
Chapter 1

My name is Marina, well for this century it is, and I am twenty million, ten thousand, nine hundred years younger than the Earth but I have the appearance of a twenty two year old woman. How I lived this long is the fact that I am a vampire. I was born before history was recorded so that others could know about it. I am the first of my kind. I changed myself so that I could be immortal. I am the head of the vampire law due to my age and importance. Although, I miss my old friends I make new ones every time I can.
I am moving to Seattle, Washington from St. Petersburg, Russia. I have a friend of mine and her name is now Heather. She lives in the area I want to go to and she is glad to have me stay at her house. She owns a three story home with its own lake in the back. I have heard that it is a large lake with many fish in it. I am so glad that the area is so privet and out of the city. It really helps when I bring my dinner home. And the neighbors, who are about three miles away, have a lake that belongs to another few families. Now I have a safe place to dump the bodies when I am done with them. They will always question the families, not me.
My jet leaves in about an hour. I own a fast and comfortable jet. My wealth comes from priceless artifacts that I have collected from many centuries throughout history. I have been to the United States only one other time, when it first was discovered by the vampires. History was wrong, I discovered America first but Christopher Columbus was there and we used his name instead of one of ours. Many natives died due to our great numbers.
We wrote a lot of the history that many people think that they know, so that we would still be unknown in the future. I, myself, came up with many of the ideas we used for our stories. For example, I gave many ideas for many parts in American history. Also, I helped organize the way we would tell how the many sicknesses in history were caused by saying what the warning signs were, at that time many vampires were doctors.
“Excuse me um, Mar, the plane is ready to leave now would you like any help with getting on the plane?” says Ryan, he works for me, and has been for five years, but we also have become great friends. But, I think that he wants me to be more than a friend to him.
“I am ready Ryan, thanks for letting me know. And, sure you can bring my stuff on the plane.” I get up from my seat and kiss him on the cheek, he almost faints. I also love him, unlike any mortal that I have loved before, but I think that I would be too dangerous for him to be with me. He deserves a normal life. I might change him if his life depends on it. I now know not to change humans into vampires unless it is necessary.
When I am on my plane I get to relax, think about many things, and read my book. I have read so many books over the ages it amazes me that no one has noticed something different with the books vampires write, that the facts are so descriptive. Now I read all the books in English due to the language change. I enjoy the language because it is now one of the most important languages in the world.
I hope that when I get there the number of vampires is lower than I remembered it being the last meeting. Representatives from many areas around the world would say how many vampires there where in their area. That’s when I am the most violent. When the number is too high or the representative lies I usually tell my secret army of vampires to kill a certain number each and then that’s it really. I have a limit of how many vampires are allowed to live in an area and the first to die is usually the representative, which is why they are hard to find. I pick them for their powers. If they don’t want the job, well, then they join my army.
My army contains billions of men and women all around the world. They hide among the other vampires but when they are needed they go to work. They are respected by me. Yet many are younger vampires. This is a safe job and an unsafe job. It is a safe job because you can’t be killed without me coming after your killer. You would also be safe when we eliminate other vampires. Not all vampires want to die so they may be prepared to fight. Some soldiers die doing their job but they are not forgotten. I usually go, myself, to pick up our dead soldiers and take them to headquarters. For weeks on end, we mourn for the dead. This is a short time for me because I also have to see which of the surviving vampires will be the next representative.
I am now close to the place where the last elimination was held many years ago. I chose to live here due to that last one because the numbers were quite high. I will just observe the area yet, I also will live there. Ryan probably would like to go to a hotel room with me and have fun. Nothing would happen to me, though it would be fun. But I may tell them to go back to their homes if they’d like. Though, I would be worried for Ryan. If anything happens to him I will make him a vampire for his safety or if he is dead I will kill his killer to avenge his death.
We arrive and it is midnight, my favorite time of day. “Hay, uh, Mar, do you have a place to stay while you’re here?” Ryan asks with a questioning tone in his voice.
I reply, “I do but thanks for asking, by the way you can tell the others they can go home if they like and you can stay with me if you would like to.” He frowns but I am pretty sure that he will take my offer.
“Sure. I’ll tell them that they can go,” he replies. Ryan turns and tells the others; before they can go they bring my luggage to my new house. I hunt before Ryan returns.
I go out and find a victim. I see a homeless man sleeping on a bench and I decide he is my meal, glad he is homeless; I can just leave him here. I go over to him, my fangs slide out of my gums and I bite his neck. Red liquid gushes out of the man’s body and into my mouth. It goes by shortly so that I can go back to Ryan without any suspicion. I lay the man down, wipe my mouth, and return to Ryan, with my vampire speed in less than a second. My limo arrives to take Ryan and me to our new home.

Chapter 2

The house is bigger than I thought it would be. That is a big thing for me to say, being so rich. “Wow, that is one big house,” says Ryan.
“Ya it is, so do you want to go inside it or are you going to stare at it all day?” I ask Ryan.
“Sure lets go inside and see what it looks like inside,” he replies. We ring the bell once and Heather comes to the door a little too fast than I would like, Ryan might get suspicious.
“Hello, Marina, welcome to my home. Who is this?” Heather asks with another question on her mind, “Is he a human or a vampire?”
I reply, “This is Ryan. He works for me,” Also I add, “He is human and don’t hurt him or else.”
Heather says, “Hello, Ryan, welcome to my home. Would you two like a tour of the house, so that you know where everything is?”
Ryan replies, “Sure I would love to see around the house. And during the tour will you show us where our rooms are?”
Heather answers, “Sure it would be my pleasure.” Heather then whispers into Ryan’s ear but I can still hear what she says. “By the way, I think you really like Marina, is that true?” Sometimes it really amazes me how her powers work. Like when we first met she knew that I would break my nose when I walked to a door. I am not that clumsy.
“Is it that obvious?” Ryan asks quietly as I return to reality.
“Yes it is and I know how you can win her heart. You…” Heather replies but my attention drifts to outside.
A female, white blonde hair, tan skin, notepad and pencil, on the paper I see a drawing of me on it. Her eyes are as dark as a black hole. I turn to go out of the door because I am captivated by her eyes. “Mar, hay, where would you be going, we just got here?” Ryan asks with worry written all over his face.
“Sorry, I was just going outside to look at the lake, which is okay with you right?” I reply.
Heather says, “Sure you can go. Oh, here’s a flashlight so you can see.” As she hands me the flashlight she winks. She understands that I am trying to blend in with the humans.
Outside she comes out to talk to me face to face. “Hello, Camsie, do you remember me?”
I reply, “No, I do not. So, who are you and why should I mind?” She smiles and shows me a knife with a name on it in a language I don’t recognize but I know that it is a name.
“My name was Cire, but now I am called Erin,” she says. “I am from the time when you where called Bara, remember that?” Now I do remember that. I thought that she was dead. But, somehow she is alive.
“Yes, I do remember you now,” I reply. “We met when Egypt was still being built. That was when I was in hiding to almost everyone but you and about a dozen other vampires. Those days where hard on me because no one understood how I could hear very well and it was a little too much for me.” I pause and look at the sky. It is the same as it was ten thousand years ago. I refocus. “What do you want?” I ask.
Erin replies, “I want to be with you, on the council. Like how it was in the old days.” She steps closer to me and that is when I notice that the knife is still in her hand. I haven’t seen her fighting style. I don’t know what she will do with the knife. Erin continues to move closer while she talks. “Hay, why not let me show you that I am loyal to you,” she says. Then she takes the knife and cuts her hand. She puts her hand up so that I can drink her blood. I do so and then she wraps her hand with a piece of fabric. “I, Cire of Egypt, swear my loyalty to you.” She then kneels and takes my hands and continues, “Will you, Camsie of the beginning, let me into your council?” She then looks into my eyes, waiting for my answer.
I say, “Yes, Cire of Egypt, I allow you to rejoin my council with a high status, which has not been used since your time that sounds good to have back. You are now my bodyguard slash friend again.” We both smile and we then hug for a long time. It is good to have old friends back.
We both head into the house. “Hay, can my friend Erin stay? She just got here and she forgot that her ride was not going to come on time and they gave her hotel room to someone. She got a refund and now she is looking for a place to stay. So, can she stay here?” I ask.
Heather says with a smile, “Sure, a friend of Marina’s is a friend of mine.”
Erin replies, “Thanks for letting me stay here on a short notice. You know, I really like your house.” She then looks around.
“Thanks and my name is Heather,” says Heather.
So I head to my room on the third floor. It is a large room with gold walls and a white bed. The bed is queen sized with gold trim sheets that are very soft. My restroom is connected to Ryan’s room. It has two sinks, a large tub, and a roomy shower. And on the second level is Erin’s room. Her room has multiple shades of purple. A twin sized mattress, which she does not mind the size of. The restroom is its own and is small. Ryan’s room is white with red trim. He says that he likes his king size bed but I am sure that he will sneak into my room and try to sleep with me. I will hunt tomorrow so that if Ryan does do that he won’t notice me gone. I put on my lounge pants and T-shirt then get into my bed. It feels like I am on a cloud. I have not slept in days so I am really tired right now.
I force myself to stay up so that Ryan will not wake me when or if he comes in. At midnight I am on the verge of sleep when I here Ryan open my door to the restroom and walks in. He gets into my bed with only lounge pants on and put his arm around me. I am about to move and get him out of my bed but I am too tired to care so I let him stay. When he is asleep I turn so that my ear is over his heart. It sooths me and I drift to sleep.

Chapter 3

When I wake up but Ryan is still asleep. I inhale through my nose and take in his smell. He smells wonderful like a bouquet of many flowers, they all smell good on their own yet they smell wonderful together. He stirs and wakes up and I pretend to be asleep. He brushes my hair with his fingers and I pretend that I am just waking up. “Good morning Ryan. How did you sleep last night?” I ask. He looks like he just got caught robbing a bank when I look at him.
“I slept well, how ‘bout you?” he answers.
“Good and no prob. I enjoyed your company last night,” I reply.
Ryan smiles and says, “Anytime you want babe. Just let me know.” He leans down and kisses my forehead.
“I will let you know,” I reply and go up and kiss him on the lips. He kisses back and we just kiss each other for about a minute when Ryan tries to strip me. “Stop, at least not now,” I say, then we continue to kiss for five minutes.
Heather knocks on the door and says, “Marina, I am serving breakfast now so you know. Come down soon if you want some hot food and tell Ryan, too.”
I yell in reply, “Sure, be down in about a minute.” Heather goes down stairs. “Ryan I am going to go get breakfast, are you coming?” I ask him.
“Sure, why not?” Ryan replies. We get out of bed and head downstairs.
“Good morning Marina. Good morning Ryan. How did you two sleep last night?” Erin asks as we come downstairs.
“Good.” We reply at the same time.
“Hay FYI this is really good bacon, complements to the chef,” Erin says and looks at Heather.
“Thank you, I always like it when people enjoy my food,” explains Heather. Ryan and I sit next to each other and start eating our food. Bacon, scrambled eggs, French toast, waffles, fruit mix, and sausage links. Ryan looks as if he has seen water and food only one other time in his life. He eats his waffles with about a pound of syrup on each one. I eat slowly but the food does not sooth my real hunger, blood. “Here Marina a special drink mix that you said was your favorite on the phone so I want out and got some for you,” Heather says with a wink. She hands me a twenty four ounce glass with some red substance in it, fruit punch? I take a sip and I feel much better, it is blood.
“Thanks that really hit the spot.” “How did you know that I needed blood?” I ask Heather mentally.
“You looked like you needed some so, ya,” she replies. I smile at her and continue to eat and drink. When I am done I go to my bathroom to take a shower.
Ryan opens the bathroom door when I get ready to get in the shower, nude. He says, “Do you mind if I join you in the shower or tub, your choice.”
I stare at him and say, “Tub, and I want a bubble bath.”
He smiles and says joking, “Yes your majesty.” He bows and his lounge pants slide down. His face turns red. He gets the bubble soap and pours it into the tub and turns on the water. Then he takes off his boxers and is nude, like me. About a minute later the tub is full of water and bubbles. I head in first and wait for him to come in. It feels great on my skin. Ryan came in on the other side of the tub. Every so often he would move closer to me hoping I did not notice but, I did.
“So why did you let me join you?” Ryan asks trying to start a conversation with me.
“Well, I don’t mind company with anything that can be shared,” I answer honestly. He is about a foot away from me.
“Well, are you thinking what I am thinking?” he asks, five inches away.
“What are you thinking?” I ask, two inches.
“Well I am thinking about having sex, you up for that?” he says, and flexes his muscular body at me. I forgot how strong he is.
“Well maybe tomorrow night but not tonight” I reply looking at the bubbles in front of me, not at him.
He kisses my right cheek and says, “Sure that sounds fair, can’t wait for tomorrow night then.” He keeps kissing my cheek and then I turn my head to kiss him back. We kiss for ten minutes then he makes a move on me. I get out of the tub at human speed. I stare at him and he looks ashamed for what he just did. “Sorry, I just couldn’t contain myself. Will you forgive me, my love?” he asks, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.
“Yes, I forgive you,” I say. Ryan smiles at me. He gets out of the tub, puts his towel on, and unplugs the tub. We leave the bathroom and head to our rooms to get dressed.
I put on a black skin tight top, black skinny jeans, and new black high tops. I put on my makeup on in my room. I also brush my wet dark brown hair back and look at myself in the mirror to see how I look. I look ready to kill anything that gets in my way. I am going to hunt all day so that I am good for tomorrow. I am just being safe around him so that I don’t kill him. I look in the mirror and see Ryan. I turn and look at him. He tried to not let me see him. Now he is looking at the back and front of me. He seems to be enjoying it because he has this devilish smile on his face. I say, “Hay, can I have like five minutes to myself please.”
He replies with sadness in his voice, “Sure, I promise that I will give you five minutes to yourself.” He closes the door and heads downstairs. I then put on five knifes. I wear them so that I can protect myself.
I walk down the stairs and Ryan is watching TV. He turns, smiles at me, and continues to watch TV. “Hay I am going out all day to hunt with Erin, just so that you know.” I tell Heather. “Hay I am going shopping with Erin all day so I won’t be back till nine,” I say out loud. Then Erin and I go out the front door and head in my new car that just arrived. We drive to the main city and we park at a library parking lot. We walk to the dark allies and look for pray. About one minute later I see a man with a shopping cart comes down one of the allies. I go down to the man, who seams polite.
“Hello young lady do you need any help?” he asks me. He is more than seventy years old. I run and put my hand over his mouth so that he does not scream.
I whisper in his ear, “You will now die so that someone else can live.” At that moment my fangs shoot out of my gums and pierce themselves into the man’s neck. The blood pours out all over my mouth and down my throat.
When I am done with him I put him in his cart and leave the area. Erin has finished with her own meal. We then go to another area to get one more kill. Once we reached another section, there is a vampire drinking the blood of a man. He throws down the body and looks at us. “What do you want?” he asks in a mean tone.
“I want to know your name, sir,” I say to him.
“Well you tell me yours first then I will tell you mine,” he says.
I reply, “My friend’s name is Tina and my name is Fran. What’s yours?” I lie only to protect our real identities.
“My name is Zame, I am from Africa but came here for my job. Now why did you want to know my name Fran?” he asks.
I answer honestly, “I just wanted to know your name so that I could see if I remember your name. By the way I don’t remember it or you.” He looks at me and notices some blood on my cheek; I am as clean with the kill as I can be.
“So are you two vampires?” Zame asks.
“Yes we are why, is that hard to believe?”I reply.
He smiles and asks, “Are you from the under part of the city?” I don’t know what he means. The more time it takes me to answer the longer he smiles.
“We are from out of town visiting an old friend,” Erin says.
He asks still smiling at us, “Then would you like me to get you two to his or her house?”
“Well she lives out in the woods but, we would love it if you could show us around the under city,” Erin replies.
Zame says, “Sure I would love to show it to you two but I would like to speak to Fran in private for a minute if you don’t mind.”
I ask, “Tina could you give us some privacy?” Erin nods her head then walks away. I turn around to see Zane but he puts a bag over my head to cut off my breathing. I pass out.

Chapter 4

When I wake I am in a large cage like thing with a little stall where the toilet is. The cot that I am lying on is hard. My ankle is chained to the wall and I suppose that it only goes the distance of the cage. I try to remove it but I am too weak. They must have poisoned me so that I can’t escape. Only when I sit up I notice that I am on the top bunk which means that someone is below me. I look down and see a girl praying. They must have put her there for my snack, but she probably has poison in her. I whisper quietly, “Hello, what’s your name?” She shudders when I talk.
“Hi, my name is Lauren. What’s your name miss?” She is so polite to me.
“My name is Fran, nice to meet you. How long have you been here?” I ask so I know if she just got here or has been here for days.
“I got here a day ago. So far I have just been in here. I am so bored.” Lauren says. She seams alright, she probably needed someone to talk to.
Outside the cage two men are talking about me and they seem to like the way I am dressed. “The new girl is hot. She looks like a striper or something to me.” Guard one says.
“Ya when you go in I bet she will give you a lap dance and want to have sex with you.” Guard two remarks. They laugh together for about a minute.
Then Guard one says, “Hello, Zame, we were just talking about our new prisoner. She is hot. How did you even get that close to that chick to catch her?”
Zame replies, “The Queen is ready to see her so could you two go get her. Be careful she is very powerful. Use zeofite on her so that she is weakened, alright.”
Then Guard one and two reply at the same time, “Yes, sir.” The two are coming for me. They stop on the way to get supplies they will use to get me to Zame. They are five feet away and I can’t do anything to protect myself. Wait, I still have my knives, yes. When they come in the cage and shut the door I will try to kill them. Guard one is opening the cage door while Guard two holds all the equipment. Both guards are in and the door is shut.
“Hello gorgeous, why don’t you come over here and give me a kiss?” Guard one says, he is the one with the zeofite I can tell. I try to act scared so that they get closer to me. I shake my head and back off till I am on the wall of the cage. Guard two has the end of my chain that is connected to the wall.
He says, “Check it out I got a bite.” He starts pulling on the chain and I trip then crack my head on the ground. I heal in seconds but I cut the back of my head so that it looks like I am still bleeding.
“No, well look what you did, you killed her.” Guard one says to Guard two. Guard two runs to my side and tries to save me. He gives me some of his blood and I stop cutting my head. I open my eyes. My left hand behind my head, my right reaching for a knife that I brought with me to the place in the first place.
“Hay, are you ok?” Guard two asks me I have my knife under me so that the other guard doesn’t see it.
“I think, but the question is are you ok?” I ask him. He looks confused. Then I bring up my knife and stab him in the back through the heart he dies quick, glad that he and his friend are humans. He falls on me, I take out my knife from his chest, and I stand up. I look at the other guard who is trying to open the bottle on the zeofite. I run to him and before I can kill him, he opens the bottle and I pass out.
When I wake I am not wearing any clothes and about ten guys are looking at me. I get up and I am on some guy. I stand up but I am chained to the floor. They also must have drugged me because I feel as if I have had twenty wine bottles in a row. “Hay, why don’t we all have seven minutes in Heaven with her, that sounds like fun. Girlie, you pick who goes first,” someone tells me.
“You get to do it with me first,” I reply
“No problem. Everyone else, leave,” he says. The others leave and he shuts the little door to the hallway closed so no one looks in. He smiles to me and then takes of his armor, then his under outfit, and his underwear. He is on top of me and now all my strength has come back. But he unchains me and I am free but he kisses me and I just take them for a while. Then I grab him and put my hand on his mouth.
“Why are you doing this, what do you wish to accomplish with doing this?” I whisper into his ear. I let go of his mouth so he could talk.
“I just thought that you where hot and by the way my name is Frankie,” he says. I then tell him to tell the others that he was done and to send in the next guy. The door opens and I run down a hall and I concentrate on the smells. The more smell the better of a chance that it is near an exit. I turn and run into Zame. He drugs me and takes me to the throne room.
“My Queen, I bring to you, Camsie of the beginning,” Zame says. I thought that he did not know who I was.
“Thank you, Zame, you can leave,” says the Queen with a smile. I notice that I am chained to the floor.
“Miss why am I here?” I ask. I notice that the room is large.
“You are to tell me why you are here. The last time you were here you only brought pain and suffering to us,” she explains.
“I am just here as a visitor, not as the council. We are to meet a in about a week, but other than that a visitor,” I answer.
“Thank you for telling me that. That is all I need to know from you. Now you may leave,” the Queen tells me.
“Wait, why do you have humans here?” I ask her.
“They are here for food nothing more,” she answers.
The guard comes to unchain me and give my cloths back. I dress and I am blindfolded. When I can remove the blind fold I am where I was when I was first captured. I thank the guard and run home. When I get there everyone is worried and scared. They are planning to get me when I knock on the door. Ryan opens the door and hugs and kisses me for ten seconds then puts me down. “Where were you?” he asks.
I lie, “I went to see an old friend.”
Erin runs to me. “I am so sorry I could not fulfill my duties. I will do better next time,” she says.
“It is alright, I am not hurt and I am here now so you are alright,” I reinsure her. I then go upstairs and change into my pajamas. Head into bed and wait for Ryan. He comes in five minutes later and I huddle into his chest and listen to his heart beat. I am up for only two minutes then I sleep.

Chapter 5

I wake and Ryan is there with me. He knows to not do anything crazy today or else we can’t have sex. He gets up a minute later and hugs me tight and says, “Marina, I love more than I love anything else in this world.” He then stretched and got up. I got up too. We both went down for breakfast. We had cereal and milk today. I had a glass of blood, and then went up to take a bath with Ryan.
We are both in the tub but today only water. We are now just staring at each other. “I love you enough to die for you,” I say. We both collapse into each other’s arms crying with tears of joy and love. We got out of the tub five minutes later. I go to my room and dress to hunt some before the night has come. I will only hunt animals so I don’t need a knife. I put on dark jeans and a shirt that says ‘I bite’ on it. I put on a no sleeve jacket and head out my door.
I go downstairs with Ryan alongside me. I kiss his cheek and I go out the front door to the woods. I caught ten deer and four mountain lions. I get back at dinner time. We have homemade pizza. It was really good but I only had one piece due to my big lunch. I went out to the lake after dinner at sun set and the sky was filled with all the colors of the rainbow. Ryan comes out and sits next to me. He takes my hand and stares into my eyes. “Marina,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box and opens it. Inside is a beautiful ring and continues, “Will you marry me?” I am speechless.
When I get my voice back I say, “Yes, I do!” He puts the ring on my finger and hugs me.
He carries me to his room and we take off our cloths and we kiss. I say, “You will be with me forever.” Then I bite his neck and then I cut my arm and feed him the blood. I stop him and we sleep.
I wake up Ryan is hiding under the covers. The first day of a vampire’s life is spent in darkness. I get up to close the blinds and Ryan comes out from under the sheets. “What did you do to me? What am I?” he asks.
“You are a vampire. We are immortal and we need blood to survive. You will have to stay in darkness all day. But I will be with you all day. We will do whatever you want to do,” I explain.
Ryan replies, “Can we now have sex?”
“Sure,” I tell him mentally.
When we are done we then just sleep throughout the day. But at midnight I get dressed and take Ryan hunting. We go to the ally I was captured and look for any pray that we can eat. I find five and Ryan finds ten. We run into Zame. “Hello, Fran, who is this, your brother?” he smiles.
“No he is my best friend, Taylor. He is like a brother but not officially,” I answer. Ryan looks confused. “I use fake names so that your identity is still a secret. It is a safer way to go about other vampires. But you have to remember the name when it has been a while.” We look at Zame and I notice that there are two other men behind him. One is the guard I just learned his name, Josh, that tried to poison me, tall, five o’clock shadow, and muscular. The other man is the one who tried to have sex with me, Frankie, skinny, blonde, and cute. Zame, tall, well built, tan skin, short brown hair. The only thing the three and Ryan have in common is their black eyes. I have silver eyes because I am the first of my kind. I love my eyes. That is how they know who I am. I wonder what they are doing here. I notice that they have weapons.
They notice that I see their weapons and they attack. I say to Ryan, “With me being the first that means I am the best. Enjoy.” I am fifty percent stronger, faster, and better with my powers than any of these guys. I run to Josh and grab his weapon against him and stab his leg with his pipe. Then I bend it on both sides so it is harder to get out and he bleeds more. I look up and smile at him. I go for Frankie next and he has a knife, one of mine. He tries to sneak up on me but I am quicker. I turn but he still gets me in the arm and it hurts, but his mistake was that he pulled it out. I heal fifty percent faster than any vampire ever made. I turn and grab my knife from his hand and lick the blood off of it. I then stab his arm with it and Frankie yells out in pain. I turn to Zame and grab his neck and I ask, “Why are you here?”
He says, “I was told that you would come back and stay with us forever by my Queen.” I let him go and I follow him with Ryan at my side.
I do not wear a blindfolded this time. We go down winding halls, but without our guide we would have gotten lost anyway. We go down a hall and we are told that we are to stay here until the Queen is ready to see us. We are accompanied by the other men that were in that room with Frankie. “Hay, you were that chick that was nude with us. You guys remember her. Hay, what’s your name?” he points to Ryan.
Ryan replies, “My name is Taylor and I am her best friend.” He hugs me and I hug back. It is good that he remember his fake name and status.
“You two should date because you look cute together,” one of the men says.
“Thanks, and do you know why you are here?” I ask.
“I heard that we are going to be changed and become vampires but Frankie is not joining us. Would you know why he is not joining us?” someone asked with worry in his voice.
“I will tell you the truth; I met up with him at the entrance and hurt him badly,” I say honestly. Some of the men look away but others keep on looking at me.
Someone comes to the door and says, “Fran and Taylor, the Queen awaits.”
Chapter 6
We enter the room and the Queen is dressed in a long gowned. “Hello Fran and Taylor.” She says. The guards leave but I think that they will stay by the door.
“What do you want?” I ask.
She replies, “I want you to join us. You can stay here as citizens. I will just need to know if you want to join us.”
“I am not interested in what you have to say. I am sure that you are doing this because of the meeting in five days. So, I can’t be there and not kill any of your citizens,” I reply
“Well, then you will be our prisoners then. If you like you can be in the same cell,” she says with a smile. Zame and twenty guards enter the room and they chain us, blindfold us, and they take us away.
I wake up, Ryan is below me and he is still asleep. I jump down and try to wake him up. He gets up and he looks happy to see me. “Hay Mar, we are in the dog house now,” he says.
“Ya and I believe that I can get us out of this,” I say. I go over to the bars and break four bars and tell Ryan, “Come on we are getting out of here as long as we don’t run into Zame.” I smile and we run out of the cage and went towards the Queens room, I know the way out from there. We run past it and people notice that we are not in the cell. We run to the exit and we continue to run until we are home.
“Where were you two?” Heather asks.
“We were in the under city because the Queen wanted Ryan and me to join them. We said no and they put us in a cell. I got us out but they probably are coming for us right now,” I pause, “They have a strong army but with me we might be able to fight them off. We need all the strength we can get. Heather, do you have any friends that could come and help us?”
“Ya, I have plenty. Here are the numbers,” she replies and hands out a phone book with cell numbers highlighted. In ten minutes twenty of Heather’s friends are here to help. I thank them all for their help when they come inside.
“Thank you all for coming. The enemy is coming and I am surprised they are not here yet. We will make sure that everyone here will be here at the end. I owe you more than I can give you. I am just not sure if it was a good idea to ask you to come. I was just going to fight them but thanks to you all we have a greater chance at winning,” I say to all the helpers that came.
We are told that they are coming and we all get ready to fight. They arrive and they are well armed. “To stop this you just have to come back with us Camsie of the beginning,” said the Queen. All the people who came to help us turn and they look scared.
“I will come only if you promise to leave them alone and let me go to all council meetings” I say looking down at the ground.
Ryan turns to me and says, “No I won’t let you do this. I love you and I am not leaving you. So if you go I go.” I turn, kiss his cheek, and nod my head.
“Fine with me that you come along too,” says the Queen. Ryan and I go to the Queen and we are surrounded by guards who lead us away.
Then Erin runs and kills three men she also hurt five men. All the others attacked as well. I turn and rip off a guard’s head. I return to the others with Ryan. We fight for hours and it seems like no one will win, because we were evenly matched. We are close to the back so I go up to the Queen and rip off her arms. She yells out in pain. Zame comes over, grabs me from behind, and he holds back my arms. I am helpless now. Erin runs straight over and jumps on Zame. He lets me go and I go over to the Queen. I rip off her head. I throw it as hard as I can at Zame. It hit him in the chest, hard. He falls over unconscious in Erin’s arms.
We are winning and we eliminate every one of the men that came. When the last ones are killed, I notice we had no casualties. We just burn the bodies and go inside so that we can heal and talk.
I head to my room and sleep with my love beside me.

Chapter 7

I wake and Ryan is there staring at me. “Morn’ sunshine, how do you feel?” he asks me as I slowly get up.
“I feel fine, how about you?” I reply. He gets up and stretches his whole body.
“Good, well I am heading down for breakfast join me,” he answers. He comes over and helps me up. I take his hand and we head downstairs. Today for breakfast we have a buffet of many foods due to our many guests.
“Well if it is the last two to come down. I thought that you two would miss breakfast,” says Heather. Everyone waves to us and we wave back. Ryan and I head over to the buffet and take a plate full of food. We eat in silence accept for the classical music in the background.
“I feel like the Thanksgiving turkey, stuffed,” Ryan remarks when he finishes his food. Everyone laughs at the joke. I roll my eyes jokingly then nudge him so he knows to follow me. I head upstairs and Ryan follows.
“Ryan, do you want to join me in the tub or wait ‘til I am done to clean up?” I ask Ryan, already knowing the response.
Ryan replies, “I will join you so it’s faster and easier to clean up.” I smile and turn the hot water handle and plug the stopper in. I put in about twenty cups of bubble soap. A minute later the tub is full of water and overflowing with bubbles. I head into the water and Ryan joins me shortly.
“Well are we just going to sit here are we going to do some talking?” I ask. Ryan throws some of the bubbles at my face. We laugh and enjoy our bubble war.
We finish ten minutes later and we get out of the tub to dry off. Ryan unplugs the tub; we both share a kiss, and head into our rooms.
I put on a dark purple short strapless dress with sneakers on with black tights, too. I walk out of my room and Ryan is there with low jeans with a T-shirt on that shows a little of his boxers, too. He looks at what I am wearing and smiles. I smile at him then we head back down to the kitchen. When we get down all the other vampires are gone and Heather and Erin are cleaning up. “Do you need any help?” I ask.
“No, we are good. But, thanks for asking,” replies Heather. She and Erin finish up cleaning the room. We sit on the couch in silence.
Ryan says, “Hay, does anyone want to go to the mall or something because I am bored.” We all nod our heads in agreement. We go out and head to my car. We go to the mall in a short amount of time. We get there and we come in through the food court entrance. There are many types of people here but two people stand out the most. I notice Shiva and Aldan. They were my friends when Pangaea was still together. I was there when it broke and it was hard when the meteorite hit the Earth. I was hiding underground and I am the creator of the twenty original vampires, I still miss them. They all died in the crash. I am shocked to see them alive. “Camsie, is that you?” Shiva asks.
“Shiva, Aldan I am so glad to see you two alive. I thought that you two were dead,” I reply. I run to them and hug them, they hug back. Ryan, Erin, and Heather look at me. “These are some of the original vampires. All the others died,” I stop. “This is Shiva and this is Aldan. There were two of the twenty vampires I changed a long time ago.” I look into their crystal blue eyes, all the first changed had those eyes. I love those eyes and I had those eyes when I was first born. In those days no one had blue eyes, only brown.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Ryan, this is Erin and Heather. Camsie now goes by Marina or Mar for short,” says Ryan.
“Where have you two been?” I ask.
“We have been all around looking for you,” replies Aldan.
“I have been with animals, humans, and the last surviving dinosaurs,” I answer with a little smile on my face. We continue to talk for about ten more minutes and we head to Heather’s house. Heather starts cooking dinner for us while we continue talk on the couch.
“Did you really think that you could get rid of us?” Shiva jokingly asks. We laugh for a minute when Heather finishes dinner and she calls us to the table for fish. It feels weird that we eat in silence now and before we could not shut up.
“Heather, can they stay here as long as it is fine with them?” I ask Heather mentally.
“Sure Marina, no problem.” Heather replies mentally. I smile and turn to ask them if they want to stay.
“Hay, do you want to stay here for the night?” I ask.
“Well as long as it is cool with Heather then ya,” answers Shiva.
Heather replies, “That is fine with me. Do you want me to show you two your room now or later?”
“Now would be wonderful, thank you,” says Shiva. Shiva and Aldan stand up and follow Heather upstairs.
Ryan yawns and says, “Mar, are coming to bed with me because, I am tired.” I stand and nod my head. Ryan and I walk up the stairs to our room.
“Night Erin, see you in the morning,” I yell down to Erin. I walk through my room to get my sleepwear. I end up not needing it. Ryan and I have sex again. We go until one in the morning and we finally just sleep.

Chapter 8

I wake to the smell of Ryan. I look at him and he is still sleeping. He wakes a minute later. “Morning, Ryan, I had a wonderful time last night,” I say to Ryan. He brushes the hair out of his eyes and smiles at me. He kisses my cheek and hugs me.
Ryan says, “I had a wonderful time, too. We should do that more often.” I smile and kiss his forehead. We get out of bed and dress into our sleep wear to head downstairs in.
We get down and sit at the table for breakfast. We are not the only ones at the table Shiva, Aldan, and Heather is there too. “Morning Marina and Ryan how did you two sleep last night?” asks Shiva.
“I slept well, how about you?” I reply.
“We slept fine,” answers Shiva, she smiles to Aldan who smiles back. Ryan and I have some food and we head upstairs to bathe.
I was ready to bathe I almost forgot about Ryan.
“Did you forget something?” Ryan asks when I undress for the bath.
“I’m so sorry Ryan I was just really tense and everything so I wanted a hot bath with a ton of bubbles.” I look at him and he looks ready because he is already taking off his shirt. The tub is overflowing with bubbles so we hop in.
“I think that we should get married soon,” says Ryan trying to start a conversation to make this less weird, he failed.
“I think that we should have a traditional wedding. I would be in a flowing white gown and four or five brides’ maids in purple gowns that look like silk. You would stand at the front with a black suit, white shirt, and a purple tie. All this would be done in an elegant chapel with that old fashion feel to it. Light and happy colors are the main thing. It would be done at around noon and the after party will be at sunset. It will be perfect,” I reply and lean on Ryan.
“I could have not said it any better,” he says and kisses my forehead. “I truly do love you Marina.”
“I love you too Ryan,” I return. Ryan rubs my back for a while and I rub his. We kiss, get out of the tub, and put on robes. We pick what the other would wear and it is fun.
“Come on I like it,” says Ryan. He holds a bra and a thong, which are not mine, must have gotten mixed in with my clothes for washing.
“No, besides we have to return that to the rightful owner,” I say avoiding any more talk about this. Ryan hands me the thong and I go downstairs to Shiva and Aldan’s room. I knock on the door and Aldan opens the door.
“Oh, hay Marina what do you need?” he asks as he sees me. I notice that he is in a robe too.
“I had this in my room and wanted to ask Shiva if it was hers,” I answer.
“You think that she would own anything like that,” says Aldan with a smirk. We look at each other and he nods for me to come in. The room is a beautiful light blue with a white king-sized bed. The room also has a little balcony with a wonderful view of the lake. “Did we ever tell you that we are twins and don’t mind sleeping together?” Aldan asks.
I stare at him with bug eyes. “I had no idea, why did you not tell me sooner I thought that you two where a couple.” He shakes his head and looks at the tie on my robe.
“I want you to look at my eyes because I want to see that look on your face when you look at them. I have not seen it in a while,” Aldan says. I do as I was told and everything goes black.
I gain consciousness a while later I notice that I am nude in his room I look next to me and he is there. “What did you do to me?” I ask him.
“What I have wanted to do since we met,” Aldan replies and kisses my cheek. He traces my body with his finger. I stand up and look around for my robe. I find it so I put it on. I turn and stare at Aldan; he falls because I make him with my powers. I so want to do more but he still is my friend, sort of. I left and head upstairs but in a minute he will awake.
“What took you so long?” Ryan asks as I enter the room. He is already dressed in a pair of jeans that shows his boxers.
“Ryan, I don’t want you to over react so please lie down,” I say, he does and I continue, “Aldan had sex with me but he used his power on me so I could not stop him.” Ryan runs to me and hugs me tightly.
“I’m so sorry I will not let this go,” he says. He turns to leave but I hold his hand and shake my head, no. I am going to see if I could just get to the underground city, because I really need to kill something badly.
I walk to my room and put on long black pants, a white strapped shirt, and one of Ryan’s oversized black hoodie. Also I put on my high top shoes and brush my long hair. I go to Ryan and kiss his head. “Be back soon okay,” I say to Ryan as I go downstairs. “Erin I am going out but I want to go alone so please don’t follow me, “I say as I head out the door. I run through the woods and probably kill some squirrels. I get to the entrance and I stop because I feel a weird presence nearby. I turn and a dark shadow covers me.
“Good to see you Fran, or is your real name Marina, I can’t remember,” it was Zame who spoke to me.
“I can’t believe that you are alive,” I reply.
“You will not go unpunished for killing our queen,” he says and reaches to get something in his pocket but I did not give him time to get it out so I kick his shoulder, crushing it. It will take a minute to heal so I take the thing out and it is a rag and I smelled it and it is clean. I don’t notice till it is too late that Zame has a bottle of zeofite and the liquid goes in my nose and I last remember seeing men come all around me and then it was dark.

Chapter 9

It is so cold in the room but with that stuff in my system I am just as strong as a human. I look and I am still in my normal clothes. “Hello, there remember me?” asks a man. It is Frankie.
“Hello there Frankie, how’re you doing?” I ask trying to be polite; the drugs must be a little different in the way it worked.
“Fine and you’re wondering how I don’t have a cast,” he smiles. “I am a vampire and I want to suck your blood for the hell of it.”
“Why not, I have not been asked that and I think that you don’t really need it,” I reply.
“Thanks,” said Frankie. He opens the door and shuts it. He moves my hair out of the way and kisses the spot he wants to bite. I get up and kiss him on the lips. We make out and I am half naked I go up and bit his neck. “You got me,” Frankie says. I can imagine the smile on his face. I drink till I am full and Frankie is still alive. I am revived and am ready to kill a man, Zame. I shut and lock the door and use my sense of smell to find Zame. He is in the royal room alone. I sense that he is asleep. I run there with no one knowing that I am out. I stop at the corner of a hallway close to the room; someone is guarding the room now. I look and it is Lauren, she is a vampire so the Queen lied to me.
“Who’s there?” she asks.
“Fran,” I say as I walk to the hallway. “Is this the royal room?” I ask so it will seem that I am here for a reason.
“Yes, and hello it is good to see you again. Are you here to ask to stay?” Lauren asks me.
“That’s the plan but they might not let me,” I lie. She nods and opens the door for me to enter. I nod thanks. She shuts the door and Zame is still asleep. I run over to him and I rip off his left arm.
“Ow,” yells Zame he covers the part where his arm was. In a minute it will heal with no arm but will eventually generate a new one in about a month. “Oh, it’s you why am I not surprised.” He returns, he gets up and gets his arm to heal it back. I let him because he will need it.
“I will kill you and all these people,” I say but Zame looks scared not from what I said.
“Why are your eyes red?” he asks, slowly backing up.
“What?” I reply. I look at a pool of water and my eyes are red, a dark bloody red. I look at Zame and thought, die. Zame falls and I run over to see what happened. He is in a pool of his own blood but there is no cut on him. I killed him just by thinking of it. I walk to the door and open it.
“So, what did he say?” asks Lauren. I shake my head.
“Hay, do you want to live with me?” I ask Lauren.
“Sorry, but I love it here,” she answers. I nod and walk away. I reach the exit I thought, all those I care about in there come to me now. Lauren comes up and I think that would be it but Frankie comes up. I think this is a joke but when I think of it he is like a little brother to me. I wait for a minute and I continue on what I was going to do. All those down there will burn and die; no one will know what happened. And there is heat coming from the tunnels and screaming. In a minute it is quiet. You two can be normal again. Lauren and Frankie snap out of my control and they look around.
“Hay how did I get up here?” asks Frankie.
“I honestly don’t know.” I answer. “Do you two want to come to my place and live there? You can have a new life, the one you have always wanted. Also, you will be welcomed as family,” I ask them mentally. They both nod their heads and I start to walk hoping that they would follow me there. I turn my head when we reach a mile and they are following me. I smile and run at about how fast I think that they could follow me at. I think they were surprised at my sudden speed but they did follow me. I am home Frankie and Lauren arrive a minute later.
“That is one big house. I wonder how many chicks you could keep in there,” Frankie asks as he puts his hand on his chin. I roll my eyes and punch him softly. I look over at Lauren and notice her beautiful brown hair. It looks like silk was placed on her head. She is also a little short but she and Frankie are about the same height. Frankie looks so young next to her, he is so cute.
“Hay Heather open up,” I yell as I pound on the door. Heather answers and smiles her warming smile at Frankie and Lauren.
“Well, hello my name is Heather and welcome to my home. Would you come in?” Heather says as she gestures inside. I let them enter first so that I can talk to Heather. “Don’t even ask. They can stay as long as they want. Are they together or should I give them separate rooms?” asks Heather.
“Thanks and separate rooms please. Where will they stay anyway?” I answer.
“They can stay downstairs there are more rooms down there and separate bathrooms for each room too,” she replies.
“Hay, is that lake yours?” asks Lauren, she is looking out through one of the many windows in the kitchen.
“Why, yes it is. You can swim in it later if you would like,” answers Heather.
“Really, but I don’t have a swim suit,” says Lauren as she looks down.
“You can go see what I have in my room; I have all sizes in swim suits and trunks for guys, too,” she says as she looks at Frankie. He nods and they all go up to her room. Just then Ryan comes down.
“Mar, you’re back. Do you feel any better?” Ryan says as he runs and embraces me. I feel so good in his arms; his skin feels warm and welcoming. I look into his eyes and feel like I am flying. He stops hugging me and kisses me on the lips. “I’ll be in our room if you need me,” Ryan says as he walks up the stairs. I feel a presence behind me so I turn and it is Aldan standing there.
“Hello, where were you for the past five hours?” he says as I turn. Was I really gone for five hours?
“I had some business to take care of,” I say trying to avoid looking at his eyes. He grabs my chin and brings it up so that we are face to face. His expression softens.
“Do you really think that I would want to do that again, without your permission?” he asks. I go weak and I can see nothing but darkness.

Chapter 10

I wake but it is still dark like my eyes are covered. I also notice that I am tied up but I cannot get out of it so I scream for help. “Hay, shut-up you,” a man says.
“What are you doing to me because I have been through a lot today,” I ask the man.
“I was told to take a girl from a picture to my bosses and that girl was you,” he answers.
“Please tell me your bosses’ name, I want to know yours too,” I want the information so if I knew anyone I could get them later.
“Well, my name is Dave. And my bosses’ names are Sarah and Alvin,” Dave says. I do not know them.
“How long until we get to the place that you’re taking me; I want to know if I can rest or not?” I ask.
“We will arrive in about an hour or more,” he says. I take that as I can take a nap to replenish my strength just in case. “Hey, you know that you are the best behaved vampire I have ever had in this truck,” Dave says. I try as hard as I can to stay awake, not that he is boring. “I am so glad that…” I fall asleep and he keeps talking, I think.
I wake and I am in a room, no, not a room a warehouse. It has a high ceiling and gray walls. Other than the bed I am on there is no furniture. Also, no big garage door just a normal sized door with a person in the doorway. It is a man and he is about twenty years old in appearance. He also is a tan and bulky guy. He is staring at me.”Good, you’re up,” he says with an accent, Russian maybe.
“Sir, what is your name?” I ask him so I can at least know what to call him.
“My name is Deon, I come from Russia but I was born in Egypt. I have a brother his name is Zame,” he answers me. For one thing he said a lot of things to me. Second, I think that I know this Zame.
“Where is your brother now?” I ask to see if I really do know him.
“Right now he is in Seattle, Washington in the United States,” Deon says. It is the Zame I know, I killed him!
“Sorry to tell you but,” I stop; I do not want to make him sad or mad.
“What?” Deon asks.
I shake my head, “Nothing I was just thinking out loud.”
“Oh, I just wanted to know, what’s your name?” Deon asks.
“My name is Fr… actually it is really Marina but please call me Mar,” I honestly answer. I think it would only be fair.
“I think that you are cute,” he says. Well, I guess that my engagement ring looks like a normal ring a girl would wear or one of the fake ones you could wear to a bar for example. The door opens and there is a woman there. She is young and beautiful. I guess she is around sixteen years old. She has blonde hair that is wavy and long, too. She is shy due to her never making eye contact when she came in.
“Sarah and Alvin request your presence miss,” she says looking at me. She has green eyes that look like emeralds. Deon comes over to me and helps me up. He also cuffs me and walks me over to the main hall. We arrived and about twenty guards come to help Deon, they don’t need to. We walk down hallway after hallway. I look up and see beautiful paintings of the first changed vampires. I almost start to cry because I loved them all and it hurt me deeply when they died. The girl says as we reached the end of the hallway, “This is the room that you are to meet our leaders in.” I am sure she is talking to me.
“Yes ma’am,” I reply but I look down at the floor. I am taken in the room and I suddenly stop. Sarah and Alvin are Shiva and Aldan.

Chapter 11

“Hello Marina, how are you this fine evening?” Shiva asks me. I continue to stand there frozen. How could they do this to me?
The guard next to me whispers in my ear, “Answer the question or she will get mad at you.” I shake my head and nod at him.
“I am fine,” I reply. I look at her I am thinking of killing her but I feel a sharp pain, Aldan threw a knife into my chest. I remove it so I can heal faster. “Why, Aldan?” I ask him I feel that strange feeling that I had when I killed Zame. I close my eyes so that they will not see them.
“Why did you close your eyes?” Aldan asks. I just shake my head. He runs over and holds my head in his hands. He picks up my head but my eyes are still closed. He forces my eyes open. He gasps and looks scared, my eyes are still red.
“I can kill you by just saying so, don’t mess with me,” I say to all and look at Aldan and Shiva. Everyone looks scared for a while but they look like I am lying to them.
“Then prove it then,” Shiva says. I nod my head and look at the girl who told me to come here, she looks like she has seen a ghost. I guess she has, the ghost of death, me.
I stare at her and say, “Head, explode.” She screams out in pure horror. Her head explodes and her body falls, all her blood flows out of the place her head and neck were connected. I look over at Aldan and Shiva, they look terrified. I smile and look at the guards who are all around the girl’s body, good. I run as far as I can and look for an exit. I find one and go out it. When I am outside, I am in a city but I know for a fact that it is not America. I am in Tokyo, Japan. I know that because I have been here during World War two. I run to the nearest public place and call Ryan.
“Hello, this is Heather’s house Ryan speaking,” Ryan says.
“Ryan, it’s me, Mar, I am safe and I will be home soon okay bye,” I say fast and hang up so I can get home faster. I run to the airport and say my name. The man at the counter knows how important I am.
“How may I help you miss Mar?” he asks me in English.
“I would like your fastest jet to fly me to Seattle, Washington America,” I reply. The man nods and I follow him to the jet, after I go through security. I head right in and wait for the people to finish getting ready to leave. I told the deskman that I would pay later. I close my eyes and rest.
“Excuse me ma’am. Are you ready to go?” a pilot asks me. I just nod my head. He bows and heads for the front of the plane. I head right back to sleep.
“Miss, are you awake?” the pilot asks me. I guess I am here.
“Yes, and thank-you sir for flying me here,” I reply. I get up and walk out of the plane. I also walk out of the airport to any nearby woods. When I reach the woods I run as fast as I have ever ran in my life to Ryan. I am about two miles away from the house and I hear him on the porch. I then yell to Ryan, “Ryan!” I am now only a few feet from the house and I jump and land right in front of Ryan. I hug him and I love the feeling of being in his arms. I look up and he is crying. I go up to my toes and kiss him on the lips for five seconds.
“Mar, is that really you?” he asks.
“Yes it is really me,” I reply. I go inside with Ryan to see everyone. When I enter everyone looks so surprised that I am there. I smile and wave to everyone.
“Marina!” everyone yells at the same time.
“Hi everyone I’m back, I’ll answer all your questions later because I wish to sleep,” I say. I walk up all the stairs to my room. I undress and head to Ryan’s bed. Ryan enters through my room and locks the door. He comes over to his original room, where I am, and locks the door.
“Mar, I want to know what happened,” Ryan says looking straight into my eyes.
“Aldan and Shiva captured me and took me to Japan, I did not know that till a little before I called you. And I had to talk to them on how my new power works and then I ran,” I reply.
“What new power?” Ryan asks.
I answer, “My eyes turn red as blood and I can make things happen be just saying or thinking it. Like that time Frankie and Lauren first arrived at Heather’s house and no one came after me, which was the first time I used it. I cannot control when my eyes turn but I can feel it when it does.”
“Well, I am here for you so when you need strength or love or help come to me,” Ryan says. I hug him and kiss him. He brushes my hair out of my face. He says, “I hope that you know how much I love you.” I do.

Chapter 12

I wake and I know that my eyes are red; I think they turn when they know there is danger or something I need to do. I quietly go over to my room and put on sweat pants and an extra large shirt. I unlock my door and head down stairs. No one is up yet so the house is very quiet. I go outside through the front door and see a black car in the trees. I run over and surprise the man inside.
“What do you want?” I ask him.
He rolls down the window to answer, “I want you to come with me to the meeting Camsie of the beginning.” Crap that was today!
“Give me a minute to change into something more appropriate and I will,” I say. He just nods and I run up to my room. I put on a sleeveless, long, navy blue dress that looks wonderful on me. I brush my hair and put it up with a large clip. I grab some heels and run back down. I grab a small purse and put a house key in it. I go outside and get the key out to lock the door. I put the key back and head to the car. “Thank-you for letting me change Vladimir,” I say. Vladimir is one of my most trusted vampire guards I have. He looks about my same age as me. He has dirty blonde hair and well built. He is also really hot. But, I can’t think that. I get in the back and shut the door then buckle up.
“I am so glad to see you Miss Camsie,” he says as he starts driving to the location of the meeting.
“I am glad to see you, too,” I reply. I am glad that my eyes changed back when I left the house the first time, I would have had a lot of explaining to do.
“Make any enemies lately?” Vladimir asks.
I think of Aldan and Shiva, I lie to him, “No.”
“You cannot lie to me ma’am,” Vladimir says. He is the best mind reader every made. “So, Aldan and Shiva, who are they?” he asks.
“They are two of the original twenty that I made, The Blue Eyes, you may know them as. They, for some reason want to do something to me,” I reply.
“But, they all died right?” Vladimir asks.
I answer, “I thought that but somehow they lived and I have a feeling that there are more of them out there, probably working with them. Don’t attack them because I do not want you to get hurt and do not send the army after them either.”He just nods his head and continues to drive.
After five minutes Vladimir says, “We are here ma’am.” I look and it is a fancy hotel that I cannot see its name. He turns to get valet parking and I am helped out of the car. Vladimir leads me to the elevator and presses the down button. It comes in about a minute and we walk in. He waits till the door shuts to put in a key and presses the bottom floor. The elevator starts and we descend. We reach the bottom and I wait for the front door to open but it is the back door that does. I turn and leave, Vladimir in front of me. I am lead down a hallway to a group of guards who are in front of a door. They look down the hall to us and then one of them goes into the room while the others wait till Vladimir and I get to the door.
“Welcome Madam Camsie,” they all say as I enter. They bow and one of them opens the door for me. When they open the door everyone stands and bows. I walk strait to my chair and sit. Everyone looks up and sits down.
“Morning everyone,” I say.
“Morning Madam Camsie,” everyone replies to me.
“Let’s get this done with, shall we?” I ask and look over at the representative to my right.
“District one has Fifty million ma’am,” the representative says. He did not look at me when he said the number.
“He is lying. It is over the limit ma’am,” Vladimir tells to me mentally. That is one advantage to having a mind reader as your guard. I nod to Vladimir.
“You dare lie to me sir,” I say. Everyone gasps. He looks terrified; it reminds me of that girl. “Vladimir, go and tell the army that they must kill the correct number from the district. And look for a replacement please,” I tell Vladimir mentally. He nods and leaves to get the phone that calls the army. I smile. “Guards I want you to put him in a place I can get rid of him later,” I tell the few in the room. They go to him and take him away as Vladimir enters. All the other representatives tell me their numbers and none lie but none die. It has been an hour and I say, “Meeting dismissed. You may all go home now if you wish.” Everyone clears the room in less than twenty seconds. The guards lead me to the one man who lied to me. They opened a door and he was inside.
“No, let me explain,” the man said as he saw me. I smile and run in and they shut the door. I suck his blood because I have not had anything in a long time. He occasionally groaned but other than that he was quiet. I am done in a minute and the man is no more. I wipe my mouth on his tie and I knock on the door. The door opens soon after and I walk through.
“Camsie, where do you wish to go now ma’am?” Vladimir asks me when I am out in the hallway.
“Are they done fighting in district one?” I ask.
Vladimir replies, “Yes ma’am. Do you wish to go there?”
I answer, “Yes I would.”
“I will call for a helicopter to come and get you now,” Vladimir says. I love how fast he works. He calls for the helicopter and I wait for his answer. “Ma’am they will pick you up on the roof in about five minutes. We better head up so that you don’t keep them waiting,” Vladimir says after he hangs up his phone. I nod and we head for the elevator. Vladimir presses the button to the twentieth floor and it starts moving. Vladimir says, “Sorry ma’am but you have to walk up to the roof.”
“That is alright with me and thank-you for all your help,” I reply. In one minute we are on the twentieth floor and Vladimir leads me down the hall to a door that takes us to the roof. He uses the key he used in the elevator to open the door. We walk up the two flights of stairs to the roof. Vladimir opens the door and I wait, holding on to Vladimir because I am still a little tired. In about two minutes the helicopter comes into view.
“Camsie, the helicopter is here,” Vladimir informs me. I lightly nod. Vladimir says, “Would you like me to get you into the helicopter?” I again nod on his chest. The helicopter lands and I am carried into the helicopter and buckled in. Vladimir sits next to me and when he is strapped in I lean on his lap. He puts his arm around me and I fall asleep.

Chapter 13

“Camsie wake up. We are almost there,” Vladimir says as he gently shakes me. I am still tired but not as much as before.
“Vladimir, what time is it, in America?” I ask.
“It is two am,” he replies. I am glad that it is morning. I just nod and get up then stretch. We land and I get out and sense two beings, alive. No, vampires and I feel as though I know them. I smell the air to see who they are and it is Aldan and Shiva. Why the hell would they be here?
“Vladimir, I am just going to look around for any of our men,” I tell him
“Be careful for those half dead ones,” he warns me. I wave to him and walk around to see if they were really here. I round a corner and, in cloaks, Aldan and Shiva step out of the shadows.
“What do you want?” I ask. My eyes will turn red soon, I can feel it.
“Can’t we be friends here?” Shiva answered. She ran over and hugged me. I did not suspect that. I hug back and Shiva waves for Aldan to join us, he does. I am in the middle of the two when I hear the quiet sound of a gun being aimed.
“Run!” I yell and try to get out of the hug. I look behind me and Aldan smiles.
“I will tell him to not shoot if you join us and rule the World with all of the Blue Eyes,” Aldan says. His offer is something that I want yet do not want. I could tell Shiva was not in on this.
“You are lying, you two are the only ones left,” I reply.
“Well you are fast I thought that you would have believed me. Masami shot her,” Aldan says and he and his sister are gone. I cannot move I feel the anger swelling, who does he think he is? I will not let anyone like that live. I am going to kill Aldan.
“Masami come down here,” I say. My eyes are red and I cannot stop from controlling someone. He came down and he is cute. He has tan skin and brown hair. When I look at his eyes I can barely believe what I see, they are crystal blue. My eyes turn back to the normal silver and Masami looks confused on how he got down here.
He looks at me and asks, “Camsie, is that you?”
“Yes and is that really you Manado?” I ask. Manado was the first of the twenty, and my first love.
“Yes. Where the hell have you been? I thought that you where dead and so did the others,” he said. I almost started to cry.
“How many of you are left?” I ask.
“All twenty,” he answers with a smile.
“Then why are those two the leaders if everyone is here?” I ask him because it would seem logical.
“Shiva and Aldan found us all and kept us safe and well. They said that they saw you watch as everything die instead of come with us so thought of that you were tired of living and wanted to die. We all will be so happy to see that you are alive,” he says. I think that Shiva and Aldan where going to kill me back then but then that thing came from the sky and killed many of the plants not life.
“Manado, take me to see the others now,” I say. He bows and sticks out his hand and I take it. He picks me up, cradles me, and runs. I look up at him and he looks like I remember. I smile and close my eyes to feel the wind on my face.
“Are you ready?” he asks two minutes later. I just nod my head and look up at him, at his eyes. We go into a cave and go in about a mile. “Look what I found,” Manado says as he puts me down.
“Camsie do you believe me now?” Aldan says. I feel my eyes will change soon, so I close my eyes. “Do you think that I don’t know what that means?” Aldan asks. I almost decide to leave then but I am then chained to the floor. I open my eyes and Aldan was there. He had scissors and was about to cut my dress to make it shorter when I kick him as hard as I could in the face. His head almost left his body but it was still there. Shiva came over and put his head where it was meant to so that he would heal.
“Please do not try because he is so dead for what he did,” I say to Shiva and she just looks at me. Then out of nowhere everyone grabs me somewhere. I try to fight but I cannot get out.
“You will see what happens when you hurt my brother,” Shiva says. She comes at me and tears off my arms. Everyone puts me down and I scream out in pain.
“Why Shiva, you know what he did was wrong. I thought that you where on my side,” I tell her and look into her eyes. Mine turn red and I start to heal and grow new arms. My arms are fully grown in about a minute and my old arms explode.
“What the hell just happened?” asked Edna, a black haired girl with dark skin. She was my best girl friend back in the day.
“Camsie’s new power,” Aldan answers. His head is almost done healing. And he makes me look at his eyes and I see darkness.

Chapter 14

“What are we going to do with her?” Aldan asks as I regain consciousness. I try to get up but I am chained down, I barely notice because I break right through them. Aldan and Shiva turn and look at me. I smell air and it is not that far away. I turn and run for the exit before anyone can catch me. I am in the desert and I run till I reach a city. When I do I reach the nearest phone and try to call anyone but it fails. I try to find anyone but there is no one here. I run away to find another town with people in it. The next town is the one I was in before. Vladimir is trying to tell people to go search for me. I run to him and hug him.
“Ma’am, how do you feel?” Vladimir asks as he hugs me back.
“Kill them all, kill them all,” I say.
“Who?” Vladimir asks.
“The Blue Eyes,” I reply.
“Do you wish to join them?” he asks.
“I am the only one going, do not follow me,” I say as I run towards the cave. My eyes change the second I start running to the cave. I reach the entrance in a minute and I am ready. “All those who I have once trusted that hurt me leave now and come to me.” At that moment all twenty exit. “Aldan come and stand by me.” He does this and I am going to make him watch. “All nineteen that stand in front of me explode,” I say and it happens.
“No,” Aldan says as he goes to the spot his sister was. “You bitch, I will never forgive you.” He ran over and tried to grab my neck but he misses. He turned and tried again but I let him grab it this time. “Now, bitch, you die.” He squeezes hard and I smile.
“Even if you try you will not succeed,” I tell him mentally and at that moment I kick his stomach. He drops me and coughs. I go over and punch his stomach. He yells out in pain and I grab him and bite his neck.
“You will not kill me. I will haunt your dreams till the day you die,” he says as I drain the last of his blood.
“Aldan’s body explode,” I say and it happens. I walk back to Vladimir and I nod to get back home. On the plane I sleep so that I do not have to answer any questions Vladimir has for me.
Several hours later I am awake. I am on the plane on the ground and the plane is off. “I let you sleep so I told them we would be in here till you awoke ma’am,” Vladimir says as I get up.
“Vladimir thanks. You do too much for me and I rarely see you. I hate how you work all the time. Please rest sometimes, for me,” I reply. I look at him in the eyes to know if he will do that. He grabs my head and pulls it in so he can kiss me on the lips for a second.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies with my head still in his hands. I smile at him because he is special to me and I want him to know that. I stand and he joins me. I walk out of the plane and I go to the lobby of the airport. I see Ryan and the others waiting for me. I run to Ryan and hug him. I am finally home, again.

Chapter 15

“Mar, I am so glad that you are back. I was worried that you went off to do something reckless without me,” Ryan said with a smile.
“Ya right. I would never do that,” I reply. I cannot think of a time he thought that I was just leaving him here. “Oh, this is Vladimir,” I say to Ryan.
“Pleasure to meet you sir,” Vladimir says as he puts out his hand. Ryan takes it and they shake hands. I smile because I think that they will get along well. I am so glad that I have friends that care for and love each other.
“So, how long have you known Mar?” Ryan asks Vladimir.
“I have known her for over two thousand years,” Vladimir replies.
“Well that is a long time. Have you two had a relationship?” Ryan randomly asks.
“No!”I reply.
“”Yes we did,” Vladimir replies at the same time. I felt like dying right here. Vladimir and I had a relationship over two thousand years ago. After we broke up we became friend again and we have been like that for a long time. It was awkward having my ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend talking about this now.
“Well, a long time ago we did, not something current,” I reply.
“Oh, well then I guess that it did not work out then,” Ryan said looking away, no offense kind of saying.
“No it did not. Camsie’s job just made her so stressed out and she got angry a lot. We broke up and I was only worried that she would get violent, like she does when she gets angry. I followed her to try to keep an eye on her and I found out that an organization was after her, through one of the meetings that I peeped in on about her I learned about the group. The meeting was about trying to locate the head quarters, it was unsuccessful though. I want out and tried to find the group and I found only a member who was a young girl,” Vladimir looked up at Erin and gasped. He pointed at her and said, “That’s her! The girl I meet from the group.” Vladimir sprang so that he was between me and Erin.
“You don’t understand. I was one of their slaves, I was caught and was used in ways that you would never want to go through,” Erin said looking uncomfortable.
“Erin, I am so sorry,” I said as I walked around Vladimir and hugged her. She hugged me back and she started to cry, hard. I rubbed her back to try to ease her.
“Well, that was the past. I am now helping you and I am happy,” Erin says as she looks at me and wipes away some tears from her face.
“I am glad that you are happy now and not in pain or suffering. All I want is for everyone’s happiness,” I reply.
“Vladimir, I have changed so don’t worry about Mar. I hope that we could be great friends,” Erin tells Vladimir. He just nods his head and smiles.
“Vladimir, I would like to talk to you in private,” I say as I head to the unisex bathroom.
“What do you need ma’am?” Vladimir asks once I lock the door.
“I would love it if you would stay with me at Heather’s house,” I answer.
“It would be my pleasure to stay with you for as long as you need me,” he answers.
I walk over to him and hug him. Vladimir hugs me back, a little hard but not too hard. I lean back a little so that I can see his face. He leans forward and kisses my lips. I kiss back and we start to make out. He gently falls to the floor and I am on top of him. We continue to kiss and I don’t want this to end. Then Vladimir takes off his shirt and tries to take off my dress, I let him. I then take off his pants and we are down to our underwear, I also have my bra on.
“Vladimir, I would usually say to stop now and I will. We can continue this later, okay?” I say when he tries to get my bra off.
“I’ll take you to my hotel room if that would be alright with you. I was going to stay for a night then leave so I have a master suite for myself and we can go there,” Vladimir replies. I nod my head and we get dressed. I already have an excuse why I would go with him rather than go with the others.
“Hay, guys I am going to Vladimir’s place overnight because he wants to be with me for one more night. He has a spacious room with two king sized beds,” I say to the others. I put in the bed thing so that Ryan won’t think we are going to do what we really are.
“Makes since that he would want to watch you for as long as he can,” Ryan replies. I walk to the car that Vladimir and I take to get to his place. My bag is already in the car and we are off.

Chapter 16

We arrive and check in. I hop on the elevator and recognize where we are. I ask, “Vladimir, is this the hotel the meeting was at?”
“Yes, it is. They allowed all the representatives and guards to stay here for one day and this is day one for me staying here,” Vladimir replies.
We arrive at the top floor and got to his room. He gets the key to the room and opens the door. He puts my luggage on the floor. I walk in and I see that the room in very large and spacious. The bed is really big and looks soft. I go over to it and check it out. It feels so good and I barely notice that Vladimir is on the bed too. He is naked and he looks good. Vladimir asks as he jesters to my body, “May I help you with that?”
“Sure,” I reply. He pulls off my dress and undoes my bra. He starts feeling my body. Then he takes off my underwear and he really starts to have sex with me. I groan out in pure enjoyment and I open my eyes and he kisses me hard. I kiss back and he starts French kissing me. I kiss him back and we continue for four more hours.
“Wait, do you hear that?” Vladimir whispers in my ear. I hear breathing so I nod. I go over to the closet and get one of the complementary robes to put on. I walk to the balcony and see Ryan, shit he saw us. I open the door, go out, and shut the door behind me.
“How much did you see?” I ask looking down.
“Just enough, if you want to cheat on me you should at least be someone that I did not see about five hours ago. So, are you two a couple or what?” he replies.
“It was just a onetime thing. I don’t even know why I did that, please forgive me. I can’t go on knowing that you hate me,” I reply and I start to cry.
“Mar, it will take me some time to forgive him but you I can forgive now,” Ryan replies and comes over to hug me. I hug him before he even gets close to me. We are intruded by Vladimir then. I think he put on the other robe and came out to check on me.
“Ma’am is he bothering you?” Vladimir asks as I start to walk to him. I feel his presence in me, he is controlling me and I can’t fight it. He is too strong and now I realize he did this to get me in bed with him earlier. I am next to him and he and I kiss. I can’t control myself, I am his puppet and he pulls the strings and tells me what to say.
“Ryan you should go now,” Vladimir makes me say and it sounds like I really did say and mean it too.
“What are you saying I thought that you two were not together? You just told me to go and I am confused on what you are saying,” Ryan asks.
I want to say that Vladimir is controlling me but he makes me say, “I don’t like you and I want you to leave Vladimir and me alone. I love him, not you. I never want to… stop!” I got some control back but for just a second.
“What she means is she…,” Vladimir starts to say but I interrupt him.
“No! Vladimir I am not,” I start to say but I am controlled again and he makes me continue. “Not in love… with you Vladimir. I hate you,” I got control and finished.
“Mar, what the hell is going on?” Ryan asks.
“Help me!” I exclaim. I start to scream but Vladimir covers my mouth. He takes me back to the room and Ryan follows. I smell blood, mine and a lot too! I look down and Vladimir has a knife in my chest. My eyes change and before Ryan can see I look at Vladimir. I say, “Let me go.” He does as I told him. I remove the knife and start healing instantly. Ryan goes between me and Vladimir. Vladimir takes out a knife and he might be trying to hurt Ryan. I get up and walk in front of Ryan. With the other knife in my hand I am ready to fight but when I look into Vladimir’s eyes he freezes. He is being controlled by someone stronger than him and I must know this person because I feel like I do. “Show yourself cowered,” I yell. I hear someone on the balcony and I turn to see a man about my age in appearance. He has silver eyes like me and I also sense two others behind him.
“Camsie, my beloved sister, it that really you?” the man asks.

Chapter 17

“Who are you and why did you call me your sister?” I ask.
“Don’t you remember your family?” he asks in reply. My family is dead and has been. No, I remember I changed them and they had the same eyes as me. But I saw them die; I was the only survivor of that murder.
“Javier, is that you and mother and father?” I ask. I almost start crying.
“Yes, and we have been searching for you since that day when we were captured. We did not die but we were in pretty bad conditions,” Javier answers as my parents came into the room. My mother, Maia, has curly brown hair and has a skinny body like mine. My father, Levin, has brown hair too and has a muscular build. Javier is twenty-five in appearance. He has dark brown hair like me and has a muscular build more than my father. Javier and my hair color which was given to us by our grandparents. I am the youngest of the family and I am glad that I am, too.
“Mother, father, Javier I missed you all,” I say as I ran over to them for a hug. I am so happy they are here with me now. When we are done hugging I punch Javier on the arm.
“Ow! What was that for?” he asks
“For controlling my friend and me,” I answer.
“Ya, I’m sorry about that. I just did not know what else to do,” Javier replies.
“Alright I forgive you,” I say. I look over at Vladimir and say, “I know that that was not you so it is alright between us.”
“Thank-you so much madam Camsie for forgiving me,” Vladimir says. I nod and remember what I am wearing.
“May Vladimir and I have some privacy so we can get changed,” I say. Everyone leaves and Vladimir and I get dressed in silence.
“I hope that you will still allow me to be your guard?” Vladimir asks.
“Vladimir, please do not even think that that will make me want to get rid of you. I love you and I think that the only way that you would not be my guard is if one of us were to die. I only hope that you are going to stay with me. That thing about staying with me is still out for grabs. I hope you stay. I know that you are alone when you go home so I want you to come with me, please,” I say
“How do you know that? I thought that I was the only one that knew that,” Vladimir replies.
“I followed you to your house one time that is how I know that you go to an empty home. I only do that to the people that I am worried about. You would never tell me anything about yourself even when we were dating. What happened? I know that you changed your mother and father,” I say. Vladimir and I are both done changing. Vladimir gestures to the floor and he sits down. I sit down across from him.
“My parents were murdered by vampire slayers many years ago. I was only one year old, as a vampire, and I just got home when I saw four humans standing over my parent’s slaughtered bodies. The people looked at me and said ‘You are next’ and then they left,” Vladimir says to me.
“I am so sorry. Have you ever seen them after that?” I ask.
“No, gladly I have not seen any slayers since that day,” Vladimir replies.
“Well, if you do know you know that you have people to back you up,” I say.
“Yes, I will have help now if they do show up. I will stay at your house for as long as you need me,” Vladimir says. Vladimir and I hug, get up, get our bags, and head for the door. I hug Ryan and my parents. Ryan and I head down the hallway to the elevator. My parents, Vladimir, and Javier follow behind us. The elevator arrives in a minute and we all step in. Ryan presses the button that takes you to the lobby, the door shuts, and the elevator starts moving.
“So, will you all stay at Heather’s place for the rest of your time here?” I ask.
“Yes we will stay for as long as we would like, if that is okay with you,” my mother replies.
“That is more than okay, it is something that I have always dreamed of,” I say. The elevator stops at the lobby floor and the door opens. We walk out and head for the front entrance and Vladimir calls for a car. It comes in ten minutes and head in. We are on the way home.

Chapter 18

We arrive at home and Heather is already at the front porch. “Hay, Heather,” I say once I am out of the car. Heather waves to me and I smile. “Heather, this is my mother, Maia Aiwa,” I say as I gesture to my mother. “This is my father, Lavin Aiwa,” I continue and I gesture to my father. “And, this is my older brother Javier Aiwa,” I finish, gesturing to my brother.
“It is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Heather Gold,” Heather says. I never actually knew her last name and I like it. She shakes everyone’s hand and we all head inside. I roll my eyes and head in too.
“Camsie, this is a very lovely house here. I cannot believe that you live in a place like this,” my mother says.
“You think this is lovely you should see one of my other houses, no offence Heather,” I reply.
“How many houses do you own?” Javier asks.
“I have…” I begin to say. I really don’t know. I continue, “more than one hundred in America and more than five hundred on the other side of the world.”
“Can I have one?” Javier asks.
“Maybe, it depends where,” I answer. I smile and turn to everyone.
“Anyway, I would love to show you all to your rooms now if you would like,” Heather says.
“I would like that,” replies my mother. Heather takes my mother and father to their room. Vladimir is taken to his room, Aldan and Shiva’s old room. Javier gets the room next to Erin’s. I think that this will work out with this strange arrangement we have at this house. I go to Ryan and I kiss him sweetly. I begin to feel weak. I start to fall.
“Are you okay? You look paler than normal,” Ryan says when I start to stand again.
“I just need to eat,” I reply.
“Then let’s go now.”
“Ya we should.” Ryan picks me up and starts running to the woods. He lets me down and runs off to get something for me to eat. I sit on the cold forest floor and look up at the top of the trees. I see some of the sunlight peak through the trees and I close my eyes. Ryan comes over with a deer. He puts it down and I sink my teeth in it.
A minute later I finish and say, “Thanks for the meal Ryan. I do not know what I would do without you.” I get up and hug Ryan. He playfully bites my ear.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2011

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