be careful you could hurt yourself."

"What does that mean?"

"Well your a little how would one say it? Clumsy."


"Come There is someone I want you to meet."

I followed him to the Thrown room.

"This is King Vince and his son Prince Westly."

Westly turned to me, and I took a step back, Jeesh he was cute.

"Princess." He said, bowing and handing me a rose.

I smiled and took the rose.

"As Princess it is your Duty to Show Prince Westly around for the night." My dad said.

Duty, Ha-ha. I opened my mouth.

"Vince, if you would." Dad said, showing him to a door.

"So." I said.

"Have you seen the garden yet?" Westly asked.


"Well I'd love to show you." He said, coming to me and holding out his arm.

I took his arm and let him lead me to the garden. It was just getting dark.

"That's about it. It's Beautiful in the day light. Shall we sit?"

We sat down on the foutin.

"So What do you do for fun?"


"Okay, never mind."I muttered.

Liam walked over at that point.

"Can I help you?" Westly asked, a little snippy if you ask me.

"Nothing, Prince, I am here to turn on the lights." Liam smiled at me and flipped on the lights.

I looked around.

"It's Lovely." I smiled.

I looked over at Liam. He was watching me. He smiled.

"Your work is done is it not?" Westly asked.

Oh no he did not. I opened my mouth.

Liam smiled, and bowed."I bid you goodbye My Princess."

"Bye." I whispered to his back.

"Let's head to the ball room shall we?"

I smiled at the irrataion in Westly's voice. Again I let him lead me to the ball room. For the night we danced and got to know each other. I came to relize that he's a fucking dick.

"I hope you Liked Westly cause their is going to be an aragned marraige between you two." Dad said, watching everyone put things away.

"Come again?" I asked, leaning to him like I didn't hear him.

"You'll be marring him."

"What? why me?"

"A woman cannot rlue a Kingdom."

"That's a dick move Dad."

"Excuse me?"

"It's messed up. A girl can rule a Kingdom, at least I can."

"You are to be married or shipped back to the Americas."

"Well shit, slap my ass on a plane and send me home."

"You have a duty to your people."

"So do you, and yet you choose to keep the pour people in a villige like you can catch there pour-ness or something.

""MaKenna, I whish for you to not talk to me like that."

"And I wish for you to open your eyes and be a real king." I truned on my heel and left the room.

The fact that I didn't fall was pretty fucking awesome. I changed and went to bed.


"What are you doing?" I asked Dean the next day.

"I'm making traps so when an animal walks to it, it'll snap and trap the animal and we'll have food."

I sat on the log, next to him. "Can you teach me?"

He smiled big, and handed me some rope. Dean took me into the woods and we set up the traps.

"Now we wait for tomorrow and we'll go and check them." He said.


The next morning Liam followed me around.

"Why are you following me? Aren't you afraid to be caught with me?"

"Why would I be? It's my job."

"Huh?" I asked stopping.

He wrapped his arms around me when he bumped into me.

He pulled back, "Your father has ordered me to watch you."

"And you said yes?"


"Why? I'm not some baby that needs to be watched."

"It pays more."

"Your family."

"I'm Sorry Kenna." He said, looking down.

"Don't be." I said, touching his arm.

He stepped away from my touch. I stood taller.

"Do what you have to do."I spun around and walked away with him on my heels.

"Liam, I have to go."

"I'll Go with you."

"I got to go alone."

"I can't alow that Kenna, I'll lose my job."

"Are you sure you want to go with me?"

"I have to."



"Kenna what are we doing here?" Liam asked, grabbing my arm as we stepped from the carriage.

"Guys! Kenna's here!"

Everyone came to me giving me hugs. They stopped when they saw Liam. I pushed past everyone and went inside his house.

"Grace?" I asked.

"In here Love!"

She was in the kitchen.


"Hey guys!" I said, hugging them.

"Liam!" Jake said, throwing himself at his big brother.

Liam scooped the eight year old up and held him close.

"Don't worry Liam I've been taking care of everything While you've been gone, Well until Kenna came." Jake said, as Liam put him down.

"You did good." Liam said patting Jakes shoulder.

Jake stood taller and smiled.

He hugged Owen next.

"Don't I get a hug?" Liam asked the girls who where holding onto me.

They looked up at me.

"Go hug your brother." I nodded once.

They let go of my coat, and slowly hugged Liam. Liam hugged his mom. I walked out of the house.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked, matching my brisk walk.

"What do you mean?"

"Kenna! Over here ready to Check the traps?"

I walked over to Dean.

"Here." Dean said giving me a sack. "Liam." He said, shaking his hand.


"Are you here to stay?"

"He's my baby sitter." I said.

Dean led the way to the traps.

"Whoo! I got one!" I said.

Liam's eyes where cold.

"Whatever Liam, I Think it's cool."

I took the wild bird from the trap and shoved it into my bag. We went back to the log. Dean pulled out a bird plopped it on my lap and gave me a knife. I stared at it. Liam let out a long breath and plopped down next to me. He took the bird and knife, and began to skin it.

"That's gross."

Liam looked at me and smiled."Guess there's just some things a man does."

"Whatever." I got a bird and a kife.

The knife slipped and I cut my self.

"Ow." I said.

Liam put the bird down. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around my arm. We walked into the house.

"Kids, go to your room, Mom I need your help, Kenna hurt herself."

The kids went to thier room and Liam walked me to the Kitchen.

"Liam, if you want me to help her you have to let me have her." Grace said

.Liam nodded once and handed me over to his mom.

"What happened?" Grace asked, walking me to the sink.

"I cut myself."

"With a skining knife." Liam said.


"I know, It was stupid I should of warned her."

"It wasn't- ow."

"Don't yank away honey." Grace said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's alright love." She said taking off his shirt. "I have to run it under water."

"Do you have to?"

"I'm sorry honey."

"It stings." I said, as she poured water over the cut.

"I know, Liam get me the first day kit." Liam looked pained, as he watched us. "Liam go, and put a shirt on."

Liam left. He came back to my side holding out the first aid kit, still not wearing a shirt.

"A shirt Liam."

Liam shiffed from foot to foot.

"Go." I said.

"I'm fine." He said eyes on my hand.

Grace brought me to the table. She put this clear gooy stuff on it and some butter fly band aids. She wrapped it up.

"I want you to stay at the castle for the next couple of days, where I can keep an eye on it and change the dressings."

"But what about the kids, and hunting? Dean can't do it all."

"You mistake me Princess." Dean said at the door. "I agree with Grace, no more hunting until you heal."

"But Dean-"

"You'll thank me later Kenna." Dean said, cutting me off, sounding like someone who really cared about me.

"Take this, it will help with the pain." Grace said, giving me a pill and a water bottle.

"I have to get to the castle and explain why I'm late, Liam when the Pills kick in, take Kenna back to the castle."

Dean went back outside and Liam brang me to his room, so he could get a shirt and keep an eye on me. I lay on his bed. He sat down on the edge. The pills where working.

"You look good with out a shirt."

"Okay the pills are working let's go."

"No I'm going to sleep." I said closing my eyes.

Liam easily picked me up and carried me out side.

"Are you sure you have the kids?"

"They're fine Liam, take care of Kenna." Dean said.

I remember Liam telling me to sleep as he carried me up the stairs, and that was it.

"What Time is it?" I asked looking around.

Grace was fixing my arm again, and Liam came to me with a glass of water. I drank the water, and handded him the cup back. Grace left and Liam sat in the chiar next to my bed.

"You okay?"

"When I can hunt again I'm showing you who can skin a bird."

"There wont be a next time."

"What do you mean?"

"Your not going back."

"Why not?"

" 'Cause I said so."

"Uh last time I checked I'm the one with the crown."

"And the last time I checked, I'm the one who gaurds you. You hurt yourself hunting so your not going back."

I cracked my jaw in annoyance.

"You can hate me if you want to but-"

"I don't hate you. I really don't like you, but not hate."

He noded eyes, unreadable.

"Okay, how about I get to go back but no hunting at all."

He pressed his lips into a thin line.

"What? are you going to keep me here?"


"Dude, look. I didn't come from your ball sack, your not my brother or Boyfriend, there for I don't have to listen to you."

"I can change the boyfriend part."

I blew out some air and rolled my eyes. Liam became serious, as he took my hand.

"Kenna." He said, as if it were hard to speak. "I just want to keep you safe."

"Your job."

He gripped my hand tighter when I tried to pull away. His hand was warm, and could probably hold both of mine in it.

"No. Your- I don't know. I feel the need to keep you safe. You helped my family-"

"So its payment. I don't want anything. It might come to you as a shock, but thoes kids are my little siblings too. Grace, is more of a Mother to me, than my Mom, just in the short time I've known her. I did It cause I felt like I had to help my family."

"Clam down. Please." He said, stroking my hand.

"I've never fit in anywhere before. Being with Them, and Grace, it made me feel whole somehow. And Jenny, and Joesett, Trace, and Sareena, they all took me in so quickly, no questions asked. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had a family. A home. I belonged somewhere, Liam. I fell in love with everyone, It's wierd I guess. You can't keep me away from my family. Please."

"Get Better." He kissed my forehead and was gone.


"What does it look like?"

"It's healed." Grace said, a smile in her voice.

"It is?" I asked, looking at my arm.

Grace laughed.

"It is!" I said, throughing my arms around her. "Since it's better can I go back now?"

"I don't see why not."

"Yes!" I said hugging her again.

She laughed as I grabbed pants, a shirt and my boots, running to the bathroom. I snuck out of the room, and got into the carriage. As soon as I stepped out of the car I took a deep breath. Dean was at the stove.

"Need help?"

"Kenna! I might not kill the kids yet."

"Where are they?" I laughed.

"They're somewhere." He waved a hand.

I ran from the house.

"I got them!" Jenny yelled walking over, holding Owen and Sammie's hands. Jake walked by Jenny's side. Ally ran at me and launched herself at me. I picked her up and hugged her.

"Alright everyone inside-" I stopped as Jenny grabbed my arm.

I watched as they went inside.

"Come over to my house when your done. I Made something for you." She said, backing up.

"Jenny!" I smiled.

She laughed, turned and jogged to her house, Where Trace was sitting on the pourch with Sareena. Josett came out and handed something to Jenny and waved at me. I waved back and headed inside. Once they where fed, they went outside, and played with the other kids. I sat on the log next to Jenny.

"I'd like to think we're friends."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I made you this." She gave me a bow. I took it from her, and looked it over.

"It's beautiful."

"Thanks, before my Dad died, He taught me to make them."

"Who taught you to hunt?"


"He's such a prude."

"I'll take you."

I quickly looked up, "Really?"

"Liam Can't find out though.""


"Trace I'm going hunting." Jenny said, standing.

She picked up her bow and handed me a thing of arrows she taught me how to shoot, and then we hunted. We made a good team. We walked quietly side by side, getting four birds each. As we came back, It was just getting dark.

"See ya Jenny!" I waved.

"Tomorrow!" She waved back, motioning Joesett inside.

"Now that's something I know how to cook. Let's take a look at them." Dean said.

He whiped his hands on a towle and came over to me taking a bird.

"Nice kill. Sit down, I'll show you how to skin it."

"Really?" I asked, voice going high.

"Of course. No niece of mine is not going to learn how to skin."

I was filled with so much Pride I almost cried. I sat down at the table. Dean pulled out a Packet of knifes and layed them on the table. He explianed what each knife was best for and then gave it to me, letting me get the feel of it. After he Explained all the knifes I remembered each one, so I could pick some up, for me and Jenny as a thanks for the bow. He showed me how to skin it and then I got into the car. I went to the local hunting shop and got some kinfes and game bags. I got two belts, you could stick knifes into it. The belts came with an ax as a gift. It was too dark to go back, so I went back to the castle.


"Have fun?"

I jumped, as I came through the back door. Liam came out of the shadows, his face was wiped smooth from all emotion.


"What's in the bag?" He cocked his head.

"It's stuff for Jenny."

"Jenny?" He scoffed.

"Yes, Jenny. My friend. And there's some stuff for Dean, for watching over the kids."

"He doesn't need payment. He's thier Uncle, he can watch them for a while."

"Why are you so cold to him?"

"You weren't there when My Father first died Kenna." hH said, showing full on Irratation. "Your such a girl. You never listen, Even if it's for your own good."

"If I'm such a bother Get on with your life." I said, tightening my grip on my bag and heading to my room. "We don't have to talk for you to do your job."

"Your cute when your mad."

"Stop talking to me, I'm a bother."

"I never said that. You might irratate the hell out of me but your not a bother."

"Good night." I said, pushing open my bedroom door.

Liam grabbed my arm and I turned to him.

"What Liam?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Okay look. I thought it over and it's not cool for you to stay away from your family. When you want to go over there I'll go with you."

"Really?" I asked, dropping the bag and throwing my arms around him.

When he hugged me I pushed away.

"Don't hug me, I'm still mad at you." I grabbed my bag and shut my door.

I reopened it, Kissed Liam's cheek and then closed it again.


Truth was, I was excited as hell to go back home. Even though Liam sat beside me in the car frowning, I was still siked to give Jenny her stuff.

"I'll be back."


"I'm going to see Jenny, I'm not flying to cali."


"Never mind. Can you see if the kids ate yet?"

I grabbed the bag and headed to Jenny's. I knocked on the open door.


"I'm in my room!"

I walked in to her room. She was getting dressed.

"Look what I got you." I said, taking the stuff out of the bag.

"No way! This costs way more than I'd ever earn!" She paused, holding the belt. "The catch?"

"No catch. You taught me to hunt, and gave me a Bow."

"Alright." She said eyeing me. "Here." she pulled out hunting pants which looked like black pants with a bunch of pokets, A red long sleeved shirt and a hunting Jacket.

"Realy?" I smiled.
    "Really." She smiled.

We hugged. I changed clothes, and we put on our belts. We walked outside, to see some of the kids coming out to play. Liam was dressed in hunting pants, and muddy hunting boots. He wore a dark green long sleeved shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. It showed his broad shoulders. He had a big knife clipped to his side, in a long black leather case. he held a Bow losely in one hand and his thing of arrows in the other. He nodded at whatever Dean was saying. He slung the strap of his arrows holder over him.

"Hey." Jenny said, tugging on my side braid.

"Yeah?" I asked, my head snapping to her.

She gave me my thing of arrows, witch I slipped on. She gave me my bow, and I held onto it afraid if Liam saw me with it, he'd snach it.

"See Liams bow?"

I nodded."

I made that." She said, filled with pride.

"It's nice."

Liam looked over at us, and I quickly looked away. I heard him come over. I looked up at him as he took my braid.

"Nice braid Katniss. Prim, beat it will ya?"

Jenny grinned and took off.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you dressing like this and wanting to learn to hunt?"

"I know how to hunt. I bet I could out hunt you."

"Your talking to the master, Catnip." He laughed.

"Master?" I scoffed.

"Are you questioning my skills?"


"Then lets go."




"Come on Kenna." He smiled.

I pushed his arm and headed for the woods.

Okay, I have to admit Liam knows his stuff.

"So who's the master?" He asked as we made our way back to the house.

"Not you." I said.

"I owned you."

"Did not."

"I did to, Kenna you know it."

"What are you arguing about?" Grace asked. "One at a time."

"I owned her at hunting."

"No he didn't." I shook my head.

"And here you stand empty handed." He said, holding up his game bag.

"Thanks for holding my bag." I said, taking it.

"See I owned him." I said showing the bag to Grace.

"Oh come on!" He said, grabbing me around the waist and spinning me around.

"Since you two have so much energy, why don't you take that bucket over there, and go down to the river, for tonights dinner dishes. Are you stayng? I'm making meatloaf."

"We're staying." He said, picking up the tin bucket and puting on his shoudler.

"Coming Catnip?"

"How long are you going to call me that?" i asked, as the screen door shut, with a rattle.

"Until it get's old."

"Trust me its old." I muttered.

"You think your going to make it to the river by night fall?" He asked looking back at me.

I took the bucket from him, "Whatever Gale."

He smiled, and walked after me.

It just got dark and everyone was inside, making dinner and getting ready for bed. Liam looked around and then grabbed my hand.

"Why do you look around as if my Dad's gaurds are going to slit your throat or something?"

"You never know." he said, setting the bucket by the river. "You know you kinda rock this look."

"Yeah right." I said pushing his arm.

"I mean it." He said, putting the bucket into the river.

"Your just trying to get on my goodside." I said grabbing one side of the bucket.

"You have a good side?" He smiled, when I couldn't pick up the bucket.

"I'm still mad at you." I said, trying again.

"Lift from the legs."

"Thank you, very much." I said, looking up at him.

"You can't be mad at something that happened yesterday."

"Trust me, I can hold a Grudge." I said, picking up the bucket. "I'm a girl remember?"

"You can't still be mad okay?"

"Sure I can, then there's the Katniss cracks, and you trying to out hunt me, and then you making fun of me for not being able to lift the bucket."

"Okay, first of all, I didn't try, to out hunt you. You just suck compared to me."

My mouth popped open.

"And I didn't make fun of you for the bucket."

"Oh yes you did, I saw you smile."

"I wasn't making fun."

"Then why'd you smile Liam?"

"Cause you looked cute."

"I don't like to be called cute."

"Okay, so theres the Katniss cracks, and me calling you cute is that all?"


"Of course it's not." He smiled, looking over at me.

"You tried to keep me away from my family. That's a three month cold shoulder at lest.""

At least!" He said, dropping the water bucket, by the front door.

"And then the fact you sloshed water on me.""

The water sloshed on you by it's self!"

"Sure it did Liam, cause water has a mind of it's own."

"Fine, The water, the family, the cute thing and then the Katniss cracks, what else?"

"That covers it."

He opened his mouth.

"Wait, and that coment about there's stuff a man is meant to do what the hell is up with that?" I asked, tossing a hand in the air.

Liam took my face in his hands, and brang his mouth down on mine. I Grabbed his jacket and Pulled him closer to me.

"Liam? Kenna? is that you?" Grace called.

We sprang apart, and grabbed the bucket, bringing it inside. Dinner was served and we sat down.

"Okay, what happened at the river?" Liam looked up, I was already looking at her. "You two have been distant Since you came back from the river."

"Tired." Liam mummbled, looking back at his plate.

"You look it. Why don't you stay here for the night?"

"I have to go back." I shook my head.

"Your tired. You stay here for tonight."


"No but's young lady."

"Yes, Ma'am." I mummbled looking down, at my plate.

When Grace looked away I stuck my tongue out.

"Oooh Mommy!" Owen said.

I looked at him and he shoved in a bite of meatlaof.


"Can I have some more milk?"


"Stop being a dlido and get in the bed."

Liam looked up at me from his spot on his bedroom floor.

"Did you just call me a plastic penis?"

"Uh, I think they're rubber."

"And you would know this how?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

"Would you just get in the bed?" He rolled over facing the door. "Okay, so we have a bit of an atraction-"

"A bit?" He asked, sitting up and facing me. "I wanted to kiss you the first time I saw you. I didn't drop my book cause you sacared me, I dropped it cause I was stuned by your beauty."



"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said. Okay no. Get your ass in this bed."


"We can't do anything, I'm getting married."

"You didn't tell me that!"

"It's an aranged marriage."

"With who?"


"That jerk from the garden?"

"Yeah, and once we're married I move to his country, and never see anyone I know again."

"Excuse me." He said, tossing off the covers and leaving the room. I heard the screen door rattle shut, and then a tin banging agaisnt something.  


I opened my eyes, to a dimly lit room. Liam was lying alseep next to me with his arm thrown across my chest. I yawned and looked around his room. I would have to tease him about how clean it was later. Liam Kissed My shoulder, eyes still closed.

"Why is your room So clean?"

"My Mom cleaned it."

"Shouldn't you clean your own room?" I asked, rolling over to face him/

"She cleaned it after I left."

"So you left with a dirty room?"

"Are you making fun of Me?"

"A little bit."

"I have an idea."


"You don't want to marry that duche bag right?"


"You want to marry Me right?"

"Wait What?"

"Don't go back. Stay Here, you don't like it over there anyway."

"I would but they'll know where to look."

"Not if We take to the woods."

"This isn't the hunger games.

""But if Katniss listened to Gale they'ed be safe."

"Yeah but Katniss was thinking about the family. How are we going to survive in the woods? We'd Have to Take Jenny and Her family too."

"She wouldn't care."

"The kids aren't used to living in the woods."

"Then Why don't we just live in the woods."

"Wouldn't you miss them?"

"We'd visit."

"I can't just run away."

"Sure you can."

"I can't. I'm a princess."

"I thought you hated being a princess."

"I do. If I go missing He might send people out looking for Me."

"Who? Douche bag?"

"My Dad."

"Do you Love Douche bag?"

"No. I love you."

"I love you to." He leaned over Me. "And When I Love someone, I don't let them Get hurt."

"What's so bad about Getting Married to a douche bag, for My Country?"

"I don't let them get hurt or Marry Duche bags."

"So you keep them safe?"

"Yes. Your Mine Now Kenna." He rubbed his noes on Mine. "I can't stand to lose you."

"But Westly-"

"Is a douche bag and doesn't know what He has. or had." He smiled. "Look, everythings going to work out. I'll keep you safe."

"What about your family? It's mine too, and I won't let them get hurt cause of Me."


"Your up!" Sammie sang out.

Liam flopped back, as Sammie and Owen jumped on the bed.

"Where's Jake and Ally?"

"Outside playing." Owen said.

"Whay aren't you?" Liam asked.

"They said to stay in here cause they don't want to watch us." Sammie said.

"Come on." I flipped the covers off and scooped up Sammie.

Owen grabbed my hand and we went out side.

"Jake, Ally." The walked over to us. "As big siblings it's your job to protect them. How would you like it if I pushed you away? That would Be mean right?" They nodded. "So can they play with you?"

They nodded and they all ran off.

"You sure know how to deal with kids." Jenny said, standing at My side.

"Yeah right." I muttered.

"So Liam was beating a tin bucket last night. What's going on?"

"I told Him I'm getting Married."


"The guys a douche."

"Give him an arrow."

"If I marry Him I have to go to His Country. I'll never see anyone I know."

"Stay Here. We can live in the woods."

"This isn't the hunger games." I repeated giving each of her braids a tug. "If I stay Here they'll come for Me. Everyone will Be in danger cause of Me."

"Let them come."

"I won't put people in danger."

"We won't be. When They come We'll Be ready.

""What about the little kids?"

"We'll send them into the forest."

"I want to stay Here I really do."

"Then Stay!" Jenny threw an arm around Me. "Your making this way harder then it has to Be."

"Cover for Me?"

"I'll do My best."

"Hour tops."

"Get out of Here."

I took off to the carriage. I went back to the castle as I packed My clothes Dad walked in.

"There you are. Westly's here and He's taking you to His kingdom."

"But I'm not married!" I spun to face Him.

"It's just for a little while."

"Well how long Is a little while?"

"Just for three days."

"Three days! I have things to do."

"They'll just have to wait. Now get dressed." He pointed to the long puffy red dress on the bed.

He left the room, and I kicked off My shoes. I pulled my dress over my head, and grabbed the red one. Wait what am I doing? I changed into My hunting clothes and ran for the back door, right into Westly's arm.

"Oh good. We have to hurry we'll miss our flight." He grabbed My arm and pulled Me to the car.

"There's things I have to Do!"

"You have to come see the lands beofre we're married."

"No I- Liam!"

Liam jogged over to Me.

"Help Me." I tried to pull My arm away.

"With all do respcet, Prince Westly She is a lady that you should set free." He whistled and His horse came to Him.

Westly set Me free.

"You rather get in with Me, and be a real Princess, or you go with Him." Westly said opening the door.

Liam sat on His horse.

"You know where you stand Makenna. Leave this pesent behind."

"It's Princess to you, Westly. And all in all, your the pesent."

"Me or Him Princess?" Westly said.

I looked over at Liam.

"You don't have to chose. I know you have to marry Him for your Father." Liam said.

"Westly, I have to tell you something." I turned to Him.

"Yes Love?" He said, taking My Arms.

"I can't go with you, 'cause I don't love you."

"Of course you don't but with time you could."

"No, I can't."

"Why not?"

I took a couple of steps away from Him, "Cause I'm in love with someone else."

I Took Liams hand and He pulled Me up.

"This is an outrage-"

"Let Her go." Westly held up His hand. "She called war the second she said she loved someone else."

"Goodbye Westly."

"See you soon Princess." He smirked.

Liam took Me back home, a carriage. My Dad stood with two men.

"Prince Westly told Me what you did. There for you don't get three days you get one. You'll be married tomorrow. You don't have a choice."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Men?" He asked.

They moved and I saw Sareena in old looking cuffs.

"Let her go." I jumped off the horse.

"You come or she's killed."

"You can't do that!" Liam was by my side. "She's done nothing wrong!"

"I can and I will." Dad said.


"Stop." I held my arm out. "I'll go."

"Kenna No" Liam grabbed My arm.

"Let Me go." I said calmly to Him.

"I won't let you do this."

"I wish to be let go."

He let Me go.

"Set Her free."My Dad nodded and the men set her free.

Sareena ran to Jenny, who was in tears as she held her little sister close. She nodded and mouthed thank you, Kenna.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" He asked once back at the castle.

"You may be my father, but I am not your daughter. Don't forget that."

I went to bed and cryed myself to sleep.


I smoothed out my blue puffy dress as I stood in front of the castle. I sighed and looked down, over the railing. A thumpning noice came into ear shot and I leaned over the railing, looking down the road. Liam pulled to a stop, waving at me. I waved back adn looked around. I took off my crown, set it on the railing, bunched up my dress and ran down the steps of the castle.

"You came for me." I smiled, up at him.

"But of course my Princess." He smiled, holding his hand down to me. 

I laughed and grabbed his hands. He yanked me up, turned his horse around and we where ofOnce back at home Liam helped me off the horse. 

"Kenna!" Sareen yelled.

It was the first time I had ever heard her talk. I ran to Her house, as she ran and fumbled down the stairs. I hit my knees sliding. I kocked Sareena off her feet still sliding. the puffy dress aloud me to do this without pain to my knees. I hugged her tightly and then set her down.
"Are you okay?" I asked, taking her wrists.

She nodded.

"Keena!" Jenny smiled, from the pourch. I stood up, and She slammed into me. "Thank you thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." We pulled apart.

"Sissy!" Owen yelled.

I spun aroudn and all four of my younger siblngs, where running at my full speed. I droped th a knee and held out my arms. They all crashed into me, one after another. I kissed Sammie's face, and held them all closer. I stood up, and saw Grace at the front door. She smiled and nodded. I picked up my dress adn ran to her. She held open her arms and I slammed into her.

"There, there, sweet baby girl." She smoothed my hair and kissed my head.

We pulled back, and she smiled, "I'm so proud of you."

"As am I."

I turned around and Hugged Dean. I looked aroudn for the erson that made this possible. I found him y the fire pit, talking to Trace. I liffted up my dress again and ran to him.
He turned around and caught me. He held me in the air for a couple of seconds and then set me down. The second my heels where on the ground, my mouth was on his.

There was a chorus of whooo's and Ew's from the little kids.

"Thank you." I pressed my forehead to his. "I love you."

"I love you too." He lifted my chin and kissed me.
    "That's it!" Grace yelled. "A welcome home party is in need of happening. For a Friend, a Niece, a big sister, For my daughter."

Everyone yelled and clapped, and I gave a bow and a Princess wave, which yes, I was forced to practice. It was late as everyone was going inside.

"Here." Liam said tossing a stack of clothes on his bed. "From Jenny."

I stood up and kicked of my heels.I reached for the zipped and then yanked off the dirty dress.I stepped out of it, and Liam held out the clothes. I pulled on the clothes as he got into His bed. He lifted the covers and I crawled into bed. He covered me with the blanket, and I propped myself on my elbow. I smoothed a hand over his face, and then bent dwn to kiss him. His hand pressed against my back as He kissed me back. I moved 'cause my arm was going numb, and he pulled my leg so I was on top of him. He sat up, and pulled my face to his. He smiled, and I kissed him. 

"Whopps, sorry!" Jake said, turnign around.

"Jake!" Liam called.

"I'm good." He called from down the hall. I slipped off of him, and layed on is chest.


I softly kissed Laims lips, and got up. I snuck out of the house, and took Liam's horse to the castel. I kissed his nose, then patted his butt. 

"Go home."

The horse ran down the road, and I ran up the stairs to my roomI was attacked by ladies in waiting. My hair, both sets of nails, make up. I sat there without talking. They helped Me into the dress, and fluffed it out. They giggled as they stood back to look at Me. One put on my shoes, while the other two put on my veil and crown.

"Princess?" One asked as they walked to the door.

I tossed the veil over my face, and turned away from the mirror. As I walked out of my room I took the flowers one of them handed Me. We walked down the hall to the crowning room. I looked up to See Liam looking at Me. He had a pained look on His face as He raised a hand and waved. I swallowed the pain and looked away, but not before giving Him a small nod. Music played and then the doors opened. The crowd stood and then looked at Me. I took a slow deep breath and walked. I walked with My head down. I handed over the flowers, and stood infront of Westly head down hands limp. He took my hands.

"Today we gather to witness the marraige of Princess Makenna and Prince Westly. If there is anyone at all who thinks that this marraige should not go on speak now, or forever hold you peace. The rings please."

I do came easy to Westly.

"Princess?" I looked up and the man who was marring us.

"Do You or don't you?"


An alarm went off.

"Someones attacking the castle!"

Everyone began to freak out. I ran down the stairs and out the side door. I ran down the hall and someone yanked me into the next hall.

"What the-"

I hugged Jenny.

"Hey." She smiled. "I Thought you might need these." She gave me My bow and arrows. We heard yelling and running feet.


"Yep." I grinned getting an arrow ready.

We jumped into the hall and took out the ten men with ease.

"This way." She took off in a run.

I shoved the veil back from My face and ran after her, shooting the accational gaurd.

"Okay, There's a horse out there waiting to take you."

"I'm nto missing the fight."

"Kenna you have to go, someone you love could get hurt."


She watched as I ran down the front steps. I looked back to see her gone. I ran through the garden, through the back door, and to the crowning room. Some people ran and screamed, while others dropped to the floor for no reason. I got closer and saw it was arrows taking them down. I left the thrown room and went to the tower. I went to the window and let arrows fly.

"Everyone go go go!" Liam called from the front steps.

He looked up at Me.

"Shit." He muttered.

I dropped the bow and ran down the stairs, after I saw Him running up the front steps. We met in the hall and He yanked me down the hall. We ran down the front steps."

Someone find the Princess quick!" Someone yelled.

Liam led the way to the side of the stairs He jumped onto a horse and yanked me up. I grabbed onto His waist and then we where off. I went to Jenny's room to change.

"You didn't really think We'd let you marry that duche Right?"

"Thanks." I laughed.

We both held one side of the trash bag, and we both punched the dress inside. I sat on her Bed and she took the Viel, crown and bobby pins out of My hair. She handed Me a hair tie.

"They're coming, Liam set me to tell you. He sent the kids to the forest. I have to catch up to them."

"Go." I pushed Traces shoulder.

He nodded, gave me a quick hug and ran from the house.

I walked out of the house braiding My hair.

"Here." Liam handed Me My belt, and a bow with arrows. A house was being cleaned out for a hosspital. "Everyone take your possitions. We have ten minuets." Liam said, taking my hand. "Your with Me."

He took Me to His house, where we sat on His roof.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Whatever We can catch I guess." he said.

"Well we might want to hunt after This fight thing."

"That's a good idea."

"I'm full of them."

"Can I ask you something?" He asked as He tossed a pebble off the roof.


"When you said you where in love with someone-"

"Oh I just said that so He'd let Me go."

"Did you mean it?"

"Of course I did."

"So you love Me."

"Can we just get on with this fight thing?"

"Not until I hear it."

"Hear what?"

"Say you love Me."

The sound of yelling went off, and We turned our heads letting arrows fly. Once the first wave was down we all charged to the seen. The smell of blood was think ing the air as meatal hit metal. Peple where dragging others to the home made hospital.

"Jenny No!" I screamed as She fell grabbing Her leg.

I ran to her falling to My Knees.

"Are you okay?"

"Getting stabbed is a bitch."

"There's a lot of blood."

"Just pull the kinfe out will ya?"

I grabbed on the handle.

"Do it." She nodded.

I yanked it out and we both yelled.

"I got her." Grace grabbed Jenny under the arms and dragged her to the hospital.

I stood up and was tackled to the floor. Westly and I rolled around until He pinned Me down Knife to throat.

"Hey there princess." He grinned.

"You'd really kill Me?"

"Nah, I'm just simply protecting you."

"I'd Kill you."

"Your not so tough with out your bow, Princess."

"I don't need my bow."

"Oh come on Wifey-"

"I'm not your fucking wife!" I yelled.

He was startled. I tossed the kinfe that was stuck in Jenny at him and we rolled, Him pinning Me down.

"See Honey. Your nothing but a girl."

I reached up and ripped out His Jugular. Warm blood soaked my clothes, as I pushed Him off.

"Who's just a girl now?"

I grabbed His knife and ran to the hospital.

"Oh my God Kenna!" Jenny yelled from where she was getting stiches.

"It's not mine are you okay?"

"Get your ass out there and fight."

I nodded and Left.


I turned and Liam tossed Me a Dagger. I flipped it in My hand and ran stabbing people above the collar bone. As I passed a body a hand grabbed My foot.

"Princess please help Me."

"Okay." I shurgged.

I bent down and sliced His throat.

"Kenna!" I turned and saw one of the Moms with a bow.

I grabbed it, and standing back to back with Liam we let our arrows fly.

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"You know what. This could be my last hours and you won't say you love Me. That's curle."

"Shut up Liam. It's not like you love Me."

He grabbed My arms."I'm in love with Makenna."

"I'm in love with you  Liam."

He kissed Me then we turned around and stabbed some people.


Everyone quit fighting.

"This is how you repay me for my kindness, Daughter?" Dad asked.

"What kindness!" I spat at him. "You took my from my mom! You're trying to take my from my family here!"

"You are a princess. They are not royalty."

"So what!" I yelled. "Don't you see? this is where I want to be."

Dad looked around, "What about Westly?"

"I uh, kind of killed him."

He ran a hand down his face. "Kind of?"

"He's dead." I nodded.

Dad looked around. "Makenna. I." He sighed and truned around.

He got into a carriage, and the rest of his men followed. Everyone cheered and hugged another. I ran to hthe hospital.

"So I heard you won." Jenny smiled.

"We won." I took her hand. 

"Do me a favor?"


"Go get them." She smiled, "My siblings. Bring them home for me."

"I will." I vowed.

She patted my hand and closed her eyes. I touched her leg and left the room. I lef the house and Liam made his way through happy people. I ran to him and we hugged. He kissed me.

"We might want to get a move on before it gets dark."

"I'll be back."

I went inside Liams house, and Grace handed me a bag.

"Food?" I asked.

"Food." She nodded.
We hugged and then I lef tthe house. I tood Liams hand and we headed into the woods to get our siblings.

"You know you have to marry me right?"
    "I know." I laughed.

"So I was thinking of a beuatiful weding by this little place I like to cal the fire pit."

"It sounds lovely." I smiled at him.

"Have you ever been?"

"I believe so."

"So it's setteled then."
     "So it is."


The kids where sitting around a fire trace had built eating the food we gave them. Liam and I where sititng with our backs on a tree.

"So I'm thinking we head back home after they eat."

"You don't think they need rest?" i asked.
     "We'll stop if they do."

Liam put the fire out and then turned to everyone. 

"Okay," He said, tossing Owen on his back. "We all need to stick toegether." He picked up Sammie and Sareena. "If anyone needs a break feel free to say so."

I bent down, and Ally jumped on my back. Trace held Joesett on his back. I hiked Ally up and followed after Liam.


"Stop." Grace said. 

"I'm sorry." I said, putitng my hands down.
    "It's okay." She smiled.

She was putting my viel into place, and I kept pulling at the dress.

"Bend." Jenny said, limping over to me.

I bent down, adn she put my crown on. I lifted my dress and stuck out a foot so Ally could put on one of my shoes. I held out my other foot and Joesett put on the other shoe. Sammie and Sareena were sitting on the floor ripping petals off of flowers and putitng them into a basket. 

"Do you think I look okay?"

"Yes." Everyone said together.

I looked out the window watching everyone walk down the flower made aisle. 

"Ready?" Dean asked holding out his arm.

"Ready." I nodded taking his arm.

Everyone truned around to watch me walk down the aisle. This time I do came easy, and At last I was able to kiss my husband. 






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.01.2014

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