
what would you do to save your sister?

i wake up in a room that isn't mine. almost like a steel room. a door opens and i jump up ready to fight. "don't waist your strenght young one." an old man tells me. "what's going on?" i ask. "your in grave danger the only way to save you is to turn you." he said. " turn me?" i ask. "yes, into a vampire." he said. i laugh and then stop myself. "oh you where for real." i said. "of course." he said. "we have a vampire family that you will stay with. the couple take in teens." he explains. "it won't hurt you have my word." he said. before i have time to react he bites me. like the storys i've heard, i wait for pain. nothing comes and i soon relize everything i know is a lie. i watch as i turn white. it crawls from my arms to my hands, almost as a flesh eating bacteria. my eyes burn. "don't itch." the man said. he takes my wrists in strong hands and hold them there. once my change is over the old man turns me to a mirror. paper white skin, light purple eyes, same black hair, singed clothes. "what's up with my clothes?" i ask. "they where singed in the fire that burnt down your orphanage. come." he said. i wash the smell of smoke out of my hair. i dress in jeans and a black shirt. i braid my hair down my right side. "ready?" the old man asks. "yep." i said we leave that room and go to another. "this is, kyler and rylie mason, so you'll be." he was saying. "tyler mason." i say. "everthing that you've ever heard about a vampire forget it. it isn't real." kyler said on the way to the car. as kyler drives us to who knows where, rylie gives me my first leson. "we hunt animals, but instead of hunting you can sleep, but where's the fun in that? we can cry, it's acid. the sun makes us lose all power. witch reminds me." she said. she
digs in her bag and gives me a necklace. the necklace is a locket, but not a heart. flames. "that necklace has a spell that will let you go in the sun." she said. i put the necklace on as she continues. "we have wings." she said. "wings? are you kidding me?" i ask. "no it helps with battle. each vampire has a different talent. the vampire can choose, but you can't." she said. "why?" i ask. "yours is chosen you have the ability to do what ever you want. your what we call a blue fire vampire, meaning only one of you can live at a time. you are the most leathal vampire around." rylie said. "but will you use it for good or bad?" kyler asks. "what ever feels right." i said. "you sound like my daughter." he says. i don't know if thats a good thing so i let it go. "it's a good thing." rylie says. i shield my mind. "smart girl." she mused. "so any other vampires at your house?" i ask. "yes a girl and boy. Katrina was excited to here
the blue fire vampire
was going to be her new sister." rylie said. "the boy?" i ask. "thinks your a liability." kyler said. "don't take it personal. he's watching out for kitkat, it's his little sister." kyler said. i would think i was a liability too. "the old man said i was in trouble." i said. "right. the cleticus." she said. "the who?" i ask. "the cleticus is a group of vampire that formed 300 years ago." rylie said. "bad or good?" i ask. "depends on how you view it." kyler said. he looks at me, and when he does i know they're bad. "the leader is caliso, his wifes name is emilea" she said. "and they have one main goal." kyler said. "to kill the blue fire vampire." i said. "dead on." kyler said. "why?" i ask. "they don't like someone who over powers them. all the other blue fire vampires are dead." she said. "well then if they're dead there was no need to worry about it." i say. "it's the name it's self, tyler. by killing every blue fire vampire
they hope to find one but the intriago keep getting them." kyler said. "thats us?" i ask. they nod. as we get out a girl comes to us. kitkat. "hi tyler." she said, taking my hand. "kit." a voice said. the boy appears out of the shadows. "drop her hand." he said. "coltan relax." she said. "he's over protective." she said. coltan came to her side,
putting his arm around her. "he should be." i said. his mouth almost forms a smile. almost. as night falls and everyone goes to sleep i stare out the window sorting out my new life, scince my old one was a lie. i know who's in my door way before he talks. "ty?" he asked. "yeah?" i asked. "we need to talk." he said, sitting on my bed. "yeah, i'll stay away from kitkat." i siad. "no. she needs you." he said. at this i join him on my bed. "she's strong. i need to learn to let go. if she trusts you then so do i. wich means, your now my sister and i protect you no matter the cost." he said. "tell me about the powers." i said. "well rylie reads minds. kyler can freeze you and then move you where ever he wishes. kitkat can take away your sences." coltan
said. sweet. "i can put up a shocking shield." he said. "and the, cleticus?" i ask. "caliso can turn you to ash and emilea can some how alter time." he said. the next morning kitkat and coltan help me trian. they even use
their powers against me. as we hunt kitkat's eyes begin to glow. "coltan." i said. he turns. "she's useing her powers." he said. "the spy is in the tree." she said. kyler useses his power and the spy is in front of us in seconds. "why were you sent here?" rylie asked. "to spy." coltan said. duh. "i needed to see if the blue fire vampire was strong." he said. "we can assure you she is," kyler said. we hang on to him as a hostage. "when are they coming?" kitkat asked. Nothing. "we could always force it out of you." rylie said. "knowing your not one for pain, tyler how about a good shock?" she siad. i raise my hand in front of me, making my power stronger. just as my eyes glow he opens up like a bestselling book. "wait! i'll tell you what ever you want." he said. "i thought you'd listen." rylie said. "two weeks." he said. "will they talk or will they fight?" i ask. "fight." he said. we all left to practice. "hey." coltan said. it was the night before the battle,
we sat out on the roof. "they watched me while i was human." i said. "i need to do this on my own." i said. "no." he said. "you don't get it. my whole life has been a lie.
that fire was them trying to kill me, and those kids died cause of me." i told him.
"no, no one died, you got the worst end." he says. "do you like being a big brother?" i ask. "yeah, but it's a lot of work, and something tells me it's about to get a lot harder with you and kitkat working together." he said. "how come at sometimes kitkat has the mind set of a little girl?" i ask him.
"she's 13." he said. "she's so young!" i said. "i know. get some sleep we need all the strength we can get." he said. he kisses my fore head and leaves. i walked to kit kats room. "i might be young but i can take care of myself, you don't need to worry about me." she said. "im more conserned about coltan going over the deep end." i said. we laugh. i sit down, on her bed and before i can stop myself i stroke her head. "are you affriad?" i ask. "for you." she tells me. i take her hand. "i'll be fine and so will you." i said. "and coltan and kyler and rylie." i said. "will you help me sleep?" she asks. "course anything." i said. "sing." she said. of course she wants that. i havent sang scince the night my family went missing. "i uh." i said. "make something up." she said. "does it have to be good?" i ask. "no, just do something soft so i can sleep." she said. "make something up ok lets see." i said. "we tryed to put up a fight against one another, that ended up in smiles and laughs. i'm sorry that i tried to hurt you, i wasn't thinking i was kinda upset. don't you dare give up you have so much to live for, even if you can't see it. and i'll tell you it's alright, i'll tell you can make it, because when i was in the dark no one told me i was fine. i belive in you, as long as you continue to fight, you'll be alright. don't let me down and i'll hold on tight. when fear threatens to swallow you whole i'll pull you free. even if you resist i'll do my best at telling you
that i love you. no matter what life brings i'll remain for
ever proud of you." now for making that up on the spot i'd say it's pretty good. i kiss her forehead. i can't bring myself to leave her alone, so i lay next to her and fall asleep. "kitkat ty. get up we got to hunt." coltan said. we hunt and then get ready i briad mine and kitkat's hair and we meet in the kitchen. "well can't i just turn them to ash?" i ask. "you haven't practiced that part." kyler said. at the same time me coltan and kitkat look at the spy. "no," kyler said. he takes my chin and makes me look at him. "we need him for now." he said. "so can't kitkat just take away their scences?" coltan asked. "they may have a shield." kyler said. "direct contact." rylie said. "how do you kill a vampire?" i ask. "thats the only thing that was right rip them apart, and then turn
them to ash." coltan said. "so we ready?" i asked. "lets go." kyler said. we meat them at a meadow. "wait we have a bargan with the blue fire vampire." caliso said. "you come with us and we let her go free." he said. they push a little girl forward. black hair white skin, she's a vampire. "Tayler!" i yell. "tyler help me." she begged. "what are you doing?" coltan asked, stoping me as i walk forward. "i have to thats my kitkat." i said. he lets me go. "let her go." i said. they let her go. tayler ran to me and i
picked her up. "shh, it's okay, your safe." i said. i put her down. "where's hayden?" i said. "they have her." she said. "where's my older sister?" i ask them. "we left her there, as a reason for you to come with us." he said. "is she a vampire?" i asked. "course." he said. "why tayler she's to young." i said. "tragity has no age limmit." she said. i have to look at taler
to make sure she said it. "fine i'll go." i said. i pick up tayler and giver her to kit kat. "no don't leave me!" she screams. "i have to save hayen." i said. i look at coltan. he nods. " coltans coming." i tell them. "coltan no." kitkat begged.
"i know what i'm doing." he said. "she's in here." caliso said. "hayden!" i yell. she doesn't look up. i brake the chains that hold her there. i hold her. "she's weak." i said. "we got to get her to hunt." he said. "i'll send someone with you." caliso said. once in the woods i set hayden down. "we'll need to hunt for her." i said. the gaurd agrees. "okay, we have to kill him." i said. he nods. "we're back." i said. when he turns to me coltan takes him down. "close your eyes hayden." i said. "get his head." coltan said. "yay me." i said, ripping his head off. "turn him to ash." coltan said. "focuse on him only." he said. the gaurds body glows and then turns to ash. "good lets go." he said. he picks up hayden and we run. "do you think you can get away that fast?" another gaurd said. i turn him and 12 others to ash. "she's weak." coltan said, as we get to the house. kyler takes her and lays her in a bed. "you can sleep." i said. "tyler." she said before i leave. "i'm sorry." she said. "i know." i said, colsing her door. " where's tyler?" tayler asked kitkat. "she'll be back." she said. "promise?" tayler asked. "promise." kitkat said, touching her nose. "i can't sleep unless she sings me to sleep." she said. "good thing im here." i said. "tyler!" they yell. we hug. "you are the most strongest 7 year old and i couldn't be more proud." i said. "heyden said, you'd say that." she laughed. "was she nice?" i asked. "she tryed." she said. "alright well how about we get you to bed." i sad. she lays down, and scoots over so i can lay with her. i rap my arms around her. "i'm going to see coltan." kitkat said, as she leaves. "close your eyes and dream me something sweet. no need to worry, i have you now. nothing can hurt you. tomorrow brings hope and sunshine. i'll protect you from your fears. nothing can hurt you as long as i love you." i sing. she falls asleep before i finish the song. i kiss her forehead. i go down stairs. "so how many where killed?" kyler asked. "14
and they have a lot more like three hundred." i said. "call in the rest of the intriago, coltan." rylie said. coltan takes a phone and dials a number. "tyler! no! tyler i want tyler!" tayler
yelled. i run to her. "hey hey hey." i said. she claws at my clothes wanting me closer. i get in bed with her and hold her. "it was a bad dream." i tell her. she calms down. "i thought i told you to dream me something sweet." i tell her she laughs a little. "tyler!" hayden yelled. i pick tayler up and put her at the foot of hayden's bed. "hayden." i said. she grabbed my wrist and then tightens
her grip, when she sees me. "you have to forgive me." she said, sitting up. "i can't." i said. "i'll protect you, i promise it was a mistake." she said. "a mistake that could of cossed me my life. and then who would protect tay?" i said. "i'm better now i can think better, please we need eachother." she said. she starts to cry. great. i always felt like the oldest. hayden depended on me way too much, even more affter her boyfriend died. "fine i forgive you." i said. she huggs me. "don't let me down." i tell her. she nodds. i put tyler back to bed and go back to hayden.
i lay down with her, and for the first time in six years, she's the big sister. she puts her arms around me and kisses my forehead three times. "close
your eyes and dream me something sweet. no need to worry, i have you now. nothing can hurt you. tomorrow brings hope and sun shine. i'll protect you from your fears. nothing can hurt you as long as i love you." she sings. thats the last thing i remember before i fall asleep. when i wake up tayler and kitkat are between us. i look at the clock, midnight. i have no room so i crawl in coltans bed and sleep there. the next morning all five us are in coltans bed. "wake up my fifve lovelys we have a big day that needs hunting!" rylie said. she opens the window. sun hits us like a tsunami. we all moan in protest. "whoops!" rylie said. she closed the curtin and gave us our necklace. mine flames, taylor, a diamond, hayden, a moon, kitkat, a sun, and coltan, a fist. rylie's a, star, and kyler's some kind of blue rock. "up, up, up!" rylie said. we hunted. i wonder what happened to the spy but i dont ask. i quickly show taylor the basics to protect herself, but she's fast so i doubt they'll catch her. but of course she follows in my foot steps and wants to fight, so i have no choice but to show her how to use her powers witch is elements. she tells me that she will mostly use fire, because i'm the blue fire vampire. coltan shows hayden to use her power- rip apart a vampire in her head- and we go to meet them, hunting on the way. "kit tay, are you ready?' i ask. "yeah," they said. "good here they come." i said. just as they come into sight the rest of the intriago fall into place behind us. we have about 13 less than they do. "ready blue fire vampire?" caliso asked. i unclench my fists and nod. "we'll see, atack!" emilea said. we go into the fight. we use our power and srength and soon take them down. "very good, now fight this." coliso said. more vampires come and we jump into the fight. this isn't working i need some one he loves. i turn just in time to see emilea toss rylie. i run and take her to the ground. she hisses, and i have to laugh. "caliso!" i yell. he turns as i rip off his loves head. he bares his teeth and runs at me. i jump over him. he grabs kitkat. "hayden!" i yell. she turns and rips
off his arms. kitkat is
free and fighting. he runs at me wich is pretty funny cause he has no arms. i put up a shiled and he stops right before it. i rip his head off. "it's over." kyler said. they thank the vampires that are they're allys and the others leave. " you can't kill something that is
already dead on the inside." i tell caliso's head. "ty we need to burn them." rylie says. kylers about to light a match but i stop him. i bend down next to tayler "want to give us a good show?" i ask. she smiles and nods. "back up." i siad. everyone backs up. taylors eyes glow, and everyone clapps as a blue flame shoots from her hand and buns the dead vampire's in blue fire.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2012

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thanks to Brweezy Marien

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