
everything is going to be fine.

Hey, i'm Elsie, how's it going? before i tell my story i though i should show you around my house, that my mom decided to move to ruining my whole life. My peace offering? a dog, that looks like a small bear, a new car and a recording studio. My mom and me never are on the same page, i'm always three steps and two the right ahead of her. you have to watch my mom she is constantly in need of help. Although my mom never says it, i get the feeling that she's thinking that i ruined her live. I'm a baby by rape. my mom got married and had kaycey my three year old sister/daughter. They got divorced, the marriage was never any good to start with. that's how my mom became rich. she got a new boy friend named Jake, and became pregnant. She wanted to get married after the baby. i keep to myself, and raise kaycey. So, back to the tour, i'll show you my room, bathroom, and then some of the other parts of the house, and of course some pics of us, starting with me then kaycey, jake mom and a pic of the baby. the story starts of before logan was born. ok lets get started.

"hey sweet heart!" my mom said, as i came through the door. i walked to the kitchen and put down my bag. my mom was dressed in her usual sweat suit, cause she complained nothing else fit her. Jake, her boyfriend and my unknown half siblings dad sat at the table with paper work and a lap lop in front of him. i got a soda from the fridge and took a drink. "you should watch your sugar intake," she said. "leave her be." Jake said. i would say Jake sucked, but that would be a lie, he had my back, at least until my mom started to throw a fit, saying they were supposed to be a team. "how was school?" she said. school! "please tell you you picked kaycey up from play time." i said. "damn!" she said. "i got it." i said. i grabbed my moms keys and headed to the play group center. "welcome Miss Mason!" the front desk girl said. she picked up a phone. "Miss Mason is here." she said. kaycey came out with a woman her eyes red and cheeks wet from tears. she smiled and ran to me. i sat on my knees and pulled her into a hug. "why the tears?" i asked, wiping them away. "mommy forgot me." she said. "i didn't." i told her. "that's why your my favorite." she said. "i am?!" i asked. she giggled, and nodded. "well then, that's the best news I've heard today, want to go get ice cream?" i said. she nodded. we got ice cream and went home. once she was asleep for the night mom called me into the kitchen. she sat with Jake at the table. i paused at the door. "come in." she said. "i am in." i said. "well, with the new baby coming, we need more room, so we're moving." she said. "what are we doing know?" i asked. "Moving. you know if you came to yoga with me you could hear better." she said. "oh enough with the yoga already. i don't have a choice in this do i?" i said. "your only sixteen, so you don't." she said. "lovely." i said. "as a peace offering, we're giving you a car, a recording studio and a dog." Jake said. "peace offering?" i scoffed. "as in you try to be nice. deal?" my mom asked. i stared at her with my thoughts once again returning to the glorious though of strangling her. "see i knew she'd go for it." my mom said, taking a drink of her tea. "it's in Hollywood. we leave tomorrow." she said.
"we're here!" my mom said. i jumped awake. "what's wrong!" i said. "nothing! come on!" my mom said. "i got her, your." i said, pointing at her stomach. i got kaycey out of the car as Jake came to meet us. "what do you think Elsie?" he asked me. "isn't it a little, oh i don't know. big?" i said. "no!" my mom said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the house. she gave me the tour. "where's the t.v?" i asked, once in the living room. "t.v fries your brain!" she said, taking kaycey. "can you get a t.v out in my closet?" i asked, a maid. she nodded and left. "els! come check this out!" Jake said. i followed his voice, into the recording studio. "sweet right?" Jake asked. "i'll say." i said. "Elsie! we need to go shopping, i left your old clothes at the old house." my mom called. "but school starts tomorrow!" i yelled, my voice echoing off the walls. "well you better hurry! chop-chop!" she called. "chop-chop?" i asked, Jake as he hit the lights and we began making our way to my mom. "i have no idea." he said. after trying on what seemed like every bra in Victoria's secret, my mom finally let me check out and go shop for normal clothes. after everything was set we went to eat. i but kaycey in a high chair and we dug in. "so, i know you grew up fast." my mom said. "and you found this out when?" i asked. "i'm taking kaycey to model and to be in commercials, so you can go and have fun with your friends." she said. "what friends!?" i asked. people that passed looked our way. "calm," mom said. "you'll make friends." she said. when we came home a dog/baby bear ran to us. "what the heck is that?" i asked, leaning forward to see the fuzz ball. "that's your dog!" my mom said. "that's not a dog, that's like a baby bear." i said. "look can i just be shown to my room?" i asked. A maid showed me to my room, witch was of course over done. i put my things away, and went to the kitchen for a cup of juice. "hey bud," Jake said. "hey, where's mom." i said. "she went to meet with agents for kaycey." he said. "can she ever sit still?" i asked. "hey look i'm going to the office want to come?" he asked. Jake's a record producer. "me?" i asked. "yeah, come on, stepfather stepdaughter bonding." he said. i laughed, and finished my juice. Jake went to work recording some new band while i walked around. a door opened, and a boy my age stormed out, hitting my shoulder. "sorry." he said, leaving. "fine leave we don't need you!" another guy yelled coming to the door. "sorry, about Owen. he didn't hurt you did he?" the guy said. "i'm good." i said, walking past him back to Jake. "hey your Jake's kid right?" he asked. "something like that." i said, still walking. "stay cool, Elsie." he said. i turned to ask him how he knew my name but the door was closed and he was gone. it was Monday morning and i was freaking out. i looked in the mirror. "you look fine, your fine you can do this, you've got this." i said. i turned and grabbed my bag. "i hope." i said. "Elsie your late!" my mom called. "I'm not late!" i yelled back for the fifth time. i skipped breakfast and went outside. a guy opened my new car. "uh thanks." i said. i got in and he closed the door. i ran my hand over the steering wheel and smiled. i parked my car and got out. "omg hi." a blond girl said, coming to me with her three friends. "well, you've got one hell of a vice." i said. "we will be best friends." she said. a girl with pink hair stood by my side. "like ohmigod, get the hell out of here." she said. she put an elbow on my shoulder. "she's with me." she said. "oh," the girl said. "so, what's your classes?" the pink haired girl asked. i gave her my classes, as the other girls left. "cool you have free hour with me, come on." she said. we walked to a class room. "i'm Jamie, by the way." she said. "Elsie." i said. "YO, listen up!" she called. five kids looked up. "this is Elsie, you mess with her i'll kick your ass." she said. i looked at a kid in the back, hood up, ear phones in. he looked up and then back down. "you know Owen?" Jamie asked. "yeah." i said. "huh. well this is Bella, may, coltan and Blake." she said. we sat down. everyone crowed around us. i sat on a desk with Jamie and they all sat in chairs. Owen stayed at the back. i got up and walked to him, and took out an ear phone everyone gasped as if this was never done before. "cool band." i said. "used to be." he said. "what happened?" i asked sitting in a chair. he turned to me. "the singer thought he could boss me around so i just quit." he said. "damn." i said. "no worries, it's not my scene." he said. "what is?" i asked. he looked at me. "well?" i asked. "i want to produce music." he said. "need some pointers?" i asked. he nodded slowly. "next time your at the office ask for Jake, tell them that Elsie sent you." i said. "i'll look into it thanks." he said. "yeah." i said. we turned to everyone looking at us. they looked away and started a conversation. "yeah cool set up." someone said. i stopped in front of my studio. "yeah, it's my daughter's." Jake said. "you have a daughter?" the voice asked. "two, and one on the way." Jake said. i went in. "Elsie!" Jake said. "Owen?" i asked. "what are you doing here?" i asked. "lessons." Owen said. I left the room and went to the back yard. "Elsie, whoa sweet pool, Elsie what's wrong?" Owen said. "look, can you not say anything about Jake?" i asked. "why? are you ashamed of him?" Owen asked. "no way, it's just people treat me different when i say he's my dad." i said. "people are going to love you, because of you." he said. "exactly. but how can they get to know the real me when they want to get with Jake?" i asked. "i got to know you, before Jake." he said. "you don't know me." i said. "sure i do." he said. he looked me in the eyes. "you grew up way to fast, everything fell on your fragile shoulders making them stronger. you love to laugh when you get the chance, love to have fun and be yourself. you, don't show the world your full potential cause you don't want to get hurt. your smart funny, cool, and should never change." he said. "people don't see those things Owen, they just look at it as, a free ticket to stardom." i said. he looked at me sadly. "it's always the same." i said. i walked past him into the house and to my room. i went down the hall and saw Owen in my studio. "hey." i said. "hey, you know this is some awesome stuff." he said. "yeah i know, i just need to learn how to use it." i said. "or i could run it for you." he offered. "um ok." i said. i got into the booth and put on the head phones. "redy elsie?" he asked. "yep." i said. once the music came through the head phones, it came natural, i began to sing. the on thing i loved to do no matter what, but never did.
"i told you that i would always be around, but you pushed me away. i never knew that our once strong built bond, would fall apart at the seems. i picked you up when you fell down, you made it better when i was feeling down. i can't bring myself to belive that you left me here alone. we used to be so strong together, never falling into the unknown. i put up some walls not to keep people out but to see who loved me enough to climb them. you didn't climb them you knoked them down and pulled me into the light. i never thanked you for that but i guess now it's too late, cause you ended up leaving me behind, and i never let anyone see how much it hurt me the day you said, you weren't coming back. i still pretend your coming home, but we both know that's only mindless dreaming i wish you could see how much better i was when you where here, but your gone now, and i wish it wasn't true, but your where you want to be so i have to let you be. people say in your life you'll go through at least one heart break. if you came back i'd tell you that you kinda let me down. i know you have to do your own thing but i miss you here, and want you to come home. i know your not coming back, but i still pray, you'll find your way home. even though you've left me behind i just want you to know you'll always be my hero, and remember love is never blind."the next day at lunch i was sitting with jaime. "dude i know, but-"
"Elsie, look." owen said, sitting down.
"um talking!" she said. Owen didn't pay attention to her. "can you sing in front of a crowd?" he asked. "yeah," i said. "so do you think that we could do something for the talent show?" he asked. "yeah." i said. "cool i do the music you do the words?" he said. "yep." i said. "perfect, see you later." he said, getting up. "Owen!" my mom's over the top happy voice called . "come in!" she said. "look at you!" she said. " is Elsie here?" he asked. i came down stairs. "i'm going to get kaycey ready for a shoot, so i'll see you tonight." she said. we went to the studio. "so do you have anything?" he asked. "no." i said. "good i thought i was the only one." he said. we sat on the floor and began to work. an hour later balls of paper where every where. i started to hum. "wait, that's good sing what your humming." he said. "the girl your looking at isn't really, me." i said. "that's good." Owen said, he grabbed his guitar, and played some cords. i bobbed my head. "you think you know me but oh there's so much more to me then meets the eye." i sang. "see, we got this!" i said. Owen laughed. "Owen, stay for dinner!" my mom said. once all sitting down we ate. "what's your name?" kaycey asked. "Owen." he said. "did you know i'm a princess?" she asked. "i didn't, and thank you for letting me dine with you, princess." he said. she giggled. "you can call me kaycey." she said, with a wink. he looked at me, but i smiled and looked at my food. "well that was something else." Owen said. "sorry." i said. "No, i liked it i had fun, see you tomorrow, oh and the talent show starts at five, but i tonight we could stay after school, i found some guys to play with me, and we could just get ready." he said. "cool." i said. Owen hugged me and left. my mom had logan that night, and ok, i'll admit, she is cute.

once we met the guys, we went to the stage. "whoa." i said. "yeah this school does stages big." he said. bigger stage means more people.

"come on, we're first, so go get ready." he said.

"ladies and gentlemen! boys and girls! welcome to Hollywood high school's talent show we have an awesome show so let's get started. Elsie Mason and Owen Monroe are performing, an original song, called you don't really know me."

"the girl your looking at isn't really me. you think you know me but oh there's so much more to me then meets the eye.
I'm the girl that stutters when there's a couple of people to please, but if there's a crowd i can knock them dead." i sang.
"no one really knows someone unless they make the time to figure them out." Owen sang.
"No, one want's to take the time to get to know me they think i'm some kind of freak, they act like they really don't want to see me." we sang.
"the truth is, they would never know that i could sing, or that i'm Jake Daring's daughter, cause they would never give me the time of day." i sang.
"you don't have to be afraid to be different cause if we where all the same how boring would live be? don't be afraid to show the world who you really are!" we sang.

once the show was over everyone clapped and the rest of the show played out.
after the show everyone went to meet their parents.
a hand came down on my shoulder, and i spun around. "i could not be any prouder of you then right now, you just told everyone to be themselves and it's okay." Jake said. he pulled me into a hug and i didn't resist. "just trying to get the message across." i said. "message delivered, knock 'em dead kid." he said. with that he went to find my mom. "Elise!" Owen yelled. i waved he ran to me and picked me up in a hug. "you did it!" he said, putting me down. "you where great! we won first place!" he said. "we did?" i asked, hugging him. "we get to cut a record deal." he said. "do you really want to do that?" i asked. "i'll do anything if you want me to." he said. i smiled. "Elsie." he said. "yeah?" i asked. he pulled me in for a hug. he backed away, and kissed me. "you had me form i'm good." he smiled. i laughed. he kissed me again.

i guess everything works out ok once in awhile. i have a new boyfriend.

and best of all i have a best friend that loves me for me.

just remember, follow your dreams never let anyone tell you your crazy,and don't hurt anyone's feelings, you may not know it now, but some day, you might need that person.

sincerely, Elsie Mason-Daring- Monroe <3


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.04.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Any where you go your going to have people that think, your a freak. so let them think your a freak while your having fun. it's okay to be different and to be yourself no matter what anyone says don't hide who you really are you'll be just fine. i would know. <3

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