
Flashback Dream:

I couldn’t breathe. My vision was clouded while I lay on the ground in searing pain. Slowly I tried to clear my mind to think of what I had to do. After an agonizing minuet my vision cleared enough to see something I hadn’t saw earlier a house. A house meant a phone hopefully. Pushing all the pain back I ever so slowly began to crawl towards it. I instantly had to stop, that small movement cost me another wave of huge pain. It practically killed me and I knew I couldn’t take much more of this.
Suddenly something happened to cause me to second guess my sanity. I heard people talking from multiple sources behind me. But then I also began to hear laughter which scared me even more than the talking. After all who laughs when someone is dying unless they caused the death?
So ignoring my mind that was making up people I began again to crawl towards the building. I made it five feet before I was stopped. I felt a pressure on my back and it forced me to halt my slow but steady crawl towards the building. The pressure caused a new wave of pain. I screamed. I then heard the laughter again and realized that I was not going insane. There actually were people and they sure didn’t like me.
While I tried to focus my mind again a person came and stood before me, looking down and smiling at me. I remembered every detail on his face just like I did the first time I met him. He had black messy hair and a nose that had obviously been broken more than once. He had a crooked smile that was disgusting and made any person looking at it want to throw up. He had dark brown eyes and vey pale skin. He looked like a walking corpse. I wanted more than anything to be able to run right then but I could barely crawl let alone run.
After what seemed an eternity he started to speak to me. I couldn’t understand a single word he said except for a few here and there. But his last sentence was as clear as a bell. “Told you we’d catch up with you maximillian and now you can finally pay the price for all the hell you put us through. Goodnight.”
I felt a sharp pain in my side and went out cold. But I swear I heard that same sickening laughter first.

My reflection, Time: 11:45 p.m

I woke up sweating like crazy just hoping that I didn’t scream this time. It was the same terrible dream every night. I didn’t understand it except that it was from my past. The past I couldn’t remember. The past that I had been lied to about. I couldn’t make any sense of it, who would want to kill me?
About a week ago I woke up in the hospital and was told I had a really bad concussion. One that caused me to forget who I was and why I was even in the hospital. The nurse told me that I was a bum. A nobody with no living family or friends. The only good thing I have ever done had forced me into the hospital and that was to save orphans from a burning building. And magically they also knew my name. What a plus! My name apparently is John Jacob Jelling.
I could tell right away that they were lying. And it wasn’t just the ridiculous name that clued me in. I mean why a nurse would smile like a clown when talking about losing every memory you ever had. She looked like a freaking clown that escaped from an evil child’s birthday party. I couldn’t make any sense of her reaction while she was telling me that my life was ruined. It was like she knew me before and had a grudge against me. I wondered why she was so happy.
“Well sir it looks like you have had a head injury and can’t remember a thing. I’m sorry about your loss and hope you can start a new life and do better in it than your last one.”
She sounded like a philosophical idiot who enjoyed predicting the worlds end. She may be happy about this but I was definitely not sharing her enthusiasm. The worst part of this was her smile I mean that just ticked me off. It made no sense. Just like the fact that I was alone in this world made no sense. No one is just completely alone. Are they? I had to believe that they were lying and I had to discover the truth. No one is really all alone. They have to have at least one person to stick up for them in this world. I just had to find that person again. So naturally not remembering was not an option for me.
After reaching that decision I slowly slipped into darkness. But this time I didn’t dream.

New life, Day: may 28, 2030
I had started my new life the day I got out of the hospital. I instantly went job searching. Thankfully a place that needed no education had an opening. My new boss also rented me a room and meals. My new job was to serve drinks at a local bar. So really my bum statice didn’t go up much. I still had a job though. On my free time I tried to locate any family that the doctors might have hid from me.
I of course had no luck what so ever. So as usual every day before work I went to the local park. Sat on a bench and contemplated my failure in my old life. Then I eventually got up and walked to work feeling worse than before my lovely time at the park. I had no money so I had to walk everywhere.
Walking to work always made me feel a little better. At least I had a job and got to exercise every day. I would never be overweight but only if because I couldn’t afford it. So I admired the scenery while I walked. Watching squirrels climb trees and dogs chase cats. What a normal place. But I hated it because it held all my past. And I couldn’t reach it.
About twenty minutes later I reached work. Instantly I could tell that we were very busy. This of course was good for me. Walking into the back room I saw piles of dishes everywhere and no one to wash them. I started to wash them laughing about how fast we were going to run out of cups. Just as I was on my tenth cup my boss walked in. but he wasn’t alone. “John this is a new employee. Teach him how to be helpful around here.”
He ran out of the room before I could even think of a reply. I looked this man up and down. My breathe caught in my throat. He had black messy hair and a nose that had been broken before. His eyes were brown and his skin was pale. Just like in my dream he looked like a walking corpse. I pretended not to recognize him. The man would think I was insane if I told him I dreamed about him. So I just told him to start drying the dishes.
“Maximillian you sure have taken a fall in society. You’re washing dishes, how humorous. You know it took us awhile to find you. But” he chuckled “billionaires don’t just disappear off the face of the Earth. Something has to happen. You really got me into trouble with the boss for not killing you when we could. Your sweet sister interfered with that. Shae just loves to call the police.”
When I actually could speak I didn’t know what to say. Eventually I got out “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I certainly hope you don’t. But I promise to make you remember before I shoot you. Maybe this will help. Now you can finally pay the price for all the hell you put us through.” With that he raised a gun. “Goodnight.”
With that final word I remembered, at least some. His name was Abe Ryan Linc and worked for an agency that wanted me dead obviously. I also remembered that a couple years ago I had shot him in the leg and he still had a limp. Using that to my advantage I kicked him in the knee.
He fell and hit the ground hard. I kicked the gun away and again kicked him but this time in the head. Without bothering to call for any one I began to search him. I found a scrap of paper that said:
Shae Mangs
Bribe her and make no mistakes.
Shae. According to the man on the floor she was my sister. So naturally I had to find her. After tying up Abe I threw him in a closet and decided that I could call the cops through a pay phone. I had other things I had to do.
Slipping out the back door I made a slow walk towards my apartment. Knowing I had to get out before my boss realized that I was missing and so was the new employee. Reaching my door I walked inside and grabbed the phone book. That was all I needed. Hopefully Shae lived in Washington D.C were I was currently staying.
Running out the door I looked for a pay phone. The first three I found were occupied and had lines waiting their turn. When I finally found one I saw my boss walking towards my apartment. Putting my hood up I put in fifty cents. I called nine eleven and waited. A voice said “this is 911 what is the state of your emergency.”
“At 2010 Raven Street a man jumped me and is tied up in the back closet.” I spoke in a different voice as not to give away my identity if police could do that sort of thing yet.
“Sir where are you now?”
“Just remember 2010 Raven Street that’s all you need to know.” With that I hung up and started to run into a crowd of people wondering if police could track phone calls.
I instantly started to walk to the park following crowds of people who seemed to be walking in the same general direction. When I finally reached my destination (the park) I sat on a bench and opened up the phone book.
Flipping through pages and pages I began to lose hope that I would find her at all. I needed to find her. She could tell me something if we were close before the “accident”. But eventually I found her name under a list of numbers that had people like Donald trump under name. She lived on 176 Boulevard. I knew were that was. All the rich people lived there. Maybe I was a billionaire after all.
Now knowing where she lived I began to walk the five mile walk to her house.

Boulevard Street, 12:34 A.M

I finally reached Boulevard Street at 12:34 A.M. I sighed peering down the street looking at the long line of houses that were in rows down the street. When I began to walk again I noticed people following me down the street. Suddenly aware of my mini fan club I changed my path walking away from Boulevard Street. They continued to follow me and not in a very discreet way. When I was near a group of people I ran into a crowd and instantly began walking again when I reached the middle. I then watched my fan club run right past me.
After about five minutes of walking around in circles I finally began to go towards Boulevard again. Eventually after what seemed an eternity I reached Shae Mangs house. It was large and looked like a dr.Sues house with the colors red, brown, and blue. It was also hidden by large amounts of plants.
I eventually worked up enough courage to walk up to their door. But then paused. I knew that they were probably asleep and it would be rude to wake them up but at the same time I couldn’t just sleep outside. It was supposed to rain tonight. I made my decision and walked up to her door and knocked. I saw some lights come on and heard footsteps.
When the door opened I almost automatically lost my nerve. What if she didn’t like me before I lost my memory? But then why would she have called the cops when those men tried to kill me? I didn’t have time to change my mind before Shae had the door fully opened and was standing in front of me. The first word out of her mouth was what I thought my real name to be.
“Maximillian?” she sounded scared, happy, and full of relief at the same time. All her emotions instantly put my earlier fears to rest. She looked me up and down with what seemed to be unbelief that I could actually be alive. I just stood there unaware of what I should say. So instead of guessing I just stated “I don’t remember anything except for my name and a man named Abe. He told me your name so I looked you up.”
We instantly lapsed back into evaluating silence. As if right on cue it started pouring rain. Shae finally reacted enough to invite me into her house. We both rushed inside to the comfort of heating and dryness.
“Tell me all that you can remember” were the first words out of her mouth.
“I started having dreams about the night I was injured. I couldn’t make any sense of them until Abe caught up with me and tried to shoot me. When he threatened me he said the exact same thing he told me when I was almost unconscious the night they took me to the hospital.”
I trailed off quietly thinking of all the things that had happened to me since then. After a while she asked me another question.
“Do you remember Shelia?” I didn’t and hoped she was not someone to important in my life. So in response I just shook my head no.
“What about Max and Meagan?”
Once again I shook my head no.
“Well tomorrow I’ll take you to see Max and Meagan. And hopefully that will help you remember some things.”
We both didn’t know how to react in this kind of situation so we just lapsed back into silence sitting in her living room with a flat screen TV.
Later I finally broke the silence. “Who are Max and Meagan?” she didn’t answer for a long time. When she spoke her voice was filled with sadness.
“They’re your kids Maximillian.”
She said only that one sentence before we became silent again on account of my shock. I wanted to deny it but knew I couldn’t. I had I whole other life that I knew nothing about so I couldn’t deny it. What reason would she have to lie to me anyways? After awhile she spoke again.
“I’m going to bed you can sleep on the couch. I’ll drive you to see your kids tomorrow morning.”
With that she walked up the stairs and I went to sleep. Only to dream of course of that same dreadful night only this time it was a little different.

I had to get out of the building. I had to save Shelia. Those were my only goals. I pushed the large burning floor of the building off of me. It had to weigh about two hundred and forty pound. I got lucky that I could even move it off of me. I gave myself time to collect myself shoving all the pain I felt to the back of my mind.
Slowly I attempted to stand. Falling down I began to pick myself up and stood again. This time I stayed upright. I began to walk knowing that I had to get out of the building before it collapsed. I saw the door and made a lunge for it. As soon as I reached the outside the building fell. And then I heard shots.
I fell to the ground. I couldn’t breathe. My vision was clouded while I lay on the ground in searing pain. Slowly I tried to clear my mind to think of what I had to do. After an agonizing minuet my vision cleared enough to see something I hadn’t seen earlier, a house. A house meant a phone hopefully. Pushing all the pain back I ever so slowly began to crawl towards it. I instantly had to stop, that small movement cost me another wave of huge pain. It practically killed me and I knew I couldn’t take much more of this.
Suddenly something happened to cause me to second guess my sanity. I heard people talking from multiple sources behind me. But then I also began to hear laughter which scared me even more than the talking. After all who laughs when someone is dying unless they caused the death?
So ignoring my mind that was making up people I began again to crawl towards the building. I made it five feet before I was stopped. I felt a pressure on my back and it forced me to halt my slow but steady crawl towards the building. The pressure caused a new wave of pain. I screamed. I then heard the laughter again and realized that I was not going insane. There actually were people and they sure didn’t like me.
While I tried to focus my mind again a person came and stood before me, looking down and smiling at me. I remembered every detail on his face just like I did the first time I met him. He had black messy hair and a nose that had obviously been broken more than once. He had a crooked smile that was disgusting and made any person looking at it want to throw up. He had dark brown eyes and vey pale skin. He looked like a walking corpse. I wanted more than anything to be able to run right then but I could barely crawl let alone run.
After what seemed an eternity he started to speak to me. I couldn’t understand a single word he said except for a few here and there. But his last sentence was as clear as a bell. “Told you we’d catch up with you maximillian and now you can finally pay the price for all the hell you put us through. Goodnight.”
I felt a sharp pain in my side and went out cold. But I swear I heard that same sickening laughter first.

I woke up expecting to hear myself screaming. Thankfully I didn’t. I got up and walked into Shae’s kitchen. She had to have medicine somewhere. After about five minutes of intense searching I finally found it. Inside a cabinet she had a wide variety of prescription drugs. I eventually found what I was looking for. Sleeping pills. I knew if I took enough of these I would sleep like a baby.
I looked up the amount I should take for my age and swallowed them all down with a glass of water. I made it to the couch before I passed out again. This time I had no dreams at all.

The sun was shining through a window in the living room. I smelled pancakes and bacon cooking. Sitting up I looked up at a clock. It read 7:45 a.m; it was the earliest I had woken up all week. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see Shae cooking breakfast. It smelled delicious.
She looked up from her work and smiled. “Good morning. After we eat we’ll go see Max and Meagan. I bet they’ll be dying to see you.”
She looked actually happy today. Last night she just looked depressed and hurt. I wondered at the huge change. But then I remembered all the prescription drugs. One of them was an anti-depressant. I guess they meds began to wear off last night.
I just nodded. “Thanks, for everything.”
“No problem just try and remember today okay?”
I replied with a not so sure okay for an answer. Then her timer went off for the pancakes and we went to go eat. It tasted wonderful. I’d never met anyone who could cook that good that I remembered.
After breakfast we went back into passive silence. Shae took a shower while I cleaned her kitchen. When it was my turn we switched roles. She gave me some clothes and told me her husband was out of town. We then got into her car and began to drive to where Max and Meagan where.
Apparently they stayed at my house with my butler and personal body guard. I didn’t question the story. After half an hour we pulled into the driveway of what looked to be a mansion. Well it was a mansion and it was mine.
We got out of the car when the front door opened. Two kids where standing in the doorway. At that moment all my memories began to come flooding back to me. They all seemed to just flash in my brain and then they were gone.
One I did remember and it was important. Shelia, she was my wife, and was kidnapped. I had to find her.

End of Book One


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2010

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