
the beggining

The quiet serenity of the house is disturbed. My eyes flash open. I am startled to be woken from the measly sound of a coffee mug probably falling out of my mothers hand. She has broken at least two this month. Shes been very shaky and started by almost everything. Just last night and every night before that, she had insisted upon checking each door three times as if expecting someone to break into our two-story ranch style house in the middle of nowhere. Well, not technically nowhere, we do have neighbors up Orchard valley. We live at the bottom of this valley in Colorado where all the fog just happens to drift from everyone else's house down to our front and backyard.
I roll out of bed to go look out of my foggy window. Or,I think its foggy, its still twenty seconds after I've woke up. I wipe off a circle of the window and peer outside into the foggy obis.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.11.2011

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