
There are three Children Of Mark and Elizabeth Mortin. Mark is a best selling thriller Author and his wife Lizzy, a best selling Romance Author. Jason the eldest son is into Music and art. He's skilled highly in the piano. The only daughter they had is a dream for them. Dakota can read a novel in a couple of hours. The youngest, Prestly is into sports. He's tall for His age and strong. All three of them have one thing in common. They're loners. Dakota and Jason Have one More thing in Common. They're twins. Although Prestly would never say it, He admires His older sister. The way She sits back and watches everyone, while There's a fight or something with big emotions is going on. She hides Her emotions well, with blank eyes and a blank face to match. Jason locks Himself in his room, with his paints and piano. Dakota, even though She's a loner, she likes to Be out in the open, so she can observe people and their reactions. Prestly can't help but wonder what goes through His sisters quite mind. Prestly, even though He's fourteen, is protective over his siblings. Dakota and Jason both not being fighters, Prestly has to Be.
First thing First. I told Myself that I wasn't going to go over what I'm about to go Over. I'm not very trusting and I Don't like to talk about what goes on in My head. But good things did come from the bad. I think.The longer you stay in My head the harder it is to get out. I'm used to being hated, unwanted, useless. So When your reading this and You feel the need to judge or make fun of Me, I only ask that you come Up with something creative. Like My older brother says, Why try to do something if it isn't something you feel passionate about? Can you tell He's an artist? My younger Brother most likely would yell beat them Down. Can you tell He has anger Issues? I'm not going to Lie to you. No matter how bad, embarrassing, or painful things get, I'll tell you the truth. This; is My promise to You- Dakota.
"Look all I'm saying is that Everyone likes a good thriller." Prestly said, on behalf of My Dad.
"People like Romance novels too." Jason said, for My Mom.
"Only you would Like those. No offence Mom, but I'm a guy I like Dad's books."
"I'm a guy too." Jason said.
Prestly snorted, "Dude, Dakota's more of a guy than you. Right Kota?"
"No comment." I slid lower in My recliner and held My book up to My face.
They we're setting the table for dinner. We don't really talk as Normal families do, so at Dinner everyone starts to talk to each other non stop to make Up for the time We didn't talk. Mom thinks it's a good way to learn to love each other. Dad thinks it's a good way To get our opinions out in the open. Prestly looks at it as time to pick on Jason, and Jason looks at it as time to run and hide. I think it's annoying.
"What are your reading?" Dad asked.
"No Comment." I said.
Not a romance of thriller novel, that's for Sure. When They do talk they talk about thier books. Don't get Me wrong, Mom's books are good if your a mushy person, and Dad's are good if you like a Thriller. I'm not a mushy Person. I can predict the end of Dad's books by the Tenth chapter.
"Well can you at least come and eat No Comment girl?" Mom asked.
I Got up, pulling My sleeves down. I took My place next to Jason.
I looked up to Dad, Who hand his hand held out. A normal girl would whine, roll Her eyes, or sigh. I committed the page to memory and handed over My book. Dinner was served, and the debate of witch thriller and Romance novels were Their best pieces of all time began. I Honestly don't care. I tried to read one of Mom's books and lost interest on the third sentence. A week later, I thought it would Be fair to give the book a fair run. I picked it up and read the first chapter. Longest three minutes of My life. I read one of Dad's books all the way through, the one He dedicated to me cause We tossed back ideas. The others, are to predictable for Me. I like stories with twists. Or at lest I used to.
"Well?" Jason Elbowed Me.
"Yes?" I asked not looking up at Him.
"What's your answer?" Prestly asked. "Who's Better Mom or Dad?"
"And Don't say No comment." Jason said.
"Yeah." Prestly laughed, for once agreeing with Jason.
"They're equal. That's Why they worked out as a Couple So Well."
Like every time I said a full sentence Everyone was quite. The way I liked it. Then of course Prestly would tell some lame joke, and everyone would laugh, cause it was funny. I never really found His jokes funny. Trust Me, I have a good sense of Humor, but people find it Freaky. Freaky. I never really liked that word Before. Maybe it was cause I was called it a a lot, or maybe it was cause I didn't like the way it sounded when people said it. The populars' usually added a totally or like to the word. Oh, if I was lucky I'd get like and totally. I'm a really lucky person. Although I hinted it was dangerous to stay inside my head for too long, I find it the most comforting place in the world. Maybe if you pay attention, you'll under stand Why. For starters, No one would shoot you down or tear you apart, cause they're not in your head. I know you might be thinking, 'What about friends? People to talk to?' People don't Get a person. They Get Me as the quiet one. I don't mind really. People tend to shy away from Me, the way I like it. You could also be thinking " How could someone not want to talk to people?" Simple; I liked to Be alone. You could Be thinking, "Stop tying to guess what I'm thinking and tell the story already." Remember I said I'd tell the truth for you? For Me, be patient. So As they talked about the books and I pretended to listen I decided after this I would say I'm going to bed. I'd hide under my blankets with a flash light, and read My Book. Have You ever read a book and the main character is just like you? She act's like you, say's the same things you would, and even does the same things you do? No? Me either. Nine times out of ten, this is one of those stories Where I'm nothing like you. My Therapist, who I really can't stand, says I'm one of a kind. She said I have a hard time from knowing What's fact and fiction. That's not true. If you don't know what's going on inside my head, then you would as a human stereo type Me. Since no one know's what's in my head, I'm stereo typed. A lot. I don't mind thought. If it's not true then Why should I care? It's when they start talking about something that's true I should start to worry. You know that little voice in Your head that tells you to shut up? I don't have one of those. Then there's the teenage girl's biggest fear. Some fear losing their lip gloss, family or lover. Again, I don't really have one of those things. I know it sounds pretty bad to not be scared if I lost My family, but I promised I'd tell the truth. Besides, Are We really a family? Back to My Therapist. She also told My parents that I'm a really deep thinker. Should I start to worry? She said I take something and go over it until there's nothing left. I worried. She said that there was a slight chance that I could Shut down at any second and close everyone out. I got a New therapist.
"Congratulations, you Made it." Dad handed Me My book.
I took My book and hurried to My room.
"Goodnight." Mom called after Me.
I waved a hand before I turned the corner. There was a knock on My door as I was falling in and out of sleep. I ignored the knock. The door opened and closed. the blankets where pulled from my head and My cheek was poked. I sat up, and My mouth was covered.
"It's Me."
"What Do you want?"
Jason was someone I talked to, if at all.
"I have a question."
"So it couldn't wait til morning?" I lay back down.
"Do you want to Hear it or not?"
I could tell something was really bothering Him, "Sure."
"What's a Divorce Decree?"
"It's Divorce Papers."
"I was in Dad's study, to get one of his books so Prestly would leave Me alone. There was a yellow envelope on Dad's Desk. It had all kinds of notes on it, including our names. That's what caught My eye. So I opened the flap and saw divorce papers." he looked at Me wide eyed. "Dakota, You don't think Mom and Dad are getting divorced right? what you said at dinner was true Right?"
I stared at him.
"I don't know."
"What do you Mean you don't know?"
" I was trying to get you all to leave Me alone."
"Well We should ask Them."
"And Say What? Hey Dad, I was snooping through your paper work, something you taught Me not to do from When I was one, and I found this. Are you divorcing Mom?"
"Well what do you expect Me to do?"
"No comment." I tossed the covers over My head only to get them ripped off of My head again.
"Come on Kota-"
"Why Would I want to help you?"
"Cause your My sisters. Family helps each other." He said. "Don't they?"
The truth was I honestly didn't know. Did normal families Help each other? Our family was happy not talking to one another. We didn't get into each others business, they way I liked it.
"Besides. Your Dakota. I know you want to snoop as Much as I do."
He was right. I did. I had to know everything that was going on around Me, and If I didn't I'd go mad with annoyance. That trait is something Dad put in His book he dedicated to Me, although the character could control Herself. I tossed the covers off and crawled to the end of the bed. I untangled My self from the blankets and opened the door. I peaked out into an empty hallway.
"Fine. But if you get caught, you'll get it."
"I won't get caught."
I got off the bed and walked quietly down the hall With Jason close behind.
"Would you keep quite?"
"I'm sorry." he muttered, holding onto the back of My shirt.
I checked the foyer, for shadows, along with the kitchen and living room doors. I lead the way to Dad's office with Jason tagging along close. Truth was, I hadn't been in Dad's office since I was five. I used to sit in the big chair while He wrote his stories. The office didn't change. Same over stuffed chairs, and walls filled with old family pictures. The only pictures you could get of us all together, was the Christmas picture. Of course if you could get Me out of bed, make Prestly stop throwing a fit over the tux He wore, Drag Mom away from the mirror by Her hair, and Bribe Jason to go out into the real world. Dad was the only one that was up early that morning smile in place. Sometimes I think He could Be high, but then I remember it's My Dad. I sat at the desk, and Jason sat in the chair across from Me.
"That's it."
"I know." I grabbed the Yellow folder, and pulled the papers out.
"Well?" He asked, as I Scanned it.
"They're getting a divorce."
He gasped, "Who asked for it?"
I could tell My brother was close to tears, so I didn't want to go on. I knew if I didn't He'd throw a fit, and throw us both under the bus.
"Not Dad."
"Yeah." I said softly.
"Why Mom?" He asked, my unspoken question.
I flipped throw the papers.
"Doesn't say."
"What about the notes on the folder?"
I flipped the folder, and clenched My teeth.
"Living arrangements for Us."
"Are they going to separate Us Dakota?"
"They're letting Us chose."
"I Chose Mom. What about You?"
Mom was ruining our Family. Bam! Just tore it apart, without no warning. But Dad must of done something really Bad.
"No Comment."
"Your deciding aren't you."
I looked up at Him.
"Your My twin."
"That doesn't Mean you know Me."
"No it doesn't." He said. "But I know you are thinking who to chose, cause I was."
I looked down at the folder. I just needed to know why they where doing this. Why where they breaking our family? Should I even care? We weren't a real family anyway. I put the papers away and shoved away from the desk.
"I'm going to bed."
"What Do We do?"
"We wait." I said, as I stepped through the door way.
"I can't wait that long." he said catching up with Me.
I turned at My door, "Then you tell Him you snooped. Leave Me out of it."
He just looked at Me.
"Sweet dreams." I closed the door.
Sweet dreams didn't come to Me. In fact sleep didn't come to Me. I had to know Why. Did Dad cheat on Mom. Did they get into a fight so bad, that there was no mending them back together? They seemed normal at Dinner. Would they even give us an explanation, or give us the We love you very much but.. Speech. I normally wouldn't care, But I had to know what was going to happen to Me. I needed to know I wasn't going to end up in the middle.
"Family Meeting! That Means you To no Comment girl!" Mom called.
We all sat at the table.
"You Need to know that We love you all very much." Mom said.
And So it begins.
"But things Just don't work out sometimes." She said.
"Your Mother and I love each other, but we're not in Love. Does that Make sence?" Dad looked over our faces.
Jason and Prestly nodded slowly, I stayed stone still.
"Why?" I finally shocked myself by asking.
"Why?" Mom asked.
"Why Didn't things work out?" Jason asked, for Me.
"Your supposed to be a team." Prestly said.
They looked at each other.
"I fell in love with someone else." Mom said. "That doesn't Mean I love you any less." She added quickly.
" You all have a choice of where you want to live. You need to know that who ever you pick, the other won't Be mad." Dad said.
"Mom." Jason said.
"Mom." Prestly nodded.
And Just like that, I was thrown into the middle. Thank you Dearest Brothers, of Mine
"Dakota?" Dad put His hand over mine.
"Mom." I said, as He slowly took His hand Back. I grabbed onto it. "I care for you. My choice is Dad. I hope you understand."
She nodded blank faced.
"You do know You'll switch Schools right?" Dad asked.
"I Chose you."
I also Chose him because He Didn't call Me No comment girl He called Me Dakota. He made Me feel human, and not some, No Comment robot. which I guess is My fault she calls Me that in the first place. But is it really? She should of showed Us all love from the beginning. Love. That's another word I Don't care for.
"Boy's you have to know that My boyfriend will Be living with Me." Mom said.
"Dakota." Jason said.
"Let Me know when you come to your senses." I stood and left the room.
"Kota-" Prestly said.
"You too, Prestly."
"Dakota the family meeting isn't over." Mom said.
"There is no family." I paused at the door. "You ruined it."
When no one said anything I left the kitchen. I pulled a suit case from under the bed and shoved My clothes into it. How can the Queen of Romance novels, who writes about true love rip apart Her family. More importantly. How did I not notice?
Hugs in our family Weren't a normal thing, if you haven't noticed by Now. Dad hugged My brothers, who awkwardly hugged back.
"I'm just a call away." Dad promised.
"Say Goodbye to your Brothers Dakota."
I lifted a hand in a wave and they waved back.
"Well, Let's get on the road." Dad walked to the moving van and I followed him.
Could I rip apart Us siblings? Should I care? Would They stay for Me? They needed Me. I turned back. But they had each other. Dad Had No one. I made up My mind and got into the van, leaving My brothers standing on the porch with My Mom. Dad waved one last time and pulled away. I put in some head phones and pulled out a book. Even thought I liked My Dad Better than than My Mom, I still wasn't up for talking. Dad tapped My should after what seemed five minuets. I looked up to the new neighbor hood. Mom's in sweat suits pushing strollers charged down the street, while a group of boys played basket ball in someones drive way. Each house was a two story, and each house was running for the best lawn award. Shinny cars where in almost every drive way, and older people where on porch swings watching little kids play with cars and dolls. I just moved into family fairy tail land. Yippy for Me. Mental very hard head slap.
"Ready?" Dad hopped out of the van and slammed the door.
I leaned forward too look out His window, at our house.
"Come on Dakota! Last one inside does the dishes!" Dad called walking up the walk way with a box.
I shoved My book in My bag, slung it over My shoulder, and hurried past My Dad. We laughed as We fought our way to Be the first one into the house after He opened it.
"I win."
"For now. Hey, why don't you go pick your room, and then help Me bring in the boxes."
"Yeah sure."
I walked up the stairs and picked My room. When I went outside I froze on the porch. The Mom's and basket ball players Where watching My Dad. Even the little kids sat on the front porch Mouth open, mid play. The back of the van was surrounded in Men, as Dad handed down boxes. The men carried the boxes up the walk way.
"Nice to have you in the neighborhood." A Man told Me as He passed carrying My head board.
Normally I would turn and bolt to My room, when there was so many people. But There was two reason's why I didn't. One I didn't have a bed to hide under yet, and Two, I was mesmerized By how all the Dad's in the town came together to help My Dad. Almost as if one big Happy family. I guess I could Hide in My closet. I turned finally and walked to My closet. I closed the door, as voices carried into My room. I cracked the door open and three men stood in My room.
"How do you know it's Her room?" One asked.
"I have a teenage daughter." The other guy said setting down a box next to My back pack.
"Or you saw the bag." the third guy said.
They laughed as they left my room. I backed up and smacked at a chain. It smacked Me in the forehead and annoyed I yanked on it. The closet was flooded with light, showing a walk in closet. I sat against the wall, drumming my fingers on my raised knees until the voices stopped for awhile.
"Dakota?" Dad called out.
I opened the closet.
"What are you doing in the closet?"
"Putting My clothes away."
I followed His Eyes to My bag of clothes.
"Alright. How about We go out to eat tonight?"
"So You don't have to do dishes?"
"No, To celebrate our new house."
I raised an eyebrow.
"So I don't want to do dishes. Who in their right Mind Does?"
"Eating out it is." I said.
At that point I did something I have never in My life done. I left My room without the book I was reading. The place Dad pulled up to didn't look promising. It was packed, and By the time we got a table the dishes weren't all that clean. A wait set a bread basket on the table and left. We both looked at the basket. One of the bread sticks looked bitten off of. We looked at each other.
"Pizza?" Dad asked.
"Right Behind you."
We scrambled out of the both quickly and hurried to the car. We stood at the counter eating, something Mom Didn't allow Us to do.
"I have a question."
"Why did you stop reading My books?"
I swallowed, "You really want to know?"
"Yes." He nodded.
"They're too predictable. I can figure out the end before half the book is through."
"That's not cause you skip to the end is it?" He chuckled.
"You taught Me that ruins the surprise."
"I did din't I?"
I nodded.
"So You Want a story with all kinds of twists?"
"Yeah. And the main Character should Be someone People can relate to. Rather it Be a Boy a girl."
"What would you pick."
"You mean the Sex?"
"A girl."
"what would Her name Be?"
"Something that isn't used very often. Maybe a boy's name. You know, to give Her a bit of an edge."
I picked at the crust, "Stevie. Stevie Blake."
"And What would Stevie be like."
"She uses a lot of sarcasm, and comes up with come backs that sting like a sharp whip. She sits back and observes everyone. She should have a strange scene of humor. You know, When everyone would be sad someone jumped off a bridge or something, and She'd say it was his fault for jumping. She needs to be like no one you ever wrote about."
"Someone people can relate to?"
"Yeah, and you should make the story around something that will leave the readers thinking What if That happened to me?"
"So twists, what if that happened to Me, and someone they could relate to?"
"Yeah, and don't start the good stuff until the middle of the book, but make it so that people will still want to read it to find out what happens. Give it a real interesting Blurb, but Don't tell too much about the plot it's self."
"So What would Be the plot of the story?"
"The plot of the story." I though. "Something that could happen, but it also is unreal. Something No one would want to happen to them. Oh, Stevie doesn't trust anyone. Not even her family. That will be a good twist I think."
"Anything else?"
"No Comment." I continued to pick at the crust.
"Are you done?"
"You want to go up stairs?"
"Go ahead."
I tossed the crust on the lid and left the room.
The tile floor was cold as I stepped off the last step. I was about to turn and head back up stairs, then noticed Two things. One the front door was wide open. Two, girly Giggles came from the other side of the open door. The giggles were both loud and annoying. I walked to the front door hidden in the shadows. Three Women stood at the curb handing tools to My dad, Who was working on his truck, wearing His faded/ripped blue jeans and Nothing Else.
"Oh God." I muttered laughing a little, as I rested My head on the door frame. "He always new how to get the girls."
Dad said something then looked up "Dakota come Here!"
As I backed away from the door He gave Me a sharp flip of the wrist, that had Me walking down the path way, and grass, bare feet and all. I was wearing My sweats the ones that said nice ass on the back. I pulled My shirt down and Kept My back away from My Dad.
"Ladies, this is Dakota My Daughter."
"That's Too bad." One of them said.
And with that they took off down the side walk. I watched them go My eyes resting of the group of boys playing basket ball while a group of girls sat on the curb, watching, laughing and drinking a can of soda.
"Go make some friends."
"No thanks." I said, handing Him a tool.
"Oh thanks." He glanced up long enough to give Me his lazy smile and went back to work. "Why Not? They seem your age."
"I helped you get rid of the chicks, gave you the right tool, and now I'm going back in side."
"Check out the pool in the back!" He called, head under hood.
"We have a pool?" I turned back to him, itching my head, My bun flopping all over the place.
"Yeah, it's huge."
I turned away from Him and went inside. Truth was, I didn't really care for pools. I didn't care for bikes or balls either, cause I never did anything with them as a kid. I read, other kids learned to swim, ride bikes, and play sports. I skipped the pool seeing for now and headed to the kitchen, looking for the one thing that has kept Me going on long nights and study nights. I walked over the the coffee pot and got it going. I drowned a cup, and grabbed a quick shower. By the time I was done Dad was still -Still!- under the hood. The only things that changed where the boys traded the ball for skate boards, the girls changed the cans of soda and phone into Bikes, and the kids where in plastic pools. Every woman in a five house radius, married or not, sat on their lawns pretending to watch the kids in the pool, but where really watching My Dad. I was debating on going to stand with Him when the phone rang. I walked to the kitchen, hand raised to pull the phone off the wall. For some reason I stopped and leaned against the counter.
"Guys!" My Mom's voice called out, as if she where in the next room, trying to get our attention. "Anyone home? You've been there a whole Day and I haven't heard anything! Honestly what are you two doing that it is so important that you can't all to let Me know what's going on? I mean I am your Mother and was your wife. Anyway, Dakota call Me, Your Brothers miss you a bunch. Love you!"
The machine cut her off, When She said you. I didn't know Why I stopped. Maybe it was cause I didn't want to talk to her, cause she tore the family apart anyway. As for My bothers, Prestly was probably moving his stuff into My old room as of now. Jason probably missed Me a little, but Not that much. He'd call. I knew He would. So By throwing My Brothers into the message She hopped I would call back, and Then I'd Be stuck talking to Her. Well I'm on to you lady, I stared at the blinking light. I rinsed out the coffee pot and decided on checking out the pool. I pulled open one of the french doors and stepped out. I covered My eyes, and looked at the pool. I slowly inched forward and looked over the edge at the clear water. I bent down and stuck My hand in the water, swishing it around. It felt good on My skin. I'd rather take that then Be in the hot sun. I walked back inside and dyed My hands on a hand towel, and the machine beeped again.
"Dakota? It's Me. Mom thinks your ignoring Her, so She made Me call thinking You'd talk to Me then I could Tell Her what you said. I know retarded right? Anyway, gotta get to football. I love you I guess."
The beep sounded and then silence followed Prestly's voice. I hit the delete button and the light stopped blinking. I waited a few seconds to delete Jason's message adn when there wasn't one I Went out back and sat at the pools ledge dropping My legs into the water. I moved My legs around, and looked over the back yard. Mom would Love it, lots of flowers. But things where different, and as of right no, I could give two shits about what My Mom would love. She broke the family apart, and possibly Dad's Heart. Mom didn't deserve to Love.
"So I met someone." Dad said at Dinner the next night.
"And I really Like her."
"And We're dating."
"She's coming over for Dinner tomorrow."
"That's what I was looking for."
"Are you Mad?"
"Why would I Be mad?"
"Cause of the whole thing with you Mother. We just got divorced."
"I'm not mad. You should Date someone. You deserve to be happy after what happened."
"This is why your my favorite. Whoops, Please don't tell your brothers that. I wouldn't want to seem unfair."
"That's what life about." I told Him. "Making mistakes."
"Are you trying to tell me something?" He smiled, a little.
"Not yet." I smiled to.
"So There's this place where all the teenagers hang out."
"No thanks."
"But you don't start school, until the day after tomorrow. What are you going to do until then?"
"I'll find something to do. I'm not really into the whole hanging out let's be Bff's thing."
"You never where." He said.
"So Your Mother called."
I looked up at Him, "Did you answer it?"
"Nope. I don't really feel like talking to Her at the moment."
"Yeah. She called while you where working on the truck. I didn't feel like talking either. She had Prestly try to call too. I didn't answer that one either."
"You can talk to you Mother. I think She misses you."
"I've been gone for three days. Besides, She deserves to Be sad."
"Do you really believe that?"
"I feel if I talk to Her I'm betraying you."
"Dakota." He balled his napkin. "You won't be betraying Me if you talk to Her. You'll be betraying yourself."
"I feel like I'll betray Myself If I talk to Her." I pushed my food around My plate. "I need time I guess. It wasn't cool what she did."
"Your right it wasn't cool, But She's still Your Mother."
"After She broke Her heart and tore the family apart, you still defend Her?"
"Well, That's what people Do for the People they love. They stand Behind them."
"So I stand behind You."
"Don't you love your Mother?"
"Yes." I don't know. Should I?
"Then talk to her."
"I'll be put in the middle."
"Then don't allow Her to put you there. I'm assuming She said the boys Miss you?"
"Yeah, right."
"They Do. Your their sister."
"They're probably throwing a party I'm gone. Prestly get's My room, and Jason Won't get called the other One. That really hurts His feelings."
"I swear that boy can be gay sometimes."
I sat up taller. "What if He was?"
"Gay?" He asked, taking a drink.
"Well, I guess I'd just have to get over it. There's not much I would be able to do. He's Gay He's Gay."
"Would you except Him?"
"He's My Son, if that's what you Mean." He said. "This is the longest we've ever talked."
"On that note. No Comment."
He laughed, taking a bite. The real truth is that I didn't care if He dated. He did the marriage thing, which wasn't so hot, so not He should do what He wanted. Besides, He is the parent. I don't know why He's care what I think. Normal parents don't care what the kids think. But that right there, is My answer. My Dad isn't normal. My Dad has a lot of issues and one of them is cooking. He said that if the world tasted His cookies there would be world peace no doubt about it. And I honestly believe world peace would happen. After dinner I headed up stairs. I heard stories of Kids in divorced family. They're shocked mad, or even happy. I wasn't mad, or even shocked. I didn't know what was going on between them and anything could Happen. I wasn't sure if I was happy yet. So that night as I went to Bed I just wanted to understand...Why?
I ripped a note off the fridge and held it to My face. -Out with Carmen- was written on it. First who in the hell was Carmen, second, We're out off coffee. I grabbed My keys off the rack, tossed on My flip flops, and jacket, and headed to the gas station around the block. I got My coffee and went back home. Once in My room my cell phone rang. I looked at it, then slowly reached for it. I looked at the number and answered it.
"Hey." His voice was soft.
"Hey what's up?"
"I miss you."
"I miss you too."
"No you don't. How's school?"
"I haven't really gone yet."
"Oh." Silence. "So how's the new house?"
"Big. Empty. Quite. Lonely."
"Quite a description."
"You could always come home you know."
"And if you miss Me too much you could always come Here."
"I'll keep that in Mind." He sighed. "Look, Mom misses you. I think She's hurt."
"Cause you won't talk to Her."
"She tore the family apart."
"I agree with you."
"So How's the new guy?"
"I've only seen Him a couple of times."
"I thought He lived there?"
"He does."
"Locked in your room?"
"With the dresser shoved against the door. How's the block?"
"Lots of families."
"Family fairy land."
"That's what I thought."
"Well We are twins."
"Do Me a Favor?"
"Stay out of My head."
"No problem. it scares Me."
"Jason- Are you talking to your sister? Give Me the phone!"
Click. I still didn't want to talk to Her. I kinda even felt bad I hung Up on Jason. My sweet-possibly gay-brother. I looked around My room. If I could say everything about the house in one word it was easy to find. Cold. I turned on some music to break the silence and pulled out My book. Three chapters later the door opened and the foyer was filled with My Dad's voice and a girl laugh. I shut My book and looked over the stair rail.
"Hey! This is Carmen." Dad said, pointing to the girl.
"Oh My!" Carmen said hand to heart. "Your so beautiful!"
And Just like that, I felt awkward.
I blinked at Her.
"Carmen's My girlfriend." Dad said.
"Oh Right." Mental head slap. " Hi."
"Hi!" She smiled.
"I thought We'd moved the dinner to lunch." Dad informed Me. "You don't mind Do you?"
"I guess not." It's not like I have anything better to do.
"Prefect! then Come on Down and Help us cook!" Dad disappeared pulling Carmen with Him.
I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I leaned against the wall, as Dad took two wine glasses out of the cupboard. The first thing I noticed about Carmen was she was younger than My Dad. She was pretty sure, But she kinda looked like a barbie. Not saying she is one, But She looks like it, and most times I can see through people. We sat down for lunch and Ate quietly. Carmen and Dad kept glancing at Me as If I was going to self destruct at any second. Carmen looked like she was trying Her best to not step on anyone's toes.
"It's kinda quiet." Carmen said.
"I agree. Dakota-"
"Huh?" I asked, looking up caught off guard.
"How was your day?"
"It really didn't start yet."
"So Do you have anything Planned?"
"I'm going to lock Myself in My room and Listen to music."
He stared at Me.
"Yep That's right. I'm pulling a Jason. I miss Him. I have to do something That reminds Me of Him."
For some reason My Mouth Wouldn't shut the hell Up. It just came pouring out. Rather I liked it or Not, I missed My twin. I think I might of Even Missed Prestly. Almost.
"I'll take My lunch to go. I'm gonna See if He's on Skype."
I picked up My sandwich, and Went to My room. I logged on and right away got a video request. I pushed answer.
Jason leaned in and gave me a lazy smile.
"Wow. Your On."
"Yeah. I really Do Miss you."
"What do you want Me to Do about It?"
"Sing Me a song."
He disappeared and I heard a banging noise. He sat back down With a guitar and a pick in His mouth.
"You play guitar?"
"Yeah. What Should I sing?"
"Sing Me A song that remind You of Me. Do You have-"
I was cut off My the guitar, He cleared His throat.
"Woke up this morning I suddenly realized, We're all in this together. I started smiling, cause You where smiling -Big Smile on My half- and We're all in this together. I'm made of Atoms and your Made of atoms and we're all in the together, And long division doesn't matter cause We're all in this together, Yeah." He reached over and hit some keys on his key board. "I saw you walking in the city, we're all in this together, the city's changing, cause we are changing and we are all in this together, every twelve second someone remembers we're all in this together." I laughed over the next line about a kitchen. "Come on baby, I don't mean to rush you, I only wanted to reach out a touch you, I gotta start to Open My heart. I know you think about jumping ship before it sinks, but we are all in this together, ask a scientist-"
"No thanks."
He laughed, " We're all in this together, And on the sub way we feel like strangers But we are all in this together. Yeah I love you, and You love her and She loves Him and we're all in this together, You know baby there's never Been protection, in all the history of human connection, come on Darling it's alright to show Me you don't ever need to be lonely once you start to open your heart. I saw you crying, I started crying, cause we're all in this together, then religion it's a big decision, but we're all in this together." He stopped. "I think I got at least half the words wrong."
"That's nice to know."
"You don't like music."
"Well I gotta Start opening My heart."
"Before you jump ship."
"I Can Send you a music list. That was By Been Lee. This one is too. It's My favorite. It also remind Me of you. Here, I'll play it on My lap top." He hit a couple of buttons. "It's called, Whatever it is. I'll make up a music list while you listen."
The music started and he bent his head typing.
"Did You like that one?" He looked up, clicking something.
"Yeah I did."
"A list should Pop Up."
"Alright I got it."
"I have to go. Mom's home, and She'll ask if you called."
"What are you gonna say."
"Cover you. Like all big Brothers do."
"Be careful out there. You could Like, Get Eaten alive."
"You know you can talk to me right. About anything. I'm your twin, I'll take it to the grave."
He sighed, "I- Shit. I'll talk later I really want to But-"
His bed room door open and he slammed his lap top closed, leaving Me with a black screen. I looked up all The music. There was a knock on the door and the door was pushed open."
"Here's some money,. I'm going out with Carmen for a while. You should go shopping for clothes. You saw the mall right?"
He set the wad of cash on the desk and left. I heard the door slam and then the car leave. I grabbed My keys, jacket, the money and ran down to My car. I bought a coffee, and went to the mall. Instead of shopping for clothes like I was supposed to, I got Some Cd's and a Ipod. After I listened to half the songs, Jason shot me an E-mail, telling Me about Ipod's. Yeah, I know, Holy shit your in the cave man days. Damn! I stopped off and got another coffee, and went home. I put all the music on the iPod. Carmen not only had lunch at our house, but dinner and Breakfast the next morning too.I walked down the mail box to check the mail and was nailed in the head with a ball. A guy ran over and took My elbow, and quickly said something looking MY face over. I took Off My hood and Pulled out MY ear phones.
"Are you okay?"
I nodded.
"I called out, But I guess you didn't hear Me." He bent down and picked up the ball. "Are you sure your okay?"
"Come On!" Someone called waving their hands.
"Hold-" The Guy turned and chucked the ball, making it through the net. "Let Me make it up to you some how. I'm Calvin, You are?"
"Come on! We're in the middle of a game!"
"I'll catch up with you later. They'll have My head." he gave Me a smile. "Your Name?"
"Dakota!" Dad called.
"Dakota. Got it." Calvin smiled one last time and was running to his friends. He stopped. "Wanna Play Dakota?"
I shook My head hard.
"Okay." He laughed. "Careful, you'll get whip lash."
He grabbed the ball from His friend and shot. I shoved My ear phones back in and went back inside.
Calvin was on the really thin side, with curly brown hair, that added to His goofy Smile. He had welcoming Blue eyes, and wore jeans and a T-shirt. Right away I knew He was the jokester of the group. That meant I had No idea where to put him.
The morning was warm and humid as I made My way to My car. It had no right to be this damn hot this early in the morning. Still I got into My car and blasted the Ac. I decided to get to school early and get a decent spot for parking, and a decent self tour of the school. I Parked the car and went to the office. I got my classes, and a school Map and walked around the school Looking for a decent route too all the classes. I looked down and bumped into someone making them drop their books. I stared open mouthed at the books.
"I'm sorry." I looked up at Calvin.
"It's okay Dakota." He gave Me his goofy grin, then quickly bent down and picked up his Books."Guess this Means We're even."
"I don't like owing people."
"You never know There could of been a friendship that came out of it. Where's the optimist?"
"The one that died in side of Me?" I asked head cocked to the side.
"No Way! You have to Revive it. You have to see the good things In life."
"There's not that much I'm Missing. When He didn't say anything I said, "I mean, There's not a lot of good going on right now."
"Well That's a good thing that you have a friend Then. You know, to soften the blow."
"Yeah, Me. Don't you know what a Friend is?"
"Actually I don't."
"Well," His eyebrows pulled together, " It's someone you have so you can talk to. Your in it together. They make you laugh." He poked my cheek, and I blinked at him. "Okay, uh, They're their for you, Even If you don't want them to Be-"
"Whoa-" I held a hand up, "I'm not signing up."
"That's the good thing about friends. They don't care if there's something you don't want to do, cause They know if you don't do it there could Be something that You'll Miss."
"I think I'll live."
"Sure you'll live, But if you don't have fun, you'll end up alone."
" All that from Not having Fun?"
"Seems a little out there to me."
"That's the good thing about friends, they bring out the good side in you. the sides you never even Knew you had."
"That seems Like a lot of good thing about it's."
"You have to give it a try."
"Cause everyone does."
"I'm not like everyone."
"Tell Me about it." He muttered. "Okay, You don't have to Be My friend."
"Thanks." I passed Him and walked into My first calls.
For that day I hurried to My classes So I could get a seat in the back of the class. I grabbed a tray of food at lunch and sat down at a bench. A bench was grabbed and pulled over to Meat Mine, then both tables where full. I paused opening My bottle of soda. On My left was Calvin, and On My right was the guy that was complaining. Three girls sat across from us, and then Six, guys and girls sat on the other bench.They all began to talk not knowing I was about to maybe flip out. I glared at Calvin, Who looked over laughing and giving Me his goofy grin. For some reason, I pushed His arm and smiled. He pushed My arm back and grabbed one of My fries. After school i hurried to the parking Lot so I wouldn't Be in the I'm-getting-the-hell-out of here traffic. Like I said Before I'm a really lucky person. I was waiting in line for traffic to clear out. I had My head Resting on the Head rest looking out of the sun roof. Rain pounded down on the top of My car, in Big drops. I was so fascinated with how fast the weather changed I jumped when Calvin knocked on the door. He pointed at Me and laughed. I unlocked the car and He reached for the door. I locked it, pointing at Him and laughing. He held up His hand, and looked Up as thunder boomed, and lightning flashed through the once blue sky. This Time I unlocked the door and let him in.
"So you can have fun." He said setting His bag on the floor between His feet.
"I think of it as revenge for rushing Me with so many people." I inched the car forward.
"I deserve that. What are you doing? Take the back road."
"The what?"
"Go down that way." He pointed left.
"No. I've been waiting to get out for ten minuets."
"Just do it."
I turned left and drove through the parking lot.
"Now go Behind the school, and take the back road."
I took the back road and got back on the main road two cars ahead from the car I was behind.
"I know My way around Here. You don't grow up here not knowing your town. I've been friends with the guys at the table ever since I was born it seems. I can't shake them. I was going to go get you by myself so you didn't feel attacked but they insisted I let them Come. Are you Mad?"
"Does it matter really?"
"Of course it does. Friends don't stay mad at friends."
"I thought you Said I didn't have to Be friends with You."
"You don't, but I made up my mind to be friends with you."
"Is this the part where I say lucky Me?"
He gave Me another goofy grin, which had Me Smiling back. Who was Calvin?
"I know you don't want to Be friends-"
"Whoa-" I held up a hand, "I don't remember saying that."
"You sure as Hell Made a big deal about it." He pushed the back of My hand until it touched the wheel.
"I want to be your friend."
"You do?" His eyebrows and voice shot up.
"Yeah. I mean it's not like I'm going to shake you anytime."
"True. What are you listening to?"
"No don't-"
It was too late. No sunlight By Death cab for Cutie, went through My Ipod blasting around us.
"You Seem like the type to listen to this music."
I pushed the next button and Love Me like the world is ending played.
"I'm amazed."
"Hate to be stereo typed."
"Oh. I like this song. Mind If I..."
"Oh, sure go for it."
He turned it up, "I really didn't expect you to listen to this."
"I thought you were turning it to listen to it."
"I did."
"Then why are you talking."
"I can do two things at the same time. A lot of people can." He looked ahead as I turned onto our street. "Let Me guess you can't?"
"I can do two things at the same time. It's not like I was born in the cave man days."
"Or Woman."
"You get My point Dork."
"Dork?" He said. "Again amazed."
"You where right you know."
"About what This time?"
I looked over at Him to see Him smiling, "Your so full of it." I laughed. "But the friends bring out the sides you never knew about yourself before." I turned the car off.
"See, I'm always right. Everyone knows that and soon you will too."
"I hope you think the rains going to die down, cause you have a long walk if it doesn't."
"Yeah I know it sucks." He looked out the window, and I reached into the back seat pulling out an umbrella.
He turned back to Me and Smiled.
"What are friends for?"
"That's the spirit!" He got out and came to My side opening the door. He walked Me to the front porch. "So I'll just give you the umbrella tomorrow okay?"
"That's fine."
"wait id your Dad home?"
"No, Why?"
"You wan to come over for Wednesday's study hour?"
"Who's going to be there?"
"The usual's."
"As in the guys from the bench?"
"Yeah." He gave Me a half apologetic smile.
"I'll pass."
"Why? Don't Be a dork!"
I smiled, "My Dad could come home-"
"It's not like He'll ground you for being down the street. Come on. Just do it."
I looked down at the keys in My hand, down the street, at Calvin, then to My keys again as I shoved them into My pocket.
"Fine." I muttered. "I'll go., only if I get to go home if I want to."

"Deal!"He said, following after Me with the Umbrella.
"I have to warn you though, I'm not that good with the whole group of kids thing."
"Don't worry, neither are they."
"Finally!" The Whiner yelled, waving His hands, to make sure we didn't miss Him and the group of kids standing on the porch.
"That's Hollis. He whines. A lot. The blonde Guys are, Joe, Benny, and Owen." He pointed to the three blonde guys. "Then that's Gabe, Vic, and Dune. The three girls are Leah, Maddie, and Lisa. Sorry guys! We got caught in the Peace-I'm out- traffic."
"I saw you take the back road." Lisa said, annoyed.
"Yeah, you should Of been here already" Maddie said.
"I would of if someone didn't ditch Me." Calvin said, setting the umbrella aside, and unlocking the front door.
They all Pushed Calvin to the side and went inside. Calvin lost his footing and fell in me. He turned quickly and grabbed my arms.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, thanks."
"Dakota! I know You have My English class! I also know You have the notes! I know for a fact you'll let Me copy cause That's what friends do!" Leah yelled. "Please? I love you!"
I passed Calvin, and sat on my knees in front of the coffee table next to Hollis and Leah, I handed over the notes, which was reward with a thanks and a loud kiss on the cheek.
"Snack King has returned with a Vengeance!" Owen said, holding three bags of chips and walking from the kitchen.
"Along with his side kick!" Vic followed with three kinds of Dip.
"Followed by the annoyed hungry guy." Dune said.
Everyone looked at Him, stopping with Page turning and book opening. "I have Beer." He held up Two packs of six cans.
Everyone went back to there work, and Dune passed the beer cans around the table. I set Mine on the tabled, and opened a book. Besides the chips crunching, the cans popping open notice, and the occasional what did you get for number whatever, everyone was really studying. This was pretty good, cause I would have to cram to do home work.
"That's wrong." Gabe tapped My paper. "It's B, not C, although both are right, only one is really right."
"Thanks." I changed my answer. "I never took this class before."
"What are friends for?" He asked.
"Speaking of friends, What did you get from Number six?" Leash looked over Maddie's shoulder, who Moved Her note book so Leah could see better.
After the study group, everyone packed up and went home. The rain had died down, but Calvin, still insisted He walk Me home, Just so I got home safe.
"You never know, a moose can knock you right over!" He said a minuet earlier as I tried to tell Him to stay.
He dropped Me off at Home and then walked homed, head down, hands in pockets. No matter how hard I wanted to not believe it, I Dakota Mortin Had Made a true decent friend. If not a whole group.
By now I was used to seeing Carmen in the kitchen in the morning. Every morning She was there greeting me with a big smile, and large to go cup. I'd thank her, say By To Dad and go out to My car, where Calvin was already Leaning against the driver side door. Today was the same as yesterday. He opened My door and jacked My coffee. He wouldn't drink it all. He Knew I'd Kill Him. Literary. Seeing Carmen in the kitchen, talking to Dad, making Friends, and talking over Skype with Jason, saying Hi to Prestly the times he passed Jason's door, and not talking to My Mom, Seemed to work perfectly for Me. Everything Just fell into place. Almost as if I noticed there was a whole other world that went farther than the front steps of the house.
"No!" Leah and Maddie said.
"Yes! He just asked Me out on the spot! I was so excited, I won't lie." Lisa said.
"Josh is a guy Lisa had a huge crush on." Maddie told me.
"Had, Still does. Girl has it bad Dakota, I'm telling you." Leah said.
"They're lying." Lisa said.
"Actually I see the way you look at Him in Drama." I said.
"Ha!" Maddie and Leah said, as Lisa said, "Oh Thanks."
"So What's going on?" Calvin sat down with the rest of the guys.
"Girl talk." Leah said.
"Peace I'm out!" Dune jumped up, and every guy followed close Behind.
"Calvin!" I yelled, him turning. "Take Me With You!" I begged.
We waved a hand at Me and I grabbed my bag hurrying after Him.
The Guys took off the the field and Calvin took off to the right, Me following.
"The Library?" I asked.
"Just really quick. I have to get a couple of books for the report Owen and I are doing."
"Why isn't Owen Helping?"
"Owen's a bad ass artist, but He doesn't know a potato from a tomato."
He picked up three books scanning the back. HE walked down the rows as I slowly followed Him.
"Beside, I don't trust him with My grade." He added two books to his arms.
"Then Why be his partner?"
"He didn't have one, and He's doing the art apart of it. Do you mind?" He held up two books.
I took The books, and set them on My hip.
"What's the project for?"
"Lit class. Are you taking one?"
"Yeah, but I take it next class."
"Better stock Up on books while you can. It's on poets."
I scanned the books on the shelf and took out three.
"You done?" Calvin called over his shoulder.
"Wait only three?"
"Yeah, they're good writers."
"I trust you."
We Checked out just as the bell was ringing. He walked Me to class and then left.
"So the project will be partner-" The teacher was saying.
Lisa and I looked at each other, both with a nod. After class Lisa hitched a ride with Me, so We could get an early start. Since Calvin beat her to the car in a fair race, she has to sit in the back. It wasn't fair. Calvin Had much better legs than Lisa. Me too for that matter. Calvin took off to his house, Owen standing on his porch.
"Okay, What music do you like?" I asked once in My room.
" Got any Death cab for cutie?"
"Really?" i looked over at Her, and She nodded.
"Most people don't listen to them."
"I listen to them with Calvin all the time."
Well that little shit, I thought sitting down, and opening a book From Auden. Two hours later We took a break, sitting on My bed, eating whatever we found in the cupboards. There had to Be at least twenty empty bottles of soda between the two of Us.
"Dakota I-" Dad paused When He Saw Us.
"This Is Lisa. She's a friend From School."
"Hi!" Lisa waved, with Her happy smile.
Lisa and Calvin could Be twins.
"We have a project for school."
"Oh, Then your half way there for what I need. It's Nice to meet you Lisa. I was planing on having a romantic Dinner for Carmen and-"
"Romantic. No Thanks I won't be here."
"Where will you go?"
"Maybe Lisa's. Or Leah's."
"Perfect." Dad said.
And hour later I said good bye to Dad, sent Lisa on Her way, and Made My way to Calvin's. He opened the door, rubbing His eyes. He was wearing His shoes, Jeans, and Hoddie, no Shirt. He looked out, and squinted.
"Oh Hey! Come on in!" He moved aside.
"If your sleeping-"
"Just come in."
I walked in and sat on the couch, where a crumpled blanket was balled at on side.
"My dad is throwing this romantic dinner for His Girlfriend, so I left."
"You wanted to give them the house, Or my guess is your not the romantic type."
"Little bit of both." I said. "More of the not romantic type." I added when He looked over at Me.
He grabbed two can's of soda and set one on the table in front of Me.
"I didn't know you where sleeping."
"I really wasn't. I was falling in and out."
"Where's your parents?"
"Work. My sisters over at My aunts house."
"You and Lisa could Be Siblings."
"She's My cousin."
"So Happiness runs in the family?
"Yeah, The wells ran dry when My aunt had the twins. Lisa got lucky."
"So That's Lisa's siblings, right."
"No Her toes."
"Don't Be sarcastic with me."
"Why not?"
"I'm the queen of sarcasm."
"Well I'm the king."
"I thought You where the king of Happiness."
"I'm a Guy of Many talents."
"Like what?" I grabbed the soda off the table.
"Well I finished the project in an hour. You finished in three."
"Cause We took a break."
"Yeah, Lisa has to have breaks. What did you talk about?"
"Nothing." I took a drink.
"Come on!" He laughed hitting My arm, "I wanna know."
"We talked about clothes."
He stared at Me. "Okay, really. I want to Know."
"We talked about Clothes!" I insisted. "We talked about what She was going to wear for the date she has, Then We Talked about music."
"And you got out alive. Good for you." He hit my arm, as We heard a heavy rain begin to fall.
"Oh Come on! It was really sunny, today." I said.
Calvin took My soda, and hopped up head into to the kitchen.
"That wasn't rude."
"Come Here."
"No. I'll have to get up."
"Just do it."
I got up and walked into the kitchen He was filling a mug with water. There was another filled with water on the counter next to a box of hot coco.
"Why are you making Hot Coco?"
"Well When Elise is upset Mom makes Her hot Coco if it's cold out, and Bakes something if it's warm."
"It's May."
"Yeah, but it's raining."
he fixed the Coco and We sat on the couch.
"Okay, I found another of your hidden talents. This is pretty damn good."
"You cussed!"
"Sorry." Although it sounded like a question.
"I never heard you cuss before."
"I cussed."
"Not in front of Me."
"Oh. Well, cussing makes you sound stupid."
"You just cussed."
"Well I'm stupid sometimes."
"Your not stupid, your a teenager."
Your a teenager. Some how those three words Made Me feel small, and Well, like a teenager. I wasn't sure If I liked it or not, But it was there, hanging in the air.
"Are you going to Be here for the Fourth of July?"
"I think so, yeah."
"We have this huge block party. It's pretty fun. by the time it gets dark all the teenagers head out to the park, to light off stuff of our own. We just chill there. It's where all the teens hang out."
"what's the park called?"
"The park." He laughed.
"Oh." I smiled, feeling dumb.
"You'll think you'll be able to go?"
"If Carmen sticks around I'll be able to do whatever I want."
"He ignores you for Her?"
"Yeah." I said, taking a drink.
"So You don't like Her?"
"I like Her enough."
"As much as Anyone could Like a new Girl?"
"Pretty much. I don't really know Her, And I don't want to."
"Do you want to know Me More?"
I put My elbow on the back of the couch, and rested My head in My hand.
"I do."
"Good cause your not going to shake Me anytime soon."
"I don't think I'll ever get to shake you."
"Yeah. That's the good thing about Me. Once I'm in, you can't get Me out."
"No Matter how I Hard I try?"
"No Matter how hard you try. You could Try for years, and I'll still be there."
"As Of right Now I don't want to shake you."
"Good?" I smiled.
"Good Cause I don't want you to Shake Me."
He leaned forward and kissed Me.
My head raised from My hand and I blinked at Him.
"Sorry." He muttered.
"It's okay." I found Myself Saying.
He gave Me a lazy smile, and Kissed Me again. He set His cup on the coffee table and took then took Mine, and Put it next to his. He slowly pushed My shoulders and I let him Push Me back onto the arm rest. He smiled, as He pulled on My hips, Making My head slide off of the arm rest.
"That's Better."
His hands where on the sides of My head as He bent down and Kissed Me again. As He deepened the kiss He lowered His body onto Mine, I stopped the Kiss.
"I'm Sorry."
"What's wrong? Want Me to stop?"
I shook My head, and Put my hands on his head.
"Then what is it Dakota?" He looked over My face.
"I don't really know how to Kiss."
"I don't really care." He smiled, bringing His lips back down to Mine.
My stomach felt like it was in a million tight knots. Still, that wasn't enough to stop Me from Putting My fingers into His hair and giving a soft tug. A soft noise came from The back of His throat, and He kissed Me Harder. The door opened and He jumped away from me. We grabbed Our cups, and took a drink looking at the doorway.
"Aunt Maggie said-"
The twelve year old paused.
"You must Be Dakota. Lisa talks about you all the time. Now I can See why. Your really pretty."
Calvin smiled, and looked over at Me.
"I'm Elise."
"Who has some homework I'm guessing?" Calvin said.
"Wait what Did Maggie say?"
Elise looked from Me to Calvin, a big smile coming into place.
"Never mind." She giggled and ran from sight.
A Couple of second later I heard feet on the stairs.
"I'll Be back." Calvin set down His cup, and Followed after Her.
A Minuet later, He came Back, holding a Cd case, His big Smile in place. I looked down at the text I got.
"My Dad's done. I have to go." I walked to the door, and Pulled it open.
"Before you go, Take this." He handed Me the Cd. "Listen to number four." He kissed Me twice slowly, pulling Back with a smile. "Sleep well."
"You need Me to walk you home?" He asked, as I was on the side walk.
"No thanks."
"You sure."
"Good night Calvin."
"I'll miss you!"
I waved a hand and jumped the curb in front Of My house. I played Number four. Stolen, By Dashboard Confessional.
When I first woke, up I had no idea where I was. One, cause the blankets where over My head, and Two, Dad and Carmen where sitting on My bed faces wide With Smiles. I took the blankets off and jerked back, eyebrows pulled together as I took in their faces.
"Can I help you with Something?" I asked, looking from Dad to Carmen.
Carmen's hand shot out, fingers pointed. Again I jumped back, then took Her hand. As I squinted at the rock on Her hand Three things Hit Me. One They loved each other, Two, Things with My parents Where really over, Three, I think I love Calvin.
"I'm Really Happy for You." I jumped Up, putting on shoes, My jacket, and Grabbing the Cd. "But there's something I really Have to do."
I ran from The house and Knocked on Calvin's door. He opened the Door Smile already in place. I held up My hand as I bent over. Man I really needed to get out More.
"Dakota." He put a Hand on My back and one on My shoulder. "Babe, are you okay?"
I snapped up and took in a deep breath.
"Why'd You give Me this song?"
"Cause I think I love you."
"I have to do Something." I ran down the walk way then ran back. "I think I love you too." I kissed His cheek and I left him on the porch.
Carmen and Dad Where still sitting On My bed. I hopped back In and tossed the covers over Me. I put My head in My hands.
"Get Out Dad. Carmen Tell Me everything."
Dad Laughed, Kissed both our heads and He left. Dad popped the question as He popped the bottle of wine. He said He didn't understand Why But He wanted to Marry her, then said That's what love is. It's crazy, undefined, and It happens out of no where. That was one thing I agreed with My Dad on. If I really believed in true love, that was a whole different topic, That I was scared to talk about. Carmen was Happy, so Dad was. Dad Was Happy, So I was. Carmen left down stairs, after kissing My head. I turned on My lap top and talked to Jason. As I told Him everything, He smiled, and Shook His Head.
"why Are you shaking your head?" I smiled.
"I never saw you like this Before. One Day you Leave, without a word, then about a week later you called Me saying you believe in love."
"Carmen and Dad didn't make Me believe in Love."
"They didn't?"
"No. Calvin Did."
"Oh Calvin. Tell me-"
"Jason are you gay?"
He sat back shocked, and for a couple of seconds I regretted asking it. He leaned forward, arms folded on Desk.
"Is it that obvious?"
My face was scrunched up as I nodded.
"Well Shit." He said, voice, full blown gay. "And Here I am Thinking that I was covering My tracks. Any who, Calvin, you where saying."
"Right." I said, jumping into everything.
"It sounds Like My baby sister is in love."
"It sure feels like It."
"What!" He smiled.
"Don't you Tell Mom."
"And Don't you tell Dad."
"Promise back."
"I kinda love you too."
"I kinda love you Back." He smiled.
And then we where both laughing. He really opened up telling Me about things that where happening over there. Pat was a guy that knew what he wanted. He didn't approve of gay's or Bi's and He wanted nothing to do with the boys. That's why they both hid in their rooms. Even though they needed each other to get through things, they where farther apart, which left Me with One thought. My Jason Needed Me.
"I'm Coming Home. You Needed Me."
"No. I'm a big boy and you can't leave Dad."
"He has Carmen know."
"Dakota, you know Damn Well He still needs you. And what about Calvin, Lisa, Maddie, Leah, and everyone else?"
I looked at MY brother.
"Don't even second guess this. You always do that. You Got out Dakota, don't go Back in."
"I can't leave you there."
"Just Do it."
I smiled.
"Calvin always tells Me that."
"See, I said something that He said, and you smiled. If you Come Home You'll regret it."
"Now I really do Miss you."
"Want to Know something?"
"I missed you the second you got in the van."
"Why didn't you say something?"
"I knew you wanted out. I couldn't take that away from you. You would of hated Me."
"No I wouldn't of."
"Okay, fine there would Be some anger involved."
"See? So Whens the date?"
"What Date?" Mom asked from the Hall.
"I love you Bye." Jason said, quickly, shutting the lap top, before said Oh nothing, just-.
I took a quick shower and joined Carmen and Dad as they where eating breakfast. Since I really wasn't a breakfast eater, I ate some grapes and listened to wedding details, that was supposed to happen the weekend before I was going to Graduate high school. I thought It was going to be a little cramped with Activities but I still didn't say anything. I don't even know Why, But I didn't really want to say anything. The way they where looking at each other was something I never saw. Not even between Him and Mom. That's when I knew in My heart, that Dad had Found His soul Mate. I knew Dad was going to Be okay, But he's doing pretty Well. Guess I think I believe in luck a little. I excused Myself and Opened the door, right as Calvin's hand was raised to knock.
"hey." He said, as We Both Took A step back, surprised.
"Hi." I smiled, softly.
He smiled back, and Pulled Me into His arms.
"My dad's Here."
"Want to come over to My place?"
"Sure." I nodded.
Instead of going to His place, He was Drafted into playing a game, while I was dragged to the curb, between Lisa and Maddie, while Leah plopped a soda into My lap.
"Come on! Your off your game!" Hollis said.
"My Bad, man." Calvin took Off His shirt.
He looked down at it and then Smiled. He Put it around My neck, gave Me a kiss and Walked back to the game.
"Your Dating!" Maddie Asked, loudly.
Calvin winked at me and Then Took a shot making it into the net.
"It kinda just happened. Does that Make Sense?" I said.
"Yeah." Lisa said.
"No." Leah said. "I mean, He's cute, and a total Goof ball, but Calvin doesn't date."
"Well maybe She caught Him." Maddie said. "Be happy, Dakota's our friend."
"I'm Happy for Her, but I'm just surprised is all." Leah said.
"Don't Mind Her." Lisa said, "She always talks bad about a good thing."
Calvin gave Me a smile.
"I don't care."
"See, She get's Me for Me." Leah said.
"I used to Be like that."
"What happened?" Maddie asked.
"I met Calvin."
"Aw!" They all said.
Calvin looked over, at their out burst. I love you, I mouthed. Calvin dropped the ball, and came to me yanking Me up.
"Oh Come on!" Hollis said.
Calvin took My Hand and pulled Me to His house.
"Hold on!" Calvin called.
He pulled Me into the house, and bent his head.
"I have to Be honest." I put My fingers to His Lips.
He kissed My fingers, "Okay." He stood straighter.
"I'm broken, okay? You know what the means don't you? I don't work like other people. Your wasting your time with Me if you think We'll be together forever."
"Do you Love me?"
"Then That's good enough for Me."
He kissed Me, taking his shirt from His shoulders and tossing it onto the couch. He picked Me up By My legs, and sat on the couch Himself.
"I love you." He pulled away.
"I know." I grabbed his hands from where they rested on My legs, and before I could do anything, He took His hands away and cupped My Boobs.
There was a loud knock and then the door swung open hitting the wall. I got off and sat on the couch next to Him and Dune Came in.
"I'm sorry-"
"I'm just kidding." Dune laughed, wiping the pissed off look from His face. "The rain picked up and they all ran home. Your free to sleep." he looked over at me. "Or not."
He smiled, and Shut the door.
Calvin turned to Me, "Do you want to go Home?"
I shook My head.
"What do you want to do?"
"Be with you." I muttered, closing the distance to kiss Him.
Rain beat down on the window and roof of Calvin's bedroom. It was dark outside, and it was dim inside too.
"I love you Dakota." He kissed My head.
"I love you too."
He pulled the blanket up more covering our bare bodies. I had no intention to sleep with Him but as Soon as We got to His room, I wanted to. Even though He said it would Hurt, I guess I honestly Didn't care. Sure it hurt, but the after math was worth it.
"Do you want a Hot Chocolate?"
"I want you."
"Again?" He grinned.
I smiled, and nodded. After going through a box of condoms we did go down for Hot Coco.
"Why Is Dakota wearing your Clothes Calvin?" Elise asked standing at the door.
I paused looking at Calvin, only saying, "Uh."
"Cause Her clothes got wet from the rain." Calvin said.
"I like that excuse." I turned to Elise. "They were really wet."
"You don't have to lie guys. I won't tell Mom."
With that she ran upstairs, and I turned to Calvin, mouth open.
"Don't worry about Her." He wrapped His arms around Me and kissed Me.
The wedding was Changed to inside. After a week of sunshine, it was raining again. I liked to think It was cause My mom was town. I helped Carmen Put Her veil on and then grabbed My flowers. I walked down the walk way, and they said their vows. It was perfect. After the wedding I hid in the biggest stall in the girls bathroom with Jason. We talked about random stuff Until He left cause Mom texted Him, to help her Fine Me. I snuck out of the bathroom, and Hit Calvin.
"Hiding already?"
I grabbed his jacket and pulled him into the bathroom.
"I'm hiding from My Mom."
"Your Mom's Here?"
"So Your hiding From Her, or Me?"
"I hate Hiding from You."
He backed Me against the stall.
"You hate it or can't."
" A little bit of Both."
"Yeah." I nodded as He kissed me.
Two things where really bad. I had Sex out of marriage in a church bathroom, and after wards I ran right into My mother.
"Mom!" I pulled My hand Out of Calvin's.
"I'll just." Calvin took off down the hall.
"What have you been doing?"
"I'm Busy."
"I meant in there." She pointed to the bathroom door.
"I'm busy."
"I'll say, We're finding your Father."
"There He is!" I pointed and she looked.
I ran down the hall and out of sight.
"There you are!"
"Sh! Lisa!"
"Your Mom's looking for you."
"I know She is."
"She found you?"
"Yeah, Coming out of the bathroom with Calvin."
"First, gross, second, Ah hell."
"I know." I told her. "About the second part."
"Fast forward!" Lisa put her hands over her ears.
"So Now I'm hiding from her. She was going to take Me to My Dad."
"He doesn't know I'm dating Calvin, let alone Sleeping with Him."
"So where does He think you are when you go over to His house?"
"At your house."
"Oh God. Whoops." She covered her mouth.
"Anyway. I just have to get through the night, not seen by Her."
"I"ll stay with you. What did you think of the Wedding?"
"I liked it."
"I thought it was prefect. Carmen was so Pretty, she looked like she was glowing."
"I put on too much of the fake spray tan on her last night."
Lisa tossed Her head back and Laughed.
"Honestly though, I didn't read the directions like she told Me to."
"Was She mad at you?"
"No! She Laughed, and Said It's okay, lives for making little mistakes."
"My Mom would of chopped My head off."
"Mine To." I nodded.
We walked to the party area and got some, food and then hid behind the stairs.
"Shit I forgot a drink." Lisa said.
I looked up and Saw Jason.
He looked over, and I tipped my head back and held My hand to My mouth. He nodded and left.
"Who's that? He looks like you."
"It's My twin."
He brought us the sodas and then stayed there with us.
I opened the door, and Pulled Calvin to Me By his waist and kissed Him.
"Did you missed Me?" He smiled.
I nodded and pressed My forehead to his.
"I love you Dakota."
"I love you Too."
"So I guess We did it."
"Did what?"
"I didn't Mean that." He paused. "I meant with School, not Sex." He tugged on His gown. "I mean We did that too but. Why Don't I just Be quiet?"
I smiled at Him, head cocked. He Gave me a nervous Grin.
"Baby." I said softly.
"Alright, I got Full Juice for the Camera, and I rented a van, Let's go!" Dad said.
Calvin, Lisa, Leah, Maddie, Gabe, Dune, Joe, Benny, Vic, Owen, Hollis, Dad, Carmen and I got into the van and We drove to the school. We walked the stage got our diploma's and all went back for the block-graduation- party. There was a lot of People there, and I found It Hard to Stop Smiling. That is until My Mom's car pulled Up, and She Got out Followed By who could Only Be Pat. Jason Got out and Prestly followed. Prestly spotted Me, and Looked at Mom, Pat and Jason. He rolled His eyes and slipped away.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey. Congrats."
"So you gonna Be at Jason's graduation tomorrow?"
"Yeah, are you?"
"Yeah." He kicked the floor.
"There's hot dog's and stuff."
"Sweet." he grinned now and walked off.
Mom and Dad Where talking with Pat and Carmen standing quiet. I rolled My eyes, and Went to our back yard, Where most of the teen's were hanging out. I Sat on the end of Lisa's Lounge chair, across from Maddie that was Sitting at the end of Leah's chair. Leah held out a red cup, and I took it drinking some soda, mixed with Beer? I think that was what it was.
"Hey Ladies! Look at me now!" Dune Yelled standing on the diving board.
I looked over and covered My eyes, as Dune Flexed, then jumped into the water, splashing us.
"Dune!" Maddie yelled.
"Come on!" Leah called out.
"Sorry gals!" He grinned and went back under.
Something told Me He wasn't all that sorry.
"Alright guys, I'll be back." I said.
"Where you going?" Lisa asked.
"To save Jason."
"Jason? Who's Jason?" Leah muttered.
I walked out of the gate, and looked around, Seeing Jason, who was looking lost.
He looked over. Relief flooded his face as He hurried over to me.
"Congrats!" He pulled Me into a Hug.
"You To!" I patted His back.
"Come on." I said, walking to the back.
I introduced Jason, and He jumped into the pool with the Guys.
"Your brothers Cute." Leah said.
"You think I have a chance?" Maddie asked.
"Nah, Jason is.... weird."
Calvin came Up from Behind Me rubbing Ice cubes on My chest.
He kissed My cheek, dropped them into My shirt and Jumped into the pool. I pulled the cubes out and tossed them into the pool.
Gabe and Owen were walking Up with a bucket, and Owen put his finger to his mouth. Me and Lisa looked at each other, and then Leah and Maddie where covered in water and Ice.
"Holy shit!" Maddie shivered.
"So Done!" Leah ran after them.
The jumped into the pool, and Leah Yelled at them from the edge of the pool. The boy's slapped hands.
"You think it's funny!" Leah yelled diving in.
"Oh Shit!"
The boys swam away quickly. I bit My lip, and turned back to Maddie, who was grabbing a towel and pulling it around Her. Mom was coming through the gate with Carmen, them both laughing and holding a beer. I got up and Slipped into the house, and out the front door where, Dad was talking to Pat. I walked down the street and picked up the basket ball. I carefully bounced it once, then twice, and then continued. I stopped bouncing it and then looked at the hoop. I put the ball in the gutter, and turned hitting Calvin.
His hair had water drops on it, and so did His lip. I reached Up and kissed him.
"Hiding From your Mom?"
I nodded. He took My hand and We went to His room. We layed on the bed and looked at the roof.
"We're going to talk during college right?"
"We have the summer. Please don't talk about school."
"I'm not ready to leave you yet."
"We have now."
The front door opened.
"Heads Up, The Mom's are on a mission, you better pretend you where inside Dakota's house getting hot dog's of using the bathroom!" Someone voice called up.
"Thanks Joe!" Calvin called out.
The door closed, and we went back to My house and stood in the kitchen.
"There you are!" Mom said.
She pulled me into a hug and I stayed still.
"Thanks." I took the gift.
"Open it now, Dakota."
"Oh right."
I opened it to a heart locket.
"I'll put it on."
Before I could say no, she took it from the box, and it was around My neck.
"I have to find your Father. Those cookies are to die for."
"It's Carmen's cookies."
"Oh." Mom left in search of Carmen.
"Here." Jason said, giving Me a Cd.
"What is it?"
"A song." He ripped the paper off, and Put the Cd in the stero on the counter.
By this time everyone came inside interested in Jason's song. He pushed The play button and Finishing School played.
"Now I'm all depressed." Gabe said. "We're all going off to School, and We grew up together."
Everyone stood quiet in the kitchen staring at the floor.
"The Cake is about to Be cup, come on!" Carmen called from the front door.
Slowly we all filed out of the house and to the table under the tent that held a cake, with all of our names on it including Jason's. They cut the cake and passed it out. We all sat on the curb and ate our cake. I was a little depressed to leave them all behind too.
"Let's make this the best summer of our lives guys."
"Hello?" I yanked the phone off the wall without checking the number.
"Look Mom-"
"There's Been an accident."
The phone slipped from My hand and hit the counter. I grabbed my keys and Ran to My car, Passing Dad, Carmen, and Lisa's parents.
"Dakota! What's going On?"
I pulled out of the drive, the wheels shrieking. I ran to the front desk and tapped My finger on the front desk.
"Prestly Mortin."
"Room 108."
"Thanks." I ran down the hall dodging Doctor's and nurses.
I paused at the door. Prestly was in the bed eyes closed, head, and right arm rapped, and hooked up to machines. I wasn't aware That I made any notice until Jason's head snapped up eyes red. He jumped up and pulled Me into a hug. We where both crying as I held onto My only awake Brother.
I turned.
"This is your Fault!" Jason held Me against Him. "You Did this! Just like you tore the family apart! You should if Picked Prestly Up from Foot ball practice!"
Jason turned Me around, and I stopped fighting, to cling to Him.
"No one Knew what was happening." Jason smoothed My hair."I want out, Mom."
The only sound was My sobbing and Prestly's machines. I changed My mind. Biggest Fear: Losing Prestly. I pulled away from Jason and slowly walked to Prestly.
"Since Prestly Has you I'm going to Check on Pat."
"You do that. You never cared about us anyway." I took Prestly's Hand and started at Mother until she left.
"Guess you won't Be going Buddy." I sniffed.
"To your graduation."
Jason Put both hands on My shoulders.
"None of Us will be."
With out saying anything We Both looked down at our Baby Brother. Alive, but bearly hanging on, With us, but in a deep sleep. Dad burst into the room, Carmen and Calvin at His side.
"Where is She?"
"With Pat."Jason said.
I passed Jason, and Allowed Carmen to pull Me into a hug.
"Baby girl." She soothed, smoothing My hair, making Me cry all over again.
Calvin stood at the door leaning from foot to foot. I closed My eyes blocking him out and everything else, except for Carmen. After a couple of Minutes, I pulled back Wiping My face.
"I'm going to Go pull Your Dad in. Calvin." Carmen Waved.
I began to cry all over again As Calvin pulled Me into a hug. He patted My back awkwardly. I pushed Away from Him.
"Are you, uh. Okay?"
I shook My head, and Jason turned Me around Pulling Me into a hug. Shouting Started up in the hall and all Three of us looked over. Calvin left the room, and Jason followed reaching Back to grab My hand on the way. I didn't look back at Prestly as We left the room.
"You Let some other Man Drive My kid Home, and now he's here!" Dad yelled.
"Dad." I said.
He looked over at Me.
"Prestly needs you."
He left My Mom and walked past. I let My hand slip from Jason's and Grabbed Dad's as He passed. He clamped his hand around Mine and led the way back to His room. He stared at Prestly, as Jason joined Us.
"When Your ready, I want you to come Live With Me Jason."
"Yes, Sir." Jason muttered, as Carmen came in.
I went to the door, where Calvin stood.
"I'm not much Help In times like this."
"Go Home."
"Are you sure?"
I kissed his cheek and walked back to My Brother's bed. That night Jason Had Carmen take Him Home and He packed His clothes and Then Moved in with us. I couldn't blame him. He took the guest bedroom. I pulled the blankets up and closed My eyes. I couldn't sleep, but some how Me crying made Me really tired all of the sudden and My eye lids slipped shut. When I woke up there was three notes on the fridge, each saying Hospital. I put up My own hospital note in case They came back and before seeing Me. I grabbed My Keys and Went to the hospital. Carmen and Dad where getting Coffee, and Jason was sitting in a chair reading one of Dad's books. Prestly's favorite.
"Hi. I thought it would Help-"
"Don't stop." I curled up on the couch in the room, and Jason kept reading.
I closed My eyes and fell asleep again.
"So I told Dad I was gay." Jason said When He came into Prestly's room.
"How did He take it?"
"He didn't. He said first His son's in the hospital for half a week and Now this one's gay."
"Your Gay?"
The relief I felt could last a life time. Jason came over and took Prestly's hand. Prestly clung onto it as I gave Prestly some water.
I pushed the nurse Button, and We stepped aside as The Doctor checked Him over. After the Doctor left, we stood By Prestly.
"I still love you now that I know your really gay, Jas."
"Thanks." Jason smiled.
"I love you too, Dakota."
"I love you Prestly."
Dad came in, "Prestly My Boy!"
He ruffled his hair, and Prestly winced. I took His hand and Glared at Dad With a new found protectiveness over My Little brother.
"So The doctor said you could Leave Tomorrow. Jason moved in with Me and Your sister. Do you want to Move in or-"
"Move in." Prestly cut Him off.
"Okay. I'll talk to your Mother, and have Carmen pick up your things." Dad left the room.
"He didn't even notice Me."
"Give Him sometime. Prestly just woke up."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Hey Cheer up! I'm awake."
"Yeah you are!" He patted his leg.
We both pulled Up chairs and we all talked. Something We've never done. We talked about pasts, dreams, fears, and we laughed all the way through. We also made a promise to always be there for each other. We where all in this together. Me and Jason, slept on the couch together so We could Go home with Prestly. It was six in the morning when Prestly was discharged. Still, I fought to keep My eyes open as We pulled up to the house. We set Prestly up in his room, and Let Him sleep cause That's what He wanted to do. Jason and Dad went back to sleep as well And Me and Carmen Shared a pot of Coffee.
"Thanks for you know, at the Hospital the other night."
"Yeah sure. Family Needs to Be together."
"Yes. Your My Family."
"Thanks." I smiled.
"Thanks to you."
I kissed Her cheek and took My coffee to My room. I drank it and the door bell rang.
"Hi. Is Dakota Here?"
I walked down the stairs, and Carmen went to the kitchen.
"Your Brothers home. How is He?"
"How come you didn't come over and ask that before?"
"I thought you wanted to Be alone."
"I love you. You weren't there When I needed you. Where were you, Calvin?"
"I'm sorry."
"Me too."
"Are you breaking up with Me?" He took a step back.
"No." I looked at My feet.
He came inside and hugged Me to Him. He pulled away and gave Me a folded note.
"That's better then I could say. Sweet Dreams, I love you."
I watched Him go. I opened the note -I was scared. I'll love you always and forever-. I folded the paper and closed The door. I went back up stairs and tossed the note on the desk. I looked at the empty Cup on the desk, and went to bed. When I woke Up Prestly and Jason where playing Video games. Even though Prestly's arm was broken He was winning by a mile.
"Want to play, Dakota?" Prestly asked.
"Nah." Then again, when Was the next time I'd have the chance to do something With Both My brothers? "Give me one."
"There, on the table. Push the middle button." Prestly said, shooting Jason's guy dead.
"Ugh! Not fair!"
"Pay attention, dude." Prestly said.
I sat down and played with them. To say I sucked was a understatement. I revenged Myself, by finding a machine gun, and Killing them Both.
"Yes!" I punched the air, "Ha and Ha! Who's the better player now suckers!" I yelled, as They both Shot me at the same time.
"Ha and Ha!" They Both said, making us all laughed.
After our game Dad called us to Lunch which was all kinds of BBQ stuff. Prestly's favorite. After We ate we all went swimming.
"Come on get in all the way!" Prestly said.
I sat lower two steps, clinging to the rail.
"I'm in."
"Your also lame." Prestly went under water and did a hand stand.
"Open the door! This is the police, Everyone Up and in the living Room!"
I opened My door.
"Now Missy!" The cop said, giving Me a shove.
I went down Stairs and Sat in between Jason and Prestly. The Cop looked slowly at each of our faces, Which gave the same look of What in the Hell. His partner was sitting Off to the side.
"There was a murder." The cop Standing said.
My brothers looked at Me but I kept My eyes on The Cop.
"Anything You want to fess up?"
"Who was killed?" Prestly asked.
"Carmen and Mark. Dead, in their bed. Your all suspects."
"Why Would We kill our Dad?" Jason asked.
"You tell Me Sniffles." The Cop said.
I pulled out my Phone.
"Whoa, Who are you calling?"
"My aunt. Is that okay with you?"
Truth was I had no idea if this was still Her number. We haven't talked in Two years. I sent Her a text.
"Just save Yourselves the time. Who killed Them?"
"Why would We Kill them?" Prestly asked.
"Maybe your mad about Him getting Married."
"I've Lived Here Before He met Her, and Jason moved In After the wedding, and Prestly moved in last night-" My voice came up short, thankfully The cop took this as a time to interrupt Me.
"Still Your all a suspect and your not going any where. Maybe you where mad about Carmen being Pregnant."
"Are you going to arrest us?" Jason asked, taking My hand to shut Me up.
"They can't arrest Us." I said.
"Who said that?" The cop asked.
"My aunt. She happens to Be married to a Lawyer now, Who said Not to talk to you. They're both On their way."
"No one goes Up stairs, Until I give the clear." He turned On His heel and went up stairs, leaving Us with His partner.
"Come on Guys."
"Their My brothers. I know how to help them You don't."
I grabbed My brothers hands and brought them to the kitchen. I made a pot off coffee, and handed it out. I brought them to the kitchen so We didn't have to see anything. Four hours later Officer snooty gave us the clear, and When We went into the living Room Our Aunt was there with a man.
"My Name Is Darren West. I'm these kids Lawyer. Can I speak to you outside?" Darren asked, in a no nonsense way.
They stepped outside.
"Everything's going to Be fine-"
"No it's not. One of Us could Of killed them. Jason cause He's mad at Dad for not excepting Him, and They where living until Prestly got here."
"And what about you?" Prestly asked.
"I loved Dad. And Carmen why-"
"Alright, No need to point the finger. We need to work through this together. Now, What was the cause of murder?"
We all looked at each other.
"You don't know?" She asked.
"It's not like we did it."
"Oh now you say that." Jason said to Me.
"I said it could of been you. Now that it was."
"Alright!" She said, getting us to shut up. "I'll just go talk to Darren when He come's back in. For now, go sit on the couch."
She touched each of our shoulders as We passed. We sat on the couch and looked at each other. Deep Down I knew they didn't kill them, but We where the only ones here. We all watched Darren hopping for a little good news after being lost.
"I managed to Get them to leave for awhile. You have to confess to me Now if You did it."
"No." I said.
"Nope." Jason said.
"Don't look at me. I have a broken arm. What am I going to Do Slit their throat?"
"That's the cause of death." Darren said.
"I didn't do it." He shook His head hard.
"Well, They're going to do their thing, and look for prints of anything."
"If someone broke in, killed both of them without them yelling, and they got out, it means they might Be smart enough to not leave prints behind." I said.
"And that." Darren looked to Me, "Is what I'm afraid of."
The door bell rang and I answered it.
"Calvin. I really need-"
"We need to talk."
"Okay." I twirled my hair.
"There's a lot of stuff going on with you and your family right now. I think We need to cool it while you work stuff out. You understand Right?"
"Cool." He kissed My cheek and Left.
"I didn't kill them. For Now leave it like that please." I went up stairs.
I pulled out My desk chair and unfolded Calvin's note. I put on Marilyn Monroe and then ripped up the note.
"Call it a curse or just call Me blessed. If you can't handle my worst you ain't gettin' My best."
"I know your trying to black Me out Dakota, But this isn't the time to do that. I came all this way to help you now I don't understand what happened at the door or-"
"It's like all the good thing's they fall apart like, like, Marilyn Monroe."
"I'm trying to help you If you'll just let Me in."
I continued to rip.
"If you don't want My help, at least Help Me help your brothers. I'll give you five minuets."
The door was shut, and I was left alone, with a torn up note and wet cheeks. When I went down Stairs Both of My brothers came to Me.
"What Happened?" Jason asked.
"Dad Just died."
"No, this is something More." Prestly said.
"I'm fine. Let's just solve this stupid thing."
I Went into the kitchen, where Darren was on the Phone and Marilyn was at the back door. So My Dad and Carmen were dead, I was Broken about that. Calvin said, to cool it, Broken about that. My Mom didn't care about Us. Even a little Broken about that. Call Me cursed, Never blessed.
The door was banged on and I jumped. I jumped at every noise. Maybe it was cause I haven't slept in three days. Darren shoved the kitchen door open and answered the door. The two cops passed Him and I sat numb. A couple of Minuets later, Darren was at the Door.
"Guys! Come to the kitchen." He called out. "Dakota?"
I looked up.
"You too Sweety."
I got up and walked to the kitchen.
"Guess What?" Snooty said. "We found the murder weapon."
My head snapped Up. "Oh yeah, that's right Kiddies, and It has your prints Missy."
Everyone looked at Me.
"Dakota?" Marilyn asked.
"It's not My prints."
"We have-"
"Not Mine." I cut Snooty off. "I don't touch the knifes in the house, or any for that matter."
"Lucky for you, it's not a knife." Snooty Took a plastic bag out and tossed it on the table.
My Brothers leaned in, but I looked at Snooty unfazed.
"You can say whatever you want. I didn't Do it."
"The officer shoved the bag back inside I'll be in contact with You."
Then They left. I got up, and went to My room. I got My Ipod and looked around the house, checking doors and window's for scratches. Nothing. I walked up stairs and stood in front of the crime scene door. I pushed it open, and walked to the window, that was unlocked. Unlocked! I pushed it open and got out on the roof. I walked to the edge and looked down, at the gate. Easy climbing and good foot holds.
"Dakota!" Marilyn yelled hands on the window.
I whipped around, yanking a head phone out. I lost my balance and fell off the roof.
The back door was Thrown open. I layed on My back, trying to Get breath in, but it wasn't working. I started to Freak.
"Back Up." Darren said.
Jason dropped to his knees and shoved an inhaler into My Mouth.
He pushed the button, and air filled My lungs. I layed there, gasping for air.
"Ow." I muttered rolling to My side.
"We have to take you to the hospital." Darren said.
"I'm Fine. I fell on the bush, then the floor." I sat up.
"Are you sure? Just in case-"
"Help Me up."
Jason Helped Me up and I limped to the house, Pulling my sleeves down.
"What where you doing onto he roof?" Marilyn asked.
"The Person broke in from the window. It was unlocked. Carmen always locks everything. I know this for a fact. It's easy to climb the fence by their window, and you can pull yourself up if your taller."
"Are you sure?" Darren asked.
"Yeah come on. Can I have that?"
Jason gave Me the inhaler and I took another hit, leading the way to the room.
"You stay inside guys." I told My brothers.
I climbed out with Darren. He bent down.
"Jason, Go out side, and climb onto the roof."
" 'Kay."
Jason Grabbed the fence and pulled Him self up. He got His footing and Pulled himself onto the roof.
"I'm going to Shut the window. Prestly, Marilyn, go lay on the bed, and Tell Me If you can Here Me open the window."
They went to the bed and Darren shut the window. He opened the window and climbed through walking to the bed. He touched Prestly's arm.
"Shit!" Prestly jumped.
"They never even saw it coming." Jason muttered.
"Come inside now, you guys." Marilyn waved a hand.
We went inside, and Darren Left to call Snooty.
A Person came Down, took Some Prints and left. I needed these people to find the killer, So I can move on. Did I want to Move on? Yes. Yes all the way. A week Later and We where sitting on the couch As Snooty paced.
"We found Some prints on the fence." He began, "We reran the prints and we found a match. We have the Killer, We just have to set a date."
"So Where in the clear?" Prestly asked.
"Yes." Snooty smiled. -Smiled!-
"Wait who killed them?" Jason asked.
"Pat Jones."
"Pat!" We all asked.
"Yes. We think That He was upset about the relationship your parents still had."
I thought Back to When Dad and Mom was talking. Yep. Pat was defiantly mad back then. But Murder? Really?
At the Court date and His punishment, Mom sat On his side-His side!- crying. He was sentenced for life, and We had to go back with Mom.
"I'm not going back."
"You have to." Snooty said.
"I'll take Her. But you'll have to work at My Store." Marilyn said. "You boys too."
They scooted closer to Mom, and Just like That I was off to restart My life again.
I was planning to sleep on the way to Marilyn's house, but My eyes where glued open. Marilyn lived in a small town right on the beach. You would walk out Her back door and you'd Be in sand a couple of feet away from the water. The town was really small, and Had everything Pretty close. On the board walk There where shops, including Marilyn's Clothing Shop. Everyone had deep tans, and wore big smiles. When We pulled Up I was Pretty surprised at the Size. Darren Got out of the car, and Opened the trunk. He grabbed My bag of clothes, Box of new books, and Bag of hair stuff.
"Your Gonna Love It Here, Come on." Marilyn smiled, and Held her hand out.
I took Her hand and we went up the walk way.
"There's My Pretty Girl!" Darren said.
"She was no trouble at all. I love watching Her!" A girls voice came to us.
"Thanks, Marilyn has your Money."
A Girl wearing a Pink sun dress over a Pink bathing suit Walked to the door, Pony tail swinging.
"Was she any trouble?" Marilyn asked
"Nope None at all."
"Thank you for coming on such Short notice."
"Sure! Anytime." She took The Money.
"This is Dakota."
"Hi Dakota! I'm Sammie." She stuck Her hand out and I shook it.
"Dakota's going To Be working with you and Tori, can you-"
"Show Her around? I'd Love to!"
Sammie Shoved an arm through Mine and Pulled Me out the door.
"Be back for Dinner!"
We walked to the Board walk, her talking Non stop. Clothes, shoes, places to be, Where to hang out.
"Hey Sam! Who's your Hot Friend?" A Boy yelled.
He was across the street sitting on a bench, with three other guys.
"Don't Worry, Cam tries to get with every living thing. It's ridiculous."
She raised a slim Middle finger and Pulled Me along.
"Come On!" Cam yelled.
She pulled a door open, and We went into a store. A Girl with Bright red hair and big Boots sat on the back counter, legs crossed reading a magazine.
"Is it slow?"
"It's always slow the first two weeks of summer. You know that. Who did you draft this time?"
"This is Dakota. She's Marilyn's cousin right?"
"Right. Anyway, she'll Be working Here."
Red gave a snort and pulled the magazine back up.
"Come on Tori, don't be like that. You work the front Desk, and I'll show her around."
"Uh-Huh." Tori said, Not really paying attention.
Sammie showed Me the back room and then to the office . She sat on the back counter with Tori and Read the magazine. I slipped out the door and headed down the street. Cam was still sitting on the bench with His friends. The bench they sat in front of was in front of a bike store. As I passed someone whistled and whooped. I picked up My pace and kept My head low. I pushed the door open, and Took my shoes off dumping out the sand.
"Dakota is that you?" Marilyn asked.
Darren was on the floor on His stomach facing a two month little girl. I walked into the kitchen and sat down on the stool.
"So Dinner is almost done, and all your stuff is in your room already, it's up stairs, fourth door on the left."
I slid off the stool and went to the stairs.
"Dakota! You want to Meet you cousin?"
"Um. Not really."
"Come on." He waved Me forward.
I stretched out on My stomach next to Darren and in front of the baby.
"Isn't she perfect."
The Baby stuck her tongue out then pulled it back in.
"What do you call her?"
"Izzy." He said touching Her hand.
Izzy grabbed onto his hand, as She began to cry.
"And that's My Que to leave."
Darren laughed, as I pushed off the floor.
"Honey, Someone's hungry." Darren said, picking Izzy off the floor, and heading to the kitchen.
My room was pretty big, with a pretty View. I opened the door, and went out onto the back deck. I looked over the people running around on the beach. There was a buzz from My room, then Marilyn saying that Dinner was done. I locked the door, and went down stairs. Marilyn gave Me a house key, and gave Me the keys to My car, which we towed Here. After Dinner they Put Izzy to sleep and I went to My room. I layed awake listening to My Ipod for two hours, and Still couldn't sleep. I Pulled on a jacket, grabbed My keys and left My room. The house was quite and dark. I pulled my phone out of My pocket and lit the way down stairs. I locked the house up and went to my car. I hooked My Ipod up, and then pulled out of the drive way. I drove along the Board walk, and turned Left, finding a Gas station, that shared a lot with a Laundromat and a food store. I parked and went to the Gas station and grabbed the biggest cup of coffee. I payed for it and got back in the car. I sat in the parking lot until I drank half the Coffee, and the person in the gas station kept glancing at Me. I drove around, until Six and then went home. I got back into bed and finally-Finally!-fell asleep. I stumbled down stairs. Darren was trying to Keep Izzy calm as She screamed, and I mean screamed, as Marilyn tried to get a bottle together. I looked at the counter not finding a coffee, pot. I turned around and left the kitchen.
"Dakota? Where you going?"
"To get Coffee, you guys want anything?"
"No thanks."
"I'm fine.
I jogged to My room, grabbed My keys, and Ipod and left. I got MY Coffee and drove back home. Tori was waving wildly as I came to the shop, as if I'd Miss Her with that hair. I stopped and she ran up to the car as I rolled the window down. She bent down and shoved Her big glasses onto Her head.
"Are you working today?"
"Maybe, Why?"
"Cause I'm alone here and-"
The car behind Me honked.
"Let Me pull around."
"Okay." She put Her sun glasses back on and walked to the store.
I pulled around at the light.
"Where's Sam?"
"She doesn't get Here for another hour."
"Okay, Let me go home, and I'll come sit with you."
"Your The best."
I pulled away and went back to the house. I changed and Walked down the stairs.
"Your ready early."
"Tori's done at the store By Herself. She waved Me down on My way Back Here, So I'm going to Go hang out with Her."
"Perfect. Here's Your hours." She gave Me a paper, shifting Izzy.
I looked at the Paper.
"See you. I'm late." I touched Izzy's hand Making Her cry. "Eh." I muttered leaving the house.
"Have a Nice Day!" Tori waved to a Woman leaving the store. "You stupid Cunt bag. Hey Dakota!"
"Hi." I Sat on the back counter and drank My coffee.
The Bell rang and we looked up to see Sam pink back clutched in her hand.
"What happened to you?" Tori laughed.
"The Boy's, That's what Happened. They chased Me Here on their bikes."
I looked out the window to see them sitting on their Bikes at the bike shop. They where laughing.
"They thought it was funny." She said now.
"They Still Do." I pointed out the window.
Sam Jumped on the counter and looked through the window. She jumped off and Opened the Door.
"Hey!" She yelled, making the boys look. Fuck you! She mouthed flipping them off.
At the same time they all raised a hand and flipped her off. Cam winked and Blew Me a kiss.
"Ugh." I muttered, leaning against the wall, taking a drink.
"What?" Tori asked, turning to look at Me.
"Ugh." She said, pulling a magazine from under the counter.
"Oh My god." I said.
"What?" They said.
"Sam, you better lock that damn door, He's Coming over Here." I said.
"Keys!" Sam said.
Tori reached under the counter and tossed a ring of Keys to Sam. Sam hurried to Lock the door as Cam began to ran. He yanked on the door, just as She pulled out the key out. She stuck Her tongue out and did a Ha-Ha dance.
"Open this door!" Cam Yelled pulling on the handle.
"Never!" Sam yelled.
"Dude, your Not in a movie." Tori put Her magazine down, and threw out Her arms. "You'll Never take Me alive!"
"I want to Talk to Dakota!" He yelled.
The Girls looked at Me.
I Set down My coffee cup, threw my hands out and Yelled, "You'll Never take Me alive."
"Holy Shit dude!" Tori laughed, Giving Me a high five.
"Never!" Sam Said.
He put His forehead on the glass door.
"I know Where you live Dakota!" He turned away and left.
"I'm actually really scared right Now." I said.
"Don't worry, He's afraid of Marilyn." Sam said, unlocking the door, and jumping onto the counter.
She swung her legs over, so She was facing Me.
"Your sure He won't come over, Cause If your Not, I'm sleeping in the back office."
"I'm sure." Sam laughed.
"Sam Might Be a total girl, but She never lies." Tori said, Flipping a page.
"Is it always this slow?"
"Just for the first two weeks of summer." Sam said.
"Yeah, cause Everyone's at the beach or the bike shop." Tori said.
I looked over to the bike shop and the guys where gone.
"They work at the bike shop." Sam said.
I nodded.
"That's Where most of the guys our age work. It's a really small town so there's mostly newly weds and old People." Tori said.
"So If your Not working, you still hang out at your Job?"
"What else is there to do?" Tori asked.
"Go to the beach?"
"It get's old, trust Me." Sam said.
"Yeah, It's already old." I said.
"I like your necklace." Sam said, pointing with a finger.
I looked down and touched the necklace My Mom gave Me for Graduation.
"You want it Sam?"
"I already Have a heart necklace, thanks Though."
"Sure." I muttered, taking a drink. "So How Long have you known Cam?"
"Our Whole lives." Tori said.
"I feel sorry for you."
"We Do too. We grew up with Him, and The Guys."
"And Their names are?"
"Zach, Stark, his last name, Freddy, and Ronnie." Sam said.
"Are the other guys like that?"
"No. They actually have manners. Can You believe it?" Tori said.
"I can. They have good parents." Sam said.
"Yeah, So does Cam." Tori said.
"Well Cam's just a little horn dog." Sam said.
I smiled a little.
"A little? A Huge." Tori said, Snapping Her magazine.
"I agree with Tori." I said.
"Thank You!" Tori tossed Her hand.
"Whatever. Besides Cam. This Will Be the Best Summer of Our lives." Sam said.
"Good, cause I could use some fun." I said.
"Wouldn't count on it around Here." Tori scoffed.
"If you have a attitude like Tori no fun will Come. Don't worry Dakota, the Best is yet to come." Sam said.
"Promise?" Tori asked.
"Shut up." Sam smacked Tori with the window rag.
"Hey Who's He?" I nodded to the window.
A Guy Was walking out of the shop. He wore a hoodie and blue faded jeans. His Hair was pulled into a Pony tail.
"Holy-" Sam began.
"Fucking Shit." Tori finished.
We watched Him Get into a truck, and then pull Away.
"Who is He?"
"That's Levi." Tori said.
"Do you hang out with Him?"
"We used to. Don't worry about Him, He doesn't really come out of His house. You might not even run into Him." Sam said.
"What happened?" I asked.
They looked at each other. A Couple of People came in and they dropped the subject.
I walked to the end of the pier and looked down. It was three in the morning. My Hand closed around the locket on My neck, as I watched the waves. I Yanked the necklace off My neck, and Threw it as Hard as I could. I watched it until I couldn't See it any more. I turned and walked the way I came. I was startled to See someone walking towards Me. We passed barely close enough to Touch. Levi Was Much taller then I thought He would Be. He was pale for living at the beach, but Then Sam said that He never get's out. I glanced Back at Him, wondering what He was doing Here at Night. I dropped My Keys and Bent down To Get them.
"Can't Sleep?"
I turned around To See Levi right Behind Me.
I shook My Head.
"You don't talk?"
I Shook My head, Then Nodded.
"What is it? Yes or No?"
"I talk."
"Then Samantha Must of told You."
"Sam didn't say anything." I felt the need to protect Her. "They Just never see you outside anymore, and When I asked Why They Didn't say anything.
He stared at Me his face Blank.
"Okay Then." I took a step Back. "I'm gonna go Now."
When He didn't say anything I turned around and Left. I got into My car and drove to get Coffee. I filled a large cup and turned around, stopping quickly before I hit Levi. We both stood there staring at each other. I passed Him and went to pay, as He grabbed a large coffee cup. I payed and got into My car. Instead of staying there I pulled out of the lot and took off. I parked the car in font of the house, and went inside. I Sat on the back deck and drank My coffee. Even through it was early in the morning it was pretty warm, with it's breeze. I woke Up To Izzy screaming Her head off, and Someone Saying It's okay. I tossed the covers over My head, but the screaming Got louder. I got up and Pushed open Izzy's door, to find it empty. I picked Izzy up and she screamed even louder.
"Yeah well, I don't like you all that much either, but Right now I'm your best bet, kid."
I Grabbed Her blanket and swaddled Her. She stopped Crying and I took Her down stairs.
"Do you hear that?" Darren asked from the kitchen.
"She Stopped Crying. Somethings Wrong." Marilyn said.
"Here. She was Crying." I gave Her to Darren.
"How'd You Make Her stop?" Darren asked.
"I swaddled Her."
"You What?" Marilyn asked.
"Nothing." I pulled My keys out of My pocket and drove to get coffee.
This Time I didn't bother going back Home, I just parked at the curb. Cam and His friends where sitting on the bench mouths open as They watched Levi shut his door and walk into the bike shop. Once He was inside They turned to each other and talked. I pushed the door open and took My spot on the counter.
"Did you Guys Know that Levi was around?" Cam asked, barging into the store followed By Stark, Zach, Freddy, and Ronnie.
"Yeah, Dakota Saw Him Yesterday. He was going into the bike shop." Tori said.
"Yeah, but He's back now. Back as In working at the shop again." Stark said.
"Shut the hell up!" Sam said.
"Shit you not." Stark said, as Cam looked over at me.
I took a drink of My coffee.
"What was He doing?" Cam asked.
"When You saw Him?"
"He went into the bike shop." I said. "What do you think He did, cartwheel into the Bike Shop?"
"I still think It's cool." Stark said.
And with that they all went across the street and into the bike shop. I was left wondering why everyone was amazed He was out again.
"You know, He's been in his house for six months. I thought He was going to be there forever." Tori said.
"He needed time." Sam said. "You know what Drake Meant to Him."
"Who's Drake?"
They both looked at each other.
"Drake was Levi's Twin." Tori said.
"They used to do everything together. We all did. Drake was a big Goof ball. Levi would sit back and watch everything. He was so close with Drake." Sam said.
"We thought Levi wasn't going to make it, but now He's out and about." Tori said.
I jumped off the counter and left the store.
"Where you going?" Tori asked.
"I'll Be back."
I looked both ways and crossed the street. The bike shop smelled like oil, and sea water. The Boys Where all standing in a corner, looking at something in the next room. I walked over to them.
"Tori want's to know If He's talking to anyone?"
"No." Cam shook His head.
I looked over to were they where looking. Levi was working on a bike. He looked up, then looked down and then back up. He stared at Me tightening a bolt.
"See you around."
"Sure." Stark pulled Me in for a Hug.
Cam tried to But I put up a hand and walked away.
"What did you do?" Sam asked.
"Are you crazy?" Tori asked.
"He's not talking to anyone. Maybe He just came back to work to get his mind off of things."
"That doesn't mean you go over there!" Sam said.
"Yeah Dude, that's like His domain when He's there." Tori said.
"Well you wanted to know."
"Well Yeah We wanted to know, but We didn't mean for you to go over there." Tori said.
"Well I didn't see you guys getting Up, So I did."
Some people came in and We made yourself look busy. After work I went back Home.
"I Know," Marilyn said, trying to talk on the phone as Izzy screamed.
I took Izzy and Bent at the knees and did it a couple of times, While Marilyn finished Her phone call.
"Thanks." She took Izzy Who began to scream. "Uh."
She bent like I did and Izzy stopped crying.
"Your welcome."
I set up My lap top and checked My E-Mail. The Ten messages where the same. -What happened to the Best Summer of our Lives?- I deleted all of them, sent My Brothers a message and closed the lap top. There was a knock on My door and I looked up At Tori.
"There's a bonfire at the beach tonight. You coming? You can work on that the best is still to come thing."
"Do I need to drive?"
"No We're walking."
"I'll come."
I got up and followed Her down stairs. Sam was waiting at the curb. Sam gave Me a hug and we walked down to the Bonfire.
"Ladies." Cam held up two Cups.
I looked at them.
"Dakota! I have a cup for you!" Stark waved Me over.
I left them and Stark gave Me a cup. We hit glasses and took a drink.
"You want to sit down?"
He pushed the keg over, on the tail gate.
"Can you get up?"
"No, It's-"
He picked Me Up and Set Me on the tail gate, then Sat down Himself.
"Why'd you call me over Here?"
"Cam Can Be a little too much sometimes."
"I'm glad you called Me Here."
We hit Cups and took another drink. Tori, Sam, Cam, Freddy, Ronnie, and Zach all Came over.
"Dude, You are a horn dog." Ronnie said, as They came over.
I laughed, and Looked over at the bonfire, My eyes stopping on Levi. I tapped Stark. He looked at Me then looked Over at Levi.
"Well What the hell Do you Know." Stark said.
Everyone looked over at Levi. Levi looked around and Then Left. I gave My beer to Stark and Jumped Down.
"Where you going?" Stark asked.
"I'm going to Get Levi."
"Whoa, You just don't go and get Levi." Cam said.
"Someone Has To."
By the Time I caught up with Him He was almost to the Bike Shop.
"You come to the party to look around then Leave?"
"It's a bonfire. Not a party."
"You get the point." I said, as He unlocked His Truck.
"Where you going anyways?" I asked crossing My arms.
"Come See." He closed His door.
He Unlocked the other door and Started the car. I turned around and walked back to the bonfire. He rolled down the window and followed Me slowly.
"You can look back and say you had the guts to get int the car."
"If I get in the car I won't have a life to look back at."
"I'm not going to kill you."
I kept walking.
I pulled the door open and Hopped in, putting My seat belt on. We where quiet when We turned around and went to the gas station.
"You want anything?"
I opened the door, and walked to the Store. We both got a cup of Coffee, and I followed Him around the store, until He got some cupcakes. He Put His stuff on the counter and pulled His wallet out.
"Her's too."
"No." I grabbed His arm.
He looked at Me and I set his arm free taking a couple of steps back. He payed for our stuff and we Went to the Laundromat.
"So This is what the mysterious Levi does in the middle of the night."
"Better then throwing stuff into the ocean."
"It was a necklace."
He shrugged, and put his stuff into the dryer.
"My Mom gave it to Me. That's Why I threw it."
"We don't have to talk about it."
"Sometimes I think I should."
He Shut the dryer and sat on top of it.
"You know. To Make sure I can still Feel."
"If you have to ask, then you probably don't feel."
"I think that scares Me a little bit. Is That Normal?"
"Does anyone really know what is normal anymore?"
"I guess not."
"Does it feel normal to you?"
"Being scared?"
"Not being able to feel."
"It feels safe."
He took a drink of Coffee, and kicked the dyer as it started to make a loud bang noise.
"So I'm guessing it's safe to say you don't live with your Mom."
"Long story."
"We don't have to talk about it."
I took a drink, and Looked at the hair ties on His wrist.
"Do you Want one?"
"It's okay."
But he was already taking one off and handing it out to Me.
"Here. Take it. You the only person Here that wears their hair down."
As I took it Our knuckles grazed.
"Sorry." I muttered.
He took another drink, and kicked the dryer again.
"People say that you never come out during the day."
"Why come out during the day when you can come out during the night?"
"Awake is the new sleep."
"For Me it is. Should I Bring you home after this?"
"Why So I can toss and turn?"
"You don't sleep during the night?"
"I just can't sleep. I don't know what's wrong with Me."
"I think Your a fellow insomniac."
"That makes perfect sense."
"What else did you think it was?"
"Another one of those We don't have to talk about it things."
"Okay." He nodded. "Sure."
He kicked the Dyer.
"Do they always do that?"
"Yeah." He said, giving it two kicks. "They're pretty old."
"Why Don't you do it at Home?"
"Cause I don't have these at Home." He kicked it again.
"Doesn't your par-"
"Parents?" He scoffed. "I'm Twenty. I don't live with My parents."
"So then you live by yourself?"
He jumped off the dryer as it buzzed.
"Is it lonely?"
"I like to Be alone." He pulled his clothes out of the dryer and shoved them into a bag. "What no, Nobody likes to Be alone?"
"I love to Be alone." I said. "Everyone's different. I don't like to Be around People."
"Yeah Me Too."
"They said you used to like people."
"Who's This they?"
"Never mind." I said as I jumped off.
We shopped for food and then went back to the bike shop. I sat down, as He sat on his knees, a bike in front of Him. He took off his jacket and looked around.
"I can hold it."
"Uh, Thanks."
He balled it up and tossed it at Me. I was hit with His smell, which was really good, if you don't Mind me saying. I took the hair tie and tied My hair up.
"Is this what you always do?"
"Do you always ask questions?"
"Sorry. Lisa always did So now I do. Besides, it's Awkward in the silence."
"Don't look at it that way."
"Look at it how?"
"Peaceful." He looked up at Me. "At least it was."
"I can leave."
"Wait." He said, dropping a tool. "I'm sorry Okay?"
I slowly sat back down.
"Besides what else are you going to do?"
"Throw more things into the Ocean."
His Mouth twitched. He continued to work. After awhile He got up and came to Me.
"Can You pill up my sleeves?" He held out his hands, splattered in grease.
I pulled up his sleeves, showing off strong arms and a tattoo on His wrist.
As He pulled away I grabbed his hand and looked at the tattoo. It was His brothers name in barbed wire.
"I like your tattoo." I set His hand free.
"Yeah. Thanks."
I looked at My hand.
"Follow me."
I followed him to a sink. He washed his hands and then put mine under the water. He put some soap on his hand and washed Mine. His hands where a little ruff against Mine. Is it weird that I think that's sexy? Most likely. He dried My hand off.
"Uh Thanks."
"Sure." He said, taking His jacket.
He pulled it on and the shut the lights off.
He grabbed me by the elbow and led me through the dark shop. His hand was like touching a live wire. Okay, I'll admit it. I liked Him. A little Bit... He pushed the front door open and pulled Me outside, and under a street light. He opened My door and then walked to the other side. I got in and He drove down the street.
"Where We going?"
"To The Bonfire."
"Cause you wanted to go."
"I wanted to go cause I was Bored. It's already three in the morning."
"Which means things are just starting to get good."
He parked the car and got out. I jumped out of the car and Followed Him down to the Bonfire. Everyone was still By the truck and stopped laughing when they saw Us.
"Well Can I get a drink?" He asked.
Cam's hand shot out cup in hand. Levi took it.
"What about Dakota?" He asked.
I looked up at him. How Did He know My Name? Stark gave me a cup. Levi took a drink and turned around. I followed Him and Sat next the Him on a piece of drift wood.
"Are you cold?"
He took off His jacket.
"No don't-"
But He was already Putting It around My Shoulders. I shoved My arms through it, and looked at the fire. He tipped His Cup back.
"Do you want Mine?"
"You Sure?"
"I'm not Much of a drinker."
He took Mine, and put it in his cup and took a drink.
"They Look shocked."
"Want to make them Shit there pants?"
"Kinda." I smiled.
He scooted closer to me and draped His arm around Me. Right away they started smacking each other, and talking.
"Now put your arm around Me."
I did.
"Your other arm Dakota."
"Oh. Right."
I put my arm around His Stomach.
"Rest Your head on me."
I put My head down. They looked at Us Mouths open.
"Here hold this for a second."
He reached Down and in one movement He pulled my legs onto His. Of course This got another round of Smacks as Levi took the cup and Finished it Off. He Set it on the floor, and Wrapped me In both arms.
"Okay, I think We've had our Fun."
"You said you where cold didn't you?"
I just stayed there, lifting My head a little to shove My bangs Behind My Ear. His heart beat was steady, and his breathing was calm. I'm glad I'm not in his place, cause He'd see how fast My heart was beating.
"I think they're coming over." I closed my eyes. "Oh, nope. They're getting More cups."
"Or a closer Look."
"That could Be it to."
I yawned.
"Your tired."
"No, Your comfortable."
"So That's a good thing?"
"Well thanks then."
"Your welcome."
"I could take you home-"
"Do you always talk?"
"Well you see, there's this girl I know and She always asks questions, so If I always talk it evens things out."
"Hm. She seems annoying."
"She is. But She's worth it."
When I went to the store, Tori and Sam each grabbed an arm and pulled Me to the counter.
"Spill it." Sam said.
"Spill what?"
"You know what. One Day He doesn't come out then the next He's wrapped around Your Finger." Tori said.
"No He's Not."
"It sure as hell looked like it." Tori said.
"We where just messing around. He wanted to pull your guy's leg."
"Well Shit, you sure fucking got Me." Tori said.
"He likes you though." Sam said.
"How Do you Know?" Tori asked.
"The way He looks at there." Sam said.
"He has a blank look." I said.
"Not When You not looking." Sam said.
"How Does he look at Her?" Tori asked.
"Like he doesn't want to let Her go." Sam said. "And you might of been kidding at the beach but I don't think He was." Sam said.
"I think Your just over blowing this whole thing." I took a drink of My coffee.
"Where were you last night?" Sam asked.
"At the bonfire." I pulled my eyebrows together.
"Before that. When You went after Levi. What too you so Long to get back?" Sam said.
"Yeah. You Where gone four like three hours." Tori said.
I could of hugged the group of people that walked in right then in there. After they left I begged them to take me with them.
"Now where where We?" Sam asked.
"What took Her so long." Tori said.
"He had stuff to do, so I tagged along."
They looked at each other then at me.
"What?" I asked. "What?" I repeated.
"Nothing." Tori said.
"Then can We talk about something Else Please?" I asked.
"Yeah. Sure." Sam said.
They both left to the back room. The little bell rang and stark came in, pressing His hands own on the counter.
"Okay." He said. "What did you do?"
"What do you Mean?"
"How did You get Levi to come back?"
"I didn't." I said. "I didn't really want to go back but I think He did, so I went to."
"He's in a good Mood though."
"Levi in a Good Mood?" I said. "I don't believe you."
"Okay, So He was in a good Mood for Levi."
"Maybe He's having a good day. As His friend, or old Friend, you should Be happy for Him."
"See you around Dakota." He pushed off the counter and left the the bike shop, where the guys sat on a bench.
After we closed Up, and everyone left, I walked across the bike shop and raised My hand to knock. The door was pushed open, and Levi walked to the back of the shop. I let the door close, then followed after him. I picked His jacket up off a chair and sat down.
"Someone told Me You said I was annoying." I told Him.
"I'd never say that." He worked on something, grunting as He tried to losses a bolt. "Can you stand on the bars?"
I stood on the bars. He tried again.
"With all you Weight, Dakota." He tried again. "Dakota-"
"Well Excuse me If I'm not heavy enough."
I picked His jacket up and sat down on the chair again.
"So What's on the list for tonight?"
"Nothing If I can't get this damn bolt off."
I leaned forward and looked over the tool box. I pulled one out and held it out.
"Try this one."
He looked at It.
"Just do it."
He took the tool and the bolt came off. He stood up and washed his hands. He turned off the light, and this time I was ready for his grip. I stood Up and let him lead Me outside. I held out His jacket and He shook his head. I pulled the jacket on and got into His car. We got our coffee and drove to the next two getting something to eat. After we got something to eat we headed back. Before I wouldn't of trusted Levi. But yet again it wasn't before. It was after, and the first day of the future. I looked over at Levi, who had His eyes glued to the road. I kicked My shoes off, and scooted across the bech seat. When I first curled up against Levi, He froze. He slowly relaxed and put an arm around Me. He was right before. Silence could be full of peace. Right now I felt at peace, and I didn't want it to change. By the time we got back it was three in the morning.
"Do You want Me to drop you off?" He asked, as We pulled up to the bike shop.
"Nothing else to do?"
"I have stuff to do."
"Then I'll come with You."
"I don't know if-"
" Come on. Take Me With you."
I Put My arm around His stomach as He started the car.
"What's wrong?" I asked the next morning.
Izzy and Marilyn where both crying.
"I don't know Where He is and She won't stop crying. He went down for a bottle and never came back. I'm so tired I just Need some Sleep." She sobbed on.
"Here, Give Her To me."
She handed Me Izzy and High tailed it out of there. I swaddled Her and Went down stairs. Darren was sitting on a stool, sleeping, while the microwave beeped, letting him know the bottle was ready. I Grabbed The bottle and went back Up stairs. I fed Izzy and rocked Her, but She kept crying.
"Okay, That's it."
I got up, and buckled her into Her stroller. I walked down to the store, as she stopped crying. Sam hurried and opened the door, and I pushed Izzy into the store. Sam bent down and scooped Izzy out of the stroller. She walked behind the counter, and Tori held her arms out. Sam handed Izzy to Tori. Tori rocked back and forth, patting Izzy's butt.
"She's so tiny." Tori said.
"Where's Marilyn?" Sam asked.
"She was tired, so I took Over Izzy. Izzy wouldn't stop crying So I took Her down Here. She stopped crying once We were walking."
Someone Came in and looked around.
"Can you guys watch her so I can Get a coffee?"
"Yeah sure, Go. We got Her." Tori said.
I Pushed out of the store and walked to the gas station. I got My Coffee. and left.
"Hey Dakota." Stark pulled Up Next to me. "You going to the store?"
"Wanna ride?"
"On that?"
"Get on the Handle bars."
"Come on."
He took My coffee and I got on. I put the coffee Between My legs, and he began to pedal.
"You don't fall do you?"
"When I jump."
"Please don't jump."
"But it's such a rush."
"Please Don't."
"I won't."
He pulled Up to the store. I got off and waved Him away. I went back in and took My seat on the counter.
"You look tired." Sam said.
"Cause I am."
"Did you sleep last night?" Sam asked.
"Cause She was out With Levi." Tori said.
I looked over at Her.
"I saw you guys skip town, and Stark saw you come back."
"We didn't see you."
"Stark made eye contact with Levi."
"Why do you guys make Me feel guilty?"
"Why do you feel guilty?" Tori asked.
"Are you doing something you Feel Guilty about?"
"No." I took a drink of coffee.
"That no sure sounded lie a, I'm lying My ass of right now, you guys." Tori said.
"We both couldn't sleep. We went out to eat. stop making Me feel guilty!"
"We're not!" They said innocently.
"Whatever. I'm taking Izzy home."
"But what about Marilyn?" Sam asked.
"I'll give Izzy to Daren."
I brought Izzy to Darren and then went to My room. I tried to sleep but it wasn't working. I checked My E-mail, and then walked back to the store.
"You busy?" Cam asked, stopping next to me.
"Cam. Leave Her alone." Levi said, tossing a Bike frame into the back of His truck. "I mean it. Don't bother Her."
We watched Him go back into the Bike shop.
"See you." Cam pushed away.
"So Do you go to the beach?" I asked, later that night.
"Not really. The beach gets boring. You?"
"I haven't been to the beach."
"You live on the beach Dakota."
"I mean in the water Levi."
"We should go."
"Uh. Okay."
He got up, wash his hands and turned out the light. He took My hand this time and led Me outside. I watched as He took off his shoes, and Jacket, and put them in the car.
"Give me your shoes."
"My shoes."
He held his hand out, and I gave Him my shoes. We walked away and I followed Him. He walked to the beach, and layed in the sand His arms behind His head. The water came up soaking His clothes. His eyes where closed. I sat next to Him and the water came back wetting My pants.
"Whoa! That's cold." I sat on My knees.
"You get used to it." He muttered.
I put my hands into the sand as The water pulled back. I swung My leg over Levi's body and sat down. His eyes flashed Open and He looked at Me. I bent My head and put My forehead on his.
"Thank you." I whispered. "Thank you for everything."
His eyes were closed as He put his hand On My head and gave it a soft Push until My lips touched his. The kiss was everything I thought it would be. He sat up, and put His hands on my legs. To be honest, Levi intimidated me. I never knew what He would do Next. People like that always get the best of me. He took a hand off my leg and took My chin, lowering my mouth to his. He stopped kissing Me and smiled.
"Your Shivering."
"Not because I'm cold." I said. "I said that out Loud."
"Yeah." He looked over My face.
"I got the chills is all."
His eyebrows pulled together.
I got off and stood. He stood up too and led the way to the car. I was debating to grab His hand or not when He shoved both into His jeans. We pulled up the back of a building. He got out, and walked up some stairs. I followed after Him. His apartment had a table and a chair, and a bed with a T.v. He walked to a basket of clothes on the bed and looked through it. He pulled out a shirt and two pairs of pants.
"Here." He gave Me some sweats. "I'm going to take a shower really quick."
He opened a door, and turned on the shower. I pulled on the sweats and sat on the corner of the bed. The apartment wasn't really big. Perfect for one person. Although it was hard to picture Levi, with His large size moving around in here, He had no problem with doing it. I folded my jeans and set them at My feet. He Came back out drying his hair with a towel.
"I didn't mean to kiss you it just happened." I blurted out. "I think The cold water Made Me crazy for a second."
He tossed the towel onto a chair and pulled his hair into a pony tail.
"So your blaming the kiss on you being Crazy?"
I nodded.
"And Here I thought you really wanted to Kiss Me."
"I did really want to kiss you." I said. "Okay, Here comes the truth. I did want to kiss you but said I didn't cause I'm afraid you didn't want to Kiss Me. You intimidate Me cause I can't read your movements, Like I can other People. I thought If I blamed the kiss on Me being crazy We could forget it, and Move on."
"Do you want to forget it?"
"No." I shook My head.
"Then why'd you blame it on you being crazy."
"Cause I just didn't want to Get rejected. Not By You too."
"Me Too?"
"I don't want to talk about it. It's stupid. I only brought it up cause it was a good point for the truth."
He pushed off the wall and sat on the bed. He lay back and put a hand behind His head. I felt His other hand on My back. It felt safe. That's probably why, I kicked My Shoes off and curled up against Him.
"You know, lot's of People get rejected."
"I know. But it wouldn't feel right if I got rejected By you. I'd rather Be your friend, then Not have you at all."
He rolled us over so he was leaning Over Me.
"You know for Someone that's so smart you can be a little dumb sometimes."
My mouth Popped open.
"You don't have any clue, how attractive I find you."
My Mouth shut. What in the hell could I say to that?
"Go on?"
"You Have no idea how much you mean to me already."
"So you wanted to kiss Me?"
"Are you forgetting I was the one Who pushed your head?"
Levi did something He never did Before. He smiled, and pushed some hair out of my face. The smile was full on, and filled with...Love. I bit my lip at this.
"What's wrong?"
"I like your smile."
"I like yours too."
He pressed His lips To mine, and it was like He was kissing Me for the first time all over again.
"Marilyn will Be waking up soon. I should Take you back." He kissed Me again.
"As Much As I hate to say this. Your right."
He kissed Me once, and Pushed off the bed pulling Me with Him. We drove back to My house. He lifted My face and kissed Me.
"Goodnight, Beautiful."
I kissed him once and then pushed the door open. I went inside and snuck to My room. I couldn't sleep, so I waited until they woke up. I walked into the kitchen pretending to yawn.
"Happy birthday!" Marilyn said, Pulling Me in for a hug.
"My Birthday!" I pulled My phone out of My pocket, and called Jason.
When He picked Up He sang Me happy birthday.
"Happy birthday, dork. I love you."
"I love you too." He laughed.
There was a noise then, "You guys are really weird for twins. Happy birthday Kota."
"Thanks Prestly."
"What No I love you?"
"I love you Prestly."
"I love you too."
I was quite as Mom came on.
"Happy birthday."
"Thanks." I muttered.
"I miss you."
I looked over at Marilyn, who smiled, and Picked Izzy up out of her car seat.
"Mom I have to get ready for Work."
"Oh okay. Happy birthday. I love -"
I hung up the phone and shoved it into My pocket.
"You want to say happy birthday to your cousin?" Marilyn asked, handing Me Izzy.
"Hi." I said looking down at Her.
She made a baby notice and Smiled.
"She smiles now?"
"What? Honey get the camera!" She called.
"What's wrong?" Daren came in camera in hand.
"She smiling at Dakota."
Daren turned on the camera and filmed Izzy.
"I have to admit, this is a pretty cool birthday present."
"Oh, Happy birthday, Dakota."
"Than- No Please stop!" I held My hand up as Daren filmed Me.
"Come on! Izzy will look back on these some day. Give Her a smile!"
I gave a smile and thumbs up.
"Is there anything you want to say to her?"
I Looked down at Izzy.
"I love you kid."
"Happy birthday to you!" Marilyn sang caring a small cake.
Daren sang along, filming us all. I blew out the candles and they clapped. Sure it was corny, but I loved it. We ate a slice and then I went to work. When I pushed open the door everyone belted out Happy birthday, as Stark Put one of those stupid birthday hats on my head, and Sam filmed everyone. Tori and Ronnie lead Me to the counter where My birthday cake was. Freddy began to cut it as Zach held plates.
"How about a kiss from the birthday girl?" Cam asked, lips Ready.
I grabbed the string of His birthday hat and let it snap back into place, as Everyone laughed. They stopped laughing, and Sam pointed the camera at the door. I looked over to See Levi standing There. I grabbed a hat off the counter and brought it to Him.
"Don't even-"
But it was too late, I put the hat on Him.
"You look adorable!" I laughed.
"Here." He held out a box." Maybe you won't throw this one into the Ocean."
"A kiss would of done the trick."
He dipped me with one arm and kissed Me. He pulled me back up.
"Happy birthday Beautiful."
"Thank you." I kissed him.
We turned back to our friends.
"Well are we going to party?" Levi asked.
Music began to play and everyone did something.
"Give me that." I took the camera. "This is Sammie! Isn't she pretty!" I kissed Sam's Cheek.
"Hey Don't Be cheating on Me." Levi called.
I gave her the camera and walked to Levi.
"You think I'd Cheat on you?"
"With your good looks, who knows."
"Your lucky I Don't shove that cake into your face."
"You mean like this?"
He took a chunk of cake and shoved it into My face.
"Hey!" I shoved some back.
"Hey look! They're practicing for their wedding!" Tori said. "Sam, Zoom in."
I walked over to get a napkin.
"No Don't zoom in."
"Come on! The best is yet to come!" Sam said.
I dropped my hands.
"So how's the cake?"
"It's pretty good. You want some?" I wiped some off my face.
"Uh, no thanks."
"Then you Should-"
"I'll eat it." Cam said.
"Okay!" I said, shoving into His face.
"Yes! I've been waiting to do something like that since I got Here!"
Everyone laughed and I was handed a cup.
"Okay, everyone!" Stark called out. The music stopped. "Alright, So It's Dakota's birthday, and even though we haven't known you that long we've all fallen in love with you. Some more then others. Cam. I think It's safe to say if you didn't come this summer, all of our lives would have a hole in it. You filled that hole, and Became one of the usual suspects. Happy Birthday Dakota. You made this summer a blast."
Everyone whooped and took a drink. After the party work went on as Usual, but Levi pulled Me to the side.
"I need your help with something."
"My cousin's in town, and I can't stand to Be in the same room with Him, But My aunt sent Him down here cause He and His girlfriend broke Up and Now all He does is Mope-"
"I'll come to Dinner."
"But." I grabbed His arm as He turned to leave. "It's going to cost you."
"How Much?" He reached Into His pocket.
"Not that kind of costing you!" I took a step back.
"Then you name the price."
"One Kiss. That's all."
"Well." He sighed, smoothing his hair back. "I guess I can give you one."
He kissed me, "Okay Maybe two." He kissed Me again. "Shit, Three."
He yanked me against Him and Slipped His tongue into my Mouth. He pulled away.
"I have to get back to work."
"I l, have a nice day."
I turned and ran to the back office.
"Dakota?" Sam called out. "Dakota, Where are you? Could You be behind the box, sitting on the floor, hiding?"
"How do you know?"
"Cause I see you."
I looked up and saw Her leaning Over the box. She dropped to the the floor and then walked around the box. She plopped down next to Me.
"Why are you hiding?"
"Cause I almost messed up."
"What did you do?"
"I almost told Levi I loved Him."
"Well at least it was a almost."
"No, Sam. It was an I L-"
"Oh." She said. "Yeah I'd be hiding to."
"And then He wants Me to go out to dinner with His cousin who's all heart broken cause Some bitch broke His heart."
"Bitches these days."
"Tell Me about it.
"Yo, Bitches! Where are you? I hear you but I don't see you!" Tori sang out.
We both bit our lip.
"Oh, There you are."
We looked up and she gave us a smile-finger-wave.
"Dakota almost said I love you to Levi."
"Scoot the hell over."
Tori jumped over the box and sat to My right. They each took my hand.
"Thanks guys." I said. "Guys?"
"Yeah?" They asked, head on My shoulders.
"Who's running the store?"
We all looked at each other and scrambled up and ran to the front.
"What's that sound?" I looked up at Levi when He opened His front door.
I was glad He didn't mention the almost love thing.
"That, Would be My cousin."
We walked in and He shut the door Behind Him. He knocked on the bathroom door.
"Alright, Come out and meet My girlfriend."
The door opened and Three things happened at once. One, The world Stopped. Two, I was pretty close to peeing My pants. Three, I was a bitch.
Welcome, Twist.
"Dakota?" Calvin asked, wiping his red face.
"How Do you know each other?" Levi asked.
"What are you doing Here?" Calvin asked Me.
"Whoa, Don't give me that attitude. I did nothing To you Calvin!"
"What's going on?" Levi asked.
"Except break My heart!"
"Whoa!" I held up a hand. "You broke up with me."
"Funny, how your okay Huh?"
"Levi-" I reached for His hand but He pulled away and left the apartment. "Thanks Calvin. Are you happy now?" I ran after Levi.
"What Did I do?" Calvin asked.
I ran down the stairs into the parking lot.
But Levi was already gone, pulling out of the lot, and turning the corner. This is the part where I'd know what to do. But now, this is the part where I'm 100% lost. I ducked My head and walked home. I went to My room and sat on My bed. I pulled My phone out of My pocket and lay on My bed. Something Fell out of My pocket and I felt around for it. I picked Up a box and Looked at It.I opened the top and pulled out a necklace. I turned on the bedside lamp and Read what it said on the back.-Dakota, I love you, Levi- I'm in Shit deep. I put the necklace on and covered My face. I wish I had Never met Calvin. No That's not true, cause If I didn't met Him, I'd Never would of had the guts to talk to Levi. Levi, a innocent by stander, Who loved Me. I wish Calvin Never came. Everything was starting to be okay, then He had to Come Back. My Phone Rang and I answered it.
"Dakota? Don't hang up."
I took My thumb off the end button.
"I miss what We had." Calvin said.
"Lose My number." I said in a flat voice. "You Lost Me." I hung up and let My hand fall to My side.
The Phone Rang and I answered it.
"Look okay, I said lose My fucking Number. You left me, so I moved On. I found someone that Makes me feel alive, and That right there is something You have never done for me. Come To think Of it, Levi means the World to Me. Everything Was looking up after what happened, Including after you left me when I needed you Most. My Little brother could Of died, and You said you couldn't deal with it cause You where scared. I loved You With My Mind Body and soul, I gave you every broken piece of Me, and You tore it into nothing. Don't mean to sound heartless, but the truth is, I don't love you anymore, Calvin. Stop fucking calling Me. You most likely ruined what I had With Levi, and Your Not going to get the pieces of Me He put back together."
I hung up the phone feeling satisfied. Then I looked at the phone, and Levi's number was flashing across the screen. What I meant to tell Calvin, I told Levi. Shit. Things are just getting Better. I shoved My phone back into My pocket and got up. I grabbed my keys and got into My car. I got some Coffee, and drank half of it. There was a knock on the window and I jumped. I looked up at Levi. I unrolled the window.
"Out of the Car." He jerked His Head, as He sniffed, and rubbed his nose on his sleeve.
I got out of the car.
"Your bleeding!" I took His hand and Looked at His knuckles. "What happened?"
"Nothing." He took His hand away from me and Walked to His car. He pulled the door open. "Get in."
I locked My car and Got in. He shut the door and Walked to the other side. He started the car and peeled out of the drive way.
"Your hand-"
"Don't worry about it."
He pulled Up to His apartment, shining His head lights on Calvin, who was sitting On the curb. Levi got out of the car and walked To Calvin. Calvin covered His head, as Levi Yanked Him up by the Jacket and walked Him to My side. Levi Pulled Open the door.
"Say it."
"I'm sorry for everything I put you through." Calvin said.
He had two black eyes and His lip was Split.
Levi pushed Him, "Get your ass back in the house."
Calvin scrambled to the stairs, and Levi got Back.
"Where we going?"
"I'm bring you to your car."
"What If I want to stay with You?"
"You can't stay with me Dakota. Not right now."
"I have a really short fuse."
"You gonna Hit me too?"
"Where would you get an idea like that!"
I jumped at his out burst.
"I'm Sorry. Look, Maybe it would Be best if We just-"
I pushed the door open, and Walked away.
"Dakota!" He pushed the door open and walked after me.
I turned to Him, "I'm not going to Hear maybe we should take a break. Not from You."
We stared at each other, not backing down. He gave in first.
"I wasn't going to break up with you. I was going to say maybe we should talk tomorrow when We're cooled off, So We wouldn't say something We'd regret."
"I am cooled off!"
His mouth twitched. I bit my lip and walked away.
"Do You always walk away?"
His words brought me up short.
"Isn't that what you do?"
There was foot steps and the car door slammed. I continued to walk and got into my car. I drove back home, and crawled under the blankets. That night I did sleep, only cause I cried. I walked down to the kitchen.
"Hey are you okay?" Marilyn asked.
"Bad night. Can you do Me a favor? I'll watch Izzy."
"What can I do."
"Can You Go down to the gas station and get me a large coffee?"
I held out some Money.
"It's on Me."
She gave Me Izzy Kissed My forehead and left. I sat Izzy on the table and Sat down.
"Izzy I'm going to Give you some advice. Are you listening?"
She grabbed my nose.
"That's a nose, but that's not what I'm going to Tell you." She dropped Her hand. "When you grow up don't date boy's from this town. Most of them are related to someone that will just come back to bite you in the butt. In fact, save yourself a heart break and Don't date at all."
"I like that Idea." Daren said.
"I didn't know you where listening."
"I Just heard the last part. I'll take Her, I was getting Ready to Give Her a Bath. Where's Marilyn?"
"She went to get me coffee."
"Oh." He nodded. "Come Here Beautiful."
He took Izzy up stairs. I took My coffee and went Up stairs. I took a shower got dressed, and walked to the store.
"Dakota-" Cam said when I came in.
"Not today please." I walked to the back room and Sat on a box drinking My coffee.
Once it was gone I ripped open a box, and Put Jeans on hangers.
"You okay?" Sam asked.
"I'm fine."
I picked Up the hangers, and walked out to the store.
"Are you-"
"I'm fine." I cut Tori off.
I put the jeans on the rack and Left the store. I walked to the gas station and grabbed a coffee.
"Can I talk to you?" Levi asked, Getting out of His truck.
I stopped walking and let Him come over to Me. He took My chin and Made me Look up at Him.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of left. I don't know what I'm doing But I'm doing it with you." He said. "If you'll have Me."
"I miss you."
He smiled, and Pulled Me to Him, "I miss you too. You have No idea." He said kissing My Forehead. "Hey Dakota?" He rubbed His nose on Mine.
"Yes?" I closed My eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you Levi."
He closed The Distance and Kissed me. I dropped my coffee on the floor and shoved My hands through His hair. You know those moments in books where you kiss someone and everything seems to fade away, an it's perfect? Well this is that moment.
"Sorry I made you drop your coffee."
"I don't care."
"Should I buy you another one?"
"I should Cut back." I said, pulling His lips back to Mine.
He walked Backwards and put Me into the truck. He jogged around to the other side and got in. He put his seat belt on and held out His arm just as I was sliding across the seat. He pulled out of the parking lot and Drove Us to His apartment. Once We where in his apartment I sat on His bed.
"I'll, uh- Be right back."
He left the apartment closing the door behind Him. I looked around. Levi's clothes where all over the place. I grabbed the empty basket and went around the apartment Picking up His clothes. As I came out of the bathroom, He came Back in.
"I was just picking Up your clothes."
"Why? Are you a clean Freak?" He smiled.
"No." I set the basket on the bed. "Can I please See your hand?"
"It's nothing." He put His hand Behind His back.
"Please?" I walked to Him.
"It's Fine."
I took His hand and looked down at it.
"Why is it wrapped?"
"I had to get stitches."
"Cause I hit a window."
I bit my lip.
"Why did You hit a window?"
"It was the closest thing To Me."
"Why did you hit it though?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Then can We talk about Why You have So many dirty clothes?"
"I moved out of My Mom's house to get away from Complaining Women."
"I'm not complaining. You could Walk around Naked and You'd still Look good."
I grabbed His good Hand as He tugged His shirt off. I tugged it back on. I turned to the bed and Picked Up the bag he puts His dirty clothes in. He handed Me a shirt and I looked over at Him. I sighed and took the shirt.
"You said I could walk around Na-"
"I wasn't- I didn't mean for you to walk around Naked. Can You put a shirt on so We can do your clothes?"
"I want to stay Here. I don't have to Put a shirt on." He stretched out on the bed.
"Fine. I'll go By Myself."
"Or you could take your shirt off and stay With Me."
"Thanks but no thanks." I pulled His door open.
As I walked off the last step Levi was walking down the first wearing a Hoddie. He opened my door and I got in. His clothes where washed and put into the dryer. I set the dyer and turned around. He picked Me up and set Me on the dyer.
"Why didn't you want to stay Home?"
"I like the sound of that."
"My home is yours too. I Don't need a ring to prove that, but if you want I'll go get one."
"No." I pulled Him back to me.
"Just you being Here is enough."
"That doesn't seem like a whole lot."
"Trust Me it is."
"You know, Someone told Me that I mean the world to you."
"Who ever said that is a very smart Person."
"They where supposed to tell you something, But they didn't."
"What didn't they tell me?"
"Your My life."
I smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you Dakota. No Matter what happens."
He kissed Me and I kicked the dryer twice.
"It's going to Be okay." Tori said.
"I'm sorry, Sam." Cam said.
"No You not!" Sam sobbed.
I Pushed Cam out of My way, to see Sam sitting on the floor crying.
"What Did you do?" I asked Cam.
"He Ripped a hole in My jeans!" Sam cried out.
I blinked down at Her.
"Are you Shitting me?" I asked. "Your crying cause He ripped Your jeans?"
"Yes!" She sobbed getting Up and hugging me.
"Uh, There there." I patted Her back.
"Uh Sam, You might want to sit down again Before someone sees your underwear." Tori said.
Sam cried out all over again and plopped down.
"Just take some jeans off the rack. I'll explain things to Marilyn." I said. "I'm going right now."
"Really?" Sam wiped Her face.
"Yep See, this is me leaving."
I backed to the door, then pushed it open. I told Marilyn what happened and then got a coffee. By the time I got back to the store things where back to normal. Well normal for Us.
"I think I have to through them away." Sam said, looking at Her jeans.
"Just patch them." I said pushing the door open.
"Do you have any idea how much theses cost?" Sam asked.
"Well My jeans cost around twenty bucks so-"
"150. 150, Dakota!" She shook the jeans.
"Well no damn body told your ass to get 150 dollar jeans." Tori said.
"This is Cam's fault." She left the store.
"Should We go after Her?" I asked.
"Let's." Tori said.
By the time We got to the bike shop, Stark had Sam pinned against his chest, as She yelled at Cam, Who was hiding behind Levi.
"Just calm down." Levi said. "We can talk about this."
"What's He done?" Freddy asked.
"He ripped My jeans!"
All the guys looked at each other and began to laugh, giving Sam time to escape.
"Oh no you don't." Zach said, coming out of no where and blocking her path.
As they all argued I went back to the store. I sat on the counter and drank My coffee.
"You know Too much coffee's bad for you."
I looked Up at Calvin and looked over at the bike shop.
"I'm leaving today. I just wanted to say bye."
"Can I have a hug?"
I jumped off the counter and gave Him a hug.
"I am sorry about everything."
"It's okay. I mean-"
Calvin grabbed My face and kissed me. I pulled away.
"What are you doing?"
"I needed a goodbye kiss."
He pushed out of the store and left.
"Are you okay?" Levi asked, when we went to the dinner in the next town.
"I'm fine."
"Tell me what's wrong."
"Okay, two people are dating, and then the last boyfriend comes and kisses the girl. What do you think?"
"It would Depend on the story."
"Would You Be mad at the girl?"
"I need to know the story."
"She pushed Him away."
"I need more then that-"
"Calvin came by the store today."
"I thought He went home yester-"
He got the picture
"Don't hit a window." I said hunched in My seat.
"Did you like it?"
"Do you want to go back with Him?"
"Don't stay with Me to spare my feelings. If your in love with Calvin then just say so."
"I'm in love with You."
"Your sure? No feelings For Calvin?"
"None. Why are you being like this?"
"Good. I'm going to kill Him."
He scooted out of the both.
"He already left."
"Then looks like I'm meeting Him at Home."
He got out of the both and I went after Him. We got into the truck.
"Look, maybe we Should Go back home."
"You just don't kiss someone's girlfriend, and get off Scott free Dakota. He's in shit deep, cause I'm a very jealous person. What's mine is Mine."
"I'm yours."
"What is this going to Prove? You'll go to jail."
"The body won't be found." He stared the car.
"Uh, I'm pregnant."
His hand froze on the gear shift.
"Yep, That's it. You won't get to see you kid grow up-"
"We haven't slept together."
"Damn. You right. Please Don't do this."
He pulled out of the parking space and drove to The highway. One on He picked up his speed, gaze straight, both hands on the wheel. He had his window down, and My hair whipped around My face. I took My hair tie off My wrist and pulled My hair into a pony tail.
"Your not going to talk Me out of this Dakota."
"What If We go Back to the house? I'll take My shirt off."
He gripped the steering wheel and kept his gaze straight.
"When We get home you can take your shirt off. I have to deal with this first."
"If We don't go home now My shirt stays on."
"I can always take it off Myself."
"You can't take My shirt off."
"No, but I can rip it off."
"Levi come on. Just pull the truck over and We can talk about this."
"If you where going to Harp the whole time Why did you come?"
"Well Excuse the shit out of Me!"
I scooted to the door, and rested My head on it. He was quiet as He continued down the high way. What could I do to protect Calvin. Duh! I pulled out my phone and sent Him a text and then deleted it.
"What are you doing over there?" Levi asked.
I shoved my phone into My pocket and put My head on My door.
"Dakota, I just can't let this go." He told Me. "He kissed you. Your mine, so I have to make sure that it never happens again." He glanced over at me.
"Do you understand?"
I grabbed The blanket off the seat and pulled it around me.
"Fine. Be mad at me. See if I care."
I gasped and Closed My eyes as Levi jerked the car to the right.
"Did you hit it?"
He tried to drive again but didn't go anywhere. Thank you God. He got out of the car and went to the back of the truck.
"We aren't going anywhere for awhile. I called Stark."
I pushed The door open.
"Where You going?"
"Away from You."
I got into the bed of the truck. He pushed open the window.
"Dakota, please get back in the truck."
I pulled the blanket up around Me. A cup was rolling around in the wind. I picked it up and played with it.
"I got my ticket for the long way run. Two bottles of whiskey for the way. And I sure would like some sweet company and I'm leaving tomorrow what do ya say? When I'm gone, When I'm gone, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone. You're gonna miss me by My hair, you're gonna Miss Me everywhere Oh, your gonna Miss Me when I'm gone. I got My ticket for the long way round, The one with the prettiest of views. It's got Mountains it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers, but it sure would be prettier with you. When I'm gone, When I'm gone, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone. You're gonna miss me by My walk You're gonna Miss me by My talk oh, You're gonna Miss Me when I'm gone."
I tossed the cup. It bounced off the end and flopped to the floor.
"Is that supposed to give Me a message?" Levi asked.
Head Lights Pulled around the corner, and the guys got out of Stark's car. They got the car out of the hole.
"Okay, see you at ho-"
"I'm going with You." I grabbed Stark's arm.
"With you." I nodded.
Levi got into His truck and I pulled Stark to His car. He dropped Me off at My house and I headed to My room. You know, If you just kept your stupid mouth shut you'd be fine. As I passed Izzy's room she began to cry. I pushed open Her door and picked Her up she stopped crying.
"Oh Now your Just being spoiled."
She smiled. I smiled back and sat in the chair. I rocked her and sang to Her. After She slowly fell asleep I put Her back in Her crib and covered her with a blanket. I smoothed Her hair.
"Try not to grow up to fast kid. It's so Not worth it."
I kissed My fingers then touched Her head. I quietly shut Her door and then Went to the kitchen. I grabbed My keys off the counter where I left them and went to My car. I got two coffee's and drove to Levi's. He opened the door and blinked out at Me. He wore faded jeans and nothing else. I held the coffees out.
He yanked Me into the house and Kissed me hard.
"Your gonna make Me drop the coffees."
"Drop them."
His hands went up My shirt and I dropped the coffees. He walked back until His legs hit the bed. He sat down, and scooted back. I pushed Him onto the bed, and He flipped Us over. The kiss went soft, and Had Me curling My toes, as I Put My fingers into His hair. "Marry Me."
"Well, maybe in an hour."
He kissed Me again. By the time the hour came we were both to comfortable to move.
"You have soft legs." He muttered, reaching Down and pulling My leg up.
"Thanks I think."
He Chuckled and rubbed His noes on Mine.
"Do you still want to Marry me?"
"With out a doubt. Why do you ask?"
"Well you already know what's under My clothes so-"
"I'm not going anywhere."
"What about college?"
"I'm going to College."
"Yeah Me too. I think I'll go to St. Vince."
"That's where I'm going."
"I know." He smiled, and Kissed me.
"Do you want to Move in together?"
I nodded.
"You could Move into Here."
"Yeah, but I think I should stay with Marilyn until I leave for college. She still took Me in after everything that happened. It's the least I can do for Her."
He kissed Me softly, and reached over to grab his phone that was ringing.
"Hello? I'm in bed. Yes Dakota's with Me." He sighed. "Good bye Stark. What?" he sighed again. "Goodbye."
He hung up the phone and put it back on the shelf.
"We should Clean up the coffee."
"Leave it."
He pulled Me closer and snuggled into Me.
"It's gonna get sticky."
"I don't care if ants come for it."
"You don't? What if they bite you?"
"I don't care."
"Okay." I said not sure.
He closed his eyes and Kissed My neck.
"I like when you kiss My neck."
"You do?"
"Like this?" he kissed my neck. "Or like this?" He kissed under my ear slowly."
"The second one."
He kissed Me twice and then held me.
"Are you okay?" I asked, the next Morning.
"What do you Mean?"
"Well When I leave for college Your going to Be here with Her."
"I'll manage." Marilyn said, Handing Me Izzy.
I Put Her on My lap and She began to His the table.
"Uh-Oh!" Marilyn announced. "Someone's hungry!"
I got low to Izzy's ear and hit the table with one hand.
"Hungry Hungry." I muttered.
Izzy went Wild with hitting the table. I looked up at Marilyn who swung around, and got a food cup from the cupboard.
"I'll tak-"
Izzy screamed.
"Oh My god! Give Me the food!"
Marilyn gave Me the food and a spoon, and I shoved some into Izzy's mouth. She hit the tabled and I gave her More.
"She's acting like We starve Her." I said, giving her more.
Marilyn laughed, "Oh I got it."
She walked to the door and opened it.
"Levi! Hi." She said. "What are you doing Here? Come in come in."
She came back into the kitchen.
"I need help."
Izzy had dug into the cup and then grabbed onto My arm. She was screaming and going wild. Marilyn took Izzy out of the room, and I hopped of the stool. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped My arm off.
"So, What's up?"
"Why Are you Here then?"
My eyebrows pulled together. Levi put his hands on the counter, blocking Me in.
"So I can't see My girlfriend?" He asked.
I put the paper towel onto the counter and draped My arms around His neck.
"Of course you can."
"I missed you last Night." He leaned forward wrapping his arms around my back.
He put His Forehead onto My neck.
"Aw. Poor baby."
I patted His back.
"Did you miss Me?"
"I didn't sleep cause How much I missed You."
He pulled Back, and looked down at Me. He pulled Me away from the counter and put His hands on My butt.
"Poor baby."
"I know. I was so tired and-"
"Your a bull shiter!" He said, as I laughed.
He pulled away and I tired to pull Him pack.
"No. You didn't miss Me."
"I did Miss you. I always Miss you. Even before We where together."
He turned to Me, "Really?"
"Yes. Can I have another hug?"
"I would give you another hug, But My lips also missed you."
"Poor baby." I bit My lip.
"Very poor."
He freed My lip and kissed Me. He pulled back and Looked over My face. I reached up and Pulled Him back to Me. I shoved Him against The fridge, and Marilyn came In. I quit kissing Him and rested My head on His chest.
"I didn't know you guys where dating." She said, as Levi stroked My head. "You guys make a cute couple."
She grabbed another food cup and left.
"That was close."
"If we where at My place We would never have to stop."
"Never ever."
He bit My bottom lip.
"Okay Take me Home."
I grabbed His hand and dragged him to the door.
"Where you guys going I was thinking we could have-"
"No time for that."
I pulled Him out the door.
"You can be demanding When You want something."
"I'm sorry."
"I like it."
I kissed his chest. He bit His bottom Lip and Closed His eyes. I smiled and kissed his chest again. He put His hand on My head as I kissed his chest upward. I kissed His neck, all the way to his mouth, but stopped before I kissed him.
"Kiss Me." He muttered.
I bent down and kissed Him. He flipped Us over Pinning My arms down. He kissed every inch of My chest that wasn't covered by my bra. He bit My neck then kissed it. I tried to move My hands but he kept them pinned.
He picked up his head from Kissing my stomach and brought his mouth down on Mine.
"You still want to live there?"
He went back to kissing My stomach, and holding my arms down. He kissed under my ear a few times, then bit it.
"What about now?"
"I think-"
He kissed under the other ear and then bit it.
"I'll pack My bag."
He set My arms free and I shoved My hands into His hair. I pulled him down to me, but He turned My face up and kissed My throat. Once I was locked in My bed room I called Levi.
"I can't move in with you."
"Why'd you wait until you where at home to tell me this?"
"Cause if I'm at home and your at home, you won't be able to tempt Me."
"Tempt you?" He laughed.
"Yes. You tempt Me."
"So back to you not moving in."
"I have to stay Here with Here until I leave for school. She took Me in even after what happened. I feel Like I owe it to Her. There's things that you don't know about Me."
"Tell Me."
"I can't. I lost everyone I loved when it happened and I don't really want to go over it."
"By people you lost you mean Calvin."
"I mean, Leach Maddie Lisa and yes, Calvin. Can we Please talk about something else?"
"Why? What ever happened has you upset. You should talk about it."
"Calvin didn't tell You why He lost His girlfriend?"
"Good. Please Leave it like that."
"Do you think you'll lose Me?"
I bit My lip, and He sighed.
"Dakota. You won't lose Me. I love you."
"That's what He said, then He ran for the hills."
"Boy's will play with your heart and break it. They leave. Men will fix the broke peaces. They stay."
"Okay I'll tell you what happened. Not cause you have a really good point But cause I think I owe it to you. I have Two siblings. My twin Jason, and my little brother Prestly. Hold on someone's at the door."
I ran down the stairs and opened the door.
"I though I'd be better at comforting if I could touch you. I also thought if you told Me this in person you'd see that I'm not going anywhere."
Levi stepped inside and pulled Me into a hug.
"Thank you for coming."
"It's cause I love you."
"I love you too Levi."
I led him to my bed room. We lay on the bed and I opened up for the first time.
"Both our parents wrote books for a living. Mom wrote Romance and Dad wrote Thrillers. They told us they where getting a divorce. My mom wanted it. When She said it was cause she cheated on My Dad I lost respect for Her. The Boys chose Her, I chose My dad. Calvin was the first I met when I move onto the street. I met Leah, Lisa and Maddie through Him. I was close with the girls, but not like Sam and Tori. Right away me and Calvin clicked. I thought He got Me. He was My first for everything. When Times got hard He got going. Prestly got into a car crash and Calvin wasn't really there for Me. Said he was scared. I should of known He wasn't going to be mine."
"Is that why you broke up?"
"No. He broke up with Me after My Dad and His New wife died."
"He thought I did it. Everyone did. Us three where the main suspects. Prestly cause They where fine until He got there, Jason cause He was hurt Dad didn't except Him after He told Dad He was gay, and Me cause I was mad He got Carmen pregnant and got remarried."
"Where you?"
"No. I was happy He got remarried. He deserved to Be happy, and When He died He was. If he was happy Then I was. I didn't know they where having a baby until they where gone."
"So who killed them?"
"Pat. My Mom's new guy. Marilyn's husband and Her came down, Darren helped us out. There was no way I was going to Go back with My Mom so I moved with Marilyn."
"They didn't come?"
"No. I think They hate Me."
"I haven't really talked to them since I got Here. When Prestly woke up from the car crash we promised that we'd always be together no matter what. I think they think I broke that promise."
"They're your Brothers. They might Hate you now, but they're not allowed to hate you forever."
I smiled. He didn't know My family.
"What makes you so sure?"
"They're your brothers. It's an unwritten law, between siblings."
"Guess they missed the rule."
"Do you want Me to take you to see them?"
"You have to Make it right."
"I know I do. If I go I'll see her."
"What's wrong with that?"
"I'm not ready to make it right."
"She's the only parent you have left."
"I know."
"Do you hate Her?"
"No mater how hard I try, No. I can't hate. I guess I just don't have it in Me."
"What about Pat?"
"That's different. He wasn't family."
"Do you Hate Him?"
"As Much as I don't want to Yes. If I hate Him that Means He got the better of Me."
"He killed Your Dad and Unborn sibling. You have the right to hate Him."
"I don't have the right to hate anyone. I don't get Mad, I get even."
"Do you think You hate Him cause You couldn't get your revenge?"
"I know I do."
"Do you want Me to take you to see Him?"
"I Don't know."
He stayed quiet.
"I have to See them. I can't stand it if they hate Me."
"I know." He pulled Me to Him, as I wiped My cheek Dry. "I'll take you to them, but for now let Me hold You. You need to know you have someone on your side. Someone to love you."
I paused at the door and Marilyn looked up from Izzy.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm going to go see them. I have to make things right."
She nodded. "Are you going alone?"
"No." Levi walked around the corner. "I'll be back. I promise."
I walked forward, and pressed my lips to Izzy's forehead. I kissed Marilyn's Head, and walked to the door passing Levi. I picked up my bag from the stairs and Opened the door. I heard the door close and Levi took My hand.
"Your doing the right thing."
"And what if they hate Me? Will I be still doing the right thing?"
He opened the door, and then Kissed My forehead. I put My bag in and then got in Myself. He got in and We took off. I put the blanket around Me.
"You should really get this window fixed."
He smiled.
"What no, don't bad mouth My truck?"
"Your almost back. I'm not going to tell you anything that Will make Me lose you."
I put My bag on the floor and scooted across the seat. I put My head on His shoulder.
"Your not going to lose Me. I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
He lifted his arm and pulled Me close. As I closed My eyes I felt His lips on My head. When I woke Up Levi pointed at the house. I reached for the handle, and paused. Levi squeezed My hand and I pushed the door open. We walked up to the front door. I raised My hand to knock but turned the knob. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. We both walked in. I heard the noise of forks scraping on plates. I looked back at Levi who nodded. I pushed open the door and they looked up at Me. When They didn't say anything I went to the cupboard and grabbed a plate, and a cup. I sat down and reached for the picture of ice tea. Prestly grabbed it and gave it to Me. I set it down and reached for the meat loaf, but Jason cut Me a piece. I looked over and Mom held the mashed potatoes bowl to Me. We all ate dinner in silence.
"I'm sorry." I finally said. They all looked at Me, "Sometimes I do things I don't mean to do, just like how I say things I don't Mean. If I hurt you I honestly am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I might have not acted like it lately but I have always been on your side. I hope you know that. I came Here to make things right, but as I sit Here I know that what I did isn't worth your forgiveness. I left you once, then promised to never do it again to only do it again. You two have a bond that should never be severed, no matter what. If you won't promise to stay together for Me, do it for yourselves. I'll still Be around if you need me, but for right now, you guys are better off Without Me."
I got Up and took two pieces of paper out of My pocket. I put on by Prestly's hand and the other by Jason's. I kissed their cheeks and pushed out of the kitchen.
"You didn't make it right did you?" Levi asked, as I shut the door to the truck.
"It's better this way." I nodded. "There's one more thing I need you to do."
"I know what it is." He pulled away from the curb.
By the time we pulled up to my old street it as just getting dark, which meant it was just time for a night basket ball game. I got out of the car and shoved my hands in my pockets. I walked to the front of the car, as My old friends stopped playing and looked over at Me. I took My hand out of My pocket and waved. Lisa got up off the curb and made Her way to me slowly. I took my other hand out, and she ran to Me. I hugged Her as tight as I could. She pulled back.
"You can't run from your problems."
"I know that Know."
"What are you doing Here?" Maddie called.
"I'm Here to make things right. I'm sorry that I lied to you all. If you want to forgive Me you can. If you don't I understand. It's better this way. If I'm far away I can't hurt you anymore. I just wanted you to know that I'm really sorry."
I walked up to Calvin.
"Especially to you. It's okay to let Me go."
"I don't want to let you go."
"You have to."
"Answer Me something."
"Do you still love Me."
"I still love you." I told Him. "But I'm not in love with You."
I stood on my toes and hugged Him. He kept his hands at his sides.
"Goodbye Calvin. Be safe, Be kind, you'll Be fine. Find your balance, Most importantly, be patient."
I walked away.
"Can we still Be friends?" He called after Me.
"Your asking for trouble."
"I'll take that for a yes."
I turned to smile at Him.
"What happened to the old you?"
"She fell asleep and woke up in wonderland."
I turned away and got into the truck.
"Where to?" Levi asked.
I took His hand, "Home."
"What was on that paper you you gave to your brothers? I saw you write something on it."
"It was a song. The only way I know how to get through to people." I told Him remembering when I wrote Lego House by Ed Sheeran on the paper.
By the time we got Home it was five in the morning. Levi carried Me inside and put Me in his bed as I argued the whole way. Levi pulled a shirt over his head and got into bed.
"You know I love you right?"
"Yes." His hand brushed my cheek, and I pressed it there.
"I mean it. I really love you."
"I know you do. Patients might not be your friend, but Love is."
"Your right. It just took the second time around to prove that. I just wish people didn't have to get hurt in the process."
"I will."
"When I know you know I love you."
"I do know."
"I don't believe you!" I said frustrated as I sat up.
"What do you mean you don't believe Me?"
"I'm sorry. I'm just tired and I don't want to lose You. I have to go Home before I say something I regret."
I got up and pulled on My jacket.
"I'll drive you."
"No I have to Run."
I kissed Him and left. Once I was out of the parking lot I ran as Fast as I could Home. I grabbed a bottle with amber liquid in it and went to My room. After I I drank it I blacked out.
I put my hand to my head, then let my head fall to the pillow letting out a moan.
"So She lives."
I looked up to see Stark walking out of the kitchen with a cup. He sat on the edge of the bed. He handed Me the cup and I shook My head. I rolled over onto My back.
"You know how they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?"
"They lied." I tried to sit up but gave up quickly. "Where am I?"
"Your at My apartment."
"How did I get Here?"
"I brought you here."
"Where did you find Me?"
"On the wrong side of the piers fence."
"So your telling Me I was on a suicide mission?"
"Yep. Almost jumped until I promised I'd Drink with you."
The counter and floor where covered in empty beer bottle.
"You can drink."
"That's all me?"
"Most of it is."
"What's on Your shirt?"
I grabbed the sleeve of His white T-shirt.
"It's your make-up." He scratched at the black on His shirt.
"What's it doing there?"
"You said If I didn't cuddle you that you wouldn't sleep."
"Why is it so cold?"
"That's what you get for cutting the heat off. Scoot over."
Stark lifted the blanket and I moved over. He stretched out beside Me and I Curled up next to Him.
"This will have to work until the heat kicks back on."
"Thanks for saving Me."
"Your welcome." He pulled the blankets over My shoulder. "Want to tell me what had you going over the edge?"
With those eleven words I told Him everything.
"Do you have a hang over?"
"What? No." I said.
"I'll teach you to ride a bike and swim."
"Cause I owe it to you."
"If there's any owing, it's me to you."
"No, you made Levi come into the light I'll do anything you want Me to."
"Then can you shut the hell Up and hold Me while I sleep?" I muttered.
He chuckled and kissed My head, "Sure."
"Don't tell Levi I'm here."
"I won't, I promise."
My eye's drifted close and I drifted to sleep. When I woke up Stark was sleeping. I slipped from under his arm and walked to the fridge. I chugged a bottle of beer and drank the half of another.
"Your drinking again?"
Even though Stark's voice scared the shit out of Me I didn't jump.
"Maybe I'll get drunk again."
"Can you bring Me one?"
"Your gonna drink with Me?"
"Maybe I'll get drunk again."
I smiled and grabbed a pack of Beer. We split it. Stark went into the bathroom and came out holding a big bottle with amber liquid.
"Look what I found on the bathroom sink." He handed it to Me and walked to the kitchen.
"Is it yours?" I looked over the bottle.
"It's Darren's."
"Want to drink it?" He sat in front Of Me and shook a glass.
"I wouldn't of stole it if I didn't want to Drink It."
"That's the Spirit!" Stark called out holding the glasses to Me.
We finished off the bottle. There was a knock on the door.
"Sh!" We both said covering one another's mouth as We laughed.
The door was knocked on again.
"Maybe we should Hide." Stark said as we clung to each other.
The door was pushed open and Levi stepped inside.
"Buzz kill Bob." I muttered, Letting My head fall on Stark's chest.
"Stark." Levi nodded.
"I know this looks bad." Stark held up his hands and backed away from Me.
I grabbed the beer bottle off the table and brought it to My mouth.
"Hey!" I objected as Levi took the bottle away from Me.
"I said Keep her safe, not drunk." Levi tossed the bottle onto the floor.
"It was the only way I could Keep her here."
"I'll deal with You later."
Levi took My arm and led me down the apartment stairs and to His truck.
"Are you mad at Me?"
"Get in the truck."
"Not until you-" Levi picked Me up, " - tell Me if your mad at me. Hey put Me down!" I laughed kicking My legs.
He put Me in the car and walked around the the other side.
"Let Me out! Let Me out!" I chanted as I laughed and Hit the dashboard.
He got in and drove to His apartment. He answered His phone.
"Yeah I found Her."
He got out and leaned against the front of His car. I pushed the door open, and got out.
"I don't know. I asked if anyone found Her to keep Her safe, not drunk. I feel like going back there and beating the shit out of Him."
I walked to the middle of the parking lot. I held My arms out and spun in circles. I stumbled after a couple of spins and Levi caught Me.
"When Can I go Back to Stark's?"
"You won't be seeing Stark today."
"Why Not? He knows how to have Fun!"
I stepped away from Him and spun around.
"Can you stop spinning your going to hurt yourself."
"I'm just trying to have fun. After everything that's happen, I think I deserve a little fun. Don't you? Whoa!" I laughed as He grabbed Me before I fell. "Nice catch."
I took a couple of steps away from Him and held My arms out again.
Levi took My shoulders, spun me around and walked Me to the stairs. I stopped at the first step.
"Whoa!" I laughed. "That's a long way up! Boop." I touched His nose and jogged up the stairs.
"Dakota can you Be-" I slipped and he grabbed Me, "-Careful." He sighed.
"Live a little buddy." I patted his face twice, and pushed myself out of His arms.
I stood beside Him as He opened the door.
"We should Have a dance party."
I jumped up and down, and fell down the stairs. I fell into someone. They held me at arms length.
"Jason! I'm so so Sorry!"
I grabbed His face and planted a kiss square on His mouth. I tossed My arms around His Neck.
"Do you want to tell Me why My sister is drunk?"
"I'll tell you when she's inside. That ways shes safe." Levi said.
Jason wrapped his arms around Me, and Picked me off the floor and into the apartment, as I kicked My feet.
"Whooo!" I called out, running to the bed and jumping onto it face first. I sat up quickly and gasped. "Dance party."
"No dance party." Levi said.
"Why are you so Mean to Me!" I asked flopping back.
"Your drunk. You need a little Mean." Jason said. "Now what happened?"
"I went after her When She didn't answer her phone. She wasn't at home, so I called My friends to find Her. If they found her they where to keep her safe and call Me. When Stark stopped checking in with Me I called him. He wasn't answering His phone because-"
"He was with me!" I sang throwing My arms into the air and wiggling My fingers.
"Exactly. I knew something was up, so I went over there and I found them drunk."
Jason sat on the bed.
"Where's your cell phone Dakota?"
"At the bottom of the ocean!" I rolled onto My stomach and laughed hard. My head snapped up. "Did you ever notice I have a really annoying laugh? Why didn't you ever tell Me, your My brother." I rolled onto My back and Pulled my shirt down. "What happened there? Whooo." I shoved my hair out of my face.
"Why's it at the bottom of the Ocean?"
"Cause It wouldn't shut up! Ring Ring Ring!"
"I was calling You." Levi said.
"Why where you at the beach?"
"Whoa-ho-ho!" I wagged a finger. "That's a secret. Sh!" I put a finger to Jason's mouth and sat Up. "Can we have a dance party now?"
"Oh shut up already about the dance party." Jason pushed me onto the bed.
"Hey!" I blew My hair out of My face.
Jason pinned My arms down and Loomed over Me.
"Why where you at the Beach?"
"Go to Hell!" I sang.
"Why the beach Dakota?"
I stuck My tongue out and moved it back and forth. Jason grabbed My face.
"Why the beach?"
"Jason, come on Man-"
"Stay out of this. She's My sister, You have to be ruff with Her if you want an answer. Now answer me Dakota."
He shook My face, "Why where you at the beach?"
"I was going to jump."
"There's your answer." Jason tossed My face, and stormed out of the apartment.
The door closed and I rolled away from Levi. I closed My eyes and Heard foot steps. I Heard a door open and then water running. The covers where yanked off of Me, and Levi picked Me up. He carried Me to the bathroom and set Me on the sink. He striped me of my clothes and put Me in the tub. After the tub He got Me dressed, brushed My hair and put Me into bed. I closed My eyes, and tried to sleep. After awhile Levi touched My face, and left the apartment. I jumped up and ran to the window. Levi got into His car and drove away. I grabbed the phone, and Called Stark.
"It's Me."
"Where are you?"
"At Levi's."
"I'm on My way."
"You have to hurry, I don't know where He went and Jason is in town."
"I'm driving Now."
I hung up the phone and grabbed one of Levi's jackets. I ran down the stairs as Stark pulled into the lot. He stopped the car long enough for Me to Get in the car and then We where off.
"Why are We at a bar?" I asked, as He opened My Door.
"I know the owner."
"How did you know I wanted to drink?"
"Cause I know you feel like you've lost everything."
"Mr. know it all."
"Come on." He smiled taking My arm.
We took a couple of shots.
"So where's your cell phone?"
"Could Be at the bottom of the Ocean by now."
Stark dug into His jacket and handed Me my phone.
"How do-"
"You gave it to Me while your where getting ready to jump. You said it kept ring ring ringing and you asked Me to keep it safe. It's dead, but still works."
"Thanks for keeping it safe."
"Sure. You wanna learn?" He jerked His head to the pool table.
"Yeah right, I'm not drunk enough." I said. "Two more shoots?" I held up two fingers.
We had two shot's and He taught Me how to play Pool. Stark's phone rang from the corner of the pool table, He reached for it but I grabbed it.
"Dakota come on." He laughed.
"Hello?" I answered His phone.
"Buzz kill Bob! Yo, what's up?"
"Are you drunk again?"
"Not yet. Thanks." I took the shot from Stark. "Whooo! Can you get Me another one?"
Stark took the shot glass and went to the bar.
"No more drinking. Where are you?"
"When I say I have no idea, I'm telling the truth."
"Damn it Dakota."
"Are you mad?" I tried to not laugh.
"Where are you?"
"I'm on a drinking Binge." I took the glass from Stark. "What's the big deal?"
I gave Him the glass and He gave Me another. We hit glasses and I drank the shot.
"The point is you need to stop drinking. Your better than that. Are you listening?"
"Yeah, better than that."
I took another shot.
"Your Mom's at Marilyn's what do I tell her?"
"Did you tell them?"
"Good. Tell Marilyn I'll be home late, Tell My Mom to go to Hell. I love you bye!"
I took The beer from Stark and he began to grab all the balls.
"So, I'm your binge buddy?"
"No, Your my friend."
"So Why are you drinking?"
"If I drink enough I forget the past for a little while." I took a drink of the beer. "Can I break?"
"Go for it."
Stark took a drink and stood back.
"Here." I gave Him his phone. "It keeps Ring ring ringing."
Stark looked at the screen as it went off. He looked back to Me.
"I'll throw mine into the ocean if you throw yours."
"Deal." We hit glasses and I took the first hit of the game.
"So what happens when we get back?" He asked taking a shot.
"What do you want to do?"
"I want to take you out to eat." He looked at Me and smiled, a lazy smile. "I'm starving."
I laughed, "I'm pretty hungry."
"There's a good pizza place around the corner. We can walk there."
"Okay, Let's go."
I drank the rest of My beer and Stark gave Me Levi's jacket. I looked at it in My hands.
"You coming?" Stark called from the front door.
"Yeah." I smiled. "I'm coming."
I walked to the door putting the jacket on. We sat at a table and waited.
"So where are we?"
"We." He set the menu aside. "Are in My old town."
I smiled and grabbed My necklace.
"That's pretty."
"Oh." I looked down. "Thanks."
"Yeah." I nodded.
"I know you love him."
"That makes two of us."
"He doesn't think you do?"
"I don't think He does. Who knows He might know. He's not going to love Me after today."
"Cause I ran away when He was trying to help Me."
"If it's true love it will never die. You can take that to the grave."
"I will." I laughed.
The pizza came and We ate. When We got home Jason was sleeping on the couch. I walked to My room and shut the door. Calvin was siting On My bed. I opened My door to Levi. I shut My door and turned to Calvin.
"I'll deal with you first cause you most likely don't hate Me." I crossed My arms."What are you doing here?"
"Come sit down."
I sat down, "What can I do for you?"
"I want you to stop drinking."
"Who told you?"
"Cause He's desperate, which Means your over the edge."
"What else did He tell you?"
"Did He tell you I was going to Kill Myself."
"No. He didn't mention that."
"I wasn't really going to do it. Well I was but Then I thought Better of it and was too scared to move. That's when Stark found Me."
"That's when the drinking started."
"Is there anything else You need."
"That's it."
"Then you can leave now." I told Him. "I won't stop anytime soon."
"Levi told Me Not to tell you this but I'm going to tell you anyway. Levi told me that You felt I got you. He called Me cause He thought I could get through to you."
"You can't, so."
"Come on Dakota. Your better than this."
"I've heard that before."
"You've also Heard me tell you that I love you."
"Still?" I asked. "I though I told you to let Me go."
"You did. And I will, as Soon as I help you." He pulled Me back down onto the bed by My arm as I tried to get up.
"Fine. I'll stop drinking If that means you get to be free." I kissed His cheek. "Bye Calvin."
I went into the bathroom and He left. I hid in My room until the morning. I opened the door and Stuck My head out. I tiptoed and peaked into Izzy's room. I turned around, and Levi grabbed one of My arms and covered My mouth with His other hand. He pulled Me into My room.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?" I stroked under his eye. "You haven't been sleeping."
He moved My hand, "I'm worried about you."
"I can stop drinking anytime I want to."
"Then Stop."
"I don't want to. I don't have a reason to."
Levi cleared His throat and Prestly walked around The corner.
"I forgive you Dakota."
I looked at Levi then at Prestly. Prestly took a step forward and I ran to Him. I stood on my tiptoes and hugged Him. He held Me Tightly and kissed my neck.
"I forgive you. I need you Here."
"I'm here."
Prestly stood back as Jason came into the room.
"I'll forgive you if you quit."
"I'm done. I promise." I hugged Him too.
"Now it's not going to be easy quitting. I think you should come stay with Me for awhile." Levi said. "Think of Izzy. Plus there's nothing at my house to get you drunk."
"Okay." I nodded.
"How long has she been sleeping?" Calvin asked.
"About five days. She won't eat or drink anything." Levi said.
"She's fine. She's sleeping off the guilt. She feels guilty for dragging so many people into Her mess."
"She didn't drag anyone into it but Herself. Everyone else wanted to help Her."
"You and I know that, but She doesn't look at it like that."
I rolled over onto a chest. They began playing with My hair.
"She'll come around. She always does."
"You do know the only reason I'm not killing you for playing with Her hair is cause I need you to help Her right?"
No wonder I was so comfortable. When I layed on Calvin He was relaxed, Levi was a little stiff. Calvin Put His hand on My shoulder.
"There? Happy?"
"No. I'll be happy when your gone."
Calvin laughed, "What's wrong big cousin? Afraid that she still loves Me?"
"I know She does."
"Don't worry She might love Me but she's in love with you."
"I know She is."
"Do you Levi?"
There was silence.
"I'm going out for awhile. Can you watch Her?"
"Yeah." The door opened and closed. Calvin kissed My head. "You can open your eyes now Dakota."
"How did you know I was up?" I asked, snuggling into Him.
"I payed attention when We dated."
"Do you think He know's I love Him?"
"He thinks you don't love Him. After His brother, He's careful to let people in. What I do know with all My heart is that He loves you with everything He has, and is willing to Do anything to Help you."
"You can sleep Calvin."
"And give you the chance to run away to drink?"
"My brothers forgiveness is more to Me then that."
"Okay. Promise."
"I promise I won't leave to drink."
"I trust you."
Once He fell asleep I grabbed My jacket and Left. I grabbed a coffee, and Went to the store.
"She lives!" Tori hopped off the counter and Hugged Me.
Sam set Her magazine down on the counter.
"Hey guys." I muttered Sitting on the counter.
"So I hear that you've been hanging out with Stark lately." Sam said.
"Yeah." I said.
"We heard everything." Tori said.
"Tori!" Sam said.
"Then you should Know I Quit."
"I thought you where like in some rehab program where Levi and Calvin watched you." Sam said.
"The best way for Me to get back to normal is to get back to My old ways."
"You really think That Will work?" Sam asked.
"Nope. Right now I want to chuck this coffee out the window and call Stark."
"Hand over your cell phone then." Tori said.
"I don't have it. I left it at Levi's."
"Then how would you call Stark?" Tori asked.
"I jacked Calvin's phone."
"Do you think Levi is going to Get mad?" Tori asked.
"Honestly I could Give two shits. If My love isn't enough for Him then who cares." I hopped off the counter.
"Where you going?" Sam asked.
I pulled up My hood and dropped My coffee into the trash. I walked back to Marilyn's and grabbed my keys and a small bag. I ate some food and got into My car. I parked My car at The curb.
"I was wondering if You'd be back."
"I didn't have anywhere else to hide."
"So you came to me?"
"Are you going to let Me in Lisa?"
"Come on." She stood to the side.
"So Who you hiding from?"
"I'm not really hiding, I'm just trying to get away for awhile."
"From Calvin?"
"And His stupid Cousin."
"Oh shit. That's your brother isn't it. I'm sorry."
"Half brother, and He can be pretty stupid. Let Me guess He fell in love with you but He doesn't think you love Him?"
"Yes. Was He like that?"
"Who His twin? No way, He was so much fun. Levi used to be fun until well you know."
"Are you hungry?"
"No thanks." I answered the phone.
"Where are you?" Levi asked.
"Does it really matter? It's not Like I love you or anything."
"That's what you think isn't it? When You find out if I love you or not then I'll tell you where I am."
"I'm guessing that was Him."
"Your guess was right."
She pulled out Her cell phone and Looked at the screen.
"Who is it?"
"It's You."
"answer it."
"Hey Dakota what's up? Calvin? How do you have Dakota's phone. I don't know where she is. You need to find Her, from what you told Me she could go over the deep end at any second."
Nice, I mouthed.
"Okay bye. Call Me if you find Her."
"Did He sound worried?"
"He sounded scared."
I sighed and called Him.
"Dakota Where are you?"
"I'm safe. I'm not going to do anything crazy, don't worry about Me. If I'm going to Do something crazy I'll call you. Bye Calvin."
"How long do you think It will take them to check Here?"
"I have no idea." I shoved Calvin's phone into My pocket. "I said I was done drinking Why can't they just leave Me alone?"
"cause They don't trust you."
"And Me running away isn't giving them much to trust."
"Me drinking and going over the edge has made a lot of problems for people hasn't it."
"Yeah, but they wanted to help."
"Maybe everything would be better if I really stopped."
"Stopped drinking?"
"Stop Being Here."
"What are you talking about?"
"I came Here to say goodbye. I'm just setting Up trouble for a lot of People. I'm gonna go away for awhile and see if people will be okay. Who know's if this works Ill stay away forever."
"Dakota stop talking like this."
"Why? Everyone was fine before I came into the picture. I thought that by getting away from My Mom and My Dad's past that I would be okay, but My problems just followed Me and became other people's problems. I need to make things right."
"You know I can't let you go Right."
"Don't try and stop Me Lisa."
I stood up and went to My car.
"Will you check in every now and then?" She called after Me. "That way I know your safe."
"Yeah. Sure." I smiled and got into the car.
I drove away as She waved. I opened the front door and went to my room. I set My bag On My bed and looked around My bare room.
"I think that all My problems are following Me, So If I deal with the start of My problems then Maybe I'll be free." I turned around. "I have to Make things right, but in order to do that you have to leave Me alone. You can't talk to me."
Mom nodded.
"Where's My Brothers?"
"In the back yard."
I walked to the back yard.
"Dakota!" Prestly grinned and swam to the edge of the pool.
Jason followed and I sat on a chair by the edge of the pool.
"What are you doing Here?" Jason asked.
"My problems started here so I think that if I deal with them I'll be okay."
"So your Staying?" Prestly asked.
"For awhile." I nodded.
"Well look at this The Mortin siblings all back together." Jason said.
I smiled.
"So you going to Come swimming?" Prestly asked.
"Uh, nah. I'll just sit Here and watch you guys."
I sat back in the chair and watched them race each other. After dinner I unpacked My bag. Mom knocked on the door.
"I know You told Me to leave you alone, but I wanted to give this to you. It's from your Dad. He was going to give it to you fro your birthday. When His office was cleaned out They gave Me this to give to you, but you Where always running from me."
I took the Wrapped gift and card.
"Uh, Thanks."
"Goodnight Dakota."
I sat on My bed and opened the card.
-Happy eighteenth birthday! You are now able to do what ever the hell you want! (Don't tell your Mom I said that.) I want you to know that I love you, no matter how much you wonder if I do or Not. I was never good at showing you it, But I do. I want you to do something for Me. I want you to carry Me with you in what ever you do. You have no idea how beautiful you are to Me. And Even though We're having a new Baby, your still My favorite. By the way Surprise! I would of told you earlier but you have a lot of things to sort out. You have to make things right with your brothers, and yes even your Mother. At least try for Me okay? Anyway, I hope you like your gift. I love you Dakota. Love Dad-
I set the card aside and opened the gift to a book. The writer caught My eye. In bold Letters Was Mark and Dakota Mortin. I flipped it over and Scanned the back. The main girl's name was Stevie. I sighed and opened the book. - If you always pick apart the good you'll only have the bad to live with.-
I turned the page and began to read. I finished the book and put it in My top drawer under My clothes. I went down stairs as Mom was drinking Coffee.
"We need to talk." I said.
"Alright." She said as I sat down.
"I get the whole falling out of love thing, cause I've done it before, but I told them I didn't cheat. You where on His side, instead of ours on the court date-"
"Because I felt guilty to sit on Your Dad's side. I felt like I let him down in some way. I didn't have the chance to let Him go."
"I was wrong on how I hated you. As Much As I wanted to hate you I couldn't. Then I thought about you sitting on His side and I hated you for it. I have know Right to Hate you. Right now I just need a clean slate. Do you think you can forgive Me for being an ass?"
"The number one think a Mother is able to give is Forgiveness."
"Things are going to Be different. You have to earn My trust and respect."
"I know."
"I have to go back. I made My peace with you and the boys. I don't have time to hate you. I have to get My life together cause There's no way in hell I'm going to be left with the bad things."
"Yeah, Tell me about it." She laughed a little. "I'm going to Be better I promise. Just don't leave until tomorrow. It's late."
"Goodnight Mom."
"I love you Dakota."
"I know you do." I left the kitchen and went up stairs.
I looked into Jason's room to See Him sleeping. Prestly's eyes opened when I walked In.
"Just wanted to say goodnight."
I reached for His door.
"Do you want to Sleep in Here with me?" He asked. "Please?"
I crawled in next to Him and put My head on his Chest.
"You leaving in the morning aren't you?"
"Yeah." I muttered. "I have to Make things right with everyone."
"If it helps I'm not mad at you, and I don't hate you."
"I love you Prestly. Your strong."
"I try to Be. Jason doesn't hate you either."
"You should sleep."
"You should to. You have to drive tomorrow."
"Your right. Night."
"Night." He kissed My forehead.
I dropped My bag By the door and kicked off My shoes. I dropped My jacket on My bag and walked to the bed. Levi was on top of the blankets wearing Pj bottoms. I changed into the shirt and got into Bed. When I woke up Levi was sitting in a chair by the bed. He took a drink out of a beer bottle.
"I drove you to drink?"
He took another drink watching Me. I covered My eyes with the heels of My hands. I heard the bottle hit the side table and the blankets where tossed off of Me. Levi layed on top of Me His weight pressing Me into the bed.
"Why'd you leave Me? Isn't My love enough for you?"
"Of course it is."
"No it's not. You wouldn't leave if it was. I guess sometimes love isn't enough." He sniffed.
"Levi, I didn't leave you, I just went to visit My family."
"Why didn't you tell Me?"
"Your drunk."
"I don't know why you like to drink. It just makes Me feel sad. Dakota-"
"Levi?" I shook His arm. "Levi?"
I grabbed the blanket and tossed it over us. I played with his hair until I fell asleep again. When I woke up He was still laying on Me. I itched My face and He moaned.
"Please Don't Move."
"Is it your head?"
"Mm Hm."
"Do you want Me to-"
"Just stay still, please."
"Can I ask you something then?"
"Every time you talk it shakes My head."
"It's okay."
I stroked His head as He laced our fingers.
"You can ask, just talk slowly."
"Do you really think I don't love you?"
"Just answer. What can I do to make you see I love you?"
"Take care of Me." He moaned and laughed a little.
"Done." I stroked His Hair.
He got off of Me and I went to the store. When I came Back in He was sleeping. I got a cup of water and sat on the edge of the bed. I stroked His face and He caught My hand. It took everything I had not to jump.
"Thank you."
"For what?" I asked, holding out some pills and the cup.
"For loving Me."
I leaned forward and kissed Him softly, "Your welcome."
He took the pills.
"Do you want Me to run you a bath or make you some food?"
"I want you to lay with Me."
I stretched out beside Him.
"You won't break Me."
When I put My head on his chest He was relaxed, and not stiff like normal. He knew. Finally.
"There's a bonfire tonight."
"Do you want to go?"
"I'd rather stay in bed with you."
"Who knows, it could Be fun." He moved some hair from My face.
"Did you just say fun?"
"Okay, I'll go if you want to."
"I want to."
"I'll go. Are you tired?"
"Does your head still hurt?"
"A little."
I grabbed The blanket and covered both of Us.
"Can I ask you something."
"If you talk slowly." I smiled.
"Are you done running?"
"Yeah." I sighed. "I'm done."
"Do I get to Keep you?"
"As long as you want Me."
"That could Be forever."
"So let it be forever." I said. "I don't care. I can love you forever."
"Yeah. Same Here." He kissed My head.
"Dakota." Cam smiled handing Me a cup.
"Leave Me alone Or I'll find Levi."
"Whoa whoa! Calm down I just want to Be friends. No need to get crazy on Me."
"I don't drink anymore."
"Oh Yeah I heard about that. Come on One cup isn't going to kill you."
"Back Off Dude."
Stark took My hand and Lead Me to the truck where the keg was.
"You seem to be always saving Me from Cam."
"He seems to not understand that your taken." Stark said, putting Me on the truck Next to Tori.
"Hey." Tori handed Me her cup. "Oh Sorry."
"It's okay." I told Her. "Where's Sam."
"I'm Here."
The truck door opened and Sam jumped out. She Half jumped half got Help from Stark onto the end of the tuck.
"So How's the no drinking thing going?"
"It's fine."
"You know It's pretty risky coming to a Bonfire."
"It's fine."
"Are you sure."
"Let Her have fun Sam." Tori said, from My other side.
"So Where's Levi?" Sam asked.
"I don't know. We got Here and I lost Him."
"There He is." Tori pointed to Levi and Cam.
"Is it just Me or is Cam being extra annoying today?" Sam asked.
"It's not just you." I muttered.
"Cam Told Me something yesterday guys."
We both looked at Tori.
"He really likes You Sam-"
"Whoa!" I laughed.
"No!" Sam said.
"He's just shy and doesn't know how to tell you, so He asked me to tell you."
"What are you going to do?" I asked trying to not laugh.
"I'm Not going to Do anything. You are."
"Me? Why Me?"
"Your going to tell Levi to tell Cam to leave Me alone."
"Why Me?"
"Cause Your My friend and that's what friends do."
"Alright Fine."
"I'll Come To." Tori said.
"No!" Sam grabbed Her arm before she could jump down. "Your staying Here. No way are you getting in Dakota's way."
"I'll take Stark." I jumped down.
I dragged Stark over to Levi. I pulled Levi down to Me.
"Tell Cam to leave Sam alone. She just wants to Be friends."
"Why Me?"
"Cause you love Me."
I kissed Him, and pulled On Stark's jacket. We walked back over to the truck.
"Did you tell Him?" Sam asked.
"Good." She let go of Tori's wrist.
"Cam! Sam said she-"
Me and Sam lunged at Tori making Her quiet. Stark stretched Behind Me to black everyone's view.
"I'm going to let you go. Your not going to say anything about Cam." Sam said.
We let Tori go.
"We all know that you have a crush on Cam." Tori said.
"No I don't. Cam's a jerk."
"So you think He's cute?"
"Your supposed to be on My side!" Sam hit My arm.
"So you do Have a crush on Him." Stark said.
"Just His looks."
"So If He was nice You'd try to date Him?" Tori asked.
"I don't know Maybe."
I slipped away.
"Where's Levi?"
"He went to get some more drift wood."
"Good. I need to talk to You."
"Levi told Me Sam doesn't like you."
"Wrong answer." I flicked His forehead. "She likes you but won't date you cause Your a jerk."
"So I have to Be nice?"
"But If I be myself I could get hurt."
"Wait your nice?"
"Come on Dakota. It's not like I'm a jerk for real." He snorted.
"Cam No one want's to get hurt. If you pick apart the good you'll only have the bad to deal with."
"Who said that?"
"A very wise Man."
"What should I do?"
"talk to Her."
"Not with Tori around. She scares Me."
"I'll Get Sam Alone. Then you can talk to her. Start off By telling Her your not a jerk all the time."
I walked over to the truck. I grabbed Sam's arm and Pulled Her to a log.
"What are we Doing-"
"Hey Sam Could I talk to you for a second?"
Sam grabbed My arm so I sat back down.
"About what?" She asked.
I looked at Stark and mouthed Help.
"Hey Dakota! Come Here!" Stark waved me over.
"I'll be back."
I got up and Cam took My spot. I walked to Tori and Stark.
"They're laughing. What did you do?" Tori asked.
"Turns out Cam isn't a jerk. He's just afraid of getting Hurt."
"I could Of told you that." Stark said.
"Then Why didn't you?" Tori asked.
"Cause you never asked." Stark laughed.
I smacked His arm, and He pushed Back.
"No one's home." I flipped the lights on.
"Do you want Me to stay here with You?"
"Yeah, go ahead and make yourself at Home, I'm going to check the rest of the house."
I called up stairs, and checked the living room and back yard area.
"Nope. there gone."
"Come Lay with Me."
I stretched out in front of Him on the couch. He kissed the back of My head, and Took the blanket off the back of the couch and put it over Us.
"Are you warm enough?"
"Yeah. Are you about to fall asleep?"
"Yeah." He chuckled.
I turned around, and put My hand on His face.
"Stay with Me."
"I'm trying."
"It's okay go to sleep."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'll wake you up when They get home."
He closed His eyes, and Fell asleep. I didn't wake Him up cause I fell asleep to. When I woke up It was cause Izzy was screaming. I walked up stairs and pushed open Her door. When She saw Me she stopped screaming and started bouncing holding onto the side of the crib, and She laughed. The door was pushed open wider,and Darren was standing in the door way His hair messed up with a bottle in His hand.
"She can be quite demanding."
"Yeah." I nodded Leaving The room.
Levi was Sitting on the couch trying To put His shoes on. He stopped and rubbed His eyes.
"I'll drive you home."
"It's okay."
"No it's not your tired. I'll drive."
I held My hand out and He dug into His jacket. He gave Me his keys and pulled on his shoe. Once We got into the house He fell face first onto the bed, and went to Sleep. I took his shoes off and Got into the shower. I opened the door when It was knocked on.
"Calvin." My eyebrows pulled together.
"I'm heading home today. I wanted to know If you wanted to switch?" He held up My phone.
I grabbed His phone off the counter and we switched.
"So Thanks for coming to help Me I guess."
"Your welcome I guess."
"I'll see you around then?"
He pulled me into A hug, and smoothed My hair.
"Stay safe Dakota."
He kissed My forehead and Left. I closed the door and jumped onto the counter. I plugged my phone in and looked around the apartment. I jumped down and lay on the bed.
"Your staring."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
Levi took a pillow and covered His face. I moved the pillow and kissed His face. He moved on top of Me and kissed Me.
"Your awake."
"Now I am." He kissed Me, and Pushed away.
"I'm going to shower. Do you want to join Me?"
"I already took One."
He grabbed a towel out of His basket.
"I'll Be quick."
I watched Him walk to the bathroom then looked at the roof.
"So Now that you know I love you What's Next?"
"I can think of a few things."
"Tell Me one."
"Look for My jacket and look in the pocket."
I got up and grabbed His jacket.
"Nothing in Here."
"That's cause I took it out."
I turned around.
"You said you would marry Me remember?" He held up a ring.
"You still what to marry Me after everything I put you through?"
He took My hand and slipped the ring on My finger.
"Would you look at that. Perfect fit."
"I love it."
"It loves you too."
I laughed, and Pulled Him into a hug.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For everything."
"It's cause I love you."
"I love you too."
He pulled back and Kissed Me.
"Are you sure you don't need help finding your dorm?"
"I think I got it."
"Call Me if you need Help okay?"
"I will."
I kissed Levi and went to my dorm. I set My bag on the bed.
"I knew you where going to Pick that Bed."
"Hey Lisa." I laughed pulling Her into a hug.
"Okay So I vote that we all take showers together. Two can stand guard while the other two shower." Tori said flopping on My bed.
"It sounds stupid but makes sense. If We're going to get through this year we have to stick together." Sam said leaning on the wall.
"Can I come?" Stark asked sitting On My bed.
"Of course you would Be in the girls' wing." Cam said.
"I could Say the same to you." Stark said.
"I have a reason to Be here." Cam said, pulling Sam against Him. "Hi."
"Hi." She smiled, as He kissed Her.
"So are We going to have a party tonight?" Jason asked sitting on My bed. "I know You can't drink Dakota, but since I'm Here you can, cause I can keep an eye on you."
"Lucky Me." I muttered.
"We should Have a party. It could Be fun." Lisa said.
"We might as Well do it tonight cause it's the last day before we start school." Cam said.
"The official last day of Summer." Stark said. "We have to do something."
"I'm in if you guys are." I nodded.
"Alright, Now we just have to get Buzz kill bob to buy the beer." Stark said.
"I heard that." Levi said from the door. "I'm in."
"Sweet, Let's do this." Tori jumped up.
There's one good thing about having friends. Your never alone. You have people to make good memories with, and your not left with the bad unless you always tear apart the good. I think I'm about done with tearing apart the good.
"Dakota come on! The best is still to come."
I smiled, and shut the door to my dorm. She was right. The best is yet to come.


Calvin and Dakota's relationship- Hands Down Dashboard confessional, Skinny Love- Ed Sheeran
Dakota and Levi's relationship- The secrets in telling, Dashboard confessional Sofa Ed Sheeran
Jason, Prestly, and Dakota's relationship- All in this together, Been Lee Lego house Ed Sheeran
Leah, Maddie, Lisa, And Dakota's relationship- So long Sweet Summer Dashboard confessional
Sam, Tori, and Dakota's relationship- Oath, Cher Lloyd
Cam and Dakota's relationship- Prisoner Jeffree Star


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2013

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If you always pick apart the good you'll only have the bad to live with.

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