
What would you do if you felt like you finally belong somewhere?

Okay, this is how it goes, we move fix things and then move again and fix things again and so on. And by we I mean me and my dad. My mom cheated on my dad with my ballet teacher. I told my dad it wasn't a good idea to put me in his class, but scine he wore tights my dad thought he was gay. Boy was he far off and he soon found out. I was 15 at the time I'm 17 now. My dad's job consists on taking on bussnises that are falling apart. Thats were he comes in and fixes things. there hasen't been a thing he couldn't fix. my parents are good looking people so you could say i'm lucky. i have long straight brown hair from my dad, big brown eyes from my mom, and everthing else from only god knows where. "don't worry kid, this will be easy." my dad said. we were in the moving truck driving to another paying job. "huh?" i asked taking out my ear phones. "i said it will be easy." he said with a luagh. "always is dad." i said with a smile. my phone rang and i looked at the name. "you should talk to her."
my dad said. "no." i said hitting iggnor on my moms call. "alright." he said. "so," i said changing the touchy subject. "what is it this time?" i asked. "a bail bonds agencey." he said. at that we pulled up to the house. it was gray with a brown roof. it was abnormaly large like always and trees were everywere. the house next door was also large but blue. "woah," i said as i got out. "as usuall." my dad said. we went inside. there was a pool in the back along with other things, and a brown wodden dock that conected our house and next door. "super." i said. there was a ballet studio. great. i got my dads drill and took the bars from the wall and dragged them to the street. my dad was sitting at the table, i sat down with him. "i'm ready." he said. "ok all the bills have been payed for the first month, i can go and enroll in shcool on wensday and the cars will be here in an hour, so i guess we can go assess the damage." i said. my dad laughed and we took the rental car to the bonds office. there was a woman on the phone, she was pretty. she hung up when she saw us. a man came out and greeted my dad. "kid." the woman said hitting the lid on the box of doughnuts on her desk. i took a doughnut thanked her and sunk into the sofa. "the most problem we are having is our bounty hunters." the man said. a girl with blond hair came in the office, "uncle marty these are hard." she whinned. "megan hes drunk half the time." marty said. megan stuck her lip out. "she's all we've got." marty said by the way of explaning that he needed help. " give the file to analise." my dad said nodding torward me. i stood. the blond reached for the file. "never mind i'll just do it, i'll threaten him." she said taking a gun. "that won't do much." i said. "and why not miss know it all?" she demanded. "first off princess thats a flare gun." i said. i got a gun from the shelf. "this is the gun you want." i said. "i like you, kid, can you go with her?" marty said. i srugged and went outside. we drove to the skips house. i read his file. "open up i can hear you in there!" megan yelled knocking on the door. "go to hell blondie!" was the response. "look out." i said. she backed away. i kicked the door open and went inside. "bond inforcment!" i yelled. "what the hell?!" the guy yelled. i handcuffed him and went back to megan, who had her mouth hanging open. "ready?" i asked. "i have a job!" the guy said. "here." i said giving marty the paper that said the guy was in jail. the woman paid me and i split the money with megan. "were's my dad?" i asked. "he had to get going." marty said. "perfect." i said. the door banged open and a boy my age handed the woman, jane a paper. "who's she?" he asked nodding torward me. "she's the new bosses daughter, she's a bounty hunter dinomo." megan said. just then my dad pulled up and honked. "so what's the damage?" i asked. "they need money to hire bounty hunters to get the place running, and no one wants to work there." he said. the cars were there so i went shopping for food and made dinner. the next morning we went back to the office. i was dressed in gray jeans and a blue flannel and some black kicks. "we need a new bounty hunter and fast." marty was telling the boy and megan. "i'll do it." i said. "you will?" marty asked dumbfounded. "if megan will be my partner, so i can train her." i said. "deal." marty said. "no way, analise is mine." the boy said. i steped back when he said my name. "with me and analise working together skips will be recoverd faster then they come in and megan can go back to painting her nails." he said. "see ya" megan said. she ran for her car and took off. "this is chase your new partner." marty said. him and my dad went back to the office. "so any skips yet?" i asked chase. "hold on i need some food." he said. it was monday morning and i was about to blow a gasket. "so?" i said, after chase ate. "none yet." chase said. i got up and left. "analise!" chase yelled. "come on!" he yelled again. i took the short walk back to the bonds office. " jane is my dad here?" i asked as i poked my head through the door. she smiled and nodded because she was on the phone. " is my uncle here?" megan asked. she got the same responce. i sat at on the edge of the sofa. megan climbed behind me and took my poney tail in her hands. she undid the hair tie, and she devided my hair and french braided it. once she finished they came out. "i have to do somethings down at the station are you okay?" my dad asked. "yeah, i'll just go home." i said. " i wish you had friends." my dad said. "i'll go with analise, if she'll have me." megan said, she had a nervous smile. "come on." i said jerking my head to the car. "i'm sorry i was rude when i first saw you." she said. "you were doing something you don't like. when someone does that it tends to make them stressed and they lash out at people for no reson at all, it's okay." i said. "you're smart analise." she smiled. "thanks." i said. "can you get that?" i asked as the phone rang. i was mixing the cheese in to the noddles for mac and chesse. "hello?" megan asked putting the butter and milk in the frige. "yeah sure," she said handing me the phone. "hello?" i asked. "don't hang up allie." my mom said. i hung up the phone. "bad conection." i said to megan as she handed me some bowls. i grabed a blanket and megan followed me out onto the deck carring our bowls and her soda. i spread out the blanket, and we sat down to eat. "this is nice." she said as she opend her soda. "yeah except this deck conects to next door." i said taking a drink of my soda. "do you know them?" she asked. "no." i said. "well let me introduce my self, i'm andy." we both turned to see a guy. he had a bowl and a soda. "i saw you out here and i thought why not come over and hang, im kinda lonley." andy said. "aw!" megan said. we ate in scilence. we talked for an hour then megan had to go home and chase called saying he got a skip in. he handed me the file when i was seated in his car. he knoked on the door. "bond inforcement!" i yelled. he kicked the door open and we went in. "shit!" chase yelled. he ducked behind the counter puling me with him. "yeah!" the skip yelled shaking the gun. i shook off chase. and fell to my knees avoding another bullett. i pulled out my gun and shot him in the foot. it worked. the skip dropped the gun and grabbed his foot. "you shot my foot!" he yelled. chase grabbed the gun, and i put the skip in cuffs. "here." i said walking into the office. i gave jane the paper. chase followed me. "that was fast." jane said. "easy as pie." chase said. "anything else?" i asked. "nope." chase said. "are you hungry?" megan asked as i answered her call. "yeah." i said. "cool, let's go for some pizza, where are you?" she said. "at the office." i said. "i'm around the corner." she said and hung up. "you made a friend." chase said. i ignored him and climbed in megans convertibal. "so the best pizza in town would be Pizza in Heaven, but it's ubber exspencive." she said. "i have money." i siad. "cool, you buy piazza, and i'll buy drinks and matzarella sticks." she said pulling away from the curb. the back door opened and andy got in. "were too ladys?" he asked. i smiled. andy could pop out of no where. all i have to say is if he pops into my bathroom i'll pop him on his darn head. " Pizza in Heaven." megan replied. "perfect i'll buy the bread sticks and the nachos." he said. ten mins later me megan and andy were just getting our food. "megan do you want to spend the night?" i asked. her eyes shined. "of course." she said. "well, my dad bought some kind of bed that has wheels and we can bring them out on the deck and andy can have one too, if you want." i added. "wouldn't miss it." he said. we ate and then went to my house. "okay the beds are in the garage." i said we set the beds up outside, and then watched a movie. we went to sleep. i felt something hit my bed. "analise?" i heard chase ask. i sat up strait, as did andy. "who's he?" chase asked. "who's he?" andy asked. "friend and partner." i said rubbing my eyes. "what time is it?" megan asked. she was lying on her stomach head submurged in the feather pillow. "it's 1 in the morning. " chase said. "go away." megan mummbled. "why wasn't i invited to this sleep over?" chase asked. "you're my partner, not my friend, remmber you doidn't want to be friends." i said. he rolled his eyes at the memory. i rolled on to my stomach and pulled the blanket over my head. "i'm hurt." he said. i closed my eyes and tried to not frezz to death. "is there something you needed?" i asked. "yeah i lost my key and need somewere to crash." chase said. " and you thought of me?" i asked. "your my partner." he said. "lucky you, i'm going home." andy said. i through the covers off and jumped up. "no, don't leave. chase take my bed." i said. i climbed under the covers with andy. andy put his arms around trying to make chase mad is my guess. "what the hell is going on here?" my dad demanded. he pulled me out of andy's arms and into his own. everyone stood up. chase fixed his shirt and megan smoothed her bun. "i'm andrew, sir you must be Mr. carelle." andy said offering his hand. "he's the neibhor, dad." i said. my dad let me go and i stood next to megan, who grabed my hand and held it tight. my dad shook his hand. "we had our own beds, and then chase came over and needed a place to crash," andy explained. "why didn't you slep with megan analise?" my dad asked. "i'm a wild sleeper sir." megan said. chase laughed and i stepped on his foot, my dad not seeing any of it. "i'm seeing marty for lunch, we have somethings to go over." my dad said. "can i trust you to be left alone with my daughter and megan?" he asked, the boys. "yes, sir." they said. we all blew out a sigh as my dad got into his car, and drove away. i looked around at everyone, as they watched him leave having a scard look to thier face. megan was exactly two inches taller than me with blond long curls. chase and andy were the same hieght. chase had brown hair that was falling into his eyes, witch were green, and hipnotic. andy had black hair in a shagy emo-ish cut. he had bright blue eyes that i never seen before, and with all my moves iv'e seen a lot of blue eyed people. andy took me and megan by our hands and we went in his house and locked the door. we all staired at chase outside. he gave us a sulte and left. " he gets under my skin." meagn said. "assholes will do that." andy said. he was in the kitchen raiding his frige for food. "good, whatta' you got im about to wither away," meagan said, poking her head under his arm and into the frige. the funny thing is we are all skinny, but can't seem to get enough food. "fuck yeah," megan said grabing some left over brownies. she showed me the brownies. "mother fuckers!' i yelled taking a brownie. andy poured out milk and we went back to our beds. " i knew you wouldn't leave me out in the cold." chase said jummping out of a bush. "fuck, us!" megan said dragging out the fuck, a little. he took my brownie. "mother fucker! how the hell are you going to take my brownie!" i yelled. megan kicked his shin and my poor brownie went flying. "whoa, shit!" andy yelled. "got it." andy said holding up the brownie. "are you okay?" i asked taking my brownie. "im fine," chase said. "not you dick licker my brownie." i said. andy and megan laughed. "aren't you and andy supposed to be in school?" chase asked megan. "never you mid!" meagan said. "we aren't going back to school untill tomorrow thats when analise is going back." andy said. " what about you?" i asked. "i wont go till you go sweet peaches." chase said. "lucky me." i said eating some brownie. we all went home to get ready for the first day of school. "okay, so i'll drive you and andy to school today yeah?" megan asked the next morning. "yeah, i'll go see if andy, is up." i told her. "good then, i'm on my way." she said. i ran down the stairs and through the sliding glass door that led to the deck. i saw andy and chase outside. andy had chace by his jaket, and chase had andy by his. " I'll be fighting for her." chase said. "as will i." andy said. "andy?" i called. arms crossed around me. andy hugged me. chase began to take his jaket off, but andy was already putting my arms through his. chase pulled his jaket back on and glared at andy. andy smiled down at me, and rapped his arms around me. "i missed you analise." he said. "i missed you andy." i said. chase smiled at me and i smiled back. he walked to us and i retuned his high five. "come on guys!" megan yelled, waving. her eyes widened as she saw chase but didn't say anything. we all got in the car, and drove to school. as we got out of the car, andy took my hand i smiled at him and we began to walk to the court yard, when chase grabed my other hand. "okay, now that you all have your classes, get to class." the principal said. everyone laughed and went to class. "is it just me or is chase and andy firghting for you?" megan asked. "you saw that?" i asked. "it's not hard to tell analise." megan said softly. by the time chase got to the tree me, andy,
and megan were standing under the tree. "dude!" megan yelled. me and andy laughed at her expretion. she ripped open her bag and pulled out a newspaper, and showed it to us. in a bright red circel, was the next consert for black veil brides. "we have to go!" i said. "were can we get tickets?" andy asked. "my uncle is working as a bouncer he can get us in for free!" megan said. "uncle marty?" i asked. "no, uncle ronny." she said. i smiled at the name. when andy saw chase he put his arm around me. i raped both hands around his waist. "so what's goin on?" chase asked. "nothin'" i said. "do you like black veil brides?" i asked. chase stared at andy. "not my thing."chase said. andy smiled. " so i got in a new skip, he's a big high bond." chase said eyes on me now. "lets go after him tmorrow." i said. " i have plans with andy after school, and with megan tonight." i said. "deal." chase answered he kissed my cheek and looked at andy. "bye megan." he said. "bye." megan said, although it sounded like a question. i put my stuff in my room and ran across the deck and into andys arms. he picked me off the ground. "i want to dye my hair." i said when he put me down. "what color?" he asked. i liked how he never told me what i wanted was a bad idea. i pointed to his hair. "bitchen." he said, smiling. he took my hand and led me through the house to his bathroom. i sat on the sink. andy put on some gloves and shook the black hair dye. "ready?" he asked. "do it." i said. "flip over." he said i flipped my hair over and he began with my roots. we sat in the kitchen when megan came in. "oh shit, thats cool." megan said looking closer at my hair. "i was coming over here to ask andy to dye my hair." she said holding a purple hair dye box. "right this way to andy's barabor, aka my bathroom." he said. andy took the bottle from megan and led the way to his bathroom. i took megans hand and wiggled it, to let her know it was okay. she let out some air and nodded. "okay, done, stay like that for 25 mins, and analise lets rinse your hair." he said. he did the water. "k bend over." he said. "ew you got it in my mouth." i said. "keep your mouth closed, and hold still, i have to get the damn thing out." he said. "were's that white stuff?" andy asked. "on the floor." i said. he put the conditionair in my hair. "ow, it stings," i said refering to my eye. "hold still let me get it out." he said. megan gave him a rag and he wipped the conditionair out of my eye. "bend over and keep your eyes and mouth shut, i'm almost done with you." he said. the door flung open and a woman came in mouth open eyes wide. she looked around and saw that andy was dying our hair. " i though you guys were, never mind." she siad. "mom." andy said. the door closed. we all laughed and andy did the rest of my hair. he did megan next and then we got in my car and drove out to eat. after we ordered chase slid into the booth next to me. "joy." andy said. chase raped an arm around me, i didnt mean to but i pulled myself closer to the warmth his body held. "cute." andy said. megan took a bite of her bread stick to keep her mouth from talking. chase pulled my legs on to his. i was getting irratated, that he was doing this to andy. i pulled my legs down, and looked at him with a look that said stop. we ate and went to the parking lot. andy dragged me close to him and put his forehead on mine, we made a shrunched up face at eachother, and chase let out some air. andy smiled, and held me. "so i think we should go back to andy's." megan said, trying to get rid of chase, to get rid of some of the tention. chase left. we went to andy's room and slept in his bed. i was the first to wake up. i found myself in the kitchen, shivering. fingers, toes, nose and lips numb. "analise." andy said. he put a robe around me and took me into his arms i wasn't cold anymore. he looked down at me. "are you okay?" he asked. i nodded. "your lips are blue, i knew i should of turned on the heater." he said, and with that he kissed me. at first i was afraid. i didn't know if this kiss was revenge on chase or if he wanted me for himself and he was proving it to me. he was warm and i pulled myself closer. he kissed my nose and my forehead and then my lips again. "i don't like chase." he said. "i know," i said. "i like you, and your mine." he said. i smiled. "i know." i repeted. he kissed me again. "guys," megan sputtered. i ripped my robe off and raped megan in it. i cought her in time before her knees hit the ground. "where are you going?" i called to andy as he ran down the hall. "i'll be back!" he called back. "i have the heater on." andy said a min later. he picked up megan and took her to the heater. she was herself in minets. "thanks." she said. "my house has the heater on all the time, my dad gets allergies in the cold. " i said. "to analise's" megan said. andy picked me up and ran through the cold into my house h3 set me down and went back for megan. we got ready and drove to school in andy's car. i rode with chase, and we drove to the, skips house. "if you just had my back like i said, we wouldn't be here." i said. we stood locked in a shed, all becuse of chase. "this is all your fault, and i cant call andy, because our phones, were taken." i said. "andy." he said. "why not call megan?" he asked. "How are we going to get our guns and tazers back?" i asked. "you care for andy." he said. "i care for everyone." i snapped. "you love andy though." he said. "now is not the time, i will beat your ass fucker." i said. "i'm sorry." he said. he hugged me. we heard the lock being tooken off, and andy stepped in follwed by megan. "why didn't you protect analise?" andy demanded, towering over chase, wich looked strange cause they're both tall. i hugged andy trying to calm him down. he held me. "well?" he asked. "andy." i said. he looked down at me. he grabbed megans hand and we left the shed. i sat on the couch, my head on megans lap. a blanket was raped around me. andy was on the floor clinging to the coffee table. "andy." chase said. how the hell do you just walk into your enemys house? andy stood. megan grabbed chase's arm and pulled him from andy. chase looked at megan. megan stood on her tippy toes and kissed chase. my mouth fell open, as megan ran out to the deck chase following her. andy stood, leaning on the wall. i walked to him. "i'm ok." i said. andy just stared at me. "what?" i asked. just staring. he pushed away from the wall and headed to the deck. "andy." i siad. he kept walking. "andy, i love you." i said. he stopped. "i love you." i said, trying to prove to myself that stupid ass chase was right. "i love you analise." he said. he shut the door behind him. i grabbed his arm. "look at me." i said. he teared his eyes away from chase and megan to me. "things, happen all the time." i said. "what if it killed you?" he asked me. "it didn't" i said. "what if." andy said. "it didn't." i repeated. "what if." andy repeated. "dammit andy." i said through clenched teeth. he smiled. "don't make me smile im mad at you." i said. i crossed my arms and tryed not to smile, it worked untill i looked back at andy. he had a smile that made you week in the knees, a smile that he used to get his way. "stop." i said. he smiled bigger. "danmit andy." i said. he knew he had me. he hugged me. "i love you." he said. "i love you." i said. he kissed my forehead and we walked to megan and chase. "i'm sorry." chase and andy said to one another. they shook hands. i hugged, chase and megan hugged andy. "we all get along now." megan said, clapping. i hugged megan again. "i love megan." i said. "i love you lissie." she said. "lissie?" i asked. megan nodded. "i like it." i said. she smiled. "me too." chase said. "fits perfectly." andy said. "we need to celabrate." megan said. it was thursday night what the hell were we going to do? "we can celabrate tomorrow night, me and my partner have a skip to catch tomorrw after school." chase said. i returned his high five. "hold still." andy said. "don't poke my eye." i said. "i wont if you hold still," he laughed. i held still as andy did my makeup. "k look." he said. i wore black eye shadow and my eyes were rimmed in thick black eyeliner. "i love it!" i said, hugging him. "knew you would." he said. he kissed me, and we ran to megans convertible. i wore a black shirt that said believe, and some black pants, with my leather jaket. "kick ass." megan said. we got in and chase drove us to school. "woah." i said looking out the window. "what?" all three of them asked. "it's snowing." i said. they all laughed. we drove to my house and got my car. " i'll see you soon." i told andy. he kissed me and closed my door. "i've got her." chase promised. "i've got her." andy promised nodding to megan. we drove away. " what happens when i have to leave?" i asked chase as he drove my car to the skips house. "we'll think of something lissie don't worry." he said. he rubbed my arm and i smiled, half way. "okay, i think we will have to sneek in." chase said. he took off to the back of the house, me on his heels. we snuck through the back door into the kitchen. from there we went through the study and made our way to the living room. the skip was in there with his daughter. "i hate you for doing this, i wish they would catch you in the act!" she screamed. i remembered her from school, she was the
"emo-punk" girl.
"today's your day." i said. i rasied my gun. "good!" the girl yelled. "emily,"
the skip said. "take him away!" emily yelled. chase put the skip in cuffs. "i'm analise." i siad. "emily." she said shaking my hand. we left after i gave her my card. " we get to leave this weekend to the bahamas!" my dad said. "what?" i asked. four men were in the office. "i'm done here." he said. pointing to the four new bounty hunters "i just cant leave!" i said. "we always do." my dad said. "i have friends now dad i can't just leave." i said. "i'm sorry." he said. "i'll stay with megan." i said. "acctulaly," my dad said. my mom came out of the office, i grabbed chase's arm. her lawyer came out behind her. "hi allie." she said. "i'm staying here." i said. "you can't." the lawyer said. at that point i did what i had to do to stay with my firends and andy "i'll kill myself." i siad. i pulled up my sleave and showed them my wrist. a bright pink scar was slashed across my wrist. they all gasped. okay, so i didn't try to kill myself, i got the scar when i was fifteen jummping a fence. "i've already tryed to, it was when the courts said i had to live with katie." i said. "it's mom." kaitie siad. "it's kaitie." i said. "lissie." chase said. i kept my eyes foucused on my dad. "we're staying." i said. my dad shiged. "alirght, just dont kill yourself." my dad said. i got in my car and drove to my house. chase got out of my car. "analise wait." he yelled. i ran to my room. a tear slid down my face and landed in my hand. my dad thought i was crazy, i was probably going to have to go to thearapy, and put in a mental ward. i heard a knok. "i'm fine." i said. "let me in." andy said. "no." i siad. "let me in." andy said again. "i can't." i said. i wiped another tear away. "dammit analise." he said. "i'm fine." i said. my lock turned, and andy opened my door. he grabed my wrist, i tryed to pull away but it didnt work because he was stronger. he traced my scar. "i didn't try to kill myself." i blurted out. "then what?" andy said. "analise!" my dad yelled. "trust me." i said i kissed his cheek and went down stairs. "why did you lie?" my dad asked. "what?" i asked. "i saw you climb that fence in jersey, you didn't try to kill yourself." he said. "i' don't want to leave." i said. "and if you make me i'll tell the courts i did, your only one person." i said. "you really want to stay?" he asked. "yes." i said. "why." he asked. "because i love my friends and i can't leave." i said willing him to understand. "i'll see what i can do." he said. he left. "cute accsent." andy said. "i picked it up in jersey it comes out when i'm mad."
i said. "lissie!" megan yelled. she ran through the sliding glass doors, tears streaming down her face. "don't take yourself away from me." she sobbed, as she hugged me. "i didn't try to kill myself." i said. she hit my arm. "dammit analise." she yelled. she wasnt mad, because she hugged me. "i'll never leave you alone." i said with a smile. she
laughed. "thanks." i said, to chase. "i was trying to help." he said. "dammit chase!" i said. we smiled and hugged. megan fixed my makeup and we laughed. the next morning my dad was in the kitchen with my mom. "you cant just take her from me!" my dad yelled. "this is an unfit invironment. a bounty hunter as a after school job?" my mom yelled. "Its ridiculous , im taking you to court and i will win mark my words." my mom said. "whats going on?" i asked. "pack you bags your coming with me." my mom said. she grabed my arm. "whoa, wait." my dad yelled. he took me away from my mom. "she is still in my care." my dad said. my mom left. "she has a good case." my dad said. "well then lets go to the bahamas right now." i said. "we can't she already gave me the court pappers. its today at noon." he said. "well i turn 18 in three months do you think they will take me to live with her?" i asked. "anything is posible. i'm going down to the staion to research where we stand." my dad said. "i'll come to." i said following him out to his car. "i would rather you stay here and make sure everything is straight with your grades and until further notice your fired." he said. "dad!" i objected. "im sorry but ill do anything to keep you with me." he said. he drove away with me standing on the curb. i went inside. "i need the administration office please."
i said. "hi my name is katalina mayne, i need to know my daughters grades." i said. "whats her name?" the woman asked. "analise carelle." i said. "all a's. you should be proud." the woman said. "any missing assignments or behavior problems?" i asked. "none, shes the perfect student." the woman said. "thank you." i said. "andy i can't go to school today im sick im leaveing my homework on the deck, can you bring it to school?" i asked. "yeah sure, are you ok?" he asked. "yeah im on my way to the doctors." i said. "ok i love you." he said. i swalowed. "i love you." i said and hung up. i through on some flipflops and ran to my car and drove to a house office. i through my hair in a bun, and walked in. "yes that house deep in the forest is the one i want." i tod the man. i got the keys and drove home. i jumped into the shower and got dressed. i sat quietly looking down at the table as my mom came into the court room. she waved but i kept my head down. i was called to the stand. "im mr. farren."
he told me. "i know." i said. "how many days of school have you missed?" he asked. "One, becuse my mom wanted to do the court date today." i siad. the jury wrote something down. "your a bounty hunter?" he asked. "no." i said. "well it says-"
"i got bored i didn't want to do it anymore, i just did it for something to do." i siad. the jury gave the judge the notes. "well i have decided, living with gabe is not a good home life. untill you turn 18 you will live with your mom." the judge said. i stood outside with my dad. "you gave a good run kid." my dad said. "i tried my best." i said. my dad wiped a tear from my face. "sometimes our best isn't enough." my dad said. "i love you daddy." i said voice tight. ihugged him. " i love you. your strong you'll get through this." he said. "i'll see you in three months."i said. my dad smiled "wouldn't miss it kid." he said. we did our hand shake, hugged again and i got into my moms car. i waited untill one in the morning and ran to the garage. i got a bicyle and rode to the end of the rode. i got on the four wheeler and high tailed it to the court. i got into my car and drove to my dads and snuck to my room. the next morning i made pancakes. "hi dad." i said. "analise!" he all but yelled. he picked me up and hugged me. "what are you doing here?" he asked. he answered the phone before i caould answer him. "is analise there?" my mom asked. i shook my head no. "no." my dad said. "shes gone." she said. "what! you lost my daughter?" he yelled. "she left a note that says see yuh never and she's gone." my mom said. "call the cops!" my dad yelled. "i can't i just got her back she'll go to foster care.'" she said. "dammit katalina!" my dad yelled. he hug up the phone. "I made pancakes." i siad. "cool, im starved." he said. "did you just say cool?" i asked. "sorry that black haried boy was here all yeserday, planing a way to save you." he said. andy. bless his heart. we ate the pancakes and the door bell rang. my dad answered it. andy came in with a box. "Ok i think i found away to get her back." he siad. i hugged him. "i love you." i smiled. he hugged me back tightly." i love you!" he said. "andy air." i siad. he let me go. he ran to the door. "guys come here!" he yeleld out the sliding glass door. "the plan!" chase yelled back. "forget the damn plan shes back!" andy yelled. megan pushed andy out of her way and hugged me. i took a couple of steps back at the inpact. "ohmigod!" she said starting to cry. i hugged chase next. we all sat at the coffe table. "you guys could get in trouble for doing this you understand that right?" i asked. they all nodded. "ok, i'm not going back there, so i'll be a runaway. dad will print school permision slips for you guys, it will say you have gifts and your going to camp for three months. i have a house in the middle of the forest, were you guys will stay with me. dad is going to stay here and make it look like im missing. put posters of me around town and call the cops." i said handing him my cell. he diled 911. "yes my duaghter went missing." he said. he was a good damn actor even i wanted to help him find me. "i dont know her idiotic mother lost her, she didnt call the cops because she didn't want to look like a bad mom." he said. "she's 17 shes about 5'4 she whighs 110 pounds, and her name is analise she has black hair and brown eyes." he said. "of course she wouldn't run away!" my dad yelled. "thank you." he said. he left his number and hung up. "phase one actavated." i siad. my dad made the permiton slips. "phase two done." my dad said. megan, andy, and chase went home to get the slips signed . "phase three done." andy said. he hug up. ten mis later chase texted me. phase four done, he said that ment they were done packing. 5 mins later, megan called. "phase five complete we are at the smoothie shop." she said. "on my way." i said. "phase seven is a go. you know what to do call me when its done im working on phase six." i siad. i hugged my dad grabed my bags through them into my car and drove to the smoothie shop. i honked as i drove by. andy megan and chase followed me. once i got on the street i sped to the house. i jumped out and gave them all new licence plates. "hury give me the old ones." i siad. i took the old ones and made my way to the house. "get the bags and come inside." i siad. they were in action before i finished talking. i lit a fire and through the licence plates into it. andy locked the door. megan me and chace, pulled down the blinds. we all high fived. "phase six done." i said. "and i told the school you guys got mono." i said. "oh gross." megan said. "it's good." andy said. "its not witty but it will do." i siad. "my room is perect!" megan said coming to the living room. i sat on the floor looking a my phone on the coffee table. andy and chase sat across for me. "come on gabe." andy wispered. "still no calll?" megan wisper asked. "what if he didn't make it." i siad. "he has to." chase said. the phone buzzed. even though we were all looking at it we all jumped. "i gave my statment. the posters are up, and they aressted your mom for child abuse. stay hidden they are looking for you like crazy. marty has his five new bounty hunters looking for you too. be careful. i can not stress this enough. and if andy keeps you safe he has my blessing to marry you." i paused. andy smiled and hid his face. " i love you, watch your setps i'll be in touch i have a man that will come out every monday to give you things you need. he is coming today though, to give you food, don't text back they are watching me like a hawk. they think im using the bathroom." i read. "good i need food." megan said. i smiled. "hes safe." i said. i got a second text. phase six complete, it said. a month. two months passed. there was a knock on the door. "Dad!" i yelled. "hey kid." he said hugging me. "we got two more weeks to go." i said. "come out with yur hands up!" someone yelled. all of us looked out the window. "damn." andy said. "guys, stay in the basement i'll lead them away." i said. "no." megan begged grabbing my arm. "the worst thing that will happen is i have to stay with my mom for two weeks." i said. "they still have her in jail." he said. "so they'll give me to you." i said. "or a foster home." chase said, touching my arm. "i have to save you i have to do what's right." i said. i hugged everyone kissed andy and went outside. they throught me in the back of a cop car and took me to the court house. they called my dad and we had a meetting. "still her being a bounty huter is bad." the judge said. "i ws a helper. i gave the paper to jane that said they got the guy." i said. "well then you can go home with your dad." he said. "Yes!" i said hugging him. everyone smiled. "mr. carelle. can i have your daughters hand in marriage?" and asked.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2012

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thanks to amilia for wanting me to write more, and thanks to makaylyn for some of the lines.

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