
The World I Never Know

Today is the day that my family and me
are going to board that plain to are new life but
I don't want to. I love my life here I love my school
and my friends I cant stand it but they would not
listen. It turns out that we had a very distant relative
who lives in oil,Pennsylvania she died at the age of
99. We might not of know about her but she new us
she put us in her will we now Own a giant house
it suppose to be a place of mystery.
"Mary time to board the plain and don't worry
if anyone bothers you at our new school ill take care of it"
That is my over protective brother Mike he is so annoying
but still love him and its nice to feel protected so we boarded
the plain to our new life. When we got on the plain Mike pulled
me to a seat and had me sit next to the window he wanted to be
able to get to me if some thing went wrong. All i did was read a
book and used my carry on as a pillow so i could sleep the rest
of the way to oil city Pennsylvania.
I'm really happy I woke up before the plain landed if
I was still asleep mike would of picked me up and carryed
me of the plain.
"Mom who is suppose to pick us up?"
"I think one of the workers is coming to get us."
"Wow"said Mike" I still cant believe we are gong to have maids
to clean our rooms."
"That is the only cool thing about this move"I said while looking
for our ride when i saw a man with a sign saying Hollow.
"Mom their" I said while pointing to a man that looked like he
was in his 60's. Mom walked over and dad,Mike,and me follow-
ed I learned that his name is Scott he seemed like a very nice
man. We packed all our stuff in that small little car and we all
had to fit in that car and in the end i had to sit on Mikes lap
I really hope no one saw that. Mom asked Scott a lot o f quest-
ions and it didn't seem to bother him at all mom finally asked
her last question she asked if we had any thing to worry about.
"Every thing is fine but you might have trouble with the cat."
"Wait I thought that when some one dies the take their pets to
a animal shelter."
"They usually do but it was put in her will that you take
care of him when she dies didn't you read the will?"
By now mom was hyper ventilating she does not like
animals she thinks they are evil and are out to destroy
her house. That is why my brother and me have never
had a pet that might be why animals don't like us since they
kind of stay away from us. I have always wanted a pet so
I was happy and from seeing my brothers face he was not
he never really liked animals he learned that from mom.
Mom finally found the will she read it 3 tomes before loo-
king up with a white face I was happy to have a pet I could
not wait to see it.
"His name is aqua he really our late mistress he loved to
lay on her shoulders but he would not let anyone touched
him besides her he was also protective I cant tell you how
many people hes scratched just for being to close he never
left her side you'll be lucky just to see that cat let alone
touch him."
Great so now I don't have a cat but mom was even whiter
now she could not even speak my dad was trying to
calm her down and then we arrived. The house was a light
shade of blue and it looked like it was in good shape my
mom forgot about the cat for a moment. Some people came
out of the house and helped take in our stuff when we got in
Mike and me went to look for our room. I picked a room with a nice
window that faced the forest I made a note to take a walk and of
course Mike picked the room next to mine. I decided to look around
while my stuff was brought up. Their weren't a lot of people that worked
at the house the maids came once a week and the gardeners came
every few days. I was walking down a hall way when i heard a hiss
thinking the poor cat got its paw stuck on on something I ran to where
i hear the hiss. I opened the door to find boy my age with black hair
and light brown eyes in one corner and a girl with black hair and dark
brown eyes in the other. Their was another boy who had blond hair
and hazel eyes and was holding a net with a blue cat they all looked
at me. When the cat witch I think was aqua saw the boy was not paying
attention he jumped out of the net and scratched the boy in the
face. He ran to me and jumped and knocked me on my butt and climbed
on to my shoulders and lied down an i looked up to see the 3 kids watching
"Who are you?" The girl asked.
"Since you just tried to steal my cat I think I'm the one who should
be asking the questions here."
"We weren't trying to steal your cat it tried to rip my sister up!"
The boy in the corner said
"Fine do what ever you want just leave my cat alone and don't
take or break any thing."
I got up to leave when someone garbed my hand I turned to see the
blond boy.
"If you don't tell anyone we were hear"Then he kissed me" theirs more
where that came from" He smiled and he looked at me all cocky.
I slapped him across the face he looked stunned I called him as many
names as i could think of and walked away. I looked around some-
more and went down stairs and was going to go out side when i heard
a scream. I looked to see mom staring at me that's when i realized aqua
was on my should and that's when I heard him purring it was low
enough that only i could hear.
"Mom isn't this cool he is so sweet." I said that as i started to pet him
"I love this guy." All mom did was turn around and walk away I smiled
and walked out side I walked in to the woods and found a nice to sit
and started to read my book. I was getting to a good par when I heard
aqua start to growl I looked up to find the kids from earlier in front of
me. Aqua jumped off my shoulders and ran between me and the kids
and started to hiss and swiping at them and the kid that kissed me steeped
out in front and smiled.
"Calm down we wont heart the girl we are just hear for you since your
the last of your kind it would be dangerous to leave something as powerful
as you with out a partner the school decided to pick one for you so its nice to
meet you partner now come quietly please."
He smiled sweetly at aqua and I just sat their confused and trying to understand
what he was talking about and I new i was not going to let him take my aqua away
so i got up to go pick aqua up when I heard a clear of the throat.
"Who ever said I ever had a partner."Said aqua,I could not believe what
I just heard a cat can not talk its impossible.
"What do you mean you been with that old lady for the past
2 years" Said the boy with blond hair.
"I felt that if I stayed here my true partner would come and
she has" Aqua turned to look at me he walked over and started to
rub against me and started to purr.
"That girl has no power she is just a human their record
of any one in her family having any power at all."
Said the girl with the black hair
"Yes that's true for this family but not for her family."
The boy with the black looked at me
"Are you adopted?"
"No wonder she looked so different from her family I cant
believe i didn't realize this before I just thought she had died
her hair blue and had contacts."
I had blue hair and from what people say beautiful blue eyes Mike
says that when I'm angry the get darker barker but I'm really angry.
"What was your last name before you were adopted?"
I looked at the kid with the blond hair and smiled
"None of your business." I said that as i got up aqua climbed to my
solders and lied down I started to walk away when i felt some thing rap
around my wast.I looked down to see a arm and when i turned around
the girls arms where supper stretched I looked at her with aw she was
special like me.
"I wont let you go until you tell us what we want to know."
She gave me a evil smile she walked closer to me and tightened
her grip.
"What the hell do you think your doing."
Id know that voice any where its Mike I wiggled out of her grip and
ran and hied behind him.
"Mike can we go home"
"I don't know who you are but stay away Mary"
We went home ate and went to bed aqua never left my side and
Mike walked to my room he said when I leave the house he has to
be with me and he told to watch my back when hes not their.
That night aqua asked me to tell him my hole story story from the day
I was born to the day of the "accident"
"What was the "accident"?
"Before i was in foster care I had a great family we were all
really happy mom and dad liked to explore different places
in the woods near are house we were walking and found a
cave mom and dad just had to take a look May and me followed
after them"
"Who is may?"
I turned to find the 3 kids I was going to get up when aqua
stopped me by jumping on my lap.
"Stop keep going please it doesn't matter if they know."
Aqua looked up at me with pleading eyes so I sat back down
"She was my twin sister we did every thing together so we took each
others hands and walked in the cave mom and dad were looking on walls
for anything weird May and I were talking about what we would do when we
got home that's when the man came in he had no weapons but mom and
dad were scared so when he told them to get in a corner they did then he
walked over to May and me he got on his nee and looked May in the eyes
he said "She does not have the gift."
I took a look at mom and dad they were stunned and then the man looked
me in the eye and I stared him right in the eye he smiled got up looked down
on me.He asked
"Whats your name?" I looked at him and said"Mary" he looked at mom and
dad and said"Ill take good care of her" and this sword came out of no were
and he killed them I was stunned I didn't know what to think then he turned
to me and pushed me out of the way looked at may I new what he was going
to do so I jumped in the way I fell to the floor he looked at me and said it was
pointless I looked at may she stared at me with tears running down her cheeks
she said "I love you." then he killed her"By now tears were running down but
I kept going"He turned to me and said "You will live and your power will keep
going Iv seen what you can do so far and you will do so much more Ill be back
for you"then every thing went black i woke up in a hospital room they told me
my family was dead and that I was going to be put in a family that will take care
of me they said they already know what happened i didn't talk for a few mouths
but when i did every thing was starting to get normal again and i never used my
power again."
"Why?"said the blond
"That is what got them killed."
"No,that guy killed them."
"Just leave you should not be hear bye"
I got up to go to my bed when he grabbed my hand
"We will leave if you show us your power other wise we will stay here until you."
I could see he was serious because of the look in his eyes.
"Fine" I walked to the middle of the room and relaxed and called my power it felt so good to do that I opened my eyes.
"Their are you happy now will you leave?"
They all looked at me in aw that's when I realized that aqua was still on my shoulders. When I looked at him he was on fire blue fire just like me.
"I told you she is my destined partner we have the same gift"
"Amazing I've never seen any one with a power like that." said the girl. I could imagine what I looked liked my hair would covered in blue fire and my eyes a bright blue.Their was something different I felt like their was more power still in me trying to get out.It was trying to break free it scared me so I stopped.
"Their was nothing to be scared of it was your gift trying to show you what it could do."said aqua still on fire he turned to kids"I think it's time you left their is nothing for you here just leave come Mary."aqua said as he jumped off my shoulders and landed on my bed he was no longer on fire."Its time for you to go to bed."I walked over to the bed and went under the covers aqua went under too and snuggled next to me.
"Good night" The kids said and then I heard nothing after a while I went to bed.
******************************************** I woke up and got dressed aqua stayed with me the whole time
its nice to have someone to talk to he told me that we are life long
partners that since we have the same gift and shared fire we
could never be separated. I asked how its possible he said
its thanks to magic I felts relived to hear that to know i would
have someone close that's like me. I decided to take a walk
in the woods being careful to stay away from that other place
it took a while but i finally found a good place.
I started to lose my self in my book when aqua tensed
I got up."Whose their?"
A lady walked out "I come in peace the kids that were here
told me what you chould do and find it amazing and i know a
place where you can learn to controll it" I looked at her she looked
like I already said i want to go and I laughed she looked surprised
"Why are you laughing!!?" She yelled
It took a little to stop laughing
"I already know how to control them." She looked surprised
"That's impossible"
"In my old family its called normal a lot of the things that they
taught us are not normal in this family im going to go and
stay away from me." I got up and walked away leaving her stunned.
I opened the door to fined the 3 kids and a older lady with them.
"I'm glade your here honey this is Miss.Manning and their 2 children Zack
and Lucy and their friend Mason and this is my daughter Mary."
She looked at me and made a sign for me to shake hands so
I walked over and to shake hands I turned to go up stairs but mom
stopped me.
"Hun why don't you show them your room." Before I turned around
I put on a fake smile.
"Kay come on." I walked up stairs and went to my room Zack the one that
kissed me came up to me as i sat on the bed with the other two behind him
"Its nice to see you again"
"Since you probably searched the house do what ever you want and tell
that lady from your school to not come back." I said that as I leaned
up against the back of my bed I started to read.
"What lady?" I looked up to see that all of them were surprised
"We go to the public school and after we have people come over
to teach us how to control our power and combat lessons." Mason said
as he looked at the others Lucy turned to me.
"What did she look like?"
"She was tall and skinny blond hair and green eyes she also had a-"
I stopped i remembered she had a tattoo just like him I got up so quickly
aqua fell off. I ran to my closet and pulled out that big chest I kept
after the 'accident'. I took the heart shaped neck less and opened it to
get the key to open it.
"What are you doing and what were you going to say?"
"She works for him she had the same tattoo in the same place."
I was shaking so much i had trouble putting the key in the luck.
"So your safe we have people watching this place."
Zack said as he sat next to me and put his arm around me
I looked to the side and saw him with a cocky smile aqua came and
made him take it away.
"You should tell them." He said as he settled on my shoulders
"He.....he can move threw the shadows."
"So Zack can to." Lucy said as she sat next to her brother
Mason sat on the other side of me.
"I know but can you do it at long destines."
"How do know that?" Mason asked while getting comfortable
"When he was their you could feel it he was so strong fear struck
you and you could not move and when he came in snow came with
him its impossible in the summer unless it came through with him
and i can tell hes coming to night."
"Then we will stay." Lucy said as she got up
"Why you don't know me."
"No i don't but i want to we all do and I'm happy you slapped
my brother when he kissed you OK?" She offers me her hand
until i remembered the chest.
"OK thank you so i will let you do some thing is held in high
respect in my real family." I turned back to chest and opened it
to see my family swords.
"These swords are my families Zack you my dads Mason my mothers
and Lucy my sisters." Picked up my sword and waited for them
"We cant do that like you said you don't know us."
"You want to stay the and protect me I don't need to know you
long to know that you will treat their swords with respect I acted like
I hated guys but my instincts told me i can trust so please."
They each walked up and took the sword I gave them then we went down
and talked to our parents about them staying the night she said yes
and that its perfect since Dad,Mick,and her were going to find people
to work at the as a stay in and that they would get a hotel it was perfect.
We went upstairs to work out the sleeping arrangements Zack kept trying
to sleep next to me but thankfully Mason got their first Lucy sleeping on the
other side of me and aqua was sleeping with me. I slept for a hour
or two and woke up i decided to walk around the room with the sword
around my wast. Then I felt that same presser and screamed
everyone woke up.
"Whats wrong." Zack asked as they ran to me
"Don't you feel that?"
"Your right but i cant sense i to good but I think its getting stronger."
"That means hes getting closer." I said as I put my hand on my sword
while everyone was getting ready to use their power aqua climbed
to my shoulders.
"When do think he will get here?" As she said that we were all
lifted off the floor and away from each other and then he
stepped in to the room from a giant shadow. He looked tall with
long black hair with hard eyes with no emotion on the until he saw me
they became soft and full of love. He looked Zack with eyes full of
hate "You dared kiss what belongs to me."
I sank to the floor but i still could not move he walked over to me
and hugged me then picked me up he turned to them and I new what
would happen next.
"Mary you know how to save them." Aqua had hied in the hoodie
of my night gown "you know what to do."
I knew what he went but I was to scared to go their I was scared I would
never be able to live with my new family that I would I have to leave
I didn't want that. So I just went to the normal level and stayed away
from that place that calls to me wanting to be free wanting to escape
"You killed my family for no resin at all and now you want to kill my
friends I wont let you even if cost me my life i will protect the people
in my life."
"Honey i killed them because they would of kept you away from me
and I'm to selfish to share you with anyone now lets make a deal if
I win you become mine."
"And if i win you and your gang will leave me and anyone involved with
In the blink of an eye he was in front of me and he kissed me then
he was in the shadows again and all I heard was a ghostly whisper saying
Deal. I stood their stunned when the first attack came it hit me across the
room I hit the wall and my head banged against it. I sled to the
grounded I tried to look around but my vision was blurred I got up and tried to balance
my self trying to get ready for the next attack. It came to quickly I wasn't ready he hit
me off balance and I hit the floor this time I could not get back up my flame
died and he was next to me. I tried to move away but he picked me up
and put me on his lap I tried to move away but he would not let me
"Stay still this will hurt a little bit."
He put his hand on my arm and it hurt I tried to move away but he held me
tight after he was done i looked down to see a half moon shape.
"That one is for me to show who you are with and the next one is for you."
He kissed me on my head then put his hand on my it hurt again and
when it stopped I look down to see a cat face on my arm he picked me up
and started to walk to a dark hole on the wall. I looked back to see some
blood coming out of Lucy's' mouth and then i saw May all over again
and all I could think was Not again.
"You know how to save them trust me."
Aqua was still in my hood i don't know how he was unhurt but
I was glade that he was OK.
"But I'm scared."
"You will be OK promise."
I new he was right so I closed my eyes and got closer and closer to
that magic that I've been so scared of at first it hurt but I kept going and soon
it didn't hurt it felt so good then it burst out of me. When opened my eyes the
room was in light and he was on the floor while I was covered in blue fire Lucy,Mason,
Zack were free on the ground. I looked away from them and looked at him I did a spinning kick and knocked him out that's when the help arrived I was happy to see that everyone was safe that's when I passed out and I heard people calling my name


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.06.2011

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