

So young to die.

I want no war…no battle cry.

‘Cause everyday somebody’s comin’ home broken

Yet, here I stand fighting for what I believe in

Nobody can tell me it’s wrong

Nobody can say that I’m not doin’ my duty

Even if I’m alone, I’ll stand here, feet planted in place

I’ll never give up

And I won’t cease fire until peace reins

I’ll stand tall even when fear quakes the ground beneath my feet

I’ll be here fighting for you even when you believe I’m wrong

I’ll be here, risking being broken and forgotten, to fight for you, for our way of life

So young to die

I want no war…no battle cry

But, I’ll stand here until I can stand no longer


Texte: Cassie J. Parker
Bildmaterialien: Cassie J. Parker (I took the photo)
Lektorat: Cassie J. Parker and James R. Parker
Übersetzung: No one
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.04.2014

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To my Great Uncle Gail who served in the Vietnam War, my Dad who served in the National Guard before I was born, my cousins who are serving in the air force, and anyone else who serves or who has served our country. Thank you.

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