
"really?" i asked the coke machine. i put my last dollar and 50c. into it and it didn't give me my soda. i kicked it and the sdoa fell. "ha!" i said taking my soda. "need help?" i asked the kid staring at me. "nope." he said, with a smile. "just want a soda." he said. he put money in pushed a button and hit it with his fist. the soda tumbled down. he took it and looked at me. "it's old," he said. "you gotta hit it." he said. "yeah." i said, walking to class. "thats how i knew you where new." he said, catching up with me. "how?" i asked, not stopping. "everyone hits it with there fist, if you kick it, your knew." he said. "ok." i said, my eye brows pulled together. "yup. see yah around kid." he said. he ran to a group of rockers and gave everyone high fives. i rolled my eyes and went inside the english room. the bell rang and the boy flew through the door. "late." the teacher said. "oh come on mr. d." he said. "technically, he was in the door before the bell ended." i said. the teacher and the kid looked at me. "your safe." the teacher said sitting down. the kid gave me a high five on the way to his seat. "alright class. we have a knew student." mr. d. said. "they know." i said. everyone laughed. "her name is um how do you say your name?" he asked. "it's Raylynn i go by rilie." i siad. "ok." he said. "any way romeo and Juliet." the teacher said clapping his hands togeter. the boy next to me jumped. i stared at the door as the teacher droned on. a note in the shape of a star, flew out of no were and landed on my desk.
Already looking at the door eh?
I spit my now non flavored gum into the note and tossed it in the trash. the bell rang and i basically felw out of my desk. "art." the teacher said. "art is the most wonderful way to express you self." she siad. "you gotta be kidding me?" i asked the roof as the boy walked through the door. he handed the teacher a note and sat down on the other end of the room. when he saw me he gave a little finger wave. i nodded and looked at the art teacher. "you each have a canvas paint something or a saying that means something to you. then you will give it to the person of your choice." she said. i got to work.
the boy came to me and gave me the painting he did.
i laughed and gave him mine. he smiled and went back to his seat. i skipped lunch and hid in the office saying i didn't feel good. the bell rang and i snuck out of the office and left to drama class. "we are going to be working on a play this semester." the director said. "i'll give you the parts tomorrow, as of right now, we need to work on the back drop, so get into partners." he said. i decided to go solo, and unstrung the lights. "got you this." someone said. "oh it's you." i said to the boy. again? i asked the roof. "where you expecting someone?" he asked. "thanks you can put the ladder over there." i said ignoring his question. he held the ladder as i hung the lights. "hey kid in the blue shirt can you hand me the other string of lights please?" i asked. he nodded and gave me the lights. "thank you." i said. he nodded. the bell rang and i got into my car and drove home. i still couldn't get over the size of my older brothers mansion. "someone called for you." he said. he walked from the living room to the kitchen and put his bowl in the sink. "i can't belive that a child like you is one of the most richest people in the world." i told him. "child?" he asked. i pointed at his shirt. he looked down at the blue fruit loop on his shirt. he picked it off and ate it. "your 19 years old, start acting like it." i siad. "ok miss thirty-five." he said, going to the living room. "we've been over this i'm 17 blake!" i yelled after him. "whateves." he siad. "whateves?" i asked. "have you been haning out with 10 year olds again?" i asked. "home work." he said. i rolled my eyes and jogged up to my room. i did my home work and answered the door. "hey!" the boy said, taken off gaurd almost as much as i was. i looked at the roof. Seriously? "what's up?" i asked. "blake here?" he asked. "blake!" i yelled. "oh hey man." Blake said, doing a hand shake with him. "have you met my sister?" he asked. "yeah. Raylynn." the boy said. "rilie." me and blake said together. "right." the kid said, pulling his eye brows together. i crossed my arms. "wanna come in?" blake asked. the kid nodded. "so wanna finish that new video game?" blake asked the kid. "hell yeah." he said. i followed them to the living room. "trun the light off will yah rilie?" blake asked. "do i look like a maid?" i asked. "please?" the kid asked. i rolled my eyes and sat down. the kid typed in his gaming name.
coltan64 awesomeness.
coltan. i sat in the dark and watched them play the game. i listened to the rain and tunder. the room would light up every now and then when lightning would flash across the dark pissed off sky. "hey who called?" i asked him. "kyler." blake said copping off some guys head with a sowrd. i got up and went to the kitchen. i sat at the island. "hello?" kyler asked. "hey babe." i said. "rillie! sweetie pie! why haven't you called me?" he said. "i just got in last night. "i said. "i miss you so much come home." he begged. "i can't." i said. "i know. i thought if i said it it would make me feel better." he said. "i miss you." i said. "ahwe! i miss you too cutie." he said. "so tell me how's school." he said. "well school is school." i said. "have any friends?" he asked. "nope." i said. "huh. that don't sound like the rilie i love." he said. "i don't want friends. when the whole thing blows over at home, i don't want a bunch of people to say goodbye to." i said. "so you just sit by yourself then?" he asked. "no i hide in the office." i said. "oh hun." he said. "don't you have next door kids?" he asked. "I don't really know my way around yet." i said. he shighed. "blake bought me a car." i siad. "holy cow nipples shut up gurlie." he said. "totaly the truth." i said. "well shit." he said. "yeah its a black convertible." i said. "oh sweet! you have to take me on a ride." he said. "when everything blows over i promise." i said. "when what blows over?" coltan asked getting a soda. "never you mind." i said. "who are you talking to?" coltan and kyler asked. "never you damn mind." i said. "blakes friend." i told kyler. "oh come on we're friends." coltan said. "no we aren't we don't have anything in common." i said. coltan took the phone fom me. "give it back." i yelled. "hey whats up?" coltan asked. "kyler dont talk to him girl code!" i yelled. i smaked coltans arm and held my hand out. coltan thumped the phone in my hand. "sorry." i said to kyler. "is that your best friend on the phone?" coltan asked. "out!" i yelled pointing to the door. "all right." he said. "blake i got your soda." he said. "you like him." kyler said. "when hell freezes over." i said. "alright hun. but when you date i call taking full credit and i can say i told you so." kyler said. "it wont happen." i siad. "20 bucks." kyler said. "30." i said. "deal." he said. i put the phone down and did the hand shake me and him came up with in the 7th grade for when we couldn't shake hands. i picked the phone up. "so what's his name?" he asked. "coltan and he makes me irate." i said. "he can only do that if you let him hun." he siad. "i love you." i said. "i love you too babe." he said. "oh shit i have to go josh stuck his head in the stair fence thingy and got his head stuck." he said. josh is his 11 year old brother. "oh use butter." i said, recalling when blake did the same thing, no to long ago. "thanks talk to you soon." he said. "i love you." i siad. "i love you too babe." he siad. i hung up the phone and put my head in my hands. i missed kyler and my firends, and my mom. but affter what i did there was NO going back there untill things died down. "did he go home yet?" i asked blake as he came in the kitchen and recyled the cans. "yeah." he said.
"i'm late." i told blake, the next morning. "for a very important date?" he asked. i looked at the ceiling. would it be a sin if i strangeld him? "just don't set the house on fire." i said. i grabed my jaket and bag and ran outside. "lovley." i said, as i got buckets of rain poored on me. i through the jaket over my head and ran to my car. the car in front of me was at the stop sighn, hood up. i honked and zoomed around them. coltan was under the hood. "dammit." i said putting the car in revers. "get in!" i yelled at him. he dropped his hood, grabed his bag, locked his door and jumped in the car. "seat belt." i said, hitting the gas. once on school grounds i went to the soda machine becuse we got there faster than i thought we would. i put my money in and looked around. i hit the machine and my soda fell. "told you." coltan said. "dammnit coltan!" i practicly yelled. i got some stares and what the hell's. "are you going to stand there all day or can i get a soda?" he asked. i moved. "wait for me." he said. and for some lame reson i did. we walked to class in sclince. "come meet my friends." he said. i planted my feet in the grass. "come on." he said. he took my hand and pulled me. "rilie." he said, when i didn't move. "what?" i asked. "come on." he insisted, pointing to the rocker group. i would fit in well with them, but like i said, when i went home i didn't want to say goodbye to people, cause it effing sucks ass. he pulled me to his group. "jay, skylar, greysen, andy, davie, aiden, hayley, kristen and kilie." he said. "this is rilie." he said. everyone jumped up from the wall and high fived us. the bell rang. "dammit coltan!" i yelled. he yranked me to the class room. "safe!" a kid named frankie said, his arms like a reff. the whole class burst out with laughter. me and coltan bowed and high fived. "alright class!" Mr. D. said. everyone ran to there seats and shut there mouth. not only was he the english teacher he was the princapal. "rilie!" aiden yelled. i looked at my sand wich and then made my way to his table. "whats crackalakin?" he asked, giving me a haigh five. "not a damn thing." i said. "aint that the truth?" andy asked. he sat down and high fived us. everyone else came and sat down. i hugged hayley and kristen and the lunch talk began. "what?" i asked as davie called my name. "why did you move with your brother?" he asked. "she missed him." coltan covered for me. i pointed at coltan and davie shrugged and ate a fry. thanks, i mouthed. coltan nodded and jummped into a conversaion with the guys. the girls nodded trying to keep up. "whats a seven ahlod?" greyson aksed her eye brows raised. jay opened his mouth but it was me who talked. "it's the most powerful wizard in the game they're talking about. kill him and you win the game. its on the last level." i siad. the girls' mouths fell open and the boys high fived me. "how'd you know that?" kristen asked. "blake is my older brother." i simply said. everyone nodded as if that explained a big thing, and it did. i should know what it was scince blake invented the line of games. i took a drink of my soda. "i have changed my mind. we are going to do a film. once done the whole school will see it. we're doing twilight." he said. i looked at the celing. Really? "we're doing the skript exactly like the book." he said. good. the book is better. "now kristen, your alice. and rosalie will be played by hayley. greysen your going to be esme. skylar your going to be jessica, and fay your angila. jay is carlisel, aiden jasper, davie emmett, andy jacob, kilie your going to be bella's mom and frankie your bella's dad." he said. he gave rolls to the other kids. "bella and edward are rilie and coltan." the director said. "ooo!" everyone said. i looked at the roof and coltan looked at his hand. Come on!? What did i do for this? i prayed before i ate, i made my bed in the morning! we redid the sets and the bell rang. "why did i have to make friends?" i asked the roof of my car. coltan knocked on my window and i unlocked the door. he slid in putting his back pack on the floor. "so, my car wont be done till mondy. think you can deal with me till then?" he said. i looked at the roof of my car. what did i do? "well?" coltan asked. "sure." i said turning over the engine. "wait!" skylar yelled. she was with aiden and andy. "can we bum a ride?" she asked bending down and resting her arm on the door. "get in." i said. "sweet." aiden said. "you rock rilie." andy said. "thanks." skylar said shutting her door. "yep." i said. i dropped everyone off and parked in the drive way. i dropped coltan off at his car so he could wait for the toe truck. "hey niehbor!" he yelled hopping out of the toe turck. WHY!? i asked looking a the sky. i waved . "be over in a hour." he said. "i'll tell blake!" i yelled back. "thanks!" he yelled opening his door. "coltans coming over." i said. "kyler called." blake said. "babe things are getting worse." kyler said, when i called him. "you can't come home at all maybe." he said. "why are you wispering?" i asked. "im at the library." he said. "why?" i asked. kyler didn't go there. it simpliy wasn't done unless i promised him skittles. " my crush works here." he said. "Shut up! is he cute?" i asked. "of course! back to you. the cops are involved now and they're looking for you. everyone in school is covering your ass right now." he said. ok so i know everyone. it's hard not to when you all basicly grew up together. "hold them off tell everyone if they rat on me, i'll slap them silly. no matter what the cops say or give you guys, don't tell them where i am or could be." i siad. "oh i already told them where you could be." he said. "where?" i asked. "canada." he said. i smaked my forehead. "sorry babe." he said when he heard me smak my forehead. "shit i gotta go." i siad. "i love you."
he said. "i love you too bye." i said, quikly hanging up the phone as coltan came into the kitchen for sodas. "hey how's it goin?" i asked him with a nod. "what's going on?" he asked. "nuthing." i said. "cut the shit tell me." he said. "nuthing it's just kyler." i said. "whats wrong with him?" he asked getting a soda. "not my secret to tell." i said, taking the soda. "what the?'' he asked, as if it litaraly flew from his hand. "oh," i said by the kitchen door. "we need to get together, and run lines." i siad. "shit." he said. "give me an hour with the game and i'll meet you out back." he said. "sweet do you have a skript?" i asked. "shit thats what i forgot." he said. "lucky for you i snagged a copy." i siad. "awesome meet you out side in an hour." he said. i did my home work took a quick shower and went out side with the scripts. "hello." coltan said. " my name is edward cullen. i didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week. you must be bella swan?" coltan said. when he said bella swan he got on his knee and held his hands up to me. "strike me now!" i yelled at the sky arms out. "im sorry." he said standing up. "why don't we start with seen 7?" he asked. "hold it romeo." i said pushing him away from me, as he tryed to kiss me. "can't you just thank me and get over it?" coltan asked. "thank you." i said. "your not going to let this go are you?" he asked. "no." i said. " in that case." he said pausing. "i hope you enjoy disapointment." coltan finished. "whoa! hey why all the fighting?" blake asked coming to us. "we're not fighting, we're acting. we got the lead." coltan said. "great guys." blake said. blake began talking to coltan about the newest game he did. "well i guess practice is over." i said going inside. "where you going?" coltan asked. "inside to practice, could you at least scan through the script?" i said before shuting the french door. "bossy." coltan said to blake. "yeah, she get's it from my mom." blake said. "ok kiddos lets see what you got." the director said. i don't know why he wanted us to call him that he wasn't a reall one. "carlisel esme." coltan said with a pause. " this is bella." he finished. "you are very welcome, bella." jay said, coming to me. i shook his hand. "it's nice to see you again dr. cullen." i siad. "please call me carlisle." jay said. "carlisle." i said with a smile. greysen smiled and took my hand. "it's very nice to know you." she said. "thank you. i'm glad to meet you, too." i said. "where are alice and jasper?" coltan asked. "hey edward!" kristen called a little over the top with happiness. kristen ran down the stairs to us, leaving aiden at the top of the stairs. "hi bella." she said. the "director" picked good charactors. kristen kissed my cheeck everyone stiffened and i looked up at coltan. "you do smell nice. i never noticed before." she said. aiden came down. and stood a little ways away. "hello, bella." he said. "hello jasper." i said. "it's nice to meet you all, you have a very beautiful home." i siad. "thank you." greysen said. "we're so glad you came." she said. i looked at the piano. "do you play?" greysen asked noding to the piano slightly. i shook my head. "not at all. but it's so beautiful. is it yours?" i said. "no," she laughed. "edward didn't tell you he was musical?" she asked. i narowed my eyes at coltan. "i should of known, i guess." i siad. greysen raised her eye browns. "edward can do anything right?" i asked. aiden laughed and greysen gave coltan a motherly look. "i hope you havent been showing off, it's rude." she said. "just a bit." coltan laughed. "he's been too modest, actually." i siad. "well play for her." greyen said. "you just said showing off was rude." coltan objected. "there are exceptions to every rule." she said. "i'd like to hear you play." i said. "it's settled then." she said, pushing him to the piano. coltan pulled me along with him. i sat on the bench. he looked at me for a while and then turned to the keys. " and cut!" the director yelled before coltan touched the keys. "i am amazed!" he said everyone else clapped. i was amazed that coltan got every line right. he didn't even mess up. it was almost as if it came natrual to him. the last 10 mins of classs we went to get out of costumes. "you look nice with brown hair." coltan siad. "it's my natural color." i siad, taking off the wig and reveling my bleach blond hair with purple highlights. i stood behind a curtin and got into my clothes. "you did good." i said, peering at him from over the top of the curtin. "i should of been good i stayed up all night." he said. "why?'' i asked. i grabed my bag. "i did it for you." he said. i smiled. "thanks." i siad. "this grade means a lot to me." i said. " i know. thats whay i did it." he said. i smiled and punched his arm. he laughed and ran a hand throguh his black choppy hair. it fell into his blue eyes. "come on." i said. we walked down the hall. he wouldn't stop smiling so i pushed him. he laughed and chased me to my car. he pulled my side pony tail lightly. " dude the cops know where your mom lives now they went and talked to her." kyler said when i called him. "did she tell them where i was?" i asked. "yeah she said your living with your brother but she doesn't know where you are." he said. "shit." i said. "i think it's time i told blake." i siad. "good idea." he said. "yeah but he's not good with this stuff." i said. "if i told him the cops where after me he'd flip like freak out flip." i said. "tell him it wasn't your fault you got tangled up with the cops." he said. "oh yeah, it wasn't my fault i was just at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people. who's going to belive that?" i asked. "i would." coltan said. i wipped around. "coltan what are you doing here?'' i asked. "what did you do?" he asked. "nothing just something that i didnt mean to happen." i said. "look you can't tell blake or anyone i don't want you involved. your too important to me now." i said. "cruch alert." kyler said. "look, if the cops come to you just say that i'm just your neihbor. kyler i gotta go." i siad. i told him i loved him and i hung up. "what happened." coltan asked. "it's better if you don't know." i siad. "blake!" i yelled. "what's up?" he asked. "i have to go." i said. "where?" he asked. coltan and him followed me to my room. " the cops are looking for me." i siad. "what, why?" he asked. "don't worry about it." i said. "where you going to go?" he asked. "i don't know." i said. "i'll live in my car for a while." i siad. "you can't do that." coltan said. "watch me." i said starting to pack my things. "just tell me what happened." blake said. " i can't." i said. he took me by the shoulders. "tell me." he said. he looked like my dad. that's why i might of told him. "i went to this party with kyler. things happened and i told kyler about it. kyler told his cousins and they kicked someomes ass and put him in the hospital, and he died. then he was brang back to life, but he never got out yet" i said. "some how my name got brang in to this and now im the number one person they want." i said. "where's kylers cousins?" he asked. "canada." i said. "what happened at the party?" coltan asked. "i can't tell you." i said pulling away from the grip of blakes large hands. "yes you can." blake said. "oh come on." coltan said. "i was raped ok?" i said. "shit." i siad. coltans fists colsed. blake wasn't himself. "what do i have to do to keep you safe?" he asked. "i don't know yet." i said. "why do they want you?" coltan asked calm. i could tell we was about to blow up. "lets not find out shall we?" i said. "well they think your the cause of the beating or they just want to question you about the party." blake siad. "i don't want to find out." i said. i sat in english irect and alert. the door opened and two cops came in. coltan looked at me. as soon as the cops turned thier backs to talk to the teacher i left the room. i through my hair in a bun and zipped up my hoddie throughing on my hood. i tightened my backback straps and jumped the fence that led to the student parking lot. i got in my car and drove away. i passed by my house three times before pulling in. "the cops have been here." blake said. "yeah i know they're at school." i said. "i have a summer home in forks, we need to get you there and fast." he said. "are you going too?" i asked. "if i dissapear now they'll know somethings up." he said. so blake was smart. "here. i got you a fake id and a airline ticket, as where speaking one of my men is switching your licence plates." he said. "this is camila. she's going to give you a make over." he said. "your things are packed. when you get to the air port go to star bucks a guy with orange hair will meet you there. give him this lighter and he'll know who you are. he'll make sure everything will go smothly, your car will be delivered and he'll watch over you and make sure your safe." he said. damn i never knew blake had this in him. i rolled my eyes as my hair was turned back to brown. 30 mins later i gave the guy a lighter. "rilie." he smiled. he gave me a envelope. "enjoy your trip, i'll meet you in forks and don't talk to anyone. this state is crawling with undercover cops." he said. i stared at him. "like you?" i asked. "yeah, you need to listen cause i could loose my job for this." he siad. "deal." i said. "good, now go i don't want to be seen with you too much." he said. i went to gate 6 and got on my flight. "there you are." a man said to me. he had brown hair. "i'm sorry sir. i don't know you." i said in a southeren acsent. "you good kid." the guy said. he showed me the lighter. " this way." he said. we jogged through the air port with people running out of our way and staring at us. we got my sfuff and got into my car. once at the house the guy gave me a cell phone. "this is a safety line phone. if you need to make a phone call use this. if there is an emergency hold down the star key for three seconds, my men and i will be here with in sceconds. my number is under gabe. if you need anything call me ." he siad. "thanks." i siad. "one more thing." he said he gave me a gun. "know how to use it?" he asked. "course." i said. "wait a minute," i siad. " your jones." i siad. "you have a good memory kid." he said. "yeah i know." i siad. "you know how to use these right?" he asked, showing me a tazer gun and pepper spray. "i should my dad was your best friend." i said. he nodded and gave them to me. "i'll have someone check on you every now and then. they'll knock twise and show you the lighter through the peep hole. if you see no lighter do not answer the door understand?" he said. "deal." i said. "good luck kid." he said. he kissed my forhead. "thanks uncle gabe." i siad as he truned and opened the door. "it's my job." he siad. "be careful." i siad. "always. you too." he said. he colosed the door and i was alone. i called blake. "yeah?" he asked. "im safe." i said. "good." he said. with out another word the line went dead. "hello?" a frantic voice asked. "coltan." i said. "damnit rilie." he said. "where are you?" he demanded. "i can't tell you." i said. "why the hell not?" he asked. "the less you know the better." i said. "i want to know. srcatch that i need to know." he siad. "i'm safe." i said. there was a pause. "promise?" he asked, voice shaking. "yes." i said. "just tell me where you are." he begged. he sounded broken. "i'll call when i can." i siad. "rilie." he said, before i hung up. damn, why did kyler always have to be right? i asked the roof. Kyler! i diled his number. "kyler." i said. "hun?" he asked. "yeah what's going on?" i asked. "the cops have moved to beverlyhills to find you." he said. "yeah i know i'm not there." i said. "where are you?'' he asked. "im in hiding." i siad. "where?'' he asked. "if i tell you, you promise to stay there?'' i asked. "i have to, who's going to keep you up to date on this end?" he said. "im in forks." i said. "well shit, is it cold?" he asked. "some what." i said. "see any vampires yet?'' he asked. "if i don't eat soon i will be one." i said. he laughed. "alright, i love yah hun." he said. "keep me posted." i said. "will do." he said. "k i love you bye." i said. i ate and went to a room. i locked the door and pushed the dresser in front of it. i locked the window, and turned off the light. i kept the bed lamp on. i put the tazer gun and peper spry in the side table i made sure the gun was on safety and slipped it under the pillow. i fell asleep quickly, relizing how tired i was. "need anything?' the guy at my door asked the next morning. "im good." i siad. he nodded sliped the lighter in his poket and left. i locked the door and ate some strawberries. "happy birthady to me." i said. being 18 is such a drag. i took a shower. i looked out the door as two knocks sounded. a second later a lighter appered. i opend the door. "coltan?" i asked. i jumped out of the house and hugged him. he pulled me into the house. "how'd you find me?" i asked. he locked the door. "you really wanna know?'' he asked. "yeah." i said. "i'm a good hacker, i heard it when you told kyler." he said. "whatever i don't care i'm glad your here." i said. we hugged. "so did they talk to you?" i asked. "yeah they said they just wanted to ask you questions and i told them i didn't know you that well." he siad. "good." i said, holding the couch pillow close to my chest. "hey, where's your dad?" he asked. "ri?" he asked when i didn't answer him. "he died." i wispered. "he tryed to get some guy the cops wanted. he pushed my uncle out of the way of a bullet." i said. "hit him dead in the chest." i said. he was quite. i took in and let out a breath. "what's wrong?'' he asked. "you wouldn't belive me if i told you." i said. "give it a shot." he said. "wait i mean go." he said. "it's fine." i said. he stared at me for a while telling me to tell him what was on my mind. "i'm scared." i said. "your right i don't belive you." he said. "not scared for me. for blake and my mom and kyler." i said. "and you." i siad. "you shouldn't of come here." i said. standing up. "why?" he asked. "if i get caught i don't want to take you down with me." i said. "why do you care if i go down?" he asked. "i don't want to lose you. your too important to me now." i said. he stood. "you need to leave." i siaid. "i can't." he said. his voice sounded hurt. "you just have to." i said. "i can't leave you." he said. "why not, what about your family don't you care about them?' i asked. "don't you care for yours?" he asked. "you just up and left." he said. "i up and left for them!" i said. "i don't want them getting involved they mean the world to me. this is my fault i don't want them involved!" i said. he stayed quite. i kinda felt it was because that i rasied my voice. he was standing in front of me. i crossed my arms. "you gotta leave." i said. "do you want me too?" he asked. "if it keeps you safe then yes." i said. "i don't want to leave you behind, when i can't pertect you i feel all wiered, it kinda feaks me out." he said. i looked at the floor. "come on." he said. he pulled me into his arms. and for a split second, i let someone else be the strong one. that night i gave him a pillow and a blanket. he slept on the couch as i slept in my room. or at least tryed to. coltan kept truning and thummping his legs on the couch "is there a problem?" i asekd pushing my door open, hard enough to make it hit the wall. "the couch isn't long enough." he isad. even though the couch was three cusions long, he did look a little cramped. he came to me and thats when i notised he towered over me, making me want to just curl against him. "do you have an extra blanket so i can sleep on the floor?" he asked. "your not sleeping on the floor." i siad. "should i sleep on the roof then?" he asked. "sleep in my bed." i siad. "what?" he asked. but i was tired i was already heading to the room. "you can sleep." he siad. "i have to be alert." i said. "how about i be alert." he said. i relaxed and fell asleep. "you cook?" i asked coltan in the morning. "suprise." he said. "i'll say." i said. "gonna call kyler?" he asked. "yeah." i said. "you can't go one day with out talking to that boy." he said. "or should i say girl? witch one does he perfer?" he asked. "you care what gay people think?" i asked. "yeah, course i do they're people too. they're cool." he said. i crossed my arms. "you know that how?'' i asked. "cause, jay's gay." he said with a shrug. "cool." i said. "anything new?'' i asked kyler. i sat at the table no longer caring if coltan heard the conversaion. he didn't want to go home? fine. let him be apart of every damn thing. "yeah." kyler said. "well?" i asked. "they told the school who ever gives any info they'll get a thousand dollars." he said. "shit, they want me bad." i said. "i know." he said. "anyone fess up?'' i asked. "no way, everyone knows they're lying." he said. "oh hey, by the way how's the library crush going?" i asked. "total ass hon." he said. "well listen i think i have someone for you." i said. coltan laughed and shook his head. "oh god." coltan smiled. "really?" he asked. "yeah he's cute sweet and totaly romantic." i said. "what's his name?" he asked. "jay. i'll send you a pick when i can go back to beverlyhills." i said. "cool. i gotta go the cops are here." he said. with that he hung up. "what happened?" he asked, setting a cheese omlet in from of me. "thanks. the cops are there." i siad. coltan gave me a glass of milk and sat down to eat. "he will be ok." coltan siad, looking me in the eye. i relaxed not one bit. "he better be." i said taking a bit. "this is really good." i said. two knocks sounded. i went to the door and saw a lighter. i opend the door. "hey uncle josh." i said. "who you talking to huh?" he asked. "any out sider can be dangerous." he said. he went to the kitchen. "you come here." he siad. coltan came to him. josh patted him down. "you cant search him like that." i objected. "i can do whatever i want sweet cheeks, im a cop." he said. "a cop, rilie whats going on?" coltan asked. "i thought we where avoding them." he said. "this is my dad's best friend blake sent him to protect me." i said. "this is coltan. one of my friends." i said. "this is risky raylynn." he said. "i know but he wont leave." i said. "won't leave huh?" he asked steping to coltan. "wait!" i siad. "he can stay i need some one to talk to." i said. josh looked at me. "do you trust him?" he asked. "yes." i said. "do you need anything?" he asked. "no." i siad shaking my head. josh kissed my forehead, took another look and coltan and left. i locked the door and finished my food. i answered my phone. "babe, they know your in forks." kyler said, he sounded like he was running. "how?" i asked standing up. "james said blake has a home there." he said. "why are you running?' i asked. "im going to kick his ass." he siad. "don't kill him." i said. "no promises." he said. "kyler please!" i said, but the line was dead. i called josh. "they know where i am, it's a matter of seconds before this place gets flooded with cops." i siad. "i know im getting you out of there as we speak." he said. "hurry." i siad. "doin' my best cupcake, pack." he said. with that the line went dead. "get ready, we're on the run." i said to coltan he got up and started stuffing his clothes in the back pack he had."someone's messing with your car." coltan said. "what does it look like he's doing?" i asked zipping up my jaket. "he's changing your plates." he said. two knoks ecohed through the semi bare house. "got it." he said. "check for the lighter." i said. there was a pause and then the sound of coltan undoing the locks. "miss rilie?" i heard. "in the room." i said. "are your bags ready?" the guy asked. "yep." i said. the guy put our stuff in the trunck. "ready?'' josh asked. "yeah." i said. "lets move." he said. he put his hand on my back and we jogged to the car. he opened and shut my door for me. coltan and josh jummped in. josh started the car and pushed a button. soon the roof was closing and we where off. "what do you mean, they're sourounding the city?" josh asked. he listend. "there checking every car?" he asked in disbelieve. "damn they sure do want you kid." he said looking to me. "scope the city lines, call me back if you find a whole in thier line of people." he said. he hung up the phone and pulled over. the trees loomed over us, almost as if they new our end of the line was soon. "that was fast." josh said picking up his phone. "alright." he said and hung up. we took the main highway and then truned onto a dirt road. "hang on, to something." he said. we zoomed down the road, me bouncing up and down, hitting my head three times untill josh finaly turned on to a road, dirst flying and wheels screaching in protest. YOU ARE NOW LEAVING FORKS WASHINGTON. i relaxed some. "where to next?'' i asked. "catalina island, your dad had a safe house, you mom never sold it." he said. "how do i get my car there?" i asked. "you don't. i'll have one of my men watch it." he siad. "are you going to?" i asked. "someone's gotta have your back." he said. was it just me or did he glance at coltan? i asked the roof. we got onto a speed boat and sped to the island. the waves crashed into the boat as we sliced through them. coltan stayed scilent. i grabbed his had and let it go. i held on to my chair. "lock that door." josh said as we went into the house. coltan listened and sat on the couch. two weeks passed and no news was reported about the cops. had they just given up? did they want us to think that so i'd come out of hiding. "i'm on vacation, i can't come in to work today." josh said as i came into the kitchen. the rain had died down but hadn't stoped. "im in carolina, visiting my sister." he said. "yeah. im sorry." he said. "there looking for me." he siad. "there's not much time before they'll send out a search party." he said. "shit, they'll probably bring the dogs." he said. "did anyone know about this place?" i asked "i don't think so." he said. my phone rang. "it might be blake." i siad. "put it on speaker phone." josh said. "rilie?" the voice asked. "yeah?" i asked. "this is sheriff miller." he said. shit. "how'd you get this number?" i asked. "the phone your useing is cop issued, we can turn it into a listening device." he said. "i'm going to ask you one time. who gave you the phone?" he said. "nobody." i said. "hun, we just want to talk to you. ok?" he said. i looked at josh, who shook his head no. "i don't belive you." i said. "look, i don't want to have to have my men come and get you." he siad. "i'll make a deal you'll be safe if you just come and talk to us." he said. josh shook his head no. "no." i said. "be smart raylynn i don't want to send in my men. they will find you." he said. "oh yeah?" i asked. "you don't know me that well then eh?" i said. "look. jake was our most smartest cop." he said. josh wrote something down. HEAR HIM OUT. "and?" i asked. "your dad could stay hiden for days. you remind me of him." he said. "i do?" i asked. DON'T FALL FOR IT. josh wrote. "come on, ri, your dad would want you to talk to us." he said. "my dad was a good cop. he was a better bad guy though. i think he'd understand." i said. miller shighed. YOU HAVE HIM NOW BRING IT HOME. josh wrote. "we will find you and i have no choice but to aresst you." he said. "come and get me then." i said. "fine." he said. "oh and how's catalina?" miller asked. "i'll be waiting for you. armed." i said. "play it smart girl." he said. "i'm jake's daughter. i don't have to play." i said. as soon as he menched catalina all three of us were up and packing. "catch me if you can." i said, before hanging up. i got into the speed boat and chucked the phone in to the water. we got into my car and drove to new jersey. "rilie!" my cousin yelled. "fame!" i yelled as i got out of the car. i hadn't seen my cousin in 12 years. "oh my god i missed you." she said. we hugged. "funny how a run in with the cops brings yah home." she said. i smiled. "aunt jade." i said giving her a hug. "hey uncle danny." i said. danny was my dads older brother. he's also better at keeping things hidden. "welcome home kid!" he said hugging me. i was born in jersey. when my dad died when i was six my mom moved me and blake to arazona. "i have to go back and show my face. i'll be back as soon as i can though." josh told danny. they shook hands. "thanks for bringing her home." he said. josh nodded. "i will be back." josh said to me. he spoke slowly and with sertinty. i nodded. danny's staff took our bags from the car. josh kissed my forehead got into my car and zoomed away. i stayed there for three weeks. i hadn't talked to, blake or kyler, scince forks. josh never called or came back i was starting to get worried. "what?" i asked as i opend the door. i was glad to find my acsent had come back a little. "josh!" i yelled. i jumped into his arms. he held me. stroking my hair and repetedly kissed my head. "whats going on?" i asked. "lets get inside." he said. "i got your case. they want to talk to you about what happend at the party." he said. i stiffened. josh sat back in his chiar. the chair craked under his weight. "wanna tell me what happened?" he asked. "i'm goo.." i said, to quickly. "you had nothing to do with the beating of that kid." he said. "you can go home. the cops just wanted to know if you wannted to press charges." he said. "that kid died, and was revied becuase of me." i said. "no." josh said. " i told someone what hapened at the party, and that someone told thier cousins, and the cousins beat the shit out of him." i said. josh leaned forward. "do you know who the beaters are?" he asked. "yes." i said. "who?" he asked. "i can't tell you." i said. "someone died, and you can't tell me who did it?" he asked. "he didn't die all the way." i said. "this is a big crime raylynn." danny said. i stayed quiet. "do you know where they are?" danny asked. i nodded once. "where?" he asked. i shook my head no. "look if you tell us where they are we wont tell them how we found them." josh said. "only me and that someone know. they'll know who told." i said. "who's the someone?" danny asked. i opened my mouth and snapped it shut. "yep your my brothers kid alright." danny said. "well if they just want to know if i want to press charges then i can go home." i said. "no you can't. your our only witness." josh said. "what you gonna turn me in?" i asked. "i have no chocie." josh said. i stood up. "i'll bring you back in the morning." he said. "dannny!" i objected. danny sighed. "would you let him take fame?" i asked. danny just stared at me. "nice." i siad. i went to my room. coltan stayed at a hotel. at midnight i would sneek out and pick him up. midnight rolled around. i grabed my bags and jumped out of my window. i looked around and ran to my car. i opened the door and through my stuff in. i got in but left my door open so i wouldn't wake anyone up. i put the car in drive, and let it roll down the street. when i was far enough away, i shut my door and put in the key. i drove to the hotel and banged on the door. " rilie?" coltan asked. "we have to go now." i said. "the cops on us?" he asked. "No. but danny and josh want to turn me in, because i know who beat the guy, so we need to leave before they find out im gone." i said. "where we going?" he asked. "alska." i said. we got into my car and drove to alska. we put my car on the farrie and rode the boat the rest of the way there. i knoked on the door to a not so familiar house. "how's house is this?" coltan asked. a girl answered the door. she rested agaist the door jam and lit a ciggaret. "well if it isn't little miss acid." she said. i pushed my way through the door. "look ice. i just need to stay here for a while untill things die down." i told her, once she heard the story. ice used to live in arazona untill she ran away from home becuase her step dad abused her. she was in a gang and they gave me acid as a nick name. "yeah sure." she siad. "you know i always have your back." she said. ice's real name is everah. "everah?" i asked as she went into the kitchen. "yeah, ri?" she asked. "how yah doing?" i asked. "well i'm living." she said whith a smile. "you still in the gang?" i asked. "no, they said i was a liability cause how young i was. they didn't want to get involved with the blues." she said. i took her hand. "come home with me." i begged. "can't babe." she said with a smile. "when everything dies down come back with me." i siad. she smiled. "i can't be saved." she wispered. "everyone can be helped." i siad. "i miss you." i said. she sniffed back a tear. she truned around, then turned back to me raping her arms around me. "i miss you." she said. i let out some air. i stayed there for three weeks. "phone." ice said, giving me the phone. "hello?" i asked. "oh god rilie!" a girl yelled. "you scared me!" she said. "how did you know to call ice." i said. "i thought you were dead!" she yelled. "fame!'' i said loud enough to get her attention. "huh?" she asked. "how did you know to call ice?" i asked. "your runnning out of places to hide rilie." she said. "does your dad know i'm here?" i asked. "no. they dropped the case." she said. "how can i trust you?" i asked. "your just going to have to." fame said. "i don't know if i can." i said. "who are you talking to?" danny asked. "no one," fame said. "hello?" danny asked. i froze. he let out some air. "rilie." he siad. "raylynn." he siad. "what?" i wispered. "you can come home now." he said. "how can i trust you. your my uncle and you where going to turn me in." i said. "your just going to have to." he siad. "your mom misses you and bake is worried call them. go home." he said. i hung up the phone. "they say it's safe to go home." i said. "you gonna do it?" she asked. "i think i have to." i said. looking at coltan. i hugged ice goodbye and thanked her. "damnit wait!" she yelled. "i know i might get caught but im coming with you." she said, jummping into my car. i turned in my seat and hugged her. ice's cell rang. "it's kyler." she said. " kyler what-"
"dont come home it's a trick." he said. "thanks." i said. "i have to go, i love you." he said. " i love you too." i said. "blake what do i do?" i asked. "i told josh that you like to act. so he's running that buy the chief, i also told him your a compulsive liar and to not listen to a word you say." he said. "shit, nice!" i said. "thanks." he siad. "he's going to call me back so i need this line free." he said. "ok bye." i said. "hey rilie?" he asked. "yeah?" i asked. "i love you kid." he said. i smiled. "i love you back." i said. the line went dead. i told ice and coltan and we went back inside. " so i guess we just wait till, blake calls?" ice said. "yeah." i said. "this will work out acid just wait and see." she said. the next morning i took a well needed shower. "alright, so they beleived my sap story. you can come back, go to arazona first. they still want to question you about the party. they didn't beleive me on that part." he said. "i'm trusting you blake." i said. "good." he said. the line went dead. we got off the plain and went to the front of the air port. all my friends stood there, with a poster that said welcome home, rilie! "kyler!" i yelled. i ran to him rapping my legs around his waist. i took his face in my hands and gave him a kiss. "you keep that up and i think i'll start liking girls." he said. "shut up dork!" i said, hugging him. i got down. "hey let me go!" i yelled at the cops. kyler, ice, and coltan jumped on the cops. one cop got awayand shoved me into the car. he took me to the staion. "mom!" i yelled. i ran to her and hugged. "the truth. that's all they want." she said, smothing my hair. "he rapped me at a party. drop the charges and put him behind bars. can i leave now?" i asked. he wrote something down and nodded. "yes!" i said, punching the air. i hugged my mom. when we left, ice coltan and kyler where running up the stairs. "oh your free!" ice said, pulling me into a hug. "yeah, so i guess, i can go home now." i said. "home here, or home there?" kyler asked. i grabbed his hand. "home there. come with me. you and ice can stay with me, we can put you in school. you can meat jay. blake can get you a house mom. this is where i belong. Blake needs me." i said. "i'll call my dad." kyler said. "yeah, i guess i could move." mom said. " i'll be where you are." ice said. we hugged. "hey can we talk?" coltan asked. i followed him to the wall. when he turned to me, i kissed him. "i really like you." i said. "i like you to." he said. "no i really, really like you." i said. "i love you too." he said, kissing me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

in this story they do twilight as a play, and i am in no way at all, saying that the work is mine. it's Stephanie's. i know there's misspelled words in this i was to tired to proof read.

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