
A not so perfect morning

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing and the sun shining through my window as always, I knocked down my clock and heard a crashing noise, well i guess it's dead, I was just about to go back under the covers when I remembered I've got school, so I got up and went into the bathroom. 

Once I was done dressing into my uniform I went downstairs and was met with the wonderful smell of fresh pancakes, yum, and an even more wonderful sight of my family sitting at the kitchen table, yeah yeah it's the same scene every morning but it seems special to me, so anyway I walked in and went to sit in my seat at the table.


''Good Morning honey how was your night?'' my mom asked 

''Morning mum, it was fine''


So, my mum, Caroline Grace, is an amazing person. She's 36, brown hair, hazel eyes, middle-sized, and a wonderful smile. She's a stay at home mom, and I wouldn't have it any other way, she sometimes does tutoring but not on a daily basis. And my dad, Joseph Grace, is just as amazing. He's 39, black curly hair, hazel eyes, tall, sometimes a bit strict but I mean which parent isn't?. He works as an airline manager and is a very busy man, we mostly spend times with him on weekends, but that's ok. And the smallest of all, Daisy Grace, my little sister. She's 7, she's the one that got my mom's straight brown hair while I've got my dad's curly black hair, we both have golden brown eyes and are both thin, not skeleton skinny, but thin and we are both very alike.


''Hey dad'' I said, and as usual he was busy reading the newspaper.

''Hi sweetie, you ready for school?''

''Yeah I guess''

''K, finish up quickly so we can get going, it's getting late'' my dad said 

''Mommy please please I really want it, all my friends have it'' I turned around to see my sister holding on to one of my mom's legs

''What does she want?'' I asked, knowing it would be another one of those toys that ALL her friends have, yup, I've gone through that stage and that excuse has never worked for me.

''She wants a set of those plastic high heels with the flowers on them'' my mom replied 

''Oh, well why do you want PLASTIC high heels when you practically walk around with mum's high heels on your feet the whole day, Daisy?'' I asked her

''You don't understand, it's not the same, please mummy, daddy, pleeease'' And then she started her signature howling, I hate how she cries, and at that point, my dad knew it was his time to settle the situation.

''Daisy, sweety, can you PLEASE stop crying, ok look we will go later after the doctor's appointment to get your toy, I promise'' 


By giving her what she wants 


Wait, what? ''What doctors appointment?'' I asked

''Lizzie your dad's knees have been hurting so we're going to the doctor to check it out''

''And you're taking Daisy with? What about me?, I want to come with, if she's skipping school then I can do the same''

''No honey, YOU have to go to school, and that's the end of it'' dad said

''But''  ''No but's, you don't have to miss school just to go to the doctors with us, it doesn't make sense'' Mum said 


''That's so unfair'' I whined 

''Come on you're gonna be late for school, let's go'' said my dad


You know that's so unfair, she always get's to miss school, and I know I'm bigger and all that nonsense but I really want to do something my own way for once!!

Now of course in a very ugly mood, I stomped out of the kitchen, grabbed my bag, and went to sit in the car.

The ride to school was quiet except for my sister chattering on and on about her stupid life.

School is just a 10-minute drive from my house so we reached quickly

Just as I was getting off, I heard my mum calling me.



''Now, don't you talk to me like that young lady, I just wanted to tell you that Grandma is coming to visit today so we will be picking you up one hour before school ends.''

''Yup, so just tell your teacher that, and have a nice day sweety'' said my dad

''Yeah, Whatever'' I said and jumped out making my way to the school gates, trust my parents to keep important news for the last minute. I heard my dad whoot and drive away, as I watched the car disappear, I couldn't help but feel like something really bad is going to happen. I shook the feeling off and smiled just as I saw my best friend coming towards me.












Not aware of the near future

''Hey bestie'' my friend greeted me 

''Hi blondie'' I greeted back


Linda Grey, my best friend since preschool, when she saw me crying because one of the other kids took my favourite doll, she gave me hers and we have been inseparable since then. She's got blonde hair, light brown eyes, she's a bit short but very smart. But the best thing about her is her capability to make me laugh at any time.


''So why you looking so gloomy today?'' she asked

''Oh you don't want to know, but I'll tell you anyway''. So then I told her what took place in the kitchen this morning and how angry I feel.

''Well darling, that's parents for you, there's really nothing you can do''

''I know but I just wanted to go with them, I mean is that so wrong?'' I told her just before we entered the classroom

She looked at me with a funny look, ''So you're telling me that being with me is not enough for you?''

I just rolled my eyes and went in, and smiled as I heard her laugh behind me.


''Good Morning Mrs.Evans'' we both greeted at the same time, and me now feeling much better I was able to give a real smile

''Good Morning girls, please have a seat'' she said with one of her famous half smiles


I went to sit in my seat and took out my notebook along with my pen, I then remembered.


''Ah, Mrs.Evans?''

''Yes, Elizabeth?''

''I just wanted to tell you that my father said he's going to be picking me up early from school''

''And why is that?'' she said, she always needs a reason argh

''My Grandma is coming to visit, soo I want to spend some time with her'' I answered

''Ok then, when the time comes you may go'' 


I looked at Linda to see her lost deep in her work, I honestly dont know what she was working on because as far as I know we had no homework from Mrs.Evans yesterday. Anyway, I took out a page and started drawing since the teacher didn't seem so interested in starting her class. Everybody is always telling me that I have real talent and that I can be a great artist, to tell you the truth, I don't even concentrate on what I'm drawing most of the time, but whatever.


''Ok girls, attention please'' she shouted


Well, I was wrong.Again.

Broken in a second


Tik tok tik tok. There's about 12 minutes till the bell rings for last period and I'm sitting here listening to my teacher going on and on, on how we should draw our diagrams neatly with a pencil, yah like nobody knew that. Unfortunately, Linda is not in this class with me, so I won't have anyone to pass notes to, not that I don't have other friends, it's just that none of them are as close as her.


''Elizabeth'' I heard Mrs.Evans voice calling me, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her

''Yes, Mrs.Evans?''

''Are you here or in outer space Elizabeth?'' she asked, jee Mrs.Evans, I wonder who's sitting in this seat then.

''I'm here Miss'' 

''Ok, then perhaps you would like to tell me the formula on how to find the area of a square?''

''Oh that's easy, its side into side''

''Well good, why don't you step up and come solve this problem I've written on the board?''


I looked at the board, I honestly don't know when she wrote that. So anyway I got up and went to the board, I took the marker from her hand and just as I started there was a knock on the door.


''Come in'' said Mrs.Evans


One of the hall monitors came in with a very serious frown.


''Mrs.Evans, the principle will like to see Elizabeth Grace in his office now please'' she said

''What may the reason be Stacey?''

''There's some kind of emergency Miss''

''Very well, you may go Elizabeth''


At first, i thought my parents were here to pick me up, but then I thought why would I have to go to the office?. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, following Stacey to the office.


''Please wait here'' she said

''Oooook'' I said


I looked around, I don't really come often to the principles office, I've only been here about 4 times. Everything seems to be fine around here, nothing seems to be an emergency.


''Elizabeth darling'' I turned around to see the secretary walk towards me

''Come on dear'' she said


I got up and followed her to the office door, my heart beating out of my chest, I walked in and got a shock because sitting there in the chair is none other than my...... Grandma.


''Grandma!!, what are you doing here?'' I was really worried because it looked like she was crying, and the moment I said that she started crying again. The principle got up from his chair and went to comfort her, and me still terribly confused walked forward.


''Whats wrong? why are you crying grandma?'' but she just cried harder

''Lizzie dear, please sit down'' The principle said

''No, first tell me what's wrong'' I cried

''Yes I will in a minute,but please, first sit''

''NO!! TELL ME NOW'' I shouted a bit loud, but the principle didn't seem too bothered about that.

''Very well Lizzie, you see something terrible has occurred, and I would like it if you didn't scream too loud. Lizzie your parents and sister were coming back from the hospital and they got into a very bad accident on their way'' he said

''WHAT? are they okay?'' I cried with tears rolling down my cheeks

''No Lizzie, I'm afraid they didn't make it to see tomorrow'' he whispered


And when he said that, in a split second all the memories from this morning replayed in my head one by one. I did exactly as he asked me to, I didn't scream, I didn't say a word.


'' family''


And then it was all black.

What now?

Beep..Beep...Beep, Arghh, what is that noise? I slowly opened my eyes and immediately closed them again. So much of light, what is this place? I was about to open my eyes again when I heard voices somewhere near.


''Sorry Mrs.Grace but I have no idea when your granddaughter will wake up, the news was a bit of a shock for her'' a male voice said


''But she's been sleeping for 2 weeks now'' 


2 WEEKS!!! That's impossible, I can never sleep for that long, and what news is he talking about?


''We are trying everything we can, the only thing left is to wait'' 

''Please doctor please bring her back, I can't afford to lose anyone else''


What is she talking about?? The man said something but I couldn't hear properly.




I woke up with a throbbing headache, I started getting up but was stopped by something, I turned around to see my grandma holding my hand. I laid back down and stared at the walls, I was in the hospital, but why?


''Elizabeth!! Darling, you're awake, Thank Goodness'' she said

''Why am I in a hospital bed?'' I asked


But she didn't seem to have heard me because she was too busy calling for the doctor.


''Yes, Mrs.Grace?'' A very tall man came in the room

''Oh Miss.Grace, you're awake, finally! I'll just call the nurse to check you up and give you your medicine'' he said

''Please call me Lizzie'' I said

''Will she be okay?'' my grandma asked with tears in her eyes

''Ah yes, can I talk to you for a minute please?, outside'' the Doc said


She nodded her head and they both went out. 5 minutes later a nurse came in.


''Good Morning, Elizabeth'' she beamed

''Hi, umm, can you tell me why I'm here?''

''Well, I'm afraid your Granny will have to remind you'' she said, and I saw her smile slowly fade


Remind me? Of what? I'm really confused here, nobody is telling me anything. Once she was done with checking me she gave a huge sigh.


''Well, you seem to be good and healthy young lady'' she said

''Thanks'' I whispered


Just then my Grandma and the doctor came in.


''Is everything ok?'' he asked


The nurse just nodded, smiled at me, gave my grandma a hug and walked out.


''Well, Lizzie you're free to go home'' he said and then walked out with a smile.


I looked at my grandma, she was looking really down and sad.


''Grandma? You want to tell me what's going on here?'' I asked her

''Sweety, Why don't we go home and discuss this?''


And because I was in NO mood to argue, I just nodded. I went to the chair to get my school bag. Wait, my school bag??

I really need an explanation


Is there a rewind button?

The ride home was quiet, well accept the occasional sniffs from grandma. I still couldn't see what was going on here that was so bad, I just had to wait. We pulled up the driveway and saw that my parents were still not back from the hospital.


''Grandma, did dad call you to say when they are going to be back?'' I asked


She just looked at me with sad eyes and walked in the house. Ok, what the hell is going on here?


''Ok grandma, what is going on? You're not telling me anything, I need to know why I just came back from the hospital? why are you crying? And where are my parents???''


She sat on the couch and patted the seat beside her, I put my bag down and went to sit down next her very cautiously, I gave her a tissue and waited.


''Oh my darling, this is so hard for me to say'' she sniffed

''Just let it out, I swear I won't freak out''

''I'm afraid that's going to be impossible, you see Lizzie your parents went to the hospital and on the way back they....they got into an accident, a very bad one, and they didn't make it out....alive sweety, you got called to the office at school and you were told the news, you were shocked and you fainted. You didn't wake up for two weeks Lizzie, I was really worried, the doctor said you were just shocked. Oh Lizzie, I just couldn't afford to loose you or anyone else''


I was shocked.

Everything suddenly came back to me, my head started to ache like hell. There were no tears, I could actually feel my heart break. I lost them, the people I love the most, I couldn't believe it, they're gone.


''Lizzie, darling, please talk to me''


I couldn't. My world was collapsing right in front of me, piece by piece. My mind was shutting everything else out, all I could think about was, they left me, I didn't even get to say goodbye properly. I should have listened, I should have left with a smile, I should have never argued. This is all my fault. WHY? Why me? Why my heart?


''Elizabeth? Lizzie? Are you ok? Please talk to me, don't shut me out, I know this is hard but we can get through this together darling, you're a strong girl, you have to understand''


''Why? Out of all things, why did this have to happen? Why to me?''


''NO!! Only they can call me that''


I ran out of the lounge and into my room, knocking a tea cup down on the way. I didn't stop when I heard the cup shatter into pieces, there was absolutely no tears, no sniffs. Only pain and regret. I ran into my room and threw myself on the bed, I looked over at my bedside at the picture of me and my family




''Lizzie, slow down darling, there's a lot of time'' my mom said

''But I want to go now on the big round wheel mommy!!'' I exclaimed

''Ok we will but let's take this picture first darling'' my dad said

''Ok, but let's make fast'' I said


We all went to sit on the bright colored bench in front of the camera


''Ok guys, you ready?'' the camera guy asked

''Yes we are'' my dad said

''Daddy?'' I tapped him on the shoulder

''Yes sweety?''

''Can I hold my baby sister please?''

''Of course Lizzie'' my mom smiled


She placed Daisy carefully on my lap, and I smiled as I looked down at the most beautiful baby sister in the world.


''Ok people, say cheese!!''




Can't I rewind??



Pretty Nightmares

I was walking through a beautiful garden with roses and trees, it was like paradise. I turned around and saw a white horse I walked forward to touch it when I caught sight of my hand, it was covered in black I looked up to see a black shadow, I try to run but my legs were stuck to the ground, I try to scream but I had no voice, I was being pulled into the ground, I looked up at the bright blue sky to see my parents smiling down at me and then I was gone.


I woke up with a scream, I looked around to see the familiar surroundings of my room, no garden, and no monster but also no parents. It was just a dream.

My grandma burst in the room with a worried look on her face.


''Lizzie!! What's wrong? Are you okay?''

''I'm fine grandma, it was just a bad dream''

''Okay then wait here, I'll go get you a glass of water''


Like I got anywhere to go. While she was gone I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I looked horrible, sad, alone and lost. I tried to make myself a bit neat, after five minutes I gave up and went back into the room. My grandma was sitting on the bed, holding the picture frame in one hand and a glass of water in another, I went to sit next to her.


''We went to the festival that day, I remember I was so excited to go on the Ferris wheel and that was the first time I got to hold Daisy'' I whispered

''You were so small and fragile, you were and still are the sweetest girl in the world. But I need you to do me a huge favor, I need you to be strong and don't let this tear you apart. Your parents love you, your mother had the biggest smile on the day you were born, your father was in tears. And I'm sure that they left knowing that you would make it through life with a brave heart. I believe in you, my darling, so please do this for me and yourself''


I stared at the picture for a long time and I couldn't do it anymore, I burst out crying. My grandma held me in her arms, I sobbed and sobbed, my cheeks were wet with tears. I cried for almost an hour, till my head hurt and my throat was dry. My grandma sat there rocking me in her embrace. I love her.



''Yes darling?''

''Thank you for being there for me, I really love you''

''This is my job, I will always be there for you, I love you more than you think''

''And grandma? Sorry about the tea cup''

''You can break as many of those as you want, but you will never allow your heart to break, understand?''

''I'll try my hardest''

''That's my girl, now why don't you go and wash up, come down and we'll have some tea and cakes''



She smiled and walked out of the room, I stared after her, my grandma was a very strong woman, she's very independent and brave. She's got more energy than me, she's about my height, long gray hair, brown eyes, and a soft voice.


She's all I have.



The unfamiliar usual

I woke up the next morning, the sun not seeming bright as it was 2 weeks ago. Thank God that it's holidays because I'm really not in the mood to get up. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep


I was back in the garden, there were flowers and butterflies everywhere, it was so peaceful and relaxing.


''Lizzie come on, we're going to be late'' I turned around to see my little sister Daisy

''Daisy!! You're alive!'' I shouted

''Huh? I don't know what you're saying. Hurry!! It's family picture time!!''


Family? That means....


''Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here? I thought you were dead!''

''Darling you are talking absolute nonsense'' my dad said

''Ok now I want you all to stand together and say cheese'' the camera guy said, I recognized him, he was the same guy that took our picture at the festival.


We all stood together and shouted cheese.


''Lizzie darling?'' my mom called me

''Yes mom?'' I said

''Remember we will always be by your side, we love you, be strong little girl, mummy loves you''


And then she disappeared 


'' Lizzie honey?''

''Dad! Where did mom go?''

''Don't break yourself, I'm proud of you, you're daddy's girl forever''


Then he disappeared, I saw my sister running towards me.


''Lizzie! I love you very much, you are my hero!''


And she was gone, I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, I looked down at my hands and saw a picture of me and my family in the garden, the one we took just now. I looked up and saw a familiar figure, she was walking towards me calling my name.


''Lizzie! Lizzie!''




''Lizzie! Lizzie!''


I opened my eyes to see my grandma shaking me, I sat up and looked around looking for them, then realized it was just a dream.


''Darling, are you ok?'' she asked

''Yes grandma I'm fine, why?''

''You were smiling and crying in your sleep'' 


I reached up and touched my face, it was wet. I grabbed a tissue and wiped all the tears away.


''It was just a dream grandma'' I said

''You want to tell me about it?'' she asked


I wanted to, but I felt it was like a little secret between me and my family that I needed to keep safe.


''No it's ok grandma, thanks anyway''

''Okay then, when you're done getting dressed come down for lunch''

''Ok'' I reached out and gave her a peck on the cheek, she smiled and walked out.


I didn't realize it was so late already, wow I really slept for long. I got up and sat on the bed staring at the walls around me, my room walls were filled with frames and pictures, I loved to decorate my room otherwise it seems too boring and empty. I've got a picture that says




Whenever I read it for some reason I smile, I have no idea why. I finally got up and went to my bathroom to have a shower, I stopped halfway and looked in the mirror, I stared and then I smiled remembering my dream, there was a real meaning behind that dream and I loved it.


''Thanks, mom and dad, I love you too Daisy, you all are in my heart forever''



A little bit brighter

 Ahhh, the shower, it's so peaceful, I feel free. I don't know why but whenever I need to shower I feel lazy but when I get in I can't come out. After about half an hour I grabbed my towel and came out of the bathroom. I'm not really one of those girls who stand in front of the mirror and dump a lot of chemicals on my skin, I only apply some cream, eyeliner and a bit of gloss. And now the hardest task of my day, choosing what to wear, my closet is practically overflowing but I can never find something to wear.


'' Lizzie darling, breakfast's waiting'' my grandma called from downstairs

''Coming'' I shouted


After a debate between the two parts of my brain, I finally settle down on a lilac flower top with denim jeans. I get my cream and put some gloss, fight with my hair for 10 minutes, I end up putting it in a high pony, and then I'm ready. I run downstairs.


''There you are, I thought you got lost in your closet'' my grandma joked. She was really looking nice, she was wearing a long blue grannish-kind-of dress with white sandals.


''You look really nice grandma'' I said

''Thank You dear and so do you'' she smiled


She placed a plate of waffles with ice cream and flake in front of me with a cup of tea. I dug in immediately, it was delicious, just like my.... moms.


''So Lizzie, I was wondering if you had any plans for today'' she asked 

''No grandma, my life is as boring as a turtle's one'' I said

''Not true, so anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go to the outdoor market today? You know, just to do some shopping''

''I would love that, so what time do we leave?'' I said eating the last of my waffle

''Now'' she said


First I was surprised then I remembered that it was late in the afternoon, and here I am eating waffles.


''Ok, I'll just go get my bag'' I said walking out of the kitchen


I run upstairs, feeling excited for today, I love going out, especially if it's for shopping. I grabbed my small purple bag, threw on a necklace and a bracelet, I took one last look in the mirror, wondering if I looked good.


''You look, beautiful, darling, now go and have fun'' I looked at me in the mirror and there she was, my mom

''MUM?'' I shouted but when I turned around she was gone, god now I'm imagining things

''Lizzie what's wrong?'' my grandma came running in.

''N....n..nothing I just bumped my head on the dressing table draw'' I said

''Well, aren't you clumsy? Come on let's go'' she said walking out.


I turned around once again but there was nobody. This is really bad. I shook my head and went down where my grandma was busy running all over looking for something.


''Grandma what's wrong'' I asked

''Oh Lizzie, I can't seem to find my car keys'' she panicked


I almost burst out laughing.


''Uh grandma? Can I tell you something?'' 

''Yes darling?'' she asked without looking at me

''Your, Uh, car keys are in your hand grandma''


She looked at her hands in shock then burst out laughing, I joined her.


''Oh God, so stupid of me, what would I do without you Lizzie?'' she said still laughing

''Nevermind grandma, it happens to all of us, come on let's go'' I smiled


I took the keys from her and locked up the house then skipped to the car. We jumped in and she started the car. Just as I was putting my seatbelt on I caught sight of something waving at me in the mirror.

It was dad!!! I turned around in my seat and stuck my head out the window but he was gone.


''Are you okay Lizzie?'' my grandma asked

''Yeah, I just thought I saw a lost kitten'' I lied. Again.

''Well our imaginations go crazy sometimes'' she laughed


Yeah, a little too crazy...



Small things mean alot

 We drove for 15 minutes in silence, the market is about 25 minutes away from the house.


''Do you want to switch the radio on Lizzie?'' grandma asked

'Sure'' I replied


I switched it on and a game show came on, I hate game shows, I changed it and the news came on, I saw my grandma's face light up, she loves to listen to the news so I left it. I stared out the window thinking about this past week, it was scary and a lot of unusual things have happened, then my thoughts drifted towards my grandma. It must be very hard for her, but she tries to keep on a brave face, I saw her when my grandpa passed away, she was broken, and for her to lose two people the closest to her, in a space of 3 years, must have been a nightmare. She and grandpa were the perfect couple, they did everything together, I don't think there was a time when they ever separated, not even for a night. My grandpa was a very nice person, he was kind and caring, he always gave without expecting anything back and I think that's why my grandma loved him. They had a very strong bond, and when he died, it was the worst thing that ever happened to my grandma, she cried for days, she wasn't eating, she was trying to kill herself. But then slowly she began to eat, laugh, enjoy. She became stronger than ever after his death, looking at her now, some stranger would think that she was the happiest person, always warm and caring. But I know that there is a very big scar that was left by his departure. And who can blame her?. It's never easy losing the one you love and spent most of your life with, ask me, I know.


''Come on darling, let's do some shopping!!'' she said all excited


Did I mention that grandma loves shopping? She can walk into a shop looking for one thing but come out with a whole shopping cart full of packets. Yup, that's her, but I'm glad it cheers her up.

We got off the car and walked towards the first stall.


''Now Lizzie since we don't need anything important, we can go crazy!! Just pick anything you want and I'll pay for it'' she said

''Thanks, grandma, you're the best'' I said 


We stopped at the stall with different kind of frames hanging everywhere.


''Welcome Welcome, please, come in my wonderful visitors'' I turned around to see a middle age man with a very big smile, he looked like a child in a man's body.


''Wow this is very interesting artwork'' my grandma said looking around

''Thank you, only the best pieces'' he smiled

''Lizzie why don't you pick one for your room? I'm sure you'll find a suitable one''


Now me being a girl who loves to decorate didn't have to be told twice. I wandered around looking at all the beautiful paintings when I stopped in front of a middle sized frame, it was beautiful, it had all different colours splashed onto the frame in all different directions.


''What's your name young lady?'' the man asked

''I'm Lizzie and you are?'' I asked

''Such a pretty name for a pretty girl, I'm Mike'' he said

''Cool, you seem like a nice man'' I said

''Thank you, so Lizzie, you see that painting? It has a beautiful meaning behind it'' 

''It does? What?'' I asked

''If you look hard enough, you will see that all the different splashes meet together to form a beautiful flower in the centre of the frame'' he explained


I squinted my eyes and looked carefully and he was right! Right in the middle of all the mess, there was a blooming flower, it was beautiful.


''But wait, what's the meaning of this?'' I asked

''It means. my little girl, that in the middle of all the mess and confusions in life there's always going to be something lovely and worth working for. Do you understand?.'' He asked

''Yes I do, It's wonderful, I've never seen anything like it'' I said

''Neither did I, and there's only one of this painting, I looked everywhere in the country but it doesn't look like there's another one, some talented artist must have painted it in a time of boredom or distress'' he said


I stared at the painting a little longer and then decided, I must have it, it's beautiful on the inside and outside.


''Grandma, can you come here a minute?'' I called

''Yes dear? Do you see something that you like?'' she asked


I nodded, then pointed at the frame, I explained everything that Mike just told me to her, and she was just as shocked as me.


''Well then, we must take it, it's beautiful! But before that, can you please tell me who the hell is Mike?'' she asked 

''He's the shopkeeper grandma'' I laughed

''Oh, ok then, Mike!' she shouted for him

''Yes? Can I help you?'' he asked

''We would like to take this one and the one I showed you earlier please'' she told him

''Oh of course, just give me a minute'' he said


I walked over to the counter to see a square sized frame lying there, it had a bench placed in front of the lake with ducks, on the bench sat two old people with their arms wrapped around each other wearing matching hats.


''It's nice isn't it?'' my grandma whispered from behind me

''It's wonderful'' I said


It reminds her of grandpa, they would always go to the lake together for a picnic or to feed the ducks, I remember going with them a few times.


''Come on, let's go to the next shop'' she said

''Right behind you grandma'' I answered





Freaky shopping


''Yes darling?''

''Why do ducks make that noise'' I asked

''Well sweetpea, every animal has a special way of communicating, like we speak English and a lot of other languages''

''Yup, like how cows go mo oooooh and cats go meow like that ducks go quack quack'' I laughed out aloud as my grandpa made different animal sounds


''Grandpa? Can we go feed the ducks?'' I asked

''Sure go ahead, we're right behind you'' He said

''And be careful you don't fall into the lake'' my grandma joked


I laughed and ran towards the lake excited to feed the ducks, I took the bread pieces and threw them at the ducks, I enjoyed watching how they would flock together to get the bread. I caught sight of one duck who was sitting alone floating on the water, I walked towards it and threw a piece of bread at it, at first, it backed away, scared, but then it came closer and picked up the bread gobbling it up in a second. I turned around to call my grandparents but stopped when I saw the beautiful sight in front of me. They were both sitting on the bench holding each other and laughing, I stared at them for a while when my grandpa saw me and waved me over to the bench.


I hope I'll find love like that one day




''Do you see anything interesting Lizzie darling?'' grandma's voice pulled me back into the present.


''Nope, still looking'' I said

''Oooh, look at this bracelet, it's beautiful'' she said picking up a multicolored bracelet 

''It is nice, it would look wonderful on you'' I said

''Oh no, I meant for you, I don't wear bracelets'' she said

''No thank you, I have enough at home'' I said


I picked up the bracelet and fitted it onto my grandma's hand, it fitted perfectly and looked wonderful. I asked for the price and paid for it with my money.


''But why? I'm too old'' my grandma said

''Just because you think you're old, doesn't mean you have to stop being beautiful grandma, and besides you're still young and joyful to me, it's a gift from me to show you how much I appreciate you being there for me'' I asked

''Oh darling, you don't have to thank me, I do it all with love'' she said

''Thank you, grandma, I love you'' I whispered 

''I love you too, now come on let's shop, we aren't done yet'' she said 

''Of course we aren't'' I laughed


We walked around picking up random things that we've never seen before, I saw a diary that's electric, all you have to do is unlock it with a password, and the best part is you don't have to write, you just have to speak, I bought it. I've got hundreds of diaries at home but I don't write in any of them, probably because I'm too lazy to write so much.


''Lizzie, do you think a blue or green scarf will suit me better?'' grandma asked

''I think you should take the one with both, blue and green, on it'' I answered

''Oh yes, you're such a clever girl Lizzie'' she said


But I wasn't listening anymore because I spotted a weird, and might I say freaky, looking man staring at me. He had a thick mustache and a half bald head, he just kept staring at me, I was getting scared so I quickly ran up to grandma and hid behind her. When I looked back he was gone, a shiver ran down my spine, he was scary.


''Are you alright dear?'' my grandma asked me

''Yeah I'm fine'' I replied

''Ok then'' 


We walked towards a stall that was filled with different T-shirts with writings on them. I walked in and looked around at all the different kind of designs and words. I stopped in front of one lovely looking T-shirt. It was filled with different shades of blue and on it was written the words




It was nice, I picked it up and walked further in to see the others and then I saw a neon pink one that had purple beads on it and the words




I loved it, I picked that one up too and walked to the counter where my grandma was just placing three different T-shirts that she picked out. She paid for it all and we walked out.


''Do you want something to drink grandma?'' I asked

''Yes I do, come on there's a drinks stand'' she said


We went to the stand that was being managed by a boy who was about my age, maybe a little older, he was wearing jeans with a green shirt, he had long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He looked cheerful.


''Good afternoon miss, what can I get for you?'' he asked

''I would like a mango juice please and a water too'' my grandma said

''Ok, and you miss?'' he asked looking at me. For a moment I didn't register that he was speaking to me, my grandma coughed and my head snapped up


''Oh me? I'll take just water please'' I said

''Ok, coming right up'' he said bending down to get the drinks


He handed us our drinks and I paid for it.


''Enjoy the rest of your day miss'' he said smiling at me

''Thank you'' I replied then walked away catching up with my grandma


We sat and talked, sipping our drinks, watching all the people walking by. Mind you but I'm a people watcher, I don't know why but I just like to take in all the details of the person from their outside profile, I don't judge, I just watch and then keep my opinions to myself. We got up, threw our dirt in the bin and then carried on walking.


''Let's just have a look at a few more stalls then we'll go, it's getting a bit late'' my grandma said

''Kk'' I replied


We walked further and then stopped at a few more shops. We just stopped to take a look at the animals they were selling when I spotted that freaky man again, this time, he was smiling at me, and let me just tell you, it wasn't pretty. I pulled grandma away from the cages and we carried on walking. We stepped into a stall that had different kinds of ornaments, this reminded me of Daisy, she loved ornaments and pretty little pink stuff. I walked around and saw a small little snow globe, in it was a heart, it was really pretty. For some reason, I remembered seeing the exact same thing before, but I couldn't remember clearly, I picked it up and was on my way to the counter when I saw a small little girl with her back towards me. She was wearing a pink tutu with a crown on her head, just like Daisy. But when she turned around I got such a shock that the snow globe from my hand slipped and fell to the ground


''Hey lovely sister, don't buy that snow globe please, I've got one like that under my bed and I want you to have it. It's special, so don't lose it'' Daisy whispered


I bent down to give her a hug but she wasn't there, she was gone. I was imagining things again. Why does this keep on happening to me?


''Lizzie darling? Are you ok?'' I looked up to see grandma and the shopkeeper staring down at me, I was on my knees, I looked down looking for the globe but it wasn't there. Then a hand appeared in front of me, I turned around to see a small boy holding it in his small fingers. He handed to me and said


''It was almost going to hurt the floor but I caught it, did you see that mommy? I'm superman'' he cried 

''Of course you are sweety'' he's mother said

I laughed at this little boy's cheerful chubby cheeks, he was really adorable


''Thank you, superman, you saved my life'' I joked, he's eyes glowed and he smiled at me


''Now come on little buddy, why don't you give this beautiful girl her snow globe back?'' I heard a deep voice say.


I turned around, and I swear, my heart skipped a beat.





Sudden Supprises

 He was tall, perhaps a little older than me, he had brown eyes and sea green eyes. He was stunning.


''Ok Tay Tay'' the little boy said

''Tay Tay?'' I laughed

''Yeah, my nickname. Hi, I'm Tyler'' he said

''I'm Lizzie, nice to meet you'' I said


I stared into his eyes, it was gorgeous, I then bent down to the little boy to match his height and asked


''And what's your name superman?''

''Tommy Ryan'' he said

''That's a nice name, little Tommy'' I pinched his cheeks

''Thank you'' he laughed


He took my hand and placed the globe there. He looked like he didn't want to let go.


''Do you like the globe, Tommy?'' I asked

''It's nice, but it's for girls to play with'' he said

''Tell you what, you can take it home with you and keep it safe and when you grow up and find a girl that you love you can give it to her, Ok?'' I asked

''Really? Thank you'' he said jumping up and down

''Come on Tommy, let's go pay for it'' Tyler said

''No, it's fine, it's on me, he did save the precious thing after all'' I laughed

''Thanks, Lizzie, he'll be sure to keep it real safe'' his mother said

''No problem, it's my pleasure'' I said


We walked to the counter and I paid for it, it was so cute to see him so excited. I gave him the packet and he gave me a hug which almost made me fall. I laughed at his similarity to Daisy. DAISY!!! Where is she?, I just saw her. I looked around but couldn't find her, unexpectedly a single tear managed to escape from my eyes, I quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe it off, hoping nobody saw me. But when I turned around I saw Tyler staring at me.


''Are you ok?'' he asked

''Yeah I'm fine, Thanks'' I smiled

''Lizzie come on darling, I think we're done shopping for today'' my grandma said

''Just for today grandma? I was thinking the whole month'' I laughed


I heard laughter behind me, I turned around and smiled. I picked up my packets and started walking out. I turned around and blew a kiss at Tommy who giggled with delight


''It was nice meeting you guys, I hope to see you all again'' I said

''Yup, definitely, Thanks for the gift'' Tyler said

''No problem, Bye Mrs.Ryan, Tommy, Tyler'' I said

''Bye darling'' she said


I smiled and walked away, replaying all that just happened in my head


''They are very nice people'' grandma said

''Yes, they are'' I replied

''So now? Some ice cream dear?''

''That would be wonderful grandma'' I said laughing


We walked back to the car, my grandma had her car from the time I was born, she just doesn't want to get another one. It's a silver-blue BMW, she just loves it, my grandpa bought it for their anniversary 14 years ago. We loaded the packets into the back seat and got in the front. It took a while to get out from the parking as it was packed but we made it out in about 10 minutes. Once we were on the open road I turned on the radio, the news was on. They were saying something about a robbery that happened last night. I have never once experienced or witnessed a robbery or any other kind of crime, Thank God. We arrived 21 minutes later, yes I was counting. We parked and got off. The last time I came here was with my parents.



 ''Lizzie what flavor do you want?'' dad asked

''I want chocolate with flake and sweets please'' I said

''And you Daisy?'' my mom asked my little sister

''Strawberry with lots of syrup'' she screamed

''Ok slow down Daisy, no need to scream'' mom said


We ordered the ice creams and then went to sit at the table, we always sit at the same table, it's our table. The waitress came and gave us coloring pages with crayons. I colored the picture of a rose, while Daisy sat scribbling and breaking all the crayons, she always does that.


''Daisy you have to color not break the crayons'' I told her

''I know that'' she screamed

''Lizzie, just leave her, I don't know why she's so moody today'' mom said


I shifted over to Daisy's side and gave her a hug


''What's wrong Dais?'' I asked her, that's my nickname for her.

''I'm tired of walking all over the world, I wanna go home'' she cried, I laughed and kissed her on her cheek

''Why don't we have our ice creams then go home and snuggle in my bed and watch a movie together?'' I asked her

''Really? Ok!'' she laughed, happy now

''Oh Lizzie what would I do without you?'' my mom said




''Lizzie what flavor do you want?'' my grandma asked pulling me back into the present 

''Umm, I'll have chocolate with flake, please'' I said

''Coming right up'' the man behind the counter said


We went to sit down at the same table I always sit at with my family. I took out my phone and started playing candy crush, I can never win at it but I just keep on playing, it's nice for passing the time. After a while, two ice creams were placed in front of us, I switched off my phone before picking up the spoon and eating, I always leave the flake for last, I don't know why but I just do. When we were just about done with our ice creams, the door opened and a boy stepped in, he looked a bit younger than me, about 14.


''Ah Marcus, finally you're here'' the man said ''Ladies this is my son Marcus'' 

''Nice to meet you Marcus dear'' grandma said

''Hi, I'm Lizzie''

''So? Are you enjoying the ice cream?'' Marcus asked

''It's lovely, I always come to eat ice cream here, it's the best around'' I said

''Thanks'' the man said


I looked around the shop, it was empty, in about half an hour it will start buzzing. We were just about to leave when a strange man came flying in through the open door followed with two other men with masks on. I screamed, not because of the bleeding man lying on the floor, but because these other two men had guns with them. My grandma fainted and Marcus grabbed me and ran to the back room before the men noticed us.


''What the hell was that?'' I asked in tears

''I have no idea but I know it's dangerous'' he whispered

''But my grandma! We have to get her'' I cried

No No, not unless you want to die, stay here I'm going to call the police'' he said getting up, I grabbed his hand


''I want to come with, please don't leave me here alone'' I whimpered 


Just as we were about to get up there was a gun shot, Marcus covered my mouth before I could scream. We ran to the back where the phone was, Marcus quickly dialed the police, I couldn't hear anything he was saying because I was scared, I couldn't lose anyone else in my life, I can't do this anymore


''They're on their way, here why don't you have some water'' 

''No thanks, I need to go out now and see what's happening, I can't have my grandma dead at this point in my life, please'' I cried

''Shhhhh, it's going to be ok Lizzie'' he said calming me down 


We waited for seemed like ages before we heard a siren, I quickly jumped up and ran to the front with Marcus behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks, there was blood everywhere. I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything that I ate today. I lay my head against the cold bathroom wall. When I felt fine I went out again. Marcus's dad was on a stretcher and grandma was sitting up awake drinking water that an officer gave her. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly


''Grandma, are you okay?'' I asked

''I'm fine darling, are you hurt?'' she asked looking me up and down

''No, I got away in time'' I said


I walked up to Marcus. He was crying. I gave him a hug.


''Are you okay Marcus?'' I asked

''I'm fine, but my dad isn't, they shot him in his left leg'' he cried

''I'm so sorry, I'm sure he'll be fine'' I calmed him down


I walked over to the police officer


''Can you please tell me what happened, sir?'' I begged

''Ah you must be Lizzie'' he smiled

''Yes, I am''

''Well those two men that you saw have been causing corruptions all over town lately, and we've been on the look out for them, we finally caught them thanks to you guys. However they did manage to take the life of the guard that was standing outside'' he said, I remembered the guy that flew in.


''And shoot this poor old man in his leg, but I assure you that everything's fine, he just needs a bit of treatment and he'll be up and serving delicious ice cream in no time, as for those rascals we sure will take car of them'' 

''Thank you so much'' I said

''No problem, now we're going to have that kind officer take you and your grandma home safely, make sure you distress yourself with a hot cup of coffee, lovely child'' he said

''We sure will, thank you'' I said and gave him a hug, which is weird because people don't normally hug policemen.


I walked back to my grandma and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I told Marcus everything the officer just said and bid him goodbye, I wished the old man a quick and happy recovery


''I'll be back for another ice cream soon, so you better be well uncle'' I joked


He laughed and thanked me, we gathered our things and walked out following the officer who is going to drive us home, grandma's car is going to be towed along behind us.


Huh, so much for not witnessing a crime before.





Carry On

 I replayed it all in my head, the day turned from the best to the worst in just under an hour. I looked out the window then something struck a cord, something that really didn't register until now, when that man came flying in, there weren't only two other men who walked in, there was a third, he was the same freaky man I saw at the market, he didn't come in and he didn't get caught, so that means he's still out there, I need to keep a careful eye out for him. We pulled up at our house, grandma's car was already parked in the driveway.


''There we are, ladies. I apologize for all the miss convenience, enjoy the rest of your evening'' the officer said.


We thanked him and got off, I opened the front door and we stepped in.


''Grandma why don't you go and get dressed into something more comfortable then I'll make some hot cocoa for us'' I said

''Oh Thank you dear'' she said and went into her room.


I ran to mine and changed into my pajamas,  I applied some night cream and tied my hair into a bun. I always go to sleep my with my hair up, I wake up with fewer knots and it makes my skin less oily. I packed away all the things that we bought and hung up the frame. I went back downstairs to find grandma sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket. I went to the kitchen to put the kettle on, I took out the cups, there is this one cup that I love, I always use it, it's my cup and nobody's allowed to use it, it has little hearts on it. I poured the water into the cups with cocoa and went back into the lounge, giving her's to her, I sat down next to her on the couch.


''Thank you dear'' she smiled



We sat there in silence in front of the heater, it was freezing so I took the other blanket and covered myself with it. I remember doing this with my family, my mom would read us a story and we would always sit together and laugh at anything and everything. She and my dad were one of the happiest couples I know, yes, they had fights but they never went to bed angry at each other.


''Grandma? How did mom and dad meet?'' I asked

''Well darling, your parents love story is a very interesting one'' she said

''Well, let's hear it'' I said lying my head down on her lap


She laughed and put her cup down, stroking my hair.


''We and your mother's parents were neighbors but we weren't very close, just meet up once in a while. When I gave birth to your father they were there and when she gave birth to your mother I was there to help her, so casually we became good friends. One day, I think your father was about 7 years, he was playing outside with his ball and your mother happened to be playing with her dolls and Joseph, being the rough boy he was, accidently kicked the ball too hard and it hit Caroline's head, so she went inside crying, your father came in looking very sad so I asked him what's wrong and he told me what happened and in between he started crying, I comforted him, cleaned him up and told him we were going next door to apologize, so I took him there and he apologized and your mother, being the sweet little girl she always was, smiled and gave him a hug. They became best friends since that day. A few years later when your mother's parents passed away in an accident that was caused by a drunk man, she was broken and so fragile, she didn't want to move away from that house so we accepted her into our family, we sold that house and saved the money for her college funds. She had an older sister but she had already gotten married and moved out. She told me that her sister and their parents weren't on very good terms. She married without the blessings of their parents and at a young age, so she had no contact with them at all. Caroline was dear to us, she was always a present pleasure, always smiling and brightening up the mood. I think it was a few weeks before they both went off to college, I found her in her room crying. I calmed her down thinking she was crying because she was missing her parents so I told her that they would be very proud of her and then she told me 'I'm not only crying because I miss them, the real reason I was crying is because your son told me that he loves me'. I was shocked, I mean all these years living with them, I never really saw any romance spark between them. I told her that when my son loves someone, he loves forever, that seemed to make her feel better, we sat up that night laughing and talking about old times. And on their graduation day your father proposed, she said yes and they got married soon after''


''Wow, that is one love story'' I said

''Yes it is, but do you want to know what was the best part of all this to your parents?'' she asked


''The day you were born. I still remember that night your father went to see an old friend that came to visit the town. I was sitting in my room reading, your mother came in crying, telling me to rub her back for her, I asked her what kind of pain it was and she said 'It keeps on coming and going mom, please do something, it's terrible'. I looked at her shocked 'You're in labor you silly child'. She started screaming, I called your father and we took her to the hospital. A few hours later you were born, your parents were so happy, your father was in tears along with your mother. I had never seen such joy before in my life, they had the biggest smile on their faces Lizzie''


I looked at my grandma, she had tears in her eyes. I took a tissue and wipe her eyes then wiped mines, yes I was crying.


''Grandma, why don't you go and sleep, you must be really tired'' I said

''Yes I should go and sleep, you go too darling''

''I will grandma, goodnight'' I kissed her forehead and then she went to her bedroom.


I sat there for a while thinking about my parents, I got up and switched off all the lights and went to my room. I went to the bathroom and jumped into the bed.


My eyes popped open moments later, I silently got up and went to Daisy's room, I lifted up the sheets and my eyes widened, there under the bed was a slow globe, the exact same one I saw at the market, except this one had a small ballerina in the middle of the heart. I took it to my room, shook it and placed it on my dressing table, got back into the bed and snuggled under the sheets.


Thank you, Daisy.

Moving on

 I was in a car moving very fast, I looked around but I was alone and nobody was driving either. I started screaming.


''Why are you screaming?'' said a voice


I turned around to see a man with red hair and a long nose, then realized I was in a room filled with lights. I tried to speak but I couldn't.


''Move on Lizzie, go live your life'' I turned around to see my mom and dad

''But I miss you guys'' I whispered with tears

''We will always be by your side watching out for you'' my dad said

''Yeah and keep my globe safe'' said Daisy appearing from nowhere.


But before I could say anything they disappeared and in their place was that freaky man 


''I found you, darling'' he whispered

''Leave me alone, I hate you!!''

''You can run but you can't hide. I'm coming for you, soon''


I started running as fast as I could but then I suddenly stopped, I was being pulled into a large bowl of black water.




I woke up with a start, Thank god I didn't scream this time. I looked at the time, it was 9 in the morning. I laid back down thinking about the dream, it was scary and I really don't know what he meant by what he said. I got up because I couldn't go back to sleep, I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, I got in. 

After about an hour I got out, feeling a bit relaxed. I stood in front of the cupboard deciding what to wear, I chose gray pants with a gray and white top with a long back. I made my bed and took out the diary that I got yesterday. I pushed the small button which said 'on'.


''Hi, I'm your new friend. You can talk to me anytime. I won't tell anybody our secrets. Don't forget to give me a name!!'' it said


I laughed and it's friendliness and then thought of a name. Lily. I love that name.


''Hi, I'm Lizzie and I'm naming you Lily'' I said

''I love that name, Thank you. Now tell me your secrets Lizzie'' she said

''Well for one, I'm an orphan and I'm staying with my grandma now. I really miss them. I had a small sister too. They all passed away in an accident on the way from the hospital'' 

''Oh god, that's terrible, I'm so sorry'' it said

''Thanks, I'll speak to you later, I'm gonna go eat breakfast'' I said when I heard grandma in the kitchen

''Ok bye, enjoy!'' it said and I switched it off.


I put it on top of my cupboard and ran downstairs. There's this one picture of me and my family on the day Daisy was born, hanging on the wall.



''Mom? What are we going to name her?'' I asked

''I don't know Lizzie, do you have any ideas for us?'' my mom said


I thought for a moment and then decided.


''I know! We can name her Daisy, I love that name, dad''

''Mmmm, Daisy, yes that's a nice name. What do you think love?'' dad asked mom

''I think it's lovely''


I smiled and climbed on the chair that was next to the bed. I kissed her on her forehead


''I love you, Daisy''




''Good Morning grandma'' I said walking into the kitchen

''Morning darling'' she said


I looked at her, she seemed troubled, like she was hiding something. She gave me an egg and a cup of tea


''Thanks, grandma'' I said

''Welcome sweety'' 


We ate in silence, none of us bothering to start a conversation. I ate and then took the dishes to the sink to wash. Grandma cleared the table and we both went to the lounge. I switched on the TV. There wasn't much to watch, the good shows only start coming on in the evening. I left the news on and turned around to see grandma fiddling with her thumbs.


''Grandma is something wrong?'' I asked 

''Oh nothing dear''

''Come on, you want to tell me something so say it'' 

''Oh ok, you see Lizzie, this house is a bit too big for us two, so I was thinking why don't we go back to Durban. I know it's going to be hard for you moving away from the house you grew up in. But we need to do this.''


Move? I knew that was going to happen someday, but I can't let this house go. I know that it's a bit stupid to have a big house when it's just two of us. But what about school? And my friends?. I didn't want to make it any harder for grandma because I know that she's trying hard to look after me and she herself is getting old, and there isn't anyone else to help. So I decided that I'm gonna be strong and move on just as my parents told me. And it wasn't like I was going to live here forever, sooner or later I was going to leave for college, so maybe this is a chance to get started. I mean I've only got another year to go so it really doesn't make a difference.


''I know grandma, I was expecting this. It's ok, you don't have to stress, I'll do what needs to be done'' I smiled

''Thank you for understanding'' she said hugging me

''So I decided we're going to sell this house and move in about a week if that's possible. We can save the money for your college funds.''

''Yeah, that sounds fun. Can I go and call Linda to tell he?'' I asked

''Sure go ahead'' she smiled


I got off the couch and went to the house phone, I dialed her number and rung about 4 times and then I got their answering machine, so I told her to call me back when she gets the message. After about 15 minutes the phone rang but my grandma answered it before me since I was in my room and she was in the kitchen.


''It's Linda'' grandma said handing me the phone


''Hey Linda'' I said

''Lizzie!! Hi, are you okay?'' she asked

''Yes, I'm fine. Why?''

''Well, I heard about your parents, I'm so sorry''

''It's ok, not your fault.''

''I know. I mean I was worried that day Stacey came to call you and you never came back so I thought you went home. But then you didn't come to school for 2 weeks so I called and your grandma told me you were in the hospital. I came to see you but you were sleeping, I cried so much, I wanted to stay with you there but my parents wouldn't let me''

''Thanks for coming to see me anyway, when I woke up I didn't remember anything. I lost my memory for a short while but then when I got home my grandma told me what happened and then I remembered everything''


We spoke for a long time then I remembered why I actually wanted to talk to her


''Uh Linda'' I interrupted her while she was telling me about the class party that I missed


''I wanted to tell you that my grandma and I are moving to Durban. We're selling the house because this house is a bit too big for us two'' I told her

''Oh'' she said, just that, then I heard crying, she was crying.

''Linda, don't cry, it's not my choice'' I said crying as well


My grandma came and took the phone from me, she asked for Linda's mom, I couldn't hear what she was saying because I went to the lounge and sat on the couch crying. She came into the lounge a little while later. Handing me a tissue she sat down and hugged me. After I stopped crying she made me sit up.


''Lizzie, I'm sorry, if you want we can sell this house and buy another one here''


I wanted to say yes, but I know that my grandma loves her own cozy home, I didn't want to drag her away from her comfort zone just because of my stupid tears.


''No its fine grandma, I'm just being a baby. So what did Linda's mom say?'' I asked

''Well I asked her if Linda can come over to spend some time with you, she said okay, she can even sleep over for 2 days''

''REALLY!? Thank you, grandma, you're the best'' I laughed

''You're welcome, now, why don't you go get ready for her, she'll be here in about half an hour''

''Ok'' I said


I ran upstairs to my room excited. We had many sleepovers but none too recently. I remember the last one we had was when my parents went out leaving us with a babysitter.


We had fun that night.



Sleep over start

 ''Mom where are you guys going?''  I asked

''We going for your father's conference'' she said

''Ok, but why do we have to have a babysitter? We're not babies'' I groaned

''Yes we know, but you know it's dangerous you girls can't stay at home alone'' dad said

''Besides, you girls can do whatever you want, Anne will keep Daisy away from you, so have fun''


They both kissed me on my forehead and walked out. I watched them then turned to Linda and smiled.


''Ok you girls are big enough to know not to make a mess'' Anne said, she's the babysitter.

''We'll behave'' we both said together.


Once she was gone upstairs to Daisy's room, the fun began!!




''Lizzie!! Get the door'' grandma screamed pulling me from my thoughts


I ran to the front door to open, I almost tripped over my feet and fell but I caught myself just in time.


''Hey bestie!!'' I said hugging Linda

''Hey Lizzie, how are you?'' she asked

''Good, Hi Mrs.Grey'' 

''Hi darling, it's so nice to see glowing''

''Thank you''

''Rose! How nice to see you again, how are you darling?'' grandma said coming from behind me

''I'm fine Mrs.Grace and you?'' 

''Good good, come in, come and have a cup of tea with us before you go'' grandma said

''Oh, of course, thank you'' Mrs.Grey said


We all went inside, I ran to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Linda came in behind, she's been here before so she knows where everything is. She took out the dishes and biscuits. I stared at her, she was really pretty. She had red hair with fair skin, hazel eyes and chubby cheeks. I poured the tea into the cups, placed them on the tray and took it to the lounge, with Linda behind me with the other stuff.


''Thank you darling'' Mrs.Grey said


''So, I heard you're moving back to Durban with your grandma''

''Yes I am''

''You're such a brave girl do you know that? I know people have told you to be strong and carry on with your life but I know how it feels. Everyone knows how it feels, losing loved ones is very painful. Just have faith in life, it will all work out. We are all proud of you, and if you need anything, just know that we are here for you''

''Thank you, I will remember that'' I smiled

''Well, you girls have fun, I have to get going, Thank you so much for the tea, warmed me up''

''Anytime Rose, Thank you for coming in'' grandma said


We walked Linda's mom to the door, she gave Linda and I kissed on our cheeks and walked out. We cleared up, talking and laughing. When we were done we sat on the couch together looking at old pictures


''Remember that day Lizzie? You just wanted to throw everything that you saw, you were so furious and we had no idea why'' grandma laughed 

''Yes I remember, I ended up laughing uncontrollably and then fell asleep''


We laughed at our own stupid things we did when we were young. After about an hour and a half, we got up and started laughing when we saw it was almost dark out.


''Well girls, I'm going to relax for a while and then we'll have something to eat, in the meantime you can go do what you want, just keep the house in its original shape'' she joked

''K grandma'' we both said together


Linda is very close to me and my family and because of all the time we spent together Linda started to call her grandma as well, and no one minds. We packed up all the pictures and cleaned up then went up to my room.


''So now what?'' I asked 

''How about we just talk?'' Linda said

''Cool'' I said


We were silent for a few moments


''Ummm, talk about what?'' I asked


We looked at each other then started laughing and every time we stopped we would look at each other and start over again.


''Oh goodness, my sides are painful, enough please'' I laughed

''Ok stop,now, no more laughing'' she said

''Ok now what?'' 

''Tell me about your week''

''Well, We went to the outdoor market and bought a ton of stuff, I'll show you after we eat, we were walking around when I saw a freaky man staring at me, and for some reason, he made feel very scared'' 

''Well maybe he was just looking, you know like everyone does''

''Yeah and then I saw him a few times after that too, it was like he was following me. Anyway, we went to an ornament shop and I picked up a snow globe, it was really pretty and I almost dropped it but this cute boy named Tommy caught it before it fell, and he was so proud of himself he said he was superman''

''Wow, how old was he'' she laughed

''About six or seven and he's mother and older brother, Tyler was with him''

''And how old was this Tyler'' she asked

''Umm a bit older than me, maybe 17, I don't know. So he told Tommy to give me the globe back but I asked Tommy if he liked it, he said yes, so I bought it for him. I told him to give it to his wife when he's older.''

''You said that to a 6-year-old, are you crazy?''

''No I'm not crazy. He liked it but he said it was for girls. Besides, at least he got something to give her, thanks to me. There's nothing wrong with telling him that he's going to get married one day''

''Ok whatever, so tell my about Tyler'' 

''What's to tell? He was a normal boy'' 

''Ok whatever you say darling'' she giggled

''What do you mean by that?'' 

''Nothing nothing, carry on''

''You're crazy, so we walked around and then we went to eat ice cream and that's when the scary part started, we were sitting and eating when a strange man came flying in, followed by two other men and they had gun, the man on the floor was, well, dead. So I screamed and grandma fainted but before they could notice us, Marcus pulled me with him into the back room, so''

''Wait wait, who's Marcus?''

''Oh, he's the shopkeepers son. So we hid there for a while and lucky there was a phone nearby so Marcus called the police. Unfortunately Marcus's father got shot but everyone was fine. They towed our car home and we drove in the cop car''

''Wow that must have been scary''

''The weirdest part was that, in the middle of all the mess I saw something that didn't register in my mind until we sat down in the car''

''What? You didn't finish your icecream?''

''Well that and when that man came flying in there were three men behind him not two, but only two of them got caught. And that one was the same freaky man I saw at the market''

''WHAT? You did tell the police right?''

''No, I didn't, I wasn't sure, it might have just been my imaginations''

''You are insane'' 

''Thank you''


We sat in silence again, I was feeling a bit guilty that I left out some parts, like me seeing Daisy but I don't want her to think I'm mental. After a few moments my stomach growled softly, I then got an idea


''Hey do you want to have fun in the kitchen?'' I asked

''Yes, what have you got in mind?''

''Why don't we surprise my grandma with supper? I'm sure she's still sleeping. We'll be helping and having fun. Two birds, one stone''

''This is why I love you, come on let's go'' she squealed 


Watch out people, the master chef is in the kitchen!!


Sleep over surprise

We tiptoed passed grandma's room careful not to wake her up, I peeped around her door to see her sleeping peacefully, she snores a bit but that's alright. We snuck down to the kitchen and switched on the lights.


''Alright girl, mission 1 accomplished'' I said and high fived Linda

''Time for mission 2'' she said and closed the kitchen door

''Ok so, what are we going to make?'' I asked

''I don't know, why don't we hit the recipe books?''

''Good idea''


I went to the last draw and took out two recipe books. Mom loved to cook, she could buy every recipe book she saw and she was good at it. Her cooking was the best, even though we loved eating out, her cooking was home, grandma's cooking is just as good, mom took after her. She never went to cooking school, she learned everything at home from grandma. I learned something's from her too but not as much, I'm best at making Nutella sandwiches. I flipped through the pages looking for something nice.


''I've got two books here, foods and desserts. We'll get the main dish sorted out and then the sweets''

''And I got a drink one, come on let's start looking, not much time''


We sat down and looked through the first book, we tried to look for something easy, something grandma will like. We thought about making roast and chips but then we didn't want to burn it, I'm not so good at working ovens. 74 pages later, we finally found something easy and tasty.


''Great I love it, my favorite food'' Linda said

''Mine too, come on let's get the stuff out''


We took it all out and placed it on the table one by one, I read the recipe out loud and then took out all the utensils we needed.


''K Chef Linda, you boil the pasta and cook the chicken while I mix the sauce for the chicken and mash the potatoes''

''Got it Chef Liz''


We got busy, I peeled the potatoes and then boiled the water again, I cut them into small squares and then threw them in the pot, poured the hot water and switching on the stove to let it boil. While that was getting done, I grabbed a big bowl and mixed all the sauces, I didn't want to make it too strong because it gives grandma chest burns so I put a little less of everything. I looked over at Linda, she was just straining the pasta. I went to the stove and poked the potatoes, it was still a bit hard so I turned up the stove a bit higher. 


''Chef Liz, the chicken's almost done and the pasta is waiting''

''Great, just give me a few more minutes the mash is on its way''


I took the potatoes of the stove and strained out all the water with Linda's help. With the potato masher I smashed all the potatoes and spread it out in the pyrex dish evenly, took the chicken and mixed it with the sauce then layered it on top of the mash, Linda dumped the pasta onto the chicken.


''Mmmm, something is missing'' we said together


Standing there stroking our chins we realized what was incomplete in this dish.


''The pasta sauce!'' we laughed

''Of course! How stupid of us'' I smiled


We ran to the fridge and took out all the ingredients for the white sauce. We mixed it together then put it on the stove to heat it a bit. When it was done we poured it over the pasta and placed it into the oven on 180° to add the finishing touches


''Great work partner'' we said and high fived then laughed

''Now for the dessert'' I said

''Come on''


We sat on the counter and looked through the book, I loved making desserts, the best part was sucking the leftovers from the bowl with my finger. We thought about Faluda but we didn't have enough milk, then banana split but no bananas, strawberries and cream but no strawberries, Truffle but no cakes. We finished looking through the whole book but we found nothing


''Well, that was a waste of time''

''Let me see if there is another dessert book''


I went to the draw and took out all the dessert books, we looked through all of them but found nothing, it was either too hard, not enough ingredients or just weird, we weren't sure if it was tasty. Just about as I was about to put all the books away, I spotted a book that fell at the back of the draw. I stretched out and took it out, it was like a diary filled with hand written recipes, mom's writing. We flipped through it and found one recipe, it was easy and sounded tasty.


''Girl, I think this is the one'' Linda whispered

''Yeah, we found the hidden treasure'' I whispered

''Let's start''

''Umm, one question, why are we whispering?'' I whispered

''I don't know'' she said and we burst out laughing

''K now the ingredients, you get the liquids and I'll get the solids''


We got everything out and I took out the Kenwood mixing bowl, we put everything in. I took out the pyrex dish and Linda spread the mixture in while I mixed the cream and grated the chocolate for the top. I spread the cream on and Linda sprinkled the chocolate. We placed the desert in the fridge to set and then sat on the counter. I looked at my hands and there was cream messed on them from when I was mixing, I looked at Linda and then smiled.


''Hey Linda, you got a little something on your nose, here let me wipe it off'' I giggled

''Really? Oh I didn't notice''


I laughed and then wiped the cream onto her nose but what I didn't see is that her hands were full of melted chocolate. O-Oh!


''Why you little sneak'' she said covering my face with chocolate while laughing


I ran after her with the batter spoon and splashed some on her top. Big mistake. She grabbed the bag of flour, which was almost empty and threw it at me covering me in white. I gasped and then took the leftover cup of water splashing it on her.


''Oh, I will get you'' she laughed

''You wish!'' I smiled


We laughed and ran around the kitchen covering each other with whatever edible material we could find. We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard something from upstairs. I gasped and so did she.


''Grandma! We are making too much noise''

''Yeah, we better clean up before she comes''


We ran upstairs and peeped through her room door, she was not in the bed


''She must have gone into the bathroom'' Linda whispered

''Come on, let's go clean ourselves up and then try to convince her to stay in bed''

''Yeah, quickly before she comes''


We ran up to my room, I grabbed a new pair of clothes and went into the bathroom, I washed my face and hands then changed. I came out and Linda went in, in about 10 minutes, we were done. We came out of our room just in time to see grandma opening her room door to go down.


''Grandma! You're awake! Why are you awake?'' I asked

''Oh hi darlings, I just thought I heard something in the kitchen'' she said

''What? We didn't hear anything'' Linda said

''Oh well, I have to go and start dinner anyway''

''No no no, you can't, not now, we're in the middle of playing a game. So why don't you go and relax and when we're done, we'll come call you and we can all make dinner together'' I suggested

''Are you sure? You girls are not hungry?'' she asked

''Nope, not yet'' Linda smiled

''Well Ok, let me just go get a glass of water''

''No, you go relax, I'll bring it for you'' I said

''Oh you two are such darlings, Thank you'' she hugged us both


Once she was in her room we both let out a sigh of relief.


''That was close'' I whispered

''You bet, come on let's go clean up''


We went back downstairs and almost fainted, the kitchen was a mess, there was flour everywhere even on the windows, drops of chocolate and water splashed everywhere. We looked at each other and then groaned. I poured a glass of water for grandma and took it up to her room.


''Thank you, Lizzie, don't forget to come and call me when you girls are ready to eat''

''Sure grandma, you just relax'' I said


I kissed her on the forehead, walked out and closed the door behind me. I headed back down to see that Linda started already. I grabbed the cloth and wiped the windows while she swept the floor, I washed the dishes and then she mopped the floor and we left it to dry. We plopped down on the couch and sat in silence. I'm quite used to cleaning, I used to help mom a lot with the house, we never really had a maid, just once a while when the house needed a proper cleanup, otherwise it was just me and her. We did it together and we had fun, making it all much more easy for us. And when we're done, we would sit down and have coffee acting like we were two professionals. My mom was like my friend, yeah sure she used to be strict sometimes but that's all part of being a mother. 


''Now for the drink'' Linda said sitting up

''I was thinking we could make Saudi Champagne''

''What's that?''

''It's a popular drink the Arabs like to drink, I had it once when we went to an Arab restaurant, it was delicious, I looked up the recipe and saved it'' I explained showing her the recipe

''Apples, pears, lemons, apple juice, sprite and mint'' she read the recipe aloud

''We've got all the fruits, but none of the liquids'' I said

''So now what?''

''I'll just phone quick shop, see if they'll do a delivery''

''Yeah, I've got the number on my phone''


We went to the house phone and dialed the number. I prayed that they'll deliver while it rang, finally someone picked up


''Hello, quick shop here, how can I help you?'' a male voice asked

''Hi, I'm phoning to ask if you'll deliver now?''

''Yes, we do, what can I send for you?''

''Umm, apple juice and 1-liter sprite please'' 

''Ok anything else?'' 


I covered the phone and asked Linda if we needed anything else


''Yeah get a packet of Doritos''

''Yes actually, I would like a packet of Doritos and 3 chocolate milkshakes please''

''Ok got it, just give it about 10 minutes maximum''


I gave him the address and then hung up. And then I realized something.


''Linda! The oven'' I said running to the kitchen

''Relax girl, I switched it off before we ran up'' she laughed

''Oh thank goodness'' I said 

''Let's play a game while we wait'' she said



We got up and went to stand by the front door because we didn't want the doorbell to ring, I opened it a little bit and we stood there playing eye spy. I liked to play that game, you just have to use your voice, no action. There can be more than two players, one of the players starts by finding an object and then saying ' I spy with my little eye something begging with the letter T'' and then the other player has to find something in the room that starts with T, and if she gets it right then it's her turn to spy. 6 rounds later I saw a figure walking towards us, the shop is walking distance from our house so there's no need to drive, unless it's a heavy load. This person looked familiar, as he came closer I got a shock.


''Marcus! Hi, what are you doing here?'' I smiled

''Lizzie right? Hey, I'm your delivery guy, summer job, how are you?''

''I'm great and you? How's your father doing?''

''I'm fine, he's doing great, back on the job with walking sticks'' he said

''Ahem'' I turned around to see Linda

''Oh, Linda this is Marcus, Marcus this is Linda, my best friend'' I introduced them

''Nice to meet you Linda'' he greeted

''You too Marcus'' she smiled

''Well, I have to get going, duty calls. It was nice seeing you again and great to meet you, Linda''

''Thanks'' I said taking the packets from him


We paid him and he took off, I took the stuff in the kitchen with Linda behind me. We emptied everything and got to work. I chopped up all the fruit while Linda set the table, I slipped the fruit into the jug and then poured the apple juice along with the sprite. It was fascinating to see the sprite create bubbles of foam on top. I placed it in the freezer then went to help Linda, we shaped the serviettes into flowers and put them into the glasses, forks next to the plate and salt and pepper in he middle of the table. We stood back and admired our work.


''Good job bestie'' I said high fiving her

''We're a great team'' she smiled

''Come on let's clean up then sit a bit before we call grandma''

''Yeah'' she agreed


We cleared up then put the food on the table, we decided to put the dessert with the food on the table with the bowls and spoons. After we were done we went to sit on the couch for a while and the moment we sat, I attacked her.


''Ok girl, spill''

''Spill what?'' she said acting dumb

''You know what, you've been acting weird for the past half an hour''

''You're crazy, I don't know what you're talking about''


I sighed. Then I saw her do something she hasn't done in a while, fiddle with her thumbs.


''Oh goodness, this is about Marcus, isn't?''

''No it's not, nuts nuts nuts, that's what you are''

''Come on, tell me'' I shook her by her shoulders

''Oh ok fine, yes it is, happy?'' she said

''Mmmm, but you just met him''

''Yes, but he's so nice'' she sighed

''Okay love bird, let's go call grandma. I have a brilliant idea for you'' 


''Not important, come on''

''No! Tell me first''

''Hhh fine, Marcus works at the ice cream parlour with his father, so tomorrow I'll tell grandma to take us for ice cream''


First, she didn't get me but then realization dawned on her and she smiled, hugging me, making me fall onto the couch.


''Thank you so much, I love you, you are the best'' she laughed

''I know, come on let's go'' I laughed at her childish act


We went upstairs and knocked on grandma's room door.


''Come in'' she called

''Hey grandma, reading?''

''Ah yes, you girls are hungry now?''

''Yeah, but before you go to the kitchen, I want to show you something in the dining room first''

''Ok, I'm coming'' she said getting off the bed


We went back down and took our positions on either sides of the door. We heard footsteps coming down but before I could tell Linda to get ready I saw something behind her. My parents and sister were standing there smiling at me. My mom walked to the table and looked at the food, she smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up, I smiled back. But before I could do anything stupid, they all disappeared. Why do they keep on leaving? I want them back, I want them here. With me.


''Ready Liz?'' Linda asked


I smiled at her and nodded, we heard grandma coming closer, she opened the door and when she stepped in we both smiled and jumped in front of her.







Sleep over secret

 Grandma stood there frozen, looking from me to Linda possibly a million times.


''Grandma? Are you ok?'' I asked

''Yes yes I'm fine, Oh you two are wonderful'' she said hugging us

''Glad you like it, now come on, don't want to keep the tummy waiting'' Linda joked

''So this is why you two kept me away from the kitchen for so long''

''Yeah, we wanted to do something useful for you and we were bored'' Linda said

''Yup, killed two birds with one stone'' I said sitting down

''Now what have we got here?'' grandma asked

''For the main dish we have Casserole and for desert, we have peppermint crisp caramel desert'' I explained

''And for the drink, only the best Saudi Champagne''

''Oh yes, I remember having that once. Now, let's dig in''


We sat down and dug in, we watched grandma as she tasted the Casserole, she chewed and then made a funny face, I got worried


''What's wrong?'' Linda asked

''There's something very very wrong here'' 

''What?'' I asked

''Oh it's terrible, I can't believe it!''

''What!?!'' Linda and I shouted at the same time

''This... this is even better than mine'' she laughed

''Grandma! You got us worried there'' I laughed

''Yeah, but at least you like it'' smiled Linda

''Like it? I love it!''


We carried on eating and talking about stuff, I think we each had two rounds of Casserole, I had to admit, it was very tasty. Not too spicy, just right. When we were done we looked at the pyrex, there was a little bit left, about three teaspoons, we looked at each other and then dove in to get the last bit. All three of us fighting over a little Casserole but then we all had our even share by the end. We drank the Champagne then cleared up the dirty dishes, Linda washed and I wiped. We told grandma to sit and relax. When we were done we went back to the table.


''Wonderful! Now for desert!'' grandma clapped her hands

''Yes yes, here you go'' I said putting some for her in a bowl

''And no nonsense this grandma'' Linda said


Grandma smiled and then took the first teaspoon, she ate it then another one. She then looked at us


''Where did you girls get this recipe from?''

''Mom's recipe diary, we found it lying there at the back of the draw'' I said

''Can you show it to me please?''



I got up to go and get it, I wondered why she wanted to see it, did it mean something to her?. I opened the draw and took it out. I walked back to the dining room and handed it to her.


''I remember this book, it was your mother's favorite diary''

''It was?''

''Yes, she used to follow me in the kitchen asking me for the recipe of whatever I was cooking, she said she wanted to become a famous chef one day. I remember that one day I was making this very same desert and she came into the kitchen, she tasted the batter left over in the dish, she looked at me then ran up to her room coming back down with her dairy, she made me sit down and tell her every ingredient and step for this desert. This was her favorite desert from then. And she became the best cook I knew.''


''Well, she learned from the best'' I smiled


I could see her starting to tear up. She missed her daughter, I could understand, of course, it must be painful to lose someone that you practically raised yourself and watched grow into something beautiful. I got up from my seat and went to give her a tissue then hugged her.


''I miss her too grandma'' I wiped a tear from my face

''Sorry to ruin everything'' she smiled

''It's ok, I'm sorry. I really loved Mrs.Grace too'' Linda said starting to cry too

''Oh come on, what is this? A crying competition?'' I cried


We all burst out laughing and couldn't stop. After about 5 minutes we finally sobered up. We got up and cleared up together, all three of us. We talked which made the work much easier. I saw the diary on the table, I picked it up and closed it. I ran up to my room and placed it under my pillow, I could really use its help in the kitchen, I'll look through it later. I went back down.


''Hey, where did you disappear to?'' Linda asked

''I, uh, I went to put the diary away. I want to read through it, see if I could find some interesting recipes''

''Yeah, that would be nice'' grandma said

''So now what?''

''Why don't we watch a movie?'' I suggested

''Good idea but let's go change first so we can be comfy'' grandma said

''Kk'' we said 


We went up to the room and picked out warm pajamas to wear. I took out my purple and green one. It had flowers on the pants and the top had the words




I loved it. I bought it from Sleepy Sleep Wear when we went to visit grandma in Durban once. This shop is amazing, it has all kinds of pajamas for everyone. Linda took out one similar to mine but her's was pink and purple, it had the words




I laughed, it was funny. My grandpa used to say that, whenever he was tired he would say 'I need to go, my bed's calling me'. He was a funny old man.


''What are you laughing at missy?'' Linda asked

''Your pajamas. They're cute.''

''Thanks, yours too'' she smiled

''Come on let's go pick a movie.''


We went down, grandma was already sitting there waiting for us. She was wearing a maroon cotton gown with black slippers.


''There you girls are, I was starting to think you two fell off to sleep''

''Very funny grandma''

''So, what movie?'' Linda 

''Let's watch Hotel Transylvania'' I said

''What's that about?'' grandma asked

''It's a vampire kind of movie, but it's a funny comedy'' Linda explained

''Ok then let's watch that, I hope it's not too scary''


I put on the DVD player and slipped in the CD. When it started I went to sit beside grandma, Linda was on the other side of grandma. I covered us all with the blanket. The movie started, I saw the trailer of it, it's about a vampire girl falling in love with a human but her father hates human because they killed her mother. This man owns a hotel for monsters only deep in the forests, the humans don't know about it. One human boy happened to wander into the hotel by mistake and when Dracula (Hotel owner/father) realized he was a human, and because he didn't want his daughter to meet any humans, he dressed this boy in a zombie costume making him look like one of them. But then she founds out and they fall in love. It's interesting. When the movie was finished, we all wanted to watch the second one too.


''Ok but let's go make some hot chocolate first'' I said



We went to the kitchen and made 3 cups of hot choc. We sat back down and I put the second one on, drinking the hot drink and watching. The second one is really funny, it's about the son that they had. He's such a cute thing. I cuddled deeper into the blanket, curling my toes. 


''That was a nice movie but I'm afraid I'm going to fall asleep here right now'' grandma yawned

''That's alright, go sleep grandma, we'll clean up'' I said

''Yeah, you go'' 

''Goodnight girls'' she said kissing us on our forehead

''Goodnight'' we said


After she went up, we started cleaning, I washed the cups and Linda folded up the blanket. I switched off the TV and the lights then went upstairs to my room. I tied my hair into a high bun then put on my eye cream.


''I had fun today'' Linda sighed

''Yeah me too''

''So, when are you moving?''

''Next week, it's gonna be so hard. New life, new friends, new surrounding.''

''But you go for holiday there right?''

''Yeah but that's holiday, it's different when you're living there''

''I guess so''


We laid there talking in the dark, I couldn't sleep. So I got up and switched on the light.


''What are you doing?''

''I wanna show you the diary that I got from the market''

''Oh yeah, let's see it''


I reached on my tippy toes to get the diary, as I was pulling it down a paper fell from under it. It was and envelope and it was sealed with a heart.


''What's that?'' Linda asked getting up

''I don't know. Where did it come from?''

''It says here that it's for you. Can I open it?''

''Go ahead, let's read it''


She opened it then gave it to me to read, it was written on a paper with red roses. Very pretty. It said


Dear Lizzie,


You are a beautiful girl and very sweet. Very Interesting. I've never met anyone just like you. You seem a bit sad, and I would love to be there for you. I would love to get to know you. Here's a little riddle for you, try to solve it:




Hope you figure it out. I hope to meet you soon.





Anonymous? That's weird.


''Who is this from?'' she asked

''I really don't know, nobody gave me any letter and we have no mailman''

''Duh, it's 2016'' she laughed

''Yeah I know, should we go and show grandma?'' I asked

''No no no, this obviously from a boy, you can't show her this.''

''Yeah, but I don't understand. I didn't spend any time with any boy''

''Think think, anything out of ordinary happened?''

''No, the only boys that know my name was that boy from the drinks stand and that Tyler, oh and Marcus''

''You think this is from Marcus?'' she asked a bit worried

''No no, it can't be. It was with the diary so it must have been stuck under it. I didn't take the shopping bags in with me when we went for ice cream and Marcus didn't come in my room''

''Hhhhh, this, my friend, is a love mystery''

''A very hard one'' I laid back on the bed

''Why don't we go and sleep? We can think about it tomorrow'' she said

''Yeah. And this riddle. My brain is dead'' I gave her hug, switched off the lights and went back into bed placing the letter in my bedside draw. Didn't want grandma to find it so I put it in my jewelry box. I sighed and closed my eyes.


Who is this person?

The next morning

 We were walking on the beach barefoot, it was windy and the sun was about to set. It was beautiful. 


''Did you get my letter?'' 

''Yes I did, so sweet of you''


We sat down on a large pillow with a campfire in front of us, I picked up the stick with Marshmallows and put it above the fire to roast. I closed my eyes and breathed the fresh sea air. When I opened it I was sitting on a green bench, there were people all around me. I was sitting with my family, there were women dressed in black holding guns.


''Mom? Dad? What's happening?'' I asked


But nobody answered, instead they all started popping pink balloons. Everybody was doing the same thing, then there were gunshots and people were falling to the ground with arrows on the side of their head. But not all of them were dead, some were still moving. I started running, my family following me. My mom was pushing a pram and there was a strange man walking past us. We were now in a mall and looking for the exits. We asked one of the cleaners.


''It's by the middle of the curve'' he said


We walked and then finally spotted the escalators, I saw a pond with lilies and other flowers, I took out my phone and switched on the camera but didn't take a picture, I went down the stairs, I was all alone now. When I reached the bottom there was a shadow holding out a hand, I took it and he pulled me in, hugging me.


''I hope you figure out my riddle angel'' he said


I looked up to smile at him, but he was gone.




I opened my eyes and sat up with a smile on my face, that was some dream. But then I remembered the guns and shooting. For some reason, I felt like this dream meant something very important. I turned around to see Linda sleeping, her right leg was sticking out and her head was bent back. I laughed, the positions we sleep in are just incredible sometimes. It was already 10:30. I opened my bedside drawer and took out the letter, reading it more than 3 times. I thought of the answer to the riddle. Life? Parents? Family?. What can it be? 


''I was thinking about it'' Linda smiled a sleepy smile

''Yeah me too, figured it out?'' I asked

''I think it's Love''

''Love? Are you sure?''

''Yeah, maybe'' she yawned

''Love, mmmm, could be. But there are so many things that worth lots of money but we get it for free. Like family, life, parents, friendship.'' 

''Yeah but seeing that this is kinda like a love letter, it has to be love''

''I really don't understand. Why would somebody write a letter like this with a riddle and then sign it 'anonymous'? I mean what's the use? You're just giving the reader more stress''

''True. But maybe one day. Never know, this can be your fairy tale''

''Fairytale my head, like that kind of thing will ever happen to me''

''Good Morning sleepy heads'' grandma came in


I quickly took the letter and stuffed it under my pillow so she wouldn't see. 


''Good morning grandma'' we smiled

''Are you girls done sleeping?''

''Yes, we were just about to get up''

''Ok then, go get ready while I make the beds''

''NO. I mean, it's ok, we'll do it ourselves. We're big''

''Yeah, thanks, grandma'' Linda said

''Ok then, breakfast will be waiting'' she said closing the door


I sighed a sigh of relief and then took out the letter again, I put it back in the envelope and in the draw. I got off the bed and threw the duvet on the floor. Linda sighed and got up too.


''Great, now because of your letter I have to waste my energy on this''

''Hey! Don't blame me, blame the one who wrote it'' I threw a pillow at her head

''Oh no, you did not just do that lady''

''I did, whatcha gonna do about it?'' 

''THIS!'' she said jumping on me with a pillow in her hand.


I pushed her off me and picked up a pillow too, we circled around the room, our pillows in hand. I stopped and so did she, then I laughed and ran towards her, we met halfway and started hitting each other, you guess it, with the pillows. After almost tearing the pillows apart, we both fell onto the floor panting. 


''That was fun'' she laughed

''Yeah, now we need to go back to sleep'' I joked

''You bet'' she said jumping up

''Oh no you don't'' I said pulling her back by her hair

''Ouch! Not my hair''

''We've got work to do and stomachs to feed'' and just as I said that, my stomach made a grumbling noise

''Wow, you ate a baby monster?'' but the jokes on her because her's did the same too, only louder

''What did you swallow? The monster's dad?''

''Very funny, let's make these beds and go eat'' she jumped up

''Eating after we shower and change''

''Did you HEAR my tummy?'' she said


I stared at her then went closer and pretended to sniff.


''Oh WOW, you smell'' 

''I do? Oh god, I better go bath after I make this bed''


I laughed, it was a lie but it worked. After making the beds and taking turns in the bathroom we were both ready. I wore blue jeans with a blue butterfly top and Linda wore blues jeans with a green top that had beads. We posed in front of the mirror, pretending to take pictures of each other


''You look fabulous Lady Linda'' I said

''Oh thank you, you look wonderful yourself Lady Elizabeth'' she replied


We burst out laughing at our acting, we were pretty good. After completely ready, we marched downstairs. 


''Don't you two look cheerful'' grandma said as we walked into the kitchen

''Thanks'' we hugged her

''Here we go'' she said giving us each a plate with pancakes and bananas


I couldn't wait so I picked up the fork and knife and started eating, Linda did the same. While I was eating I thought about my dream. I thought about all the people in it then remembered, that one person, I couldn't see his face. He asked me if I got his letter. So that means that he was the one who wrote that letter, I'm not sure but it could be. He also told me he hoped I figure out the riddle. And I think I did, this is all so confusing. If only I knew who wrote that letter.


''Lizzie? Lizzie!''

''Huh? What?'' I said coming out of my thoughts

''Grandma is asking you something'' Linda said

''Yes grandma?''

''Are you okay darling?'' she asked

''Yes I'm fine, just day dreaming''

''Oh okay then, I was asking what you wanted to do today?''

''Mmm, I was thinking we could go for ice cream and , you know, check if Marcus's dad is ok''

''Oh yes, that's a good idea. Ice cream it is! Then we can go to the mall and do something there''

''Sounds fun to me'' Linda said, I could see she was trying to hide her excitement


We finished eating and then started clearing up. Grandma washed the dishes while we wiped and swept. We heard a loud crashing noise and ran to the kitchen to see tiny pieces of glass everywhere


''The dish rack?'' I asked grandma

''Yes, that thing is a headache''


You see, our, dish rack has a place for glasses on the side of it, so you just hang the glasses there but sometimes the glass can slip, which has happened more that enough times, causing the glass to fall and break into a million pieces.


''We have the same one like that, mom got tired of buying new glasses every month so she took off the glass hanging thing and just started putting the glass at the bottom'' Linda said

''Yeah we were doing that but sometimes you don't concentrate and before you know it, the damage is done'' grandma said

''It's okay, let's clean up'' I said


We cleaned up while grandma washed the remaining dishes. After we were done grandma went up to change, she already had a bath, she was just wearing a gown. We switched on the TV and my favorite animation show was on, adventures of Lady Bug and Cat Noir. I love this show, even though it's about superheroes and stuff like that, it's really interesting.


''Oooh, I love this, leave it on'' Linda said

''I watched this episode already but I don't mind watching it again''

''Yeah me too. You know what really sucks?''

''Yes I do, the fact that this stuff is really catchy but the next season is only coming in a years time'' I groaned

''Yup, but I did see somewhere that season 2 is coming out 4 of this August''

''I hope so''


We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then grandma came in dressed in a beige dress with black shoes.


''Looking on fleek my dear grandma'' I said

''Oh well thank you very much. Shall we head out?'' 

''Of course'' Linda said


I unlocked the door and held it open, we stepped out and Linda locked up giving grandma the keys. We took either side of grandma's arms.


''Shall we?'' she asked

''We shall'' I and Linda answered together


We laughed and walked towards the car.


Friends forever

 It was a windy day but the sun was out. It was cold but not bad at all, I liked this kind of weather, I also liked when it snowed. I and my family once went to Capetown and it was snowing. We took a drive to the top of the mountain and I played in the snow. I was about 5 or 6.




''Mummy come play with us, please!!'' I begged 

''No Lizzie, it's too cold. You go play with daddy'' 


I was angry that she didn't want to come out to play with us, it wasn't fair. I shut the car door and walked towards my dad.


''Daddy! Mummy doesn't want to come out'' I cried

''It's ok cupcake, if she comes out here in the cold then Daisy can get sick. So it's better if she stays inside. You don't want your new baby sister to get sick, do you?''

''No I don't''

''Good then, come on! Let's play'' he said 


I smiled and threw snow at him but it wasn't a lot. He picked up snow and threw back at me, hitting me in the face. I laughed and jumped on him, making him fall to the ground. There was a flash, I turned around to see mom taking pictures of us. I pulled daddy and then smiled for the camera.


I love the snow




I remember Daisy was just born then. We had cousins in Capetown, so we would go once a while to go and visit and they would come here too. I haven't seen them in a while actually, I wonder if they were here for the funeral. I was about to ask grandma but I didn't want to spoil the mood by bringing back sad memories so I left it. We were at a robot right now, these things take forever to turn green but so fast to turn red again.


''Lizzie? What do you say we stop at the gift shop first and get a gift for Marcus's dad?''

''That's great. We really need to find out his name, by the way''

''What? You don't know his name?'' Linda asked

''No, didn't have much time to get to know each other'' grandma said

''Not even their second name?''

''No Linda, but we'll find out today. You can even ask yourself'' I said

''So? What are we going to get him?'' she asked

''I don't know, we'll see if there's anything nice'' I said


There're two types of shopping that I love. Shopping for me and gift shopping. And I'm good at it too. But if you shopping for yourself or grocery shopping and ask me to tag along, I'll probably say yes, just to be polite, but I hate the idea of it. And it's even worse if the person is fussy.


''Maybe we can get him something that relates to ice cream'' I suggested

''We'll see''


We took the turn to 'The gift basket'. We always come gift shopping here. We parked and got off. I slipped on my sunglasses and so did Linda. Grandma locked the car and we went inside.


''Why don't you and Linda go one way and I'll go the other, that way it'll be faster. And whatever we like we'll put it in the trolley and bring it to the front and choose the best'' grandma said

''Sounds like a plan'' Linda smiled

''See ya next week grandma'' I joked 

''Mmmm'' she said walking away


I laughed and turned, pulling Linda with me. The shop was empty, thank goodness. I hate shopping when people are staring at you, waiting to look through the shelf you're busy with or you just hanging behind them pretending to look at something else while they're taking their sweet time at the shelf you want to see. No offense my fellow shoppers.


''So what should we buy?'' I asked

''I dunno, how about an ice cream scoop? You think he has that?''

''Linda, darling, sweety, he owns an ice cream shop, of course, he has one of those!'' I shook her

''Oh yeah, sorry I forgot''

''No problems sister'' I smiled


We looked through all the shelves and even bumped into grandma a few times.


''You girls find anything?''

''Still looking'' Linda said


Even though our trolley was halfway full. We put everything that we found interesting in the trolley, even if it was stupid for an old man like him, for us it was awesome. Half an hour later we were able to force ourselves to stop and go to the front to meet grandma and choose.


''Come on, I don't think our trolley can take this much pressure'' I pushed

''Yeah, you're right, come on''


We pushed it to the front to find grandma standing in front waiting for us. With one thing in her hand. One freaking thing!. I and Linda looked at each other, looked at our trolley then back at grandma, she was staring at us too with a smile on her face.


''So? What do you girls think?'' she asked holding the thing up


It was a gift basket, it had small ice cream ornaments, different kind of sprinkles, ice cream syrup, a recipe book, a mug and a certificate that said 'the world's best ice cream chef!'. It was a perfect gift.


''Oh just great!'' Linda muttered

''All our energy!'' I moaned

''You girls want to buy the whole shop?'' grandma joked

''Ha ha ha, very funny'' we said

''That's good, let's just take that and go'' I said pushing the trolley away

''Yeah, and we better go fast, I don't think that lady over there is very happy with the choice we made'' Linda said


I turned around to see one of the shop ladies frowning at us and the trolley. Well, missy, I didn't tell you to take this job so suck it up. 


''Whatever, she's getting paid, she better do her job'' I said

''Why don't you girls pick one thing each, anything you like from the trolley?'' 

''Can we? Thanks, grandma'' we hugged her


We looked through everything and decided on the friendship bracelets. It was a pack of 4 bracelets each and we just so happened to take two packs. So we each took one pack. We pushed the trolley aside and gave the lady a kind smile, she smiled back but not as kind. We paid for the stuff and walked out. Once in the car, we opened our bracelets. I gave Linda one of mines and she gave me one of hers. It had half a heart on each bracelet, in one of the halves there was the word 'friends' and in the other half 'forever'. If you took both the bracelets and connected the halves it would become one whole heart. It was cute. I had the forever part and she had the friends part. Plus it was magnetic.


''You girls remind me of I and my best friend when we were younger'' grandma said

''How so?''

''We also had friendship bracelets and all those girl stuff, we promised we would stay friends forever''

''What happened'' I asked

''Well we grew apart, we went to different colleges and got married in different cities. We would see each other one in a while but not as often. You see, even though we were far apart, we kept our promise. We promised to stay friends forever and we did''

''Where is she now?'' Linda asked

''Hhhh, she was murdered'' grandma sniffed

''What? How?''

''Well, it was a robbery. It took place at her neighbor's house and she tried to stop them because the police didn't get there on time but it was 4 against 1 so she lost''

''It must have been hard for her children and husband'' I said

''Oh, she didn't have children, she was barren and her husband died of cancer a year before she did''


That's terrible! I would die if anything like that happened to Linda.


''I'm sorry grandma'' I said

''It's ok, she wasn't really happy here, so maybe it was best for her to be in a place where she is. With her husband''


I looked at Linda, she was staring at me. I gave her a hug and then wiped the tears that escaped my eyes. We looked down at the bracelets and connected the hearts.


''It looks beautiful'' Linda whispered

''Just like our friendship'' I hugged her

''Friends forever?''

''Friends forever''


Indeed, forever.




Linda's Luck

I'm not really one for ice cream, once in a while is fine. I especially love the chocolate n chip, it's my favorite. I guess I got that from my father, he never used to eat a lot of ice cream just once in a while. On the other hand, my mom and Daisy were ice cream queens. I also took after my father in temper wise but otherwise I'm just like my mom. We parked outside the shop and got off.


''You think he'll be there?'' Linda whispered to me

''I hope so but if not, there is always extra ice cream!'' I replied

''Yeah right''


We stepped inside, it was not so busy, there were just about two families and one of them were get reading to leave. Marcus's dad was sitting behind the counter with his stick beside him and Marcus was taking the other family's order. I could feel Linda tense up beside me.


''Ouch you're killing my arm'' I whispered

''Oh sorry, I'm just nervous''

''Relax, be cool''

''I'm trying!''


I made her stand up straight and then walked towards the counter.


''Hello! How are you girls doing?'' Marcus's dad asked

''Fine and you? How are you feeling?'' I asked

''Oh I'm doing fine, thank you'' he smiled

''This is my friend Linda''

''Hi, sorry about your injury'' Linda said

''Oh, not your fault darling. Now, what can I get for y'all?'' He asked

''I'd like strawberry please'' grandma ordered

''I'll have chocolate chip'' Linda said

''Choc chip for me too please'' I said

''Coming right up, why don't you girls go sit down?''


We walked over to the table, the same table, and sat down. I picked up the menu and flipped through the pages. 5 minutes later Marcus walked past us.


''Hey Linda, Lizzie and Mrs?''

''Mrs. Grace'' grandma smiled

''And Mrs.Grace. Came for ice cream?'' he asked

''Only the best'' I said

''You guys ordered already?'' 

''Yeah'' Linda said

''Um, Marcus? If you don't mind me asking, what's your father's name?'' I asked, a bit embarrassed

''Mark Mathew'' he laughed

''Oh thanks'' I smiled

''No problem, I'll be back with the ice cream''


He walked away, I looked over at grandma, she was talking with another woman. I've seen her before, oh ya, she's my mom's friend. Linda was reading a magazine that was on the table.


''Linda Mathew, mmm, suits you'' I joked

''Very funny Lizzie''

''So, what you reading?'' I asked

''Fashion magazine. The latest trends and outfits, none of which I have''

''Welcome to the club darling''


Knowing myself, by the time I get what's in style, it will be old stock. That always happens. 10 minutes later Marcus came back with the ice creams, but now the shop was empty so it was just us. We told Mr.Mathew and Marcus to come and sit with us, so they did with their own ice creams. We talked about what happened the other day and it turns out the police were looking for the same men for a long time now but there was one more with them, he hasn't been caught yet. It must be that freaky man. I was sitting there thinking, then I remembered the letter and quickly checked if I brought it with, thank goodness I did. I really needed to ask Marcus about it and as soon as possible. My eyes started roaming all around the table, something was missing. Yes! The gift basket. I tapped grandma's shoulder.


''Grandma we forgot the gift basket in the car'' I whispered

''Oh yeah, I thought something was missing. Why don't you and Linda go and get it?''

''Kk. Linda, can you come with me to the car? I need to get something.'' I said

''Ok'' she said getting up

''Can I come with?'' Marcus asked

''Sure'' we said


He got up and I grabbed my bag with me. We stepped outside and we were met with a gush of cool wind. It was refreshing. We walked to the car and I unlocked it, Linda took out the basket and I locked the car again. But before we could go back inside, I pulled them both aside.


''Um, Marcus, I need to ask you something''

''The letter?'' Linda asked


I nodded, then took it out of my bag but before that


''Marcus? How old are you?'' I asked

''I'm 17, why?''

''No reason, just asking. Now for the real question. You see I found this letter and I was wondering if it was from you'' I said


He looked confused, so I gave him the letter. No harm. He read through it and then there was a frown on his face. Linda was watching him carefully, waiting for him to answer. And so was I, I was secretly hoping that it wasn't from him, otherwise, it would just break Linda.



''This is very interesting''

''Marcus!'' we both shouted


He laughed and then looked at us with a serious face. I wanted to slap the words out of him.


''I'm afraid not, but whoever this guy is, he must really love Linda'' he said


And I don't know if I was imagining but he seemed a little sad when he said that.


''Oh no, this is for me'' I said

''Oh really? Ok,'' he sighed. Relieved.


Linda seemed relieved too, he realized what he said and then tried to cover up.


''I mean, what I meant was, uh. I.. uh. No, it's not from me'' he said

''Never mind, thanks''

''So this is for you? Who gave it?'' he asked me

''You think I'll be here asking you if I knew who it was from?'' I hit him on his head with the letter

''Ouch, sorry missy''


We started laughing. Well, it isn't him. This is getting frustrating!. Who can this stupid person be? We sobered up and started walking back inside. I heard a thud then a scream, Linda was lying on the floor with tears.


''Linda! What happened?'' I asked trying to pick her up

''Are you okay? How did you fall?'' Marcus asked

''I... I tripped, my ankle, I twisted it'' she cried

''Oh goodness, I'm so sorry''

''Come on, let's take you inside'' Marcus said


We tried lifting her up but she was in pain. Mind you, I was shocked when Marcus told me to leave her. He bent down and picked her up, carrying her bridal style. I held the doors open and he took her inside.


''Linda! Oh darling, what happened?'' grandma came running

''She twisted her ankle'' Marcus said laying her down on the seat

''I think I've got some painkillers and bandage in the back. Just, one minute'' Mr.Mathew said running to go and get it.

''Are you okay Linda?'' I asked, hugging her

''It's okay, pain killers would help'' she whimpered


Mr.Mathew came back with the stuff, she took some painkillers and grandma wrapped her ankle up after applying some Zambuck. After a while she was looking well, the pain had stopped. I noticed that Mr.Marcus put up the 'closed' sign up. He's so kind. Linda was well and smiling again, she thanked us and apologized for her clumsiness.


''It's okay, things like this happen all the time, not your fault'' grandma said

''Just as long as you're okay'' Mr.Mathew said


I noticed that Marcus was still holding her hand, after a while, they both realized and let go. I smiled. So sweet. We sat and talked, not noticing the time going. My mind drifted places. I thought about my parents. I looked up and saw them sitting at the table opposite us. Of course, I was just seeing things but it seemed so real. Like I could just get up and go sit with them, like normal. It seemed like such a long time ago. I really missed them like hell. This time, they didn't disappear as quick as usual, they were still sitting there staring at me. I smiled and they smiled back. Then they were gone. I could feel tears threatening to fall, I couldn't let anybody see me like this.


''Lizzie darling, are you okay?'' grandma asked

''I'm fine, will you excuse me? I need to go to the bathroom'' I said getting up

''Straight, left and first door on your right'' Marcus told me



Hold in the tears Elizabeth!



Calm down Lizzie!

 I followed his instructions and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess! And not just on the outside, on the inside too. I have never been in such a mess before in my life. I feel like I can't live anymore. I opened the tap and splashed some cool water on my face. I saw something in the corner of my eye


''Don't hurt yourself, Lizzie''

''Why? Why did you have to leave me? Why!? Tell me mom!, what did I ever do to you?'' I cried

''We love you''

''Just stop! If you really loved me, you would be here! Damn!''

''No, don't worry yourself and the others. Remember the stars Lizzie''

''You are not even making sense! Nothing in my life is making sense!''


She didn't say anything more. She was gone. I threw my bag on the floor and kicked it, I swept all the vases of the sink, I screamed, I pulled my hair, I banged on the walls. I did everything I could do, just to get this anger, this loneliness, this fear out of me. I was shaking, the whole room was spinning, I was losing control.


''Lizzie! Lizzie! Stop! Please stop!'' grandma tried to stop me

''Don't Lizzie!'' Linda screamed


They all tried to hold me down but I was out of control, I couldn't stop. I just wanted to die!


''Leave me alone! I don't want to live anymore! Leave. Me. Alone'' I pushed them all away

''Elizabeth. Calm down, breath'' Marcus said softly


I kicked and screamed but Marcus just kept on trying to calm me down, I could hear grandma's sobs, I could hear Linda telling me I'm not alone, I could hear Mr.Marcus telling me it's going to be alright. I could hear but I couldn't listen. I wasn't in control of my body anymore. I started breathing heavily.


''You can do it, Lizzie, calm down'' Marcus whispered


 After a few minutes, I stopped. My breathing was getting even, I was starting to concentrate again, I stopped screaming, my crying became whimpering. I was limp, my head was on someone's lap. I was feeling dizzy.


''There we go, good girl'' Mr.Mathew smiled

''Are you okay Lizzie?'' Linda asked


I couldn't speak, it's like all of a sudden I lost my voice. I just laid there staring up at the ceiling.


''Lizzie, speak to me. Please''


My heart starting beating very fast then it stopped.






''It's so pretty mommy''

''I know right?''

''Can you count how many stars there are?'' dad asked

''Yes I can. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!''

''Oh wow, you're such a clever girl'' mom smiled

''Why did we come here?''

''Well, we decided to have a little picnic. Is that ok with you?'' daddy asked



The sky was dark, with all these twinkly little dots. I love how they sparkled. I want one of those, I'll keep it in my room and play with it. It will twinkle so my room doesn't have to be so dark at night.


''Daddy? Can I have one star?''

''No sweety you can't''

''But why?''

''Because the stars stay up in the sky with all their friends, they can't come down'' he said

''And besides you don't need a star'' mommy said

''Why? Do they break very fast?''

''No honey, because you are one. You are a little star that twinkles every day and night. And when you're sad, all the other stars are also going to be sad'' she smiled

''Yes, so that's why you must do everything possible to be happy. Even if something makes you cry and want to lose control, you have to remember that you are a star and without you, the sky will be dark'' daddy said


I wrapped my arms around them both. I'm a star!! A sparkly one and I will make everybody happy and twinkle like me.


''I promise that I will always be happy and sparkly'' I said

''That's our baby girl!'' they said


I love the stars. They are the life of the sky.






This is all too much for her. She's suffering. The doctor warned me about these panic attacks she can have at any time. I looked at her sleeping on the bed, she was unconscious. I got so scared when I heard a crashing noise, I ran to the bathroom to see her pulling her own hair. She was screaming and kicking. I never wanted to see anything like this again in my life, it happened before and left me broken. I had one son and one daughter. She was the love of my life. Her smile would make me think that I was the luckiest woman on the planet. But slowly and gradually that smile began to disappear. She would lock herself in the room for hours, skip meals, miss classes. Then one day I heard crashing and screams, that was her first panic attack. She had much more after that. Almost every week. The doctors tried to see what was the cause of the panic attack but couldn't figure it out, they seemed to think it was a personal matter. I tried to get her to tell me what was wrong but she wouldn't let it out. She was getting thinner and weaker. I watched my daughter fade away right in front of my eyes. Eventually one day, she had her final panic attack. I lost my daughter, I lost my life. I tried to calm her down but she wouldn't, she ran around the room shouting ''You broke my heart! You messed me up! I hate you!''. I grabbed her by the arm and hugged her tightly. She sobbed and sobbed, telling me that she couldn't live like this. I told her that everything was okay and that she was strong. She told me she loved me and she sobbed one more time, I thought she stopped crying so I lifted her telling her ''There you go, mommy told you that you were strong''. But she didn't reply, she wasn't there anymore. She was gone and she took my happiness with her. I didn't want the same thing to happen to Lizzie. She was just like Teresa, she hid it all inside and then let it out in one blow, all together. A few years later Caroline came into my life. She was the perfect one for my son. She was nothing like Teresa but I loved her the same, she brought light back into my life. And when she had Lizzie, I felt like Teresa had returned, they looked the same and acted the same, but I never wanted this to happen to Lizzie. It just can't. I lost both my daughters and husband. I just can't manage to lose anymore. I try to keep Lizzie under control. And I'm hoping that she won't have any more of these attacks. I walked over to the bed and held her hand in mine, she was cold so I covered her with another blanket.


''Hello Mrs.Grace'' the doctor walked in

''Hello, any news?'' I asked hopefully

''Well, it seems like she's experiencing another coma and we have no idea how long it will last. We will just have to wait and see''

''Will she be okay?''

''I can't promise you anything, I'm so sorry'' he said and walked out


I looked at her. Please stay with me, my life, my sunshine.


My daughter.

Awake once again!



I could hear beeping again. Oh no, don't tell me I'm in a hospital again. I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the light, there was a white ceiling and drips above me, yes, the hospital. Why, though? My head hurt like hell. And those noises were only making it worse. I tried to get up but I couldn't, my body was stiff. I tried to think back on what happened, last I was in the bathroom at the ice cream shop. How the hell did I get here and why? I tried calling for someone but all I could do was croak. It was useless. I laid there waiting for someone to come.


''I'm a star, I will go far, be happy, don't be snappy. Love yourself, love the world. You are brave, you are a wonderful girl. Close your eyes and imagine the best, don't cry, you shall pass this test. Take a breath and smile as wide as you can. Chase away the devil by hitting him hard with a frying pan.''


I sang that over and over. It was something that my mom taught me when I was small, when I got angry or depressed, she would always sing this to me. And then we'd take frying pans and imagine that we were chasing all the bad luck and sadness away. It always worked. And when she was angry or crying, I would sing it for her and we would end up laughing and running around the room. It was our little secret. My mom would always do anything to keep me from getting upset or angry. I never knew why. I think it was something that she experienced before in her life. I wasn't sure but I did get hints. I was walking past my parent's bedroom one night and I heard them talking, my mom was crying.




''Shhhh, stop crying Caroline, it's going to be alright. Don't worry'' my dad was saying

''I just get so frightened when she get's sad, I can't help it. You know what happened Joseph. I've seen it, the way she used to become, it would scare the soul out of me. I don't want that to happen to Lizzie. She's too precious to go through that in life.'' mom cried

''It doesn't happen to everyone, listen to me, darling, Lizzie is a strong girl, she'll fight it'' dad said


I was confused, I didn't know what was happening. I hated seeing my mom cry like this, it would just break my heart. I knocked on the door and stepped in.


''Mommy? Why are you crying? Please don't cry'' I whispered

''Oh sweety, don't worry'' mom hugged me

''Your mummy is just a bit sad, she'll be alright just now'' daddy told me

''Did I make mommy sad?''

''Oh no, not you honey, nobody did'' 


Dad tried to pick me up but I walked away, I went to the kitchen and took out two frying pans. I went back to the room and gave mommy one.


''I'm a star, I will go far, be happy, don't be snappy. Love yourself, love the world. You are brave, you are a wonderful girl. Close your eyes and imagine the best, don't cry, you shall pass this test. Take a breath and smile as wide as you can. Chase away the devil by hitting him hard with a frying pan'' I sang


She smiled and started singing with me, soon we were running around the room with frying pans in our hands. Daddy even joined in but he had a pink pillow. We laughed and then plopped down on the bed, all three of us


''Come here, you little angel'' mommy hugged me tightly

''I love you, don't you ever forget that'' she whispered

''I love you too mommy, don't you ever forget that too''




I haven't forgotten mom, I haven't at all. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. I grabbed a tissue, thankful that it was within reach, I wiped my face. I try so hard to be happy, for my families sake, for my sake. I just can't manage all this stress. I tried calling for someone again, but I was still croaking and now even more because I was crying. I need water. A few minutes later I heard footsteps and grandma walked in, followed by Linda and her mother, Marcus and his dad and the doctor.


''Lizzie! You're awake! Thank goodness, I was so worried'' grandma cried, hugging the life out of me.

''Grandma, grandma. I can't breath'' I croaked

''What did you say?'' she said, letting go of me


''Oh you poor angel, you've lost your voice'' she said

''Hey Lizzie'' Linda and Marcus came walking towards me

''Hey guys''

''Man you look awful'' Linda said

''Thanks a lot'' 

''Just joking. How are you feeling?''

''I'm fine, can...''


But just as I was about to ask why I was here. Linda's mom came to hug me and Mr.Mathews. Their hugs, however, were much lighter.


''I'm so glad you're ok'' Mrs.Grey smiled

''We all are'' Mr.Mathew squeezed my hand

''Thank you all'' I smiled


The doctor took my temperature and checked me up. He nodded and then wrote something on his clipboard.


''You look fine, I just hope this doesn't happen again''

''Um, excuse me? Can you tell me why I'm here at the hospital again?'' I asked


They all stared at me like I said something strange, I gave them a questioning look.


''Oh oh, she lost her recent memory'' the doctor sighed

''Lost my memory? I remember everything! You're talking crazy'' I said

''Mrs.Grace why don't you tell her?''


But grandma was too much in tears to talk, I sighed and looked at Linda, she seemed speechless too. What the hell?


''Lizzie'' Marcus started

''Oh you're going to tell me? Grateful that one of you can talk''

''Calm down. Listen, you kind of had a panic attack. You..''

''A panic attack? What's that?''

''It's a case in where your body starts losing control, your heart starts beating fast, you breathe heavily, you're full of fear and everything goes blur'' the doctor explained


I didn't get it at first but then I slowly started to remember. I was in the bathroom, I went mad. I lost control. My mom! She was there, she told me not to hurt myself. I remembered it all. I had a panic attack. I.. I went crazy, I didn't stay in control. Why? Why me? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I can't let this happen again. Linda gave me some water and I gulped it down. 


''I'm sorry that I ruined your day yesterday guys'' I said

''Last week'' Linda said

''What last week?''

''It happened last week, you were unconscious for a week Liz''

''This is so bad, why is this happening to me? It never happened before'' I sniffed

''It's ok, we're going to try to fix it'' the doctor smiled

''Thank you'' I croaked, my voice was coming back, slowly.

''Any time, we took blood tests and X-rays. we'll get back to you in a weeks time with the results. For now, you can go home and rest. Don't over work yourself.'' he said and walked out







 When I was younger, I never really went to the hospital a lot, mom said I was lucky that I was healthy. Even when I got sick, it was just the flu and would last for a day or two. But sometimes I got irritated because all the other children got to stay home from school when they were sick, so when I did get sick I would make sure that I was absent from school. I don't ever remember being put on drips or getting any treatment. But I guess all this makes up for that time, I seem to be coming to the hospital much more these days. And it doesn't feel good, it's scary and I know this is not a joke. I'm all grown up now and I understand the consequences that I have to endure. I need to be strong, not only for me but for everybody around me. Especially grandma, she's got way too much pressure in her life and she's old, she's got her own health to deal with. I sighed and looked out the window, we were on our way home. The others had gone, promising to come visit later. I was tired, even though I slept for a really long time, I feel like I have no energy left.We stopped at the traffic light, I turned my head just as a yellow jeep stopped beside us. There were three children in the back and one in the front on the mother's lap. The baby looked about 1 or 2 years old. The dad was on the phone and two of the children in the back were fighting for what seemed like a toy, the third one was just staring out of the window, she looked lost. For a second I locked eyes with the girl staring, she smiled and then waved, I returned her smile but didn't wave back. Suddenly the father turned around and said something to the two boys at the back, that seemed to keep them quiet. The light switched green and we drove off, they took a right while we went left. I thought about the girl and that look in her eyes, it was like she was unhappy. I thought about the move, I realized grandma hadn't said anything about it. We were supposed to move this week but with my accident, everything turned upside down. I decided to ask her about it.



''Yes darling?''

''What about the move? When are we going to pack up?'' I asked


She didn't say anything for a long time, then she gave a heavy sigh.


''Well, the doctor said you have to rest and that a move wouldn't be very suitable right now, so I've decided to postpone it, maybe in a few weeks time, once you're alright. I did get a call for the house, they're coming to see it tomorrow, in the meantime, you can start packing slowly, so it won't be too much last minute. Linda will be there to help you, she'll stay till we're gone. And Marcus promised he'll come every day or so. They all are really nice people.''

''Yes they are. I'm so sorry grandma, this whole thing just messed it all up''

''Oh Lizzie, it's not your fault, you couldn't help it. Don't blame yourself. These things happen, it's just a test we need to try and pass. Okay? Now, what do you say we go and pick up some boxes? I called Bob, he said he's got tons of boxes ready for us''

''Sure, why not?'' I smiled


Bob. He was a close friend of dad's. He handles supplies and stuff for shops so he always has extra boxes. He's a funny man, he's bald and a little round but he's very nice. He's wife is barren so they don't have any children but they have about 3 dogs and a bird. They had fish but they all died. His wife is a nice bubbly woman. Short hair and plump, very kind. She's with him most of the time at the shop, they bring their dogs with them too. I used to love going with daddy to their house to watch the dogs play. Mum used to stay inside because she hated dogs. She wasn't very friendly with animals, I on the other hand love animals. I actually plan on getting a horse. When I can afford one, that is. Hopefully one day. We parked up in front of the shop and got off. We stepped inside and the bell rang that was placed above the door. There was nobody there, I walked around looking at all the stuff when Bob appeared from the back along with his wife.


''Welcome welcome. My favorite customers'' he laughed

''Hey there Bob, hi Lucy'' grandma greeted

''Hello Uncle Bob and Aunty Lucy'' I smiled

''Enough with that uncle and aunt crap, we've told you, just Bob and Lucy, you're making me feel old'' he joked

''Sorry I forgot'' I said

''Oh dear, you get bigger and prettier every time I see you Lizzie'' Lucy said

''Thank you''

''So? How have you been holding up?'' Bob asked


He was asking about the accident. Grandma told me that when she called to tell him, he actually started crying


''We're fine'' Grandma said

''I've heard that you've been giving the doctor's work missy'' he said

''I hope you're feeling better dear'' Lucy said

''I am, thanks. Where are the dogs?'' I asked, trying to change the subject

''Oh they're in the back, wanna go see them?''

''Yes please''

''Oh, I'll stay inside with Lucy, you go with Bob, Lizzie. And please don't hurt yourself'' grandma said

''Ok'' I nodded and walked off


We walked towards the back door, I could hear barking getting louder. Bob held opened the door for me and I stepped outside. They were all sitting huddled up in one corner. One by one they got up.


''Hey buddies. Chester, Scruffles, and Lady'' I called their names


The two of them got up but Lady remained down.


''Why is she not getting up?'' I asked Bob

''Well she might be in some pain''

''Why? Did she get hurt?''

''No, just wait and see''


I watched her, waiting. After a few moments, she started getting up. And there was a beautiful surprise there.


''Puppies! She had puppies. They are so cute'' I squealed 

''She had them this morning'' Bob said

''Did you name them yet?'' I asked

''No not yet, but now that you're here, why don't you go ahead and to the honor''

''Really? Thankx'' I smiled

''How's Lady doing?'' Lucy came outside along with grandma

''Oh dear. She's got puppies'' grandma said

''Yes, they're so cute. And guess what? I get to name them''

''Oh that's great dear'' Grandma said


I sat on the stool and thought of names. There were 5 puppies all together.


''Are they all girls?''

''Uhh no, we had the vet check. He said that the one with the ..........''


He explained which ones were girls and which were boys. There were 3 girls and 2 boys. I nodded and then started thinking again. I took out my phone but remembered that there was no Wifi. After I thought for a while I decided on Poppy, Lola, and Roxy for the girls. Buster and Max for the boys. I told them what I thought.


''Yes that's perfect for them. You're a clever girl'' Bob said

''Thanks. They really are lovely. So tiny''

''Do you want one dear?'' Lucy asked


I wanted to say yes, but I knew it would be hard to manage with the move. So I said no.


''Well, you can come and see them anytime you want. You must come one more time before you go''

''Don't worry, we'll see you guys again. Definitely'' Grandma smiled

''If you need any help packing, remember we're just a call away'' Lucy said

''Thank you, we must really get going. Lizzie just came back from the hospital. I need her to rest'' grandma said

''Yes, of course, don't over work yourself dear'' Lucy hugged me

''Come on, let me get the boxes in the car for you'' Bob said


I waved to the puppies and the dogs, Bob and Lucy came with us to the car, we loaded the boxes. It was a lot of boxes. Lucy gave me a picture of all the puppies and the dogs that she took this morning. It was placed in a pretty frame. I thanked her for the gift. We bid them goodbye and drove off. We talked about how nice they were. Grandma said that once when I was small, we came to visit and when I saw the dogs, I started crying because they were barking, but then after that, I was always trying to grab them. I laughed at my own silliness. We reached home and I jumped out of the car. We carried in the boxes together and dumped them in the lounge. It was dark out, I skipped off to my room after kissing grandma goodnight.


My bed was calling me.







Picture love

 I changed into something warm and switched off the lights. The room was dark, there was only a little light coming in from the window. I used to hate to sleep in the dark but as I grew I started to hate too much light, I don't know why. I heard grandma walking up the stairs and into her room. I just laid there staring at the ceiling. I can be so exhausted but the moment I get on the bed I don't feel tired at all. I sighed and got up, I took out the letter from my bag and read it once again. It was hard to make out the handwriting, it was new to me. As I said, I'm a people watcher so I pretty much know every person's handwriting that I know. I sealed it up again and took out my box. It's kind of like a secret box with all stuff that nobody knows about like my dozen diaries. There's also this picture that means a lot to me. It's of someone I don't know at all. 




I and my family came to the park for a picnic. It was a sunny day and it was hot. We bought hot dogs and ice creams. Daddy was pushing Daisy on the baby swing and mummy was pushing me on the big swing.


''Hold on tight Lizzie'' Mum said

''I can push myself, mum'' 

''I know but I just want to give you a start''

''Ok, push me high''


She pushed me twice then let me go, I swung on my own. Daisy got tired and started crying so daddy took her out. They went to sit on the blanket. I jumped out and went to the monkey bars. I always end up getting blisters on my hand but I do it anyway. I was on the last one when I let go and dropped to the floor


''Lizzie, come and eat'' dad called

''Coming'' I called


I got up and dusted off all the sand and got up, as I walked to them I saw a small paper in the sand by one of the bushes, I was curious. It looked like a picture. I picked it up and wiped the dirt off. It was a picture of a boy. He looked about 1 or 2 years older than me. I looked around, there was nobody else in the park. I placed the picture in my pants pocket and walked toward my mum and them.




4 years later and I still have it with me, nobody knows about it, not even Linda. For a while, I felt guilty that it may have been stealing but then it was buried in the bush and it was a bit torn, so it must have been lost for some time then. He was really a cute boy, he had a wonderful smile. From then I considered him my 'first love'. I would pretend he was there and I would talk to the picture. I know, stupid. But then I just kept it in the box and took a look at it once a while. I guess I have a fantasy that one day I'll meet this person, but that's all it is, just a fantasy. With the kind of life I have, I doubt any fantasy of mine will come true. I put it inside the letter and placed in the box, I kept back in its place at the back bottom of my cupboard at closed the doors. I switched off the lights and jumped back in the bed with the hope of falling asleep quickly.


I woke up with a start, I had that feeling like I was falling off a cliff. It was still dark, 3 am. I closed my eyes again but then my stomach grumbled. I'm hungry. I got up and snuck down to the kitchen, I heard grandma's snores when I walked past her room. I switched on the kitchen light and closed the door. This is the worse thing ever. Trying to be quiet when you're in the kitchen, plus I didn't know what there was to eat. I opened the fridge and looked for something and then the cupboards. I ended up with a yoghurt, banana, milk and a few almonds. That ought to do the trick until the morning. I took out a bowl and mixed the yoghurt, banana and almonds together making a kind of mixture. It was really tasty, I think I just invented a new treat. I shall call it 'Yoghurt mix' or 'Almond mix'. Maybe even 'Banana mix'. Or 'BAY mix' ( Banana, almond and yoghurt mix). It will be on the cover of every food magazine. Finishing the last bit of my mix, I drank the milk and washed the dishes. My stomach was satisfied. Back in my room, I went to the toilet and then walked around my room for a while. They say it's not good to sleep directly after you eat, after doing 10 walks around my room, including jumping on the bed, I plopped down on my bed and covered myself. 


''Ok Lizzie, you ate, you drank, you digested, now you have to sleep. No nonsense'' I whispered to myself


After singing a song that I made up about my mix that's going to be famous, I threw my pillows on the other side of the bed and changed directions so that my feet were by the headboard. I thought about the house. I've been living here for more than 6 years, it's going to be hard leaving. But I can't do anything about it. Plus I'll be leaving Linda and we've gotten on pretty well with Marcus and his dad. And Bob, Lucy. There's one person I won't miss, though, that freaky man. Not that I know him, but he just seems, I don't know, weird maybe. Then there was the packing, the hard part. We had so many things here, some stuff we don't even use. Maybe I could ask grandma is we could have a yard sale. It will be much easier shipping boxes to Durban. Dad liked to store everybody's things here, he said it was a 'favour' for them. But they never came back for it. I need to get rid of that stuff, maybe I should call those people and ask them if they still need their things. We put labels on each of the packages that are stored in the store room so it won't be too hard returning the stuff. We'll see. Atleast Linda will be here to help and maybe Marcus. I turned on my stomach and closed my eyes.


After a while, I was fast asleep.


I was running as fast as I could, then I stopped. I was in a huge field filled with birds and cats. I looked around and spotted a door in the middle of the field, walking towards it, I tried to open it but it was locked. I took out the picture of the boy from my jacket hat and threw it on the floor. After a while, the door made a funny noise and then opened very fast. After stepping in, I found myself in a strange room. Half of the room was bright with colors and the other half was dark, falling down on the floor, right in the middle of the room, I started crying. I was falling and falling. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Tyler, we were in an elevator sitting on a chair. The lift went higher and higher, it never stopped moving. He hugged me so tight, I couldn't breathe. But then I felt terrible pain, I couldn't figure out which part of my body the pain was but I started screeching, I pulled away from Tyler, but only this time, it wasn't Tyler. It was....




I opened my eyes in shock, still feeling the pain, but then it quickly disappeared. I didn't see who that man was. And Tyler was there and that boy in the picture. I woke up and went to my box, taking out the picture to look at it. I just felt like, like, it was gone or something. It was already 2 pm. I stretched out, I almost fell on my back. I was hungry, so maybe I'll shower after I eat. After brushing my teeth, I headed downstairs. Just before I could take the last step, I heard voices coming from the living room. Well, on second thought, maybe I should take a shower first. Skipping steps, I hurried to the bathroom.




It was a wonderful morning, I took a shower and made my bed. After I got ready, I went to check in on Lizzie. She was still fast asleep. I decided to leave her, the poor girl must be really tired. I got the newspaper from the front door and settled down with my cup of tea and peanut butter toast. I flipped through the news, giving my silent opinion on all the situations going on. I read the sports part as well, I was never a fan of sports, but my husband would love to read through it. I still remember how he would sit with his cup of tea in front of the TV and watch. The way he would scream at the screen, I would tell him that the players can't hear him, but he never listened. Then he'd have a long chat with his friends about the match. It was like the whole match was repeated again but in words. But I never bothered, it was a pleasure just watching him get worked up about soccer or cricket. And when he's team would loose he would be upset and then I'd go to him and tell him 'The only team and star I route for, is you'. He'd laugh and tell me that I'm the best, his life, his sunshine. Even after years and years of being with him, I used to still blush or my would still race whenever he smiled or looked into my eyes. We had our fairytale, not like the ones in books, but a real wonderful one. He was strong. Even as I watched him become older and weaker, he never failed to flatter me, never failed to be strong with whatever he had. He would bring me red roses every Saturday. We would go for long walks and chat for hours on end. Then on the last day of his life. In the hospital, he held my hand and stroked my cheek. He stared at me and said 'You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Please don't ever think I'm gone forever, I will always be in your heart, I will always listen to your late night stories, I will be there to support you till the end''. He's voice was so soft, so crispy. I cried and cried, I could hear the machine going slower and slower. He took my hand 'If I have the choice to breath or love you, I would use my last breath to say that I love you. Addison dear, I love you'. And he was gone. No amount of crying or sleepless nights could bring him back. But I always know that he's with me, in my heart. Ding Dong, the door bell rang. I got up hurriedly, not wanting Lizzie to wake up. 


''Who's there?'' I asked

''It's me, Linda''

''Oh how wonderful to see you'' I said hugging her

''You too grandma. Is Lizzie still sleeping?'' she asked

''Yes she is, and I don't want to wake her up just yet, let her wake herself''

''Oh, of course, she must be really tired. Look, it's Marcus and his dad'' she said


Their car just parked in the driveway and we waved to them. I looked at Linda, she seemed excited at their arrival. I see someone has fallen in love. We greeted them and I took them all to the lounge.


''Would you like something to drink? Eat?'' I asked

''Oh no thank you, I have to get going. Open up the shop. My boy Marcus can stay over and help'' Mr.Mathew said

''Is Lizzie still sleeping?'' Marcus asked

''Yes she is. I'm sure she'll wake up in a while''

''Come on in for just a few moments. Have a glass of juice or something before you go''

''Oh ok, if you insist''


I walked them to the lounge and we all sat down. We talked about how Lizzie was managing and what the doctor said. I got up to get something to drink for us all.


''Grandma, why don't you sit? I'll go get something to drink'' Linda said

''Oh you're wonderful Linda'' I smiled

''I'll come too'' Marcus said


I could see Linda trying to stop herself from blushing. I was once just like her. They went off to the kitchen leaving Mathew and I sitting in silence.


''Lizzie is very lucky to have such a friend'' he said

''Oh yes she is. They've been friends for such a long time now. My granddaughter adores her''

''Is she feeling alright? Lizzie, I mean''

''Oh yes, she seemed fine. She's trying to stay strong. She's always been the type of person who hides all the pain and puts on a happy face''

''It must be really hard for her. I mean losing both her parents and a sibling at the same time, that is just too much for a young girl. But it's such a relief that she has you, that support with her.''

''Well, I'm trying my best. She's got to start handling things independently. One day I won't be around. What is she going to do?''

''Are there any other relatives around?'' he asked

''Well not really. We really don't keep much contact with each other, you know, family drama. She does have an aunt living in Capetown. They couldn't make it for the funeral. But we did tell them the news''

''Ah, is this your daughter?''


I tried to keep the tears from flowing when he mentioned my daughter.


''No, it's her mother's older sister. They had a family fight and she got married and moved out few months before the passing of Caroline's parents''

''So Lizzie's mom was an orphan herself?''

''Yes that's right. We were neighbors. We took her into our care and made her a part of our family. Over time she and my son fell in love and got married. She was a real darling.''

''It must have been really hard. Poor girls''


We sat in silence for a few moments, then Linda and Marcus came back with the drinks and a bowl of chips. We sat and talked about everything and anything. I thought I heard footsteps on the stairs but when I went to check, there was nobody there. I wonder how long till Lizzie wakes up. She must be really exhausted, can't blame the poor girl.


I really hope it gets easier.


What you gonna be when you grow up?

 After sitting on my bed in my towel, staring off into space, for about 10 minutes, my tummy growled. It was time to eat. I slipped on loose black pants and a white T-shirt with black bows. After tying my hair into a high ponytail and applying some cream, and lip balm, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was satisfied. I cleaned up and headed downstairs.


''So Lizzie, what are you planning on becoming?'' Mr.Mathew asked me


We had just finished having tea and biscuits and were all sitting in the lounge. I and Linda were sitting cross-legged opposite grandma.


''I think a doctor. Maybe a pediatrician. I'd love to work with children'' I said

''Yes, that's nice and what about you Linda?''

''Probably a psychologist. If not, then a cardiologist'' she said

''What's that?'' Marcus asked

''It's got something to do with the heart and stuff'' I said

''Oh ok. I think I'm going to go for being a scientist or a psychologist. Maybe even a pediatrician''

''Well, my boy. You have to choose fast because you're not too far away from college'' Mr.Mathew said

''Yes, he's right. It's about time you start thinking about the future you've got ahead of you. It's not going to be all laughs and jokes, my dears'' grandma said


From the time I was old enough to know that one day I've got to get a job and earn money, I've always wanted to do something in the doctor's department. But I didn't quite get that I have to work real hard for it. I can't imagine going to college. High school is killing me as it is, how in the world am I going to make it to college?. Although I am looking forward to the whole dorm thing, with a roommate. It's just another step in my life that I have to take, but it's going to be much harder without my parents. I've always imagined that they'll be there throughout the whole thing.



We were all sitting in the lounge waiting for daddy to come home from work when I heard a car outside and ran to the front door to open. I waited for him to grab his work bag and lock the car and then I jumped into his arms. He came home a lot later that day than usual.


''Daddy!'' I said hugging him

''Hey sweetpea, I missed you'' 


He picked Daisy up and gave mom a quick kiss on her cheeks. We all went to the lounge and I helped him take off his coat and put his bag away.


''Why so late today?'' Mom asked

''There was a bit off an emergency at the office, so I had to fill in for John while he went to sort things out'' he said


John was daddy's working friend. He always told us stories of what he and John did in the office and all the different types of clients they had. Mom cooked pasta and beans that night so we all sat down and ate. After we finished I helped mom clean up while dad washed Daisy off. She was always making such a mess with her food. We sat down in the lounge in front of the heater and talked.


''Daddy? Why do you have to go to work every day?'' I asked

''So I can get money and buy nice things for my pretty ladies'' he said

''Yes, but why every day? And you come home so late.'' I complained

''Lizzie darling, when you get older you'll want to have your own house and buy your own things, so that's why you're going to school. Eventually, you're going to go to big school and then college. You'll learn so many things and you can become whatever you want.''

''I want to become a doctor, so I can help people feel better'' I said

''Yes. And to do that, you have to study hard and do good like how I did, then you can become a doctor and have your own money to buy anything you want''

''And when daddy and mommy get old, then you can look after us. We'll come stay with you at your house and you'll have to make up all the rules'' Mom said

''That would be fun. You promise you'll come stay with me forever?'' I asked

''Yes sweety. We'll be with you the whole time you're growing up. And when you're big like us, you know what I'll say?'' Mommy asked


''I'll say 'This is my daughter Lizzie, she's such an amazing doctor and I'm so proud of her. But even if she wasn't we would still love her because she's our little princess. Isn't she daddy?''

''Yes she most definitely is'' 

''Goo goo, mom, dad'' Daisy smiled

''Of course, you too Daisy. You're both the best'' We laughed




It seemed so much easier then. I would imagine my parents clapping for me as I graduate and then crying because they were sad to let me go. I'd tell Daisy that one day she'll get her chance. Poor Daisy, she hardly even lived her life. She was so young. But you can't change what had already been planned. If only I was in that car with them.


''Well, I better be on my way. Don't want to keep the ice cream waiting'' Mr.Mathew said getting up.

''It was nice of you to stay for a while'' grandma smiled

''Yes, thank you for the wonderful tea. Now, Marcus, you better behave. Just call me if his of any trouble''

''Very funny dad, I'm not small anymore'' Marcus said, embarrassed

''Hey Marco, nothing to be embarrassed about. All parents have that'' I nudged him

''Yeah, my mom still does that, no matter how many times I beg her to stop'' Linda said

''Eish, these kids grow up too fast'' grandma laughed

''No doubt on that one'' Mr.Mathew said


After a few more minutes he drove off. It must be so nice working in a shop with ice cream all around you. We all stepped inside and plunked down on the sofas. It was kind of weird because Marcus was with us. It was normally just Linda and I. Grandma asked what we wanted for lunch and we agreed to order take out Chinese food from this really good restaurant. It's called 'A taste of China'. After ordering what we wanted, grandma went up to her room to relax, leaving the three of us alone.


''Let's start taking these boxes up to your room Liz. Then we'll eat and start packing'' Linda said

''Yeah, come on'' Marcus said

''Hey Marcus. I'm gonna start calling you Marco from now. Is that okay?''

''Yeah me too'' Linda agreed

''Fine with me. And you're Liz and Lin'' He said, pointing to us

''Cool'' we both said


After our nickname naming, we carried as many boxes as we could up to my room.


People! Let the packing begin!

Secret drama

We had to make the boxes because it was all flat, so I found two rolls of tape and we got to work. I made 4, Linda, oh sorry, Lin made 4 and Marco made 5. We decided that if we needed more we would make later. It's better if we start off with my room so it's out of the way. And I have a lot of stuff, like literally.


''So, where are we going to start?'' Lin asked

''I don't know'' I sighed

''How about your cupboards? You gonna put your clothes it suitcases or boxes?'' Marco asked

''Wait here, I'm going to get my suitcase'' I said


I left them alone and headed towards the store room with all the stuff. Which reminds me, the garage sale, I've got to ask grandma, so I went to her room first.


''Hey grandma. What are you doing?''

''Nothing much. Lizzie, those people who are coming to see the house will be here in an hour, so can you please just neaten up around the house?''

''Ok no problem. Grandma, I was wondering. We have so much stuff that we don't need, just taking up space, so maybe we can have like a kind of yard sale. Please.''

''I was thinking the same thing. It would be less transporting. Why don't we pack up everything that we're taking with us, then the rest we'll have a yard sale? I've put up the furniture for sale too, so I'm hoping it'll all get sold.''

''Oh thank you, thank you, grandma. I promise I'll try to make all this easier than it sounds'' 

''I know you will. I'm so lucky to have you with me, darling'' she kissed me on my head.


I went downstairs and put anything that was lying around, trying to make the place looking nice. I got my purple suitcase out from all the mess in the store room and headed back into my room. What I saw next got me furious and embarrassed.




They both froze. Suprised. Marcus had the picture in his hand and Linda was holding the box with all my stuff in it. I never wanted anyone to find that box, it was personal. 


''We...Um...'' Marcus stammered

''It was by...Um...mistake'' Linda said next

''Mistake? Well, that is the stupidest mistake anyone's ever made. Especially since the box is covered with the words 'DO NOT OPEN'. Can you two not read?'' I said


I don't know how I did what I did next but I picked up pillows and started throwing at them, I jumped on Linda and hit her with the pillow, Marcus tried to pull me off her but I was losing my mind.


''Linda! We have to stop her, she's getting one of her attacks'' he shouted.

''Don't touch me Marcus'' I screamed


Grandma ran into the room and tried to stop me. After a few minutes of screaming and kicking, I suddenly stopped. I got off Linda and backed off. In my head, I kept on repeating 'I'm a star, I will go far, be happy, don't be snappy. Love yourself, love the world. You are brave, you are a wonderful girl. Close your eyes and imagine the best, don't cry, you shall pass this test. Take a breath and smile as wide as you can. Chase away the devil by hitting him hard with a frying pan'. I didn't let anyone touch me, I wanted to calm down myself. Mom appeared next to me.


''Calm down Lizzie. You're a strong girl. Don't lose it'' she whispered


I wanted to hug her but she was gone. They were all looking at me cautiously, to see if I'd go crazy again. I whispered 'I'm sorry' and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. I didn't faint, I didn't forget. I managed to control myself. I splashed my face with cold water and then stared at myself in the mirror. I looked for something similar to a frying pan. I found an old hairbrush of mine and started swatting the air, imagining my mom was with me. Moments later, I leaned against the cold wall and tried to even out my breath. I hope they didn't tell grandma why I lost control, it would just get worse. I stepped out of the bathroom. Marcus was sitting next to Linda, rocking her back and forth. Grandma was sitting on the bed staring at her hands, they all looked up when they heard the door open. I went to Linda and helped her up.


''I'm so sorry Linda. So sorry'' I hugged her

''It's ok Lizzie. I'm glad you're okay''

''It's not okay, I was practically on top of you, did I hurt you''

''That's all you did, just sat on top of me, you didn't touch a hair on my head. I'm fine. Really.'' she said

''And you Marcus. I'm really sorry. Did you get hurt?''

''Nah, I'm fine. Glad you're okay, though'' he said hugging me

''Whatever in the world made you lose control, Elizabeth?'' grandma asked

''I'm sorry grandma, I was....I was thinking of mom and dad, and I kind of lost my mind. I'm okay now. I promise.''

''Then why were you on top of Linda?''

''I went to hug her because she started crying, but she got really angry she pushed me, but then she ended on top of me because I wouldn't let go'' Linda said

''Is this true Marcus?'' grandma asked him

''Yes Mrs.Grace'' he replied

''Oh for heavens sake, just call me grandma.''

''Ok grandma'' he smiled


After telling grandma over and over that we're okay, she went back to her room, telling us she's going to get ready for the visitors.


''Visitors?'' Linda asked

''Yeah, they're coming to see the house'' I said

''Oh, your grandma put it up for sale already?'' Marco asked

''Yup, we're planning on moving out by next Sunday'' I said

''I wish you weren't. It's going to be so lonely without you'' Linda said

''Don't worry. You have Marcus. You two make a pretty good couple'' I smiled.


I laughed at the stunned looks on their faces. I picked up the picture that was now lying on my bed.


''Grandma said we can have a yard sale once we're finish packing all the stuff we need'' I said

''Oh that's cool. Can I help? I've got some things that I'd like to give away. Why not make some money of off it one time?'' Marcus said

''Yeah me too. If that's fine with you'' Linda said

''I'm cool with it. The more the merrier.'' I sighed, then looked at the picture in my hand. ''You guys are probably wondering who this is'' they both nodded.

''Well, the truth is, I don't know myself. I found this picture buried in the bush when I went to the park years ago. I kept it with me since it didn't seem like anybody wanted it back. I've always told myself that this is my first love. I know that's crazy, you can laugh if you want. But it's just a picture. It would be a miracle if I actually did meet him in person. He's about the same age as me, since he looks about 13 or 14 here. I found it when I was twelve.'' I explained


Linda took the picture from me and examined it. None of them laughed. Marcus just seemed lost in thought.


''I think it's sweet'' Linda commented at last

''Yeah, it's not funny at all'' Marcus said taking a look at the picture again

''But how come you didn't tell me about this before?'' she asked

''Well, I thought you'd think I was crazy, so I kept it to myself. Nobody else knows.'' I said

''Oh, is that the reason why you lied to your grandma?'' Marcus said

''I wasn't lying. I was just covering up my dignity''

''Yeah right'' he snickered


I hit him on the head with a pillow and then the bell rang. Wow, the time went fast.


''Those people are here. Quick, let's clean up the room, We'll get started on the packing after they leave, if grandma doesn't ask them to tea'' I said


We cleaned up the room and ourselves, then headed downstairs. 


I really hope these people are worth all the memories in this house.



Unpleasant finding

''This is a very lovely house'' said the lady


We had just finished showing them around the house and we were all sitting and drinking tea now. They were nice people. A middle aged couple with unidentical triplets, about 10 years old. They said they just moved this side recently from England. They had accents that I loved to listen to. 


''Yes it is. We've been living here from the time I was born'' I said

''And it's in very good shape'' the man said

''Now, for the price'' the lady sighed


It was none of our business in the money department so I offered to take the triplets up to my room for a while.


''Oh will you? You're such a darling'' the lady said


I smiled and told them to follow me. Linda and Marcus tagged along too.


''Your room is very pretty'' said one of them. She had blonde hair with dark brown eyes and a soft look. The other two both had brown hair with the same colour eyes. But they somehow all looked different.


''Thank you. I'm Lizzie and these are my friends, Linda and Marcus. What's your names?'' I asked

''I'm Sally and my sisters are Sam and Suzan. They are both a bit shyer than me'' she smiled

''Why are you moving away?'' Suzan asked


I looked at Linda, asking her whether I should tell them the truth or what. She just nodded and smiled. I took a breath and told them to take a seat.


''Well. You see I had a mom and dad and a little sister. But they all died in a car accident. My grandma lives in Durban, so she came to take me to live with her there. Of course, I can't live on my own here.''


They were all silent at first, but then Sam started crying. I thought I did or said something wrong so I got worried and tried to make her stop.


''Don't worry. She's sensitive, she cries at things like this. She'll stop in a while.''


After a while, she did stop. Their mom called from downstairs, telling them it was time to go. I took them down and had to explain why Sam was crying, both of them gave me sympathetic looks and said they were sorry.


''Thank you. I'm having a yard sale on Saturday here and it would be nice if you all could come'' I said

''Oh that's wonderful, Of course, we'll come. What time does it start?''

''About 4 or 5 in the afternoon'' I said

''You girls will love that won't you?''

''Yes. We'll bring our savings'' they agreed


We bid them farewell and they drove off.


''So? What do you guys think?'' grandma asked

''They seem good enough'' I said

''Yeah, the triplets are great'' Linda agreed

''Are they taking it?'' Marcus asked

''Well......Yes. And it's final'' grandma said


We all started jumping around. But deep inside, it really hurt. I couldn't believe we were selling our house. I wonder if this is what mom and dad would have wanted. I stopped and started to think about dad's will. Surely he must have written one down.


''Grandma?'' I asked. It came out a whisper so I thought she didn't hear, but she did

''Yes darling? Are you okay?''

''I was just wondering, if um.....if dad.....wrote a will?''


She seemed surprised that I asked. But then it was like she knew I was going to ask because she had a ready answer.


''Well, actually he did. And he left it with me. A few months back in fact. It said that everything he owned was to go to you and your sister. Including the house and the car. But there was too much damage to the car, so it was taken into the scrap yard. For a price of course. And the house, I didn't really ask you, I'm sorry. I just thought you'd want to sell it and keep the money for college. But it's up to you. Do you want that?''


I thought for a while. The house was already sold, it would seem a bit rude to say we're not selling anymore. But even if I do keep it, it won't be of any use. I can't live alone and I don't expect grandma to pack up and come live here. And it's much too big for us. I would have loved to keep it for when I had a family, for my children, but that seems too far away in the future. And plus if we do sell it it would definitely help out on my college fees. And if grandma is not around later, I'll have something to keep me on my feet before I can start working. It seemed fair, I can't just keep it for my own selfish reasons. It's what's best for us right now.


''Yes, I want to sell the house, I was just wondering.''

''And of course, the car money will go to your college fees as well''

''Yeah, that all seems right. Too bad Daisy isn't here tp share it with me''

''I know darling. I'm sorry'' she hugged me

''Well, what do you say we go right back to your room to start packing? After all, we don't have much time and this house is filled with stuff.'' Linda said

''Yes, yes. You three go carry on with your room. I'm just going to start with all the display stuff around the house'' she said walking away


We went up to my room and opened up my cupboards and draws. I brought the suitcase in and started folding. Linda and Marcus took down all the things from the wall and shelves


''Linda, truth or dare?'' Marcus started

''Um, I'm quite busy now, so I'll go with truth'' she said

''Okay. And we all have to say the truth, no skipping or changing, no matter how embarrassing the question or dare is. Deal?'' 

''Deal.'' We both said

''Okay Linda, here we go. What's the first thing you notice in a person?''

''Mmmm, probably their looks'' she answered

''Okay. Next''

''Lizzie, truth or dare?'' she asked me

''Truth please''

''Okay, what's the evilest thing you've ever done?'' she asked

''Hey, I've got an idea. Since we're too busy to do any dares, how about we switch it to would you rather?'' I suggested

''Yeah that's a good idea'' Marco agreed

''But you still have to answer my question'' Linda said

''Oh, of course. The evilest thing, huh, well, this one time, I was in, I think 3rd grade. And there was this one boy who really used to irritate me, like really. So one day, I fell and hurt my back and he laughed, when the teacher asked me how I got hurt, I told her that he had pushed me. And she shouted him. I kinda felt bad after that because he kept on telling her it wasn't him but she didn't believe him, and I kinda liked him. So yeah, I consider that an evil thing to do''

''Wow, you are a very naughty girl'' Marcus laughed


We played the game for a while, it kept us busy while we were packing and stuff. I am really grateful that I have them both, I mean imagine if it were just grandma and me with this whole house. Impossible. And they're really great friends. Even though we just met Marcus, he's a great guy. He's fun to hang out with. And I'm Linda and him will still have a friendship when I'm gone, if not more. I've had a lot of friends in my life but as they say, only a few true one's really stick around. We were on our 5th round of the game when we heard a scream then a thud from downstairs. We ran as fast as we could. Grandma was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and some papers in her hand.


''GRANDMA! What happened?'' we asked

''Oh Elizabeth. This is terrible'' she sobbed

''What grandma? Linda, can you go get a glass of water please''

''Sure'' she ran to the kitchen

''Come on grandma, let's get you to the couch'' Marcus said


We pulled her up and took her to the couch, she drank the water and tried to stop the tears. I picked up the papers and set them aside for now.


''Breathe grandma. That's it. Now, please tell me what happened'' I pleaded

''Lizzie. Your...mother. She..she was....p..p..pregnant'' she whispered


I froze. I let it sunk in. Bit by bit. All of a sudden, I was the one trying to control my breathing. I fell onto my knees and tears started to flow. Not only had I lost my parents and Daisy, but also an unborn sibling. It registered to me that it had something to do with the papers so I picked them up, and sure enough there was it. The first ultrasound scan. Linda and Marcus also sat there, stunned. Grandma was still crying, and I was just staring at the pictures. Barely seeing anything, but you know it was there. A tiny little human being, a new life that was supposed to be brought into the world. It was too early to tell the sex of the baby, but it was my sibling, another addition to the family. And now what? It's gone, lost, hopeless, dead. 


''Where did you find this?'' I asked grandma after she stopped crying

''It was tucked behind that blue vase'' she said pointing to the vase lying on the table

''I can not believe this. It's too much already'' I said, more like shouted

''Ok Lizzie, calm down, honey, calm down'' Linda said, hugging me

''I'm tired of 'calming down'. This is too much for me''


I could start to feel my heart beating faster and my breathing getting heavier. My head was spinning, the whole room was spinning. I laid my head down on the floor and tried to calm down, once again. I couldn't let this happen again. I needed to be in control.


''Lizzie darling. Why don't you go rest a bit? I'll bring you something to eat in a while''


Without speaking, I stood up slowly and walked to my room with Linda behind me. When I sat on my bed, Linda gave me a long hug, telling me to let the tears fall. I cried and cried. She lay down beside me and whispered soothing word like 'it's going to be okay' and 'don't worry, we're here for you'. They all keep on saying that, and I let them. Even though my life's a damn mess, maybe one day, maybe, those words that I keep hearing from people will come true:


Everything will be okay.






Hardest goodbyes

The packing went gracefully. Linda stayed over and Marcus came up and down. It was fun, the four of us together. But all that just led to today. We weren't able to get everything done by Sunday so we postponed our move a week, so it gave us more time. Our boxes were packed and loaded, we just had our clothes with us. It was time for the yard sale and everything was set and ready, people even started coming in. We decided that we'll finish up the yard sale, go for ice cream and then head to the airport. I walked back in the house and looked around. It was so empty and alone. It looked bigger now that there was no furniture. 


''It'll miss you too''

''Mom?'' I turned around

''But you have to move on. The memories aren't here darling, they're all in your heart'' she smiled

''I know. It just seems so sad to leave all this behind'' I whispered


She was gone. Just when I want to give her a hug or something, she disappears.


''Who are you talking to?'' Linda asked walking in.

''Oh, nobody. Just wandering''

''It must be pretty hard for you. I'm sorry''

''Yeah well. There ain't nothing we can do about it''

''It'll all work out. You can come visit and I'll come visit you''

''But it's so far Linda. It's not down the road anymore. We can't see each other every day in school, or on weekends anymore. It's just not the same'' I cried

''Oh come on Lizzie. You'll make me cry, the tears are for last. Let's go start selling, we've got customers waiting'' she said


I wiped my eyes and followed her out. Hoping this will take it's time, the best things always seem to end quickly. I remember asking my mom why.




''Come on Lizzie, daddy will be waiting at home for us and Daisy is getting really restless'' mom cried

''Just a few more minutes please mummy''


I had spent the afternoon at Linda's and we had a tea party, it was so much of fun. But mommy had to come and ruin it. I don't know why I couldn't stay over. Linda's mom says it's fine with her. After few minutes Daisy started crying and mom looked tired, so I picked up my bag, sulking, I walked to the front door.


''Now Lizzie, aren't you going to say goodbye to Linda and her mom. And thank them for the wonderful time?'' mom asked

''Thank you for the wonderful time. Goodbye''

''It was nice having you Lizzie darling. Maybe next time you can stay a bit longer'' Linda's mom hugged me

''Don't forget to bring your dolls'' Linda whispered in my ear

''These girls, I tell you. Linda, you must come and play with Lizzie.'' mom said

''She will. You can't keep these two apart for less than a week'' Mrs.Grey laughed


We said goodbye and drove off. I was silent the whole time, not saying anything. Daisy had fallen asleep the moment mom put her down into her car chair. Mom kept glancing at me, wanting to say something.


''Lizzie? Why the long face?'' she asked

''It's not fair mom. You always come so early to pick me up'' I whined

''It is not early, young lady. It's almost your bed time. The time just goes fast'' she sighed

''Yes, but whenever I'm having fun, it ends so quickly. Why? Why can't it last forever?''

''Oh Elizabeth. If I could make time stop, I would. I would stop time and sleep for days on end, But that's just how life works honey. Nothing lasts forever, things end in order for you to prepare for the next thing thats about to happen. There's going to be many more fun times in your life. And boring ones too, but you just have to bare it''


I just nodded and looked out the window. We were almost home and it was dark.


''Now, show me some teeth. Come on, smile!'' mom said tickling me with her one hand, while the other was on the steering.

''Mom! Stop it!'' I laughed

''That's my girl. Now you see, that kind of fun, we can have anytime'' she laughed


I nodded. We can.




People were everywhere, asking prices, buying stuff. Everything was almost cleared out. Grandma and Mr.Marcus went to return the car that grandma hired, leaving the three of us in charge. Even Linda's mom and dad popped in.


''You guys got it going. Good job!'' they said


I even recognized some people from school, they asked me how I was doing, and how they're going to miss me. Yeah right. Even the triplets showed up like they promised.


''I really love this doll'' Sam said

''And I'm taking this'' Sally said, pointing to one of my diaries that I never used. It was still sealed.

''These pens are really cool'' Suzan smiled

''Yes they are, they have 5 different colours. All in one pen. I remember buying a few dozens of them to hand out on my last day of school last year. I had few extra'' I said

''Yeah, I still have mine'' Linda said


We even sold some of my old books that I had read too many times. After half an hour the place was cleared. All that was left was a pack of scented candles and a two of those pens.


''Here you can have these candles'' I said handing them to Linda ''And for you, this pen. It's really usefull'' I said giving it to Marco and tucking the other one in my pocket.

''Thanks'' they smiled

''Wow. You kids really sold stuff'' Mr.Mthew said

''I'm ever so proud of you three'' grandma said

''Thanks. Now, what about that ice cream?'' Marcus licked his lips

''Just one minute. I just want to lock up the house and then we can go''

''I'll come with grandma'' I said


We went in while the rest folded up the tables and cleared up the yard. I went up to my room, former room, and leaned against the wall. It was so hurtful. I could practically see all the fun times I had in here replaying in my mind. The walls were bare and the room had an echo effect. I heard a car bycyle pull up and some noises, then grandma called from downstairs saying she was locking up. I took one more look around and a quick peek in Daisy and my parents rooms and went downstairs.



''Who was that?'' I asked

''Just some boy who heard about the sale. But was too late'' Grandma said

''Poor thing'' I sighed


Grandma took a long look at the house and then turned the key, she handed it to Mr.Mathew. He was going to keep it untill the triplets and their parents were ready to move in, they would have to go and pick it up from him.


''Ice cream, here we come'' Marcus shouted


We all laughed and got into the car. I watched as we drove further and further away from my childhood place. Untill the very last blurry picture of it.


Then it was gone.



A new start

 It was really hard saying goodbye. We all stood there just crying. Linda and I wouldn't let go of each other.


''I'm really going to miss you'' I cried

''Me too. Please don't forget me''

''I would never Linda. We'll always keep in touch. Okay?''

''Okay'' she sniffed

''We're all going to miss you darling'' Mrs.Grey hugged me, even she was crying.

''Now, you be happy and try your hardest'' Mr.Mathew said.

''I will. Thank you for everything'' I said

''Keep in touch Liz. Don't get lost'' Marcus joked

''Yeah, you can get my number from Linda'' I said

''I will. We'll miss you hanging out with us''


We checked in and put our baggage through. I just had a backpack and my handbag, grandma had her small bag with her, and we had a packet with some snacks for the plane.


''Well at least you two will be hanging out together'' I nudged Linda

''I'll keep you posted. Fingers crossed that it'll work out'' she whispered back

''Good luck. God, I'm really gonna miss you. Now I have to go make new friends and all.'' I sighed

''Yeah well you can, but don't go replacing me with some idiot''

''No one can replace you. You're too precious''


We talked for a while longer, coming closer to the boarding gates with every step that we took. Getting harder to say goodbye. We finally reached and had to let go. I tried to keep the tears from falling and the lump in my throat from rising, but I gave up and started crying.


''I love you. Wish you the best'' Linda cried, squeezing the life out of me

''I love you too. Best wishes'' I said, hugging her just as hard.

''Let's go, Lizzie. we're going to be late'' Grandma said


I nodded and gave Linda one last hug then her mother. I waved to them all and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Breathe, breathe. We put our bags through the scan and let them check us. Once we were in we walked to the boarding gate. A35 our passes said. We found it and sat down, seeing as the gates were not yet open. Grandma took a walk to the duty-free and I took out my book and started reading.


''Excuse me. Are you Lizzie?'' a small voice said


I looked up and got a shock, I almost dropped my book, because standing there, right in front of me was.....


''Tommy! Hi, how are you?'' I said hugging him

''I'm fine. It's really nice to see you. I still got the globe that you gave me''

''Well that's great. Where's your brother and your mom?'' I asked

''Hey, how have you been'' Tyler appeared behind Tommy. Question answered.

''I'm fine and you?'' I asked.

''Great. Fancy seeing you here. Where are you heading to?''

''Oh, I'm going to Durban with my grandma''

''Cool. We're going to Capetown. Back home''

''You mean you live there?'' I asked

''Yeah, We just came down here for a holiday. My mother's sister lives here'' he said

''You're so lucky Lizzie. Our parents would never allow us to go and stay alone with our grandma for a holiday'' Tommy said.

''Oh, um...... it's not a holiday. I'm going to live there''

''You're leaving your parents?'' Tyler asked

''I don't, I don't exactly have parents'' I whispered


They both went quite for a while, then Tommy took my hand and gave me a hug. Tyler just stared at me, waiting for me to go on.


''They died in a car accident, along with my small sister. We used to live here and grandma was just coming to visit. But then this happened, so we decided to sell the house because it was a bit too big for the both of us. Now I'm going to live with my grandma, I don't have many relatives around here.'' I explained

''I'm sorry'' 

''Not your fault'' I hugged him back

''Lizzie darling, come on, the gates are open. Oh look who's here, it's so wonderful to see you two again. Are you going to Durban too? See Lizzie, you already have friends'' grandma went on and on

''No grandma, they're going to Capetown. Tyler, I think your mom is calling you'' I saw a woman waving.

''Oh yes, we have to get going. It was nice seeing you and your grandma again. Have a nice flight''

''You too''


We said goodbye and they were gone. I sighed and picked up my bags and we joined the line. Tyler's gate was next to ours so I could see them walking through. There was a man with them, must be his father. He caught me staring and smiled at me, I smiled back and waved to Tommy.


''Well, here we go. Don't worry everything will be fine darling'' grandma said hugging me.


And you know what, maybe everything will be fine. I mean I may not have a perfect life, but I do have love and I'm happy. And sometimes that's all you need to face the challenges life throws at you.

And sitting here on this plane with grandma fast asleep beside me, I've realized that I'm heading for a new start. I will miss everybody I left behind, especially my parents and sister. But I'll always have the happy memories with me, in my heart, replaying in my head. I've got everything I need, love, happiness, support, a home, family, and a wonderful grandmother. What else could I want?

And one day, I'll have a family of my own. A family that I would have to give love and support.


''Dear passengers. I recommend that you prepare for landing, we will be hitting the ground soon. I hope you've had a nice flight and we look forward to flying with you again soon. Thank you''


Here we go, a new start in a new environment. Things might not have turned out like I wanted. But they turned out just fine. Because I had love from people around me all the way.


Remember......... A girl always needs a little love. Always.






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my family, especially to my mum and dad who are always there for me, I love you guys.To all my friends and all those lovely girls out there! And to those who love to read and let themselves get carried away by the adventures in the book!! And just remember everything is going to be wonderful! Love you all! ;)

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