
Chapter 1: The beginning of it all
"Buzz Buzz" I groaned at the sound of my phone and answered, “What! Who dares call me so early in the morning" I growled,"Ummm bella its 12:00 in the afternoon" said skye,"Dang it! I missed Breakfast" I said, “Is that all you care about anyways I’ll be there in 5 mins"said skye,"Wait! What" I yelled,"DONT TELL ME YOU FORGOT UGH BYE!" she said as she hung up 5 mines later. "Ding dong","Comeing oh hi skye"said mom, “hello ms.huges"said skye,"Arabella is upstairs getting ready you can go see her"said mom,"thank you"said skye as she walked up the stairs, “Can I come in?"Asked skye,"yea!"I yelled, “So u forgot we were going to the movies today huh?" asked skye,"yea sorry about that but I’m almost ready okay give me 2 seconds “I said,"okey hurry were meeting teal and Liz at the movies “said skye,"okey I’m ready lets go"i said, “Bye mom see you later"i said, “Bye Hun have fun “said mom, “Bye ms.huges"said skye,"bye sweetie it was nice to see u agian.We left in a hurry and it took us only 10 minutes to get there not very long,"Hey! Teal hey Liz”i yelled, “finally!"said teal, “I know this one slept in agian"said skye,"As always “said liz,"yea whatever come on or we will miss our movie” I said walking over to get our tickets and our snacks,"Boom","Hey watch where you’re going” said a male voice,"Hey you bumped into me pretty boy” yelled, BELLA STOP IT “yelled skye,"Yea there not worth it come on" said liz,"your right come on" I said rolling my eyes. In hour later the movie was over, “That was the best movie ever” I yelled,"Yea it really was “said Liz,"Ugh! we have school tomarrow"said teal,"i know grrrrr I don’t wanna go but we have to"i said"yep"said skye,"Well lets head home “said liz,"okey well bye guys see you tomarrow"said skye,"BYE" we told eachothere."Thanks for the ride Skye" I said, “no problem bye love you see you tomorrow" she said as she drove off,"hey mom I’m home","hey sweetie how was the movie?"Asked mom, “it was good but I’m super sleepy I’m going to bed goodnight mom, goodnight john"i said, “goodnight they both said.

Chapter 2: The meeting
"BELLA TIME TO GET UP “yelled mom,"okye!"I said with a sleepy voice,20mis later, “Bella you ready skye,teal,and Liz are waiting outside for you “yelled mom,"yea I’m coming"i said while running downstairs, “bye mom,bye john"i said, “bye have a good day “they both said as i ran out the door almost fell in the process,"Hey guys” said,"hey come on or we'll be late “said skye,"let me drive?"I asked,"umm no you wanna drive get your car “said skye,"nevermind"i said as I got in the car. It took us 30mins to get to school we walked to class and said good morning to everyone,"Alright class have a seat we have 4 new students please make them feel welcome “said ms.johnson,"Hey bella"wispered teal, skye, and lis,"yea"i said,"aren't those the guys we who bumped into you at the movies?"asked liz,"OMG yes"i said, “HI my name is mason I’m 18 years old it’s nice to meet you “said mason,"Whats up I’m Seth I’m 17 it’s nice to meet you “said seth,"hello my name is davon I’m 17 it’s nice to meet you “said davon,"hey my name is max I’m 17 it’s nice to meet you all “said max,"Its nice to meet you all as 4 can sit in the back with arabella,skye,elizabeth,and teal “said ms.johnson,"Okey"they all said as they walked to their seats and sat down," Hey your that girl who bumped into me at the movie "said mason, "I didn’t bump into you, you bumped into me jerk face now leave me alone" I growled, “fine whatever you say "he replied ,"hi I remember you I’m Seth sorry about yesterday mason can be pushy but he is a nice guy “said seth,"its okay and it’s the same way with Bella she is really nice and its cool don’t worry about it and I’m Skye its nice to meet you “said skye,"Hi I’m max"said max,"hi I’m Elizabeth but you can call me Liz" said Liz," Hi I’m davon its nice to meet you” said davon, “ hi it’s nice to meet u I’m teal” said teal introducing herself, “Okay class is starting please take your seats” said ms.johnson as she began to teach. We sat there listening to her speak and making people answer her questions they weren’t that hard she was just asking question like what did Shakespeare mean in this poem the play were reading is called Romeo and Juliet I told her we should read the book but its way to long and if people found out I said we should read it they would hate me. “Okay class is over”, “Oh! Crap! I wasn’t even listening oh well I’ll just copy Skye’s notes later” I said to myself, “come on or we’ll be late to second block” said teal and Liz, “hey mason was class do you have next?” asked Seth, “I have gym” he replied, “awesome so do we lets go together” said Liz, “Great!” I said in a meaningful way, “Come on it will be fun” said Liz while she pulled me down the hallway to the gym, “Alright ladies and gentle men go get dressed out and be out here in 10 minutes GO!” yelled couch Murphy aka fat head, we all ran in the locker rooms and got changed and ran back out, “alright were playing soccer today” said couch Murphy, “YAY! Soccer” yelled Skye, “Great!” said Liz. We all ran outside and I was in charge of kicking the ball it was boys vs. Girls so I kicked the ball extra hard and high and began playing, I was running really fast with ball. All of the sudden Seth came and took the ball away from me. “Meany!” I yelled and Seth chuckled a passed the ball to Mason who tried to make a goal on Skye but failed because Skye is an awesome goalie and caught the ball. She threw it out to Liz who dribbles it to the goal. She passed the ball to Teal who passes the ball to me. I gave the ball a HUGE kick at the goal and made the goal. The boys had a surprised look on their faces while all the girls cheered. Seth, Mason, Davon, and Max came over to us and patted are backs. “Good job Bella.” Max said, “Thanks max” I said, “You were really good out there for girls” said Seth, “Just because were girls doesn’t mean we can’t play as good as guys” said Skye, “Bella on the other hand wasn’t that good” said mason, “well I was the one who scored the goal and last time I checked you were the one who missed” I said with an attitude, “WHATEVER!” said mason while walking away, “Well then he is pouty” said Davon, “Yea that’s only because he wanted to be right” said teal. “Alright everyone go get change.” Said fat-head, “see you later girls.” Said Seth, “Bye” we said in unison.
Chapter 3: The fun begins
The bell rang and i went to my locker. I opened my locker when I felt someone bump in to me, I turned around and saw Mason with grin on his face “Jack face” I mumbled, “What was that I didn’t hear what you said” said mason with that grin still on his face, “Nothing go away” I said angrily, “Rude! But okay see you in class” said mason, “yea whatever it’s not like I’m am going talk to you anyways” I said while slamming my locker shut, as he walked away he looked back and smiled and I just looked away, “Bella what just happened?” asked Liz, “nothing what are you talking about” I said while walking away, “ are you sure that didn’t look like nothing” said teal, “it was nothing now come on before were late for class” I said while rolling my eyes, “okay whatever you say” said Skye. We walked to class and noticed that Seth, Max, and Davon waiting for us, “Umm hi Skye” said Seth, “Hi” said Skye with a confused look , “Umm would you like to come on a date with me?” asked Seth, “Yea that would be awesome” said Skye smiling, “Umm Liz will you come on a date with me?” asked max, “Yea id like that” said Liz, “Teal will you also come on date with me?”, “sounds fun” said teal, “Bella you and mason can tag along if you want” said Seth, “I rather die first” I said, “PLEASE BELLA COME!” Said teal very loudly, “Okay fine I’ll come” I said, “Cool we’ll meet you guys there at 9” said max, “Okay” we all said. I turned around and looked at mason and he looked at me and we both rolled our eyes at each other, the rest of the day went fast well there goes my lazy day. “I’m home” I said, “welcome home sweetie” said mom, “thanks, HI JOHN!” I yelled to his office, “welcome home!” he yelled, “Do you have anything planed for tomorrow?”Asked mom, “Yea Skye, Liz, and teal got invited on a date so I’ll be going along” I said, “oh sounds fun” said mom, “yea well I’m going to bed early today goodnight” I said, “it’s only 5” said mom, “I know but my head hurts really bad” I said, “alright goodnight sweetie” said mom while I walked upstairs. Before I knew it I was already asleep. “Buzz Buzz” I groaned at my phone once again, “hello” I moaned, “hey Bella get up right now and get ready!” yelled Skye, “Okay I’m getting up” I said while hanging up the phone. I got up and got dressed before I knew it Skye was at my door ringing the door bell, “I’ll get it!” I yelled as I ran to the door, “Hey Bella you ready?”Asked Skye, “Yep let’s go” I said while running out the door, “Were meeting Liz and Teal over there” said Skye, “Okay cool” I said,10 minutes later we were at the movies and there was Liz,Teal,Seth,Davon,and Mason. “Hey guys” said Skye, “Hey” they all said, “Hey Bella” said mason, “Hi!” I said with a meaningful look, “well you don’t have to be rude about it” said mason, “Well you don’t have to be so…..what’s that word…..oh yea annoying, stubborn, and frustrating” I said, “whatever” said mason, “Hey you 2 are you guys fighting already?” asked Liz, “No I was just giving him facts about himself” I said, “Bella be nice” said Skye, “fine whatever you say” I said while walking towards her, we walked around for a while when Liz saw a store with clothes she wanted to try on, “Hey guys lets go in here and try on clothes” said Liz, “Umm while you guys do that we will be over here” said Seth, “Oh no your coming with us” said teal, “Really!?” yelled Davon, “Yup” said Skye. We walked in and I sat down, “Um what are you doing?” asked Teal, “Sitting down” I said, “Your trying on clothes to” said Liz, “Um this isn’t my type of style” I said, “Oh well” said Skye while pulling me up, Liz grabbed this beautiful dress and gave it to me, “Go try it on” said Liz, “umm no its pretty in all” I said, “Your trying it on” said Skye while pushing me in the dressing room, 5mins later, “Are you ready?” asked, “I’m not coming out I look like a dork” I said, “No you don’t GET OUT HERE!” yelled Skye, So I came out and saw that everyone was stareing at me,"Well how do i look?" i asked,"OMG! you look beautiful!" said Skye,"Yea you really do" said teal,"Mason how do you think she looks?"asked Liz,"she looks wow ummm she looks beautiful" he said while blushing,I looked at him shocked i thought he was going to say something mean but then i cought myself smiling so i walked back in the dressing room and put my clothes back on,"well imma buy this dress okay" i said smiling,"okey dokey" said skye while fallowing me,
“Well come on guys the movie is starting!” yelled Liz, “were coming” said Seth,“Dude we saw how you looked at her do you like her?” asked Davon, “WHAT! No way” yelled mason while blushing, “Then why is your face red?” asked Seth, “I must be getting sick” said mason;(Is it really obvious that I like her?), “Mason are you okay?” I asked, “Huh! What oh ummmm yea” he said while looking at me, “okay well come on then or you’re going to miss the movie” I said. We walked into the movie we were watching the notebook the movie is 2hours and 35mins when the movie ended everyone was crying except the guys who were in here, “that movie was so romantic!” said Liz, “yea I agree” I said, “Well we have to go so we’ll see you in school we enjoyed this date” said Seth while giving Skye hug, “I had fun with you Liz” said max, “same here” said Liz while giving him a hug, and then teal and Davon hugged, “UM! Bella can I give you a hug?” asked Mason, “Yea you can” I said while he gave me a hug Mason whispered I really had fun with you today and that dress look beautiful on you into my ear, “Same here and thank you” I said while blushing, “Come on Lover boy lets go” said Seth, “We all know you like her” said max, “I don’t like her” he yelled while blushing again, “did you have fun today Bella?” asked teal, “ yea” I said;(My heart was racing back there when he gave me a hug Does this mean I like him?).
Chapter 4:Unknown feelings
"Buzz Buzz!" rang my phone,"hello"i said in a sleepy voice,"Bella do you know what time it is get up and get ready for school ill be there in 10 mins!" yelled Skye,"OH crap okay bye!" i yelled,10 mins later there was a knock on my door,"Ill get it mom!"i yelled,i opened the door and there was Skye,"Good morning you ready?"asked Skye,"yea lets go Bye mom see you later!"i yelled while walking out the door.We got to school and the first person i saw was mason and all his friends i payed no mind to him and out of know where i bumped into him and fell to the ground,"ouch!"i said in pain,"Oh you okay you know you should really pay close attention to where you walk"said mason,"AND you should keep walking in stead of standing in the way!"i yelled while getting in his face,"Uhhh okay im sorry are you okay?"he said while blushing,"Y-yea sorry i snapped at you"i said while realizing i was super close to him face,"Nah its cool well ill see you in class"said mason,"yea okay"i said,"Hey bella your face is super red are you okay or did you just fall in love" said teal,"What no! im okay and hey Liz"i said,"Hey Bella"said Liz,"Come on lets go to class!"said Skye.We walked to class and all i could think about is him i so wanted to kiss him."Okay Class open your books to page 10 and read the chapter, As we started reading we heard a knock at the door and i saw these two girls walk in on had long black hair and brown eyes like me and the other had long brown hair and hazel green eyes,"Students please stop reading i would like to introduce the two new students this is Alyssa and this is Casey" i said the teacher,"Hi its very nice to meet you all"said Alyssa with a smile on her face,"Hello there its nice to meet hope we can all be friends" said casey


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2011

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