
“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
The little fair-haired spitfire turned on her heels, raking him with her gaze. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” he grunted. “I’m getting mighty tired of saving your hoity toity little ass.”
Even though Ben stood a good head and half taller than her, she marched right up to him, unafraid.
“I believe I was trying to conduct my business in private, when you came storming out of nowhere and drug me back here,” she said, pointing to the dusty stagecoach. “Now tell me, Mr. Finnegan, how is that saving my ass?” throwing her arms wide, she looked around, “Where’s the danger? What exactly are you saving me from now?”
Ben smiled down at her, he couldn’t help it. Hearing miss high and mighty cuss like a cowboy just tickled his funny bone.
Her clear blue eyes fairly sparkled with fury. “I’m glad you find this amusing, but I must remind you, I have business yet to finish, and I’m not setting one foot in that contraption until I do.”
Biting his cheek to keep from laughing, he grabbed her slim shoulders and learned down, so they stood nose to nose.
Stormy green eyes clashed with her startled blue. “Then I suggest, little darlin’,” he drawled, “that next time, you look before you squat. Cause I just saved your ass

, from a patch of poison ivy.”
Her eyes rounded, as her mouth made a little O , puffing her breath lightly across his lips, like a ghost of a kiss. Then he felt his own eyes round as his loins tightened involuntarily. Quickly releasing his hold, he turned and stalked off.
Miss Adaline Parker had been nothing but trouble since she’d boarded his coach, back in New Orleans. She hadn’t done anything except bitch, whine, and complain. God, that woman knew how to push his buttons.
Checking all the traces on the team, he cussed himself. How in the hell could that woman give him a tingling with nothing more than a warm puff of air?
He knew the answer to that- It had been way too long since he’d enjoyed the company of a woman.
Well, he could remedy that once they hit Silver Springs. They had a decent sized saloon with a nice assortment of women. Women who were more than, able, willing, and capable, of showing a man a good time.
He was mulling over the prospect when another passenger approached him.
“Mr. Finnegan, will we be departing soon?”
It was Max Logan, a dandy from Boston- or Philadelphia, or some place equally annoying. Ben had no patience for Easterners. Their fancy dud’s and lack of common sense, annoyed the hell out of him.
“Here shortly, Mr. Logan.”
“Very good. Have you seen Miss Parker?”
Ben’s hands stilled on the yoke. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, if you must know, I’ve appointed myself as Miss Parker’s personal protector. This land is so… vile, that a woman of her delicacies, needs protection.”

Did he really just call this beautiful countryside, vile

. What a turd.
“Well, don’t you go getting yer tails in a twist, Mr. Logan. It’s my job to watch over the passengers, and that’s what I aim to do.”
Ben had started back to the coach, when a thought struck him, “Delicacy, huh? Interesting, I hadn’t realized that Miss Parker was with child. ”
Logan looked like someone had just squeezed off his windpipe. “Wh-wha- wh-?”
“What!” Adaline Parker shrieked. She had just walked up and caught the most interesting part of their conversation.
Ben grinned, “Mr. Logan here, was just informing me, that because of your ‘delicate condition’ that he is appointing himself as your personal guardian. Isn’t that right, Logan?”
Ben leaned smuggly against the coach, his thickly muscled arms folded over his massive chest, waiting to enjoy the show.
Miss Parker stormed over and slapped Logan across the face, hard.“Well, I never!” she exclaimed, before turning to flounce away.
Logan was still stuttering in shock when Ben walked over and clapped him on the shoulder, “I don’t know, Logan. You might of bitten off more than you can chew this time. It aint no easy task, keepin’ that little hellcat outa harm’s way.”
He ought to know. So far, in the week they’d been out, he’d had to save her from a pissed off rattler, pull her out of a nasty sink hole, slapped some poisonous berries out of her hand, and now, he could add poison ivy to the list. The woman attracted trouble like a whorehouse on nickle night.
Ben was walking away, chuckling, when Mr. Logan finally found his voice, “You… you did that on purpose!”
Seated up in the hurricane deck, Ben hollered to the passengers, “Climb aboard people, this trains a’leavin’ the station.”
He watched an older couple, the Hoover’s, climb up and disappear inside. Next up was Max Logan.
Ben released the brake and flicked the reins. The wood spoked wheels creaked to life as the six big Missouri mules strained against their traces. The coach had just reached peak traveling speed, when Ben heard a God-awful high pitched sound from behind him.
Turning in his seat, he cussed, “Goddamnit! Whoa, WHOA!” he yelled pulling the mules to a slow stop.
Jumping down he moved to the door of the coach and jerked it open.
Old man Hoover’s startled face met him. “What’s the matter? Is it them god-damn heathens?” Mr. Hoover, who had an unnatural fear of Indians, was already holding a loaded pistol in his wrinkled shaking hands, his rheumy eyes wide with fright.
“You can put that away, there aint no Indians.”
The old man continued asking questions, but Ben ignored him, he was to busy glaring at Logan. “Some great personal protector

you turned out to be.”
Logan ignored him.
Ben’s blood began to boil. “Get out of my coach.” he ground out between gritted teeth.
Mr. Logan turned and looked at him haughtily, “I most certainly will not.”
To bad for him that Ben was a firm believer in not saying something twice. In one lightening fast move he jumped onto the top step, reached in and grabbed the front of Logans suit, dragging the man screaming through the door.
Ben pinned him up against the side of the stagecoach, as Miss Parker rounded the back, her skirts bunched in her hands, sweat and tears streaking down her face.
“You left me!” she cried, out of breath, “You just… left me!”
Ben barely heard her as he yelled in Logans face, “What in the hell kind of game are you


You play games out here, people get killed! Why didn’t you tell me that Miss Parker wasn’t in the coach!”
Logans face was bone white as he stammered, “I- I… don’t have to answer to y…” his sentence was cut short as Ben clocked back and slapped him up side the head.
“You can find yourself another stagecoach when we hit Silver Springs tomorrow.”
Adaline was wiping the tears from her face and trying to collect herself when Ben turned to her, “I’m real sorry you got left, Miss Parker. You can thank your guardian here for not telling me you were missing.”
She looked absolutely miserable and scared to death. He hated to admit it, but something about the way she looked pulled at his heart strings.
He smiled and winked at her, “Good thing you got a scream on you that could break glass, otherwise I never would of heard you.” he teased.
Ben was pleased to see that his good-natured ribbing brought a small smile to her glum face.
“Alright, let's get going. We got a good four hours before we hit the next stage stop and we’re burning day light.”
“I believe, Mr. Finnegan, that I would like to ride up top with you.”
“What?” he asked, startled by her request. But she was already reaching inside the coach to get her shawl. Then, she did something that totally shocked, and impressed him. She paused in front of Logan just long enough to give him a hard knee to the berries. Ouch.

Logan dropped to the ground and rolled to his side, gasping for air.
Ben chuckled. “Looks like the lady packs quite a wollop. Maybe she would of gave them Indians a run for their money after all.”
By the time they hit the road station it was past dark, and Ben was almost past his breaking point. Somewhere around sundown, little miss Parker had fallen asleep, leaning heavily against his shoulder. Then, to make matters worse, she had slowly slid her head down his chest until it was nestled in his lap. That coupled with the heat and the slow sway of the carriage had sent his mind reeling with images and possibilities. Talk about making a man sweat.
Ben gently nudged her shoulder. Nothing. He shook her a little harder, getting a very unlady-like snore in return. On his third attempt, she groaned, snuggling her soft blonde head further into his crotch. Oh good Lord. “Come on lady, get up!” he cried.
Something in his voice must have finally gotten through to her, because she sat bolt right up on the seat.
The front door of the station opened and a short, rotund, graying gentleman appeared on the porch, lantern in hand.
Ben jumped down and greeted him. “Hey Chowder, how goes it?”
“Ben, that you? Your running behind there, son. I was startin’ to wonder if the injuns gotcha.”
“You know me better than that, Chowder. They aint made an Indian yet that can beat me.” Ben grinned.
Chowder met him beside the coach and tugged on his arm. “Can I get a minute with ya, Ben?”
It came as an odd request. Ben studied the shorter man. It was even more odd that Chowder looked worried. He was usually a pretty laid back, happy character.
“Sure.” he nodded, then followed him to the back of the coach.
Once they were alone, Chowder laid it out. “A few men showed up earlier and their still in there.”
Ben felt his jaw clench, “What kind of men?”
Chowder leaned in closer, “The kind of men, that might not want people gawking at them, incase someone were to recognize them from the wanted posters. I’d say their more than just a little familiar with the hoot owl trail.”
Ben nodded his head, “They been partaking in that mountain moonshine concoction of yours?”
Chowder scratched the grey whiskers on his cheek and chin, “Well, I think maybe they might have...” After a skeptical look from Ben, he came clean. “Oh, hell Ben, those boys are so drunk you’d have a hard time tellin’ their piss from pickle juice at this point.”
“Chowder! How could you let that happen, you knew we were comin’. I got decent folks in here.”
“Well, they’ve been here since noon time, I figured they’d a passed out by now.” Chowder did look miserable though. “I’m sorry, Ben. I just don’t know what to do.”
“Fix it. Get in there and fix this. Tell them we’re coming in whether they like it or not, and they best behave themselves. I’m tired, I don’t need to deal with this shit.” he groused. “You at least got supper on?” he asked as Chowder hurried away.
“You know I do. It’s all in the warmer.” he called.
As Chowder disappered into the clapboard building, Ben started hauling luggage to the porch. Once everyone was ready, he opened the door, ushering them inside.
Adaline was the first through the threshold, followed by the Hoover’s, then a downtrodden Mr. Logan.
The cat calls had started the second Miss Parker walked in, and by the time Ben got through the door it had turned into a full fledged rucus.
The three men inside had spent most of the afternoon getting all roostered up, and once a hen had entered the picture, they wasted no time in flocking.
Ben stormed over and jerked Adaline out of the circle, tucking her safetly behind him, then faced off with the drunken men.
“Excuse me gentlemen, but that’s my woman yer messing with.”
One of the men pushed back his duster, revealing twin colts. “She aint yer’s anymore, friend. Now step aside.”
Ben felt Adaline's small hands clutching the back of his shirt.
He smiled, but his eyes blazed in the low light of room. “That aint gonna happen, friend

. Like I said, she’s mine and I don’t take kindly to people messin’ with my things.”
The hardcase with the big mouth opened it again, laughing, “Didn’t anybody ever teach you to count? Your outnumbered.” Jerking his chin, all three packed together. “Now if your nice and let us borrow that gal of yours for a bit, we just might let you live.”
Ben bristled at the innuendo. He could just imagine what this pack of coyotes would do to a woman. There wouldn’t be anything left but pieces. “How ’bout this, you high tail it out of here, and I’ll let you

They all thought that was pretty funny, until Ben brought up the barrel of the 10 gauge coach gun he’d been holding, barrel down, close to his side. It was clear by the looks on the men’s faces, that they hadn’t seen that one coming. But Ben had seen far braver men turn green when confronted with Big Bessy, so he didn’t fault them any when they decided to bow out of the dance early.
The men left, but not before issuing a warning- they’d be watching for him.
His hard-edged reply was, “I'll be lookin’ forward to it.”
Within seconds of walking out the door, they heard the sounds of the three riding away.

All through supper Ben kept catching Adaline watching him with a strange look in her eyes, and every once in a while she even smiled.

After they finished eating, Ben retired to the front porch for a smoke, and was soon joined by Adaline.
“Thank you for saving me back there.”
He slid her a casual glance, “That’s what I’m paid for. Making sure the passengers get to their destination in one piece.”
She leaned her backside against the rail next to him and asked quietly, “Is that the only reason you saved me?”
She sounded somewhat disappointed.
He didn’t know why he sometimes felt the need to be so crude, but he did enjoy watching her squirm. “No, I did it because I figured if I keep saving your ass

, that maybe one day you’ll give me a piece.”
“A piece of what?”
Ben trapped her with his hands gripping the rail on either side of her. Leaning down he tried to read her eyes in the dark. She didn’t try to get away like she usually did. Was her opinion of him changing?
He brought his face even closer, until her hot breath skeetered over his skin, making his pulse jump and his heart constrict. “Never mind.” he said quickly.
Turning, he grabbed his bag of possibles off of the porch and headed for the yard.
“Where are you going?”
“To the barn.”
“But... why?”
“That’s where I always sleep.”
Adaline ran to catch him. “Wait! Wait, you cant just leave me… what if those men come back?”
Ben looked down at the dainty silver-white hand wrapped around his deeply tanned forearm. Only hers was clearly visible in the moonlight, the soft fair skin seemed to glow with a light of it's own.
He felt the same tightening as before, only this time it was a little lower. Damn

Shoving his way past her, he said,“Don’t worry, your guardian’s in there, he’ll protect you.”
Ben walked away, carefully keeping his stride in check, even though his mind was screaming for him to run.
When he’d seen those men heckling her earlier, he’d wanted to rip their throats out, and maybe he would of, if there hadn’t been so many witnesses. But what had really bothered him, was when he had told them that she was his, there was a moment when he wanted that to be true…

The sounds of rustling hay woke him sometime later. Scooping up the coach gun, he waited.
A soft whisper came from the dark, “Hello? Ben, are you in here?”
“Adali- I mean, Miss Parker? What are you doing out here?” He watched her shadow duck into the stall where he lay. “Are you all right?”
After a moment, she blurted out, “I want to sleep with you.”
Warning bells clanged in his head, driving away the last bits of sleep induced fog. “Um...I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
She sounded so innocent and sweet. Ben gritted his teeth. “That might be a little dangerous right now.”
“For who?”
“For you.”
“Oh... Well, I guess I’ll have to take my chances then.”
With the help of the pale moonlight shining through the cracks of the barn walls, Ben watched the robe slip from her shoulders.
She was completely naked underneath.
He swallowed the hard lump wedged in his throat. “What are you doing?” he rasped.
She stood completely unabashed. “I said I was going to sleep with you.”
“Oh…” Now he was catching on. “Oh!”
All to well he remembered their earlier conversation. Silently he cursed himself as the guilt set in. He didn’t want her thinking that she had to do this to repay him. “Listen, Addy, you don’t have to do this... you dont owe me anything.”
She walked towards him, “Say that again.”
He was confused. “You don’t have to do this?”
“No, call me Addy. I like the way that sounds.”
She knelt in front of him, her hand reaching out, running the tips of her fingers along his jawbone, down his neck and lingering in the hair on his bare chest.
Ben groaned, his jaw tightened as his nostrils flared. “Addy…”
“Yes.” she breathed.
She been so skittish and standoffish in the past, he had to make sure that she really wanted it as badly as he did. He ran his fingers down her breast, lightly skimming her nipple with his thumb.
But she didn’t pull away from his touch, instead she leaned into it, a soft gasp escaping her lips. When he began rolling the pert bud between his fingertips, her lips captured his hungerly, and they tumbled back into the hay.
She lay fully on top of him, her warm pliable skin against his. When their lips parted, she continued, kissing his neck and working her way down to his chest, and beyond.
Once she had reached the hard flat plains of his stomach, he grabbed her roughly, yanking her up and tossing her over onto her back.
Lightening quick he was on top of her, pinning her down with his body and clamping a rough hand across her mouth.
Her eyes went wide with fear as she struggled beneath him.
Dipping his head he whispered into her ear, "Shhh... Listen."
Ben strained his ears to hear above the hammering of his heart and her heavy breathing.
Outside the barn the slow clomp of horses hooves approached from the South.
Riders coming in.
Ben slowly removed his hand from Addy's mouth and whispered once more. "Stay here and keep your head down. If you hear trouble headin' your way, hide underneath the hay, you understand?"
Addy nodded.
Ben moved quietly as he gathered his things. Once his guns were firmly strapped to his waist, he shoved his stocking feet into his boots and scooped up his shotgun. Moving soundlessly he crossed to doorway that faced the stationhouse and waited.
It wasnt long before movement off to the right caught his attention. He watched as three shadows, ink black against the night sky, appreared and moved towards the station.
From their stooped cautious demeaner, Ben gathered that they weren't there to make a social call.
Moonlight winked off of the barrels of their drawn pistols. It was definatly the three men that had accosted Addy earlier that evening.
Ben shook his head at their dogged determination. Like wolves that had smelled a bitch in heat, they were determined to claim her for their own.
He watched as the three split apart and circled the dark sleeping building. Once it was clear, he bolted from his hiding place and ran in a half crouch kiddy corner across the yard, positioning himself so he faced the enterance of the establishment.
The seconds ticked by as he waited, his shadow blending with that of the scub brush at his back. Sweat tricked down his neck and onto his bare chest.
When the three men emerged from the darkness and mounted the porch, Ben stepped out.
"First one that makes a move, get's your head blown off." To make sure they knew he was serious, Ben snapped the double barrels of the ten gauge shut and eared back on both hammers.
The men on the stoop froze.
"Now turn around real slow like and toss your guns into the dirt."
The hardcases did as he said, spinning slowly, their hands in the air still gripping their pistols.
"Like I said, toss 'em."
Three guns hit the dirt.
Behind the men, ghostly white faces filled the windows. It appeared the people inside had heard the exchange and had flocked to the milk glass panes to enjoy the show like spectators at a county fair.
"Keep you hands up and walk towards me." Raising his voice, he asked, "Cotton, you in there?"
The front door creaked open in answer.
"Fetch me some rope, we got us some..."
Ben was interupted as one of the men ran, making a break for it. As he trained his gun on the running man's back, another dove for the guns lying on the ground.
"Goddamnit!" he cursed, pulling one of the triggers, taking the escapee in the shorts.
A shot fired as he spun back towards the two remaining men, the bullet grazing his left arm, burning a trough through his skin and throwing him off balance.
Ben gritted his teeth and growled, swinging the shotgun up to bear on the men once again. He fired as the third man took off running, heading for the dark silhouette of the barn.
"Shit!" Ben threw down the spent weapon and grabbed for the .44 at his side as he bolted after the man.
He had only taken a few steps when a slim figure emerged from the barn, running towards him. "Ben!"
"No! Addy, go back!" he screamed. But he was to late, and to far away.
He watched in horror as the last gunmen grabbed her, dragging her along with him into the barn.
"Goddamnit!" Ben roared, his mind kicking into overdrive.
Racing back he scooped up the discard shotgun and ran towards the station.
Yellow light filled the windows as Cotton fired up the lanterns within.
Busting through the door, everyone rushed him at once asailing him with a dozen frenzied questions, which he ignored, pushing his way past them, his eyes lighting on a quiet Max Logan.
He was the right height, but his body lacked the bulk that Ben's had. Close enough, he decided. This had to work

Crossing the room he jerked Logans shirt front, popping the buttons and ripping the material from his body.
"What are you doing?" Logan cried.
Ben shoved the shotgun into Logans hands, "Now's your chance to be a hero. Your gonna take his gun and go stand in front of the barn. That piece of shit took Addy hostage, and now that weasel's holed up in there with her."
"I-I-I don't understand. I'm not going anywhere." he cried as he shoved his gun back at Ben.
"Oh yes you are." Ben growled, shoving it back. "Your going to distract him while I sneak in through the back."
Logan tried to fight him, but Ben dragged him towards the door like a ragdoll.
"Listen, all you have to do is stand there. If he tries to talk to you, keep your replies short, and dont get to close. He has to think that your me. It'll be a piece of cake."
Logan finally managed to rip his arm free from Ben's iron tight grasp. "No! I wont do it, and you cant make me!"
Ben sneered and grabbed the bowie knife he kept in a sheath at his side. He held the wicked looking blade in front of Logan's peaked face, "You'll do it, or I'll cut yer sorry head off."
Logan swooned, dipping at the knees.
"No you don't." Ben coached, grabbing the wilting man before he had a chance to sag to the floor. "Save the fainting for later, right now you got work to do."

From the back corner of the station house, Ben watched the yard, waiting for Mr. Logan to get in place.
Cotton had found him a dark colored shirt, which he now wore, the long sleeves were buttoned at the wrist to help him blend into the night, and hide the hastily wrapped bandage around the bullet graze. A half empty can of axle grease had helped disguise the rest of him.
Covered as he was, he still felt naked as the breeze blew through his dark hair. He hated being without his hat. But it was currently resting on Logan's noggin, as the man made his way across the yard.
Logan stopped thirty feet from the barn entrance as Ben had instructed. He held the coach gun diagonally in front of his body, making sure the brightly lit windows on the side of the station house illuminated his stoic silhouette.
Ben melted into the tree line and followed it South, towards the rear of the barn.
Half way to his goal, a shout emanated from the building.
"Drop that scatter gun and back away, or I'll drill you where you stand!"
Ben was right even with the barn, so he could'nt see the doorway, but he could see Logan standing in the yard. He watched the man throw his shotgun, then start to back away.
"No, you dunbshit, stay there!" Ben whispered furiously. He wasn't anywhere close to where he had wanted to be. He had told Logan not to move for at least five minutes- it hadnt even been two.
"That's right, back 'er up, amigo

. Now, I'm taking this pretty little gal with me, if you try to follow, I'll blow her head off."
Ben watched Logan take two more steps backwards, then turn tail and take off running for the station house. He had only went a few feet before a shot erupted from the front of the barn. The hat on Logans head kicked up, then he stumbled, planting his face into the ground
"Goddamnit." Ben breathed a second before he heard Addy start screaming.
"Ben!, Oh my god, nooo! BEN!

" she wailed.
Ben didnt have time to stop and think about the anguish he'd heard in her voice, he lit out on the run, once again heading towards the backside of the barn. Leaping over the scattered black forms of various farm implements, he angled his way towards the rutted dirt road.
The thunder of hoof falls matched the rumble of his pulse pounding in his ears, as he caught sight of the horse galloping towards him carrying a double load.
Quickly judging distance and speed, Ben poured every ounce of energy he had into his churning legs and bolted to intersect the fleeing horse head on.
Launching himself into the air, he hit the the tall figure riding on the horse's rump, carrying him and the gunman over the other side.
Landing hard, Ben was quick to wrestle the squirming, kicking outlaw. The man fought hard, but Ben managed to get a hold of his guns, tossing them away from the mix.
Finally he was able to roll the man over onto his belly, sitting on his back he kept his arms pinned with his knees.
During the fight Ben had heard Addie swing the outlaws horse around and ride back. She dismounted near them and walked closer.
"Get off of him." she said in a thin, pinched voice.
Swinging his gaze, he was surprised to see that see had picked up one of the outlaw's guns, and now had it pointed at his head.
"Addie? What are you doing?"

Her voice was hard, but shakey, "I'm riding my own pony and kicking my own snakes, isn't that what you say out here?"
Ben frowned, "You mean ropin' your own bronc and stompin' your own snakes?"
Addie drew in a ragged breath and choked off a sob. "I thought you were dead

! I thought he killed you back there, I watched you fall... I told myself that I would kill that son of a bitch the first chance I had, and this is it."
The anguish in her voice tore at Ben's heart. "Oh darling, I'm not dead, I'm just fine."
The outlaw began squirming beneath him again. "Let me go, goddamnit!"
"Shut up, you piece of shit!" Ben ordered, punching the man in the back of the head.
"Addie, you can put the gun down. Everythings alright now."
She stood stock still in the shadows. When she finally stepped foward, Ben could see the cuts and bruises that mottled her pretty face. Raw furry consumed him once again, and this time when he spoke it was hard a steel. "He's all yours."
The man beneath him screamed as he stood, "I give up! I surrender! Just get your bitch away from me!"
Addy walked over to the cowering man, "I am not anyone's bitch

." And she pulled the trigger.
But nothing happened.
Ben stood behind her and spoke softly in her ear, "You have to cock it first."
The man on the ground jumped to his feet and took off running. "Here, let me show you," he said as he took the gun from her unsteady hand.
Thumbing back the hammer, Ben aimed at the man's back before he disappeared into the dark.
The gun barked, spewing light and smoke from the barrel, as they heard the man gunt and fall.
Addy cried out and turned, clutching Ben's shirt as she started to sob.
Ben wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Shh.. It's all over now."
The sound of running feet interupted their embrace.
Cotton yelled, "Where's that som' bitch at?"
"He's over there," Ben said pointing, but his gaze was on someone else. Smiling, he said, "I thought you were dead,son! I seen you fall back at the yard."
Logan stood in front of him, holding his hat in his hands. "I'm still alive, but I'm afraid I cannot say the same thing for your hat."
Ben took the hat Logan handed him. There were two round holes perforating the crown, front and back. Ben sighed and placed it on his head anyway. "Shoot, this was my favorite hat."
Logan shrugged.
Chowder puffed back towards them. "He's dead."
"Good." Libby spoke up.
The four made their way back towards the station. In the yard Ben paused, rubbing his jaw thoughtfully.
"I did see you fall when you were shot at, so did Addy."
Logan looked at him blankly.
"You fainted, didn't you."
Max Logan just scowled, then walked away.
As soon as they heard the door shut, Ben and Addy smiled at each other. "He fainted," they both said at the same time, then laughed.
Addy grew serious once again. "Thank you for saving me, again

Ben winked and tipped his hat, "My pleasure, ma'am."
She smiled at him tenderly, then turned and started walking towards the station.
Ben caught her arm. "Where do you think your going, sweetheart?"
"Inside." she said quietly.
Ben's eyes gently roamed her bruised face, then in one quick move he scooped her up into his arms. "Your not going anywhere but with me."
He expected some sort of protest, but Addy just wrapped her slender arms around his neck and sighed, "Whatever you say Mr. Finnegan."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.07.2010

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