
Enter your text here by copying it from any text ediIn A Book, In A Box, In The Closet
In A Line, In A Song I Once Heard
In A Moment On A Front Porch Late One June
In A Breath Inside A Whisper Beneath The Moon

There It Was At The Tips Of My Fingers
There It Was On The Tip Of My Tongue
There You Were And I Had Never Been That Far
There It Was The Whole World Wrapped Inside My Arms

And I Let It All Slip Away

What Do I Do Now That You're Gone
No Back Up Plan, No Second Chance
And No One Else To Blame
All I Can Hear In The Silence That Remains
Are The Words I Couldn't Say

There's A Rain That Will Never Stop Fallin'
There's A Wall That I Tried To Take Down
What I Should Have Said Just Wouldn't Pass My Lips
So I Held Back And Now We've Come To This

And It's Too Late Now

What Do I Do Now That You're Gone
No Back Up Plan, No Second Chance
And No One Else To Blame
All I Can Hear In The Silence That Remains
Are The Words I Couldn't Say

What Do I Do Now That You're Gone
No Back Up Plan, No Second Chance
And No One Else To Blame
All I Can Hear In The Silence That Remains
Are The Words I Couldn't Say ting software (e.g. M.S. Word).


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.03.2012

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