
It's been two weeks since the whole thing with Benton has happened. I still strangely miss Preston, but when i remember what he did i no longer do. Did he just say that he cared for me, is this what he always did, to every Pure vanity vamp- get close to them for his Fathers sake?
Tatum closed my Locker and spun around.
"whoa sexy!" i said.
she was dressed in a dress, had her hair and make up done, and she was yes, actually wearing heels.
"your sister got to me."
"you look good."
Marla barked in approval.
"thanks, see you in class." she said, rubbing Marla's head.
"hey, babe!" Tie said.
"hey love." i said, hugging him.
"walk you to class?"
i picked up my bag.
"Come on Marla."
"so have you seen Tatum?" i asked.
"Yeah she looks like a girl."
"i think she looks good."
"me too." he said.
"sister." Evelon said, holding open her arms.
"sister dear."
we hugged.
i think I've come to deal with what i am- a vampire.
Bounce and Marla rubbed each other.
the school didn't have it's old charm but we where able to save the front wooden door's after the fire.
a note fell out of my locker, and hit the ground.
"Oooh someone has a secret lover!" Robby said.
i picked up the note, and shoved it in my pocket.
i hugged Robby and left for second class. i pulled out the note and read it, almost falling out of my seat.
"are you okay dear?" the teacher asked.
"never better!" i said, to fast.
the class slowly looked to the front of the class.
Marla sniffed at the note in my hand and gave a low grow.
i hushed her and tried to pay attention.
the note in my butt pocket seemed to way a thousand pounds.
i suddenly felt sick to my stomach, and put my head down.
"where you going?" Evelon asked right before bed.
"for a walk, Marla stay here."
she put her ears down and whined.
"i'll be fine." i said, kissing her nose.
i went out the back door, and into the pouring rain. i hoped the fence and took off into the woods.
"i'm here, what do you want?"
"i thought you wouldn't show." Preston said jumping down from a tree.
"i meant what i said, when i told you i cared for you."
"yeah, and i'm sure, that it's just not a ploy to get close to me for your father."
" it was, until i met you."
"oh that's real classic, Preston, you know i kinda liked you."
"you did?"
"wipe the grin off your face, the crush is gone."
"have my jacket."
"i'm a vampire remember, i don't get sick."
"when i turned you i was only protecting you."
"and Evelon?"
"shit." he said, raking his hands through his hair.
"you knew, what ever pain i go through she does to, cause she's my soul sister, and if one of us becomes a vampire the other one dies."
"is she?"
"good. look Deven, i really like you, and i want to make it up to you. I'm tired of being my dad's servant i really like you Deven."
i turned around.
"please forgive me." he said, putting an umbrella over us.
i closed my eyes.
"i can't."
he rapped his arm around me.
"yes you can, you have to let me make it up to you."
"let me go Preston."
"i can't." he said, sounding pained.
i put my hand on his arm.
"your just gonna have to."
in one quick movement i was facing him. he looked intently into my eyes.
"i want to make it up to you."
"why?" i asked, wishing he'd take his hands off my shoulders.
"cause i love you."
"oh that's rich, Preston." i said, trying to take a step back.
Preston pulled me to him and brought his mouth down on mine.
as soon as our lips touched a wild fire lit inside me, and rushed through my body. My head was screaming no but my heart was saying shut the hell up.
he pulled back, and i was shocked, to hear a groan of hate, come from my throat.
"you can't stay mad at me, we're jaded."
he kissed me again, this time deeper. he pulled me closer, as if that where possible. i rapped my arms around his neck. one of his hands, plunged through my hair, and the other traced the out line of my spine giving me chills. he pulled back, and looked down at me.
"i love you." he said.
i was Shocked to find it was me this time that wanted more of him. i wanted him closer. when we kissed everything had vanished.
my missing home, my wanting to rip this throat out, my worrying when his father was coming back.
he pushed me up against a trunk and i pulled him close. he took of his shirt, and started to unbutton mine.
"yeah?" he asked, kissing my neck making me grow week.
i pushed him away. then not get what you want?"
i felt a tear slid down my cheek.
"i love you Preston, oh god how i loved you. But that was before you shattered me. Goodbye Preston."
"we can work it out."
"how does betrayal taste, Preston?" i asked.
i walked away buttoning my shirt.
"nice walk?"
"the best." i said, finding my self grinning.
"hey you got a note." Tatum said, pointing to my locker.
so i did, i thought cringing.
"you good?"
"yeah," i said, shoving the note into my pocket.
i read the note in second class.
'i love you, no matter what, and if i have to wait til your heart heals, i'll do just that.-p'
for the rest of the week i got notes from him. i even notice his smell on them is that weird?
i read the last one in class six
'i won't stop until your mine, i'm changing, just you see.-p'
Just then Benton burst into the room.
"put all fighting aside, i'm not here for Deven." he said, marching strait up to Gianna.
"my son has gone missing, cause one of your little witches has brain washed him."
"don't talk about my daughters, in that manner."
"he left a note saying he's leaving, and he's going to try to win her heart back. he said, that i have cause much pain for him, and he never want's to see me again." he said, eyes fierce.
"well i haven't seen him i'll tell him to go home if i have."
he started at her hard.
"thank you."
"i'll be coming for you." he said, as he passed me.
Marla snapped at him.
after dinner i sneaked out.
"your dad's looking for you."
"i figured."
"you gonna look at me?"
he kept reading his book.
"you sure know how to catch a girl."
he looked at me with a sly grin, he shut the book and came to me.
i held my breath.
"you came back didn't you?"
what a total hot ass.
"just to tell you about your dad."
"uh-huh." he said, his mouth coming inches away from mine.
the smell of him, came in a rush and i wanted nothing more than to kiss his sorry ass.
"what's wrong?" he asked, smiling.
"shut up." i said, getting nervous.
he smiled, and placed his hands on my hips.
my mouth fell open and i looked down.
" You okay?"
when i didn't answer he smiled.
"you know what i think?"
"no." i said, looking into his eyes.
big mistake.
"i think you love me."
"no i don't." i said, to quickly.
"uh-huh." he said, kissing me softly, melting me to butter.
he pulled away and stepped back.
"wait," i objected grabbing his wrist.
"yes?" he asked, smile hotter than hell.
"nothing." i said, crossing my arms.
he gave me a lop sided grin, and i bit my lip.
Stay strong Deven.
he licked his lips and that was it.
"you stupid, ass hole!" i yelled at him.
he smiled and i walked to him and pulled his mouth to mine.
he shoved his hand through my hair and traced my spine, smiling when i shivered.
"why do you do that?" i demanded.
"because you like it."
"how do you know?"
was i that easy?
"you also like it when i run my tongue along the roof of your mouth."
Damn, i did like that, a little too much.
he smiled and kissed me again. i pulled back and kissed his neck.
when he moaned i noticed how he bit his tongue, in annoyance.
"what's wrong?"
"nothing." he said.
"uh-huh." i said, kissing his neck again.
this time he didn't bite his tongue, he pressed my head into his neck.
"got you." i said pulling back.
"how long are you going to do this to me?" he groaned.
"until you hurt for me."
"oh i'm hurting alright." he smiled.
"not like that."
"you want me to be shattered?"
"no. i wouldn't even wish that on you."
"tell me you hate me."
"what? no."
"just do it."
"i can't."
"why?" he asked.
i sat down on the blanket he had layed out.
"just do it. it will make you feel better."
"not if it will hurt you." i lay back, and covered my face.
he uncovered my face and looked intently in my eyes.
"what's wrong?" he asked, pushing the hair out of my face.
"just say it."
"because i love you damn you."
the smile on his face could of lit up the world.
"i love you." he said.
"then kiss me."
"no more teasing? cause i don't think i can handle it."
"kiss me, Preston." i said.
he smiled and kissed me. he pulled me onto my side, and pulled my leg up to his hip.
i scooted closer, and he deepened the kiss. i know it was wrong, to give him another chance, but all the sadness from that day, left when he kissed me.
he flipped me on my back, and gave me a wicked smile.
"let's see how you like it shall we?"
"Preston, don't..."
i took in a deep breath as he kissed my neck and his hand went up my shirt resting on my hip.
"i really love you." he said.
"i love you." i said, nodding.
he kissed me again as his hand went further up my shirt.
"nuh-uh." he said, deepening the kiss.
""i have to go." i said, pulling away. he unbuttoned the first button on my shirt and kissed my chest.
"well maybe i can stay a little longer."
"uh-huh." he smiled.
"where have you been?" Evelon demanded, when i came in at three
"i was studding."
the next day i couldn't wait until i could be with Preston.
when i got to the spot he wasn't there so i lay down, and waited for him.
"Deven hey..."
"what's wrong?" i asked propping myself up on my elbows.
"Nothing, i just hunted, don't worry it wasn't a human."
he lay on his back next to me, then turned his intent gaze to me.
i asked on the bridge of hyperventilating.
"i want you to do something."
i stared at him, caught up in his eyes.
"kiss me."
i smiled and kissed him.
he moved around a bit so i was now half on top of him.
that didn't last long, cause his flipped me over not breaking the kiss. instead he deepened it.
he looked me in the eyes. "you make me weak in the knees Deven Mace." he said.
i was stunned. no one has ever told me that before.
"Preston!" i said, covering my self, with my arms.
"no ones gonna see." he said, with a sly smile tossing the shirt aside.
he pinned my arms down, at the wrist and kissed my chest. as he when to my stomach he loosened my wrists and intertwined are fingers.
"breathe, baby." he said.
i wasn't aware i stopped.
"hey you okay?" he asked.
i just stared at him wide eyed.
"will this help?" he asked, taking his shirt off.
"whoa, no." i said.
"it got you to talk." he said, kissing me.
"i love you>" he said.
"Are you sure this is okay?"
"i can't answer that, you have to."
i nodded.
"wait." i said, as he unbuttoned my pants.
"yeah?" he asked, with a smile.
"I've never done this."
"don't worry it doesn't hurt, it's different for vampires."
he was right. there was no pain, instead it was the opposite.
"see no pain." he said, looking down at me amused.
i pulled his face to mine.
"i gotta go." i said.
"no stay here with me. just enjoy this moment please?"
he gathered me into his arms, and i rested my head on his shoulder.
i felt a piece but at the same time scared. i just gave everything i had to this guy, and with a couple of words, everything would be torn apart and unable to fix.
"your doing it again."
he better not be able to read my mind too, damn him.
"you thinking too much."
"you know what i could never do to much?"
"what's that?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.
"love you."
he looked down at me speechless.
he kissed me.
"i love you." he said.
"More than anything."
Shut up! damn it Deven, this guy could hurt you.
but right now i didn't care.
Right now i wanted to stay this way forever.
"what?" i asked pushing open my door.
i took in the faces of my friends.
"we're worried about you." Robby said.
"I'm fine."
"why do you keep sneaking off in the middle of the night?" Tatum asked.
"this isn't like you." Tie said.
"i uh, you." i stumbled on the words.
"no. oh no, Deven no!" Evelon pleaded.
she took my hands.
"you know what happened don't do this. please tell me what i'm feeling isn't true!"
"Deven?" Tatum asked, cocking her head.
"you wound't get it. it's not my fault."
"what are you talking about?" Robby asked.
"we're jaded okay?"
"huh?" Evelon asked.
"Jaded means that your tied to someone for life. who is he, love?" Tie asked.
i wiped a tear away.
"no, i'm fine."
"no your not." Tatum said a protective edge to her voice.
"please don't do this."
"we're here to help you."
"you can't." is aid, running from the room.
i ran to the locker room and lay on the floor.
Marla came around the lockers.
"what a mess I've made huh?"
she lay next to me and i pulled her close.
"I love the girl you protect more than you'll ever know."
i opened my eyes to see Preston in a deep conversion with Marla.
"you and me are a like in away. we both are careful about the people we're around, but the minuet we saw Deven, we both fell in love."
Marla whined and put her head on his leg.
"tell me about it pup. If things where different i'd marry her right now, she has no idea."
he stroked her head.
"i'm thinking of telling my dad, what do you think?"
she looked at him and cocked her head.
"i know it's crazy. but i love her, i can't let him hurt her."
she seemed to nod.
"so you want to wake her up?"
Marla stood and wagged her tail. she walked over to me and stopped, looking back to see if Preston was following her. Preston sat at my head.
"babe?" he moved the hair out of my face.
i woke up and looked around.
"hey." he said, laughing.
i smiled, sleepy and lay my head on his leg.
we both sat there quite, as he played with my hair, and i petted Marla.
i grabbed his free hand and put it on my chest.
"you fell that?"
"yeah." he said.
my hand curled around his.
"you make me crazy."
"in a good way?"
"in the best possible way ever. you don't know how much i love you."
"your so perfect."
i closed my eyes and soaked in the moment.
"i love you." i said.
"i love you. more than you'll ever know."
when you truly care for someone it's the mind that get's pissed, it's the heart that still cares.
"i got to go."
"where?" i asked, sitting up.
"there's some stuff i have to do. i'll be back." he took my hands and looked intently into my eyes. "i love you Deven Mace. don't forget it."
he kissed me and in a blur he was gone.
great, the last time he said, don't forget that, i found out who he was. what if he's just doing this to get close again for Benton. but we're jaded aren't we, and what about the talk he had with Marla? Did he know i was awake or was he just trying to get close to Marla? But Marla's a good judge of character. Stop! those what if questions can rip a person apart! i raked my hands through my hair.
Evelon sat next to me.
"if this blows up in my face, don't tell me i told you so, just help hold me together."
she pulled me almost onto her lap, and pushed my head down on her shoulder. i rapped my arms around her and never wanted to let go.
"you gonna tell Gianna?"
"i might have too."
"what about the others?"
"they's be hurt if i didn't."
after i told them, i took the bad things they had to say about Preston, willingly.
"guys stop." Tie suddenly said.
i didn't realize that i was biting my cheek, and looking at the floor, almost in tears, until he pulled me into his warm embrace. i buried my face and inhaled his sent, which always calmed me, cause it was a mixture of him and Robby. The two sweetest guys i know, and will forever love.
"i gotta go."
"where?" Robby asked.
"I have to met up with Preston, he has something to tell me. i should go alone. if i need you guys, i'll find you."
i gave everyone kisses and stopped in front of Tatum, who had her arms crossed.
i took a deep breath and hugged her. i didn't let go til, she let out a breath and hugged me back.
"what no kiss?" she asked, as i pulled back.
i grabbed her face, and gave her a kiss square on the mouth.
"thanks," she laughed, wiping her mouth.
for some reason, it was Tatum;s opinion that mattered, and i felt broken if she was disappointed in me.
i grabbed my jacket, told Marla to some on, and we left.
Preston was sitting on the blanket head in hands. i plopped down and he smiled at me.
"where'd you go?"
he seemed to pause before he spoke. "i went to see my dad."
i took in a breath.
"yeah," he laughed, without humor.
"what'd he say?"
"i told him i was in love with one of Gianna's daughters and he said, i was just brain washed. i told him that we're jaded and he said, well that doesn't mean that our plan to get you wasn't going to be messed with."
"and then what?" i asked, holding my breath.
"i told him i was in love with you."
"he stopped and fell into a chair. he said, he was disappointed in me and he left the room."
"it's not your fault that we're jaded, it's like a curse."
he took my hands.
"loving you isn't a curse Deven it's a gift."
i bit my lip.
"you think he's gonna come back?"
"yep. we gotta tell your Mother."
"what is she gonna do?"
"it's worth a try come on."
we jumped over the fence, and Preston's mouth fell open as Marla walked right through it.
as we sped walked to Gianna's office everyone turned to us.
i grabbed Preston's hand and turned to Gianna's office.
"i don't care!" Benton said, through the open door.
he turned and smiled.
"your power radiates through the room." he said, licking his lips.
"Father, what are you doing here?"
"you are to come with me at once."
Preston looked to me, Gianna and his dad.
"now, son."
Preston let go of my hand.
i held my breath as he stood in front of me.
"i'm staying. i love her."
"are you choosing that witch over me?"
"that's my daughter your talking about!" Gianna said.
she zapped him with pain, which didn't seem to effect him.
"are you choosing bad over me?" Preston said.
i had to bite my lip from saying ooh, what now! it was something that Robby always said, with Tatum, and it rubbed off.
"i love her, can't you just deal with that? or is power more important than your son?"
Benton glared at him.
"that's what i thought, i'm staying here, i'm not going back with you." he said, firmly.
"when i come back you'll be dealt with the rest of them." Benton said.
i felt my mouth fall open.
"you won't win. i know all your secrets, before you even do them."
my mouth opened wider, in a ooh you got told way.
Benton growled and left the room, With Marla biting the air as he went.
When Preston turned to me he had hate in his eyes. i tried to speak but no words came from my mouth. he smiled, and pulled me into a hug. the smile didn't reach his eyes, and it lacked a glow.
Preston, bowed to Gianna.
"Gianna, i am sorry that i have thrown away your trust. perhaps one day you can forgive me."
"rise my son." she said, with a smile.
"it is not your fault. you did the right thing. Welcome, home Preston." she said.
"He's coming back isn't he?" i asked.
"without a doubt. he feel's betrayed." Gianna said.
Man there sure is a lot of Betrayal going on. Preston put his arm around me.
"with your permission , i'd like to date Your Daughter." he said.
" permission granted, you'll go back to staying in your room, and classes are as usual."
"but what about,"
"i'll worry about that, go on to dinner."
"well,well." Tatum said.
"nice to see you haven't changed."
"oh but i have, this time, if you break my best friends heart, i'll break your neck."
pure hate and death, shown in her eyes.
"Okay!" Evelon, said, pulling Tatum, away from Preston, so she wasn't right in his face.
"your on probation, sorry dude, but we have to look out for our little Deven." Tie said.
"understandable." Preston said.
"understandable my ass crack." Tatum said.
"hey," Robby said, touching her arm.
she death glared the table.
i grabbed her hand, and she held it a little tight.
"babe, loosen your grip."
"sorry," she muttered with the sly smile, i grew to love.
i shook my head, and laughed to myself.
"look guys, i know what i did to Deven, so as her friends, i know you're going to protect her. Evelon, i'm sorry about the whole changing Deven, i wasn't thinking strait, and the fact that your Her Soul sister, i forgot." Preston said.
Evelon nodded, slowly, but i knew all was not forgiven.
"guys." I said, shaking my head.
"Keep your comments to yourself." Tie said.
when i looked up they where all giving Preston the Death glare.
i couldn't blame them though they new what he did.
"Deven?" a voice called.
the voice was softer than honey and it and a natural pull.
i left my room, with out Marla knowing.
i had no control over my body. i just kept walking not really knowing where i was going. once i pushed open the wooden door everything went black.
When i woke up i was in a room i didn't know, a fire blazing. i was in a large bed in a white room.
"how could you?!" Preston yelled.
"your work is done, son, why are you so upset?" Benton said.
my stomach did a flip.
"i told you i wanted out!"
"you can never get out, calm down."
"how dare you manipulate her to coming to you!"
i felt sick.
"you weren't fast enough."
"i wasn't fast enough, cause i wasn't going to give her to you! i love her, why can't you just be happy? your my dad!"
"i am happy for you, but you know what's at stake here. if you where in love with someone else i'd gladly let you be, but this is more important."
"more important than your son!?"
"i'm sorry."
"god i hate you!"
there was a loud crash as something glass hit the floor shattering.
"calm down."
there was a thud, against the wall.
"i will not calm down, i just want you to know Revenge tastes sweet."
"just like the bitter taste of Betrayal?" Benton asked.
there was another thud and the door opened. i closed my eyes, and kept my breathing slow and calm. Which was pretty hard, when my pounding heart threatened to pop out of my chest at any second.
"Preston what's going on?" i asked, sitting up.
he grabbed my hands. "i know your scared, but i'm going to get you out of here, i promise." he kissed my forehead and he was gone.
Benton came in with a cup.
"Miss Deven." he smiled, handing me the cup.
i tossed it, painting the white room, in smears of red.
"you'll come to your scenes." he said, leaving the room.
"please find me Evelon." i pleaded eyes closed.
i had a strange urge to lick the blood stained walls so i threw the blanket over my head, and tried to stay calm, and not give in.
"when ever your afraid, or someones far away, never give in." i sang to myself.
the smell was too much so i opened the window. i looked around and climbed out on to the roof. i went to the edge and looked down. sharp spikes where on the floor as far as a vampire could jump. i let out a breath, and thought about jumping right down, but then thought better of it. i went back to my room, and sat on the bed, when Benton came in and sat in a chair.
"why are you doing this?"
"you don't seem scared." he mused.
"because i'm not going to let you break me."
"we shall see."
just then the door flew open.
"what are you doing in hear?" Preston yelled.
i cringed at the sound.
"get out! don't talk to her!"
he picked up the chair with Benton still in it, and tossed it.
Benton stood. "you don't know what your doing."
"you don't get that i love her!" Preston screamed, raking his hands through my hair.
"so you'll pick a girl over your own father?"
"you'll pick a girl over your son's happiness?" Preston demanded.
Preston walked over to me and i didn't know i flinched until he turned back to his dad hate filled his eyes.
"now she's a afraid of me are you happy?"
"it's better, that way you won't miss her."
Preston hit the wall, sending his hand through it.
"you need to get out of here. i'll kill you before you take her away from me!"
"we'll see." Benton said, leaving.
"Deven." he said, taking a step to me.
fear must have been in my eyes, cause he slapped the door and left.
that night while in bed Preston came in and lay with me.
"what?" he asked.
"i'm tearing you apart from your dad, just let him do what he needs to do."
"no, Deven, that's crazy look at me pleas."
"i'm broken Preston."
"let me fix you," i could hear the hurt in his voice.
"you care about your friends, and Gianna, you have a heart, i know i can help you. i'm here don't push me away."
"i'm scared." i said, a tear, rolling across my nose.
"please look at me."
"cause i don't want you to see me cry."
"Because it's a sign of weakness."
"Deven, you are the most brave and strong person i know. look how much you've been through! i'm not going any where, so when your ready,"
i turned and buried my face in his chest.
"we have to get out of here, if he drains my power, Evelon's gonna die."
"i'm working on an escape plan, sleep, your safe."
when i woke up Preston was sound asleep. i got up and opened the door. there was a broken vase, and a hole in the wall the shape of a head and shoulders, to big to be Preston's.
i walked down the hall, and got lost.
"i'm weak, i need to get Preston away from her so i can drain her power, before, she runs." Benton said. i took off down the hall my feet. as i ran i saw Preston walking down another hall, and i skidded to a stop.
"Preston!" i called.
he turned, and then was at my side, taking me in for a hug.
"what are you doing, walking around by yourself, you got a death wish?"
"he's weak."
"i know."
he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall. we went to the front gate.
"trying to escape?" a guy asked.
Tatum jumped down from a tree, and broke his neck. Tie opened the gate, and i flew into his arms.
"what's wrong with her?" i asked.
he was holding Evelon.
"you haven't really slept or drank so she's week." Robby said.
Marla and Bounce came over through the woods.
"couldn't keep them away." tie said.
"tie, hold Deven, she's too weak to run. Come on Tatum." Preston said, holding out his arm.
"i'm not letting you carry me.
"it's the fastest way, since you didn't want me to change you when i changed Robby and Tie."
Tatum held out her arm and Preston bit into it, then threw her over his shoulder and then they took off running.
after awhile we stopped.
"drink." tie said, giving me his arm, after he put me down.
"i'm not going to hurt you." i said. Tie moved and Preston kissed me.
He pulled away and shoved his wrist into my half open mouth. in shock i bit into his arm, the wonderful taste of blood erupting in my mouth.
"keep drinking." Preston, said through clenched teeth.
as i drank i became stronger and so did Evelon.
i moaned in protest as Robby ripped Preston's arm away from me.
"are you done?" Preston asked Tatum.
she nodded.
"lets go hurry." Preston said grabbing my hand.
we all ran back to the school.
i ran to Gianna's open arms.
"are you okay? i should of made sure the school shield was on." she said, pulling back to look at me.
"i'm good." then i turned on my friends.
"what is your problem you could of gotten killed!"
"how about a thanks guys!" Tatum said.
she backed up as i reached for, her but i din't stop until she was in my arms in a hug.
"thank you."
"all in a day's work." she said, hugging me tighter.
"he's going to come back and he's going to come back strong i just don't know when, he's week so we should strike now, but people could get hurt." Preston said.
"then I'll go with Gianna." i said.
"no!" they all said.
"are you forgetting my gift? i'd die if something happened to you guys."
"i'll go i know the way."
we all went back to Benton's place.
" well, well, come to finish me off Princess?" Benton asked, when we found him.
"do you want to leave?" i asked, raising my hand.
Hate showed in Preston's eyes, as he grabbed my hand and pointed it at his father.
with in a couple of seconds he was dust.
Preston Swept him up.
"he was my father, i'm going to bury him."
"Gianna i'll meet you at home." i said.
Preston grabbed my hand and led me to a grave, that said nevermore.
he put the ashes in and buried them.
he stepped back and grabbed my hand. we stood there looking at the grave.
"let's go."
i kissed my hand and then the grave.
"i'm sorry." i whispered.
"Deven?" Preston called.
i ended someone's life, that was bad, and trying to kill me and for some reason i felt bad about it.
i sat on the grave.
"you okay?" Preston asked.
"i feel bad."
"he had it coming.
He pried me from the grave and he ran.
i stared at the grave until it was out of sight.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.07.2012

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