
'Cheyenne! Come down for Breakfast!' I heard my mom and woke up happily as I usually do. I throw on my favorite pink shirt and a nice skirt then run downstairs. I see a bunch of Eggs and Sausage which is rare because we can't afford that stuff. 'Wow mommy! We get this for breakfast?' I yelled excitedly. 'Yes dear,' my mom replied with a giggle, 'Eat fast because you woke up late but I thought you could use a little more sleep.' she said. My mommy was so happy and I couldn't wait to go to school and see all my friends. I ate it as fast as I could and it was sooo good! 'Okay mommy, The school bus is here, I love you bye,' I yelled going out the door. 'Bye, Love you Cheyenne!' My said waving. I hopped onto the school bus and sat with my Best Friend Ariana, she is super duper nice to me and we do everything together! We sat there talking until we arrived at school. I walked in and waved to everyone because I knew all the second, third, and fourth graders! Might seem wierd to know all those people but it just happened, and they wave back at me with a smile. I walk into class and my teacher (Mrs. Honey) greets me,she usually just sits there. Today is a pretty good day so far! Mrs. Honey read stories and we had snacktime and a bunch of other fun stuff! The whole time though, I couldn't wait to go home and watch that movie with my mommy! She said she got a movie for me and that we were gonna watch it when I get home tonight. I look at the clock on the wall, almost 3 o'clock! 10 more minutes, I try to stay patience but it's hard! Finally, 3. 2. 1. RINNGG! The school bell rings and I jump up to grab my backpack. I wait for Ariana at the classroom door as I usually do, I wait 5 minutes and the classroom is cleared out. I guess she decided to go ahead and leave without me. No big deal I guess I thought to myself trying to stay happy, I hop on the bus and sit with Ariana. 'Sorry I didn't wait for you Cheyenne, I forgot,' Ariana told me but she didn't look very sorry if you asked me.. 'It's okay, it was only one time,' I said forcing a smile. The bus stopped at my house and I ran as fast as I could inside! 'MOMMY MOMMY! ARE WE GONNA WATCH OUR MOVIE NOW?!' I screamed so happily. 'Yes honey, I got it all ready! Popcorn, snacks, and drinks just for us, I even made thc couch into a bed with blankets,' She was excited too. I could just tell! We sat for about an hour watching the funny cartoon movie and then the phone rang but we usually don't get phone calls unless it's serious stuff likes bills. My mom got a little worried because of that fact but she answered the phone. She got a REALLY concerned look on her face, and scared. I got nervous myself because my mommy always stays calm no matter what but if she doesn't, then you know it's really bad. She hung up the phone and told me not to worry, we finished the movie but the whole time, she was sitting there biting her nails which she only does when shes nervous, worried, or scared. She was biting them down to the nub so she must've been all three. We finished the Movie and she asked me if I'd go upstairs to bed. I nodded Okay and kissed her goodnight. I snuggled into my bed and fell asleep silently. I woke up because I heard something, it sounded like my mother screaming into the Phone. I made out 'You won't hurt my little girl' and 'Stay Away'. I got scared so I came downstairs with a tear streaming down my face and said 'Mommy, what's going on?' she replied 'Aww honey, it's nothing, don't worry about it.' That didn't help any though because I was still scared. I went to bed hoping to forget all about it. I woke up, put my clothes on, and went downstairs. There was a man standing there with my mom and was about the same age as her. I ran to my mommy and hid behind her. I tugged her dress and looked up at her.
'Mommy, who's that?' I whispered. 'Honey, this is your daddy, he's going to live with us,' she answered in a unsure way. I waved hello. 'Can I have a hug?' he said smiling. I walked towards him and my mom pulled me back and whispered into my ear 'Daddy is a bad man, don't give him hugs or kisses and stay away from him. It's for your safety.' I looked at daddy and nodded no and said that I was sorry. He said he understands and walked upstairs into the spare bedroom. My mom whispered to me 'You are gonna sleep in my room for as long as daddy is here. Okay?' I nodded. I ate a granola bar for breakfast, grabbed my backpack then hug, kiss, and wave goodbye to my mommy. I got onto the bus to find another girl in my seat by Ariana. I just sat in an empty seat until we got to school. I arrived and just did everything I was told to do, hoping my mommy would be all better when I got home. I still can't believe I met my daddy! He seems nice but why can't I give him one hug.. just a little one. The bell rang through my thoughts and I got home on the bus still sitting alone because some girl was in my seat again. I got home and yelled for my mommy. I heard her screaming inside the guest bedroom. I opened the door and saw my daddy and mommy under the blankets, my mommy kept screaming for him to stop but he held her mouth shut. Then she saw me and realized her little girl saw this. She gathered all her might, bit his hand hard so he'd let go of her mouth and he did. She hit him on his head so hard he was knocked out. She grabbed her clothes and put them on as fast as she could. 'Mommy! What was daddy doing to you?!' I asked her. 'He was hugging me and I didn't like it. Just don't worry about it. Okay?' I nodded no because I had to worry, I couldn't forget about this! That was the beginning of How My World Came Crashing Down.


Texte: I don't own any of the Images , I got it from Google Images .
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.08.2011

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