

These pages contain energy elements that will cause awesome life changes for you. They provide the material for simple and bold performance, featured by You. The principles described are understood and represented by many well-known individuals. /crafters/ Become part of Us. Become a Crafter. Spiritually, mentally and physically. Sincerely, Your Prime

Author & Publisher: Karlis Vilbers

Text & Grammar editor: Matthew McKeown (Liverpool editing company)

Cover, layout & text design: Karina Vitina (Designer & Creative artist)

First e-book edition Owners of work, Copyrights 2019.



This is a signature book. It’s about growth in life, just as everything is here on this earth to grow and expand – trees, animals, nature and, most importantly, you. You are here to become better, fulfill your potential, expand your consciousness and live a good life in accordance with your desires – not to grow old with unfulfilled potential. This material is about energy and mind. Remembered, using fundamentals you have already developed in your everyday life. A reminder: you are not short of anything now, and you never have been. The key to high performance in anything you do is managing your energy and visualizing in your mind. It is not about time. This material arose from a thought in my mind, and now it has gathered into the matter, with solid shape and form, for you to read. I am grateful to everyone who has discovered this material and will use it. This is something for everyone to learn, to know and to use. I know it works and brings good into life. I got my inspiration from people who have done it, and the vision I have for my own future. When a person can see beyond all ego and understand that there is something to learn from everyone, that’s when they start growing and fulfilling their very own potential.

This isn’t some fairytale fiction or some therapy session for you. This is what you do every day, either consciously or subconsciously. Read this and make your own life simple, It is bold and easily, fun and enjoyable, because you are the one living it.

What you will read here is supported by science, and by every single person who has ever made it. They all know that the main things in this process are energy, vision in the mind and inspired action. Everyone has the desire and the space to improve on something in their life – everyone. Whatever that something is for you, this will make it easier to do it. People love to underestimate small and simple things these days, but why should a book have to be hundreds of pages long to provide you with what you need? For example, look at your passport. It has one page, yet it contains all that you need to go places. Without that little piece of paper, you are going nowhere.

This book will serve as your mental passport. The more you put its content to use, the more you will understand it. The more you practice it in your everyday life, the more places you will go, both mentally and physically. This is pure energy, just like you and everything else around you. Read it and trust in it – it is priceless. Now, I have read many books, but there is one I will never forget. This one specific book created such an intense energy mismatch between “What is” and “What I envision” that I had to walk from Central Park back to the book shop near Madison Square, to exchange it for a different one. In that moment, I had a choice. I could either serve my ego, be lazy and leave a $27 book to waste away on the shelf, or I could get up, go back and find a new book that would meet my expectations. At that point, my expectations and desires were so clear to me that I dragged my best friend along to walk the several miles back to the book shop. My expectation had to be met. This is called inspired action, and it’s your choice whether or not to take it. Besides all of that, there are two things I learned that day. One was that an inspired action will always pay off. In this case, I got an awesome book that in fact exceeded my expectations, expanded my knowledge, and was an inspiring read for my long-haul flight home. The other was to be grateful for those people who walk with you, and for everything you have. Gratitude amplifies the amplitude. It quadruples anything and everything for better and greater in your life. This material is the blueprint that you need to make your everyday life simple, fun and enjoyable. It will show you practical ways to change the way you feel on an emotional level, which is all you need to raise your vibrational energy frequency. This, simply put, is the energy that feeds your actions, characterises your experience and delivers desired outcomes in life. When you raise it, you will benefit from it, first in the mind, and then in the world of matter.

In other words, you will receive what you desire, and get more done with less effort. It is as simple as that. The true potential of this practice is limitless, so do yourself a favour and don’t make life difficult when it doesn’t need to be. Everything is defined by the way you feel. What you would spend years learning through countless physics books, audio materials, Law of Attraction mentors and seminars, like I did, has here been simplified and made easy to use and understand. Mark my words, everything that you desire is there for the taking. All you need to do is know what you want and how to take it, and today is the day you will read about some new ways of how to get it done. My last few years have been a constant learning process, from Neville Goddard to Dr. Joseph Murphy and many more who brought this knowledge to the western world. I learn daily, I use it daily and this book is the way I see it and feel it. This knowledge has shown itself through testing and practice - it works. Energy is everywhere, and so is inspiration and everything else you need. It’s present, always. What worked for me, was taking the Conor McGregor approach to life. In my opinion, he is the brightest example of applying the laws of universe in recent times. He knows these laws, and he puts them to work. If it works for him, why wouldn’t it work for you?! There are people that judge and critique him, and then there are people like me, who take inspiration from his approach. Beyond all of the trash talking and drama, the entertainment, that he provides in every fight, mindset that has inspired me to achieve better and greater version of myself. His mindset is an excellent expression of what anyone can do with their lives. Yes! He has done some messy stuff and still made it. His life and business are on the next levels. You can’t throw a stone at someone who has done it, right? Energy will never judge you. There is no -”yeah but!” From couple of hundred euros in welfare to limitless amounts of abundance. It all started with a mindset conditioning and inspired actions over the years. He has shown the world what can be done, regardless of outside circumstances. He showed that patience is a form of action.

Message on a silver plate: “Precision beats Power& Timing beats Speed.”Conor McGregor This book isn’t a quick fix, it’s permanent. It will be easy if you apply it like crazy. On the other hand, nothing will work for you if you will be lazy with this material and I won’t give you a refund. It’s so, so worth it. Your life can be as easy or hard as you make it, and I am here to give you some simple practices and knowledge to use daily. It’s here now, ready for you to use to your advantage. Go ahead!



First, get your head around some simple little things. Law of Attraction works 24/7, 365 days a year, with no time off at all. That’s the universe for you. It’s free and accessible, all the time. You don’t pull out LOA like some sort of gadget to put into use when you want something. You do it every single moment of your life. You don’t manifest negative things when you are negative, or positive ones when you are positive. You attract them, with your thoughts and actions. Perception, beliefs and expectations towards certain things are what produces the results you get.

The thing that dictates your manifestation outcomes is your ability to be neutral to the things that don’t matter, while being expectant and thoughtful towards the things that do matter to you. Self-talk, self-image and the way you see yourself daily are the main things. Small twists and changes in your beliefs and expectations can deliver remarkable results in your life, beyond your imagination. Your energy is priceless. Only you can use it to create those feelings and things that add value and substance to your life. Read this and use it. Take your vibrational frequency and life experiences to that feeling place, where they match your desired outcome. Live int the end. Feel and focus on the outcome. This is information for you. It is a challenge to change how you operate on a daily basis, a reminder of where it all begins and where it all goes, and a reminder that neither your iPhone nor Facebook, or any other physical gadget, will do it for you. You are your own best chance to live your life in a way that you desire. You have it all to achieve, receive, allow and so on. When you understand the basics of how you work, you can make anything work. This will make you look at your everyday life from a different perspective, and help you understand why things happen for you in the way they do. It will show you how to change these things, and also how to improve in general. This is about your energy and mind. It is a way for you to create the lifestyle you want. You are responsible for your own life. You manage your energy and your mind, so do it in a way that benefits you the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.03.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-3412-3

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Knowledge is useless until it's used. With that being said, I would like to say "Thank You" to all the people who have and will cross my path. I am grateful for all the lessons and blessings in my life. Everything I have experience has been a key to my focus, growth, expansion, and drive. Remember, everything you desire can come true, read it, use it and bring it home to you. Great Vibes Only. From K.Vilbers

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