

Addie's P.O.V

Everyone has dreams, whether they admit it or not. There's the oh-so-famous dreams where you're falling or you're naked in class. Unfortunately this wasn't one of those dreams, I would have welcomed one of them now.


Standing at the edge of the lake I stared into the eerie waters. I looked around at my surroundings there was nothing but forest. Glancing back at the water I saw two hideous yellow eyes glaring back at me. I felt terror enveloping me. I tried to look away, but its eyes were so entrancing as if I was I were drowning in his eyes. Everything was going black when suddenly everything started shaking.

"Ms. Johnston, Ms. Johnston, are you even listening to me?" Someone shouted. Oh my god that thing knew my name. The shaking suddenly intensified. Then out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain in my leg, almost as if someone had kicked me. Hold on that wasn't possible, a lake with yellow eyes can't kick me. Another dead-on kick to my other leg woke me fully. I was in English class. My teacher Mrs. White was looking at me disdainfully, great I can feel another detention coming on.

"Ms. Johnston, my classroom is a place for learning. Not sleeping. You will accompany me tonight after school for a two hour detention. I gasped, Not fair! I only fell asleep there was no way I deserved a two hour detention. I looked over at my best friend Elizabeth St. James she smiled at me apologetically. Then it dawned on me she was the one who was kicking me earlier. I gave her a pleading look. I couldn't miss the game tonight, Mark would kill me if I did.

Elizabeth raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. St. James? What is it?" Mrs. White inquired.

"Well Mrs. White I just had a question, are you going to the baseball game tonight?" she asked innocently. I frowned where was she going with this. Apparently the teacher was suspicious to for she frowned as well.

"Of course I 'm going, I have to show my school spirit. Why wouldn't I go?" Mrs. White stated matter-of-factly. I snorted yeah right like she wanted to show school spirit she just wants to go in hopes that she'll find 'Mr. Right'. She must have heard me laughing at her because she turned to me and glared. She's always hated me. The main reason I'm pretty, I don't me to sound snobbish but with my straw blond hair and my intensive green eyes I'm not exactly dubbed ugly. Anyway the reason is that I'm a straight A student. Even though I sound stupid and play the 'Dumb Blond' act I'm not really. I mean yeah I'm no genius but I am not that dumb. Beside even if I was an idiot Lizzie would always help me keep my grades up. Whether I wanted help or not.

"Well I was just wondering how Addie could have detention when there isn't a teacher. If your planning on going to the game who is gonna be in detention with Addie? I can grantee you won't find any one willing to do a Friday night detention let alone a detention on the night of the Big Game." Elizabeth replied sweetly. I grinned. Oh this is why I love my best friend. I could totally not live without her.

Mrs. White looked lost for words for a few minutes and Lizzie put on her best confusion face. "Well," She replied haughtily, "I suppose that we will have to delay Ms. Johnston's detention till next Monday."

"Oh, okay then," Lizzie said nonchalantly. Mrs. White was about to say more when the bell rang suddenly ending second period. Gathering my books as fast as I could I practically ran out the door before the teacher could yell at me. I waited out in the hall for Lizzie. She was the next out the door the instant she saw me she started laughing, I started laughing too. After a few minutes of laughing our butts off and some very strange looks from passers-by we finally sobered up.

"Come on, let's go to lunch I'm starving," Liz said.

"Lunch, is it that time already? Yes!" I shouted

Lizzie giggled, and we headed towards the cafeteria to see what was for lunch.

Getting our food we walked towards the football table and towards our other friends Mark Dowes and Layton Mckee. They were both on the football team hence the "football table" well Mark's on the team, the quarterback, Layton is more of the mascot for the team. Taking a seat next to Mark and Layton we had a quiet lunch listening to Mark and the other football players talk about sports and girls. After Lunch we went our separate ways, me to history, Liz and Layton to advanced biology, and Mark to Spanish. The rest of the day passed in a blur. When the bell finally rang I couldn't wait to get to the baseball finals and watch the Spartans, us, dominate the Raiders, our school rivals.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

Walking out to my car, a silver convertible, curtsy of Addie, or more like Addie's parents. Driving up to the school I pick up Addie who was waiting by the door, the lazy ass.

"You know this car is great but I still miss the 'Red Rocket'."

I gave her a look that could have frozen ice, but it didn't seem to faze her." Yeah," I said sarcastically " I miss the Red Rocket too, unfortunately you drove my loyal rocket into a lake. Now it's six feet under and never coming back."

"What! It's not like I did it on purpose. How was I suppose to know there was a lake there?" She asked in a disbelieving tone.

"Well its not like the lake magically moved itself just so you would drive into it," I said in exasperation.

"The lake totally moved!" Addie exclaimed although I could see she was trying hard not to grin, because we have had this conversation/argument before.


The day the Red Rocket was murdered was a cold late February day. It wasn't freezing out but it was no where near warm. A few days before we had a semi-warm front so the water on that particular lake wasn't completely frozen. It was Friday night and the basketball team had dominated yet another one of our rivals, the River Beavers. And of course Mark was throwing one of his famous parties. So after the game Addie and I decided to carpool there together because I would have had to be the designated driver anyway. When we got there the party was in full swing.

"Oh, come on we're late again," Addie complained

"Adds how many times have I told you, there is no possible way to be late to one of Mark's parties, so stop complaining, besides us being 'late' was totally your fault this time." I stated in a tired voice, "I don't even want to be here."

"Oh, come on Lizzie, Mark's parties are always the best. Let's go have some fun." And with that she jumped out of the car and ran towards Mark's house.

Sighing I followed. When I got inside I went to the fridge and got a blue Mountain Dew. Sitting next to Layton I noticed that he was studying for our advanced math class.

"Layton what are you doing? You know Mark will kill you if he finds out that your studying at one of his parties again. You're suppose to be having fun." I said.

"I am having fun," he stated indignantly, "Did you know..." He never got to finish his sentence, which I'm extremely thankful for because he tends to ramble on and on about different facts. Instead we got to watch Addie start table dancing, yep she was totally drunk tonight. It was about three in the morning when people started going home, or just passing out on any surface in Mark's house. The only people who were still conscious were Mark, Addie, Layton, Dillon, Ryan, Hayden( Mark's basketball teammates/friends), and I. "Hey lets let's all go to the school and TP the principal's office" Ryan slurred. Great everyone's drunk but me.

"No way, I'm going home, I've got stuff to do tomorrow that doesn't involve being stuck in a jail cell." I said.

"But jail is fun, besides we need another driver, you can wait outside if you want to. Please Lizzie, " Mark begged.

I sighed, "Fine I'll drive Addie to the school but there is no way I'm going in there with you okay!"

"Yeah all right let's go," the guys shouted.

Ten minutes later

"Come on Lizzie you know you want to come inside with us," Mark cajoled.

"No, I'm 100 percent certain that I want to stay in my nice warm car while you trash Mr. Anderson's office."

"Well Lizzie you give me no choice in the matter," and with that Mark signaled Dillon and suddenly I was lifted in the air and over Dillon's shoulder. I started yelling, hitting and kicking but to no avail. Once inside I was dumped on my ass on the stage. Around us were what was left of the props for the Winter play. Glaring at everyone I got to my feet.

"What are we doing here? Anderson's office is at the other end of the school."

"Were here to have some fun, " shouted Hayden.

Sighing I went and sat at the end of the stage while my very wasted friends messed around with the drama clubs props.

Suddenly there was a shout, I don't know from who, but I whirled around to see a giant board swinging towards me. I didn't even have tome to scream before it hit me. The impact sent me flying off the stage and into the chairs. Luckily after board the hit me I fell into black nothingness.

Addie's POV

"OH MY GOD LIZZIE" I screamed as I ran towards where she was laying unconscious. "Is she dead", I ask Mark who had gotten there before me and was now feeling for a pulse. "She's alive" Mark said relieved, "Just knocked out we should probably get her to the hospital" Carefully he picked Lizzie up bridal style and headed for the cars. Setting her in the passenger side of Lizzie's truck I hopped into the drivers side and started their engine. "We'll be right behind you okay Addie. Don't go to fast, and be careful."

Elizabeth's POV

It's amazing what can wake you from the deepest of sleep or for my case unconsciousness. For me it wasn't Addie's scream as we plunged hood first into Silver Lake five miles from the hospital.

What woke me was the ice cold water seeping into the Truck as we sank into the lake. I gasped as the water enveloped my body and looked around, everything seemed fuzzy when I looked at it. The water was quickly rising it was already to my waist. Addie sat frozen in the seat next to me. I crawled over to the drivers window and started pounding on it where the crack from last summer was. Finally I gave up on that and started kicking the window. Unfortunately being thrown god know how many feet by a piece of wood weakened my kicks. But even in Addie's drunk, shocked state she still seemed to have enough strength that combined with mine was strong enough.

On our sixth or seventh kick the glass broke. The water was up to our chins by now. Quickly I shoved Addie out the window then followed her. On my way out I scraped my leg right arm on the broken glass leaving a huge deep gash along the fore arm. I looked down at my arm but something else caught my attention.

Two malicious yellow eyes staring back at me. I was petrified I couldn't move or scream, I was frozen. Then I was being hauled out of the lake by a paramedic and rushed into the ambulance. The rest of the night past in a blur. The hospital kept me and Addie overnight because we both had concussions and I had some pretty bad hypothermia. I was in the water longer than Addie so I was worse off then her. I also had a fractured left wrist and I still needed stitches for the gash from the widow. Addie fared better than me with only slight hypothermia, a small cut from the window, and a few stitches from the steering wheel when we hit the water.

Another thing I remember from that night is that Mark and Addie both got their licenses suspended for a year for drunk driving.

*****End of Flashback*******

"Liz......Lizzy.....ELIZABETH!" Addie shouted at me and shocking me out of my thoughts about that night "

"What?" I asked giving her an exasperated look " You don't have to yell I'm sitting right next to you"

"Well", she replied haughtily "Apparently I do have to shout since we've been sitting here, at the stadium might I add, for like five minutes "

"If we've been here for five minutes then why didn't you just leave?

"Be.. Because I was trying to be a good friend and was waiting for you" she stuttered I gave her a skeptical look and raised my eyebrow at her "What!" she said defensively, "Is it so hard for you to believe that I would do that" adding mock hurt to her voice.

"Yes, it is extremely hard for me to believe that you would wait for me" I waited for a response from her. Then I figured it out.

"You don't have any money to get into the game do you." It was a statement rather than a question, I was just waiting for her to say so.

"Yeah,"Addie admitted grudgingly "But just to let you know I totally thought I did have money and actually that wasn't the only reason I didn't leave, I also couldn't get the door open."

I looked at her "Seriously you couldn't open the car door? That is pathetic." I stated

"Yeah well" Addie said trying to find a good excuse for not being able to open the door "Let's just go and watch the game."

Laughing I unlocked the doors and we headed to the stadium. The Spartans have been the state championships for three years in a row and now the Regina Regals were threatening our title. Not that I was worried about us loosing we had the best baseball team that we've ever had in over ten years. The stadium was packed when we got there. Heading toward the student section Addie pushed her way to the front. Just as we sat down the Spartans and the Regals ran onto the field. Addie and I jumped to our feet cheering for the Spartans,and for Mark who was the pitcher for the team. Then out came Layton, bumbling about as the Mascot. I felt bad for him but it was the only way he could join the team and he didn't seem to mind much. We sat back down and watched the game.

In the end I was right we did win, but it was pretty close, a lot closer than I would have expected the Regals played excellently but we managed to beat them.

Addie and I started walking out to my car when Layton caught up to us. "Hey Layton great job today" I said cheerfully

"Yeah I guess Mark says to drive up front and meet him there then to drive him to the high school where his truck is. He's gunna take a shower there then meet us at the lake." Said Layton.

"OK are you coming with us or staying with him?" I asked

"Definitely with you I don't want to hear him drone on and on about the game and the cheerleaders there"

"Good choice . Wait, you said that he was going to take a shower at the school right?" Addie questioned

"Yeah why" Layton asked suspiciously

"Oh man, that means that were gunna have to smell him for an hour and a half" Addie groaned. When she said that I started groaning too. I had totally forgotten that. He was going to stink up my car, again. Although at least it wouldn't be as bad as what it smelled like during football season.

Uninvited Guest

We arrived at silver lake at about six. I know what some of you might be thinking, a few months ago Addie and I almost died in that lake and I thought also saw glowing yellow eyes in the lake. So why in the world would we be going there willingly? Well first off, this is the place where we all met nine years ago and became friends so we always come here to hang out and celebrate birthdays, winning championships, and other things. Second of all the place we were going wasn't the place where Addie and I almost drowned. Where we were going was a separate part of Silver Lake, there's a small stream that flows north for about five miles. Then it flow into a small lake, a pond really that's in a clearing surrounded by trees. It was our clearing and not many people know about it. Sou you can imagine my surprise when we finally arrived at OUR clearing and there was someone there, and it wasn't Mark.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Addie groaned

"Wait is that who I think it is?" I asked turning to look at Addie

"Yup, that's Missy alright." Addie replied darkly" How did she even find this place? Did you tell about it Liz?"

I glared at her and said "Oh yeah since were on such good terms especially considering what happened in October. You know when she stole your old ass of a boyfriend and said all those things about you. And to get back at her I shoved her in to her locker."

"Ha ha yeah, I remember that" Addie laughed "It was almost as good as the time when I cut the bottom out of Missy's cheerleading skirt, so when she was doing flips you could see her underwear."

"Yeah that was awesome especially when I turned on the sprinklers and dyed the water a reddish/orange color, The entire team was drenched and they were running around screaming Bloody Murder. Best Halloween ever!"

"I don't get why you guys do those kinds of things to Missy and her friends" Layton stated matter-of-factly

"Because she makes it her goal to make ours and basically everybody else's life a living hell" Addie shot back angrily

"And she's a bitch" I said boredly, as you can probably guess we've had this conversation before too.

"And she's a bitch" Addie repeated with more conviction than I had.

"Oh come on she can't be that bad "Layton tried to reason with us

"WHAT? WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON" Addie screamed at Layton as she lunged herself at him from the front seat. Then came a series of high pitch screaming as Addie tried to strangle Layton. I debated with myself whether I should do something or just let them at it.

Addie screamed "I'll kill you."

And Layton's terrified "I'm sorry ,I'm sorry. Liz please save me she's lost it." brought me back to what was happening.

"Layton, don't be stupid. She can"t loose something she never had" I joked "Addie don't you think he's suffered long enough?"

"NO" She shouted and went back to strangling him.

This was soon followed by Layton's girlish screams "Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, Ahhhhhhh"

"LAYTON! Will you SHUT UP!" I exclaimed. Addie stopped strangling Layton and he stopped screaming. Let's just go and see what she wants.

"Do we have to? I mean can't we just, you know shove her in the lake and leave?" Addie suggested hopefully.

"No, Adds, that would be called murder. Besides with my luck I'll be the only one who gets blamed for it."

"I'm good with that. What about you Layton?" Addie asked

"Layton, I swear to god if you say yes then your life as you know it will be over. And there won't be anyone to save you" I threatened. Layton looked back and forth between Addie and I debating who's side to take.

"Let's just go see what she wants" Layton said as he got out of the backseat of my car. I grinned and stuck my tongue out at Addie before getting out of the car and following Layton. Addie followed me out grumbling something about pushing Layton and me into the pond with Missy. As we approached Missy I coldn't help considering Addie's idea of pushing her in the pond. But quickly dismissed it. Great now Addie's got me considering murder, I need new friends.

"Well, Well, Well. If it isn't Abbie and her two freak groupies," She sneared at Addie in that shreakingly annoying voice of her's.

"It's Addie. And at least I have friends," She shot back.

Missy laughed curtly "Oh, please. I have more friends then you pathetic losers can count."

I snorted, "Missy in order for you to be able to say and know that you have to be able to count. And well, we all know that you can't do that."

Missy gasped like that was the most hurtful thing that anyone had said to her. It wasn't though, trust me I would know.

"Oh, suck it up Blondie, there'll be plenty more where that came from." Addie said disgustedly, because of Missy's reaction. And as if on cue that's when Mark arrived at the clearing. That's when the water works started. Missy ran bawling her eyes out and straight into Mark's arms. Mark glared at us and mouthed, "What did you do this time?"

Shrugging, I looked back at Addie and Layton, "Wow she sucks at acting. I mean how can he be so stupid to believe that."

"You guys are so mean, I know she said some hurtful things to you but you two were just down right cold." Layton said in a disapproving tone. "Cold and heartless," he said again. Before walking away towards where Mark and Missy were, no doubt apologizing to Missy for our 'unexcusable' behavior.

"You know what, screw Missy. Let's through Layton in the lake instead" I said to Addie.

"I'm cool with that, no one will miss him anyway" Addie reasoned. Laughing we walked back to my car to get the radio and snacks that we always bring.

"Yo Mark instead of flirting with that thing, why don't you bring the drinks and get the fire started" shouted Addie as we carried the food and radio.

"Right I'm on it" Mark said as he headed back to his truck.

"Wow, he didn't even defend Missy when you called her a thing. Must be back to normal now" I mused.

"Yeah I figured that I better get him away from the toxic fumes she's wearing, I mean really there is a little something called to much perfume."

"Yeah hate to be downwind of her now, I think it's about time for her to refuel." And sure enough when we glanced over at Missy she was spritzing herself. Laughing to ourselves we laid out the food on a blanket and sat down to watch Mark attempt to light the fire.

"You really think that it's a good idea to let him do that?" I asked, gesturing towards Mark and his lighter. "Don't you remember what happened last time he tried to start the fire?"

"Aww Lizzy your being to serious, relax. What could go wrong?" Addie said. I raised my eyebrow at her, she just said the words no one ever wants to hear. " Your right" she said more seriously" Go get the fire extinguisher out your car."

"Mark are you sure you don't want my help with the fire?" I asked for what must have been the hundredth time. It was starting to get colder and Addie and Layton had begun shivering ten minutes ago.

"No I don't need your help" Mark refused again "I'm not incompetent."

"I beg to differ" I muttered to Addie.

"Hey Mark wern't you a boy scout when you were younger?" Addie asked.

"Yeah why?" Mark answered suspiciously

"Hey, aren't they suppose to have like a fire making badge or something" I chimed in

"He must have been a bad boy scout" Addie answered.

"I will have you know that I was an excellent boy scout. One of the best actually, there was nothing I couldn't do" He replied haughtily.

"Except make a fire" Addie whispered to me. I snorted and unsuccessfully tried to cover it up as a cough."

"Fine Miss perfect you try and start the fire and I'll watch you and giggle about your fails with Addie" Mark said throwing his lighter at me.

"Watch and learn Marky" I replied and grabbed the stone and flint out of the tinder box I brought with me. A few seconds later and Mark was wallowing in self pity as I stroked the newly made bonfire making it bigger.

"And that is how it's done Mark. Not only did I get the fire started on my first try but I used stoned to do it." I said smugly.

"Oh don't feel to bad Mark she's an Indian. She's just naturally good at starting fires, it's in her blood." Addie said jokingly.

"I'm not an Indian Addie. Any idiot can start a fire. Especially if he has a lighter." I stated in an annoyed voice. If you can't tell, we've had this conversation before too.

"That's what they all say" Addie said mysteriously.

"Oh shut up or I'll throw you in the lake instead of Layton"

"What! You were going to throw me in the lake what happened to throwing Missy in the lake them leaving her there top die?" Layton questioned.

"Uggg, Layton! Your not suppose to say our plan out loud, especially when the victim is sitting five feet away." I said while nodded my head in Missy's direction.

"WHAT" Missy screeched" You were planning on throwing me in the lake? How dare you!"

"Can you blame us?" I asked

"Besides we should get some credit. I mean we didn't actually go through with our plan. Yet." Addie added. Missy just glared at her. Then went back to flirting desperately with Mark. I glanced around and noticed Addie shooting death glares at Missy and she was holding onto her drink so tight her hand was white. To avoiding an another vicious outburst from Addie and a possible chick fight that Mark and Layton would enjoy way to much. I grabbed Addie's hand, snatched another drink for both of us, cranked up the radio and started to dance to Lady Gaga's Born This Way.

About an hour of dancing I was starting to wear out. Taking a break I went and got myself a Mountain Dew Voltage. I walked to the edge of the lake next to a collapsed Addie. Flipping off my sandals and rolling up my blue jeans. I sat down beside her and dipped my feet in the lake.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing," Addie shot back with venom and glared at Missy again.

"Oh, please don't tell me your jealous! Come on, it's Mark! He's a man whore." I said, exasperated.

Addie sighed, "He is a man whore, isn't he."

"Yup, but don't worry by next week he'll have dumped Missy and moved on to a different chick. And then Missy will make the other girl's life a living hell instead of ours!" I said dreamily

"Yeah right dream on Liz yo know she'll always make time to torture us."

"This is a very depressing conversation Ads. I mean were suppose to be celebrating the all mighty god of baseball and all other sports." I joked while nodding my head in his direction. That got Addie to smile for about two seconds until she actually looked over at him, then she started scowling. Turning I groaned in disgust at the image before me. Missy sitting on Mark with her shirt half off violently kissing Mark.

"Can you spell desperate?" I asked not even trying to hide the disgust in my voice. Addie huffed in response.

"I need another drink."

"You just had one." Addie stated

" Yes, yes I did, but now it's gone and I need another one." I heard her mutter something that sounded suspiciously like freak, but chose to ignore it. Standing up to get my drink. I was wiping my feet off on the towel I brought when something happened. Addie tells me later that I just took a step towars the cooler near the fire and stepped on uneven part of the ground. Suddenly I was falling and it wasn't that graceful kind of falling that you see in movies. I shrieked as I hit the frigid water. I surfaced choking on water frantically wiping water from my eyes. To see that everyone surrounding the edge of the lake staring at me.

"LIZ! Are you okay? Addie asked while trying to hide her smile "What happened?"

"Gravity" I mutter" It's cold, help me out will you." I asked her as I swam towards the edge and reached out to grab her hand. I was half way out of the lake when I saw Missy lightly nudge Addie. With the uneven weight we both toppled back into the lake, but to my immediate satisfaction Addie decided to grab onto Missy's arm and dragged her back into the water. Missy emerged sputtering.

" You Bitch" Missy screamed. And that was the last straw for Addie.

"Oh I'm the bitch your the one who shoved me into the lake, and now I'm gunna kill you" Addie said in a deadly voice. With that she grabbed Missy and shoved her head under water and kept her there.

Great just my luck I have to break up the second chick fight for today. Missy must have done something to Addie because she suddenly emerged coughing. Then they started attacking each other. And I mean hitting spitting hair pulling kicking and the whole shebang. Swimming over I heard a splashing and saw in my periferal vision Mark swimming towards the fight.

"You grab Addie and I'll get Missy." I nodded and headed towards Addie. It took abouut five minutes to seperate them. In that time Layton got in the water and tried to reason with the girls. Let's just say it didn't work and he is now silently sulking.

I was looking down at the water praying that they woldn't try to attack again when I noticed that the water wasn't as calm as it was when I had first fallen in. the water was swirling almost like a whirl pool. Suddenly I felt something grab my foot and pulled me under. I screamed but soon my mouth was filled with water and I concentrated on not drowning.

The water started swirling faster. I didn't know where anyone else was. Heck I couldn't even tell what was up from down. I was starting to see black dots because I was basicly out of oxygen when there was a searing pain above my left eyebrow. Everything was getting hazy and that's when I saw them, thoes malicious yellow eyes glaring at me. I wanted to scream, shout in fear with my last breath but then abruptly everything went blissfully black.

The Cave

Addie's P.O.V

Agony. One word that describes how I feel. Everything hurts. Moaning I pushed myself up into a sitting position. Squinting I looked around me, I was in some kind of dark room with walls that emitted a gentle bluish glow. The ground was hard like rock with jagged pieces sticking up in different places. Standing up I took a step towards what I hoped was a door, only to trip over something lying two feet away from where I was standing.

"Fuck," I muttered as I banged my already severely bruised arm against the wall. "Damn rocks!" Suddenly the rock moaned and twitched. I shrieked, "Oh my God, It's alive and ugly."

"Shut up, Addie! And what are you talking about being ugly, you can't even see me." The rock yelled it sounded strangly like Lizzie.

Squinting I could roughly make out her face in the dim light. "Hate to break it to you, Liz, but I wasn't joking about the ugly part. What happened to your face?"

"I could say the same about you Ads, it looks like your face went through a blender." She joked. And cautiously stood up and walked around, taking in our surroundings. "Hey where's Mark and Layton? Have you tripped over them yet?"

"Ha ha very funny! " I replied sarcastically , "No I haven't seen or fallen over either of them. Not that you can see very well in here."

Just then there was a low moan from somewhere far to my left. "Layton? Mark? Is that you?"

"Yeah, we're over here," came a muffler reply from what I thought was Mark, "Dude! Get your ass off of me!"

Yup, definitely Mark, I thought smiling to myself.

"Are you guys injured, or were Addie and I the only lucky ones?" Liz asked

"I'm injured, It's bad, it's really really bad. Oh dear god I'm going into shock, I'm gunna DIE! I see the LIGHT. It's calling out my name telling me to come fourth and accept my horrid fate. Oh please God I'm too pretty to die!" Layton ranted hysterically before bursting into tears.

"Ugg will someone please slap him." I shouted covering my ears from Layton's screeching. There was a nice solid SLAP and the sound of a body hitting the ground, then all was quiet.

"A little too much slap Mark" Liz said walking over to Layton and poking him, "I think you made him pass out and I'm definitely not carrying him again."

"Nose goes" I shouted putting my finger on my nose, Liz followed suit.

"You are sooo childish, both of you" Mark complained.

"Your just mad because you got beat by some girls." I shot back how dare he call me childish. Then the screaming started up again.

"Ahh man, I thought you said he was unconscious!" I shouted to be heard over Layton.

"He is" Mark shouted back while shaking Layton just to make sure.

"Uh guys, I think that's Missy, she was in the water with us to when it went all freaky and tried to kill us" Liz said looking toward to the direction the noise was coming from.

"Well it defiantly sounds like her screeching now that I think about it" I said to Liz..

"Yeah that's got to be her. Mark go shut your girlfriend up please." Liz begged.

I stiffened at the girlfriend part shaking my head disgusted by her. Mark walked over to where we expected she was. I don't know how he did it but Mark actually got her to shut up and stop screaming. But then of course she had to complain about her broken nail, messed up hair and how her arm hurt. I was seconds away from giving her another injury that would do more than just hurt. But Liz knowing me as well as she does grabbed my arm and drug me over to where Layton was still unconscious.

"You know he didn't really hit him that hard, do you think we should do something?" Liz asked me shaking Layton gently trying to wake him up again.

"Nah he's just a pussy. He's had worse things happen to him." I said. Suddenly Layton shot up from the ground smacking Liz's head with his.

"OW" Liz shouted clutching her already bruised forehead "God dammit Layton did yo have to do that I already have a headache"

"Sorry Liz, but at least you have a hard head so it hurts you less." He replied indignantly. Pulling Layton and Liz off the ground we made our way grudgingly back towards where Mark was still comforting a fake sobbing Missy.

"Hey Layton your up! Good, I was afraid I going to have to carry you. I lost to nose goes again." Mark said relief clearly evident in his voice.

"So what are we going to do? Does anyone know where we are?" Liz asked everyone, but Missy.

"Well were obviously in somesort of cave" Layton said

"No way really?" I said my voice oozing scarcasim "Really Einstien I don't know how we ever would have figured that out"

"Over where Missy fell there was a tunnel" Mark said

"I saw a tunnel somewhere off to the left of where Layton fainted" Liz said pointing in the general direction.

"I did not faint" Layton said haughtly, but no one was listening to him anymore.

"Yeah I saw it to" I said

"Okay so there are two tunnels. Which one will lead us out of this dank dungeon? Layton asked."How do we choose which one to pick? I could come up with an equation comparing all of the variables and tell you the most probable out come."

"Yeah sure Layton. While your doing that we'lldo what we always figure out how to decide things." Liz stated incontestably

"Oooh I can help with that" I said. I covered my eyes with one hand hand and pointed my other one in front of me.

"What the fuck is she doing?" Missy screeched again.

"Shut it banchee" Liz snarled back at her. I grinned at that. Taking a deep breath and praying I wouldn't fall down I started spinning around in circles randomly. When I couldn't spin any longer I stopped and pointed straight ahead and opened my eyes. I was pointing left of the tunnel Liz and I had spotted eariler.

"That's the tunnel we take" I stated.

Cave In

Liz's P.O.V

"My feet hurt

, I'm tired we've been walking forever can't we take a break?" Whined Layton for the tenth time in the last thirty seconds.

"NO!" Shouted Addie."Do you ever shut up?"

"Seriously Layton! We just started walking like a minute ago." I said in exasperation. "Even Missy hasn't started complaining again yet"

"Hey! I was not complaining" Missy shouted haughtily.

"Hump.I liked you better when you were unconscious" muttered Addie.

"That can be arranged too" added Mark. Thinking she ment Layton.

"Both of them?" Addie asked hopefully.

Mark gave her a disapproving look. "No, just Layton."

"Yeah, but I am SO not carrying him again" I declared, while Addie swore profusely under her breath. And muttered something about how she at least tried and she would be happy to make Missy unconscious herself as long as we could leave her here.

That made Layton stop complaining, well he stopped complaining loudly. Every once in a while you could hear his quiet grumbling about how no one appreciated him, he would do much better on his own and he could so take Mark in a fight. Oh yeah I would love to see that. Scrawny little science nerd verses huge hunk of a football star and overall athletic superhero. Oh yes I really can't figure out who would win that fight. But I left Layton to his preposterous fantasy and only sniggered at the extremely absurd things he said.

We had been walking for almost an hour when Addie noticed that the cave was getting lighter. She was right. We no longer had to use Layton's pathetic excuse for a flashlight. It was going perfectly well. Except for the part that we were lost and stuck with Missy who had commenced complaining again. But it looked like we may all be getting out of this damn cave soon. Or that's what I thought.

It started with a spider. I can't believe that something so small and insignificant could have been the cause of what happened. It "attacked" Missy. If it had been anyone else things might have happened differently. But of course live sucks and these things always tend happen to me.When Missy noticed it she went berserk. Literally. Screaming hysterically, jumping up and down and waving her arms around manically. She shot off like a bullet down the tunnel, tripping and tumbling all the way.

At first it was funny and I was laughing so hard I fell on the ground almost in tears. That's when I noticed the shaking. I wasn't an echo of Missy's psychotic screams. The ground was actually shaking. I staggered to my feet and grabbed onto the jagged wall to keep myself afoot. By now the others had noticed the shaking too. I looked around terrified. What the HELL was going on? No sooner than I thought that then Mark voiced that very same question.

"It's a cave in! Missy's screams must have triggered it. This part of the cave looks newer and it more subjected to collapse" Layton answered his voice going up an octave until he sounded exactly like Missy.

"What do we do?" Addie demanded terror evident in her voice.

It probably wasn't the best thing to do but we were scared and the ceiling had started to fall in so we took a note out of Missy's book and hauled ass out of there. Running in the semi-dark cave is a lot harder than it sounds. I tripped and stumbled along. I almost fell, the only thing that prevented me from falling and being crushed was Marks iron like grip on my upper arm. He practically dragged Addie and me along. Layton was way ahead of us and I took a second to think 'Damn that boy is fast when he wants to be, he must have gotten plenty practice from all those years of running from the bullies'. Before I had to concentrate on my footing. We had been running for what seemed like forever, which was really probably for only four or five minutes, when we finally collapsed from exhaustion.

The cave was still shaking like crazy but we had found a relatively safe place to stop. There weren't big pieces of ceiling falling on us and that was about as safe as it got. That's where we found Missy. Curled in a ball crying in a small crevice. I was still breathing heavily when I felt Addie come up beside me and hug me. I hugged her back and we sank to the ground shaking from relief and fear. It was over, and we were alive. Then the floor opened up below us creating a rift. Addie and I mercilessly plunged into the darkness. We were both to scared to scream anymore not that we could have, my throat was so raw from screaming and the dust I could hardly croak.

I squeezed my eyes closed and held on to Addie with bone crushing strength. Well since were going to die at least we were going to die together. But we didn't. Instead of crashing into the solid, pointy cave rock as i expected we fell in frigid water. The current immediately pulled us under and dragged us in the same directions as the water flow. When we first hit the water Addie was wretched from my grasp. Now I scrambled to find something to grab onto. But it was hopeless, the water was too fast and the rocks to slick to get a good grip and keep it. So I stopped trying to grab something to hold onto and just focused on keeping my head above the water and prevent my clothes from drowning me.


I awoke some hours later to the feeling of something warm and gritty beneath me. Moving my hand slowly across my surroundings I tried to figure out where I was without opening my eyes. Sand. I was lying on a beach or shore of some kind, although it could be a desert to. No, I can hear water lapping softly against rocks. So I'm on a beach somewhere. Next I tried to open my eyes to see if I was correct, but I couldn't. They were crusted with sand.

Crawling towards the sound of water I wondered how I had gotten here. Am I by Silver Lake? Did everyone leave me behind again? Carefully I splashed water over my face and scrubbed the sand out of my eyes. I bet this was Addie's idea. Addie! Then it all came back to me, the party, the lake, the cave and finally falling through the cave floor with Addie and the water ride.

I shot up off the ground and immediately started shouting Addie's name. My voice was horse and barely audible but I kept shouting anyway. She didn't answer. I tried unsuccessfully to run around and find here but I was still shaky from free-falling and the water ride, so really I staggered around for a little while before I lost my balance and fell to the ground. Crawling yet again to the water I looked into it's crystal blue depths frantically trying to see if she was in there. She wasn't. I curled myself into a ball and just sat there crying. I had lost my best friend. I was the one who let go. It was all my fault.

There was some rustling in the trees near by me, but I ignored it until the tree said "LIZZIE!"

I jerked my head up and there she was. Addie! Alive, battered and bleeding, but alive. I wobbled to my feet and we ran at each other. We caught each other in a bone crushing hug. Neither believing that the other was alive. I don't know when I started crying again but I was shamelessly. Then I noticed that Addie was too. But she never cries.

"Oh my god Liz I thought you were dead! Oh I Can't live without you. You know I joke about it all the time but I need you. Your the Best friend I've ever had." Addie wailed.

"Your the best friend I've ever had too Ads. I thought I had killed you" I confessed.

After we had calmed down a little we did damage control. It wasn't that bad. Addie had some minor cuts and bruises on her arms and a pretty nasty one on her left leg She also had a very nice left black eye. We cleaned the cuts as best as we could and ripped up parts off my sweatshirt I had around my waist to wrap around her leg. I, like Addie, had small cuts and bruises on my arms and legs. The only major injury Addie deemed worthy to do anything about was a deep cut on my forehead above my right eyebrow. We butterfly stitched it with one of Layton's emergency pocket sized first-aid kits he always made us carry. It was a miracle she still had it after all the things we have gone through so far and the fact that she never listens to a thing he says. When the first aid was finally done being administered we stood up.

"Which way should we go Liz? And where are the boys?" Addie asked.

"They didn't fall with us, they were on the other side of the cave. As to which way we should go. Follow the stream coming from the lake maybe? What do you think?" I responded

"Well if we follow the water we can always follow it back, there's less of a chance of being even more lost than we already are" reasoned Addie.

"I agree plus we will always have water to drink if we stay close the the stream."

We had been walking silently for about thirty minuted when Addie suddenly said " Do you remember what I said back at the lake, about you being the Best friend ever?"

"Yeah why?" I answered

"Don't tell anyone I ever said those things. If you do I will deny it and then we are no longer friends understand." She demanded

I grinned at her "Of course, wouldn't want to ruin your reputation, show that you actually care about things"

She smirked back "Exactly!"

I laughed, at least I knew she was for sure okay now. Back to her normal wacky self.


Mark's P.O.V.

I watched helplessly as the ground swallowed Addie and Liz . I ran to the hole hoping to grab them and pull them back up. But I was to late. I was about to jump down the hole too, when I felt Layton wrench me back away from the hole right before a giant boulder would have crushed me. I gagged on the dust that erupted from the boulder falling. But apparently there was only a small weak part of the ground because the boulder covered the place where Addie and Liz had disappeared. I shoved at the rock as hard as I could but it wouldn't move. I used all of my strength to get it to move but it wouldn't . There was no way we could get to them now.

"What do we do now?" Layton asked

I sighed, "We continue down this tunnel and hope that where ever they fell to has the same exit as we do."

"Alright, but Mark?"

"What" I asked wearily

"Where's Missy?"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.02.2012

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