
When I woke Up I rapped a long fuzzy robe around myself. Cookie was curled up under the blanket. I opened the curtains and flew back.
"Gah!" I yelled.
When I flew back I lost my balance and fell on the floor.
"What happened?" Lexi asked, at the door in robe, and curlers.
"Uh." i said, pointing at the window.
Lexi opened the window. The bear had it's paws on the window.
"Oh that's just Herman." Lexi said. "Go to the back door Herman."
Herman pushed off the window and disappeared.
"Great I talk to a dog, and My sister, has a pet bear named fucking Herman."
"Some bunch we are huh?" She smiled. "Get dressed, I'm taking you to work with me today."
I got dressed and went into the kitchen. There was a girl standing by the window.
"Oh, hey, I'm Ronan." I said.
The girl turned, smiled, and disappeared.
"Alrighty then." I muttered.
"Ronan? Grab Cookie let's go!" Lexi called.
Cookie was at my feet, head cocked to the side, looking at where the girl was. I scooped her up, and Walked to the door. We got into the Elevator and got into the car. No sign of Herman the Bear.
"are you sure it's okay if I bring Cookie?" I asked.
"This is going to sound really crazy."
"Tell me." She said, turning down the radio.
"Do you have a ghost living in your apartment?"
"Did you hear it?"
"I saw her."
"You saw her!"
"hands on the wheel!" I screamed, grabbing the wheel and making us go into our lane.
"What did she look like?" She asked.
"She had really crazy blonde hair and big glasses. she's pretty." Cookie licked my finger. "Herman's not going to eat Cookie right?"
"Of course not!"
"Well, I've never owned a bear before."
She laughed, and turned up the radio.
I pushed my door open and the girl was sitting on my bed. She stood and held up a hand.
"Please don't freak out."
"You can talk."
"Of course I can talk. Can't you?"
"A ghost with sarcasm. I love it." I put Cookie on the bed and sat down.
The ghost sat down to, and Cookie crawled onto her lap.
"I love dogs. What's her name?"
"Cookie. What do you want."
"I need your Help Ronan."
"With what?"
"I need you to Help find the guy that Murdered me."
"Are you crazy?!"
"On the phone." I called. "No way."
"Please? I trust you. I need to move on."
"Fine I'll help you."
"Perfect." She clapped her hands together.
"what do i have to do?" I asked knowing i'd regret this.
"you have to go to the court room for my case. say your in school and your doing a report. you need background on the Mason case."
"What's your first name?"
"Jewls. hi, nice to meet you." she said holding her hand out.
I looked at it then at her.
"Won't my hand go right through yours?"
Jewls rolled her eyes, grabbed onto my hand and shook it as If to make a point.
"Now your Only here for a week so you gotta go now."
"Now? Will you go with me?"
"But I"m a ghost."
"Well you had no problem with shaking my hand now did you?"
"For fucks sake."
"I'll do all the talking."
"Fine. I get to carry Cookie."
"How would It look if there was just a random Flying Puppy?" I asked, holding out my hands.
"Being Dead's a bitch." She said, handing Cookie to me.
"You can hold Cookie in the car."
We went to the kitchen Where Lexi sat.
"This is my sister Lexi. You can Trust her."
Lexi looked up as Jewls showed herself.
"Oh my, you are pretty."
"Thank you." Jewls smiled.
"I'm trying to help Jewls get to the other side. Can we use your car Keys?"
"Sure." She said, handing them over.
"Thanks." I said.
"Be back for dinner girls."
"Will do." Jewls called closing the door.
"You can eat?"
"Oh would you just get into the damn elevator?"
We drove in silence to the Police Department.
"Hi, I'm doing a Report for school. I need the case, on Jewls Mason, Please."
The woman dug into a file drawer and gave me a cream folder, With Mason, Jewls typed on it.
"Have a nice day." I said, hurrying from the office.
Jewls was sitting in the front seat Petting and talking to Cookie. I gave the folder to her and waited as she looked through it.
"This doesn't say anything we can use. Here. You need to talk to the guy." She said, pointing to a picture of a cop.
"Fine. Your coming with me." I said, taking Cookie.
"Why Can't you be a big girl?" She asked, opening the door.
"Thank you for meeting with me." I told officer Neil.
"NO problem."
"I need information on Jewls Mason."
"I can't give you that."
I looked at Jewls who nodded.
"Look, I know you want to find the guy as much as I do. I can help you."
"Why would you want to help us?"
"Jewls is my friend."
"No, that's not it. Your A medium. Is Jewls in the room?"
Jewls took a step back.
"Can you give me the information?"
He gave me a file. I opened it. there was a picture of Jewls paper clipped to some other pictures.
"This is where he killed me."
"She says this is wear he killed me."
"We looked there. we found nothing."
"My body's still there, in the bricked up fire place." She pointed to a wall.
"Her body's in this wall." I pointed to the picture.
"We'll get on it."
"You don't Believe me do you?"
"It's all a little-"
I held up Cookie and Jewls took her.
"Believe me now?" I asked, cocking my head.
"I'll get a team together."
"I want to go with you. So does Jwels."
"I didn't say that."
"Don't smack me." I said, smacking her back.
"I didn't say that."
"DO you want help or not?"
"Well then your going." I turned to Neil as he had his mouth open. "Are you going to help us or not?"
"Right this way." he said.
I took Cookie and followed Niel out of the room.
We got into a car and drove in the middle of the woods.
"This is creepy." I said.
"Try getting killed here." She said.
"Is she going to keep talking to the Ghost?" Neil's partner with black hair asked.
"Aye, Blackie in the front. Mind your own business." I said.
"Yeah, looking like something out of twilight."
I laughed.
"What did she say?" Niel asked.
" She said, Yeah, looking like something out of twilight."
Niel burst out laughing, and Blackie muttered something.
"He just called you a psycho bitch." Jewls told me.
"Don't call me a psycho bitch."
"You heard that?" Niel asked.
I oped my mouth.
"Tell them yes, so they stop."
"Yeah I fucking heard it, I'm like something out of twilight in that area. Holy fucking hell!" I Said, as the house came into view. I slid out and then Jewls slid out behind me and shut the door.
Jewls, mouth fell open and she flicked Blackie in the temple, "asstard!"
"She called you an asstard." i told Blackie following Neil, who had a black bag.
"That's it." Jewls said, pointing.
"That's it." I said, pointing.
Jewls took Cookie. They took out tools and hit the bricks.
"Yep, there's bones in here."
Jewls and I high fived.
"A whole body."
We did a victory dance.
"We have to see if they're Mason's."
Our victory dance was cut short.
"What do you mean, of course they're mine."
"Yeah, what do you mean of course they're hers. She watched the bastard brick her up. Sorry."
"I'm good girl." She waved a hand at me.
"Well there where other people that where murdered here." He said, grabbing a black bag.
"I'm waiting in the car." Jewls said.
"Right behind you. We'll be in the car." I said, bolting after Jewls.
We watched the house.
"What would you do if some guy with a chain saw came from the woods?" I asked.
"The question is, what would you do? I'm already dead. I could evaporate. You on the other hand would have to run like hell."
"So you wouldn't help me?"
"Of course I'd help you!"
"Like he's be afraid of you."
"I can change form."
"Remind me not to piss you off Jewls." I said as they came from the house.
They put the trunk in the back and then got in.
"I'll call you when we find out." Niel said, once at the station."
"how long do you think this could be?"
"Tow weeks tops."
"Two weeks tops!" Me and Jewls said together.
"We'll let you know." He said, going inside.
"Great what now?" I asked, tossing a hand out.
"Let's start with dinner."
"You can really eat?" i asked.
"Of course I can eat. I can drive too." She smirked.
"Next time." I nodded getting into the car.
It was three days after, and we where in my room. I was giving Jewls a lesson in music. I had the music turned to max cause Herman the Bear was outside my window, making noises. I think he wanted to eat Cookie.
"It's lighting up!" She said, pointing to my phone.
"Relax. it does that." I said, picking it up.
"Officer Neil?"
Jewls got up and I put the phone on speaker.
"Yes, I was calling about the Mason case."
Jewls pocked the phone with her finger, eyebrow pulled together. I waved her away.
"They were Mason's bones."
"Awesome. what's next?"
"Mason's been dead for ten years. the guys long gone."
I looked over at Jewls.
"He's still in the area I feel it."
"No, He's still here she can feel him."
"We'll keep looking."
I hung up the phone.
"Do you remember what he looks like? He's not going to help us."
"I can do better than telling you." She grabbed a paper and pen and sat at the desk.
I watched as she drew perfect cold and mean eyes. It was the first thing she drew, so I think it's the number one thing she remembered. Soon she filled in the rest of the face.
"Nice detail on the scar." i said, tracing the scar on the right side of his face, going from his eye to his jaw."
"Thanks, Did that myself."
"With what?"
"I used to have really sharp nails. I need you help with something else."
"I need you to talk to my little sister. she's your age. If we hurry We can catch her at the Music store"
"Alright lets go."
We drove to the store, leaving Cookie with Lexi.
"Oh no."
"There she is."
I looked over at a girl.
"What's oh no?"
"She took after me."
We walked to her. She had her hair pulled into a side pony tail. It was pink with a light purple streak. She wore big glasses, and had snake bites, and, her septum pierced.
"Yeah?" she asked.
"You going to think I'm weird. I can talk to Jewls."
"You can! Ask her what was the last thing she said to me before she left."
I looked at Jewls.
"I called her a Crazy bitch."
"You called your baby sister a crazy Bitch?" I asked her.
"You can talk to her!" Hannah said, hugging me.
Jewls laughed.
"What else did she say?"
"She said, don't strangle my friend with hugs."
"But your my age."
"We became friends after she was dead. She's still in her sixteen year old form."
"Can she show herself to me?"
Jewls shook her head no.
"SHe said, it will be even harder for you to get over her."
"Tell her I want her to know I'm okay, and to move on."
"She says she's okay and to move on Hannah."
Hannah nodded.
"Thank you." She said, hugging me.
She ducked her head, and walked down the street.
"You have friends where your from?" Jewls asked.
"People think I'm different."
"Don't you know everyone's different? Think about it Ronan, how boring life would be if we're all the same. You shine, I can tell."
"Thanks." I smiled.
"You bet girl." She said, rapping an arm around my Waist.
I laughed and hugged, her not caring who saw. I was already crazy right?
"Do you want me to teach you how to play guitar.?"
"You can play?"
"Yeah, let's get a guitar." She said.
I knew she was dead, but she was my best friend. We went shopping, then drove home.
"So what do you think?" She asked, walking around the room, wearing the neon orange dress I bought her.
"It looks sick."
"I love it." She beamed.
She sat down, and grabbed her guitar. She began to play and sing I will follow you into the dark. I watched awe struck.
"Sing with me Ronan."
I sang along with her.
"Alright grab your's. I'll teach you the basics and some songs.
She taught me how to play the guitar.
"I would of been your friend." She said, as I booted up my lap top.
"What are you talking about? you are my friend."
"I mean if I was alive."
"Your the most alive person I know Jewls."
She smiled, and Pulled her legs up.
"Mother Freak?" She asked, looking at my face book page.
"I'm like Lady Gaga with out the epic clothes."
She gave me a confused look so I pulled up some Gaga videos. Jewls fell in love.
"Can I see your videos?"
"I don't have any."
"There." She pointed.
I pushed play, and the video jumped into me singing We can Riot.
"Wow! look at all those people cheering for you. Are you sure you don't have friends?"
"Nope. I play the role of a misunderstood music chick."
"Your song has a great message. It has a good beat too."
"Thanks." I said.
The video ended and then jumped into Shame on Who?
"That's about your parents huh?"
"How can you guess?"
"From what you told me- Oh your being sarcastic." She said, pushing my arm.
"I love you Jewls."
"Yeah. Your my best friend. Don't you love me?"
"Of course I love you."
"Yeah, you better."
We laughed. At the Door Cookie barked.
"Potty break." i said, hopping up, and grabbing my jacket. "You want a coat?"
"I don't feel there weather."
"Oh." I said as if it where normal.
And it was normal.
I picked Cookie up, and stuck my head out the door. No sign of Herman the bear. I put Cookie down and let her pee. Jewls and I talked.
"Cookie!" I yelled freaking out.
"Calm." Jewls said, closing her eyes.
She held her hand out and touched her temple with two fingers. Cookie came flying through the woods, frozen in time. Instead of being freaked out, I felt relieved like a mother who just found her kid stuck in the twisty slide. I grabbed cookie out of the air.
"Thanks Jewls."
"No problem." She said, petting Cookie.
We went inside and started on dinner. Jewls wasn't just my best friend. She was apart of the family. Even Lexi was in love with her. She fits in perfectly. There was a scratch at the back door. I turned to look, then turned to my plate.
"I'm sorry Lexi, i love you and, all But Herman isn't getting shit, off of my plate." I said.
"Oh my God, dude, is Herman dancing?" Jewls asked, mouth hanging open.
I looked and sure enough there was Herman the Bear getting down with his bad self. My mouth dropped open, like Jewls. Lexi got up with a piece of chicken.
"I taught him myself." She said, Chucking the chicken out the window.
Herman abandoned his dance, and thundered after the chicken, while Our mouth's hung Open, and Cookie danced around at Lexi's feet.
"Look she learned from Herman." Lexi said.
We looked from Herman to Cookie To each other. A smile, spread across our face, and we looked down shaking our heads. Only in our family. We got a Dancing bear and dog, We got a freak, a ghost, and a college student. I never thought my life would come to this, yet I wouldn't have it any other way. I was having a blast. In fact, I wouldn't mind getting down with Herman, but it was a little cold outside.
The next morning we went to the station. I used Neil's computer and scanned the picture Jewls drew. Neil looked over what came up on the screen.
"Jewls, do you remember his name?" He asked.
"No." Jewls told me.
"No, she doesn't remember."
"Thanks for this information, we'll call you when we find some thing."
"I have today, and then two days to get her free. I don't have time for you to call me when you find something."
"You'd make a great reporter."
"I just want my friend set free." I told him.
"Pull up that chair, and work with this monitor. You're looking for names, or addresses."
"Now we're talking." I said.
We pulled up chairs. I looked over everything, and she kept Cookie calm.
After an hour Jewls grabbed my hand, "look." She said, Pointing.
"Hey. I got a name and address."
Neil wrote it down.
"I'll go now."
"We gotta get back home call me If you find anything."
We got up and left.
"You know what I want to do?"
"What?" i asked, as we got home.
"I want to learn some dancing."
"Herman's got some good moves."
She laughed.
"I'll teach out back."
I hooked my Ipod up. Cookie watched from behind the screen door.
"Okay Follow me." I told her.
After twenty minuets Herman came from the woods. We paused and looked at each other. We had Oh shit, written all over our faces. Herman came onto the back deck, and stood. He began to dance, to the music. We looked at each other, shrugged, and danced like Herman.
The next day Neil called.
"Hello?" I asked, half asleep.
"Ronan? We got our guy."
"We did!" I yelled, kicking Jewls awake.
"Now he's been given a court date, But I think we can nail him. "
"When's the court date?" I asked.
"Today at noon. You're coming?"
"Damn Skippy."
"See you there." He said the line going dead.
I took a shower and got dressed. Jewls wore her orange dress.
"This doesn't add up. Why would you want to send a man to jail after ten years, Ms. Swift?" The Judge asked.
"You can think I'm crazy. I want freedom and justice for my friend. Jewls."
"Well we don't have enough to put him in jail. The girl is dead. We can't communicate with her."
"We can. Jew's can take over my body. Right Jewls?"
Jewls nodded.
As My body fell to the floor everyone gasped and stood. When I stood up, everyone gasped again. I looked down at myself, I was wearing Jewls's orange dress. I walked to the stand. I passed a mirror. It wasn't me though it was Jewls. Was she in my body, or was I in her's?
"That's the man that murdered, me. If you don't lock him away he'll kill again. Think of all the innocent teens he'll get to." Jewls said it, but it was my voice.
"Ms. Uh Mason. can you tell us what happened that night."
"Yes. I was going to a party with my friends. I was waiting out side, by the car, fro my friend, when a man snatched me. He was wearing a mask. I remember he had the most cold eyes I had ever seen. He tied me up, tossed me into a trunk. I remember the number. B7689NA. We rode for a while, then he pulled me out of the trunk, and into a house. You have the pictures. He brought me to the yellow room, and layed me on a bed. You know the one they put dead people on? He uh, he raped me and then he silt my throat. It was weird. I knew I was dead, but I was still in the room. He shoved my body into a fire place. I watched him brick it up."
"Ms. Mason Did you see the man's face?" He asked.
"Your not going to believe this are you?" Her killers lawyer asked.
" Ms. Mason?"
"Yes. HE took the mask off, so I could see his face, while he raped me. He said, no one would hear from me again, so it was okay. He got the scar on his face, when he cut my hands free. I scratched him to get free. He took my arms, and pined them down. All I was thinking about was, I was never going to see My Mom or Dad. Hannah was going to grow up with out a big sister."
A cop came in and whispered something in the Judges ear.
"The car Mr. Kale came here in Has the same plate as Ms. Mason has said. Life in jail no bail." He said, hitting his gavel.
I got off the stand, and fell to the floor. I hopped up and hugged Jewls to me.
"We did it!" I said.
"I'm free."
"You don't sound Happy." i said, pulling back.
"Ronan, we have to talk, let's go home."
We dorve home, and went to my room.
"Now that he's in jail, I have to move on."
"What? no you can't. You have to stay."
"I can't Ronan. I don't belong here. don't you see?"
I nodded, Feeling sick.
"When do you go?"
"Now." She whispered.
"So this is it."
"Yeah." she nodded. "I'll always be right here." She said, kissing her hand and then touching my chest.
"I'm gonna miss you." I said fighting tears.
"Me too." She said, pulling me in for a hug.
She hugged Cookie.
"Bye Herman. It was awesome dancing with you." She waved out the window.
I laughed and Wiped my cheek.
"Don't cry for me Ronan. I'm finally free. You did that." She smiled.
She pulled off her orange dress and Put on a white one.
"Keep it." she said, giving me the dress.
"Wait." i said, taking off the necklace i was wearing. "It's grandma's. I have one like it too, back at home." I said, putting it on.
"How do I look?" She asked, striking a pose.
"Oh very lovely." I said.
We laughed, and she pulled me into a hug.
"Oh, I'm gonna miss you Baby sister." She said, Kissing my cheek, and holding me close.
A light door way came up from the ground. We pulled apart, and wiped our faces.
"When you think of me, remember, our shopping, and me teaching you the guitar, and our dinners with Lexi. Remember us dancing with Herman, and playing with Cookie. Remember everything I told you. I love you Ronan." She said pulling me in for another hug.
"I love you Jewls." i said, holding onto her.
"Remember me happy."
We pulled apart, and I nodded.
She held up her hand and I gave her A high five. We laughed. She looked at the door, and Sighed.
"Let Lexi know I love her." She gave me one last hug. "You shine so Bright, Ronan." She whispered pulling away.
She walked to the door.
"Thanks for the necklace." She said.
"Look after me."
"I will."
"Don't forget me."
"Or Herman, Lexi or Cookie."
"Wouldn't dream of it." She laughed pulling me into a hug.
She kissed me and ran through the door. The light door faded. Jewls taught me a lot. I was heart broken to see her go. Even though Jewls had been dead for ten year, that After noon was the coldest when, for me, She died.. I fell to my knees, wrapped my arm around myself, and Cried. That night I wrote a song and Named it Jewls.
I opened the car door and got out. I stood on the curb, with Cookie and looked at my house. I felt sick looking at it. I'd been without Jewls for three day's now, and when she left she took me with her. Mom and Dad came out of the house. Lexi hurried to them and told them something. They both looked sorry for me. I walked up the lawn.
"Get my things please." I said, passing my Mom with her open arms.
I hugged Lexi. After she promised to come get me for the summer, and spring break she left.
The next day at school, I sat on the table.
"How was everyone's break?"
Everyone yelled.
"I'm going to say something before i start. I went to my sisters for break and I met this girl. She shined like no one you ever saw. We spent a week together, I've never been close with anyone but her. Two days before I came home she was Killed."
Everyone gasped, their shoulders sagging.
"She taught me a lot of things. This song is called Jewls."
I played the guitar. Even through they weren't supposed to have them, everyone pulled out lighters.
"She wore big glasses, and hand Messy Blonde hair. Never had I seen someone so fierce. we got to know one another. It was a cold day in front of the music store when She leaned in and whispered: Don't you know everyone's different? Think about it Ronan, if we where all the same how boring would life be? You shine, I can tell. Oh I'll never understand why that man had to take Jewls. When she moved on she took my heart with her, oh I'll never be the same. I'll remember she taught me to play the guitar. She never said it, but she taught me we only have one life."
I played the guitar, looking at the end of the Neon orange dress I wore.
" It was a cold day in front of the music store when She leaned in and whispered: Don't you know everyone's different? Think about it Ronan, if we where all the same how boring would life be? You shine, I can tell. She was light, She was love, she was everything all above. the pain of losing her was something I'd never known. She always would laugh. I remember telling her, She was the most alive person I knew, Oh how her eyes shined. I'll never understand why, but I do know she's gone, now. I wear her favorite dress, and our matching necklaces to keep her close, but I wonder if it'll be enough to keep me whole. I learned how short life really was. There's so little time, we have to share. It was a cold day in front of the music store when She leaned in and whispered: Don't you know everyone's different? Think about it Ronan, if we where all the same how boring would life be? You shine, I can tell."
That song got the most cheering.
"Thanks guys. I also wanted to say that, I don't know a single one of you, But I love you all. Life is short, hold onto the ones you love. Mama loves her little freaks."
I got off of the bench, and was ambushed by hugs. First one girl with a tear streaked face, then everyone else. It was at that moment I knew, I was okay being alone. That night I was going through Pictures. The one that caught my eye was of me dancing with Herman. The best part was, you could see Jewls, laughing. I pined it to my wall. I stood back and wiped my wet face. I took a deep breath, and looked around my closet. This is me. all this is what I'm good at. I painted a canvas, and wrote Life after death? on it. I hung it above our picture.
I walked out.
"I know I've been A shity Mom."
"I won't forgive you."
"I understand. I know your hurt about your friend Jewls-"
"Please. Leave." I said, my throat swelling.
"Ronan, I want you to know I'm here for you."
"I With you told me that when I was three."
"I know you do-"
"I need to be alone." i said, shaking my head.
"I you need anything call for me." She said, as I shut the door to my bathroom.
I slid to the floor, covered my face, and cried until it was hard to breathe. I looked at the roof.
"Why'd you have to put her in my life?" I sobbed. "Don't you know I'm not strong enough for this kind of heart break?"
I got up and crawled into my bed. Cookie jumped up and layed next to me.
"We'll be fine. Jewls is watching us. That's why I can't cry anymore. I have to be strong for Jewls, and you." I said, pulling her close.
I closed my eyes and faded. The next day I didn't want to do to school. I got on my Facebook page and wrote a post.
'Sorry little freaks.the pain has consumed me. won't be in school today.'
I went to the bathroom, and then looked at my page. There was one post, that had 1,000 likes.
'Let's take a stand and not go to school today. Everyone light a candle, and put it on your window. Today we Honor the life of a Fallen Freak. R.I.P. Jewls. We all Love you.'
Of course that made me cry, even though I promised cookie I wouldn't. Good thing she was going potty. I got a blow of Captain crunch and sat at the bar. Dad patted my shoulder, I turned to him.
"Can I have a hug Daddy?" i asked.
He looked like he was fighting pain, as he held open his arms for me.
"She's in a better place." He said, softly.
"I wish she was next to me."
"Don't we all."
"I wish R.I.P meant, Return if possible."
You will get through this Ronan. You the strongest person I know."
I wiped a tear away. Even though he was a little Wacky, I still needed him. We parted as the phone rang. he answered the phone and I let Cookie in.
Dad left for work, and I finished my food.
"Aren't you supposed to be in school today?" Mom asked.
"I'm not going." I said, numbly.
"Goodbye then."
I stared out the back door, as she kissed my cheek and left. I looked at my phone as Lexi's ring tone went off. I stared at it until it stomped. I sighed, sat back, and pulled my hair into a bun. I finished off my captain crunch, some ice cream and watched movies all day. I knew it was going to take time to get through the loss of My first best friend. Shit life really sucks sometimes.
(continues in Life.)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2012

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Jewls taught me a lot. I was heart broken to see her go.

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