
Cape Cod

Summer 1956

It was the best summer for Anne a seventeen year old girl who ran into Scott at the beach,
they lived nearby and became fast friends. Scott was a loner, he was an only child and had
been on his own most of his life, he didn't have many friends. They had so much fun together,
the laughed and went places, it was the first summer they would spend together but not the last
one. Anne came from a wealthy family while Scott's family was middle class, Scott's mother was
once in love with Anne's father but since she was not in the same social circle she ended up marrying somebody else, what they call the clash of societies.

"How long would you stay this year?"
"A month, is shorter this year, we usually stay longer", Scott looked at Anne's honey eyes.
"Why are you leaving sooner this year?"
"My father has to attend to a new business, I often wonder why do we need more money than we
have", she cast a pebble in the water.
"It most be good to have whatever you want but I feel so happy with my life", Anne saw honesty in his eyes.
"I rather have your life, I am so tire of all those balls and society parties, they are a bore", she confess rolling her eyes and Scott laughed.
"So, you don't like them"
"Not at all, I rather have a normal life, go to school, have friends that don't have to go to teas and society get togethers"
"Do you have a best friend?", Anne was quiet for a moment then looked at him.
"Not really, I have to hang out with certain girls but I don't consider them as real friends, they are frivolous and I am not like them", she cast another pebble in the ocean.
"Do you feel lonely?", for the longest time Anne felt like she didn't belong any where, her parents always busy, their Park Avenue penthouse was beautiful but she felt unconfortable being
there, she felt better when she was left alone than when she was in the company of her parents and their so called friends.
"I do feel lonely most of the time, my parents are always so busy and I am left alone with the cook and the maid, I talk to them sometimes, they listen and smile"
"I guess they would want you to marry someone with class and money", Scott had fallen for her, he was a sixteen year old young man who knew the moment he saw her that she would be the love of his life.
"I would never marry someone I don't love, never"
"Are you sure?"
"I am sure Scott, love is the only thing that matters in life and I want to have a husband and
kids with the man I love not with someone they pick for me"
"You are a determine girl, I like that about you"
"Thank you, I like you a lot, I hope you know that", he felt her hand holding his and he knew that she felt like he did, then he leaned over and kissed her. Anne's lips felt soft and sweet and it was a long kiss.
"Anne, I love you", he said with his face close to hers.
"Oh Scott, I do too", they kissed again, this time shorter.
"I have a feeling that your parents won't like this"
"Now I am only seventeen but one day I would be an adult and then we could be together I you still love me"
"I would always love you, I felt for you this summer but you are not only a fling, you are the
girl of my dreams", Anne knew that Scott didn't want her money, history repeats itself many times, Scott's mother had always been in love with Anne's father, it was the love of her life
and now her son was falling in love with the daughter of that man, life has a funny way to
do things sometimes.
"I promise I would write to you from New York, everyday, would you write back"
"Always, I promise you my love forever"


Texte: c2011
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.12.2011

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