
Chapter one - Sky

Chapter One
I curl into a ball on my bed letting the pain of today’s beatings radiate through my body. My body slowly became numb from the pain. I needed to get up to treat my wounds but I couldn’t move. Hot tears run down my face. I told myself that I would fight back this time, that I would fight back, then I would leave. But I couldn’t. He was the reason I had a life, a roof over my head. I couldn’t leave him I loved him, or did I?

I heard my door open and became stiff with fear. I felt a warm hand caress my arm it made me feel safe. I turn around to see who it was and see no one. I get up and feel pain shoot up my body I cry out in pain . I could feel blood flowing down my arms and legs from the wounds he inflicted on me. I roll off the bed and crawl to the bathroom grabbing a towel from the rack and pressing it against the wounds that were bleeding badly. I look at the floor length mirror , a sob rips through my body . My hands touch the bruises covering my face . I get a flashback of his fist connecting with my face. The feel of his gold class ring slamming into the side of my face. I could remember each word that came out of his mouth –“You piece of shit after everything I did for you how dare you embarrass me like that. I should kill you !” His fist connects with my face as I cough up blood. He kicks me in the stomach in the legs. I was in so much pain that I finally felt numb. I couldn’t move. He finally stops and calls one of his friends to throw me in my room.

I come back to the present and look at myself what I had become. I cry harder I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I lay on the bathroom floor and cry letting the sobs shake my body. I moved the towel from over my wounds I was ready to die to move on the next life. I watched as I bled out from the back of my head, mouth, and who knows where else. I finally stop crying and begin to laugh happiness radiated throughout my body because I finally knew that after this I would be free, that once I died that he couldn’t hurt me anymore. I would never be beat like this.

I could slowly feel my life force leaving my body. My soul going to a better place. Before I close my eyes to the darkness I see a figure I beautiful man he looks down at me in happiness. As my eyes drift shut I see him lean over me then there was darkness.

I look over her as she gives up and feel happiness yet sadness wash through me. Happiness because she was finally walking away from this nightmare called her life yet sad that I would have to save her , revive her and bring her back simply because it wasn’t her time to die yet. She had so much more to accomplish in her life. She needed to experience love and happiness before she died not sadness and pain.

I pick her up and carry her to the bed. I place my left hand over her heart my right over the major wound inflicted on her – the internal bleeding. I could feel some of my energy leave me but I knew it was for a good purpose. I look down at my hands to see silver glow come from them as I healed her. Once I finished I sat down and looked at her, I wished I could explain to her how important she was why she couldn’t die . But I couldn’t it was out of my place. I looked at the mark on the inside of her wrist and smiled. I stroke the birthmark that gave me somewhat of a claim to her. I trace the sword which pierced the cloud on her wrist. I glowed a little . My heart faltered.

I lean down to kiss her on the cheek but stop when I see her begin to stir I rise from the bed and leave the room. I turn around and look at her shortly wanting to kiss her but knowing it was too soon for her to know about me and who I was to her.
I walk out leaving her to begin her new life.
. . .
I open my eyes to darkness of my room. I shoot up and look around to see that I was still in my husbands house that I wasn’t dead. I scream and begin to cry I wanted to die to go away forever and be in piece away from this misery. This place people around me call home but I call purgatory. My own personal inferno which no one else saw or knew about. I consider getting up to kill myself with something but something told me not to. I could feel someone watching me but I saw no one. I didn’t worry to much about it the presence felt safe like they were here to protect me not to hurt me. For once I felt safe like I could do anything and be protected.

Which gave me the courage to do this- run.

I got up and began to pack I grabbed anything and everything I could. Clothing , toothbrush, medicine, first aid supplies, passports, cash , credit cards, cell phone, and lastly a gun. I look around to make sure I got everything I would need. I walk to my door and open it slowly and look around to make sure no one was around then I run. I make it to the garage safely. I grab random keys from the hook outside the door and walk into the garage. I hit the unlock button to see which car I was gonna still and smile, his favorite car an Aston Martin Vanquish. I slide into the car and throw my stuff into the passenger seat. I turn the car on and open the garage. I take a deep breath and back out I could feel some of my worries leave me.

I knew that he would be pissed when he discovered that I left but I didn’t give a damn. I close my eyes and relax then I hit the gas and leave. I ride having no where really to go. I had no friends because my husband made me give them up but I knew where they lived and I knew that even though I pushed them away they still cared. I drive heading away from Westchester county heading to the city . I knew my friend Cassie lived in New York City with her husband. I prayed the entire time that she would let me in the house.
I make it the building that I remember her living in and give my car to the valet. I go to the door man and ask if she lived here he let me in and told me the floor which they lived.
I got on the elevator and went up to the 21st floor my body shaking the whole way. I get off the elevator and go to the door. I reach my hand up to knock but stop myself. What if they don’t want to help me what if they hate me. I drop my hand then begin to walk away but I feel as though an outside source was stopping me from leaving like it was trying to tell me not to leave like I was supposed to be here. I could feel something go over my arm in what felt like a caress . I shiver slightly then turn back to the door. I lift my arm and knock on the door. I hear a chuckle and what sounded like a thank goodness. I around and see no one but I still felt a presence. I hear the door open , I turn around to see a my best friend , my sister standing there , her hair wrapped , a large t-shirt and slightly large sweat pants. She looked beautiful as always.

“ Hi” I whisper

She looks at me in shock. We stood there for a moment just looking at each other it was like she couldn’t comprehend that I was really there in front of her. Finally she spoke.

“ What do you want ?” she snapped her husky voice cracking slightly.

I jump back I could feel my heart break slightly. I knew this was a bad idea I should have just kept driving. I began to turn around but a warm hand grabbed me stopping me from moving anymore.

“I asked you a damn question and your going to answer it. You cant possible just expect me to take you in with open arms after you basically tell me to fuck off at you wedding all because of what your husband told you so really?” She yells her light grey eyes becoming smoky like they usually do when shes pissed off.

“I-I had no where else to go I ran from my husband he has been beating me for the last five years. I tried to commit suicide tonight but it didn’t work I just blacked out and work up later on. I didn’t know who else to go to I don’t remember where Paris and Snow live so I just thought maybe you could help but I guess I was wrong.” I whisper tears clogging up my voice . I begin to walk away but then I feel someone yank my long ponytail.
“I didn’t say you could leave did I ?” She snaps

I turn back around to see her move out the way of the door and let me in.I look at her as I walk in she looked at me with what looked like pain and anger but yet she was letting me into her home.

“Um thank you Cassie” I whisper as I look around her condo.
I look at the large living room with leather furniture a large flat screen and pictures of family on the tables. I turn and look towards the kitchen and see a there cooking . Cassie brushes past me and goes to the kitchen. She whispers something in his ear then walks away. The man turns and looks at me in surprise. I recognize him as Chris her husband. I wave to him. He smiles slightly but I could see it didn’t reach his eyes in his eyes I could see that he was actually pissed of. He goes to Cassie and talks to her. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I could tell he was furious. She turns to me and her eyes meet mine , I was shocked to see tears rolling down her face. Sobs ripping through her body. She shakes her head and walks away going into a room at my left.
I stand there for a minute in silence then I speak.

“ Should I leave?” I whisper looking up at him as he walks to me
He stares at me fury evident in his eyes.

“ You have caused my wife pain for the last five years. You know she loved you and you just turned around and married that man who made you leave everything you knew behind. So yes I do want you to leave.” He snaps his hands balled up into fist. “ But I know that she would kill me if I made you leave so you can sleep inside the room with her and I’ll sleep in the guest room.”

He walks away from me before I could say anything going into a room down a hallway and slamming the door. I stand there in shock I didn’t realize I had caused her so much pain. I felt broken inside. Tears roll down my already wet face as I walk to the room Cassie walked inside of . I knock on the door and then go in. I pause when I see her curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed. I walk all the way studying the room as I go inside. The room was decorated in reds and golds. The room was large with the king size bed dominating the middle of it . The bed was made of dark brown wood with intricate designs decorating it. The bed was a canopy bed with a brown sheer fabric hanging from the top it was very beautiful. The rest of the room had a very comfortable feel to it.

I walk to the bed take my shoes off and lay on the bed beside her. I try to think of something to say to her to make it better to get her to trust me again but nothing came to mind.

“ I’m so sorry Cassie.” I say trying to make her feel better

“ Don’t apologize to me girl!” She yells at me shooting up glaring at me

“I’m sorry though!” I yell

“ You left me behind you pushed away all your friends so that your husband would be happy just to please a man who in the end beat the shit out of you just about everyday right? You left me for him , family for him, are you serious ! I did everything for you I even pushed my feelings aside so you could be happy but no that wasn’t enough was it ?” She yells at me

I sit there quiet not saying anything cause there was nothing I could say. So I simply grabbed her and hugged her. She burst into tears hitting me trying to get me to stop touching her but there was little I could do. We laid down on her bed and held each other crying ourselves to sleep.

Chapter two- cassie

I wake up the next morning, my eyes burning from the tears that i had cried the night before. Looking over i see sky laying next to me , her face red and eyes appearing swollen from all the crying. A par of me wanted to hate her to just kick her out and hope she finds a better place to stay. But i knew if i did that i would be just in the wrong as she was for choicing her asshole of a husband over family. I scan her body finally taking in all the damage that was inflicted on her. Her once flawless face was covered in scars and brusises.

I felt terrible, i should have tried harder to stop her but i didnt. It was outside of my bounds. I get up from the bed carefully making sure as not to wake her and walk outof the room into the kitchen. My husband was standing by the coffee maker, his jaw locked in anger and frustration.

"Look i know you wanted me to tell her to leave but i couldnt and you know exactly why i couldn't. I was out on this earth to protect her and so far i've done a pretty fucked up job."

" I know that cassie but you shouldn't have forgiven her so easily. I can look at your face and she you have forgiven her.!" Chris says.

i stare at him for a moment unable to argue my point more because i knew he was right. I did forgive her to easily but i had to. I was her guardian angel. My father sent  me to earth when sky was born to protect her. She was given special gifts, ones that could most likely either save or end the world. She had no clue of this ablities nor did she know of her true family but then again neither did i.

" I forgave her because i had to. She is our only hope. This worlds only hope. And you know this. Im still hurt by her actions, yes but what she did, i dont believe that she truly had full control of. Maybe that experiience is what she needed in order to truly forfill her destiny." I walk away after saying this feeling he needed to take all this in.

Turning the corner i realize that i had left the bedroom door open and walking further i see sky sitting up in bed looking off into space. When she finally notices me she smiles .

"  I'm going to show you and your husband that i can change and that i wont hurt those that care about me i promise i will." Sky gets up and gives me a hug then walks into the bathroom

i stand there shocked and kinda happy. Something in me knew she meant it, but i also knew that i had to make sure no factors would lead to her slipping away again. It was time i called her family, in the pit of my stomach i was dreading it, but i knew it had to be done.

Her future would truly be affected by her family i just hope it was for the good not for the worse.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2012

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