
I grabbed my bag and went down stairs quietly.
i froze.
"Yeah dad?"
"See you next weekend."
his voice echoed through the house, so i had no idea where he was.
"Yeah, see you."
i shut the door, and hurried to the curb.
My dad and i saw things differently. he thinks i should be miss prim and proper. i think i should be able to be well... me.
My older half brothers sports car came to a stop.
"Hey Stevie Lynn."
"you know no one calls me that anymore, Jett." i said, shutting the door.
"Oh come on, iv'e been calling you that ever since i can remember cut me some slack."
i punched his arm.
"we're going to be late." i told him.
he pulled away from the curb.
"thanks for picking me up."
"yeah, no problem."
as soon as we pulled into the parking lot my two best friends came running up.
i barely took off my seat belt when Mia wrenched open the door, and Harlow pulled me out of the car.
"I missed you!" Mia said, pulling me in for a hug.
"it's been two days."
she pulled back, and Harlow gave me a hug.
Jett planted a kiss on the top of my head.
"see you at home, Stevie Lynn."
"Bye Jett." i said, pushing his chest.
he smiled, and jogged over to his friends.
"your brother is so hot."
"i don't want to know that Harlow."
"so tell us about your Dad Visit." Mia said, linking our arms.
Harlow grabbed my hand, and looked around the school as we walked to the front door.
"you know Jett only has to spend Friday and Saturday with him, he get's to go home on Sunday."
"well he's not really Joe's kid." Harlow said
"Well, well, if it isn't Little miss Stevie Lynn, and her back up."
"you used to be one of my back up, Marley." i reminded her.
"As if. i wouldn't be caught dead, with you freaks."
her and her friends laughed and look off.
"What happened to her?" Mia asked.
"Popularity, that's what happened." I said.
"i don't think i can even remember the days when Marley hosted our every Friday night sleep overs." Harlow said.
i could. we all grew up together. Marley was my best friend until we hit high school where she began to be a cheer leader. We were best friends know we don't even talk.
"Stevie Lynn." Mia said.
"Sorry." i automatically said.
when ever they use my name it's cause i'm not paying attention. after the 8th grade i dropped the Lynn, and became Stevie, Rock n' roll misfit.
i don't know how i got that way. Harlow, Mia, and Jett, saw me as just me.
After Marley told my darkest secret me and the girls became attached at the hip. we made a pact to never betray each other, and always find time for each other. we kinda just stuck together.
As we grew up we where the Colored girls, cause of our hair. Mia has, blonde, Harlow has brown, and i have black. Marley has red, and not the ugly red, really pretty red hair.
we all went to class.
"hey, I'll be back." i said, at lunch as i saw my brother, and his band.
"Stevie!" Ronnie said, picking me off the floor.
He's the drummer.
"Hey Stevie Girl," the bass player said.
i bumped fists with Drew.
I think of her as a big sister.
i bumped fists with Conner, lead singer, and Mason, the other Guitarist.
"you coming to our show later to night?" Ronnie asked as i sat down.
"Should i?" i asked looking at Jett.
"Yeah, you always go why would this time be different?" He asked.
"I dunno, maybe having your little sister as a tag along would be a little weird."
"No way, you Rock!" Mason said, tapping my shoulder.
"Cool, i'll see you guys later."
i bumped fists with everyone, hugged Jett and went back to my table.
"That is so cool, your Friends with the coolest band in school." Harlow said.
"it's only cause of Jett, and they think of me as a younger sibling any way. i might be able to get them to sign something for you."
"would that be lame?" she asked, sneaking a look at the band.
"Yes." Mia and I said.
"Ugh!" she said.
"Sorry!" i called running to Jett's car.
"Thank god!" he said, when he saw me.
Huh? he didn't like it when i was late.
i walked around the car and saw Marley and her friends around Jett.
"Move or i'll run you over." I told them. they all rolled their eyed, and i got in the car.
"Stevie!" my mom said, taking my face into her hands, and kissing my forehead.
She slapped a kiss on Jett's forehead.
"how was school?" she asked.
"Are you cooking?" i asked.
Jett came and looked over my shoulder, handing me a can of soda.
"And nothings burning!" He said.
"Ha ha." she shook her head, making her black hair fall over her shoulders.
"Dad!" Jett yelled.
he put his soda down, and ran to the hall way.
"My boy!" James said, hugging Jett.
"Do i get a hug princess?" he asked me.
i smiled and ran to him. he caught me in a hug, and lifted me off the ground.
he placed a hand on our shoulders.
"How's the grades?"
"good." we said.
"your mother?"
he clapped once and looked us in the eyes.
"I have presents, come on."
we followed him to his car.
"Jett." he said, pulling out a blue and white guitar.
"Sweet thanks dad!" Jett said, slinging on the strap, and playing.
"Stevie." he said, pulling out a Leather Jacket.
"No way! Thanks dad!" i said, hugging him.
i pulled on the Jacket.
"How do i look?"
"Rockin'!" Jett said high fiving me.
"Oh Dad, my bands playing tonight, can you come?"
"i think i can put aside some time."
James, pulled me close to him, and set a hand on his son's shoulder.
"Let's see if your mom has set the house on fire."
we all laughed, knowing how possible that was.
"Mom look!" Jett and i said, at the same time.
"Look at that!"
she looked at our gifts carefully.
"Where's mine?" she asked.
"Yours is coming tonight." he said, kissing her.
"Guys!" Jett said.
"come on!" i added.
they laughed.
"So your not burning anything?" he asked.
we went to the room, mom gave Jett for practice.
We call my dad's house the dungeon and mom's the Castle.
he plugged into an amp, and played.
"Sounds, good soon, diner's ready though!" James called.
"mom and dad's here!" Ronnie yelled.
the guys grew up together. Drew was my baby sitter and fit right in with the guys.
"Dude, you look like shit."Harlow said.
"Thanks." i said, pulling up my new jacket.
"Your jacket's cute." Mia said.
"My dad bought it."
"Joe!" Mia said.
"No, James." Harlow said.
"yeah Mia get with it." i teased her.
"your on your own, for lunch, i have this paper thing for the news paper dude." Mia said.
"I gotta work on my lines." Harlow said.
they both looked at me.
"Fine, i'll be the pathetic little sister, and go sit with Jett." i said.
"awesome." Mia hugged me.
Harlow hugged me next and they where gone.
"hi Mr. Jones."
"Stevie Lynn, there you are, i was wondering if you wanted to try out for the talent show."
"No thanks."
"But you have a beautiful voice."
"Music is kinda Jett's thing."
"Then what is yours? sitting in a large crowd, sheering him on?"
"Well yeah, he's my brother."
"Then what is your thing, the thing you do? think about it."
didn't i say no?
i rolled my eyes and went to my chair.
i sat down next to Jett, and Drew.
"aren't you hungry?" Jett asked.
i shook my head.
"She had a weird food thing when she was a kid, too." Drew said.
"how about i get a soda?"
"Yeah, can you get me one too? i'll pay for yours." Conner said.
"Sure thing."
i took the money and got some sodas.
i paused as i saw Marley under a tree by herself.
she looked up from her phone, and looked at me.
she sat up taller, and the corners of her lips pulled up.
i was about to wave until, her friends sat down and my best friend was gone.
I rolled my eyes and gave Conner his soda.
What's wrong with you Stevie Lynn, remember what she did to you.
i blew out some air, and opened the soda.
sure i missed Marley, we told each other everything. she even understood me when Mia and Harlow thought i was nuts.
when i looked up Marley was watching me.
she smiled, and then laughed at what her friend said.
i looked away, and listened to them talk about the band.
"okay, so i know that we have this party thing, for us, but i did something just for you, i should of asked, but i did it anyway."
"yeah, i don't know why mom does that, where 8 months apart.... what did you do?"
"Why do you say it like that? can't you trust your big brother?"
"well when you say, 'i should of asked' not so much."
"Come on Stevie, i know you'll like it."
he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my room.
"I redid your room."
i opened my mouth.
"before, you say how much you love me, look at it."
he opened the door, and shoved me inside.
my breath was taken away. I had no idea that Jett Knew me so well.
"i love you!" i said, hugging him.
"See i knew you'd like it."
i looked through my room.
there was a knock on the door.
"got it!" i yelled.
"what?" i asked opening the door.
Marley stood on my front porch.
"a girl i used to know said, fighting was so lame. think that girl could ever forgive me?"
"That girl Died, when you lied."
"Stevie Lynn."
"I dropped the Lynn, you would know that if you hadn't become a bitch. i have to go see you at school."
"Think about it. i really am sorry."
she walked down the walk way, and i shut the door.
i grabbed my phone.
"Get your ass over here."
"What happened?" Harlow asked.
"You okay?" Mia asked.
i grabbed their arms and pulled them to my room. after they got done gawking at it i told them.
"Remember what she did." Harlow said.
"Remember we had to put you back together." Mia said.
"Photo shops a bitch." i said, flopping down on my bed.
"no she's a bitch." Mia said, sitting next to me.
"and he's a dick, for listening."
i layed back.
"i don't understand how she became such Mean person."
"popularity." Mia said.
we watched a movie and ate ice cream.
"Hey, wait up!" Jett sad, slinging an arm around my shoulders.
"I'm going to walk you to class today."
"you are?" i asked, eyes wide.
"Yeah, your okay, right Stevie."
i told him what happened.
"What should i do?"
"I dunno, guys fight, and it's over, ask Drew." he said, with a shrug.
"you really are the best brother."
he kissed the top of my head.
"Anytime little sis."
he went across the hall and into his class room.
"Hey loser." Marley said, coming up behind me.
"Go screw yourself."
i turned and saw it was just her.
"we gotta talk, so you know why i did what i did."
"what happened to the old Stevie Lynn?"
"The old Stevie Lynn, was back stabbed by her 'BFF'."
i went into the class room.
i shook her off, and sat down.
"this isn't over!"
she looked around and hurried down the hall.
after school we walked to the park and sat on a bench.
"You never do anything fun!" Harlow said to me.
i looked around.
a kid with black hair and piercing blue eyes, wearing an all time low hoddie sat alone on a bench.
he looked upset.
"dare me to kiss that guy?" i asked.
both of their eyes where wide.
i got up and went to him.
he looked up at me curiosity sparking in his blue eyes.
i put my hands on the bench and kissed him.
he froze and then kissed me back.
i didn't expect him to so i opened my eyes. his were closed.
i pulled back and stared at him.
"I'm sorry about that" i blushed, taking a step back, "I'm going to go now."
"Oh" He said as you walked back towards your friends.
Mia's eyes were angry.
"Stevie Lynn!" she said, smacking my arm.
"what?" i asked rubbing it.
"do you know who that is?" she demanded.
i looked at Harlow, who was just as baffled as me.
"That's Karson King. He just lost his little sister."
I looked over at Harlow.
it felt like i was hit in the stomach with the punch of guilt.
he was mourning his little sister and some random girl kisses him.
that made me no better than... Marley.
i looked up but he was gone.
"damn it." i said, getting up and waling down the stone path.
"Karson?...Karson!... Shit."
a strong wind blew my hair forward.
i dragged a hand through my hair.
"Let me say sorry!"
"Just leave me alone."
he was sitting in a low tree.
i swung my leg over the branch.
"i'm sorry, i didn't know."
he looked away from me, and i wished he'd look at me.
I took his hand, and he looked at me.
i Swallowed as i saw the anger in his eyes.
"I'm a pretty good listener." i offered carefully.
he looked at our hands, and his closed around mine.
he told me that he was supposed to go home, and he was running late.
when he got home he didn't know someone was in the house.
his sister shrieked his name right before she was shot.
he ran to her and held her to her last breath.
i didn't know what to say to that.
he looked up into the angry gray sky, as the fist of many tears, spilled over and ran down his cheeks.
"i'm sorry." i whispered.
what if Jett had to hold me?
pain ripped at my core, and i held into my chest.
"why are you listening to me?"
he swiped at his face.
"everyone needs someone to listen to them."
he jumped down from the tree. he grabbed me waist and lowered me down like i was a feather.
"I'm Stevie."
"Yeah, Marley's old friend."
"why do you say it like that?"
he actually laughed.
"we're not really friends."
"you can tell me another time."
"thanks, Karson."
"sure, i'll uh, see you tomorrow at school."
the next day at school, Mia ran to the parking lot like she was running a marathon.
"Stevie!" she yelled, waving like no tomorrow.
i lifted up my hand.
to hands came down on my shoulders. i was spun around and was face to face with Cody Jess.
"Hey Stevie Lynn." he smirked.
i stared at him open mouthed.
Cody is the reason why i'm not friends with Marley.
He's my crush since i was 9 and Mia's older brother.
he pressed his lips to mine, and took off for the doors.
"i tried to warn you are you okay?"
i nodded mouth still open.
Harlow made her way over to us.
"Dude." she said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"what's he doing here?" i asked.
"he moved back." Mia said, slowly.
"i'm good, i'm okay."
i said.
"No, go away, i don't like you." Marley said, walking away from Cody.
Cody looked at me and smiled.
his smile faded, as someone put their arm around me.
i folded into Jett's side, as he stared at Cody.
Cody, looked away, and then hurried down the hall.
"Thanks Jett."
"If he bugs you i want you to find me." he hugged me to him, and then walked up to Ronnie.
Ronnie looked at me nodded once, and they left.
"I'll warn my brother." Mia said, leaving.
"come on kid." Harlow said, linking our arms.
"Dude!" Mia laughed.
"What?" Harlow asked.
"Dude," Mia laughed again.
"What?" i asked.
"Dude." Mia said, laughing.
"What? What! damn it!" Harlow asked, reaching for her neck.
hands clamped over my eyes.
"Guess who."
"Your a dork Karson."
he laughed and sat next to me.
"So i was thinking-"
"Hey Stevie Lynn, you look good." Cody said, walking by.
"Is that your boyfriend?"
"No." i said, looking down.
"You okay?"
"He's just...him." i said, rolling my eyes.
i heard arguing.
i turned and Jett was yelling at Cody.
"You already hurt her stay away!"
"What if she doesn't want me to go away."
"I"m warning you." Jett said, getting in his face, "Unlike you, I'm very protective of my little sister."
Jett turned and walked away.
everyone started talking.
"I gotta go, meet me at the park?"
"Yeah." i said, as he got up.
"Hey." i said, sitting next to Karson.
"hey," his smile was bright.
"i got paired up with Cody."
i noticed a flash of jealousy in Karson's eye's and my heart picked up.
"you don't really like him do you?" he asked, not making eye contact.
i bit my lip against the smile that died to break through.
"i might give him a chance, he is pretty hot." I teased.
"Are you kidding?"
Karson tackled me and covered my mouth with his hand.
Jealousy and pain was clear in his eyes, as he sat above me.
"Please stop" He whispered, "Don't say things like that."
"Why not?" i muttered into his hand.
He scrunched his eyebrows together and moved his hand from my mouth.
"Why not?" i repeated.
"It makes me feel like I don't have a chance"
he bent down and kissed me.
it felt like someone lit off a million fire works deep with in my core.
my breathing picked up and i held onto his neck.
he pulled away.
he sat with his Legs to his chest, not making eye contact with me.
"I shouldn't of done that. I'm sorry." he said, lowly.
i layed on my back out of breath.
he looked down at me.
my mouth was opened a little and no words came out.
He smiled and kissed me again.
"I really like you, Stevie. A lot."
his blue eyes seemed to trap me with in their depths.
"I really like you to. i just didn't say anything." i said, in a small voice.
he laughed.
he stopped and smiled down at me.
"i love your eyes." he said.
i opened my mouth but he kissed me.
i sat at the table drinking a soda.
Karson was totally cute, but i still didn't know if we were together, or if it was a one time thing. i couldn't just got up to him, and say hey, and kiss him. Or could i?
Karson came across as a shy person. i know this cause every time i look over at him catching him watching me he bites his lip and looks away.
i smiled, when i thought of him doing that.
then there was Cody the asshole.
he couldn't keep coming up to me and claiming my lips for his own.
he was way to big to push away, so i couldn't really do that.
I remember when Cody used to be the Geeky kid from next door.
then he decided to become popular, just like Marley had.
i cringed at the thought of her name.
"Hey, you okay?" James asked.
"Yeah, Boy problems."
"well i'm a boy... or at least i was, why don't you tell good ol' dad your problems?"
i stared at him, as if he spoke a different language.
"Yeah, you probably wouldn't like to talk to me, why don't you call your friends?"
"No!" i said, both arms in front of me.
his eye brows pulled together.
"they wouldn't understand this, and don't tell Jett, about any of this."
"okay. i hope you get this solved."
"me to dad. me too."
i grabbed my soda slid of the stool and went to my room.
i set the soda on my night table, and layed on my back, looking up at the roof.
there was a knock on my door.
"Go away." i said, standing.
"No, your going to hear why i did what i did."
Marley grabbed my arms and sat me on the bed.
"The only reason i joined the cheer team is cause i like to dance."
"You like to dance?"
she smiled. "I love it. but i had to stop hanging out with you, cause they didn't see you as popular. if i wasn't mean to you i'd get kicked off. The Photoshop pics were you where making out with another guy, i didn't do those. Kamma did. She told me to bring them to Cody. i had no idea what they where. that's when you came to the party. he was hurt so he made out with me, in front of you. when we went up stairs we didn't do anything. he told me that he loved you, and he was hurt." she took a breath.
i let it all sink in.
"you where my best friend." i said, looking at the floor.
i tore my gaze away and looked at her.
"you broke my heart, Marley."
"I know, i had no idea what the pictures where, and i was shocked when Cody kissed me.
he knew you liked him. he knew you where shy, and damn it i was so frozen i didn't push him away."
she fell into my computer chair.
"do you hate me?" she asked in a small voice.
"i don't hate people i really dislike them."
"do you really dislike me?"
she stared at the floor waiting for my answer.
"i really really dislike you."
she nodded.
"but that was before i knew you didn't know about the pictures."
she stood up, wiping at her face.
"But how can i trust you that you didn't know?"
"you can trust me Stevie Ly- i didn't know, and to you i promise. i understand if you want nothing to do with me."
i stood. Marley shuffled back and forth on her feet.
"I really missed you." i said, shaking my head.
"Stevie." she took a step to me but stopped when i looked up at her.
"i'm so sorry."
"are you just saying that to say it?"
"no. i'm saying it cause i mean it. i hurt you badly, i can see it in your eyes. I'm so sorry, i just wanted you to know that i'm sorry, even if you don't want to be my friend."
i sat on my bed.
"I met someone."
"yeah?" she sniffed.
She sat in front of me.
"yeah, he's really sweet, and i know he likes me." i looked up at her and gave a little smile.
"problem is he's so shy."
"Don't you just hate that!"
we hugged each other tightly.
"I'm so sorry, i never meant to hurt you. you know i love you Stevie. i quit the cheer team."
"you did?"
"Yeah, back to you, what's his name?"
she nodded.
"you know him?"
"no." she said, giving a smile and a shrug.
"oh that's right, you only know the self absorbed."
i looked up at her.
"i'm sorry."
"i deserve that."
"no you don't."
"you where always so sweet."
"yeah, i get hurt cause of it."
"Yeah." she said, biting her lip.
"i don't think we can ever be friends in the same way."
"I totally get that."
"good. I'm not sure if Harlow and Mia will forgive you, and i'm going to choose them over you, every time. i know it sounds bad, but that's what happens."
"i get it." she nodded.
i blew out some air.
"jeesh, we live in a fucked off world." i said.
"tell me about it." she laughed once.
"I'm really glad to have you back. even if your just my friend."
i laughed.
she pulled me in for a hug by my neck.
"for now." i said, with a smile.
the next day at school, Marley met up with me.
"Whoa, your really talking to me?"
"Shut up dork." she laughed linking our arms.
"What the shit?" Harlow asked, coming over with Mia in toe.
"It wasn't her fault."
i quickly filled them in.
Mia hugged Marley.
Harlow just stared at her.
"I'm watching you." she said, eyes narrowed.
i bit my lip to keep from laughing.
"you guys remember that doll we got when we were nine? the one where they look like us? i still have mine." Marley said, hanging her head in shame.
"No way me too!" Mia said.
"Mines on a shelf." Harlow said.
"I think mine is at the back of my closet." i admitted.
we all looked at each other and laughed.
"Marley." Kamma said.
"I quit." Marley said, as we passed her.
"Whatever." Kamma said.
i went to get a soda, as the girls got a seat.
I turned as i saw Cody making his way to me.
there was a tap on my shoulder.
i turned around and looked up into Karson's blue eyes.
"Hey." he smiled.
he bent down.
"what?" i asked.
"It's okay that i kiss you right?"
i pressed my lips to his.
"It's very okay."
"There's this thing i was meaning to ask you-"
"Stevie Lynn."
"Hey, Cody." i said, jumping a little when he said my name.
"i was wondering if we could hang out after school?"
Karson turned and left.
"Not a good idea."
i went after Karson.
"Why not?"
"Look i gotta go." i said, trying to pull away from him.
"Bye Cody."
i ran through the front doors and looked around.
Marley waved fast at me. when i looked over at her she pointed to my left.
i looked over and saw Karson walking down the hall.
i ran after him.
he turned just in time for me to crash into him.
i grabbed him by the jacket and kissed him.
"i really like you Karson. a lot."
he smiled a lop sided grin, that made my heart skip.
i became the shy one and bit my lip.
i could see the humor in his eyes.
he bent down and kissed me.
"get a room!" some kid said.
it was 7 pm and the band was freaking out.
"Where is he?" Drew asked, looking at the back door.
"Conner's never late." Ronnie said, sitting down.
"We should just give up." Mason said.
"This is to important, this is make it or break it time, guys." Jett said.
Conner ran to us.
"Yes!" Drew said.
Conner gave me a paper.
"Guys, Conner lost his voice what now?" i asked, holding up the paper.
"Shit." Ronnie said.
Jett looked around us.
i took a deep breath.
"Guys just go on, i have you covered."
"You got a singer?" Jett asked.
"Yeah, sorta."
"We'll take it." Mason said, getting on the stage.
"Hey everyone we're The Breakers." Jett said.
everyone yelled.
"Our lead singer lost his voice, so we have a sub. hope they're good."
they began to play.
i grabbed a mic, and held it it my hand loosely.
Jett's counting on you.
I brought the Mic to my mouth.
"You laugh out loud at all the wrong times, your yourself and they just don't understand."
i pushed open the curtain and walked through.
"Say what you will, i'm myself. you look at me as if i lost my mind, but i just want to heard."
after the song, everyone stood up and yelled.
"Thank you, We're the Breakers, and that's my little sister Stevie!"
everyone yelled, and i basically flew off the stage.
"you sing!" Jett said, coming to me.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Music's your thing."
"Music's everyone's thing." he said.
A group came over to us, pulling him in.
"Dude, i had now idea you were into music!"
Marley grabbed my hand and pulled me to the wall, where Harlow and Mia were sitting on the floor.
i sat down and Harlow gave me a opened can of soda.
"I didn't spike it if your wondering."
"What are we doing tonight?" Marley asked.
we all looked at her.
"I go to my dad's on the weekend. i won't be back, till Monday."
"Oh," she said, taking a drink.
"Stevie ready? We're already late." Jett said.
i kissed Harlow and Mia, gave Marley a half-hearted hug and let Jett pull me to my feet.
when we got my dad's house it was dark and cold.
the floors are a black hard wood, and the walls are gray.
"Is he home?" i asked, Jett.
we looked at each other.
"Run!" we said, running up the stairs.
i took a shower and got into bed.
the next morning the sky was over cast.
i went to the mail box.
i turned at my name.
"Karson!" i said, dropping the mail.
i looked down at my old t-shirt.
"Hey there."
he came over to me.
"Your cute when you blush."
of course my face went even hotter.
"What are you doing here?"
"I uh, what are you doing here?" i asked.
"I live here."
he pointed to the house behind him.
"Okay, this is my lazy outfit." i said.
he pulled me against him.
"Well shit, thanks for telling me, i thought you where going to run for beauty queen."
"i not messing around." i said.
"neither was i."
"You really think i'm pretty?"
"I think your beautiful." he said.
"Don't hide your face, it's cute."
he bent down and kissed me.
We spent the weekend together.
"Hey can i talk to you."
i turned to tell Cody off, but he looked like the Geeky kid from next door.
my heart squeezed.
i nodded.
"I know that your with Karson, but-"
"How come you believed me over them?"
"I guess i wasn't thinking. i was kinda hurt."
"You should of asked."
"I know, think we could be friends again ever?"
his face looked shy instead of Cocky.
i wanted nothing more than to pull him into a hug.
so i did. he let out a breath and hugged onto me.
"I missed you." he said.
"Yeah. me too."
we pulled away.
maybe this time it would be different. maybe if i gave everyone a fresh start, i could give myself one too.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.08.2012

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