

(:RAMPAGE:)~joey's point of view

My life consisted mostly of money,friends,and popularity. My mother was a professional photographer and was gone most of our free time. And by us I mean my older sister Riley and I. We lived with our mom but every other weekend we spent two days with our father at his house in ohio. My parents split a long time ago. So we had to deal with the changes in our life. Riley was out partying almost every weekend with her best friend Danni. She'd say im going to spend the night at Danni's but we both knew what she was really doing. She gave me her allowance from chores to keep qiute and not say a word about her's and Danni's life outside home. Our mom had no idea of what we did when she was gone and sadly Riley didnt really know what I do either although she thought she did. She thinks im some kind of good girl but having a sister like her and seeing her actions of partying and getting drunk, i kind of experimented myself a few times but stayed at home alone.

One day after school I had decided to invite a friend over to keep my mind off things and plus my mom wasn't going to be home till tomorrow afternoon.So I texted my friend Blake, I had just met him a few weeks ago in my 5th period english. We have been pretty close since then. Oh and I forgot to mention, Blake is gay but keeps it on low key. He's afraid of people judging him which I dont know why because we are one or the most popular kids in our grade. After i sent the text out to come hang out , he arrived 30 minutes later. I opened the door for him and we went upstairs to my bedroom. I showed him around and we sat on the ground and asked each other questions. Then Blake wanted to play the game truth. So I agreed and we started the game after he gave the rules.
''Is it true you are really gay?'' I asked with a smirk on my face.
''Well duhh ...'' He said smiling.
''Okay just making sure'' I said.
''Is it true you think im cute'' He asked.
''Oh come on Blake youre like a brother to me'' I said, knowing i had a slight crush on him.
''That doesnt consist of the rules, now answer the question'' He commanded.
''Well.. I'll put it this way, who ever gets you is very lucky and better treat you right or ill rip off his dick and feed it to Kirby'' I said.
''Oww! thanks for the information'' He laughed.
''Is it true you can be turned straight?'' I asked.
''Well I dont plan on it but I guess I cant really say its not true'' He said.
'' Ahh! I see'' I said.
''Is it true Blake is getting bored?'' He shouted out loud .''Yes!!'' He answered himself.
I looked at him and he looked over at me and we started laughing. Blakes the kind of friend i could tell everything to and we understand eachother even if it meant not even talking. Just the expressions on our face told it all.
''How about we go downstairs and finding something else entertaining?'' I asked.
''Omg yes! hey do you think you have alcohol down there'' He asked.
I paused and looked at him with a sarcastic look on my face.
''Oh..wait you have drank before right'' He asked.
''Well no shit ! I'm not that innocent'' I told him.
''Good.. you got me worried now lets see if you have some Malibu'' he said.
We raced downstairs and then to the fridge. Blake slipped right as he turned the corner of the kitchen. He grabbed onto my jacket and yelled
''Omg! He's got me''
I fell with him and we laughed at the line he repeated off of one our favorite videos. He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Malibu. I grabbed out some mango juice to mix it with so it didnt taste so strong. He mixed them together and tested it.
''That good enough?'' He asked.
''HELLATANK!'' I shouted.
We had a race to see who could finish their drink first, it was a tie. We had a few more glasses and then we got hungry. We are both always hungry, but neither of us gain any weight. We are too skinny according to other people and they swear we are bulimic. We just laugh at them and eat the night away.
''Hey... I brought something with me but im not sure if your in for it'' He said.
''Hmm what is it this time.. a dildo,a hooker ,a skyscraper.'' I laughed.
''Promise you wont get mad at me or yell?'' He said.
''I promise, it can't be that bad anyways'' I said.
He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small clear bag which had some kind of spice looking stuff which appeared to be marijuana.
''Whered the shit you get that Blake!'' I said laughing.
''Ahaha! you see .. I got it from my older cousin Jake'' He said with a smirk.
''Well what do you say.. lets toke it up'' I said.
''Really?'' he asked''I never knew this day would come''
''Well theres no parents,no sister ,nothing to do and its just us for the night'' I said.
''Oh damn your right Joey '' He said.
He took some of the weed and packed it in a bowl into his rainbow pipe.
''let me guess... thats Jake's pipe too?'' I added.
''Nope! its mine silly why would I use his pipe?''He said
''I dont know just asking'' I said.
He grabbed the lighter out of his pocket and just before hit lit the pipe he asked
''Have you ever tried marijuana?''
''Nope..''I said.
''Well i dont know how your bodys gonna react to it..'' He added.
''So.. whats the worst it can do to me?''I asked curiously.
''Well probably nothing big just memory loss or you might just pass the hell out but if your anything like me, you will be hyper as fuck and get even hungrier and do crazy shit you wold never expect yourself to do.'' He said.
''Wait, so this isnt your first time ?'' I asked confused.
''HA! No, I do this practically all the time with Jake .'' He said.
''Oh, well we might as well try this and see what happens.'' I said.
''Okay. Your sure you wanna do this, I dont wanna be responsible for your death." He laughed.
''Yes Blake I'm sure and if anything happens I dont gotta tell my mom I can tell Riley.''I said.
He lit the pipe ,took a hit and let out a slight cough afterwords. I watched him as he took another hit. He handed me the pipe and I took a small hit to get the feeling. We stared at eachother for a few seconds ... then I took another hit and another.
''Woah! slow down kid. excited much'' He asked.
''Oh right..'' I shrugged.
''Haha its okay guess you like it huh''He said.
'' Its alright.'' I said.
We took a few more hits. We found everything funny for the past hour. Our eyes were blazed and our minds blank. Plus we had drank that alcohol earlier which made us even more hyper.
''HEEEY! hey Joey'' Blake said.
''Yes'' I said and looked over at him.
''You know the funny thing is we're HIGH as a motherfucker'' He said giggling.
''Well we did smoke that green stuff'' I said sarcastically.
''I know but do you know what that means?'' He asked.
''Uhhh its time to set the pipe down'' I guessed.
''We are faded Joey..gone ,blazed,high, this is soo much better when you do it with a friend''He shouted.
''Shh! keep it down .'' I smiled.
He looked at me and scooted closer . I looked at him a little freaked out cause hes never like this. He leaned in towards me as if he was trying to kiss me.
''Woah! Blake'' I shouted and pushed him away.
''What?'' He said.
''What are you doing'' I said.
''Well i guess im just trying to try something out.'' He said
At that point I knew the marijuana had really hit him hard. I knew he was gay, and gay guys dont try to do these kinds of things with girls, and not just any girl , a best fried at that. He must of just been too high to care what gender it was all he knew was he wanted a little something more than a friend at the time. I mean whats so bad about kissing a gay guy anyways? Its just trying new things out and experimenting. Besides the kiss wouldnt mean anything anyway, hes too much of a friend to me to like him like that.I looked at him and he was sitting there staring at the floor.
''Blake?..'' I said.
''Yeah?'' He said looking up at me.
''I know we're high and everything but if you want to try anything, i wont mind.'' I told him.
''Really?'' He said.
''Sure why not i mean I know your gay and all...'' I said.
He leaned in toward me and placed his hand on my cheek. I smiled at him knowing whatever he was going to do would be harmless. He kissed me and I kissed him back.
''Well.." He said.
''Well your a good kisser for being gay'' I snickered.
''Joey.. promise me you wont say anything.''He said.
''I wont and you can keep my word.''I said.
He kissed me again as if it was normal. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around him. He picked me up and layed me down on the bed.And just before things got out of control Blake found himself again. He realized what he was doing and he was no longer out of his normal mind.
''Joey!'' He screamed at me.
''What?'' I said startled.
''What the hell are you doing?!'' He said.
''Ahem. mee? Im not doing anything it was all you.'' I said
''Well you could've stopped me, i was high i wasnt in my right mind.'' He said.
''Well I wanted to try something new.'' I said.
''That was stupid.'' He said.
''What was?'' I aksed.
''I mean you for going along with it but me for just..never mind.'' He said.
''Look we can just pretend like nothing ever happened. Who's gonna find out?'' I said.
''Your right. And i found my answer'' He said.
''Answer to what''I asked.
''To the truth question. I guess i cant be turned straight cause eventually I'll realize what im doing.'' He said.
''Well , I dont care I accept the fact your gay and to be honest I dont really wanna change you..In other words I like you being gay''I said.
''Really?'' He asked.
''Yeah! I find gay guys adorable'' I said.
''Alright then.. Well I never planned on being straight anyways.''He said.
''Well we should probably find something else to do''I said.
''Yeah.. we should.'' He said.
We picked up the pipe and took a few more hits. Then the door opened downstairs and I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
''Shh !'' I said.
''What?'' He said.
''Just be quiet I hear something.''I said.
''Oooo someones toking it up''Someone shouted most likely Dani.
''What the hell was that?'' Blake asked.
Riley opened my door and saw me and Blake sittin on the beanbags.
''Joey! What the hell are you doing?'' She said.
Then I heard Danni running up the stairs with someone and I hoped to god it wasnt mom.
''Uhh. Experimenting."I said.
''With weed?'' She screamed.
''And sexual intercourse.'' Blake shouted.
''Ahh the lies.'' I said.
''Wait who the fuck are you?'' Riley asked.
''Oh this is Blake.'' I told her.
Then Dani poked her head around the corner.
''Whats going on''Dani asked.
She looked down and saw the rainbow pipe in my hand.
''Where the hell did you get that pipe?'' Riley asked.
''Thats a dope ass pipe!'' Dani said reaching for it.
''Dani what the fuck are you doing your not supposed to say that. Oh thats a pretty dope pipe lets go toke it up homie'' She said in a sarcastic way.
Danni looked at Riley ''Can we?'' she asked.
Riley looked at Danni and then to me and Blake. She looked out to the driveway then pushed Danni and a guy that I now know as Kyler into the room.
''Lets smoke this shit.'' Riley said.
Dani took my lighter and smoked some.
''Alright now kiddies if a stranger ever offers you drugs, you best be taking that shit. Drugs are expensive these days.''Danni said.
After we were done having our fun we had to take Danni home.

The next weekend Blake invited me over to his house cause he was having a few friends over. He said he knows a guy he thinks would be perfect for me. He said hes really nice and layed back. He also said that this guy is everything I've been talking about, as in he has the personality of a gay guy but is straight and he is exactly how I had described my dream guy the previous week. At first I didn't really want to meet someone to be in a relationship with. I was kind of focusing on school now and didn't want a relationship and plus all my relationships never last. The longest I've been with someone was one month. Usually I can't stay tied down for too long with one guy cause according to mom I get bored and wanna play everybody. So sure enough my nickname was ''Hearbreaker'' .But after that I kind of settled down and just flirted around. But apparently to Blake over here, that was about to change. Blake txted me and said the guy isn't the kind I would leave. He said he's one to keep and treat right because he treats girls better than anyone at our school. Oh and Blake also mentioned he's sexy and he would tear that up in two seconds if he was gay. So I decided to go over to Blake's , what could be so bad about meeting a new friend? I guess I could really use one anyways, my old friends are getting kind of boring. When I arrived at Blake's house he sat me down on the couch next to some guy. The guy had light brown hair and brown eyes and he was kind of pale, with a piercing on the bottom left of his lip.
''Joey.. This is Aiden and Aiden, this is my wonderful best friend Joey and if you try anything I'll kill you.'' Blake said with a smile on.
I reached out to shake Aiden's hand. He shook my and our eyes met.
''Hey. how's it going.''He said.
''Pretty good and you'' I asked.
''I'm doing great.'' He said.
''See look you guys are doing just fine already.'' Blake said and walked into the kitchen.
''So, what do you like to do for fun?'' I asked Aiden.
''Oh you know, I like to skate, listen to music and just chill.'' He replayed.
''Oh that's cool.'' I said.
''What about you?'' He asked.
''Oh I just hang out with Blake most of the time.''I said.
''Oh that freak huh.'' He laughed
''Hey I can hear you.'' Blake shouted as he ate a piece of cheese.
Me and Aiden told eacother about our life and our past. We talked for about and hour. Then Blake went upstairs to go play MW3.
''I like you.'' Aiden said.
''You do?'' I said.
''Well yeah I mean you seem cool.'' He said. ''We should so hang out more often.''
''Yeah that would be great.'' I said.
The past month Blake Aiden and I hung out. We switched back and forth from eachothers house. We grew really close over the weeks. We called ourselves the 3 stooges because we each had our own unique style and creative minds. A few days after hanging out non stop , none of us hung out for a few days. I found it kind of weird not even Blake txted me for those few days. So I let it go like it was nothing. I'm sure they are just spending time with out me. The day passed by and I decided to go to sleep. I got a txt at 3 o'clock in the morning. It was from Blake? It read:
'' need to come over to my house or I'm coming over to yours, Aiden has something serious to talk to you about. So when you get this txt message me bck! (: Love ya <3''
I woke up once I heard my phone go off and I read the txt Blake had sent.I didn't think anything of it because Blake sends txts like that all the time just to get me out of the house. But something was telling me he was serious this time...I stared at the phone for a few minutes and replyed to the txt:
''It's 3 in the morning Blake -__-''
''I know what time it is but Aiden was bothering me to txt you, so are you cominging or what?''
''Well I dont have a ride, Riley's at Danni''s tonight.''
''Fine we'll walk over there to get you.''
''Who's we?''
''Me,Aiden and Zach.''
''Who's Zach?''
''My boyfriend now we're coming over kay.. kay thanks bye (;''
I waited for them to come. Thirty-five mintues later sure enough there Blake was with his loud mouth banging on the door.I opened the door and greeted them. We sat down on the couch and I stared at Aiden while he looked at the ground.
''I believe Aiden has something to ask you Joey.'' Blake said patting Aiden's back giving him a look.
''Oh right..'' Aiden said shyly.''Can we go in another room?''
''Sure.''I said walking into the guest room.
I sat down on the bed and he stared at me.
''Uhh I dont know how to say this.''He said.
''Just spill it.''I told him.
''Will you go out with me?'' he said.
I sat there for a mintue and stared at the ground.
''I'd love to Aiden.'' I said wth a smile.
''Hey!! Did it work Aiden.''Blake said with a smirk, coming into the room.
''Shh Blake get outta here.''I yelled and giggled.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.04.2012

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