

FORBIDDEN: Prologue:

"You can never leave the yard, understand me?"


"But momma-"


"Promise me"


"Yes, momma"I take a look at the woods surrounding the yard."But what if someone tries to kill me?"


"You would be better off dead than to go into those woods. Understand? Now where did you get that, Kimmy. You're 9 years old... It must have been that movie. I swear that Joe kid... He's too old for you to hang out with anyway."


"But Joe is my-"


"Were done with this understand?"


"Yes momma" with that she walks away. I slide open the back door and walk out. "Momma says we can't hang out anymore. She says you're too old."


"Kimmy, I'm only 3 years older than you." Joe says


"I know. But momma says. He sighs.


"Can I at least have a goodbye hug?"I nod and wrap my arms around him. I pull away. He looks at me and walks away. My only friend. Gone.



Chapter one:***6 years later***


"And they shared their first kiss before their last breath. The end" I say finishing my book. I bite into my apple. Why can't this be real? Why can't things in books really happen? I look out the sliding door. It's raining. I stack the newly finished book on the old ones. 21 and I'm still reading more. They're just from 3 days. I have nothing to do. I can't leave the house unless it's to go to school or anything. I still dream of the day I'll get my first kiss or let alone date someone. 


"Sweetheart, I'm going to the store. Will you be ok here?"


"Of course momma"


"Don't go out of this house, understand?"


"Yes momma" I say sticking my nose in a book I've read about a million times. "We need new books"


"I'll stop by the bookstore on the way home. Romance right?"


"Right, thank you"


"Welcome sweety, bye" she closes the door.I groan and put the book down. I pick up the land line. Mom won't let me have a phone because she wants to 'protect me' and that's a bunch of bull. I dial my best friend Emily's number.




"Hey girl. What's up?"


"Oh nothing.... Just getting ready for my date with Jeffery Douglas tonight."


"You're dating him?!? Sense when?!?"




"Yeah. Sorry I haven't been there. My mom gets really crazy around my birthday."


"It's ok. Happy early 16th birthday!"


"Thank you" I smile. "I'm bored"


"I would be too if my mom kept me locked up like that"


"She's getting a new book so it's not too bad"


She groans. "You need help"


"I do not. I just like reading"


"Whatever. Hey sorry but I have to go. Miss you tons"


"It's ok. I miss you too. Bye"


"Bye" and she hangs up. Now there is absolutely positively nothing to do. We have a tv.... But I don't like watching tv much. I plop down on the couch and close my eyes. I can't help myself.. I start drifting to sleep.I snap awake and grab a book, open it to a random page and lay it on my stomach. Ok. Now I can fall asleep.



Chapter two:"I'm sorry sweetie. They didn't have any new romance books.""It's ok momma. I'm fine with reading what you got."It's the Hunger Games. My friends have talked about this. Well.... My friends that read anyway. And it's a three book series. Should keep me busy for a few hours. I crack open the first book to the first page.






That actually wasn't bad. I really really liked it."Momma?"


"Yes Kimmy?"


"Can I try out for archery?" She stops chopping carrots and looks at me. Debating... I think.


"Uhm... Kimmy..."I sigh.


"Never mind. Sorry I asked." I grab the second book. 


"Oh Kimmy." She takes a deep breath. "Alright fine. You can try it out." She says then starts chopping again. I look at her in shock. It's because of my birthday tomorrow... I think."Really?" I ask straightening my posture."I guess." She sighs.I hop up and run to her. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" I hug her tight."You're welcome" she laughs. "I will call the school tomorrow morning and find out more about it.""Thank you momma! I love you""I love you too, Kimmy."I cartwheel down the hallway. I would do it more... But it's kind of hard doing it on the stairs? I hurry up them and cartwheel to my room. I'm so excited. Wednesday is my new favorite day. I turn on the music and start dancing, which I suck at but no one can see me so who cares! I turn just in time to see it. A dark figure with long black hair. Running back to the woods. She was... Watching me. Talk about creepy. I close my curtains and turn the music down a bit.  One Direction plays next. I don't hate them... I just... Don't listen to them much. So I turn it down. Girls are obsessed with them. I'm not."Kimmy! Dinner!""Coming momma!"I run down the stairs and to the kitchenShe prays over the food. "Amen" we say in unison.********~********I walk up the stairs. I'm still pumped about tomorrow. Maybe I'll get to go to school. Maybe. I stop halfway and go into the living room."Momma. Can I go to school tomorrow?"She doesn't look from her book. "Oh Kimmy. Is that what you want?""Yes. I actually like school.""Fine. You can go to school. If you get yourself up.""Oh thank you thank you thank you" I hug her close. "Goodnight momma""Goodnight Kimmy sweetheart."I run up the stairs and set my alarm. Not only can I try out for archery... I can go to school too! Of course I lied about liking school. I like seeing my friends. So... Technically I like going to school... But not for learning. I don't understand why I can't go on my birthday week anyway.I lay on the bed and turn to face the window. That creepy window. Where that weird lady was watching me. I swallow nervously and turn over to the other side. Something is right in my face. I scream and fall off the bed. My mom hurries in. "Kimmy?""Sorry. I thought.... Something was in my room. I stand up. It was just a jacket. But... Not my jacket... I pretend that I'm alright and ignore it. "I'm sorry momma" I lay back down and cover up."It's ok. Just go to sleep.""Yes momma" she gently closes my door. As soon as it's completely closed, I throw the covers off of me and look at the jacket. I breathe hard. I pick it up with 2 fingers and lay it on the floor. I quickly wipe my hands off on my pants and shudder. That was weird. I wonder how it got here....I sigh and dust off my bed. Germs are germs. I crawl in and fall asleep.Chapter three:~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~"Dearest child, no need to fear me. I was only trying to protect you." The lady with black hair says."From what? I don't even know you.""You will very soon, my dearest child""What's your name?""Garnet" she says. "And you are my dearest Amethyst""But my name is Kimberly, but I go by Kimmy. You may have the wrong person""No, child. I would know my own flesh and blood when I saw it, don't you think? Now it's time to wake up""Wait! How old are you?"She chuckles. "One thousand and twenty-six years old""But you look like... Twenty" she's so old...."Yes, my dearest. Now.... Wake up"~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~I snap up in my bed. Whoa, that was a weird dream. I look at the clock. 6:14. I disable my alarm before it has a chance to go off. I tell you, that dream was a bunch of cock. It was kinda creepy. I should have asked her where the jacket came from... Yeah, like she knew. Speaking of, I gotta take care of that. I swing my legs over the bed and rub my eyes. I pick up the jacket. "Doesn't have the plague, Kimmy, just get a hold of yourself" I whisper to myself. It has a strong scent to it. Like a combination of the outdoors and men's body spray. Not a bad combo, but I certainly don't know how it got in here. I gently fold it and put it in my bottom drawer. I'll deal with it when I get back home. I grab a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt that has green, black, and white stripes. I grab a white tank top, and my underclothes. Then I hop in the shower.I get out, then put on my clothes. I'm so excited. I know any normal person would love not going to school, but not when that's all you do. I want to go and be like other normal kids. I dry my hair and brush out the nasty, curly tangles, then hurry down the stairs. Momma is reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee."Morning momma" I say."Kimmy" she says, surprised. "You're up""Yeah, I know. I'm ready for school."She sighs. "I figured as much" she reaches beside her and puts a bag on the table. "Happy birthday, baby""Oh, momma. You didn't  have to get me anything""Yes I did. Now open it before I change my mind"I sit down at the table and eye the bag. I always do this. Try to figure out what it is before I open it. I'm pretty good at it. After about three minuets of staring, I pull it closer. "About time" momma mumbles.I pull the tissue paper out. It holds a box. I open it. Another box. I sigh. So this is a game. I open this box. I drop it like it burned me. I stare at it. It's not real... Is it? I look over at momma. Her eyebrows are raised and she drinks another drink of her coffee. I swallow."Momma?""Yep. It's yours"I pull the white iPhone from the box. I turn it on, then look over to her. She sighs. "Thank you, momma" I whisper. This is truly an amazing gift. One I didn't expect."You're welcome"I slide it and it unlocks. "Crap. It's 7:15"Momma grabs her keys. She's taking me? She's acting awful strange. We get in the car and she drives me. I just take the time exploring my new phone. My first phone. "Don't get in trouble with that. I won't get it back for you""I won't" I promise."We'll take it to get a case after school""Okie dokie" I say. "Thank you. Really."She chuckles. "I'll talk to Principal Sanders when we get there."Oh yeah! I forgot about the whole trying out for archery thing. Wow. This is the best birthday ever."In June, you can try to get your permit if you want"I just turn and stare at her. "Is something wrong, ma?""No? Why would there be?""I dunno, you're just..... Different"She shakes her head. "No. You're sixteen now. Almost an adult. It's time you start getting treated like one"I sit back in my seat. My only word for this moment: wow. Wow, wow, wow. I didn't expect this from her."And don't make me sorry""I swear you won't regret it" I say. She pulls up into the parking lot. We both get out. I head to my locker and she stays in the office."O-M- Double G!!" Emily squeals. "You're here!!!" She says hugging me."Yeah, I know" I say. "Mom was like I could go if I woke my self up, I can try out for archery, I got an iPhone, I-""What?!? You got a phone?!?"A big grin spreads over my face. " yes""Let me see!"I pull out my iPhone. "Oh my holy heavens. You weren't lying.""I'd never lie to you""This is so crazy. It's like the apocalypse!""I know. She said she's gonna start treating me like an adult.""My goodness. Being sixteen really does stuff for you. I'll be right with ya next month" she says with a wink. I laugh. "Now put my number in there and send me a text!"I type in her number and open iMessage, then send her a text. She squeals."This is just unreal""I know. I thought I'd had to get one when I was eighteen or something."Jeffery, Emily's boyfriend, walks over. "Hey, babe. Ready for class?"She looks over at me. I nod her on. I've never had a boyfriend. So, I'd want to be with them too... That is if I get one and don't die alone with my millions of cats. She smiles at me and leaves with Jeffery's arm around her shoulders. I sigh and start unpacking my backpack."Kimberly. You're here" I turn to meet Zane McCalister. Ew. I really don't like this guy. He thinks he's all cool... Being football captain.... Basketball captain.... Just about ever sports captain there is.... I don't like his ego."So it seems" I shove more things into my locker."The Kimberly Jasper is here. At school. On. Her. Birthday.""Yeah, so?""Moody much?""Annoying much?" I suck in a breath and squeeze my eyes shut. I really didn't mean to say that out loud. But I'm surprised because he starts laughing. I turn to meet him, then flinch back. "Dude. Personal space" a grin spreads over his face, then he takes a step back. "Thanks" I grab my history book and slam my locker closed. I take a deep breath and open it again."Forget something?""Nah. I'm just opening my locker to see if an elf is in it." I say sarcastically. "They're snoopers you know"He laughs. "Find any?""Yeah. Little bastard." I pull out my phone."That's a nice elf you got there""Yeah, thanks." I shove it in my back pocket, and close my locker again. I start walking to my class and he follows."Sense when did you get a phone?"I look over at him. "Today. Any more questions?""Yeah. Why haven't you asked for my number yet?""Maybe cause I don't want it." Gah I'm rude! I really don't mean to be this way. He just irks me. He smirks."Maybe I want your number""Maybe I don't want to give it to you""Maybe I want to ask you on a date"I stop in my tracks. "Huh?"He nods. "You heard me"No way. No. Fudging. Way. I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe" I keep walking.He rolls his eyes. "You know I could ask any girl out and they'd jump the opportunity.""I'm not just any girl. Quite frankly, you're not my favorite person""We'll, quite frankly, you're mine." He says. "And I know you're not just any girl. You're... Special"I swallow. What the fudge is happening? I swear I'm about to wake up from this scary, but awesome nightmare.  I hate to admit... But Zane is kinda growing on me. "So... You like me huh?""Yeah... I thought we went over this.""Hm... I'll get back to you"He smirks. "You do that, princess"I roll my eyes and take my seat. I pull out my phone and shoot a text to Emily. Even though she's just on the other side of the classroom. Her eyes widen and she looks over at me.'Zane? Zane McCalister?''Yup. I dunno when this started or why, but it's weird. Quite frankly, I don't like him very much' that's debatable.'I know you don't. It's just kinda hard to picture. You know. You two as a couple''Ew. Let's not go there. I told him I'd get back to him later... But I don't think I want to. It's so confusing. I've never had a boyfriend.''You're talking like I don't know this stuff, Kimmy. I know. I'll try and figure something out.'I sigh and look over at her. I see Amanda Jones glaring at me, and Zane just staring at me. Oh joy. Amanda, head cheerleader, hates my guts cause of a stupid boy. I never really liked Amanda, but the last girl that took something she wanted got a broken arm and a broken leg."Move" the scrawny boy in the seat next to me scurries off. Amanda takes a seat next to me. "Kimmy!""Uh, hi." I say. My phone vibrates.She looks down. "You finally got a phone""So it seems" I look down. Emily. Ohhhh man. Oh man, oh man, oh man. I shove it in my pocket."Don't you want my number?""Uhhhmmmm...." No! "Sure"I take it back out. She takes it from my hand and unlocks it. "You should really put a passcode on this thing. Wouldn't want the guys taking it and doing things to it.""Like what?""Taking pictures... Reading texts... Sending texts... Putting their numbers in... But I guess that's a plus." She says winking. I force a giggle."Yeah. That's probably a plus" she hands me back my phone. I take it and shove it in my pocket. I hope she didn't read that text... Dear Lord. Who knows what it could of said. Besides Emily. She stands. Jace Branson comes over and slides her phone from her back pocket, then starts playing with it."See?" She takes it from him. "Bad boy"He laughs, then wonders back to his seat. That's when the bell finally rings. Thank God. The scrawny boy scurries back over and sits. Where the heck is our teacher? I pull out my phone and start going through my apps. The boy sighs and gets up. Zane sits next to me."Here" he hands me his phone. "I don't think you have many things to do sense you just got it. You can play with mine." he shows me the passcode. "You can't tell anyone. You're the only one that knows, besides myself of course" he says with a smile. I just look at him. I hesitantly slide my phone to him. He raises one eyebrow. I nod and he takes it. I look through his phone, then smirk."You really want a moron test on here?"He laughs. "Yeah. Gotta find out some way"I laugh. "Yeah. I guess so"I open his browser. Oh I'm bad. I search 'kittens' on google. I save a picture of a fluffy one with a pink background and I go to his settings and set it as his home screen. Then, I open his photos. It's not pictures of himself. It's pictures of a girl, and him sometimes with the little girl. I smile. Of course he has other pictures of other things, but most of them are this little blonde girl. She looks exactly like him, so I'm guessing it's his sister or something."I'm making you an Instagram." He says."Have fun"He smirks. "Oh, I will"I look up at him. What could that mean? Crap. What did I get myself into? If he does anything, I have his phone, so therefore, it's a tie, really. His phone buzzes and I set it face down."Hey, see who that is for me?" He says without taking his eyes off of my screen. I sigh and pick it up."Joshua" I say and set it back down."Read it to me?"I look over at him. "You want me to read your text?""Yeah, why not?"I roll my eyes and pick it back up. "Something about scoring and landing."He quickly sets my phone down and takes his. He types furiously, then hands it back. "Sorry" he says. I shrug. His cheeks are pink. I giggle."What's wrong""Nothing"I reach over and poke his side. He grabs my hand and holds it."Whatcha doin?" I say after about two minuets."Isn't it obvious? I'm totally stalking my own Instagram. And the best part. I'm holding your hand"My cheeks turn a bright red, and I try to pull my hand away, but he holds it tighter. His phone buzzes again. I look over to him. He looks back and nods. "It's from Jace. He said something about Amanda and daggers"He chuckles. "Sounds about right""People text weird""No kidding. I swear they invented their own language. It takes a bit to understand. Except certain things. Those are just code words. They aren't suppose to make sense.""Hm. That's interesting.""It's a lot of planning""Why do you need codes anyway?""So like teachers and stuff don't understand them if they get confiscated and read out loud.""Ohh. That makes a lot of sense."He smiles. "So, Kimberly-"I sigh. "Please call me Kimmy."He smirks. "Alright, alright. Kimmy. Did you think about my offer""The one you just asked like ten minuets ago?"" that very one""You're so impatient.""What can I say? I've liked you for a while and it's been torturous just waiting for you to come to me"I roll my eyes. "Exactly how long?""Just sixth grade... Or the summer of fifth... Whichever.""That's like... Five years, Zane.""I know""Oh my goodness. You're crazy""Hey. If it's a crime to like a beautiful girl who's amazing in every way... Then sue me.""I... I'm not... Beautiful" I say blushing."My bad. Gorgeous"I lay my head on the table. He let's go of my hand and wraps it around my shoulder, pulling me into him so my head rests on his chest. He slides an arm around my waist, and pulls me closer to him. I swear I have goosebumps. A bunch of guys start whistling."I'll never hear the end of this" Zane mutters. "Kimmy?""Yeah?""Can I say something?""Go for it""Everything with you feels.... Right" he says. "Like other girls I've dated just felt weird. But with you... It's just hard to explain""Yes""Yes what?""I'll go on a date with you"He pulls me tighter. "Happy birthday Kimmy""Thank you" wait. Is this just because of my birthday? That's gonna suck. Tomorrow, everything will be like normal. Zane just flirting with other girls, me just sitting at home. Without a phone. It's all a dream. A terrifying but amazing dream."So now can I have your number?"I smile. "I'll think about it"He chuckles. "So my girlfriend won't give me her number. Haven't heard that one ever in my life.""Oh so now I'm your girlfriend?" I pull away and look at him.His cheeks turn crimson. "I... We'll... I just... Uh...."I smile. "I'm just teasin." I put on my poker face. "But seriously. You have to ask me properly."He sighs in relief. "Kimmy. Will you please be my girlfriend?""No""Wait.... What?""Take a joke, Zane." I say laughing. "I was kidding.""Oh thank God. I was kinda panicking for a second""But in all honesty, you have to ask my mom. She doesn't let me do anything.""Hey. I can make her like me in a minuet tops. I did it to you""Actually... It took you about fifteen.""Potato, tomato. Same difference"I laugh. "Oh whatever! There's such a big difference between the two!""Oh yeah? Prove it.""First of all. A potato is brown and a tomato is red. Second, they both have completely different shapes. Thirdly, tomato is a fruit and potato is a vegetable. Fo-""Okay, okay. I'm sorry" he puts his hands up in surrender. "My girlfriend is so smart.""Ha! You're funny. That's common sense""Apparently I don't have any. I thought they were the same thing.""No, you were just being silly""I am pretty silly. Is that going to be a problem?""Not if me being silly isn't a problem either"He sucks air through his teeth. "Sorry. If you're gonna be my girlfriend, you have to be completely serious. I don't need some crazy lady""Okay. Guess I'm not your girlfriend" I turn and face the front. "Here's your phone." I put his on the table and take mine."Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was joking. Please don't do that" he pulls on my knees so I face him again.I start laughing. "Wow. You really suck at this""Or maybe your just too good""Yeah, that's not it" I say smiling. He laughs."So is it cool if I sit by you today?""No""See. I caught you. I'm not that dumb""But I'm serious.""What? Quit playing with me."I sigh. " I'm not playing. You'll get me in trouble""Nu-uh!!!!""Yes-huh!""No I won't" he whines. "Promise""Any funny business, and your hitting the road, got it?""Yes ma'am." He salutes me. I roll my eyes and smile."So... We're officially unofficially dating?""Yeah, it seems that way. It will be officially official when your mom approves.""What if she doesn't?""We sneak it""Ooh. We'll be slippery snakes then?"He laughs."yes. We'll be slippery snakes.""Oh what fun. You're gonna get me killed.""No, Kimmy. I won't let anyone hurt you. Never. No matter what""Sorry I'm late class. Just get your textbooks out and we'll start on some civil war" mr. Jamison says."Mr. Jamison! Zane isn't in his seat." Mindy Piper says. Snitch. Mr. Jamison looks up. He raises an eyebrow. Zane and Mr. Jamison exchange a few looks to each other. It's weird. My eyebrows knit together."Just for today, Mr. McCalister" Mr. Jamison says. Zane sits back and shoots a look to Mindy, who is pouting. She rolls her eyes and huffs."See, baby girl? I told you I can make anyone give in to me.""Yeah... That's kinda scary.""We'll, now that we're together, you can do it too""Nah, I don't think I want to. I might start giving constipated looks.... That'll be fantastic, maybe I will do it"He laughs. "Kimmy. You're so funny. You're funny, smart, sweet, beautiful, amazing in every way and you're mine. What more could I ever ask for?"I shrug. "What you see is what you get""And I'm okay with that. More than okay. Fantastic, actually." He leans over and nuzzles my neck with his nose. I giggle."Stop""What, you don't like it?" He asks with a smile."No. I like it. I like it a lot, but you're gonna get us in trouble""Kimmy. Have some faith, baby doll. We're not gonna get in trouble. I promise. If we do, I'll take full blame."I shake my head. "You're absolutely insane.""About you? Sounds about right"I put my face in my hands to hide my crimson cheeks. He takes my hands from my face. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I don't want you to hide yourself. I want to see you""Stop it, Zane" I say blushing an even deeper shade of red. He just chuckles."Well, it's true""No... not really""Ms. Jasper. Is there a problem?""Uhhh.... no sir... no problem" I say swallowing. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.08.2014

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